tv Today NBC September 23, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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suze orman. >> and how do you like them apples. >> and she has some retirement from the debt. and she has something to give away. >> yes, i do. only here, girlfriend. you have to wait to find out. >> okay. it is exciting. >> and what would you do if you were the last man or woman on earth. and sometimes you feel that way, don't you? the former snl star will forte has found out that he is waiting around for more. >> and the daytime actor who has more emmys than anybody, cloris leachman and she has a new show out called "this is happening." >> and she is hysterical and time for -- >> hoda's words of wisdom. namaste. okay. cue the music. everyday is a second chance. >> i don't know if it is the
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fingers or the prednisone. thank you, everybody. try it again. go ahead, hoda. >> i forgot. ev everyday is a second chance. you wake up everyday and you get another bike at the apple. >> at our house we call it a fresh cup of mercy. >> and today is the autumnal equinox. >> for those who need to know. >> and that is when the sun is right over the equator which marks the beginning of fall. >> i do not like fall. >> why, because winter is coming? >> right. and we will enjoy the warm weather while it lasts. and now we will enjoy the apple wine which is a little bit like
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apple the doctor if you know what i am saying? >> it is too sweet for me. >> it is dessert wine. >> i am sure they have lovely wines as well. >> and swiss macaroons at the bakery. and you can get a dozen for $12. >> you can say macks. >> well, that is like rose wine. >> and the pope has arrived and you can't miss him. >> he is so beautiful, and obviously, bu is si today at the white house, and when he came off of the flight and descend those stairs, and if you want to see what joy personified is, you have to look at the man, because he beams it. >> he does. >> and he did so many of the amazing things, but one of them is that he got into the tiny fiat and planked by the suvs and broad shouldered cars, and he peeled off in the little guy and
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he is making a point about everythi everything. >> about the humility, and everything, and this is not a world about stuff. >> yes. >> and it is a world about people. and many of them are in need, and so sell some of the stuff. and give it to the people who need it the most. he has the most beautiful spirit about him. >> he does. >> and it is the holy spirit. he really walks the christian walk, the faith of the christian faith, and the walk of it, and i is beautiful to watch. >> and these young kids, and it is amazing that you see the teena teenagers screaming for the pope like a rock concert, and it is so sweet. >> he is so humble of it. and he does not live in the palace or wear the gucci loafers not that there is anything wrong with it, but it comes at a perfect time. >> and yes, he is going to be at the white house, and in new york tomorrow, and a family in phoenix making the news, because they said that the pope healed their baby's heart, it is a beautiful heart. and linnon cassidy martin's
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daughter was born with two holes in her heart. >> and she had. >> and the family went to rome on easterner 2014, and that waited in st. peter's square in the rain, and when the pope mobile came by and scott said, touch our baby, touch our baby, and the security touched the baby and took it to the pope, and he picked up the baby and kissed her on the head, and then when they went to the cardiologist, one of the holes was completely close and one of them was half of the size. and the mom says it is possible that it closes over time, and when you see the picture, and the hand is here, and he is a servant of god, and now 20 months later the baby has undergone two eye surgeries, but the hole in her heart is closed. >> lockt ta beautiful girl.
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>> precious story. >> number one. >> yes. >> and i have dealt with so many down syndrome mothers through the years, and the mothers and the parents say to me, this is the child that taught me about love. >>beautiful. >> and yogi berra, and we are losing too many greats, but the yan key's catcher, and he was such a zest for life. >> and during this 19-year career he had 358 home run, and won 10 world series. >> and best known for the yogiisms. >> and here are some of them. >> it ain't over until it is over. >> and it is deja vu all over again. >> yes, and that is the most famous one. a nickel ain't worth a dime anymore. >> and if you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else. >> and we have, and the future ain't what it used to be.
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>> and i like this one, if you see a fork in the road, take it. >> and he leaves behind three sons, and 11 grandchildren, and it is the best, but no matter when you lose somebody, it is always tough. and the great part of the "voice" is always the loved one who watches their loved one audition. and so amy vaughan returned to the audition, and she had gone before and nobody turned their chair around >> and she took the year to get better. >> and her dad is the one who stole the show. take a look. >> and kid, enjoy the show, and we love you no matter what. >> i know you do, love. ♪ come and pick me up
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♪ and bring me to your paradise ♪ ♪ thinking of you ♪ and it has been a while since i have heard from you ♪ ♪ heard from you ♪ heard from you >> i would not be back without the kind words of encouragement of my dad. thank you so much for that >> and so far i want her to win. >> she did choose pharrell, and with your daddy routing for you. >> and we did. >> and three reasons to cry so far today. it is humpday, and that mean s sit is hunkday. and we love on wednesdays to
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show you the hunks that we love and we dethe sided to show you emmy winner jon hamm. he celebrated the win playing baseball. that is a good look shorts and white tee, and look at that on the move. nice one, amanda. nice pic. yes, everything is right. >> and when that jock, that whole thing about the guy with the baseball glove and focused on the game is hot. >> i always had a weakness you would think for football players, but surfers. and how about you? >> any kind of athlete, because there is something abthem, and joe is a big athlete, and when he says on saturday, you want to watch the college football, and you know what i say? yes, i do. >> because he makes a great guacamole. >> yes, he does. >> and now, "peanuts" gang is coming to the big screen, and
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now, be careful with this word "peanut-ized them. just be careful there. >> and peanut iized. >> okay. now. here we go. >> oh, i love that. i look so much better as a e peanut. >> and here is our hoda. you look like lucy. >> wait, are those spanx sticking out? >> yes. >> now, wait, that is not necessa necessary, amanda. >> and you can go to the peanutize >> and we are about to dispel rumors about doris day. >> and many of them these days. >> and she is return ting to th big screen in the clint eastwood film and she star ed red in the 1940s and '50s. >> and my daddy's favorite. >> and we are told that the reports are not true, and doris
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does not want to go back to films, but she is going to focus on helping the animals. >> and yes, that is her passion. and i would like to say that she would like to be given a lifetime oscar, and she deserves it and while she is alive would be lovely. >> and can we show you this dolphin, because it is supposed to be the cutest dolphin in the world, because he is so cute. >> is he a bottle nose? >> snub fin dolphin. >> okay, look at that. i can see it. >> look at this. it looks like -- >> that is a thumb going through the water. >> and you want it to be an ipad and make it bigger. >> if you need money advice, suze orman is here. >> and if you need home buying not so long ago, on a street just around the corner... i'm home. hi dad the force was strong between father and son. you got it? what are you doing buddy? it's my ewok happy dance!
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of course it is. today... hello, hello. hey, daddy. it is passed on to a new generation. you got it? ewok dance? yeah. and the circle is now complete. walmart has always been the best place in the galaxy to get everyday low prices on star wars. everything's fine. of all the things that happen on your wooden surfaces, disinfecting has to be one of them. clorox disinfecting wipes. i love yoplait greek 100 whips. the texture's quite nice. it's like...a little fluffy cloud in my mouth. fluffy, fluffy cloud.
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hurry in! buy one, take one is back! tonight enjoy breadsticks, salad, and your choice of entrées, like smoked mozzarella chicken. then take home another entrée for tomorrow free. it's two delicious nights of togetherness. buy one, take one starting at $12.99 at olive garden. ♪ [ male announcer ] sweet sun ripened strawberries. now we've added even more of them to philadelphia® strawberry. rich, creamy, and delicious. only philadelphia®. if you like to get things for free, and who doesn't? you have come to the right
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place. >> that is right, a personal online finance course to help you to manage the money and the woman who is giving it all away is financial expert suze orman. >> so nice and here to tell us about it and tackle your questions about buying a house, and saving for retirement and paying off all of the debt that you have accumulated. >> so this is a $63,000 value that you are giving away. >> here is what is happening that people need to know about the money and they don't have any place to go on the regular basis. >> or they can't afford it. >> you can't buy it, and the only place to get it is right here. so they would go to and they the can download it for fr free. and in time, we will develop it, and get a book, but the people who download it for the next two days, that i will get it for free. >> and until friday. >> yes, friday at 8:00 p.m., and then it is yours forever, andt is not one of the things that u
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you have to have it -- it is yours forever. >> and you have 43,000 people signing up for it forever. >> yes. and go through it again. >> all right. >> here is a question from the viewer ss and this is emily who wants to buy a home. i have been out of college and working for a year, and people say that i should buy a house instead of dumping $1,300 into rent every month. what criteria do you think that i should have? >> well, you should buy a home, emily, ba youz want to buy a home, and not because other people say that you should. you need a secure job to pay for it, and you need a fixed rate mortgage. >> 15 or 30? >> if you can afford 15, go 30, because you young, and fixed rate and at least 20% down, and eight-month emergency fund besides the 20% down, and you need to afford the property taxes, and the insurance, and if
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you can afford all of that and you know it, go ahead. but you have to want to do that, because there is responsibility in owning the home, and be careful, girlfriend. >> and we we don't know where she is calling for, because it is so much more expensive in other parts of the country, and just one year out of college. >> and here is thing, people say, $1,300 in month in rent and i can afford a $1,300 a month mortgage, no. if you pay $1,300 a month mortgage, it is going to be about $2,000 with insurance and maintenance. big difference. >> and here is farra saving for retime. i make $5,000 a month, and reretirement is to set aside $6,500 to have the same lifestyle, and i puts a side the same amount as my company. >> and why don't you instead of having a mortgage, pay off the
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mortgage, and the largest expense you is the mortgage payment, and if you don't have that, then you don't need as much, and pay down the debt and pay down expense, and that is the next thing that you need to do to catch up. >> and is isn't there a tax reason to keep part of the mortgage. >> you would think so, but in tending years of the mortgage, there is no write-off anymore, because the banks want all of the money up front, and so they charge you the interest up front, and then in the ending years, you are paying all of the principle. and so that way, if you sell the house, they have their money anyw anyway, and after the first 7 to the 10 year, and it is truly a shame. >> and tiffany wants to ask this about debt. i know you said to leave your retirement alone, and what if you are drowning in debt and it is enough to pay off all of your credit card debt and student
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loan debt. >> well, no, tiffany, you are not old enough to draw it penalty tax-e free and if you owe $100,000, you have to withdraw $200,000, because you will pay ordinary income tax and a penalty, give me a break. leave it alone and let it grow and figure out ways to get a low-interest rate on the ways that you have the credit cards and if you are afraid of the student loan debt, transfer it to the zero% credit card and there are ways to tackle the debt without touching the retirement, girlfriend. >> and listen to mama, and who doesn't. and here is the one from kyle. what should a young professional with a 401(k) do to invest and save more? >> besides the 401(k), you can have a ira or a roth ashgs ra and hopefully a roth 401(k) and not a trigs dal 401(k), because
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you want to take the money out later in life tax-free, and so open up a rothira as well if you qualify and invest that way. >> suzy, awesome, and we don't have time for anymore, but you can download suzy's deal and go to, and it is a free financial course free until friday at 5:00 p.m. eastern. and go to klg and hoda the -- k lshl klg and and ask your questions. >> and yes. >> you are hare helping so many people, and it is a great thing people, and it is a great thing tha make tonight white dchicken chili night!? start with bush's white chili beans, simmered in our flavorful chili sauce. then add rotisserie chicken... punch it up with a little heat...
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and a few ingredients from your pantry. it's easy to make the perfect pot of chili every time. make your chili better with bush's® white chili beans. for this and more great chili recipes, visit temptations testing your willpower? with light & fit greek help shrink them away. 80 calories vs 100 in the other non-fat greek brands. try to beat that! light & fit greek. same eyes. same laugh. and since she's had moderate alzheimer's disease, i've discovered we have the same fighting spirit, too. that's why i asked her doctor about new once-a-day namzaric™. vo: new namzaric is approved
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for moderate to severe alzheimer's disease in patients who are currently taking, and can continue to take certain doses of both namenda and donepezil. new namzaric is the first and only treatment to combine 2 proven alzheimer's medicines into a single once-a-day capsule that works 2 ways to fight the symptoms of moderate to severe alzheimer's disease. once-a-day namzaric may improve cognition and overall function and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. namzaric does not change how the disease progresses. it shouldn't be taken by anyone allergic to memantine, donepezil, piperidine or any of the ingredients in namzaric. before starting treatment, tell the doctor about any medical conditions they have... including heart or lung problems, seizures, stomach ulcers, bladder, kidney, or liver problems. tell the doctor if the patient will have any procedures involving anesthesia, which may cause muscle problems. other serious side effects may occur, including slow heartbeat and fainting; increased stomach acid, which may raise the chance of ulcers and bleeding; nausea and vomiting; difficulty passing urine, seizures,
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and worsening of lung problems. the most common side effects associated with namzaric are headache, diarrhea, dizziness, loss of appetite, and bruising. woman: mom and i share a lot of moments. and we're making the most of each one. vo: ask your doctor if new namzaric is right for your loved one. this moment is perfect in every way just like my kid gooey...flaky...happy. toaster strudel. now with more icing.
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♪ it's all about the balls ♪ about the balls >> we are getting ready to play "about the balls." >> all right. how many sports in the real olympics will require the use of the balls. is it 7, 11 or frank's number 16? >> the ball is in your court. [ laughter ] we will be back in a moment with our three-time olympic champion kerri walsh jennings. my favorite. bad news. the johnsonville factory burned down brian.
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it's terrible. well if you can't serve tasty sausage why are we even a family? i may as well move out. well, if that's what yo... you're right. i'll stay. and tomorrow we're going to help johnsonville rebuild that factory. i'll take dinner in my room, with chocolate milk. make pasta tastier with johnsonville italian sausage. we don't make sausage. we make family. and sausage. bemy budgetiscovered, watched me like a hawk. (hawk screech) (hawk screech) (hawk screech) (hawk screeches) but now thanks to we can shop with low monthly payments on over 275,000 items and growing from brands like samsung, rachael ray and keurig. go to and get the credit you deserve today. fingerhut. (doorbell rings) oh, i bet it's the kids' new xbox. yeah, you get that. ♪ (hawk screech) waking sleep on this! skin? garnier miracle sleeping cream. like a lightweight mask of continuous hydration,
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it works while you sleep, so you wake up to refreshed, younger-looking skin. miracle sleeping cream. from garnier. confusion at that charter school in sunnyvale. vo it was first reported.. spark charter school would be reopened today. the county 10:26. i'm scott mcgrew. it was first reported that spark county school would be reopened today. it had it closed when it found out about its failures.
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it's not reopened. that young man accused of molestation is jailed. two other staff members were not dismissed. they won't say why, only that it's a personnel matter. >> it had to happen some day but it's sad nevertheless. the man who said it ain't over till it's over, yogi berra has passed awayed a 90. yogi went to the world series 21 times. we'll take a look at the traffic and weather coming up after the break.
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the first day of fall was really nice with a lot of sunshine once again. just a few degrees warmer in some spots over yesterday. it will be 82 in san jose and palo alto seeing a high of 83. the financial district at 67 degrees and 87 in fairfield. 72 in oakland and dublin today will see a high of 84 degrees. let's see how the commute is moving now with mike. >> it's trying to break itself apart. south at 880, you see traffic moving very well and it's slowing right here. we'll show you the map. it's because of the area south of the dumbarton bridge. a late crash at 101 still reportedly at least on the shoulder at 880. that's causing a distraction there. that's about it. a smooth drive from bay bridge toward oakland but we still have the slow drive down east shore.
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finally has cleared any slowing there. back to you. >> thanks, mike. join us at 11:00 for your next newscast. and if you see a fork in the road today, take it. we are back on the winesday wednesday with our trivia game "who knew?" and we hope you are ready to play ball, because it is all about ball. hoda is across the street ready to hand out $100 visa gift cards for those who get it right, and for those who don't, you get a fabulous signed cd of mine. and now, joining us is the spokesperson for visa ker are ri walsh jennings. and great to see you. before we went to the break, we ask asked, how many sports in the rio olympics will require a ball, 7, 11 or 1? >> the answer is b, 11. anybody in the audience get t t
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that? so you want to hear a couple of them. basketball, beach volleyball, my sport, and football, handball and they added hockey and rugby, tennis, and water polo and amazing sport. >> it iss going to be a great olympics. hoda? >> what is your name? >> whitney. >> and i am your? >> feared mother. >> and which is the standard answer that you may not receive on the standard "magic 8 ball"? you may rely on it, it is not likely or -- >> a. >> b, it is not likely. oh, look at this one from kathie lee. >> and it is b, it is not likely, and apparently, there
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are ten positive and ten negative. and i can't stand that sucker, and the best thing is that if you get the wrong answer, you shake it again. >> okay. all right. so, hoda? >> all right. let me say hello to these people real quick. hi. >> hi. >> and what is your name? >> laura. >> where are you from? >> branchville, new jersey. >> all right. here you go. finish this lyric to the jerry lee lewis song. ♪ goodness gracious -- >> great balls of fire. >> goodness gracious great balls of fire. >> she is right, goodness gracious great balls of fire. and apparently he loved the piano so much that he had the pool in the shape of it. and do you love anything so much that you have a pool in the shape of it? >> no. >> and now, hoda.
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>> and now, gloria from pitkin, louisiana. in the movie "cast away" what does tom hanks' character name the volleyball that the becomes his companion? wilson, harrison or spaulding? >> wilson. >> she got it right, because the writer of the movie stranded himself on a desert island and then a with wi-- with wilson ba washed up on the shore which inspired him in the movie. >> and now, john and sherry from orlando, florida. >> all right. you do it. who is the first to compete for the mirror ball trophy on the
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"dancing with the stars"? tommy chong, florence henderson or cloris leachman. >> it is cloris leachman. >> wow! right. >> and yes, and she is going to be on the show in a moment. >> and yes, absolutely, cloris was 82 when she was on "dancing with the stars" and i saw her downstairs and she is amazing. >> yes, there is nothing she won't do. >> hi, gang. >> i know you have this. which talk show was a graduate of ball state university, steven colbert, jimmy fallon or david letterman. >> david letterman. >> i can't believe it. yes, yes! congratulations. >> i am so glad that the people are getting the visa cards, because we are almost out of my signed cds. >> i want one of those. >> yes, we will. >> and you are going to be
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healing up from the shoulder surgery, and see you in rio. >> yes, we are going to be going for the gold. >> and we are about to have a ball with comedian cloris leachman. and we will find ugh. does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty? don't avoid it. resolve it. our new formula with a special conditioning ingredient softens your carpet with every use. because it's resolve, you know it cleans and freshens, but now it also softens. so your carpet is always inviting. resolve. a carpet that welcomes you. that sound. like nails on a chalkboard. but listen to this: (family talking) that's a different kind of sound. the sound of the weekend. unleash the power of dough. give it a pop. new dannon oikos triple zero is my go to protein snack.
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protein from yogurt? yeah, this greek nonfat yogurt packs 15 grams of protein punch. but what else? it has 0 added sugar, 0 artificial sweeteners and 0 fat. dannon oikos triple zero. ♪ dannon (sarah) wmom and dad.eed from (carter) they do stuff super fast. and now they got this new kitchen -so they're even faster. (zoe) so they can help us with our free throws. (announcer) the time saving frigidaire gallery line... with a quick pre heat. a dishwasher with four times better water coverage. and smudgeproof stainless steel that resists fingerprints and cleans easily. it's meal time in no time. from start to clean. (mom) team bus is leaving! (announcer) frigidaire gallery. our time-saving legend continues.
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♪ don't let bad odors escape. continuously neutralize them with glad with febreze. new glad bags... now with the irresistible scent of gain. hurry in! buy one, take one is back! tonight enjoy breadsticks, salad, and your choice of entrées, like smoked mozzarella chicken. then take home another entrée for tomorrow free. it's two delicious nights of togetherness. buy one, take one starting at $12.99 at olive garden. what's in my snuggllavender joyters? a long lasting scent. each pack is a big boost of freshness. little pack. big snifference. snuggle scent boosters.
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and joint damage of moderate to thisevere rheumatoid arthritis., before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. xeljanz is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms and help stop further joint damage. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma, and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts, and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz, and routinely check certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take.
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one pill, twice daily, xeljanz can reduce ra pain and help stop further joint damage, even without methotrexate. ask your rheumatologist about xeljanz. have you ever had one of those moments where you wish that everyone would go away? >> that is what happens to will forte's character phil in the new comedy "last man on earth" and he ends up alone with no person in sight. >> and then characterers start to the appear, and it is so much fun and the series is back for season two. oh. i guess you don't like to sit for hours in makeup and have it added to you? >> well, it is easy for the makeup people. and all of this stuff here. >> and what does the family think of this? >> well, nobody likes it. si like a -- it is, you know --
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well, it is -- >> well, look at that. >> and it is horrifying. >> and it is the side growth here. >> and i know. it is like 19th century presidential. >> and grizzly adams-ish. >> and what do you like about walking around with the beard? >> well, it is certainly like no answer, and there is nothing about this that is great. >> and i did tell you something about this that is great, because i said lice like clean hair. >> and i said one thing is that the i keep it clean, and she said, oh, lice like that. >> and isn't it difficult there to eat? >> okay, let's separate the two. i mean, eating is tough with this area, but this is, it does not matter down here, because stuff will get stuck here, and when i would eat a sandwich, and if this is too long, the first bite would be pulling down here. >> and what about spaghetti and
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pasta would be nasty? >> well, it is a lot of hazards with this thing. but doi keep it clean. >> and season two of the show, and congratulations for this show, and you are here to stay for a while? >> yes sh, we have plans. we have plans. >> good, good. >> and why are you loving it and where did the idea come from? >> for the beard? >> no, the show. >> you know the thing that you are here to promote. >> oh, yeah. and my friends chris miller and phil loerd did the "21 jump street" and "22 jump street" and we gotting together and wanted to doing something. >> and tell everybody the premise. >> the virus has wiped everybody out in the world except for me. and i'm immune, and i think they 'm all alone and decide to give up and do a suicide. >> a comedy by the way.
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>> comedy. and then christen charles shows up, and we decide to repopulate the world, and then slowly other people show up. >> but you have not done it. >> where do you go if you have fertility problems? >> you have to go caveman style. >> and that is the thing that you take for granted in modern-day society. >> right. and i like the premise. >> and we are horrible in this situation. >> we are all so spoiled. >> since you are here and the beard and the person here. >> the fourth person in the room. >> and if you don't mind, we want to know how sturdy it s and how many things it can hold without hurting you. >> without hurting you. >> and so we want to start counting here to put things in.
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a couple of toothpicks. oh, no, one, two, three, four. >> a wine cork. >> look at that. >> behind the ear. >> what about in the toothpicks. >> what about the pencil. >> go for heavy. >> and that is perfect. >> the pencil is perfect. >> right down here where it is thickest. >> you do it. >> yes! woo! >> that is just stunning. >> very kinky. >> thank you, will forte. "last man on earth" returns sunday on fox. and who is the actress who has won more emmys than anybody
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yoplait original with no artificial sweeteners, no artificial flavors, and no high fructose corn syrup. not on this sensitive skin! stubborn makeup? garnier clean+ sensitive skin makeup removing cleanser. quick break technology instantly breaks down makeup. plus it's gentle on skin. later, harsh! garnier clean+. we know there are lots of things you're supposed to do to be healthy. but nature made adult gummies are one part of your health routine you'll actually look forward to. mmmm, mango. nature made adult gummy vitamins and supplements. ♪ you got a masterpiece...yeah ♪ we start with fresh milk from us dairy farms so you can make something amazing kraft natural cheese ♪ on a street just around the corner... i'm home. hi dad the force was strong between father and son.
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you got it? what are you doing buddy? it's my ewok happy dance! of course it is. today... hello, hello. hey, daddy. it is passed on to a new generation. you got it? ewok dance? yeah. and the circle is now complete. walmart has always been the best place in the galaxy to get everyday low prices on star wars. we love, love, chocolaty, creamy, with a little something extra. mmm deliciousness. cookies or almonds. yumminess. hershey's is mine, yours, our chocolate.
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and academy award winner an appeared in over 250 films and tv shows. >> so if ever there is a hollywood legend, she is it. >> cloris leachman! >> and she has had some memorable roles. >> and even she cannot believe it. when she was the nosey landlady on the mary tyler moore show, and even the terrifying housekeeper in "young frankenstein" and cloris dazzled with us the moves on "dancing with the stars." >> and this film, unbelievable, and she had this is happening as a slightly sarcastic grand mothr who does not take advice from her grandchildren, and take a look. >> do you think that you should be eating like that? >> you are right. i should be on a diet working on my figure. find a job yet? >> i have been working for the gap corporation. >> he folds shirts at banana
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republic? >> is there a big demand for engineers in retall these days. >> you know what happened. >> did you sue like i told you? >> i can't sue my friends. >> what, people who steal your ideas are your friends these days? >> that is what kind of grand o grandmother you need. >> you look spectacular by the way. >> i am clean. >> and is life good for you these the days? >> yes, good. >> oh, good. did you watch the emmys the other night? >> yes, i did. i happened to. >> and your name came up obvious ly, and they said that the person who won the most emmys in acting was you. >> when did they say that? >> everybody knew. >> and you have won the most of anybody ever. >> and it is going to end any
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minute. >> and this movie is such fun, but what was it about it that the attracted you the script, cloris? >> it is either the money or the part. [ laughter ] >> sure was. but you love still working, and can you ever see yourself retiring, because you are like betty white? >> just donking me with the silver, and it is doesn't have to be silver. it is a metal object. and they are going to be donging me. >> they won't give you the silver is hook. and you are a thoughtful actress and you are not over there anymore. no. >> where am i. >> and did you turn down a role that the afterwards you said, hmm, that was dumb? >> well, it was a play. i didn't turn it down actually, and they didn't actually speak to me about it.
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>> but you wanted it. >> it was "peter pan." >> oh, well. >> mary martin was in it. >> and what did you want to do the after that. >> well, this is it. and the whole look. >> what are you going to do? >> i am going to to get up. it is very difficult, and i can get this far and then you come in [ laughter ] >> and you come in. >> what are you leaving us? >> it is over here. what happened? >> it is a buful, nflower. >> well, ye shgwell, i hope it a change. >> everything for real. >> are you taking this home, cloris? >> no, they match beautifully. >> that is the point.
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picked this one. ♪ what your mama said, shake, shake ♪ ♪ and drop what your daddy said move move shake shake and drop what your sister said move move shake shake ♪ >> and this one, look, let's get into karen carpenter. let e let's start right here. ♪ there's a feeling coming over me ♪ ♪ there is wonder in almost everything i see ♪ ♪ and got the mountain up high ♪ and the sun in my eye ♪ and it is such a dream >> there
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message... the pope is officially on u-s soil this morning.. more on his iconic speech at the white house.. as he gearsp to do something never done before in the united states.. a live report from washington is coming up kris/2shot good morning, and thanks for joining us. i'm kris sanchez. scott/2shot and i'm scott mcgrew. ==kris/anim== but first-- a follow up: kris/2shot a south bay charter school is still closed today as the administration scrambles to comlete the background checks and fingerprinting that were supposed to be done before students showed up on the first day of school in august. it is the third day in a row that the spark charter school's failure ha scrambles to -- this is the third day in a row that the spark charter school's failure staffept 160 students out of class. >> nbc
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