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tv   Early Today  NBC  February 1, 2017 4:00am-4:31am PST

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judge gorsuch has outstanding legal skills, tremendous discipline and earned bipartisan support. >> donald trump chooses a nominee, even if confirmed will shape legal ruling beyond his presidency and for generations to come. opposition was even before he was legally chosen. >> a new wave of protest after the pipeline is reignited. revealing the predawn raid against al qaeda operatives. >> and one teacher's unique ways of making every one of its fifth graders feel special. "early today starts right now.
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>> good morning, everyone. i am ayman mohyeldin. >> i am francis riviera. >> it seems every day a new development in washington that will spark some kind of debate. the battle over supreme court choice is already heating up with protests underway on the steps of the high court as mr. trump revealed his choice of neil gorsuch during a prime time address to the nation. >> i have always felt after the defense of our nation the most important decision a president of the united states can make is the appointment of a supreme court justice. the qualifications of judge gorsuch are beyond dispute. he is a man of our country and a man who our country really needs and needs badly to ensure the rule of law and rule of justice. >> gorsuch would fill the void by scalia when he passed one year ago. according to the north korld
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according to the "new york times," if confirmed gorsuch would be the youngest supreme court justice in decades, and he gladly accepted the nomination. if i am confirmed i will dowel all my powers permit. mr. president, i am honored and i am humbled. thank you very much. >> congressional republicans praised mr. trump's conservative choice. the nomination comes after two extremely volatile weeks. it was met with protests on the steps of the supreme court as democrats sounded the alarm. chuck schumer said he would have to pass a 60 vote threshold go forward while democratic senators here warned they would
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oppose the nomination with merkley saying she would vow to filibuster. >> i made it clear i would vote against closing debates. so insisting on 60 rotes is the way you start what we refer to as a filibuster and will it be enough to shut it down and my hope is there won't be. >> some republicans are already blasting democrats for the threats. >> it's a bizarre thing. we have a vacancy on the court and the president was just elected to fill the vacancy. >> i didn't vote for trump and he deserves the pick. >> you have got conservative radio talk show host said that picking gorsuch sends a message to conservatives. >> what i'm already hearing is this is the justification.
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this is the alpha and the omega for a lot of trump voters and conservative voters to be able to turn the page and talk about the supreme court. >> gorsuch will meet this morning with mitch mcconnell, and while those trump voters and the president's himself may want the pick, delayi -- >> this is the most pathetic team i have seen in my whole time in the united states senate. i think once my colleagues think it through, and they will say, yeah, that was stupid of us, because it really is stupid. amazingly stupid. >> and education secretary pick, betsy devos faces her own controversial.
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the "washington post" reported answers she provided to senators seen copied word for word for obama officials press release. >> and then the transportation secretary finally sworn in, just his fifth member to get past the team of the process, and the president's recent immigration restriction was met with further resistance as three more challenges were filed by massachusetts, new york and virginia. and after the attorney general for san francisco filed a lawsuit against the president's executive order clamping down on sanctuary cities. and the battle over the dakota pipeline is heating up again. and the army core of engineers
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have been directed to proceed with the step. the sioux tribe have protested against the project arguing it's a threat to their water supply. the pipeline's develop for energy partners counter that the pipeline would be safe. these developments follow president trump's orders last week for the corp. to reconsider holding off after continuing the pipeline. >> the trump administration says it will keep federal lbgt protections intact, saying president donald j. trump is determined to protect all the rights of americans. and some were skeptical of what the administration may have in store down the pipe, but the
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white house memos echoed when he surprised many when he began the first candidate to include the gay community in his exception speech. an allegation againof depp' lavish lifestyle is to blame for his recent financial troubles. he has 14 homes including a chain of islands in the bahamas, and he bought a 150-foot yacht, and flew on private jets. >> really tough times for johnny de depp. and anthony wieners' legal
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troubles keep getting worse. and prays are for another storm, just quite for a little bit. >> one week. behind it, another storm, and they are likely going to have to deal with it. we will deal with this first one here, and the timing looks to be late tonight and into tomorrow, so the rain approaches the california coast, and as we go through thursday, gusty winds will be impacting travel, and then as we go into friday, the rain moves into central california, and the rainfall total looked to be the highest, and another two to on. again, the clouds will be on the increase today with rain later
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on tonight for the coast. i got great pictures for you from argentina. nearly 2,000 people crushed the guinness book of world record, and this is the most people floating while holding hands. participants were able to float on their own due to the high amount of salt in the water. apparently there's a record for just about everything. i am not sure about the pattern. the pattern was back and forth. >> at least it's not going straight out into the water, bill. >> we will have them spell b.k. for bill karins. the latest about the s.e.a.l. team 6 mission. we'll bring you those details, next. this scarf, all that's left to remember. what! she washed this like a month ago!
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how's a guy supposed to move on! the long lasting scent of gain flings. quilted northern works their bathroom experience. but these birds see all and forget nothing. except this one, who has an outlet for a face.
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what's the best way to get two servings of veggies? v8 or a powdered drink? ready, go. ahhhhhhhh! shake! shake! shake! shake! shake! done! you gotta shake it! i shake it! glad i had a v8. the original way to fuel your day. but everybody gets dry skin. feel moisturized without feeling your moisturizer with lubriderm. absorbs in seconds. moisturizes for hours. lubriderm. every body care. with not food, become food? thankfully at panera, 100% of our food is 100% clean. no artificial preservatives, sweeteners, flavors, or colors. panera. food as it should be. over the next month nbclk will reveal one profile a day.
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this morning "early today" recognizes the 16-year-old actress from the show blackish. for more information, go to nbc leading the news this morning we get word that anthony weiner could be in deeper trouble than first known, and they are considering whether to file child pornography charges against him stemming from the lewd messages he exchanged with a 15-year-old girl last year, and those conversations found on a device he shared with his
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wife. there are new details this morning about a covert american operation gone bad in yemen in which a member of s.e.a.l. team 6, and an 8-year-old girl were killed. >> nbc news learned from a senior military official that the predawn raid went wrong almost from the beginning, leaving a navy s.e.a.l.s dead. the operation, months in preparation, but the squad from s.e.a.l. team 6 unexpected encountered opposition.
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a aircraft involved in the mission made a hard landing. president trump claiming the mission he signed off on was a success, but forced to make the first condoleance call of his presidency, reaching the relatives of office owens, and that puts the number of dead militants of 14. among those reported dead, an 8-year-old, the daughter of an influential new mexico-born al qaeda leader killed in a strike himself five years ago. apple is flying high again, but is now the time to invest? plus, swamped with bets over the future of donald trump. we will explain that to you and wait until you hear the odds. what stiff joints?
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what time of the month cramps? what nighttime pain? make all your pains a distant memory with advil the world's #1 choice what pain? advil. trythe unique formula withched nourishing almond oil... ...leaves skin smoother. moisturized for 24 hours. nivea essentially enriched. for noticeably smoother skin. more "doing chores for dad" per roll more "earning something you love" per roll bounty is more absorbent, so the roll can last 50% longer than the leading ordinary brand.
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so you get more "life" per roll. bounty, the quicker picker upper when a cold calls... achoo! ...answer it. with zicam cold remedy. it shortens colds, so you get better, faster. colds are gonna call. answer them with zicam! zicam. get your better back. now in great tasting crystals.
4:17 am
guys, i'm good. now you don't have to distract yourself to last longer. with new k-y duration spray, men everywhere can last longer and stay in the moment. new k-y duration. you too? in today's quick hits, microsoft co-founder gates could become the first trillion air. it could happen in the next 25 years when gates would be 86 years old. >> what's another zero when you have so many, right? >> and the cyber seats are an attempt by the trump
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administration to encourage more. and welcoming triplets later this month, and no word on the babies or the sex of their names. i can't imagine your life going from no children to having the craziness of taking care of three. >> you will find out what it's like to have one in about a month. book makers in the uk are swamped with bets over trump's future. >> the markets are on fed watch today as the central bank wraps up his policy meeting this afternoon and the fed is not expected to raise interest rates after hiking them back in december, and investors will pay khroeg close attention to the feds, and the fed may signal it wants more time to monitor things before raising rates again, giving uncertainty over the impact of president trump's new policies.
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and then apple shares pop, and they continue to hoard cash bigger than the gdp of more than 100 countries. british bookies will take bets on anything. what are the bets now, how long trump will last in office, and it's 4 to 1 odds that trump will be replaced by the end of the year, and also odds where he will serve two years. just ahead, one teacher's unique way of starting his day, and what do "finding dory," and what the immigration ban has in common.
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4:21 am
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see me. see me. on my way. find clear skin... and a clearer path forward. for a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. my man friend that i've been seeiyour man friend. like, as i was leaving i was like, "goodbye, i love you," and like... (laughs) what'd he say? i said, "don't say anything!" oh god! (laughs) 'cause now like, this is the cliffhanger, so we don't know if he loves you. what's gonna happen if he doesn't? i always love when we learn lessons in life from different aspects. ellen learned trump screened the movie "finding dory," and she said she doesn't get political. >> dory is a fish and she
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arrives in her friends, and she ends up at the marine life institute behind a large wall, and they all have to get over the wall. and you won't believe it, but that wall has almost no affect in keeping them out. even though dory gets into america she ends up separated from her family but the other animals help her, and animals that don't need her or have anything in common with her, and they help her even though they are different colors because that's when you do when you see somebody in need, you help them. >> she started giving other complex issues, like tax form. forget all the simple hellos, and -- >> i love this. >> a teacher has unique handshakes for each student in his class, and that's mr. white and he teaches fifth grade in north carolina and he started to create personalized handshakes
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and greetings with them, and he got the idea when he saw lebron james doing handshakes with his inner circle. look how he does every single kid. >> we are going to do that on "early today," and every time you come in the morning, we will -- >> this is so impressive. >> he has to remember all of the students, and that's pretty impressive. >> especially if it's halfway through the school year, and at first it could be tough, but they all have it down. >> just ahead, a silver lining for a fired acting attorney general, and plus, the bizarre way some women in japan are recovering from childbirth. that is really happening, folks. you are watching "early today."
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seems like all the action is in the west, and winter storm warnings to lake tahoe, and snowfall forecast, a lot around yellowstone, and so the mountainous areas to the east, and areas in the sierra, nevada, range, this will be another 36 to 60 inches at the peaks, and some have 10 to 15-foot bases already. >> they need to spend that stuff over here. despite the united nations condemnation, there is a
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decision to build homes, and this is part of a continued surge in construction plan. since president trump took office he has been supportive of israel and netanyahu is expected to visit the white house in two weeks. a consolation prize for sally yates who was fired for refusing to defend the president's executive order on immigration, and now she is getting an offer of award, and it honors elected officials that stand for the greater good. astronaut scott kelly spent nearly a year on the space station and while his twin stayed on earth skprbg his biological and dna changed, most notably, an increase on the
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protective caps on his chromosomes. people are getting all wrapped up, and that's literally what is happening. they are getting wrapped up in the latest health trend, and it's called adult swaddling, and it's being used as therapy for adults to cure post presidency aches and pains. women get wrapped up from head to toe and gently rock from side to side in hopes of alleviating the stiffness, and some health care officials are not yet convinced it has any lasting medical benefits. i don't think i am flex enough to do that? >> i would stick with a massage. thanks for watching "early today," everyone. >> make sure to follow us on facebook, "breaking news"--- we're
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following an overnight killing in san jos-- man is fou de in front of a cal business. and several blocks of a busy st breaking news this morning. an overnight killing in san jose. a man found dead in front of a local business. several blocks of a busy street are shut down. plus, the pick for the vacant supreme court seat is in. now the question is, will the democrats play nice? the latest from capitol hill. free speech set to be tested at cal. bringing a wave of protesters with them. he at the moment the talks will go on. today in the bay starts right now. good morning. thank you very much for joining us on this wednesday morning. >> let's get to the forecast. a nice, cle


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