tv Meet the Press NBC December 10, 2017 8:00am-9:01am PST
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. this sunday, roy moore, the senate and what's at stake for alabama. president trump makes it clear, he's all in for moore. >> get out and vote for roy moore. "meet the press" headed down to alabama where accusations of sexual conduct of moore is the reason. >> it is something that nobody is comfortable with. >> democratic doug jones had a real chance but could a moore win damage the republican party in the long run. my guest this morning, tim scott of south carolina and bernie sanders of vermont. plus, sexual misconduct charges taking down three members of
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congress, a mid whisper that dozens more. the effort conservative to under mind mueller's investigation. >> many mueller is corrupt and the senior fbi is corrupt. >> while donald trump jr. tries to assert attorney client privilege to keep quiet with the conversation with the president. i will talk to house intelligence members, congressman jim heye from connecticut and joining me, halie jackson, david brooks, peggy nunes and political analyst, belcher. 8 çi/7ñsunday, it is "meet the press."
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>> this is "meet the press" with chuck todd. >> good sunday morning. it is possible to make so much of any one senate race. it is hard to over state how stake in alabamaa on 1 the senaten a 49 seat. the president's agenda with one less vote. senate republicans will have harder time of getting anything passed. there is the sexual harassment issues. no matter how credible as republican roy moore has done is a successful strategy. we'll worry that the democrats will hang more in his daily antics around the next republican candidate. on friday, i travel to deep red
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alabama, what i found is widespreadà?discomfort among f conservative states. >> the kand dacandidates are hi the campaign trails hard.ç >> with two days in alabama, politics is the story. 60 miles where president trump campaigned for roy moore. across the state line of mobile are getting used to be the center of attention. >> i have never seen as many signs for democrats in my life. >> there is a lot of doug jones signs. there is a lot of plenty of people voting for him but they adopt want don't want to put a sign on their yard. i talked to some of the women that jones hope s to win over.
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>> the sexual can you be the with teenage girls are not sitting well. >> dean young defends moore. >> judge moore did know some of the accusers and now claims he dos n does not know. >> judge moore knows everybody from alabama. >> so he does not remember everybody he dated? >> i remember everybody i dated. >> i need some type of proof other than word of mouth that it happens. elaine williams, a welder at the shipyard which employs 4,000 workers, building combat ship for the u.s. navy. >> they said the same thing about trump and he still made office. oysters come fried and stewed and nude.
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mobile is the kind of place where democratic doug jones need to over perform. >> does he have a message beyond roy moore. >> he demonstrated a courage in 2001 and 2002 when he went back nearly 40 years and got people involved. the murder for the black girls in birmingham. >> in order to distract from his issue, moore campaigns helicopter to see on abortion for jones when the general election began. >> no, i am not in favor of anything that's going to infringe on a woman's right and her freedom to choose. >> moore needs to turn out with trump voters. >> it is a woman's story. >> what did you think? >> i have no idea what's going to happen on tuesday. i think it is going to be really
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friggin' close. >> joining me now is senator scott. >> welcome back to "theve< pre" >> i am from miami. you call for7x roy moore to mov on. you are not quite sure what you see the white house would do. there is no senate seat that's worth electing somebody accused of child molestation. now the president has turned and he's all in for roy moore. are you comfortable that the leader of your party isqn all f roy moore. >> the narc is not engaged in the race. the fact the matter, is our party big enough to have from the agreement. we'll continue to work for ways to move this country forward by looking at the issues and
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policies that'll improve the lives of african-americans. >> roy moore,gl if you whe wins colleague there from colorado is for expulsions. where are you on this? >> i think the constitution r r requires us if he wins, there will be immediately efficacy o"qáurt(uion and we'll have a greater opportunity for us towd look into all the issues and allegations and perhaps even talk with some of the folks that are witnesses. it will give us a clear picture and i have said so far as far as i can tell, the allegations are significantly stronger than denial and i am going let my decision be made of the breath of information and evidence that i am able to review during the process. >> there is a few campaign
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elements being used here, doug jones is trying to fire up african-american voters. he has the mailer out. i am going to describe it to you. it is an african-american man who has a skeptical look on his face and it says this. what do you think of that kind of campaign literature? >> well, it is getting closer to the gutter honestly. the bigger issue is of those who believe roy moore or those who do not, they are telling significant find 71% and voters say that they do not believe allegations. so really a bigger question other than the question that you just presented to me is how many voters believe the allegations and how many do not and when you
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split that, you find a telling story. there is been some concern that the election of roy moore is just going to send a larger negative message of what the republican party stands for. you have been some body as leader of the party. i wonder if comments like this when roy moore said, it was a great time in america at the time when families were united, even though we had slavery but they cared for one another. i thought about that and this tweet from steve king. he says "diversity is not strength strength." senator scott, i know you don't want to associate yourself with that. it is associated with the republican party, what do you do about this in. >> well, very little that i can
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do about people who speak ignorantly and you just have to call it what it is. the bottom line is both when steve king and tim scott arrive in the country, we were creating diversity because of the native american are already here. that's a ridiculous statement. roy moore, i was supporting roy moore before the allegations and allegations reenforced why it was not there and the good news is thank god for leaders like john ratliff and diverse group of young thinkers who'll take our country in a better direction. let me ask you what happened this week. let me play a little clip of what senator franken said during that speech. >> it is an irony and the fact that i am leaving while a man who has bragged on tape able his history of sexually assault sits
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in the oval office and the man repeatedly preyed on young girls campaigns for the senate with the full support of his party. >> did you think it was appropriate for senator franken to resign? >> i think senator franken thought it was important for him to resign. i would tell you there is no question that his statement was inconsistent of reality. there is a number of people with the party who are not supporting roy moore. would you talk about what he said about the president, given this moment we are in, should the president accuse's accusers lay out of their accusations and let people judge for themselves? >> i think people have had the opportunity during the 2016
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election to come to a decision. the allegations and aconstitution are apart of the campaign. tre should people victimized haveymn opportunity of their days presenting their issues, i have no problem. >> if roy moore is elected, you will have another investigation into this, there is no place to have another investigation outside of congress about the president and hisq@ accusers. >> no question. >> is that something that should change? should you guys be looking at the president's accusers as well? >> once again, i think it is two different scenarios here. the senate has responsibility over our members. i believe that if he wins, you
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will exercise thatç responsibility. the people of our country have the responsibility to choose our president. >> you have been chosen to be on the conference committee. one of the biggest dispute that has to do with the idea of riding off state and local taxes, let me and you this, why is corporations are going to be able to ride off state and local taxes but not vegetablindividua. do you see the fairness in that? >> the question of riding off ordinary business expenses and verses writing off of state and local taxes are two different questions. one has to do with business and other is how we treat this and do we allow -- what i tell you us that we are looking at ways to swoep this solution.
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we have challenges without any questions. >> what does that mean? i see that. what does that mean when you say sweden, expanding deductions a little bit or what does it mean? >> a lot of conversations around the fabt that some of the blue states where the taxes are high and property tax alone will not be able to use the $10,000 possible deductions so allowing for income and property taxes that could cost another $100 billion to be options for folks in those states are better for solutions and we are k lloog at ways for it to happen. >> does that mean you are raising corporate rates to 20%? >> i am hoping that we don't have to. i am looking at deductions and providing more relief. >> sweeten savory is the type of cuisine these days that
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everybody loves. senator scott, appreciate you coming out and appreciate you sharing your views, thank you. >> thank you, have a good day. >> joining me now is senator sanders. >> senator sanders, welcome to "meet the press." >> good to be with you, chuck. >> i know you are not a fan of this bill at all. has the democratic party done enough in the institution of the house and the senate to stop this bill? >> well, one of the absurdity of this whole process is republicaning made a decision to go forward without any democratic party input and they made a decision to do is operate behind closed doors.
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what this tax bill is about is nothing more than a different to billionaire campaign contributors to republican party. you have 62% of all the tax benefits going to the top 1%, 40% going to the top 1/10 of 1% and at the end of ten years. 83 million american middle class taxpayers were paying more in taxes and 13 million people will lose their health insurance and they're going to run up a deficit of $1.4 trillion. this is not a tax bill designed to help the american people. it is a tax bill design to help the wealthiest people in the country and the largest corporation s and i am going to do everything i can. >> i understand that. what's realistic. you don't have the vote and is it trying to find one more republicans and where are you in this? >> it is not true. >> the senator have made it
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clear that we would run up a deficit of $1.4 trillion. he's right. there are other senators and senators rubio has his concerns and collins has her concerns. i hope the american people would say as a time of massive income and wealth in equality of the top of one tenth of a percent. why do we cut back on programs where the middle class really need it. one of the ugly aspect of this, chuck, what paul ryan is saying oh my goodness, if the deficit is going up, we'll have to cut back and cut social security and medicare and medicaid and other programs. tax breaks and billionaires cut social security and remember what donald trump said in his
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campaign. he saide' i will not support or cut theç social security. president trump keep your word, feed on that legislation. i believe you bring a poster board of that tweet down in the senate floor weekly for what it is worth. i want to move on with what happened. i want to play for you something that was sort of a common refrain among quite a few conservatives. here is newt gingrich. >> what you saw today was a lynch mop. lets not have due process or lets not have a chance to have a hearing. let's lynching. >> al franken wanted the ethics to take a look before he makes any decision. m bob menendez, why is he given
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time >> bob menendez erunder went th trial. this was a hung jury. he was not convicted of anything. >> he may be retried. >> he may be. in terms of al franken, what you have and al franken is a friend of mine and has beenzqz3v good friend from minnesota. senator flaor franken acknowled wrong doing on several occasions and inappropriate behavior and he felt that the appropriate thing to do is to offer his resignation. what the observe er -- >> he did not sound like somebody who thought it was appropriate. he sounded like somebody that was forced to resign. >> the point is that we have the absurdity of the president of
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the united states who basically says on a tape that everybody in the country, insulting women and he has not apologize for that and not often of his resignation. what gingrich is saying there needs to be a due process and somebody patting somebody on the backside and commits terrible acts against women. furthermore, what we needed in this country and this whole debate and discussion is bringing this up and we need a cultural revolution. it is not just famous people. there are people all over the country. women who are working in restaurants who are being harassed efrharas harass harassharas harassed everyday. here is tom stiler, he's been running these ads nationwide,
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let me play a clip. >> he brought us to the nuclear war and direct violation of the constitution and taken money from foreign governments and threaten to shut down news organizations to report the truth. what has our government become? >> you established and you want him to resign but -- >> chuck, chuck, what i just said is al franken felt it was proper for him to resign and you have a president accused by many women of assault, he may think of doing the same. >> let me go to this impeach question here, is tom stiler right? many democrats were not ready to get on that bandwagon yet, where
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are outline this issu are you on this issue? >> i think there is a process to be followed. mr. mueller is doing a good job on his investigation. if mueller brings forth the clear evidence that there is collusion between the trump campaign and the russians, i think you have grounds for impeachment. jumping the gun does not do any good. you have to bring the american people onto the issue. if we are going to go forward with the impeachment, i want the american people clearly understand why that is the case and why it makes sense and why it is the right thing to do. that's with the mueller investigation is all about. boy, i am deeply offended by republican ethics to try to discredit mr. mueller. when it was fbi director, he was a great guy. now republicans don't like him and it is unfair. >> that's an issue that we'll dive into later on this show.
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senator sanders, thank you for coming on and share the news, i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> will republicans be better >> will loses?icans be better as the russian investigation moves closer and senator sanders hinted there, the president's alley their experience is coveted. their leadership is instinctive. they're experts in things you haven't heard of - researchers of technologies that one day, you will. some call them the best of the best. some call them veterans. we call them our team. we cut the price of trades to give investors even more value. and at $4.95, you can trade with a clear advantage.
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as we keep adding to it, guess who pays the bill? him. and her. and her. congress, we should grow the economy. not the debt. ♪ welcome back. our halie jackson and, welcome. i was just down in alabama. i want to play a quick clip of it. because i think it encapsulates what i discovered as well. >> how many of them are being paid?
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>> all of them? >> how many of the women are being paid? >> seriously? >> there go, david brooks. i will tell you my sense is that, it is the republican will never vote for doug jones. >> there is distrust of the system and that's what's driving the populism left and right. politics matters and we care about politics. there are things that matter more. save your souls and what this race is about are things that's less important than politics. politics come before four faith and character. >> that's the point and that's what the president made clear. the seats and the votes for roy moore are more important for the allegations against him. i talked to the senior official this weekend, the data is totally screwed up and people are not telling the truth in these polls. the bottom line is when it comes to these allegations against roy
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moore, they cannot vote to expel him. people knew before they voted before the allegation and that's extinctions of al franken. >> all roy moore has to do is be their triable warrior. particularly when you talk about alabama, it is at a pivotal place. we can talk about a lot of issues on the ground. alabama right now the world is watching. a state that's trying to become manufacturing technology hub. are you going to be a forward thinking state that's going to drag 400 or 500 companies. there was a time where birmingham and tlaatlanta were the same place, we are too busy to hate and become the central of the south. >> yes. it is a great point.
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>> it is going on in a big way, technologically and sophisticated. i got to say, guys in fairness, i am interested in republican turn out in alabama if the number of people will think i am not a progressive and i cannot vote in the direction and i am not going to support the guy. >> let me pause here, that vote er ers are looking for an extra piece of information about roy moore. let me show you something that'll hand them that piece of information from friday. >> there is a lot of other things that we have not disclosed which supports beverley which we'll disclose when there is a hearing. >> there is voters looking for any thread to make them feel slightly more comfortable pulling the lever from moore.
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strike th strategists who says they are preparing by their ads. before this big story, there were other big roy moore issues that have come8$6c0z3 up and hi campaign until this day cannot answer whether he believes homo sexuality should be illegal. >> david, i want to get to a point where you made on friday, a victory foror3v royj0 moore o& republican party, you think that's a long-term czin. >> the temporary vote for the people of justice but for a generation, it is repulsive and 20% of millennials think the republicans care about them. and so you end up not only making yourself unpopular but sort of corrupting a piece of
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yourself. >> tim scott. >> yes. tim scott. a couple of them have been principles. a lot of them say i am going to tolerate trump's policies and now they have to toll raid pedophiles. >> peggy, your conclusion in your column this week was strong. if you got your principles. >> oh, yes. have faith and not everything comes down to an immediate election that it is this coming thursday. think long-term. philosophically, be true to your own principles. have some faith and don't make decisions that are not ones that you are comfortable with. i just think that's the way to go on this. i believe though, guys in fairness, there are. i don't think it is all shirts and skins and team red or blue
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in baalabama. we could agree with that. he represents a more conservative way and such as abortion which we have gotten into so much when we got into this. jones is progressive for the state of alabama and there is people who tries to make decisions based on that. i agree with you that they still need to make decisions. >> there is no doubt in my mind. the democratic governor of louisiana, the deal is over. >> absolutely. >> we'll be back in a moment with all the latest of the russian investigation and what the pres david. what's going on? oh hey! ♪ that's it? yeah. ♪ everybody two seconds!
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talk to one today and see why we're bullish on the future. bp is taking safety to new heights. using drones and robots offshore so engineers can stop potential problems before they start. because safety is never being satisfied and always working to be better. back.a president trump's ally stepping up to under mind mueller.
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and a closed door hearing, donald trump jr. tried to clais attorney/client privilege of his conversation between him and donald trump. it is quite a lot to unpack. joining me now is a member of the house committee, is jim heyes of connecticut. wet come. >> thank you, todd. let me start with some seven or eight hours, just characterize donald trump jr. is forthcoming. would you describe it is fourth coming. there was the one episode that's talked about since that interview where he declined to answer questions of the conversations that he had with his father that's relevant of the don jr. meeting at trump tower and part of that i would
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say he's forthcoming. was it a conversation that he had after the meeting itself or a conversation he had with his father trying to spin the disclosure of the meeting. we did not get to hear the content or we don't know. i am not a lawyer myself. every lawyer i know says there is no attorney client privilege. this is not a court of law where the judge would say no, that's insufficient. you don't have the ability that he's not going to answer. was there any way trying to force him to answer the question and you have the power to compel him. >> congress in its investigation does not need to acknowledge any privilege including attorney/client privilege. the chairman was doing a terrific and fair job had said (ár&y, we are not goingo
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compel. we need to subpoena him.(3tty % >> is there a process to compel and testify it is not subpoenaed. >> maybe. if you are here involuntarily, we are not going to force you to answer questions. >> i am curiouscy[k and ther n decemb discussion. there were some reporting that the president himself helped draft the initial statement by his son and here is what the president's lawyer said to me in july on this issue. >> the president was not involved in the drafting and came from donald trump jr. that's what i can tell you because that's what we know. again, donald trump jr. said the same thing that it was in fact from him. >> does that statement holdup based on your question on donald trump. >> because of the sort of novel
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claim of privilege, we don't know what happened in the conversation. >> he used the privilege claim to not describe any conversation he had with his father, period? >> just this particular conversation. why decide that you are not going to talk about that particular conversation. this is a prevailing teheme of the investigation. there are things that are lied about that are forgotten and you have to ask yourself why would he seek to protect that particular conversation. obviously, makes the investigation that much more curious of the context. the russian lawyer that was apart of the meeting testified, she seems to the that all donald trump jr. cared about was -- >> we gotten foof four accountsf what happened in that room who were in the room. the stories matched up consistently, yes, donald trump jr. was not interested in
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adoption, he was interested in the e-mail that he released in fie finding out if there is dirt. the question was what happened afterwards. was dirt conveyed and we have seen a lot of contact and a desire to get dirt and work with the russian and a desire to contact the russians. was there some form. there is a question, was there cooperation. >> did the russian lawyer admit that she was coming on behalf of the russians to talk about sanctions? >> it is unclear of who's doing to whom in that room. my sense is that was her interest. mr. goldstone got this thing rolling. we have yet to interview rob goldstone.
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obviously, that's going to be an interesting interview. >> what the russian government was trying to make contact. >> the question got asked.?4 we got a similar answer to answers of other odd behavior with jared kushnerwy that's kn m=w he saw a back channel perhaps at the russian embassy. again, was it that odd? the answer that we got is hey, we were really busy and we'll throw it out there to see with don jr. with respected information. it is not illegal to listen. so down playing these things. >> the scope ofp your' investigation rightmñ now, dona trump jr. once talked aboutç d bragged about how much russian money was important to the real estate empire. he said it back in 2008. the scope of your investigation when it comes to finances, how
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far did it go back? >> it goes back to 2008. robert mueller and others can look into the kind of things they look into of paul manafort and he's charged with money laundering and all sorts of things that are not apart of the congressional. our job is to figure out what happened with the hack and whether there was cooperations or leaks associated with that and criminal activities is much more in the realm of what mueller is doing. >> you just keep phrase of the acting republican head of the house of the intelligence committee, the arkansas congressman, mike conway. dev devin nunez have been cleared with ethics violation and can he unwhine his recusal?
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>> to do that and make me comfortable, i think devin would have to sort of drop the role that he has played where he decided to vote himself to the investigation of whether there was improper of unmas@/g. we have an all 702 and there was a section of unmasking attempts of the presidential transition. this was a negatively -- sadly of the last couple of months, he devoted himself in these things. the fbi coming forward and you need to drop all of those and what i regard as distractions and the way mike conway steering this. >> others are saying you are the ones that's not impartial. he's trying to invoke other aspects of this. >> i try to be careful of the language i use, i am not saying
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there was collusion. i want to make sure there is impartiality. lets talk for a second of this unmasking thing. i looked at all of the intercept that is were unmasked and how they were done. do i think that process is better and sharper. i will participate willingly in an effort to reform that. was it used properly by sam powell and susan rice? there is zero evidence that was the case. >> jim heyes, thank you for ö >> when we come back, republicans should start looking hi, sam champion with a quick check of your weather. so, giant blue line. pointy, pointy triangles moving south. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 sunshines. not on this planet. um, shadows. big shadows. high. hello. working down to the south. low. another shadow. lovely, lovely. stripes. lots of stripes rhode island. back to you danielle.
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pae percenta percentage of people calling them republicans at 42% to 37%. republicans havey across every democratic group. lets start with a, republicans are down, four or five points. the party is down four points among those with a college degree and five points among those without a college degree. who's driving the decline. it is women, particularly white women. republicans are down five points among all women. it is down seven points among white women. last november, white women identified more republicansñr a democrats. the numbers are reversed, 41% call themselves republicans while 46% calls them democrats.
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at the virginia race, republicans dropped two-points and democrats gaining four from the 2013 election. the result, the race that was a nail biter turned into a route for democrats. that happened in virginia and it does not stay in virginia. >> when we come back. new reporting on the president's unique tv news watching habits. coming up, game and post-game brought to you by boeing, continuing mission ♪ traders -- they're always looking for advantages. the smart ones look to fidelity to find them. we give you research and data-visualization tools to help identify potential opportunities. so, you can do it this way... or get everything you need to help capture investment ideas and make smarter trading decisions with fidelity for just $4.95 per online u.s. equity trade.
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to establish news standard were acceptable behavior. there were seven or eight women and some names or not who came forward with stories about senator franken who said he treated them very badly and it was that kind of serial creepiness and there is the horrible photo that he posed for. it does not strike me unreasonableab unreasonable that he stepped down at all. it strikes me in line of a national attempt to declares so that he all understand what the rules and ways of being are. >> jonathan alter says democrats regretting of al franken, do you believe that? >> we can have respect for people and just like conyers, i think conyers is an icon but we have to hold them responsible. i think it is an important
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culture moment, i am having conversations with my young boys right now@ztx about this and in way that we would not have kudos for these courageous women and standing up in the forefront. i am going to make a hard turn here to the mueller probe. i am curious if you are starting to hear inside the white house what we have been seeing on a certain case of channel and >> we know tonight is one giant poll, it is full of corruption and partnershis and biassed. >> with every passing day we learn ofl biassed of mueller's team. >> you are starting to hear that, the president's lawyer
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that sit in the white house does not get involved in that kind of commentary. is the president starting to feed off of this a little bit? >> you see people supporting the president coming out and talking publicly about it if they did not think the president is angry of them doing it. this is the boiling of the frogs showily. the white house publicly at the podium where we are at, no, no, the president is goingmzíó continue to allow bob mueller to do his job. you are seeing the escalation of real questions being raised of the fbi agent letting go, that was a major issue.)ñ;jó¥ i will also tell you, the president i am told with associatfñ loves talking> abo hisgç tax bill and he feels prey good of where he is right now y. >> do you think the president
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having some support to fire mueller? >> totally. >> from their point of view, these republicans, they swallow all these other things, why would i think they would not swallow firing mueller. do you think the republicans are going to draw the line on that? >> oh my god. if mueller is fired, it would be a huge scandal. >> there is people in the west wing do not want that to happen. >> can i say part of this push back and you see on fox and other stations and outlets, part of it is i remember, lets kill ken star, the late 1990s, the democratic party trying to kill the republican, special prosecutor. with that said, it is so important and so much depends on the mueller's investigation that it is not bad if people look at it in a strict way and just say make sure everything is on the
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up and up and fully credible and not partisan and not partisan politic political creepniess. >> they should ask the democrats. >> guess what, i am out of time. i am sorry, that's all we have today. we'll tell you what the president watches later. thanks forur,mç watching, we'll back next week because if it is sunday, it is "meet the press." it is post-game, sponsored by boeing on "meet the press" facebook page.
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welcome to the u.s. bank nbc sports report. >> hi, everyone, carolyn with you from our nbc sports studio. swimming is just ahead. the 2017 winter national championships from columbus, ohio. but first, a quick sports update for you, starting with the most prestigious award in college football, the heisman trophy. it was awarded last night in new york city. >> i am proud to announce that this year's heisman trophy winner is baker mayfield of the university of oklahoma. >> no surprise there. the oklahoma quarterback is the first senior to win the award since 2006 and it is the sixth heisman trophy for oklahoma.
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