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tv   Today  NBC  February 28, 2015 5:30am-7:01am PST

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good morning. breaking overnight. last-minute reprieve. facing a midnight deadline congress passes a measure to fund the department of homeland security for one week. so what's next and is the speaker's job in jeopardy? we are live with the d.c. drama. on the defensive. prime minister david cameron answers the question of the forces drove jihadi john into the hands of isis. >> having making incredible judgment and they make good judgment on our behalf. >> this morning what we are
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length learning about the man behind the mask. the dress one by lupita n'yongo was apparently found overnight in the hotel where it was reported missing. and too much for tv? "sex box" premiered last night where couples worked out problems in front of a live audience. it has a lot of people talking. "today" saturday february 28th 2015. >> announcer: from nbc news this is "today," with lester holt and erica hill. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning. welcome to "today" on saturday morning. i'm erica hill. >> i'm craig melvin alongside sheinelle jones alongside dylan
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dreyer. lester has the morning off. can you imagine the pitch for "sex box?" i have this great idea. we will get to that later. we want to start with our top story. that is congress battling to pass a stop gap measure overnight to keep funding the department of homeland security. what they came up with is a one-week deal. it is a defeat for house majority leader john boehner who could not get his members to vote for a three-week deal. we have nbc's kristen welker with more. >> reporter: president obama signed the bill to fund dhs, but a political nail biter. with less than two hours before the department of homeland security was scheduled to shutdown, congress passed the mere one-week extension to keep the agency opened. that short-term resolution came after the defeat for john boehner. boehner brought to a vote a bill that would fund it for three
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weeks. boehner failed to get enough votes from members of his party. that proposal failed. at issue, conservative republicans want any legislation that funds dhs to block the president's immigration action to provide relief from deportatn from immigrants. those republicans argue that the president overstepped his constitutional authority. the president defended his action on immigration and vowed to veto any bill to block him. the rationale will give the congress here some room to reach a longer-term deal. this all comes, of course as republicans have taken control of congress and mitch mcconnell vowed to never shutdown government again. is the first test of that pledge and the republican ability to lead. some republican lawmakers this morning are privately wondering if the latest incident could
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threaten to unravel boehner's speakership. >> kristen thank you. the winter that will not quit. another huge winter storm affecting millions in the dallas area friday. the sudden snow caught so many off guard, there were hundreds of car accidents, including this one. a 40-car pileup. more snow is expected in dallas today. that same system is working its way to the midwest and the northeast. as always, dylan dreyer has her eye on this one. >> dallas hit a daily record for snowfall totals. 2 inches of snow yesterday. it seems we have been talking about northern texas for snow. the cold has stretched to the south. today, we are looking at a very very cold day in chicago. this could be one of the coldest this season. we are always saying that. it is 7 below right now in chicago. actual air temperature. cleveland, 8 below. 5 in albany. here is where we have the snow.
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down through northern texas, that is where it is starting to move out and spread into oklahoma where we will see in oklahoma city problems on the roads this morning. we have winter weather advisories in effect. a couple of areas of warnings. advisories are not as significant as warnings. that means we will get snow and it will cause problems. not a huge snowstorm, but enough to cause problems down through oklahoma city and into parts of kansas. we are looking for the snow to eventually change over to freezing rain through central oklahoma and eventually will change over to rain in dallas. 1 to 2 inches of snow. it starts to move through st. louis as we go through tonight and tomorrow morning. again, 4 to 6 inches. st. louis and cincinnati and then sunday it will move into new england with 4 to 7 inches possible. that could break the all-time record for snowiest season for boston. pittsburgh could see 6 to 9. it is not a major snowstorm. it is more snow on top of what has been a snowy season. >> to think this is the last day
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of february. >> right. there is an end in sight. >> should be. >> there is hope. i'm sticking with that. dylan, thanks. turning now, we are learning details about the man known as jihadi john. british leaders are vowing to do everything they can to take him out while also defending themselves against charges that security forces allowed this man to escape into the arms of isis. nbc's keir simmons is in london for us this morning. keir good morning. >> reporter: erica, good morning. the u.k. prime minister has been forced to defend the security agency saying the organization has done so much to protect britain from terrorists attacks. at the same time, u.k. lawmakers are questioning whether more could have been done as we learn more about the man who came to be known as jihadi john. the isis executioner unmasked. while this morning, his network of london extremists is uncovered.
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britain's prime minister vowed to pursue the jihadists. >> when there are people anywhere in the world who commit appalling and heinus crimes against citizens we will do everything we can with the police and security services and all we have at our disposal to find these people. >> reporter: mohammed emwazi was a computer student at the university of westminster. at the time extremists groups met on campus. >> we see evidence of jihadist videos seen on the university. >> reporter: and this is emwazi as a grade schooler in 1998. he wrote on his yearbook he liked "the simpsons" and playing playstation. he went on to join the most know notorious killers in the world. his family moved to britain in the '90s. emwazi's home is a mile away
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from the scene of a dramatic terrorist arrest a decade ago. the suspects have been hunted by police after a failed bombing. emwazi was then 18. the british security agencies believe the men arrested here were linked to associate of mohammed emwazi. that associate spent time in terrorist training camped in somalia. court papers say he and emwazi were involved in the provision of funds and equipment to somalia to undertake terrorism activity. this morning, another extremist, grew up close to emwazi. last year in new york abdul's father pleaded guilty to charges. british officials questioned emwazi but failed to stop him leaving. many are now asking why. one of emwazi's former teachers had told the bbc that while at
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high school he underwent anger management therapy, but said after that he seemed to be doing well. he did not come from a troubled background ba considered he would be a success story when he left. it is still a mystery, erica, over how that young man turned into the man we saw in the brutal videos. >> so many people wondering. keir simmons, thank you. the white house is reacting to the murder of critic vladimir putin. sheinelle has that story. >> yes. good morning. president obama is condemning the killing of the outspoken putin foe. boris nemtsov. a prompt investigation is being issued for the murder. authorities say a small town shooting spree in missouri may have been triggered by the death of the suspect's ailing mother.
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36-year-old joseph aldridge killed seven people. his 74-year-old mother was found dead at her home. one person survived and is in the hospital this morning. now to hollywood where there may be a break in the case that has the town buzzing. the missing oscar dress mystery. the dress valued at $150,000 worn by actress lupita n'yongo at the oscars may have been recovered. police say the dress turned up in the bathroom of the same hotel where it was stolen early early this week. authorities tipped off by celebrity site tmz after they say a man claiming to be the thief called in reporting the pearls were fake. >> is it heavy? >> i feel. >> the calvin klein one-of-a-kind stunned. it had everyone talking. even us.
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>> i thought lupita n'yongo's dress was stellar. >> lupita is luminous. >> now, it tmz is reporting the dress was never real. lupita n'yongo has been a darling of the red carpet since the 2014 oscar win for "12 years a slave." still no word from her publicist. a federal appeals court ruled the trial of the boston marathon suspect can stay in massachusetts. lawyers for dzhokhar tsarnaev argued it would impossible for him to get a fair trial in boston. the court ruled that knowledge of a case does not equate to prejudice. the april 2013 attack killed three people and injured more than 260. gas prices are soaring for drives in california. at sstations they are up 25 cents a gallon since monday. this comes after an explosion at
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a refinery in torrence. at the same time another refinery in northern california was down. both refineries produce 17% of the state's gasoline. illinois congress member aaron schock has repaid the government $40,000 for the renovation. the lawmaker's makeover looked like something from "downton abby." the decor went viral and triggered questions about his spending. he remains under scrutiny for using taxpayer money on flights. a tokyo transformation for prince william not to be missed. the duke of cambridge shed his royal suit for a samurai royal headgear while touring a station on saturday. prince william tried out another hot seat here. the news anchor desk. his visit has been a huge hit
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with the dogs getting into the royal spirit. >> that looks like our old set. >> it might have been. who know where is it ended up. >> we sent it to japan. sheinelle, thanks. dylan is back. we are dealing with cold. our friends are dealing with rain. >> they are going to see rain. it will turnover to snow and turn back to rain. this is our next storm system that is actually going to move into the northeast by the time we get to wednesday. for today, we have the snow back through the plain states. then as we go into this afternoon, we will see heavy snow takeover in the rockies. that will spread east and turn into a rain storm for the northeast. temperatures by wednesday could make it close to 5 you. meteorologist anthony slaughter. we are tracking showers. yes, a wet saturday, you can see on our doppler radar, showers off the coast, between monterey and across the santa cruz mountains. activity will be spotty today, not everybody will see the rain but everybody will see cool
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temperatures but cloudy conditions. temperatures topping out in the upper 60s to low 60s. 60 in san francisco, on and off showers. south bay, thunderstorms later this afternoon. and that's your latest forecast. >> all right. thank you so much. conservative republicans are wrapping up a three-day conference today at cpac. a chance for the possible 2016 presidential candidates including jeb bush to rally the faithful. bush faced a lot of doubters yesterday. nbc's kristen welker is back with that story. kristen. >> reporter: well a lot of people focused on him, that's for sure. the race for the white house heats up. the conference was a big test for former governor jeb bush. he is seen by many within the republican party as the establishment candidate. on friday bush defended his credentials. >> god bless you. >> reporter: he is often thought of as one of the republican's more moderate candidates.
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on friday former governor jeb bush pushed back against skeptics. >> practicing reform-minded conservative. >> reporter: one o thorny issues is immigration. he wrangled for reform and stressing better border security and defending the plan for undocumented immigrants. >> we should give them a path for legal status where they work and don't receive government benefits and don't break the law. >> reporter: bush stood by his record on education and supporting the common core which many republicans oppose. >> the federal government has no role in the standards. the federal government has no role in the creation of curriculum and content. >> we don't need a bush. >> reporter: few walked out, but for the most part he got a good reception. >> all he wanted to do was do no
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harm. here are my credentials. this is who i am. >> reporter: more conservative candidates, scott walker and ted cruz and rand paul fired up the base. >> it is time for hillary clinton to permanently retire. >> reporter: now bush also joked about the fact that while his mother once told matt lauer she did not want to see anymore bushs run for president, she is now on board for the bush run. senator rand paul won the straw poll for the last two next. >> kristen welker thank you. turning to a case in massachusetts. an 18-year-old girl charged in connection with the friend's suicide. that charge involuntary manslaughter because police say she not only failed to stop her friend's suicide, but encouraged him to go through with it. we have more from nbc's ron mott. >> reporter: police say
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18-year-old conrad roy killed himself by carbon monoxide in the small town near cape cod. more than 1,000 text messages between the teenager and friend that led to involuntary manslaughter charges this month against 18-year-old michelle carter she was indicted in juvenile court as she was 17 at the time of roy's death. >> she was alleged to influence his decision to take his own life. encouraged him and guided him in the activities which led to his death. >> reporter: authorities say michelle encouraged conrad to get in the vehicle and complete the act after a text message expressing doubts about going through with the suicide. >> this is a young woman who led a double life.g him to kill himself and grief his death.
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>> reporter: michelle posted condolences on social media and organized a softball fund-raiser for mental health awareness in honor of her friend. court documents show she told friends she was worried about his safety. all the while, texting him about finishing his suicide. >> i'm angry, but it's bringing things back again. it is really hard. >> reporter: michelle carter's attorney says he expects the charges to be dismissed. they are trying to claim it is manslaughter when the boy freely took his own life. for "today," ron mott nbc news boston. still to come on "today," from the dramatic end to the "american sniper" trial to
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back on saturday morning with the download. the feature that let's you catch up. >> it is impossible to pay attention to every story every week. this is our way of helping you do that and catch up a bit every saturday morning. we will take a few minutes to bring you the biggest stories of the week in "the download." >> developments in the war on isis. >> the london-raised man unmasked as isis so-called jihadi john. >> he is mohammed emwazi. mid-20s. college educated. born in kuwait. came to the u.k. in 1994. >> meantime, we are learning more about the three men from brooklyn in custody accused of supporting isis. >> the first part of our interview with the family of kayla mueller. the 26-year-old american hostage died in the hands of isis. >> the kayla i remember is a little sister playing in the backyard. that's what i miss. >> she changed our lives direction. i think that is all i remember
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about kayla other than my little girl. >> i want to get the bad guys. >> from the silver screen to the texas courtroom. we watched the "american sniper" trial come to a close. >> we the jury find the defendant eddie ray routh guilty. >> we waited two years for god to give justice on behalf of our son. >> and now for the first time we are hearing what was presented to the jury. like police dash cam video of routh's failed escape an attempt. another disaster on the rails. >> an explosive collision in the morning commute to los angeles. >> this time a passenger train running head-on into a pickup truck. >> three cars flipped on their sides. the 49 people aboard suffered moderate to major injuries. >> a winter weary america endured at week of freezing temperatures and dangerous road conditions. >> is there any end in sight?
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>> now on the hudson on ice. i feel like by the time this winter's over you will have me sleeping in an igloo. >> and the clock ticked down on the department of homeland security boehner took the stage. >> it will be a clean funding bill. you put it on the floor? you kill it? have you had the discussion? >> when we make decisions, i'll let you know. it's just a kiss. >> and in entertainment, madonna had audiences gasping. ♪ >> madonna performing her song "living for love" wednesday night when she took a frightening fall. turning to a question that has divided the nation. is this dress white and gold or blue and black? and with that #thedress was born. everyone weighed in from actors to restaurants. kim kardashian tweeted i see white and gold.
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kanye sees black and blue. >> and in arizona. >> a desperate chase for fugitives. >> who llamas on the loose. the llama drama trending on twitter. it did not end well. they were lassoed by modern-day cowboys. a good run while it lasted. >> i love the run away llamas. >> they were part of that. the cowboy coming in at the end and saving the day. >> it takes the cowboy. >> fantastic. >> can you imagine getting that call? we need you on the highway. >> we have to shutdown. >> llamas can be really mean. we did that story a couple of weeks ago with the ranching nones. they loaned llamas out to protect the cattle from coyotes. the llamas will go after them. >> they will spit on you. >> i may have gotten -- >> you spit on me when you said that. >> when were you on the boat dylan, that was amazing.
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>> it was awesome. >> i know you said we were going to send you on an igloo. i have a proposal. last year if you watched the show last year dylan and i went to the ice hotel. jenna could not make it. we went tubing. we had a great time. then dylan got called back to cover a storm. i stuck in the ice hotel. >> by yourself? >> no my producer sam. he hated me for months. it wasn't that bad. dylan, i checked with our executive producer. we are going back to the ice hotel. >> no way! >> yes. we are going to the ice hotel. >> she doesn't look excited. >> i'm kidding. >> if we were on network television she probably would have said something. >> if you want to go you could. >> you want to sleep there again? once was enough. >> let's go from that to this. still to come on "today,"
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you have heard about "sex box?" that sparks the controver wow, look at. good morning wowing a live look over san jose on saturday morning. cloudy skies ahead of what most of us will experience will be a rainy saturday.
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good morning i'm keystone xlkira klapper. anthony slaughter has the microclimate forecast. >> showers that are wrapping around an area of low pressure. right on top of us this area of low pressure will produce rain showers for us. snow showers across the sierra across the day only a few inches. not talking about a lot of rain. at most, showers will put down a quarter of an inch and that will be it. doppler fired up across the peninsula. showers across the foothills but that's. through the day, more showers will develop and potential thunderstorms expected across the south bay. best time for thunderstorms today around 11:00 this morning and 3:00 this afternoon. after that showery activity will taper down. cool day temperatures topping out in the upper 50s to low 60s for daytime highs. >> we haven warned. new this morning a driver is dead after a fatal crash on interstate 580, a close call for
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contract workers. it happened about 2:45 in oakland near the grand avenue off-ramp. the chp tells us the driver was driving at least 100 miles an hour when he hit a work crew near a crew. the freeway was shut down for an hour. no work crews were injured during that crash. new details this morning as our cars get more high-tech, so too are burglars. sausalito police are looking for this man who broke into a car with a fake key fob to gain keyless entry as seen. he stole a woman's bag and her $15,000 bike. he deactivated the sensor on her car door. experts say thieves are learning how to override electronic locks with tools like hand-held electronic scanner boxes. those can mimic keyless entry key fobs giving criminals access to your carp the victim
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and police hope the surveillance video will lead to an arrest. a recipe stolen from a bay area bakery. why the owner says recipes won't work for someone else and probably won't press charges if police find that thief. that plus top stories at 7:00. right now, back to the "today" show show. . #
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so alexa and christopher, are you ready to enter the sex box? >> that is tv's newest reality show. a lot of people are talking this morning. "sex box" premiered last night. it involving couples with relationship problems and a box and sex. is it too much for cable tv? just ahead, we'll look at the controversy surrounding the latest relationship reality show. >> oh boy. we are back on this saturday morning. february 28th, 2015. hard to believe that march starts tomorrow. we are going to head out in a few minutes to spend time with our chilly friends on the plaza. still to come this half hour a rossen reports investigation as
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well. when you buy a clothing item billed as having fake fur, is it really fake? we'll discuss this one. >> this one shocked me. it is such a great story. also ahead this mo the debate turning friend and family against one another. craig melvin really fired up on this one. when you look at a picture of this dress, which color do you see, a white dress with gold or blue dress with black? coming up a science expert explains why so many people see it as white and gold. >> it's not. it is just black and blue. >> i'm with you. >> i feel the picture is different. i see one picture. i thought it was blue. now i see it as white. i don't know what is going on anymore. >> we'll break it down. but we'll start this half hour with the new show "sex box" that debuted last night. as you can imagine, it has a lot of folks talking. just a heads-up a lot of adult content.
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this may not be appropriate if you have little ones in the room right now. nbc's kristen dahlgren is here with what the show is all about. >> good morning, craig. zblus when we think we have seen it all, here we are talking about the show "sex box." just like it sounds. couples have sex in a box on stage. you don't see or hear anything. it is billed as a type of couples therapy. others call it trash. it is being labeled the boldest show on television. >> welcome to "sex box." >> couples air their issues to a group of therapists and then disappearing into the so-called "sex box" and emerging in silky pajamas to dish some more. the we network catches men and women when they are most open to communicating. friday's debut featured three couples each with different issues. >> being in a relationship with someone longer than five years, you start to get into a routine. >> reporter: and while the live studio audience cannot see or
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hear what is actually happening in the box, the provocative title in adult conversation has some groups fuming as seeing the show on basic cable. in a statement, the parents television council says, families are overwhelmed by today's toxic entertainment media environment, and a program like "sex box" will only cause a further erosion of standards on broadcast and basic cable television. but their online petition to stop the show has so far had little effect. it's certainly not the only shocking reality show we have seen. there was an outcry over "eaten alive." then vh-1's "dating naked." >> the bar gets higher for shocking the viewer. >> reporter: "sex box" is a reboot of the u.k. show. that version just lasted a season. it's still to be seen if the american audience is more enamered. >> once you turned it on and see
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all of the sex happening in a box, it is hard to imagine a lot of people will be coming back. >> either way, it has a lot of people talking. including us. part of getting people to watch, social media was abuzz. we'll have to wait and see how many tuned in for the second episode. an hour of my life i will never get back. >> some critics said the show itself is kind of boring. >> you know, you don't see or hear anything. >> that is the best for all involved. they come out of the box and they go and have therapy. >> yes. >> and they are saying that -- >> they say that oxytocin is in your brain and you're more open at that point. >> to compromise. >> after the sex in the box. if they don't fall asleep during the therapy session. >> whatever works. >> you bet. let's send it out to dylan now on the plaza to get you caught up on your weather. hey, dylan. >> hey, you guys. let's talk about birthdays.
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how old are you turning today? >> i am 50 years old today! >> it is hard to cut out a perfect circle. >> who is here with you? >> best friend janelle. >> best friend on the plaza. a chilly start to the day here in new york city. but it is also cold enough for snow out west. we have the four corners, your winter storm warnings including albuquerque and the ski resorts. we'll see the snow in the higher elevations in phoenix. through the weekend, we could see as much as a foot or more of snow in the ski resorts that need it. phoenix looks like you'll see an inch of rain and much needed rain in southern california san diego, should see an inch of rain. that's the storm system that's going to spread east to the middle of next week. but we have another snowmaker back through the plains to move into the midwest. we could see three to six inches from the midwest up to the new england area byyou. meteorologist anthony slaughter. we have much-needed rainfall across the state this morning,
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even snow showers across the higher elevations of the sierra. anywhere above 4,000 feet. notice activity off the coast right now. this is expected to wrap around through the day. spotty activity, more widespread activity later on. talking about potential for thunderstorms across the south bay and the peninsula. the coastal mountains there notice temperatures today cool topping out of the upper 50s to low 60s with on and off showers. and we can't leave out the 11th birthday. where are you from? >> maryland. >> you having fun? >> yeah. >> back to you. just ahead, how would you feel if the faux fur you bought turned out to be real. the stunning this is my body of proof. proof of less joint pain. and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis from the inside out... with humira. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms.
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we live in a pick and choose world. choose choose choose. but at bedtime? ...why settle for this? enter sleep number. don't miss the final days of the ultimate sleep number event. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. you like the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! now we can all choose amazing sleep, only at a sleep number store. find our best buy-rated c2 queen mattress starting at $599.99. hurry, ends sunday! know better sleep with sleep number. this morning on "rossen reports" what some experts call deception by the retailers. they are advertising one thing, but selling you something else.
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it is a hot button issue of fur coats. jeff rossen takes a look at that for us. >> good morning. happy saturday. a big shopping day of course. before you head to the stores you need to see this. most of the time i'm standing here i'm talking about companies advertising products as real but selling fakes. some of the country's biggest stores selling y faux fur, but it is actually real from real animals. that is a big deal because millions of americans are against animal cruelty, but like the look of fur. they buy faux on purpose. so many walking around thinking they are kind to our furry friends, but they are in for a surprise. you could wear a rabbit or worse, something called a raccoon dog. we're braving the cold and the crowds. on our list designer boots and sweaters and trendy jackets.
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all of them trimmed with faux fur. faux or fake fur is popular. >> we are all for the fake fur. we love it. >> reporter: a study showing near 100 million americans think buying and wearing real fur is morally wrong. >> i don't see the point killing animals for that money. when you can get fake one that looks as good and it is warm. >> reporter: so retailers are advertising faux fur by the rackfuls this season. our rossen reports investigation has uncovered a secret. >> it is fur from a rabbit. >> a rabbit? >> reporter: that's right. this fake fur is not fake at all. at the malls and online, we found some of the biggt retailers. including neiman marcus and nordstrom rack and gilt group proudly advertising as faux fur. we bought them all suspecting some could be real. three jackets, one sweater and a
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pair of boots. they all feel pretty soft. this was a little courser than this one. i cannot tell the difference what is real and fake here. so we sent the items to micro trace labs in chicago where scientists tested the hairs using microscopes. >> we bought this sweater at nordstrom rack. you can see the sleeves have what they are calling faux fur on the trim. >> it is actually rabbit fur dyed. >> reporter: a furry little rabbit. >> the customer would not have any idea. and how about the michael kors jacket from belk department store. >> reporter: online it is advertised as fake fur. you get the coat in the mail. it says real animal fur on the tag. you tested it. >> it is real animal fur from a coyote. >> the customer doesn't want to support animal cruelty. >> reporter: pierre calls it
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outrageous. he runs the fur free campaign for the humane society of the united states. why are these companies going to the trouble? why not sell the faux fur? >> actually some of the good faux furs can be more expensive to use than real fur. they may use animal fur because it is cheaper. >> reporter: it is not just rabbits or coyotes. check out these two coats from the popular grand jacati. raccoon dogs. they are not raccoons. they are wild members of the dog family. perhaps worn right now by unsuspecting customers. but the biggest offender of all? neiman marcus. two different employees told us the boots are trimmed with faux fur. >> faux fur. 55% polyester. >> reporter: and advertised
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online the same way. you tested it. what is this? >> it is real rabbit hair. >> reporter: more rabbit. believe it or not they have been caught before. the federal trade commission charged them for selling real fake. this time they blame their vendor aquatalia for mislabeling the boots. they said it was an inadvertent error. >> they have to fix the problem. they are deceiving customers. they are deceiving the american public. >> reporter: now our investigation is getting results. neiman marcus has removed boots from the stores and online. we contacted the other companies.d for errors and promised to step up training. they offering refunds to anyone watching right now who is concerned. i know that is many of you. after our investigation, there is more.
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jacati telling us they will not sell real fur at all anymore. if you have fur coat or boots, check out our web site i have easy tips to tell the difference of faux fur do at home right now. >> jeff rossen, thank you. can you imagine you go out and buy a coat. you are morally opposed. >> that's why you buy the faux fur. >> wearing a raccoon dog. >> i'm not so sure that fake fur is more expensive. >> yeah. >> wild. >> a lot of the companies don't. up next, how to put your best foot forward as you start a new running or exercise regimen. i have a good friend getting ready for a marathon. >> #today!
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jack's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today, his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one.
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if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before your begin an aspirin regimen. why are you deleting these photos? because my teeth are yellow. why don't you use a whitening toothpaste? i'm afraid it's bad for my teeth. try crest 3d white. crest 3d white diamond strong toothpaste and rinse... ...gently whiten... ...and fortify weak spots. use together for 2 times stronger enamel. crest 3d white. buying a used car can be a scary proposition. you walk onto that lot and immediately you are surrounded like a guppy in a shark tank. it just feels like car salesmen want to sell whatever car is best for them, not best for me. there's gotta be a better way. ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them.
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♪ ♪ stick it... temptation with new special k protein cinnamon brown sugar crunch. each hearty bowl is packed with protein and fiber. satisfy your hunger with special k. ♪ "mmm..subway grilled chicken strips... new day ever." fall in love with subway grilled chicken strips. no artificial preservatives or flavors. try 'em on the new monterey chicken melt. subway. eat fresh. i want...regularity. i want good digestive health. i just don't want to have to think about regularity. natural benefiber helps support digestive health...and maintain...that word. you know what it tastes like in water? water! except this water makes you feel great. benefiber. now in stick packs. back now on a saturday morning with one the first
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things you need to do if you're training for a big race like a half marathon like erica hill and natalie morales are working toward. >> and more ladies here are trying to do. when you start out, one of the first things you need to do is to make sure you have the right shoes. >> identify been running for a while. i have tried a lot of shoes. i know i need a neutral shoe and i need to run with an orthotic. because i have a high arch. when i walked into the running sxean, company, i knew it was time to get some professional help. actually, we called in two experts. john from the new york road runs and m.j. >> first, you need to look at the foot and gauge your arch and the width of the foot.
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>> and that tells me -- >> if you are a natural shoe runner or need sop help. >> what's the next step? >> we look at your mechanics to see if you are pronating. >> you can see how your leg is straight and no movement within the ankle. that tells me you are neutral. >> we have to pick the actual shoe. there's a lot to choose from. >> yeah. try these on and narrow down. you need to swap out your shoes every 300 hours. >> if you are in the back of the pack, you have the same feeling when you cross the line. don't be intimidated you are not a runner.eeling when you cross the line. don't be intimidated you are not a runner. >> head over to to learn more about what to expect when you run. you can use the #runfortoday. >> how is the training? >> it is good. it is cold.
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i hate the treadmill. >> you and me both. just ahead, the fbi asking for your help to stop the bank robbers known as the black hat bandits before they strike in our house, we do just about everything
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online. and our old internet just wasn't cutting it. so i switched us from u-verse to xfinity. they have the fastest, most reliable internet. which is perfect for me, because i think everything should just work. works? works. works! works? works. works. 's presents: how to use the greek gods to update your deck. wow, i can't believe you did this deck yourself. well me, lowe's and zeus and apollo. now get 10% off in-stock composite decking at lowe's.
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hi! >> still to come on "today," have you heard about the dress around the world? sheinelle is in the orange room with the continuing uproar. >> this is black and blue. it is black and blue. why are so many people seeing white and go
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mcdonald's presents... mcnuggets of wisdom. always disperse mcnuggets using alphabetical order. anthony, then brenda then... not yet, zach. get a 20 piece chicken mcnuggets for just 5 dollars on mcdonald's dollar menu and more. ♪ i was not aware of how much acidity was in my diet... that it was damaging the enamel. i wanted to fix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said pronamel can make my teeth stronger. pronamel is helping me lead the life that i want to live. ♪ ♪ temptation... ...gets licked special k strawberry protein shakes are packed with protein and fiber. satisfy your hunger with special k.
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did you use the loo paper in there? i did. how was it? it was good! why do you think that the ripples work? because it gets it all clean. are you so clean that you would go commando? ok! how do you feel? i feel awesome! only cottonelle has cleanripple texture, so you can go commando. how do crest 3d white whitestrips compare to a whitening toothpaste? let's see. the paste didn't seem to do much for me. the whitestrips made a huge difference. that's not fair! crest whitestrips work below the enamel surface to whiten 25 times better than the leading whitening toothpaste. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten at chili's, fresh is now. and now two texas icons with one delicious dinner.
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new dr pepper baby-back ribs smoked in-house, on chili's $20 dinner for 2. fresh is happening now. 6:26 on saturday morning. a gorgeous look at the beautiful golden gate bridge. oh, is someone about to get pulled over? i wonder. good saturday morning to you. i'm kira klapper. anthony slaughter has a look at
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our microclimate forecast. >> good eye there. >> thank you. anything alarming that we should know? >> microclimate weather alert. we have showers out there. in fact the radar lit up with green. later on we will see some of the yellows and reds denoting heavier rain but that's not going to come until 11:00. the thunderstorm activity is going to last until about 4:00. yes, thunderstorms in the forecast for your saturday. today, you'll notice as we zoom in closer a lot of the stuff is hit and miss spotty. most of us waking up dry. as i mentioned 11:00 the thunderstorm activity will start to build. that's going to continue until 4:00. after that shower activity will start to diminish. a cool day. only upper 50s to low 60s for daytime highs. >> that's why i'm wearing my long sleeves in studio. >> how fitting. >> some anchors wear the short sleeves. but i have to match the weather. >> the calendar. >> thanks. well we have a new story this moring. a driver is dead after a fatal
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crashing on interstate 580 and it was a close call for contract workers there as well. it happened about 2:45 this morning in oakland near the grand avenue off-ramp. the chp tells us the driver was driving about 100 miles an hour when he hit a work truck near a crew repairing concrete and metal guardrail. the freeway was shut down for an hour. none of those workers were injured during the crash. more crash and grab burglaries in san francisco. police say this silver pickup truck was use the in the latest break-in. it happened at a high end audio store on california near polk. there have been five other burglaries like this in recent months. thieves have used cars to break into san francisco businesses. police haven't said if all of the crimes are connected. happening today, san jose leaders are hoping to fight gang violence and get crime off of their city streets. the gang prevention task force is holding its seventh annual
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crime prevention summit. the goal build relationship among community members especially focusing on the youth. a reformed gang member will be the keynote guest speaker. the summit from 8:30 until 2:00 at mt. pleasant high school on south white road. coming up this morning on today in the bay, a bay area bakery recipe stolen. why the owner says recipes won't work for someone else and why that probably won't press charges than and top stories at 7:00. now back to the "today" show.
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good morning. it is saturday february 28th 2015. here is a look at today's top stories. last-minute reprieve. funding for dhs came through last night in the final hour before the deadline. the sudden lapse is just one week because john boehner failed get a longer deal for republicans. what is next for the bill and speaker? on the defensive. prime minister david cameron speaking out defending british authorities tracking jihadi john. critics say they forces could have done more to stop the masked man before joining isis. returned. less than a week reported stolen, the $150,000 dress one
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by lupita n'yongo is back at the hotel where it was reported missing. why the alleged thief claims the pearls on the dress are fake. good saturday morning. welcome back to "today." it is a little chilly. >> it is? i feel if you are not out too long it is not bad. we have people here from syracuse. to them must feel nice. >> i agree. >> i was there on thursday. it was chilly. i'm erica hill alongside craig melvin in for lester and dylan dreyer. good morning to you at home. >> how cold is it? >> the actual air temperature? i'm not a walking thermometer. >> wait a minute dylan. >> it is one of the colder mornings we had. let's start the morning with sheinelle. she is following the late night action in d.c. with the department of homeland security. sheinelle. >> good morning. the clock is ticking at homeland
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security after president obama signed a short-term bill late friday night to keep the agency funded after a showdown in congress. nbc's kristen welker is at the white house. kristen, good morning. >> reporter: sheinelle, good morning. just before the stroke of midnight that president obama signed the bill to fund the department of homeland security. it was a political nail biter. with less than two hours before dhs was scheduled to shutdown, congress passed a one-week extension. that resolution came after defeat for speaker boehner. boehner brought a bill to that would have funded the agency for three weeks, but boehner failed to get enough votes from his own party. ultimately that proposal failed. at issue, conservative republicans want any legislation that funds the dhs to also block the president's immigration action which would provide relief from deportation to millions of undocumented immigrants. those conservative republicans
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argue the president overstepped his constitutional authority. the president vowed to veto any bill to block him. the rationale is the extra time will give the sharply divided congress a bit of room to reach a longer-term deal. this all comes just as republicans have taken control of congress and this is the first true test of their ability to lead. sheinelle. >> thank you. now to britain where prime minister david cameron is vowing to hunt down jihadists. this as new pictures of jihadi john's face make headlines. the lone wolf identified as mohammed emwazi grew up in west london and came under police authorities say asmall town shooting spree in missouri may have been triggered by the death of his mother. jessie aldridge killed seven
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people in a house to house rampage before killing himself. four of the victims were his cousins. investigators found his 74-year-old mother dead at her home from natural causes. one person survived and is in the hospital this morning. to los angeles where there may be a break in the much buzzed about oscar mystery a. white dress has been found that looks like the stolen oscars dress won by lup pita. it was found friday under a bathroom sink in the west hollywood hotel it disappeared from. authorities were tipped off by tmz after a man claiming to be the thief called in and said the pearls were fake. team extreme nasing post sent a photo of the car on twitter and said so happy to have old faithfully back a. trailer with the race car inside was stolen from a hotel parking lot friday morning.
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despite finding the car travis' extreme racing pulled out of tomorrow's race. finally, legions of "star track" fans remember leonard niony. >> that's how we knew him. >> to boldly go where no man has gone before. >> the pointy ears and the greeting fans from around the world tweeting that famous hand gesture. he began acting at eight years old. there were small parts in movies and tv. then came star track the initial sci-fi adventure started in 1966 and lasted three seasons but it made him a star. >> this seems to have a tranquilizing effect on the human nervous system. >> there was something we would call humanity about this character and for me it was a great experience to live with that for a long time. >> tributes from president obama
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who tweeted long before being nerdy was cool was leonard. to his co-star who said my heart is broke and from his oldest co-star william shanner. we will miss his ability and capacity to love. >> we shall be your friend. >> leonard niomy died at 83. >> live long and prosper. >> his own final tweet is getting a lot of attention. it reads a life is like a garden perfect moments can be had but not preserved except in memory. >> how about that? >> beautiful. >> thank you so much. >> dillon is here with a check of the forecast. craig wanted to know the temperatures outside. my phone says 20. >> that's probably accurate. >> that's probably accurate. >> i have a map with current temperatures. as much as i want to know the temperature of every single
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place in the united states i have to rely on weather stations to tell us the temperature. it is 14 in new york city that could be a central park temperature. this could be you know laguardia temperature so you know. 6 below in chicago. either way it's cold. three in buffalo now. it's 18 in virginia. it is just cold everywhere. also cold enough for snow. snow to start off the day in texas. yesterday we had about two inches in dallas and this is moving through the plain states where we have winter weather advisories in effect. st. louis has a warning where we could see higher totals. through the day we'll see snow change to a wintery mix in oklahoma silty and moves eastward only about an inch or two of snow in the plains and could see four to six in places like st. louis. the snow will develop through the afternoon and be heavy through the night and makes its way into new england sunday night and monday. we could see as much as four to seventh inches. not a lot of snow but enough to break records in boston is on track if we get six inches of snow to have the
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good saturday morning to you. i'm meteorologist anthony slaughter. we are tracking showery activity this morning april lot of the activity falling across the peninsula and just making its way into the south bay. even one cell over 85 in san jose. notice the cloud cover's very extensive this morning. it's mostly cloudy across most of the bay but the thing about it, temperatures cool. afternoon thunderstorms possible for the peninsula in the south bay. overall san francisco, damp and cool with mostly cloudy skies. showers on and off through the day, even across the north bias well. and that's your latest forecast. >> dyla >> andn, that's your latest forecast. >> thanks is. >> one of the world's most known yoga instructors. the hot yoga that millions of followers swear by. but he also has what some characterize as unconventional teachings. a lawsuit has a half dozen women accusing him of sexual assault.
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here is gabe gutierrez. >> reporter: he's known for sweat, swagger and his speedo but he's under fire now. >> i was trapped. i was not going to get away. >> former yoga teacher is one of six that sued him over the last two years alleging he sexual assaulted them. ten years ago, bonds says she attended a training session like this one but claims he whispered sexual advances during classes and later groped her in a hotel room and at his home. >> i was really young. and it was really confusing and after all of that happened i turned into a different person. >> reporter: his unique style of yoga is a global brand 90 minutes 26 poses in a room heated to 105 degrees. in 2011 he spoke with nbc's jenna wolf. >> what is my job? i save people's life. >> he has not been charged with
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any crime. he has not publicly addressed the latest allegations but his attorneys have said that his accusers are exploiting the legal system for financial gain. his attorneys did not respond to our request for comment but told "the new york times" the women's claims are false and dishonored the health and spiritual benefits it brought to the lives of millions of practitioners around the world. still tiffany freed man has removed the name from her yoga studio in southern cam cal. >> each person that came forward was like a knife. it's so hard to hear. >> reporter: once an international competitor sarah bond says she's given up yoga all together. >> it's extremely difficult. and i was really good at it. i was really good at it. that's all i wanted to do. >> reporter: for "today "gub
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ambiguityier rest. the hunt is on for bank robbers known as the black hat bandits. the crooks are having increasingly dangerous bank heists around the capital. peter alexander has more. just looking at it you can imagine the fear of a bank rob tore a customer's head the latest in bank heists behind them two men the ifs bi calls the black hat bandits becoming brazen. >> these are not your average bank robbers. takeoverers. >> reporter: they held up seventh banks in the suburbs surrounding the capital since the start of this year, the post recent last week two banks within 40 minutes even seasoned fbi agents say they have never seen anything like this. >> as you look at this picture, what do you think? >> this has to stop. we have to get these individuals. >> reporter: seens this dramatic are typically reserved for the
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big screen but we've seen plenty of bank robbers in disguise. this guy held up a bank in 2012 wearing a florida state sweatshirt and there was the darth vader, a back street boy and obsessed with fresh flowers. this typeime the feds are offer aing a $30,000 reward. for "today" peter alexander. >> let's go to dillon in the orange room. >> they are from syracuse high school. you actually produce the announcements that get read out, you know, when you first start school. >> yeah. >> so this is like old hat for you. i'll let you take it away. >> still to come on today, the great dress debate. this is black and blue but why do some people see it differently? first these messages. >> what do you guys see, black
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and blue? >> no, i have yet to see white and gold. even if it's your last one always share the softness of kleenex america's number one tissue. and share your story at lowe's presents: how to make a friend speak when she's speechless. wow! kim, i'm speechless! your new bathroom looks so beautiful i can't even talk right now. i literally can't even open my mouth to talk. now get the moen oxby faucet for $89 at lowe's. people like to caribbean in all sorts of ways. but no matter how they caribbean they all like to caribbean with the best. for the 12th year in a row royal caribbean has not only been voted best cruise line in the caribbean but best cruise line overall. now, with our new bogo wild sale
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back now on a saturday morning. we have yet to find the biggest debate of the 2015 year. >> we are. we are talking about the dress. why can't anyone agree on the color. this has taken on a life of its own. we went to the host of "brain games" to find out why we seem to see it differently. here is nbc's kerry sanders. >> reporter: it is hard to find anyone who has not heard about #thedress. it is hard to find folks who agree on the color in this the great dress debate.
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what color is that dress? >> looks like a white with some kind of stripe. >> white and gold. >> purple and black. >> reporter: the photo and question was posted on tumbler by kate lynn in scotland. kate lynn overwhelmed by the tweets. instead, she now has a spokesperson. the friend who actually snapped the picture. >> it is just too much. it is has divided the world of what color the dress is. >> reporter: a vine posting took a similar color dress and the video looks like a trick. one set of colors one moment and then. watch it again. >> i see blue and black. >> you say the dress is -- >> is white and gold. >> reporter: why do we see white and gold and others see blue and
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black? jason silva from "brain games." >> it doesn't have a color because things don't have color. color exists in your brain. >> reporter: once and for all, what color is that dress? >> whatever color you want it to be. whatever your brain is telling you, that's all that really matters. >> i see white. i don't see white and gold. >> and you think i am? >> color blind. >> reporter: for "today," kerry sanders, nbc news miami. >> i had this conversation with my mom last night. you heard about the black and blue dress. she said the white and gold one. i told her the whole thing and she said your eyes are stupid. >> mom! >> no, it's black and gold. >> there were three pictures. the far left was white and gold. >> bring that shot back up. do we still have that shot? >> i have only seen the black
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and blue. >> the three shot. you see three black and blue dresses. >> in different lights. >> right there. >> i can't make that. it looks white to me. >> what is wrong with our eyes? >> my mother is right. >> mom's always right. >> but as noted over and over again. it is black and blue. >> we know the actual dress is black and blue. >> yes. from here on out, we should stop pretending. >> that it is white and gold? >> the black and blue crowd has won this decisively. >> exactly. >> we'll be right back. but first this is "today" on
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lowe's presents: how to put your foot in your mouth. man. wish my yard looked like yours. hey, the grass is always greener on the other side of the... sorry! now get the black & decker® 20-volt trimmer for $79 at lowe's.
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this is perfect. hey, guys everybody be quiet. you know about the dress. the picture of the dress. if you think the dress is black and blue yell loud.
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>> black and blue. >> if you think it is white and gold, we want to hear you. >> 50/50. >> are we split? >> 50/50. >> gold and white. >> stupid eyes back here. >> it's a tie. >> mom rules. >> that's going to do it for us this saturday morning. keep discussing it. we are not done either. tune in to "today," next week. we are partnering with usa for the fbi agent racing against the clock to uncover a global conspiracy. >> we are partnering with the
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6:57 am
klapper. next on today in the bay, police say it's like magic. the high-tech way thieves are breaking into cars without making a sound. pitch is ready for action. the new home of the earthquakes make its debut today. some are concerned about game day. the game could be interrupted by thunderstorms. anthony slaughter will let us know when to expect some rain.
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from nbc bay area, this is "today in the bay." good saturday morning to you. it's 7:00. we're taking a live look outside over sunny oakland. what a beautiful shot before a cooler saturday. thanks so much for joining us. i'm kira klapper. anthony slaughter has a look at our microclimate forecast. you say rain. >> yes in fact south bay quite a different story from what the camera looks like from oakland.


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