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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  December 6, 2016 6:00am-7:01am PST

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recommendation. >> the clock is still ticking on a possible new stadium deal for the oakland raiders. the team already has a firm place in the works. east bay cities are trying to stage a fourth quarter rally to keep the team led by hall of famer ronnie lott. alameda county supervisors are meeting to discuss the plan and tomorrow oakland city council members are holding a closed door session. "today in the bay" continues right now at 6:00 with continuous breaking news coverage of the deadly oakland warehouse fire. a live look at the podium outside the staging area by the warehouse on 31st and international boulevard. it looks like they're just getting ready for a news conference which is expected to start any moment now. we'll have an update on the investigation. >> that's right. we've also got a live look at oakland, the bright light in the center of your screen. that's the scene of the fire where investigators are still trying to clear out the warehouse. they got 75% cleared so far. good morning and thanks so much for joining us on this tuesday.
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i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> i'm sam brock. let's get you caught up about what we know regarding the fire and the latest figures. 36 confirmed dead. ha is the same number as yesterday pending this news conference. 33 of those victims have been identified. not all of their names have been released. the fire started late friday night during a dance party at the warehouse who had an art collective on the bottom floor. so far crews have been able to search about 75% of the warehouse. we'll start with this press conference. >> that's right. about to get under way in oakland. we can show you live pictures of the news conference. let's listen in. there's jonna watson from the oakland police department getting ready to address the media with new information about the deadly oakland warehouse fire. 36 people confirmed dead, 33
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identified so far. 75%, they've gone through the debris of the building. they had to stop yesterday to see if it was structural safe for the firefighters to continue. they deemed that it was. pg&e brought in a crane to assist with some of the equipment that they had to move around from the site as well. painstaking labor for these firefighters. not only that, but emotional as well. >> the emotional process, the long shifts they've been working. laura, when you talk about 75% of the warehouse being searched so far, one area that has not been that we heard from melinda drayton from oakland fire was the area where they believe the fire started by the center back of the building. the atf corded that area off. let's listen in. >> i want to make sure everyone can hear us. we're going to go ahead and get started. thank you for joining us.
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my name is officer johnna watson, one of the public information officers for the oakland police department. we would like to provide you with an operational update. at this time i'd like to turn it over to alameda county sheriff's deputy tya modest. there has been no change overnight in the total number of victims located and recovered. the numbers have shifted within the 36. at this time we have 26 families that have been notified. we have nine tentative ids and we still have one doe remaining that needs to be notified. >> please allow me to introduce
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the oakland battalion chief. he'll update you on what took place last night and early this morning. >> good morning. as you recall, yesterday we were forced to suspend recovery operations due to the instability of the structure. working throughout the day yesterday and last night, we were able to remove the parapet wall that was presenting the greatest danger and also able to put in some shoring to stabilize some of the flooring areas. this morning at 2:20 we went back in and resumed recovery operations. at this time we've been able to search through the building and clear approximately 85% of the building right now. we'll be continuing that throughout the day. there's one corner that remains unstable. and then that's another thing that we're going to be doing throughout the day today, stabilizing that corner so we can search that last section.
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>> i'd like to update our citizens and our community regarding the pg&e planned power outage. currently the power is still off in this specific area. they are anticipating that the power will be returned by maybe 8:00 a.m. but right now safety is paramount, so the power will remain off while the crane and heavy equipment is here, still processing the scene. i would also like to call in my partner, public information officer marco marquez. we'd like to provide information to our community. we have a lot of very good willed citizens, community members, people outside of the city of oakland, outside of the state, even outside of the country who want to donate. deservingly so donate.
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we are logistically it's challenging for us to take donations here. we have a system set up and we have information we would like to share for anyone who would like to donate. please allow him to provide that information. >> good morning everyone. my name is marco marquez, one of the oakland police department public information officers. the information i'd like to share with you is there is a web page set up on and if you go in the search bar there and search oakland fire or victims of the oakland fire, you will see a link that is connected, that is set up by the city as well as the red cross. here at the site we're experiencing an overwhelming amount of support, people coming in and bringing food and asking how to donate financially. it is overwhelming here. it is set up online to where you
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can make those donations, whether you're here or if you're across the nation or even international. we all know the magnitude of the impact here on the families, as well as our community. and one way we're asking those who want to give back, to give back through this website. it goes a long way. the funds will be appropriately distributed. and if you visit that site, you can see how, but this is just n for the community. we know you're praying, we know your thoughts are with us. if you can donate, please go to i'll start on the right and we'll work our way around. go ahead, sir. >> [ inaudible ].
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>> surely. that -- the left corner of the building, we're not able to secure that yet. we'll be putting in exterior bracing today. there's a small section in the back that still needs to be processed with atf and our crews. >> [ inaudible ]. >> i haven't really approached that rain as of yet. >> go ahead. >> naud na[ inaudible ]. >> based on the areas that remain unsearched, i don't anticipate it going up. there's one section that's still in an area that has some potential, but otherwise, no.
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>> on the web side, officer marquez, you mentioned -- [ inaudible ]. >> yes, sir. that is correct. there also is an oakland a's one that's right next to it that you'll see. those two are set up for this specific instance. >> [ inaudible ]. >> the issue with that corner is it's unsupported laterally as you move across. so that load then gets shifted along that left wall, what we're calling the bravo wall. if we remove the parapet there, that can cause that wall to become unstable. we need to put bracing in to
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support that entire corner. if we remove the parapet wall that raises the possibility that the b sidewall could become unstable, and we don't want to do that. >> [ inaudible ]. >> can you repeat your question? >> [ inaudible ]. >> not at this time. >> [ inaudible ]. >> we are still working to reconcile that list. we still do have people reported as missing. one unidentified. >> the question was just one
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unidentified, and that is correct. i can't provide you the number right now off the top of my head. i don't want to be inaccurate, but we are working to reconcile the missing, the list of missing versus the identified and the tentative id. >> back to the cause of the fire, the investigation. is there any update on that? >> definitely focused in on a section that's of interest, but it will remain under investigation for a while until they can be certain. >> can you elaborate on it? >> i can't. i don't have that information. >> [ inaudible ]. >> i'm sorry. i didn't quite understand. >> the parts of the building
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that still haven't been searched, [ inaudible ]. >> no ma'am. the 15% that hasn't been searched yet is in the front left corner that we just can't get to. >> [ inaudible ]. >> i don't, but it hasn't been searched. >> [ inaudible ]. >> the district attorney, nancy o'malley indicated yesterday at the press conference that her office is -- they have an investigation. i want to make that perfectly clear that the alameda county district attorney's office, nancy o'malley leads the investigation, they are the primary investigators, so they are managing and handling that portion of the investigation.
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>> [ inaudible ]. >> yes, there is. we understand and recognize, oakland is a very diverse community, and in our diverse community we have many different groups, and we're very sensitive to everyone in our community. it doesn't matter what group, we're very sensitive to everyone to answer your question. >> [ inaudible ]. >> it is absolutely very difficult to put a timeline, the most important message we want to send, because we know families are watching. we know 36 families are watching. we know other families are watching as well, and also to our community. we're not going to put an end time. we're going to continue the search. we're going to continue the investigation. we're going to continue the
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process until absolutely every piece of debris is removed from this building, every area has been searched. so families and our community know there's nothing left at this location, and then again, the investigation and the process continues. so we will certainly keep you post posted as far as we bring closure to some areas, but continue in other areas. >> [ inaudible ]. >> i don't believe so. i'd have to check code, but i don't believe that they are. >> [ inaudible ]. >> same thing. i'd have to check and see. it isn't coded for residential, the building is not. so that would just depend on how that's looked at by code for a commercial building.
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>> naud na[ inaudible ]. >> right now we are actively working with an advocate from the lgbt community so that we are sensitive and that we are properly reporting. >> [ inaudible ]. >> again, we're working through the building. we'll continue to search through the building areas that we can get to. when we have completed our search and we're limited by that corner, we would have to stop until the corner is secured. >> go ahead, sir.
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>> [ inaudible ]. >> until the investigation is done, i wouldn't comment on how people are found. that would be primarily coming from the alameda county sheriff's coroner's office. >> [ inaudible ]. >> we haven't found any obviously recently. we don't expect to. certainly we're hoping that we don't find anymore. the primary thing that's really got us a little more up lifted and moving forward is the fact we're back inside searching. more than anything we'd like to clear the building and say that it is clear.
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>> we'll take one last question. go ahead, sir. >> where do you expect to be at the end of today? is that multiple parts of the warehouse? >> there's two pockets that remain unsearched. one of them is still being looked at and processed by atf. my hope is that would be completed today. i don't see any reason why it wouldn't be. the remaining is that a-b corner that is unstable. as soon as we can stabilize the corner, we will search it. we don't expect to find victims in that area, but we need to search that area. it will not take much time once we're able to get back in there.
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>> [ inaudible ]. >> that will depend on how long it takes to stabilize that corner. >> at this time we'd like to conclude this portion of the press conference. we'll update you. we'd like to return the chief back to the field with his team so work can continue. myself and public information officer marquez and deputy modest will be available for any questions that we may not have been able to provide you with. please, thank you for your patience and we'll certainly update you on our next brief in.
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>> for the last 15 or 20 minutes, you've been watching the press conference from oakland where we've learned a couple pieces of information all knew this morning. one of which is they did continue their recovery efforts at about 2:20 this morning. we just learned they have not found any additional bodies. >> that's right. 36 vic times so far perished in the warehouse fire. there's one corner where firefighters need to check. they need to stabilize it for their own safety. they expect to do that sometime today and actually get in there and go through the remaining debris of which they don't expect to find any other victims. >> the other part being the center of the building as the atf cordoned off as potentially being the start of the fire. 85% of the building investigators have been able to go through. >> they don't know the main reason why this fire started.
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the investigation most definitely will continue as well. now to an exclusive you will only see on nbc. >> did i know there was going to be a fire, did i remove my children from the space and get a hotel because i wanted to avoid this? no, because i wanted to get a good night's sleep with my children and let the young people do what they wanted to do. i'm not going to answer these questions the way you're presenting them. >> derick almena holds the lease to the converted warehouse. he says about 20 people lived inside the building. "today in the bay's" kris sanchez joins us live from the scene of the fire that show more of the exclusive interview. the tone of that interview changed from start to finish.
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>> reporter: you heard him say he needed a good night's sleep and wanted to help his children with homework. he was outraged by the question about whether he and his wife were profiting from this illegal living situation that clearly became deadly over the weekend. he nearly broke down as he talked about whether or not he was profiting. >> i didn't do anything ever in my life that would lead me up to this moment. i'm an honorable man, a proud man. no, i'm not going to answer these questions on this level. i'd rather get on the floor and be trampled by the parents, rather let them tear after my flesh than answer these ridiculous questions. i'm so sorry, incredibly sorry. what do you want me to say? i'm not going to answer these questions. >> reporter: in that exclusive interview derick almena and his wife micah allison talked about
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renting this warehouse three years ago, living there with their children and why they weren't home at the time of the fire. in another exclusive interview with our jodi hernandez last night, he said he knew the building was not legal for residential space, he thought it was up to code, though he did say he had to do some of the electrical work himself here without permits and the landlord has now turned her back on him. he was criticized immediately after the fire because in a facebook post he talked about what he lost here without mentioning any of the victims, though he says at that point he did not realize ha the fire was deadly. coming up at 6:30 more on the art collective founder on this dream of creative space for young people and how he says it's now turned into a mass grave. in oakland, kris sanchez, "today in the bay." >> it is a fascinating interview to hear in its entirety. we're also updating our digital platforms around the clock. we posted the entire "today" show interview with derick
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almena on our website. click on the top story box. it's all at we are also learning more this morning about the names of the victims of the oakland warehouse fire. >> "today in the bay's" sharon katsuda with more information on the victims. the faces and personalities behind them. good morning, sharon. >> reporter: good morning. you can see the bright lights behind me. that's where the news conference just took place. we're about a block away on fruitvale avenue. you can see the makeshift memorial here. letters of support from a seventh grade classroom. you can see flowers here and candles are still lit at this memorial. as you said, we are learning more about the victims killed in the fire. ten more people have been identified, among them 20-year-old michaela gregory from south san francisco, 35-year-old alex ghassan from
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oakland who just moved from jersey city, and jennifer kiyomi tanouye from oakland. she was 31. another victim has been identified as 33-year-old em bohlka from oakland. her father posted on instagram she was recently transitioning to become a beautiful, happy woman. the alameda county sheriff's department released the names of 28-year-old micahh danemayer, edmund lapine and benjamin runnels from oakland. 33-year-old chelsea dolan from san francisco, 29-year-old feral pines from berkeley and jennifer morris from foster city. back here live at the memorial, you can see flowers set up with candles lit. we have seen so many people walking on their way to work. i asked them, did you know any of these victims who we have
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mentioned. they said no, they just wanted to come out here and express their sadness. many of them in tears. we expected the memorial to grow as the days go on. live in oakland, sharon katsuda for "today in the bay." >> hugs and embraces to soothe each other. our coverage continues on our website, there you can find a slideshow of photos taken inside the warehouse before it went up in flames. you can also read about how the family of the woman who owns the warehouse is responding. stay with us for continuing coverage on air. good tuesday morning. the time is 6:25. definitely a heavier coat needed. here is a live look outside at san rafael. still patchy fog and chilly temperatures as we see the lows this morning dipping down to close to freezing. in santa rosa, 32 degrees, 44 in san francisco and 43 in san jose. highs this afternoon reaching
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into the mid 50s with some sunshine and some breezy winds. but this is out ahead of the next storm system that will arrive. we're seeing this tapping into moisture, extending well over toward hawaii and past hawaii. and we will see the clouds starting to move in later today. for tomorrow, the rain moves in during the afternoon starting in the north bay and moving to the south. and then at times on thursday, we will have some heavy rain along with some gusty winds and the potential of about one to two inches of rain over the next couple of days. so a look at the forecast for san francisco reaching into the mid 50s. cool mornings and some periods of wet weather extending from late wednesday into the weekend. we'll talk more about that heading over to mike. what's happening in the south bay? >> we have reports of a car fire. it sounds dramatic, but there was nobody reported in the car. we'll talk about that location. i want to show you overall a lighter volume of traffic just starting to show that commute
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kicking in. in in the south bay looking at westbound 237 at highway 101. a little slowing approaching the scene. a lot of trees along the shoulder right thereality the area where those two meet. that is a concern. we'll get updates from chp once they arrive. 85 and 101 starting to show the slowdown. this is late for this to kick in. your travel time for highway 101, 22 minutes from 85 to 87. a smoother flow of traffic around the rest of the east bay. 880 through hayward, nothing dramatic. a quick look at the san mateo bridge, a slower drive towards the peninsula kicking in for west 92. we'll be back with more news. right now you're watching "today in the bay."
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at 6:30, "today in the bay" continues right now with continuous breaking news coverage of the deadly oakland warehouse fire. these are live pictures from our chopper overhead of the scene of the fire where firefighters hope to stabilize at least one corner of the building that they still need to search. they hope to do that sometime this morning, to get in there to look through debris. they do not expect to find anymore victims. 36 victims in all. we've got team coverage. pete suratos live where a news conference just wrapped up and kris sanchez with a fascinating interview from the man who leased the warehouse. let's start with pete. we've got a lot of new information this morning.
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>> reporter: good morning, laura. that news conference just wrapping up. let's update you. the number of victims found inside the warehouse is still at 36. now they have searched 85% of the structure. i want to explain what's remaining here, the 15% of the structure. they're saying it's the left corner of this warehouse. there are structural issues in that area. of course, i asked them, is this going to be an issue like we saw yesterday where there were structural issues in the area and a work stoppage. that was an impediment to the process of continuing their search for victims. when we asked could there still be victims in this area, they're saying they don't anticipate finding more victims in that area. it's causing a little issue for oakland fire as they continue this investigation. another thing i want to point out, they brought in the large crane yesterday and there was a power outage, that's what we were told, power outage to make sure everything would be okay. we're being told the number of people without power is not as large as it may seem.
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we know there are 12 customers without power, eight commercial and four residential. they're about 85% all the way through this process of searching for the victims. don't anticipate finding anymore victims in that small section that's still left. they did not give us an eta as far as when they'll be able to wrap up this investigation. back to you in the newsroom. >> we heard oakland fire saying they wanted to clear the billing and they're putting their best efforts forward to do so. thank you. >> the investigation will continue there. we're learning so much more about the victims killed in this fire. ten more people have been identified. among them 20-year-old michaela gregory from south san francisco, 35-year-old alex ghassan from oakland and jennifer kiyomi tanouye from oakland, just 31 years old. >> another victim identified as 33-year-old em bohlka from oakland. her father posted on instagram she was recently transitioning
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to becoming a beautiful happy woman. >> six other victims include 28-year-old micah danemayer, 34-year-old edmund lapine and benjamin runnels of oakland. >> 33-year-old chelsea dolan from san francisco, 29-year-old feral pines from berkeley, 21-year-old jennifer morris of foster city also lost their lives in that city. >> i didn't do anything ever in my life that would lead me up to this moment. i'm an honorable man, a proud man. i'm not going to answer these questions on this level. i would rather get on the floor and be trampled by the parents. >> that interview just a couple hours ago on nbc. that was the operator of the warehouse that went up in flames breaking down during a live interview on the "today" show. >> kris sanchez with more on this exclusive interview.
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kris? >> reporter: good morning. this morning derick almena was outraged and tearful as he talked about the young people whose lives were lost and about living here at the warehouse with his wife and three children who he says he put to bed every night. when he was asked about whether he and his wife were profiting from these illegal dwellings that turned deadly, he got very upset. >> i don't want to talk about it. i don't want to talk about me. i don't want to talk about profiting. this is profit? the loss of mass lives? i'm a father. i laid my three children down there every night chl prol? this is nol prol chl this is loss. this is a mass grave. >> in that exclusive interview this morning, which you can see in inet cetera tirity, derick almena and his wife micah allison talked about renting this warehouse three years ago and collecting rent from the
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tenants here and why they weren't at home at the time of the fire. in another exclusive interview with jody hns he said he thought the building was up to code when he rented it three years ago and police knew they were living here illegally in the warehouse. almena admitted to doing electrical work here at the warehouse without permit and he says now the landlord has turned her back on them. he was criticized immediately after the fire because he posted on facebook about what he lost here, his dream here and not about the victims who died here. he said he did not realize that the fire was deadly. you can see that full interview coming up on the "today" show this morning. in oakland, kris sanchez, "today in the bay." >> no doubt a lot of interest in it. updating our digital platforms around the clock. the entire "today" show interview with derick almena on our website when you click on the story with jodi's interview, you will find the "today" show
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embed phd the web page, again at >> so many people that are just trying to heal. the loved ones of the fire victims joined complete strangers last night. about 500 people attended including the parents of 35-year-old travis hough. he went to the warehouse to support one of the musical performers. >> worked with troubled kids, trying to help them through whatever crisis they have, and everybody at the school knew him as mr. travis and they all loved him. >> so sad for that family's loss. a lot of emotion, also some anger. we're told gatherers booed mayor libby schaaf when she addressed the crowd. in the meantime members of the transgender community held a vigil in the castro. we know at least three of the people who died in that warehouse fire were transgender.
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one pastor who helped to organize the vigil says the transgender victims may have struggled to feel safe and belong in life, but she says in death the coroner is respecting who they were, identifying them by their chosen name and preferred gender pronoun. >> our coverage of the fire continues on our website, you can find a slideshow of photos taken inside the warehouse before it went up in flames. you can also read about how the family of the woman who owns the warehouse is responding. stay with nbc bay area for continuing coverage on air and online. let's get to other local news right now. an east palo alto man behind bars this morning, charged in the death of a toddler. 24-year-old adare lived with his girlfriend on o'keefe street. police were called to the apartment about a week ago because a 2-year-old girl was having trouble breathing. that child died at the hospital. after a lengthy investigation,
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police determined foul play was a factor and arrested the mother's live-in boyfriend. 6:37. an attempted burglary led to a gunfire. a home invasion yesterday afternoon at raynard lane. police say they got a call from a man who said they heard someone kick in his front door. he grabbed a gun, shot the intruder and climbed out a second story window. police say the intruder was taken to the hospital where he died from the gunshot wound. he's not been identified. good tuesday morning. the time is 6:38. we get closer to sunrise, and it is chilly out there as you step out the door, make shire you have on a heavier jacket. it's 38 degrees in the tri-valley. fog is not as dense as it was yesterday. still cool spots with mostly clear skies down to 32 degrees in the north bay. as we go into this afternoon, expect a high of 56 in the peninsula. the tri-valley, 55 degrees.
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we keep the sunshine with highs in the mid 50s today and getting ready for rain by tomorrow evening. i'll detail that as we go into the next ten minutes. but now, we head over to mike looking at an unusual view at the bay bridge. >> not of the bay bridge, but at the bay bridge. we'll talk about that. i want to show folks an unusual view of the bay itself. we're looking at your typical traffic patterns, but lighter than normal for tuesday. we usually see traffic this light about a half hour earlier. we're extending the traffic into this portion of the bay. starting to see the commute kick in at the bay bridge. we have a little extra backup for 580 on the approach. the eastshore freeway moves well. there may be a disabled vehicle somewhere on the approach. look at the bay bridge toll plaza camera, the left lanes are completely clear. somewhere along this stretch -- looks like traffic just started going, there must have been a traffic break. i'll let you know if chp clarifies it. we'll look at the maps once again and get back to your
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system as we talk about your travel times approaching the area. so far showing just a 32-minute drive from highway 4 in hercules. a smooth flow of traffic around the rest of the bay. h train is stopped south of fremont because of a car on the tracks. this car was not hit, but it's stopping h train from getting to great america. we continue our breaking news coverage of the oakland warehouse fire. we'll create an animation of the warehouse so you can visualize what it looked like before the fire. an anonymous terror threat made against a california public transit agency. the steps investigators are taking to make sure everyone stays safe. the markets are moving slightly lower this morning after two record opens. live out to the big board. dow industrials losing 13 points. as we head to break, scott, we want to remember some of the people who lost their lives so tragically in the oakland warehouse fire.
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it is now 6:43 as we get a clear sunrise over the south bay and much cooler temperatures this morning. it will be a cooler day with highs only reaching the mid 50s, cooler than the average high of 59 degrees with mostly sun nye skies. clouds roll in tomorrow and rain won't be far enough behind. i'll detail that in about five minutes. looking at the bay bridge at the top of the screen. the slower drive, not the east shore freer way, also coming off 580 today. your left approach if you can get there, very clear n. the south bay with the typical pattern slowing northbound. we know 36 families are watching. we know other families are watching as well. also to our community, we're not going to put an end time. we're going to continue the search. we're going to continue the investigation. we're going to continue the process until every piece of
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debris is removed from this building, every air has been searched so the families and our community know there's nothing left at this location -- >> you just heard from johnna watson, spokesperson for the oakland police department speaking minutes ago on an update from the deadly warehouse fire. >> that number still stable at this point. 36 bodies recovered. 35 of them have been identified. crews have cleared 85% of the warehouse, obviously this continues to be a fluid situation. federal agents and those who lived in the warehouse revealed to us there were only two access points to that huge warehouse, a main door and makeshift emergency exit. you can see here the two exits and two sets of stairs there. the fire began on the first floor. but most of the victims were upstairs where people gathered. witnesses say one of the staircases was created with
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wooden pallets. that's a picture taken by someone who had been in there describing the stairs and hard to navigate and dangerous. >> some living in the warehouse say there were rules. a retired san francisco fire captain says fire inspectors can get overwhelmed in a city like oakland which is rife with these buildings. >> these buildings that stay vacant long enough catch the eye of a lot of people looking for a place to crash, and a lot of promoters of a lot of events, music events, they see these warehouses and actually track down the owners and pose the question, do you want to rent your warehouse for a night. >> the couple who ran the building say they're being unfairly blamed for what
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happened. riders will notice an increased law enforcement presence at transit stations in los angeles because of an anonymous threat. senior law enforcement official says the tip came from a man using a pay phone in a western country and the concern over the tip is relatively low at this point. the caller indicated something would occur at the metro red line station in the universal city area. officials say the threat was very specific, but the credibility still needs to be vetted. >> this could be real, it could be a hoax, but we must remain calm but vigilant. we're asking the public to same precautions they take on any other day. >> city officials and undercover deputies are going to be riding the transit system today. the second day of the week and the second day this week the dow started at a new record. >> sounds like we've got another streak going. let's check in with scott mcgrew. >> we need a little action here, sam, to keep the streak going. the dow industrials down mildly,
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about 19 points. the nasdaq up, s&p 500 about even. congress is starting to push back against donald trump's plan to add a 35% tariff to products made in china, things like iphones. under trump's plan the cheapest iphone 7 would go from $649 to $876. electronic components for the apple iphone are made in taiwan, shipped to mainland china and then shipped to us. there's a lot of worry in the business community about this radical change in policy towards taiwan. the latest tweet from donald trump takes boeing to task. trump a few minutes ago saying boeing is building a brand new 747 air force one for future presidents, but costs are out of control, more than $4 billion. cancel the order. google has a new app for android phones, allowing people
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to find out where you are. they'll send out a request asking where are you, you can deny it. if you do nothing because you're hurt, sam and laura, after five minutes the location will be sent. here is something every parent has always wanted, they'll tell you if the person's phone is out of batteries and that's why they're not answering. >> why did he hang up on me? >> sounds like you've been through that once or twice. >> there's being in the zone. then there's just being so red hot you're not missing anything. that's what you can say when it comes to klay thompson during last night's warriors game. he did it in front of celebrities. he ended up dropping 60 points last night. the most amazing element of this, he did it in three-quarters. thompson sat out the fourth because the dubs had such a huge
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lead over the pacers. they won 142-106. >> we could use some of the heat they had on the court. cold start this morning. >> cold start this morning. it gets better, but we have rain in the mix. a lot of changes over the next couple days as we start out with sunrise. sunrise this morning, all clear skies. here is a live look outside over san jose, and it's only 43 degrees. the high today up to 55. here is what to expect over the next several days. more of the cool air. at least we'll have the sunshine once again today, and it will be wet heading into late tomorrow evening and also through the weekend. but we may have a little break on saturday before that rain returns on sunday. a live look outside in san francisco also clear. none of the dense fog like we had yesterday. it's 44 degrees and heading up to 56. it's only 32 degrees now in
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santa rosa. now you head down towards morgan hill, 38 in livermore and highs today reaching the mid to upper 50s. a cooler one. here is the storm sis step tapping into moisture, extending all the way over toward hawaii. once that moves in, there will be several hours of some rain streaming in. we keep it dry today. clouds in the south bay later this evening. for tomorrow, mostly cloudy skies, by 4:00 we'll see the rain moving in from north to south. it will get heavier as we go towards thursday with potential of heavy downpours and strong winds as well. we see the bright pinks and purples, that's showing we will have some very intense rain and that will continue through at least thursday evening. during this time frame we're looking at least two inches of rain for parts of the south bay and closer to an inch. it depends on where some of that heavier rain sets up.
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we'll be keeping an eye on that. in san francisco we'll continue with temperatures in the 50s, it will be cold tomorrow morning, dipping into the low 40s and mid 30s pour the inland areas. some patchy frost and possibly freezing temperatures, too. mike, what's happening at the macarthur maze. >> studying our shot. you'll see a different traffic flow likely during the end of the year. we'll show you, first of all, the bay looks pretty good. pattern is not unusual for hayward for the south bay, but lighter than usual. now well eel show the emeryville camera, i've turned it towards westbound 80 and westbound 580, the berkeley curve is not bad. it's 580 westbound coming toward the area. somewhere we we loose sight of it things gum up. no incidents reported. that may be why we see the unusual pattern at the bay bridge itself. see this maze of roadways, that's why they call it the maze. we'll show you the traffic flows through the area, no problem off
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the upper eastshore freeway. the north bay, no major delays. here is the slower drive for pleasanton, south 680 and 880 back to hayward. back to you. >> getting closer to finishing the recovery. we just got an update from oakland about what parts of the warehouse still have to be cleared. an undate to the story that has left so many heartbroken. this morning derick almena spoke exclusively to the "today" show, during a nearly six-minute emotionally charged interview he defended himself and tries to shift blame to the city. you can watch the whole interview on our website, plus a drowsy driver is considered a dangerous driver. a new study the says drivers who get one to two hours less sleep than the recommended seven, they nearly double their risk of being involved in a crash. we've got more about that on our twitter page. we'll be back here in just two minutes.
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is. pete surratt totes is live outside the oakland fire location. >> reporter: the news conference wrapping up just about half an hour ago. we know the number stands at 36 victims, 26 have been
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identified. so far crews have been able to search about 85% of the structure. but there's that remaining 15% that oakland fire says is the left corner of the warehouse. we're seeing structural issues in that area. yesterday there was a work stoppage because of those structural issues. here is oakland fire explaining exactly what the issue is and if that's going to be an issue moving forward. >> as you face the building, that left corner of the building, we're not able to totally secure that yet. we're going to be putting in some bracing, exterior bracing today. that will finalize that corner and then there's a very small section that's in the back that still needs to be processed with atf and our crews. >> reporter: in this remaining part of the structure, they don't anticipate finding anymore victims. when it comes to this power outage that was planned yesterday, because they had to bring in a crane to move crews in and out, they said there was a big power outage, we learned
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from pg&e only 12 structures affected, eight commercial and four residential. we're expecting another update from officials later this morning, likely around 2:00 p.m. live in oakland, pete suratos for "today in the bay." >> a live look right now at the memorial that continues to grow outside the scene of the warehouse fire. you see all the candles and the flowers. lots of hugs and tears last night. we're learning more about the victims. >> lots of donations coming in. ten more people identified, among them, 20-year-old michaela gregory, jennifer kiyomi tanouye, 35 yard alex ghassan from oakland. >> another victim identified as 33-year-old em bohlka from oakland. her father posted on instagram she was recently transitioning to becoming a beautiful happy woman. >> the alameda county sheriff's department released six other
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victim names, micah dane mayer, edmund lap ip nenchts. >> chelsea dolan from san francisco, feral pines and jennifer morris also lost their lives in the fire. >> we'll have continue coverage on air and online. please visit and learn more about the backgrounds of these people that perished in this horrible fire. >> you mentioned the donation, $370 for one account, the oakland athletics, $300,000. a lot coming in. >> people better bundle up. >> yes. it will be cold throughout the day with highs reaching in the mid 50s and a lot of sunshine today. >> mike, you said you were managing the maze, so to speak. you're also watching roadside fire. >> small one in the south bay. a very calm drive around the bay. we're concerned 280 shows smoke off the 11th street off-ramp. sometimes unfortunately folks what happens as we come back to the studio, folks have to light
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fires if they don't have a place to stay, they light fires outside. and that's sometimes what happens. >> the "today" show up next. good morning. good morning. braking news. the fbi investing a potential terror threat against the subway system in los angeles. security being increased all across the city. why officials say they're not taking any chances. grim task. overnight more victimsf that tragic warehouse fire are identified. the man who ran the building now talking to investigators and speaking exclusively to nbc news. >> i'm worried my kids are going to be taken away from me. >> this morning he'll join us live. biden 2020. the vice president stuns reporters on capital hill


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