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tv   Comunidad del Valle  NBC  November 20, 2016 9:30am-10:01am PST

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valle." i'm damian trujillo, and today, baseball without borders, bringing america's pastime to every corner of the globe, on your "comunidad del valle." male announcer: nbc bay area presents "comunidad del valle" with damian trujillo. damian: they are the organizers of the baseball without borders foundation. with me are juan bustos jr. and juan bustos sr. i'll let you guess which one is which here on "comunidad del valle." welcome to the show. juan bustos jr.: thank you. damian: well, you brought some great merchandise, and this is just fabulous. i mean, just the title itself, baseball without borders. i'll let you, juan sr., talk first of all about your foundation and the great work that you're doing, and you provided us with some beautiful video. go ahead. juan bustos sr.: baseball without borders started in 1995
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in august. we wanted to give the young people an opportunity to travel abroad. i was in the military. i was stationed overseas in japan and i was able to travel, and i wanted to bring that to our youth, and baseball was a means for that. damian: but you know that the rest of the world, the predominant sport is soccer. juan sr.: correct. damian: how have they accepted baseball? i mean, i know that the latin america countries all over it, but how have they been accepting of baseball? juan sr.: you would be surprised how big baseball is throughout the world. we have donated baseball equipment to 29 different countries. next month, we're proud to say that we will be donating baseball equipment to our 30th country, and that is cambodia. damian: wow. juan sr.: we sponsor two baseball teams in ghana, africa, one team in granada, nicaragua, four teams
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in the yucatan near chichen itza, one team in cozumel, and many teams in mexicali, mexico. damian: i mean, juan, it's not about just showing up to that country and dropping that bag of equipment, saying, "go out and play." i mean, what about the fundamentals of baseball? how does that take shape? juan jr.: you know, it--there's so many varying degrees in playing ability here and abroad, and we've seen them all. and one of the prouder things that i have to say about baseball without borders is we've never said no to a kid. you know, you go to a lot of local travel tournaments, and travel ball, and they want the top notch players, the players that are on every all-star team. we want everybody that wants to go out and see the world, and one of those ways is to bring the equipment. not just drop it off, but to actually have the kids give it to another kid from another country that they've never seen, that they've never met, that, aside from this, they would have no way of ever meeting them in their lives. so, that's a real powerful thing when they're able to actually
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exchange that. and not only just, you know, "here's a glove, here's a helmet, here's a, whatever," but after the game, you know, talk to them, find out about them. and you know, our world is getting smaller. we have kids that played on our team--we kind of joined a team when we were in nicaragua. a lot of our players still communicate with them through facebook or twitter, whatever it happens to be. so, yeah, it's not just drop it and leave it, and, "hey, it was a great vacation. we have some pictures." but they really do, they stay in touch and they've really broadened their horizon and really expanded what they're doing. damian: is mlb involved at all? and if not, you guys are basically ambassadors of the game to the rest of the world. juan sr.: we are. mlb unfortunately does not-- damian: sanction? juan sr.: help us out, recognize us. we are ambassadors. in our baseball giving program this morning, i was on facebook talking to ghana, africa, sri lanka, the philippines, and this afternoon, mexico.
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so, i mean, all around the world, literally, in one day. damian: i mean, is it stretching to say maybe there's a scout somewhere who is gonna recognize a kid in ghana and be the first ghanan player in professional baseball? juan jr.: you know what? it wouldn't be a stretch. i talk to a lot of coaches, high school, college coaches, and they're very interested in what we've seen, you know, around the world, bringing teams here, taking teams there. so, it wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility that, you know, we come back and i talk to a friend who knows a friend who said, "hey, you know, you might want to take a trip here and check this kid out." damian: that's pretty awesome. well, it's called baseball without borders foundation, and they do travel the world as ambassadors of america's pastime. there's the web address and telephone number. we'll be back to talk more about this great organization when we continue after this. [music]
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foundation. i know you've all seen the clip, the great movie called, "the perfect game." it's about these chavalitos in mexico who are used to playing in dirt. they've never seen--they'd never seen a baseball field live in person. it was only on the radio. i would imagine that this has been the experience of all these young kids in these countries that you've visited. i mean, going from playing on a dirt, pebbled, field surface to beautiful, manicured baseball fields here in the states. juan jr.: we've seen a little bit of both. we've seen a little bit of both. we've seen that, where, you know, they have an all dirt field, pebbled outfield. we even played a game in nicaragua where there were cows in center field. damian: shagging balls? juan jr.: believe--a ball got hit out there, the cow nicely moved out of the way. our kid got the ball, threw it back, and the cow moved back to what he was doing. so, they know the game. they know to respect the guidelines. but we see that a little bit, both, and it's an eye-opener for some of our kids here who do play on fairly well-manicured
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fields to go see what other kids have to play on. damian: and here's some of those beautiful images that--i mean, they get to experience the life that maybe they wouldn't without baseball without borders. i would imagine that their skill sets are pretty incredible when they're dealing with bad hops because of those pebbled fields. i mean, you don't get too many bad hops here when they're nice and manicured. juan sr.: they are very good at what they do, and that's what we try to do, to show our kids their competition. their future competition is this young man from nicaragua who has no other life than to play baseball, and he's hungry. our kids have nintendo, they have the mall. no, these kids do not. that's their way out. in the dominican republic, mexico, nicaragua, costa rica, they're all hungry. these latin american countries, africa--the africans are up and
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coming. they really are. cambodia's starting their baseball program. the philippines is getting back to where it was. it's all over. damian: so, they don't have the ability to go home after their at bat's and check on their ipads and see, "how's my swing going?" why the passion in the bustos family for this? juan jr.: oh goodness. my baseball--my family's been a baseball family for as long as i could remember. my grandfather played professional in nicaragua, and i think that's where it kind of started from. filtered down through my mom and her brothers, and my dad got going. you know, he saw a need for extra help for a lot of kids, and he stepped up, and you know, saw a hole here. and you know, baseball is the way that we are able to introduce different cultures to different kids here. you know, one of my favorite stories is when we were in italy. after one of our games, they had a barbecue, and some of our kids sat down and tried to talk to the italian kids and couldn't figure it out. well, they had a kid that spoke spanish, we had a couple kids that spoke spanish,
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so it was english, to spanish, to spanish, to italian, and then back around. so, you know, baseball is the way that we do it, but the real treasure of this is the cultural exchange, at least on the travel side of it. i'm sure if you ask the kids, they might remember who won some games, they might remember who lost some games, but they remember those memories on that. as far as the donating equipment, you know, i'll let him talk about it. that's really what drives him. that's really his passion. damian: yeah, tell us about that, because it's--i mean, it's not cheap. juan sr.: no, it's not. we use every means to get equipment to these kids around the world. we knew of a group that went to ghana, africa. they took 14 bags for us. and when i mean 14 bags, we're talking 14 duffle bags at 50 pounds each, free of charge. so, we use economic means. we use one of the airlines, they only charge $25 per bag, 10 bags.
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i just got back from orlando, florida, dropping off six bags for nicaragua, for the kids in bluefields, nicaragua, who have--when the equipment gets to managua, it stops there. it doesn't filter to these kids in bluefields, nicaragua. so, we take--we fill that void. we put it on ships for the kids in the philippines. we've sent--this past summer, we sent 11 balikbayan boxes, 24" by 24" by 24", full of equipment, 11 in 45 days. damian: i'm sure you're taking donations also, whoever can donate equipment or whatever they can. juan sr.: we have a young man in atascadero, a little boy, i believe he's 10 years old. he's doing his own fundraising of equipment for us, 11 years old. we have--we just got a call from eureka, california, said they have 75 helmets for us.
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i mean, so, when we talk about equipment, you see me perk up. i don't know if you feel-- damian: no, that's it. well, next time you guys make a trip to italy, just let me know. maybe we'll find a news crew to kind of accompany you. juan sr.: oh, that'd be awesome. that'd be awesome. damian: it's baseball without borders foundation, and they're here locally--local. there is their web address for more information, and you can also dial that number and get ahold of them that way as well. thank you so much for what you're doing in spreading the word and being those ambassadors. juan sr.: thank you, thank you. we invite everyone, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, players, brothers, sisters. everyone's welcome to come. damian: all right. good luck. both: thank you. damian: and up next here on "comunidad del valle," a latino tech summit. stay with us.
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with me on "comunidad del valle" are jaqueline hernandez with lulac and also luis chavez with the institute for corporate inclusion. welcome to the show. both: thank you. damian: tell us about your group first of all, luis, the institute for corporate
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inclusion. luis chavez: yeah, the latino institute for corporate inclusion is an organization, non-profit, that's been around for a number of years. and a couple of years ago, we were given a sponsorship and support to do an ict study, information communications technology, and some stem, to look at the diversity issues. and where are latinos? if they're going into the field, are they getting in? are they getting jobs? are they going into the career of ict tech industry? and what we found in that study was some pretty disturbing news in terms of how many latinos are getting in. and for those that do get in, they have a wonderful life and career, and the companies benefit from this wonderful richness that latinos have to bring to the industry. but this study showed some really tangible things that we could do. so, we decided as an organization to partner with other organizations, latino organizations, that are interested in this. and so, very happy to say that the lulac organization stepped up, the national lulac leadership,
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with lici, and other members were starting to bring other latino organizations together to put together an annual latino tech summit that won't be--we don't want it to be just a once and done. we want it to continue throughout the year. so, we're developing strong, deep partnerships with corporate industry, with local companies, grassroots organizations, and non-profits to focus on the issues. damian: that's what it takes. and jaqueline, lulac is--i mean, it's no secret. it's been at the forefront of latino activism. was this kind of a no-brainer to partnership in venturing into this? jaqueline: well, actually, lulac, one of their pillars is actually technology, and it all started with the initiative of the empower hispanic america with technology. and those is just we bring technology centers to the communities that are in need. so, in those communities, those centers are actually for the community. it's free of charge. it's for them to have access to internet to be able to bridge that digital divide that's very important. damian: and that's where it starts, right? i'm wondering, when you're talking about inclusion, it starts at home, where we're 5, 6 years old, when we're not able to log on the wifi.
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luis: right. and one of the things that we found in the study was that the idea of tinkering, so the play that young adults--young children have around this idea that playing around with objects or even games can be actually part of that career--understanding the career and getting in. so, what we're trying to do here is to connect the dots between what happens in a child's life as they're growing, young adult, high school, community college, or college, and beyond. how do we connect these dots? because there's certain things that can be done with young adults so that they see the possibilities. even being in this studio, everything is high tech now. so, having young adults come in and see what happens behind the scenes in the studio is part of that understanding that, wow, ict really represents almost every facet of our community life. damian: that's a good point. and this isn't a regional concern for lulac. i mean, this is at the national. you come from national headquarters. jaqueline: yeah. actually, yeah, we do. we have--up to now, we have 60 ehat centers, so the empower hispanic america with technology, and then we partner with
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other non-profit organizations. and with that, it's just, yeah, we give the community a chance to be able to--you know, for a lot of the students, at least high school students, and also parents going to those centers to actually go and either apply for jobs, or learn more about the technology, or learn how to use computers, since a lot of the hispanic community isn't really aware of how to use those. damian: and it's no fault of their own, these families, right, and these kids. i mean, it's just the access part. luis: right. and part of it is just not knowing or not having access at home. and some of the schools obviously, you know, they're lacking the equipment, or internet access. there's been a lot of advancements done, but we're seeing still with all the good work that's been done by educators and some companies that are really becoming great partners with education, there still is an urgency. and so, we felt that, you know, we needed to speak up for our community and to come together with other partners that want to kind of focus in on this issue and really develop a longer-term agenda. so, we're starting with this latino tech summit, but we're really trying to establish a
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community of action around this. damian: so, what happens? because now you have the information that you want and you want to move forward, so what happens at this tech summit? round tables, and discussions, and brainstorming? luis: yeah, it's exciting. we have a number of lined up speakers from different corporate entities, grassroots organizations, non-profits that are looking at, you know, what do you need at the various levels. so, we have multiple tracks that are gonna be situated for the 3 days. so, the first day really is just an opening reception with facebook. so, they're hosting us. it's wonderful. and then beyond that, we're gonna have various companies' representatives and also government agencies that are involved with trying to help students find their path. in particular, in this case, the ict path. damian: all right. well, that's the latino tech summit, coming to santa clara university. and we do have some information for you if you'd like to log on and find out more about what might be happening at the latino tech summit. there is a web address? luis: yes, damian: okay. so, log on to that. and then what are the dates for the summit? luis: november 30 in the
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afternoon/evening for the reception, and then the following 2 days, december 1, december 2, thursday, friday, full days. damian: we're not messing around here. all right, well thank you so much. and there is the information now actually on your screen. there is the web address for more information. it is at santa clara university. thank you so much for what you're doing. luis: thank you very much. damian: and we'll see you on telemundo in about a half hour. jaqueline: yes. damian: and up next here in "comunidad del valle," a tribute to our dakota brothers and sisters. stay with us. -lois pricese. [ifrom grocery outlet.
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- hi, it's... the rest of us! - hey there. - hi! - hey. loifor over 60 years now, grocery outlet has been selling the brands you know and love, for up to 60% less than what you'd pay at traditional grocery stores. - and check this out. lois: we've got meats and produce, naturals and organics, at prices that'll make you wanna sing. - good thing we've got a really catchy theme song. hit it! - ♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪ - ♪ bargain market ... now it's stuck in my head. comunidad on "que pasa." [music] [music] [music]
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damian: and our saludos for those celebrating a special day. felicidades. [music] damian: and here is our contact information. you can follow me on twitter. my handle is @newsdamian. also, pick up a copy of "el observador" newspaper and support your bilingual weeklies all across the bay area. you can also watch us on telemundo canal 48 in 1 hour. one hour from now. "comunidad del valle" in espanol on telemundo, canal 48. thank you for sharing a part of your sunday with us. we're gonna leave you now with a special tribute to our brothers and sisters in north dakota. pase usted, buenos dias. [music]
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[music] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] female: we see the direction of the sun. star that is near. the giver of light, light. [music]
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[music] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] female: saludamos--give thanks to our mother earth, that mother who takes care of us, that one day we will return to, to return back to nature, to the earth. [music]
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[music] [music] male: hey! [speaking in foreign language] female: the direction of the east, of the west, of the north and the south. the four directions of life. the four elements. the four-- the four seasons. to give thanks to the creation.
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[music] [music] [music] [music] [music]
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[music] [music] [music] [music] [music]
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