tv NBC Nightly News NBC September 12, 2015 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT
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participate? extra food, bribe on the side. they work with animals that enjoy the activity. >> they seem like they're having fun except for maybe the cockroach. >> giants and padres in half an hour. good night. thousands of homes are threatened by a massively growing wildfire. we're on the front lines. >> city on edge. living in fear in phoenix as authorities hunt for the shooters firing at cars on a freeway. to the streets. tens of thousands march in a show of support for refugees and migrants ieurope as a human wave continues to swell. speaking out. our interview with the former tennis star who mistakenly found himself on the wrong side of the law. and story time. in our digital age, could this be the library of the future? "nightly news" begins now. from nbc news world headquarters in new york, this is "nbc
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nightly news." reporting tonight, erica hill. good evening. a 100-square-mile inferno east of sacramento is growing the an alarming rate tonight. the flames engulfing this home are part of that blaze. the butte fire is one of a dozen large wild fires burning right now in california. it is swiftly moving over steep terrain, adding to the challenge for firefighters. more than 6,000 homes are threatened tonight. multiple towns evacuated as some 3,300 fire personnel do everything they can to prevent another home from going up in flames. nbc's gadi schwartz is near the front lines for us tonight. gadi, good evening. >> reporter: good evening, erica. throughout this afternoon we've been hearing fire crews over the fire radio calling for backup any time flames get too close to a home. from there it's a mad dash, not to try to stop the fire but
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divert it away. in a fire like this, crews have to move fast. they have been called in to protect this house on a hill surrounded by flames. >> fire line down, watch your footing! >> reporter: all around the outskirts of the so-called butte fire, player ups threaten homes. >> save water, save water. >> reporter: firefighters use every resource possible. if they're not spraying water, they're using bulldozers. if they aren't using bulldozers, they're using their hands. this right here is structure protection. it's basically building lines all the way around these houses, monitoring them. when they need to, they put water on them. for the most part, it is cutting the ground with their bare hands. when the fire flares and catches the tops of trees, there's no stopping the flames from the ground. the swirling firenados are what residents around the towns fear. >> horrible, scared. scared. scared. >> it just changes too quickly. >> there's no control over it. they're saying it's going whichever way it wants.
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>> we built the house ourselves 20 years ago. and i just hope it's there when we get back. >> reporter: farther south near fresno, more evacuations from the fire, california's largest at 128,000 acres, burning now for nearly a month and a half. both fires leaving behind more scorched earth every day in a fire season that is far from over. now late this afternoon, we are monitoring a development out of another fire, out of that one out of california that fire is the valley fire four firefighters have been injured. they have been rushed to the hospital, of course, this is a developing story. we will update it on back to you. >> gadi schwartz for us tonight. gadi, thank you. we turn now to the series of highway shootings in arizona where police say say person of interest is not a suspect tonight after several hours of questioning. almost a dozen vehicles were shot at over the last two weeks. investigators say they believe multiple
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shooters are targeting innocent drivers. nbc's miguel almaguer is in phoenix again for us tonight. miguel? >> reporter: erica, good evening. i-10 will be swamped tonight. tens thousands of drivers heading to two major professional sporting events here this weekend. with nobody in custody, many are wondering just how safe this interstate really is. today near interstate 10 in phoenix -- >> possible shots fired. >> reporter: -- police scramble to more emergency calls. >> i did see on the glass. >> reporter: all false alarms. friday, investigators appeared to have their big break. the driver of this suv, a teenager labeled a person of interest, taken into custody. but today police say he's not a suspect. >> all we can say is keep the tips coming in. make sure you're doing your best to keep vigilant. >> reporter: with no arrests in this case, there isn't just fear on the freeway. there's frustration. >> taking the side streets that actually doubles the time it takes to get to a job.
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>> reporter: thomas runs a garage repair business. feeling 60 calls for service a day. i-10 is his life line. now he's asking his employees to stay off the interstate. >> the fact is they all have families. we just don't want them to take chances. >> reporter: tonight federal agents and local police are meeting in this situation room, analyzing hundreds of traffic cameras, but no solid leads. >> it could go on for months. you know, historically cases like this have been closed by the public's help. >> reporter: in two weeks, there's been a dozen confirmed shootings on i-10. bullets lodged in seats, shattering windows in passenger cars, trucks, and semis. >> it's casy. >> reporter: trucker robert newman is worried he'll be the next driver in the crosshairs. worried he could lose his life doing his job. >> i don't know what i'm going to do if i have people pulling out guns and shooting at me too. >> reporter: investigators say there are new record of shootings on i-10
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every day, they will only positively confirm the cases and link them if they find bullet casings. investigators tell us there are multiple gunmen. one using a pellet gun, one a handgun. they don't believe either will stop until an arrest is made. erica? >> scary stuff. miguel almaguer, thank you. overseas, tens of thousands of people took to the streets of london to support migrants trying to get a foothold in europe. demonstrators urging the government to do more to help the migrants who have been streaming into europe for weeks now. britain will accept 20,000 syrian refugees over the next five years. while several nations have offered to take in refugees this week, one country at the center of the story has made it clear, it wants nothing to do with the migrants at its borders. hostility was once again on display today in hungary. we get more tonight from our chief foreign correspondent, richard engel. >> reporter: the world's most desperate continue to flow into hungary, hoping for safe passage to
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countries further north. instead, they are forced on to buses, headed for registration centers. families are often separated. parents terrified that registration will lead to detention and lost children. still, they keep coming by the thousands. refugees from war zones, migrants, poor countries. this family tried to slip into hungary through the border fence from serbia. officers arrived and sent them back. as of next week, they could be arrested or shot with rubber bullets for this. the hungarian government is already taking a hard line. now it is upping the the ante. the prime minister announced a new set of emergency powers, including permission to use live ammunition against anyone threatening security by entering this country illegally. the new rules are expected to come into force when this 100-mile-long fence is is completed.
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soldiers, construction workers, even prison inmates have been working around the clock. once this fence is finished, and there are still gaps like this one, the plan is for hungary to deploy troops and police all along it. and anyone caught trying to sneak through will be treated not as a refugee but as a criminal. hungary says it is simply overwhelmed by the endless flow of refugees and migrants, as many as 7,000 a day. it is refusing some offers of help from international agencies. >> they are coming along. we are hoping to be able to do more. but it is a challenge. >> reporter: the real fear here is that if hungary does manage to seal the border, the pressure on the other side, in serbia, will turn explosive. richard engel, nbc news, hungary. back in this country, a big day in college football and a big opportunity for some of the republican presidential candidates. nbc's katy tur was following them in iowa
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today. >> reporter: storming iowa. marco rubio, rand paul and scott walker tailgating at the super bowl of iowa college football. iowa versus iowa state. the three tried to gain yards in the hawkeye state and take down front-runner donald trump. >> we're going to win in iowa. >> we're going to make sure everybody in america knows donald trump, you're a fake. >> reporter: despite calls pledged, trump's widening his margin, gaining ground fast in both the polls and here with the crowds. >> trump, trump, trump! >> reporter: claiming not to be a politician but straddling the fence with the best of them at a rally earlier in the day. >> if you don't mind, i'm not going to pick one. >> reporter: the on-field rivalry nothing compared to what's expected wednesday at second republican debate in iowa. sticking to gop members, they say if
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anybody's going to land a clean blow on you wednesday, it will be carly fiorina. are you worried about her. >> no, i think she's a very nice woman. i think she'll do well. >> fiorina was ready to blitz. >> i think donald trump is an entertainer. and i think i am a leader. >> reporter: all while ben carson in south carolina reveled in his new fund attention and position. >> the nice thing is i'll be center stage this time, so it be more difficult for them to ignore me. >> reporter: with rick perry dropping out, the field slimmed down to 16. still a crowd, but as summer comes to a close, the candidates are to buckle down. all eyes on the end zone. erica, for the first time, republican party leaders acknowledged to me that, yes, donald trump, could be the republican nominee. they say once again if anybody is going to take them down a notch right now it will be carly fiorina at this debate on wednesday. back to you.
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>> we will be watching, katy tur, thank you. >> much more on the campaign tomorrow on "meet the press" when bernie sanders will be among chuck todd's guests. we have a follow-up on a story we told you about earlier this summer. it's about the battle over the right to die in california. late yesterday, the state legislature gave final approval to a bill that would permit doctors to help terminally ill patients and their lives. among its biggest supporters was a former police officer and lawyer suffering from lung cancer. the bill now goes to governor jerry brown. if he signs it, california would be the fifth state to allow physician-assisted suicide. former tennis star tackled and arrested mistakenly by a police officer earlier this week had more to say about that experience today. james blake spoke with nbc's kristen dahlgren. >> reporter: for former tennis star james blake watching the video is still difficult. >> i didn't realize it until i hit the ground this wasn't a friendly encounter. then i hit the ground
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and the first words out of my mouth were i'm 100% cooperating. his first words were, put your face down, turn over, and put your hands behind your back. >> reporter: blake was outside a manhattan hotel wednesday when he was taken down, hard. >> i don't know what a normal linebacker tackle would be. but i would bet there are nfl guys who are pretty proud of him. >> reporter: blake says he was handcuffed for ten minutes before police, who were searching for a suspect in a credit card theft ring, realized they had the wrong guy. >> it is infuriating to know i was in such a vulnerable position and was taken advantage of by someone that wears the nypd badge and, in my opinion, tarnishes that badge. >> reporter: the undercover officer, james frascatore, on modified duty awaiting investigation. he was already pending two excessive force suits. >> makes me wonder why he was given this position to begin with. it was completely unnecessary. whether i was a criminal or not. whether i was the person they were looking for. i don't think the person they were
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looking for didn't deserve to be treated the way i was treated. that's the bigger issue, correcting that kind of behavior. >> reporter: both new york mayor and the police commissioner william bratton have personally apologized. is that enough? >> no, that's definitely not enough. i appreciate it. it's a nice gesture. >> reporter: in the statement the mayor and commissioner said the city has already invested $29 million to retrain service members when dealing with the community. they have agreed to meet with blake who says he is considering a lawsuit. that's what it takes to make a difference. >> because this happened to me, it can happen to anyone. we can't let that keep happening. >> reporter: kristin dahlgren, nbc news, new york. when "nightly news" continues on this saturday, tracking down undocumented immigrants. why authorities are increasingly turning to risky raids. later, competition on the court for some of the most coveted jobs in tennis.
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california, as we hear from nbc's mark potter. >> reporter: at dawn, a team of agents from u.s. immigration and customs enforcement, known as i.c.e., is on the streets in riverside, california, tracking an alleged gang member in the u.s. illegally. he's facing a weapons charge and was recently released on bond. i.c.e. asked a local jail transfer him to their custody for deportation, but the jail refused. so i.c.e. had to grab him during a risky manhunt. the best option is to take custody of the person when they're in jail. in a secure environment, behind the jail doors where he has no weapons. >> reporter: until last year, i.c.e. would routinely ask to detain prisoners two extra days so i.c.e. could pick them up. hundreds of jails began refusing thousands of i.c.e. requests, anticipating lawsuits.
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>> the biggest concern is the liability that it brings with these programs. >> reporter: to help address this problem, i.c.e. is offering a compromise plan, asking police departments and jails around the country to simply notify them before an inmate wanted for deportation is to be released. i.c.e. says its focus is on deporting convicted felons and repeat owe fenders. this summer two california women were killed in cases allegedly involving two undocumented immigrants with multiple arrest records. still, many authorities don't like the new i.c.e. notification plan. some fearing it will erode support for police in immigrant communities. >> this lack of trust, lack of cooperation has been building for years. >> reporter: recently immigrant advocates protested outside i.c.e. headquartered in los angeles. a simmering battle over finding the balance between immigrant rights and fighting crime. mark potter, nbc news, los angeles.
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defeating vichlt nvinci in straight sets. at 33, becoming the oldest first-time grand slam singles champion. she called the whole experience incredible and clearly won over the crowd. some of the quickest action on the court may actually come between the points when legions of young and the downat heart make sure the courts are clear and that the players have everything they need. this week jenna wolf spent time with some of them. >> reporter: it's 11:00 a.m. roll call for this army of blue. with assignments in tow, it's off to the courts. it's well over 90 degrees but this crew doesn't care. >> i love it. it's so inviting, welcoming. most of the players are very, very nice to you because they know you work really hard. >> reporter: these are some of the 250 ball persons required at the u.s. open. and, yes, determined ball persons. colleen brady and bernie campbell, both hard as nails retired new york city police officers said they were nervous
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wrecks in the beginning. >> the first time i was a bag of -- oh, my god. thinking you're going to mess up, you're going to fall. >> reporter: a u.s. open ball person needs more than just running around. they're ultimately responsible for keeping the players happy. whether it's a towel, protecting them from the elements, or just handing over a ball. >> the first time you look up and you see all the people and you're so in shock. >> reporter: what does it take to make the cut? >> i know basics, the net. so i do know that. i know that this is out and that is in. >> that is correct. >> the umpires need to know that. >> reporter: now i know too much information. cathy helps to run the program. >> first of all, should know tennis and scoring, you have to know the score, when to throw the ball, when not to throw the ball. >> reporter: basically you have to lock down running, throwing, and catching. i didn't quite do it like this guy did. it obvious takes some skill. no big surprise i didn't get the gig. i did, however, earn my uniform. thank you so much.
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and, yes, there's always next year. jenna wolf, nbc news, new york. as summer draws to a close, there is one last pool party to tell you about. this one's for the dogs. enjoying their day in the pool in kansas city, missouri. it's an end of summer tradition there. in the morning it was the small and senior dogs. in the afternoon, the large dogs to take a dip. good news for any pups who may have missed their chance today, they'll have another one tomorrow. >> when we come back, checking out on two wheels. the library that comes to you.
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finally tonight, in an age when much of what we need is on the screen, it's nice to know that libraries are alive and well. and to keep them connected to the community, some librarians are pedaling their books and services in an unexpected way. the story tonight from nbc's joe fryer. >> reporter: not all library books are meant to sit patiently on a shelf. some are destined to ride freely on a bike. for three years now, seattle librarians have been pedaling books across town. >> i think the kids think we're super human anyway because we work at a library. >> reporter: along the waterfront, they set up a miniature media center, a pop-up library that makes your average book mobile feel like the taj mahal. >> my kids really love
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books, so they just run here. >> reporter: normally when you run to the library, is it inside? >> yeah. >> reporter: and this one? >> more like outside, kind of. >> octopus what can all of your eight arms do? >> reporter: librarian jared mills helped make it a reality. >> there is something about a librarian on a bike that just brings a smile to people's face. >> reporter: he is so passionate about reading one of his favorite literature quotes is tattooed on his calf. >> pier 92 this is for you. >> reporter: he is bringing that passion to kid throughout his community. >> reporter: how much do you love reading? >> a lot. on a scale from one to ten, i love it a ten. >> reporter: libraries to go can be found in cities across the country from cleveland to denver to san francisco, where they call it the spoke&word. >> my favorite. >> awe subpoena. the perfect book for you. >> reporter: in this age of pageless ebooks, safrm idea, old school techs on powered bikes, call it
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a library renewal. joe fryer, nbc news, seattle. that is "nbc nightly news" for this saturday. i'm erica hill reporting from new york. i'll see you tomorrow morning on "today." thanks for joining us. ♪ great change comes from doing the right thing. like the radical idea that health isn't an industry. it's a cause. so we do things differently. we combine care and coverage. and believe prevention is the most powerful of cures. so forgive us for not going with the flow. we just think the flow should go with us.
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