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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  October 21, 2014 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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a san francisco street shutdown with a water main break. >> and the bay area city that's talking about forcing landlords to allow pets in their rentals whether they want to or not. >> and we're seeing a cool start to the morning that is rain-free for now. near 70 this afternoon. more chances of rain are headed to your work week forecast. >> 101 just north of the golden gate bridge. a new incident to tell you about coming up. >> a live look outside. yeah, you can feel fall in the air. this is tuesday, october 21st. this is "today in the bay." >> announcer: from nbc bay area, this is "today in the bay." >> and a very good morning to you. thanks so much for joining us. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> and i'm sam brock. breaking news this morning, a broken water main leaves a hole in the street and a lot of other
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problems in san francisco's patrero hills area. this is impacting some patients. good morning, stephanie chuang. >> reporter: the good news is it looks like all of the water will be back on in the area. it is an 1897 cast iron pipe that ruptured. you can see the workers cleaning up all the mud. at the top of the hill is where you have the source of the problem. we have video that was shot earlier this morning that shows all of that water. the sinkhole itself about two square feet. the city's water department says it will be spending the entire day repairing the line, excavating the area, taking out
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the old pipe and putting in a permanent replacement. a facilities employee says there are three water mains in this area and if one line is off, one of the other two lines can usually pick up the slack. but the nearby building is so old, there wasn't water for some portion of this morning. again, the latest update is that the good news is water should be back and available for everybody, but just so you know, the two buildings that were cut off, a lab research building at the dialysis center serving dozens of patients every day. and the street is buckling in some parts so the city may have to repave that portion between san bruno and vermont. this is not the most recent
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water break we've been to. what the city has to say about making sure it doesn't happen in your neighborhood. >> really good news. thank you very much, steph. >> it is 5:02. family and friends of a 14-year-old stabbed to death are holding a rally today. they're hoping to convince the district attorney to try the teen-age suspect as an adult. the suspect, who has not been named because he's underage, is reportedly a middle school classmate. outside a hearing, the parents plan to present the d.a. with a request they try the suspect as an adult. >> do not leave valuables inside of your cars. thieves are targeting cars that have valuables or electronics under the lights. >> meantime, store owners and
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neighbors in san jose keeping an eye out for vandals who keep returning to their neighborhoods and smashing windows in the process. the owner wishes just her on monday chucked a wrench through t the. police say the suspect or suspends never take anything or even try to get in through those broken windows. >> it's been considered a nuisance for many years. tonight some who live around the staircase at communications hill may be getting some relief. a proposal could change how and when those stairs could be used. good morning, chris. >> reporter: good morning to you, laura. as folks start to show up for
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their morning exercise, folks in the area say they feel their own blood pressure rise. not everybody who uses the grand staircase here is polite about it. some make noise or use trash and others have even spotted people here having sex. they are proposing to making the staircase off limits early and later in the day. >> if we can designate it as a park land where it's only able to be open between sunrise and sunset, i think that will be the issue. >> the jeler more houses and
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staircases are planned here. if you want too have your say, san jose city hall is the place to do it at 7:00. >> today fire officials will be considering allowing firefighters to use a drone to help them in emergencies. it will give crews a bird's eye view of -- computers and smart phones directly would only be able to be. >> under a proposal, landlords could not turn down tenants just because they have pets. the city councilman behind the proposal say pets are being surrendered to shelters because of the no-pet policy. property owners say it puts them as a disadvantage.
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>> it's highly impractical to evict people in this town. it could take easily north of $10,000 and take more than six months. >> i think it's quite reasonable for people to have a pet. >> the giants are ready. the biggest series in baseball begins today and our hometown team is in it again, for just the third time in five years. >> let's not get cocky about it, we're excited. bob redell, how's is going today? >> reporter: both teams are wild card tales, both teams trying to claim underdog status.
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we caught up with some royals fans who honestly believe this is the postseason. they a member of the giants organization last night telling us that the team looks loose, focused and relaxed during the workouts here yesterday and sunday. understanding that they will be resting this morning and the afternoon and that the giants will be going for their third world series title in five years. >> last time i was in the world series, i said to myself this was so hard to get here and win this thing that i don't know if we'll ever be able to have this opportunity again.
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so just to be back, just super excited about it. >> everybody's excited to be here. we have had a lot of adversity. and we've pushed through it and then come out doing pretty good for ourselves. so everybody is looking forward to it and excited o get the series started. >> reporter: we did briefly catch up with manager bruce bochy and general manager sabian last night. sabian expressed extreme confidence in his boy. we're live outside kauffman stadium where game one starts just around 12 hours from now. sam? laura? >> pretty exciting. me. >> i'm not going to take the bait but pretty cool that he's out there, patrolling the streets with bachy.
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>> samlaura, the forecast looks pretty good here. temperatures in mid 60s on wednesday, game two in kansas city might see showers approaching midnight. back here in the bay area we could see showers showing up late. no showers getting in the way of your morning commute now. 40s and 50s outside. a chilly start, you might want to grab a jacket. a lot of energy out here in the pacific, which will bring a chance for rain on thursday and it out around the tri-valley you'll see temperatures in the
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70s as temperatures climb. >> rob, we'll get another look at the golden gate bridge over here. the live cam a ra shows you a smooth roadway here, no problems. north 101, reports a deer was hit, injured and possibly killed over the last few minutes. watching for traffic control possibly over the golden gate bridge as they might have to address that situation. i'm tracking that report. meanwhile, the southbound situation, no real problems on the approach. we saw slowing across that san mazzeo and a light flow we have
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cap we'll have good traffic flow over the truck scales as well and right now we send it back to you. >> coming up, the mobile device that joins with a top spy agency. we'll have that story coming up.
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start shopping a new way. start maximizing at the place where you always get more than you pay for. t.j.maxx. brands you love, prices that work for you. you deserve it. maxx life at t.j.maxx.
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it is 5:14 on your tuesday. samsung has won approval for some of its devices to handle classified information. the galaxy s 5 and galaxy note4
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have been validated for partnership with the nsa, which means they can handle all kinds of classified data. earlier they were approved by the department of defense to handle sensitive but unclassified info. >> gt advanced technology struck a huge deal with apple to make synthetic sapphire, which was expected to be used in iphone screens but gt filed for bankruptcy earlier this month. federal officials are pushing for a judge to unseal the contract between the two companies. apple is known for making strict confidentiality. >> while we mention apple, keep your eyes on shares of apple this morning. the cupertino-based company
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reporting impressive iphone 6 sales. good morning, kate. >> reporter: good morning, sam. that's right. apple reporting earnings that smashed wall street's forecast, selling 39 million iphones. demand is, quote, off the charts. and the dow reversed a 120-point loss yesterday, which was chalked up to ibm's disappointing earnings. we get data today on existing home sales and earnings from coca-cola, mcdonald's, travelers insurance, united technologies, verizon and yahoo!. and ups plans to hike shipping rates by an average of nearly 5% after the holiday season. the new rates take effect
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december 29th. earlier this year ups said it would assess ground shipping rates by ground size and weight. >> thank you very much, kate. >> sfo's airport commission will allow the public to weigh in on ride sharing companies at the airport. just yesterday lyft and uber received permits to drop off and pick up passengers at the airport. three services will start operating within the next 30 days. >> today san francisco's board of supervisors is expected to approve new rules for short-term rentals. the board gave the plan initial approval this month. it would require mosts to
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register with the stay. >> that woo felt like we are seeing a break in between systems rye right now. this morning we're seeing cleary skies. it does feel a little chilly outside this morning. in the north bay, running close to 40s right now. san jose cool as well and you'll see on the radar view things are pretty quiet at the moment. but look at all the energy out here in the gulf of lacks ka, fanning large waves towards the coast and rip currents into tonight and eventually that moisture will drop far enough to the south late on thursday and we think we'll see another chance of getting some rain. mid 70s toward the south, mid
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60s closer to san francisco and for the north bay today, highs near 70s out towards the try valley. so now and wednesday probably the warmest days of the week. right now it looks like the best totals will stay north of the golden gate as you look at the totals approaching about a tenth of an inch of rain. the rain really holding off till about friday night. and on the north coast, we could go 3 to 5 inches of rain here as this pattern develops for the second half of the week. so you'll see temperatures climbing up friday night into saturday. different story for you in the north bay, a chance of those showers on thursday today.
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now for another look at your commute, here's mike. >> we do have a bit of a commute just starting to get roll hearing. these folks on either side of the cash lane on a traditional lineup. just it should be a simple blow as well and a nice road on the d dry. >> that's where there is one lane blocked. it's an easy drive toward that interchange starting at the at mont pass and toward livermore.
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also, the south bay we should start to see really things just build get a little less than 106-80. >> thanks so much, mike. the man accused of jumping the fen at the white house and pushing through the front door faces charges today after a grand jury brought more possession for his gun. go gone. >> prch malala was shot in the
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head because of her vocal stance on education equality for girls. she's the youngst person ever to be awarded the nobel peace prize. >> back at home now, the pictures went viral. now the two men are have properly met for the very first time. as the calls came for help, a a man from nowhere rushed into the house, carried the man out and he helped me out tremendously. >> the kind of brave actions you'd love to see in your
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neighborhood. >> the man said running toward the fire was an innate thing to do, the thing this to. closed captioning sponsored by mancini sleep world. health care costs go up., no wonder every major newspaper in the state opposes prop 46. they say 46 "overreached in a decidedly cynical way." it's a ploy "for trial lawyers to enrich themselves." and prop 46 has "too many potential drawbacks to be worth the risk." time to vote no on prop 46.
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>> announcer: you're watching "today in the bay." >> a very good morning to you, live look, there's kauffman stadium. it's all going to happen tonight, game one of the world series. i'll certainly be watching at 5:00 tonight. a young royals' fan dream comes true. >> the kansas city concert patient wants nothing more than to see his team play. the goal is to raise $1,500 to
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seasoned noah to the world series. the account received so much attention that former new york yankee manager sent him seven tickets and stub hub sent them tickets for the whole family. noah's family will use the tickets given to them by the organization and use the money raised to buy tickets for other sick children to go to the game. >> we watch the next batch of clouds that will eventually push some rain our way, just not for today. highs inland around the tri-valley and north bay, climbing into the low 70s.
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the hiroshima 880 coming up into the area. no delays down toward the san mateo bridge or toward the peninsula. northbound past willow and out of the city, we have a smooth drive to 101. >> oscar pistorius learns his fate. what a judge has decided coming up. >> plus, the rider's version of the event neck in options. treatment decisions should be made by doctors and patients, not someone with a political agenda. please join doctors, nurses and
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health care groups across california. and just know that i'm okay. . designed to let couples sleep together in individualized comfort. he's the softy. his sleep number setting is 35. you're the rock, at 60. and snoring? sleep number's even got an adjustment for that. you can only find sleep number at a sleep number store. right now, you can save $500 on the #1 rated i8 bed. know better sleep with sleep number.
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breaking news. water pouring down a street in san francisco, temporarily cutting off water to a nearby hospital. details next. >> and honoring the cal fire pilot who lost his life fighting a blaze.
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>> and climbing close to 70 this afternoon. i'll look at our next chance of rain straight ahead. >> and the standard traffic. but now a big wreck reported on 580. we'll talk about that coming up. >> and first a live look this morning. t the. from nbc bay area, this is "today in the bay."" >> good tuesday morning. thank you for joining us. i'm sam brock. >> and i'm laura garcia-cannon. a broken water main. >> reporter: good morning to you, laura. that was the concern as we're right here by san francisco general hospital, but water is on for all buildings.
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you can see crews from the city are out here cleaning the mud from the water that was gushing down the hill. the line that broke, an 1897 cast iron, very old. up the hill is where the hoses puerto rico -- we'll send the entire day repairing, excavating the replacement and for a portion of the water, there was no building. including one on the 3rd that flooded a few homes. that's when the public utility commission told us they are doing 15 miles of replacement every year. back here live, you see the work
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continuing here on 22nd "squawk on the street" between san bruno and vermont. it should not i it's very interestingly this is actually the site for brand new innovative technology for pipelines that will be installed here in half a year or so and we'll have details on that coming up in our next report in about 30 minutes. >> or maybe sooner than expected. thanks a lot. the olympian was sentenced this morning in a south african classroom. the judge said he showed gross negligence when he found her
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guilty throughout the pit his coat and at that time suspended. >> and an attack near the corner of jones and pine in the knob hill neighborhood. after an argument about her destination, she says the man stopped, started to yank her out of the car and threw her phone down the street when she went to take a picture. >> i think they're exact. >> pleased the. >> >> they'ring woor looking
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into it, we're trying to change things. it's not working. >> uber said it has deactivated the driver pending results of the police investigation. >> firefighters will gather to her the fallen comment who died fighting a fieft fire on october 7th when his plane crashed. he previously served as a pilot in the navy and in the reserves for 20 years. a memorial service is planned for hunt this morning at 10:00 in san jose. >> a woman is accused with hitting a girl with a lug nut wrench at a walmart back in may. prosecutors say she targeted the girl and her father because they were asian.
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for those of house have accustomed to a little bit of the local weather, we're saying and dryer -- you'll notice nothing on the radar right now. you see rain lurking offshore. now through probably thursday morning those showers will stay off well to the north of the bay area before changes arrive for the second half of the week. san francisco mid to upper 60s, close to 62 and chilly around pacifica this afternoon.
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tri-valley, temperatures loews wednesday the next batch of rain coming in late friday night into saturday morning. you'll notice we will see that chance of rain coming in on saturday and the skies will glaern as we approach sunday. here's mike for a check of your roads again. >> thanks, rob. the concern on our map in not necessarily the dublin interchange. it's moving nicely. over here highway 84 typical through livermore. right at grant line road a stalled big rick is blanking of t
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the. >> over here the south bay, north 101 just shows a little tiny bit of slowing. that is typical for san jose at this time. and let's get a live look outside and see how things are going at the bay bridge toll bridge. there you go in the cash lane. back to you. >> thank you very much, mike. >> well, less than 12 hours the giants will start swinging, hoping to get ahead in the first game against the world series against the kansas city royals. >> the who? >> oh, yeah, the oils. the excitement is fall abible - thought royal had to do with that song that my kids play all the time.
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obviously it's a team that's been on a hot streak, having won the patriots eight games in postseason play and they get the advantage of hosting games one and two of the world series right here in their hometown and in front of a hometown crowd. the first game 7-7.we bumped into giants manager bruce bochy and general manager brian sabian last night after dinner on their way back to the hotel. ready for tomorrow? >> we're ready tonight. >> you wish you were play tonight? >> absolutely. the looking very focused and very relaxed. >> that was bryant most think
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the series will go to game six or seven, though they would like a sweep but they're trying to be realistic because the giants are going to obviously be ford -- formidable opponents. at&t park holds 31,500 fans. kauffman right behind me, only 37,900. a little bit smaller. i don't know if that weird shape does anything acoustically. it will be interesting to see how the team is. again, giants had their workouts on sunday and yesterday. we heard from sabian. we did talk to bochy but ne said they're ready and they sounded pretty confident. >> sounds great.
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>>. >> james: kansas city fans are known for being rob. we'll see how that plays. thank you very much time. >> the latest towny talking about a restaurant ranking system next. >> and look at all these children. they all lost their lives because of
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preventable medical errors, now the third leading cause of death. only heart disease and cancer take more lives. proposition 46 will save lives with drug and alcohol testing to make sure impaired doctors don't treat someone you love. safeguards against prescription drug abuse. and holds the medical industry accountable for mistakes.
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i'm barbara boxer. let's save lives. vote yes on 46. president obama has been raising a lot of money behind the scenes but democrats are getting hammered on his policies. tracie potts joins us live from capitol hill. republicans home to seize control of the senate, which is up for grabs. >> reporter: good morning. they only need six seats. we're seeing a tough challenge in some of the races around the country, in kentucky, north
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carolina and others where democrats are getting hammered on the president's policies. isis and ebola are coming up frequently on the campaign trail, particularly by republicans criticizing the way have held to that. on the other hand so it's really going to be part of campaign issue on a state level. also, we're seeing some republicans distance themselves from president obama. in kentucky, the democratic challenger there was asked seven times and refused to say whether or not she even voted for the president. >> we fact checked that ad we saw if republicans are to blame or not. check that out on
5:44 am check. >> bob pack is campaigning for proposition 46, a controversial issue that has pitted him against the well-funded medical community and many civic leaders. he said earlier this month his son received of -- >> the contra costa sheriff's department is investigating the threats. pack has personal ties to this fight. a woman hit and killed his children as they were walking on the street. he says it will end doctor shopping and hold doctors financially accountable.
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>> fitness buffs may have to hit the gym instead of the stairs. the city council -- is it crowded out there right now? >> reporter: it is. the neighbors say not everyone who comes to use 250-plus stairs here at communications hill are polite about it. they save they've seen people leaving trash and also even seen some people coming here not for exercise but to do drugs and have sex. so they've asked their council woman to do something about it. so she is proposing that the council make this area a public park, which means it would have to be closed from sunset to sunrise. >> if we can somehow designate
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the grand staircase at the parkland where it's only allowed to be open between sunrise and sunset, i think that will resolve the issue. >> council woman nguyen says the time to act is now because the developer who built this near, they're planning other housing here if you want to have a say the meeting is your chance. >> it's going to be a busy neat meteorologisting at city hall. residents in the evergreen district will rally at that meeting as well, demanding more police officers to fight what they're calling a crime epidemic. neighbors say crime has skyrocketed to an average of 3 per day as.
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>> san mateo county is considering a placarding system like this one. health inspectors would give restaurants a green card for pass, red for caution and yellow when safe. and san mateo county will look to make changes to its smoking policy. the board will consider a new order nat bouncing pun. >> this morning gause outside just before sunrise, we'll see mid 40s in parts of bait area like we're already seeing in the north bay, waking up to 46 degrees in napa, 50 in san jose,
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you'd expect that closer to the water where the temperaturesnd to stay a bit more mild as that moisture helps to trap some of the 57 for you this morning. we'll see the radar has showers well offshore and they should stay there at least through tomorrow night. and on thursday a lot of this information will begin to spill back towards the bay area and bring changes to our weather, including more chances for rain in the latter part of the week. mid to upper 60s today, close to 70 in oakland and fremont and lowe 70s this then we'll start
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to see shower pell out were-- s out, picking up 3 to 4 inches of rain. so the next five days you'll see the temperatures climbing up a little built around san jose and san francisco, a mid-week warmup followed by a chance of rain at least to start saturday. santa rosa, a bit of a different forecast. chances of showers on thursday, then friday or saturday, perhaps up to a half inch of rain could come down in the north bay. san francisco will see a few showers, clearing again as we head to sunday. now let send it over to mike. >> not complete lip clear, rob, but at least they're flowing
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pretty smoothly think look at your maps. we see the orange section and that will clear you were and then build up again over the next 45 minutes. but we're all searching a little further south. reports of a car fire over on the shoulder, the words "fully engovernor weld. >> we can see the rest of the bay moves slowly throughout. an early disabled vehicle is cleared. the stalled truck is back over in tracie on grant line road on west 580. the lights are on so you have all of your pu and an easy drive
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through nevada all the way down to the golden date bridge. >> this morning the fashion world is mourning the das. >> and we'll look at that coming up. >> this morning supervisors will hear from local health experts about what needs to be done to protect the community. counties across the bay area are taking similar action. schools are taking the temperature of who without
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medication before they'll be allowed to return to school. >> and governor brown is meeting with california nurses to talk about statewide ebola standards. his goal is to make california the national leader in safety standards and protocols to protect health care workers when it comes to treating ebola. nurses will hold a new conference after the meeting to discuss what has been discussed. >> it's 5:52. skoourt concerns. the latest big company to reveal a security breach. >> plus, how apple is doing something special for this year's world series, both here and in the city of kensington.
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>> announcer: you're watching
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"today in the bay." >> a very good morning to you. it's 5:54. staples is investigating a possible data breach. several banks have detected a pattern of card fraud, suggesting several stores have been hit by hackers. staples says customers won't be responsible for fraudulent charges if they report them in a timely manner. >> and starting next year, caremark, which is cvs's drug benefits manager, may charge up to $15 in additional co-pays who fill prescriptions outside its new tobacco-free stores. >> and this year the new apple
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pay will be accepted at kauffman stadium. it links directly to your credit card. >> a washington, d.c. restaurant will open today with a very interesting item on the menu. it's an ice cube. second state has an extensive cocktail list with drinks ranging from $11 to $17. however, ice cubes with those drinks will cost you another dollar. the restaurant says each cube is special because he doesn't have a mineral taste and they're also unclouded, meaning it has no doubles and is not crowded like a normal cube. the people have spoken and lays potato chips have a new flavor. >> wasibi ginger has won the new contest.
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there's a lot of competing flavors. they voted for their favorite. a nurse from new jersey proposed the winning flavor which means she gets $1 million cash or a portion of the year's sales, depending which is greater. she said she'll use that money to send her son to college. >> plus, the giants and kansas city getting ready for game one of the world series. here is our own bob redell. live outside kauffman stadium coming up. >> we continue to follow breaks news. crews still cleaning up after a busted water main break. road closures are expected to last all day. we'll have a live update right after this break.
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breaking news at 6:00. oscar pistorius headed to prison. details of his sentence coming up just ahead. >> and a shutdown of san francisco streets and the impact to san francisco general hospital. >> everyone is looking forward to it and excited to get the series started. >> you know we are madbum. >> and you'll want a jacket for sure in the north bay. we'll have a look at the rest of your afternoon forecast straight ahead. >> if you are chilly, we'll give you an update on the car fire. the shift for 101 happening right now. >> and let's take a live look this morning. cuff ma can you make out the transamerica pyramid in that


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