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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  October 28, 2014 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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how san francisco is getting to bring home another world series championship. >> and a teen-ager is hit and killed while riding his bike to school. >> and why some are staying behind to watch their homes burn. >> and temperatures falling into the 40s. we're actually in the low 40s on the peninsula. rain on the way in the next 72 hours. i'm going to time this system out to your microclimate in just moments. >> and a pretty typical build for your traffic buildup. >> and a live look outside right now, downtown san francisco. the transamerica building. darkness blanketing the city but that will change very soon. it is tuesday, october 28th, and you are watching "today in the
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bay." and a good tuesday morning. thank you very much for joining us. i'm sam brock. >> and i'm laura garcia-cannon. giants fever spreading from san francisco to kansas city. a live look at a rather quiet plaza. >> we are all things giants this morning. we begin with janelle tracking down insiders live in kansas city. good morning, janelle. >> reporter: it's been an exciting day so far, the sun is up. the stadium is lit up by the sunshine. we are ready for game six. the giants ahead in the series 3-2. they win, we come home with
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another giant victory parade. it's do or die for the san francisco royals. that's the entertainment district of downtown kansas city. 99% of the people we saw and met were tourists from out of town. new york, texas, the northwest, they didn't care one way or the other about the giants or the royals but we found one giants fan, one dedicated fan who came all the way from alberta canada to cheer on the g men. >> it was on the top of my list of things to do. >> reporter: a bucket list? >> yeah, like a bucket list. it worked out perfectly. i had this whole week off and i was like why not? >> reporter: kate wilkinson actually wore blue. he was in disguise. she didn't want to get heckled for wearing orange. wilkinson both tickets for both
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games six and seven. she paid $700 for a standing-room-only ticket for game six. for that game seven ticket, more than $1,000. she traveled all the way from canada with a co-worker. he unfortunately is not a giants fan so she's going to the game by herself hoping to stand with some giants fans and cheer on the team. we're hoping for the best, we're hoping we can win tonight and come home. i spoke with giants sports announcer jon miller, i ran into him tonight at his hotel. he gives me some insight about pitcher jake peavy on the mound. we'll have that for you later in the show. i'm janelle wang, "today in the bay." >> this is kind of the jake peavy show this morning. >> authorities are hoping to avoid a scene like this one two years ago. the celebration turned dangerous and quite destructive.
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>> bob redell, thousands of fans will gather in a matter of hours. and police say they're prepared to handle the crowd, even if it gets rowdy. >> reporter: police say they're ready if the giants win tonight and fans get rowdy. you'll recall seeing this picture of a novato man damaging a bus. and they are bringing in extra officers. >> we plan like crazy for the worst and we hope for the best and we count on our fans to be class fans. >> reporter: we spoke with the owner of an irish bar done the street. he's hiring more security for
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his business just in case. so that viewing party starts before the first pitch at 5:07 tonight but you are advised to show up here early. if you've ever been to the civic center plaza during a big event, it gets very crowded and parking is very limited. that first pitch will be shown on a jumbotron set up rind me in city hall plaza. if you do come down here, they are enforcing a zero tolerance policy towards alcohol. bob redell, "today in the bay." >> pretty crowded down there. >> thank you very much, bob. the fame and fortune comes in san francisco but recall memories come from san jose. >> they stayed with host family. >> meet the mus graves. they were a host family allowing
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san jose players to stay in their home while playing baseball. she said she only had one rule for the guys. she said she didn't know where they were or what they did but if they weren't coming home, they had to call so she knew they were okay. >> that's a great mom. >> and several of the players actually got their start in san jose. >> go to our web site to see our slide. see all the babies there. >> it's really fun how a team can unite the community. it's time to check the game day
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forecast. thousands of people are expected to watch the game on the jumbotron. how is the weather going to hold up, christina? >> it's going to be beautiful out there. temps in the 60s. bring a jacket if you're going to be out there. once it gets dark, our temps drop like a rock. with this next storm system, because our days are getting shorter, we have cold nights. as a result of that, the snow that we do get will likely stick and we could see some of our resorts openings a of this weekend with potentially 6 inches to a foot of fresh powder. there's a lot to be excited about. temps in the peninsula area really starting to drop off. we are counting for the upper 30s before the morning is done.
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otherwise beautiful conditions by about 10:00 till noon. 77 in the north bay, 75 in the south bay. mid 70s even for today in the tri-vall tri-valley. let's talk about your kauffman stadium, k-stadiums a th as the to call it in kansas city. you're talking about pretty high humidity, 68%, which is high. as a result of that we could see the ball get knocked down by that cold, dense air, especially toward the ninth inning of the game when we have our coldest readings. also expecting a little bit of win there. it doesn't look like the wind is going to be that strong. it's a traffic tuesday and mike
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knows what's going down on the road. >> we're looking at the bay bridge with all the activities with folks heading to east bay in san francisco. it's slow because the metering lights are on. typical for a tuesday. here's the maze and your approach continuing to build at the berkshire curve. nothing dramatic. same thing for south 880 out of hayward and down towards fremont. down through sunol, pleasanton. it's been slow from out of mission, milpitas and overnight about 4:00 in the morning, i saw there was a closure from that flyover and i thought everything had cleared up. i called chp and they say we don't have a closure going on there but apparently there's something going on. the crash i told you about in san jose is not a big deal, a
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fender bender and the slowdown just starts for that volume heading into downtown. a smooth drive on the peninsula. the -- i'm getting a lot of the fa la la for christmas. >> coming up, baby wipes being recalled this morning. >> plus lowering the prices of the electric car. why they're doing it coming up. >> and a teen-age boy killed while riding his bike to school. what one lawmaker is now proposing to keep all kids safe. we'll be right back. it's a fresh approach on education-- superintendent of public instruction tom torlakson's blueprint for great schools. torlakson's blueprint outlines how investing in our schools
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will reduce class sizes, bring back music and art, and provide a well-rounded education. and torlakson's plan calls for more parental involvement. spending decisions about our education dollars should be made by parents and teachers, not by politicians. tell tom torlakson to keep fighting for a plan that invests in our public schools.
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you're watching "today in the bay." >> beautiful conditions through wednesday, then thursday and friday, we've got a storm brewing, expecting rain on halloween. more than just candy in juror jack-o-lanterns this year. it really depends where you live in the bay area. i'm going to show you that. >> and we're looking over toward the peninsula where it's just getting started this morning where we have a good volume in the east bay. we'll talk about trouble spots. >> and here is a look at today's top stories. hawaiian officials will allow people living in the path of a lava flow to watch homes burn to the ground. those folks have been evacuated but they've been allowed to watch from afar with hope it will give homeowners a sense of closure. >> early this morning a ventura county sheriff's deputy was hit
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and killed by a hit and run driver. he was doing traffic stop when he was hit by a car. the car sped away but crashed a short distance away. the driver was taken into custody. >> meanwhile, at san jose state, students remembering one of their classmates killed by a car in front of a fraternity house. last night dozens of fraternity members and friends held a memorial. >> another memorial this morning, candles and flowers are lining a sidewalk in coupeupert close to a spot where a 15-year-old boy was killed while riding his bike to school. people are asking what has to chang to stop this from happening. >> reporter: lawmakers here are already asking that question, what can we do to make things
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safer for students heading to school in probably the more direct question this morning here for counselors will be why did this happen to my friend? many of the students who knew that 15-year-old boy left memorial items at the scene of the crash site, flowers, candles and kind words in memory of that high schooler. he was killed not far from the vta tracks. there's other questions if that dump truck should have been there and why? and if so, why is it allowed. and why did he not know he hit and killed that teen until he was flagged down later down the road. investigators say he was not under the influence of alcohol
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or drugs. they say the teen was hit by some part of the back of the trailer. one city councilman wants to talk about a shuttle service for students to try to get them to school safely. this year alone -- this school year five other students have been hit by cars as they were headed to school. fortunately none of those accidents was fatal. the investigation into this crash does's huge lo. thank you, kris. >> gas prices continuing to fall. that's led electric car makers to lower their prices. >> it would take gas prices around $1 a gallon to make gas and electricity prices about the say. that said, ford taking $6,000 off the price of its focus. chevy saying it's going to
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expand its production of the volt. it's none been very popular. part of the problem with the volt is price. it's $34,000 for the car but it kind of doesn't feel like a $34,000 car. other financial news, twitter says it's not growing as quicklysquickly as wall street would like it. facebook reports profits and user numbers this afternoon. twitter a stock to watch. go pro fell another 10% monday after falling 10% on friday as well. and not to end on a depressing note but today is the 85th anniversary the stock market crash that led in part to the great depression, october 28, 1929, block monday followed by of course tomorrow, black tuesday 85 years ago.
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>> good to keep notes of history in mind, scott. >> and tomorrow's wednesday. >> but 85 years ago. >> i know, i know. he knows me well. >> baby wipe disposables recalling all its baby wipes. testing revealed a type of bacteria that usually poses no risk for healthy people but it could be dangerous to those with weakened immune system. here's a list of the brand of recalled wipes, they were sold on including be sure and check that out. >> it is 6:18 on your tuesday. time to check your forecast.
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this as we give you a live peek outside. christina made a really great point this morning, which is whether you walked outside, it did feel a little buiit cooler. >> the temperatures dropping. it is cool out there. compared to where we were last week, you notice that difference when you walk out your front door. we're expecting to fall into the upper 30s for the first time so far. lows don't normally occur until right around sundown but today it will hit around sunrise this morning. this weekend you had hockey, baseball and football all happenings a we get into tonight for that big giants game, temperatures are going to be a
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little bit chilly after first pitch, but temperatures in san francisco will hit the 70s. so evens a the sun starts to drop off this evening at about 5:00, we're talking about the mid 60s. you'll be in the 50s by the end of that game. if you're headed out and about, just make sure to bring a jacket with you. we're really looking forward to that game. we've got rain on the way in the next 72 hours and quite a bit of it. unfortunately this is going to hamper some halloween plans across the bay area. it might be a good idea already to plan on one of those indoor events. let me show you what's going on and help you to try to plan around these showers. we stop that clack for you friday at 4:00 a.m. this is halloween morning. we're not expecting a lot of activity except in the north bay. but we move the clock forward to 11:00 a.m. and starting to get rain in san francisco. moving you forward to 5:00 p.m.,
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people want to head out for trick or treating. that's where we get moisture in the area of san jose. but letting up again. you might be better off if you do want to get outdoors and trick or treat to count on that 7:00 time frame. just make sure because it's going to be dark and freezing cold that you're ready for the elements. yes, look at these totals. i love seeing totals like this. usually here in the south bay we don't get a lot of rain. this system is so powerful. it's going to maintain its organization. we're looking at a half an inch of rain down here as a result. over a half an inch of rain. mount hamilton could pick up one inch of rain. so we're looking really good when it comes to our drought. we're actually going to take a look at the drought because we have some improvement for some parts of california and likely to see even mores as we get int next week.
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first let's check your drive with mike inouye. >> right now traffic moving smoothly, a portion of the bay bridge, they're waiting for you here. the bay bridge has the metering lights on. now they're going all the way up to the 880 overcrossing. look at your maps, we have a slower driechbt approach,s a you'd expect, a typical pattern for tuesday where we have a heavier commute than yesterday and yesterday a hoot of a commute. yesterday 680 and 880 were jammed up because of a series of crashes in the commute. no crashes but we have a heavier drive in pleasanton and sunol. we had a closure of some sort going on. i think it was the overcrossing because i saw some overnight
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road work very early. north 87 the earlier crash off to the shoulder but we have the build there. same for 101 and 85. we're starting out with your typical tuesday for the south bay. we showed up the slowing in toward milpitas. and across the bay the san maltio bridge moves smoothly, that volume starting to kick in over toward the peninsula side. no delay into or out of san francisco. >> a little bit of road work. thank you very much. >> it's 6:23. cuteness alert. we've got the story behind an adorable video that's sure to brighten up your morning.
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giants fans will pack civic center plaza hoping to celebrate another giants victory. >> janelle is in kansas city. >> is that a pastry? >> it's one of those faux selfies. she spotted them with a casual
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look who's over me. >> if you think giving medicine to a kid is hard, try giving it to an animal. >> look at this. this zoo keeper is trying to give these pandas medicine with a syringe. they are very flexible and flipable. as soon as he gets one panda, the other one jumps on his back. he gets the syringe in his mouth but then he faces a new challenge. you have to get it out. only one person for all that? >> the opening bell is just moments away. scott mcgrew will join us with a look at all the numbers. >> realtime traffic is sponsored by orchard supply hardware.
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we are all going to get paid in sunshine for today. we'll end up in the 70s, rain on
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the way in the next 72 hours. more on that in moments. >> twitter stock said it did not grows a quickly as investors would like. over on the nasdaq, they count down to the trading day. >> all right. the bell has been rung and we're taking a live look outside waiting for the sun's arrival this tuesday morning. it's october 28th. this is "today in the bay." >> from nbc bay area, this is "today in the bay." >> and a very good tuesday morning to you. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> and i'm sam brock. >> an off duty chp officer recently found $125,000 sitting in the street. >> and she gave that back. >> reporter: the chp officer did
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not want her identity known because she said this story is not about her, which just speaks even more about the character of this officer. the hundred dollar bills were inside two bank bags. she had to swerve around them to avoid running over them. many of us would be tempted to keep the mon the officer turned it in to concord police, who then found the owner. her kids asked why she didn't keep the money, after all, it would help pay for their college expenses. >> i asked them what integrity is and they said it's doing the right thing, even when nobody's looking. exactly. >> it's unclear why the money was on the street and the man said it was his life savings. the chp plans to present her with a commendation for her good deed. >> thanks a lot nanette.
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>> sometimes you're richer in spirit than you are in money. >> she shall be rewarded. >> karma, that's what that is. >> time to check the forecasts a we take a live look outside. this is a look at the bay bridge looking at emeryville this morning. >> getting a little backed up there. we'll check with mike after a look at your weather. >> good morning, laura and sam. ing about day today. temperatures mostly in the 40s. we are all looking forward to that game. remember, you can show your giants pride by wearing your orange and black right along with us today when you go to work. 77 in the north bay, 75 degrees in the south bay. overall temperatures are going to be comfortable. but you look at these numbers and i got to tell you they're a couple degrees above average for this time of year and we're going to get even warmer as we get into tomorrow before we hit
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our next cold front. that arrives on halloween. every single drop in the bucket counts. so this is what we're looking towards when it comes to your halloween night forecast. i know a lot of moms out there have a high interest in this because yous a well have to get out there with your kids. you wants to make sure you have that umbrella ready to go. and something to prepare you with the wind as well. if you have a flowing skirt, you might want to have something to help keep that down. s a we head throughout your sunday morning, that is an extra hour sleep. remember to set your clocks back. let's face it, though, most of our technology these days just does it for us. check the batteries in your smoke detector as well. take a look at the difference. sun will rise at 7:37 a.m., 6:36 a.m. on sunday and it's going to get dark at 5:11.
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it's funny how we have halloween before we hit that type change, but that's just the way it goes, mike. >> with all that candy in my house, we're not going to get that hour of extra sleep, i'll tell you that. looking over to the bay bridge toll plaza, all lanes built back to the maze itself. they've moved the camera so i apologize. and on the maps you'll see the speed sensors reflecting the same thing. lower paids just developing out of richmond all the way to the bay bridge toll plaza. no problems to the north bay. 680 a slower drive than pleasanton. and a series of crashes yesterday on 680 and 880, no
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problem today. northbound routes 101, 87, 85, you see it on your route there. folks at the bottom of your screen are waiting there until the metering light turns green. >> drivers keep you on your toes, he's trying to keep us on our toes. >> exactly. >> 6:35 right now. >> the markets have been open for a few minutes now. dare we say they are surging back to life? >> i don't know. let's check those number, scott mcgrew. >> the dow jones industrial average up slightly. scotts miracle grow, which does the fields on many of the baseball teams is up about 1.5%. budweiser is up as well. twitter, which has nothing to do with baseball down 12%. we talked about that earlier. >> although maybe tonight it will be up again because a lot of people tweet. >> a lot of people tweet.
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not nearlys as much as the worl cup. >> and scrambling to fix errors on thousands of college transcripts. >> and one ebola patient getting ready to go. >> and the sun is rising. we've got tabs on all your morning commute, traffic, weather, together as well as a look at the day's news.
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investigators say the killer, jaylen fryberg texted his friends to join him for lunch before killing them. investigators say the gun he used belonged to a relative. >> just into our newsroom, the second dallas nurse who treated thomas duncan has been declared ebola free and will walk out of the hospital today. she'll join officials outside
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emory hospital for a news conference this afternoon. vinson was put into isolation two weeks ago. she was one of two dallas nurses who got ebola while treating duncan for ebola. the other affected nurse, nina pham, was released friday. >> coming up on the "today" show, chris christie will talk about his decision to quarantine a nurse who had been treating patients in west africa, even though she did not show any symptoms of the virus. >> computer problems at the los angeles school district have officials scrambling to check every transcript. they launched a new computerized record system at the beginning of the school system but errors led to some students repeating classes and unable to get
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classes they needed. the district said it's working to resolve the glitches. >> a south bay lawmaker calls for changes after a teen-ager is hit and killed while riding his bike to school. >> plus red hot inches of lava. while some are staying behind to watch their homes burn. >> a live look outside at&t park this morning. quiet now but things close to there, the civic center, will be heating ups as the giants are attempting to clinch their third world series in five years. back right after this break. what's possible today?
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happenings as we speak, hot lava inching closer. authorities are letting people watch their homes burn to the ground. >> authorities are hoping it will give people closure. some people are calling this a slow motion disaster. >> good morning, laura and sam. the local elementary school will close indefinitely starting tomorrow because it's in the path of that lava flow. students will have to be shuffled around to other districts, too. it's not just the school. a number of homes are being threatened. officials say they will let the folks live in those houses watch as they burn, if they want, part of what's being called a grieving process. this red hot river of lava is closing in. it's still been melting hundreds of yards overs past 24 hours.
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for weeks the flow has been making its way toward this town after a volcanic eruption in june. the lava recently crossed a road and then a cemetery on the edge of town. that's why you're seeing people packing up and leaving already. officials say it's a little tough to say when the lava could cross the main highway that leads to other parts of the big highway only because the lava is speeding up relatively quickly and then slowing down because of the terrain. >> wow. thanks a lot. >> let's check your forecast at 6:45 as we give you a live look at downtown san jose. it's such a torn family to see your home get destroyed.
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>> they're able to see it, it's traveling very, very slowly. eventually because it is coming so close to the highway, they will likely build on top of it. so it's new earth being created. very cool stuff. 6:45. you've got to love the pacific rim. of course as a result of living within that pacific rim, we get the earthquakes here in the bay area. and the good news is we haven't had anything significant lately. but you want to keep in mind we live in earthquake country. that is a disaster we always want to be prepared for here. grab a few extra nonperishable food and items and kind of use its as you go through. that's what i do in my house. i want to show you these numbers because it is a very cold morning, coldest morning so far. woodside, expecting the numbers to drop into the upper 30s.
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s a you head out and about, cold start, it's really going to get cold around heres a we get into the next hour and a half. so grab that jacket, something you can ditch later. you want to reveal your orange after all, don't you? sunny afternoon. temps jump above average. you adjust the thermostat in your home, 1 to 2 degrees. we're about 3 to 5 degrees warmer than where we ended up yesterday. your evening temps will be mild. if you want to head to the city for first pitch, it will be mild. 71 in san francisco, gorgeous conditions. it's mostly clear here. you're going to get a really pretty day in this city by the bay. on thursday we're at 79. friday look at what happens. temperatures crash and this is whether we really start to feel like fall around here. overnight lows expecting those numbers in the 30s between friday and saturday. saturday afternoon you can get
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outdoors, gorgeous conditions with that extra hour of sleep coming your way i guess for some of us who don't have kids. that halloween candy like you said before could become problematic. >> i've had that problem, i internalized it, meaning i ate it. we still have a crash by the university. i swung the camera back and forth, couldn't see the lanes blocked because i do have the build. look at your maps. the peninsula with a slight build because of that volume of traffic making its way toward san mateo. it's just starting to build there as well. northbound routes through san jose and the rest of the valley continue to build here. a disabled vehicle near the offroff r
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ramp but you can still access the airport exit just fine. flowing through hayward, patches through fremont and 680. this is way better than yesterday where we had big jams coming through hayward and out of the tri-valley. this is standard flow for this morning. s as we're looking toward dublin and the tri-valley, but today we've had a nice flow and a nice easy drive off 580 there. you have all these folks waiting. we do have a lot of traffic but no incidents. >> candles and flowers line a sidewalk in cupertino this morning, the spot where a 15-year-old boy was hit and killed while riding his bike to school. now some are asking what needs to change so others don't get hurt. extra grief counselors are on
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hand for students. good morning, kris. >> good morning to you, laura. lots of questions and a few answers this morning. the young people are asking how could this happen to our friend? some of the elders in this community are wondering how could we prevent this from happening to another student in the future. meantime friends and relatives of the 15-year-old who was struck and killed yesterday left flowers and candles and kind words. there are questions this morning about whether that kind of dump truck or gravel truck should have been on this road in the first place and how is it that the driver of that truck that struck the teen did not know what happened until he was flagged down by other drivers and witnesses down the road? santa clara county investigators say it looks like the teen was struck with some sort of the back part of the trailer. it doesn't appear that the driver was under the influence
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of drugs or chalcohol. >> we're also going to go through his cell phone to see if he was distracted by anything. >> one city council woman wants to talk about creating a shuttle service to help other students get to school safely. this year alone five other students have been hit by cars while they were on their way to school. some city leaders say it's just too much. in cupertino, kris sanchez, "today in the bay." >> thank you, kris. >> a wrinkle to disaster preparedness you may not have heard about. local animal lovers can learn about preparing their pets for a disaster. the east bay spca will talk about how to make a local kit for your pet and how to take care of your animal in a disaster. it takes place tonight in dublin from 7 to 9 p.m.
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>> a live look at a quiet civic center plaza in san francisco this morning and kauffman stadium already shining in the sun this morning. >> we are all running out of orange outfits but we're no less enthusiastic this morning than last. we're all giants fans. we begin with our very own janelle wang. she is with the team in kansas city. the giants did not want this to go to a decisive game seven. let's keep it here and win tonight. >> reporter: good morning from kansas city. a beautiful day, the sun is shining, we've got blue skies. did have a little drizzle last night but it's clear today. the giants hopefully rested up, they arrived yesterday afternoon and came right here to kauffman stadium for a light workout. we got them right after their light workout when they arrived at their hotel, the intercontinental hotel, about at the miles away from the stadium.
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the giants sports announcers are also staying here, including jon miller. he gave us his thoughts about jake peavy. >> they like jake peavy in game six to come back strong the way he pitched down the stretch. they couldn't have gotten into the postseason without jake peavy who in effect filled the roll of matt cain. the last couple of starts in the postseason, one against the cardinals and one against the royals, he didn't look that good so you start to worry, how much does he have left? he's an older guy now. hopefully he'll be able to find that little fountain of youth in game six and the giants will be able to have that big celebration. >> we also ran into general manager brian sabean, who was heading out to a late dinner last night. the entire team back in kansas city again hoping to wrap up the world series tonight with a victory in game six. i asked jon miller about this world series.
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he says it's been quite exciting so far. i said are the giants going to do it again like they did in 2010 and 2012? he said there are no guarantees and he reminded me in 2002 when the giants ended up losing in 2002, hopefully a different outcome in this world series. we're all hoping for a win so we can come back and have one of those giants victory parades again, the third one in five years. fingers crossed. i'm janelle wang, today in the bay. we're going to check in with janelle live in the civic center plaza where there will be a huge jumbotron watch party there. bob? >> reporter: right. not only will we have a huge crowd watching the jumbotron set up behind me but you'll also
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have hundreds of convert goers. next door there is a fish band, kind of like the grateful dead of the 21st century, if you will. point being, you'll have a lot of people out here. it's going to be very crowded, the city advising that you arrive early to get a viewing spot on the plaza and should definitely consider leaving your car at home because there's very limited parking. instead rely on bart and muni. and also don't bring the booze, the police have a zero tolerance on beer and alcohol. a couple years back in 2012, you might remember the image of a novato trashing a muni bus with a barricade. workers have been cleaning the streets so there's less debris for a possible fire. and tonight they'll bring in
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extra officers. >> we prepare for the worst, we hope for the best and we count on our plans to be class fans. >> we spoke with the owners of an irish pub down the street. he tells us he's hiring more security for his business just in case. so, again, a couple of things. arrive early, do not bring alcohol. first pitch 5:07. if the giants win tonight, this will be their third world series title in just five years. reporting live here in s.f., bob redell. >> we like that statistic. thank you, bob. >> and we have details about the civic center viewing party on our web site. and you can also find some fan photos. look at those faces! and if the giants win, they have a world series parade. we've got all the details on theres a well. just planning ahead. that's all we're trying to do. just being organized.
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it's all at >> scott mcgrew, twitter shares down not because they're not making enough money? >> no. the company said the growth in the number of users wasn't as fast as wall street wanted. that's not the explosive growth of facebook. facebook reports numbers this afternoon. apple ceo tim cook has been inducted into the alabama academy of honor. cook grew up in the mobile area, attended auburn. cook took a moment to say his moment state had moved too slowly on equality for the lgbt community, compared gay rights in alabama to that of the state's record of racial equality, pointing out interracial marriage was technically illegal in alabama
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until 14 years ago. he said we can't change the past but we can learn about it and create a different future. >> use the past to inform future decisions. thank you. >> we're going to use the current now to get the current. >> it's cold this morning, warmer later on. dress in layers. we're really happy about the drought situation because we've got a whopper storm system gearing up to hit the bay area within the next 72 hours but not before we get warmer weather today and tomorrow. if you missed the timing of that system, we'll have it for you every 15 minutes. >> thank you very much. let's get a quick check of the roadways. >> and we'll look at the san mateo bridge. this happens, typical about this time of day. you can see the high rise and silhouette of the peninsula hills. enough peace. we're looking at the dumbarton bridge, 101 has your typical
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patches. northbound throughout the entire silicon valley slowing. they're much better than yesterday where we had a nightmare of a commute through those sections. we'll look at the north bay where southbound 101101 has som slowing. a look at the bottom of your screen. someone slammed on their brakes. there's no crash. you just see everyone starting to recover, sort of like at a stop light, you see the green light and you're waiting come on, come on, come on. >> why are you stopping? >> that's exactly it. >> if you haven't seen this yet, major league baseball gave that hit song a world series makeover. ♪ because you know i'm all about that base, about that base ♪ ♪ no trouble, no trouble >> yes, that was hunter pence. even the kansas city chiefs cheerleaders got in on the mix here. everyone's in on the fun.
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>> they're talking about a different kind of base. >> i was thinking home base. >> sometimes things need to be explained. too early. we'll seep you in 25 minutes. >> we're going to send you to the bullpen. good morning. digging in. new jersey governor chris christie not backing down on his decision to quarantine people returning from africa at high risk for ebola. this, after a nurse complained of inhumane treatment while being kept in a tent for three days before she was sent home. this morning, governor christie speaks out in an exclusive live interview. unstoppable, the slow and menacing advance of lava on hawaii's big island now within a few yards of several homes. can anything be done to save them? mile-high mystery. a father heads off to get food during a denver broncos game and


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