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tv   Today  NBC  September 19, 2017 7:00am-10:01am PDT

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"today in the bay" will be back with you at 7:25. >> don't forget to join kris and i at 11:00 for the news. have a great day. get out and enjoy it. . good morning. breaking overnight. hurricane maria. a monster category 5 storm pummeling the island of domin a dominica. the u.s. virgin islands bracing for a hit. rip current warnings up andown the east coast. all eyes on trump. one day after calling ought the u.n. >> united nations has not reached its full potential because of bureaucracy and mismanagement. >> the president set to deliver a closely watched address to ut general assembly this morning. we're there live. campus chaos.
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a vigil for a georgia particular student shot and killed by police turns violent. >> a police car set on fire. students urged to stay inside. we'll have the latest. those stories plus bill o'reilly joining us live for his first television interview since his firing. >> toys-r-us files for bankruptcy overnight and snooze you can use. with the cameras rolling, my night of interrupted sleep as we shed light on a problem millions of americans face. today, tuesday, september 19, 2017. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today." with matt lauer and savannah guthrie. live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. it's 7:00 a.m. on the west coast. we're glad to have you with us. the hurricane season has been relentless.
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>> we're going to talk about a couple of major storms. there's still nine weeks to go in this hurricane season. >> as you mentioned, not one but two storms we're following this morning. maria now charging into the eastern caribbean after tearing across dominica overnight as a dangerous category 5 storm. the prime minister of the island had to be rescued from his own home. suffers widespread devastation. >> it's bearing down on the u.s. virgin islands and puerto rico and president trump declared states of emergencies for both of those territories. >> and jose is looming off the east coast. we're worried about that because it's producing high surf and dangerous rip current already. will bring soaking rain and gusty winds to the mid-atlantic and new england. that will affect travel, of course. our team is covering it all. let us start with albus i tracking both storms. al, good morning. >> good morning. we haven't had a season like this since 2007 and before that
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2005 and now we're talking about another big monster storm in maria out there. we've got hurricane jose, while a category 1, will have big impacts along the eastern seaboa seaboard. tropp flood watches through long island. moderate coastal flooding, two-foot surges. we're talking about minor beach erosion possible. you can see that sprawl right now. here's what we're looking for as far as the effects. you're looking at -- let's go back to you guys right now. al, thank you very much. we want to stop for a moment. give stations a chance to join us. this is an nbc news special report. 10:03 on the east coast, 7:03 on the west. the president about to make his debut address to the united nations general assembly.
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we're told the north korea menace, confronting rogue regimes will be a central focus of the speech. >> obviously, the president has said a lot of the things he's going to say today in the past. he said them while a candidate. this is the first time we'll hear from him in a cohesive speech. mr. secretary general, mr. president, world leaders and distinguished delegates, welcome to new york. it is a profound honor to stand here in my home city as a representative of the american people to address the people of the world. as millions of our citizens continue to suffer the effects of the devastating hurricanes that have struck our country, i want to begin by expressing my appreciation to every leader in this room who has offered assistance and aid. the american people are strong and resilient and they will
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emerge from these hardships more determined than ever before. fortunately, the united states has done very well since election day last november 8th. the stock market is at an all-time high, a record. unemployment is at its lowest level in 16 years and because of our regulatory and other reforms, we vehaor me people working in the united states today than ever before. companies are moving back, creating job growth the likes of which our country has not seen in a very long time. and it has just been announced that we will be spending almost $700 billion on our military and defense. our military will soon be the strongest it has ever been.
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for more than 70 years in times of war and peace, the leaders of nations, movements and religions have stood before this assembly. like them, i intend to address some of the serious threats before us today. but also, the enormous potential waiting to be unleashed. we live in a time of extraordinary opportunity. breakthroughs in science, technology and medicine are curing illnesses and solving problems that prior generations thought impossible to solve. but each day also brings news of growing dangers that threaten everything we cherish and value. terrorists and extremists have gathered strength and spread to every region of the planet. rogue regimes represented in this body not only support
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terrorists but threaten other nations and their own people with the most destructive weapons known to humanity. authority and authoritarian powers seek to collapse the values, the systems and alliances that prevented conflict and tilted the world toward freedom since world war ii. international criminal networks traffic drugs, weapons, people, force dislocation and mass migration, threaten our borders and new forms of aggression exploit technology to menace our citizens. to put it simply, we meet at a time of both immense promise and great peril. it is entirely up to us whether we lift the world to new heights
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or let it fall into a valley of disrepair. we have it in our power, should we so choose, to lift millions from poverty, to help our citizens realize their dreams and to ensure that new generations of children are raised sfree frfree from violen hatred and fear. this institution was founded in the aftermath of two world wars to help shape this better future. it was based on the vision that diverse nations could cooperate to protect their sovereignty, preserve their security and promote their prosperity. it was in the same period exactly 70 years ago that the united states developed the marshall plan to help restore europe. those three beautiful pillars,
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they're pillars of peace, sovereignty, security and prosperity. the marshall plan was built on the noble idea that the whole world is safer when nations are strong, independent and free. as president truman said in his message to congress at that time, our support of european recovery is in full accord with our support of the united nations. the success of the united nations depends upon the independent strength of its members. to overcome the perils of the present and to achieve the promise of the future, we must begin with the wisdom of the past. our success depends on a coalition of strong and independent nations that embrace their sovereignty to promote security, prosperity and peace
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for themselves and for the world. we do not expect diverse countries to share the same cultures, traditions or even systems of government, but we do expect all nations to uphold these two core sovereign duties. to respect the interests of their own people and the rights of every other sovereign nation. this is the beautiful vision of this institution, and this is the foundation for cooperation and success. strong, sovereign nations let diverse countries with different values, different cultures and different dreams not just coexist, but work side by side on the basis of mutual respect. strong sovereign nations let their people take ownership of
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the future and control of their own destiny and strong sovereign nations allow individuals to flourish in the fullness of the life intended by god. in america, we do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example for everyone to watch. this week gives our country a special reason to take pride in that example. we are celebrating the 230th anniversary of our beloved constitution, the oldest constitution still in use in the world today. this timeless document has been the foundation of peace, prosperity and freedom for the americans and for countless millions around the globe whose own countries have found inspiration in its respect for
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human nature, human dignity and the rule of law. the greatest in the united states constitution is its first three beautiful words. they are, we the people. generations of americans have sacrificed to maintain the promise of those words. the promise of our country and of our great history. in america, the people govern. the people rule. and the people are sovereign. i was elected not to take power but give power to the american people where it belongs. in foreign affairs, we are renewing this founding principle of sovereignty. our government's first duty is to its people, to our citizens. to serve their needs, to ensure their safety, to preserve their
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rights and to defend their values. as president of the united states, i will always put america first. just like you, as the leaders of your countries, will always and should always put your countries first. [ applause ] >> all responsible leaders have an obligation to serve their own citizens and the nation state remains the best vehicle for elevating the human condition. but making a better life for our people also requires us to work together in close harmony and unity to create a more safe and peaceful future for all people. the united states will forever be a great friend to the world and especially to its allies.
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but we can no longer be taken advantage of or enter into a one-sided deal where the united states gets nothing in return. as long as i hold this office, i will defend america's interests above all else. but in fulfilling our obligations to our own nations, we also realize that it's in everyone's interest to seek a future where all nations can be sovereign, prosperous and secure. america does more than speak for the values expressed in the united nations charter. our citizens have paid the ultimate price to defend our freedom and the freedom of many nations represented in this great hall. america's devotion is measured on the battlefields where our young men and women have fought
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and sacrificed alongside of our allies. from the beaches of europe to the deserts of the middle east to the jungles of asia, it is an eternal credit to the american character that even after we and our allies emerge victorious from the bloodiest war in history, we did not seek territorial expansion or attempt to oppose and impose our way of life on others. instead, we help build institutions such as this one to defend the sovereignty, security and prosperity for all. for the diverse nations of the world, this is our hope. we want harmony and friendship, not conflict and strife. we are guided by outcomes, not ideology.
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we have a policy of principled realism root north dakota shared goa -- rooted in shared goals. it forces us to confront a question facing every leader and nation in this room. it is a question we cannot escape or avoid. we will slide down the path of complacency, numb to the challenges, threats and even wars that we face. or do we have enough strength and pride to confront those dangers today so that our citizens can enjoy peace and prosperity tomorrow. if we desire to lift up our citizens, if we aspire to the approval of history, then we must fulfill our sovereign duties to the people we faithfully represent. we must protect our nations, their interests and their fut e
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futur futures. we must reject threats to sovereignty from the ukraine to the south china sea. we must uphold respect for law, respect for borders and respect for culture and the peaceful engagement these allow. and just as the founders of this body intended, we must work together and confront together those who threaten us with chaos, turmoil and terror. the scourge of our planet today is a small group of rogue regimes that violate every principle on which the united nations is based. they respect neither their own citizens nor the sovereign rights of their countries. if the righteous many do not
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confront the wicked few, then evil will triumph. when decent people and nations become bystanders to history, the forces of destruction only gather power and strength. no one has shown more contempt for other nations and for the well-being of their own people than the depraved regime in north korea. it is responsible for the starvation deaths of millions of north koreans and for the imprisonment, torture, killing and oppression of countless more. we were all witness to the regime's deadly abuse when an innocent american college student otto warmbier was returned to america only to die a few days later. we saw it in the assassination of the dictator's brother using
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banned nerve agents in an international airplane. we know it kidnapped a sweet 13-year-old japanese girl from a beach in her own country to enslave her as a language tutor for north korea's spies. if this is not twisted enough, now north korea's reckless pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles threatens the entire world with unthinkable loss of human life. it is an outrage that some nations would not only trade with such a regime but would arm, supply and financially support a country that imperils the world with nuclear conflict. no nation on earth has an interest in seeing this band of criminals arm itself with nuclear weapons and missiles. the united states has great strength and patience, but if it
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is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea. rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime. the united states is ready, willing and able, but hopefully this will not be necessary. that's what the united nations is all about. that's what the united nations is for. let's see how they do. it is time for north korea to realize that the denuclearization is its only acceptable future. the united nations security council recently held two unanimous 15-0 votes adopting hard hitting resolutions against north korea and i want too thank china and russia for joining the
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vote to impose sanctions along with all of the other members of the security council. thank you to all involved. but we must do much more. it is time for all nation toss work together to -- until it ceases its hostile behavior. we face this decision not only in north korea. it is far pastime for the nations of the world to confront another reckless regime. one that speaks openly of mass murder, vowing death to america, destruction to israel and ruin for many leaders and nations in this room. the iranian government masks a corrupt dictatorship behind the false guise of a democracy. it's turned a wealthy country with a rich history and culture
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into an economically depleted rogue state whose chief exports are violence, bloodshed and chaos. the longest suffering victims of iran's leaders are, in fact, its own people. rather than use its resources to improve iranian lives, its oil profits go to fund hezbollah and other other terrorists that kill innocent muslims and attack their peaceful arab and israeli neighbors. this wealth, which rightly belongs to iran's people also goes to shore up bashar al as d assad's dictator ship, fewell yemen civil war and undermine peace throughout the entire middle east. we cannot let a murderous regime continue these destabilizing activities while building
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dangerous missiles and we cannot abide by an agreement if it provides cover for the eventual construction of a nuclear program. [ applause ] >> the iran deal was one of the worst and most one-sided transactions the united states has ever entered into. frankly, that deal is an embarrassment to the united states and i don't think you've heard the last of it. believe me. it is time for the entire world to join us in demanding that iran's government end its pursuit of death and destruction. it is time for the regime to free all americans and citizens of other nations that they have unjustly detained.
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and above all, iran's government must stop supporting terrorists. begin serving its own people and respect the sovereign rights of its neighbors. the entire world understands that the good people of iran want change and other than the vast military power of the united states, that iran's people are what their leaders fear the most. this is what causes the regime to restrict internet access, tear down satellite dishes, shoot unarmed student protesters and imprison political reformists. oppressive regimes cannot endure forever, and the day will come when the people will face a choice. will they continue down the path of poverty, bloodshed and terror, or will the iranian
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people return to the nation's proud roots as a center of civilization, culture and wealth where their people can be happy and prosperous once again? the iranian regime's support for terror is in stark contrast to the recent commitment of thes many of its neighbors to stop terrorism and halt finance. saudi arabia early last year, i was greatly honored to address the leaders of more than 50 arab and muslim nations. we agreed that all responsible nations must work together to confront terrorists and the islamic extremism that inspires them. we will stop radical islamic terrorism because we cannot allow it to tear up our nation
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and indeed to tear up the entire world. we must deny the terrorists safe-haven, transit, funding and any form of support for their vile and sinister ideology. we must drive them out of our nations. it is time to expose and hold responsible those countries who support and finance terror groups like al qaeda, hezbollah, the taliban and others that slaughter innocent people. the united states and our allies are working together throughout the middle east to crush the loser terrorists and stop the reemergence of safe-havens they use to launch attacks on all of our people. last month i announced a new strategy for victory in the fight against this evil in afghanistan. from now, our security interests
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will dictate the length and scope of military operations, not arbitrary benchmarks and timetables set up by politicians. i have also totally changed the rules of engagement in our fight against the taliban and other terrorist groups. in syria and iraq, we have made big gains toward lasting defeat of isis. in fact, our country has achieved more against isis in the last eight months than it has in many, many years combined. we seek the deescalation of the syrian conflict and a political solution that honors the will of the syrian people. the actions of the criminal regime of bashar al assad, including the use of chemical
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weapons against his own citizens, even innocent children, shocked the conscience of every decent person. no society can be safe if banned chemical weapons are allowed to spread. that is why the united states carried out a missile strike on the air base that launched the attack. we appreciate the efforts of the united nations' agencies that are providing vital humanitarian assistance in areas liberated from isis and we especially thank jordan, turkey and lebanon for their role in hosting refugees from the syrian conflict. the united states is a compassionate nation and has spent billions and billions of dollars in helping to support
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this effort. we seek an approach to refugee resettlement that is designed to help these horribly treated people and which enables their eventual return to their home countries to be part of the rebuilding process. for the cost of resettling one refugee in the united states, we can assist more than ten in their home region. out of the goodness of our hearts we offer financial assistance to hosting countries in the region, and we support recent agreements of the g-20 nations that will seek to host refugees as close to their home countries as possible. this is the safe, responsible and humanitarian approach. for decades the united states has dealt with migration challenges. here in the western hemisphere we've learned that over the
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long-term, uncontrolled migration is deeply unfair to both the sending and the receiving countries. for the sending countries, it reduces domestic pressure to pursue needed political and economic reform and drains them of the human capital necessary to motivate and implement those reforms. for the receiving countries, the substantial cost of uncontrolled migration are borne overwhelmingly by low-income citizens whose concerns are often ignored by both media and government. i want to salute the work of the united nations in seeking to address the problems that cause people to flee from their homes. the united nations and african union led peacekeeping missions
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to have invaluable contributions in stabilizing conflicts in africa. the united states continues to lead the world in humanitarian assistance, including famine prevention and relief in south sudan, somalia and northern nigeria and yemen. we have invested in better health and opportunity all over the world through programs like pepvar which funds aids relief. the president's malaria initiative. the global health security agenda, the global fund to end modern slavery and the woman entrepreneurs finance initiative. part of our commitment to empowering women all across the globe. we also thank --
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[ applause ] >> we also thank the secretary general for recognizing that the united nations must reform if it is to be an effective partner in confronting threats to sovereignty, security and prosperity. too often of the focus of this organization has not been on results but on bureaucracy and process. in some cases, states that seek to subvert this institution's noble ends have hijacked the very systems that are supposed to advance them. for example, it is a massive source of embarrassment to the united nations that some governments with egregious human rights records sit on the u.n. human rights council.
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the united states is one out of 193 countries in the united nations. and yet, we pay 22% of the entire budget and more. in fact, we pay far more than anybody realizes. the united states bears an unfair cost burden, but to be fair, if it could actually accomplish all of its stated goals, especially the goal of peace, this investment would easily be well worth it. major portions of the world are in conflict and some, in fact, are going to hell. but the powerful people in this room, under the guidance and auspices of the united nations, can solve many of these vicious and complex problems. the american people hope that one day soon the united nations can be a much more accountable
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and effective advocate for human dignity and freedom around the world. in the meantime, we believe that no nation should have to bear a disproportionate share of the burden, militarily or financially. nations of the world must take a greater role in promoting secure and prosperous societies in their own regions. that is why in the western hemisphere, the united states has stood against the corrupt, destibl liesing regime in cuba and embraced the enduring dream of the cuban people to live in freedom. my administration recently announced that we will not lift sanctions on the cuban government until it makes fundamental reforms. we have also imposed tough calibrated sanctions on the
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socialist maduro regime in venezuela which brought a once thriving nation to the brink of total collapse. the socialist dictatorship of nicolas maduro has inflicted terrible pain and suffering on the good people of that country. this corrupt regime destroyed a prosperous nation by imposing a failed ideology that has produced poverty and misery everywhere it has been tried. to make matters worse, maduro has defied his own people, stealing power from their elected representatives to preserve his disastrous rule. the venezuelan people are starving and their country is collapsing. their democratic institutions are being destroyed. this situation is completely unacceptable and we cannot stand
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by and watch. as a responsible neighbor and friend, we and all others have a goal. that goal is to help them regain their freedom, recover their country and restore their democracy. i would like to thank leaders in this room for condemning the regime and providing vital support to the venezuelan people. the united states has taken important steps to hold the regime accountable. we are prepared to take further action if the government of venezuela persists on its path to impose authoritarian rule on the venezuelan people. we are fortunate to have incredibly strong and healthy trade relationships with many of the latin american countries gathered here today. our economic bond forms a
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critical foundation for advancing peace and prosperity for all of our people and all of our neighbors. i ask every country represented here today to be prepared to do more to address this very real crisis. we call for the full restoration of democracy and political freedoms in venezuela. [ applause ] >> the problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been faithfully implemented. [ applause ] >> from the soviet union to cuba to venezuela, wherever true
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socialism or communism has been adopted, it has delivered anguish and devastation and failure. those who preach the tenets of these discredited ideologies only contribute to the continuing suffering the people who live under these cruel systems. america stands with every person living under a brutal regime. our respect for sovereignty is also a call for action. all people deserve a government that cares for their safety, their interests and their well-being, including their prosperity. in america, we seek stronger ties of business and trade with all nations of goodwill, but this trade must be fair and it must be reciprocal. for too long, the american people were told that mammoth multinational trade deals
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unaccountable international tribunals and powerful global bureaucracies were the best way to promote their success. but as those promises flowed, millions of jobs vanished and thousands of factories disappeared. others gamed the system and broke the rules and our great middle class, once the bedrock of american prosperity, was forgotten and left behind. but they are forgotten no more. and they will never be forgotten again. while america will pursue cooperation and commerce with other nations, we are renewing our commitment to the first duty of every government, the duty of our citizens. this bond is the source of
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america's strength and that of every responsible nation represented here today. if this organization is to have any hope of successfully confronting the challenges before us, it will depend, as president truman said some 70 years ago, on the independent strength of its members. if we are to embrace the opportunities of the future and overcome the present dangers together, there can be no substitute for strong, sovereign and independent nations. nations that are rooted in the histories and invested in their destinies. nations that seek allies to be friends not enemies to conquer and most important of all, nations that are home to patriots, to men and women who
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are willing to sacrifice for their countries, their fellow citizens and for all that is best in the human spirit. in remembering the great victory that led to this body's founding, we must never forget that those heroes who fought against evil also fought for the nations that they love. patriotism led the pols to die to save poland, for french to fight for a free france and the brits to stand strong for britain. today, if we do not invest ourselves, our hearts and our nations, if we will not build strong families, safe communities and healthy societies for ourselves, no one can do it for us. we cannot wait for someone else. for far away countries or far
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off bureaucracies, we can't do it. we must solve our problems to build our prosperity, to secure our future or we will build vulnerable to decay, domination and defeat. the true question for the united nations today, for people all over the world who hope for better lives for themselves and their children is a basic one. are we still patriots? do we love our nations enough to protect their sovereignty and to take ownership of their futures? do we revere them enough to defend their interests, preserve their cultures and ensure a peaceful world for their citizens? one of the greatest american patriots, john adams, wrote that the american revolution was effected before the war commenced.
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the revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people. that was the moment when america awoke. when we looked around and understood that we were a nation. we realized who we were, what we valued and what we would give our lives to defend. from its very first moments, the american story is the story of what is possible when people take ownership of their future. the united states of america has been among the greatest forces for good in the history of the world and the greatest defenders of sovereignty, security and prosperity for all. now we are calling for a great reawakening of nations. for the revival of their spirits, their pride, their people and their patriotism.
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history is asking us whether we are up to the task. our answer will be a renewal of will, a rediscovery of resolve and a rebirth of devotion. we need to defeat the enemies of humanity and unlock the potential of life itself. our hope is a word and world of proud, independent nations that embrace their duties, seek friendship, respect others and make common cause in the greatest shared interest of all, a future of dignity and peace for the people of this wonderful earth. this is the true vision of the united nations. the ancient wish of every people and the deepest yearning that
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lives inside every sacred soul. so let this be our mission and let this be our message to the world. we will fight together, sacrifice together and stand together for peace. for freedom. for justice. for family. for humanity. and for the almighty god who made us all. thank you, god bless you, god bless the nations of the world and god bless the united states of america. thank you very much. [ applause ] president donald trump speaking to the u.n. general assembly for the first time as president and commander in chief. going over many of the principles he's been talking about the last year, year and a half. saying to all the other world leaders in the world it's their responsibility to do the same
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thing for their citizens, laying out the mission of the u.n. and a bit of his world view and then going into what was rt the heart of his speech, the regime of north korea, calling them a band of criminals, saying they're pursuing recklessly pursuing nuclear weapons, all nations must work to isolate the kim regime and saying if we are forced to defend ourselves, we have no choice but to destroy north korea. >> then he dropped the rhetorical hammer on iran, calling it a murderous regime, saying it was a corrupt dictatorship. as for the iran agreement struck with the obama administration, he said we cannot abide by an agreement if it provides cover for an eventual nuclear program. we've set the table and now our chief foreign affairs correspondent andrea mitchell can tell whaus it means. >> it was two speeches. just as you would defend your countries and sovereign
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interests, that would be something every country would a plowed, talking about the diverse cultures of the nations. the hammer on north korea and iran. and iran, hinting they will break out of the iran deal when the next deadline comes due october 15th or letting it sunset and taking other action against iran. hard lines on iran and, of course, on north korea. those threats which are unspoken military threats that he keeps repeating that they can destroy the entire country if north korea does not do something and step back from the abyss. what they have not proposed is a diplomatic plan to engage north korea diplomatically. >> that threat of pulling out of the iran nuclear deal was actually something that lester holt sat down and talked to iran's president about a little earlier. >> let's listen to that. >> you made headlines yesterday by saying the united states will pay a high price if it withdraws from the nuclear agreement.
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some might hear a threat in those words. do you care to clarify what you mean by a high price? >> translator: the exiting of the united states from such an agreement would carry a high cost, meaning that subsequent to such a probable action by the united states of america, no one will trust america again. and there is no higher price to be paid than this. because after such a possible scenario, which country wobbling to sit across the table from the united states of america and talk about international issues. >> that was lester holt speaking to iran's president earlier on. also listening to the speech was chuck todd down in wourk washington. your initial reaction. >> look, he gave a full-throated endorsement of his america first foreign policy and he laid it out in a very cogent way that was likely music to the ears of china, of russia, of a lot of
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countries who also wins wince at the multilateralism of the united nations. it was filled with a contradiction. on one hand the president laying this out and on the other hand, his -- in particular, his going after iran is actually a contradiction in what he was saying the world should sort of abide by this where everybody looks at their own interests first. i have to tell you, we should remind people on the iran deal. the united states and iran did not strike this deal. it was the iran and a group of countries that struck this deal with the united states, great britain, france, germany, russia. this was a multilateral deal and the iranian president does have a point on the impact that could have on other international agreements. at one point, tell you the president referred to trade deals and those that look at these trade deals, matt as tribunals. again, that is something the
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head of turkey, the head of russia might say. that part of it was extraordinarily striking for an american president. we have peter alexander, white house correspondent listening in. in terms of rhetoric, peter, it doesn't get much hotter. we had him calling kim jong un of north korea rocket man. we haven't heard it at the united nations general assembly. >> yes. savannah, i think you're right. as striking as it was to hear the president in recent weeks discuss the idea of fire and fury against north korea, it was not just the mocking term rocket man but also saying if the u.s. and its allies that were threatened, the u.s. would have no choice but to effectively destroy north korea. the calculation is that this is the best takt going forward. how the erratic dictator as the president himself said, views these words. if that threat ridicule leads
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him to continue the pursuit of nuclear missiles. it's not sure if that will serve the purpose for the united states. nonetheless, it was in the president's own words he would communicate that threat in such clear terms. >> when you talk about the language and the words, the presidt delivered the speech, peter. take me back into the west wing. whose voice did you hear in the construction of that speech? >> that's an interesting point that you make there, matt. i'll note that he used the word radical islamic terrorism which is a phrase steven miller, his chief policy adviser with him throughout the campaign, allied with steve bannon in the early months has espoused and used. you could hear his voice, not as much of h.r. mcmaster, the security adviser who advised against that type of language in speeches like this. >> peter, thank you. chuck todd in washington and andrea, we have a few seconds.
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steven miller wrote his inaugural address. that tough language is very much in his voice in this speech. >> we just heard it. now the country and the world really can digest what it is that president trump said a few moments ago. >> we're going to have much more on msnbc and lester holt will have a full wrap, including his interview with the president of iran tonight on "nbc nightly news." >> we'll return most of to you " i'm savannah guthrie along with matt lauer and andrea mitchell. this has been an nbc special report. ♪ stars belong to everyone ♪ ♪ they cling there for you and for me ♪ ♪ flowers in spring ♪ the robins that sing ♪ the sunbeams that shine ♪ they're yours and their mine ♪ love can come to everyone ♪ the best things in life they're free ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ hi ted, glad you could join us! ♪ ♪ give it a try. mmm. give that to me. ♪ ♪ (laughing) ted? ♪ ♪ ted? moms know their kids need love, encouragement and milk. with 8 grams of natural protein, and 8 other nutrients to provide balanced nutrition. moms know kids grow strong when they milk life. and 8 other nutrients to provide balanced nutrition. ♪ seed to the oat. ♪ ♪to the oat is the good that we do.♪ ♪put in the good ♪and the good will come back you ♪ ♪this circle of good. makes the whole world better too.♪ ♪ good goes around and around and arou♪d ♪good goes around and around.
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oh, you yeah!ht butch. (butch growls at man) he's looking at me right now, isn't he? yup. (butch barks at man) butch is like an old soul that just hates my guts. (laughs) (vo) you can never have too many faithful companions. introducing the all-new crosstrek. love is out there. find it in a subaru crosstrek.
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good tuesday morning. right now, it's 7:56. a nice, clear on this tuesday morning. a live look outside z at the golden gate bridge. clear visibility there and across the bay area. also a cool start. the high temperatures reaching up to 76 degrees. we'll get up to 75 in san jose and 81 in concord. upper 70s for the north bay. overall, very comfortable. here is an update on hurricane maria. wind speeds 160 miles an hour, just west of guadeloupe could continue over san juan, puerto rico, continuing over toward the dominican republic as well as the bahamas as a major hurricane. we'll be watching this as it goes into the weekend. inland areas looking at temperatures in the upper 60s in san francisco and a chance of rain for early tomorrow morning.
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more updates on that. let's see what's happening on the roads with mike. >> the commute really kicking in the last 20 minutes. the red routes are northbound for the most part traveling throughout san jose. across the bay, the pattern for what we expect for a tuesday. slow across the dumbarton. jammed through palo alto, 280 showing congestion as well. the tri-valley and the interchange jam. back to you. happening now, san jose leaders get ready to debate a plan for more affordable housing. the hope is for more availability to slow the surge in rent prices paid by so many low income residents. in the link to our home page, it may be clinched by governor brown. the president had especially harsh words for north korea and
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aran. we have the full story. morning drive. kari and i )ll keep "tracking hurricane maria" overnight. see some of the first images from puerto rico - as the monster storm slams the u.s. territory. marcus/gfx join us tomorrow for )today in the bay ) - starting at 4:30. this is the new comfort food.
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grown right here in california, with absolutely no antibiotics ever. a better way to grow, a better way to eat. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever.
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it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, category 5. the caribbean island of dominica feeling the full force of category five the storm heading to puerto rico as jose enters the eastern seaboard. >> i hope we would learn from this year we need to be prepared. >> we're tracking the double threat. >> plus snooze you can use. >> it is really rare that i fall asleep and stay asleep. >> i take part in a little experiment to see how sberp
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shuns are affecting sleep. >> i did not have a very good night sleep at all. >> apple envy. what millions of people pre ordering the iphone we have your first look ahead of friday's big launch. today tuesday september 19, 2017. ♪ >> i love these four women. they're sisters in spirit. ♪ >> what are you crazy kids celebrating? >> our anniversary. >> if i could give you one thing, what would it be. >> a selfie with al roeker. >> you two are just not on any order trip. what are you on? >> a camping father daughter trip. >> that's so cute. >> i love it. >> good morning everybody.
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welcome back to today. >> by the way i'm hoping you had a better night sleep last night. >> i did. >> that's brave to let cameras in a room when you're sleeping. >> we did a little science ebs permit. the cameras were on all night. let's get right to your news at 8:00. hur can maria gaining strength overnight. thrashing the caribbean island. hurricane jose is starting to menace the east coast of the united states and al is on it keeping track of all of it. >> as you can see we got these two storms one in the caribbean the other just off the coast of the united states. let's start with hurricane jose. right now coastal flood watches tropical storm warnings. tides 2 feet above normal. we'll watch this thing push its way to the north. you can see already it stretches
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all the way up into new england and then does a loop to loop sunday. here's what we're expecting. first of all the winds, stretching from ocean city all the way to boston. 30 to 40 mile an hour wind. the surf is going to be a problem. a lot of heavy seas from 10 to 15 feet. rain fall about three to 6 inches along the coast. now to maria. this one a dangerous storm. category 5. here's what we're seeing as far as impacts. a category # 5 storm makes the virg virgin islands tonight. puerto rico is getting slammed. up to 150 # mile an hour winds. upwards of 25 inches of rain and then continues towards the turks
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and kay cos on friday. 125 mile an hour plus winds and storm surges of five to 8 feet t. devastation from maria could be unimaginable as we go forward. all these islands have been vulnerable and weakened because of irma. >> so many people don't have power from the first time. al, thank you. at the united nations president trump trying to amp up global pressure on north korea. nbc's kristin welker is there. kristen, what are we expecting. >> good morning, matt. in a 40 minute rhetorical bombshell president trump defended his american first foreign policy and threatened north korea in his strongest terms yet warning of the country's total destruction if it doesn't did he nuclear ice. listen. >> no one has shown more contempt for other nations and the well-being of their own people than the did he praifed
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regime in north korea. the united states has great strength and patience. if it is forced to defend itself for its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea. rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime. the united states is ready, willing and able, but hopefully this will not be necessary. >> president trump also had very strong words for iran as well calling the country a rogue state and hinting he may pull out of the iran agreement. he also called on the u.n. to do more to live up to its stated goal of promoting peace and prosperity. it was perhaps his language most striking.
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he said some countries are going to hell and called terrorists loser. >> a california woman used a trick to foil an attempted robbery. she was riding a commuter train when someone dropped a threatening note in her lap. the note said there were guns pointed at her. she decided to slump over and fake a seizure. she said she saw this on an episode of law and order. when other passengers rushed over to help the would be thief ran away. >> that was zoo smart. >> that could almost be morning boost material. >> it could be. >> apparently you found something else. >> this is a story about the gift of color. a body builder who lived in western new york he's been color blind since birth. his family got him these special glasses did he seened to restore color vision.
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he puts this them on. this big bear of a man becomes over wrougt with emotion. >> who did that? >> all of us. >> the trees look so -- they don't even look real. >> this is a beautiful story. his wife tells him you're not in kansas anymore. >> i love that. >> don't you love that. he's such a big guy. >> can you imagine suddenly seeing the world in color? >> how incredible. >> got a lot more to get to including -- well, this is a little different. black and white cameras on me because they filmed me all night. they were doing an ex perpt to see what happened when you get a night of uninterpreted sleep. >> we'll do trending including
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the emmys most talked about kiss. >> then beauty bargains on deals and steals. >> and steve carell on the battle of the sexes the hardest part about becoming bobby rigs and stealing george clooney's thunder. first on a tuesday morning, these messages. to ridiculous plot twists. (gasping) son? dad! we also know you can avoid drama by getting an annual check-up. so we're partnering with cigna to remind you to go see a real doctor. go, know, and take control of your health. it could save your life. doctor poses! dad! cigna. together, all the way. dad! real energy harnessed from the earth. nature valley.
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allergies with find fast relief behind the counter with claritin-d. strut past that aisle for the steroid free allergy relief that starts working in as little as 30 minutes. and contains the best oral decongestant. live claritin clear with claritin-d. and we're gonna get the phone- his phone,ry sorry. uh out of you... the important thing is that we're going to make you better. (voice-activated double-tone) okay. here's how to make butter. pour two thirds a cup of cold heavy cream into a one cup canning... snickers® satisifes. he likes to eat clean. that's why at petsmart we love the nutro feed clean philosophy. they're made with non-gmo ingredients and high-quality protein. now buy 1 select bag of nutro pet food and get $10 off your next purchase. petsmart - for the love of pets.
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this i can do, easily. i try hard to get a great shape. benefiber® healthy shape is a clear, taste-free, 100% natural daily fiber... that's clinically proven to help me feel fuller longer. benefiber® healthy shape. this i can do! welcome! hhi!s it going? okay, so you've got two friends here. yes. this is the j.d. power award for dependability. now i want you to give it to the friend that you think is most dependable. ohhhh. ughh. wow. that's just not fair. does she have to? she doesn't have to! oh, i don't? no, but it's a tough choice, isn't it? yes. well luckily, chevy makes it a little easier. cause it's the only brand to earn j.d. power dependability awards for cars, trucks and suvs - two years in a row. that's amazing. chevy's a name you can trust! we're back at 8 sock and we're trend willing. guess who is here with us, jesse
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palmer host of the new launched "daily male" tv. >> welcome, jesse, good to have you. >> a look at what's trending this morning on twitter. tuesday thoughts. toys "r" us. talk like a pirate day. >> arg. >> i love when al does that. heroes a question for you guys. is it okay to kiss a friend on the lips? here's a moment that came from the emmys. it went viral. everybody is talking about this one. alexander skarsgard won best actor for "big little lies" and made his way to the stage, there's some people, high hi, hi and walks up to nicole kidman. whoa, right in front of her husband keith urban. >> more the hand on the waust that bothers me. >> so, kids, is it okay to kiss? do you ever kiss friends on the lips? >> no. >> never, savannah? >> i never do. >> you do. >> or co-workers. >> you do. >> because technically they work together. >> they probably had a nice experience on the set together making that and so they felt close to one another. >> it's a little intimate.
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>> we did that after the national park tour. >> there you go. >> you did that? did you? >> i do know people, and we all know up or two of those people. >> yes. >> who do tend to kiss on the lips. >> i think one of those people that used to work her. her name is meredith vieira. hi, mer. >> hi, hot lips. >> i don't know what your problem is. i think it's absolutely normal and natural, and in a sweet jess two, and if she didn't kiss the guy in front of her husband but behind her husband's back, then you'd be talking. >> yes, exactly. >> what about the hand on the waist? >> i missed that. >> but she puts her hands on his face. >> you know what, meredith. >> i'll tell you for all the years we've known each other, when we see each other, you do kiss me briefly, i will say, it's a brief kiss, on the lips. i've always thought it was incredibly -- >> if you would brush your teeth it would be a lingering thing. >> i always thought it's really
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endearing. >> oh, matt. now you're getting sweet. >> yeah, because it's meant to be. it's not fake. >> but mer, does anyone ever give you the cheek? because you go for the lips. >> that's the worst when you -- when you go for their lips and they turn quickly because it's so -- why couldn't they just let you do it. >> or the hand. >> yeah. >> exactly. >> meredith, do you kiss women and men on the lips? >> no, she doesn't. >> yes. >> i don't think we've ever kissed. >> who? >> savannah. >> yes, we have, savannah. >> you don't remember. you were a little out of it, but we have. >> what do you think? >> so i have a place in montreal, and it's a little bit more european, french, where it's a kiss on each check. we do the like the double kiss. i don't -- in playing football, never did the lips kiss. teammates passed on that. these two we're talking about, they play a husband and wife on "big little lies."
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done it before and keith urban is totally cool. a lot of people's face went right to keith to see what he thought. >> and he was totally fine with it. >> those two are so in love. >> they are a great couple. >> that's a topic. >> good talking to you, meredith. >> meredith, we love you. >> bye, guys. >> miss you. >> go back to sleep. >> okay. let get start with "pop start" starting with lady gaga who postponed the third leg of her world tour and opened up to fans in an emotional instagram post saying trauma and chronic pain are keeping her from doing what she loves move and she talked about her struggles in an upcoming netflix documentary, and we have your very first look at the trailer. >> i have chased this pain for five years, but when i feel the adrenaline in my music and my fans i can [ bleep ] go. >> we really hope show feels better soon, and gaga, 5'2", hits netflix on september 22nd, now to paris jackson.
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the 19-year-old daughter of michael jackson has been named an ambassador for the elizabeth taylor aids foundation. the late actress is, of course, paris' godmother. nbc's savannah sellers caught up with paris at the global citizen live gala. take a look. >> well, i'm just going to be much more involved in the things that they do, whether it's hosting events or, you know, actually getting my hand dirty flying out to the melangie district and really doing moy part. >> elizabeth taylor is your godmother. >> catch the star-studded global citizens festival saturday on nbc. finally, sarah paulson, the master of horror an reigning queen of screams and when she stopped by the ellen show she got a real scare when ellen prankd her in the dressing room but the fright fest didn't end there. >> at first, i was in there thinking of like going agh which is the obvious thing and then i thought what if it just slowly opens and out of the corner of your eye you just hear --
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>> it was really -- >> agh! >> what are you going to do now? >> nothing. >> but he was behind you, but what he should have done, because you want -- >> is he going -- is somebody coming out of there, that has happens. >> and then a clown on top of it. >> oh, my god. >> four screams. >> something terribly not right about that. >> but the clown. >> something about it. >> stephen king. that's one step too far. >> oh, man. that's your "pop start." >> the "daly click" here. this is the boy who tried to catch a rat. it was running loose in his family's bathroom and he went in with a broom and his cat, but it turns out he wasn't as brave as he thought. >> agh.
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agh! >> the cats trying to get out, too. agh. let the cat out. >> oh. . oh, look. catastrophe. >> things didn't go so smoothly for the boy, cat scaling the walls, the boy tries to escape. they had no luck catching the rat. >> but he thought enough to set up the camera. >> like a terminator rat. >> speaking of cameras, you're bringing "the daly male" to tv. >> i'm a huge, huge fan of "daily mail," on line. it's the scoop where i go to get all my news and i love the broad peck sprum stories, whether it's exclusives, breaking news, politics, true crimes, science and technology and bring it all to our fans. >> you seem to be having fun. >> your job is real re, really hard. hosting your own show.
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you make it look so easy. >> hosting tv, playing professional football. >> it's definitely better on my body, no doubt about that. >> catch jesse on daily mail tv and to find that just go to your local listings. >> no kissing on the lips. >> too bad. >> all right. >> al, how about you? >> we get to see you on a bus card, that's pretty cool. >> i take the subway a lot. i miss in a. >> let's show you what we've got going on for today. we are looking at hot, humid weather in the mid-section of the country and wet weather in the mass figure northwest where we're keeping an eye on jose. sunny in the southwest. for tomorrow, you can expect to see more wet weather making its way across the pacific northwest and plenty of sunshine in th that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning, i'm  meteorologist kari hall. as we take a live look outside in san jose. all clear and sunny and also some cool temperatures with our high today heading up to 75 degrees. it will be 76 in palo alto and
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71 in oakland. mostly some 70s for the bay area with a few spots hitting the lower 80s like concord and antioch. san francisco hitting a high of 69 degrees with more 60s in the forecast. even a chance of rain especially as early as tomorrow morning. and it cools down as we go into the first day of fall which officially begins on friday. >> all right, mr. roker, thank series "snooze you can use." the statistics are alarming. 68% of americans experience problems sleeping every single week. >> i am definitely in that category, and like many of you, my biggest issue is interrupted sleep. i call it mom sleep, so in the name of science, i agreed to let them film me all night, taking part in an experiment spending a night at a hotel to learn more about the consequences that come with a host of disruptions. to work in a job like this is to be obsessed with sleep. >> good morning to you. >> i wake up and i don't feel refreshed, but i'm motivated because i know the clock is ticking towards 7:00 a.m.
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>> most of the time when we talk about sleep it's all about the quantity, but what about the quality? it's really rare that i fall asleep and stay asleep until my alarm goes off. >> and apparently i'm not alone. a new report reveals more than a quarter of middle-aged women in the u.s. experience difficulty falling and staying asleep four or more times a week. and it may come as no surprise. sleep deprivation is more common for moms so to find out how interrupted sleep might be affecting me, dr. carol ashe, a speech expert, designed an overnight experiment. >> there's some simple screens that we'll go through that will give us essentially your sleep iq. >> so, let's see. problems waking up too early. >> yeah, that does happen sometimes. >> dr. ashe outfitted me with a sleep tracker with a warning that the night ahead would not be restful. >> so with cameras rolling, i got into bed at my normal bed time, 4:30 p.m. >> i have a few tricks.
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i have been known to count sheep, read something kind of boring, but not too boring. first, i had to fall asleep, but could i stay asleep? apparently not. i kept hearing the buzzing of a phone. that really threw me so i really had to try to reset and fall asleep again. it isn't always easy to reset after the all too familiar sound of a crying baby. i checked my phone once, and i saw a message but i tried not to think about it. it took a while but finally i fall back asleep. but then i'm interrupted once again. i just tried to ignore it, put the pillow over my head and roll
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over. i did not have a very good night sleep at all. i heard little noises and then as often happens i woke up before my alarm. >> hi. >> hi, savannah. so how did it go? >> i guess you're a morning person. >> we tried to reduplicate a typical night for people that wake up with this type of a problem. >> i feel tired, but it's no worse than usual. >> you poor thing. >> never felt more sexy than in that moment. dr. carol ashe is here, and she's got the results. she's an experts at rutgers rjw barnabus health. good morning. what had a lovely night we had together. >> that was in a hotel. not my baby we were ignoring in the experiment. what were the results? you have the fitbit, the vitals. tell me. we did four simple questionnaires. the most telltale was the one called the insomnia severity
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index, 14 out of 28, right in the middle so you're doing some things okay. you could be doing some things better. well checked your vitals, your pulse and your blood pressure. they were okay, and we did, we used the fitbit. that tracks average sleep-wake patterns and you had 20 episodes of restlessness. is that a lot in. >> average fitbit useers is 1 to 30 but the episodes of restlessness, the interruptions can be a problem. if you get eight hours of sleep which is what we gave you as the opportunity, that's the same if you have interruptions as if you only had four hours of sleep. >> oh, my word. >> that's why i feel terrible. >> so short-term ramifications of interrupted sleep versus long term. >> well, there are definitely, matt. short-term implications this. your focus will be off so short-term focus, your attention span is bad of the you'll have difficulty with critical thinking. >> check. >> moodiness. don't say anything, and mood problems, yes, and there's
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long-term consequences, too. you can have problems, cardiac problems, problems with your heart and weight gain, and there's new research that shows cognitive difficulties put you at risk for alzheimer's and dementia. >> savannah slept with a pillow on her head. one thing to do to try to block things out. anything you can do to try to minimize the interrupted sleep? >> one of the things she did go. has has go-to sleep routine, that's really good and when we had the baby crying. she didn't get out of bed. she let the baby self-soothe. >> that was a fake baby. real baby might be different. >> you couldn't fix the temperature of the room. you were hot, you told us. >> yeah. >> and those are all things we can deal with. >> the go-to sleep important and hers, ernest and julio gallo, want to thank them for helping her with that. >> that's on the don't do list. >> all right. let's head over to dylan with some gadgets a lot of people are itching for. dylan? >> hey, guys.
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we've got our text expert here, always a good thing, and show's here to show us the new lock at the iphone 8 and 8 plus. >> yes. >> love this phone. >> exciting morning in the world of technology and lots to be excited for. if you're looking for that upgrade, you indeed will get it with the 8 and 8 plus. >> awesome. x, the anniversary phone for the iphone is coming up in another week or two that we can at least get a sneak peek but this is all about the 8. what are some of the differences? >> let's look at the design, something that will pop out. the all back and front allows for all wireless charging and if i had to pick a second favorite feature, in between the 8 or 8 plus, the camera is unparallel the, makes everybody a photographer. if you love to take pictures, have grandkids, just into art and stuff, check it out. it's an amazing built-in cameras, dual cameras on 8 plus and absolutely fantastic and want to show you some of the features. allow you to take a picture and also to quickly change the lighting features which are pretty phenomenal technology. >> right away. >> obvious. >> when can people get their
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hands on this in. >> actually pre-order now and they will be available friday so kind of right now. >> there's also the update coming out for the i )m ... top/vo san francisco supervisors today are expected to vote good morning, it's 8:26. san francisco supervisors today are expected to vote on renaming justin herman plaza a long the embarcadero. last week, a committee approved the plan which would drop herman's name. herman led san francisco's redevelopment agency in the 1960s, but critics say he forced minorities and the poor from neighborhoods in favor of massive developments. today's resolution would only urge members of the rec and parks commission to remove the name. ultimately, they have the final decision. here's mike with a look at your traffic. >> we're looking towards 101. jammed towards southbound, starting to bog down. as you come to university, northbound, up towards march, in
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this area, we had an issue at whipple. we'll show you on the map. that kind of backed up both directions. as that cleared from the roadway, both directions started to accordion back and forth. with the traffic off the dunn barton bring, off the san matt trayo, that's a jam point as well. so the peninsula in full effect. tough on 880. on the bay bridge, all jamming up towards that crossing. and the south bay, northbound routes continue to push now out of san jose and moving to santa clara. >> we have more local news in just a half hour.
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♪ do you want to do a monster check? yes. no monsters. ♪ how about the drawer? ♪ no monsters. nightly monster checks are how grant makes home his. and homegoods is what makes it all possible. amazing finds. always great prices. make home yours.
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new "tonight" show and "late tonight" nbc tonight. >> hey, how are you? >> thank you. >> we're back now. 8:30 on a tuesday morning. it's the 19th day of september, 2017. a little windy here. >> it is a little windy. >> out on the plaza. dylan tells us it's going to get a little windier through the day as jose brushes past us. >> oh, we feel it. >> here on the east coast. >> al said that, too. >> exactly. >> i was just looking at you. >> al was over talking to his peeps. >> all right. kids, would you like your crowd
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moment for the day. >> yes. >> people drive a long way to come to see us, but i found a couple, mark and danielle, you guys, these two left last night at what time? >> 8 sack. >> 8 sack from where. >> north carolina. >> drove all this way, all night, so they could be here with us this morning on "today." do y'all want to say hi to somebody back home? >> hello, luke and little, and grandma and grandpa steve. >> can we give you a big hug. >> yes, she needs hugs. >> come on. >> come on in. >> y'all are sweet. >> that is so nice of you to come. >> come on, get in there. >> bring it in. >> come on, everybody gets a little love. >> that's awesome. >> we have a hugger. got another one. >> more hugs. y'all are awesome. can you believe they did that. >> so awesome. dedication. >> coming up jill martin is here "steals and deals." >> where are you? >> i'm over here. >> her great price. this is a beauty edition. up to 80% off on all these
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goodies. >> and then the male star of "battle of the sexes." what's the toughest part of playing a tennis champ? could we ever see a reunion of "the office?" what steve carell had to say to natalie about all of it. >> and is humor the key to getting young people more involved in politic. the surprising place that a former speech writer for president obama has landed. >> but, first, we're counting down to the start of the "megyn kelly today" show. mark your calendar. six days to go this morning. megyn opens up about the six people she would invite to her ideal dinner -- two, three, four, five. >> we're ready. >> and charlie. >> six people who i would have at my dream dinner party would be judge judy, obviously, oprah when i love, amy poler, hysterical. katharine hepburn, bad ass. can i say bad ass?
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winston churchill, same, and mohamed ali, wisdom. >> that's a nice dinner, right? >> yes. >> what is she making? >> i'll bring the ernest & julio galo. i wasn't invited. >> watch at 9:00 a.m. eastern for the premiere of "megyn kelly today" and get tickets at to be part of her life studio audience. al, a check of the weather. >> in the morning, madam, i'll be sober. the. >> joke jeopardy. >> i want to show you these young ladies. are these young ladies over here, just so beautiful. what's your names? >> i'm joy. >> and i'm grace. >> and i'm guessing you are twins maybe. >> yes. >> where are you from? >> nashville. >> i was just in nashville over the weekend. well, happy birthday to you guys. beautiful, very nice. all right. that's what's going that's what's going on around the -- oh, we get to do that. we get to do the map.
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they gave me a little time because you guys are so nice. coastal wind and rain from jose. wet weather in the pacific northwest. let's look at tomorrow since we got a little time. we'll show you that we're going to see more wet weather down through the gulf. mountain snow out west. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning, i'm meteorologist kari hall. breezy today, mostly sunny skies in san francisco. look for those highs in the upper 60s. and then a chance of rain in the forecast tomorrow, especially during the morning. our highest chance will be in the north bay but we could see some of those showers making it into sfrab san francisco. and then rest of the week, 60s. fall officially begins on friday. inland areas will also have some cooler than average temperatures. then it does start to warm up for the weekend. and a lot of sunshine into next week. get that weather any time you need it and check out our friends at the weather channel. oh, savannah. >> oh, al. it's our favorite segment,
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"steals & deals." today's style is celebrating wear what you want week and this week it's all about beauty. "today" contributor jill martin is here with the essentials. >> hi. >> what would you want, duke beauty, makeup and stine today. >> every season you should go through your bite back and go -- you're like uh-oh. >> go into your cabinet. >> this mascara is from the '80s. >> time to get anything with a wand, anything you use a lot, three to six month, spruce it it up. i have everything for you. >> the first, this product line, juice bite, tell me about it. >> the retail is 109 and gwyneth paltrow is the creator. includes cleansing milk, anti-oxidant serum and moisturizer so everything you need to get your skin ready and the retail 109, the deal 48, 56% off. >> put the anti-aging serum on. what do we have here? >> always need the anti-aging, no matter the hage. the dp hugh hair care, retails 88. apple cider air care treatment.
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the balance, the leave-in therapy and dry shampoo and if you get blowouts dry shampoo is your savior. gives you a couple extra days. retail 88 and. retail 35.20, a saving of 60%. >> speaking of blowouts. >> this is hot. >> can i try it. >> it's a straightener brush and it's hot already. >> do you feel it. >> i do. it's hot. >> i don't know if i'm doing it right. the neo professional hair tool, $200. you get the blow dryer and the brush or get the heated styling brush so you have to look online on to see exactly what's there. this comes in that. it's good, right. sort of like a flat iron and brush in one. >> i like that. >> five fall colors and a great gift if you're starting -- can't believe we're talking holiday gifts. stocking up, retail 200 and the deal 59, 71% off. i'm actually the only one talking. >> that blow dryer matches your dress. >> oh, yeah.
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good to stock up early on for a great deal. the pure cosmetics makeup, retail 154.50. a day-to-night set. so this really has everything. out got the four-in-one pressed mineral foundation. you can choose your shade on the epic illusion contour palette, the eye shadow trios, two of these, the broweder, for brow powder, and the chisel brush. christina aguilera and reese witherspoon are fans. the deal 39.95, 74% off for the six pieces. >> kind of get everything you need with this set. okay, great. lipstick. >> so this is really anything with a wand, you really want to replenish every three months because you use it all the time so the lip kits, retail 148, the best-seller lip kit so you get two lip glosses, two lipsticks, a lip liner. it comes in four color ways, celebrity nance include mayor yae and kate beckinsale. $30, 80% off and shipping
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included in all of the products. >> shipping included. >> that's a good color for you. >> i took the brightest one. the products are skin care sets from juice beauty, hair care, neo professional hair tools, makeups and the lip kits. if you have questions call jill or go to she will be back tomorrow with the rest of our style spot with the fall fashion favorites. and coming up next, natalie has a good one going one-on-one with "battle of the sexes star" steve carell. but, first, this is "today" on nbc. >> i love him. we all love m. ♪
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hey grandpa. hey, kid. really good to see you. you too. you tell grandma you were going fishing again? maybe. (vo) the best things in life keep going. that's why i got a subaru, too. introducing the all-new crosstrek. love is out there. find it in a subaru crosstrek. 8:40 on a to us morning. we welcome you back in. steve carell is getting oscar buzz for his new role in a movie called "the battle of the sexes." >> the true story of the tennis match between bobby riggs and billie jean king and natalie morales is here with more on that. >> i got to catch up with steve
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carell who got to play bobby rigds. it sparked a national debate about gender equality, one that's still going on today. >> man versus woman. male chauvenist pig versus harry-legged feminist. >> it's stove carell at the game. >> what would i lose? >> dinosaurs can't play tennis. >> in the new bio pick "battle of the sexes" carell plays tennis great and chauvenist bobby riggs. >> i'm not saying women don't belong on the court. who would pick up the balls, otherwise. >> oh, my gosh. much more than tennis match of the ages type movie. this is a movie about the issues that were going on in that time. >> yeah. >> gender equality. >> yeah. >> still a issue. >> leveling the playing field, equal pay. >> still a topic. >> i'll put the show back in chauvenism. >> in 1973 riggs cautioned a media storm by taking on women's tennis champ billie jean king
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played by oscar winner emma stop. the grum match watched by $90 million peoplewide. >> you were 11 years old when the battle of the sexes took place. what do you remember about it? >> i remember it was a spectacle, a circumstance cuss and specifically remember bobby riggs which attracted me. even at 11 i now it was a put-often knew he was joking and playing a character. >> i love women, in the bedroom and in the kitchen. >> carell deep dives into the role nailing riggs' every move on and off the court. how much fun was that? prosthetic teeth and the -- >> well, it was fun for me. not so much for my wife and kids because i actually read one review that said my wig was terrible in this movie, but, unfortunately, it was -- it was my real hair. that's the problem. >> off screen carell's new silver fox look has become big news. >> what do you think about all these tweets out there, whoa, when can steve carell turn into george clooney's brother? >> whenever i hear comment like that, i know people are being
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sarcastic, but -- but, yeah, i dyed it for another movie. >> have you and clooney talked? have you exchanged notes on -- >> he's so mad at me right now. >> for stealing his thunder. >> i -- i don't think he has much to worry about. >> the battle you've all been waiting to see. >> what's the hardest part of becoming bobby riggs. >> double knit short shorts that tend to seal in the natural juices. >> oh, geez. >> do we need to say more. >> i'll leave you with that. >> carell's chops extend well beyond acting. his hidden talents including playing the fife as seen here on letterman. ♪ >> how did you learn how to play the fife, is that like a lute? >> oh, i was in a -- a like recreated british regiment, you know, the british history stuff an re-enactors and i became a history major and i was
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fascinated by the history. you're staring at me like that's cool. >> wow. a history marriage, too. >> i wouldn't have date you. >> i would have dated you. i'm into like history majors. >> and battle re-enactors. >> and nerdy types. >> let hope his tennis skills are better than his tennis lobs. >> sorry. >> just in the church parking lot. >> was that all right. >> sorry. it is a sunday. >> sorry, father. >> oh, we did find that ball, by the way, and a dog within second picked it up and walked away with it. we ask carell if there's any chance of reuniting with the "office" cast for a revival. he said while he loved doing the show that time has passed. we still love him as michael scott. >> natalie, i love history majors. >> i'd date you. >> i love history.
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and he plays the fife. >> we should mention "the battle of the sexes" opens up on friday. >> what it goes from writing speeches to the president to writing jokes for "funny or die," but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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all right. we're back. 8:47, "funny or die," a little website founded by will farrell and friend launched ten years ago. >> a deck ailed later you may be surprised who is working this. nbc's cynthia mcfadden is here with the people behind the laughs. good morning. >> good morning, everybody. >> well, the writers at "funny or die" readily admit to leaning left, but they say their goal is to write comedy that transsends party lines. the highest compliment they say is when people from all political points of view laugh. funny is funny it their mantra. take a look. >> so, i called this news conference, and you're going --
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i mean, you're going to flip over this. you're going to love this. >> some of the hottest political jokesters around. the folks at "funny or die" with 50 million online followers. >> i have to know. what is it like to be the last black president? >> seriously? what's it like for this to be the last time you ever talk to a president? >> humor with a purpose is what they call it. >> i'm going to press this. >> don't touch that, please. >> that "between two ferns" video led a million people to sign up for obamacare. >> it's also a bill that won't go anywhere. >> had a rare glimpse inside their new comedy war room in los angeles. >> just make a health care song. >> a rapid response team to try and keep up with politics these days. the day we visited -- >> the biggest story politically right now is bernie introducing medicare for all bill. >> what's the funny in it? they say watch sanders' finger. he makes a lot of good points. >> it's clear as day he's typing out socialism, communism.
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>> he's doing morse code for socialism. look at the finger. >> they take their political funny very seriously around here. >> because politically it's still difficult. >> and one of their secret weapons is this guy. >> it's such an amazing resource to be able to go to david and say i don't get why these things -- how these things came together, why they happened. >> david is david litt, a former speech writer for president obama who never intended to end up in politics but as a senior at yale, a plane trip changed his life. >> it was that little airplane television in the seat in front of me and i saw barack obama give a speech. i remember the exact moment. >> people who love this country can change interest. >> by the time that plane landed, i was ready to do whatever it took to help be part that have campaign. >> you were 24 years old when you went to work at the white house. >> yeah. which at the time i thought was very old. i was like i've been out of college for two full years. >> you're a bit of a child prodigy if i may say so. >> you may say so.
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>> could have gone to college at 12, 13. >> i'm glad i didn't, but, yeah. >> now 31, he's written a candid and self-deprecating book about his white house years. >> you say the president didn't know your name until the second term. >> he thought my name was lips rather than litt. i think he thought it was a nickname, not really sure, but the thing is when the president. united states gets your name wrong, you can't correct him. he's got more important things to do, all right, lips it is. >> for four years litt was in charge of one of the president's most high profile annual speeches, the white house correspondents dinner. >> i want toes especially thank all the members who took a break from their exhausting schedule of not passing any laws to be here tonight. >> the process involved some dozen writers and 600 jokes. 600 jokes from one speech. >> 600 jokes for one speech and maybe that speech would end up with 30 jokes in it, so it was a very selective process. >> according to litt, presidential humor can play an
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important role. >> there's two things to me that jokes can do for a president. one is it's just a reminder that this person is human. i'm just a person. i make mistakes, and so self-deprecating humor can do that, and the other thing that comedy can do is tell the truth in a way that you're not always allowed to in politics. >> and these days he says nothing could be more important than that. >> i think young people recognize that our politics right now is not working the way it's supposed to, and comedy is a way of acknowledging that without totally giving up on system so having the sense of the absurd but also a sense of possibility and a sense of hope at the end. >> well, full disclosure. i've known david li tt all of his life. his mother is my best friend in law school and when david was 2 years old he and i were left alone in a room together with a fish tank, and i'm going oh, look at the pretty fishy, red and blue and david proceeded to list the latin names for all the fish. i said to him mom have you talked to him lately?
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>> yeah. >> smart guy, very funny, too. so who knows. >> great story. cynthia, thank you. >> all right. we're back in a moment on a tuesday morning. this is "today" on nbc. at stanford health care, we can now repair complex aortic aneurysms without invasive surgery. if we can do that, imagine what we can do for varicose veins. and if we can precisely treat eye cancer with minimal damage to the rest of the eye, imagine what we can do for glaucoma, even cataracts.
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if we can use dna to diagnose the rarest of diseases, imagine what we can do for the conditions that affect us all. imagine what we can do for you.
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imagine what we can do for the conditions that affect us all. test test it's been a fun show. how about celebrating birthdays. >> great way to end it. first up on the smuckers jars, miss anne of brooklyn, new york, and still testing her look at the slot machines at is hundred years old. good look. frank mckina served in ward wore one. happy birthday. happy birthday to develop ma holt, is hundred years old. worked as a local chef at her parish for more than 40 years. miss irma barnett is 100 careers
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old, an artist from chesapeake, virginia. loves to celebrate every holiday and is all the life of the party. marion morris, 100 years old, an award-winning author and says the secret to longevity, a sense of humor and last but not least, happy is 00th birthday to bill cornell. a new york giant fan from fairfield, connecticut. he stays active by riding his bicycle, his exercise bike for 20 minutes every day. now if you know somebody celebrating a milestone birthday or anniversary, love to hear to you. head to and make sure to include a photo. >> always a nice way to end. >> what do you have coming up? >> mr. harry connick jr. going to be there. >> nice. >> and our pal -- >> making brisket. >> harry is making brisket. >> he's not but we are. >> great rosh hashana treats. >> hola. we've got mentalist otis sperlman coming up as well.
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>> sounds like a good show, i )m ... ==rail== breaking news right now in the south bay. good morning to you. it's 8:56. breaking news out of the south bay. it is connected to a deadly motorcycle crash in san martin we just learned about. rescue crews tell us the person involved in the crash was a law enforcement officer. we don't know at this point what agency that officer worked for, nor whether that officer was on duty at the time of the crash. we can tell you it happened on
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monterey highway east of san martin avenue a little before 6:00 this morning. the chp will provide more information. when they do, we will bring it to you. gathering more details about that victim and how that crash might have happened. he will be live with a report in our midday newscast at 11:00 this morning. you can watch for updates throughout the morning on our twitter feed. also, president trump has some harsh words for korea and iran. the world is now reacting. in our twitter feed, we posted links to some of the present's key moments. and think about this the next time you're stuck in traffic. congestion levels on bay area roadways are higher than ever, 80% worse than 2010. you can find that story on our homepage
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morning drive. kari and i )ll keep "tracking hurricane maria" overnight. see some of the first images from puerto rico - as the monster storm slams the u.s. territory. marcus/gfx join us tomorrow for )today in the bay ) - starting at 4:30.
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did you know when you buy any bag of dog or cat food at petsmart we give a meal to a pet in need? buying your favorite bag of food at petsmart will help us reach our goal of donating more than 60 million meals to shelters and food banks. that means millions of hungry pets across the country (like this little guy) get to eat. buy any bag any size we give a meal to a pet in need. petsmart - for the love of pets. and now come celebrate our grand opening in your neighbourhood.
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. >> this morning on today's take, hello harry. harry conic jr. is here. then if you don't see it, you won't believe it. mind-blowing magic from mentalist. we're minutes away from our giveaway every day. you've got to watch to win. you'll see what i mean. ♪ >> from nbc news this is "today's take" live from studio 1a in rockefeller applauplaza. welcome to "today" on a tuesday morning, september 19th, 2017. listening to "lips are moving" by our pal meghan trainor. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> what is it, tuesday? happy tuesday. >> yeah. so i walk in, and -- for our
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morning meeting, and dylan says i got your letter. >> yes. >> i had written a note to her. >> in the mail. >> when i was in -- >> stamped. >> i was doing a little -- >> i don't want to show them the address, but -- >> what's the postmark on it? >> the postmark is from france. >> what's the date? >> august 17th. >> no, it's -- >> august 30th. you can see my confusion. it's not 2030. august 30th, 2017. >> today is the 17th -- the 19th. today is the 19th. >> of september. >> but i got it yesterday. >> yeah. >> mail travels slowly from france. >> no, no. you don't check your mail, and that's why you check your mail. i purposely wrote that letter just to see -- >> as opposed to a text or e-mail. >> just to see how long it would take you to get the letter. >> it's so outdated now that i read it. >> well, guess what. >> it was a very nice letter thanking me for the work i did for harvey because al was taking
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leila to school. >> i was taking her to college. she was out there for a long time. she's a nursing mom. all that stuff. >> then he went on to say the way things are shaping up, i have a feeling my turn in the barrel is coming. we're already talking about our second storm since you wrote this letter. >> that's right. >> i do find it very interesting, though, that you travel with your own stationery. >> i do. >> that's a good point. >> i didn't even think of that. is it like al -- >> al roker stationery. >> yes. >> why? >> i have a little -- because every now and then you're someplace, you think of something, somebody you want to write a note to, and -- >> actually, not really. >> it's very nice. >> i'm going to start doing it. >> i travel with stamps and the whole nine yards. >> you have a nice little folder. >> a little portfolio. >> like an adult trapper keeper. >> it's got a little fountain pen in it. i only write with fountain pens. >> it doesn't take up too much space? >> it does start to leak when i put it on the counter. i'm fascinated. >> i love it. >> do you remember when you were teasing us for not checking our
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mail that often, and it's fun why i because twitter, facebook, and everywhere else that we read when you guys talk, a lot of people don't check their mail every day. we felt like we weren't the o oddballs that we thought we were. >> i'm older than you guys. you check the mail every day. i still see the postman coming down the block, and it's like it goes in the slot. >> sometimes he will say can you please just -- here. just take this and go. i'm sorry. >> it helped me because it was so full, and i was holding the dog, and i was trying to get everything out of the little box, the mailbox. >> can't fit anymore in there. >> this is an nbc news special report. here's matt lauer and savannah guthrie. >> 10:03 on the east coast. 7:03 on the west. the prosecute ez is about to make his debut address to the united nations general assembly. we're told that north korea menace confronting rogue regimes
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will be a central focus of that speech. >> obviously, the president has said a lot of the things he is going to say today in the past. he said them while he was a candidate, but this is the first time we're going to hear from him in a cohesive speech. >> mr. secretary general, mr. president, world leaders, and distinguished delegates, welcome to new york. it is a profound honor to stand here in my home city as a representative of the american people to address the people of the world. as millions of our citizens continue to suffer the affects of the devastating hurricanes that have struck our country, i want to begin by expressing my appreciation to every leader in this room who has offered assistance and aid. the american people are strong and resilient, and they will emerge from these hardships more
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determined than ever before. fortunately, the united states has done very well since election day last november 8th. the stock market is at an all-time high. a record. unemployment is at its lowest level in 16 years, and because of our regulatory and other reforms, we have more people working in the united states today than ever before. companies are moving back creating job growth the likes of which our country has not seen in a very long time, and it has just been announced that we will be spending almost $700 billion. for more than 70 years in times
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of war and peace, the leaders of nations, movements, and religions have stood before this assembly. like them, i intend to address some of the very serious threats before us today, bit also the enormous potential waiting to be unleashed. we live in a time of skpreerd opportunity. breakthroughs in science, technology, and medicine are curing illnesses and solving problems that prior generations thought impossible to solve, but each day also brings news of growing dangers that threaten everything we cherish and value. terrorists and extremists have gathered strength and spread to every region of the planet. rogue regimes represented in this body not only support terrorists, but threaten other
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nations and their own people with the most destructive weapons known to humanity. authority and authoritarian powers seek to collapse the values, the smtz systeystems an alliances that prevented conflict and tilted the world toward freedom since world war ii. international criminal networks traffic drugs, weapons, people, force dislocation and mass migration, threaten our borders, and new forms of aggression exploit technology to menace our citizens to put it simply, we meet at a time of both immense promise and great peril. it is entirely up to us whether we lift the world to new heights or let it fall into a valley of
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disrepair. we have it in our power, should we so choose, to lift millions from poverty, to help -- and to insure generations of children are raised free from violence. this was founded in the aftermath of two world wars to help shape this better future. it was based on the vision that diverse nations to cooperate to protect their sovereignty, preserve their security, and promote their prosperity. it was in the same period exactly 70 years ago that the united states developed the marshall plan to help restore europe. those three beautiful pillars. they are pillars of peace.
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sovereignty, security, and prosperity. the marshall plan was built on the noble idea that the whole world is safer when nations are strong, independent, and free. as president trump -- packed full of flavor, one pint-sized hero was on a mission.
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now grammy and emmy winner harry connick jr. is kicking off the second season of his syndicated talk show "harry". >> and has a lot more to celebrate these days, too, with the return of "will & grace" and a star on the hollywood walk of fame. harry, congratulations. >> thank you. >> we buried the lead with that one. >> that's one of the things that you don't ever really think about. >> it's huge. >> and i found out they were going to do it. >> did they call you? >> i think they called my management, and my manager said they are giving you a star. >> nice. >> it's amazing. >> that's amazing. >> you think about all of the people who have been honored in that way. it's really humbling, really is. >> wow. do you think of how it's going to be in the moment, like oh, i'm going to do this. >> i haven't even thought about it yet. it's really kind of surreal. >> yeah. >> i've made so many records in los angeles and spent so many days and weeks there that i've walked down the streets so much and you look down and see all of the people who are the greatest of all time and you just don't think that they are going to give. >> somebody is going to want you to come to their dinner. that's right.
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>> not only -- you're now going to be in the "will & grace" reboot. >> yes. >> it's funny. >> yes. >> where is leo now? >> i can't tell you much because they probably wouldn't like that, but it's -- >> they are not watching. >> they are not up this early. >> it's funny. it's really funny, and a lot of people say is it going to be as good as it was when it's on originally? it's hysterically funny. those four characters, weird thing going on set because they rebuilt the set and nothing has changed. >> really. >> all four actors look the same, the set looks pretty much the same. >> so they didn't redecorate? >> you know it's funny, they redecorated, but even the craft service is in the same place and wardrobe in the same place. it was wild, like a time machine. really fun. >> people are look forward to. can we ask you about instagram. you challenged donny wahlberg to a burger throwdown-off. is that what it's called? >> i made a statement a long time ago that said i've never lip synced, never lip synced.
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he made a statement, i will. or whatever, and it was really funny so we went back and forth and he said harry connick can't throw down like this and someone posted a picture of him dancing so i challenged him to a throwdown-off and he came on the show and his wife jenny mccarthy moderated the event. it was a lot of fun. >> and we talked upstairs you would make jesus gumbo. would you make a gumbo burger. >> that's going to show up in my bio. harry connick jr., who claims he would make jesus gumbo. wait, when did i say that? >> talk about iconic moments. kind of pinch-me moments. your first show back this season you had billy joel. >> that was unbelievable. >> amazing. >> so i saw him at an event and we had dressing rooms right next to each other and i asked him if he would want to be on my show and he said yes. i actually honestly thought he was just being nice and he came and did the premiere show and we sang two songs together. it was incredible. >> i think we have a clip. can we listen a little bit to
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the duet? ♪ you can say the human heart is only make believe ♪ ♪ and i am only fighting fire with fire ♪ ♪ you are still a victim of the accident's elite ♪ ♪ sure as i'm a victim of desire ♪ >> that was awesome. >> how cool is that. >> i just saw him in concert. >> he's amazing, right. >> sounds as always as he always sounds. >> he's amazing, and for me, when i was a young musician playing piano, billy joel is one of those people that everybody loved. to look up and see him at the other piano was wild, man. it was really cool. >> cool. >> sweet guy, too. >> you took a selfie with him but you call a stalky. >> if you can get a celebrity stalky and you're about to get major points. hold half of your face in the frame and there's billy. that's a stalky. if you can get a celebrity stalky, it's huge. >> a little disturbing. >> a little creepy. >> why it's called a stalky. little weird.
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i've become a master at it. this isn't really a stalky because you know i'm going to do it. i'm going to get major points. >> we'll talk as if you don't know you're here. >> anyway. >> sheinelle. >> that's fine. i'll just do this. >> are you praying. >> it's hard to get everybody in here. >> there you go. i got if. >> hey, before we go, now that you're doing your second season, what surprised you most about doing a daytime talk show? >> how much people wanted to know about me. >> yeah. >> like nighttime shows, people seem to be, you know, relaxed. they want to be entertained. there's not a lot of -- for the viewers, not a lot of thought that goes into it. they lay back and kick back. eat some popcorn and chill out, and in the daytime people seem to want to know more about what they are watching, takeaways, more about the host. >> you're hanging out in their home basically. >> so i asked what would y'all want to see more of? we want to see more of your wife and your children an learn more about you which was something i was pleasantly surprised about. >> they want to engage with you. >> they do.
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>> that's a good thing. >> we want less of you. >> enough of harry. to catch more of harry, the second season of "harry," check your local listings. up next, a guy who likes to mess with our minds, world famous mentalist otis perlman is back with some new jaw-dropping tricks after this. famous famous mentalist otis just walk right in and pay zero dollars with most insurance.r. plus, when you get a flu shot at walgreens, you help provide a lifesaving vaccine to a child in need through the un foundation. it's that easy to get your flu shot and make a difference. so swing by your local walgreens today. walgreens. at the corner of happy & healthy. give it a drink! l'oreal's hydra genius daily liquid care. our first liquid moisturizer with aloe water. absorbs instantly, for 72 hours of hydration. skin's quenched. looks fresh.
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hydra genius with aloe water. by l'oreal paris. when food is good and clean and real, it's ok to crave. and with panera catering, there's more to go around. panera. food as it should be. so if you have a sink, and the ship is sinking, is it a sinking sink? scrubbing bubbles toilet gel, freshens and cleans with every flush. spend less time cleaning, and more time thinking about the important things. sc johnson nature valley granola delicious ingredients to fuel your day find us in the cereal aisle. all the power of protein in one delicious bar nature valley protein bars this i can do, easily. i try hard to get a great shape. benefiber® healthy shape is a clear, taste-free, 100% natural daily fiber... that's clinically proven to help me feel fuller longer.
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benefiber® healthy shape. this i can do! when you make a pb&j with smucker's, that's the difference between ordinary everyday and exquisitely delicious in an everyday sort of way. because with a name like smucker's, it has to be good. oh, it's actually...cious sfx: (short balloon squeal)y. it's ver... sfx: (balloon squeals) ok can we... sfx: (balloon squeals) goodbye! oof, that milk in your coffee was messing with you, wasn't it? try lactaid, it's real milk, without that annoying lactose. good right? yeah. lactaid. the milk that doesn't mess with you. he likes to eat clean. that's why at petsmart we love the nutro feed clean philosophy. they're made with non-gmo ingredients and high-quality protein. now buy 1 select bag of nutro pet food and get $10 off your next purchase. petsmart - for the love of pets.
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you know him and love him and now he's back to blow our minds once again. >> mentalist otis perlman is here with some tricks you have to see to believe and you always blow my mind. >> never know what's going to happen. the ancient greeks believed there were four elements that everything was made up of. earth, wind, fire and water. >> easy enough. >> do me a favor. hold out your hand, al, sheinelle, speaking of earth, wind, fire and water. what will happen. getting close and getting tight. dylan, matches, fire.
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take those for me, please. >> okay. >> open them up, and if you wouldn't mind strike a match. >> you know. this is so fun. >> and fire, don't move because i said come back sheinelle, and -- >> what? >> i thought you were about to drop flames. >> the craziest thing. there's a study where they did this, seems evil. >> that's called ice. >> it feels cold. >> right. >> where they did a study where they took a match and they conditioned somebody that they were going to burn them, evil. did this to college students, conditioned them to think so strongly and at the last moment they swapped it with an ice cube and touched that person and they screamed. some people, their skin even blistered. >> no way. >> yeah. >> do that to al, not me. >> the power of the mind, don't burn al. >> i've got the matches. >> you know, let's trade. i'll take the matches. grab this pen and i want you to grab a piece of paper and let's get your mind going. turn your back and write down
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two initials, not of yourself, your husband, somebody that has pond into your mind and turn your back. >> just first and last initials. >> first and last initials, yeah. >> and close the pen up, and it's all about the power of the mind. the fact that that person blistered was because they believed it could happen. watch this. watch the pen, and speaking of wind, make sure, al, cover my mouth to make sure i'm not blowing on this. imagine that this pen starts to move a little. if i really believe it. imagine if that pen starts to move, right in front of you. >> dylan, you're holding that against you. do you have any idea why you thought of this person today, like a reason or just popped in your head in. >> she -- >> popped into my head. >> sorry. >> it. >> the matches, it didn't pop in your head. what happened is the synapse in your mind went off. imagine every synapse firing off every moment right at this very moment just like that's matches. turn that paper around and show
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what were the officials that you wrote down. what are they, l.b. >> and look right here, nice and tight into the matchbook. >> that's weird. >> you said her name. >> you wrote the initials, someone with a "u," luann becker. >> yes. >> that's so weird. >> bring her out. >> is she? >> no, i'm kidding, i'm kidding. >> i haven't seen her in a while. i can't wait. where's luann. you want to see more. >> i'm speechless. >> i have an aexciting announcement to make. for the first time in ten years. >> hi, lu. >> i have a stage live live mind riding are, at >> my heart is kind of racing because i still don't get it. >> that was amazing. >> that's why you've got to come out. >> you're going front row, al. you'll be there. >> i'm going to have you over this weekend when i start a fire. >> exactly. >> on my barbecue.
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>> where did the ice come from? >> i know, they are all over. al is full of it. frisk me to see if i'm wet right now. >> nothing is wet. >> al, stop. >> i was going to say. >> amazing. >> up next, we're going to cook up a little magic in the kitchen with a juicy beef brisket after these messages. >> that is amazing. >> wow. real energy harnessed from the earth.
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so tomorrow evening marks the beginning of the jewish new year and nothing says rosh hashana like brisket cooked to perfect. our chef and life-style expert jamie geller is here with an overnight recipe you start today so you can spend more time with the family tomorrow. >> yes, yes. >> we want to wish everybody a rosh hashana. >> happy new year and happy rosh hashana. wish everybody a sweet new year. you know it's a holiday when you bring out the big brisket. >> call that a hunk of brisket love. >> so let's get started. you've got in the pans onions and halfled heads of garlic. >> everything good in the kitchen starts with a little bit of onion and garlic. that's already in the pan. would you help me -- we should season it first. let's season it first. >> season it first. >> salt and pepper, generous, right? >> a lot of it. >> that's going to make layers of flavor. i like how you work that pepper mill. >> you know your way around -- >> years of experiment. >> my hubby usually helps me. >> knew hubby usually helps me
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get this brisket into the pan. you want to help me here, i'm sure he does. >> so ten-pound brisket, whole brisket in the pan. we're starting off on the wrong foot here. in the pan, the secret here is the first and second can you, the whole brisket. the meat is marbleized. >> all the fat. >> the all the fat will make a nice butterer sauce. >> what do we add next in. >> broth and red wine and i'll do the tomatoes, simple, easy. this will will allow me to get my beauty rest before. you don't need that, right? >> oh, please, it's too late. >> this cooks while you sleep. >> 225 degrees for ten hours. >> red wine. >> a great red wine. >> so you're going to wrap this before you put it. >> yes. i always put parchment because that keeps the foil from reaching into food especially on a ten hour and slow cook. since it's going in for ten hours, 225, low hand slow. that's the next secret to tender melt in your mouth meat. >> could you theoretically do this if you wanted to in like a
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smoker, in a grill? >> for sure, you could. you're the barbecue expert, enthusiast over there, but you absolutely could do that as well, for sure. >> now we slice. you want to let that cool because it's so buttery soft before you slice it and we slice against the grain to make sure that the meat is not stringy but beautiful, nice thin slices stade de gerland i love the caramelized onion and garlic that comes with that. >> tastes delicious and amazing for serving and because it's so soft you've got to get under here. >> otherwise it will break apart. >> all about preparation. eat with our eyes first. come over on this side and help me out. perfect. you've done this before. we're god, we're good, we're good. is that a party on the plate. >> you take your pan juices and kind of cook them down. >> reduce them down until they coat the back of a spoon, got them reducing them down here and then we drizzle and this says holiday. hassle-free holiday while we slept. so few ingredients.
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>> puts the holiday in rosh hashana. >> doesn't have to be a holiday to have a brisket. can you make this in the morning and come home and dinner is done. >> carrot beet borscht. so old school and tired and grandma. we made chilled soups. tell me what you think, gazpacho, lemon, carrots, beets. >> that's dishes. >> and then hol ha. >> source of all al's jokes. >> we've done pearl sugar on tons, everything spice on top, like an everything bagel and it's all natural. >> interesting. >> really fun to bake on holidays with your kids. >> honey is important. >> we push everybody a sweet new year. i love that you're using the hol ha for the pan juices. >> you caught her. >> dipping a will. >> dip that in the honey and how
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we wish everyone a sweet new year. >> again, happy rosh hashana. >> thank you very much. >> and we want to have you get these recipes. go check out up next, you met them first here. their new number one song is topping the charts, the uk band rude mental and james arthur. they blue us away last time. they will perform for us again live after these messages. i'm a migraine sufferer and i'm an emt. when i get a migraine at work, it's debilitating. if i call out with a migraine, that's one less ambulance to serve a community. i just don't want to let these people down. excedrin migraine. relief that works as hard as you do. i'm a baker, and i'm a migraine suffer. working with a migraine is overwhelming. i take excedrin before it all goes off the cliff, then i'm back to my life again. excedrin migraine. relief that works as hard as you do. ♪ ♪
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9:49 am
new brow stylist shape and fill pencil by l'oreal. the easy-to-use triangular tip shapes and fills. the spoolie brush blends. brow power! new brow stylist shape and fill from l'oreal paris. halloween. may the you can do" best. house. win. now at party city, get 7-foot props for just $9.99. party city, oh, it's on. what's new from light and fit? greek nonfat yogurt with zero artificial sweeteners. real fruit and 90 calories... you'll be wowed! try new light & fit with zero artificial sweeteners.
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♪ yo♪ and you probably do. rt ♪ ♪ you're a beautiful thing. ♪ sc johnson. bee to the hive to the comb combing that honey. into some gold gold to the o. it's the yum in your bowl good goes around...and around, and around. good goes around and around. hi. oh, hi! welcome to the neighborhood. i brought you this pie to see if you're weird. wow, that smells intrusive. it is. did you want to come in, maybe snoop around a bit? that's why i'm here. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? ooh, i smell onions! the citi® double cash card does. only citi lets you earn 1% cash back when you buy, and 1% as you pay. the citi double cash card. double means double.
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we've got a british invasion going on this morning in studio 1a with multi-platinum artist rudimental and james arthur getting ready to perform their hot new single for us. >> the song has already spent weeks at the top of the charts in their native uk and rocked up 55 million streams globally. >> it's called "sun comes up" off rudimental's third sidio album. guys, good morning. >> hey. >> how did this collaboration come about? >> we wrote this song had a while back and heard james' voice and kind of a perfect match and kind of blew us away he added his touch to it and it turned into something really special. >> when something like this happens, do you feel like you're catching, you know, magic in a bottle? >> yeah. you get that gut feeling. i remember in the studio when he came in and did it, yeah. you get better flies in your
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stomach and you feel like this is the big one. >> well, we can't wait to hear it. >> all right. >> rudimental and james arthur. ♪ i wondered maybe they'd never find me ♪ ♪ i've been waiting such a long, long, long time to feel it ♪ ♪ swallowed by the waters around me ♪ ♪ no i took so many wrong, wrong, wrong turns to see it, woah ♪ ♪ but i tansed through the blisters at night ♪ ♪ and i laughed till i cried and cried and ♪ i ran till my feet couldn't run mo for ♪ ♪ no more, mo for ♪ and i sung till my lungs were burning ♪ ♪ till i know i'm alive, alive, yeah ♪ i sing till i can't hear your voice no more ♪ ♪ sudden lit sun goes up ♪ and i feel my love flooding back again, ♪
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♪ until the sun goes up and i feel my love coming up again ♪ ♪ it wasn't easy trying to one with these handcuffs ♪ ♪ i had to sleep such a cold, cold, cold night to see it ♪ ♪ green flashes hid me right where i'm standing ♪ ♪ sunlight got into the bone, bone, bone, start the healing ♪ ♪ but i danced through the blisters at night ♪ ♪ and i laughed till i cried and cried ♪ and i ran till my feet couldn't run no more ♪ ♪ no more, no more ♪ and i sung till my lungs were burning ♪ till i know i'm alive, alive ♪ ♪ i sing till i can't hear your voice no more ♪ ♪ sudden lit sun goes up ♪ and i feel my love needing back again ♪ ♪ until the sun goes up and i
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feel my love coming up again ♪ ♪ until the sun goes up and the dark is gone ♪ ♪ we made it to the dawn and i don't miss you anymore ♪ ♪ when the sun goes up, when the kun comes up ♪ ♪ i can feel my love coming back again ♪ ♪ so give a little light to get a little love back ♪ ♪ give a little light to get a little love back ♪ ♪ give a little light, give a little light ♪ ♪ won't you give it ♪ to get a little love back ♪ won't you give it ♪ oh, won't you give it ♪ won't you give it ♪ give a little love back ♪ and suddenly the sun goes up
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and i feel my love flooding back again ♪ ♪ and until the sun goes up and i feel my love coming up ♪ until the sun goes up, and the dark is gone ♪ ♪ we made it to the dawn, and i don't miss you anymore ♪ ♪ when the sun comes up ♪ when the sun comes ♪ i feel my love [ applause ] >> i didn't want that to end. that was fantastic. >> we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. good morning. a lot of sunshine across the bay
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area and it will be very comfortable. we're looking at a high in oakland, up to 71 degrees and 78 degrees in napa. palo alto, expect a high of 76 and 78 in livermore. san jose in the mid 70s with san francisco seeing some breezy winds today with a mostly sunny sky. tomorrow we'll start to see more clouds moving in and there will be a chance of rain, especially in the morning. then it will be slightly cooler. fall begins on friday and the weekend will be warming up. for the inland area, expect a breezy day with mostly sunny skies going to see, especially for the north bay. thursday we'll get some cooler temperatures. then after going through the weekend, it will feel more like summer, with highs in the low to mid 80s and that continues into the start of next week. in the meantime, we can have winds gusting to three miles an hour.
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the effort being made to slow down morning drive. >> and some of the first images from puerto rico as it slams the u.s. territory. so, ladies.
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>> hello, mr. roker. >> what's coming up on your program? >> ah, let's see. donna-dorable is going under cover as an older woman. wait until you see. who wants to do that? >> how about the alberti twins? >> they're so handsome. >> i just met them. >> hoda's favorite day? >> what is it? >> spairnky tuesday. you love it. san jose leaders get ready to debate a plan to provide more affordable housing. at our home page - a link to the
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full story - and why the solution might be clinched with a green-light from governor brown. ==rvl== the world responds to president trump )s address to the united nations. the president had some harsh words for north korea and iran. in our twitter feed link to the full story .. along with clips from today )s address.
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. >> today on boos miley cyrus drops relationship news, what she's saying about marriage. and it's 1:00 somewhere. the wine hacks that will change your life. plus a spin and you could win when we give it away. >> welcome to the happiest day of your life. >> this is the best show on the world. >> from nbc news, this is "today" with kathy lee gifford and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> we're still doing it.


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