tv Dateline NBC NBC April 14, 2017 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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no gasoline can beat chevron with techron. ah-ha, that's impressive. no gasoline cleans better than chevron with techron. care for your car. (spitting. thud.) nailed it! sweet! (both cars laugh) for more on tonight's game, tune in to sports net central, giants edition on nbc sports bay area right after this broadcast. giants in front 8-2, as we go to the ninth inning. >> the year so far for cory
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gearrin really good. four strikeouts. >> you have three of those strikeouts in two nights ago. the giants were leading 3-1, and the d backs has runners at first and second, nobody out, and he struck out three in a row. one ball and one strike to count. arenado tonight has grounded into a forced play, grounded out to short and fouled out to first. all three of those outs were versus johnny cueto. now it's 2-1.
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arenado's only had three at-bats in his career against gearrin, and has a home run and a single against him. giants way ahead right now, 8-2, in the ninth inning. derek law worked a perfect eighth inning, three up, three down. slider is taken off the outside. ball three. dodgers are leading 7-0 in the top of the ninth inning in l.a. 3-1 the count to arenado. pop-up. hundley. he handles it. one away. 3-1 count to one of the most dangerous, most powerful hitters
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in the game, and he fouled him out to the catcher. >> it's an 0 for 4 for arenado in san francisco. so the giants really pitched him well tonight. >> he's been so hot against him especially the at least two, three years. it's like, what a great night we had. >> exactly. that's how good he's been. >> strike one to mark reynolds. arizona just scored in the ninth inning, so that's 7-1. joe panik, two down.
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tomorrow, matt moore versus tyler chatwood. it's a 105 on sunday. t antonio senzatela tomorrow. >> it will be span. and the giants even up the series with an 8-2 victory, and another win for johnny cueto. >> his third start. each start of his has followed a giants loss and his record goes to 3-0. he was stellar. and the big inning was when the
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giants had a 4-0 lead, a botched play, could have had a double play, could have ended it, he pitched through and got that job done. what a tremendous win for him and this team. >> and home runs for marrero and crawford. tune in the sports net central giants edition. we'll be back with you on nbc bay area and the giants television network a week from wednesday for the giants and the dodgers. from my crew, i'm john miller saying good night from at&t park, the final again, giants, 8, colorado 2. live-stream your favorite sport,
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maybe. that a detective should lean on her profound catholic faith, to help solve crimes, but julissa trapp does. >> cases don't always get solved in 48 hours, you know? >> surprise, surprise. >> they take time and they take work. >> and that little rosary helps you. >> it does. >> reporter: if she could solve this case, she'd give that rosary to the dead woman's family. but first she had figure out who it was, from just one identifying mark on her neck. a tattoo, jodi. was that her name? reaching now, detective trapp pulled up the anaheim police department's database of tattoos. yes, they have one, descriptions of tattoos collected from anyone they encounter. and, what do you know, there was a match. but her name was not jodi, it was jarrae. jarrae estepp, she was
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21-years-old. >> she had been contacted the year prior here in anaheim on beach boulevard. >> reporter: beach boulevard? suddenly detective trapp's case took on a whole new complexion. >> if you want to buy drugs, beach boulevard's where you come, if you are looking for a girl, beach boulevard's where you come. a lot of 'em came from good, stable families that just happened to run into the wrong guy, who -- >> uh-huh. >> somehow got 'em into the job. i mean, these pimps are really good about breaking down the women and getting control over them. making them a prime target for predators. a lot of predators will start with prostitutes, because they think that people won't miss them. >> somebody does. >> yes, somebody does. somebody did. >> reporter: like jarrae's mother. who, records revealed, lived in a tiny town in oklahoma.
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that tattoo on jarrae's neck? this is jodi. and even before the detective got the words out. >> i felt it, that she was gone. >> reporter: her daughter had been so happy, so charming, outgoing. but then, said jodi, a boyfriend convinced jarrae that, to please him, she'd have to turn tricks. this is jarrae. >> he just honked trying to get her attention. >> reporter: "john-tv", a self-proclaimed "video vigilante" group in oklahoma city, caught her on camera back in 2012. but jarrae left the boyfriend, turned her life around so jodi thought, and then that awful phone call from detective trapp. >> i was screaming, like, screaming. >> reporter: the detective made a promise to that mother, didn't matter what choices jarrae may have made, she the detective, would work this case as hard as any she ever had. >> we literally went from each
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little motel to each little motel showing her picture. and having the clerk run her name to see if she had stayed there. and eventually she found the room where jarrae had been staying, in which were $700 in cash and mascara, lipstick, contact lens solution, but nothing whatever to lead her to a suspect. >> reporter: not here, anyway. from the disposal company she got a list of the dumpsters those garbage trucks had serviced that morning, then she and other officers went dumpster diving. hundreds of dumpsters. >> what would you be looking for? >> they were all given pictures of what the trash looked like that was around her. if it looked similar, take pictures of what's inside. >> reporter: no luck. waste of time. and then, back on the conveyor belt, an odd thing turned up in the trash collected near jarrae's body. >> we got a print hit. >> you're talking about a fingerprint here? >> a fingerprint, yes. >> reporter: it was on a caulking tube, and it matched
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someone. a window installer who worked for a company called "hardy windows." >> he tells us, "we never throw trash out at customer's homes. we always bring it back to hardy windows." >> reporter: where they found one dumpster no one had checked. the trash company, inadvertent, had left it off the list they gave the police. detective trapp looked inside. >> it's that same blue plastic wrapping, and it was almost like i was looking at the same trash i had seen on the conveyor belt. bingo. and if not for that lucky fingerprint, they'd have missed it. >> what was that like? >> it was a combination of frustration, but okay, all right, we're -- we're moving somewhere. >> reporter: so, jarrae was dumped here sometime before the morning of march 14th. miles and miles from the spot where, according to cell phone records, she placed her very last outgoing call. at 7:00pm the night before.
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>> how far away would it have been? >> miles. >> reporte b that's all the detective knew. a week gone by, everyone at hardy windows was cleared. so no suspects at all. detective trapp went to church. said her rosary, worried, prayed, and wondered. >> i had heard a story on the news that there was three missing prostitutes in the city of santa ana. >> which is right next door, basically? >> right next door, yes. >> reporter: what if this wasn't the killer's first time, or last? was there a link. >> what are the odds that they're related. >> and mothers united by love and loss.
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>> reporter: detective julissa trapp couldn't sleep, kept awake by the puzzle of the girl someone threw away in the trash. that's when something jogged her restless mind. hadn't some young women vanished in the town next door, santa ana? >> we were like, "well, you know, what are the odds that they're related?" >> reporter: so she looked them
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up and learned about kianna jackson, just 20 years old when she disappeared five months before jarrae's death. her mom is kathy menzies. >> she was just a very fun-loving child. always made you laugh. >> reporter: just look at her childhood photos. that silly grin. she loved her dog, her little brother, playing softball. and then it started happening, said kathy. eighth grade or so. >> she was kind of getting, you know, typical teenage. you know, mouthy. and then, you know, high school came, getting around the older kids, she kind of got a little, you know, worse. >> reporter: how did you cope with that? >> one day at a time. love her as much as i could is -- was about the only thing. >> reporter: after high school kianna went to college, about a three-hour drive from home. a year later, she moved to las vegas. but, though far from home now, she got closer and closer to her mom. >> she would call me every day, talk to me every day, you know, text message. >> reporter: she was just a loving daughter.
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>> yeah. i didn't think anything bad was happening. >> reporter: no idea. even in october 2013, when kianna called to say -- >> she was on the bus towards santa ana. >> reporter: did she tell you why -- >> visiting friends is what she told me. >> reporter: but then, the girl who called her mother almost daily stopped calling. >> anything over a day or two, i would start going, "wait a second. this isn't right. something's not right." i would text her. and she would text right back. but this time, nothing. nothing. >> reporter: gone. not a peep to her mom, to her friends, to her boyfriend. kathy went to the police. >> when i called to file a missing persons report, they said, "she's an adult. and -- and there's nothing we can do for you." >> reporter: but you -- >> when -- >> reporter: -- you knew that there was a problem. >> yeah. >> reporter: so kathy started doing her own digging -- tracked her daughter down to a motel in
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orange county, where the trail ended. her clothes were there, but she wasn't. again, she called the police. >> and they said, "well, that happens. sometimes prostitutes just work circuits." >> reporter: prostitute? >> and at first, i was like, "no, w -- okay. no. that -- that can't be." >> reporter: but then, the truth came crashing down, undeniable. kianna had missed a scheduled court date in santa ana -- for a prostitution charge. but wait a minute, you talked to her every day. >> that -- >> reporter: texted with her -- >> this is -- >> reporter: -- all the time. >> exactly. and she-- >> reporter: and you knew nothing of this secret life of hers? >> nope. nothing. >> reporter: what does it feel like as a mother to hear that has been going on all that time and you didn't know? >> heartbreaking. >> reporter: when she heard kathy's story, detective trapp began to think she was on to something. and then she discovered that just two and a half weeks after kianna disappeared, there was another one -- josephine monique vargas. >> she had a beautiful personality. they used to call her giggles
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'cause she always made people laugh. >> reporter: josephine's mother priscilla had been on the local news, searching for answers for months, ever since her daughter left a family bbq, telling them she was walking to buy groceries. >> that's the last time we -- any of us heard of her or saw her. >> reporter: priscilla went to the santa ana police department, filled out a report. >> but they didn't really do anything to look for her. >> reporter: so she did. >> nothing was gonna stop me from looking for my daughter. nothing or no one. >> reporter: and it was pure chance when priscilla ran into another mother desperate to find her daughter. martha. 28 years old, and a mother herself, who just vanished one day. >> there's no way she would have left. to just say "i'm going and i'm leaving everything behind." >> reporter: so martha's mother herlinda and priscilla went together up and down the boulevard. >> we made thousands of fliers. me and her were on our mission to find our daughters. >> reporter: but no sign of their daughters anywhere. detective trapp collected their portraits, hung them on her
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office wall, and she stayed awake, and prayed in her catholic way. do you ever wonder why god would allow this to happen? >> i do. there's been plenty of times that i've been angry with our maker because you have to wonder why does this happen. i mean, i wish he would talk back to me and tell me, that would be very helpful. but i just have to figure out what happened. just read the clues, collect the puzzle pieces, and the more you can kind of keep a neutral mind, the easier the puzzle pieces fit together. >> reporter: no getting around it -- the pieces pointed to a chilling conclusion. those three missing women, like jarrae, may have been murdered. and if that was true, it would mean there was a serial killer out there in the night. had to be. more deaths would be coming, unless -- one idea. it was grasping at straws, yes, but -- >> you know what, it might work now. why not? it's -- it's a hail mary, but
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let's try it. coming up. all sex offenders who are on patrol will have a gps mitor. >> is it two killers? >> in the same car. >> they were in the same vehicle. >> when dateline continues. hal for sudden breathing problems. breo is specifically designed to open up airways to improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a
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>> reporter: the autopsy came in. the one for jarrae estepp, the girl on the conveyer belt. ga002ab >> it's bad, it was bad. it was bad. >> reporter: strangled, beaten, sexually assaulted. viciously, according to deputy d.a. larry yellin. >> should have been a college girl. >> should be worrying about grades and boyfriends, and football games and -- and those things. >> reporter: one wrong turn, and you never know, huh? >> yeah. >> reporter: but almost three weeks in detective julissa trapp seemed stuck. >> i think she got a little frustrated, and got a little
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desperate, and came up with the idea of using the computer database. >> reporter: that is the computer database of sex offenders. if they had a serial killer on their hands, there was at least a chance he'd already run afoul of the law at some point. it was a bit like just poking a finger into the haystack frankly and hoping to encounter a needle. but worth a try. so trapp called this woman. sexual assault detective laura lomeli. >> all sex offenders on parole, they will have an anklet, a gps monitor. >> reporter: trapp asked lomeli, were any of those gps monitors here, where jarrae placed her last phone call or here, where she wound up in a dumpster? and, if you find the same guy at both locations, you're getting somewhere? >> uh-huh. >> reporter: lomeli ran the search and what were the chances she got a hit. in both locations. she called detective trapp. >> there's only one person." she's like, "i know him." i said, "who?" and she's all, "his name's franc
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cano, he's a registered sex offender." >> reporter: in 2007, franc cano pleaded guilty to committing a lewd act on a minor. he was now on parole wearing a gps monitor. but now next question, did franc cano's monitor put him near the places those other three women, according to phone records made their last calls kianna, josephine, and martha? one by one, the detective entered the coordinates. >> and every intersection for the -- that date and time that
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they gave me, franc cano came up. >> reporter: wow. >> for every single intersection. it was -- it was sh -- i was shocked. >> reporter: but something about that man, franc cano. he had a buddy. and lomeli had run into them both. >> i mentioned, "you know, i do know that he has a friend -- that's steven gordon. >> reporter: steven gordon. he'd done time for molesting a minor and later for kidnapping. he and cano were inseparable apparently. once again, detective lomeli pulled up the gps coordinates. she checked the place martha was last seen in santa ana and? no gordon. not there. but when she checked locations for kianna and josephine sure enough there he was. so why not at that first location? she checked the record and discovered that at that particular moment gordon wasn't on a gps monitor, but he was wearing one at the other three places and so was cano. the electronics made it absolutely obvious here they were cano and gordon driving together up and down beach boulevard and all around santa ana and anaheim. >> i mean, even when they're on the freeway -- >> reporter: they were in the same car? >> they were in the same vehicle. >> reporter: julissa trapp had prayed for a hail mary, but she never expected anything like this. >> i soon realized, "i'm not just dealing with one, we're dealing with two."
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two sex offenders wearing gps bracelets. >> reporter: but for all the electronic cross referencing, the case against cano and gordon was purely circumstantial. detective trapp could not arrest them. not without more evidence. and that was terrifying. i mean, there were young women who were at real risk here. >> yes. >> reporter: and if you waited too long -- >> yes. >> reporter: how would you feel if somebody else was attacked? >> let me just say, there were a lot of rosaries that were being prayed, for sure. >> reporter: she set up a surveillance team to watch cano and gordon around the clock. and got authorizations for wire taps and pulled cell phone records. >> when we started reading the text messages and started seeing how prolific they were at hunting. >> reporter: hunting? >> hunting, on almost a daily basis and how nonchalant they were about it. it was almost like ordering takeout.
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when you start reading, what do you feel like today, asian or mexican? >> reporter: oh, boy. what would they call these girls? >> that was the other thing, cats. >> reporter: cats? >> cat. be careful, when the cat knows it isn't getting away, it's going to fight. >> reporter: the next victim couldn't be far away. because gordon texted cano, "kitty cat later yes." to which cano responded, "ok." and then a sudden change had they spotted the surveillance? >> reporter: as trapp listened to the wiretap she heard gordon talk to cano about skipping town. >> i could hear the desperation in franc cano's voice. that desperation just kind of sent a hair on the back of my neck and i said, "no, i'm not waiting anymore." >> reporter: they're going to run. >> they're going to run. >> reporter: time to move. fast. they caught up to franc cano as
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he was boarding a bus and steven gordon? they found him where he worked an auto body shop next door to hardy windows. but -- >> he made a run for it. and -- >> reporter: ran out the door? >> on a bicycle, yes. he had a little collision with one of our surveillance units and a little flying over the handle bars. and he was taken into custody. >> reporter: both men were charged with four counts each of first degree murder and forcible rape and detective trapp prepared to confront a suspected serial killer. i knew this was going to be a lot different than any other interview i had done. >> i told you be careful.
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ã act 10 >> reporter: for six months, kathy menzies waited for news about her daughter, kianna. still woke up every day hoping she'd call or text. and dreading a knock at the door. which, in april 2014, is what happened. >> my heart sunk when they came because i knew right away that it wasn't gonna be good news. >> reporter: no. not good news at all. anaheim police told her that two men, franc cano and steven gordon, were now under arrest for the murder of her daughter and three other young women in orange county. >> what were you like that night? >> i just wanted to sleep. i wanted to, like, go to sleep, and wake up, and pinch myself, and -- >> and make it a different world. >> exactly. >> reporter: detective julissa trapp wanted to speak with both men, of course. but cano lawyered up. so she tried gordon, still in a wheelchair after his bike accident. >> hi steven. >> hi. >> how are you? >> i knew this was going to be a
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lot different than any other interview i had done. he's cunning, manipulative. >> he didn't have to talk to you. >> he did not have to talk to me. >> are you cold? do you want a blanket? >> yeah. if you don't mind. >> no, not at all. >> reporter: but detective trapp has a way, as they say. >> you were actually compassionate. >> thank you. >> you're welcome >> you were kind to him, you brought him a blanket, food? >> here is our chips. >> thank you. >> yes. we actually shared two meals together. >> it is spicy. >> i told you. i told you to be careful. >> reporter: even so, gordon was reluctant at first. >> i can't talk to you. >> would you rather talk to somebody else? >> i don't wanna talk to anybody. >> he watched me very carefully. if i swallowed too hard, if i looked at him differently, you know, he would say what's wrong. >> you got a weird look on your face when i said, "where, why?" >> when i said where? >> so it was constantly trying to keep a poker face to continue
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to elicit information from him and -- >> did he try to play you, sort of -- >> oh, i think he definitely thinks he did, for sure. >> reporter: but bit by bit, she pulled out answers for herself and for those four mothers. >> does she go by the name, kayla? >> it starts with a "k," kianna. >> no, she told me her name was kayla. >> reporter: detective trapp presented him with photographs. he identified all four women. >> so her, her, her, right? >> reporter: each murder went the same way, he said. he and cano picked them up in his suv, drove them back to the auto body shop where gordon worked. they took turns having their way. and then, just as each woman prepared to leave -- >>: i strangled her with my hands. >> you strangled her? >> reporter: some of the details in that 13 hour interview were almost more than even a seasoned
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detective could stand to hear. >> as he was hurting martha, she told him, "i didn't believe in god, but i do now. there is a part of me that's grateful that she found god at the end. it's disturbing to me that in response, he said, "you picked a hell of a time to start believing in god." i'll never forget that. >> reporter: but she had it, a full confession. she called jarrae's mother, jodi. >> i dropped to my knees. detective trapp gave me her word that she would find who killed my daughter. >> reporter: detective trapp had kept her word. now she bought three more rosaries and wondered, could she bring those women home? gordon had told her all of them
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had been left in the same dumpster, contents of which were brought here, orange county's brea olinda landfill. where, except for jarrae, they all still were, in there somewhere. >> we did a lot of research and we had every intention to try to dig for them. >> reporter: but the bodies had to be 40 feet deep by now. digging for them would cost millions. they might never be found. and the county couldn't afford that. >> and they're -- they're just over there somewhere, 40 feet down. what's that like? what's that feel like? >> it's frustrating. it's frustrating knowing that they're here and we can't bring them home. that it's like the one thing that the mothers want.
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and i get it, and to not be able to do that, it feels -- it's incomplete. >> does it drive you crazy? >> yes, it does. >> reporter: kathy menzies knows, logically, her daughter kianna must be dead. but how to truly accept it without her body. >> i would go there today and start digging if they would let me. >> matters, doesn't it? >> it does matter. >> getting her back. >> yeah. // >> you give birth to them. you gotta see them right through to the end. >> yep. exactly. exactly. >> reporter: in an attempt to make sense of it all, kathy asked detective trapp and her partner bruce linn to drive her to the place where the killers had picked up kianna. >> you wanted to go this last spot. why? may i ask why? >> kind of because it was, like, the last known spot that she was at -- that i was told she was alive at that spot. so kind of a closure, you know, just to see where she was at
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when -- before they took her. >> reporter: broke her heart to do it. take this tour of her daughter's last hours. >> i think this is the dead-end street that gordon and cano entered and turned around and somewhere in -- >> in here was where she was at. >> this little intersection right here is where she was at. >> reporter: just an ordinary place, but so painful. ga008 - interview >> it was hard. it's difficult to see. i mean it's not what i expected, the area. i mean, you know, of course, what she was doing is no mother's wish. but just to see this area, to know that it wasn't what i envisioned. it wasn't a dirty, dark, nasty, gross area.
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>> reporter: kathy found some peace in that. the knowing. the seeing. but why kianna's life was taken, so much harder to comprehend. >> i don't think i'll ever be able to accept it. it's hard. it's hard. >> reporter: criminal trials are one way the grieving find answers. and with a confession on tape, the trial of steven gordon looked like a formality. or so the prosecutor might have hoped. and then the judge made that ruling. oh boy. coming up, a suspected serial killer acting iz his own attorney turns the case upside down. >> it's the piece and now it's gone. >> when dateline continues.
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know he -- shouldn't oughta be doin' that sorta thing? >> definitely smart enough to know -- that he shouldn't be representing himself. >> reporter: but, expectation can be a dangerous thing. before the trial even began, gordon struck the prosecutor's case a major blow. remember that moment early in his interview when he seemed to reject detective trapp's questioning. >> i can't talk to you. >> would you rather talk to somebody else? >> i don't wanna talk to anybody. >> reporter: gordon argued that continuing the interview at that point was a miranda violation. even though detective trapp had read him his rights at the outset. the judge agreed. ruled that the jury could not see a frame of gordon's confession. >> when he makes the ruling that it's out, it's a punch in the stomach. >> reporter: oh man. 'cause what are you missing then?
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everything? >> well, a confession. it's the piece that brings everything together, and focuses on the four girls. and now it was gone. >> all of these women have a special meaning for me. and when it got thrown out, i had a really hard time. >> reporter: but then gordon asked for a meeting, and sprang another surprise. he wanted yellin to drop the rape charges. and what would he give you in return? >> he said, "i'll give you a statement -- that you can use against me in this case." >> okay mr. gordon. >> reporter: and so on the eve of trial, detective trapp once again sat face-to-face with steven gordon. and he once again took her through each crime. >> fair to say that your intention was to pick up a prostitute and ultimately kill her? >> yes. >> okay. >> reporter: that was played for the jury. and then? how bizarre was this. gordon suddenly decided he wanted the jury to hear his first confession too. which meant that the mothers had to hear every graphic detail of their daughters murders. >> and then, i thought, "maybe i prayed that rosary a little too hard, because now we've got two statements in."
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>> reporter: the jury wasted no time convicting gordon of four counts of murder. they recommended the death penalty. for four mothers, a measure of justice. kathy menzies had sat through the entire trial. as brutal as it was. what has it done to your understanding of human beings? >> they're evil. there's lots of evil in this world. lots of it. >> reporter: the mothers will have to sit through another trial, franc cano is still waiting for his. he's pleaded not guilty. but for detective trapp, there was a measure of relief. and finally, she gave those rosaries to four grieving mothers. it's interesting -- to discover in this line of work that homicide detectives are actually softies. >> i think that the more you allow yourself to feel, the
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better you're going to be as a detective. and we have to go to the dark places in order to find answers. the quicker we can get in and out, you know, the better it is for all of us. >> reporter: answers from dark places. we went to the jail where gordon was kept before his transfer to death row. here he was, a man who claimed to know the nature of his evil acts. but, did he, we wondered. >> i screwed up. >> reporter: is screwed up the right expression to use? >> probably not. i just didn't want to say -- what i really think. >> reporter: well, why don't you? >> it's -- it's beyond evil, what happened. what -- what me and him did was beyond evil. >> reporter: but, then came, sure enough, the excuse. he's worked it out in his head that the parole system is somehow to blame for his crimes. after all, as sex offenders, he and franc cano shouldn't have been permitted to be together. that was a parole violation.
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and the fact that their parole officers didn't prevent that violation, he said, means the state is responsible. >> we chose to be together. >> yeah. >> but we were allowed. there's a difference. >> reporter: but no, no, no, i mean i -- are you three? >> what do you mean? >> reporter: that's what little kids say to their parents. you let me do a bad thing. it's your fault. >> no, i didn't say they let us do a bad thing. i said they let us sleep and hang out at the same spot. and they did. beside what anybody believes -- >> reporter: you're gonna parse that argument? >> i -- until the day i die because i know for a fact it's true. >> reporter: what i wanna know is -- because that's on you, what was goin' on in your head to make you want to do it? to participate in whatever way you participated, to get whatever thrill you -- what was the thrill? what was it? >> i don't think there was a thrill. >> well, if there's no thrill, why'd you do it? >> there's no thrill in watching women die like that. but i'm gonna go back to it again and again. it was my anger issues that i
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have from everything that happened while we were on parole and probation. >> reporter: we may never know exactly why jarrae was killed, or martha, or josephine or kianna. but there's one more mystery hiding somewhere in this mountain. the final mystery. >> an angel whose job isn't done. >> he looks at me and he goes you're missing one.
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