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tv   Today  NBC  December 14, 2014 6:00am-7:01am PST

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good morning. breaking overnight. big spenders, congress approves a massive $1.1 trillion spending bill in time to avoid a government shutdown again. so what's in it and what does it mean for you? day of protests. tens of thousands take to the streets across the country over the use of deadly police force. we'll speak exclusively to the family of a 12-year-old boy shot to death by a cleveland police officer. king of the box office. the biblical exodus set to roll at the movie this is weekend. the latest film to roll with the
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mass and with it a healthy dose of controversy. and prince charming. the royal family releases photos of everyone's future favorite king hearing aww heard around the world. today december 14, 2014. from nbc news, this is "toda "today." with lester holt and erica hill live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. and welcome to "today" on this sunday morning. i'm erica hill. >> i'm lester holt after long side shanel jones and dylan dridry dryer back up. >> he's royalty now. >> he's a little too perfect. his cheeks are almost as good as guthrie which means perhaps we should arrange the marriage now.
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taken under add vooizment. we begin with our top story. this $1.1 trillion spending bill on its way to president obama's desk. the senate after proved the measure late last night to avoid the government shutdown. it capped off a tense week in washington. chuck todd is moderator of meet the press and joins us. good morning. >> good morning erica. we have this government shutdown averted, washington insight. you say those phrases and eyes glaze over when we talk about political wins and losses. let's look at the standpoint of the american public. where did the american people win and lose on this? >> where they win is continuity, the fact that most government gets funded for r almost a year to the fall of next year. what does that mean? it means you can't blame the government for sort of up-ending the economy, hurting the economic we're actually in a good cycle with the economy right now. it looks like it has momentum, it looks like it has
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acceleration. big picture, that's the good news. i think what erked a lot of people both on the right and left were the little things that got stuck into it that had nothing to do with funding the government. whether it meant giving a pay raise for political operatives or this deal that ended up weakening part of the wall street regulation and gives power to some financial institutions to do some controversial trades which of course some people were behind the great recession in the first place. >> it's those little things that get slipped into bills that get the american people riled up as well. i wanted to ask you about a book jeb bush wrote. is this an noux for a 2016 run? >> this is the biggest sign yet. he is more likely to run than not run.
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look, i've been a skeptic. my own reporting has been mixed in talking to people that advise him. now, this seems to be the closest thing we have to have a definitive decision. he still says he's going to make his decision in short order. that's what he says in this interview that's going to air this morning in miami. it's clear. you are doing this. this is about getting stuff out of the way that you would have to deal with in a presidential campaign. he was a big emailer while he was governor of florida. putting all this out to me is a huge sign that he's more likely to run than not. >> all right. chuck. sounds good. the calls for change are growing louder a day after protest that marked some of the biggest rallies we've seen yet about the use of deadly force by police. we'll speak exclusively to a mother and sister of a boy who was shot to death in cleveland. first, kristen we willker at
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the whitehouse. >> good morning. protesters were in d.c. demanding in their words justice for all. organizers say their calls for change are gaining momentum. it was a day of protest that stretched from new york, oakland, boston, and washington, d.c. a chorus of voices, a singular message. >> our justice system is broken and it needs to be fixed. >> there's a time and place in this country where you have to stand for justice and i think now is the time and now is the place. >> there is a problem that our black kids are being murdered. >> rallies in the name of eric garner, michael brown, tamer rice and trayvon martin. their families all joining in an emotional day. >> it's sad that this is what brings our nation together, the death of innocent black unarmed
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men. >> their demands include better training for authorities, body cameras for police, and changes to the legal system. msnbc host reverend al sharpton founded the nags action network, the lead organizer of the event. >> we have the same goal and that is equal protection under the law. >> for some, this is a reminder of the 1963 march on washington. while the crowds aren't as large, some say many of the sentiments are the same. >> this is, i think, the new civil rights movement. >> it's 2014. people need to wake up. it needs to happen. >> this man traveled all the way from ohio, rice's home state whose death was recently ruled a homicide. he says this is personal. >> just to see that, rocks you to the core. >> now, the day was largely peaceful. about 23 people were arrested in boston for disorderly conduct. new york city police say two officers were assaulted by protesters on the brooklyn
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bridge. meanwhile, president obama has called for more funding for body cameras for police and has also ordered up a task force aimed at improving relations between police and their communities. >> i'm joined now by rice's mother samaria and his sister tajae and their attorneys. first of all, our deep condolences, it's been three weeks since you lost your son. suddenly you find yourself in washington with tens of thousands of supporters, black and white. can you describe what that moment was like? >> it was very overwhelming, but i'm blessed to have the world supporting me and the nation and that's what is keeping me standing. >> what is it that you want? what did you ask of that crowd and what are you asking of this country?
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>> i'm sorry. can you repeat that? >> what is it you want to come from this and what are you looking forward to? >> i'm looking for justice for my son and a change for the nation to nobody's child will have to go through this. >> you were inside the rec center when your brother was shot. can you tell me, describe what you heard and saw when you went out? >> well, i heard -- first i was in the bathroom because i had to use the bathroom, and then i came out the bag room and then i heard a gunshot, and then i went to see what happened, and they said a boy got shot. i said no, you are lying. they said oh, that was your brother, so i ran to the gazebo and i couldn't get there all the way to them because the officer attacked me. threw me on the ground. tackled me on the ground.
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put me in handcuffs and put me in the back of the police car right next to his body. i was a little upset and everything. >> did you see any attempt to revive your brother, cpr or any help that was coming to him? >> well, honestly, when i came running out, they tackled me and they didn't do nothing. they was just standing there and stuff, looking -- looking really lost and i think one of the officers or the -- >> ambulance. >> the ambulance was pushing on this thing right here and that was t. >> it must have been a horrible thing for you to witness. let me ask you, so many of these cases have been put together, the michael brown, eric garner case, they are individual cases, and, you know, so much racial tension right now over this. i have to ask you, do you think that the officer that shot your son did so because he was black?
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>> we don't know what was in his heart, so we don't want to speculate, lester, but we think the matter would have been handled differently if it was a different community and the officer trained better. >> do you think it was racial or is it possible this was a panicked fearful kop that did something stupid snnch the problem is when you watch that video, it tells you all you need to do, within two seconds, he made a decision to shoot a 12-year-old kid playing on the playground and how many seconds passed before they tried to run to aid to save this young kid and that's the problem in their community. it's different policing and that's why you see all the protests going on in america because they shoot our children and they attack the victim. trayvon, michael brown, how are thre going to try to attack this 12-year-old baby. that's the issue. everybody is looking because these grand jury's have attacked
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our children and exonerated the killsers and stereotype and demonized our children dead on the ground. >> we'll point out the cleveland police are still investigating. we'll awaiting their investigation. we wish you all the best. let's turn now to a manhunt in alabama. >> now the fbi has joined the search for three inmates accused -- including two accused killers. they escaped from a jail in alabama overnight after one inmate reportedly faked an illness. accordingly to published report, the guard opened the cell door to help and they jumped the guard and escaped. >> and police are looking for a basketball player gun do you understand over night. a massive fair well to a
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young woman burned alive. jessica chambers was brutally murdered last weekend. his daughter left a battered women's shelter a few months ago and was getting her life back on attack. and newly leaked emails from amy pascal reportedly called leonardo dicaprio despicable. big news in the football world, marcus led oregon to a record 53 touch downs. it was an emotional night for
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mariota. >> words cannot express how much you guys mean to me. i'm truly grateful to have you guys in my life. mom and dad, thank you for your love and sharing that with me and matt. >> he's also the first oregon player to win the heisman. and finally talking about a smashing wedding proposal. a dutch man goes to great heights hiring a crane to lift him up to his girlfriend's window so he could sarah nade her and pop the question. unfortunately, it crashed through the roof. >> it didn't look like it was going to end well. >> maybe he should leave the crane alone. but she said yes. dylan will look at the weather here. it's pretty nice in new york today. >> it is nice today. but we need to focus on
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california where we have more rain. it's two parts here. you need the rain because of the drought but too much drain causes the mudslides because of the recent fires. here's the storms in san francisco. i'll show you how the rain is going to get closer and closer. here we go this afternoon. that's when the rain will approach san francisco and eventually will move into southern california by the time we go into monday. today, in the san francisco bay area and tomorrow and monday, we're looking at about good morning. 6:14 the time right now. waking up to a lot of cloud cover this morning. as the clouds continue to roll in, we are going to see showers later on this afternoon. most likely at the coastline and the north bay. everybody else will stay cloudy. 62 in the south bay. east shore you'll be at 60. san francisco, 61 with the skies turning gray for san francisco and points later on. rain arrives later for everybody
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tonight and tomorrow morning. >> and that's your latest forecast. >> all right, dylan, thanks. this morning, we are getting a new glimpse at the boy who would be king. the royal family releasing new photographs of prince george just in times for the holidays. that. he's giving every christmas card a run for their money. >> how pinchable are those cheeks? i mean really. these pictures are an early christmas gift to newspapers and media for giving george a little privacy over the past few months. three adorable photos of the boy they're calling his royal cuteness. a rosie cheeked prince george on the steps of the palace. the pictures were last month when it was warm enough for knee high socks and sweater vest. is he spitting image of his dad or more like his mom?
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>> his mom had chubby cheeks and same eyes. he looks naughty with the mischief smile. >> last time we saw him was in july on his first birthday. he's had quite a year for a boy who's only 17 months old. the future king went on his first trip abroad, played nicely with the whole world watching, and showed all of us his throwing skills. not once but twice. he's been on magazine covers and started baby fashion fads. those overalls worn for his first birthday photo shoot sold out. even when he's not around, prince george is the center of attention. in new york when music royalty met british royalty on the basketball court, they didn't talk sports or songs or fashion. >> it was a brief chat about their kids and about children. yeah, i think they seemed quite cool really. >> talk of play dates and christmas presents. >> so what do you get for a boy
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who lives in a palace and who's great grandmother is the queen? last year george was more interested this the wrapping paper than what was inside. this year all he wants is mom and dad's ipad. mom and dad are thinking of more modest gifts. teddy bears and maybe a new sweater vest. erica? >> kelly, thanks. up next on "today," how one father is paying tribute to a beautiful life lost in the sandy father is paying tribute to a beautiful life lost in the sandy hook tragedy two have been masters of jewelry design for centuries."ly this levian collection is amazing. maybe it's time to start your own. kay jewelers presents today's levian collection... featuring exclusive levian chocolate diamonds. including incredible limited edition styles like these. one more reason kay is the number-one jewelry store in america. it's...(she can't find the words) a work of art? ♪ every kiss begins with kay.
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when you feel good no one is immune. with antioxidants, electrolytes, and b vitamins plus more vitamin c than ten oranges. emergen-c transforms more than just water. emergen-c. let your awesome out. two years ago today, 20 children and six adults were murdered at the sandy hook elementary school. >> for one grieving father, the answer was in his hands. his music speaks with intensity and emotion.
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when his little girl died, so it seemed, did the music for jazz man jimmy green. >> when my daughter was killed, there was a period i couldn't even drive my car. my body was weak and shaky. i couldn't do normal everyday things. >> two years have passed since 6-year-old green and other precious lives were taken at sandy hook elementary. >> there are bad days and worse days. on the worst days you pray for a bad day. >> as much as jimmie and his wife nelba wanted to forget that awful day, they wanted to remember and honor their little girl. >> it started just with me picking up the instrument and playing some long tones, kind of exercises to regain strength. >> with the encouragement of a record executive friend that donated studio time, jimmie set
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out to tell ana's story in the language they shared. >> she called her dad a jazz musician. my daddy is a jazz musician. >> one of her favorites may have been from the musical "annie." it's one of the songs on jimmie green's new album released "beautiful life" he arranged and composed for ana. it's a tribute featuring other big jazz artists. in one song ana herself. taken from home video of ana and her brother isaiah a year before her death. >> they printed the lyrics with the him. the all mighty king. my daughter wanted to participate in whatever he was doing. >> the family is also honoring their daughter through the ana
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grace project which promotes healthy social and emotional connections in schools. >> we wanted our message to be through this that you don't get a choice in life. what happens to you sometimes. you do get a choice in how you respond. >> earlier this month, the greens appeared at the dan bury, connecticut college where jimmy teaches music. >> her life was so beautiful. >> many in the audience were closely impacted by the sandy hook shooting and clearly moved. we all know what happened to ana and the 19 other children and six adults. now through the power of music, her family hopes we can also now say i we know something about ana herself. >> she was such a bright little girl. in the after math of her murder, we felt we needed to do all we could to keep her memory alive. >> proceeds go to charity in her
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name. the am bum is available for purchase and download online. >> what a beautiful testament to her life. >> he has the gift of music and shared his daughter with us. >> we'll be right back. after seeing everything, but let me take one last look. sure. take your time. built-in nav, heated seats for mom, dvd with wireless headphones for the kids! and tons of room for the golf clubs! golf clubs, and strollers. shhh ... i love this part. so what do you think? i think it's everything we wanted. great. discover for yourself why more people find their perfect car at carmax. carmax. start here. the holidays are full of surprises.
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that's why, whenever the need arises... walgreens is always right around the corner, so you can get in and out in no time. most walgreens are even open 'til midnight, to help keep the magic in your holidays. at the corner of happy and healthy. still to come on "today," moses inspired film is stirring up emotions. still to come on "today," moses inspired film is stirring give a journey. give a new perspective. give a little joy. a book is a gift like no other. and barnes & noble is like no other book store in the world. with so many books to discover and the new nook by samsung now a full featured tablet.
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a book is the gift they'll remember long after the holidays are over. dave, i'm sorry to interrupt... i gotta take a sick day tomorrow. dads don't take sick days, dads take nyquil. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold, medicine.
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♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] get your taste of the season, at raley's, bel air, and nob hill.
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we'll look at the microclimate forecast. >> it was chilly out there. we're looking at some better conditions especially trying to hit the road early this morning. here in dublin we don't have the thick fog. visibility was down to less than a mile. just a few clouds in if skies. as we head through the day the
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clouds stream on in ahead of the next storm system set to arrive and tonight for everybody else, the peninsula east shore and the tri-valley will be a dry day. as when he had through the day, that's where we'll really be cloudy all day long. we'll talk about the rest of the timeline on when the rest of the bay area where see the rain at 7:00 this morning. thank you. the streets of oakland are quiet this morning after more than 2,000 people joined march as part of a national movement calling for change in the criminal justice system. last night's protest was much more peaceful than some demonstrations earlier in the week. not to say there weren't tense moments throughout the night. police arrested at least 45 people for various crimes such as vandalism, failure to disperse and resisting arrest. the biggest disruption is when
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marcher briefly marched the tube around 6:00 yesterday afternoon. there were several reports of vandalism including small fires and damage to a whole foods store in oakland. new this morning, a follow up to a disturbing story. police say a man turned himself in after he tried to kidnap a 10-year-old girl at a walmart and molested her right there in the store. police say 35-year-old jorge posed as an employee and led the girl to the bathroom and assaulted her. this happened around 5:00 on friday night at the walmart on north main street near the davis exit to highway 101. officers say he assaulted her again in a store aisle before she was able to get free. he's been transported to jail. he's being held on a million dollars bail. today marks the second anniversary of the sandy hook school shooting and this weekend local organizations turned grief into activism with a gun buyback
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program. in san jose people turned in 218 firearms. a couple hundred more were turned into san francisco and oakland. they received gift cards for 100 to $200 for each item returned. coming up at 7:00, a peninsula city is looking to strengthen its smoking ban with an eye on e cigarettes. anthony slaughter is back with your forecast. right now we'll take you back to the today show.
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>> i've come all the way from littleton, colorado. just to be on the today show. >> first time i made it to new york city. i made it all by myself. >> first girls trip to new york. ♪ sun morning, december 14th, 2014. as always a great group of folks joining us out on the plaza. thank to them for coming out to say hello on this chilly
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morning. thank you at home for joining us as well. >> we want to get you caught up on morning's headlines at half past the hour. a spending bill on its way to president obama this morning after winning approval in the senate last night. it runs most of the government through september and avoid a government shut down. >> protesters demanding training for authorities, body cameras for police, and changes to the legal system itself. and the fall-out continues at sony, those behind the hacking scandal reportedly making new threats this comes amid newly leaked emails that refer to leonardo decrap preyo as despicable for pulling out of
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a film. my interview with the franchise "night at the museum." they open up about the film. not sure how much you should tip your baby-sitter, your hair dresser, we'll get you answers to those questions and a few others to alleviate your holiday stress level. the dad who is turning breakfast into art. he's made pancakes in the shape of animals and other things. let's begin with a final check of the weather from dillon. >> we've got a 10-year-old celebrating a birthday today. this is sydney's birthday. where are you from? >> bellaire, maryland. >> what's your favorite thing? >> just being here. >> just general overall being here in new york city. we are looking at some pretty good weather across the eastern half of the country but in the western half we're going to see the chance of some snow in the
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high elevations. we've got winter storm warnings and advisories in effect. most areas up near casper, wyoming. that's where we'll see most of our snow about 6 to 9 inches. we will see some snow through north central parts of nebraska and up into south dakota. today all that snow is back through the rocky with some rain thundershowers. we could see some strong storms from kansas, oklahoma, down into texas and that area of snow will spread into the northern plains, south dakota and nebraska, especially from minnesota right down into louisiana, we are looking at the chance of some heavy rain and then the east coast enjoying a little bit of a warm up. we should top out in the 50s good sunday morning to you. we're wake up the cloudy skies. the radar and you can see the green returns there. that's some low level moisture that is showing up ahead of our next storm system. today will be a dry day for most
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of us. if you live north of the golden gate bridge expect the showers to rooif. 63 in the peninsula. cloudy skies for the north bay this afternoon. and that's your latest forecast, iraq ka. forecast. erica? >> dylan, thanks. this weekend proved once again religious films can be a huge draw at the box office. "exodus" is the late toast hit the screens. a good book often translates to hollywood success. >> "exodus gods and kings" is a story told in epic hollywood fashion that should make the movie number one at the box office. >> clearly being the year of the bible and the year of religious films, it kind of makes sense this movie is doing so well. >> not without mixed reviews and the hashtag asking people to
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boycott. there's controversy about the interpretation of the old testament and actors covered in makeup and casts to play major roles. the director said he can't mount a $140 million film and say month ham mad is so and so from such and such. i'm not going to get hit financed. that prompted one journalist to say it's hard to know where to start. >> the author of the variety article points out other big budget bible movies also feature white leads. in noah it was russell crow in 10 commandments also. >> it's wrong to single out one film as being the culprit. >> this has been a wildly successful year for biblical movies. epics like "noah" and smaller
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films like "god's not dead," "son of god" and "heaven is for real." >> hollywood has made these popular and big at the box office. >> hollywood's year of the bible could get a long extension. from nbc news, los angeles. >> you have to brace yourself. if you do a biblical theme movie, not everyone is going to agree or like it. >> there's going to be backlash. true. from tipping to gift giving. we'll help you navigate the most stressful parts of the holiday season. that's right after this. wellllll... ♪ ♪ earlyfit ♪ latefit ♪ risefit ♪ fallfit ♪ ballfit ♪ wallfit ♪ pingfit ♪ pongfit ♪ pingfit ♪ pongfit ♪ rowfit ♪ throwfit ♪ slowfit ♪ olliefit ♪ oopsfit ♪ otisfit ♪ thiswayfit ♪ thatwayfit ♪ daddyfit ♪ pappyfit ♪ datefit ♪ weightfit ♪ goalfit ♪ gooooooalfit ♪ stepfit ♪ stairfit ♪ smartfit ♪ heartfit ♪ spinfit ♪ bikefit ♪ hikefit
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zyrtec-d®. it's the purple pill, the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand, available without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™ i'm known as the perfectionist. i will help you create a one-of-a-kind ring that can only be described as... perfect! create your own, one-of-a-kind-ring at jared this friday through sunday and receive get set in diamonds rewards - up to a thousand dollars toward a beautiful setting when you buy your diamond at jared.
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welcome. we want to to talk about tipping. >> thank you. >> we have this discussion every year. every year when it comes time, it's like what do i give and who -- who's on the list? >> the people you care about who take care of you are on the list. what's most important is that it is not mandatory to tip all of these people. it is common. what you want to do is stay within your budget. at the same time there are guidelines. the first is child care. our children are the most precious to us. we want to give to those people. it's typical. one week to one month. if you didn't save already, you need to scrape the pennies together. household services like lawn care, housekeeper, pizza guy that comes every friday. >> the newspaper or delivery person. >> yeah. >> what is one session worth? for the newspaper guy, it would be -- give like $20 or so to
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somebody like that. beauty stylists. this is particularly women but a lot of men go to the salon too. the cost of one service which could be high depending on how many things you do. and teachers. >> no cash for teachers? >> cash, no. it could be a gift card to staples or a place where you buy supplies. often they love hand made gifts from the children. a lovely card made by the children showing your sentiment. >> let's move on and talk about another difficult situation. talking family isituations. you've got family and your in-laws. everybody wants a piece of you hoe over the holidays. >> plan and communicate. if everybody is in the same state, they want you to come to their house. plan in advance. try to make it so that you don't do everything on the same day. you really need to think of your immediate team because if you get completely worn out,
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stressed out and have little kids, people are frustrated. it goes south. plan, talk to each other, negotiate. >> communicate. >> communicate. >> always the key to good family relationships. i want to talk now about all these parties and hostess gifts. what's the rule on gifts? >> if you're going to someone's home, it's customary to bring something. doesn't need to be expensive. if you bring wine, it's a gift not for you to open. if you bring flowers which is common, make sure it's in a container. it's difficult for a hostess to go to the kitchen, find a vase. a poinsettia or something in a case. >> this came in via twitter. the question is what's the best way to handle someone giving you a gift when you weren't expecting it and don't have one for them. #awkward. >> so the thing is, if you receive something, say thank
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you. you don't have to go oh i'm so sorry. i didn't get you anything. that's not completing the cycle of giving. thank you so much for thinking of me. i really appreciate it. the end. >> i want you to have this, please don't feel pressure to reciprocate. >> that diminishes it too. just i've been thinking of you. i'd love to share with you. then the person says thank you and really means it. >> good to have you. >> appreciate it. let's send to dylan in the orange room with the plaza fan of the day. hi guys. >> good morning lester and everyone. i have felix from tampa, florida. you're always tweeting us. this is the your fourth time to weekend today this year. we finally brought you to the orange room. >> today, shanel talks to the cast of "night at the museum" about the film and role of robyn williams. but first, these messages. >> have you done t [coughing]
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dave, i'm sorry to interrupt... i gotta take a sick day tomorrow. dads don't take sick days, dads take nyquil. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold, medicine. hey! so i'm looking at my bill, and my fico® credit score's on here. we give you your fico® score each month for free! awesomesauce! wow! the only person i know that says that is...lisa? julie?! at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card and see your fico® credit score.
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its is one of robin williams last performances. the newest film "night at the
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museum" trilogy shanel sat down with the cast. >> it was a great assignment and talent packed in one room. it's already garnering box office buzz. its stars ben sh s ben stiller wilson tell what happens after dark. >> $1 billion in global ticket sales? >> i don't know. >> that's a lot. come on. why do you think it has such appeal? >> it has a tone about it i think you can connect with the characters. it's funny. >> you and i both know there's something magical at the museum. sun goes down, everything starts to glow. >> it has a real story. i don't know. it seems something people can identify with. >> this one i did the computer thing, the lol. the first one i don't know if that texting was a big thing.
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>> do you know how in movies everybody is giggling. you get the person that laughs really loud? you got the most votes. were you giggling in between too? >> i sometimes get so into my character i never laugh. i never find anything funny. >> what was it like for you to step into this world as he mentioned? >> i was a huge fan of the movies anywhere. i was thrilled to step into the tin suit and get crazy with them. >> your eyes are fantastic. >> i'm going to have to ask about robin williams. the first scene when we saw him, it kind of took my breath away. >> before robin's passing, that scene had a lot of people tearing up. now obviously that he's not with us, it has depth. >> he was a genius.
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he was always incredibly kind to everyone and made everyone feel as if they were equal. >> leading up to this, do you get anxious? >> i was anxious when we were making it. when i saw it, it was like okay, this feels like it deserves to exist. i'm excited for people to see it. >> when you watch the finished product, what's your take from it? >> i feel we made a fitting third and possibly final chapter. >> whoa. where did that possibly word come from? >> it leaves more room. >> "night at the museum" opens next friday. there's so much more to that interview. it was so much fun. i asked a lot about robin williams. there's a scene at the end where he does a salute on horse back. i don't want to say it was eerie because obviously when they wrote the script they had no idea of what was going to happen. but he says good-bye, farewell. he gets on horse back and does
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the salute. we were all sitting here thinking wow. it was so well done. he was larger than life on that skrooen. there were moments even though it was comedy that i cried. i got teary. there's a part with ben stiller and his son. it was a good story. >> it's such a good trilogy. it's great for families and funny too. >> it's funny. it was a great time. it's worth your time. >> fun people to hang out with. >> a lot of talent packed in one room. >> they need to join us on the past. >> we're buddies now. >> thanks. you've eaten pancakes i'm sure. none of us have eaten pancakes like this. meet the guy that brings this to the table. this is far beyond mickey mouse. first, these messages. okay buddy, what's your favorite kind of cheerios? honey nut. but... chocolate is my other favorite... but apple cinnamon is my favorite too... and fruity... oh yeah, and frosted!
6:51 am
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if you need inspiration for your breakfast this morning, boy, are you in the right place. this is something you and chances are your kids will love. we're making pancakes. these are true masterpieces. check out this art work. from animals like apes and caterpillars to famous faces including michael jackson and the beatles. this is the man behind the pancake works of art. this is awesome. >> thank you very much. >> we're very excited you're here. how did it start though? you wanted to impress your kids? >> it was about three years ago i wanted to make breakfast more entertaining for kids. >> you needed to go beyond the the traditional mickey mouse pancakes. >> life is short. >> i'm totally with you.
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>> the secret to getting the self in addition and pictures had to do with your batter? >> yes. >> walk us through. that. >> it's simple. i use your basic pancake mix and soy milk. i mix them up and put this squeeze bottles. some of them i include the cocoa powder in. >> this is darker. that's how we get colors on? >> it helps make the darker areas darker. >> the other thing that is key, you have a handy tool from your back pocket you pulled out. >> this reads the temperature of the pan? >> i wanted to make sure we were at a good temperature. >> which is a better temperature? i'll take that one. >> they're about the same. >> we have your secret to batter. going from an image in your head to creating it in here is a big jump. >> it's a creative process. you just want to give it a shot. you know, if it doesn't go so well, you can taste it.
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>> you can still eat it. that's all that matters. i'm going to bring in shanel. we both have little kids. anything we can do to get them to eat more right? >> let's start with pour dark color. we're going to try to make an octopus. why not? >> what's in your pan? >> nothing. let's start with the eye ball and big round head. >> just one eye ball? >> do as many as you want. >> what is this? that's the head. >> wow. let's get a bunch of those. you may have up to eight tentacles. >> thanks for clarifying. is that where octo comes from? i'm kidding. what is your biggest hit in terms of pancakes?
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>> i only tend to impress my kids. their favorites were star wars or princesses. >> which are harder? >> princesses are tricky. >> are we just filling in? >> let's use light one to fill that in. >> this is so creative. >> you can use shadows. >> i thought i was going with mickey mouse pancakes. you can use those molds in the pan. >> is it possible to spend too much time making octopus and burn the pancake? like now. >> it's possible. >> hands down, mine looks like a pinwheel. >> it looks like a pinwheel, yeah. >> octopus was a good way to start. it's all arms. >> i like your thinking. >> you know what, it was fun. >> what you got going down
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there? >> an octopus. >> she had to get all eight arms in. >> aren't we supposed to have eight arms? it's an octopus. >> it's a pancake. >> you did that so easily. >> it's not happening. >> did i let it cook too much? >> you might want a big one like mine. >> this is industrial size. we're going to work on pancakes while we check in with chuck todd. >> that's quite the transition going on there erica. thanks. obviously this morning we'll talk about what senate democrats dub the torture report. it includes the congress and bush white house and the use over interrogation. dick cheney is unapologetic insisting it saved lives. >> that's going to do it for us
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here. look what he did, all of our faces. >> the whole gang. see you back here for nbc nigh
7:00 am
another night of protests lead to dozens of arrests as thousands of people call for changes in police tactics. people on the peninsula left cleaning up their homes following thursday storm. with more rain on the way they're running out of time to fix their problems. speaking of the rain, anthony slaughter will let us know when the next round will hit the bay area. you're watching today in the bay. good morning. your time now 7:00. we want to give you a live look outside at christmas in the park. still plenty of time to get out there and see f


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