tv Today NBC November 16, 2015 7:00am-10:01am PST
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future because of role of war against the syrian people and the primary root cause of this crisis. what is different this time and what of this crisis. what is different this time and gives us some degree of hope is that as i said for the first time all the countries on the sides of the syrian conflict agree on a process needed to end this war. while we are clear eyed about the difficult growth still ahead, the united states in partnership with our coalition is going to remain relentless on all fronts, military, human tear and diplomatic. we have the right strategy and we're going to see it through. with that, i'm going to take some questions and i'll begin
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with jerome of afc. mr. president, 129 people were killed friday night. isil gained responsibility for the massacre sending the message. equation on security change. >> keep in mind what we have to do. we have a military strategy that involves putting enormous pressure on isil through air strikes that has put assistance and training on the ground with iraqi forces and we're now working are syrian forces as well to squeeze isil and cut off supply lines. we've been working to reduce their financing capabilities, the oil that they're trying to ship outside. we're taking strikes against
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high value targets including most recently against the individual who was on the video executing civilians who had already been captured as well as libya. it's not just iraq and syria. so on the military front we are continuing to accelerate what we do as we find additional partners on the ground that are effective we work with them more closely. i've already authorized additional special forces on the ground so we're going to be able to improve that coordination. on the counter terrorism front, keep in mind since i came into office we have been worried about these kinds of attacks. the individual lens that the united states government maintains and the cooperation that we're consistently
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expanding with our european and other partners in going after every single terrorist network is row bust and constant. and every few weeks i meet with my entire national security team and we go over every single threat string that's presented and where we have all that information we shared immediately with our counter parts around the world including our european partners. on aviation security, we have over the last several years been working so that at various airport sites, not just in the united states but overseas, we are strengthening our mechanisms to screen and discover passengers who should not be boarding flights and improving the matters in which we are screening luggage that is going on board. and on the diplomatic front we've been consistently working
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to try to get all the parties together to recognize that there is a moderate opposition inside of syria that could form the basis for a transition government and to reach out not only to our friends but also to the russians and the a yan canadians on the other side of the equation to explain to them ultimately, an organization like isil is the greatest danger to them as well as to us. so there will be an intensification of the strategy that we put forward but the strate strategy we are putting forward is the strategy that's going to work. as i said from the start, it's going to take time and what's been interesting is in the aftermath of paris as i listen to those who suggest something else needs to be done,
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typically, the inthings they suggest needs to be done are the things we need to be doing. the one exception is that there had been a few who suggested we should put large numbers of u.s. troops on the ground and keep in mind that we have the finest military in the world and the finest military minds in the world. i've been meeting with them intensively for years now discussing these various options and it is not just my view but the view of my closest military and civilian advisers that would be a mistake. not because our military could not march into mosil or rocca or
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ramadi and temp clear out isil but because we would see a repetition of what we've seen before which is if you do not have local populations that are committed to inclusive governments and who are pushing back against idea logical extremes that they resurface unless we're prepared to have a permanent occupation of these countries. let's assume that we were to send 50,000 troops into syria. what happens when there's a terrorist attack generated from yemen? do we then send more troops into there or libya, perhaps? or if there's a terrorist network that's operating anywhere else in north africa or in southeast asia. so a strategy has to be one that can be sustained and the strategy that we're pursuing
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which focuses on going after targets, limiting wherefore possible the capabilities of isil on the ground systematically going after their leadership, infrastructure, strengthening shia or syrian and iraqi forces and curdish forces to fight them and cutting off the boarders and squeezing the space they can operate until we're able to defeat them, that's the strategy we're going to have to pursue. we'll continue to generate more partners for that strategy and there are going to be some things we try that don't work, some strategies we try do work. when we find strategies that work we'll double down on those. cbs.
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>> thank you mr. president. more than a yearlong bombing campaign in iraq and syria has failed to contain the ambition and ability of isis to launch attacks in the west. have you underestimated their abilities and will you widen the rules of engagement for u.s. forces to take more aggressive action? >> no, we haven't underestimated our abilities. this is precisely why we're in iraq as we speak and operating in syria as we speak. it's precisely why we have mobilized 65 countries to go after isil and why i hosted at the united nations an entire discussion of counter terrorism strategies and cushing the flow of foreign fighters and why we've been putting pressure on those countries that have not
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been as robust as they need to in tracking the flow of foreign fighters in and out of syria and iraq. so there has been an acute awareness on the part of my administration from the start that it is possible for an organization like isil that has such a twisted ideology and has shown such extraordinary brutality and complete disregard for innocent lives that they would have the capabilities to potentially strike in the west and because thousands of fighters have flowed from the west and are european citizens, a few hundred from the united states but far more from europe that when those foreign fighters
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returned, it posed a significant danger. we have consist presideently woh our european partners disrupting plots in some cases. sadly, this one was not disrupted in time. but understand that one of the challenges we have in this situation is if you have a hand full of people who don't mind dying, they can kill a lot of people. that's one of the challenges of terrorism. it's not their sophistication or the particular weaponry they possess but the ideology that they carry with them and their willingness to die. in those circumstances tracking each individual making sure that we are disrupting and preventing
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these attacks is a constant effort of individual levigila o. what we do in iraq and syria makes it more attractive the groups. when i said we're containing the control in iraq and syria, they're controlling more territory than last year. the more we shrink that territory, the more we can predend they're a functioning state and the more it becomes apparent they are simply a network of killers who are
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brutalizing local populations. that allows us to reduce the foreign fighters which will over a time lesson the number of terrorists who can carry out the terrible attacks like in paris. that's what we did with al qaeda. that doesn't mean by the way that al qaeda no longer possesses the capabilities of striking the west. al qaeda and the peninsula that operates primarily in yemen, we know has consistently tried to target the west and we are working to disrupt those acts but despite the fact that they have not gotten as much attention as isil, they pose a danger as well. so our goals here consistently have to be to be aggressive and to leave no stone unturned but
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also recognize this is not conventional warfare. we play into the isil narrative when we act as if they're a state. and we use routine military tactics that are designed to fight a state that is attacks another state. that's not what's going on here. these are killers with fantasies of glory who are very savvy when it comes to social media and are able to infiltrate the minds of not just iraqis or syrians but diseffected individuals around the world and when they activate those individuals, those individuals can do a lot of damage. so we have to take the approach of being rigorous on our counter terrorism efforts and consistently improve and figure
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out how we can get more information and how we can infiltrate these networks and rekus their operational space even as we also try to shrink the amount of territory. ultimately, to reclaim territory from them is going to require an end of the war. it's going to require an effective iraqi effort that brinls the differences which is why our diplomatic efforts inside of iraq are so important as well. >> thank you, mr. president. in the days and weeks before the paris attack, did you receive
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warning in our daily intelligence briefing that an attack was imnant? if not, does that not call into question the assessment there's no credible threat to the united states today. secondly, if i could ask you to address your critics who say you're reluctant to enter another middle east war and your preface of diploma preface of diplomacy to use our military. >> jim, every day we have threat streams coming through the intelligence transit. as i said, every several weeks we sit down with all my national security intelligence and military teams to discuss various threat streams that may be generated.
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and the concerns about potential isil attacks in the west have been there for over a year now and come through periodically. there were no specific mentions of this particular attack that would give us a sense of something that we need, that we could provide sensitivity on or act on ourselves. but typically, the way the intelligence works is there will be a threat stream that is from one source. how reliable is that source? perhaps some signal intelligence gets picked up. it's evaluated. some of it is extraordinarily vague and unspecific. there's no clear timetable. some of it maybe more specific and folks chase down that threat
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to see what happens. i'm not aware of anything that was specific in the sense that would have gave a premonition about an attack in paris that would allow for law enforcement or military actions to disrupt it. with respect to the broader issue of my critics, to some degree i answered the question earlier. i think that when you listen to what they actually have to say, what they're proposing, most of the time when pressed they describe things that we're already doing. maybe they're not aware we're already doing them. some of them seem to think that if i were just more bellicose in expressing what we're doing that
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that would make a difference because that seems to be the only thing they're doing is talking as if they're tough. i am seeing particular strategies that they would suggest that would make a real difference. the primary exception is if those who would deploy u.s. troops on a large scale to retake territory either in iraq or now in syria and at least they have their honesty to go ahead and say that's what they would do. i just addressed why i think they're wrong. there have been some who are well meaning and i don't doubt their sincerity when it comes to the issue of the dyer humanitarian situation in syria who will for example call for a
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no fly zone or safe zone of some sort and this is an example of the kind of issue where i will sit down with our top military and intelligence advisers and we'll pain stakingly go through what does something like that look like and typically, after we've gone through a lot of planning and a lot of discussion and really working it through, it is determined it would be counter productive to take those steps. in part because isil does not have planes so the attacks are on the ground. a true safe zone requires us to set up ground operations and you know, the bulk of the deaths that occurred in syria, for example, come about not because of regime bombings but because
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of on the ground casualties. who would come in and out of the safe zone, how would it work? would it become a magnet for further terrorist attacks and how many personnel would be required? my only interest is to end suffering and keep the american people safe. if there's a good idea out there, then we're going to do it. i don't think i've shown hesitation to react whether it's ben laden or acceptedisending a troops.
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what we do not do, what i do not do is to take actions either because it's going to work politically or it is going to somehow in the abstract make america look tough. or make me look tough. part of the reason is every few months i go to walter reed and see a 25-year-old kid that's paralyzed or lost him limbs and some of those are people i've ordered into battle so i can't afford to play some of the political games that others may. we'll do what's required to keep the american people safe. and i think it's entirely appropriate in a democracy to have a serious debate about
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these issues. folks want to pop off and have opinions about what they think they would do, present a specific plan. if they think that somehow their advisers are better than the chair of my joint chiefs of staff and the folks actually on the ground, i want to meet them. we can have that debate. what i'm not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of american leadership or america winning or whatever other slogans they come up with that has no relationship to what is actually going to work to protect the american people and
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to protect people in the region who are getting killed and to protect our allies and people like france. i'm too busy for that. jim. >> thank you very much, mr. president. i wanted to go back to something you said to margaret earlier when you said you had not underestimated isis' abilities. this is an organization you once tribed described as a jv team that's evolved to forces in iraq and syria and able to use the safe haven to launch attacks in the other parts of the world. how is that not underestimating their capabilities and how is that contained quiet frankly and i think a lot of americans have frustration that they see the united states has the best military in the world and has the backing of others when it comes to taking on isis.
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i guess the question is forgive the language, why can't we take out these bastards? >> i just spent the last three questions answering that very question. i don't know what more you want me to add? i think i've described very specifically what our strategy is and i've described very specifically why we do not pursue some of the other strategies that's been suggested. this is not as i said a traditi traditional military opponent. we can retake territory and as long as we leave our troops there, we can hold it. but that does not solve the underlying problem of eliminating that dynamic producing these kinds of violent extremist groups. and so we are going to continue
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to pursue the strategy that has the best chance of working even though it does not offer the sas satisfaction i guess of any headline or an immediate resolution. part of the reason is because there's cost to the other side. i just want to remind people this is not an abstraction. when we send troops in, those troops get injured and killed and our country spends hundreds of billions of dollars. again the fact there are enormous sacrifices involved in any military action, it's best
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that we don't shoot first and aim late erp. it's important to get the strategy right and the strategy we're pursuing is the right one. >> i think a lot of people around the world and america are concerned because given the strategy that you're pursuing and it's been more than a year now, isis' capability seems to be expanding. are you concerned and do you think they have the same ability to strike in the united states? do you think given all you've learned about isis over the past year or so and given all the criticism about your underestimating them, do you think you really understand this enemy well enough to defeat them and to protect the homeland?
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>> all right. so this is another variation on the same question. i guess, let me try it one last time. the, we have been fully aware of the capability of them carrying out a terrorist attack. that's why we have been mounting a very aggressive strategy to go after them. as i said before when you're talking about the ability of a hand full of people with not wildly sophisticated military equipment weapons they can kill
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a lot of people and preventing them from doing so is challenging for every country. i assure you that not just the united states but france and turkey and others who have been subject to these terrorist attacks would have implemented those strategies. they set up a whole series of additional steps to protect aviation and apply lessons learned. we've seen much better cooperation between the fbi, state governments, local governments.
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this is some advantages to geography with respect to the united states. but having said that, the possibility of terrorist attacks on our soil. there were the boston marathon bombers. it was not on the scale of the deaths in paris but that was a serious attempt at killing a lot of people by two brothers and a crock pot. it gives you some sense of the kinds of challenges that are going to be involved in this going forward.
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so again, isil has serious capabilities. we're going after all of them. they have a great effect on social media to attract groups and carry out attacks in the homeland and in europe and other parts of the world. our ability to shrink the space they operate in which will reduce the freedom with which
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lot about in the g20. the overwhelming majority of victims are themselves muslims. isil does not represent islam. it is not representative in any way of the attitudes of the overwhelming majority of luz minimums. this is something emphasized by muslim leaders whether it's the president of incountries that a majority muslim but have shown themselves to be ral rant and do work to be inclusive in their political process. so to the degree that anyone
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would equate the terrible accident that took place in paris with the abuse of islam, those kinds of stereo types are counterproduct eviden counterproductive and wrong. they will lead, i think, to greater recruitment if this becomes somehow defined as a muslim problem as opposed to a terrorist problem. now, what is also true is that the most vicious terrorist organizations at the moment are the ones that claim to be spe speaki speaking on behalf of true muslims. i do think that muslims around
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the world, religious leaders, political leaders, ordinary people have to, you know, ask very serious questions about how did these extremist ideologies take root. even if it's only effecting the population, it is real. and it is dangerous. i think the muslim community has to think about how we make sure children are not effected by the twisted notion they can kill innocent people and that is
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justified by religion. to some degree that is something that has to come from within the muslim community itself. there have been times there has not been enough push back against extremism. there's some who say we don't believe in violence but are not as willing to challenge some of the extremist thoughts or rationals for why muslims people oppressed and i think those ideas have to be changed. i have to take a flight to manilla. i'm looking forward to seeing manilla but i hope i can come back to turkey when i'm not so busy. one of the places you're seeing this debate play itself out is on the refugee issue both in
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europe and i gathered it started popping up back while i was gone to the united states. the people who are fleeing syria are the most harmed by terrorism. they are the most vulnerable by a consequence of civil war and strife. they are parents, children, orphans. it is very important. this was affirmed again and again by the g20.
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we do not close our hearts to this. you know, in europe, i think people like chancellor has taken a kour rashs stance in saying it's our moral obligation as fellow human beings to help people who are in such as a rule you arable situations. i know that it is putting enormous strains on the resources of the people of europe and nobody has been carrying a bigger burden than the people of turkey and the people of jordan and lebanon admitting refugees. the fact that they've kept their boarders open to the refugees is a signal. so we have to, each of us do our
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part and the united states has to step up and do its part. when i hear folks say that maybe we should just admit the christians and not the muslims, when i hear political leaders suggests that there will be a test for which person is fleeing from a war torn country is admitted, when some of those folks themselves come from families who benefitted, that's shameful. that's not american, that's not who we are.
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we don't have religious test to our compassion. when pope francis came to visit, the united states gave a speech before congress. he didn't just speak object christians being persecuted. he didn't call on those who just add miz those of the same religious faith. he said protect people who are vulnerable. i think it's very important for us right now, particularly those in leadership and particularly those who have a platform and can be heard not the feed the impulse inside of us. i had a lot of othagreements wi george w. bush on politics but i
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was proud of 9/11 when he was adamant and clear about the fact this was not a war on islam. to notion that some of those would ignore all of that, that's not who we are. on this, they should follow his example. it was the right one. there's the right impulse. it's our better impulse. whether you are european or american, the values that we are defending, the values that we're fighting against isil for are precisely that we don't discriminate against people because of their faith. we don't kill people because they're different than us.
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that's what separates us from them. we don't feed that kind of notion that somehow christians and muslims are at war. if we want to be successful defeating isil, that's a good place to start by not promoting that kind of ideology, that kind of attitude. in the same way that the muslim community has an obligation not to in any way excuse anti christi christian sediment. we have the same obligation as christians. we are, it is good to remember that the united states does not have a religious test and we are a nation of many people's of different fates. which means that we show compassion to everybody. those are the universal values we stand for.
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that's what my administration intends to stand for. all right. thank you very much, everybody. >> president obama speaks at the end of the g20 summit in turkey for americans not to turn their backs on syrian refugees especially in the wake of what happened here in the wake of what happened here in paris friday that killed 129 people. the headline here in this news conference, the president essentially saying stay the course. there will be no change in overall u.s. strategy in the war against isis. he was defensive at times as reporters croppontinued to ask questions about a possible change in strategy. chuck todd has been watching along with us. the president feeling pressured to do something new in the wake of this. but he really held his ground here. >> he did. i was struck by how defensive he was and how much he's paying attention to his political
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critics. he answered about six or seven specific charges or ideas that various critics of him, presidential candidate critics or otherwise have made and he used them as strong. i was surprised by his tone and defensiveness. he didn't channel what i think a lot of americans are feeling right now with a little bit of anger and resolve and recivil yancey. i get the policy argument that he's making that hey, this is the policy that's going to work and i don't think these other ideas are going to work. i was again, i go back to the tone of this press conference. extremely defensive and almost not yet realizing that many of the reporters in that room, they're channelling the public in this case, lester, as you know being in paris and we know where the public is there, but it's a lot of similar feelings here in the united states right now. so that's the part of this that
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just struck me as frankly an odd decision. not odd that he's sticking to his policies, odd in the tone he chose to use today. >> let me turn to an green i can't mitchell now. andrea, yesterday a sizable era attack against rocca. at the same time president obama was speaking and noted this attack was planned in syria, organized in belgium, carried out in france. so it makes you wonder whether a military operation would work against that kind of a threat. >> well, what the president is saying, just to continue on what chuck said, he is not going to put in ground forces. he's going to intensify the effort. like france, these are air strikes. air strikes backed up by training and equipping iraqis and working more closely with syrians on the ground. we know that the syrian piece of this has been a total failure and the iraqis have turned and
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runned every time they've been changed. the iraqi forces have not been stood up and the syrian forces have not been stood up and without people on the ground most military experts say this will not work. he also defended the intelligence. he said there's not been an intelligence gap and there's a robust in constant individual lens. he meets with the advisers. he said no gap but just an hour or two ago cia director in washington said it's time for the u.s. and u.n. to look and see if there's cracks or gaps in the intelligence gatherings. they're going to go back and look and see if they missed something before paris. >> richard angle seen in the streets of paris and syria even watching along with me. you noted that the president acknowledged something that was murky in the question of responsibility? >> he acknowledged this in fact was an isis attack.
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he called isis the face of evil. he said isis will be degraded and defeated which is reaffi reaffirming his old policy. there have been talks this was al qaeda. some of the counter officials i spoke to in paris said there's no way this could be isis. isis isn't that good. he's acknowledging yes, this is an isis attack and we're going to do more and share more intelligence with france and intensify the current strategy. i think some of the defensiveness we've all seem to denoted came from the anger you can feel here in paris. you can read from the statements that are coming out of american politicia politicians. there seems to be once again this desire to do more and send troops in and go to war and i think the president was trying to dial that back saying we're going to do more strategy but not going to war. >> you and i were speaking and here on this plaza 10 months ago watching people do what we did
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lighting candles. it's a different atmosphere. at the time we were here because there's an attack on a newspaper publication people respond somewhat differently. >> very much differently. it's nice to say france is being resilient and these people are here. we are hearing that. it's different. when charlie's attack happened, people came out in the streets and there were tens of thousands, couple thousand people who marched in this square and holding up pins and it became a zem administration for the freedom of the press. charlie was them. it was a target against a magazine and french people came out and said we are with that magazine. we are charlie. this time, it was an attack against us. >> people sitting in cafe and theater. >> concert. that has people scared. >> let me quickly go back to chuck todd again talking about the political pressure that will mount at home.
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the president holding his standing fast here. what kind of pressure will he face? >> i tell you in the last point of what he made, he was passionate on the refugee issue. that's where the political pressure is going to heat up early and first. frankly, it's out of sort of the easiest thing for the public to di jest. it's where the republican primary is going to head. it's this issue of where we take in syrian refugees is going to be the first thing, first amount of political pressure that gets forced upon the line up. >> chuck todd, thank you very much. we are here in the square that's become the memorial site in paris. we'll have full coverage on nbc nightly news and what the president had ck. i'm lester holt in paris. good day everyone. d the fever. an even bigger deal? everything you miss out on... family pizza night. the big game. or date night. why lose out to the flu any longer than you have to?
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area--- joining the rest of the world in a show of a good monday morning. 7:56. i'm sam brock. the bay area joining the rest of the world in a show of solidarity for the victims of the deadly paris terrorist attacks. this morning the apt is lit up in blue, white and red. the memorial kponting to grow outside the french consulate in downtown san francisco. a steady stream of people have been leaving flowers and candles. today mourns can sign a condolences book for the paris victims. a morning fire heavily damaged a supermarket along with several businesses in richmond. the flames broke out a little after 2:00 in the morning and burned right through the floor of a building housing a supermarket. nobody was injured and the firefighters are still on the scene trying to figure out how to fire started. a cool start to your monday morning. keri hall joining us with a look
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at your forecast. all of the sunshine will warm the temperatures up nicely. we're still in the mid 40s and expect the highs today to reach 59 degrees in the peninsula in the east bay as well as the tri-valley. 61 in san francisco and 65, one of the warmer spots in the north bay while the south bay stays around 60 degrees. let's check in with mike. oakland, not shivering from the cold, just the wind. there's oakland. 880 moves slowly but again crowded. the bottom of the screen, that's where the slowing is. the big build for the east shore freeway. coming off of 280 daily city, a slow drive there. as well as on the peninsula coming across the san mateo and the dumbarton bridges. and the northbound through the south bay all bogging down.
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>> 8:00 now on a it's 8:00 now on a monday morning. a moment of silence across france this morning as that nation mourns the victims of friday's unprecedented terror attack. after several days of a lockdown, schools, museums, some other landmarks like the eiffel tower reopening for the first time since the violence. but a state of emergency does remain in effect. strict security measures are in place. i'm matt lauer with al roker, natalie morals. savannah made her way to paris over the weekend. savannah, good morning to you. >> good morning, everybody. it's good to see you guys. as you can imagine, every newspaper this is the front page
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story, "le monde." several weekly magazines decided to publish early, all issues talking about the paris attacks. there's so much going on. the investigation moving very quickly on several front. i'm joined by nbc's bill nealy. we know the suspected mastermind has been identified but we don't know where he is. >> no, we don't. there's a somber and nervous air in the city. the prime minister warning of more attacks to come, attacks planned in syria and here and the possibility there might be attacks in other countries. also raids this morning. france is striking back. 168 raids on homes across france. 23 people arrested, 104 others being questioned. 31 guns seized. this is really quite serious. france naming the mastermind behind these attacks.
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a man called abdelhamid abaaoud. he's a belgian. he was involved in some kind of events in january in brussels. police have been hunting him every since then. it's believed he was in syria last year. clearly windy isis leader. they are hunting an accomplice, someone who drove the car away from paris just after the attacks. a man called salah abdelsalam, warning not to approach because he's dangerous. also in syria, france striking back at warplanes hitting the isis stronghold raqqah. twelve planes involved. u.s. forces also involved. we understand they hit, among others, a training center and some oil trucks. oil, of course, providing the life line, the war chest, if you like, for isis to carry out attacks like this. but this is france striking back, revenge in the air. but as i said at the beginning, savannah, it's a nervous city as
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well and a somber one. >> we remember what the french president saying, promising the response would be merciless and we're beginning to see some of it. bill, thank you so much. we're also learning about the victims of these attacks. at least 129 lives suddenly cut short, including at least one american. other lives changed forever. this morning in paris tributes are pouring in for the vebts as we learn more about the harrowing stories of those who survived. thomas was inside the massacre at the concert hall. he said before the shooting started, he worked his way to the front of the crowd to hear his favorite song by the crowd, which likely saved his life. >> because you were in the front row, you were closer to an exit and you could make a run for it? >> yes. in the course of that song, you had to hear it. it's save me, you've got to save me.
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save me, you've got to save me. and i was there. i was there. >> another survivor from the bataclan said he killed everyone whose phone rang, family members called to check on safety. >> calling, everyone was killed. >> dennis hit under a table for three hours. >> there was sounds of machine guns, shooting, and then silence, and then again shooting and silence. and this go on and on. >> when you walked out and left the concert hall, what did you see? >> all the lights and all the body and blood, everything. it was a war zone. >> among the victims inside, a native of nice who worked in entertainment.
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also tragically killed. a girl originally from mexico. she announced her engagement on facebook weeks ago. a cousin mourned on twitter. he was playing in the soccer game when a suicide bomber attempted to attack. one account went viral on social media. isabel vividly described the horror in the bataclan along with the picture of her blood stained shirt writing in part, as i lay down in the blood of strangers and waiting for my bullet to end my mere 22 years, i envisioned every face that i have ever loved and whispered i love you over and over again. on sunday the loved ones of american victim gonzalez held a vigil in her honor, one of the many lives lost in acts of blind hatred. but thomas told us he wants survivors to transcend that and help others.
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>> if anyone has reason to be angry or want revenge. >> should be me. >> should be you. >> i don't want that. i don't want revenge. i'm glad to be alive. i don't want revenge. i wish i can influence people to love people and not to hate people. >> matt, guys, we heard a lot of that sentiment of people who nearly lost their lives, survivors i've spoken to in the last few days who come so close to death, saw it firsthand and really wants to tell the world the soul of the city is intact and they want people to remain positive. that's clearly the message i'm hearing from people here. >> generally speaking the goal is for hatred to breed more hatred and that's not what the people of paris have shown. there was a wonderful image, savannah in a newspaper on a wall near where the attacks took place, someone had drawn a
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simple heart on that wall as a message of hope. it's a difficult time, no question about it. savannah, thanks very much. we'll come back -- >> i have to say -- no, i was just going to say i took a walk by the river and saw the tourist shops of the signs, the t-shirts that say i love paris. suddenly that bumper sticker phrase felt so, so profound. >> savannah, thank you so much. back in a couple min. natalie is here, a lot of other stories making news this morning. >> that's right. president obama said despite the paris terror attacks, it would be a mistake to put a large number of u.s. troops on the ground to battle isis. speaking from the g-20 summit in turkey he said u.s. will not shut out refugees from the fighting in syria. >> even as we accept more refugees, including syrians, we do so only after subjecting them to rigorous screening and security checks. we also have to remember that many of these refugees are the victims of terrorism themselves. that's what they are fleeing.
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slamming the door in their faces would be a betrayal of our values. >> the president also announce add new agreement with france on sharing intelligence to thwart terrorist activity. the fbi is searching this morning for reps stolen from an army reserve center in wo worcester, massachusetts. they haven't identified how many. there's nothing to tie the threat to any specific terror threat. police in the houston area pressing their hunt for three teenagers who escaped from a juvenile detention center on sunday. one of the teenagers, colby, accused of killing a man during a carjacking in march. all three considered very dangerous a probation official said one of the teens tricked a guard into opening his cell door and then beat him and took his key. two visitors got to see a bit of philadelphia before they were safely corralled.
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about an hour into the adventure, they broke away from the circus performing downtown. they brought traffic to a crawl as amused police officers followed them in a slow-speed commute. not hard to spot them running around. >> that's something you don't see every day. coming up, hoda will kick off our season of kindness, which we can all use right now with an extraordinary event celebrating the good things in life. on trending, rarely used function on facebook turned to by millions of people in the aftermath of the attacks on paris. and a live performance from country star chris young on monday morning. but first these messages. to the dealership? it's practically yours, but we still need your signature.
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now, kay jewelers brings you... the newest c: chocolate... levian chocolate diamonds. save up to 20% on select levian styles at kay, the number -one jewelry store... in america. ♪ every kiss begins with kay.♪ 8:12 now. good time to take a little breath, change of pace. a season of kindness. big or small we enkurng everyone to share acts of kindness throughout the holiday season. hoda is here to get us started.
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>> hi, kids. we need this today, don't we. we officially launched the season of kindness on friday, national kindness day. lucky me, i was able to get the party started early when i participated in the fourth annual dance for kindness. it was an extraordinary day. why is being kind important? >> because if you don't respect people it would be bad and if you show respect it would be really good. >> more than 10,000 people. >> the small act of kindness can help so much. >> including a few super heroes. >> will you tell me what kind of a super hero you are. >> fast? >> gathering worldwide in 100 cities in more than 50 countries for a dance in celebration of kindness. >> why did you come here? >> because it inspires other
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people to be kinder. >> a message through dancing instead of just speaking. >> show and not telling. >> inspiring people is exactly what the organizer of dance for kindness and the founder of the nonprofit life vest inside had in lipd when she launched with the video kindness boomerang. it's viewed by 80 million people and shows that when you are kind it really does have an effect and spread. it's the small moments that leave the biggest impact. >> her movement came out of one of the darkest points in her life. when she was 15 a fire destroyed her home, sending her into a deep depression, unable to go to school. >> what hurt me the most is that being home from school those couple months, not one person called. not one person came to visit. >> but she turned her mitzry into a mission, hoping to make sure no one felt the way she did. >> what i realized is that the more i gave the more i healed.
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when i became in love with this idea and concept of giving. >> according to the nbc news state of kindness poll most americans we ask agreed. 9 in 10 say they are happier when they help someone. today, she sprends kindness daily through her nonprofit and once a year for the fourth year in a row she gets the world to dance. >> the purpose of dance for kindness is show people that regardless of the differences in race and religion, background, the things that separate us, kindness is a common thread that unites us. and kindness being so universal, universal language, dance is also very much a universal language. >> i had the honor of gathering in times square along with thousands of others around the world to spread that message. >> put out more light into the world. oh, yeah. >> that dance was not simple to learn. and there was some poll that
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said new york was one of the unkindest cities. >> i don't believe it. >> not true. especially after that. >> that was awesome. >> your mantra, this pay it forward for a long time. >> which we love. >> thanks, kids. >> tamron has more on our season of kindness. good morning to you. >> good morning. natalie, you mentioned we need that. we kicked off our season of kindness campaign online by asking you at home to share a photo of the kindest person that you know. matt, you've gotten in on it. you tweeted out mohammed ali, always has been, always will be. joining in on it is one of our viewers, johnny. mr. leo watts, one of my junior high school teachers, one of the kindest people i know. a lot can relate to a teacher. and chanell, one of the kindest spirits, i love my manny man. many man is awfully dapper there bringing a smile. so today we're asking you to put kindness into the world by
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giving someone a compliment or telling someone you love them. you can share it with us, using the #share kindness. i'm sending one to my nephew in college. he calls every sunday to say hello. >> sweet. >> i'm going to do it here also. al, i'm digging the mustache and goatee look. >> thank you very much. >> natalie, i like that little top you have cooking. >> i compliment your dress. >> thank you. >> we digress. a check of the weather. >> today's weather is brought to you by kay jewelers, the number one jewelry store in america, every kiss begins with kay. >> everybody watching now you look marvelous. i love it. we've got some snow getting itself together in the rockies, in fact, right now denver under a blizzard warning. heavy snow, blowing snow.
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near zero visibility developing as the day wears on. storm warnings, watches, winter weather advisories, about 30 million under that now. in fact we could be looking up to 24 inches in western colorado, 4 to 10 inches around denver, and another big storm moving into the pacific northwest, several fronts, we're talking about the risk of land slides, rainfall amounts from three to five inches but locally could be as much as 8 to 10 inches in the mountains. that's what's going good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we'll stay dry headed into the next few days. and cool mornings and warmer afternoons. we're looking at now temperatures in the mid to upper 40s. and some low 50s in san francisco. looking at a high today of 60 in san jose. san carlos, 61 and 61 on the embarcardero. and the north bay, napa, 63. also 63 in oakland. and dublin looking at a high of 62 degrees. keep checking in for some warmer weather.
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>> and that's your latest weather. >> al, thanks so much. we were just talking about acts of kindness. coming up, we're going to talk about people committing uplifting acts from all around the world in the wake of the attacks on paris, but, nexium 24hr is the new #1 selling frequent heartburn brand in america. i hope you like it spicy! get complete protection with the purple pill. the new leader in frequent heartburn. that's nexium level protection.
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and we are back now. it's 8:22. let's talk about something that is trending today but in a bit a different way. the talk of social media. those terror attacks in paris prompting an about face from facebook. the site just reactivated a rarely used feature that was first used last year. it's called safety check. >> and it allows users in paris to notify friend and family if they were okay. now in the first 24 hours alone, more than 4 million people marked themselves as safe. the tool, of course, winning praise across the web. some are wondering why it wasn't used after other recent terror incidents. >> facebook said the feature was
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intended for natural disasters like earthquakes, and the paris attacks convinced it to change its policy. sounds like a good idea. >> i think they should keep it because you never know when something is going to happen, a natural disaster or, you know, an attack like this. >> think about when we were younger, if something had gone wrong, we had none of this technology. we had phones and they were land lines. had you to rush and people would have to line up and make a phone call to try to tell their loved ones that they were okay. this is where technology certainly is a huge improvement. >> absolutely. >> brilliant idea. >> tamron is over in the original room with how other companies are responding to these attacks. tamron. >> good morning again. matt, great point. think about technology before when you needed a helping hand and if you didn't have a cell phone available what would you do? well, this time around several websites and apps made an effort to reach out to those in paris who needed help. this is a housing rental william aramonybnb. we talked so much about it, launching an disastrous tool asking people to open their home
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free of charge to anyone stranded. i'm controlling up and there are several homes asking for nothing. they want nothing but to help you get to safety. by the way, the car service uber joining in to help. they cut out their surge pricing in the area. google offered free calls to france and several purposeful hashtags trended on twitter, some helping people find lodging and others useful in locating loved ones, similar to what we saw with facebook and this is something if you were on social media over the weekend, likely saw this. beautiful. this sketch shared hundreds of thousands of times on social media. the french artist behind it said it was a raw and spontaneous response to the need for peace, and it says so much. obviously this is what we also say. pray for pairis. people placing flowers, candles. you talked about, earlier, matt, that heart that said so much and it speaks to where people are right now, but the app that we're reaching out to people
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find housing, that did not exist, you know, ten years ago. >> i know. >> so necessary, too. >> tamron, thank you very much. coming up, we will change gears, rising -- not rising, he's a bona fide country star. chris young will perform live in studio 1a, but first your local news. i'm ... ==topvo== the bay area
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is showing solidarity for victims in the a very good morning to you. 8:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. the bay area showing solidarity tore vict for victims in the deadly paris terror attack. the airport lit up in blue, white and red. yesterday, meantime, hundreds of mourners gathered on the steps of san francisco city hall to pay tribute to the terror attack victims in paris. and the memorial continues to grow outside the french consulate in downtown san francisco. that is where a steady stream of people have been leaving flowers and candles. starting today, mourners will be able to sign a condolence book for victims. let's thousand chenow check tha morning commute with mike. >> pretty much as you'd expect. over here there's the maze. watch the wind as you cross
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over. there is a crash reported on the approach but haven't seen any disruption. things will slow up here. san pablo, an earlier crash. and down here toward golden gate field. things have cleared up and now seeing more traffic flow there as well as still coming up through 580 and 880 out of oakland. slow south 280 out of daly city and typical slowing. northbound routes through the south bay, no big disturbance but a little extra slow. crash clearing from north 680, laura. >> thank you very much. another update in half an hour. we'll see you then.
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mmm... nothing like johnsonville breakfast sausage. delicious and packaged with nothing to hide. no secrets. just like our family. well there is one. folks, i'm not your grandma. just a handsome kind hearted drifter who wandrered in years ago and stayed for all the yummy sausage. feel bad about lying. nap time. i got her. seriously? i feel like i just woke up. ha ha ha! fully cooked johnsonville breakfast sausage. we don't make sausage. we make family. and sausage.
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we're back now. 8:30 on a monday morning. it's the 16th day of november, 2015. we have finally come outside on this beautiful monday morning to say hi to an enormous crowd gathered on our plaza. and by the way, it's going to be a really cool musical week around new york city, and especially here on the show. tomorrow night adel is going to have her first concert in the
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united states in four years. it is a one-night only sold out performance a block from us here at radio city music hall. it's being recorded for an nbc special that will air next month and in honor of her new album 25, guess what? >> what. we have 25 pairs of tickets to hand out. >> cool. >> and i think we have some fans here. you say i'm adele's biggest fan. give me a reason y.prove it. >> today's my day off and i did not sleep in because i wantedtics. >> yes, i'm so excited. she's amazing and fabulous and we're just going to see her. >> congratulations to all of you. congratulations. 25 fans there. >> all right. wait, there's more because we've lined up another huge surprise.
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tomorrow morning and all we're going to say about this is if you think you're adele's biggest fan come down to the plaza right here tomorrow and prove it to us. >> that's all we're going to say. >> that's all we're going to say. >> but it's going to be huge. >> so that concert is tomorrow and then on wednesday justin bieber is back for another concert live on plaza. that is wednesday. this time he's bringing some friends with him so we look forward to that this week as well. >> and don't forget we've lined up some great music for "today" as well from country star chris young. >> all right. let's get to an important question. do you have a favorite cookie? >> yes. >> good assortment here to help us make another big announcement that the "today" food team is on the hunt for the country's best cook toe showcase in our "today" food holiday cookie swap. you're supposed to show them, not eat them. >> i'm all about the plain sugar cookie myself. >> really. >> i'm a chips ahoy girl. where's the chips ahoy. >> we want you to cast your vote for your safe, most delectable
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cookie, and we might just taste them right here on our show and head to for more information, and while you're there don't forget to join the "today" food club. >> why do you say we might just taste them. we're going to commit to them. >> you might say where is one of our chief cookie eaters al roker? he's across the street with a very special guest. al? >> i decided to try to take myself away from the temptation. i'm standing in front of this beautiful 78-foot norway spruce getting ready for next month's lighting ceremony and supermodel amanda kerr is here to unveil this morning's swarovski star. >> good morning. how are you doing? >> great. >> and this year we probably need the star more than ever. >> aim poll of thoughts and peace and my thoughts and prayers go out to all those being affected. >> right now there's 25,000
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swarovski crystals on that. >> and it weighs 550 pounds. >> man. >> heavy. >> that's a heavy star. >> we can't lift it ourselves. >> no, no. in fact, we've got this giant grain here. you'll be involved with the ceremony topping -- topping the tree today. >> i know, and what an honor to be a part of that for this holiday season, the start of this holiday season. >> it's a really special time, and when you -- when this thing gets up there, are you up there with it, or are you staying down here? >> that's a very good question. >> i'm pretty sure i'm down here. >> they are not putting me on the top. >> that would be two stars up there, miranda kerr, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> catch the tree lighting right here on nbc december 2nd. christmas in rockefeller center. well, good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. temperatures are starting to warm up. we're making it towards that 50-degree mark and expecting highs today to reach 60 degrees in san francisco. in the east bay, 63 degrees as
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well as the tri-valley. we'll have 60 in the south bay. while the peninsula stays in the 50s. in the north bay, 65 degrees. a sunny but cool and breezy day. at times those gusts up to 30 miles an hour. but calming down as we go into tonight. >> don't forget get your weather any time you need it weather channel on cable and online. miranda, thank you so much. >> thank you so much. >> back to you guys. >> you now i know why you pass on the cookies, al. nice job. with the tree and star here it's officially the holiday season. >> and that also means holiday movies, and i recently sat down with the all-star cast of the new movie "love the coopers" where four generations gather together to face the ghosts of christmas past, present and future. christmas dinner, where families come together and the place where we met the cast of the new movie "love the coopers." it's a phenomenal cast. must have been so much fun and so much joy on set.
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>> it was. >> yeah. >> we bring our own misery to the party. >> for me, you know, that really was what was so great about this and the fact that, yeah, because we're all just -- we're part of this family. >> john goodman and diane keaton play a struggling couple hoping for memories of one last perfect christmas with their dysfunctional family. >> well, you know what, you can just leave now! >> olivia wilde plays their daughter eleanor and jay glacy is her surprise guest. >> merry christmas. >> mom, dad, this is joe. >> olivia, how would you describe the cooper family. >> totally dysfunctional and very loving. you get older and you realize you don't have to go home for christmas. the thing is they all do show up at that table. >> they all are struggling with what the movie coins the antisapoint mement of christmas. what does it mean? emma is everything about her. >> i don't think she's even trying to make it towards
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amtisappointment. >> you spend a lot of quality time in a police car together. >> i'm the ghost of christmas past, present, future and incarceration. >> thanks for the ride. >> anthony mackey doesn't make christmas dinner in the movie, but he was able to join us here. >> so this is your first christmas feast with the cooper family. >> it is, it is. >> and the star of the sequel so that makes up for it. >> that's right it. the cooper goes to the jets. >> how did you ever end up here today? >> that's a great question. that's a very good question. i have no idea. >> we are family. >> we were talking about this film being about the pressures of family. do any of you feel that still to this day? >> when i was younger. >> yeah. >> they used to bring a great deal of resentment to the table and now that i'm older and wise ter feels a lot better. >> we're missing a member our family though. come on in, rags.
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>> yay. >> good boy. >> the only actor in hollywood that eat on screen. >> isn't that the truth. >> i want to go around the table to see if any of you have any family holiday traditions. >> we usually change stories while we ice down our fresh holiday tattoos. >> my folks both have stockings from when they were kids. >> amazing. >> my mom's is 6 inches longer than everyone else's so it's huge, laughbly large. >> story of my life. >> it's about the family, and i think sort of the last line in this film says a lot about it. it's all right there in front of you the whole time. >> it's a complete movie, and the fact that it's not focused on any one in particular. it's focused on family and all the ups and downs and, you know, thaeg that's really the core of everything in all of our lives. >> it really is such a great cast, and they had such a fun time shooting it last winter in pittsburgh. it was sub zero temperatures and
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blizzards, but they were in a hotel all together, so they really bonded, they said. >> i'm an animal lover. i'm not sure i like dogs eating from the table. >> that's acting. >> the idea maybe "today" show holiday tattoos. >> we'll ice them down. >> turkey on the arm. >> "love the coopers" in theaters, by the way, next. >> up next, chris young performing live in studio 1a with the gang. they woke up early for us. we appreciate that. first this is "today" -- maybe they stayed up late. this is "today" e a bow and arrow ♪
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nice to have you here. >> hey. >> what a pleasure. >> pleasure is all mine. happy to be here. >> fifth album, i know you're excited about it different, a different feel and sound? >> it is. it's a little bit different sonically for me and i co-produced this one with a buddy of mine cory crowder so first time i've been in the producer's chair as a project. had a lot more guests on this album, vince gill, cassadee pope on the track, and -- and it's just a lot of fun for me to get actually into a fifth record. i mean, it's hard to believe this is my fifth album. >> and you are about to head out on a tour. "i'm coming over" is a great way to kind of inirspy you to get out on the road and you know what else, chris. "i'm coming over" just this morning became the number one song on the billboard country charts. did you guys know that? >> there it is. >> you didn't know, that did you? >> no idea. wondering about this all night long and no one would tell me anything. i hate all of you. i love you, but i hate all of you. they wouldn't tell me. >> because they told me, that's why. >> so i could tell. >> you congratulations. >> thank you.
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>> it would be really good if you did that song now. >> we should probably sing it. >> ladies and gentlemen, chris young. ♪ ♪ i'm coming over on every red light ♪ ♪ and save it for another time ♪ trying not to think about you, but it ain't working ♪ ♪ why put out a fight when it's still burn ♪ just when i think moving on is
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getting closer ♪ ♪ i'm combing over ♪ i'm all alone, burr you're on my phone ♪ ♪ telling me you miss me and that you're at home ♪ ♪ who knows what we are in the morning ♪ ♪ all i know is i want you ♪ so i'm combing over, running every red light ♪ ♪ to hell with the closure, save it for another time ♪ ♪ try not to the think about you but it ain't working ♪ ♪ why put out a fire when it's still burning ♪ ♪ just when i think moving on is getting close ♪ ♪ i'm combing over ♪ ♪ oooh, i'm combing over
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♪ yeah, we said that we're done and i know that it's late ♪ ♪ but you already know i'm on my way ♪ ♪ i'm combing over, running every red light ♪ ♪ to hell with the closure, save it for another time ♪ ♪ try not to think about you, but it ain't working ♪ ♪ why put out a fire that's burning ♪ ♪ i'm combing over, running every red light ♪ ♪ to hell with the closure, save it for another time ♪ ♪ try not to think about you, but it ain't working ♪ ♪ why put out a fire when it's still burning ♪ ♪ just when i think moving on is getting close ♪ ♪ i'm combing over ♪ ♪ i'm combing over
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100 years old today. 3 f2 del sur. herb donald, we love you. duned dunedin, florida, they love butterflies. unbelievable. that's quite a hobby in florida. happy anniversary lester and lillian thompson, since grade school. happy anniversary, 78 years married. okay, gang. we'll send it back to new york because we love new york so much we're going to share our show with you. >> thank you very much. good to see you. >> still to come this morning, keeping our ultimate thanksgiving rolling. pumpkin recipe out of this world, bread pudding, caramel fix. >> amakes a great french toast
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hard not to be moved by parisian spirit, after the unspeakable act of terror. people out and resolved to live their lives. they have heavy hearts but aren't going to succumb to fear. erica hill is out. >> you said it well, resolved not to let it get to them. as we went out we weren't sure what we would fine. as they are going back to work, they are cautious. at the station, a quieter commute but a clear sense of duty. >> to show that we're still there and there is nothing that can stop us. >> what can we do, we have to get to work and we have to be very careful. >> reporter: on this third day of national mourning, there's a different feeling in the street. flags remain at half-staff. police and soldiers on patrol. christine left australia just as
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the world was learning about the attack. >> and why did you want to come? >> i think i wanted to come to say we're still going to come. we still think your country is a beautiful place to come. i don't want the terrorism to take over. >> reporter: 32 million tourists visit paris every year drawn by the promise of a sidewalk cafe, an iconic sight like the eiffel tower and the louvre. francis stressed the importance of reopening today for the city and for its visitors. a feeling shared by bryan smith from l.a. they planned their vacation months ago. >> as americans, we know what this feels like. it's such a tragedy, so sad for the french people. >> our hotel mentioned there is a lot of cancellations. we feel sad. the more people cancelish the more the terrorists win. we're not going to let this stop
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us. we're going to move on and show the fear they are trying to instill in people is not going to stop us from doing what we want to do in our lives. >> in the street, signs that life is moving forward, a morning jog, back to school, back to work. the bus, the metro, sign of routine on a day that feels like anything but. >> savannah, one woman said to me, there were two things she was concerned about. she was a little late, just dropped her 3-year-old off at daycare. the first time she left him. she was nervous about going into the office. she didn't know what the conversation would be. she thought after she got through the first day it would be easier and she would be relieved. >> haven't you been struck by the spirit here? >> it's uncredible. there really is a connection when it comes to this american ideal so many have and understand of freedom and liberty and you're right. that's very much something, this is very french.
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so we've seen that a lot today and over the weekend and you've seen a lot of people reference that, that camaraderie as well. >> i think a lot of us are feeling that connection with france as we're here. i kept thinking i could put my arms around this city when it's hurting, which it clearly is right now. that will do it for us from paris this morning, we'll send it back to you in new york. >> savannah, nice job today. erica, great to see you as well. we've all spent a lot of time in paris. that unique feel. it's hard to see people suffer the way they are. we'll have much more today on a monday morning coming up. but first let's take a look at your local news and weather. commanders, their killers, we've seen that when we have an effective partner on the ground, isil can and is pushed back.
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local forces in iraq backed by coalition air power recently liberated sinjar, forces fighting to take back ramadi in syria, isil has been pushed back for much of the border region with turkey. we stepped up our support of opposition sporters to isil strongholds in around raqqa, so in short, both in iraq and syria isil ci'm ... ==topvo== having trouble finding the right change for your muni ride? good morning. it's 8:56. i'm kris sanchez. if you are having trouble finding the right change in your wallet for muni, well, stop looking for change and use an app instead. san francisco city leaders will unveil a new mobile app allowing commuters to pay fares with just a few swipes and pushes. muni has been test driving the app since october. it is supposed to officially go online for all commuters today. also happening today, a first look at changes in the
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united airlines terminal over at sfo. crews have been renovating terminal 3's eastern concourse, an area mostly used by united airlines. the concourse features new gate areas and several new shopping and dining options. it officially opens wednesday. more local news coming up for you in just a half hour.
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my name is 127 willow lane. and i've had some work done. in '62 they put in a conversation pit. brilliant. in '74 they got shag carpet. that poor dog. rico?! then they expanded my backside. ugh. so when the nest learning thermostat showed up, i thought "hmmm." but nest is different. keeps 'em comfy. and saves energy automatically. like that! i'm like a whole new house! nest. welcome to the magic of home.
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♪ ♪ welcome to "today" on this monday morning. it's november 16, 2015. i'm willie along with al, natalie and tamron. we're thinking this morning about our friends in france, about the victims, including at least one american, and how now the world will respond to this horror in the streets of paris. it was the deadliest day in france since world war ii. [ explosions ] at 9:20 p.m. on friday an explosion rocked a soccer match at stade de france, the country's national stadium where french president francois hollande was among the
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spectators. shortly after in a popular paris neighborhood, shots were fired. at 9:30, a second explosion at the stadium. two minutes later, gunfire on another busy street and then a shooting at a nearby bar. the terror continued as gunmen stormed the bataclan concert hall where american band eagles of death metal were playing, the assailants held hostages for hours. back at the stadium, a third suicide bomber kills himself. and finally, just after midnight, security forces launch an assault at the concert hall. and three of the attackers are killed. >> more and more gunshots continued to hit the windows. we were set up against the glass window. the glass was coming in and hitting people lying on the floor. >> reporter: the terrorist organization isis has claimed responsibility. and france has declared revenge. france's justice minister told nbc news all seven attackers were dead.
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>> no one who has participated in the attack is still alive. >> reporter: but, she said, the manhunt continues for their accomplices. france put out a special alert for salah abdeslam. nbc news has learned he signed the rental papers for one of the cars used by the attackers. it appears the plot was launched from nearby belgium where multiple arrests were made over the weekend. at least some of the attackers had arrived in france after joining the mass wave of refugees arriving on europe's shores. the borders of france remain closed. on sunday french warplanes struck islamic state militants in syria. at a meeting with world leaders at the g-20 summit in turkey, president obama vowed to stand shoulder to shoulder with the french. >> the killing of innocent people based on a twisted ideology is an attack not just on france, not just on turkey, but it's an attack on the civilized world. >> reporter: families in more
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than a dozen countries mourned loved ones. among them an american college student nohemi gonzalez. >> she wanted to have a career and a family. >> reporter: u.s. authorities say there's no known threat to the american homeland, but cities across the country are taking precautions. in new york city the nypd has increased its presence. across paris vigils in memorials grow. on sunday a reminder of just how fragile the city remains. the sound of firecrackers sent mourners running in what turned out to be a false alarm. but the eiffel tower still shines bright, a sign of resilience as the city of light honors its fallen. and the world continues to pray for paris. we talk a lot about the geopolitics and what the response will be. but this was in the end a human, human horror. laurent lafond batiste sitting in the balcony in the concert
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hall durn during that attack. here's laurent's account of what he saw on friday night. >> first the sound of explosions, maybe it was in the show, i thought, and people around me were more and more afraid. because i was close i followed all the people who were under the chairs, on the floor, very slowly going to a door. and then, we can hear the sounds of some screams and weapons and the smell of -- >> gunpowder. >> sometimes i feel a bit guilty because i'm alive and some people are not. why me? why me? but i know i'm wrong, i know i don't have to be guilty to be alive. >> several accounts from inside that concert hall. it was hell. climbing over bodies, hiding under dead bodies, playing dead, hanging from windows to try to
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avoid being attacked. >> gosh, and the survivors' guilt that you're hearing as well, some of the people talking about what they are feeling today as well. we do want to get caught up on the very latest with erica hill at the place de la republique in paris. erica, good morning. >> reporter: hey, guys. good morning to you. so we can tell you there has been so much activity. it's obviously a developing situation as we're learning more. we know that french police have carried out more than 168 raids. and we're told from the interior minister, those raids in just 48 hours. 23 arrests. 32 guns were seized in those raids. and there have also been air strikes, as we've been hearing a lot about. a dozen french warplanes targeted raqqa, which is believed to be an isis stronghold in syria. specifically targeting some of the oil trucks there. this is important, it's that oil that funds the war chest of isis, so you can imagine why they wanted to take the trucks out. isis said there were eight attackers. we know seven are dead. meantime, there's been much
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activity north of paris here in belgium, and that is because we are learning more about the man who is believed to be the mastermind of these attacks. his name abdelhamid abaaoud, believed to be from belgium, to have been in syria in the past year. our own keir simmons has spent time in the area where there were a number of raids carried out. it was believed to be an area in the suburb of brussels that he once called home, and you're also hearing the name salah abdeslam, another person that they are looking for, and this is the man who was apparently stopped at the border with belgium, and then let go. he's believed to be an accomplice. he signed for that black rental car which authorities were looking for and ultimately found. there's a lot of attention on that man this morning as we try to try to get more clues and as officials, of course, try to piece together exactly how this attack was pulled off. back to you. >> all right. thank you, erica hill there in paris for us. >> yeah. >> an shawn henry is the former directive assistant for the fbi
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and now chief security officer at crowd strike, a private cyber security firm. shawn, thank you for joining us. obviously, good morning to you. there's so many questions here. you heard erica talk about the multiple raids happening in france and in belgium, also the air strikes over the weekend as well. all of that information coming in in 48 hours. so many are wondering if all of these people were arrested and detected, was it an intelligence failure that it seems as if the world was completely surprised by the events that played out in paris? >> you know, i don't know that it was an intelligence failure. certainly there are a lot of innocent people who have been killed. let me talk a bit about the complexity here in an investigation like this where you've got multiple countries. you've got hundreds of operatives that are in western europe, that are sympathetic to the jihadi cause. the arrests that we've seen are not all necessarily related to the specific events of friday. these are likely, many of them, are disruptive type attacks that
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french authorities have had people under surveillance and people who they believe are involved in potential plotting or planning but didn't necessarily have enough to arrest. some of these searches that they have executed they have found weapons and then they have arrested people and are likely disruptive. some of them certainly are connected to what happened on friday, but i think that many of them are actually other types of arrests and law enforcement actions to stop future attacks. >> hey, shawn, it's willie guy. let's talk about some of the ways these terrorists, particularly isis, communicate with one another through apps, through playstation. we've even heard, talking earlier this morning to new york city police commissioner bill bratton. he said many times silicon valley is working against us in law enforcement we need them to open up a little bit and help us keep track of these guys. what's your assessment of that relationship between law enforcement and silicon valley? >> yeah, willie, we've known for
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a number of years about people using gaming devices to communicate going back at least five years. organized crime groups and gangs using the various communications channels inherent in those games. i think what law enforcement is looking at is the increased capabilities of these groups to communicate below the radar, successfully intercepting these communications have helped to disrupt the attacks in the past. the fbi and other law enforcement agencies have really got a big blind spot now, and they are trying to coordinate recognizing privacy and civil liberties, how important they are. they are trying to coordinate with silicon valley and the makers of applications to see how they might be able to get access to known terrorist communications. that's an issue with privacy groups and civil liberty groups. as a country we're going to have to decide what the balance is between civil liberties and privacy and security. you're not going to have 100% of both at any time. >> shawn, speaking of this country, what about this happening here? how concerned do we have to be about this -- this foreign
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terrorism making its way to our shores? >> i think we have to absolutely be concerned. we've got people who have made efforts to come into the country. director comey of the fbi, said that there's active investigations in all 50 states. we know what their intent is. we know what their motivation is. the only thing that's stopping them is their capability to set up the protocols, networks that will allow them to do what they did in paris. we're talking about refugees coming into this country. i heard an administration official say that there's a vetting process in place. i think that that's misguided. you're not going to have 100% vetting of people that are coming in to this country and have 100% security. so this is something that the american public has to be aware of. we have to be on full alert at all times. lawmakers and the intelligence agencies are very vigilant, but the private sector, public will have to be aware, looking for indicators of these types of attacks because this is something that could happen here
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without a doubt. >> yeah, and to your point, there is, in fact, reports of videos surfacing and purr potedly to be from an isis source threatening that washington could be next. of course, there are no specific threats that we know of, but i imagine the intelligence community is going to take a good hard look at that and try to connect the dots and see if there is any -- any truth to this new take. >> that's right. intelligence is the key word here in disrupting any of these attacks. being able to look forward. what are those indicators that will allow us to intercept and disrupt the people that are engaged here? i worked in washington, d.c., with the fbi, very collaborat e collaboratively, with the park police, the capital police, metropolitan police, and other federal agencies. law enforcement intelligence communities are aware that these types of attacks, for last
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decade, that they would happen, certainly since mumbai in india. they are working to be responsive, but it's all about looking forward and detecting. intelligence is the key piece here. we've got to have visibility into these networks. >> shawn henry, former executive assistant for the fbi. thank you for your insight this morning. >> thank you. >> and, of course, memorials and reflections all across the globe, for example, folks in london singing the french national anthem. we've had vigils in washington, d.c., and in new york city. and, of course, we all mentioned nohemi gonzalez, the 22-year-old american student at cal state university at long beach, of course, losing her life. she was there for a semester abroad, and just -- >> heartbreaking. >> your heart goes out to her family. and, you know, it's just -- it's really difficult when you consider that -- and there's -- it goes all the way back to the revolutionary war. the relationship between this country and france. >> our longest ally, oldest ally. >> we've known them and we've helped them and they have helped
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us and for this to happen there's a visceral reaction to something like this. not that it wouldn't be for any place that it happened around the world. but for some place like paris, which is the city of light, for such darkness to happen. >> many people have reminded us that this is a global threat. a threat to humanity. willie mentioned the lebanon, the unsolved situation involving the russian airliner, 200-plus people on board that airliner and the countless other deaths as a result of that syrian civil war. so it is certainly our eyes and attention on paris, because of the fact that you're in a movie theater or you're in a concert theater, you're at dinner, and how vulnerable we are. the experts call soft targets, but we all are soft targets. we all go somewhere and enjoying dinner on a friday night and that's why this is such a visceral painful thing for the world. >> big reaction now. we'll see what the united states does. do they send troops in? this is going to open up all kinds of new things. let's turn now and get a
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quick look at the weather, al. >> i've got a lot going on today. and going on into the middle of this week. so let's show you. first of all, got a big snow storm getting itself together in the rockies. in fact, denver under a blizzard warning tonight. we've also got severe weather. 30 million at risk for severe storms, damaging winds. large hail, and, in fact, we've got this enhanced risk from central oklahoma into central texas. we're going to be watching that and then tomorrow it moves to the east. 20 million at risk and especially as you get into central and southern louisiana, an enhanced risk. look at rainfall amounts. it's already saturated in these areas. this gulf moisture coming on in. 3 to 5 inches, upwards of 8 inches in some places with the ground already saturated. flooding is going to be a real risk. that's what's going on around the country. here's good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. our temperatures are you now in the lower 50s across most of the bay area. so starting to warm up. and expect highs to reach into the low 60s this afternoon.
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los gatos 60, 61 embark dare embarcader embarcadero. still windy, as well. high wind gusts up to 30 miles per hour. >> that's your latest weather. >> al, thank you very much. coming up next, oscar-winner susan sarandon is teaming up with her son for a special project. we'll talk to her about that and more right after this. she told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control
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whoo! i feel so aliii... it takes guts. [ female announcer ] starburst. unexplainably juicy. . during the holiday season there's one sobering statistic we need to keep in mind. as many as 3.5 million people will experience homelessness this year. nearly half of those children. >> to help raise awareness academy award winning actress susan is aroundon and her son
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jack teamed up on the documentary "storied streets." >> my mom abandoned me at end of my freshman year of high school. i was living on bleachers of my school for maybe like four or five months. i go down to the water fountain and i brush my teeth. put water in my hair, you know, to make it look a little snazzy. go to class. couldn't tell the difference at all. >> geez, one of the heartbreaking stories there. susan sarandon, so good to have you here. >> thank you for having me. >> such an important issue. we talk about homelessness and the problem. we see it in our city a lot more these days, it seems, and what was about t about homelessness that you and your son real wanted to shine the light on? >> it's important to me and one of the reasons i wanted to raise my kid, privileged kids in new york, was that they could see they are privileged because they see so many people and have done a lot of outreach and so when the opportunity from tom morgan who is a producer of this came about, jack was just graduating
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from usc and he took his crew and they went across the united states, just kind of to dispel the myths of who is homeless and how they get there and what it's like to live there and this year has been really you have to in the criminalization of homelessness, so our jails are full and we're not really solving the problem, you know. people can't sit down. they can't, whatever, and so many are women and children, and people think, that you know, the homeless are just all drug addicts or something and actually the leading cause of homelessness is a lack of affordable housing and the second is the lack of a living wage and the third is health care and the fourth is domestic violence and then all these veterans coming back and then you have, you know, mental health issues which, of course, if you're on street chronically for like a year and a half that usually is really serious. >> you have a special connection with so many of these stories including the young man that we saw in that situation. i can't imagine going to school, sleeping on the bleachers and trying to keep it together alone, and he's working with you now. >> he's working with us, yes, a
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great, great kid and he's actually doing something and is going to stay on the street and get his story and something that he's trying to do to raise money that he thought of recently and some people turned against him on the internet, and i don't know why, but i think it's just important to understand that there's so many hidden homeless now. you know, everyone is getting all upset about whether there's snow flakes on coffee cups. they should start thinking about who is going to be hungry on the holidays and where they are going to be staying and we've got some serious heartbreaking situations now. we're so lucky. if you have a roof over your head and meals and your kids are clean, i mean, when you're a woman that has a bunch of kids and you're staying in a shelter and it's a chronic thing where, you know, each generation can -- with become homeless so you're mother lived in a shelter, you live in a shelter and trying to go to school committee it's just something that really all of us have to care about for our own city to be healthy. >> amen. >> amazing.
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>> and you can see "storied streets." we have to talk about that. >> yeah. >> we're streaming it free. go to i guess and -- >> we'll put it on our website. >> and you can get a group together and watch it. >> important message, especially as we think about everyone during the holidays. thank you, susan sarandon. >> thank you know, meeting the residents and i had a gentleman stop me and ask me if i made his dinner. he had lost his wife recently, but i didn't know that. he made a remark to me about not sure he wanted to be there anymore, but he said something to me that has stuck with me to this day. after having your dinner, i think i want to stick around a while and that really meant something to me. i never had an experience like that and it just let me know that what i'm doing is much more important than just food.
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is showing solidarity for victims in the good monday morning. i'm sam brock. the bay area is showing solidarity for victims in the deadly paris terror attacks. this morning san francisco international lit up in blue, white and red joining so many other countries in showing that sympathy and also continuing to grow outside in downtown san francisco where a steady stream of people have been leaving flowers and cand candles. starting today, mourners can sign a condolence book for victims. an early morning fire damaged a supermarket and other businesses. it broke out a little before 2:00 a.m. and burned through a
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top floor p. nobody was injured. firefighters still trying to figure out how the fire started. also happening today, lace up your ice skates, the winter season tradition is back. san jose's downtown ice rink open for business. it's located right in the heart of downtown san jose. kristi yamaguchi will be on happened for the ribbon ceremony. the rink is open now through february the 7th. speaking of the winter weather, we'll have our wintry forecast for you and a look at your traffic right after this.
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traffic ck emeryville 80/580 sponsor after a very chilly morning, things are starting to warm up, but it's still windy. a live picture from pt. reyes, you can see the choppy conditions that will continue with the as a matter of fact craft advisory throughout the day. and highs reaching into the low 60s. upper 50s for palo alto. 60 as you head over toward san
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rafael. dublin at 62 degrees. mike. good morning. the camera is shaking but i'm steady. notice the difference right there, the bay bridge moves well and we had an issue, looks like the crash clearing from lanes slowly. look at your map and we do have recovery for the morning commute. still slow down the east shore freeway and up down 880, b dumbarton bridge, recovery for northbound direction for the south bay. back to you. >> the wind is whipping. thank you very much. we'll be back in 25 minutes with another update. ducing animals.
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according to a new report from the american academy of pediatrics adding antiobiotics to the feed of healthy livestock to stimulate growth may leave these drugs ineffect whiff they are needed to treat infections in people and that poses the greatest danger for children who have the highest rates of drug resistant infections. could holding your kids back from kindergarten for a year actually provide a boost to their mental health? according to a new stud frestanford university delaying kindergarten for one year reduced inattention and hyper activity by 73% for an average child at age 11. researchers suggest that kids who start school later have more unstructured play time and thus enter kindergarten with a healthier state of mind. >> a major shake-up this morning
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in the hotel industry. marriott international is buying rival hotel chain starwood for more than $12 billion. the deal will secure the company's position as world's largest hotel chain. it would have 5,500 properties with more than 1 million rooms around the world. and it wasn't hard to spot two escapees who happened to be wearing black and white stripes already, like old school prison uniforms. the pair of zebras somehow broke away from the universeol circus. they brought traffic to a crawl before they were safely corralled about an hour into their adventure. all ended well. let's get a check of the good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're right at about 50 degrees across most of the bay area. a lot of sunshine, temperatures starting to warm up. look for a high of 61 degrees in san francisco. and 63 in the east bay as well as the tri-valley, south bay
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topping out at 59. and we'll stay at 59 in the peninsula while the south bay is at 60 degrees. and the north bay one of the warmest spots, 65 degrees. we are in for warmer temperatures as we head through the rest of the workweek and breezy today. >> all right, al, thank you. we've all had people along the way in life who make a lasting impression. for me one of those people was my high school basketball coach jim stroker who has coached hundreds of us teenage boys over the years and raised three of the most remarkable kids you'll ever meet. one of them is 28-year-old alley stroker who has overcome a trauma that shook our new jersey town and now i'm proud to say she's making broadway history. ♪ i've known alley stroker for most of her life, but i've never seen her quite like this. hi, superstar. how are you? >> how are you? >> alley is the first person in a wheelchair ever to star on broadway. >> first of all, i'm so
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incredibly proud of you. when i walked down that aisle and there is little allie stroker who i've known she was zero up on the stage. that's it like for you to look out at a full house on broadway? >> it's amazing. it's a dream. >> when amelie was just 2 years old a car accident in her hometown of ridgewood, new jersey, left her paralyzed, and her older brother jake was permanent injured. as the town rallied around jake and alley i was lucky enough to watch them up close. their dad was my coach, coach stroker. >> at our basketball practices you were 5 years old, your brother jake was 7. >> yeah. >> jake had to shoot his free throws. jake had to reason his sprints. you were doing your sprints as well. so clearly. >> yeah. >> you grew up in a house where your parent said hey, shoot big. >> exactly. and i'm so thankful for that because i think having a disability is an interesting mind game because the world can
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tell you no, but my parents didn't do that. we weren't going to talk much about the fact that i couldn't play soccer but i could sing. >> alley plays anna in the revival of "spring awakening" and she's not the only marvel on stage. the play is produce d by deaf west theaters and many of the actors are deaf and the entire show is done in sign language which alley had to learn. >> the deaf actors are really special for me and i think i found my people, people doing things differently and not worried about what they can't do. >> like an amazing collaboration between two communities. ♪ >> being handed a you have to situation when you're young you sort of get good at like, you know, ral egand becoming the sunshine of everything, but, you know, at the same time there were some really tough moments. >> sure. >> and feeling different and feeling excluded and just wanting to be like everyone else so badly for so long, and then,
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you know, every day, you know, hearing at home, you know, you are the greatest girl in the world. my dad has told me since i was a kid that i was a superstar and then you start to believe it. >> speaking of the devil. >> oh. hey. >> how are you. >> so good to see you. >> how are you doing. >> look at you. >> i could have used this when i was playing, right? >> we always knew she was a superstar, right. tell me about the dad emotion when you're out in that audience. >> to sit out there and just think of the journey as i always wanted to be part of a miracle, to feel a miracle really happening, and that's what it is. it's one of those as a dad you could die tomorrow and everything is okay. >> we were talking about in the early years when i was on your team, in fact, we have a team photograph where -- there's alley in her chair. >> and jake is holding willie's hand. >> and jake is standing next to me and we're holding hands and i
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have it in my house. i remember so vivid lit expectations you had to your children and that they weren't going to be different from other kids. >> my mindset was the same, you know. we're not going to get beat. we were going to find a way to turn this thing upside down. >> watching you with jake and alley and storing that away somewhere and now that i'm a parent, i owe you something because i watched that unconditional love and the expectations you had for your kids so i thank you for that and what a great role model. >> why, thank you. you guys gave a lot to us, too. >> and now he cries. >> i know. >> that is a remarkable family. i can tell you. you can see "spring awakening" on broadway now through january. you will love it, trust me, and you will love alley stroker. up next, with hit shows like "zumba food" and "wild crafts" and now the brothers are back
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with something special for the holidays and they brought along holidays and they brought along a few of their friends to the couple who set aside holidays and they brought along a few of their friends the whole day to sell their old car and buy a new one... oops. nana's got the kids til 9... but it's only 2. guess you'll just have to see a movie... ...then get some dinner. what a pity. go pack go. what did you order coach? a big mac for me, and fries for lil' ditka. text in your code, and if we announce your team on nbc's sunday night football, you're automatically a winner. you could even win $500,000.
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it's time to play game time gold. recently we've noticed some ads created by these two birds, inviting you to stay away from the streak free shine of windex. well dear windex users these ads are false. sfx: squeaks from window cleaning clean glass is better than dirty glass. don't stand for dirty. use windex. wfrom your cold & flu. you give them a case of the giggles. tylenol® cold helps relieve your worst cold & flu symptoms... you can give them everything you've got. tylenol® after trying brookside chocolates, christopher b wrote: "why is this bag only 2 pounds?" we couldn't tell if you were joking, so we made a 100-pound bag.
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cash for every $50 spent! kohl's. brothers martin and chris kratt a the creates of can the ratt creatures and if your little ones are fans you'll want to tune into pobs kids on wednesday, november 25th. >> that's right. it's the premiere of "wild kratts," a creature christmas where the brothers teach us about the animals we normally associate with the holidays and their habitats. meantime, martin and chris have rounded up a few other friends to introduce us to. great to see you. >> great to see you, al, tamron. >> i love this special, this show now. you've moved it to animation. >> yeah. >> kind of a cool look to it. >> we have creature power suits, too, which is really cool because animals have all these amazing creature powers. >> and in the christmas special all the baby animals that we ever met in our cartoon adventures will be in the christmas special. >> that's so awesome. you brought some pretty
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interesting people including joffrey, not the ballet but a joffrey cat. >> the it will only growth size of a domestic cat but they are pretty spunky and she's a little fireball. >> have to be brave to be such shawl cats and survive in the amazon. >> tiny package in the amazon so what arms her to defend herself and to get her food in. >> well, she's got sharp claws like any cat, retractable claws. one really interesting thing that these cats do that a lot of others don't is she can stand up on her hind legs because she lives in the brush land so she can lift herself up and look over the brush. >> this is the eastern kangaroo. >> kind of a bigger animal. >> canning roads love to stay in pouches until their moms kick them out. >> right. >> this is an orphan kangaroo so she doesn't have a mom, but she still likes to go into pouches
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when she has a chance. >> chris will show you that. >> yeah. >> obviously she would never go into a pouch in the wild of this size, but it's kind of like a kid living in the basement, right? >> who won't get out. >> there she goes. >> and how old is she? >> she's 3 years old. >> she doesn't want to go into the pouch. >> there we go now. >> there's a view. >> reich. let's to get right in there and snuggle in. >> good for her. >> and she's pretty heavy, too. >> looks like it. >> and this is beautiful. >> oh, my gosh. >> this is a hyacintht macaw. >> the bird that "rio" was based on. >> yes. this is an endangered bird. we climbed up in a tree and climbed into a nest, and they are incredible, incredible endangered animals. >> does this sound like jesse isenberg? >> that's why the show is so
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successful, stimulates a child's mind and even awareness of the plight of this bird and other animals. >> there are over 6 million different species of animals and we could keep doing our show "wide kratts" forever. >> this next one. >> last but not least. >> this is a really cool white egyptian vulture. >> look at that. >> and look at that beak. >> come over here. >> she likes to eat carrion. >> let's go to the kitchen. do we have any carrion in there? >> oh, wow. >> and she even uses -- she likes to eat eggs too, and uses stones as a tool to crack the eggs. she will throw it at the egg until it cracks. >> fascinating. >> wow. >> oh, my gosh. >> thank you so much for bringing these animals. martin and chris, thank you. always great to see you. coming up next, dessert for breakfast. sign me up. whipping up a decadent dish that will make great leftovers for the next morning. it's a two-for. >> the egyptian vulture is eyeballing your breakfast.
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we are ten days away from thanksgiving. many have begun planning your menu. one more treat you'll want to add. >> definitely. ified contributor siri pinter is here with caramel pumpkin bread pudding. >> we have bowurbon and three spices. cinnamon, cloves, this is a cream and milk and all that. >> could you use any other pumpkin? >> yes, sometimes it's hard too find these. so we first just ripped it up and we're just going to put it on the baking sheet. it doesn't have to be anything. just big chunky bread.
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make it evenly spread. we're going to pour 6 tablespoons of melted butter. i like to sort of -- >> butter and bourbon. >> that's just butter. we're going to bake this for 20 minutes. ic lie to stir it half way through so it doesn't burn. here it is all crisp and golden. now we're going to cook our pumpkin. you have to skin it and dice it. make sure it's nice and sharp. two more tablespoons of butter. >> you have no idea. i'm surprised the bupumpkin is t blue. >> that's a really sweet pumpkin. we're going to saute this until it cooks. then we're going to pour 3 tablespoons of sugar. this is where the caramel part comes in. it caramelizes the top. you cook it for three more minutes and get nice and soft. >> that's what it looks like. now we have four eggs.
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pour in some of the cream and the milk. >> all of it? >> all of it. you need to coat all the bread. >> i love that recipe. >> and we're going to add the bourbon. you can add the sugar. >> more sugar. >> and all our spices. and then we're going to put the pumpkin in here. i'm going to grab the bread. >> al has a backup of bourbon. >> double the bourbon in this recipe. >> nice, kid-friendly recipe. it cooks out. we'll put all this bread in here. we're going to let that soak for like ten minutes. and then i have one cooking in the oven. then we put it in this buttered dish. so it's cooked for about 25 minutes covered. then we're going to uncover it and throw our pecans on top.
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you can skip that if you have a nut allergy. it gives it a nice little crunch. then we're going to bake it a little more uncovered. for like another 20 minutes. >> you said it makes great leftovers. >> that's fantastic. >> let's grab a bite here. >> if you have a cooking question, go to and she'll answer your questions. we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc.
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fares. they have been test driving it since october. it will officially go online today. we're looking at a lot of sunshine again today, all across the bay area. but still pretty breezy and highs topping out at 63 degrees in the east bay. and in the tri-valley, also about 63. san francisco 61 while the north bay makes it up to 65. one of the warmer spots. peninsula staying in the 50s d south bay right around 60, cooler an average today but warming up the next few days. let's see how the roads are moving. oakland 880, we had it jammed up. looks like the earlier incident has cleared, but the wind still out there. so hold on extra tight over here. you notice overall things going as you would expect tapering off for the morning commute. toward the peninsula, a smooth drive for 101 through san mateo.
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>> announc from nbc news, this is "today" with kathy lee gifford and hoda kotb. >> it is monday, it's november 16th. usually we call it funday monday, but we're heartsick today as we remember the victims of the terror attacks in paris. >> we did want to bring you a story that will put a smile on your face. a woman is encouraging everybody to do a random act of kindness. she had people go into times square and learned this dance. it was one of those things that
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