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tv   Today  NBC  June 24, 2016 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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beyonce's mom. she's going to visit us and
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she's bringing along her significant other. >> even more than that, right? >> he's adorable. she's getting a very sweet honor next week in new orleans. we're happy for her. if you're looking for a way to make cash-cash from home, you'll meet three women who turned their passion into paychecks. >> our girl lilliana keeps her summer style in check in her "luxe or less." i wonder what she has for us today. >> she's doing something in the kitchen today. >> yes, she's making junk food. >> did you guys know? now we find out we would have done it. today, june 24, is take your dog to workday. >> they've done all these studies and they say there's all these benefits to bringing your dog -- oh!
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they say according to all these surveys that a lot of companies encourage it because it does so many great things for its employees. >> they say it increases productivity. i can't believe that. >> i think it does the opposite. if i had blake here -- >> me, too. >> what would she be doing? >> just playing with them, worrying about them pooing and peeing. >> i think i would get zero done. but they do think it makes the workplace happier for everyone else. >> absolutely. hoda, do you want to feel old? how old is the macaren snara? >> we know. take a guess. it's 20 years old. this is it right here. at every wedding they played it. at every -- almost every other celebration they played it. shall we try it?
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>> all right, let's have alex and don adorable come out. ♪ na na na na na na na na na ♪ hey, macarena. >> to the front. >> we were just here. >> my back side is not good. >> all right, that's great. >> memory lane, baby. >> thank you for all you do. >> can you believe we get paid? it's not enough, of course, but it's just so much fun. if you've ever been angry in the workplace and some days you want to say to your boss, you
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know what? i'm out of here. >> take this job and -- >> according to wall street, there are a lot of employees doing it this days. they're frustrated, the employees are young, they're hot-headed, they bellow a gaske. i think it's terrible when you're mad at work because everybody has had a terrible day, the boss treats you poorly, and then you regret it. i do think you have to take a second, and it does show how mature you are. can you stand it, like a terrible, horrible day, and then show back up to work the next day? if it's a terrible situation -- >> in you're being abusf you're >> or harassed, that's a no-no. >> i just i think it's that me culture. it's mine, i deserve that, and it's terrible. if you burn bridges, one day it will come back to you.
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>> think about any decision you made when you were really ticked off and think how bad it went. because at that moment when you lose your mind -- >> there doesn't seem to be a sense for some respect of authority in our culture. >> i think some people get hot-headed. >> if somebody is abusing you, get out of there, absolutely. when was the last time you were asked to be in a wedding or attend a wedding? how much do you think it costs for you to be part of a wedding? so they crunched all the numbers, they did it nationwide, so the average for a person who is asked to be in a wedding is $500. >> this is not somebody that's asked to be -- >> just to show up for a wedding. just invited. >> that's for your dress, your suit, travel. i don't go out and buy a new dress just because it's a wedding if you're a guest, do you? >> i never do, because i always wear the same stuff. >> that's a big expense, but i think frugality is a lovely
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thing. if it looks good, who cares, right? >> but you have the engagement party, the bridal shower and the wedding, all that stuff. now they say, what do you think is the average amount someone should pay for a wedding gift? there's a lot going on over there. >> well, according to a study -- >> try to run, gill! gill tried to run away! >> 94 bucks. the number one fear of guests is destination weddings that do the high cost destinations. >> $94. >> you know what we didn't talk about the other day? my bruise is so much better. i finally found something that works. >> what? >> makeup. remember we were going to talk about the bride who has already asked everybody who are her
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attendants to pitch in and pay for her dress, a $10,000 wedding dress. >> this was written up in "the sun" or one of those papers where she wanted a $10,000 dress and she wanted all her bridesmaids to kick in, in addition to buying their own dress and getting there. is that crazy? >> i would rethink the friend. >> i would definitely do that, too. >> there is apparently this adorable little video on instagram. it's a french bulldog named daisy who made friends with a koi fish. look at daisy kissing -- they bought this fish and almost instantly they became friends. >> he's licking the water off the fish. >> he's the only kiss he's licking. >> no, he's thirsty. the dog is thirsty. >> have a little romance in your heart. that's so sweet. do you know what time it is?
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it's friday funniefunnies. lots of kids are home this week because school is out and these are in honor of them. what do you call naucho cheese that's not yours? not yo cheese. why didn't the skeleton go to the dance? he had no body to go with. how do you make lady gaga mad? poke her face. how do oceans say hello? they don't, they just wave. that's what we're going to do. we're going to wave goodbye right now. >> we have blake lively coming up, and we have beyonce's mom, tina knowles. >> we have lilliana, we have everything. >> it's a big show. big show.
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it's so easy now. new brow drama pomade crayon from maybelline new york. our 1st creamy wax crayon sculpts and tames as it colors,
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in one easy swipe. maybelline's new brow drama pomade make it happen ♪ maybelline new york amber assumed all ranch dressings were made equal.rror. assume nothing. hidden valley ranch has artificial flavors. kraft ranch has no artificial flavors. no synthetic colors. no wonder it tastes so good. ask sherwin-williams during the great summer painting party! save 30% on paints and stains june 19th through julythth. visit to find the store nearest you. you can get a lot more for your money with applebee's two-for-20 deal. choose two entrees and an appetizer, all for just twenty bucks. 2 for 20 all day, every day, only at applebee's. lemony fresh, lemony fresh. ♪ lemony fresh.
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powerful clean. all natural ground beef.rying yeah, that's right. there's only one way to know how good it tastes. try it at walmart's low prices. ♪ headache? motrin helps you be an unstoppable "let's rock this" kind of mom. back pain? motrin helps you be a... "side planking, even though you'll feel it later" kind of woman. body pain? motrin helps you be an... "i can totally do this in one trip" kind of woman. when pain tries to stop you, motrin works fast to stop pain. make it happen with motrin® liquid gels. also try motrin pm to relieve pain and help you sleep.
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blake lively got her first big break at just 17 years old in "the traveling man." she got her start in the upper east side of "gossip girl." >> now she's taken far away from the big apple in "the shallows." she went to paradise.
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or so she thinks. >> just asking her, because i watched this movie. now that you're watching it all done and they have the music and all of that, does it scare you? and you said -- >> it's scary for different reasons, watching myself in a bikini for an hour and a half. >> if i looked like you in a bikini, i would watch that movie all night long. >> pop some popcorn. >> i feel good that i got to work out and get in shape, but it's mortifying. you know when you call yourself and hear yourself on your voicemail? physically it's very confusing. >> it was physically taxing, wasn't it, this role? >> you had to learn to surf,
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didn't you? >> i had the number one surfer in my surf double. my mom said, it doesn't look like y like you. >> this beach is very, very special to you, but you don't know that you're in shark waters. >> i'm actually on his feeding ground, and it's important to know. it's not necessarily shark behavior. they don't go out and hunt human beings. i'm in an area where you don't want to be. >> she's also a med student, so that helped you take care of yourself. >> your husband did a scary type movie before that. >> it's just him and a coffin, and it's absolutely terrifying to have to carry a movie by
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yourself and have to use your imagination, and i thought, i would never do that, which is why i needed to do it. >> to face your fears. >> exactly. >> did you notice, we made you some sharks because you're the baking queen. >> i keep looking like -- >> do you want a shark or do you want a fin? >> i want a chocolate one. why haven't you guys eaten this one? >> hoda will eat chocolate with you? >> you don't eat chocolate? >> she doesn't like sweets. >> i hope i'm a sweet person, but i don't love sweets. give me chips and salsa. >> you have to do salty sweet, though. >> cheers. >> you don't want a little bite? >> no, thank you. i love to watch hoda eat. >> mmm. this is good. does your little one have a sweet tooth? >> she sure does. but she eats anything. it's incredible. we were on an airplane the other day and they said, does she want
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hot dogs? and i said, no, she'll take whatever they're serving. they're serving smoked salmon. >> good for her. ryan was with us recently and he bragged about something, and i want to make sure he was not lying to us, because we don't like to be lied to, blake. let's watch. >> do you like changing the diapers, the stuff you have to do at midnight? >> i like the dirty work. the other day there was a diaper so bad i thought we had to move to another town, but otherwise, i'm fine with it. >> true? is that true? >> it is true, we moved because of that diaper. >> it's true that he loves the dirty work? >> he does love the dirty work. he's great, and he's so funny about it. the other day we were changing diapers and he said, you have to get rid of it, and i said, okay, and he said, no, not the diaper, the child. >> it's so obvious he is your best friend. >> he is my best friend and he's just the best father in the whole world. >> we like you guys.
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you're both so likeable. we wish you the best in everything, and you know what i'm talking about. >> i don't know what you're talking about. >> you know what i'm talking about. "the shallows" opens nationwide today. >>. coming up, junk food turned into delicious joy food.
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our bright, bold ocean spray craisins® dried cranberries transform everything. to show you, we're doing a taste test. but don't i need a fork? not for this taste test. which salad tastes better? "b." and which oatmeal is bursting with flavor? obviously "b." and... "b," "b," "b," and... mmm. ..."b." add a bright, bold taste to every bite. craisins® dried cranberries. flavor you can see. mmm. with l'oréal extraordinary oil. have dry, lifeless hair. a shampoo system with lightweight oils. eliminates dry hair in just one wash. 93% of women are satisfied. l'oréal extraordinary oil. expert care for demanding hair.
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mmmm. mmmm. the family favorite. yoplait. plumping surface cells for a dramatic transformation without the need for fillers. your concert tee might show your age... your skin never will. olay regenerist, olay. ageless. and try the micro-sculpting cream you love now with lightweight spf 30. every year we look for a bettsfx: sheep baaing. backyard. pretty sure this is a health code violation. fortunately there's get the credit you deserve
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and low monthly payments on brands like black & decker, samsung and kitchenaid. a beaver? the things you want, the credit you deserve. now you can! she is a fashion designer and philanthropist, but tina
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knowles will always rein supreme as the mother of beyonce. >> now she's receiving the first ever inspiring reward. >> it focuses on the power of women, and she will be a pioneer in the entertainment industry. way to go, girl, that's a big deal. >> and the first ever. >> i'm really excited about it. >> what did it mean to you when they reached out to you and said, we're going to give this to you? >> "essence" has been such a part of my history. i had a hair magazine back in the '80s, and we had boots there, and we premiered miss tina, my clothing line, there. it's great food, it's all these powerful women getting together. so for me it's almost surreal. i'm really honored to do it. i think it's one of the best
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things for african-americans to go down skpand enjoy the festiv. >> speaking of powerful women. i went to your daughter's concert. do you go with her on tour? >> i go two to three weeks into the tour to make sure everything is okay, she's okay, and then i go to certain cities. >> you know all the words? >> it's really amazing. >> we heard beyonce give a speech when she won that big fashion award not too long ago, and she spoke about you and your mother and just what the strength of the women that came before her mean to her. and i watched in the audience and you wiped a tiara wear away watching your daughter. what is it that struck such a chord with you? >> just to think about my mom, and what she instilled in me and how she took nothing and always turned it into something. it was just amazing. she's an amazing woman, and to
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pass that on to me and i tried to pass it on to my daughters. now they have access to all the beautiful clothes, but back in the day, you know, nobody would give me clothes. but we took lemons and made them into lemonade. >> you became a warrior. >> absolutely. at five years old, i had to. >> to survive. >> it was interesting when you said your parents had to barter their services at your school so you could get education. and then you made beyonce's prom dress, her grammy dress, her wedding dress, all her first dresses. >> she was so sweet to let me do that. she came back later one day and said, you know, when my daughter gets married, i'm going to let her pick out her own dress. maybe she wasn't so excited about it at the time, but -- >> we're looking at sweet right here. >> a different kind of sweet. >> you tied the knot with this
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wonderful man who you've known for a long, long time, right? >> for 33 years. >> he's just right off camera. is it hard being this close to him? >> come over and stand next to your girl. >> you've been married a little over a year now? >> yes, a year in april. >> and how happy are you? >> oh, my god, i'm really happy. we're still honeymooning. >> you are? >> tell us about it. >> it's been great, because we've always had a lot in common, and we're opening a theater together, and we're going to do a lot of non-profit things. richard is an amazing teacher and he has thousands of students he's helped, so it's going to be great to put those two things together. >> a different kind of warrior. god bless you both. thank you both so much for being with us. we'll be back with much more after your local news. this is 100% useful for a 100% fresh mouth.
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what's it like to not feel 100% fresh? we don't know. we swish listerine®. as do listerine® users. the very people we studied in the study of bold. people who are statistically more likely to stand up to a bully. do a yoga handstand. and be in a magician's act. listerine® kills 99% of bad breath germs so you can feel 100% in life. bring out the bold™. they give awards for spelling but everyone knows cheese.s. cracker barrel has won awards for their delicious cheddar and they put that cheddar in a new macaroni & cheese. can you spell delicious? delicious. d. e. l...
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bold sculpted lashes. introducing the spider effect from maybelline new york. bristles grab and group lashes, for bold, sculpted volume. extreme length. open your eyes to the spider effect. maybelline's new colossal spider effect make it happen. ♪ maybelline new york. presidential happening right now at 10:26, bernie sanders is revealing who he'd vote for in the presidential election. find out who sanders endorsed during the interview with morning joe. find the full story on our website, an alarming analysis showed
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undiscovered movement on the san andreas fault on our facebook. tony award winning musical "hamilton," including many students from here in the bay area. a fantastic story. you can find out more on our facebook page. some of that fog is burning off here on your friday. we'll have a look at weather and traffic after this.
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t in the south bay our temperatures will be heating up to the upper 80s even the upper 90s. gilroy up to 95 degrees. pacifica, 70. upper 80s in parts of palo alto. much cooler temperature as long the coast and hot for the inland valleys. fairfield, 96 degrees. oakland, 79 degrees. pleasanton a high of 90 degrees. we'll have more on this hot inland weather as we go into the weekend and early next week. let's head over to mike for a look at the roadways. >> we are going into the weekend so friday commute, very light around most of the bay, south bay. no slowing. peninsula a crash on north 101 north of 92 as you head up towards -- as you head up toward the ralston area. two lanes blocked from the latest report. that's jammed there. 280 a much easier drive. and the bay bridge was great but
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not as easy. midday commute starting into the city. back to you. >> spoke too soon. thank you for that report. we'll see you for our newscast in 30 minutes. we are back on this friday, and if you're a stay-at-home mom, or you're looking to make some money instead of that 9:00 to 5:00 gig. >> we're talking to moms who wrote about how they live. how smart. >> blogging is not only a way of life, it became a career. i talked to some families and they gave some tips on how you can do it, too. >> each of these ladies have found success in the most unlikely of places: on-line blogging. >> i became a stay-at-home mom,
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and prior to that i was a business consultant, so i was still looking for that creative outlet, and i was looking for a way to own something that was mine that i could build that i could watch for. >> i just remember being interested in on-line journals. then i began to see there were women out there actually creating businesses from these web sites. that's truly when my mind shifted. let me see how i can work this, i want to stay home with my children, i want to navigate my own career path. >> what do you blog about? >> a fashion for moms, and it grew to fitness, really anything that was relatable to my life. i might wake up one morning and blog about the chicken soup i made last night for my children. >> how do you cash in on the business of blogging? >> basically sponsored posts. brands will reach out to
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represent them, go to products. >> the power of recommendation mom to mom is golden. >> vera and audrey joined forces after connecting at a blogging conference in 2009. >> the first projects vera and i did together, we wanted to combine projects and blogging together. it was almost like a giant expo type of thing. >> there was a point for both of you where your blogs started taking off in such a way that you became the main breadwinner for your families. >> i seizuurpassed my husband's salary in 2007, and we looked eecat each other and said, i think we need to switch roles. you need to be the stay at home dad and i need to be the provider. >> this single mom blogs about 30 hours a week as a way to supplement her income. >> it was a perfect way for me to actually being with my daughter, work the hours i want to work.
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>> you can make a decent amount of money doing this. in the five figures? >> oh, yeah. definitely. >> the key to success? working with brands they truly believe in. >> if people knew the amount of things you and i have turned down, they would be probably shocked. we owe it not only to our reeders bree readers to be real and authentic. >> do you feel you're the ceo? >> i'm the ceo, the cfo and the marketing team all at once. and the social media coordinator. >> that's fantastic. >> for everything we know about these things, i had no clue that this was the kind of money that you could make. >> she was saying the last lady put her kids through college? >> she has made the money to put her kids through college. and the first two gals, vera and audrey, making in the six figures. they work all the time. they work hard. they call themselves hustlers because all three women are working really hard. it's not a hobby. >> all three of them blog.
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what should they be blogging about? >> it's important to blog about your passion, what you care about. this is a big job, it's all the time, and if you're not blogging about what you love and care about -- they're going to start getting offers from brands, do this, do that, and if you say yes to everything, soon you lose your self-respect -- >> and your credibility. >> exactly. >> when they say brands are calling you, they notice you and say, we have a product and want to put it on your site? >> hundreds of thousands of visitors on a daily basis for moms looking for tips and advice. so the brands have reached out and said, will you promote this product? will you review this stroller? will you talk about this trip to a resort? >> i loved that when linda said i'm the ceo, the cfo, the marketing team -- you run it like a business. if you go into it with a business mindset, it will have
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the same results. >> a localit of us don't have a business background. >> do you call them if they're not knocking on your door and say, hey, look, i have this site? >> you can't wait. you can call them and say, i'm taking my family on a trip to such and such a place. can we write about it on my blog? this is about social media. it's an on-line journal now. tweeting, facebook, pinterest, instagram, everywhere. you have to love social media and you have to be ready to be on all of them all the time. you're never off. >> what's last? >> you have to have an authentic voice. you want to be able to talk to your best friend every day. that's the way you have to be if you're going to do this. you have to talk about good things and bad, personal stuff. you can have some privacy, but
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you have to be real, authentic and funny. be that friend. if you're going to do this, put yourself out there. >> so many women make money blogging, but what does it take to be one of these three women? >> if you're thinking it's going to be a fun pastime, it's work. there are opportunities but you have to buy into how much work it is. >> that was really great. thank you very much. lilliana shows you how to look gorgeous in gingham for $50 or less. healthy sandwiches and joy food coming up right after this. . this is nice. does it come in a california king? getting roid rage. hemorrhoid. these are the worst, right? i'm gonna buy them. boom. i'll take them. impulse buy. ommmmmmmmmmm. presenting the american express blue cash everyday card with cash back on purchases. it's all happening. and no annual fee. here we go! cash back on purchases.
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backed by the service and security of american express. all natural ground beef.rying yeah, that's right. there's only one way to know how good it tastes. try it at walmart's low prices. at clorox 2 we've turned removing stains into a science. now pre-treat with clorox 2! watch stains disappear right before your eyes. remove 4 times more stains than detergent alone. because i trust their quality. made fish oil. they were the first to have a product verified by usp. an independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. nature made. the number one pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand.
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new root cover up.ion? 3 seconds to flawless roots. 3, 2, 1 roots gone! new root cover up by l'oréal hair oh my gosh! ask sherwin-williams during the great summer painting party! save 30% on paints and stains june 19th through julythth. visit to find the store nearest you. lips appear to age faster tno worries.kin. now, there's chapstick® total hydration. its 100% natural, age defying formula is clinically proven to provide healthier, more youthful looking lips. chapstick® put your lips first® we promise you the perfect match. french's mustard is 100% natural, and our ketchup has no high fructose corn syrup.
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we promise. real ingredients. is this my car? ck. state farm knows that for every one of those moments... what? this is ridiculous! there's one of these... sam, i gotta go... is this my car? what? this is ridiculous! this can't be happening! this can't be happening! oh, it's happening sweetheart. oh, it's happening sweetheart. shut up! shut up! that's why state farm is there, what a day... with car insurance, for when things go wrong. but also here with car loans, to help life go right. state farm. what a day!! the fastest food truck min brooklyn. meet mylanta® tonight. it's also fast, but unlike godawgs, it makes heartburn after dinner, history. new mylanta® tonight. faster than heartburn.
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dogs - sure can be messy. but with nexgard, their flea and tick killer doesn't have to be. nexgard, the vet's #1 choice for dogs, is a delicious, beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. so it's easy to give, easy to take. reported side effects include vomiting, itching, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. why mess around? for powerful flea and tick protection, ask your vet about nexgard. the #1 choice of vets for their dogs and yours.
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you are going to need a lot of napkins for this one, because joy bauer is about to turn your junk food into joy food! >> we were challenged to come up with two junk food favorites. sloppy jos and chili mac. >> when you get a regular sloppy joe and this first product comes from pratik from los angeles. i'm so glad he sent this in. we're going to use easy ingredients. we have olive oil and some lentils. the lentils will swap in for the fatty meat, a little maple syrup instead of sugar, we have tomato
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sauce, tomato paste. so here i have sauteing just a half of a chopped onion and a green bell pepper. i would say about 7 minutes. you want to get it nice and soft. we're going to start chucking things in now. this is one cup of cooked lentils. this is some tomato sauce. this is going to be tomato paste. you're going to put in a little bit of maple syrup because we want that sweetness. >> i want something that doesn't have a lot of calories. >> it's going to keep it nice and low. that's a little oregano, and some garlic. instead of doing it on a starchy bun, year going to do some cool. we're going to make zucchini boats. take your zucchini, slice it in half.
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all we're going to do is hollow it out like this. >> the whole way. >> all the way down. swap it over, then we're going to put in our filling, which is really yummy. >> then cook it up? >> we put it in the oven at 375 for 25 minutes. a little messy, but how about this, only 82 calories per zucchini boat. >> that's delicious. that is delicious. >> oh, my god! >> that's fantastic. i'm shocked. >> we went from 630 calories to 82 for both. so you could have seconds, thirds, fourths. >> and this big mac. >> this is from april. she challenged me to make over a big mac which is typically 540 calories. we're going to make the veggie mcjoy. instead of a big mac we'll call it a mcjoy. we've got zucchini, onion, and a
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little bit of garlic salt. let's make believe these g garbanzo beans are nice and mashed. this is one and a half cups of red cooked quinoa. >> i can't believe this is going to be a big mac. >> whe have a little bit of bred crumbs, a little mustard. >> we got to try it. >> when you do this, it's going to come out like meatloaf, right? we're going to shape them into our patties and then we're going to build them. while i build them, this one doesn't have onion for you, this one is for you, hoda. let me show you the special sauce here for a moment. you see the orange special sauce? all that is is light mayo mixed with ketchup. that's it. we went from 540 calories to 340
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calories, and there's no meat. is that yummy? >> it really is. >> do you like it? 340 calories for the whole entire thing. >> it's really good, joy. >> how do you do that, joy? coming up, lilliana shows you how to work your gingham style. >> right after this. >> i can't believe you did that. >> and they're pretty, right? >> gingham style. ♪ style. ♪ to see your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. but what if you could turn things around? what if you could... love your numbers? discover once-daily invokana®. it's the #1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. a pill taken just once in the morning, invokana® is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar
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in adults with type 2 diabetes. in fact, it's been proven to be more effective at lowering a1c than januvia. invokana® works around the clock by reducing the amount of sugar allowed back into the body, and sending some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for lowering systolic blood pressure or weight loss, it may help you with both. invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak, upon standing. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections, changes in urination, high potassium, increases in cholesterol, risk of bone fracture, or urinary tract infections, possibly serious. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis, which can be life threatening. stop taking and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms. or if you experience symptoms of allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing.
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do not take invokana® if you have severe liver or kidney problems or are on dialysis. tell your doctor about any medical conditions and medications you take. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. it's time to turn things around. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. there's only one invokana®. ask your doctor about it by name.
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♪ ♪
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wow, you look lovely. >> i know, a lot going on. affordable, just like our segment today. today is all about gingham. this is a trend you saw on the designer runway. oscar de la renta did this.
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this is our outfit from chic wish. if you notice the gingham on her, it's two pieces, but it's a bigger gingham. very modern and very cool. if you look up oscar de l de la renta, it's an exact replica, and it's a crop tank with a skirt. very cute. she looks beautiful. the next one, we have this multi-colored gingham. traditionally you see it white and red, white and black. this is an adorable dress. it's $49.90, and they mixed in a few other colors which gives it a casual, fun feel. an easy way to wear the trend. >> great neckline, too. >> here, last but not least, we have a very classic gingham with a very classic cut.
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this is a trench coat style dress. this is from it's only $32. looks like a million bucks. you can tie it around the waist so it's super flattering. and i love it with a white shoe that just has a single strap. super delicate. >> where would you wear all this stuff? >> i think summertime is the perfect time. a bridal shower, a baby shower. if you're going to church, it's a beautiful thing to wear there. >> how adorable is this gingham compact? charming charlie. they're getting creative. and you can tie this behind your back for a fun summer pop. club monica has so much gingham right now. they have they're adorable headbands if you're working out and want to tie your hair back, or if you're lounging at a pool in a cool swimsuit. >> it's very j.lo.
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>> it is. >> yours has a little -- >> it's a square quality, but it's off the shoulder. >> what about your shoes? we love you! >> love it, we'll be back in just a moment. >> but first this is "today" on nbc. >> you guys made me feel so
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coming up next, amazing before and after renovations. >> they're so sweet. >> plus a throwback thursday performance by 98 degrees. >> and with 4th of july right around the corner, we're going to show you how to throw the ultimate backyard bash. >> we want you to have an awesome weekend. what are you going to do, hoda? >> i'm going to be in the sunshine. that's where i'm going to live. >> i bet you won't wear any sunscreen. >> maybe i will this time. >> maybe you won't. whatever. some things never change.
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have an awesome weekend, everybody. can we make it spanking friday? >> no. i'm just going to walk out, though. the world's eyes are affixed to.
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right now at 11:00, the world's eyes are fixed to the markets which is shaken after the people of great britain voted to exit the european union. this is a live look right now at the dow. deep in the red, down about 500 points or a little less than 3% off of where it started the day. they are holding the line, though, about where the market has been situated all morning. good morning and thank you for joining us. i'm sam brock. >> and i'm kris sanchez. the stocks are taking the big hit. the announcement made in london late last night, 52% of votes to get out


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