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tv   Today  NBC  September 25, 2015 7:00am-10:01am PDT

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prayers from the faithful. he said even those who are not catholic, we ask for you good wishes. if you've been trying to recruit americans and really the world on to this effort to make a different. >> peter, there's a huge issue before the world right now -- i interrupt myself to tell you we have the transligs. let's take a listen. i can only reiterate the appreciation expressed by my predecessors, in reaffirming the importance which the catholic church attaches to this institution and the hope which she places in its activities.
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the history of this organized community of state represented by the united nations presently celebrating its 70th anniversary is one of important common achievements over a period of unusually fast paced changes. without claiming to be exhaustive, we can mention the codification and development of international law, the establishment of international norms regarding human rights, advances in humanitarian law, the resolution of numerous conflicts, operations of peace-keeping and reconciliation, and any number of other accomplishments in every area of international
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activity and endeavor. now all these achievements are lights which help to dispel the darkness of the disorder caused by unrestrained ambitions and collective forms of selfishness. certainly, many grave problems remain to be resolved, yet it is clear that, without all those interventions on the international level, mankind would not have been able to survive the unchecked use of its own possibilities.
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every one of these political, juridical and technical advances is a path towards attaining the ideal of human fraternity and a means for its greater realization. so for this reason i pay homage to all those men and women whose loyalty and self-sacrifice have benefitted humanity as a whole over these past 70 years. in particular today, i would like to recall today those who given their lives for peace and reconciliation among peoples, from dag hammarskjöld to the many united nations officials at
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every level who have been killed in the course of humanitarian missions, and missions of peace and reconciliation. the experience of the past 70 years, beyond these achievements, has made it clear that reform and adaptation to the times is always necessary in the pursuit of the ultimate goal of granting all countries, without exception, a share in, and a genuine and equitable influence on decision-making processes. the need for greater equity is especially true in the case of those bodies with effective executive capability, such as the security council, the
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financial agencies and the groups or mechanisms specifically created to deal with economic crises. this will help limit every kind of abuse or usury, especially where developing countries are concerned. the international financial agencies should care for the sustainable development of countries and should ensure that they are not subjective to oppressive lending systems which -- [ applause ] so the international financial agencies should care for the sun
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stainable development of countries and should ensure that they are not subjective to oppressive lending systems which, far from promoting progress, subject people to mechanisms which generate greater poverty, exclusion and dependence. the work of the united nations, according to the principles set forth in the preamble and the first articles of its founding charter, can be seen as the development and promotion of the rule of law, based on the realization that justice is an essential condition for achieving the ideal of universal fraternity. in this context, it is helpful to recall that the limitation of
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power is an idea implicit in the concept of law itself. to give to each his own, to cite the classic definition of justice, means that no human individual or group can consider itself absolute, permitted to bypass the dignity and the rights of other individuals or their social groupings. [ applause ] the effective distribution of power -- political, economic,
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defense-related, technological, et cetera -- among a plurality of subjects, and the creation of a juridical system for regulating claims and interests, are one concrete way of limiting power. yet today's world presents us with many false rights and at the same time broad sectors which are vulnerable, victims of power badly exercised -- for example, the natural environment and the vast ranks of the excluded. these are sectors closely
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interconnected and made increasingly fragile by dominant political and economic relationships. that is why their rights must be forcefully affirmed, by working to protect the environment and by putting an end to exclusion. [ applause ] first, it must be stated that a true "right of the environment" does exist, for two reasons. first, because we human beings are part of the environment. we live in communion with it, since the environment itself entails ethical limits which human activity must acknowledge and respect. man, for all his remarkable
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gifts, which are signs of a uniqueness which transcends the spheres of physics and biology, is, at the same time, a part of these spheres. he possesses a body shaped by physical, chemical and biological elements, and can only survive and develop if the ecological environment is favorable. any harm done to the environment, therefore, is harm to humanity. second, because every creature, particularly a living creature, has an intrinsic value, in its existence, its life, its beauty and its interdependence with other creatures.
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we christians, together with the other monotheistic religions, believe that the universe is the fruit of a loving decision by the creator, who permits man respectfully to use creation for the good of his fellow men and for the glory of the creator. he is not authorized to abuse it, much less to destroy it. [ applause ] in all religions, the environment is a fundamental good. the misuse and destruction of
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the environment are also accompanied by a relentless process of exclusion. in effect, a selfish and boundless thirst for power and material prosperity leads both to the misuse of available natural resources and to the exclusion of the weak and disadvantaged, either because they are differently abled, or because they lack adequate information and technical expertise, or are incapable of
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decisive political action. economic and social exclusion is a complete denial of human fraternity and a grave offense against human rights and the environment. the poorest are those who suffer most from such offenses, for three serious reasons -- they are cast off by society, forced to live off what is discarded and suffer unjustly from the consequences of the abuse of the environment. these phenomena are part of today's wide spread and quietly growing culture of waste. [ applause ]
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the dramatic reality this whole situation of exclusion and inequality, with its evident effects, has led me, in union with the entire christian people and many others, to take stock of my grave responsibility in this regard and therefore to speak out, together with all those who are seeking urgently-needed and effective solutions. the adoption of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development at the world summit, which opens today, is an important sign of hope. i am similarly confident that
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the paris conference on climatic change will secure fundamental and effective agreements. solemn commitments, however, are not enough, even though they are a necessary step toward solutions. the classic definition of justice which i mentioned earlier contains, as one of its essential elements, a constant and perpetual will -- iustitia est constans et perpetua voluntas ius sum cuique tribuendi. our world demands of all
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government leaders a will which is effective, practical and constant, with concrete steps and immediate measures for preserving and improving the natural environment and thus putting an end as quickly as possible to the phenomenon of social and economic exclusion. with its baneful consequences of human trafficking, the marketing of human organs and tissues, sexual exploitation of boys and girls, slave labour, including prostitution, the drug and weapons trade, terrorism and international organized crime. [ applause ]
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such is the magnitude of these situations and their toll in innocent lives, that we must avoid every temptation to fall into a declarationist nominalism which would assuage our consciences. [ applause ] we need to ensure that our institutions are truly effective in the struggle against all these scourges. the number and complexity of the problems require that we possess technical instruments of
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verification. but this involves two risks. we can rest content with the bureaucratic exercise of drawing up long lists of good proposals, goals, objectives and statistical indicators, or we can think that a single theoretical solution be provide an answer to all the challenges. it must never be forgotten that political and economic activity is only effective when it is understood as a prudential activity, guided by a perennial concept of justice and constantly conscious of the fact
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that above and beyond our plans and programs, we are dealing with real men and women who live, struggle and suffer, and are often forced to live in great poverty, deprived of all rights. [ applause ] to enable these real men and women to escape from extreme poverty, we must allow them to be dignified agents of their own destiny. integral human development and the full exercise of human dignity cannot be imposed. they must be built up and
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allowed to unfold for each individual, for every family, in communion with others, and in a right relationship with all those areas in which human social life develops, friends, communities, towns and cities, schools, businesses and unions, provinces, nations, et cetera. this presupposes and requires the right to education also for girls who are excluded in some places. [ applause ] the right to education which is ensured first and foremost by respecting and reinforcing the
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primary right of the family to educate its children, as well as the right of churches and social groups to support and assist families in the education of their children. education conceived in this way is the basis for the implementation of the 2030 agenda and for reclaiming the environment. at the same time, government leaders must do everything possible to ensure that all can have the minimum spiritual and material means needed to live in dignity and to create and support a family, which is the primary cell of any social
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development. in practical terms, this absolute minimum has three names -- lodging, labor, and land. and one spiritual name -- spiritual freedom, which includes religious freedom, the right to education and all other civil rights. [ applause ] now for all this, the simplest and best measure and indicator of the implementation of the new agenda for development will be effective, practical and immediate access, on the part of all, to essential material and
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spiritual goods -- housing, dignified and properly remunerated employment, adequate food and drinking water, religious freedom and, more generally, spiritual freedom and education. now these pillars of integral human development have a common foundation, and this is the right to life and, more generally, what we could call the right to existence of human nature itself. [ applause ] the ecological crisis, and the large-scale destruction of biodiversity, can threaten the
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very existence of the human species. the baneful consequences of an irresponsible mismanagement of the global economy, guided only by ambition for wealth and power, must serve as a summons to a forthright reflection on man. man is not only a freedom which he creates for himself. man does not create himself. he is spirit and will, but also nature. creation is compromised where we ourselves have the final word. the misuse of creation begins when we no longer recognize any
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instance above ourselves, when we see nothing else but ourselves. consequently, the defence of the environment and the fight against exclusion demand that we recognize a moral law written into human nature itself, one which includes the natural difference between man and woman, and absolute respect for life in all its stages and dimensions. [ applause ] without the recognition of certain incontestable natural ethical limits and without the immediate implementation of those pillars of integral human
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development, the ideal of saving succeeding generations from the scourge of war, and promoting social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, risks becoming an unattainable illusion, or, even worse, just idle chatter which serves as a cover for all kinds of abuse and corruption, or for carrying out an ideological colonization by the imposition of anomalous models and lifestyles which are alien to people's identity and, in the end, irresponsible.
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[ applause ] war is the negation of all rights and it's a dramatic assault on the environment. if we want true integral human development for all, we must work tirelessly to avoid war between nations and between peoples. [ applause ] to this end, there is a need to ensure the uncontested rule of law and tireless recourse to
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negotiation, mediation and arbitration, as proposed by the charter of the united nations, which constitutes truly a fundamental juridical norm. the experience of these 70 years since the founding of the united nations in general, and in particular the experience of these first 15 years of the third millennium, reveal both the effectiveness of the full application of international norms and the ineffectiveness of their lack of enforcement. when the charter of the united nations is respected and applied with transparency and sincerity,
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and without ulterior motives, as an obligatory reference point of justice and not as a means of masking spurious intentions, peaceful results will be attained. [ applause ] when, on the other hand, the norm is considered simply as an instrument to be used whenever it proves favorable, and to be avoided when it is not, a true pandora's box is opened, releasing uncontrollable forces which gravely harm defenseless populations, the cultural milieu and even the biological environment. the preamble and the first
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article of the charter of the united nations set forth the foundations of the international juridical framework: peace, the pacific solution of disputes and the development of friendly relations between nations. now, strongly opposed to such statements, and in practice denying them, is the constant tendency to the proliferation of arms, especially weapons of mass distraction, such as nuclear weapons. an ethics and a law based on the threat of mutual destruction, and possibly the destruction of
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all mankind, are self-contradictory and represent an affront to the entire framework of the united nations, which would end up as nations united by fear and distrust. [ applause ] there is urgent need to work for a world free of nuclear weapons, in full application of the non-proliferation treaty, in letter and spirit towards the goal of a complete prohibition of these weapons. [ applause ] the recent agreement reached on the nuclear question in a
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sensitive region of asia and the middle east is proof of the potential of political good will and of law, exercised with sincerity, patience and constancy. i express my hope that this agreement will be lasting and efficacious, and bring forth the desired fruits with the cooperation of all the parties involved. [ applause ] in this sense, hard evidence is not lacking of the negative effects of military and political interventions which are not coordinated between members of the international community. for this reason, while
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regretting to have to do so, i must renew my repeated appeals regarding to the painful situation of the entire middle east, north africa and other african countries where christians, together with other cultural or ethnic groups, and even members of the majority religion who have no desire to be caught up in hatred and folly, have been forced to witness the destruction of their places of worship, their cultural and religious heritage, their houses and property, and have faced the alternative either of fleeing or of paying for their adhesion to good and to peace by their own lives, or by enslavement.
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[ applause ] these realities should serve as a grave summons to an examination of conscience on the part of those charged with the conduct of international affairs. not only in cases of religious or cultural persecution, but in every situation of conflict, as in ukraine, syria, iraq, libya, south sudan and the great lakes region. real human beings take precedence over partisan interests, however legitimate the latter may be. in wars and conflicts there are individual persons, our brothers and sisters, men and women,
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young and old, boys and girls who weep, suffer and die. human beings who are easily discarded when our only response is to draw up lists of problems, strategies and disagreements. as i wrote in my letter to the secretary-general of the united nations on 9th august 2014, the most basic understanding of human dignity compels the international community, particularly through the norms and mechanisms of international law, to do all that it can to stop and to prevent further
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systematic violence against ethnic and religious minorities, and to protect innocent peoples. [ applause ] along the same lines, i would mention another kind of conflict which is not always so open, yet is silently killing millions of people. another kind of war experienced by many of our societies as a result of the narcotics trade, a
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war which is taken for granted but poorly fought. drug trafficking is, by its very nature, accompanied by trafficking persons, money laundering, the arms trade, child exploitation and other forms of corruption. a corruption which has penetrated to different levels of social, political, military, artistic and religious life, and, in many cases, has given rise to a parallel structure which threatens the credibility of our institutions. [ applause ]
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a i began this speech recalling the visits of my predecessors. now i would hope that my words will be taken above all as a continuation of the final words of the address of pope paul vi, spoken almost exactly 50 years ago, they remain ever timely. and i quote, the hour has come when a pause, a moment of recollection, reflection, even of prayer, is absolutely needed so that we may think back over our common origin, our history, our common destiny.
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the appeal to the moral conscience of man has never been as necessary as it is today, for the danger comes neither from progress nor from science. if these are used well, they can help to solve a great number of the serious problems besetting mankind. among other things, human genius, well applied, will surely help to meet the great challenges of ecological deterioration and of exclusion. and i continue to quoting pope paul vi. the real danger comes from man, who has at his disposal ever more powerful instruments that are as well fitted to bring about ruin as they are to achieve lofty conquests. that is what pope paul vi said.
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the common home of all men and women must continue to rise on the foundations of a right understanding of universal fraternity and respect for the sacredness of every human life, of every man and every woman, the poor, the elderly, children, the infirm, the unborn, the unemployed, the abandoned, and those considered disposable because they are only considered as part of a statistic. [ applause ] this common home of all men and women must also be built on the understanding of a certain sacredness of created nature.
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now such understanding and respect call for a higher degree of wisdom, one which accepts transcendence and, at the same time, rejects the creation of an all-powerful elite, and recognizes that the full meaning of individual and collective life is found in the selfless service to others and in the sage and respectful use of creation for the common good. to repeat the words of pope paul vi, the edifice of modern civilization has to be built on spiritual principles, for they are the only ones capable not only of supporting it, but of
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shedding light on it. el gaucho martin fierro, a classic of literature in my native land sings, brothers should stand by each other, because this is the first law. keep a true bond between you always, at every time. because if you fight among yourselves, you'll be devoured by those outside. [ applause ] the contemporary world, so apparently connected, is experiencing a growing and steady social fragmentation, which places at risk the
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foundations of social life and, consequently, leads to battles between ourselves for our conflicting interests. the present time invites us to give priority to actions which generate new processes in society, so as to bear fruit in significant and positive historical events. we cannot permit ourselves to postpone certain agendas for the future. the future demands of us critical and global decisions in the face of world-wide conflicts which increase the number of the excluded and those in need. the praiseworthy international juridical framework of the united nations organization and of all its activities, like any
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other human endeavor, can be improved, yet it remains necessary, at the same time it can be the pledge of a secure and happy future for future generations. and so it will, if the representatives of the states can set aside partisan and ideological interests, and sincerely strive to serve the common good. i pray to almighty god that this will be the case, and i assure you of my support and my prayers, and the support and prayers of all the faithful of the catholic church, that this institution, all its member states, and each of its officials, will always render an
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effective service to mankind, a service respectful of diversity and capable of bringing about, for sake of the common good, the best in each people and in every individual. upon all of you, may god bless you all. [ applause ] >> pope francis has addressed the general united nations general assembly. hearing the pope's words as he calls them to remember their common humanity and the common responsibility to service and to serve those they are elected to take care of. i want to go to peter zernd. he's our national correspondent who has been listening along with us to the pope's address. we heard some of those same things. we talked about immigrants. we heard about the environment. i also thought i heard a gentle prodding of this body, the
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united nation to say, remember your charter, remember your documents and live up to those. >> he commended the u.n. for all of the work that has bun done but encouraged them to keep going. he referred to the environment throughout this speech, saying the right of the environment, that man is not authorized to abuse earth. that was a central theme as well. savannah? >> we heard him loud and clear and he has a busy day ahead of him. he'll meet with families at the 9/11 memorial and museum. later he'll have a procession through central park and a mass at madison square gadden tonight. at the memt he remains at the united nations general assembly. once again, the pope addressing
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world leaders, gentleman until approach but certainly firm in his convictions. we'll continue to carry the pope's activities life on nbc. we have another big political story breaking this morning, as speaker john boehner unexpectedly announced he's stepping down from the congress. he'll do so at the end of october. he's giving up his seat and coveted leadership post. chuck, in some sense this came out of nowhere but at the same time, anyone who watches politics as closely as you do knows that this was somewhat understandable given the situation he's in right now. >> this has been brewing for the last couple of months. it was two months ago that there was a conservative member of congress who actually introduced legislation that's called a motion to vacate the chair, which means a motion to remove john boehner as speaker of the house. he claimed to have just enough republican votes that would have guaranteed that john boehner
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would have needed democratic votes to survive this vote. now the question is what are conservatives upset at. they were upset that speaker boehner would not fight president obama and democrats hard enough, whether it was on the iran deal, they didn't like how he caved early, they believe. they were upset with the plan that he had going forward the fund the government. we're facing a potential government shutdown on october 1st. there's a big fight over the planned parenthood tapes that have a lot of conservatives in the house of representatives in particular, but a lot of conservatives upset. they would like the see the republicans use every tool necessary to confront the president and the democrats. but the leadership, mitch mcconnell and john boehner didn't want to do that, they didn't think they had the votes. they thought it would only hurt the republicans. but the fact is there were enough conservatives who said you know what, they're tired of hearing that. there was going to be a massive leadership fight in october.
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so john boehner made the decision, get out now. he put the party ahead of himself because it would have been a protracted fight. probably would have put the republican party in a bad light for the public. we won't have a government shutdown now but we'll have a messy fight that we've seen for the last four years. who runs the republican party, the establishment or the grass roots conservative base. >> chuck, i know you'll continue to watch it closely. you'll have much for. john boehner first elected in 1990, representing the 8th district in ohio, elected to the speakership in 2011, now leaving the house of representatives somewhat unexpectedly on the heels of a big victory for him personally, professionally, pope francis's visit to the congress yesterday. we'll have a lot more coverage. many of you will return to the "today" show. for others, our coverage continues. thank you. 3 f2
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sí, porque pude haberme >> back now with a different side to the pope's visit to america. carson, bail us out. >> guys, the pope received a warm welcome in the city. perhaps the most new york of them all is this. that's right, the pope pizza. robe there made out of cheese, put this together in his honor. oddly enough, that is not the weirdest thing to surface from his visit in new york city. i present the pope dog. not just one, this is a whole thing. thriving on instagram. here in the city you don't have to go far to find gear. they have pope stuff everywhere. bobble head over here, goodies, key chains, t-shirts, pope umbrella.
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this is one of the coolest things, instead of the new york post, it's the new york pope. did you notice that? >> i didn't notice that. >> trending thing. this is why we have an orange room. guys, nbc news is asking people to share pictures of their families. all this is not lost on why he is here. we've been asking you to do that. please, they've been coming in. incredible how many we're getting. i just put mine up there. use the # my family nbc. great to see all the families. guys, back to you. >> does it taste good is the question. >> probably. carson, thank you. coming up, are you slangry? what's you're not getting enough of that's making you miserable. kenny rogers will be here. he's got some big news. first, your local news.
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upon all of you, and the peoples
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somewhat unexpectedly on the los "how to find your true calling" i hear it's better to do most of your planting in the fall. what are you, a plant whisperer? (whispering) maybe. select perennials, now 3 for $12 at lowe's
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is on. only about 5 minutes until good morning. it's 7:56. i'm chris sanchez. and the countdown is on. only five minutes left until apple stores open their doors to the faithful waiting to get their hands on the new iphone, the new 6 s and 6 s plus, pretty much looks the same with the 6 with new features on the inside which includes 3-d touch. there's a new color, rose gold. one san diego woman sent her robot to save her spot in line. >> i'm going to remotely open those doors and then look my cell in there. >> apple today is supposed to be shipping it device to anyone who preordered their phones taking all of the fun out of camping inn't front of the local apple store.
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meteorologist keri hall is here with a look at the forecast. they're camping out in cool weather today but lit be heating up. we're right aaround the low 60s. expect highs in the 80s and 90s. east bay 87 degrees, the tri-valley 98 degrees, 90 in the south bay, 88 degrees in the peninsula and the north bay today will see a high of 93 degrees. let see see how traffic is moving with mike jt it's moving slowly, really compressing and the coliseum. we'll talk about the coliseum activity at work as well. giants versus a's. meanwhile we're looking all right for the east shore freeway, slowing for a crash over near the toll plaza. shower towards the san mateo and dumbarton bridges and making their way to the pa lieninsula we have more local news coming up for you in just a
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half-ho half-hour. we'll see you then.
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years, four years as speaker, but the undercurrent here is that the moment conservative members of the republican party had been pushing boehner and pushing him. in a sense, they have forced his
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resignation. the rise of the tea party made john boehner speaker and the continued animosity and tension among the most conservative members is ultimately forcing him out. we do not yet know who will become the next house speaker. all of this unfolding today. a lot of tension on capitol hill. natalie? >> kelly o'donnell there for us, thank you so much, kelly. now to the other big stories we were talking about, pope francis success pespending the environment and rights of the poor in his speech before many world leaders. peter alexander is covering that side of the pope's visit. peter, good morning. >> good morning to you. in fact, this was the most powerful gathering under one roof in history. 170 world leaders on hand to hear the pope again make history on this day. speaking to them, in effect asking for their assistance, saying how much he appreciated the work that the united nations has done but there's so much
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more that needs to be done in the future for all humanity. he referred to his comments about the environment and about the poor, again, themes he echoed on this day, as wellment it will be the busiest day of pope francis' trip. now he heads down to ground zero, a day that certainly tested the faith of all americans. he'll visit privately with some of the 9/11 families before he goes up to a school in harlem. he will then ride through central park with 80,000 tickets distributed, before celebrating mass tonight at madison square garden. natalie? >> thank you, peter alexander outside the united nations. a deadly collision between an amphibious tour boat and a bus filled with international college students. officials say the ride the duck boat lost control on a seattle bridge on thursday and swerved across several lanes of traffic and hit the charter bus. at least four students were killed and more than 50 other people were treated. the tour boat operator has suspended operations in seattle.
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donald trump and his new favorite target, senator marco rubio, are both speaking at a family values summit in washington, d.c., today. polls show rubio moving up in the republican field, prompting insults from trump, who's called rubio a kid and even mocked him for sweating too much. rubio, however, fired back forcefully on thursday, calling trump thin skinned and not well informed on the issues. the home of the san diego padres sure is one family friendly ballpark. while fans were watching the padres beat the san francisco giants last night, a woman gave birth right there inside petco park. it happened near the team store around the fourth inning. a nurse who happens to work at the stadium helped deliver the baby boy, baby levi. matt and savannah, let's go back to you. >> all right, natalie, thank you so much. now to a growing movement pushing for more women in movies and on tv shows who reflect the truer side of women.
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good morning to you. >> good morning to you. part of that push is a new documentary in the works focusing on the plus-sized modeling industry. these women are gorgeous and not ready for just their own section of a magazine, but to be right in the mix with everyone else. >> we have a problem. >> i know beautiful women that are size zero and naturally that way, but to say that's the only beauty that should be showcased is not realistic and hurts our society. >> plus-sized fashion, the subject of an upcoming documentary named "straight/curve." the film, expected to be released in 2016. >> we took the firm straight/curve directly from the industry, so straight would be from a size zero to four and curve would be ladies who are a size 10, 12, and up. >> the average size in the u.s. is a size 14. the fashion world sort of takes the average world and just shrinks it down a little bit.
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>> did you ever struggle with your size? >> i remember when i was young thinking why am i so tall, why am i so much bigger than everyone in my school? modeling really helped me build my confidence. >> models jenny rock and heather lazon lending their voices to a movement they hope will mainstream, women of all shapes and sizes. >> women are demanding they see themselves represented on cat walks and magazines. that's effecting real change. >> why do you think this is the time for a documentary like this? >> i think we're heading to a place where we're seeing a lot of variety of body types represented across the board. >> curvy women taking to the pages of "sports illustrated," campaigns for calvin klein, american eagle, and lane bryant. most recently, women's running magazine first plus-sized cover model. what would be an ideal world for you? >> ideal world, we'd see size 00 to 26.
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>> what if we all had the luxury of being our healthiest, happiest self. >> a day when there's no straight or curvy, but just a model, beauty left at that. >> so everyone i talked with acknowledged we are making progress, but the conversation continues. >> from the male perspective it seems they have been talking about this for a long time and the progress is very slow. >> i was just in times square the other day and saw on a bus an ad of full figured women and they were just drop dead gorgeous. it takes time, but 30 years from now we'll be talking about the same thing? >> many women they want to see advertising that reflects them, makes them think i can wear that, too. thank you. >> conversation continues. >> exactly right. up next, do you know the 60% rule? >> plus, first listen to sam smith's theme song to the new james bond movie. and an icon of country music, kenny rogers will talk
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about his new album, number 76, first, these messages. ♪
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♪ the new fall collection. white house black market.
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all right. we're back now at 8:12. who is ready to trend or should i say who is ready to make creepy eye contact? >> ew. >> ever had anybody do that, having a conversation and you're told to make eye contact but there's too much eye contact. ever have somebody stare at you? >> you're in a conversation and you're making eye contact and all of a sudden you feel like they are staring at you. >> i don't know what's worse, someone who stares at you or doesn't look at you. >> we have an expert who calls the 60% rule. he recommends keeping eye contact for 60% of the
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conversation. he points out you should not be timing it. >> how do you know? >> counting. >> use a he's now pausing, praying, taking in ground zero, reflecting pool, shortly meeting with families of victims of the 9/11 attacks and taking part in wlast being called witness to peace, a prayer faith event at 9/11 memorial.
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accompanied by cardinal dolan. the pope laying a rose there on the edge of the pool. these are two reflecking pools with water fall features that reflect the footprint of the twin towers, a very, very powerful place to visit. ann thompson has been traveling with the pope and is on the phone right now. ann, he's, obviously, moving
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quite ahead of schedule. what is the plan here? >> caller: well, right now, he just shook hands with former new york mayor michael bloomberg. he's going to meet with 20 family members of victims who were here at 9/11, and then he'll go inside for an interfaith service, but what's interesting about this visit is this is a visit that pope francis insisted on making when they originally made up his schedule for the visit to new york, ground zero was not on it, and organizers thought because benedict had been here when visiting the states, pope francis did not need to visit.b% pope francis said to the organizers, where is ground zero? i want to go to ground zero. it's important to him for several reasons. one, he wants to accompany anyone suffering,x1bujrj talked to family members who are now meeting the pope, and even though their lives have move on,
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they are still -- there's still some part of them that is suffering, and as one of them said, this is a sacred space, and you have the pope come and bless this space and for so many of these families, they never got anything back of their loved ones, to have him here and to pray and to try and comfort means everything to them because it may have been 14 years, but these are wounds that for many people are still not healed. you know, after the family, they brought their pictures of their loved ones. they had things they planned to say to him, and after that, he will move into the museum and go down the foundation hall, and that is where the interfaith service will happen. there will be 600 people of all
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world's religion there, and r the river when the towers came down, and it also has the last column that was found when they were cleaning up the absolute devastation of that day so it's a room of resilience and power and he'll see what's known as world trade center cross, the two pieces of steel that were forged together. in the interfaith service, there's a rabbi, a hindu prayer, a christian prayer. it is all the faiths, and i think one of the things when i think about never that day and one of the things i remember is i remember the new york times would every day have pages of the victims, and i was always
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struck and still struck on 9/11 when they read the names from all over types of ethnicitieeth and everyone suffered on that day, and 2977 people were killed. >> and we're watching as the pope greets various, we believe, family members, those who lost loved ones on 9/11. you can just imagine how comforting it is for them. this is still a deep and painful wound for all of us, but, certainly, for the families to have the pope visit the sacred ground and to meet with them is just profound. maria shriver is watching coverage as well, and, tom as we look, we see the former mayor bloomberg. we do not see, i would note, guilani, do you know if he was to be part of it? >> caller: i thought i saw him here, lester. my vantage point is a few blocks
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down, but i believe i saw him earlier today. there is -- we have not seen mayor deblasio. there are about a thousand of them here surrounding the south pool, and to my right is a group of very vocal families who very much want the pope to come over to where they are. they are behind two barricades, and they have, like, so many of the families do on the anniversary. they have pictures of their loved ones, and they want him to come over, and every once in awhile, you hear a frenzy as they try to follow him over. >> of all the places to visit, things to see in new york, this, i think, will resinate more than anything. >> i think a combination of st. patrick's cathedral and ground zero are spiritual places, st.
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patrick's for obvious reasons, but this is a place where so many people died, and as i was thinking about it, it's hard to know this, of course, for sure, but my guess is that day there were more prayers said in new york city by those who survived and those who were doomed out loud and silently because it was a day in which we were all joined, i think, by the fate of everyone who was in the towers, way, 28 muslims died that day as well within the towers in addition to the attacker, so it was a kind of composite portrait of new york and day when new york was once against, as often is in these circumstances, all in the city. >> he wanted to visit. >> he talks about the church as a field hospital to get out, and he wants to meet those who are suffering, and i think picking
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up on what anne said, we are a gre grief illiterate nation, and people carry it for so long, and when somebody dies, people think you need to get rid of it and back to normal life, but some of these are in incredible pain, the mothers showing pictures on their iphone, probably someone they loved, introducing their children who navigate life throughout life without fathers, brothers, and mother, and so much of our family is in pain. he spoke about that at the u.n. this morning. he talked about the culture of care that e we need to respect and care for one another, and i think when he talks about immigration, he also talks that way, look into the eyes of the person. minister. he talks about his ministry. he's there ministering to people in pain. >> if you've never been to the memorial and seen the pools, it's almost hard to communicate how powerful it is and how much you are quickly taken by emotion
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when you see, essentially, the footprint of the twin towers and the waterfall. it is something to behold, and the museum equally, if not more breathtaking in its depth and emotion. the pope heading now, appearing to have met with the victims' families, we believe now, meeking hmeek i making -- no, there's more people who want to meet him. >> i'm very surprised we do not see the mayor, mike bloomberg, obviously, followed him, so important in rebilling the city both physically and spiritually, but it was mayor julianneny's finest time in office. he was in political difficulty until that occasion, but he really became for this city, appearing as so many of the memorials and funerals, there at the time it happened, and he was up 24/7. i'm surprised about why he's not there. there must have been a very good
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reason. >> although, anne believes she saw him in the crowd, but he's clearly not part of this here. >> caller: lester? >> yes. >> caller: we see the mayors coming towards the pope, and i believe that's him -- >> yes. >> caller: between chuck schumer. >> we go back to that day, the night, and the families were wandering the city holding pictures of lost loved ones, hoping they were lost in the crowd somehow. those are the moments that linger with me, i think, forever. >> you see he speaks with such a message of compassion, and all the things he's said, and what i certainly remember about those
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days following the attack was how this city slowed down, and people looked each other in the eye, and there was compassionate moments. i was on a subway train a day after it, and there was a man with a stack of fliers looking for someone, and, you know, we had a moment, and, normally, on a new york subway train, you wouldn't have that, but that was s=d kind of compassion and reaching out to our fellow men that the pope has spoken so forcefully about in his calm way. >> something that's really struck me about all of this is how much america seems to be yearning for a figure like this. he feels like a sought after here who kind of acts and talks like a mother. he's got his firm rules, but he wants to listen, and i feel like people i've met on the streets who are not catholic, just looking to the man to heal them, to notice them, to understand
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their pain and suffering, and i think it speaks to what we're missing in this country. >> i think that's an interesting appointment. i'd like to bring in, if we could, bishop of los angeles, alongside st. pat trek's cathedral, and bishop, could you pick up on that point maria made, this country yearns for someone with this kind of moral authority or voice? >> that's true. the pope is the most powerful morality in the world. these pictures are incredibly moving. he's not just the leader of the catholic church, but the spiritual leader of the world. what strikes me is what was done on september 11th was done in the name of the god of abraham, especially the abrahamic religion. they have to come together strongly to say, no, to seek out and protest against that abuse of the god of abraham. it's very important to say these
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religions, especially the abrahamic religion come together to protest, and just a great sign of compassion. it's an instinct of the christian religion we go to places of great suffering, and there we find god paradoxically. i saw cardinal dolan there wearing the cross. i have one on now. a cross is not a bland religious symbol, but indication of the terrible tragedy, this roman crucifixion, a man put to death, yet that's when god spoke most powerfully. that's what connects us to a place like this. i find it powerful to watch the pope move among suffering people. that's his great instipgt to go to the poor, those who suffer, and maria mentioned the field hospital image, a powerful one for the pope. all that going through my mind as far as very powerful images. >> we watched the pope go inside
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the 9/11 museum, going into the foundation hall. there are about 500 to 700 people there, representatives of different religious communities who want to greet him and to pray with him in this interfaith event, if you will. they will offer meditations of peace, each in their own tongues, and then in english. the pope is expected to speak for five to ten minutes in spanish. this is not netly referred to as a service, but, certainly, an event deeply rooted in the many, many faiths. >> well, we have to remember that the victims that day were everything from wall street barrens to busboys, pastry chefs, to people who were there quite by accident, you know, visited, and there are still haunting stories of the last moments of them when they knew they couldn't get out, and it will linger for as long as
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mankind can remember in new york city on the day of 9/11, the greatest single tragedy to hit the city, of course, but launched america in an entirely different direction with what's still going on in the middle east right now. >> long before we saw memorials erected here, this was immediately sacred ground, a place people approached with rev ra rens, and tourists saw it, but they were suddenly taken by the emotion, and i think, certainly, the pope has to be feeling that as he steps foot there today. there's one of the pools there, and on the edge, you walk along, you see the names of all the victim, and, anne, at what point will we see the pope back in front of the camera? >> caller: well, you will not see him come out of where we are, and we are right outside the door, the excellence of the museum. he's going to be taken out a
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different way, and then i believe he is going to take a few hours of rest before the rest of the day, including a visit to a school in east harlem, a parade in the pope mobile, and then a mass in madison square garden to finish the day. >> obviously, he's going to be escorted around the exhibit, and one of the notable things he'll see is an exhibit of steel formed in a cross. also, a bible that was found at the site after the attack. this is a man who certainly sees an opportunity, not dictated necessarily by a minute by minute schedule, but spends more time than originally alloted, and he did arrive about 20 minutes early, so he'll have plenty of time, and here's
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folks, well, we'll let that moment play out. >> i think many people don't remember that the design and the construction of this memorial was typically of new york, a very disputed event. they couldn't get together on it, and it took a long time before they were finally able to agree, not just on the design, but the construction. now the conclusion is, i believe, they did a magnificent job. >> the camera cuts to this. this is the new one world trade center. for so long, you know, thouse o us who know the city and live in the city, looks south, and it was just a missing symbol, t&a twin towers, and now we watched this one world trade center rise to soaring heights, restoring an anchor to lower manhattan and w distr. that shot there, the exterior of the museum itself. >> i'm struck, really, by the quiet of this.
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he spoke at the u.n. about the time had come for reflection and prayer. he talked about the type of connected worlds were more fragmented than ever, and i was struck by the cannonizati onzat asking for quiet after he had spoken. this feels quiet to me as well. asking us of the nation, people of all faiths to reflect on where we are, making politics personal, and you said this was a national tragedy, but it's also an individual and personal tragedy for all the families, very personal. >> bishop aaron, what do we expect to hear from the pope? >> oh, words of comfort, words of healing, words of reconciliation. the fact that all religions are coming together is a very powerful symbolic moment. he'll speak to that. i think it was the u.n. speech, he talked about the dangers of fundamentalism and all its forms and danger of imposing
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uniformity. john paul ii says the church proposes, never imposes. what we've seen is one of the dark sides of fundamentalism, attempt to impose a uniformity, so i think we'll hear him talk about -- but this is great healing figure, not a confrontational figure, but healing. i think we'll hear talk about reconciliati reconciliation. >> john, go ahead. >> i was going to say, often hearing from figures in the church, even john paul, you had to read between the lines to completely understand where he's going. with this holy father, you don't read between the line, i mean, he's very direct, very soft spoken, but the commitment that he has to the issues that hi keeps raising, again, for example, at the united nations again today, the large scale destruction of biodiversity threaten the existence of the human speech sees. that is a bold statement in the eyes of so many people and a
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statement that needs to be made. he did that, not only, but congress yesterday, you're going to take this debate to a new different level. >> you're looking inside the foundation hall of the 9/11 museum where this interfaith gathering is, and that wall behind part of the foundation of the twin towers. there's former mayor bloomberg. as we watch this and wait to see the pope, i want to turn to peter alexander to pick up on what you talked about. the pope this morning making a speech to the united nations, picking up on many of the themes that he addressed to a joint meeting of congress, peter, tell us about that speech and what -- how it was received. >> well, it was an incredible moment, let's be frank. i mean, this body existed, the united nations, for 70 years.
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they heard from popes in the past, pope francis the fourth to address the u.n., but never on an occasion like this. there were 170 world leaders to this day, most powerful gathering under one roof. he spoke about the positive conversations we have now, looking at the pictures from ground zero, he spoke to the universal paternity, respect for the sacredness of life, all of which are what we're seeing right now. >> there's also as the camera moves in, you see what it means from one of the towers there, a centerpiece of this museum. this exhibit, crowd gathered, about 500 to 700 people inside here, and there will be prayers offered in languages, religious leaders. the service is called the witness to peace, and it'll include prayers for those who died on september 11th. here's the pope.
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♪ [ applause ] cardinal dolan escorting the pope now to the front of the religious leaders of various faiths gathered there at the fro
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front. >> he was a little known cardinal, and when he was selected, it was a big surprise, but ever a man were born for the role in these times is pope francis. he's a member of the jesuit society, went through a very difficult period there during the war of the disappeared. he stayed true to his calling. when he became the pontiff, everybody said, who is this guy? i said earlier in south america, unfortunately, i left argentina the day he was selected, but i was in chile next door, and there was no buzz. people were not excited about him. >> wow. >> now he's the best known man in the world. >> cardinal dolan. >> representatives of the hindu, buddhist, native american, jewish, islamic, and christian communities of new york city,
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our civic and public officials, and the board of these september 11th memorial foundation, i renew to you our welcome and our joy of your visit. welcome, holy father. [ applause ] now i can tell, papa francesco, we in new york are sinners. we are sinners. we have many flaws. we make many mistakes, but one of the things we do very well is sincere and fruitful interreligious friendships. our ancestors came here for religious freedom. they found in new york city an atmosphere of respect and
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appreciation for religious diversity, about which you just spoke at the united nations. we, who have the honor of pastoring our people, we work together. we pray together. we meet together. we talk to one another. we try to serve as one. the city we are proud to call our earthly home while awaiting our true and eternal residence in heaven. so very often do we recall the faith of the psalmist, god is in the midst of this city. your prayer and your presence and your words this morning inspire us, so thank you for being here. [ applause ]
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>> you may be seated. >> in this place where horrendous violence was committed falsely in the name of god, we representatives of the world religions in this great city of new york gather to offer words of comfort and prayer, with love and affection, rerecall the victims of the 9/11 attacks we pray that their souls and the souls of all those first responders are ever remembered for eternal blessing. today and every day, may we understand our shared mission to
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be in the words of pope francis, a field hospital after battle. to heal the wounds and warm the hearts of a humanity in desperate need of comfort. >> intolerance and ignorance fueled those who attacked this place. today's gathering distinguishing us from the opponents of religious freedom as we stand together as brothers and sisters to condemn their horrific acts of violence and honor each life that was lost unconditionally. as we read, one life lost is like all mankind and one life saved is like all mankind. to god, all life is sacred and precious. where others fail, let us be the peaceful reminders of that notion to his creation. >> the book of psalms teaches us
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to love peace, pursue peace. let us honor those killed in this place by saying in the words of st. francis, instruments of peace. where there is sacred, let us love. where there is injury, pardon. where there is doubt, faith. where there is dispair, hope. where there is darkness, light. where there is sadness, joy. >> men and women from all walks of life ran to this place in hopes of saving lives. the first responders was the protection of others, regardless of the cost to them asngzñ÷ individuals. as the worst of humanity sought to take life, they exemplified the best of humanity through their selflessness, willing to give their entire lives in hopes of saving another. their story is one that each of us should carry forward with us, both in thought and in action as
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we move forward from this place. the koran declares a law with those who are righteous and those who do good, embody their unconditional love, their continued strength, their unwaivering hope, and their pursuit of good as we seek to build a much needed peace. >> let us learn to share this big happenle we all call home, and in all of its diversity and flavor, through friendship and dialogue, may the timber and toalty of each of our faith tras be heard in the great city and nation. on this, the historic anniversary, let us celebrate, affirm, and build on our shared commitments the interreligious dialogue. in the words of pope francis, may we respect and love one another as brothers and sisters,
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may we learn to understand the sufferings of others, may we live to see the day as envisioned by the profit micah. everyone will sit under their own vine and under their own fig tree, and no one shall make them afraid. for the lord almighty has spoken. >> the koran states all mankind, we created you from a male and female and made you into nations and tribes so that you might know one another. we have gathered here today as many and women who seek to meet ignorance with understanding, of knowing of each other today, let's move beyond mere toller ration of our differences and work towards a much needed celebration of them. let us be bold enough to build partnerships with new friends and allies and together be the reason that people have hope in this world and not the reason
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that people dread it. >> please rise. lord of love, compassion, look on us, people of many be with us on this hallowed grou
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ground. yes you're good to give eternal life to peace to all who died here. the first responders, our firefighters, our police officers, emergency service workers, and now with all men and women who are victims of the tragedy simply if they walk here of the september 11. if you have compassion, to bring healing to those who here 40
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years ago continuing to suffer from injuries and illness. the pain of grieving families and who lost loved ones in this tragedy give them strength to continue their life with courage and hope. we are mindful as well of those who suffered death and loss on the same day. our hearts are one, a prayer
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embrace the pain and suffering. this is in the hearts of men and women and the nations. you are love, heart and mind, those consumed with hatred and who seek justice of killing in the name of religion. understanding the tragedy, we seek your wise neness.
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this here, might have been lost in vain. go forth and console us in strength and in hope, and give us the wisdom and courage to work tirelessly for our world where true peace is among nations in the hearts of all. the pope delivers a prayer,
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and now we'll hear six meditations of peace by representatives of six major faiths, hindu, buddhist, zeke, christian, muslim, and the jewish faith, each in a language of the faiths. [ hindu meditation ] >> may god protect us. my god nourish us. may we work together.
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my our dialogue be enlightening. may we be free from hate. ohm, peace, peace, peace. lead us from untruth to truth, from darkness to light, from death to immortality. may all know peace. [ bell ringing ] ♪ [ buddhist meditation ]
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to the buddha, the defeated are in pain. the peaceful live happily discarding both victory and defe defeat. one should not do any slight wro wrong. the wise always be happy and secure. may all these have happy minds.
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peace. [ bell ringing ] ♪ [ speaking in foreign language ] [ sikh meditation". >> god judges us by our deeds, not the coats that we wear, that truth is above everything, and the highest deed is truthful living. know that we attain god when we love and only that victory
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endures. in consequence of which no one is defeated. [ bell ringing ] ♪ >> the reading is from the origin text of the gospel according to matthew, the beatitudes. [ christian meditation ]
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>> blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. blessed are those who hunger and
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thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see god. blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of god. blessed are those who are pe persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. [ bell bringing ] ♪ [ muslim meditation ]
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[ muslim meditation ] >> you are peace, and all peace is from you, and all peace returns to you. ♪
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grant us to live with the salutation of peace and lead us to your abode of peace. you are blessed, our lord, the exalted. oh, owner of magnificence and honor. [ bell ringing ] ladies and gentlemen, please stand for a prayer for the fallen.
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[ prayer ] [ prayer ]
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[ prayer ] [ prayer ]
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♪ you're watching a an interfaith meeting of pope francis, religious leaders representing all the major faiths at the 9/11 museum and memorial. >> be seated. we expect momentarily to hear from pope francis. he will be speaking in spanish about 10 minutes, remarks reflecting of the pain and still fresh 14 years after the attack.
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we will expect he will talk about his meetings earlier with families of victims he met outside before coming into the memorial itself, the museum itself.
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by being here at ground zero where dozens of lives were taken in a senseless act of violence and destruction. you can feel the pain here. it is palpable. the water in front of the center reminds us of all of these lives who left under the power of the destruction is the only way to fill. the silent cry of those who
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suffered hate or revenge. water flowing also symbolizes our fears. the fear shed for destruction of yesterday who are joined by so much destruction today. we cry the pain. the powerlessness makes us feel injusti injustice, the in ability to resolve our differences through
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dialogue. here we mourn the wrongful and senseless loss of innocent lives because of the inability to find solutions to the common good. it is water that reminds us of yesterday's tears and today's tears. a few moments ago i met some of the families of the first responders that fell. while performing their service. and in this meeting once again they made me see how destruction is never impersonal, it's never abstract. it is more about things.
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all the destruction has a face, a history. it is is specific. it has names. the family members show us the face of pain, a pain which leaves us speechless but screams to heaven. but at the same time they were able to show me the other face of this a attack. the other side of the pain. the power of love and remembrance. i memory that does not leave us in pain. on behalf of so many loved ones, they are written here on the faces of the towers so we can see them and we can touch them
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and so we can never forget them. among this pain, we can also feel the capacity of heroic goodness that the human being is also capable of, that which we have left forward. at times the greatest pain and suffering, you were witness, the greatest acts of the giving of themselves, a stretched out hand, life given. in a metropolis which might seem impersonal, faceless, lonely,
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people were able to show a powerful solidarity of mutual support, love, and self-sacrifice. no one thought about blood, origin, neighborhood, or political views. it was a matter of solidarity, emergency brotherhood. it was a matter of humanity. new york firemen and women came in to the towers that were crumbling, without much thinking about their own life. many fell in their duty and their sacrifice they allowed for
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so many others to survive. this place of death became a transformed place of life, saved lives, a song that leads us to affirm that life will always triumph over the prophets of destruction over death and good will always win over bad, to reconciliation and unity will prevail over hate and division. in this place of remembrance, i am full of hope because of the opportunity of the leaders
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representing so many religions in which the life of this great city. i hope our presence here sends a powerful sign of our wish to share and rea affirm to be there, force for reconciliation, peace and justice in this community and throughout this whole world. in our differences and discrepancies, it is possible to live in a world of peace. in the days of any attempt to built unity it is possible to meet together with our different towns, different cultures,
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religion. together we are called to say "no" to every attempt to impose uniformity and "yes" to a our differences, accepted a reconciliation. for this we need to throw away the feelings of hate and revenge. and we know this is only possible through a gift of heaven. here, in this place of remembrance, i would ask
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everyone together, a propose a moment of silence and prayer. let us ask the lord the gift of commitment to the cause of peace. peace in our homes, in our families, in our schools, in our communities. peace in all those places where war sends to be endless. peace in the faces are the people who have only seen pain. piece in this wide world that
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god has given us as a home for all. only peace. let us pray in silence. in this way, the lives of our dear ones will not be lives that will be forgotten.
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but they will be present each time we try to be the prophets of construction and reconciliation, prophets of peace. in the place of great pain, the pope concluding his remarks with a call for reconciliation and peace. this is an interfaith meeting with the witnesses and found aation hall of the 9/11 national museum. the pope gathering with other religious leaders. we will about to hear from the young peoples chorus.
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♪ [ applause ]. >> the young peoples chorus performing. and pope francis will shortly after will be escorted to an exhibit of steel formed in a cross and a bible found at the site after 9/11. looking at that choir, you're reminded of the diversity of new york, the country, and the shared pain of what happened on 9/11. >> my brothers and sisters in the spirit of hope and promise
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of this sacred spot here in new york, i invite you to stand and exchange a sign of peace. ♪ >> let me bring in our senior vatican analyst. you were listening. give me your thoughts. >> i'm struck by how one of the unknown jobs of the pope is to
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be a pain absorber. jesus said to peter when you are converted you must go and strengthen your brethren. and part of that job of strengthening the brethren is to absorb their pain and try to transform it. and that's what struck me when we were looking at the holy father at the memorial as he met those arriving family members of the deceased first responders. he is fulfilling that mission to peter by taking their pain and trying to transform it, which is of course symbolizing acts of the memorial by the presence of the approximate pastoral candles, the symbol of christ, a symbol that in christian faith, catholic faith, death does not have the final word. that struck me powerfully when we were watching that this morning.
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>> maria shriver, pope francis is the holy father to catholics. but beyond catholics, looking at him there with these leaders of other faiths, do we see him now as somebody who almost tran sends one religion and stands out as a moral compass for all? >> i think he said i hope the symbol of all of us here together reverberates across the world and shows how much we have in common in the common good. this just blew me away. i thought this was deeply moving, deeply healing to people of all faiths. he talked a lot about peace. and anybody who studied any of these religions, peace begins within. it begins within each one of us and goes out with each one of us. and i thought this was beautifully done. there wasn't a sound in this studio. i don't ever remember being in a
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television studio that has been this quiet in my lifetime really. it felt like a collective healing service for the entire country. and probably for the world. and i'm hoping that this message that he talked about here today deeply moved himself. but this is a man who pays a lot of attention to symbolism, to image. and i think the image to all of them together, listening to the prayer with pope francis, the attitudes, the meditation, will tell people of all faiths this is a man who believes in all faith and believes in the common good, as he said. and that peace begins with us. and he hopes for each of us, for our families, and for the world. >> tom brokaw, each time i have seen the the pope on this journey i think, oh, this will be the most memorable moment. speaking to congress. then speaking to the you know. then i look at this and wonder if this may be the most symbolic
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and iconic visit to the united states. >> such a gentle man with such a winning personality. the power of appearances cannot be overstated, quite honestly. i was taken by the fact that what he had to say here today, among other things, together we are called to say no to every attempt to impose universitity and, yes, to diversity can accepted and reconciled. this climate in america at the moment is completely opposite of all of that. how will they respond to the power of his message while he is here. cardinal dolan said you must remember we're a city of sinners here. but we all get along. we do talk to each other. god is in our midst. we're living here until we are called to our heavenly home. >> that's why the imagery was so incredible to watch again. just the choir and the people
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he's greeting right now. that's new york. and that's this country. and you go back to 9/11 and remember how all of those positions fell away. >> exactly right. he recaptured. and so many people included will honor the fact that we very quickly broke apart again not too long after 9/11. we are seeing it now on the political stage. democrat and republican and the like. nobody talking about the big idea how to reunite the country. so it takes a man who comes here from the vatican to remind us of who we are and what our goals and objectives should be together. >> we do have a way of getting back to business as usual. let me bring in bishop baron on the pope what he said before congress. but we do have short attention spans as things move on.
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what will the lasting impact be in your estimation up to this point? >> i think what struck me especially here today, its is not saying that the pope is the most important spiritual leader in the world today. to see him in the center of things, all the other religious figures gathered around him, not just for the church but the wider world. i'm also struck by the fact that at least three other religions were represented there our missionary religions. they have the impulse to go out and to convert. it is an age-old on problem. how do you do that in a way that is not violent, not imposing but proposing. so i was struck by that all during the ceremony. we need witnesses. pope francis is certainly one of those. that's the challenge. it is an old challenge and a
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very contemporary challenge. >> the pope now making his way into the heart of the museum. he will have a chance to see the exhibit of steel that formed a cross that became such a symbol of hope in such a painful and devastating time in our history. now it is a centerpiece of this museum within the foundation essentially of what was the world trade center as we remember it. it's hard not to think that the pope will want to spend extra time here. they are simply overwhelming. well expect like people all around the world, you saw the images on television. but to be there to see the evidence has got to be emotionally overwhelming. this is a bible he is looking at now. >> it is fused into the iron cross. i'll be interested to see -- we
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live in a kind of dual universe, as you know. i will be interested to see what social media is seeing in all of this. we see the vi tri ol. people condemning something they don't happen to agree with. we will see if they try to take him on. >> i think what strikes me also is his temperament. very calm. he feels very free to me. and i don't think he would care what social media says. he is probably one of the only public figures in the world that doesn't care. >> he has embraced the media. >> but he suspect guided by it. it is not free. it is guided by their hearts. it is guided by prayer. by meditation.
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by peace from within. and who really want to be in the words of pope francis, an instrument of peace. >> we don't usually give mention to the translators. but i have to give props to the woman in the translation. she captured the tone, the emotion that we are hearing from the pope during his remarks. really effective. the pope was -- >> i wanted to just remind everyone, as you look here at the museum, that really is in the murals of what was the world trade center. you can see the retaining wall, where the various faiths were seated on the stage, all those bolts and pieces of concrete held back the hudson river that day. they were a critical part of it being an even greater disaster. so if you come to new york, and
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most people are doing this now, they go there. >> let me just pause for a moment, tom. we want some of the stations to leave coverage and return now to regular programming. you are watching nbc news continuing coverage of pope francis in america. he is now touring the national 9/11 museum. after the conclusion of an interfaith meeting, prayer event if you will. 700 invited guests there. there's the centerpiece of foundation hall, that beam. fdny, 443. port authority, police department, papd. the numbers of first responders who lost their lives on that horrible day. and part of the foundation
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itself of the twin towers. pope francis has a busy day ahead in new york. he will be visiting a school in east harlem in upper manhattan. and will later be celebrating mass at madison square garden. we saw him last evening at a prayer service at st. patrick's cathedral. he looked like a tired man. quite understandable. what an in kreblg schedule. >> and the emotion of this. and he is giving one kind of speech after another, after another. and he is touching on so many speeches. it is vast and complicated and complex. and this is deeply emotional and moving. and preaching last night about nuns.
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it is just unbelievable. people said i'm here on the south lawn because you're pope but really who you are as a person. i think this is about who he is as a person. this is rare. again, pastoring to the world at large, bringing all of these faiths together. bringing all of these people together. i think political countries will really take note of this tempo, attitude, language. >> i hope you're right, maria. i have some reservations about that. i think that is going to be the test. it has been a critically important message. hope is obviously that some of the message will linger domestically and internationally. but there are very big stakes. they will back to syria, back to poverty, back to the he refugee
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issues which will be difficult as before he arrived as after he leaves. >> won't some of these seen in the lens of idealism? >> i don't think it's idealism. i think when you get right down to it, it is why we were placed on this earth, to take care of one another. when you look at the scenes out of syria and should be considerate to the consequences of war, the united states also has a role in all of that. this is a war we helped start with what happened in iraq. and that was spilled over to isil. and now we are completing upsetting whaepts going on in syria. so everyone has a stake in this. >> you mentioned policy and divisiveness. and john boehner, speaker of the house, announcing in the face of much opposition from the far right of his party, is going to
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be stepping down at the end of this month. we will hear from him. he has scheduled a news conference coming up in a little over 25 minutes. many of you will see that news conference. we will carry it on nbc news. so, again, for many of you, we will see you shortly. for tom, maria and our entire team, i'm g on your hay and waiting for the wagon to pull away and another family sits down right across from us. i look up and it's dee schneider, the lead singer of twisted sister with his family being a dad out with his kids. so i went on a long hayride with dee schneider. not many people can say that. we didn't sing we're not going to take it but i was thinking it all along. fall food is the messiest. you grab an ear of corn and roll
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it in the butter and salt and the kids have to have the caramel apples. by the time we get out of the place my kids faces are laminated in caramel and my wife and i have butter rolling down our arms. >> i can't wait to do it again. it's two hours away. not two miles. it's james port on the north fork long island. >> is there a technique? >> the kids dominate these but i'll tear into a piece of corn. >> can we have our corn? >> yes, please. >> i don't know what happened. >> those are for us. >> there we go. >> it's hot. >> dripping in butter. that's the good stuff. >> eat it on air. >> i got it. >> okay. you got it. >> right, that's the good stuff.
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>> now i can't talk. >> all right. we're going to keep eating. >> how much butter is this? it's like heaven. >> up next, comedian whose a fix ter on late night tv. one of the best in the business. a lot think he's to best in the business. >> we have corn for you. (sarah) we get our speed from mom and dad. (carter) they do stuff super fast. and now they got this new kitchen -so they're even faster. (zoe) so they can help us with our free throws. (announcer) the time saving frigidaire gallery line... with a quick pre heat. a dishwasher with four times better water coverage. and smudgeproof stainless steel that resists fingerprints and cleans easily. it's meal time in no time. from start to clean. (mom) team bus is leaving! (announcer) frigidaire gallery. our time-saving legend continues.
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recently we've noticed some ads created by these two birds, inviting you to stay away from the streak free shine of windex. well dear windex users these ads are false. sfx: squeaks from window cleaning clean glass is better than dirty glass. don't stand for dirty. use windex. >> good morning, everyone. we've got breaking news from washington, a bit of a bombshell out of the political world. nbc news has learned that house speaker john boehner wi brian performing sold out shows all across the country and made his mark on the big screen in chris rock's smash hit and online grabbing coffee with jer jer jerry seinfeld. >> and a live comedy session. here's a taste of what audiences are in for. >> i was at the breakfast table
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and read more and more adults are living at home with their parents. i was like mom, did you read this? >> brian, good morning. good to see you. your humor, we're huge fans and we were reading online. we have a list of other readings including chris rock. loved that movie. what they say about you. >> can i embarrass you for a seco second. chris rock says no comedian in the world says yeah, i want to follow him. no one wants to go on after you. >> it's a huge honor, obviously. i love making audiences last but it's people who do what you do, like what you do, it's the highest compliment.
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>> we know the audiences love what you do. what's it like to be on that live stage? you by yourself. it's not like you're in a boy band where you got back up. it's you in the raw with the audience. >> i love it, man. it's like that immediacy of getting laughs in front of a crowd and i love the connection. a laugh, people don't fake laugh. when you get a room full of people laughing it's like an honest connection you can trust and there's something about it that's very infrauling. >> a little bit of history for comedy central too. does that change your approach? you can edit them together and stuff like that. this is just go at it and it's weird. i do a lot of interviews and people are suggesting all the things that can go wrong and i'm like hey, are you afraid somebody's going to throw
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something too. how about if somebody runs on stage? so it will be fine. my audiences are grace and i think they're going to be perfect. >> great things. tell us what it's like hanging out with jerry seinfeld. >> it was terrific. there it is. he did ten of them before any were out on the internet. >> as poplar as you are, why do you like having a little bit of a personality that's under the radar? >> i had like the best of both worlds, you know, did enough of a following where i can go and have some people seem to like what i do but it's interesting to me.
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i can perform in a theater in front of however many people are there and go a half mile down the road to a fast food place after the show, walk in there and nobody knows who i am. >> and you like that? >> i love that. it's bizarre to have a following on the one hand and be completely unanimous. >> you might not get to keep doing that. we might have to get theburg for you. brian, thank you so much. live on comedy central this saturday night and up next it's not even halloween yet but it's beginning to look a lot like christmas. what? we're giving you -- that's brilliant. we're give i don't ing you a hen the toys. nobody got hurt. i love this kid. a comedian... and a professional golfer have in common? we talked to our doctors about treatment with xarelto®. xarelto® is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt
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and once i do you will see a look of satisfaction and contentment blossom across my face. see, now i feel better. make your tummy happy mmm yoplait you can't work from home when you're sick. you need real relief. alka-seltzer plus day cold & flu has three cold symptom fighters to relieve your tough symptoms. stay unstoppable. (truck horn) alka-seltzer plus. sure, halloween is still more than a month away but it's never too early to start
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thinking the holidays around here. christmas is three months from today. >> oh, my. >> okay. if you want to get a jump start on toy shopping for your kids or grandkids, we're going to show you some of this year's best. laurie is publisher of "the toy insider." good morning. >> good morning. >> nice to see you. >> and i know it feels early but this is a sneak peek at some of the toys your kids are going to be begging for. >> okay. >> now with elmo the last two decade, elmo comes to life in all kinds magical ways. >> sure. >> if your kids want to play all day with elmo. >> and he talks a lot. >> and he does. >> there you go. >> he dances. he claps. >> what does he do? >> he's going to go into a counting game from here, and he plays with you. >> he plays with you. >> over eight different games and activities, over 150 phrases. knows if you're listening and following directions and his body is soft. he is my favorite elano ever. >> cool toy. >> looks like the real deal. >> over here we've got ryan
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playing with a foy my kids would love. >> this is a giant learn doe. look how cool, great action figure and we simply open him up. >> that's him. >> and he becomes this whole sewer layer playset with nine rooms and even have a skate park with a half-pipe and meditation room and the jail for the bad guys. >> all right. >> the actual figures are sold separate. >> do you like that, ryan? >> cool. >> are you ready for edible arts and crafts. >> you can play with this. >> if you would just squeeze this. >> this is our chocolate tent. >> kids can decorate cookies or cup takes. >> you have to push that. >> you can make decorations, write your name and comes with molds so you can make these gorgeous customized treats and if you want to taste them they are delicious. >> you want to try, go for it. >> how is it? >> oh, yeah. >> there you go. >> oh, that is good. >> that's just frosting.
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>> this is a cool game, all about robotics, right? >> science technology, mathematics. huge buzzwords. this is a ball machine. kids need to put the 260 pieces together and once you get this going she's actually moving these balls one per second. great thing for engineering and gears and wheel hand how the whole thing works. >> do you like that eva? >> mm-hmm. >> heading off to the carnival, pie face. >> you ready to get some cream on your face. >> play this two ways. wet a sponge. >> are you sure about that. >> or we can use whipped cream. >> really good. let's just show you and eva is going to put her face in and we'll see how long it takes until it takes before she gets pie in her face. >> and that is fun for eva. >> it's a lot of fun. >> and now you can eat the pie. >> the winner is the one who doesn't get the pie on their
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face. >> or in this case she may be the winner if she likes the pie. >> i don't know about you. >> we are so excited about this. >> but you have to wait a whole year to order the girl scout cookies. >> come on. >> homemade cookies. >> now can you make your own. >> the girl scout cookie oven. we plug this in and pre-heat we're making your favorite, your thin mints and snow yaz, tag-alongs in eight minutes. >> taste sglem we have a heating element on top and comes with one package of mix, mix 12 cookies and then, of course, you can get extra mixes. >> don't have to wait for once a year. >> you can have girl scout cookies all year lange. >> that is genius. >> you like this. >> they are good. >> thank you kids. >> i want this. thank you so much. we're back in a minute. this is "today" on nbc. >> i like this one. >> the peanut butter ones. >> thin min
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alaska. finally. the search for brown bears begins. denali highway. low on gas. pit stop. fill up. double points. yep, that's cold. tired. day 2. coffee. eggs. double points. beautiful. majestic... nothing. where are you, bear? warm. warmer. warmer. yes. wherever the journey takes you, carry american express gold. it's more than a card. it's the gear that gets it done. trt:03 ==topvo== the rush is on for the newest iphone. apple good morning. 9:56. i'm kris sanchez. and the rush is on for the you newest iphone. apple stores open at 8:00 this morning for fans who waited all night to try to nab one of the
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latest and greatest iphones. that is the 6s and 6s plus. analysts expect customers will snap up more than 12 million of those devices between now and sunday. now let's take a look at the forecast. >> a lot of sunshine all across the bay today. and it will be another warm one. highs in the 80s and 90s across the bay area. san francisco a high of 80 degrees. 87 in the east bay. in the tri-valley, expect a high of 98 degrees. 90 in the south bay. and in the peninsula will be topping out at 88. let's see how the commute is rolling with mike. >> very slow down the east shore freeway from golden gate field to the berkeley curve. reports of a disabled vehicle and a brush fire somewhere around here. maybe they have it under control. jammed traffic down to the berkeley curve. slow recovery for north 880 through oakland. rest of the bay show as nice smooth drive. even the south bay northbound
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101, 880 bogged down up to the airport. back to you. we have another local news update for you you in a half hour. it'll be here before you know it. hello, halloween. it's the one night when everybody dresses up. and that includes dinner. unleash the power of dough.
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give it a pop. this moment is perfect in every way just like my kid gooey...flaky...happy. toaster strudel. now with more icing.
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for the good wishes and trying to not recruit not just the wishes of the efforts of those. from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hello, everybody. you have made it. yes, you have. the friday friday and welcome to the best of the celebrity game show. >> yes, a fun show today. >> is where else would you find darius rucker and pitch perfect star anna kendrick playing root beer pond? you don't want to miss that. >> stay right here. and find out how much donnie really loves jenny. we will play a newly wed game th


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