tv Today NBC December 22, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PST
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>> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. our show? >> oh, my gosh, is boozeday tuesday on descember 22 pd. there.ok at what is happening it is is criminal. those two minute tiny people on boozeday tuesday are drinking water. >> how do you know iknow. do you want us to come over to check it out? singing champs new movie, and
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the melodores, and they are an a capella group. superand today is the first day of winter or the last day of spring? >> first day of winter. and so tonight is the shortest night and then the longer days, we have something more to celebrate. and you guys a a huge thank you to all of you who helped to raise almost $1 million more the salv only needed to sell about 400 more books to make it. i will never do more of them and you have let me know how much you lo pages in it with new r recipes and a memorial to frank. it is a sweelet's get to $11 mi
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mark. we can do it. >> by o we have good news if you are a procrastinator, the store s as are open 24 hour, bee some people a stu like that, a so now, kohls is now open 24 hours until 6:00 p.m. on the 24th, and the same for walmart open 24 hours, and jcpenny's and macy's until christmas eve. and a lot of people, you work crazy shifts, and you need time to get ready. >> yes, but, hoda, how many days do you t christmas? >> 364, about. why do you wait for the end? >> it is the rush. >> part of the reason i got into the news is because there is a deadline and i have to have the to file the story by 10:00, and so i am not totally panicked yet. >> frank said that i'm on
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lombardi time, because you have to be ten minutes early or you are i think it is so rude when you think that your time is more valuable than somebody else's. >> and who is taller or do you both have on shoes? >> allegedly. >> big girl shoes. >> all right. ladies, cook something. g and should we taub about the >> oh, my. >> more breaking news on the show. >> this is nbc news and men's health is out, and we agree that john krysinski is hot, but looking around page 10, check it out. our hunkie joseph, our floor
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director, is there. >> we are so proud of you, honey. >> you lost 50 pounds. >> i did. >> how did you do it? >> the boring way ak actually. i ate the way i should and started exercising. >> people don't like you at this moment. >> give it a few more moments. >> and here is the thing about you. we d o day e was a picture of him in hawaii. >> yes. >> and we looked at the before picture, and look at the, uh-huh, and we need the body before. and like >> was there an a-ha moment for you, joseph, when you said i'm going to lose some weight? >> there's the before. >> a few friend of mine who inspired me. they lost weight and then mostly took until i was out of breath tying my shoes. >> but you're not. >> you're a young man. >> you are young. never thought you were heavy. >> thank you. >> we thought you were stocky. >> thank you for that. >> husky. >> a husky boy. >> yeah. >> the figured it was time. if i was going to start it would
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be now. >> feels like you should have a cute girlfriend. >> we think that our friend friend zach should and our friend kyle michael miller should. >> let's start in the new year. >> let's do a dating thing. >> for the "men's health" guy? what's your twitter handle? >> my name? >> @yosefherzog. >> and i'm running my first half marathon in monor of my mom who is battling multiple myeloma and raising funds for mls. a link on my instagram page. >> you're a really good guy. wonderful. we thought you were hot before but now you're like scalding. >> yeah. burn, baby. >> thanks, baby. >> meredith viera. cute how he talks about his mom, love that. >> meredith here had some fun at
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someone's expense in particular, but she showed photos to a bunch of kids. >> mm-hmm. >> and asked the kids is this person naughty or nice based purely on the photos. here's what's happen. >> i'm going to lift up pictures and you tell me naughty or nice list. >> nice. >> naughty. >> foughty. >> naughty? >> naughty. >> naughty. >> do you know who that is? >> no. >> you don't know. why are you saying naughty? >> because she looks like it. >> she just looks like it. how about this person, naughty or nice. >> nice. >> that's hillary clinton. do you know who that is? >> yes. >> who is that? >> president. >> well, running for president. >> i don't know. >> naughty, naughty, naughty. >> why? >> he looks weird. >> i used to work with that guy. >> oh, my gosh. >> oh, my goodness. >> that's exactly what i sound like, i know. >> i feel bad for you. thanks. >> i got over it, honey. it took a lot of therapy.
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you know what that is? >> it's not fair because it's not his best look during november. >> come on, that was funny. come on. >> oh, gosh. >> they love each other but how funny was that, creepy. >> so glad when it's not me they are picking on, or you. >> okay. >> looks like gwen stefani and blake shelton are going strong. >> yeah. >> gwen tweeted out a christmas message along with a short video that we just can't get enough of. >> oh. >> like a gif. >> anyway, that's enough. >> i'm -- i'm going to see the ladies' reaction to it? >> yeah. >> ladies. >> what did you think? >> i thought it was sweet. >> blake shelton is fabulous. >> isn't he fabulous. >> fabulous. >> appeals to all of us. >> charming, nice, good heart, handsome. >> tall. >> what about her? >> oh, gorgeous, and also really supportive of the young talent on that show. i think she's great. >> it's cute.
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>> how sweet is she? >> she's not what you've heard. >> who? >> susan lucci. >> she an intererica kane. >> by the way, just want to point out as the show is progressing, what's going on with you. >> yosef, his phone is blowing up. >> bring your phone here. >> bring your phone here. >> exciting. >> i can't wait. >> hold on. >> wait, wait, wait. >> oh, my. >> how did they get your phone number? >> he's on twitter. >> password. >> been there with you, hoda. >> where is it coming. >> oh, wow. instagram. >> naughty pictures. >> let me tell you. >> let's not -- >> i'm not going to. >> wow. >> oh -- getting a lot. that's a good one. wow. >> yosef. i can't wait to see what happens. >> going to be a happy holiday for yosef. >> explosion. awesome. >> we want updates. >> thank you. >> all right. sarah palin has taken a joke many times on "snl."
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>> yeah. >> and now we know that she can dish it out, too. looks like there's a bottle brewing between tina fey and spal >> yeah. >> sarah just released a video spoofing her character. tina's character from "30 rock". >> liz lemon. >> this one is called "31 rock." >> when "31 rock" begins this january america will meet liz lemon. >> a tv writer who left the small town for the big city. >> no snow flakes. >> but she's struggling to have it all. >> where's my big gulp? where 's the new page? >> melon, okay. here's what you do. >> the "star wars" didn't actually change cinema. >> there's only one way to find out. >> good for her. >> that was done by a group called the independent journal review. >> okay. >> how about john mccain playing. that was funny, right? >> and then -- and lindsey graham on the day that he
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announced that he's -- now he's a page on $31 rock." >> that was timely. i like him by the way. he's feisty. >> i think he is feisty. the "new york times" said trends that didn't actually catch on and some of them were like the apple watch, sorry, and man buns. >> ugh. >> they asked the readers what trends they chose to skip this year and here's a look, and we're going to ring the bell every time we passed on a trend. >> all right. >> so the return of crop tops. >> past. >> face contouring. >> pass. >> not me. >> hoverboards. >> i gave one as a present. does that count as passing. >> harper lee's new book. >> pass. >> snapchat, i didn't, i love that. >> periscope. >> i like it. >> empire. >> love it. >> the "game of thrones,". >> unbreakable kimmy schmitz." "star wars, force awakens."
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>> having a squad like taylor swift. >> we have a squad. >> we're a duo. >> you're right. >> and finally watch me whip. watch me nae-nae. >> the only one i do is face contouring. ♪ >> i say i'm using my time more wisely than anybody else out there. >> all right. so "fuller house," the teases are out on netflix, the reboot of "full house with the "and we played that the other day, but this is what the girls from the cast looked like back in 1993, so that's candace cameron bure, jody sweeten and andrea barber. >> all right. >> and here's the new clip from the teaser. >> okay. ♪ you already know who it is ♪ now watch me whip ♪ watch me nae-nae >> okay. ♪ now watch me whip, watch me nae-nae ♪ >> watch me, oh, watch me, watch
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me. ♪ watch me, watch me >> they got the moves. >> the what does whip nae-nae mean. >> means nothing. >> booze day tuesday, sparklers here, a little cocktail. >> prosecco which you love. >> apple cider and cranberry juice, maple sugar and sin mom. >> did you make these for us, giada? >> yeah. >> go to our facebook page and see our step-by-step intrucksal video to see what giada didn't make and other fun holiday cocktails. >> susan lucci is next. she brings "joy" to the big screen. >> and giada is here to bring a meal to your christmas table that feeds all your family and friends. >> look at those two kids getting along. ly human. we rely on our courage. the kind of courage that shows up when we need it...
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and when cancer is least expecting it. courage. just one reason more of us are surviving cancer than dying from it. give now to the american cancer society. feel a cold coming on? new zicam cold remedy nasal swabs shorten colds with a snap, and reduce symptom severity by 45%. shorten your cold with a snap, with zicam.
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no worries. to age faster than other skin. now, there's new chapstick® total hydration. its 100% natural, age defying formula is clinically proven to provide healthier, more youthful looking lips. chapstick® put your lips first® when i booked your, place, my friends thought i was crazy. but this morning, a city i'd never been to felt like home. thank you for sharing the world with me.
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airbnb. belong anywhere. when it's your job to protect thit's your responsibilityn, to solve the world's greatest challenges. this is why we search for the best and brightest. why we train for every eventuality on land and water, in the air, space and even cyberspace. we operate in a complex world with one simple mission. win. ♪
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for 41 years to a award wink actress and legend susan lucy played the entertaining erica cain on "all my children." >> and so while it has been ten years, you can take the drama out of the woman, but not the woman out of the drama. she is now back on the big screen. >> mother, again! you sit there. are you comfortable? how many times do i have to tell
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you not to clean it out in the sink? >> well, she thinks it is unlady like to talk about it -- >> direct her power anywhere danica chooses, a hand is the power of danica. >> hello, sweetie. >> i am so thrilled to have been part of the movie to he wor with david orussell who is an amazing director, and i have a they are telling the story of joy mangano, her life story, and her mother, jennifer, she is amazing in every frame and she is amazing. and have virginia madison plays her mother, and she was a apparently, joy, a timid woman who took refuge in her bedroom and addicted to soaps.
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and so danica was strong and she would quote danica. >> and live vicariously through her. >> hopefully not so timid. >> and so david said that soap op opera actors were like athletes, and he chose you because he knew exactly what you could do. >> so generous with the comments. >> and you learned pages and the was a lot of volume everyday, and erica cain was so busy and i am so busy that i got the play her. t m inside of you off of th daylight hours, and all of that, but we had a lot to do everyday. and david orussell said that what i ra read in one of the and tell us what d that h to do and we would just do it. we are ready. >> not what is my motivation? >> and we come in with the
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motivation, and we know what we are supposed to be doing, because of the nature of the -- i say, like old man river, and si going to be rolling along, and it is going to happen no matter how late you were at the studios the night before. >> and were you able to work with some of the other actors? >> yes. i got the work with jennifer who is brilliant of course, and also with robert de niro. >> are you pinching yourself? >> yes, virginia madysen is there and bella rosalini. >> and how about bradley cooper? >> i wish i had got a scene with him, but i was admiring his work. >> i bet you were. >> and on instagram, you are a busy poster, aren't you? >> my daughter has whipped me into a frenzy.
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mom, you have to pose everyday. >> what is happening here? >> ooh, your everyday bubble bath. >> this is how i spend the weekends at the hotel right here on 54th street, and i am so sorry, hotel, i don't remember where you are, but it was a great time and it is like being so are you, and we love you sh, and merry christmas and merry everything. give our love to everyone at your home. >> "christmas joy" opens christmas day. >> are you wrapping and you can't find your ribbon? can't find your ribbon? ♪ it's that night of the year you come here. ♪ can't find your ribbon? looking for gifts so there won't be tears. ♪ ♪ eleventh hour shopper...that's you. ♪ ♪ it's ok because they know you. ♪ ♪ they're loaded up with gear.
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♪ an xbox for the children. ♪ and a mixer for your dear. ♪ no need to shop around for present you've missed ♪ ♪ it's all here. you're off the naughty list! ♪ ♪ eleventh hour shopper... that's you! ♪ see you next year, buddy! get low prices on all your last-minute gifts. walmart. when i booked your, place, my friends thought i was crazy. but this morning, a city i'd never been to felt like home. thank you for sharing the world with me. airbnb. belong anywhere.
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it's time for brain teaser tuesday when we put your minds to work with a fun riddle co of buzz feed. >> here it is, johnny's mother had three children. the first child was named april and the second child was named may and what was the third child's name? >> that seems too obvious. think about it, google it. we will be back in a minute. >> and grab your toilet paper rolls and magazines. >> don't talk like that, hoda. >> and we are about to wrap. >> and giada is here with a gr don't let bad odors escape.
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>>i'm kira klapper ==cam== we have a microclimate weather alert for you... it's not so much for the rain anymore ... but more for the strong winds that continue to roll through the bay area. here's a live look at the san mateo bridge - er more for the strong winds that continue to roll through the bay area. here's a live look at the san mateo bridge are drivers are advised to keep both hands on the wheel all morning long.
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a high wind advisory remains in effect right now. and folks at one bay area church are concerned about mudslides. it's along avalon canyon. experts say the land there is unstable. church leaders say it's been that way before during periods of extreme weather like this. and they plan to meet later today to figure out what they can do to save their church. we'll have a look at weather and traffic after the break. stay with us.
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meteorologist kari hall. we do still have spotty light rain across the east and south bays at this point. and we are seeing the rain tapering off but still very soggy conditions. and the winds have been picking up as well. we will continue to have high wind gusts throughout the day with sustained winds at about 30 miles per hour throughout the afternoon. and that may still raise the concern that we could have some tree damage across the bay area. let's check in now with mike to see how the roads are moving. for schools, it's vacation week right now. and so that means a lot of parents are off, too. we haven't had much of a problem for the morning commute. the weather is more of a factor but the traffic volume not so much. 880 moving smoothly. no metering lights. slowing 680. earlier crash still causes slowing from danville. but south bay looking really clear. the south bay camera shows you northbound 101 through san jose, a nice easy drive as the rain left wet roads. for 101 and 87 recovering into
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downtown. >> we like all that green, mike. thanks. please join us at 11:00 for our newscast. we'll see you then. it is is boozeday tuesday and before the break we gave you johnny's mother had three children. the first child was named april. the second child was named may and what was the third child's name? >> johnny. >> we actually got that one. was it a trick question? duh. >> and have you ever realized on christmas eve that you are out of gift wrap, bags, bows? >> yes. >> and we have some help from robin spicer. >> she has been on our affiliate in atlan no and she has ideas for creative homemade wrapping. >> good to see you and it is robin to the rescue. you don't need anything fancy to make it fabulous, because we
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will rerecycle and repurpose with pizazz. so i thought of a person who is a word smith or the crossword puzzles, so my sister cheryl is a crossboard addict, and so we wrapped it up with crossword puzzle wrapment and that little center is right off of the milk carton. >> and i lovv host. >> and so i take this and make a figure eight. if it is exhard i'm not doing it. so it is seconds. figure eight, and staple it in the middle and then layer up the figt figure eight, and before you know it, it is a bow to go. >> and smart here with the kids can color after it.
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>> yes, the front page, sports section for the sports, anything. and now, egg cartons. >> everybody has gotten them. >> and i have been eating a lot of eggs now, but they are grade a egg friends so i covered them with heresy kisses and filled it with candy, and is so it is is a lot of fun, but th are getting involved now. they are telling you how they are going to be wrapping so you take out the scraps, and this year, get all of the scraps before somebody throws them out. >> yes. >> and you can see how pretty it i is. and i'm wild about the cardboard p paper, a soy put a beautiful piece of jewelry in here, and now i am going to be taking the tis tissue, and wrap it up in style with the tissue paper, and one, two, three, four, five, and then tie the edges like here, and you wi a finished wrap, and tie them with the bows, and that is really simple. scraps, and you have it. and you could use a dish towel.
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>> yes, that is a nice hostess gif gift. c roll up a tee shirt d, an or sweets. cash -- cash goes great there. >> and who doesn't like cash. >> and now me. and i love this one. literally straight out of the sock drawer. you want the try it and help me put it around the wine bottle. and look, one, two, three, and you have got it. and then wha t is to just add a few bows around the top, and one, two, three. >> and what is somebody going to to do with the one sock? wine that you love so much, because i know that you have the favorite wine. >> yes, we do. >> and the fact is that the other sock had a hole in it, and you only had one sock left. >> all right, all right, robin. okay. maybe we wil time. what is this? >> well, marshmallows and dip them in the colors, and they will make perfect polka dots.
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>> you have to hold it down, hoda. >> and now you can see the finished product, and the kids love it. they will have so much fun. >> and make sure they don't eat it. >> you eat one, and stamp one. >> and don't mix them up. tt is so much fun. >> and i alternated colors and took a little bit. >> she took more time. >> and a second more than you did. and this is my favorite wap of all time, and try this. now, watch me. take the corners of the ban dda and pull them up to the top. r a now, you can see that we have four corners, and take a rubberband. kathie lee, you are a pro at this. and take a rubber band and put it on the top, and watch robin at that, four instant t pockets, and guess what we are
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going to do? >> we are going to be puttin it >> yes. pretzel sticks, and candies and treats and sweets. this is called the the ban ddan wrap, one, two, three, and then they can repurpose it. one, two, three, cute. >> thank you, robin. >> and if you are a pitch perfect fan, we have a group here with perfect pitch. >> ty are a college group the vanderbilt melodores. zack. turning it on now. doesn't it just look great?
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10:37 am
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>> this is kishgs m kishgmbocca >> people were getting confused. >> and what kind of beef? tenderloin. >> oh, no, it is too expensive, a tenderloin. e the cheaper kind, and that is what i use. >> what is it, the butt? what part is cheap? >> this is hoda's butt here, and we have cut it up and seasoned it. >> what kind is it? >> chuck. well, you can use ground meet if wanted to, but then you want to cut the squash smallerer so it matches. you could use a tri-tip if you
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wanted to. >> you want to cook it slow and everything is going to melt and be tender. moving on to hoda's butt. >> okay. >> and then you season it with a little bit of salt and flour, and the flour creates a nice thi thickness to the stew. i the oil. >> dump it, hoda. >> go, hoda. dump it, hoda. >> all right. i'm trying. >> and we will brown it. you brown it for a couple of minutes. >> you don't cook it all of the way through. >> no, because the slow cooker is going to do it for you. >> oh, you are goio be putt in the slow cooker. >> this is something to do and then leave. >> forget about it. >> yes. this is the squash situation. i like the two together, because it is nice this time of the year, and very comforting. so this is a squash, but you could use acorn or butternut or whatever kind. and you need a really sharp peeler, guys. and if not, you can a knife
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and just chop it off. but you want to have a nice, well, it is going to be sitting up nicely on its own. >> in a perfect world. >> well, you don't want it to roll around or you will cut your fing finger. >> cut that ba and it can take force and you can buy this already done. some grocery sto it up for you and make life easy. >> and what is this? >> well, i forgot. no, no, i forgot to add the onions and the and the thyme and the rosemary. >> okay. i will do that >> and ycook, and do this. >> okay. i got distracted with this. >> okay. >> and you move the meat over to dexwlaz the pan. >> and that is the flavor. >> you see that nice brown stuff? >> yes. >> that is the flavor. that is why you want to brown the meat first or you won't get
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that flavor. i take marsala wine or beef stock. >> yes. >> and scrape it and clean the pan so you don't have to clean it later, and then you take all of these ingredients. n the slow cooker. >> yes. >> careful. >> you don't want to wear it for day? no, i don't. nice. >> and a get all of the bits in there. >> okay. i'm getting as many as i can. >> and then we are going to be dumping the beef broth on top of that. >> beef broth. >> and what about the tomatoes, and sun dried tomatoes, and squash, and put the lid on it, and we will let it go for four hours. then we come back here, and this is great, and people love the slow cooker. >> look. >> look at this. >> has some bread with it. how delicious. and this is a nice meal. it is warm and hot when you get home. >> okay. let's try it. >> for the hot stuff.
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>> and i'm going to dunk a and it is pretty the. >> and it falls apart. >> and the meat should fall apart, and after four hours up to eight h t meat should fall apart. >> hmm. >> and the only thing that we are missing guys -- >> the glass of wine. >> i mean, really, this needs a glass of wine. >> and you can find this delicious stew recipe at >> hey, gather around, because we have a great song here with the vanderbilt before there could be a nation, there had to be people willing to fight for it, to take on the world's greatest challenges, whatever they might be. so, the u.s. army masters not only tactics and strategy, but also physics and chemistry. we make battle plans and create breakthroughs - in medicine, science and engineering. our next mission could be anything. so we prepare for everything. ♪
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olive garden's all-new flavorfilled pastas, with raviolis so nice we filled them twice. bursting with indulgent flavors like chicken marsala ravioli, an irresistible twist on an old favorite. plus unlimited salad and breadsticks. for a limited time. at olive garden. for a limited time. how do they clean the toilet, grin at it. [laughs] stop laughing. the stomach flu is not funny. get a cleaner with bleach in it. good, you can smile now. clorox means clean. wewe... get... angry. out of control, mad to the core, angry. so cancer, you've got two options.
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get out of the way or get rolled over. anger. just one reason more of us are surviving cancer than dying from it. give now to the american cancer society. when i booked your, place, my friends thought i was crazy. but this morning, a city i'd never been to felt like home. thank you for sharing the world with me. airbnb. belong anywhere.
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the and all the decorationsl... are just right. the presents have all been opened... and our loved ones are gathered all around. so share that extra joy in your heart... and make this christmas even more special than the last. walmart has everything you'll need for a christmas meal they'll never forget. share wonder every day. walmart.
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sing-off, they are the college champions for ak p capella. >> hoar they are. ♪ hang on the mistletoe ♪ i'm going to get to know you better ♪ ♪ ba da da ♪ this christmas and every trim of the tree ♪ ♪ how fun it is going to be together ♪ ♪ this christmas the fireside is blazing bright ♪ ♪ we are carolling through the night and this christmas will be
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a very special christmas for me ♪ ♪ whoa woo ♪ ba da da ta-da ♪ presents and cards this time t the of year ♪ ♪ my world is filled with cheer and you ♪ ♪ this christmas and as i look around ♪ ♪ your eyes are shining down ♪ this christmas ♪ fireside is blazing bright ♪ we're carolling through the night and this christmas ♪ ♪ will be a very special christmas for me ♪
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♪ whoa whoa ♪ take it here now ♪ take it here now ♪ ooh ooh ooh ♪ this christmas ♪ this christmas ♪ you know it is going to be a very special christmas for you and me ♪ ♪ very special christmas ♪ this christmas ♪ this christmas will ♪ this christmas will be a very special christmas for me ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah ♪ take a hand ♪ take a hand now ♪ oh, merry christmas baby ♪ whoa we'll be together
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it is our final donation nor the toy drive and it is from o frs at henry o better known as the folks who make hello kitty. >> here to the about it is teen sensations mattie and kenzi zeigler. >> and now before we get to how fabulous you both are, what are you giving away from hello kitty? >> we are giving these away after they raised $130,000 in toys and merchandise and we are
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so excited to present, because yes, awesome. >> and now, you have major things going on in your carees.s >> yes, mackenzie is a big singer, right? >> yes, i just released my single "sleigh ride" my christmas song. >> number one on itunes, right? >> yes. >> and mattie? >> i just wrapped up filming "my book of henry." and i was exciting. >> who are these people? parents, and very been raised polite, and i love that. merry christmas, and we are pekting great things from you guys. >> we want to thank you for the more than $37.5 million to the make this the second biggest toy drive ever. >> thank you, everybody. in the toy drive's 22-year
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history more than $434 million history more than $434 million in gifts received. who coined the term "side bread?" because there's nothing "side" about this bread. it may look like the moon. but it's the star of the show. unleash the power of dough. give it a pop. that sound. like nails on a chalkboard. but listen to this: (family talking) that's a different kind of sound. the sound of the weekend. unleash the power of dough. give it a pop.
11:00 am
the bay area -- leading to problems on the roads a nbc bay area news begins with microclimate weather alert. >> strong winds whipping through the bay area, leading to problems on the road and in the air. a live look. rain may be gone but howling winds are a big concern. good morning, thank you for joining us. kara clapper. >> we have live coverage of the microclimate weather alert. it seems like rain might be backing off a bit but wind's strong. chuck coppola is at sfo where the winds are canceling flights and creating delays. we begin with metrologist kari hall. >> we have seen winds taking a break in the past couple of hours, still rain in parts of the south bay as we take a live look. you can see roads are still
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