tv Dateline NBC NBC January 10, 2015 8:00pm-10:01pm PST
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become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪ . it's almost like a marvel comic. he's bright. he's clever. cometa marilloso que pase linda tarde. he's evil as can be. >> on a multimillion-dollar farm, horror takes root, leaving a father of three dead in the field. >> it was an explosion. >> our assumption was it was a pipeline. >> it was matched with a drug cartel . >> some believed the killer was a jealous to the family fortune.
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>> i wish there was not so much hate and anger in the family. >> one cousin seemed to hold a grudge against the victim. >> he was the that hated him. >> another came for investigators. >> who chases the police. >> a killer hiding the darkest of secrets on a blank sheet of paper, a diabolical clue. >> i got chills going through the back of my neck. this is not happening. >> i fell to my knees and started screaming. there is an evening in the american west. a cornucopia who fills the bellies of millions. the great farm with the workers and enrich with the profit families who pass the land down.
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father to son, generation after generation. they live modestly here in california's central valley. multimillionaires and crop dusters in battered pickup trucks trucks, deeply conservative and tough enough to thrive in a dangerous business that takes guts and brains. too often lives. here among the machinery, it helps grow the food of life. it can take a man unaware even on a sleepy summer day. >> we looked up and there he was. >> a little boy burst from the field of sun flowers. >> he was beat red, sweaty. he was covered in mud. head to toe. he had tennis shoes in his hands. carrying his shoes. >> he was running barefoot? >> i think he got stuck in the
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mud in the sun flowers. >> brandi and her kids live in a house next to one of the big farms. idyllic life out here. quiet, predictable. until the saturday afternoon that little boy appeared. like magic from the sun flower field. 7 yearings old or so. >> what did he say? >> he said that his dad was on fire and he needed to call for help. >> on fire? how could that be? >> he was here. >> he was here. it was very serious. >> once he started to talk, did it make any sense? >> yes. he was able to talk the whole time. so whatever questions i had, there was no hesitation. >> brandi called 911, passed along details as relayed by the middle boy. >> what are is he saying exactly that his dad --
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>> he was saying his dad turned something on for the water, irrigating crops and it blew up like a bomb. >> as they waited for the fire department to arrive, brandi began talking to the boy. fabian ayala. >> i took the water and rinsed the mud off and checked under his shirt to see if there were major injuries or not. >> were you hurt? >> no. >> not at all? >> no. >> this is fabian today who, his family by his side, told us about the last day he spent with his dad. >> he was taking it out when he had something to do. >> his dad roberto was a farm manager, a sun up to sundown job. to squeeze in quality time, he would take one of his three kids with him. a proud man and always pictured with his chest out and chin up. on july 16th, 2011, that saturday, roberto needed to flood the rice field by turning
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on a series of high voltage irrigation pumps. fabian by his side, roberto drove the quarter mile distance from one pump to the next. then he stopped, got out, walked to the big electrical box. >> he was just going to the right. you heard this big explosion. i go out to see what happened and he was just laying on the ground. >> what did you do? >> i yelled his name out and he wasn't answering so i wanted to go and get help. >> what did do you? you ran? >> yeah. >> through what? >> through a field. through flowers. >> big, tall. you are running through? >> yeah. >> how far did you have to go? >> i don't know. pretty far. >> far indeed. more than two miles. he was running, running, blindly
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through the field of golden flowers that closed in. >> i saw a house. >> do you remember what you said? >> something happened to my dad and he was down that way and can you help me? they said yes. they called the police department and they came as quick as they can. >> when firefighters reached the irrigation canal from which little fabian had run for help, it was obvious there was no left to save. roberto ayala's body must have been on fire as fabian said it was. they found fern holes near the bottom of his feet, an obvious sign of electrocution. a box used to turn on a high voltage irrigation pump apparently shorted out and exploded. metal fragments blew out the windows of his ford f-250.
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it's a mile an hour cal fabian wasn't killed too. >> translator: we received a phone call that something happened. >> roberto's wife, fabiola. >> we received a call from the police department and they said fabian was there and he was okay. we thought roberto was in the hospital. >> you didn't know what happened to him? >> translator: we didn't know what happened. we called the hospital and the hospital didn't know anything about what happened. about an hour, an hour and a half later, they arrived with fabian. >> i said where was my dad. my brother started screaming that he was dead. >> what was it like to see fabian in that situation? >> seeing someone older wouldn't be able to handle it as well as my brother did. >> it was pretty amazing, wasn't it? to run all that way. >> i wouldn't have been able to run that much.
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i wouldn't have known what to do. to stay strong the way he did, i wasn't there and i couldn't control myself. i don't know how he did it. >> as old as the wheel, bad things just happen sometimes. still, investigators scoured the area, taking photos and taking every bit of debrew they could find whether it looked like it was from an electrical box or not. >> one of the jobs for the jurisdiction was to investigate all industrial accidents. >> because the sheriff's detective, the sheriff does double duty as the county coroner. >> osha will take over if it's determined to be that type of thing. >> there was an autopsy too. routine, of course. >> they said the victim had been electrocuted and had been burned and had been near an explosion. >> pacific gas and electric sent a team that confirmed it looked
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like an accident and sadly not unique. >> he said we have seen stuff similar to this. what might happen is the operator will get into the panel with the tool for some reason and cross the leads with that tool. cause a type of explosion and that could have been what happened here. the other thing he did say is we have never seen anything this big. >> this is what the electrical box would have looked like. about the size of a high school locker. after the explosion, that box was nowhere to be found. all that was left is a splintered post where it once stood. hard to know what to make of that. investigators continued digging as explosive experts tried to determine what happened to roberto. the first clue. >> we came across a piece of metal that said there was
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. >> when people hear the words fortune and california in the same sentence, their minds go to someplace you might google. just 50 miles from silicon valley is the sacramento's san joaquin valley. the valley where fortunes were made long before the arrival of microchips and semiconductors. the farm roberto ran is worth tens of millions of dollars going to one extended family. the moors. >> they were very, very private. >> this is mary, part of the greater moore clan. her family like many of the big farms around here keep wealth private too. >> i knew there was money there, but they didn't flaunt it and you were not told about it.
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you knew it was there. >> she learned early that the family fortune was also a tool to keep the descendents in line. >> my dad when i was in high school said if you ever get into drugs or do anything, i am kicking you out of my will. >> though she couldn't inherit the land, it passes from father to son, not daughter, it started with him handing his farm down to roger and gus, now in their 70s. each of them had a son born a year apart. paul and peter who were in line to one day run the farms as partners. cousins raised more like brothers. here there were in 1978. fishing bare handed. in 1980 they were on the same high school football team. roger's son paul was smart and handsome and a playboy while gus's boy two rows down was
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tough and hot headed. >> pete has a reputation, i think, his mouth basically has given him a reputation because of the things he said. >> i'm not different. >> so he is. he calls him as he sees them when it comes to his own family. >> too much money involved and everybody is afraid of what they might lose even if they say something. >> there was family member that that he had a deep connection with. his grandfather, the family patriarch. >> he was special. >> he taught peter about farming and tending the orchard. >> he saw with his eyes. >> when his grandfather died, his life changed. quite suddenly. >> after we buried my grandpa,
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in short order, i was pretty much told by my dad and mom they didn't need my help anymore. i don't know whether it was animosity because i got so close to their dad. >> after an ugly fight with his dad, he moved north into town and started a landscaping business. >> my wife and i had nothing, and when i say nothing, i mean nothing to do with the moors. >> and paul, paul remained the family golden boy, his doting grandmother made sure he never went without. he married a local beauty. this is his wedding video and he waited for the day that he would reign over the land. he was never involved in the big question of when and what to sew so, when to reap.
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those decisions were left up to roberto ayala. anyone could see roberto was a natural farmer and gradually trusted responsibility and the owner's affection came to rest with him. >> paul and i were the boys in the family and should have been the next in line. it wasn't fair. it was a slap in the face. >> and to make that worse, roberto brought his brother eduardo in as an assistant. the cousin, the birth right with held. huge. >> he told me horrible stuff about ed and robert and what they were saying about me. he said that robert told paul he was going to get my share of what my dad was going to leave me. >> the nerves were a little bit raw about ed and robert. >> i was mad. there was a lot of animosity. >> so much so that he jumped
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into his truck and called roberto out. >> i told him let's go. >> your intention was to fight? >> oh, yeah. it settles things. >> roberto had a farm to run. the next time pete heard anything more about roberto was that he was dead. >> what did you think when you heard he was dead? >> i was told it was an accident. >> which is certainly what it was according to the experts from pg&e. just to be sure. the detectives called explosives experts from the neighboring county. >> just to ask them, hey, have you heard of an electrical panel like this blowing up? they hadn't and they came out to look at what we had and form the opinion that it was possibly an explosive device. they called acf and fbi. >> for some that felt like jumping the gun. the last thing he wanted was
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treating them like the feds crying wolf. >> now i have atf and fbi showing up. i was over-welled and concerned that maybe we were calling the agencies for help and really what we have is an accident. we had the guys saying it was a bomb, but they are bomb guys. we are not 100% convinced it's a bomb. >> days after the explosion -- >> we got a visit from paul moore. >> the beloved cousin. the golden boy. he said he found something out at the scene of the accident. something that shouldn't have been there. >> he came across a piece of metal that he found that looked like iron or some kind of galvanized metal. that said to him that there was something more going on. >> did he have other ideas about what happened? >> he told us his cousin made threats timely to the incident.
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>> and there was more. paul showed the son what he received from peter from the rice field from where roberto was killed. >> that was the day before. >> the focus shifts from the nuts and bolts of electrical explosion to an explosive personality. >> pete had a reputation for being a real hot head. without hardly an effort, people miss him off.
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been in office nearly 30 years. knows where the skeltors are buried and knows just about every prominent family in the town, including the moors. >> i said they were odd, that would be a good way of summarizing it. >> odd? >> yes. >> odd how? >> you don't hear a lot about a lot of the families, but you do about this family. >> they complained? >> in such a way that other people found out about it. >> the two cousins? >> pete i have known for years. almost since i have been here and had a reputation for being a real hot head. a lot of mouth. you couldn't back it up, but he had a lot of mouth. without hardly an effort, pete could miss you off. >> when paul came to the authorities and said i think pete is responsible for this, did the suspicion seem plausible? >> yes, it did. we knew pete didn't get along with his family and pete had a hot head and had access to the property.
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>> for paul to denounce pete who was like his brother, sad perhaps, but made sense to the da's office that signed off on the warrant to have pete's house searched. it was just a few blocks away. >> we went out to grab a bite to eat and he saw them all at the house, searching the house. >> mary ellen is his wife. >> couldn't believe it. >> did you think it had something to do with what happened? >> i didn't at first. >> i said what the [ bleep ] is going on here. they grabbed me and escorted me to the front of my house. >> they asked what was going on. they were handed the search warrant, stating investigators were looking for anything connected to bomb-making. >> i said how do you know it was a bomb. they don't know it was a bomb. >> that was the first you heard? >> we thought it was an accident. >> did they seem to be accusing the two of you? >>. >> yes. >> both of you? >> yes. >> were you frightened?
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>> oh, yes. >> what were you afraid of? >> that they thought we did it. >> the raid on peter's house days after roberto's death was big news. a neighbor began sending out realtime updates on facebook. >> there was cars driving around. these detectives were asking questions and they were going through my house. >> when they left? >> they took our computers and cell phones. we had business. >> the whole neighborhood was watching this? >> yes. >> but the search didn't yield a thing. >> we didn't find anything as far as bomb making and instructions on bombs or anything remotely close to that like gunpowder or anything like that. >> so if pete was doing something, it was not at his house. >> not that we could find evidence of. >> he denied having anything to do with it?
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>> yes, he did. >> he couldn't and didn't try to deny his hatred for roberto? >> why did you hate him? >> he was arrogant and flaunted stuff in my face. >> he stole his birth right. a lot of people knew about that. especially the ayalas. when they heard peter's house was being searched? >> i thought it was pete all along. >> why? >> he was the one that had something mean to say. he was always the that hated him. that was the only person i could think of. >> that was a lot of town talk going on. a lot of gossip, rumors. about a reaction after his house was searched, pete got a visit from a friend who heard some things. >> i was working and he saw me and a highway patrol friend of mine backed up and said what the hell are you doing and i said i'm working. he said no, you get in your car
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and get to yuba city or sacramento. they are coming after you. you are the number one suspect. >> pete is in the cross hairs. investigators are about to learn their victim may have made a very different and deadly enemy. >> he later implied that roberto messed with a drug cartel . it's red lobster's big shrimp festival. i get to pick my perfect pair from six creations for just $15.99. so open wide for crispy jumbo tempura shrimp with soy ginger sauce, and make room for creamy shrimp scampi linguini. yeah, we're gonna need a bigger fork. unless i eat those spicy sriracha grilled shrimp right off the skewer. don't judge me. join me. but hurry, because the big shrimp festival ends soon. for a love that can endure any fashion trend, duke's family only feeds him iams with two times the meat than other leading brands it helps keep him strong from tiara to toenail just one of many iams formulas to keep love strong.
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>> what does it tell you? >> there was a lot of force and explosion. >> the pieces were once part of that. >> you have washers and different hardware in here, screws, nuts, wire. just trash. a few fragments. looked like they were from a different puzzle. park r he sent them off to the crime lab for analysis. >> to determine whether or not there was explosives that were collected like gunpowder or nitroglycerin. >> yes. >> then the panel box door found 160 feet from it. >> about four feet tall and two feet wide and weighs somewhere in the neighborhood of 15 to 20 pounds.
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this where the large hole is would be the bomb of the panel. >> the scientists continued their battery of tests, hunting for residue, fingerprints and dna. the detective were on peter moore's stale waiting for him to make a mistake. >> did he leave? what did he do some. >> he didn't leave. >> what were people saying? >> we were hearing that people were saying they thought pete did it. >> didn't make a secret of it, said mary ellen of them or the neighbors. >> that we were guilty. >> i spent days and days crying. i would be at work crying because you don't know what's going on. you don't know who to trust. >> how much were you watched? >> i would wake up to people outside my house. they watched me get up and put a
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shirt on and everybody knows you are a murderer. >> even his relatives seemed convinced of that. his sister stuck by him. >> i'm amazed at how much talking goes on with no actual evidence of -- it's a lot of gossip and people in the business. >> he was extremely rude and said you need to accept this. your brother did this. i broke down because i thought they didn't like him as a person and i think they just to me, my opinion was they wanted it to be him. >> four weeks into the investigation, peter moore was not just the top suspect. he was the only suspect. they had no physical evidence that a murder even occurred, but they continued to watch and wait
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as the weeks went by. a month after, there was news. they had found something. >> there was the presence of explosive residue on the metal fragments submitted. >> so it was a bomb. a murder. then the very next day -- >> i'm sitting in my office talking about what would be next and there was a big envelope. she said i think this is for you guys. it said county sheriff's office, no street address and in the upper left they said ayala case and eight stamps on it. it was pretty light. way too much postage. >> because inside was just a single sheet of paper. an open letter. >> it was claiming responsibility for the bombing. >> the letter is full of misspellings and bad grammar was
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written on a label maker and photocopied. it seemed to be a military trained contract killing who had been hired to kill roberto over a mexico deal gone wrong. >> it was ms 13 behind it. it's a violent el salvador criminal street gang. >> roberto is supposed to be a target? >> the letter implied that he messed with a drug cartel . and ms 13 had been contracted. >> the author of the letter taunted the detectives, writing that lab results would find the powder, but no dna. that was true so far. the point of the letter was a warning. roberto's brother eduardo was next on the hit list. the writer said he turned down the job to kill eduardo, but a
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second assassin would be on the way. >> did you think it was real? >>. >> i didn't know what to think. i never had seen anything like that except on something similar on tv. >> the one thing about that letter was all too obvious. whoever wrote it had inside knowledge. nobody knew about it. >> we hadn't known it was a bomb. for somebody to write a letter claiming responsibility for a bombing, that lended credence to the fact that the author of the letter was the real thing. >> weird. all too weird. the detectives and the others went home for the weekend to digest what they had read and seen. and then monday morning, the phone rang. 7:00 a.m. >> they said we got another one of the letters. we came to work and there was a second letter on my desk.
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this one was slightly smaller or half size, but configured the same way. label maker address and ayala case and way too much postage. a diagram of a bomb. >> invitation from a killer. >> the letter said if you have questions, place an ad in the sacramento bee. the taste of light and fit greek non fat yogurt gives you the power to help make temptation shrink away! light and fit greek. with irresistible flavors like strawberry cheesecake never have 80 calories tasted so satisfying! light and fit greek. taste the power of satisfaction. ♪ dannon ♪ sensational! new lash sensational full fan effect mascara from maybelline new york. our unique fanning brush captures every layer of lashes...
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>> shock. we were amazed. absolutely amazed. i had never seen anything like that before. >> the device as shown in the diagram was a two-inch pipe bomb placed next to a soda bottle full of gasoline. spray painted black. a large bolt could fall on a rat trap causing it to strike a fire. the author said there was a second secret triggering device. either way the bomb was designed to go off when roberto ayala opened the door of the electrical box. >> it could have been almost anything. >> the agent saw how they all fit. the confusing bits and pieces they have been pouring over for the last month. >> it was like someone sent us the cover of the puzzle box.
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>> they matched the bits to the diagram. >> the first thing we looked for was the bolt. there it was. >> the bolt still had fishing string attached just under the head of the bolt which is how it was dedepicted. >> it would have been hanging like a weight. >> correct. that was very clear that bolt was in fact part of our device that was described in the letters. there were fragments of a soda bottle and just like the diagram. >> it was a spring similar to a rat trap and gasoline on the victim's clothing and pieces of the battery that we were able to determine had no business being there. >> if you found the writer of the letters, you found the killer. >> that was our opinion. >> along with the diagram was a second letter.
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the bomber repeated his claim that he was a reluctant assassin. after a career of killing, i want to save a life before i take my life. the bomber repeated his warning. roberto's brother is next. the whole ayala family was in mortal danger. >> he said i wanted to get this letter and have time to help. >> i had been assigned to do something and i don't want it to happen. i want you to revent it. >> that was the gist of the letter. >> did you believe it? >> not exactly. things that we account not release. information about the letters that we could not release. keeping that stuff confidential was important to the integrity. >> but a man's might be in jeopardy. >> we did talk to ed and gave him as strong of a warning as we could without going into detail.
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>> one of the details was that the killer had been given a deadline. >> the letter said he was given weeks to do this and it will be reassigned in five weeks. i wanted to give you time to help these guys and do something. so you had time. >> maybe. >> they said they received the letter and the letter mentioned me. >> roberto's brother, eduardo. he said watch yourself. >> it wasn't justade wardo. whoever was driving roberto's truck, the white f-250 is in great danger. who was that person? roberto's son jesus.
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the threat against the ayalas was looking very real. >> it was real. a lot of sleepless nights. this eczema rene not only had a farm to run, but a murder to solve and two families to protect protect. >> take care of my brother's family and my family and look out for myself. look over your shoulder. the first thing he did was hide the truck. the killer or killers can have a different or better place for a bomb. all i could do is stay safe in my mind. >> somebody sneaky and violent enough to plant a to kill somebody and he did it to one
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person, nothing to stop him from doing it to someone else. >> they left open a possible line of communication. >> they said if you have any questions, place an ad in the sacramento bee help wanted and make sure it's the last ad. >> they placed this classified ad. and waited for a killer to call. investigateors get a fresh piece of evidence. an answering more than message. . >> i'm going to take you out of my dad's will. >> wanted to talk about being disinherited to police. did that spell a motive for murder? sort of magic cloth that sucks in all the dog hair. it's quick and
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if it was real, who sent it? was it from the lead suspect peter moore or a hit man as the letter claimed or from somebody who was not even on the radar? whoever it was, five weeks into the case, it was about the only lead investigators had. they played along with the guy and placed an ad as requested in the sacramento bee. and sure enough, somebody responded. cops rushed the scene and arrested him. >> he was surprised when he got a visit. >> false alarm. just an unlucky guy looking for a job. the killer never called. this whole ms 13 thing, this mexico deal gone wrong was a sort of game the real bomber was playing. the trouble was, nobody knew the rules or the purpose or where the game might end. more than one way to find a guy brazen enough to send that to the cops --
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>> the letters they wanted to get analyzed and fingerprints on the dna. >> the letters and envelopes came back clean as the bomber said they would. what was going on? they seemed the least likely that roberto was mixed up with the drug gang ms 13. the ayalas are a classic boot strap story, roberto a religious man who worked his way up from farm hand to manager and oversaw the multimillion-dollar spread. he knew the land and the machines and he was utterly committed to that work. >> what are did working that farm mean to your dad? >> that was everything. even our lives and his life. our lives revolved around this. we were always there growing up. >> first jobs as kids? >> yes. we learned how to drive on the farm. pretty much do everything on the farm. >> tell me about your dad.
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what kind of a guy was he? >> a hard worker. we looked up to him and admired him. >> and it did not go unnoticed on the moore farm. over the years, they relied a great deal on roberto and treated him more like a favorite son than just an employee. >> how important was family to roberto? >> probably the most important thing. it all revolved around that. we didn't have much, but everywhere he went, we went too. we were always together. >> he was the to go to and keep everybody together. >> they celebrated coming of age ritual when a girl turns 15. when roberto's daughter turned
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15 -- >> that was the only girl. he did everything he could to make that day the best. >> what kinds of things did he do? >> you have to have your father-daughter dance. you feel like you are the only person that exists at that moment. you feel important. >> probably you will never forget that. >> of course for teenagers there is another rite of passage, butting heads with parents. which that last morning may have saved jesus's life. >> for some reason we had an argument that morning and i didn't get to tag along with the ride that day. >> you might otherwise have been there. >> i might have been the to get off. >> why would anybody want to hurt him? >> i can't find a reason as to why someone would want to kill him?
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>> and his bomber, whoever it might be, came close to murdering fabian. >> if you want my butt, bring a child into it. >> they found fabian's plight to be particularly heart breaking. >> i couldn't imagine 7 years old and see my dad blown up. >> and running all that way. >> people don't understand. it was like maybe a couple of miles, but to run through what we call colouisa mud, the rice fields, he had to take his shoes off. you can hardly walk through it. for him to run all that way, that was amazing. i never asked him if he knew what 911 was and he said yeah. i asked request his dad had a cell phone. i said why didn't you use your dad's cell phone and call for help? he was reaching out like this and said i can't. it's in his pocket and he's on
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fire. that stays with you. >> now he's taking letters from roberto's killer, almost taking prideful delight in how he killed the man and almost murdered the boy. who would do such a thing? and why? then four days after the diagram showed up, one of the alpha males of the moore clan walked in the front door. roger moore, paul's dad and like his son wanted to help catch the killer and told the detectives he had important evidence to share. it was an audio tape, answering machine messages his nephew pete left on his phone. >> this is pete. i worked for 20 years so that i could eventually run the farm. >> pete wanted to talk about having been disinherited. >> as you seen i have been taken out of my dad's will.
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>> they contained nothing directly incriminateingcriminating, but after being diverted by the letters, the investigation was back to where it started that peter moore was the prime suspect. but just as all eyes were focused in one particular direction, the very next day the phone rang. >> investigators discover a new suspect. >> we may have somebody else. >> as police go after more evidence, someone comes after them, leaving a at what pointing message out in the field. >> here i am, i'm doing this to you now. come find me.
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agent had an audio tape, letter, and diagram. fragments pointing in wildly different directions to pete moore, for a drug cartel . and now they had another lead. >> somebody made an anonymous call to the sheriff's department and stated you need to be looking at paul moore. >> paul, not peter? >> paul, not peter. >> so all the produce that comes out of that county, the population of humans is small. just 22,000. everybody seems to know just about everybody. when a would be anonymous tipster called the sheriff's office, he wasn't anonymous at all. the detective who took the call recognized the voice and phoned him right back. >> he said you need to come in and talk to us. >> the caller as it turned out
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was this man, dave moore, cousin of roger and gus. with a multimillion-dollar spread of his own and a passion. dave's stepdaughter had once been married to paul. this was a video from their wedding day. a messy divorce followed a few years later. >> david and susan moore came into the office. >> susan moore is dave's wife. >> what did they say when they got into the office? >> they said wire tapping incident. >> wire tapping? >> yes. >> they claimed paul tapped his wife's phone to spy on her during the divorce and sure enough, here are the court do you means. in 1997, paul was arrested on four counts related to tapping both his wife's and in-laws's phones. he pleaded guilt tow eavesdropping, a felony. the other charges were dropped and paul served no jail time.
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the wire tapping story was a prologue to what they were really there to talk about? >> who do you think was responsible for setting off the explosive devices in that panel? >> i think probably 90%, paul. >> david and susan could not give a reason why he would want to kill roberto other than they felt paul had the kind of personality to do something like that while pete didn't. >> you don't think peter is capable of actually developing a sophisticated device that created explosions? >> i'm doubtful of it. i don't know him that well, that well. i really wouldn't think he would do it. i also think he doesn't have the moxie to do it. >> the maintenance?
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>> peter threatened roberto and wanted to fight him. as far as anybody knew, paul had never done anything like that. nevertheless, based on the new evidence from david and susan moore, detectives asked him to come in for another meeting. which he did quite willingly. took him offtime off on a sunday afternoon. >> [inaudible]. >> committed felonies, in fact. then he grew up and he wanted to help in any way he could. even if it meant informing on his beloved cousin, peter. >> for robert, i think he felt his dad was treating robert better than pete did. >> he said something about his dad taking him out of the will. >> one thing though. paul like his second cousin,
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dave, didn't think pete was capable of making that bomb. somebody must have helped him. >> i don't think he had the technical ability to -- unless he seriously had some help. >> this type of thing was done by somebody. maybe who had know how? >> like you guys said, i think that's right. >> who do you think is capable? >> remember, paul's ex-in-laws told the detective that paul was more likely the guilty party. >> probably 90% paul. >> for now the detectives turned the tables and suggested maybe it was he, paul, who was jealous of roberto. >> i didn't hate robert. >> did you not like him? >> i didn't like the fact that he was copping attitude with me.
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it was over something stupid and little. >> the detective pressed paul about his past. >> you have a criminal record. you have been involved in bad stuff. okay? >> i tried to help you guys out through this whole thing and you will start to cop an attitude -- >> i'm not copping an attitude, but i have trouble with some of the stuff you are saying. >> i was a drug addict. everybody knows about it. i put up with a lot of [ bleep ]. >> this must have put a different complexion on paul. >> it did. have thought for sometime that peter was your guy. what was that like? >> it's possible we may have something else to look at? >> indeed they did. attach trackers to both peter and paul's vehicles that produced precisely nothing. more weeks went by.
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eduardo ayala, aware he and his family could be the killer's next target lay awake at night, thinking. >> i would imagine peter trying to build this bomb. but he's got the shakes. i think about that. did he or did he have somebody else do it for him. then the same thing about paul. i could see he was smart. super smart guy. >> by the time the rice crop came in, the whole case had gone into a stall. brian parker was particularly frustrated. the door of the panel had been recovered, the box itself where the bomb had been placed was still missing. >> the most logical place where the remains of the panel was was
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in the river that was directly behind where the explosion was. >> they called in an fbi dive team that spent days mucking through the bottom of the canal next to where the bomb had gone off. agent parker who had been monitoring the search had a strange incident one day. >> all of a sudden the tire went flat. >> this is what flattened the tire. a homemade spike. >> the spike was constructed as a harvester sickle. further inspection of the area, we found another spike. >> almost like a challenge to us. here i am. i am doing this to you. come find me. basically they are coming after the cops. >> investigators may be able to fight back with new ammunition as they finally turned up evidence of one of the letters the killer sent. >> there was a dna profile on the back of one of the stamps
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that was affixed to the envelope. e promise of tomorrow awaits. welcome the morning with a vitamin-dense bowl of sun-grown grains and fiber. drenched in a bath of lean protein. nourishment. powerful and delicious. tomorrow, serve your body well. ♪ the sun'll come out tomorrow ♪ kellogg's® special k red berries. see you at breakfast™. introducing the citi ® double cash card. it earns you cash back now and cash back later. with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay with two ways to earn on puchases, it makes a lot of other cards seem one-sided. alright, so this tylenol arthritis lasts 8 hours, but aleve can last 12 hours... and aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. so why am i still thinking about this? how are you? aleve, proven better on pain.
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electrical box in which the bomb had been placed. after months of sitting in water and mud, there was no trace of dna or fingerprints. the only story this metal told was -- >> this case is going nowhere. >> now, with little hope of finding the key piece of evidence that would put the case away, the detectives tried the good old fashioned tool of policing, shoe leather and tire treads and around the clock surveillance aided by tracking devices. >> i put a geofence, a big geofence around where i live and around the sheriff's department. >> he felt he needed it after someone targeted law enforcement with the spikes in the road. >> if the vehicle or the gps monitor travels into the locations, you get an alert. >> in addition the detective
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would log to in check on the whereabouts of peter and paul's truck. on the morning of thanksgiving day, more than four months after the bombing, he turned on his computer to find the tracker on paul moore's truck. >> it had gone dead. we had no signal and this was the type that you could call. it's like calling on the cell phone. wake it up because they go to sleep when they are not moving and where are you? we couldn't get a response from him. >> the device may have died or been found, so he got into his car with his partners and drove to paul's house to see if the truck was there. >> we got to his house and i look at the kitchen window and they are staring at me. >> he hadn't recognized him. the detective hit the road. >> as we are leaving town, he is following us in his truck and he pulls in behind us. i speed up and he speeds up.
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i'm up to about 85. he pulls in the lane and i slam on the brakes and he keeps going. i lose pace of him at 95. i called him in and chp would get a stop on it. >> what was that about? >> i have no idea who chases the police. that's the first time that ever happened in my career. >> by now your suspicions were ratcheted up. >> yes, they were. >> you are worried about your own safety. >> there were concerns for our safety. we are dealing with a person who is violent enough to plant a bomb. >> was that person paul moore? paul had a criminal history, but was he a killer? there were things about paul's past he was unable to share with us, but we discovered an old court record with a smart expensive lawyering that go way
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beyond tapping an ex-wife's cell phone. in 1997 paul was arrested after an incident in san francisco one night. ugly accusations of rape and false imprisonment and assault trying to run his victim over with a pickup truck. changes that could put him in prison for a decade or more. paul served nearly three years driving back and forth between his place and san francisco engaged in a series of court maneuvers. the result? paul simply got probation after pleading no contest to assault with intent to commit rape, but denying blame for the offense. the other charges were dropped. but the conviction put paul on california's sex offender's list, searchable by county. the fear that someone was bound to find out his secret, he went into exile near santa cruz. however as part of the original
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plea deal, paul's intent to commit rape conviction was dropped. vacated in 2007, seven years later. he pleaded no contest to the assault with a deadly weapon charge and he was no longer a sex offender and the son was welcomed home. that part of his past, a carefully guarded secret from most of the folks here. but pete's past was not a secret. everybody knew he didn't like roberto ayala and everybody knew he was a suspect. around town, could you hear what people were whispering? >> pete. pete, pete, pete. >> not paul? >> not paul. >> then five months into the investigation, there was news of the sort from one of the crime labs. a male leg hair was found under the label of an envelope and the dna came back matching nobody.
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no one in the moore family or anyone in the code us database anyway. odd. had it been plant there to throw off investigators? then it gave up what appeared to be a real clue. >> there was a dna profile from fingerprint ridge detail on the back of one of the stamps that was affixed to the envelope that one of the letters was sent in. >> what came back? >> the contributor of the dna from the fingerprint material was similar to paul moore. >> case closed, right? not this time. this time there was a bust. >> similar to paul moore. but it wasn't a match. >> the dna sample is so minute that forensic scientists were unable to build a sequence, meaning the dna may have come
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from paul moore, but they couldn't say it was a 100% match. while the dna didn't match anyone else including peter, the fact that paul couldn't be excluded was nothing that would hold up in court. >> it was beyond frustrating to hear that we have an almost match, but we can't say for sure. >> still, it did give them an idea. one shot at it might work. a killer seemingly revealed by a blank sheet of paper. >> i got chilled going on the back of my neck saying this is not happening right now. ♪ it's not new. and that's what you like about it. it is not back. but it's always got yours.
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do do with the murder that placed eduardo in the hitchcockian situation of working side by side with the man who may have murdered his brother. >> just like i'm looking at you, i talked to him like i'm talking to you. in the back of my mind, i thought you are the that did it. >> while the dna was not strong enough to old up in court, it was significant enough to get a warrant to search paul's home. what was thereafter worth, five long months after. >> he had done a major cleaning of his house and we had conversation about this. >> a what's the point conversation? >> that was one of the things that was talked about and the decision was made. i didn't want to leave it untouched. >> your expectations had that? >> one crack at it is house, they wanted to make sure they did a thorough search.
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they got a team of investigators from various law enforcement agencies. >> before we searched the search warrant, we had a briefing. >> one was a detective from a neighboring town. jose chewy ruiz. >> he showed me a diagram of the bomb. it can be related to bombing. >> they arrived on that after daybreak unannounced, of course. paul waited outside while each took a piece of the house and in they went. >> i found some manila envelopes, a copier and a printer. >> the problem is that paul's home owned by the moore family doubled as a farm office. there were printers and copiers and envelopes expected to be there too. >> as you ran around and found those things, what were you thinking? >> we wanted that one really, really good piece of physical
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evidence. >> what you found so far was not it? >> no. >> specifically what did you find of value? >> i didn't find anything. we took his cell phones. there were two in the car. >> basically nothing? >> no. >> the detective was assigned to the diming room that doubled as an office. >> what did you see? >> a lot of paperwork. lots of paperwork filed everywhere on the table. >> the room was full of paper? >> yes. >> the sun was just breaking over the horizon. light angled through the blinds. the detective poking through all those papers and office supplies when a curious thing caught his eye. it was the way that almost horizontal beam of light was on a blank sheet of paper. >> i noticed the paper had several impressions on it. >> impressions? writing? >> like when you draw something on the top sheet of paper and it goes through.
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>> the next sheet down? >> yes. that got my attention right away. i picked it up and it was one of those moments where i was like hmm, i turned different angles and turned it in half and it was one of those things where i got chills on the back of my neck. hairs are standing up. no way. this is not happening right now. one of the officers that was helping us looked at me and said what are you looking at. it was a blank sheet of paper. i said you are not going to believe this. you need to get the detective now. >> he is holding this white piece of paper in his hand and kind of got it bent a little bit and he said look at this. i immediately looked at this and i'm going oh, my god. what he is holding in his hand is an indented writing copy of the diagram that we received in the mail. >> this is the sheet of paper detectives found. you can see the indentations of
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the threats in the middle of the page about a middle of the way down. here's that same sheet of paper enhanced by the crime lab. and here is the original bomb diagram mailed to investigators in august. >> the most amazing thing in the world. this is the smoking gun. >> unbelievable. couldn't believe it. exciting doesn't begin to describe. elated maybe. >> then what happened? >> i went out and arrested paul moore. >> pete moore seems to be in the clear. but he has yet another shock in store. >> there is no scale for this. this changes you forever.
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there was a part of me that was relieved it was over for pete. that he wasn't mixed in with it. at the same time i was sad. it was my cousin that we grew up with as part of my family. >> my youngest sister, mary called me on the phone and said they just arrested paul for the murder of robert ayala. i was in the middle of the parking lot and i fell to my knees and started screaming. >> human nature is a funny thing. suspicion once embedded is resistant. when paul moore was arrest and charged with the murder, his cousin peter began to experience that particular phenomenon personally. around town, people still seemed to believe that pete was the murderer. ironic perhaps, but for all his bluster, he has never been arrested and in trouble with the law. he runs his own business and has
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been a good father and over the years has taken in wayward teens to give them a better start. kids like nick. >> other foster homes do it for the money. pete, he didn't ask for any money in return. he fed me, clothed me and gave me a car to drive. i look at pete like a dad. anybody that has anything bad to say about pete never took the time to get to know him. he is a good loving person with a huge heart. we need more pets in this world. >> why were the cops so focused on pete to begin with? he said his could you have been paul planned the whole thing and set out to frame him. first by lying and saying roberto or robert as pete called him, was out to steal his birth right. >> he would tell me horrible stuff about ed and robert and said he was going to get my share of what my dad would leave me at the ranch.
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paul would say stuff to me and he knew he was going to make me want to say something and fight with somebody. >> and pete? he said he was simply blind to paul's manipulation. >> when you are going through your everyday life and someone sets you up for over a year and a half, you don't know who to believe and my life was so spun out of control and i couldn't figure out what was going on. >> his wife said she could clearly see paul was baiting pete. >> we talked to him all the time. >> when pete got home -- >> he would be angry. ub set. telling us things that we didn't even know if they were true. >> dave and sue moore thought paul was setting pete up. >> they talked a lot between themselves too and think paul had been able to manipulate pete. >> pete didn't see it and didn't realize he was being played by
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his cousin. that couldn't be. >> we grew up and we were together every day. our parents bought us walkie talkies and i would sit in my back bedroom was and he lived down at the corner down there and we talked to each other until we went to sleep. >> his cousin paul, the golden boy was about to go on trial for the murder of roberto ayala. as for pete, the person treated in this town like he bore the mark of a king -- >> i had several low points in my life, there is no scale for this. this changes you forever. >> the next chapter was not from the book of genesis. more like the story of job. >> one thing that is unique or special about colusa county, any time i had a big case, i can go into any coffee shop or restaurant and they are solving it for me.
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>> those get twisted fast. >> they get twisted really fast. it was constantly you know pete moore did it. my response was that's not the direction i'm going in. >> not the direction at all. in fact, they were about to put pete on the prosecution team as a key witness against paul. making pete work with the same people who at one point were hoping to put him in prison. that uncomfortable fact was irresistible for paul. pete's first day on the stand. >> it was pete said the defense, pete had the motive to kill man and implicate another. a master plan that gave him everything he wanted. >> peter is the one who indicated i have been in landscaping for 20 years. i am broken down.
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the bomber and built a case against him. so when peter's cousin paul was arrested, his defense asked an obvious question. what if the first instinct was correct? what if pete did it? >> peter has animosity and made threats. peter is the that wants in to the farming operation. >> linda is paul moore's attorney and presented a mirror image of the state's case ak nling that one cousin was out to frame the other only in her version, paul was the student and peter the mastermind. >> peter is the who indicated i have been in landscaping for 20 years. i am tired. i'm broken down.
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i want to be in the farming operation. what better way to take out roberto and to take out paul? >> to counter that argument, the prosecution was forced to call pete as a witness, knowing that would make him a punching bag. >> she said you are a murderer, aren't you? those are your words, not mine. >> she thought she could by grilling peter uncover the evil, the monster. >> the assistant attorney was there during the trial. >> i was completely satisfied there was no monster to uncover and i for the most part let her go at him. >> the courtroom tactic not appreciated by pete. >> after the first day, i said you guys need to get this lady off of me. she is on me like a dog on a piece of raw meat. they said there was nothing we can do for you.
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we have to let her ask anything or the jury will think you are righting something. you have to be kidding me. >> it was excruciating because i knew what he was going through and i was waiting for him to explode explode. >> they claimed that pete somehow planted the bomb diagram in paul's home. >> mr. moore who works at that desk daily never notices this? if he is the culprit, he never sees an indentation of a diagram and said thank god i saw that. let me get rid of that. >> to think that peter would know enough about when the police are going to arif and know that some junior officer is going to happen to notice this very faint image of a diagram on a white piece of paper that he never would have seen if the light was not just right.
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>> if i'm peter moore and i engage in this and they don't find this, my plan didn't work. but if they do find it, it's a home run for me. and there is very little risk to me, peter, to engage in it. it's not like i have to break into the police department and tamper with evidence. >> paul's fingerprints were all over that paper and peter's were not. >> i would agree with that that he had been in the house and he may have touched it. in fact that's a way the prints were situated, it's likely that one leaned on it to open up the window. it was consistent with that. >> peter denied he placed the blank sheet of paper and said he hadn't been in paul's house for years. they played a wild card and confronted pete with this video
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found on one of pete's computers days after the bombing. slow motion video of a rat trap snapping on carrots and ending on a burst of flame as the track sets off a lighter just like the bomb. >> i submit to you this video. more or less comports with the diagram. >> it shows a rat trap hitting a lighter. >> it shows a rat trap which is an unusual triggering device. it shows a screw activating the rat trap and then a component. >> was pete investigating bomb making ideas? there was a chance. >> there was nothing on this hard drive that indicates to me that anyone was using it to research how to build explosives. >> kevin is the investigator that did the search of peter moore's computer.
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>> sometimes what's not there is more important and what's not there was someone indicating for someone looking for directions on how to build a bomb. i saw someone surfing the internet and nothing about that video that was tied into making a bomb. >> and pete told the court the laptop on which the video was found belonged to his son who was then supposed to testify which did not sit well with pete. >> i tried to keep my kids away from this and once again they tied my hands behind my back and i had no choice and my son had to go on the stand. >> a sense of betrayal deeply felt by the man who speaks his mind. >> everybody pretty much threw me to the wolves. >> for days, you were essential essentially on trial. your cousin was on trial for murder, but it was like you were.
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>> i was on trial. i was. i was on trial for basically for my life. i had no protection. >> with pete now off the stand, the prosecution team stood a case to make, but with limited evidence. they couldn't mention the dna found on the stamp. no the conclusive nor could they tell about paul's assault and attempt to commit rape in san francisco. not relevant. in addition, linda claimed there was no motive, no reason for paul moore to kill roberto ayala. >> for all law enforcement, they could not come up with anyone who said i heard paul moore say he wanted to hurt roberto. but they did find this document titled by mooif, a rameling self pitying crete. what did i do wrong?
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my dad really thinks i'm stupid. he is saying how smart robert is. it came down to a single sheet of blank paper like a test to the jury. would they see the guilt or a plot to frame him? a verdict that would divide this tight knit town and rip apart this family all over again. >> we would start crying. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it
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folks around him and get away with bad behavior. at the trial here in sacramento, paul's defense attorney followed by now what was a familiar script. she accused peter of murdering roberto ayala. >> peter moore has a lifetime of making threats. paul has not made threats. paul works with roberto. >> which is how she presented paul to the jury. of course if you know, paul had
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a deeply troubled history with the law. violent sexual offense in his background. the jury didn't get to hear that nor were they told about the dna that was possibly paul's contaping the bomb diagram excluded. would they see the same paul moore that the prosecutors saw? >> it's like a marvel comic book. he is bright and clever and evil as can be. he has a flaw to him. his flaw is his arrogance. >> the jury retired to think about it. and they were not fooled. after just five hours of deliberation, they walked back into the courtroom and declared paul moore guilty of murder. the judge sentenced him to life in prison. >> i remember driving away from the courtroom and my wife and i
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were together. we would start crying. because we knew it was over. i did a job and i went in there and i did my job. i told everything i knew. it wasn't easy because i basically put away somebody who i loved. >> pete is not so blind, but he doesn't see how he was used by the kid with whom he spent the long lazy days on the river. the man he treated and trusted like a brother. >> what do you think paul's motive was? >> he used to talk about that robert thinks he is so smart. by killing him, i think he got one over on robert. i believe paul is trying to
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finger me for doing it and him and his dad would have the place to themselves. that's the only thing that makes sense to me. >> he wishes the moors could go back to the beginning when it meant family. >> if i had it my way, i would be running the ranch and the grandkids would be over here enjoying themselves. it would be like a family-run business. >> that's just a fantasy. the family is divided more now than ever. >> it's like we are our own worst enemies. i asked people in the family where does the anger come from? it's like the whole family is mad. >> i wish there was not so much hate and anger in our family. that we just -- everybody treated each other like a family is supposed to treat each other. >> since the trial, paul's father roger believed him to be innocent.
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his own son convicted of murdering the man he treated like a son. other members of the moore family declined our request for introduce after the verdict too. even most of those who support pete. they said they didn't want to stir things up. >> i know some of the people you talk to and i know they backed out and told me. i respect them for calling me and telling me, but it's about what might come somebody's way. >> would it be fair for us to say that some are afraid to talk because they may be disinherited some. >> that's 100% true. nobody wants to do what's right for fear it's losing the chance at money. >> for pete and his dad who had a number of strokes, it's never too late. will pete ever claim the inheritance? who knows. >> no one knows what the wills say. no one know what is the will says.
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>> would you want the farm? >> no. >> why? >> too much. anger and hurt. >> rumor, whispers, lies and come disguised as truth in the nation's capital or a small town in a california valley. >> whispers are working their way around town and people still talk. what do you hear them say? >> the most recent was pete must have at least been involved. so they moved some. >> one of the reasons they agreed to talk was to make perfectly clear to his friends and neighbors that peter moore was in no way involved in roberto ayala's murder. >> i get the feeling that people were mad. it's not like you can voice your opinion because you are a
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murderer. no one will take us through anymore. i want to go from here. i don't know. i want to be left alone. >> what's the moral behind all of this if there is one? >> wow. that's a good question. there is so much involved here. i would say the moral of the story is be happy with what you have. accept the family that you do have. >> the ayalas. >> i was relieved. i didn't have to look over my shoulder anymore. i knew at that point that everybody was safe. >> since their father's murder, jesus went back to college. he is getting a degree in criminal justice. he works at the local hardware
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store and enrolled in college. and fabian? the boy who ran for miles through the fields of sun flowers trying to save his dad's is 10 now he is a disciplined athlete and plays football and baseball and soccer and wanted to talk to us about his dad. >> what did he want for you? >> a good career. >> did you talk about that with him? >> yes. he told me to study hard. >> what do you want the world to know about your father? >> that he was a good person. like he would always want to do things. he would take me out when he had something to do. >> you were the apple of his eye. you loved to be with him. >> yeah. >> two families in the great fertile valley of california.
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