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tv   Meet the Press  NBC  May 11, 2015 2:58am-4:00am PDT

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ou believe in angels there is one dancing up there. i promise you. and every time we have class, she's dancing. now. i'm lester holt. thanks for joining us. this sunday, terror in the age of social media. >> when twitter takes down accounts, jihadists open new ones. >> is the u.s. losing the online battle with isis? carly fiorina says it's time for a woman president, just not hillary clinton. she joins us live. also president obama takes on a liberal hero on trade, none other than elizabeth warren. >> she is absolutely wrong. >> this mother's day. being a mom in america. >> women in places like southeast washington have more in common with women in kenya. >> finally, the inevitable brady and belichick deflategate and comparison to the clintons. >> i'm chuck todd.
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joining me to provide inside analyst of matt bai of yahoo news. kathleen parker of "the washington post". and former chairman of the republican national committee michael steele. welcome to sunday. it's "meet the press." good morning. happy mother's day. security has been raised at military bases in response to threat posed by home-grown extremists. isis claimed responsibility for a shooting at a prophet muhammed cartoon in texas which saw two gunmen killed. there is no evidence isis was directly involved in the attack, but the gunmen may have been inspired by isis and their increasingly sophisticated presence on the internet and social media. here is our own pete williams on how the battle against isis is not just being fought in iraq and syria, but now in cyber space.
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>> reporter: this is what has the fbi so worried. an explosion in slick isis propaganda with messages tailored to a young audience resembling popular video games showing children in isis-run schools. many overtly call for violence. now an avalanche of messages on social media urging followers to attack here at home. example, at the height of the unrest in baltimore, this tweet called it a great chance for lone wolves, almost everything is in chaos. how many in the u.s. are following these messages? >> i would lean more toward hundreds in terms of people who are really committed isis supporters. there are probably thousands who have some degree of interest. >> reporter: the fbi says elton simpson was one of them, inspired by isis followers to join in his roommate attacking last week in garland, texas. >> if you put the frame back to al qaeda, they would spend a long time planning and plotting to do a large-scale spectacular
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attack. what you are seeing now instead is an encouragement to commit whatever type of small-scale attack you can wherever you happen to be located. >> reporter: an estimated 60,000 messages a day, some in public where police and the fbi can see them, but often ending up in encrypted direct messaging impossible to crack. their direct approach can be seductive. >> it's difficult to motivate a lone wolf to get off their couch because their primary motivator is social contact. on social media, you can have a sense of knowing somebody very well, intimately, even if they are on the other side of the globe. this remote intimacy is a powerful motivator compared to al qaeda putting out videos and magazines. >> reporter: a clearly worried fbi director says, "i know there are other elton simpsons out there." the fbi is following hundreds of potential home grown extremists with cases open in every state
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and agents facing a huge challenge, deciding which ones to keep under close watch to stop the next elton simpson. for "meet the press," pete williams, nbc news, washington. i'm joined by the democratic vice chair of the senate intelligence committee dianne feinstein of california. and michael leiter. welcome back to both of you to "meet the press." mike, let me start with you on pete's report. you heard it there. obviously fbi director very concerned. you talked before about the social media issue. walk me through the counterterrorism center. when you were there, how closely did you follow social media and how closely do you think they are doing it now? >> we followed more and more as there were more and more people around the world using it. today it's probably the single thing they are watching more than anything else. when i was there, it was largely about al qaeda and pakistan and grainy videos from bin laden. it got worse in yemen.
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today the way of messaging, recruiting, motivating and mobilizing people to violence is now through social media. that makes their challenge hugely difficult on a number of fronts. >> the fbi director was quoted in "the washington post" saying this, senator feinstein, "it's almost as if there is a devil sitting on the shoulder saying, kill, kill, kill, kill, all day long." the fbi director said the old paradigm between inspired or directed when it comes to what isis is doing, he thinks there is no distinction that it's irrelevant. do you see it the same way? >> well, i see it the way the director said it. i think it is kill, kill, kill. and it is putting the lone wolf in a position that that's never happened before, that has never been in before, and that is you know, you do it and we take credit for it. the evil, beheadings, the individual doesn't see.
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so you make the contact and you pursue that contact and then the individual goes out and puts forth an attack. isis is now has a presence in 11 states. it's unlike aqap, unlike the old al qaeda. it's both a fighting force, it's an occupying force, it's a governing force. it is reaching out to put together that califate. and in the process behead or shoot anyone whose religion differs or differs with what they're doing. it's a force that we really haven't seen before. we have to begin to cope more seriously with it. that includes social media. >> clearly, we don't really have a social media policy that's working. i want to play a sound byte from senator cory booker, democrat from new jersey at a hearing this week.
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he is mr. twitter. if you follow him on twitter. he was just lambasting the administration's efforts on social media against isis. >> i was shocked at what we are doing countermessaging. i want to pass this ipad around to my colleagues. if you know about social media, look at the engagement of people on our social media feeds. it's laughable. three retweets, two retweets. >> i can't tell you how many times i have heard from the obama administration, from the state department, from the cia different ways. we are going to engage on social media like never before. and every one of them doesn't. every program doesn't work. >> this has probably been the weakest leg in counterterrorism stool we ever had. frankly, we haven't funded it the way we have to. any messaging the u.s.
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government often loses its legitimacy because it's coming from the u.s. government. what we should be doing is investing and enabling moderate muslims throughout the world to counter this message. we are not good at it. we proved ourselves. >> it's government-supported. it won't be believed. >> that's right. we've got to get the technology and tools to community groups who do want to counter this message. simultaneously we have to have a law enforcement presence to monitor -- understand we can't monitor everyone, and really work with technology companies to make sure information can be monitored pursuant to the law. >> i tell you, senator feinstein, this issue of monitoring with social media companies, obviously that starts infringing on first amendment rights and what's the line and what's not the line. let me start with the fbi. do you think they can handle all the cases they have? you heard the fbi director say all 50 states they have some potential isis follower they are following. do they have the resources to deal with this? is it the type of threat we
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should throw even more money at? >> well, i will tell you this. if they don't have the resources, they just have to come to the president and congress and they are going to get the resources. i mean, this is a matter of prime defense of the homeland. it would come first. director comey has said in their 56 field offices, they have investigations in every one. it takes 30 agents to surveil one person. it's an amazingly intensive personnel issue. having said that, i really think we need to take a look at this. >> while i have you, the patriot ookt act, the bulk data collection was struck down in court. not saying it was unconstitutional, saying the law doesn't cover what the administration has said it covers, which is bulk data collection.
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says if congress wants to be able to do this, they need to explicitly pass a law that forces telephone companies to do this or not. where are you on this? are you willing to pass a specific law that allow for bulk data collection, whether held by the phone companies or the government? >> i think here's the thing. the president, the house and a number of members of the senate believe that we need to change that program. the way to change it is simply to go to the court for a query, permission to go to a telecom and get that data. the question is whether the telecoms will hold the data. the answer to that question is somewhat mixed. i know the president believes that the telecoms will hold the data. i think we should try that. >> an act of congress could force them to do that, correct? >> an act of congress could force them. >> will that pass this congress? >> that's the problem. the house does not have it in their bill.
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senator leahy does not have that in his bill. >> june 1st, patriot act expires. we'll see what happens. senator feinstein, happy mother's day, by the way. >> thank you. >> mike leiter, always a pleasure. >> great to be here. later in the broadcast on this mother's day, what makes the u.s. just about the worse place in the industrialized world to be a working mom? wait till you see these statistics. she raised kids, a woman running for president and she is not hillary clinton. next, carly fiorina for a meet the candidates interview on [ male announcer ] some come here to build something smarter. ♪ ♪ some come here to build something stronger. others come to build something faster... something safer... something greener. something the whole world can share. people come to boeing to do many different things. but it's always about the very thing we do best. ♪ ♪
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so you can take the next big step. republican presidential hopefuls gathered for the south carolina freedom summit. here is a sampling beginning with former senator rick santorum who finished second to mitt romney in 2012. >> since the convention era, the republican party nominated people who checked one of three boxes. number one, you were vice president. we've nominated former vice presidents. number two. you were the son of a former president.
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and number three, you came in second the last time and ran again. i know south carolina loves tradition. i just encourage you to keep that tradition rolling. >> what should our strategy be on global jihadists and terrorists, i refer to the movie "taken." have you seen the movie with liam neeson? he has a line, "we will look for you, we will find you and we will kill you." >> like hillary clinton, i too am running for the president of the united states. but unlike hillary clinton, i am not afraid to answer questions about my track record or my accomplishments or my principles. >> of course the last of those was carly fiorina. she will take questions here right after the break.
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the republican race for the white house is getting crowded, but a field dominated by men with one exception. carly fiorina, who launched her campaign earlier this week. fiorina has a long career in business, eventually serving as ceo of hewlett-packard in 1999-2005 where she saw a merger with rival compaq at the time. they ended up cutting about 30,000 jobs. in 2008 she was an advisor to john mccain's presidential campaign and made an unsuccessful run for the u.s. senate in california in 2010, eventually losing to the
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democratic incumbent out there barbara boxer, and she joins us now welcome to "meet the press" and happy mother's day. >> thanks so much, todd. nice to be with you. >> let me start with the issue of various qualifications that voters look for in future presidents. we asked a number of them in our nbc/"wall street journal" poll. the idea of somebody without any political experience at all, any elective office experience actually made nearly 70% of those we surveyed uncomfortable or have significant reservations about. you obviously do not have a background in elective office. you believe that is something of an asset. voters don't see it that way. what do you say to them? >> well, i spent a lot of time with voters in a lot of places. i think many, many voters actually now are looking for someone outside the political class. they believe we need to challenge the status quo of washington. i'm certainly not a political
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neophyte. i've run my own campaign and advised others. i helped lots of others win. in addition, i have done a lot of policy work, advised secretary of defense, heads of cia, nsa, homeland security. i'm not a neophyte, but i come with qualifications others don't have. i understand how the economy works. i understand how the world works. i know more world leaders on the stage than anyone running with the possible exception of hillary clinton. i understand how bureaucracies work. our government has become a vast, huge, bloated, corrupt bureaucracy. i understand technology which is an important tool. lastly and equally importantly, i understand executive decision-making, which is making a tough call in a tough time for which you are prepared to be held accountable. something at least hillary clinton doesn't have a track record of. >> you bring up your business background with hp. it's been litigated quite a bit there.
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you've seen this website. carly, and a person there says you failed to register this domain so i'm using it to tell how many people lost their jobs while you were ceo. emoticons of 30,000 sad faces. then it has a quote taken out of context, saying, "i would have done them all faster." do you have regrets of those lay-offs. >> that website and your line of questioning leaves out a whole bunch of other facts. facts and results counts. it's not just about words. >> why did they fire you? >> i took hewlett-packard through the worst technology session in 20 years. tough calls were necessary. there is nothing worse than laying someone off. many companies which we competed are gone all together.
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what people fail to comment on is the fact we doubled the size of the company, took the growth rate from 2% to 9%. we tripled the rate of innovation to 11 patents a day and went from lagging behind to leading in every product category. we grew jobs here in the u.s. and all over the world. you can't just leave those facts out. they are as vital to the record as the fact that yes, indeed, i had to make tough calls during tough times. tough times that many technology companies didn't survive at all. >> why did hp board fire you and the day they did, the stock went up nearly 7%? >> they did fire me. i've been very open about that. i was fired in a boardroom brawl. we had board members leaking information out of the boardroom. the truth is this. it is a leader's job to challenge the status quo. when you do, you make enemies. i understand that well. the track record of the people of hewlett-packard and i over an almost six-year period is crystal clear.
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the stock has gone down during my tenure as did every other single technology company. i think what you'll find if you follow the stock market at all, every time there is a change with a company, the stock tends to go up, whether it's splitting the company, which the current ceo just announced. the stock market is not a good arbiter of success over the long term. the average holding of stock today is less than 90 days. it is more a reflection of current emotion and conventional wisdom than anything else. a ceo cannot run a company based on conventional wisdom or current emotion. a ceo's job is to build sustainable value over the long term for as many employees, as many customers and as many communities as possible. >> want to ask about the issue of trade. president obama has been pushing for this authority to allow him to, the administration to negotiate with the asian countries for what's called the trade pacific partnership here. here is what you said about free trade in 2004. every job is important because
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each one represents american's livelihood and ability to raise a family. yet spending time building walls around america will do nothing to help us compete for the millions of new jobs created." surprisingly, i have to say, i was shocked a silicon valley ceo is against congress and most of the republican party giving president obama the authority to negotiate this grade agreement. why are you against this when you are arguably a free trader in '04. >> i stand by that statement in '04. i believe every word of it. i also believe that the devil is usually in the details. that's particularly true with this president. we don't know what's in this deal. we know we have trading partners who have violated agreements in trade deals, china being one of them. i think it's important to understand some of the fine print of this deal. for example, is china allowed to join this pacific trading agreement later on in a couple of years, yes or no? this is being sold as an
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opportunity for america to strengthen its lead and partnerships in the asia pacific region. i agree with that goal. on the other hand, if the truth is in these details china gets to join later, what are we doing here? i think the point is not free trade is bad. free trade is good for this nation. i think the point is, what exactly is in this agreement? this administration, unfortunately, has a track record of burying things in fine print, whether it's the iran nuclear deal or obamacare or maybe this agreement that turn out to be very different from their selling points. >> you wouldn't want congress to give you this authority as president? >> i wouldn't be afraid to tell congress what's in the deal. i wouldn't be afraid to let people know. here is what we agreed to, here is what we haven't agreed to, here are the up sides, here are the potential risks. i don't hear that from this president. what i hear is a bunch of sound bytes and telling points. he does not have a track record
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of the details matching his selling points. >> we'll talk about trade and the president later on in the program. carly fiorina, i have to leave it there. look forward to having you back on the program. thanks very much. >> thanks, chuck. thanks for having me. >> a quick look at news of the week. we'll focus a little on hillary clinton here. we had a bunch of stuff in the nbc news/"wall street journal" poll that needs to find its way on to the show here. clinton's reputation has taken a hit with all the focus on the financial dealings of the foundation. 42% now have a negative opinion of mrs. clinton which is even with her positive rating. that negative rating is up six points from the last time we tested in march. guess what? she still leads all the republicans in our poll topping rand paul, jeb bush, marco rubio and scott walker. topping scott walker by ten points there. kathleen parker, has hillary clinton weathered this storm or
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is this just the beginning of more storms to come? >> i think we have a stormy season ahead for hillary clinton. i don't think statistics tell us much at this point. the trust question we just learned from what happened in britain is the most important factor when a voter goes to cast his or her ballot. hillary clinton's trust value is, as you say, it's in decline. i don't think it's going to improve as the campaign proceeds. she has other hurdles to cross including the benghazi questions that will come up. she can handle those if she does it properly and can handle the e-mails, but i'm doubtful on that score. trust will hurt her in the long run. the fact she is still leading the republican candidates has to do with the fact some of these are not as well known. people don't start paying attention as soon as we do. >> fair enough. bill clinton had a lower trust rating than bob dole. had a lower trust rating than george h.w. bush and won both elections. are the clintons more immune to this than others? >> sure.
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i agree people don't know the opponents. we make historical comparisons for a living. >> that's how we get paid. >> richard nixon in 1968. people know the good, the bad, the ugly. they didn't especially love nixon. they don't especially love hillary clinton, but she is for a lot of the electorate a reassuring solid presence who has a handle on government, has experience, the so-called devil you know versus the devil you don't. it will depend on that choice. we are absent a campaign. absent a campaign, polls don't tell you very much. >> i completely agree. if this is a referendum on the clintons back and forth, she always loses to herself. >> helps herself lose. >> but the choice aspect. look look at the scott walker numbers. that's always something. she has a huge gender gap with him. i don't think even as he becomes more well known that goes away. >> and when you look at the poll numbers, you have to say compared to what.
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it's not just compared to the republican candidates who clearly are not as well known right now i think when voters look at hillary clinton, they are also looking at the incumbent. you don't have to necessarily trust the president or trust the president you're thinking about electing, you want somebody in there you know is experienced and capable and tough-minded. she doesn't have to win the "i want to have a beer with the voters" polls, but i am capable and experienced and know how to knock heads with foreign leaders and recalcitrant republican congress. i think that will help her in the end. kathleen is totally right. it's going to be a stormy political season. >> let's talk carly fiorina here a minute. michael steele, she was trying to become a player in politics and hasn't gotten there. is this run for the presidency, should it be taken, should she be taken as a serious top tier
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candidate or does this look, some accused her of being a vanity project. >> watching her interview, i've got to start to take her seriously. she has come off more and more as a credible candidate, as someone people at least want to listen to within the party. she is getting a lot of traction, a lot of buzz, if you will from some of the grassroots folks. i think the real test for her is not anything between now and august. it's what happened when she is on the stage with the fellows. and the context of that conversation she has an opportunity to distinguish herself. the way she pushed back on your questions about her tenure and getting fired, i thought that sounded reasonable. as a voter looking at that i thought, okay, that makes sense. at least she didn't run from it. she didn't hide. >> i entirely, completely disagree. i don't think we would be taking her seriously at all if she weren't a woman. >> can you say the same thing
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about hillary? >> thank you. >> let me just finish. i think she is a failed business leader and a failed political candidate. >> no, she is not a failed business leader. >> what are you talking about? >> as chuck pointed out, she was fired from her job. she didn't get the political job she ran for. i don't get why we should take her so seriously. >> i've been fired in the past. it's good experience to have. i think she acquitted herself very well with you. she does that repeatedly. every time i've seen her speak it's been with great conviction. she is not afraid of the facts. her campaign will tell you. she answered 200 questions just last week and hillary clinton answered seven in the scope of her campaign thus far. trust. are you trusting someone? i'm not saying she is going to be the president. i'm saying she is a viable candidate. she will get better and better as people know her. >> i have to pause the conversation. thank you, everybody.
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in a moment, we'll discuss why the u.s. ranked so far from the top of the best countries to be a mother in. first, we want to note the passing of a former house speaker this week, jim wright. the texas democrat served in the house more than 30 years, elected speaker 1987 replacing the legendary tip o'neil. he had to resign two years later as the subject of an ethics investigation prompted by a rival on the republican side of the aisle named newt gingrich. gingrich said if wright survives this ethical thing, he may become the greatest speaker since henry clay. interesting compliment from gingrich at the time. and the nomination fight happened at the time is often seen as the beginning of what is today's hyperpartisan in washington. wright was seen as a tough, but effective speaker. among his biggest achievements, a peace deal between rival factions in nicaragua. jim wright was 92.
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welcome back. it's mother's day today. we are going to talk to a group of working mothers about how american moms are doing. let's start with how things changed from the days of "leave it to beaver" to the modern family. in 1960, 74% of women who gave birth were under the age of 30. in 2013 that number dropped to just 59%. moms also better educated. in 1960 only 18%'s tended some college. now it's a majority of mothers, 60%. but married women who work full-time still make less than married men. married men with kids make an average of $985 per week. married women with children $756 a week and there are more single mom households. in 1960, just 8% of children lived only with their mother. that number is now over 20%. something that gets lost a lot
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of times. where does the u.s. rank on the list of best places to be a mother? well according to the save the children mother's index that was released this week which assesses the well being of mothers around the world we are number 33. number one on the list is norway. i asked the prime minister of norway why her country is the best place to be a muir. >> if you really want women to go to their full potential, use their talent you have to be able to combine motherhood and labor market participation. i think we have invested quite a lot to make that happen. i see my generation of women but also the younger ones, they are believing in a society where you can both have children and you can work. >> joining me are kathy
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englebert, ceo of detroit, cashandra brown, a teacher and maria. we heard about norway. the united states ranked 33rd overall on the save the children index. why? >> there are a lot of reasons. this points to being a critical time in our culture for mothers. 2/3 of american families rely on the mother's income to stay above the poverty level. women in majority families are primary bread winners or co-bread winners and caregivers. our policies and institutions have not kept up with the changing dynamic in the home. >> deloitte stands out for a company for working mothers. you're the ceo.
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what are you doing that others should follow suit on? >> women feel empowered to drive their career. i talk with a lot of our women and men's groups and we talk about how building your capabilities with the evolution of business around us today is so important to giving women the confidence to ultimately be successful in their careers and taking control of it. >> do you offer paid leave for women? >> absolutely, we do. >> how many companies do? >> i think there is a conversation that needs to be had around the work force especially a multigenerational work force from the boomers to millennials. you look at what they are demanding. they are demanding predictability and flexibility. >> explain the experience of the cost of childhood. your husband is a professor at the university of maryland, you are a full-time teacher. childhood costs almost consumed.
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>> when my son was born, our childcare monthly payment was over $1400. far more than what our rent cost at the time. so when i say affordable childcare, i'm looking for a facility that's safe, a facility that has a rigorous early childhood education program as well. what that does is, it not only services women in the middle class, but women who made not have the skill set to look for a rigorous program for their children. >> maria you have done this with the shriver report. part of the income issue has to do with childhood costs. >> that is true. what she was just saying was more than her rent. affordable childcare is really important. so is paid family leave and flexible hours. what i think kathy said, she is talking to women and men. this is not just a woman's issue. men are demanding flexibility. men have to step up as fathers.
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we are seeing it takes two paychecks to live above the brink of poverty. we have 44 million women and something like 28 million children who depend on them on the brink of poverty. these are women who are working. i think it's inconceivable that we don't have paid leave. it's inconceivable we don't have maternity leave. >> just three states mandate paid maternity leave california, new jersey and rhode island. among 193 member states of the united nations, the united states and seven other country have no paid maternity leave. why do you think we've not done this as a government? >> that's a good question that will come up in this presidential election. i think when they started with paid leave out here in california, people said all the businesses will die. that hasn't turned out to be the case. paid leave has turned out to be good for business. things aren't changing and i think as kathy said, millennials
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are demanding this in california. if you look at silicon valley, there is a different culture developing to retain workers and all the science is really important to talk about. what children need is what mothers provide which is attachment which is love nurturing, and what women need to spend time. that's the question is how these policies can support the development for children and the time women need to spend with them. >> maria talks about having it all maybe you can't have it all at the same time at the same moment. i have a spin on that which is can you do it all? can you do it all as defined by you and what you want to do and how you want to balance it. >> use this platform. what would you ask of leaders in congress saying this is what i need to be a successful working mother. >> i need affordable childcare. affordable educational opportunities. what happens, especially in education, higher wages are
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often aligned to your education experience. so the more education experience i have or even vocational training, technical training the better qualified i would be. >> if you get childcare and you get more time to get an extra education, you get extra education, you get a higher income, guess what? then your kids get a better lifestyle and better education. >> correct. i'm building a child to be a successful citizen in the united states. not a child that has to depend on anything or anybody. a child who is fully functional. >> happy mother's day. appreciate this important discussion to have. when we come back the first installment of our new series on over 20 million kids everyday in our country lack access to healthy food. for the first time american kids are slated to live a shorter life span than their parents. it's a problem that we can turn around and change. revolution foods is a company we started
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welcome back. the road to the white house is paved with lots of money. candidates are going to spend an eye-popping amount on campaigns this cycle. we begin a new series called meet the money, the billionaire donors. it will focus on this small group of the superwealthy who would live to have huge influence on the 2016 race. first up is the casino mogul shell edelston. he already spent $100 million in his attempt to defeat barack obama. here is kelly o'donnell with a
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report produced with the investigative reporting program at uc berkeley. >> reporter: a season in politics now known as theed a ellison primary. republican presidential hopefuls eager to attract support and maybe millions from casino mogul sheldon adelson and making the pilgrimage to his venetian hotel vying for the jewish coalition. this included former texas governor rick perry. >> how are we supposed to trust iran? >> and senator ted cruz. >> it is not complicated for republican politicians to come to the rjc and say we should stand with israel. >> reporter: hoping their views will align with the hawkish, self-described pro-choice, socially liberal republican whose wealth could catapult their campaign. his donations in the last year included more than $63,000 to
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the republican national committee. $5 million to the congressional leadership fund and $10 million to karl rove's crossroads gps. adelson and his money are so influential, in his home state of nevada, even democrats like harry reid are reluctant to take him on. >> i know sheldon he is not in this for money. he's not in this to make money. he is in it because he had certain ideological views. >> reporter: while accustomed to holding political court he's been spending time in a court of law, making a rare appearance in a case brought by a former top executive at his casino empire, a case that raises questions about the sources of adelson's much sought after fortune. stephen jacobs ran his ambitious casino venture off the coast of china. when that business exploded and made adelson one of the wealthiest men in the world. jacobs said in a deposition he
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was fired from his job after he objected to what he called the casino's illicit business practices. >> i did report the activities of some of the specific allegations where sheldon adelson was personally involved in wrong doing illegal and/or immoral activities? you bet. >> reporter: he claims they included rampant prostitution and loan sharking, potential money laundering and involvement with chinese gangs known as triads, who allegedly brought in high-stakes gamblers on so-casualty junkets. adelson disputed the allegation. >> we have no intention and will not do things that violate any law. >> reporter: he said he saw no proof that triads operated junkets to his casino and jacobs' plan to stop junkets would have financially decimated the enterprise. >> this was insanity. he purposefully tried to cull the company. >> reporter: adelson said
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ongoing federal investigations brought on by jacobs' allegations -- >> he squeals like a pig squeals -- >> reporter: will soon vindicate him. kelly o'donnell for "meet the press." >> for more i'm joined by john alston, probably nevada's preimminent political reporter. welcome back to "meet the press." what does sheldon want? >> he wants a candidate that is going to win for a change. i think he was very upset with what happened with mitt romney. he supported newt gingrich mostly out of personal loyalty from a relationship that goes back 20 years. he wants a candidate that can win. he wants a candidate who is not going to concentrate on social issues. mentioned earlier he ises soly liberal. he is pro-choice. he wants the republican candidate to talk about immigration. he is worried about the republican candidate losing on that issue. he wants a winner this time. >> it's amazing on social issues
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and immigration if any candidate had those views, they would be laughed out right now in the primary prospect. does that make it harder for these guys to take his money? doesn't look it. >> i don't think anyone will turn down his money. as you talked about with the adelson primary, i've been to both in the last couple of years. it is a panderfest. sheldon adelson will wait for two or three debates, see which candidate looks better to him. i think he likes marco rubio and scott walker, but he is not going to make a decision right now. there are reports he will load up on rubio. that is just not going to happen until he sees how these candidates perform. >> if he is loathing of the clintons as he was of president obama? >> i don't think that is true. again, his feelings about barack obama are very clear. i have not heard him talk in the
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same terms, nor has anybody close to him talked in the same terms as hillary clinton. he does not want hillary clinton to be the next president of the united states. that's going to animate what he does. you talked about the $100 million. that's couch cushion money to him. i don't think he is going to have a limit on what he spends to beat hillary clinton. >> that's for sure. john ralston i'll be talking to you a lot more. you love to say, hashtag you matter. thank you, john. >> don't forget it. >> we'll be back in a moment with endgame. belichick and brady and the clintons. wait till you see what some folks have been writing about what they may or may not have in common. what made president obama say this about elizabeth warren? s. >> she is absolutely wrong. - oh. uh, hi. the next time you get the latest video game, give the old one away. you've already played it like, a million times. you'll not only make someone else happy you'll make the earth happy too. the more you know. i've almost got him.
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my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locate and mark fieldman for pg&e. most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service.
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i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california.
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endgame time. 48 hours removed from going to the nike campus. >> took about that long to get home. >> to interview president obama who is doing a very, very public push for this trade agreement as we talked about earlier. let me play a clip here. his chief opponent on this right now appears to be elizabeth warren. >> elizabeth is a politician like everybody else. she's got a voice she wants to get out there. i understand that. on most issues, she and i deeply agree. on this one, though, her
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arguments don't stand the test of fact and scrutiny. >> is there a worse attack you can make on a politician these days than calling them a politician? >> especially when her brand is about not being a politician. i was surprised. he is irritated. barack obama is a politician. he is the anti-bill clinton. he does not like to fight with his friends, even when there is a substantive disagreement if it appears he is trying to score political points. i think he is frustrated because he feels elizabeth warren is doing exactly that to him. >> that he is being triangulated. she is pandering to aggressives here. >> his comment is clear. he doesn't think it's out of conviction but she is playing fast and loose with facts to keep her supporters riled up with a policy he cares about. a lot more about the policy and trade on yahoo. that interview will be posted today. >> that is good to know. this is an interesting fight happening inside the democratic party. hillary clinton is nervous about
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it. bernie sanders who by the way you've seen suddenly with elizabeth warren out he is topping the sort of second place vote. he is suddenly getting into the team. in many ways he is more articulate on this issue than elizabeth warren is. >> and she is going to push it he is going to push it. many of the democrats in congress are going to push it. the critical question here is where is hillary clinton between president obama on the one hand and elizabeth warren/bernie sanders on the other hand? she needs to show her hand and answer questions about this. >> the hypocrisy issue here for democrats running for president, he is asking for presidential authority to negotiate these grade issues. i would think every one of these people would want the same authority. i didn't buy carly's answer or anybody's. >> they want this authority. they want to negotiate the deal they want to negotiate. that's where the president is right now.
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ticking off the democrats because they claim they don't know what's in the bill. they can access that. the president clearly has the upper hand here. it's going to pass. that's the part i think a lot of people at the end of the day -- >> i'm not so sure. >> watch the house of representatives. it's not so clear. >> i'm with you. you are starting to see some republican, the old buchanan wing of the populous anti-trade crowd. >> republicans do not want to give obama, personally the authority to do this. >> the lead story, deflate gate. i kid, i kid. i've got to read this "wall street journal" column. as if writing a letter to tom brady how to handle the scrutiny. most important, deflect deflect like one of those monster packers defensive linemen batting down one of your passes. don't actually answer any of their questions. keep calling audibles and try to
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confuse them. hope this helps. if you need more advice just holler. oh, and maybe you could contribute to the clinton foundation, bill and hill. ouch. >> it isn't hard to see the analogy here. we are talking about, i hate the word it's coarse and cheap but cheat, cheating then lying about it. we are familiar with that from the clintons. >> you think the clintons are lying? what are they lying about? >> i'm going back to the former president's tenure. we don't know about lying yet about other things. the idea is that narrative is sort of in place. it's hard to undo it once it's there. >> another person wrote something like, brady and belichick are like the clintons. people try to get them, people believe they are not playing by the rules, they would argue oh, they are playing technically by the rules but shading them a
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little bit and creating their own sets of rules. what do they always have in common? they always seem to win. >> this jumps out the commonality, it's on us. we the fans the voters, we want somebody who will do anything it takes to win make the system work and go out and be a perfectly scrupulous nice decent person who never bends the rule. that doesn't exist. more often than not that person will do whatever it takes. >> all right. >> there are fans who are children. that's my big complaint here. >> cheating is cheating. >> fair enough. before i go, it is mother's day. so from us here at "meet the press" -- >> look at this. >> not just flowers but something that might actually last. an orchid potted plant. >> we are not potted plants, but we appreciate them. >> that's all for today. father's out there, i hope you
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figure this out it's mother's day. we'll be back next week. if it's sunday, it's "meet the press." coming up on "early today," wild weekend weather left paths of destruction in various parts of the country. our bill karins says 50 millio


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