tv Today NBC March 15, 2016 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 >> announcer: "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda u$@vo5 co &÷ kotb live from studio u$@vo5 co &÷ 1a from u$@vo5 rockefeller plaza. >> u$@vo5 co &÷ hello, everybody. >> hey. >> ides of march. u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ hoda just had a shock, and not this kind. knows what could happen today. >> i had to do it. i was interviewing the cast of u$@vo5 co "my big fat greek wedding." >> you had to. >> there was too much u$@vo5 co pressure. >> it would be wrong. >> ides of march are upon us. u$@vo5 co it's spanky tuesday. we're going to have some fun. >> that song there is u$@vo5 co &÷ "misery" by gwen u$ co &÷
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u$@vo5 costefani. >> u$@vo5 co &÷ misery? u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ >> i thought she was u$@vo5 co &÷ out of misery. >> ecsev. shirley maclaine is here to talk about what happened to her on u$@v a co &÷ movie set that never happened to her u$@vo5 co &÷ before. and another fantastic u$@vo5 co &÷ actress, u$@vo5 codame helen mirren "eye in the u$@vo5 co &÷sky." she looked so fab on the red carpet among other thing. >> how bless rd we to u$ have two co &÷ of our favorite u$ women. >> ever! >> plus one of our favorite chefs, u$reid co &÷ alexander is over there, my adopted son. >> good u$morning. >> co &÷ welcome back happy lady. we're on such an u$@vo5 co &÷ adventure. >> we u$@vo5 co &÷ need your mom to go with us. >> absolutely. >> look how u$@vo5 co &÷reid has a little -- >> no! we've done that comment u$@vo5 co &÷ before, a couple of u$@vo5 co &÷ segments ago. >> major u$@vo5 co &÷ u$ manhood happen inging over
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there. it is time -- >> we've known you since you were u$@vo54. >> we're co &÷ allowed. last night was the final episode of u$@vo5 co &÷ "the bachelor." >> everybody u$@vo5 co &÷ -- by the u$@vo5 co way, tons of tweets every night the most about the bachelor is co &÷ u$@vo5 amanda avery. >> you look beautiful today. >> kind of bittersweet. it's the co end. >> it's so emotional, i couldn't eat my dinner i started eating. i put it down because my u$@vo5 co stomach was churning so much over the anxiety of whose u$ heart he was going to break. >> what time do you eat dinner? >> like around 8:00. i sat down but put it away. >> put it u$ co way. >> anyway here's what happened. we've been talking about this u$ three co &÷ months. 28 girls, we're down to the final u$@vo5 two. now ben still could not decide who he loves co &÷ more between these two ladies last night. >> u$@vo5 co &÷ jo-jo and -- >> and lauren. he said he loved them u$both. that's the issue. he went to his mom and dad.
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>> oh, boy. >> talked to his mom and dad. the ladies met with the mom and dad and u$ they co actually put it best. here is lauren meeting them. they said lauren is perfect, she's polished u$@vo5perfect. co when they met jo-jo, they u$ said she's co a wife that could then be your best friend as well. that's their review. he took u$@vthat. he was picking up engagement rings, still didn't know who co &÷ he was going to pick. the first person -- >> could be the same u$@vo5 ring co for either woman regardless? >> i guess so. >> doesn't that say something u$ to you? >> i think any ring don't you? >> wrong on every level. >> first woman out of the helicopter to the u$@vo5 final rose co is jo-jo. that's never a good sign. u$@vo5 co so let's see what happens to poor u$@vo5 co &÷ jo-jo. >> just a couple of months you've not only become my best friend but a man that i have fallen so completely in u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 love co with. >> i didn't know if i u$@vo5 co &÷ could find u$@vo5 co &÷ love. i found u$@vo5 co
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&÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ it with u$@vo5you. co &÷ but i co &÷ found it with u$@vo5 co &÷ somebody else more. u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ >> i don't even know what to say u$@vo5 right now. i'm so confused and u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ blindsided. you told me that you were in love with me u$ that i co was your best friend that you can't imagine life without me. so where did u$@v it co go wrong? >> it never did. i'm about to get on one knee and ask a woman to marry me and i was confused about that because of co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷jo-jo. because that's how much i love her. >> i was getting my heart broken co &÷ and i still didn't want to see u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co him cry. u$@vo5 co &÷ >> i u$@vo5 co know. >> i thought this was going to be over. no no no. >> bye. give it to u$@vo5 co amanda.
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>> i was so sad for her. >> very u$@vo5 co &÷ bad reason. >> i did feel sad for her, by the way, because he said i love u$ you, co &÷ but i love someone more. >> it u$ sounds like a co &÷ high school -- he's going to be saying that his entire co life. the itch he can't u$@vo5 co &÷ scratch. >> now what happened? >> lauren gets out of the helicopter next. that's a good sign. u$ let's take a look at what u$@vo5 co happened. >> you're the person i want to spend my whole u$@vo5 co &÷ life with. u$@vo5 co &÷ i u$@vo5 co &÷ love you. i u$@vo5 co &÷ love you. >> lauren i want to spend the rest of my life u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ with you. u$@vo5 co will you u$@vo5 co &÷ marry me? u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ >> u$@vo5 co &÷ yes. u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷
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>> co lauren? >> what? u$@vo5 co &÷ >> you're my u$@vo5 co &÷ first pick. i'm so luck. >> i are you kidding me? i'm the u$@vo5 co luckiest girl. >> i'm real lucky. >> wow! >> i u$ haven't seen co &÷ jo-jo this whole time but they were super cute at the end. and they did u$ the live after show and they seemed really sweet and genuine. >> they did? >> i'm u$@v rooting for them now. good news. we have a new bachelorette u$@vo5 co &÷ jo-jo has been officially named the u$@vo5 co bachelorette. the show starts airing in may with her. u$@vo5 they're going to start filming right away. >> how was she during the after u$ show? >> she'll fall in love again with somebody else overnight. >> she knows she's going to be part of the next series. u$@v she didn't really attack co him. she did want u$@vo5 co &÷ answers. she u$@vo5 co &÷ didn't quite understand how how you decide who you love u$@vo5 co &÷ u$ more and co she can be the best friend but name lauren b.? >> lauren b. >> you know what hoda? u$@vo5 co
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>> what? >> you're u$ my co person. >> you're my u$@vo5 co person too. that was so unromantic. wasn't u$@vit? co &÷ you're my u$@vo5 coperson. >> you're my person too. >> amanda we're going to miss you. that's really the biggest u$ debbie co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ downer. >> that's what we have to look forward to in may. >> u$@v we took a quiz and wanted to find out co if we were compatible with ben. u$@vo5 co &÷ there's a u$@vo5 co &÷ quiz you can take on u$@vo5 co &÷ buzz feed. what's your sign? who do you root u$@vo5 co &÷ for in the super bowl? >> what's your sign? i didn't get that one. >> so sad. >> oh. >> let's see if either of us are u$@vo5 co compatible with ben. >> let's hope not. >> i love u$ the music. ♪ co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ you're not going to believe this. we got co the same answer. we're both perfect for ben.
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>> here's what they co say. you and ben would make the perfect u$@vo5 co &÷ couple. the two of you would never grow tired of each other and would have a u$ co long happy u$@vo5 co relationship. >> i don't think so. we would like u$@vo5 co &÷ to go like this we don't think so. okay? >> but we u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co wish you u$@vo5 the most happiness in the world with all your wives. good news. one of our favorite people is here. his name is co &÷ devon still. he's here because there's good u$@vo5 news from co dairy queen. it's free cone u$ day! co >> hi devon. >> dairy queen is u$@vo5 co &÷ giving away -- first of all, hi. how are you? this is u$@vo5 co &÷ leah still's dad, a friend u$@vo5 co &÷ of our show's. >> sure is. >> who is battling cancer and is doing -- >> great. she's doing great. >> is great an co &÷ understatement? >> i u$@vo5 co think so. i can't find a word but u$@vo5great. >> one of the great co &÷ things i love about devon, he keeps helping people. u$@vo5 co
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&÷ he knows his daughter has been healed and helped by so many. what are you up to u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ with dairy queen? >> today is free dairy queen. make sure everybody goes out there and u$@vo5 co &÷ gets that free soft serve vanilla u$@v cone co &÷ with the signature curl on the top. >> get the u$@vo5 co &÷ wine out of the -- u$@vo5 co &÷ >> exactly. >> we're u$@vo5 co &÷ taking the u$@vo5 co &÷ wine curly q, baby. children's miracle network, which is huge. that u$@v foundation co saved and improved the lives of children at 170 different children's hospitals. >> and leah was one u$ of those. >> she was. >> that got helped by the children's miracle network. >> exactly. >> i'm so happy leah is doing better. and congratulations to you, by the way, too. u$ this man will now be playing for the texans. he's playing football u$@vo5 co &÷ no longer with the bengals. what's your number going to be? u$@vo5 >> co91. >> lucky number 91. dairy queen raised u$$140,000 for co kids. you're a perfect spokesperson. >> let's beat that this u$year.
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>> yes, let's beat that. >> give leah a kiss. >> i will. >> she's having u$@v a little co bit of a procedure but she's all good. u$@v or she co &÷ would be with u$@vo5 co &÷ us. >> do y'all want me to leave this here? >> why wouldn't you leave u$@vo5 it co here? >> all right. >> give you are love to co &÷ leah u$ devon. let's talk about little white lies of the how often do you tell one? >> how often u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ -- how are you u$@vo5 co &÷ feeling? u$@vo5 co &÷ >> excellent! direct tv did rank the little white lies we tell by co severity. here are some of the less severe lies. >> your baby u$@vo5 co &÷ is cute. that's u$@vawful. >> so mean. >> i have a u$headache. >> okay. i love this present. >> i always say that. yeah. >> i'll be u$ ready in 15 minutes. >> those are all lies that people tell that aren't so bad. here are the more severe u$ ones. i didn't see your u$@vtext. >> miss you co &÷
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too. >> i always wash my hands after using the u$@vo5 bathroom. >> and the worst one is -- >> what? >> i'm on u$ birth co &÷control. >> that is horrible. that is u$@vo5 co &÷ horrible. >> u$ what does the wise one have to say about that little white lies? >> everybody should go u$@vo5 back 13 or 14 lives and figure out why they're still doing it. >> there u$@vo5 co you go! thank god u$@vo5 co &÷ shirley maclaine is here. >> she has the answer to everything. >> yes, she does. >> u$@v hoda you're into all kinds of things. tell us what this is. >> a magazine called "live happy." it's one of those u$@vo5 magazines that co you like about how to practice joy and all that stuff. they've come up with a book too. if you want to be in a good mood this magazine is co one u$@vo5 co i like. they featured a couple of things i said in their magazine and u$ book. "live happy." >> look forward. >> yeah. ten practices for u$@vo5 co choosing joy. anyway u$@vo5 co &÷ go to happy u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co
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&÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ you're u$@vo5 co &÷ going to be the u$@v keynote speaker. >> at tulane u$@vo5 co &÷ university. >> to the super dome. >> i know. what? >> what? that's awesome! >> one of the u$ perks of being a devoted fan -- >> find out if you're a winner when we give it u$ away. plus shirley maclaine u$@vo5 is here. >> sewing some wild oats. >> adventure of a lifetime. >> make it two ♪ you can find a recipe for almost anything... baby cousin's gonna love that isn't she. oh my gosh. ... and gather all the right ingredients. we're gonna make the same meal this year. i wish sarah was here. i know, mom. but the happiest moments in life don't always come from a cookbook. look who's joining us. happy easter. they come from the heart. find low prices every day on fresh food for your easter meal. walmart. there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips' fiber good gummies plus energy support.
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10 grams of protein with milk and a touch of sweetness for three new ways to power you through your day. i'm lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. my bargain detergent, it couldn't keep up. so i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated... so i get a better clean. voted 2016 product of the year. if it's got to be clean, it's got to be tide. i don't know if you've ever taken the time to learn a little tiny bit of somebody else's native tongue? that opens up the doors to trust. my name is kanyon. i'm a technician here in portland oregon. every morning, i give each one of my customers a call to give them a closer eta. and when i called this customer, i discovered that he was deaf. then i thought of amanda. i've known american sign language since i was about 8 years old. it's like music for your eyes. and i thought that was an amazing gift to have,
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u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ with a career that has spanned six decades -- >> hello! >> u$ actress co &÷ shirley maclaine doesn't want to be called this but she can't help it. what is she? >> an u$@vo5 co icon and a legend. >> but don't call her that. >> we u$@vo5 won't, despite all the fabulous film u$@vo5 co &÷ she's u$@vo5 made "steel u$@vo5 co &÷ u$ magnolias." >> she tells us why in u$@vo5 co &÷ her new book u$@vo5 co -- >> "above the line." >> how about that in u$@v stereo? >> i'm good. i'm very good. happy. love my life. u$ looking co &÷ u$@vo5 co at all the other much more seriously. i'm loving the co &÷ metaphysical trip i'm on the truth of it co all. i'm not kidding. it is so much fun to look back on what you might have done or who you might have been. >> can u$ it be confusing? >> yeah but u$ isn't co life -- u$@vo5
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co >> how many past lives do you think you've had? >> who knows. but i u$@vo5 have an explanation that i can do short, u$@vo5 like co an elevator speech. >> we would like to hear. >> when you get to be 82 u$ you co have a short-term memory okay that's a problem. but the longer term memory you co know how you remember -- now i'm u$@vo5 co &÷ remembering not only everyt in my childhood but other lifetime u$@vo5 co childhoods. >> that's a lot. >> no really. and i'm u$@v getting the sense, truly, of having been and u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 lived and u$@vo5 co &÷ i understand the other life i'm having -- it's coming u$@v up co &÷ u$@v in my conscious mind. >> the co &÷ canary islands is a specific spot that rings a bell with you. >> not because everything went u$ beautifully on it. everything sort of went wrong. >> on making the movie it's u$@vo5 co &÷ pretty hysterical. >> co &÷ how many years ago was that? u$ what year did you -- >> two years ago. we were shooting on the u$ co
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&÷ canary islands because of the u$ corebate. you can get the rebate and help with the budget. i got on the u$@vo5 co iberian airlines and it said the only airlines that flies to the lost u$@vo5 co continent of atlantis. i thought this is u$@v meant to happen. >> that's your kind of thing. >> why is that? >> everybody told me not to go. the suddenly when i was there, of u$@vo5 course, you don't do stuff for money anymore for me. but don't tell anybody that. u$@vo5 co u$@vo5 co &÷ i realized i was making this u$ film to remember some of my co &÷ lifetimes in atlantis. u$@vo5 co &÷ >> tell us a little bit about u$@vo5 co &÷ the circumstances. two fine actresses were already u$ on board. none of the men had been cast yet. >> right. >> so was this like a super leap of faith? u$@vo5 co &÷ was your agent saying don't go, don't do this? u$@v >> everybody, even a couple of co sidekicks said don't go unless the money's in the bank. u$@vo5 co &÷ but jessica said, what the hell. let's go drink on the beach. u$@vo5 co &÷
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u$@vo5 co &÷ if we have no money, so what. we had a good time. u$@vo5 co &÷ u$ >> what was the disaster part of co shooting the movie? >> all of it, hoda. >> but what part? >> they would call up and say don't bother getting up in the co &÷ hotel. we haven't got money to pay the cab driver today so we're not going to shoot. co it got to be so funny. u$@v co it's pretty funny in the book. >> it is kind of funny, because u$@vo5 really, demi moore, jessica lange. who are the men? u$@vo5 co &÷ i forget. >> billy connelly and harold u$@vo5 co &÷ hessman. >> i don't know him but billy connelly is hysterical. >> hysterical. u$@vo5 co &÷ he made it even funnier. i had hernias from laughing so hard. u$@vo5 co we would be doing a scene and the money would run out again u$@vo5 co and i would start laughing in the middle of the scene, which is only costing money. u$@v that does take a couple of dollars. co &÷ i think the sound guy u$@vo5 measured -- i laughed 11 minutes u$@vo5 co &÷ while they just kept rolling and i couldn't stop. u$@vo5 co
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>> do you know what's funny, shirley? u$@vo5 co &÷ this is going to sound weird. i was looking at an old cbs sunday morning piece. u$@vo5 they were talking about people co who were understudies who broke through and had these huge careers and the first person u$ they talked about was you. and they talked about how the person you were filling in for u$@vo5 co &÷ had a broken ankle. >> sprained. u$ co &÷ >> and they just -- it showed the chronicling of your career and how it could happen by one u$@vo5 co &÷ instant where someone happens to see you. u$ co then the world u$@vo5 co &÷ changes. >> when you were doing "sweet charity"? >> no. u$@vo5 co it was a long time before that. it was 1954. u$@v i had never had a rehearsal. bobby fosse and jerry robbins u$ co made me the understudy to the great carol haney. she went down in the middle of the show with a sprained ankle, not broken. >> yeah. >> and i went on with no rehearsal. all i could think of was i'm going to drop the hat in steamed heat. and i did. u$@v co &÷
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u$@vo5 co &÷ [ bleep ]. they told me not to say it. u$@vo5 co &÷ >> and you just did co in front of millions of people. >> i'm still saying it. i've been guided all my life. i really feel i have angels and, i mean, some are very hard co nosed, you better get to this and do it. and i'm very disciplined. u$ co but that whole shoot -- >> it's very funny the way you tell the story. u$@vo5 one of our favorite ladies. you know that. >> shirley, thank you so very much. u$@v co &÷ >> beige face. >> do you like them or don't? >> love them. u$ co &÷ what's better than having an oscar winner on show? >> two oscar winners. co >> helen mirren on her new movie "eye in the sky." first these messages. co &÷
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it's about time the taco...came out of its shell. unleash the power of dough. give it a pop. wish your skin could bounce back like it used to? neutrogena hydro boost water gel. with hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple hydrated skin. hydro boost. from neutrogena
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there's something to be said for exploring the world around you. why should snacking be any different? discover all nine flavors of our creamy cheese and tap into your curiosity. the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ morning - where hunedsf homes still don't have gasservice. . happening now, crews in maraga where residents still don't have gas after a sinkhole caused a gas problem. we're posting updates on our
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twitter feed. another pivotal moment in the race for president. voters in five states headed to the polls. wins by donald trump in florida and ohio could make his lead unsurmountable. details on our special decision 2016 section on our home page. we'll take a look at the weather coming up after the break.
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high of 67 degrees today expected in san jose. 66 in palo alto. 64 in concord and 68 in napa. pleasanton, a high of 66 degrees over the next few days we're expecting some 70s in the forecast. we'll be up to 77 degrees in the south bay. we'll see if anything will show you down on the roads. here's mike. we start off in the east bay 880 moving better north of the coliseum towards high street. it slows around the bend. we had reports a few minutes ago of a crash or disabled vehicle north 880 at 29th. the direction slows both directions. we saw moving better in the last few minutes. we expect the backup and we continue to recover on the 101 backing up to the peninsula. the rest of the bay, slowing
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through palo alto. back to you. >> all right mike. make sure to join us for our 11:00 newscast. kris and i will see you then. u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ it's u$ booze day co tuesday, also known as brain teaser tuesday. also known as spanky tuesday. before the break we u$@vo5 gave co &÷ you this question. >> fill in the blank with one u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co word to make two u$@vo5 co &÷ phrases. second-hand smoke detector. >> do you know who is u$@vo5 smoking co hot wherever she goes? >> dame helen co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ mirren. u$@vo5 co i got u$ to sit down with helen on u$ the set of "eye in the sky" where she play ace u$ general. take a co look. >> three very high u$@vo5 value individuals. >> the rules of engagement you're operating under is to capture, not a kill u$@vo5 co &÷ scenario. u$@vo5 ma'am, i co &÷ think it would be wise to u$@vo5 co
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&÷ refer u$@vo5 co &÷ up. >> are you telling me th or just debating with me? >> to u$@vo5 refer co up? >> uh-huh. >> i am u$@vo5 co &÷ telling you. >> u$@vo5 oh. >> ooh. >> hello to you. >> she's cross about that. >> she is. now was u$@v this co &÷ originally supposed to be that of a man? >> it was written for a man. >> how did u$ it change co things when you stepped in? >> nothing changed on the page at all. u$@vo5 co &÷ i mean it absolutely fell into place. i think u$@v the co &÷ only thing that it slightly -- it u$ made co &÷ the moral dilemma that you see played out in the movie u$@v kind of more u$ poignant more potent if you like it being a woman having to make those decisions. >> u$ it's about a terrorist and the question is do you capture, do you kill and u$@vo5 co how do you do it? >> the whole issue of drone warfare. it's so u$@vo5 co interesting that suddenly in the news and u$@vo5 co in the public awareness it's becoming this growing awareness of what
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drone u$@vo5 co &÷warfare really is and how it's prosecuted how it's u$@vo5 co managed. and this is this movie that's very much about u$that. co &÷ and it's about the u$@vo5 co appalling sort of moral decisions that constantly have to be made in u$@vo5 war. >> you're so multifaceted. i'm looking at u$ you in co this gorgeous dress and all i can think of is most of the time when u$@vo5 kathie lee and i show you on the air, you're in a u$@vo5 co smoking hot bikini. we showed you the other day u$@vo5 co &÷ wearing a cool weather jacket very hip. i look at your hand and i see a u$@v tattoo. right? >> i do have a tattoo. very verks old tattoo. i u$@vo5 used to tell people i got it in prison before u$ my co &÷ sex change. >> so why did you u$@vo5 co &÷ get u$@vo5 co it? >> i got it because i was drunk, in america, on an u$@vo5 indian co &÷ reservation in minnesota and a girl did it u$@vo5 for me. >> three u$@vo5 x u$@vo5 co &÷ s?
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>> very painful. it's quite spiritual. it's equal u$@vo5 co &÷ and opposite. u$@v speaking to what co &÷ we're talking about now, which is to see the people who are so u$@vo5 different from you as u$ basically co &÷ being your equal, of u$@v equal co value with yourself. that's sort of what it means. >> you have a wonderful life outside of the u$@vo5 co &÷ movies, too. you have a delicious husband. >> i do. shooting right u$@vo5 co &÷ here in new york shooting a movie with robert u$@vo5 co &÷ deniro. and i'm shooting parallel u$@vo5 co &÷ with will smith. >> the two of you at the end of the day -- you're shooting his stuff, you're doing u$@vo5 co &÷ your stuff. you get together at the end of the day, do you talk work u$@vo5 co &÷ or put work aside? u$@vo5 co &÷ >> how did it go u$ darling? did you get your day, i always say to taylor. the only time i pray to god is u$@vo5 co &÷ when taylor's shootdingshooting and i pray for the weather to be co &÷ right. because if there isn't snow or it doesn't rain when it needs to u$@vo5 co &÷
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u$@vo5 co &÷ rain you know u$, the whole schedule. husband's co &÷ schedule. but, no it's fun. no we u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ just -- we don't go into details. did you get your u$@vo5 co &÷ day? was it okay? were there problems? we share the difficulties. >> falling in love at 40 in that range, was that about the right timeframe? >> u$38. >> 38. is he the love co of your life? i mean falling in love at that age, 38? u$@v >> coyeah. i guess. because, you know u$ don't co &÷ have much life left do u$i? co i hope he's the love of my life. who knows. you never know what the future may bring. u$@v no i mean -- u$@vo5 co &÷ no. i recognize the great thing about finding a partnership, let's say, a u$@vo5 co &÷ partnership later on is that you recognize it as such. you recognize u$@vo5 the partnership level u$@vo5 co of this u$ relationship as much as th love and the co lust and all the rest of it. >> thank you so much just for, one, being part of our show
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even when you co don't know you're part of our show, and for u$ inspiring people when you don't co realize. >> we love u$@vo5 co &÷ u$ co &÷ her. >> i said she'll be ba "eye ie sky" is in u$@vo5 co &÷ theaters this week. they co go together like bogey and want to grow your hair longer? then it has to be stronger! fructis reinvents strength for hair. new fructis grow strong. the power to make hair up to 10x stronger. one, grow strong shampoo and conditioner with a powerdose of active fruit concentrate
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&÷ this classic brady bunch episode. remember this? >> hi u$ mom. co hi alice. what's u$@vo5 co &÷ for dinner? >> pork chop. >> pork chops, u$huh? what co else? >> apple sauce. >> pork u$@vo5 co &÷ chops and u$@vo5 co &÷ apple sauce. gee, u$@vo5 co &÷ that's u$@vo5 co swell. >> all right. hello, u$@vo5 co &÷ darling. >> good morning. >> only people of a certain age remember u$that. >> on theion. >> i know co the flavor. pork chops and apple sauce, as you heard there. restaurant style at home. this is a no u$@vo5 co &÷ brainer. >> okay. >> so easy. are you ready? >> what kind of u$@vo5 co &÷ ingredients do we need? >> couple of u$@vo5 co &÷ basic u$@vo5 thing co &÷ ss, olive oil, fresh t onions u$@vo5 co &÷ balsamic u$ co &÷ vinegar, chicken broth, salt and u$ pepper for coseasoning. >> and the pork chops themselves. >> i've preheated this u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ pan. i start off by searing t you do the honor for the
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second one? >> yes. >> amazing. get them really nice and brown, two to three minutes per side. >> that's just u$ in co olive oil? >> tablespoon or two, u$@vo5 co &÷ preheated. imagine we've gone and co &÷ removed them to a plate. they're resting. will you stir? we're u$@vo5 co caramelizing some onion. >> i will. >> brilliant. >> we start to make our sauce. little bit of u$@vo5 chicken broth, really deep flavor. u$@vo5 co &÷ balsamic vinegar is the secret here. can you guess why, u$ kathie lee? >> no co &÷ reid. i'm jet u$lagged. co why? >> exactly. it's sweet and tangy. when this starts to u$@vo5 co reduce the vinegar, natural sugar also u$ come up and will thicken up. >> that's what i was going to say but wasn't quite sure. >> you were on the right u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co track. >> what's that green next to the thyme? >> mint. we add back the pork chops right into u$@vo5 it. and finish cooking. put the lid on it. let them steam. five to seven u$@vo5 co &÷ minutes and you're good. how simple is that right?
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>> easy. so u$@vo5 easy. >> now pork chops done apple sauce. where does that come in? >> u$@vo5 co &÷ apple u$@vo5 co sauce. >> plum u$@vo5 co &÷ and apple u$@vo5 co &÷chutnyey. that's my take. a little unusual. i've gone ahead u$ and left the co skins on. very colorful. hoda would you add in the water and i'll u$ add the unsweetened apple sauce. >> is it apple juice? >> apple co &÷ juice. thank you. apple sauce might not help you too much. >> what is this u$sweetheart? >> raw sugar, co just for sweetness, and some u$@vo5 co &÷cinnamon. simple. one pot idea. mix this up. cover. cook for about 40 co minutes. start this before that. >> really easy. >> simple. and the last thing you do -- >> wait is that it? >> that's it. i'm adding in a little vanilla at u$@vo5 co &÷ the end. >> this smells -- >> doesn't that smell so good? u$ >> there's so many great co smells. >> you're doing great with that. you're doing great. >> oh, my gosh! >> this is good to make because it's good the co &÷ next day as
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breakfast, honestly. it's a really delicious sort of u$@vo5 multi-purpose side dish. that's it. now we're serving this. go ahead and get in here. >> with some u$@vo5 co grilled -- >> maple roasted carrots. pork chops, apple sauce, co &÷ carrots. what else can you do with different things like this? >> i don't know. >> serve it with cheese co &÷ fruit and cheese platter, and this is a clean, u$ flavorful co &÷ and rich dish that -- how long did it take? >> pork is the other white meat right? >> exactly. you've got it. >> delicious. >> you u$@vo5 like it? amazing, right? >> delicious. reid great, great idea. >> like hoda was in high school. >> for the recipes, go u$@vo5 co &÷ to u$@vo5 co &÷ u$@vo5 co &÷ exactly. u$@vo5 alison u$@vo5pataki co &÷ cooks up another book you won't be why let someone else have all the fun? the sometimes haphazard, never boring fun. the why can't it smell like
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little lily is over there. based on a true-life story juicier than any fiction. filled with rivalries, temptations. i told you months ago it was my favorite thing. it's incredible this book. >> revolves around the most beautiful woman in the world. >> no. >> the australian hungarian empire who became a larger than life icon. >> from best-selling author allison pataki called "sisi: empress on her own." you sent it to me in its raw form. kno what a huge fan i am of her historical novels. beautifully written. she tells a story like nobody. this woman is so fascinating in her own rite. >> exactly. she was known as the princess diana of her time and captured the love of the people and was this fashion icon was involved
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in these tumultuous love stories, changed the course of history. yet for some reason we don't know about her in modern days. and i think this makes for the best type of historical fiction, the best novel. we can crack open this really juicy, dysfunctional family saga and see this beautiful woman. >> a lot of people read these books, and we've read your books. we wonder what part is the real thing and what part are we adding a little bit to. >> you're great at saying at the end. you have history that's dramatic this cast of characters and the backdrop is beautiful palace castles and world war i. >> and the hair. >> floor-length hair. you have the raw material that's good from the history, you couldn't make it up. it would be too outlandish for fiction. you really can't believe it as you're reading it. and your family is basically -- >> hungarian. pataki is a hu las name. when i go back to hungary, they still worship her.
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she captures the imagination. i thought i would really want to read a book or see a movie about this woman and nothing exists. i think i need to write the book. >> i'm so happy for you. >> are we going to talk about your other project? >> the other one. >> how old is she, sweetie? >> she's five months the new empress. i can't stand it. >> and your beautiful husband, dave who has been going through an incredible year of his own. >> it's been a big year fs been the benevolent ruler and has come in to take over. >> i understand how you found sisi but how do you find some of your other characters? >> the traitor's wife benedict arnold's wife peggy. >> she was a mink. so was sisi. these were sassy women. we know the men's stories, but these are significant women. and the sisi story was hungarian, the peggy story was from upstate new york where the revolution story happened.
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when you find these women and think, gosh why don't i know about her? >> exactly. i know benedict arnold's story or the emperor's story. >> you cannot put this book down i'm warning you. if you pick it up hopefully it's for a nice long weekend because you will miss it the minute you leave it on the table. thayou. we love you, allison. than soef much. >> say hello to your mom and dad for me too. sisi. we love it. looking for a novel way to start your day? >> you'll want to see what we're giving away. every year billions are spent to confuse and, dare i say it flummox the american public. "save 16% on car insurance." "switch now..." well at, we say enough's enough. so we've created this mind boggling
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entered for this week's prize which is -- >> delonghi. >> one touch simplicity is all it takes to enjoy espressos, lattes and macchiatos. okay. gu first. >> and our first winner is -- >> who? >> betty pritzel, reedsville wisconsin. katie rogers from jacksonville florida. love her. and donna powell from lynn massachusett okay. hold on. i've got -- hold on. diane thomas from minott north dakota. what? >> and last one is kathy head from hurricane, west virginia. >> wow! >> we want to explain to people though. you have to enter every week. for complete rules and regulations go to klg
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nbc bay area news starts now. >> right now at 11:00, do or die for several presidential candidates today. a super tuesday turned separation tuesday as front-runners try to leave the pack behind once and for all and the polls are now open in five states. thanks for joining us. i'm kris sanchez. >> i'm scott mcgrew. five states are florida, ohio missouri illinois and north carolina. >> by tonight we should know whether donald trump will have an easy or difficult path to the nomination and whether polls will backfire on hillary clinton again. >> live at a polling station inside an elementary school in st. louis county missouri. as you can see, people flowing in throughout the day.
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