tv Dateline On Assignment NBC May 8, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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. >> reporter: tonight, nbc news goes on assignment. cynthia mcfadden has the first on camera network interview with the man who says he hacked hillary clinton. >> you're saying the clinton server was unprotected? >> yes. >> reporter: who is he and can he be believed? >> someone who does what he does
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is a congenital liar. >> a congenital, well practiced liar. >> reporter: keith morrison on life and death. he was on life support with a devastating brain injury. recovery seemed impossible. but look. >> here i am. >> reporter: can others make astonishing recoveries too. >> are we pulling the plug when they could live? >> reporter: richard engel ventures where no tv crew has gone. >> this is some of the most dangerous and remote territories on earth. >> reporter: in search of a rare creature, mystery ape in the congo. on the journey, machine guns, poison arrows, traps. >> this is the wild west, shoot to kill. >> reporter: a dangerous search and then a rescue. >> they are very, very adorable. >> reporter: those stories and
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more, "on assignment." good evening the the nbc news room in new york, i'm lester holt and welcome to the first edition of our new series, "on assignment." for the next several weeks, our correspondents travel the world to report on stories we hope you'll find powerful and provocative. up first, the presidential campaign, it's prompted months of investigation. hillary clinton's use of private e-mail for government business. cynthia mcfadden went to romania to find him. >> you hacked your way into the bush family e-mails, you hacked your way into colin powell's e-mails, you uncovered that hillary clinton was using a private e-mail. >> much more. >> and many more? >> yes. >> his name is marcel lehel
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lazar, he's better known as guccifer. >> with a beat up old computer. and a cell phone is able to hack his way into half of the washington establishment. >> i'm sure a lot of are doing this right now. >> he's an unlikely figure at the center of the hillary clinton e-mail controversy, which has dogged her campaign from day one. but just who is this mysterious hacker and what are his motives? that's what we have been investigating since we found him in romania, a country known as a breeding ground for hackers. this computer expert here in the
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foothills of the trance-- over years, bilking americans out of billions of dollars. >> this business was quite huge. >> booming? >> booming. almost everybody was doing that. >> how big did it get? big enough that the fbi set up a special office in romania. so at any given time, how many cyber criminals are you tracking here in romania? >> we're tracking hundreds of cases. >> hundreds? >> hundreds. >> the most famous of all, guccifer. we tracked him down to this prison in bucharest. don't be fooled by the comfortable clothes in which we met him. he's doing hard him for his hacking crimes here. why did you pick guccifer originally?
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>> he's 44 years old, has a wife, daughter and a high school education. when he lost his job as a taxi driver, he said he became so bored he began to hack, and that eventually led to his arrest. it's clear he works the angles. before we began, he asked us for money. we can't pay for interviews, it's against nbc rules. >> in this case, i'm sorry, i'm not going to take the interview. >> okay. a few minutes later, he dropped his demand. >> okay, we can continue. >> as we talked, he switched between romanian and english. how long were you doing this, a year, year and a half? >> translator: yes around that. >> how many accounts would you say you hacked from that period of time? >> translator: i don't know, maybe 100.
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>> he started out by hackin ini romanian romanians, then he set his sights on america. >> translator: my actions are clear, they are to unmask the illuminati. >> to penetrate the bush's world, he hacked the e-mail of dorothy bush koch, the daughter of one president and the sister of another. that's when we learned that she was an amateur painter. and there's more. when you hacked into dorothy bush's e-mail account, you found all kinds of intensely personal things about her father, about his illness, about them even
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planning for his funeral. should you make that stuff public? >> translator: the decision to make that public was not mine. i sent it to a particular website and they made it public. >> guccifer also hacked into colin powell's e-mail and facebook accounts. as for his hacking ability, computer security expert madeleine dmitri said that he is not a hacker. >> guccifer was not a hacker? >> guccifer was not a hacker, he was a diligent guesser. >> he did pretty well. >> he did pretty well, but lehe's not a hacker.
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>> he got into the e-mail kof clinton confidant sidney blumenthal. >> and when you saw hdr-22, did you know whose e-mail that was? >> at that very moment, i thought it could be hillary diane rodham clinton. >> and you said to yourself, wow. guccifer copied the e-mail to clinton. in one, blumenthal wrote the following information comes from extremely sensitive sources and should be handled with care. guccifer put a g on the documents and passed them to the russian website which posted them. >> were you ever working for a foreign government? >> no. >> you weren't working for the russians, the iranians, any form of government?
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>> no. >> this was all done on your own? >> translator: yes. >> there's a lot of people who say that you did what you did to get famous, to be a star. >> translator: that is misinformation. >> for two years, the discovery that clinton used the private e-mail address went largely unnoticed, but in 2015, the "new york times" wrote that it was the only address she used as secretary of state. >> it had newspaperous safeguards, it was on property guarded by the secret service and there were no security breaches. >> critics and political importants charge that national security was compromised. when hillary clinton says that her server is absolutely safe -- >> that's a lie. >> that's a lie? >> yes. >> it's not safe? >> it's not safe at all.
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>> in our interview, for the first time, guccifer claimed he got into the clinton's server. >> translator: by running a scan, i found that server was completely unsecured. >> i want to make sure that i understand what you're saying, you're saying the clinton server was unprotected? >> yes. >> and you had total access to it had you wanted to download. >> yes, it was like an open orchid on the internet, like many such servers are. >> when you got into the server, what did you find? >> there was e-mails from houma abedin. >> huma abedin? did you download those? >> no, they were boring. >> so you actually saw hillary clinton's e-mails, not just the sidney blumenthal materials, you
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went inside and saw everything? >> that's absolutely right. >> but did he really get into the clinton's server? there are plenty of reasons to doubt him. we asked him to show us some of the documents he downloaded, he showed us nothing. and unlike his previous hacks, he posted no proof online. nonetheless, we talked to a number of the nation's top cyber crime experts who say guccifer's allegations should be taken seriously, including fbi special agent chris tarbel. tarbel ran one of the most sophisticated cyber crimes investigation ever. based on what he told us, wand we have given you a chance to review what he told us, is it possible that he could have hacked that server? >> he does have e-mail that came from that server, each e-mail
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has a header and it shows the path of where that e-mail came from. >> based on the probability from his last attacks, what do you make of this? >> he had the potential to do very dangerous things to a computer he wasn't allowed to be on. entering a computer that you're not allowed to be on is hacking. >> so whether he knows it or not, he's just admitted to committing a felony. >> yes, he's admitted to committing a felony. >> and if he's lying? >> that seems silly to me, to go on television and admit to a felony you didn't commit is silly. >> and hillary clinton talked about -- >> have you been contacted? have your representatives been contacted by the fbi to set up an interview? >> no. >> any indication that your private server was hacked by foreign hackers? >> no, not at all. >> we asked clinton's campaign
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for comments regarding lazar's hacking of the server. we have received no indication from any government agency to support these claims. in fact, the fbi's review of the clinton's server logs showed no signs of hacking, according to a source familiar with the case. but chris tarbel says server logs are not necessarily comprehensi comprehensive. >> so is it absolutely clear that if the server were breached, there would be a log of it somewhere? >> no. >> so it may be that there's no breach that was recorded, that doesn't mean there was no breach? >> correct. >> but a caution, tarbel session the very nature of guccifer's handy work as a criminal hacker, he's a liar. as for the fbi, no one's saying
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anything on the record. >> i just interviewed guccifer this morning. >> i can't comment on guccifer. >> he's been extradited to the u.s. in the weeks and months to come? >> i can't comment, sorry. >> and marcel lehel lazar was indeed extradited to the u.s. he was charged with hacking. sources close to the investigation confirm fbi agents escorted him from romania to the united states and say they fully intend to question him about the clinton's server, now that he's in u.s. custody. many officials emphasized to us, investigators have seen nothing so far that substantiates his claim. but the investigation continues. was it your intention to try to
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affect the presidential campaign? >> n >> translator: at that time, i wasn't even thinking about the campaign of 2016, but that's where things are heading. >> reporter: coming up, his devastating brain injury left his family with a difficult choice. >> they said it's probably time to let him go. >> reporter: then he made an astounding recovery. can others too? do you worry about giving people false hope? >> i worry about taking all the hope away. >> reporter: life and death information that could affect your family. ♪ a degree is a degree. ♪ you're gonna want someone like me. ♪ ♪ but only if you have a brain. ♪ (music fades out)
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it is a wrenching ordeal for a family, deciding whether to take someone off life support. when it comes to patients with severe brain injuries, there is new information challenging conventional thinking about when families should make that life-or-death decision. keith morrison is in boston. >> are we giving up on people, pulling the plug on them when they could live? >> i think in some cases, we may be making premature judgments about whether aggressive care
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should be continued or not. >> we have come to spaulding rehabilitation hospital in boston to talk to a doctor who's researched the grain fbrain for than 20 years. and here's something he wants us to know. for patients with traumatic brain injuries, we may be stopping care too soon. >> following these injuries who were given life sustaining treatment and now we take a look at them five years later and find, lo and behold, they're back to functioning independently, in most cases they're not living the life they lived before. >> they're living a life that's okay with them. >> okay with them, okay with their family. so it does raise the question can we make the right decision in the first 10, 14 days of the
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recovery trajectory. >> it's within those first crucial days after a severe traumatic brain injury, the families are sometimes given a choice, if doctors believe the prognosis looks poor, do they want to keep their loved one on life support or let him or her die peacefully. but the doctor believes that might be much too soon. he wants the medical community to pause, give patients more time to see if their brains can heal before making those hard decisions. patients like patrick mahoney, patrick was 26, studyi ining po at the university of new hampshire, which was a perfect fit for him, says his sister noreen. >> he was a good student growing up but he always had an interest in writing. >> and he was equally passion about his girlfriend ann. >> he introduced me to lots of new music, lots of new literature. i really like fell very fast for him.
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>> then came october 27, 2010, patrick had been cycling home late at night. a car hit him from behind. >> picture your body flying 90 feet through the air and landing completely on your head. >> doctors told the family they would have to make a terrible decision. >> they said it's not in your favor to keep him going because looking at the facts that we have, it's probably time to let him go, and it's going to get harder the longer you wait. >> how soon was this decision necessary? >> they said over the weekend. >> i remember we would go around the table and what do you think, what do you think? and everyone was very honest. i don't think he would want to live this way, or i don't think i can let him go. >> patrick's sister noreen, the grim prognosis still echoing in her head, had already flown home
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to begin funeral arrangements when her mother called her. >> she said we're going to give him a chang. >> you watch your kid suffering there, you want to give him a chance, but were they thinking about the future. i was afraid for them because they were going against the medical advice. >> in the days that followed, the family noticed what they hoped were small signs of improvement, a squeeze of his hand, a small wink. those first movements can be subtle but crucial u because they can signal that a patient is getting better and, this is important, they may take weeks to appear. >> we're talking about simple things, like purposeful movements, something's fallen over my eye, and i reach over and push it away, that's a very complex response. often that behavior does not emerge until three or even four
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weeks after the injury. >> still, patrick was unable to communicate, until someone got an idea. >> you know, he's a writer, give him a pen. give him a pen and paper. and he writes, dear anne with a hart. >> i was ecstatic and i was weeping and i was relieved. >> but recovery would take months and months of intensive therapy. and every human act he had to learn all over again. which, he did. patrick is now a mental health counselor, he still deals with his traumatic injury, he has epilepsy and has to attend speech therapy.
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what did you think when you found out that your family was faced with this monumental decision, do we keep him alive or do we let him go. >> in my own head, i was thinking, like, i'm going to get better, so i hope you guys meet me over there. >> so this is patrick's scan from about five days after his initial injury. >> the doctor consulted on patrick's case after that initial decision. in his case, the family was told they would have to make a very serious decision here. and it's reasonable when you look at the picture there? >> not unreasonable at all. this was a big injury. >> what is it like for you to see the way he is now? >> it's invigorating, and it's also humbling, because i can't tell you that this individual was going to go on to make that recovery. >> which is exactly why he wants
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the medical community to wait, to see if there are more patricks out there. just how many can recover? >> maybe as many as one in five. and that's big news. >> do you worry that you give people false hope with this sort of talk? >> i worry more about taking all the hope away than i do about giving false hope. i think hopelessness is much more difficult to deal with. >> to be clear, we're talking about people who suffered an accident, and not someone who's brain was deprived of oxygen, say from a heart attack. >> i think at this point, the research is still early and i think we still need to be realistic. >> dr. robert true works in the icu at boston children's hospital. he's also the director of the center for bioethics at harvard medical school. he calls the doctor's work exciting but not definitive enough to overhaul the whole system. >> waiting has many consequences for the patient, the family, and society. >> negative consequences?
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>> potentially negative consequences. >> why? >> let's start with the family, those are the ones who are often most impacted. >> have you seen patients where a decision was made to wait and regretted it? >> you can see it when the path is -- it's a huge commitment for a family. >> and he cautions about overwhelming an already taxed health care system. >> we really don't have the rehabilitative resources, the hospital beds to care for all of the patients that would now come into that system. >> do you believe the medical infrastructure can afford to wait and wait just to see if they're that one in five who might make it? >> that's the challenge. we have a big disconnect right now between the way the brain
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recovers and our health care services. >> for the past six years, ever since he was injured in a car accident at 19. tracey never considered letting him go. >> the icu nurse came to me and said you have to think about would will want to live like this? i took it that i should start considering if i was going to have to remove life support and i told her to just step away. it wasn't an option. that we were going to go for it. >> will was mostly unresponsive for almost a year. he finally came around. and began a long and grueling recovery. >> what do you think? >> it's pretty good. >> will is great. is he 100%? no. he is still in therapy. and he makes gains every single day. >> will's days now include round
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the clock nursing care, numerous therapies, all hugely expensive. and all performed under tracey's constant vigilance. >> i have no regrets. i have done the best i could. and i have done it by myself and i still have my son. and he's in pretty good shape. >> just look at how patrick is doing. he and anne are married now, expecting a baby in june. the former poetry student has also just published his own book of poems, using the acronym for traumatic brain injuries, tbi, the title is toward being infinite. so i turn on tips of toes and i'm breathing deeply the air, tasting of oak moss, my eyes still closed. what does that mean?
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>> all my senses were withdrawn, so just little things, the air, the taste, the smell, the feel of the dirt road, it's amazing. >> and life, once all but lost is very sweet indeed. >> reporter: coming up, it's one of the most dangerous places on the planet. and not just for man. >> he can't go back? >> it wouldn't work, he would die. >> these adorable creatures are in jeopardy too. can they be saved? white toothpaste. with a professionally recommended whitening ingredient... ...for four shades visibly whiter teeth. and...a buzz-worthy smile! get your designer smile from new colgate optic white high impact white.
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>> reporter: politics or preschool? it's campaign season and this year the presidential candidates have been criticized by many for some less than grown up behavior. tonight you'll hear from our pundits, kids. >> he's like a little baby. >> hillary. she was obsessed. >> this president might hurt somebody's feelings. >> reporter: that's ahead on the kids table. but coming up next, an dangerous search for an endangered creature, richard engel goes
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where few dare to find the mystery apes of the congo. "exercise more." i know that. "try laxatives..." i know. believe me. it's like i've. tried. everything! my chronic constipation keeps coming back. i know that. tell me something i don't know. (vo) linzess works differently from laxatives. linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation, or chronic constipation. it can help relieve your belly pain, and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements that are easier to pass. do not give linzess to children under 6 and it should not be given to children 6 to 17. it may harm them. don't take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe.
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more epic than ever. don't just vacation... ♪ whoa go with me now vacation like you mean it. universal orlando resort. go big with on-site hotel rates starting at just $120 per night. >> reporter: the congo, it's one of the most perilous countries in africa, torn apart by poverty and civil war. armed rebels still terrorize the region. tonight we travel deep into the congo, to focus on another struggle for survival. a rare, endangered and until recently unknown population of apes, almost impossible to see. richard engel sets out to the bili forrest to find them. >> it's not often you travel to a war zone to find a sanctuary, but that's exactly what we're
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doing, we're heading to a patch of tropical forests here in the congo that few dare to visit. this is one of the most remote places on earth, but it's also home to one of our closest relatives, they call them the mystery apes of bili. it's taken us a long time to get here and to bring them to you. a motorcycle can only take you so far in this remote corner of eastern congo. pretty soon, it was time to start hiking. into the 12,000 square mile forest. we were following the world's leading expert on the bili apes, american climb toll gusts. >> it's a game of patience. >> endurance.
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>> and figuring them out, figuring out their patterns. >> when he wasn't whispering, hicks was tapping on trees the way apes do. >> this is what chimps do? >> yes, they do. and we might even be lucky enough to hear it today. >> why do they do that? >> it's like drumming, and apes drum on the trees to communicate. >> hicks came here a decade ago, drawn by rumors of giant apes who were said to howl at the moon and hunt lions. no scientist had ever managed to spend enough time with these apes to figure out what species they belong to. so you heard about these mystery apes? >> yes. >> and you had to some and see them? >> why was it a mystery? >> because we didn't know what it was. >> it goes back a century, when the bil -- the colonizers
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brought skulls back home to belgium, where experts thought they had discovered a new third species of gorilla. >> so this could have been a sort of missing link connecting the eastern and the western species. that sounded fascinating. >> the fascination with the mystery apes was rekindled after a swiss photographer came. >> they were sweeping on the ground, it was suspected that this was maybe a hybrid, a new species of great ape or something else. >> scientists, including hicks intrigued by what they heard began coming to bili. they installed motion detecting cameras deep in the forest and finally they were able to capture clear images of the apes, which looked like large chimps, but behaved a little like gorillas.
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dna samples proved they were chimpanzees after all. it's just that the chimps of bili forest acted differently. >> this is a termite nest. >> termites build his structures? >> this is the only population of chimpanzees that eat this. >> he claims they are probably part of the largest population of wild chimps left on the planet. his discovery got a lot of attention around the world. today these chimpanzees and the other animals of this virgin wilderness are in danger. so about a year ago, congolese park rangers started patrolling this forest. the park rangers were hunting
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for poachers. they found and disabled dozens of snares, traps designed to catch wildlife. >> so if an animal steps in it, you grab the leg. >> chimps often lose fingers and sometimes hands to snares like these. given what we were seeing, it's hard to believe that this is a conservation area, where hunting and fishing are against the law. but there's a reasonimpunity, t forest is effectively lawless. this operation represents the first conservation effort in this part of the forest. the rangers are here because of this man, jeff dupane, from the african wildlife federation, which helps to train, equip and pay them. the rangers discovered a poacher's camp up ed. >> do you think they're going to be hostile?
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>> one never knows. >> the rangers determined the camp had been abandoned. the poachers took off quickly. >> nobody here. >> but you can see there was somebody here recently. >> the fire was here. >> evidence of illegal hunting is all around, including shotgun shells and racks for smoking poached meat. and i found over here by this fire pit over here, summome mon bones. >> so they were hunting monkeys as well. >> their commander explained this is part of a deadly weapon. >> so these are cross bows? >> there's black on there. >> that's poison. >> are you going to destroy this camp now? >> this has to disappear. >> so this has to be destroyed to stop the poaching?
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armed poachers are one thing, but at any moment these rangers could be facing even more dangerous enemies. bili forest is located in a quarter of the democratic republic of the congo that has seen decades of war, which has often spilled over to the other failed interstates of central africa. the group and it's leader, the war criminal joseph coney are now on the run. some of the groups fighters are now hiding out in the forest, where they live as outlaws. >> they can kidnap civilians, which is a classic mo. >> which is why the wildlife foundation hired this man to train the rangers to fight. the former israeli commando is teaching them everything about how to safely detain poachers to surviving a fire pit and setting
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an ambush. >> these guy also shoot back. >> but they have to train for a fight to the death. this is not just wildlife objections. >> no. >> this is wild west. shoot to kill. >> they're park rangers, but they're also counter terrorism forces. >> national security, i would say. >> carlon's -- so far they have trained about 20 rangers. >> is that enough? >> no. it's not enough at all. but you need to start with something. >> the next day, the rangers discovered another camp where they detained two young men. we saw how surprised these poachers were to see the law being enforced for the very first time. >> what were the two of you doing here in the forest? >> he says it's fishing. >> but they were fishing by poisoning the river.
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and the rangers found a large caliber rifle, cartridges and snares in their camp. >> so they're in deep trouble now? >> you can't leave them here. >> hicks knew that to find any chimps, he would have to get away from the poaching camps and the hunting trails, so he and his team hiked for 14 days and covered about 100 miles, they reached a part of the forest, few humans have ever visited. and there at last, they caught a few glimpses of the bili forest chimps, like this young female, who clearly didn't like the attention. hicks thinks she's never seen a human before. and for now, among her own kind, she's safe from people. but when we went outside the forest into the nearby town of bili, we would discover there
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was a thriving market for the local animals, and we would come across another bili ape, this one in need of rescue. that's next. i'm now down 37 pounds. it's helped me too! i'm down 40 pounds. just sayin'. all new smartpoints. join for free by may 16th and get one month free. i bet sprint can download this book faster. your lucky tooth necklace for anything on that trailer. biker: i'll take the grizzly. go! biker: come on. come on. jordan: sprint wins! double or nothing. the sprint lte network is now more reliable than ever. so switch today. and every day you promise toor protect off! is here to help with proven protection against mosquitoes. trust our family to protect yours.
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we have one more thing we wanted to show you from our trip to the congo. we have been in the depths of the bili forest with cleave hicks, who has been deeper into the forest than any other human. but when we visited the town of bili, we realized that protecting the chimps will require more than hunting down poachers. it's going to mean changing how
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people here live. the forest has always been a source of food. >> i think there's another monkey over there. >> monkey meat is sold openly in the market. >> eating prime mates like this puts all humanity in danger. >> chimp meat is illegal, so it's traded in less public places. we saw another grave threat to bili's chimps when we followed the chief ranger as he pursued a tip. he had been told that an army officer had a baby chimp and a baboon tied to a post. the information turned out to be correct. the officer was keeping the animals as pets. baby chimps often end up in the pet trade, that's illegal because they are endangered. the officer also planned to make a gift of the chimp. the chimp whose name is cobra
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was safed, but now the rangers had to figure out what to do with it. cobra was incredibly comfortable around us humans, baby chimps often are. but he is probably the sole survivor of the massacre of her entire family. and he will never be able to go back into the forest. hicks volunteered to find a new home for the little orphan. >> he has an amazing soul searching look. >> they are very, very adorable. but the question is, why is it difficult to reintroduce this chimp and other chimps in the wild? >> it would probably be killed by the chimps in the group. chimps are very zenophobic. they would kill him. >> so we need to take him to a sanctuary. >> long-term prison care. >> unfortunately, that's the best we can offer. >> hicks gently traded cobra off to his new life in a sanctuary.
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>> you're going to go see some more chimpanzees. >> cobra could live 20 years in wildlife captivity. he will have food and the company of other chimpanzees, but it's a far cry from his old life. which brings us back here to bili forest, one of the last places on earth where children n still be chimps. the forest has protected them for a millennia, now it's up to us. >> it's such a treasure for the world to have this untouched population of chimps out there. >> because we can't afford to let our closest animal relatives be pushed out of the forest that we once shared. >> reporter: coming up -- >> oh, donald. >> we call him donald. >> he has a bad hair do.
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>> political experts, wise beyond their years. >> reporter: what advise do they very to the candidates. the kids table. and i would know,because i'm literally in a stockade. [brad] my friend,look at those renters. [organ grinder] laa laa laaaa [brad] is that the sound of freedom? [organ grinder] la la laaa [man] he's a unique fellow huh? [brad] you can find that freedom on! take a, take a little look at that...i'll see you later. [man] what? [brad whistling] [man] thanks... [brad] change your apartment, change the world!'s a celebration of anyour daughter's first haircut that she gave...herself. 2 entrées and an app for just $20 at applebee's. school lunch can be difficult. cafeteria chaos. one little struggle... can lead to one monumental mishap.
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7:57 pm
>> reporter: mom always said, mind your manners, a good rule for everyone these days. especially the candidates for president that have been criticized by some as being down right childish. tonight we put that to our experts at the kids table. >> if i was in the race, i would cheat to win the race. >> he's like a little baby, soft, weak.
7:58 pm
>> donald's incessant whining and crying. >> kasich who eats like a slob. >> donald, we call him donald. >> he has a bad hairdo. >> i saw hers of her fighting on the news. >> wait a minute. come on. >> she was upset and she was talking. >> let's talk about the issues that divide us. >> we would say stop it. >> hillary please can you try to stop so we can figure this out? can you please tell me the problem and i would do my best to fix it. >> where were you? i mean really? >> she's wrong. first of all, this guy's a joke artist. and this guy's a liar. >> no arguing.
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because it might hurt somebody's kneeli feelings. >> i think it's bad, but i doatt home. >> if you fight with somebody, you say sorry and give them a hug. >> i would say be nice. >> i think my mom would be good for president. >> my dad. >> us. >> actually my mom. because she knows how to deal with people. >> reporter: oh, my goodness, can we vote for them? that's "on assignment" tonight. we'll see you on sundays at 7:00, 6:00 central for the next several weeks. we journey to a place where cameras have never been. >> i wanted to me save this part of the planet. >> a tropical land that time
8:00 pm
forgot. harry smith dives right in. >> it's amazing down there. . well, welcome, everybody! i'm your man, steve harvey, and this is "little big shots." ♪ folks, this season, we brought america some of the funniest... you mean this? harvey: ...and most mind-blowing kids in the world. folks, let's hear it for titus! [ cheers and applause ] tonight, we're looking back at 10 of the most incredible moments. unforgettable kids doing and saying some unbelievable things. don't interrupt me when i'm talking to steve harvey. ♪ moments you've seen. [ laughing ] and some new moments you haven't. so if you're ready to get to it, everybody say, "yeah!" yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! whoo-ooh!
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