tv NBC Bay Area News NBC August 30, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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peter: the end of world war ii marked the beginning of mass produced everything, including food. lou: american machinery was turning out fords and turning out wonder bread. when white bread came out, it became-- everybody had to eat white bread. they were telling my father, "but each loaf of bread has to look the same." and they get angry with him. at our own italian restaurant, george sometimes would say, "well, one looks like this, the other one looks like that." erica: canned goods took over as why would you want to eat food that was fresh from the farm all dirty, when you could eat nice, clean food that has been carefully processed for your protection?" peter: even the san francisco treat came out of a box. historian erica peters. erica: everyone loves rice-a-roni. but what people don't know is that it was also a way for a new bride, a new canadian bride, to show her italian mother-in-law that she was also a decent cook.
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peter: the young bride, lois, had married into the dedomenico family, owners of the golden grain macaroni company. her armenian landlady taught her how to make rice pilaf. lois added a twist. erica: with swanson's chicken soup mixed in to make it delicious. and the brothers who ran the--the brothers who ran the pasta company realized that since they also had a sideline in making dried soup mixes, that they could turn this into a boxed meal and sell it as an alternative to potatoes on your plate, which they promptly did. and it was very successful. the older brother, vincent dedomenico, came up with the name rice-a-roni. peter: there was practically nothing you could put on your plate that you couldn't pour out of a box. [music] michael: you know, when somebody says to me, "your three best meals of your life?" there are always going to be three meals that completely
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changed my thought process, and chez panisse was my first. [music] peter: alice waters was a teenager in a tiny midwest town when she got her first restaurant job. alice: i was a car-hop at a restaurant called "the country cousin" when i was-- when i was 15. it was right at the beginning of the car-hop days. and we had roller skates. peter: from that humble start, she moved with her family to los angeles, where she worked inside bullock's tea room. alice: and my friend eleanor and i got a job making sandwiches for-- i believe her name was ms. wanda. and we had to do them just so. i mean, it was an incredible place of learning for me. we made crab sandwiches, i remember.
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we just had to do the toast just right. peter: that attention to detail with food was not the only lesson learned. alice: especially when you're working for tips, you're trying to please people. and i knew that if i really talked to them about the food, and got them to order more, and that they liked me, that they would leave a tip. peter: waters' next move was to cal berkeley, just in time for the free speech movement. alice: i was on the fringes of the movement at berkeley, but i listened. i listened to mario savio. mario savio: serving a notice of warning, and i should say threat, to this administration. alice: i believed that we could create an ideal world. and i just felt empowered by the sort of counterculture
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of the 60s. peter: at 19, she spent a year abroad, studying and absorbing the culture in france. and while she felt empowered by the berkeley protests, she was inspired by the french way with food. alice: i felt like i hadn't eaten really anything before that time. it was a complete awakening for me. i just loved the markets, i loved the baguettes, i loved the oysters on the half-shell, i loved the wine. i loved the whole way that these restaurants were run. peter: after returning home, waters went to work in politics, knocking on doors for democrat and anti-war candidate robert scheer. alice: i thought he was brilliant. and i worked for his campaign.
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robert scheer: we received 45% of the vote against the man who was an incumbent for 8 years. alice: and when he lost, i couldn't understand why, and i didn't want to be involved with politics ever again. it really pushed me out. and i just thought, "i'll open a restaurant and i'll persuade people in a different way." i never thought about what would happen if he won. and he takes great, great pride in the fact that he lost and that chez panisse opened up as a result. peter: while waters was opening chez panisse, narsai david was running his restaurant near berkeley. one of three sons born to assyrian parents, david picked up early lessons in good kitchen management from his mom. narsai: if my mother had had a daughter, there's a pretty good chance i would never have ended up in the food business.
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because with old country tradition, a girl would be in the kitchen helping mom. and by god, tom sawyer had nothing on my mother. she would get the three of us to sit around the table and we'd race to see who could pit the peaches the fastest, or who'd peel the tomatoes the fastest. she canned 100 quarts of tomatoes every year. peter: david and waters shared a philosophy of food. alice: we are what we eat. and when you're eating fast food, you are digesting those values. but if you eat beautiful, real food, and you understand where that comes from, and that you're really nourished by it, and you think differently about the world. narsai: we didn't have anything coming out of the freezer. we wanted everything fresh, we wanted to get the best that we could get. alice: i wanted, you know, a perfectly ripe apricot.
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i wanted to sit at a table. i wanted to go to the market every day. i wanted a fish right out of the water. and so basically, i was looking for food that was local, sustainably produced, in season, and enjoy it with family and friends. peter: a popular magazine tried to squeeze that ideal into a marketing postcard. narsai: an article comes out in bon appetit saying that chez panisse and narsai's are producing california cuisine. i thought to myself, "what are they talking about? what's california cuisine?" i discussed it with alice, she had no idea what california cuisine was about. we were both just doing what we felt like doing. peter: the food culture born of that philosophy changed the way the bay area ate out and dined in. nancy: you would not be able to buy arugula and radicchio in safeway today if it hadn't been for alice waters.
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everybody needs to thank alice for what is now available in grocery stores. she has driven the demand for better lettuce, better produce, better meat, better fish. lou: i think she was the innovator. she was the changer. it brought about this other culinary academy, if you will. peter: those lessons about cooking local sustainably-grown foods are reaching beyond the cooking schools. they're also being taught in grade schools, and in gardens from the pacific coast to pennsylvania avenue. alice: we're trying to open up these children's senses to the world about them and not make judgments about what they're eating. it's allowing them to find it themselves. and once they find it, they're going to go back to that. once they find the little berry on the bush, they say,
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"let's go and see if the berries are ripe now." it's the reason that we needed to plant a garden on the lawn. i wish they could plant a garden on the front lawn of the white house because it sends a message around the world, just the way that michelle's garden really made an impression. and people see that picture of her digging into the ground and they say, "oh, you know, we want to do that too." peter: the great chefs believe cooking a meal for someone is deeply personal. to do it well means putting something of yourself into each meal. michael: what i think that alice waters has always done, and what it was all about, but really the kind of the heart and soul of the restaurant, it wasn't just about the food. the whole experience was really, i'm sure, 100% her personality. peter: a personality that has never been afraid
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of a little adventure. cecilia: the first time we went to japan. we were in kyoto. alice: i had eaten sashimi before. but never with shrimp, never, and never with live shrimp. cecilia: so later, i order some shrimp. so, the chef brought us a box, a wooden box. he said, "what this for?" i said, "you just wait." they open the box, they wetted the sawdust, they wetted the saw--a few shrimps, they're moving, they're still crawling. alice: that was the part that completely surprised me. and i didn't know whether i wanted to do that or not. and she just got me to taste it, of course.
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cecilia: so put the shrimp in the mouth, the tail is still moving. i said, "alice, you wanted fresh. you cannot say this is not fresh." alice: i've never had live shrimp since. peter: that friendship is a hallmark of the bay area culinary community. alice: there's kind of a camaraderie among all of the chefs. it's not a competition. peter: but it is a challenge. to break through in the bay area food scene takes a certain kind of genius and a little push. for three of the bay area's most exciting chefs, that push came from a cheesy tv show, a few nagging friends, and a paperwork error.
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[mus nancy: i can see the dinner table, i can see when they put an artichoke in front of me, and i burst into tears. i just think it was so, so completely foreign, and they were all laughing hysterically, but that was--that's really my first memory of food. michael: it was always my mom baking pocket bread. and my first memory of it was i remember going in the kitchen and trying to grab one out of the oven, and she would just bake it on the racks, and i grabbed the oven rack to pull--
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it burnt my hand, but i still managed to grab the bread, have a piece of bread while i was crying, a little kid eating on one hand and a burnt hand, you know, in ice on the other hand. david: you know, as a 6 or 7-year-old and tasting that broth and looking at a clam and eating it for the first time. it's the first taste of exotica, and i remember liking it very much. peter: there are so many restaurants in the san francisco bay area, you could eat at a different spot every night for nearly 50 years. only the most extraordinary chefs can break through the culinary clutter. and while their menus may be wildly different, they share one simple belief: the feeling around the table is as important as the food. it is a belief they have held since childhood. david: at the end of the day, sharing a meal together, where people talk and became a family again. nancy: my mother, us, all of them, the four sisters were fabulous cooks. they were--my grandmother probably the best of them all.
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so, everything was always fresh and cooked from scratch, and bread was made, and all of those things, so a real tradition of--i think that really established my palate for what food is supposed to taste like. michael: the table would be filled with just great food and really flavorful little plates, and the food would kind of stay on the table. and conversation would start, then a fight would break out, and then cards would start being played. and it was--you were there for hours. and it was just something so special about it. you know, and as i kind of progressed in my career, i've always wanted to keep that spirit of what it meant to me to sit down to dinner. peter: for most, the road to restaurant success starts with a steel pad and a greasy pot. michael: i started like most chefs. you start because it's a job. i had to do dishes to get to pick parsley and wash baked potatoes, you know? david: my first job in a restaurant was as a dishwasher and a pot washer in new orleans, louisiana.
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nancy: i took a job at the carnelian room on the 52nd floor of the bank of america building as a hostess and a food checker. peter: today, michael mina, david kinch, and nancy oakes are among the most decorated chefs in the country. all of them have a deeply rooted love of cooking. but none of them would have made it in the bay area without fate, friends, and family. michael mina's family fled egypt when he was 3. his parents feared religious persecution at the hands of abdel nasser. michael: they left with nothing. and you couldn't--you know, you could leave, but you couldn't bring much with you. and they did that and started over. peter: he grew up in central washington. he was 13 when a family vacation to san francisco changed his life. michael: we were staying in the hotel, and i would walk down the street every day, every morning, and have an almond croissant. seeing a city like san francisco, i went home and i fell in love with this city.
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i absolutely said to myself, "this is where i want to live." peter: mina worked in a restaurant through high school and loved it. but in the mid-80s, there was no food network to tell a teenager you could build a career in the kitchen. but there was robin leach. announcer: it's "lifestyles of the rich and famous." michael: there was a special on "lifestyles of the rich and famous" on jeremiah tower. and there was a feature of him and it was-- they were showing stars. and this was in san francisco. and it was so impactful, and robin leach, and it was so impactful to me, i remember sitting there just watching it, saying, "my god, that's what i would love to do." that next morning, i woke up and it was my mission. i said, "i'm going to--i am going to find out how to become a chef." peter: but his first step was met with rejection. michael: here's a funny story that i don't know if i've ever even said. i didn't get accepted to the school here in san francisco, the california culinary. they said, "you need to get two more years of experience
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in a fine dining restaurant at the time." peter: after his formal training, he got a real life lesson in the bay area restaurant business. michael: the second day i lived here was the earthquake. and so, i lived here for one day. it was like i had been dying to move to san francisco all my life, and the second day i live here was the earthquake. and so, needless to say, getting a building permit at that time was a little--you know, charles schwab needed a building permit and we want to open a new restaurant in the financial district in downtown san francisco. back of the line. peter: mina would open aqua in 1991. it was the first of many hit restaurants which would come to be known as the michael mina group. as a young girl, nancy oakes spent many nights at her father's restaurant in carmel. nancy: the most exotic people i have ever met in my life, people that i would never have come into contact with, all different races, all different backgrounds. but you know, wild, you know, motown playing,
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and all of this stuff that goes on in a kitchen, that sort of primed me for being very comfortable in that situation. peter: comfortable, but unconvinced that she was destined to have her own kitchen. she was making a living as a hostess when a friend dragged her into the back of the house. nancy: it was my friend who decided that we were going to cook. we had always cooked together as friends. these people offered us, they said, "we're not using the kitchen and this bar. won't it be great? you guys are such great cooks, it'll be really fun, you can give it a try," all these-- you know, they were one of the people that are always saying, "you should have a restaurant, you should have a restaurant." it's that nightmare story. and so we did it. and i took a major cut in salary and started cooking. peter: she hasn't stopped since. oakes opened boulevard in san francisco in 1993 and has gone on to win the james beard award for the best restaurant in america.
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nancy: i went and did a little therapy and i expressed that i thought it was very serendipitous that i had ended up in this career. and she said, "oh no, you were destined for it." peter: david kinch, chef and owner of manresa in los gatos, put down roots in the bay area after his dreams of a culinary education in japan came to an abrupt end. david: i had to leave japan early, earlier than i thought, you know, because of complications with my visa. i was planning on spending at least a couple of years working in japan, learning as much as i could, learning the language, settling down a little bit. and then it was uprooted. and you know, within a 24-hour period, i was out of the country and back home, no place to live, not working anywhere. peter: now homeless, kinch moved in with his parents in danville. he spent the next few years charting a new path,
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which eventually led through the kitchens of new york, europe, and then back to the bay area. kinch opened manresa in 2002. he formed a partnership with a santa cruz farm, a reliable source for healthy, local, sustainably-grown ingredients. david: you know, the things that grow at love apple are reflective of our environment, our climates, and in our discourse about how we work together. peter: kinch, like oakes and mina, is taking alice waters' food philosophy and putting it into practice. david: but what she did is she made the commitment, you know, to work with the product that was out there, and fortunately we had it. peter: and the customer, the diner, the foodie is here to enjoy it. alice: i think there are people that are fanatic about eating. [music]
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my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locafor pg&e.rk fieldman most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street
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they are hardworking, they are dedicated, they are overlooked, and in many cases they are grossly underpaid. alice: i think that everyone needs to have an experience of what it's like to work in a garden, to work on a farm, and to pick those beans every day, pick the raspberries. i mean, it's incredibly hard work, and it demands all your attention. and it's absolutely vital for our good health and our pleasure, and they need to be rewarded for the work that they do. when we lift up the idea of farming and make it something that's really cherished in this country, that we lift up the farm workers with them. and that's what needs to happen.
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erica: my husband would get up at 4 in the morning to try to beat the computer system so that he can get into state bird provisions, and he'll do that multiple times. david: certainly where we are in northern california, you know, people tend to be educated, fairly sophisticated, they have a chance to travel and see the world a little bit, and they have reasonably high expectations of what they expect, you know, dining out. there's nothing else i can ask for more than people who offer a challenge in terms of offering them a pleasurable experience. michael: you have a city that i think is really-- it's so known for innovative food, that when you come here, you've already-- you know, you've already a lot of times mentally said, "i will try something that i might not try in cincinnati, ohio, because i'm in san francisco." nancy: if you cook delicious food,
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and if you price it fairly and you can hold the front of the house together and treat people nicely and provide courteous and good service, people will come. lou: and san francisco bay area is very welcoming and enjoys watching people take risks. narsai: we have restaurants from every culture you can imagine. african cultures from several different african countries, middle eastern food and greek food, and this creativity is still alive and well in the bay area. and i think it's due to continue. peter: but only if we continue to guard the resources which make it possible. nancy: we have absolutely the best access to the best ingredients. great ingredients are going to always drive us. alice: we have farmland nearby. we still are able to fish from pretty clean water. we care about the environment probably more
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than most places in this country. peter: those ingredients are now in the hands of avant-garde chefs whose culinary imaginations are delighting new generations of connoisseurs. nancy: the san francisco food scene is definitely exploding. michael: right now i think, you know, every week you've got a new option of, you know, a real restaurant too. david: we experiment and redo and re-taste and rework things all the time. cecilia: the chef is the star now. peter: on the next "bay area revelations." steve wozniak: and i look back, how did i get on this course of being good at a certain thing? it's accident after accident after accident. peter: the bay area's famous for welcoming the people who challenge conventional wisdom. they are the risk-takers, the innovators, the artists, and the outliers.
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collectively, they are the icons, coming october 2015. [music] cc by aberdeen captioning 1-800-688-6621 nbc bay area news starts now. >> highway 101 closed again, less than two days after a major accident. why the second shutdown is needed and what you need to know tonight if you have to drive in that area. >> reports of flashers in palo alto. what is now being down to track those responsible. and then. she basically crawled from where she was injured down to a creek. >> a woman with several broken bones survived in the sierra for nine days. we are learning more about how
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she kept herself alive plus the locals who helped to bring her to safety. good evening, thank you for joining us for this special edition of nbc bay area news, i'm peggy bunker. i'm terry mcsweeney, right now a major shutdown in the bay area, as we speak the crews are shutting down the stretch of 101 between burlingame. you wouldn't be able to drive this area from millbrae area, to broadway because pg&e crews are making repairs to high voltage power lines, those lines fell on the freeway friday 90. christie, what does it look like right now? >> reporter: well, terry, within the last hour we've really seen the activity pick up here. you can see in the distance pg&e crews in the basket. this is all work to replace the high voltage power lines. they have already started the hard closure at 10:00.
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the message to drivers? avoid this area if you can. pg&e completed prep work in advance of the closure of highway 101 so the critical work can start quickly in burlingame. >> we'll be restanding about 1500 feet of power line that will run across the freeway to the hours across the freeway that are adjacent to this work. >> reporter: the utility contractor hit it sending high voltage lines across the freeway. 101 was closed for hours. >> i tried to go through california but it was jammed up. getting through the city was kind of rough. >> reporter: omar kadora was stuck this evening. he is going to a wedding, and will travel off the 101. >> i plan to take el camino to get back home. it's kind of annoying. >> reporter: a main artery of the peninsula out until friday
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early morning. but drivers are cautioned to avoid the side streets, too. >> highway 280 will be your best bet. again if you can avoid being on the camino real. >> i wish it would be later, maybe 11:00 or 12? >> reporter: and we're back here now. i want to show you what 101 look looks like, southbound closures, pg&e expect they don't expect any service interruptions while all this work is going on. reporting live in burlingame, christie smith. and if you need to drive the 101 closure, if your going northbound 101 you can take 92 west over to 280. once you're on take three back to 101. this will get you back to the closure. the route is on your screen there in screen.
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if your going southbound you can take the same route. stay with nbc bay area news, with continuing coverage the closure. we'll have updates first thing in the morning on today in the bay, coverage starts at 4:30 a.m. and new details on the outbreak at the san quentin prison. a total of six inmates now have legionnaire's disease. it is a type of pneumonia spread from mist from bacteria in the water. they are advised to turn off their faucets, they will stay dry until they figure out the source of the outbreak. inmates are using portable water and getting toilets shipped in from outside. others are monitored for symptoms. and palo alto police trying to track down a flasher after he exposed himself to a woman friday night downtown. the incident was reported after a man exposed himself to a
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woman. marianne favro has more from downtown palo alto with a look at both cases. >> reporter: well, terry, both cases happened in this block of university avenue friday night. and police say in both cases the suspect is described as a man in his 20s. but police are not ready to say yet whether the cases are connected. the most recent case happened in the 101 block of university avenue during one of the busiest times of the week. around 8:30 p.m. palo alto police say a white man in his 20s followed a woman before exposing himself to her. >> it does concern me because in this area there is a lot of traffic and a lot of families come down here. so i would not want anyone to you know, have a bad experience with that. >> reporter: and just a few miles away a man exposed himself to a dog walker here in monroe park on miller avenue. that incident happened around 5:45 p.m. tuesday night. police have a sketch of that
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suspect which they posted at the park. he is described as a man in his early 20s with an olive complexion and dark curly hair. he was wearing sunglasses and had a backpack slung over one shoulder. kenny ritchie was born and raised in palo alto and is surprised to learn of the two incidents. >> it is upsetting to me and to see kind of an increase of this activity is disturbing. >> reporter: she says the indecent exposure cases are something to be on alert while out walking her dog. >> reporter: and there were several other cases of flashers, in june, police arrested a 63-year-old man in connection with other such cases. all right, marianne, thank you very much. a redwood tree is responsible for knocking out power to more than 4,000 households in the north bay
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airli earlier today. it happened between montorea. on the pg&e website we checked just moments ago. now it says fewer than 200 customers are affected and everybody should be back on by 2:00 a.m. mission accomplished. rescue teams across the state are back home tonight after saving a woman hurt and lost in the sierra for nine days. take a look at this new video of the rescue which happened yesterday. teams from marin and san mateo counties were sent to find mayuki harwood. nbc's gadi schwartz has more on the amazing story of survival. >> reporter: a search area filled with heavy smoke and so remote it took military helicopters to airlift rescuers deep into the sierra nevadas. and then the call. after nine days of searching with aircraft forces and even a
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drone, 62-year-old mayuki harwood found alive, blowing a whistle. >> she was really at the time period when we didn't think she would survive. >> reporter: she was camping with the sierra club when she decided to hike alone, somehow she broke several of her bones and was surrounded by thick haze less than a mile away, she pulled herself down from the water. >> she basically crawled from where she was injured down to a creek. it took her about three days to do that. >> reporter: she had a water filter but no food, suffering through days, and nights. >> she had long pants on, the temperatures were down in the low 30s from what i understand. >> reporter: tonight, harwood is recovering after a surgery to set several bones in her legs back into place. her family very happy when they found she was alive. >> they could not stop screaming and crying and yelling among themselves. they were all in a car. >> reporter: rescue crews were relieved. some say this is the longest
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case of survival they have ever seen. gadi schwartz, nbc news, los angeles. just incredible. now rescue teams never game up on finding mayuki harwood. we want to show you the moment the dispatcher was able to send out the good news. >> have contact with our missing person. i have coordinates and i'm going to need them if they are available for an extraction. she is injured. >> reporter: good news there, though, that she was alive. harwood's family says she will spend the next few days getting uninterrupted rest and quiet. coming up next, another shark circling a kayaker off the coast. one of the close encounters this weekend. also mourning the loss of a horror film legend, also the iconic films and the struggles toward the end of his life. and we're seeing some temperatures out of the north. in the north bay mid-70s.
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tomorrow morning, patchy low clouds, a cooler work week ahead. the latest on three hurricanes right there near the hawaiian islands. we'll look at the forecast when we come right back. because 100% whole grain oats are incredibly good for you. because they're heart healthy because they're good for kids. and granddads and everyone else in the family. everything we do is because of what
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really matters most. the goodness of oats and the people we love. so, what did you guys they think of the test drive? i love the jetta. but what about a deal? terry, stop! it's quite alright... you know what? we want to make a deal with you. we're twins, so could you give us two for the price of one? come on, give us a deal. look at how old i am. do you come here often? he works here, terry! you work here, right?
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yes... ok let's get to the point. we're going to take the deal. get a $1000 volkswagen reward card on select 2015 jetta models. or lease a 2015 jetta s for $139 a month after a $1000 volkswagen bonus. oh, brings back memories, doesn't it? oh, my goodness, i still have nightmares, it certainly makes your spine tingle when you talk about the movie, that was made by wes craven. he died from a brain cancer. his family says he was surrounded by his loved ones when he died. craven was the one behind the scary movies in the '80s. >> you said it caused you little sleep. >> oh, yes, he directed the screen movies, they were box office sensations. he is survived by his wife, sister and son.
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and a tragedy that stunned a sellout crowd in atlanta. a braves fan died after falling from the upper deck. now, they are facing questions about how safe the stadiums really are. >> alex rodriguez has got a hit. >> reporter: it was the seventh inning, yankees versus the braves. at turner field in atlanta. >> somebody just fell from the upper deck, oh, my gosh. >> reporter: witnesses say the man identified as greg murray fell about 50 feet to his death as he yelled at yankees star alex rodriguez. at first, many fans didn't notice, as the game went on. but many jumped into action, including a surgeon sitting nearby and he tried to perform cpr. >> he just came down with a thud. people were in shock. >> reporter: murray was taken out on a stretcher, and was a
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season ticket holder for 23 years. >> tonight, he passed away doing his favorite thing, watching his team play. >> reporter: this was the third death, across the country, more than two dozen fans have fallen at stadiums since 2003. this year, major league baseball has been taking a closer look at the stadiums, after one woman was struck by a bat, and another a foul ball. the current regulations could be outdated, the experts say. right now, the seats must be at least 26 inches high, in front of stairs, 42. >> public entertainment was a lot different then, americans were shorter and smaller. the types of entertainment that the building exits code was designed to address included going to the opera. attending vaudeville. >> reporter: in atlanta, it's not clear if outdated codes were a factor. but it appears to be an
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accident. police are still investigating. >> everybody sends along our condolences. >> reporter: this afternoon, a moment of silence as both teams remember a lifetime fan. gabe gutierrez, nbc news. two shark sightings in 24 hours now beachgoers are on edge. you're looking at video now from yesterday. but the latest sight happened at about noon today. on la jolla shores, a man was fishing when he spotted the hammer head shark, they were out there two miles when the shark started to go towards the swimmer. the aggressive hammer head was spotted surfing yesterday. in this video, it shows the shark. nobody was hurt. >> the hammer head appears to be hungry. >> he is the less aggressive shark. and pretty big waves today. surf is a little bigger than normal. there is actually a warning out
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for beaches between monterey and all the way up to sonoma here tonight. meteorologist rob mayeda has more. >> this was part of the forecast that expired at 9:00 p.m. the wave heights coming down five feet offshore. but the wind speeds are fairly gusty. 25 to 30 miles an hour. over land we have been seeing the wind gusts at sfo. wind speeds starting to come down but it's that wind direction that is doing some interesting things to our temperatures right now. 55 degrees in san francisco. san jose, 69 as we show you dublin right now. 70 degrees and over towards oakland, we're at 68, but parts of the north bay and low-to-mid 70s as the air is forced downward. we saw it around sonoma, high close to 90 degrees. three hurricanes near hawaii. the good news we have to report, they're decreasing in strength. all signs they will largely
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avoid hawaii. kilo west of hawaii, ignacio, moving just to the north of the hawaiian islands. here is the path of immigragnac moving farther to the north. as the storms curve to the north and get caught in the westerly jet stream, moving along into the pacific, we could see the patterns move as the energy gets absorbed into the jet stream. the pattern this week will be considered cooler. very active weather in the pacific northwest. this is part of a trough which is hung up over the west coast. it will increase in strength by the time we get into wednesday and thursday. showers are off to the north. but the onshore winds will keep the temperatures trending cooler as we head to wednesday and thursday. so for tomorrow morning, patchy low clouds, breezy, the north bay, by lunchtime you should see
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the temperatures climbing into the mid-to-upper 70s, inland san francisco, upper 60s to low 70s for monday afternoon with patchy low clouds, about 82 in san jose, likely the warmest day of the work week coming in for tomorrow. mid-80s, upper 80s, a few spots near sonoma and santa rosa and you can see the tri-valley starting the week in the upper 80s. san jose, average high, 80 degrees, mid-to-upper 70s towards wednesday and thursday towards livermore and the tri-valley. the temperatures at least as we begin to cool off, upper 70s by wednesday, the average high should be 87 degrees towards livermore. and san francisco cooling down, rebounding towards friday. unlike this weekend instead of having the trough in the upper west coast, high pressure comes back big time. next sunday we'll see numbers back in the low-to-mid 90s. heat coming back next sunday. in the meantime for the work week, morning drizzle possible
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deliciously fruity, dinner feels a million years away, grab and go, let's take on the world with 100 calories, snack yoplait greek 100. there are hundreds of reasons to snack on it. welcome back to nbc bay area. you know with matt cain back on the disabled list. chris heston was thrown back in the giant's rotation as the giants tried to take the rubber game mat from the cardinals sunday. we got baseball for you and it was a pretty good one. top of the fourth we'll pick it up. 4-2, st. louis, brandon moss, crushes one to center. solo shot, home run, chris heston gives up five runs since his first start since april. triple valley, brandon belt,
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keep running, son. he will score. third extra base hit and third rbis on his birthday at that. two batters later. gregor blanco looking to end the inning. he got the job done, giants lose, 7-5. >> we're in the hunt, still, we're not where we want to be. but you know there is baseball left. and so it's going to be talked about the series coming up. it's a big huge series for us. we're behind. and so we're going to have to execute, play our best ball. and hopefully go down there and get on track. >> you heard what the skipper said, it's a huge series in l.a. starting monday. and the best place to get all of your giants/dodgers coverage here on nbc bay area and csn bay area, highlights and analysis you will not get anywhere else. don't miss it. all right, dodgers trying to pick up a game on the giants.
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they were hosting the cubs. jake arreata, carl crawford lines one to second. throwing castro with a catch. a no-hitter, bottom of the ninth, two outs, arreata, chase utley, back to the dugout. yes, a no-hitter for the second time in nine days. cubs win 2-0, over to the a's and diamondbacks. oakland going for its first world series win. since july 12th, top of the fourth. a's down 3-2. steven vote, he has got my vote on this one. blast one to right, his second homer in as many days. tied at three now this one went to extra innings. top of the 11th, bases loaded. the oakland native shoots a single into right field. a's go on to win, 7-4. cardinals and raiders on the grid iron, sunday night
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football. which you saw right here. he will manhandle the tackle, sacks carson palmer. one of his two sacks in the game. it was a mixed back for quarterback derek carr. second half, carr pressured throws the ball into the flat, uh-oh, we got a problem. intercepted by brooks who returns it to the house. the raiders not only lost the game but they lost lineman watson to an achilles injury. all right, final round at the barclays, pga champion, jason dey entering sunday but not for long. he makes this long put on 14 for birdie. then on 15, dey drains it down the hill. reads the break perfectly for birdie. his third win in his last four starts. he is very hot.
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all right, louis berry, pennsylvania, fell to japan today by a final of 18-11. peggy, always good to see you, terry, i know what you did. you were talking about hot days before the sports cast. you know food distracts me. >> if the dog days are hotter -- >> he implicated henry. >> i ignored the question. >> i ignored the question. if i think about food iale anno] during mattress price wars at sleep train, save up to $400 on beautyrest and posturepedic.
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♪ yoplait. the smooth and creamy yogurt your whole family loves. yoplait original with no artificial sweeteners, no artificial flavors, and no high fructose corn syrup. a record crowd attending the silicon valley pride celebration in downtown san jose going on today. >> that is right, more than 5,000 people came out to celebrate the event. this is double the turnout that they had last year. >> a few months ago i was invited to a few celebrations at a few high tech companies where they celebrated diversity and gay rights. i looked out over the crowd and it really amazed me how wow, people are openly gay that were
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gay, their bosses are okay with it. their companies are okay with it. nobody is being threatened with being fired. the progress has been tremendous. >> now moving forward, pride organizers say they want to make sure that gay teenagers feel comfortable coming out and not feel threatened. so that is the next goal. >> absolutely. check with rob mayeda, we have a warm day coming up but not tomorrow. >> we'll see temperatures starting in the 60s, and mid-to-upper 80s in the inland. cooler towards the middle part of the week. >> thank you for joining us. thank you for choosing nbc bay area news. >> see you at 11:00. [female announcer] during mattress price wars at sleep train,
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. in front of a live the carstudio audience.taped ♪ it was all a dream ♪ i used to read word up magazine ♪ ♪ salt-n-pepa and heavy d up in the limousine ♪ ♪ hanging pictures on my wall ♪ ♪ every saturday, rap attack, mr. magic, marley marl ♪ ♪ i let my tape rock till my tape... ♪ what are you... you can't dance like that to biggie. hey, i like that song. is it new? what... how the hell do you not know that song? it's so important. people get married to that song where i'm from. this place has really come to life since it's been maxine'd. you added pillows. you came in, you added tampons and pillows. really? live with a woman for five minutes, already gonna make a tampon joke? yeah, well, someone's got to be brave enough to do it, maxine. hey, it's our first mail together. yeah, yeah. and it says "resident."
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