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tv   Early Today  NBC  October 11, 2016 4:00am-4:31am PDT

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election sprinlt, with just four weeks to november 8th, donald trump plans vicious attacks on bill and hillary clinton if more damning tapes of him emerge. >> john mccain says he's not voting for either major candidate, but we'll tell you who he likes. >> massive flooding. at least 30 killed t. worst isn't over yet as the remnants of hurricane matthew continue. turn them off. that's the warning for anyone using a samsung galaxy note 7. >> beware of extremes, a new study on exercise and heart attacks. "early today" starts right now. >> it's great being with you this morning. i'm francis es rivera. >> i'm ayman mohyeldin.
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a lot of people are undecided. >> 28 days until election day, and the bottom falls out. the "washington post" says it all, the republican party stumbles toward anarchy, and it comes apart at the seams with trump at the have, offering red meat to his supporters. warning of a rigged system and all but ignoring the controversy that has his party fleeing. >> lock her up is right. we're going to get a special prosecutor to figure this deal out. i have never been so ashamed of this country as what's gone on with hillary clinton. and we have to make sure that this election is not stolen from us and not taken away from us. and everybody knows what i'm talking about. and there's crooked media, you talk about crooked hillary, they're worse than she is. >> trump threatened to throw more attacks against bill
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clinton for his infitdelity if more tapes are released. >> bill clinton sexually assaulted women and hillary clinton attacked those women viciously. if they want to release more tapes saying inappropriate things, we'll continue to talk about bill and hillary clinton doing inappropriate things. >> while trump failed to mention the 2005 video that caused his party to leave en masse, his surrogate rudy giuliani did it for him, at one point mocking the uproar over the lewd remarks. >> giuliani may be one of the only republicans laughing after paul ryan told his members it's now every person for themselves. saying he would no longer defend or campaign for trump and conceding for all intents and purposes, the white house is all but gone from republican hands. the rnc held its own conference call with members reaffirming its support for trump.
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meanwhile, mike pence says everything is fine between himself and the billionaire nominee, and that rumors of his defection is greatly exaggerated. arizona senator john mccain just having heard ryan's recommendations that he distance himself even further from trump in his own debate. >> i have daughters. i have friends. i have so many wonderful people on my staff. they cannot be degraded and demeaned in that fashion. so i had to withdraw my support just as i cannot support hillary clinton. i think i might write iplindsey graham. he's a good friends of mine and a lot of people like him. >> nancy o'dell, the woman at the center of the 2005 access hollywood video is speaking out for the first time since the tape was leaked. >> by now, i'm sure that most of you have heard the audiotape which became national news and part of the presidential race. my name was mentioned and unfortunately, the release of it has thrown me in the middle of
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the political arena of which i did not ask to be a part. there is no room for objectification of women or anyone. not even in the locker room. the conversation has gault to change because everybody deserved respect, no no mayor the gender or setting. >> hillary clinton holds her largest rally yet with an estimated 13,000 supporters gathered at ohio state university. >> he's insulted and demeaned women. he's disrespected and denigrated african-americans and latinos, muslims and p.o.w.s. people with disabilities and immigrants. he's an equal opportunity insulter, if there ever was one. >> that comes as clinton widened her lead against trump in our latest poll, now beating him nationally be 14 points in a head to head matchup. and in the battle grund state of florida, a judge says voters will have until wednesday to
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register after democrats sued following the governor's inaction on the issue after hurricane matthew knocked power out for thousands. >> today on the trail, clinton will be in florida where she'll be joined by al gore for the first time. while bill clinton also swings by the sunshine state and president obama will be in north carolina. eric trump hits colorado and donald trump also goes to florida. breaking news this morning. samsung has confirmed to nbc news it is permanently ended production of the galaxy note 7. meanwhile, samsung and federal regulators are telling owners to shut down their phones. some are overheating when charged. this includes the replacement phones for the model that was recalled after catching fire. consumer reports say it's an unusual event for a replacement model to have the same defection as the original one. the safety commission chairman
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said no one should have to be concerned that their phone will endanger them, their family, or their property. at&t, sprint, and t-mobile. even verizon all say they have stoppeded selling are no longer offering new replacements for the galaxy note 7. the safety commission welcomes samsung's action, saying due to the ongoing safety concerns associated with galaxy note 7 phones it's right to move the samsung to stop the sale. >> hurricane matthew pummeled the coast, leaving behind a trail of destruction and in some cases death. some 30 lives have now been lost here in the united states due to the storm. and while hufrb matthew may be gone, states like north carolina are coping with historic flooding. according to the state's governor, over 1500 people became stranded as rivers and waters there rose. many took the their roofs to look for rescue and help as neighborhoods were ravaged,
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roads entirely shut down, and bridges washed away, forcing many to try to plow through the waters on their own. >> had to walk through water, all the way up to my stomach with my kids. it was horrible. >> everybody is crying. everybody's scared. >> it could get even worse as the floodwaters have yet to crest. the state's governor is warning residents while the storm has passed, they shouldn't let their guard down. one death has also been reported in virginia. >> meanwhile, electricity returns for many in florida where over 1 million people faced power outages at the height of the storm. that number is now down to 100,000 state-wide. >> also new this morning, a 4-year-old florida girl's frightening odirdeal is now ove. rebecca lewis was found safe in memphis, tennessee, two states and 800 miles away from her home. a man known as west wild hogs took rebecca. he's described as a family
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friend. they say he was surprised when he showed up at their home, but rebecca's parents relieved she's found alive. >> i want to find my daughter and bring her home. >> everybody who helped us along the way, media, facebook, everybody, the fbi, everybody. we're glad she's safe. >> the man known as west wild hogs is now under arrest. police are working on a plan oo reunite rebecca with her parents. >> there's a new study that finds working out while stressed, angry, or upset, can triple your risk of having a heart attack within an hour. researchers surveyed over 12,000 people from 52 countries after they suffered from heart attacks and found that heavy exertion and an angry or upset mood are both triggers. but when combined, they're mch more dangerous. it's an issue for those who don't exercise frequently because regular exercise is a great stress reliever that helps prevent heart disease. researchers' advice, simmer down before engaging in strenuous
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activity. let that be the reason you don't work out. >> just ahead, a new study finds girls in the u.s. rank 32nd in the world. how is that possible? we'll explain. >> and bill karins is here with stormy weather headed for the west coast. >> we haven't talked about bad weather in the west, but rainy season is approaching and the jet stream is approaching, and stormy days ahead. another nice day, but wednesday into thursday, the rain comes in. look at these rain totals. that's 4, 5, 7 inches. coastal areas, higher elevation, could have local floodingssues in the i heat going into the weekend in the desert southwest. beautiful day today in l.a. "early today" is back in two. more "stay" per roll.
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more "sit" per roll. more "who's training who" per roll. bounty is two times more absorbent. so one roll of bounty can last longer than those bargain brands. so you get more "life" per roll. bounty. the long-lasting quicker picker upper. and try bounty napkins. heels can be a woman's fashion secret. but it's no secret that they hurt. the foot care experts at amope now turn your heels into sneakers. new gel active insoles are made of ultra-thin concentrated gel. they even fit into slender shoes to keep you looking great and feeling good. new gelactiv,
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get one for every shoe in your closet. from amope. love every step. now, you can try amopé gelactiv for free. go to for more details. fortified.tored. replenished. emerge everyday with emergen-c packed with b vitamins, antioxidants, electrolytes plus more vitamin c than 10 oranges. why not feel this good everyday? emerge and see.
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baseball fans, it is the end of an era. big papi calls it a career. a tearful david ortiz raised his cap to the boston faithful after the red sox were swept by the cleveland indians. chants of we're not leaving, and thank you, papi, rained down for 14 minutes. he had a career in boston that included three world championships and ten all star appearances. >> red sox nation is going to miss him. >> are american girls living up to their full potential? in a new report, u.s. girls find themselves 32nd out of 144 countries on its girls opportunity index. the rankings are based on five factors. maternal mortality, adolescent fertility, school completion, and interestingly enough, the rate of women in government. and at the top of the rankings are sweden, finland, and norway, and niger finished last.
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>> women in government, that's critical. >> happening this morning, fresh signs of improving relations between russia and turkey. vladimir putin and turkey's president renewing their support for a pipeline project between the two countries. it's dubbed the turkish stream. one pipeline would be for turks domestic use and one for natural gas for southeasten europe, bypassing countries like ukraine. turkey and russia are working to norm normalize relations. >> just ahead, a major food recall to warn you about. >> plus, as samsung deals with massive damage control over the galaxy note 7, can you guess which company is up 28% in the past five months. no surprises. we'll tell you next. people alway let's just get a sandwich or something. you don't just learn how to drive... or solve the world's problems... be a dad... "or something"
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and we don't just make sandwiches "or something" we hand-slice avocado, pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and craft every sandwich clean from top to bottom... there's nothing "or something" about it. panera. food as it should be. no, no, no, no, [music] people are both soft and strong... yey! which is why our products are too. angel soft. listerof bad breath germs for a 100% fresh mouth. feeling 100% means you feel bold enough to... ...assist a magician... ...or dance. listerine®. bring out the bold™
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bounty is two times more absorbent. more "sit" per roll. so one roll of bounty can last longer than those bargain brands. so you get more "life" per roll. bounty. the long-lasting quicker picker upper.
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fast forwarding today, the u.s. supreme court will hear arguments in the legal battle between apple and samsung. justices will consider how much of a $399 million award samsung should have to pay apple over its infringement of apple's patented iphone design. president obama will focus the espn student forum focusing on the my brother's keeper initiative in greensboro. it will focus on the role and legacy of historically black colleges and universities. >> and it's a sign the holidays
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are approaching. the ice rink at rockefeller center will traditionally open. >> before that happens, we have to get to the pumpkins and jack-o'-lanterns first. >> facebook is hoping to tap into some of the 60 million companies that have a facebook page, but note 7 troubles are proving to be music to investors ears. >> good morning. just shut it down. that's what samsung is telling owners of its galaxy note 7 phone amid reports even replacements are catching fire. the ceo of verizon telling cnbc, there is the worst cell phone crisis he's ever seen. apple stock is soaring to its highest this year in anticipation thatmany samsung users will swap to the iphone. and facebook is launching a new product for business called workplace by facebook. the new app will allow coworkers
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to communicate through text, group chat, and video. it will cost up to $3 a month for user and the social media giant is competing with companies to make business collaboration easier. >> and we all love cookie dough, but not when it might cause serious illness or death. for the second time in a month, ice cream producer blue bell is pulling all flavors that contain cookie dough because it might have been exposed to listeria. it was produced by the firm involved in the recall of two flavors. >> thank you. at least cookies and cream still intact. >> just ahead, which insurgent star had a real live run in with police. >> plus, the sweater that stole the show at sunday's second presidential debate. you're watching "early today." ( ♪ ) come on, dad. ( ♪ ) ♪ they tell me i'm wrong ♪
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♪ ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. what twisted ankle?ask what muscle strain? advil makes pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil. psh psh lunch is ready! campbell's spider-man soups. made for real, real life.
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thanks mom bounty is two times more absorbent. more "sit" per roll. so one roll of bounty can last longer than those bargain brands. so you get more "life" per roll. bounty. the long-lasting quicker picker upper. so the internet has found a brand-new hero. it's this guy here. that is ken bone, the undecided voter in that cozy bright right sweater from sunday night's presidential debate. and one twitter user summed it up, calling him and his presence the human version of a hug. well, the internet blew up with all kinds of memes and tweets almost immediately which sparked haynes across the country, and bone's newfound fame even got him a slot on jimmy kimmel. >> i like one question. i would like to go to the studio audience. someone has a question for ken. go ahead, sir. >> yeah, last night, when you asked about energy policy, there
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was something i knew i needed to ask you. how did you ever get such a fresh and cool style? >> that's a great question. >> ci would love to say i was born with it. i think the short answer is that my wife dresses me, like all great americans. >> he has got a point there. at least he looks leak s like d be at a fireplace. >> he's such a great sport. that sweater has sold out online, apparent lay, so he's been a champ about it. >> here's good news for you, shailene woodley has been released from jail after being arrested in a pipeline protest. she was engaged in a peaceful protest when she was arrested for criminal trespassing. she documented the incident on facebook live. >> i was walking back to my rv to go back to camp peacefully, and they grabbed me by my jacket and said i wasn't allowed to
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continue, and they had giant guns and batons. and they're not letting me go. >> the video, which is over two hours long, has almost 3 million views. she has received an outpouring of support, including from actor mark ruffalo. who tweeted i stand with shailene woodley. what i meant by good news is she's an activist, somebody who is getting tremendous support online. people are coming to her defense for taking that position. nice to see when you get a-list celebrities like that taking up important causes. >> a lot of impact when you do two hours of facebook live. >> there's a band, deathcab for cutie, and they released a new video. can you guess from the silhouette? >> i think the hair gives it away. >> donald trump themed music video. the song is called "million dollar loan" and it tooks aim at the moment trump claimed he built his fortune with a, quote, small loan of a million dollars. watch a bit. ♪ million dollar loan but he
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makes it on their own ♪ ♪ a million dollar loan you reap what you have sewn ♪ ♪ a million dollar loan call your father on the phone ♪ ♪ get that million dollar loan >> catchy, isn't it? >> forget the lyrics, the video, but if you listen to the melody, very catchy. >> the song is part of a program called 30 days, 30 songs where new saupgs will be release from anti-trump artists every day until election day. >> all right, just ahead, the unlikely critic going on offense against those nfl protests. >> and look at this. donald, he meets his mini me. we'll bring you those details up next here on "early today." (coughs) that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough.
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fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. more "sit" per roll. more "stay" per roll. more "who's training who" per roll. bounty is two times more absorbent. so one roll of bounty can last longer than those bargain brands. so you get more "life" per roll. bounty. the long-lasting quicker picker upper. and try bounty napkins.
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he's supposed to look like donald trump, but he's actually much too good looking. you're really handsome. are you having a good time tonight? >> tonight. >> where's your daddy? and your mommy, right? you want to go back? do you want to go back to them or stay with donald trump? >> trump. >> i think donald trump, his reaction there is priceless as well. the same kind of hairstyle. he brings a surprise guest on stage. a toddler dressed up as the reality star himself earning cheers, elating the nominee, and setting social media on fire. of course, that video is going
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to go viral. >> and a lot more donald trumps i'm sure, during halloween as well. >> on to this story here. a man accused of killing two palm springs police officers is expected to be formally charged in court today. he was arrested over the weekend for the shooting deaths of officer jose gilbert vega, a 35-year veteran of the course, and leslie seberne, who recently gave birth to a baby girl. capital murder charges are expected to be files and they will seek the death penalty. the outpouring of emotion continues. last night, another vigil was held. >> that really breaks my heart. >> as nfl protests continue during the national anthem, one member of the supreme court is not a fan. in an interview with yahoo, justice ruth bader ginsburg weighs in on colin kaepernick and others protesting. >> i think it's really dumb of them, would i arrest them for doing it?
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no. it's dumb and disrespectful. >> it's not the first time ginsburg has made waves this year by revealing personal opinions. in july, she expressed regret after insulting donald trump. >> as scientists work towards another obstacle, a study that find long-term exposure to radiation in space travel could lead to permanent brain damage, including anxiety, depression, and impaired decision making. that's aside from the cancer riff. no need to worry about the astronauts on the international space station. it stays within the earth's magnetic field. so interesting when you find that, you know, a lot of people are fascinating with space and science out there, but certainly in this case -- >> especially as the private space exploration gets to take off more and more, people are going to have to pay attention to that. >> great to be with you here on this tuesday morning. i'm frances rivera. >> and i'm amyman mohyeldin. have a terrific day. we'll see you right back here
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tomorrow morning. a man found dead in san jose--
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detailon the inveigation-- live from the scene. breaking news. a man found dead in san jose. we have details on the investigation and we're live from the scene. >> plus a scary night for east bay officers. the hazmat situation that sent three to the hospital. >> flames growing dangerously close to homes, the fight to contain a fire burning in wine country this morning. "today in the bay" starts right now. good morning, thank you for joining us. i'm scott mcgrew in for sam brock. >> i'm laura garcia-cannon. let's get straight to the forecast for this tuesday morning. monday is behind us. >> thank goodness. >> but we've had the same weather follow us. low clouds to start this morning and temperatures in the 40s and 50s outside. you can see the m


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