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tv   Comunidad del Valle  NBC  April 3, 2016 4:00pm-4:31pm PDT

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mian trujillo: hello and welcome to "comunidad del valle." i'm damian trujillo and today we have a special treat for you. we have the best mariachi in the world, mariachi vargas de tecalitlán on your "comunidad del valle." male announcer: nbc bay area presents, "comunidad del valle" with damian trujillo. damian: i'm celebrating 18 years of hosting this show, "comunidad del valle" on kntv. and, what a better way to celebrate then with the best mariachi in the world, mariachi vargas de tecalitlán. ¡bienvenidos! thank you all for being here. digame, whenever you play in this venue, it always sells out. why do you think people want to come to see you here? julio martinez: well, i think, sir, that people have the money to pay for mariachi vargas de tecalitlán. yeah, well, i don't know. it's the music, it's mexico, it's tradition. we are very excited to be here every year. damian: and, you-- tell us, you're gonna
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respond to us in spanish. but, tell us what it makes you feel like to play with this group of men who have a history behind this band. andres gonzalez: [speaking spanish] damian: and, you have been--you were on my show when you were in san josé about 15 years ago. i recognize a couple of you who were also on that show. people come and go, is that right, from this mariachi? was it that like when you lose someone, but then you gain someone in return? julio: the people stay here for a long, long time, 20, 40, 50 years. so, when we need a new member, when we need a new musician is casting, we hear, the violin of the singer.
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so, it's a changing several times for expecting a new musician. damian: if you want a new violinist, how many people are in line to become that violinist with mariachi vargas? julio: well, you want to see outside? damian: [laughing] it's a long line? julio: it's so many people that are waiting for a place over here. damian: y que--what is it that made you say, "i want to be a part of them?" [laughing] julio: what do you say? andres: what do you say? [laughing] damian: [speaking spanish] i want to be a part of them. andres: [speaking spanish] andres: [speaking spanish]
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damian: and, there are 13 of you guys. are there fights when you're on the plane? when you're on the bus traveling? what happens on the bus? julio: no, no fighting, no. laughing, chistes, we are singing. because, we sleep together while separate. [laughing] damian: separate but together. julio: we're performing together. we're traveling together. some time, it's a little bit of stress, but we're laughing all the time. damian: is it a brotherhood? [speaking spanish] julio: yeah, yeah. [laughing] julio: sometimes. damian: and the traveling, does it get tiring when you're traveling? you were in southern california, now you're in northern california. you might be going back to mexico. does that get tiring for you? andres: [speaking spanish] julio: yes. [laughing] andres: [speaking spanish]
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andres: [speaking spanish] damian: and, you've played all over the world. what's your favorite places? is it el palacio de bellas artes, is it degollado, or, is it cash creek? where--what's your favorite place? julio: well, mariachi vargas belongs to all the world. we feel great playing in japan, and usa, and czech republic, and spain, europe, south america. mariachi vargas belongs to all the world. damian: so, even if they don't understand the music in the czech republic or in japan, if they don't know the words, they still come to see you across the world? julio: yeah, yeah, yeah. when we was performing in czech republic in the theater, at the film theater, where the people come from around europe, spain, turkey, germany,
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france, around the world, they come to see mariachi vargas with the symphony orchestra over there. damian: well, this is a special show here on "comunidad del valle." well, be back and talk more about maybe what their favorite food is, the mexican food in mexico or the mexican food here in the states. stay with us. [music]
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we are back here on "comunidad del valle" with mariachi vargas de tecalitlán. so, what is your--when you talk about mexican music, there's mexican--or mexican food there's mexican food all over mexico. when you come to the united sates, is it the same kind of food or is there--do you taste a difference? julio: we like chinese food. [laughing] julio: yeah, yes, that's right. we like the chinese food. this afternoon, we went to a chinese restaurant-- damian: you went to a chinese restaurant. so, when you're eating a taco at a taqueria in mexico and a taco in a taqueria here, does it taste the same? [speaking spanish]
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but, it doesn't taste the same. julio: yeah, but, we want to taste a different food. [laughing] damian: does--when the crowd, when you see them cheering, and clapping, and applauding, does that make you sing better? play better? [speaking spanish] andres: [speaking spanish] andres: [speaking spanish] damian: what is it that has kept the mariachi together for more than 100 years? i mean, i know that it's not the same guys who were there a hundred years ago. but, what is it that keeps your brand, mariachi vargas de tecalitlán, what keeps this going for generations? three or four generations? julio: well, i think it's a tradition.
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and, the music. [speaking spanish] is a long, long time, mariachi vargas playing every time. so, people like rancheras. people like sones. people like boleros. so, there's many, many things that people likes to come to see every time, every year to the same place like this casino. it's great for us. damian: and, when you--you play the harp? julio: yes. damian: and, when you play the harp is there one specific song that you like more than el cascabel or something like that? julio: yeah, that right. the cascabel is a part when i play solo. the people's clapping and a standing ovation. it's very great for me. the people like the harp music, and the jarocho music, and mariachi music, and jalisco music. damian: mariachi vargas is going to be playing for us here on "comunidad del valle" in just a bit.
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they're gonna also be--gonna be coming to san josé on june 28th. so, you want to make sure that you lock that into your calendars with yolanda del rio and what not. so, why don't you introduce us to everybody here so we know who is here with mariachi vargas. go ahead. julio: our chief, federico torres, my friend andres gonzalez, our director, carlos martínez, josé martínez, daniel martínez. they are playing violin. damian: these hermanos? [laughing] julio: cousins, cousins. julio martínez. damian: oh wow! julio: this is mariachi martínez. [laughing] damian: [speaking spanish] julio: enrique de santiago-- damian: who was here 15 years ago, i remember. julio: yeah, no a little more. also, he plays the guitarron. arturo vargas. he plays the guitar and a singer. gilberto aguirre, he plays the vihuela.
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my friend--¿cómo te llamas? [laughing] julio: miguel barron, he plays the violin. trumpet player, my friend fernando valasquez. one more trumpet player, gustavo alvarado. and, the last one alberto alfaro. damian: do you guys still practice when you're not playing at a concert? do you still practice? julio: yeah. damian: people might think-- [speaking spanish] andres: [speaking spanish] damian: are there new songs that you have to learn-- andres: [speaking spanish]
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damian: so, you were with the same artistic director for a long time, pepe martínez. what is it like to transition to a new artistic director with the mariachi? julio: well, it was--so, it's different style, i think so. but, mr. pepe martínez was a great arrangement, was a great person, was a great musician. so, he leave us a heritage for a long time. so, we are expecting new arrangements, new music for us. so, we're expecting that the response of the people for us, i think will be a great response about the music because he's a great rearrangement muse, music, and musician too. he's a good singer too. [music]
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damian: what an honor to have them exclusively
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on "comunidad del valle." they have played with pedro infante, javier solís, and jorge negrete, mariachi vargas de tecalitlán. we'll be back in our next segment and have some more great music exclusively from mariachi vargas de tecalitlán.
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sunday with us here on "comunidad del valle." remember to pick up a copy of "el observador" newspaper and support your bilingual weeklies all across the bay area. we leave you now with the sweet sounds of mariachi vargas de tecalitlán. damian: with you, ladies and gentlemen, el mejor mariachi del mundo, mariachi vargas de tecalitlán! [applauding] [music] [singing in spanish]
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news. a break-in at the make-a-wish foundation offices and the thieves made off with one priced possession belonging from san francisco giants. thanks for swroing us i'm peggy bunker. >> i'm terry mcsweeney. they made off with several items including hunter pence scooter he rode to the ballpark. >> live in san francisco with this developing story. lili. >>


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