tv On the Money NBC April 13, 2015 12:30am-1:01am PDT
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hi, everyone, welcome to "on the money", i'm bill griffith. why does college cost so much now and what can be done about it? and is the system broken. let's see, kale instead of french fries, the rapidly expanding fast food restaurant chain that could be healthy and tasty and profitable at the same time. you remember a car made by a 3-d printer. but is it really a gidea? >> if you're one of the millions yet to file taxes, you better get moving, we have tips on last
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minute advice. it's "on the money" and it starts right now. >> here's a look at what's making news as we head into a new week. if you don't own stocks you're not alone. a new survey by shows more than half of americans are not invested in the stock market in spite of the fact the markets are near record highs right now. 52% of those polled said they were not investing in stocks, that includes their iras and 401(k)s. with those with no money in the market, 53% didn't have the cash. 21% said they didn't know enough about stocks and 9% said it was simply too risky. here's what those people missed this week. it was a choppy week for wall street with the dow showing modest gains waiting for earnings season to kick into high gear, although the nasdaq was stronger this week. stocks closed higher on friday. ge is getting rid of most of the
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banking business in a deal announced friday morning, it said it will sell most of ge capital for about $26 billion. that sale will turn ge into a primarily industrial and manufacturing company. it turns out the death of facebook has been greatly exaggerated. a new study found 71% of teens age 13 to 17 are still using that social media website. instagram came in second at 52% and that is owned by facebook. snapchat ranked third. well, it's decision time for high school seniors once again and parents. will they go to college? where will they go? how will they pay for the rising koflt of higher education? janet napolitano is the former homeland security secretary but now president of the university of california overseeing a ten campus system with an annual budget of nearly $27 billion.
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she joins us today. madam president, good to see you, welcome back. >> thank you. >> as you know, the student debt level out there exceeds credit card debt auto loans, second only to mortgage debt. the question people keep asking, what makes college so expensive these days, the price index for college tuition grew by 80% between 2003 and 2013 which is more than twice as fast as overall inflation. what's behind that? do you feel that students are getting their money's worth these days? >> well, i'm going to speak to this from my vantage point, which is leading the country's largest public research university. and the chief cause of the -- cost to students going up is the fact that public investments in our universities have gone down. so there are two major sources of revenue to operate quality institutions. the state appropriation and tuition. and when the state budgets keep
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going down, down, down, unfortunately tuition has had to go up. in california we approach this in a somewhat different way. because we have a very robust financial aid system in california. so at the university of california, 55% of our undergraduates pay no tuition because they come from families that make less than $80,000 a year. as i mentioned, the key driver is that public investment from the states have gone down. >> any reason to believe that money is going to come back though? >> well, we hope. as state budgets are restored as moneys come back into the coffers we're advocating it's california.ce cali has the best system of higher education of any state in the country. i ought to know, i was the governor of another state. so i know the comparisons. and so for a state like
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california, based on innovation entrepreneurship and all of the things that make california such a great place to be and economic engine for the country, all pivot off of the higher education system that we have. >> the president has come up with an idea of making two years of community college free, much like elementary education and high school education is free these days. what do you think of that idea? >> i like that idea. i like it for several reasons, one is that it creates the expectation that our students should go beyond high school and given the kind of world our young people are going to be graduating into, the more education they can get, the better off they are. now not all students want to go to a four-year university. but those that do will need that option even when -- and i third of our students do, even when
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they start at community college. >> online education, one of the solutions to bringing the cost down for some students around the country. >> well, i think we need to be careful here. i think the original itrations of online, the massive online courses didn't turn out to be particularly good at producing an educational outcome. students didn't complete the classes and they didn't learn what they needed to learn. and they were cheap to do but the results showed that they were too cheap. now, online has advanced a lot in the last ten years and we're doing lots of it in the university of california system. and we find it particularly useful in certain types of upper division classes, classes where you want students at one campus to get access to class in another campus, also find it useful in the graduate student realm, where students want to return college and get something past the bachelor's degree.
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lots going on in the online world, however -- and this is the caution i want to make, the kind of online we're talking about now is not the kind of silver bullet to cost that the mooks were, to do a quality online course takes a lot of time and investment by the university, time by professor to really prepare something that's an online experience that's a good experience for the student. and online that keeps changing with the changing of the course material and that's personalized to the student. but, i do believe that in the coming decades, we'll see more and more online. i just don't believe it will be the kind of cost changer, bending of the cost curve that some predicted. >> understood. janet napolitano, now president of the university of california joining us today. thank you, and good to see you again. >> thank you. >> up next, we're "on the money", quick and healthy is the
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name of the game when it comes to fast food. really? a canadian franchise is turning old model on its head thanks to health conscious millennials. later, imagine trading in your car as often as you do your smartphone, how one automaker is racing to keep with the speed of technology. as we go to break, a look at how the stock market ended t
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more to come. what does the growth signal for the fast food competitors. thanks for being with us today. >> thank you for having me. >> a couple of things, fast food, you don't consider yours fast food per se. i mentioned mcdonald's but you're going after subway, aren't you? >> we're going after anybody trying to serve food. stomach share competition all over. >> stomach share competition, i only eat so many meals per day, before we showed, our guests found a place to eat breakfast and lunch and dinner and snacks. >> what are you doing to be different? >> we focus clearly on healthy and fresh and customizable food which plays to mill len yells the path of resistance is usually a slice of pizza or burger and not affordable to eat healthy. whole foods was the expensive healthy option.
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what we focused on, how to make healthy affordable and convenient. that seems to be resonating with our guests. >> you have 160 stores. i was reading is this true you want to add 120 this year alone? >> we will open over 100 restaurants this year. >> do you worry about growing too quickly? >> i think with the business model which is franchising, it's an entrepreneurial spirit of partners around the world, it allows that type of scale. >> who do you franchise too? you're particu about that, right? >> freshii is at the intersection of two interesting trends, health and wellness, and equally relevant, the entrepreneurial spirit. my generation, the millennial generation is being encouraged by parents and shark tank and websites like kickstarter to go take a leap. your generation was encouraged to go to wall street and be lawyers and doctors. my father is a dentist.
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mine is being supportive to take an enpreprenewerial leap. >> $250,000, right? >> it is, very comparable to what it costs to get into subway. that's why subway partners are joining the system. >> locally produced, you want to be fresh but whole foods, that can be expensive. usually that's what that means to go fresh, means expensive, but you feel like you don't have to be that expensive. how do you do that? >> today we lead with healthy fresh and customization, not necessarily organic and local. however, depending on the time of year more cost effective to source locally. you can't source locally in toronto in the dead of winter but in the summer that's the most cost effective way to do so. we can bring local produce in for half of the year at a price point that allows us to maintain an aggressively low check average for our guest. >> you're 33 now. >> yes. >> you started this when you
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were a young pr executive with osc oscar dela renta. >> the first day we opened was the first day in the restaurant business. in our first month and i'm not exaggerating, we were robbed twice by employees and had to two kitchen managers slice their thumbs off. carried by ambulance by stretcher to the ambulance at 6:30 in the morning. and very terrible food review and customer who was threatening to sue us because of a bug in the salad. >> it was a good start. >> it was a great start. i opened a second location. and two grew four grew into ten, which is in 13 countries. >> if you had to do it again, would you open a restaurant chain? >> that's a tough question. i will say this. this will be the only thing i ever do. only restaurant i ever do but also the only company i ever do. i love what i do and think
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there's tremendous opportunity ahead of us for the freshii brand. >> matthew corrin, continued success, thanks for joining us. >> you bet. >> when we come back, we're "on the money." why have a factory when all you really need is a printer? that's right, 3-d printed cars will hit the market. will this idea ignite the auto industry or get stuck in neutral. and later, millions of americans still yet to file their tax
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i love this story, the auto industry is racing towards a new future in the form of 3-d printing. can you imagine picking out your dream car and it being made right in front of you? that's what phoenix based company local motors is promising drivers, their cars are cheaper and safer and techier than your average automobile. here to explain is local motor ceo jay rogers. >> thanks so much for having me. >> from what i hear, you surprised everybody at the detroit auto show and made a car on site while everybody watched there. explain the process. >> we made three of them on site. we wanted to make the point of you can put it into production and the process is three stages. we do an additive manufacturing stage, the 3-d printing part and
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subtractive part where it mills material off and rapid assembly of components to complete the vehicle and drive it away. >> i'm blown away by the whole concept here and you say it's cheaper. how much will i pay for this car for example? >> it's a little early for us to say how much cheaper it's going to be given the feature sets, people are comparative or competitive shoppers in cars. what our concept has been that the total cost of ownership of a car including a.m. more tiesed cost is going to be cheaper over time. the price tag on a car like this could range from $18,000 up to $100,000, depending upon what features you put in. the way in which we make it, no tooling cost, the ability to recycle the vehicle on site, reduces the total cost of ownership in a way we never had in auto motive before. >> you have said you don't think elon musk is all that innovative
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over a tesla. they have innovated in how they are run, the electric cars and battery power and all of that. what runs your cars? >> so i think the real question in vehicles is not the power train but how you make the vehicles. that's where my comments have come before. i see power train as becoming just a part of the car but the way in which we make a car, we've really defined back when henry ford and diameler were starting, tesla is super forming aluminum and big tools and big factory for making these things work and put a lot of money behind each variocar. it's not flexible and fast. >> who do you think will want to buy a 3-d printed car? who is your target audience? >> that is a super questi. the way i think about it, no one
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says -- your guess will be as good as mine. do you want to buy a metal car today? i think 3-d printing will fade into the background over the next five years. ness a technology company that designs builds and sells cars. we picked a method that 3-d printing as part of it. the real truth, who wants to buy a car that's drived by wire and buy a car that has all of the preferences embedded and hardware reconfigurable to be more comfortable or safe? those are features people buy. the 3-d printing in the next one or two years is something people will say, that's cool and novel, i want to be part of it. cars have to keep us safe and do what we ask them to do. those features are what matter. being able to make cars quickly is what allows us to change features quickly and that's what's going to win with the customer in the end. >> very cool. can't wait to see how this works. jay rogers, continued success.
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your money this week. earnings season gets going with reports from wells fargo, j.p. morgan chase and bank of america. on tuesday retail sales for march are due. always important because the consumer makes up 70% of the u.s. economy. wednesday marks two years since the boston marathon bombing. wednesday is also the deadline for taxpayers to submit their returns. we'll talk about that in a moment. thursday, we'll get new home construction figures for march. and friday, we'll see about inflation when the consumer price index is released. speaking of the irs, they have processed about 100 million returns so far this year but that's about two-thirds of the total tax returns the agency expects to receive. if you're one of the millions of americans not part of that group, you'll get to file, fear not, we have tips for you. joining us now is sharon epperson to talk about your money, your future and your tax return. have you filed yet? >> no, i have not yet filed but
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i will by april 15th. >> what are mistakes you want to avoid for those last minute filers. >> the mistake you you make waiting until the last hour, common mistakes the way you enter the information but you don't want to leave money on the table. some of the simple things you think you should do maybe you don't have to. itemizing your deductions most people think she should do that but some don't have enough for it to make sense and the standard deduction may be best. the other thing people do, take the state refund and claim that as taxable income on your return. if you didn't take a state deduction, you don't necessarily need to do that. the other thing, they overlook the carry forwards and that's important if you had investment losses and want to carry over losses into this tax year, you can do that. you want to make sure you do. if you don't meet the april 15th deadline, i will, but if you don't, then you file an extension. make sure you file an extension.
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>> what if you owe and don't have the money right now. >> first thing you need to do, file for an extension. if you owe money, it's not an extension to pay. that is just to file the tax return. make shuure to pay something, me an estimate of what you're going to owe. can you do that by phone, by check online. if you can't really afford to pay in full right now, you can set up an installment plan, it cost a little to set it up but you can find out how to do that. >> you're not alone in that? >> no. exactly. a lot of people can't afford it and there will be penalties if you're not able to pay in full but it's better to pay something and to set up the plan and let the irs know you're having problems so you can try to set up some type of program. >> we're talking about april 15th so it's never too soon to start thinking about next year. >> now is the time, you either got a refund or may have to owe. maybe you came almost to a break even mark. if you didn't, you need to
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adjust your with withholding and get a w-4 form and make sure you do break even. you don't want uncle sam to hold your money. >> do the math ahead of time. >> exactly. >> personal finance correspondent sharon epperson. >> my pleasure. thanks so much for joining us this week. next week is your cyber information floating out there for anyone to find? becky will be back with one men who runs fireeye and he has scary answers. each week keep it here. we are "on the money." have a great weekend,
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>> did harry really do anything. lisa financeally tells her side of the story. hi everybody. welcome to "access hollywood". weekend edition. i'm shaun. it was the bomb shell topic from the real housewives of beverly hills reyawn. kim richards insin asian that lisa's husband harry hamlin did something dreadful to cause the glass shattering melt down from lisa a.she was billy co-host on "access hollywood live", and poked fun at brandi who slammed her signature short hair style by putting on a long hair wig while defending her husband of 18 years. >> what the harry do. >> he didn't do anything. if you wonder why it was a hot button for me it's bau
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