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tv   Today  NBC  October 25, 2017 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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>> join us for the news at 11:00. it is wednesday, hump day. enjoy the day. see you back here. g . good morning, over and out. >> mr. president, i rise today the say enough. >> jeff flake becomes the second gop senator to announce he won't run for re-election an in the process delivers a blistering takedown of president trump. is it the beginning of a major revolt within the president's own party? we'll ask senator flake in a live interview dirty politics? nbc confirmed hillary clinton harrisburg's campaign float that dossier releasing leaks again then candidate trump and russia. was it a part of a smear campaign and did they try to
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cover it up neighborhood, deadly prank, five michigan teenagers charged with second degree murder for allegedly dropping a rock over a highway overparks striking and killing a young father. his fiancee is speaking out. >> you took away a child's father and the love of my life. >> all that, plus hollywood remembers grounds breaking actor robert grurm. the halloween display that may have gone too far and sizzling start! the dodgers take the opener of the world series in the hottest post-season game ever! the astros hoping to keep their cool in game two, today, wednesday, october 25th, 2017. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza.
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>> good morning, everyone, welcome to "today" on this wednesday morning, we thank you as always for joining us, we want to get to our top story the aftershocks are held in washington, two republican senators announcing they've reached their braking point with the president. arizona senator jeff flake doing it from the senate floor. we'll talk to him in a moment. first at the white house, peter alexander, take it away. >> reporter: president trump claiming victory this morning, dismissing those critic, tweeting the reason senators flake and corker dropped out is they had zero chance of being elected. right now in real time, we may be witnessing the rupturing the reshaping of the republican party with flake arguing this is a tipping point and urging other toss speak out. this morning the republican resistance. >> we must be unafraid to stand up and speak out as if our country depends on it. because it does. >> you would think he would aspire to be the president of
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the united states and act like a president of the united states, but, you know, that's just fought going to be the case. >> reporter: a pair of prominent republican senators, unloading on president trump in a series of scathing critique, arizona's jeff flake announcing he'll retire rather than serve with a leader who he condemned for a flagrant disregard of truth and decency. >> reckless, and undignified behavior has become excused like telling it like it is, when it is actually just reckless, outrageous and undignified. and when such behavior emanates from the top of our government, it is something else. it is dangerous to a democracy. >> reporter: that emotional address following the president's visit with republican senators open capitol hill. tennessee's bob corker once a close allie, now a fierce critic. >> i don't know why he lowers
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himself to such a low, low standard of and debases our country in the way he does. >> the powerful senate foreign relations committee insisting he wouldn't support mr. trump if he had to do it again, president trump calling corker incompetent, a light weight, saying he couldn't be elected dog catchner his home state, corker responding on twitter, saying untruths from an untruthful president. #alert the day care staff. the white house disminute agoing it as petty. >> when he gets hit, he hits back. >> reporter: breitbart winning, flake out. steve bannon's reaction according to a source close to the former clump u trump strategist. another day, another scalp. still the latest in a pack of party heavyweights taking on the president in blunt terms. >> when the next generation asks us, why didn't you do something? why didn't you speak up?
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what are we being to say? >> you know, it's obvious, his political model and governing model is to divide. >> half baked, skurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems. >> bigotry seems emboldened. our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy there's e theories and outright fabrics. >> republicans start their stalled agenda with 25 work days left to do, an ambitious to do list, tax cuts, making fix toss the health care and the nuclear deal with little mar union for error what is clear here and significant is whether this escalating war among republicans, could threaten the party, the fight, however, has a lot less to do with policy than it does with style and tone, flake, you remember had one of the most consistent conservative records in the spire senate. still the question, will any
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other senators follow flake and corker's lead? we'll be watching. back to you. >> peter, thanks, so much. that brings us to senator jeff flake, who joins us live now, good morning to you. >> thanks for having me on. >> one of the part of your speech that caught my eye, senator, when you talked about your fellow senators, your colleagues in the, an paraphrasing here, if are you waiting for president trump to turn a corner and grow up and become more responsible and start to get things done, your wait will last forever. that's not going to happen. my question to you is when you stepped off the senate floor, what did you hear from your colleagues? did they whisper in your ear and say i feel that way, too, or did they say, listen, i disagree with you, and i can't stand with you? >> well, i think if we are waiting for that pivot, we ought to quit waiting. after nine months, i think it's not coming. i do hear that from my
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colleagues, i think they know, brieftly do i hear th privately, i do hear that. the longer we wait, the more this kind of behavior and these politics become normalized. and we can't afford that we really can't. >> senator, is there a difference in your mind between a president who, these are your words, undermines our democratic ideals and has a flagrant disregard for the truth and decency and a president who is unfit to hold the office? >> well, in terms of unfit to hold the office, the voters made their choice, he was elected fair and square. i don't think some of the remedies that are being talked about, impeachment, high crimes and misdemeanors, i don't think that that applies, nor do i think that article 25 that's been talked about from the cabinet to force the president out. i don't think that that is the right way to go. but i do think that elected officials have responsibilities to stand up to date and if the president is pursuing policies, if he actually carries forward
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on some of the threats that he's made, for example, against news organizations, to pull their licenses, if they have news that he doesn't like, or if he continues with the kind of tweeting and behavior that's unbecoming of the president, we ought to at least stand up and say so. >> does it bother you that this, your moment, your sacrifice, if will you, is being seen as a vicstory by the white house, who basically said good riddance and steve bannon came out and said, another day, in essence they say by quitting they win and you lose? >> well, i'll let them go ahead and describe it that way. i just know for me, i couldn't continue and in this way and run a campaign as if this is a normal campaign. it's not. we're at a different time now. and to go and run a campaign as
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if the president's actions are normal and that they can be countenanced, that's a difficult position to take in a republican primary the position that i've taken that we ought to stand up. but you know the president and his people can claim any victory they want. but i think my colleagues and i have to stand up and say this is not normal. we've bought the to change course. >> but, for, i have to say, there will be plenty of people watching right now saying, amen, i agree with you. and there will be a significant number of people who think, that's just more talk from an establishment senator as matt pointed out, they might say, good riddance, so the audience you need reach the people that believe president trump. they believe in him. they believe she a change act. if you have 30 seconds to make that pitch, what would you say to them to try to persuade? >> there is a tipping point that comes. in the 1950 during the mccarthy hearings, members of the senate
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had remained pretty silent for quite a while until the famous hearing when joseph welch, the chief counsel for the army came out and gave that famous rebuttal, have you no decency, sir, and said, we've had enough. and at that point things changed. so i hope that we're reaching a tipping point, where my colleagues and every elected official will say, we can't go on this way, these politics, how can we explain to our kids that we are countenanceing this kind of behavior from the top? so i hoping point. time will tell. >> for, let me test your new found freedom for a second. i know you disagree with her on just about every major policy issue taseing this country. but in terms of protecting our democracy, protecting respect for the office of the
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presidency, and protecting our image abroad, is it possible in your mind to consider that it would have been bet fer hillary clinton had won this election? >> i talk in a book i wrote, conscious of a conservative borrowing from barry goldwater's title earlier this year, we made a faustian bargain with this president. we can excuse the behavior and everything, simply because we can get some conservative judges or tax cuts or other things -- so, well, i can tell you no president democrat or republican in recent memory has exhibited the kind of behavior that this president has and so i, you know, i am a republican. i am a conservative. i would love to have a republican president. but not at any cost. i didn't vote for this president last november. i didn't vote for president
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clinton neither either. >> second thoughts on that? >> i can tell you i'm not happy with the direction we're going. >> senator jeff flake, it's good tore sharing your perspective. >> thank you. >> appreciate it also the morning, an infamous dossier from the presidential campaign, full of salacious allegations against then candidate trump in the headlines, a source now confirming hillary clinton's campaign and the democratic national committee helped funds it. nbc news' halle jackson has that story. good morning to you. >> reporter: hi, matt. good morning. as recently as this past week, president trump himself had been asking ability who paid for that controversial dossier? and while this morning we have some answers, a couple of big questions still remain. >> thank you. >> reporter: hillary clinton out on her book tour is now a private citizen, but as a presidential candidate, we are learning her campaign helped pay for research leading to a now famous dossier looking into donald trump's potential tie toss russia.
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a source familiar with the matter tells nbc news, a lawyer working for the clinton camp and the democratic national committee hired the firm fusion gps for research services that began in april, 2016 and concluded before the election in early november. >> that research was turned into the explosive document number of unverified and sometimes salacious claims about the president. it was one of the big mysteries during the campaign and transition. who paid for the dossier, put together by a british expie, christopher steele? >> it's all fake news, it's phony stuff. it didn't happen. it was a group of opponents that got together, sick people, and they 'ut that crap together. >> reporter: the washington post, which first reported the story, says a still unknown republican originally initiated the research during the presidential primaries. it was then picked up by democrats, once president trump looked leak he had become the gop nominee, republicans have long insisted the real russia
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scandal involves who is behind that dossier, which claimed moscow was compiling compromising information about then candidate trump t. president's pressing is tweeting overnight, clinton campaign paid for the fake russia dossier, then lied about it and could have had it up. just last week after fusion gps officials pleaded the fifth, the president tweeted, justice department and/or fbi should immediately release who paid for the information. a former spokesman tells the washington post the first i learned of christopher steam or saw any dossier was after the election, if i had gotten handed it last fall, i would have had no problem passing it along and rnlging reporters to look into it. opposition research happens on every campaign and the dnc says it's leadership, nor were they aware the lawyer was working with the organization. democrats say it's not about who funded the dossier, it's the allegations in it that need attention.
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>> if what christopher steele found when it was working for a republican can the or a democratic candidate later proved to be true, a concern to the fbi and the country, then we snead to know it. >> >> reporter: as for what comes next in all of this look for that legal battle brewing, because fusion gps, the firm that originally engaged with that british exspy is now fighting a subpoena issued by the republican head of the house intelligence committee here on capitol hill and worth remembering, another big question in all of this, the identity of the republican group or person who initiated its dossier research, it's still not clear, matt, savannah. >> halle jackson on capitol hill, sthaumpg. >> a lot more to cover in the headlines, including a court appearance for five michigan teenagers charged with murder in a highway rock-throwing incident that killed a young father, blake mccoy has this story. good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning. instead of returning to high school this morning, these five michigan teenagers will remain in jail.
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the judge denying them bond after one poor decision that led to a man's death. kenneth white, a father of four, killed in a teenage prank that took a deadly turn. >> he took away a child's father and the love of my life with his stupid act, it took away a life. >> reporter: white's family wiped away tears in court tuesday as they watched five high school students plead not guilty to second degree murder. investigators say the teens hurled rocks from this overpass on to i-75, near flint, michigan last week, leaving drivers on the highway below little time to react. >> caller states that something came through the windshield and he's now unconscious. >> those kids may have thought it's a prank, it's not a prank when you throw six-pound rocks at vehicles. >> this is the baseball-size rock that struck white in the head and chest as he was dying in the hospital, investigators
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say the teens went to mcdonald's, 17-year-old kyle anger who police say threw the deadly rock turned himself in, the four others, just 15 and 16-years-old were also arrested. all of them will be tried as adults and could face up to life in prison if convicted. attorneys for two of the boys spoke after tuesday's court appearance. >> although the charges are the same the kids are all different t. actions that the kids may have bmd in are all different. >> there will be different levels the culpability of each participant. >> this morning, up with of white's closest friends, hopes all of the cardinals stick. >> look what you have done to a terrific family. a terrific dad, you have tooken his life for nothing, senseless. a big joke to you. this is not a joke and i just hope that justice brought to the fullest extent to him. >> reporter: the prosecutor doesn't believe these teens intended to kill someone.
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that's why they are charged with second degree murder instead of first, still that charge could carry life in prison. matt, savannah. >> all right, blake, thank you. now, let's turn now, a difficult turn, but let's us turn to mr. roker with a check of the weather. hi, bud. >> you are looking at a tropical stationary that is bringing moisture up into the northeast of new england. this is 93l, it's on the nicaraguan coast. it brings moisture up into boston and new england. it's helping fire up more moisture and storms as a front am system pushes through, it will be bringing heavy rain, flooding rain from boston all the way up to banger, we are looking at big airport delays into new england. a coastal low will enhance that up to five to six inches in parts of maine, one-to-two inches of rainfall per hour in new england today. we will get to your local
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forecast coming up in the next good wednesday morning, i'm moteologist, kari hall. beautiful sunrise, starting with mild temperatures. a live look outside in san francisco with the high temperature there up to 80 degrees. we'll be cooler than yesterday, but still well above where we should be this time of year. up to 90 in napa. 91 in concord. san jose, a high of 88 degrees. 83 in oakland. half-moon bay cooling off with high temperatures today up to 79 degrees. . >> and that's your latest guys.
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>> all right, al, thank you very much. coming un, the new accuser is coming together against harvey weinstein as his former company faces a new allegation and lawsuit. propaganda problem, why youtube is under investigation in the russia investigation, but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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for less joint pain and clearer skin, ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. a scare for drivers this morning in the east bay .. that d good morning, 7:26, i'm laura garcia. a scare for driver this morning in the east bay that ended in a firy and deadly solo car crash. a car crashed into the center divider in fremont. that's when the car burst into flames. sadly, the driver died. the crash happened after 2:00 a.m. in the north lanes. chp officers were trying to stop the car. the driver has not been identified. san jose police, meantime, looking for people in this car that got into a crash in san jose. it happened on montague expressway about 2:00 in the morning. police say the car crashed into a truck. three passengers inside took off. the truck driver stayed at the scene. let's get a look at that
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forecast with meteorologist kari hall. >> we start with cool temperatures in the bay area. it's going to be another hot day. look at the tri-valley at 53 degrees with all clear skies. 51 in the north bay. 61 in san francisco. as we get a look at the high temperatures today, upper 80s to low 90s. morgan hill, 91 degrees. east bay, concord danville, 91. san francisco, low 80s and upper 80s for the north bay. how are the roads moving? >> a smooth drive right now. a speed problem north 280 anywhere between foothill. a lot of wood debris reported with crashes in debris in the area. san jose, a build for 85. look at the bottom of the screen here. as we move to the east bay, slowing for the castro valley area, to the san mateo and nimitz. the bay bridge, almost an hour
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from highway 4. back to you. >> another local update coming up in half hour. see you then.
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good morning, everybody, we're bark. it's 7:30, wednesday morning the 25th of october, 2017, halloween is right around the corner. >> yes, it is. it's a busy morning, let's get to today's headlines, start with this republican revolt against the president. >> we must be unafraid to stands up and speak out. >> not so civil war t. feud between president trump and key senate republicans escalates we are tiring senator, jeff flake, delivering a blistering rebuke from the senate floor. >> reckless, undignified behavior. i have children and grandchildren to answer to, so, mr. president,ly not be
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complicit or silent. >> strange bed fellow, hillary clinton and the dnc under fire after it's revealed they helped pay for that explosive dossier on then candidate donald trump. >> dangerous mission, new information out this morning, soldiers killed if that deadly ambush in niger were recruiting an isis recruiter albert i'm stein scribbled, detailing his advice for a happy life sells for more than a million dollars at auction. and l.a. liftoff. out of here to the left. it starts to roll. >> reporter: the dodgers outlast the astros behind ace clayton kershaw to take game one of the world series. >> dodgers win game one. >> today, wednesday, october 25th, 2017. >> and we're off. this morning, there are some new developments in the harvey
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weinstein scandal, more people are speaking out, his former company is coming under scrutiny as well. good morning. >> good morning, guy, you know we have another woman telling her story in graphic detail, accusing harvey weinstein and adding to the list that has now 14 to more than 66 t. scandal that put the rest of hollywood under a spotlight brighter than they are used to, forced to answer questions about what they knew and how the industry and the country need to respond. former production assistant mimi halay met harvey weinstein at the movie "the aviator" years later after refusing multiple advances, she says he forced oral sex on her in his new york apartment. >> he held me down on the bed, i tried to get away, get him off of me and asks him to stop, but it was impossible. >> reporter: weinstein's spokesperson says any allegations of non-consentual
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sex are unequivocally denied. and this morning, another woman is sharing a similar story, actress dominique hewitt claims he forced oral sex on her in a business meeting in 2010. in los angeles los angeles, le takes on his former company, alleging quote female weinstein company employees were often used as honeypot toss lure his victims into a false sense of security. nbc news reached out to the weinstein company for a response but got none. two weeks ago, when allegations of sexual assault first came out the board issued a statement that said, in part, these alleged actions are anti-thettical to human descentscy. they come to a surprise to the board. any suggestion the board had knowledge of this conduct is false. it's not the only legal challenge for the company that bears weinstein's name this week
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in new york, eric sneiderman opened a civil riepts inquiry, saying no new yorker should be forced to walk into a work place, ruled by sexual intimidation, harassment or fear a. person familiar with the inquiry says the ag's office subpoenaed records from the company related to any of the allegations, how they were handseled and if settlements. read. . >> if they knew about it, condoned it and did so for a long time, that will tend to show a pattern or practice of discrimination. >> reporter: more than 65 women have now made accusations against harvey weinstein, ranging from sexual harassment to assault that rape. hollywood stars now find themselves being asked about weinstein and sexual harassment in almost every public appearance. tom hanks viewing it as an unacceptable abuse of power. >> they think somehow this is how it works. don't you understand, this is how it works. i'm the boss, and you are going
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to have to, you know, please me somehow. >> that is not just in hollywood, that exists absolutely anywhere. >> reporter: at the in style awards for fax, cate blanchett alluded to the scandal. >> you know, we all like looking sexy, it doesn't mean we want to [ bleep ] you. >> reporter: in a few hours, dominique hewitt will be holding a press conference, hewitt is suing the weinstein company for damages an medical and psychological care expenses as well as punitive damages, harvey weinstein resigned and was fired as co-chairman earlier this month. >> stephanie, thank you. we should emergency coming up on megyn kelly's show, she will sit down with those two accusers, exclusively on megyn kelly today the weinstein #metoo, that has
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led to allegations against former president gorge h.w. bush. heather lynn says she pet him four years ago, promoting a historical television show. she write posing for a photo, he touched me from behind with his wheelchair with wife barbara bush from his side. he told me a dirty joke and being photographed touched me again, a spokesperson for the former president said, president bush would never under any circumstance intentionally cause anyone distress, he most sincerely apologizes if his attempt at humor offended miss lind let's switch gears, we are headed out west. >> we, of course, talked about how hot it was for game one of the world series, a record-setting. we still have red flag warnings down into southern california, early wind gusts over 40 miles per hour, dry and warm conditions. the good news is, winds will start dying down, however, it's another hot one, not quite as bad as yesterday, still pretty
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bad. fine degrees in los angeles, probably set some more records, santa ana 100. san diego 21 degrees above average, 96 degrees, high fire danger in the western plains, showery and cool in the great lakes, heavy rain in northern new england, we're loo we will have another warm day across the bay area and cooling down a bit along the coastline. half-moon bay, up to 79 degrees there. 80 in san francisco. some upper 70s as well for santa cruz. while the inland areas will be in the upper 80s to low 0i9ds this afternoon. we will be in for cooler weather for the weekend. san francisco makes it to the mid-60s, while the inland valleys will be slow to cool. sunday is better, 77 degrees. >> don't get that weather any time you need it. check out our pals at the weather channel on cable. >> al, thank you.
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much more ahead including why youtube is facing tough questions in the russia investigation. first, these messages. important to dentists is to make sure that that enamel stays strong and resilient for a lifetime the more that we can strengthen and re-harden that tooth surface, the whiter their patients' teeth are going to be. dentists are going to really want to recommend pronamel strong and bright. it helps to strengthen and re-harden the enamel. it also has stain lifting action. it's going to give their patients the protection that they need and the whiter teeth that they want. ♪! augh...augh...ahhh... the lg sidekick washer. for small loads that can't wait. ♪ real energy harnessed from the earth.
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this morning. good morning. >> reporter: youtube is the latest social media company under the microscope for giving a platform to russian propaganda in the lead-up to the 2016 election. youtube is the most-watched site in the world. and congress is calling for more oversight. youtube is under fire. it let russian propaganda spread information. r.t. featured negative stories about hillary clinton on its youtube channel. russia today, founded 12 years ago, and is funded by the russian government, has 2.2 million subscribers on youtube. its videos have been watched more than 5 million times. among them, an r.t.-produced show, hosted by former minnesota governor, jesse ventura. >> they told us when this whole russian thing started, which i'll tell you, i don't believe it. where is the proof? >> i think when american social
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media companies allow r.t. to propagandize our people, they should tell the person people, this is a message from the kremlin. this is not an independent news agency. >> reporter: google owns youtube. and responded by telling nbc news, we have a variety of news channels that represent an array of viewpoints across the political spectrum. r.t. fired back at "the new york times," telling nbc news, r.t. hasn't done anything wrong. but it's popular. how dare they? in january, the department of national intelligence, said in a report that russia used trolls as part of its efforts to denigrate secretary clinton. russian today reporter laughed it off in an interview with richard engel. >> no serious person who knows anything about the world, who can use internet, for god sake, would believe that.
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>> reporter: but there's documented evidence that r.t. used twitter in an attempt to influence the 2016 election. the company says the russian network spent $274,000 on ads in 2016, directed at followers of mainstream media. and congress is hungry for more information. twitter, google and facebook will face off with investigators next week. twitter will label political ads you see in your feed, including who bought them. twitter is tryliing to get ahea on them. let's see what sheinelle is let's see what sheinelle is working on in the ora ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ at best foods, we care about sourcing 100% of our oils responsibly. and we care about incredible taste. because at best foods, we're on the side of food. trythe unique formula withched nourishing almion. ...leaves skin smoother. moisturized for 24 hours. nivea essentially enriched. for noticeably smoother skin. dates, cashews, chocolate chips and sea salt. i don't know how they made four simple ingredients taste like cookie dough. but i am not complaining. lärabar
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see if lyrica can help. >> tech: so you think this chip is nothing to worry about? well at safelite, we know sooner or later every chip will crack. these friends were on a trip when their windshield got chipped. so they scheduled at they didn't have to change their plans or worry about a thing. i'll see you all in a little bit. and i fixed it right away with a strong repair they can trust. plus, with most insurance a safelite repair is no cost to you. >> customer: really?! >> tech: being there whenever you need us that's another safelite advantage. >> singers: safelite repair, safelite replace. how do they make starburst taste so juicy? they use wicked small fighter jets to shoot the juiciness into every starburst. [ pilot ] it's about to get juicy. whoo! i feel so aliii... it takes guts. [ female announcer ] starburst. unexplainably juicy. it's time to stack the savings. take 50% off hundreds of select items storewide. plus - take an extra 20% off. plus - take an extra $10 off when you spend $50 or more. plus - get kohl's cash. plus - yes2you members
7:49 am
earn triple points. only at kohl's. from only real ingredients. oh my gosh, you did it. you must be a wizard. we come into this world needi♪ others. then we are told it's braver to go it alone. ♪ but there is another way to live. ♪ a way that sees the only path to fulfillment- is through others. ♪
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all right. we're back. 7:50. halloween display that has people asking, how far is too far, when it comes to decorating for the holidays. we're bracing for this one. >> we started with this screen. some of the pictures are graphic. it's what people are buzzing about this morning. this gruesome halloween display has caused panic. they set up a gory car crash. another fake body is on the ground nearby. some neighbors love it. others have called 911 to complain. reaction online seems to be mixed, as well. kathy ho kathy posts, i find it senseless and tasteless.
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nicole says, love it. it's supposed to be scary and grueso gruesome. what do you think of the halloween display? 68% say it go too far. 32% say it goes in good fun. they say it's not about a car crash. but it tells the story of a character named zombie bob. they have no plans to take it down. guys? >> yuck. >> what say ye? >> i'm with the 62%. there's a biggest rat. and the kids keep moving around. every time i step out of the elevator. >> rat on a shelf? >> yes. coming up, what does it mean to be sisters? the bush twins on the special bond that all women share. are you ready? the cleaver kids 60 years later.
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we're catching up with jerry hi, i'm mindy kearns. it's great to finally meet you. nice to meet you too. your parents have been talking about you for years. sorry about that. they're all about me saving for a house, or starting a college fund for my son. actually, i want to know what you're thinking. have a seat. knowing that the most important goals are yours. multiplied by 14,000 financial advisors, it's a big deal. and it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. oh, you yeah!ht butch. (butch growls at man) he's looking at me right now, isn't he? yup. (butch barks at man) butch is like an old soul that just hates my guts. (laughs) (vo) you can never have too many faithful companions. introducing the all-new crosstrek.
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love is out there. find it in a subaru crosstrek. this is a story about mail and packages. and it's also a story about people. people who rely on us every day to deliver their dreams they're handing us more than mail they're handing us their business and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you ♪
7:54 am
no one i'd rather have dinner and a movie with.. no one i'd rather lean on. being in love is an amazing thing. being in love with your best friend... everything. ever us one diamond for your best friend ... one for your true love. for the one woman in your life who's both. ever us. available at kay, jared and zales. progresso soup made with succulent white breast meat chicken, is meant to be savored. i've been savoring this soup for 33 hours. i have many obligations to which i have not been attending. due to my savoring. progresso soup, you simply must taste it. it's ok that everybody ignores me when i drive. it's fine, 'cause i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i'm accident-free. and i don't share it with mom. right, mom? right. safe driving bonus checks,
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only from allstate. switching to allstate is worth it. ♪
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good morning. it is 7:56. we wake up to sunshine, once again. a nice, mild start as we take a live look outside in san jose and the temperature, as you head out the door is 60 degrees. 64 degrees in san francisco. upper 40s in the north bay and livermore. right now, 54 degrees. already a wide range in temperatures and we'll see it spreading out today as well. it will be cooler along the coastline, half-moon bay looking at a high of 79 degrees. cooler than the 90 we hit yesterday. 90 degree temperatures. san francisco, up to 80 degrees today. 90 in napa. livermore, 89 degrees. still, well above average for this time of year. cooler air is on the way, especially for san francisco. inland will cool to the upper 70s in time for the weekend there. let's head to mike for an update on the roads. >> the north bay, the traffic is
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jammed to highway 12 in santa roseau. the deadly investigation is there. you can see a slowing in that direction. we are going to move you to the rest of the day. a normal pattern as far as the slowing. the south bay is jammed up north through san jose. 280 continues to be a tough drive. a lot of wood debris. back to you. >> thank you, mike. 7:57. happening now, testimony will resume, shortly, in the trial surrounding the shooting of kate steinle on pier 14. witnesses testified about what they saw the seconds after they saw a single shot fired. look for the latest on top of the home page. authorities at stanford are looking at an on campus sexual assault. ain't that a shame? we are just coming into the news room that rock 'n roll pie knee fats domino died.
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another update in half an hour. new direction. tomorrow - a first look at tesla )s take on the semi. analysis from our scott mcgrew. plus: we start the weekend early every morning at 5:38 and 6:38. kari hall has the forecast for destinations across the region. see you in the morning! 4:30 to oh, you brought butch.
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yeah! (butch growls at man) he's looking at me right now, isn't he? yup. (butch barks at man) butch is like an old soul that just hates my guts. (laughs) (vo) you can never have too many faithful companions. introducing the all-new crosstrek. love is out there. find it in a subaru crosstrek.
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it's 8:00 on "today." and coming up, flake doubles down. >> i hope we're reaching the tipping point where my colleagues and every elected official will say, we can't go on this way. the outgoing gop senator sounds off on the president again this morning live on "today," after his explosive speech on the senate floor. the president, now pushing back. >> when he gets hit, he's going to hit back. >> we're live at the white house. plus, bush family bonding. >> from the moment i was born i had this person who lifted me up. >> jenna is extremely fun. she makes the most out of any situation. >> this morning, our series on sisterhood takes a look at jenna and barbara's special
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relationship and how they're sharing their stories to inspire others. ♪ ♪ i'm proud to be american and khalid, climbing the charts. one of music's hottest young stars is on our plaza for a huge live concert, just as his new album officially goes platinum. today, wednesday, october 25th, 2017. ♪ i'm so caught up >> what are you all ready for? >> khalid on "today." >> i have a question, what time did you ladies get in line? >> in line since 1:00 a.m. ♪ ♪ ♪ young young dumb and broke >> we love khalid. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> and we welcome you back to "today" on this wednesday morning. unfortunately, we welcome you back with news that is really
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weighing heavily on our hearts. once again, our friend, carson, is dealing with a loss. just over a month after the unexpected loss of his mother, patty, carson's stepfather, richard caruso, has passed away. >> carson shared this on instagram. he had a touching message as well. he says pops passed away today with absolute dignity and pride. the greatest man we ever knew, our hero. he exemplified great faith loyalty to his family and hard work and provided all of us with so much we are grateful. his legacy lives on in all of us and anyone who had the pleasure of meeting him reunited with our mom now. our faith remains strong, thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers. a wonderful man who raised carson since he was a little poi. poi. our hearts go out to carson and the whole family. >> our thoughts are with you, bud. let's turn to your news at 8:00. president trump may be facing the beginning of an uprising within his own party.
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nbc white house correspondent kristen welker joins us with the latest on this. kristen, good morning. >> matt good morning to you. this morning the president is claiming victory after senator jeff flake's announcement, he will not seek re-election following in the footsteps of senator bob corker who made the same announcement several weeks ago. mr. trump tweeting the reason flake and corker dropped out of the senate races is simple, they had zero chance of being elected. now act so hurt. will the gop civil war sink the president's agenda? this morning, republican rupture. new fallout overnight after arizona senator jeff flake became the second gop senator to announce he is not seeking re-election. >> the president and his people can claim any victory they want, but i think that my colleagues and i have to stand up and say this is not normal. we've got to change course. >> reporter: flake who was trailing in the polls, stunned his colleagues by making the emotional announcement on the senate floor tuesday.
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>> when the next generation asks us, why didn't you do something? why didn't you speak up? what are we going to say? mr. president, i rise today to say enough. >> reporter: and unleashing a scathing rebuke of president trump. >> reckless, outrageous and undignified behavior has become excused as telling it like it is, when it is actually just reckless, outrageous and undignified. and when such behavior emanates from the top of our government, it is something else. it is dangerous to a democracy. >> reporter: just hours before flake made his announcement, another establishment senator and frequent trump critic, bob corker, saying he regrets his vote for trump and wouldn't support him again. >> just in the way that he conducts himself. and goes to such a low level. >> reporter: president trump spent part of the day on capitol hill, talking tax reform with his party, after assailing
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corker on twitter, calling him incompetent and little. the white house, defiant. >> the people of this country didn't elect somebody to be weak. they elected somebody to be strong. when he gets hit he's going to hit back. >> reporter: all of it with a war in the republican party. with establishment members past and present sounding the alarm. >> bigotry seems emboldened our politics seem more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication. >> half-baked spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems. >> reporter: at stake the president's agenda with just 25 work days left this year, the to-do list is ambitious and includes tax reform, fixes to health care and funding for the border wall. and there is no room for error. also this morning, nbc news has confirmed the clinton campaign and the democratic national committee helped pay for research leading to a now-famous dossier, which looks into
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donald trump's ties to russia. the do's see yea includes salacious but unverified claims about the president. this morning the president picking up on fox news coverage of the story tweeting the victim here is the president. democrats insist opposition research is routine and argue the allegations in the documents deserve attention. matt? >> all right. kristen, thank you very much. this morning, fans are remembering the life of emmy winning actor robert guillaume. he died tuesday in los angeles, following his bottle with prostate cancer. he was best known in his title role for the series "benson" which was a spinoff from "soap." he gave voice to rafiki in "the lion king." robert guillaume was 85 years -- 89 years old. by the way, he had a tony award, remember that, the first all-black production of "guys and dolls" he was that, got a tony for that and an elegant
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classy guy. >> absolutely. >> it is time for miss hoda's "morning boost." what have you got this morning? >> you know how a lot of people hate flying, it's stressful, hats off to one air traffic worker in rochester, new york. passengers lucky enough to have a seat on the left, got to see him showing off his best taxi moves. look, the guy found out a way to have fun and still took care of very important business. >> ymca. >> the traveler who posted this video of the tarmac dancer on his way to nashville. the free show, he said it helped him relax and calm down and got applause inside the plane. >> i love that. >> isn't that cool? >> yes. just waiting for a soundtrack. >> exactly. that will come. a lot more ahead on this wednesday. we have special guest miles teller joining us this morning for trending. then, the bush twins reveal what sisterhood means to them. and "leave it to beaver" turning 60 years old. no way. we're celebrating with the beave and wally, themselves.
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with jerry and tony here. >> first what's going up on "megyn kelly today". >> we will continue our secrets series. she was a high-powered lawyer. who started with two drinks a night to take the edge off and eventually two bottles of wine and drugs, she's here to tell us all about it. we'll see you at the top. >> we'll see you then. we're back after these messages. from the first moment you met it was love at first touch and all you wanted to do was surround them in comfort and protection that's why only pampers swaddlers is the #1 choice of hospitals to wrap your baby in blanket-like softness and premium protection mom: "oh hi baby" so all they feel is love wishing you love, sleep and play. pampers whoo! testis this thing on?! huh? c'mon! your turn! mmmm... where do pencils go on vacation? (loud speaker) pencil-vania! pencilvania! (laughing)
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frosted just right. crunch in every bite. kellogg's frosted mini-wheats. test test hi mom. the moment you realize your family grew but your washer didn't. at lowe's, we have the washing machines that fit your family's busy lifestyle all backed by our thirty-day price match and return guarantee. get up to 30% off select appliance special values or save $1,000 off a samsung washer dryer pair at lowe's.
8:10 am
♪ >> a big speech yesterday. ♪ for the... bake sale? bake... bake sale? need to bake in a hurry? use new country crock buttery sticks with sunflower oil. there's no softening required. so baking is delicious and easy. ooh, cookies! ah, ah, ah! (laughter) her hair's a hot mess. her eyes are like... "oh, i'm late for work. i have to go." your dunkin' doesn't make you, you, but it helps. dunkin' donuts coffee. pick some up where you buy groceries.
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ladies, we don't need all this to talk about lbl. i mean, who leaks a little when they laugh? for women with light to heavy leaks, poise absorbs two times faster than always discreet. poise makes my life easier. (sound of confetti cannon) seize your poise moment at (sound of confetti cannon) come on, you old el paso taco boats! use those flat bottoms! onions! tomatoes! don't forget the cheese! let's go, ladies! those shells aren't going to lift themselves! whoa! i feel like a new taco! anything goes in old el paso. ♪ i'm singing in the rain, just singing in the rain ♪ ♪ what glorious feeling i'm happy again, ♪ ♪ just singing, singing in the rain. ♪
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♪ 8:11 on a wednesday morning. time for "trending." we have not one but two special guests. jenna bush hager. >> yes. >> miles teller is in this morning. >> hi, miles. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> representative fully explain this, you know what you're getting into? >> i got the notes backstage. >> you watch "trending" every morning, though. >> absolutely. >> i run and then start my day. >> perfect. you will fit right in. >> we're going to talk about a note that was written by albert einstein and sold for over $1 million. instead of offering a tip to a courier he scribbled a piece of advice how to have a happy life, he wrote in german, a calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of happiness combined with constant restlessness. that note, written in 1922, sold for $156 million.
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i pose a question to all of you. have you ever considered at a restaurant perhaps in addition to a tip, offering someone words of advice? >> no. >> no? >> people don't want advice from me. >> no? >> i don't think so. >> would you -- >> have you given advice? >> no. but i think sometimes i need advice more than i need money. >> that's fair. >> sometimes i don't need advice, i just need some -- i just need some cash. >> let's just say you were someone in the service industry. and someone wrote you words, and instead of or alongside a tip, gave you words that changed your life. wouldn't that be a great thing? >> of course. >> i think i -- i couldn't imagine giving advice because here's what i think, but i could imagine giving encouragement to somebody. something good about themselves. >> if it's feedback or positive or something that can make them feel better about themselves absolutely. >> how about this situation, do you live in los angeles? >> i do. >> a lot of people who work as
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waiters and waitresses in los angeles want to be actors. >> sure. >> wouldn't it be nice from them to hear from you a piece of advice on how you made it? >> yeah, i don't know. >> in addition -- >> i have no idea. >> your portrayal of a server who cares inspires. >> steak was undercooked. >> exactly. >> sorry. >> i think cash would be good. >> cash is good, too. >> i think that would be presumptuous. >> right. >> okay. let's say i'm asking for advice, what would be a piece of advice? >> the best piece of advice i got going into this business was by a guy that just fired me, and he wrote turn the other cheek. >> oh. >> i hated it at the time. it infuriated me. but you know what it's kind of important in this business. >> that's good. >> willard told me. never give up your day job and always be yourself. >> oh,. >> you know, what piece of advice i love from someone, has nothing to do with work. but they said this and i never forget it. be here now. like wherever you are, in your day, like some of you are
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daydreaming right now at the table, be right there. >> there's a book about that, a parable called the precious present. someone gave it to me not long ago it's very cool. >> i never knew. >> it's a short book. >> what's the best piece of advice you ever got? >> i remember my mom and dad telling me at a young age, telling me, the only thing you take to the grave with you is your name. your reputation, and how people speak about you will last forever. >> good thing. >> really good. >> this started out slow. but at the end -- >> fantastic. >> bring it home. >> really good. >> let's end it while it's on top. >> i know. >> take notes. first up, kate winslet. the star opened up to "variety" on her film "wonder wheel." the film was or is directed by woody allen accused by his daughter of sexual assault. when asked about her controversial decision to work with him, winslet responded, quote, it's just a difficult decision. i would rather respectfully not enter it today. i don't read how people to
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respond to things. always as actors going to say the wrong thing. i think it's better to respectfully step away from the discussion. she did open up about whether she would work with the former co-star again, leonardo dicaprio. winslet believes the two will work together again. but not for a while. she says not until they're much older. anna faris released her memoir. titled "unqualified." in the book she opens up about cheating rumors and jealousy rumors between her and chris pratt's relationship. faris said her publicist warned her about the press they would receive. but she still felt insecure when affair rumors began to circulate. jennifer and i really are friendly and she was apologetic even though she didn't need to be because she didn't do anything wrong. it's awesome. but it's hurtful and embarrassing. when people are saying your husband is cheating on you, even if it's untrue, you still feel and look like a fool. they announced their split over the summer.
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faris says the two are still good friends. dolly parton and kenny rogers. kenny is kicking off his final tour tonight in nashville. and dolly will be alongside them. our own dylan dreyer interviewed the country legends about their special relationship. >> i'll ask the question everybody wants to know. why have you guys never gotten together? why no mixing business with pleasure? >> first of all, she's hard to get for me. first of all -- >> i'm not his type. >> i'm a believer that tension is better if you keep it, than if you satisfy it. and secondly, she said no to me. >> you know what, we've always been so -- we were almost like brother and sister and it would almost be like incest. we never went there. >> for more of the interview with the duo, watch "megyn kelly today" coming up in the next hour. and that's your "pop start." all right. now yes. >> we're going to wait one second. >> oh.
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>> we will talk to miles about the reason he's actually here. he did not come here to believe it or not to participate in trending. a great, new movie called "thank you for your service." the story of a serviceman who comes back and tries to integrate back into life as a civilian. and i want to talk to you about this. you say it's the toughest movie you've ever made. why? >> yeah. well, i just think it's, you know, tough to get into the skin of the mind and the soul of a guy who is coming back from three deployments, you know, spent 1,000 days in combat, in country, and, you know, the war that the infantry is fighting and the marines, it's different than some of my friends are special forces guys and it's just a different type of person. these guys are coming from very specific parts of the country, you know, lower income housing, and it's tough and they get thrown right to the front lines. the stuff that they're -- the trauma they're having to experience every day and to be in that mindset of war every day and come back and there's no reintegration program. right from the battlefield to
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back home. that contrast to me, and these guys come back with so much bottled up. and they don't have the vocabulary or tools to express it and i just feel for, you know, that person. >> how did you prepare? did you talk to veterans and really understand where they're coming from? >> yeah, for sure. i mean i kind of tackled it in a couple different ways. i had the two books that david finkle wrote, "good soldiers" and "thank you for your service" and both of those give you a point on the war and he lived with these guys and stayed in their homes for nine months when they're in the red zone, the first couple months home, and i watched a lot of youtube interviews with guys coming back, i watched this documentary and then met with adam and the soldier i played and talked and just tried to get as much as i could because it's a very vulnerable position to be, you know, acting like you're been through that. >> can we say congratulations on another note? newly engaged, right?
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>> oh, yeah? >> you got a dog. >> you have everything. >> wait. >> you got a dog? >> trending. >> a dog. >> wait a minute. >> it was her birthday a week ago. >> can we say one other thing? >> oh, my god. >> you dress the dog up? >> yes. >> you talked about your parents. >> yeah. >> and we just heard something cool that you did. you paid off their house. >> i paid off the mortgage. that was cool. just a cool guy. we had champagne and it was like -- >> yeah. >> that's what it's all about. they sacrificed everything for me. >> all-around good guy. # >> they gave you good advice. >> now, dress my dog up in dresses. >> so proud. >> look at me now. >> nothing we haven't tried around here. don't worry about it. >> miles, great to see you. >> congratulations on all of it including the new film, "thank you for your service," from universal pictures, opens on friday. good sport. thank you. al, let's do the weather. unless miles wants to. >> yeah.
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let's just do it. we'll do all of it today. >> this is going to be -- >> got some rain, some sun, some wind. >> you're a morning person, aren't you? >> absolutely. absolutely. that's what's going on around the country. here's what' good morning, i'm meteorologist kari hall. feels nice outside right now. a lot of sunshine. but it will be warming up quickly as we go into late morning, early afternoon with our high temperatures today up to 80 degrees in san francisco, 90 in napa and 83 degrees in oakland. in san jose, expect a high of 88 degrees. it will still be very warm along the coast as well, but cooling off over the next several days, and especially this weekend. some breezy winds. san francisco in the mid-60s. all the inland areas will still be in the 80s. >> and that's your latest weather. matt? >> all right, al. thank you very much. now, more of our special series "sisterhood" celebrating that unique bond. >> it's moments from jenna and her sister, barbara's, memoir.
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>> it's been great sharing the stories we have growing up and the special bond we have as sisters. and we hope our stories inspire all women. from the moment i was born, i had this person who lifted me up. barbara has a huge heart. she was the type of kid that looked after everybody else in our class. and wanted to make sure that everybody was taken care of. she's gentle. he's creative. she's a great artist. and she's brilliant. >> jenna is extremely fun. she makes the most out of everything. she's always been an entertainer. she has a huge imagination. and has loved making people laugh and smile and entertaining them. she makes the most out of any situation. she's made my life extremely fun. and she's very loving.
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>> thanks, sissy. so many people think they know us because of years of media spotlight or articles written about us. but we felt like the true essence of who we are isn't really out there. we wanted to write our own story. >> we realized how lucky we have been. we've had an extremely incredible life. and always have had a partner to go through it with, because we're twins. we were always encouraged to be very different. >> and we were nourished to do different things. i think we were always going to have different careers. >> i attended the launch of the president's emergency plan for aids relief when i was in my junior summer. at the time, if you were living on africa, you couldn't get access to anti-retroviral drugs, which are the drugs that keep you alive when you're hiv-h
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hiv-positive. i was angered but inspired by seeing people stepping up. i started global health corps in 2009. and now, we've worked with almost 1,000 young leaders. >> before i was working on policy for the u.s. government. >> and i work on a variety of issues, government, labor. >> i'm so proud of barbara. she works tirelessly. she's traveling all the time. i feel low she's making the world a better place. i got to experience a small part of what it was like to train to be an astronaut. >> she's loved people. she's loved entertaining. it's a natural fit for her. and she's great at it. >> she wants it. we would say to mila, we're sisters. we realize how'd lucky we have been to have someone by our side
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and have someone that's had our back throughout our whole lives. >> she's one of the most important people in my life. and she has witnessed all of these milestones. makes me want to cry. i don't know why. >> like our life expanded because of each other. and i hope that poppy and mila have that, as well. >> i think a sister can be a blood sister, like i so luckily have. it can also be a woman in a has your back, that makes you feel like you're good enough. that empowers you to be your best person, to be your best sel self. that laughs with you and cries with you. >> whether it's a blood sister of a friend sister, it's someone who will be alongside you as you go through life. >> my sister does such good work and i don't. you have to admit the
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juxtaposition of what she does and whati )m ... a scare for drivers this morning in the east bay .. that ended in a fi- good morning, it's 8:26, i'm marcus washington. a scare for drivers this morning in the east bay that ended in a fiery deadly solo crash. the chp says a wrong-way driver on interstate 880 crashed into the center divider in fremont. that's when that car burst into flames and the driver died. the crash happened a little after 2:00 a.m. in the northbound lanes near auto mall parkway. chp officers were trying to stop the car. the driver has not been identified. san jose police are looking for the people in this car that crashed overnight in san jose. it happened on montague expressway near the milpitas border right around 2:00 a.m. police say that the car crashed into a truck and three passengers in that car took off. the truck driver stayed at the scene. mike, a tough situation
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right there on 280. >> that's right. those two crashes were much more severe than the one we're talking about here, northbound 280 at wolf. that crash near the on-ramp. it's enough of a distraction and combined with the backup from earlier which has been cleared just makes things a little tough coming out of downtown san jose. overall the volume is starting to ease up a little bit through silicon valley. that's what we see happen about 8:30. still slow coming out of castro valley and the nimitz freeway as well. getting over to the bay bridge, still tough through oakland. back to you. i'll have another local update in half an hour.
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♪ what if home security was different? what if it looked different? what if the measure of working, was that you never had to think about it.
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♪ what if it was so easy to use, you actually used it. [alarm] you have 3 minutes to exit. what if it gave you time, and what you really need from home security. a sense of security. ♪
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♪ good morning, everybody. it's wednesday morning, the 25th of october, 2017. and that's a crowd on the plaza. and we have a great concert in store for them. khalid is here. >> khalid. >> khalid is one of the hottest stars in music right now. >> thank you. >> how hot is he? megyn kelly said i have to be part of this and come to the concert. >> i worked my connections to get over here. >> i don't know if you know.
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you have your own hats. you see these hats? i have a crowd moment. and i'm going to give these away. hold on. i have four ladies, khalid, who came here at the crack of dawn. >> what's your name? >> tiana. >> heather. >> meghan. >> to signed to heather. to maya. to meghan. and to tiana. khalid signed your hats. pretty awesome. >> amazing guess to think of their names like that. that's incredible. >> appreciate it. >> what's the concert? >> it's going to be so much monfun. >> did you check out charlie? >> he's the cutest thing in the world. charlie's dressed up, getting ready for our countdown to halloween. next week, halloween here on
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"today." >> isn't that a yankees uniform? just like daddy. also ahead, the "leave it to beaver" boys. we're going to talk to jerry mathers and tony dowd. we have kenny and dolly in the final performance. also, toby from "this is us," chris sullivan. and we have an exclusive of the two harvey weinstein accusers. they're going after the board. they're saying they were helping this situation by not stepping in. they're here. they're exclusive. they will tell us their stories. >> thank you very much. mr. roker? >> all right. let's look at what you've got going on for today. a lot of heat out west. we're looking at showers and cool weather around the great lakes. heavy rain in new england. we got a high fire danger in the western plains. plenty of nine from the mid mississippi valley to the gulf coast, as well.
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snowshowers and windy through the western plains. a little good morning, i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are taking a live look outside in san francisco. all clear. and it will be just a few degrees lower than yesterday, still pretty warm for this time of year, reaching 80 degrees in san francisco, 76 degrees tomorrow and then it will be more fall-like in time for the weekend. inland areas, it's going to take a little longer for it to cool off. we're still going to be in the upper 80s, even a few spots in the lower 90s today. by saturday 84 degrees and 77 degrees on sunday. >> that is your latest weather. don't forget, anytime you need that weather, day or night, you check out our pals at the weather channel. and when you leave, don't forget, you can take us with you. "today" siriusxm 108, "today"
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show and the hoda show today. the beloved sitcom, "leave it to beaver" has kept people entertained for a generation. we're going to catch up with the cleaver boys in a moment. first, a look back. for six seasons, americans tuned in to keep up with the cleavers. an all-american family living in the fictional town of mayfield. >> we're going to dancing school. >> yeah. we want to get there early. >> reporter: "leave it to beaver," its wholesome values of the '50s and '60s, reigned in primetime popularity. garnering two emmy nominations and fans of all ages. >> is this a school problem? >> no. this is a make believe problem. >> reporter: the plat revolved around theodore cleaver, and his brother, wally. the series spoke to a country in
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a time much simpler than now. >> did you get a note from school? >> yeah, once. >> did they expel you? >> reporter: the parents on the show, june and ward, led by example. placing importance on family dinners, honesty and respect. >> no desert, beaver? >> no. >> no what? >> i won't have any. >> reporter: making its mark, even today, 60 years later. here they are, 60 years later. jerry mathers and tony douw. i said that was a simpler time. you can't stress that enough. >> people would come home from their stressed life. they would sit down and watch "leave it to beaver."
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and all of the problems would disappear. >> except mine. i had problems. >> every episode, you had some problem. usual lly small. >> but to a small boy, those are big problems. >> these roles were iconic. during the six years, you loved having them. were they difficult to leave behind? >> tony had not done a lot of acting. i had been an actor since i was 2 years old. we were there doing a show. barbara and hugh were not our real family. it wasn't that working there wasn't fun for us. >> the producers kept us the kid next door. we didn't get a lot of hooha about publicity and interviews. they didn't want to get us too full of ourselves. >> can i tell you how many
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mornings i could watch the reruns. dennis to menace, "leave it to beaver" and may bubury. i had the ear ache. do you get people coming up to you and talking about the show? >> all the time. it's the longest running television show in history. >> "meet the press," even longer than ours. >> a filmed show. not a live show every day. people are not only watching it. they're watching it again and again. >> it's one of the shows that needed patience. if i remember correctly, it didn't do all that well. didn't it switch networks? >> several times. we were on cbs and nbabc. it's not that we didn't do well. but people didn't believe that people would watch a show about two boys growing up in america. >> it was a terrific show. the writers, joe connolly and
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bob mosher, and the first direct director, norman tokar, really set it apart. >> what was it like working with hugh and barbara? >> hugh was really interesting. he was a methodist minister. after world war ii, he was a medic and came back. he wanted to start a poor go congregation. he became an actor to afford to feed his family and be a minister. >> that sounds like a television series. >> what was barbara like? >> she was lovely. one of the most wonderful people in the world. everybody loved barbara. she had all the class in the world. and she wore high heels, a lot. >> have you guys remained close? >> fairly.
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we're good friends. like somebody, maybe your best friend in high school or junior high. anything goes on in our families, we know about it. >> he's still a squirt. >> always be the little brother. >> i'll always be younger. >> tony and jerry, thank you so much. fun to walk down memory lane with you guys. up next, it's concert time. khalid performs on our citi concert stage. first, this is "today" on nbc. he's brought us to the brink of nuclear war.
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obstructed justice at the fbi. and in direct violation of the constitution, he's taken money from foreign governments and threatened to shut down news organizations that report the truth. if that isn't a case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president, then what has our government become? i'm tom steyer and, like you, i'm a citizen who knows it's up to us to do something. it's why i'm funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment. a republican congress once impeached a president for far less. yet, today, people in congress and his own administration know this president is a clear and present danger who is mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons. and they do nothing. join us and tell your
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member of congress that they have a moral responsibility to stop doing what's political and start doing what's right. our country depends on it. the citi concert series is proudly brought to you by citi. welcome what's next. all right. welcome back. who is ready for khalid? [ cheers and applause ] our whole crowd. our concert's about to begin. along with our sponsor, citi," we had fans submit videos singing the hit song, "location." you might see your video behind
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him on the stage. khalid, take it away. ♪ send me your location let's focus on communicating ♪ ♪ because i just need the time and place to come through ♪ ♪ place to come through send me your location ♪ ♪ let's ride the vibrations i don't need nothing else but you ♪ ♪ at times i wonder why i fool with you ♪ ♪ but this is new to me this is new to you ♪ ♪ initially i didn't wanna fall for you ♪ ♪ gather my attention, it was all for you ♪ ♪ so, don't take advantage don't leave my heart damaged ♪
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♪ to understand that things go a little bit better when you plan it ♪ ♪ so, won't you send me your location ♪ ♪ let's focus on communicating 'cause i just need the time and place to come through ♪ ♪ send me your location let's ride the vibrations ♪ ♪ i don't need nothing else but you ♪ ♪ i don't want to fall in love off of subtweets ♪ ♪ so, let's keep it personal i got a lot of cool spots that we can go ♪ ♪ tell me what's the move and i got you ♪ ♪ i'm only acting like this 'cause i like you ♪ ♪ just give me the vibe to slide then ♪ ♪ i might make you mine by the night end ♪ ♪ give me your location
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let's focus on communicating ♪ ♪ 'cause i just need the time and place to come through ♪ ♪ send me your location let's ride the vibrations ♪ ♪ i don't need nothing else but you ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride come and vibe with me tonight ♪ ♪ i don't need nothing else but you ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride come and vibe with me tonight ♪ ♪ i don't need nothing else but you ♪ ♪ nothing else but you ♪ oh, oh no, no, no ♪ ♪
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[ vocalizing ] ♪ i don't need nothing else but you ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> we're just getting started with khalid. back with more music in a moment. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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we're back. khalid is one of music's hottest young fstars. 19 years old. he recently won best young artist at the mtv music awards. >> and his album went platinum on tuesday. how does the word platinum sound to you today?
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>> it sounds crazy. actually, my senior superlative was most likely to become platinum. >> was it really? >> there you are. >> i lived my dream. >> there's more. you're on the cover of "billboard's" grammy preview edition. how is it to look at that and hear all the things that people are saying about you? >> it is insane. this has been a crazy year. 19 has been the best year of my life. being 19 is the best thing. >> it's amazing to be in this moment. and you have a big announcement this morning. >> yes. i am actually going on tour in the spring. >> yeah. >> and actually, if you're a citi card member, there's a presale available to you on november 28th. >> any of those hats left?
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can you get me one? >> what are you going to sing for us, hon? >> my favorite, "young, dumb and broke." >> thank you. ♪ so, you are still thinking of me ♪ ♪ just like i know you should i cannot give you everything ♪ ♪ you know i wish i could ♪ i'm so high up the moment i'm so caught up in this ♪ ♪ and we're just young, dumb and broke ♪ ♪ we still got love to give ♪ we're young, dumb, young dumb and broke ♪ ♪ young, dumb, young, dumb
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♪ young, dumb, broke high school kids ♪ ♪ young, dumb, broke high school kids ♪ ♪ we have so much in common we argue all the time ♪ ♪ you always say i'm wrong ♪ i'm pretty sure i'm right let's find that commitment ♪ ♪ we have all our lives to live ♪ ♪ we're just young, dumb and broke ♪ ♪ we still got love ♪ young, dumb, young, dumb, and broke ♪ ♪ young, dumb, young, dumb and broke ♪ ♪ young, dumb, broke high school
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kids ♪ ♪ young, dumb, broke high school kids ♪ ♪ i'm so high up i'm so caught up in this ♪ ♪ we're just young and dumb but we still got ♪ ♪ young, dumb, young dumb and broke ♪ ♪ young, dumb, young dumb and broke ♪ ♪ young, dumb, young, dumb and broke ♪ ♪ young, dumb high school kids
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♪ young, dumb, broke high school kids ♪ ♪ young, dumb, broke high school kids ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> hear more from khalid and all our citi concert art ists at big thank you to khalid. he'll have one more song a little later. tt firsthis, is "today" on
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♪ give you a hat? >> yeah. i got one on hold for you outside. by the way, he's so impressive for 19. i can't believe what's happening
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for this kid. 19 is a great year. album. concert tour in the spring. not bad. one great concert town. two more to go this week. niall horan, who hit it big as a member of one direction. or as matt says, one dimension. >> why do you do that? >> i don't know. can't help it. >> and one of our favorites. rachel platten is here. >> "megyn kelly today" is up next. guys, have a great morning. but first, your local news. i )m - -...
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some bay area musical heavyweigh a good morning. it's 8:56, i'm marcus washington. some bay area musical heavyweights are lending a helping hand to help victims of the north bay firestorm. this is video posted by metallica late last night via social media announcing plans to headline a benefit fund-raiser at at&t park november 9th. band members have called the bay area home for more than 30 years. it will also include dave matthews. tickets go on sale friday.
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pete is in the north bay speaking with fire victims and getting the latest on the massive cleanup efforts that are under way right now. he's also looking into concerns today about the increased fire danger and the highest temperatures. pete will have that live report for us on our midday newscast. testimony is set to resume in the trial surrounding the deadly shooting of kate steinle on pier 14. nbc bay area has crews at the courthouse and will post details on our twitter feed. ain't that a shame. within the last hour or so, word came into our newsroom that fats domino has died. other hits include "blueberry hill" and "i'm walkin'." we'll have another update in an hour. new direction.
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tomorrow - a first look at tesla )s take on the semi. analysis from our scott mcgrew. plus: we start the weekend early every morning at 5:38 and 6:38. kari hall has the forecast for destinations across the
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region. see you in the morning! 4:30 to
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this morning, on "megyn kelly today" -- enablers. that's the latest claim in the harvey weinstein example. and in an exclusive, i'll interview the woman with the shacking allegations against weinstein and his former company. and he steals your heart every week on nbc's massive hit, "this is us." chris sullivan is here with stories of his life on and off screen. then, 12 painkillers a day. two bottles of wine a night? our week-long secrets series, with two women able to confront the truth, live. all that and more, right now. [ applause ] hi. hi, everybody.


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