tv Today NBC August 26, 2017 5:30am-7:01am PDT
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over, today, saturday, august 26, 2017. >> live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. good morning. welcome to today on saturday morning. >> glad to have you with us. down in texas covering hurricane harvey with team of nbc news correspondence. we will get to them in a moment. first, a look at the latest information. this is a look now, satellite imagines rolls over texas. >> this is the scene from up in space. the astronauts aboard the international space station capturing this image of the enormity of hurricane harvey. here's a like live at galveston. >> this is the latest on the storm itself right now. hurricane harvey made land fall around 10:00 last night central
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time. it came ashore as a category four storm. it has since been downgraded to a cat one. >> harvey brought with it winds of 130 miles an hour. now top winds have diminished to 80 miles an hour. daylight breaks, residents getting first look at all of the damage it caused. >> one of the hard et cetera hit towns overnight is rock port texas. officials tell us they're experiencing utter devastation. >> let's go back to dylan in corpus christi. good morning, as you mentioned it is a category one hurricane right now. winds at 80 miles an hour. to make first land fall as category 4 hurricane. hurricane charlie back in 2004. this is also the first time texas has received a double land fall with a hurricane. first made landfall in port aransis then the national storm
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center said a category three. winds up to 125-mile-per-hour. so at this point, we are starting to see the storm itself weaken because it's now beginning to move over land. that does not mean things are over because now the big concern is that since there is no steering mechanism to push in storm away, it's as if you dropped a leaf in a pond. until a breeze comes. going to spin around. that's the storm across eastern texas. so with that in mind, we are looking at the possibility of up to 40 inches of rainfall. the story of texas has already picked up 16 inchings of rain and you can see the devastation happening there. i say you can see because now that we finally have sunlight, all the areas that have been without power are now beginning to assess the damage because so many areas were hard hit, but it happened overnight. now, we are still going to see the effects of the wind and
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storm surge because tropical storm surge winds are likely. we're also going to see 12 foot storm surge which could lead to coastal flooding. on the eastern side of the storm, tornados are a threat. reported tornados near galveston and houston. even though they're far from the center of the storm right now, there is still all of that emergency triggering those tornados too which obviously causes significant wind damage as well. even though the storm has weakened, we have several days to go to keep alert level high for this storm. >> the intense flooding that area is expected to get. when it's all said and done, nearly three feet of rain could fall from harvey in houston alone. jac jacob, good morning. >> good morning. clear skies for you. just 30 minutes ago you could hardly see. then two to three inches. for hours you could get that.
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>> prepare iing the lightest da more than 6 million people live here. ap atop the world's largest medical center. doesn't hurt to pray we're in for the long haul. houston is shutdown. >> jacob for us there in houston texas. >> on the phone this morning, mr. mayor, good morning to you. >> talking about the flooding. fear, people are worried about here. >> this is a -- every storm is different. this is a serious one. we're expecting a lot of rain over the next four days and that's a lot. i mean, just in the past 12
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hours, look at what's happening. they've received about nine inches of rain. as we indicated. rain is falling from one to two maybe some cases three inches. we have a few creeks. one is nearest the bank. this is going to be an ongoing situation over the next four days. that's what makes this storm so unique. it's a serious one. there will be flooding. and at some point, maybe over the next three or four days, maybe some rescues. >> sorry, i didn't mean to cut you off there. there was some confusion yesterday. governor in texas says folks should get out of houston. you insisted folks probably should not leave in mass. the folks should stay put. this morning any idea what majority of people in houston decided to do. >> people in the area have decided to stay. most people have decided to stay in the houston area. the county jung ajudge and i hae
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worked very closely together and we both recommend the people in the houston harris county area to stay. people that were in the direct path of the hurricane, that's a different situation. they're further along the coast. we were not in the direct path of the hurricane for us it was a major windfall event and quite frankly more damages for them to try to get on the road. we're asking people to stay off the streets, stay off the roads today if you can. as well as tomorrow and monday and tuesday. allow the first responders to do their jobs. that's the main thing. take care of their family. watch and look out after the seniors. those with disabilities and check on our neighbors. the recommendation is to stay in place, no evacuation order for the city of houston. >> mayor, have you had any reports of injuries or property damages or power outages at this point. >> at this point in time, fortunate thing no reported injuries of any kind.
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expecting more things to progress. at this point, no report of any injuries and we'll be very grateful for that. the people in this area will face this time and time again. every storm surge is very different. this is a serious one. this is yet the beginning. still have day two, three, four to go. and pray everything will go well. the city, the kcounty. the barricades up. people going on the passes. we tried to move people off the street, the homeless population into shelters. looking after our seniors and watching out for those who are disabled to make sure they get the attention they deserve. >> there's been a major concern about the oil refineries there in the houston area. potential impact on the gasoline supply in this country.
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what more can you tell us about that. >> i've talked to the chairman of the port of houston. the port is shutdown. many of the ships are safely anchored away. sent away early. the refineries pretty much are shutdown. waiting for the storm to pass. i talked to the ceo of exxon the other day. they made the necessary preparations. you know, the port of houston is the number one port in the country in terms of foreign. we are doing everything we do to protect that asset. we supply gas to the rest of the country. not just this region. we need to take every necessary precaution to make sure we protect the port as well as the refineries so once this storm passes, we'll be ready to get back into business. let's go to sanders now. in texas south of houston.
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i understand you're dealing with ferocious winds there. gary? >> reporter: indeed. victoria, propped behind the van which is actually moving -- you can see the loop actually going over gary sanders right now. the deep red that you see. that's victoria texas. that's where carry sanders is crouched behind the van. >> the fact he has to crouch next to a van, goes to show how strong the winds are. >> if you look at the radar picture again, you can see how close to the center of the storm carry's location is right now. there are several dangers to a storm like this. there are near terms, short-term issues and that is the intensity of the rainfall and wind speed. then there are longer terms issues as long as this storm
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konl continues to hang over texas, we worry about flooding as a continued problem. so the winds that carey is seeing right now, you can see how intense things are right around victoria at this hour. don't let the category fool you. must a lot less dangerous now. not so. life threatening impact. flooding right along the texas coast and indeed inland. damaging winds and tornados. tornado watches in effect all the way up through the houston area. could be extended into the evening. up to 40 inches of rain around the region. that's our big concern. and, again, as we head into the next several days, these numbers are going to skyrocket.
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victoria just around that area, 16 inches of rain so far in the last 12 or so hours. that's basically half a year's worth of rai we are waking up to mostly clear skies with temperatures in the 60s. today our biggest concern is an increase in those temperatures. we've got early morning fog in san francisco and that temperature trend does show a climb into the 70s by 10:00 a.m. we are talking about heat advisories that are expected to head into the bay area as early as 11:00 a.m. for today, a high of about 74 degrees is expected in san francisco with triple digits in inland areas. the wind is going to be a major issue. the rain taking us all the way through next week. >> had to crouch behind the van.
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he is just fine. he did have to go inside though. >> for safety. >> absolutely. hospitals are bracing for the worst this morning. federal officials say the combination of wind and water could leave areas uninhabitable for weeks and months. hospital and health care providers are all prepared for this massive storm. doctor, good morning. >> good morning. you're right. the storm is massive. it's been around for hours. people have been evacuated. a lot of health care providers are saying to do. midwife beth never thought of evacuating. she has one mother left in town. she's past her due date. >> i'm leer fhere for a reason. >> she's stocking supplies to
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deliver the baby. >> i've delivered babies by phone before. >> doctors and medical experts around the region are prepared for the worst. it's hurricane harvey. power lines, trees falling. polls crashing through. the debris from a hurricane is what gets people hurt. driving too dangerous and power out across the region, those in need of medical care took measures before the storm hit. that included evacuations of dozens of critical patients from hospitals near the coastline. at least ten newborns from an intensive care unit. flown on planes with specialized equipment. >> they made a wise decision to get them out as quickly as possible. >> 69 yearly guadalupe's last stop. center where the machines
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do the work of his kidneys. >> if all of this shutdown, it could be life threatening. >> yes, could be. again, not everybody evacuated. the fire station we're at just picked this up outside. the wind is vicious out there. things are flying around. have to be careful. we're at technical rescue fire station. their job here is if people get trapped. if you're under trees, in debris, under water. go out and make sure they're doing okay. we've been here a few hours. they've been here before the hurricane. extra staff to take care of everybody. since we've been here, they've been running out. call after call. they had one call hours ago. in that call, pregnant woman was delivering. by the time they got there, she was in the process of delivering a baby.
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luckily they were there. the baby and mother were transported to the hospital. seem to be doing fine. we'll check in a few minutes. talk to the captain here. his word for people as they start coming out of the house and want to clean things up. be very, very aware of your surroundings. there are wires out there. look not active. can be turned on at any moment. there could be debris. the water could be deeper than you electrified water. be aware of your surroundings and stay safe. they are here for the people they need to rescue. technical rescue going out and went out in the midst of the hurricane and worst of the hurricane to take care of people. to make sure everybody can stay health. that's the job they do on a regular basis here. >> thank you so much for that. we will have much much more of our coverage of hurricane harvey
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take a look at this car. this is corpus christi. a car as you can see almost completely submerged by the rain. low lying area. how to survive a flash flood if you were trapped in your car. today national investigative correspondent has some life saving tips for what to do if you get caught in a flash flood. >> reporter: harvey is here. new video emerging overnight. now the focus shifting to the torrential rain yet to come. potentially catastrophic floods that can wash cars away with
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drivers inside. dramatic cases across the country showing us how dangerous it may get. >> it's scary. it happens fast. >> it overtakes you in an instant. first the rain. then the wall of water. from colorado to texas. already this year, record breaking flooding in california sweeping drivers away. >> when you hit that creek bed, it's fish tailing and just took him in seconds. >> watch rescues toss a life vest to a little girl and her father trapped on the roof of their car. water rushing all around them. thankfully they were pulled to safety. and in this new case, a family stuck in this truck. the mother desperately hanging on to her young child as a rescue swimmer lashing on and pulls the toddler to safety. incredibly everyone was saved. all across the country the power
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of flood water just too ferocious. you would be surprised how little water it takes to float a car. that's why so many people get trapped. what happens if you get trapped? how do you get out? this morning we're about to show you. here in wisler on a special training course. they're going to turn this into a raging flood. and today inside a pickup truck. they're going to turn the water on and we're going to see how long it takes for this thing to wash away and then how will i escape. let's get going. turn it on. >> oh, boy. here it comes. watching everything from the side. jim douglas, certified trainer with raven rescue. >> how much water does it take to float a car. not even a foot. just this much will make a car float. >> what about suvs and four-by-fours. >> those thick tires will make a
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truck float even easier. they're like big buoys. they float even faster. >> the water is so low you can still see the cement below when my pickup truck is swept away. thankfully mine is tethered with strong chains otherwise i would be barrelling out of control downstream. the water is seeps into the car. this is crazy and scary. ky not open the door to get out. i cannot open the door at all. >> you need the roll the window down. >> and that's a critical test. roll the window down the second the water rises. >> what do i do. you need to get out on the roof. >> this is very scary. the water keeps pouring in. he struggles to escape. >> much harder than it looks.
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i get out. just in the nick of time. the water is nearing the roof. already over the steering wheel, but now that i'm on the roof, i have a new set of problems. >> now what? >> now, you need to get stable. stay low, hang on with the truck moving you're going to have to ride with it. do i stand up on is this. stay low, get stable. >> like this? >> exactly. >> can this car flip. >> the car can flip in as much as six feet of water. you need to stay on the high side. >> oh, my lord. it is so scary with this water coming at you like that. and remember, i know this is a drill. how it must feel in a real emergency. >> so i should just stay with the car no matter what. >> now you're going to be going downstream with the car. you're going to have to wait for rescue, but at least being on the roof, you've got a fighting chance. if you're inside and the car flips over, you've got no
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chance. >> life saving advice when the flash flood strikes. jeff rossen, nbc news. that also goes to what we heard a few moments ago, if you don't have to be out on the streets, don't be out on the streets. >> people hear that, but time and time again. we say turn around, don't drown. i remember storm sandy. my husband called me. everyone was panicking. he was trying to get home. it happens all the time. >> forces emergency service personnel to have to go and help these folks out of the cars when they should be going home. >> or trying to help someone else. >> burning resources. >> yes. >> there's repeating if you can watch or listen to us right now. if you're not one of the 250,000 without power, if you don't have to be out, don't go out. >> stay home. still ahead on today this morning, the latest on the ground in texas as hurricane harvey roars ashore.
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microclimate forecast and you say a warming trend. >> and a significant one. we'll see a rapid increase in temperatures across the bay area and that's what we'll keep an eye out for this weekend. right now in the south bay 62 degrees, peninsula 56. tri-valley 60 degrees. we do have some fog, especially along the golden gate bridge. but that will burn off and make way for mostly clear skies. a look at that temperature trend over the next couple of hours in east san jose, we'll see a rapid increase into the 70s by 10:00 a.m. and into the 80s by 12:00 but the inland spots are expected to get the warmest. for san francisco we will be climbing into the 60s by about 12 and hit a high of about 73, 74 by midday and, yes, we are tracking that heat advisory that is expected to take effect tomorrow morning for those inland spots. we're talking triple digit heat in some very hot areas. >> oh, wow. we'll stay tuned at 7:00 a.m. for the rest of your forecast. this morning organizers have cancelled two controversial and potentially contentious political rallies in the bay
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area. one in san francisco was planned for today at crissy field. that rally is called off, but here's the twist. the conservative group now plans to meet at alamo square right near the painted ladies without a permit and any safety barricades that were set up the way they were at crissy field. organizer joey gibson, seen in the upper right corner, announced that the demonstration was no longer at crissy field. he said he didn't feel safe to hold it there after being labeled a white supremacist. at a community meeting in the marina last night, the san francisco police chief told concerned residents the department already was planning for surprises and is prepared to handle whatever unfolds. city leaders clearly are frustrated by the message the far right group is unfolding. >> i think the message right now is we do not trust this group. it is clear that their intent from day one has just been to cause chaos in san francisco. >> police tell us they are already patrolling alamo square this morning.
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counter demonstrations aiming to send a message of love in the castro and civic center plaza are still a go. it is 5:59 on this saturday morning. coming up, a new way to get to wine country. we'll show you the train that's now connecting several north bay communities for the first time in decades. that plus all your top stories and the microclimate forecast, a warming trend on the way. a lot to look forward to but for now we want to enjoy the weekend while we have it. we'll have that coming up at 7:00. right now we'll send you back ot the "today" show.
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we're back on a saturday morning tracking hurricane harvey as it pummels the texas gulf coast. this is a live look here at the radar of harvey as you can see the remains over texas. however, this is the scene over galveston. our team is spread over the area. >> hurricane harvey came on shore as a category 4 storm. it is currently hanging out over texas as a category 1. 200,000 people are without power this morning. and that could number could rise. >> one of the threats that harry
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vee brings with it is the torrential rains. the major storm expected to dump up to three feet of water over the next few days. >> lester and dylan made their way to corpus christi after visiting san antonio last night. what was the drive in. >> the drive was interesting, to say the least. there was no power. there were no lights certainly and the rain was kind of coming in sheets. we were in separate vex and we were both realizing that we were getting in between the rain bands. >> we knew the moment we could pick up speed a little bit because we were in between the heaviest of the rain. but then every now and then you would feel the car start to hydroplane because there were sheets of water across the road but you couldn't see it because there were no street lights. >> right now we're in actually quite a little calm. it's not rainy. nice to take the hood off. you are watching very carefully the tide situation. >> yes, especially in galveston. the mayor of galveston did warn
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about the high tide which we're coming up on right now. it's predicted to be the highest tide of this storm in general. once this water pushes on shore, it's actually going to take several days for it to recede. the rain is coming down torrentially in galveston right now, so the combination of the storm surge, the high tide and the rain that's falling, the water they're going to see within the next several hours that's going to lead to devastating flooding. >> it got light here in corpus christi a few minutes ago. we haven't seen any major, major damage here. but this is not a post-hurricane situation as there's still the potential for catastrophic impact. >> getting hammered right now. >> hurricane harvey slammed into the texas shore overnight. >> we have been trying for quite a while now for the eye to pass over so we can get some kind of break through here. >> a category 4 storm with winds up to 130 miles per hour. strong enough to rip the roof off this building in fulton near
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the point of landfall. nearby, in rockport, in the eye of the storm, scenes of devastation. this hotel suffered severe damage forcing 128 people to evacuate and reports of people injured inside a senior center after the roof collapsed. at the local high school, several buildings were badly damaged. rockport's mayor earlier issued a grave warning to those who did not evacuate. right your social security number on your arm so your body can be identified. destruction quickly piled up as the storm blew ashore. when the wind and water are gone, what's left could amount to $40 billion in damage. >> i was just hoping to wake up in the morning and have a house. >> reporter: our corpus christi affiliate, local officials praised the weather service
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reporting for giving them time to prepare. many in corpus christi heeded the warning and got out. >> we got the kids and there will be flooding. >> a 13-foot wall of water will come in. just didn't risk it. >> the most important thing you can do is to safeguard your own life. >> reporter: governor abbott also told people in houston to head north away from the coast, but that led to confusion because county officials did not call for an evacuation. hurricane harvey is going to cost us all. this ildrill ship was last to the dock in port aransas. just one of the many gulf coast oil operations shut down ahead of the storm. gas prices nationwide are already up 0%. no business will take place in galveston for days. the island is practically cut off from the mainland. the spirit is strong in texas but today just the first of many difficult days ahead. as we get a little bit of a
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break here from the rain and wind, looking over my shoulder, we're seeing more vehicles out as people who apparently stayed in the area and likely some media now beginning to test the roads and see exactly what is out there. dylan, i'm gooding to tell you on real quickly. i cover weather all the time. to actually see it, to see a hurricane must be really exciting as a meteorologist. >> to see the science that's happening right now because we're on the southwest side of the storm now we've got northwest winds pushing the clouds out to sea, pushing the tide out to sea. which is why it seems so calm here. we're standing right along the shore of the gulf of mexico. for it to be this calm during a hurricane, it's because now the winds have shifted. >> it's deceptive, though. >> very much so. >> and not the orange blob that we've been showing. great teamwork there. we'll get much more from you tonight on nbc "nightly news." >> galveston in the middle of this hurricane. that's where we see joe fryer.
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joe, what's the scene there right now? >> hey there, craig. we can attest to what dylan was just saying. as hard as we've seen it yet. we're just along the shore along the gulf. you can see the choppy waters. the winds are blowing, the rains are coming in. as dylan said, combine this heavy amount of water with the fact that the tide is rising. we're at high tide. that's what's all along concerned people in galveston. they knew the hurricane winds wouldn't be as strong here as in other places or the storm surge wouldn't be as high here as in other places, but they knew they'd be getting a lot of rain and in low-lying areas that can cause issues here. we expect there to be a lot of flash flood warnings. but really when you think about it, that warning goes all the way to houston and beyond. that's why a lot of people chose to stick it out. they figured if they went up to a place like houston or san
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antonio, they'd still be dealing with rain and the potential for flooding but in an area where they don't have a home or don't know many people. they've chosen to stay here in galveston because they can shutter in, put up sandbags and have water and a generator. but if the flash flooding comes in quickly, they'll have to move to higher ground. if this is the kind of weather that sticks around for days, there could be flooding issues, perhaps record level flooding. >> that's the understanding is this is going to be the part of the story, epic flooding. joe fryer in galveston, thank you. he's in the car right now driving toward rockport which is one of the hardest-hit areas embassy us that where the eye of the storm hit overnight. gabe, what have you been seeing? gabe? >> looks like we're having a bit of a technical issue with gabe. we'll go back to gabe in just moment. dave price is standing by. again it bears repeating here, the rain that we're going to be
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dealing with over the next few days in this particular part of texas, how significant are we talking? >> interesting we're talking upwards of a year of rain within the next four or five days. that number is just remarkable. and again, the combination of that and all the water being pushed in as a result of the wind direction and strength creates a situation that, for many, will be tough to deal with. guys, i don't want anyone to get distracted by the headlines of 132-mile-per-hour wind gusts. while that is now in the past, we still have a category 1 storm. there's a couple of things that are going to happen. in the short-term, our issue, yes, is wind speed, is debris, is damage as a result of the wind strength of this storm. but the secondary issue, which is going to continue for the next several days, is the fact that torrential rains are going to continue to sit over this same area. hurricane force winds only
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extend about 30 miles from the center of this storm, but tropical storm force winds extend another 140 miles or so. wind gusts right now, anywhere from the 40s up to the 60-mile-per-hour zone in this northeast quadrant which is where the strongest winds are at this point. but look at those numbers. peak wind gusts, as we mention, of 132 miles per hour. and as you head on down, these are remarkably impressive numbers. that was first piece of the storm. what is going to happen over the next several days is unwards of 40 inches of rain falling through the area stretching as far to the northeast as houston. and, of course, you are no stranger with allison even though it is a distant memory to some, to those who are impacted by that storm which isn't even a hurricane but which had such devastating effects with ten inches of rain in and around 2001, you know how catastrophic these heavy rains can be.
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we'll continue to watch this. this is a picture of the radar over the last six hours. you can see the eye wall has collapsed now, but there are still strong bands of rain, a tornado watch in effect as you head in the direction of the north and east as far as houston, texas, that's through this afternoon. wouldn't be surprised if that's extended. that's a quick look at the situation with harvey right now and we'll update you through the morning. in the meantime, send it back to you. >> let's get back to gabe gutierrez. i think we have that technical snafu fixed. he's on the road driving near sinton, texas, i gather, gabe? >> yeah, craig, good morning. sorry for that technical issue. we just left sinton, texas and trying to make our way to rockport, texas. that's what we try to do earlier. we had to go the long way around because many of the roads were closed. we ran into high water and had to turn around.
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a very harrowing trip. this road is absolutely clear now. we've been seeing very few cars on the road but at first light people are really starting to see some extent of some of the damage. this road obviously clear, thankfully no debris. we're trying to stay safe as we try to navigate our way now past the back side of this storm. but as you mentioned, rockport, texas, landfall there overnight. local officials say the damage is extensive. but now at first light we're trying to find out the extent of possible injure there's as well. more than 200,000 people remain without power throughout this part of texas. as lester and dylan were saying, the trip here, you know, in the middle of a hurricane can be extremely difficult. this morning we, you know, turned around when we could to be able to stay safe. but as we saw in sinton, texas, there were several buildings that were heavily damaged, lots
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of downed trees, downed power lines. but thankfully no reports of any injuries in sinton or in pass, texas, nearby. but some of the hardest-hit areas according to local reports appears to be rockport, texas. >> gabe gutierrez trying to make his way there again to rockport, texas. we'll check in with you in just a bit. >> let's head back out to victoria, texas, where the eye of the storm is right now. >> that wind is intense. >> it's hammering the area. i think the best way to demonstrate what the winds have done already is to look at this oak tree which literally is split here, falling two directions, going on to the roof of this house. the winds at times have been gusting to 110 miles per hour. now one of the issues associated with this storm that we've been talked about all morning is the amount of rain that's going to get dumped here. it's really soggy here. we have about 16 or so inches
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that have already fallen and in a normal year we get about 32 inches of rain here. in just the evening we have had half a year's rain. it's going to sit over this area, and that's going to be a real problem for this community. right now, though, the hurricane is still here. harvey expected to keep these sort of winds going along with the rain here. ow, that hurts. whoa. okay. hang on a second. okay. those are pretty intense gusts there. i can report that, despite the fact that the power is out, it appears that those that went to the two shelters appear to have gone and made a right decision because the shelters have held. while they're out of power, people at least have comfort with one another and there have been no incidents there. there are, however, been some fires overnight. lightning strikes hit one apartment complex. fortunately it was evacuated, but by the time the fire
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department in the middle of all of this in the darkness got there, it had already gone to a full blaze and burned to the ground. another house also hit. we believe by lightning. they're not sure yet. but that house caught fire. we've seen similar fires in corpus christi and in galveston, but right now the police and the fire who are working overtime say that they have no reports of serious injuries and they're thankful for that, but just remember this is going to be here for a while. the flood that we'll see in this consider is perhaps best described by what the projection is of the guadalupe river or the guadalupe, as they call it here, is going to be 32 feet above flood stage. you have the san antonio river in this area. so it's going to be a miserable few days here for folks despite the fact that those who have been through hurricanes before are used to the fact that a hurricane arrives and then moves on. this one won't move on very quickly. >> you be safe.
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we want you to stay safe out there. more of our hurricane coverage coming up in just a bit including a look at how the ♪ if you could book a flight, then add a hotel, or car, or activity in one place and save, where would you go? ♪ expedia gives you the world in your hand, so you can see more of it. ♪ expedia. fisherwin-williams has complete one-coat coverage. and it's up to 65% more stain resistant than competing one-coat paints. infinity paint from hgtv home by sherwin-williams. available at lowe's. tand the alzheimer'sf association is going to make it happen.
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you're gonna make it after all. ♪ bumper-to-bumper limited you're gonna make it after all. ♪ warranty, the all-new volkswagen tiguan will be there every step ♪ ow! ♪ of the way. worry back on this saturday morning. a busy news day on all fronts. take a look at some of the other headlines this morning. north korea fired three short range missiles into the sea overnight. the move is likely in retaliation to the u.s. and south korea's annual war games in korean peninsula. the second missile seems to have blown up immediately but none of them pose a threat to guam. president trump has been notified. we're told he's monitoring the situation. >> several victims are recovering this morning after a car plowed into several people friday, five of them children. police say the car was traveling the wrong way along a residential street in northeastern pennsylvania. five victims were flown to nearby hospitals where an adult
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was listed in sear yaus condition. two children were treated and released. the driver is currently in custody. the coach seen in that controversial position pushing cheerleaders down into a split is being fired. he's one of five school wokkers who have been placed on leave after these videos were made public. in the videos it shows eight cheerleaders repeatedly being pushed into the splits while their arms are held up by teammates. one of the girls repeatedly asking her coach to stop. police have opened a child abuse investigation. and the fight of the century has arrived. tonight ufc champ conor mcgregor and the champ will go head-to-head. both weighed in on friday to a crowd of cheering fan. some of them traveling all the way from ireland to support underdog mcgregor who has never
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our coverage of hurricane harvey rolls on after these messages. the moment you realize you're lucky your backyard is in the back. at lowe's we'll help you find the lawn care products that are perfect for your area. they'll quickly get your yard looking great so you can get back to enjoy it. ♪ all project have a starting point. start with lowe's. get this char-broil performance grill for only $169 at the lowe's "labor day savings" event. ♪ ♪ the best way to get together is with a treat you make together. ♪ ♪
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i couldn't do this on my mac. it's our back to school beeone cent evente. at office depot office max. 10 pack pens, one cent. composition notebooks,scissors, and plastic folders all one cent each! hurry to office depot office max. ♪taking care of business. some use equipment to be at their best. and some use it to sleep their best. the beautyrest black hybrid provides exceptional support and unique conforming feel. exclusively at mattress firm.
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exceptional support and unique conforming feel. good saturday morning, it is 6:26. here's a live look outside as fog covers the bay bridge toll plaza. i'm always surprised to see how many people are on the road this early on a saturday morning. if you're home, thanks for joining us. rona has a look at our
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microclimate forecast. foggy out there but you say heat is on the way. >> heat is on the way. we've got that marine layer hugging the coast and that's what's keeping our temperatures in the 50s. along the peninsula 56 degrees. 50 degrees in the tri-valley but san francisco is at 53, so definitely a lot cooler in san francisco right now. this is going to change over the next couple of hours. we are tracking hot high pressure and that will sit over the bay area and warm us up pretty quickly which is why they are issuing a heat advisory. this isn't set to take effect until tomorrow but today we can see triple-digit heat in some areas. here's a look at today's microclimate high. san jose expecting to hit a high of 90 degrees and then the warmer spots will be in the east bay. triple digit heat in areas like danville, concord, antioch, pleasanton and livermore. i'm have an update coming up at the 7:00 a.m. hour. >> all right, thanks. this morning organizers have cancelled two controversial and potentially contentious
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political rallies in the bay area, one in san francisco, today's planned rally at chr chrisscrissy fie field. it's been called off. here's the twist. the conservative group plans to meet at alamo state park right near the famed painted ladies without the permit and without the safety barricades set up at chrissrissy field. the organizer announced demonstration would no longer be at crissy field. he said he didn't feel safe after being labeled a white supremacist. the san francisco police chief told concerned residents the department already is planning for surprises and is prepared for today. city leaders are clearly frustrated by the far right group's tactics. >> i think the message right now is we do not trust this group. it is clear their attempt from day one has been to cause kaych in san francisco. >> counter demonstrations aiming
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to send a message of love in the castro and at civic center plaza are still a go for today. it is 6:29. coming up this morning on "today in the bay" there's a new way to get to wine country. we'll show you the train that's connecting several north bay communities for the first time in decades. we'll have that plus all your top stories and weather. the heat wave on its way as we near september. that's coming up at 7:00. right now we'll send you back to the "today" show.
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good morning. harvey's wrath. the monster hurricane making landfall on the texas coast overnight as a category 4 storm. 130-mile-per-hour winds when it first hit shore. torrential rains pummeling the coast. daylight breaks and residents get their first real look at the damage harvey left behind. >> we didn't think it would actually get to a category 4. >> president trump declared texas a disaster area. widespread and devastating
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flooding expected over the next few days. the possibility of more than three feet of rain in the coming days alone. our team spread across the coast as hurricane harvey barrels down. saturday august 26, 2017. >> from nbc news, this is a special edition of "today." hurricane harvey makes landfall. live from studio 1-a in rockefeller mazda. >> good morning. welcome back to "today" on this saturday morning. i'm sheinelle jones. >> here's a look at the latest information on the hurricane itself. this is a look at a satellite image of harvey as it continues to absolutely roll over texas. >> and here's the scene from up in space. the astronauts aboard the international space station capturing this image. and here's a live look at
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galveston where the rain and wind has been nonstop since harvey came ashore. >> here's the latest on the storm. hurricane harvey made landfall 10:00 p.m. central time. it washed ashore as a category 4 storm and since been downgraded to a category 1. >> now top winds have diminished to 80 miles per hour. as daylight breaks, residents are getting their first look at all the damage harvey has caused. >> one of the hardest hit towns was rockport. officials there tell us they are experiencing, quote, utter devastation. >> let's go to dylan in corpus christi. good morning. >> good morning, guys. so many different facets to a hurricane, especially one of this size. it started become when we were watching it in the gulf of mexico. we had incredible video from the hurricane hunters as they were flying through the eye of the storm. we had a very defined eye. you can see that eye wall, that circle of clouds around the
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middle where the eye is where you can see the sky. it's along that eye wall especially on the northeastern edge where we have our strongest hurricane conditions, the strongest winds, the heaviest rain. that's exactly what we're seeing right now moving through areas like victoria but also the outer bands through houston and galveston. we're on the southwest side. you see corpus christi there on the map. and we're in the part of the storm where we're actually going to see sun break through these clouds as that's extremes of clouds continue to wrap around and then eventually move up to the north and east. that being said, even though this storm is downgraded to a category 1 with winds at 80 miles per hour and will continue to downgrade to a tropical storm, the biggest threat is still coming because we have so much rain with this system. in a normal situation, you have some sort of steering current within the jet stream that pushes a storm in usually an easterly direction. in this situation, we don't have any driving current. so that means the storm is just
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going to sit over eastern texas for several days, perhaps into next wednesday and thursday and basically rain itself out. all the moisture it's picked up from the gulf of mexico it is going to dump now on texas. victoria, texas, has already picked up 16 inches of rainfall and it is still pouring there and likely that we'll see another 10 to 20 inches of rain with some areas picking up close to 40 inches of rain. houston and galveston we've already had reports of tornados in that area because they're on the outer bands where the energy is most intense that's spinning up these tornadoes. we are certainly seeing the storm weaken, but we still have so many hours of intense weather to deal with including very gusty winds and the tornadoes, and then we have several days of this storm raining itself out and the potential for deadly flooding and devastating flooding is certainly likely. >> dylan mentioned vehicictoria
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texas. that's where kerry sanders has been stationed for us. we checked in with you a few minutes ago and the wind was very remarkable. that seems to still be the case. >> okay. we're in victoria, texas, where, yes, there is still a hurricane blowing here. you can see the wind, you can see the rain. as miserable as it has been for folks who are in shelters or in their homes, i can't imagine what it's been like for this gentleman over here. i'm going to sit down here with jake who has got his dog bubba. jake, who is homeless. jake, you found yourself some shelter here. why are you outside during this entire hurricane? >> well, i chose not to go inside yesterday because the salvation army and the rushing winds homeless shelter where they were accepting people were killing everybody that was in
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there. >> i'm sorry, all right. clearly you're homeless and there are some challenges that you face, sir. i'm just curious, what has it been like out here for you? >> it's been a little miserable since about 12:00 last night. it wasn't too bad before then, about 12:00, lightning, the power wunt opow er went out in the neighborhood over here. >> i'm actually a police officer. >> okay, sir. i'm curious, as you're here and you're trying to survive outdoors, do you want us to call somebody to get you some help? will you go to a place if we get the police or the fire department to come here? >> if there's anything available, that's one reason nowhere. >> we'll see what we can do for you, jake. okay? we've given him a little bit of food, we've given him some drink. literally we were driving here in the hurricane and we saw him over here. jake, i know that this is a difficult time for you. we're going to talk to the police department and see if we
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can help get some help for you here, okay? so you and your dog, bubba. you guys stay here safely. we'll see what we can do. meantime, the authorities say that at the shelters, they did find that so many people showed up that they could not let everybody in. i think the decision here to perhaps stay was a little more complicated than just trying to get into a shelter, but one where fortunately he is at least up against a wall where the wind is not hitting him hard, but clearly a miserable existence out here. the problem here in victoria is the trees are down, power is out and communications is limited. but we're going to see what we can do to help him, guys. >> get him some help. >> kerry sanders there with a segment of the population that's frequently forgotten when natural disasters strike. >> that's the reality of it, yeah. >> joe fryer farther north in texas. he's in galveston. i'm told we just lost joe fryer. dave price we haven't lost. dave price with us throughout
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the morning while dylan's on duty down there. >> we have a lot to talk about. this is a storm that's going to try to unfold in stage. the first stage beginning to come to a close. that's as it came on shore with a category 4 storm with winds upwards of 132 miles per hour. the sheer force of those winds, the debris field, all of the pictures we're seeing this morning, the assessment just beginning to get under way to understand the initial damage as a result of this storm. we do still have hurricane warnings in effect for wind speeds upwards of 75 miles per hour. sustained winds. and advisories stretching all the way to houston, texas, where tropical storm force winds upwards of 40 miles per hour. it is going to be a tough go, though, over the next several days as the storm continues to sit over the area upwards of 30 to 40 inches of rain expected. that's a quick
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we're waking up to 50s and 60s. 62 for the south bay. the tri-valley in the 60s. we are definitely seeing dense fog in san francisco. i've got 53 right now, a cool 55 in the east bay. the north bay about 47. we are expecting to see a significant warmup across the bay area for today, a high of 90 degrees in san jose, morgan hill at 97. for the east bay we can expect to see triple digit heat in areas like walnut and concord. so harvey occupies much our our attention this morning and will in the days goin
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hdid you get that email i sente wyou...before you wake up. ... when life keeps you up... zzzquil helps you fall asleep in less than 20 minutes. because sleep is a beautiful thing. we're back on a saturday morning as we take a look at galveston, texas. hurricane harvey is expected to hammer the texas coast for days
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and will have a major impact on businesses. >> jo ling kent has a look at many of the ways our economy will be impacted because of harvey. jo, good morning. >> good morning, guys. hurricane harvey is expected to do billions of dollars in damage and the subsequent flooding as well. and with the gulf coast as america's most important oil and gas hub, this is going to cost americans well beyond just the state of texas. those gas prices are already rising. they're shutting down in the path of hurricane harvey as it slams the gulf coast. gas stations running on empty, store shelves bare as texans stock up on food and supplies and hundreds of flights preemptively canceled through tomorrow, leaving travelers stranded. the key airlines awaiting change fees. >> we move about 320,000 barrels of crude a day. so all of that stopped, and obviously we don't know when that will resume. >> reporter: the gulf coast is
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home to nearly half of america's refining capacity and off-shore rigs account for nearly 20% of u.s. crude oil. >> we do supply a lot of the gas to the north and west of the country. it's not just for this region. but we're taking every necessary precaution to make sure that we protect the port as well as the refineries so that once this storm passes, we'll be ready to get back into business. >> reporter: some of the oil platforms evacuated as harvey approached. that means nationwide you could be paying more at the pump. >> if there is any significant damage and it takes more than three or four days to fix it, you could see a spike of 15 to 30 cents per gallon of gas between now and labor day. so that's an addition of $4 or $5 per fillup. >> reporter: as the biggest storm in more than a decade to hit the united states, the total cost of harvey is expect to be massive. in 1992 hurricane andrew caused $26 billion in damage. 20 years later the repairs from superstorm sandy cost $75
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billion. but no storm has ever topped katrina which claimed nearly 2,000 lives and left more than $108 billion of property damage in its wake. hoping to mitigate the cost, texas families shelled out big bucks ahead of harvey to protect their homes. generators were a hot commodity in victoria, texas. and outside of houston the massey family spent money on sandbags and plastic. >> flooded twice in the last two years. i don't want to go through it again. >> reporter: now, if harvey sticks around for a few more days as it's projected to, there could be more concerns about price gouging as well. experts are now advising that stocking up is always a good idea but not to panic at this moment. a lot of these larger stores still do have supply chains going into houston and the surrounding areas but report any price gouging to texas authorities and expect to see that negative economic impact on
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. back now on a sort morning with a live look at galveston, texas. 12 years since a major hurricane came ashore here in this country. that's the longest america has gone without seeing a category 3 storm or larger. >> dylan has more on that from corpus christi. >> that's right, guys. that last major hurricane was wilma back in 2005. the last category 4 storm to hit the united states was hurricane charley back in 2004. so why has it been so long
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between major hurricanes? well, some might say luck. with hurricane harvey's arrival this morning, the end of a run of good luck. the longest major hurricane-free stretch in u.s. history now over. >> your life is in potential danger. >> reporter: the last hurricane this strong to hit the u.s. mainland, wilma, 12 years ago in 2005. we haven't had a stretch that long since hurricane records were first taken in the 1850s. but noaa did predict an above normal atlantic hurricane season this year. so harvey's landfall isn't surprising. >> as they say, get out of dodge. >> reporter: what safety officials fear is that it's been so long residents in the south might not be prepared. among the worst hurricanes in u.s. history, katrina, which made landfall of august 29th, 2005. more than 1800 people dead. new orleans under water. $108 billion in damage. the koss costliest hurricane in
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history. 25 years ago this week hurricane andrew ravaged south florida. >> urgent need still exists. >> reporter: 65 dead, 127,000 homes damaged or destroyed. the cost, nearly $27 billion. >> the rush to prepare for sandy is on. >> reporter: and superstorm sandy, not considered to be a major hurricane because it hit the u.s. as a category 2 storm, still left tremendous damage. >> we've never seen this. this is unprecedented. >> reporter: the 2012 hurricane affected 24 states, killed 72 people in the u.s. and cost $65 billion in damages. making it the second costliest weather disaster after hurricane katrina. so how have we managed to dodge a bullet until now? the general consensus in the weather community -- pure luck. but that lucky streak now has come to an end. and now it is going to take more than luck going forward because even though harvey is weakening
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and will eventually weaken to a tropical storm, it's the rain that's going to cause so much damage now and the coastal flooding combined with up to 40 inches of rain in some areas, the worst could still be yet to come. >> dylan dreyer for us this morning. we'll come back to you in a bit. let's go back now to morgan radford. she's in the orange room and has been keeping her eye on social med ya this morning. >> that's interesting. i always find it interesting how the use of social media really changes in times like this. not only can it be used to reach out to your family and your friends or to issue a public cry for help it can be used to document the damage and warn others. first up, look at this. that's actually a power generator and it's tipping over in front of a hospital in corpus christi. that hospital is housing some of the most vulnerable residents of this storm. then there's this video. this really shows you the extent of the damage beyond just the flooding. what you're looking at right there, that's a three-home fire
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in galveston, texas. a full-on inferno. you can see the sparks popping in the background. that's just from the wind. but also look at this. this shows you beyond the wind, beyond the rain. of course, there are the roads. this is why people are being asked to stay off the street. you can see the stoplights are down, stro street signs are dow. of course we'll continue to update you threw and bring you the resources so you can track that storm. >> thank you, morgan. >> we'll see more scenes like that as the rainfall continues to fall not for hours but for days in parts of texas. still more of our ongoing coverage of hurricane harvey. >> we're back after these messages.
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coming up next, on today in the bay .... vo the conservative rallies may be cancelled... but city officials are not taking chances. coming up next, conservative rallies may be cancelled but city officials are not taking any chances. the latest announcements from alt-right leaders that have san francisco on alert. also crews battle a late night fire in the east bay
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the sun shines over san francisco. it looks beautiful as the transamerica pyramid is illuminated on this saturday morning. thanks for joining us, we really appreciate it. we have a look at our microclimate forecast. you know when the sun is shining in san francisco, it's going to be warm everywhere. >> that's a good point. yes, you'll feel the heat especially today because we are on tap for a warming trending. right now in the south bay 61 degrees, peninsula 56, 61 in the tri-valley. those foggy conditions thanks to that marine layer is keeping san francisco right now in the 50s. east bay 55, north bay 47, but we can expect to see a nice increase in those temperatures. it's going to bring the chance of seeing pretty dangerous heat in some areas. the south bay is expected to climb into the 90s. a high of 90 in san jose, 90 in cupertino, los gatos a high of 94. we're talking triple-digit heat in walnut creek,
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