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tv   Today  NBC  July 28, 2018 5:30am-7:01am PDT

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(upbeat music) - welcome back to another fresh installment of housesmarts. i'm your host, lou manfredini. we're glad you're aboard. now on today's show, we're gonna explore some fundamentals that'll help you around the house and give you some insight towards electronic enlightenment. but first, have you had trouble sleeping lately, and you just don't know why? maybe you've counted one too many sheep in the middle of the night.
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well there is nothing worst than being tired of being tired! well stop tossing and turning. sit back and let us comfort you. our first story is gonna guarantee that when you say good night, it'll be just that. a good night. - [andrea] (yawning) doesn't it feel like you've tried it all but you still can't get those eight hours without feeling groggy? today we talk to dan bernstein of blue phoenix wellness, and jay lucas of mattress firm, to help you fall asleep in just 30 winks. sleep tight. - essentially i focus on sleep disorders. what i call ipads, which stands for insomnia, pain, anxiety, digestive issues, and stress. those are the things that make up sleep disorders, so when i treat people i try and focus on what their specific issue might be. and then we start honing in on that using acupuncture, herbology, nutrition. i teach 'em how to do an exercise
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that allows them to start slowing their heartbeat down, relaxing the muscles and so that they're actually doing therapy for themselves. it's called abdominal breathing, and it just means you put your hands there and you start learning to breathe from your belly. when you start doing that, all of a sudden the body relaxes, and when the body relaxes the mind relaxes. many of us have a racing mind when we try and sleep. we just get to bed, we think we're tired and then all of a sudden, boom, we're off to the races. it's called tired and wired. it's kind of a standard syndrome. so it helps to have a routine when you're going to sleep. part of that is turning off the electronics. may sure that you start at a time that is ideal for you. when we have stress, then we have to learn how to overcome that stress. so the part of the treatments that i offer are ways to, what i call, relax the sympathetic nervous system. that part of us that gets up and goes and is gonna run out and conquer the world. we gotta learn how to turn that off at night.
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it's called turning on the parasympathetic nervous system. what part of the therapy entails is teaching the person methods that they can consciously turn off that little gerbil in their brain. i believe that sleeping pills are non-restorative. if you ask a doctor, does a sleeping pill restore the person? and they basically say we don't know. but if you look at sleeping pills, what they do is they target middle-level non-rem sleep. rem sleep is the part of us that builds tissue and muscle. it's the part of us that engages memory, it builds energy for the next day. so if a sleeping pill does not do that, then what we're getting is knocked out and that's not helpful. so i urge people to find ways in their life that they can just let off steam. because if you just let a little steam out of the gasket before it blows, you're in much better shape. - [andrea] we all come in different shapes and sizes, and the same goes for mattresses. so if a new mattress is what you need,
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make sure you give it a test run to see what fits best for you. buying a new mattress shouldn't be more than a click away. here's jay lucas of mattress firm for some insight. - if you are looking for a good mattress, you don't necessarily just want to see which is the highest rated mattress, or which is the firmest mattress. you want to be able to try it out and see if it works out for you. when you walk into your local mattress store, most of the mattresses seem white and they all look very similar. so naturally it can be very confusing to try and pick the right mattress, because you're not able to open them up and see what's inside the mattress. the way that they have changed is that all of the brands, they do a lot of research, and they find out how do we make this more supportive, how do we use different kinds of foams and fibers to prevent the mattress from sagging, to relieve pressure, to make sure they star cool during the night. you can go and buy a mattress anywhere, but the reason that people come here is because we are trained to help customers find the right mattress.
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make sure we take care of the issue and find them exactly what they need. - [rick] fix it in 15 minutes is brought to you buy marvin windows and doors. with over 11,000 standard shapes and sizes, and virtually limitless custom capabilities, marvin is built around you. - see that scratch right there. that's the scratch that drives you crazy in your hardwood floor. don't worry. i'm gonna help you fix it in 15 minutes. now depending on how deep the scratch is, there's markers, there's little crayons, there's even putty that you can use with a putty knife to fill it in. the key is that you gotta match the color, you gotta allow it to dry, and then you have to put some finish on top of it. let me show you how to fix this scratch. okay the first thing you want to do is clean it all off. just with a damp rag and get any dirt and debris that's off there and then make sure that it's dry before you do anything. now this particular scratch is really more of a color scratch than anything. it's not that deep. you want to use a couple of these markers to fill that in. start with the lighter marker
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and then just gently fill that in. if you spill over too much on the regular part of the wood you're really gonna see it. take a rag and just kind of blot it up to get all the excess off of there. we're gonna take a little bit darker, the black now, you don't want to be too aggressive because then it's not gonna blend in. put a little bit with the marker and then wipe it while it's still damp. now with this scratch, you really probably can get away without putting any kind of polyurethane over the top, but if it's larger or you use one of the crayons, you need to protect it. now you're gonna buy a little pint of one of these water-born finishes. you want to go with the lowest gloss first. take a little foam brush, just dab a little bit and go right over the top of where you just filled in that scratch. and then take a clean rag and sort of do a little blotting, so it blends in and that's it. leave it alone for 24 hours. once you do that, the scratch should look a lot better than what you have right now. and you fixed it in 15 minutes.
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- [rick] for more information, check out our website at for a quick and easy solution to clean, shine, and protect your floor, look no further than bona. bona, recommended by professionals since 1919.
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(upbeat music) - my name is jeanne donnelly and i run the domesticated artist art blog, with all things creative and family-orientated. the idea to paint the family tree came actually from my daughter. her future mother-in-law is moving into a new place and she wanted something on the wall, something unique. this is a great diy project, because anyone can do it. to prepare to paint the family tree, the first thing i did was i printed out pictures of trees. i wanted to get the feel of a tree, how the branches came up, how they came out. i wanted it to look like a real tree but have the feel of a real tree. first thing you need is your drop cloth, your painters tape.
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i used plain black craft paint. i used three different brushes, two inch flat, one inch flat, and a liner brush. i thought about the size of the wall, how big we wanted the tree. i mapped it out on each side and then i went to the center for the trunk and i just came up and the branches just came out. get a piece of chalk. draw that tree on the wall. this way if the branches don't look right, if it doesn't look centered, just take a cloth, wipe off the chalk, draw it again. when you have your chalk drawing all done, that's when you start filling it in with black paint. the tricky part was the leaves, and the leaves were just randomly placed. when you're painting in the leaves, step back, look, okay, i've got too many leaves here, i don't have enough here. that way you can make sure it's balanced. i watched to see where i'm going with this tree, how the tree is looking, if everything is centered. i think the family tree adds an important element to any room, because photos are a family history. when you have a unique way to display these photos, such as a family tree,
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people are drawn to it. this project is an excellent way to go down memory lane. you're gonna get the whole family involved, whether it's taking the pictures, choosing which pictures to put on the thing, where to place the frames. the tree is a great focal point for the holidays. the window clings that you stick on your windows and doors for decorations, you can also put on your wall next to the tree. you can put the bats up for halloween, you can hang ornaments from it for christmas, little hearts for valentines day, maybe put a couple shamrocks on it for st. patrick's day. it's great for every season. - now that is a creative way to bring your memories to life. speaking of creative, we have a producer on the show named dylan and he and his girlfriend were traveling in germany. as they were walking around they saw this old film reel. remember those big giant reels they used to make movies with? well they bought it. they didn't even know what they were gonna do with it. they decided to take pictures from their trip and then cut 'em out and place 'em in each one of the slots. that's pretty cool.
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i guess you would call it a blockbuster of a trip. speaking of blockbuster, next up. you'll see how some are cutting costs at home to watch their flicks. (speaking in foreign language) americans just love their tv. according to ac nielsen, the average american watches more than four hours of television each day. that's two months of non-stop tv watching per year. but in recent years, the definition of what watching tv means has been very blurry. more and more americans are ditching the cable boxes and satellite dishes in favor of other ways to satisfy their personal entertainment needs. the advent of high-speed internet, smart tvs, and of course the rise of streaming services, many americans have found more enjoyable and dependable ways to watch the content they want, when they want it, and for a fraction of the cost. but is banning the box and ditching the dish all it's cracked up to be?
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we recently caught up with marshall honoroff, editor of tom's guide dot com, who is an expert on cutting the cord. - i think the first thing most people do is take a look at their cable bill and realize just how high the price is. and then it increases over time, often without warning. i wrote a more comprehensive cord-cutting guide to tell people how they can take all this information and synthesize it together to watch exactly what they want to watch without paying an exorbitant cost to cable or satellite companies for it. first thing i recommend people do is by an hd antennae, because you'd be surprised just how much content you can get for free. when it comes to smart tvs versus standalone devices, it's not necessarily an either-or proposition. smart tvs are a great place to start and to be perfectly honest, unless you're going for a real budget model, it's hard to buy a tv that doesn't have smart capabilities. but if you want to get really, really niche channels, that's when you have to start looking into the roku and the amazon fire tv and the apple tv. what i like to tell people is that there is no perfect streaming device. it depends on what you want to watch, how you want to watch it, and what resolution you want to watch it in.
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- [lou] while a more diy approach to customizing your in-home entertainment content may seem enticing, no matter how you slice it, you're going to need some some sort of connection, namely to the internet. one of the first things you're really going to pay attention to as you choose you're internet service provider is data rates. - the quality of your internet connection will ultimately affect the kind of video that you're able to watch. you might want to upgrade your router and hard-wire the connection in order to get that premium 4k hdr experience, but for the everyday watcher, as long as you have a good, stable connection, that's sufficient for most video watching needs. netflix, hulu, and amazon video control the lion's share of people who just watch streaming video. if you want all three, it actually does cost less to subscribe to all three of them than it does to have a cable subscription most places in the united states. the easiest thing to do if you want to watch something in particular, is just to buy it or rent it a-la-carte through a service like amazon video or vudu. picking the exact thing you want, paying some money for it, and then giving it back after about 48 hours.
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- [lou] the average american cable bill has risen 44% in the past six years. roughly eight times the rate of inflation, which is causing many americans to opt-out of traditional service offerings. - one of the wonderful things about streaming services, is that premium channels are starting to realize they don't have to hitch their wagons to these expensive cable and satellite services. now these prices can rack up after awhile, $15 here and $15 there, and sooner or later you're back to a regular cable or satellite cost, but at least you're watching exactly what you want to watch, and you have it available on demand. it's very difficult to cut the cord and watch all the sports you normally watch whenever you want to watch them. one of the cheapest cable replacement services is sling tv. a $20 per month sling tv subscription will get you espn if nothing else. the final thing you can do regarding sports, is just subscribe to a service like mlb tv. most, but not all, major league sports have this kind of stand-alone streaming service that you can go to the website and learn about. it's not a perfect solution,
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but there are inexpensive ways that you can combine with each other to watch all the sports that you normally watch. cable and satellite subscriptions have become so integral to the way that we watch tv, it can be scary to think about having a household without that. what if you can't watch the exact thing you want to watch at the exact time you're able to watch it? but first of all, people are more adaptable than you might think. they will quickly get used to watching a show one day later or maybe missing one show out of a roster of five or six that they like to keep up with. there will always be dvd sets, there will always be ways to download it after the fact. and not only that, but if cord-cutting absolutely doesn't work out for you, go back to the cable or satellite company, they will probably give you a good re-introductory deal. - [lou] cutting the cord may seem a little too techy, but with a little research and planning, it's really not that complicated. in the end, it can actually be cheaper, more customizable, and a better television experience for your household. just remember to keep watching housesmarts, no matter how you get your service. - [rick] technology changes at the drop of a hat,
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and tech smarts is hear to guide you every step of the way. (upbeat music) - [andrea] the internet is a world of it's own. and with that it's easy to find yourself in a vulnerable spot in order to protect yourself and your privacy. cyber security isn't just something you can buy or install. it's something obtained through simple choices and knowledge. pat migliaccio, a software developer, is here to give you some advice to maintain decent security at home. - one of the most common issues with internet security is the user is at fault in terms of taking mis-steps or being misled down the wrong path and being prone to certain security issues that might result from it. so a lot of times email is one of the main issues where a malicious individual is sending some sort of email or reaching out to an individual, trying to get you to leak sensitive information. so something like sending you an amazon gift card, and collect that hundred dollars, when it's really not amazon sending you that information,
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and it brings you to a site that might be fake or phony and collect your information, and then using that information or that sensitive data against you or on behalf of you without your knowledge. generally, when you're doing web browsing, you want to make sure that, once again, where you're going is a trusted source. so you want to look at the url and make sure that's exactly the site you intended to go to. whether there's a mis-spelling in it, or it's a site that has a different top-level domain, so instead of dot com it says dot cx or another address that you weren't aware that you were going to. so i would suggest that you would install an additional anti-virus software onto your computer to protect you against this bad software. and based on that, then you can also use the tools that are already available on your computer, whether you're using windows or mac there's already protection software installed. for the user to protect themselves is to make sure that you're using very strong passwords, so you want to use multiple characters, numbers, special characters, just to make the passwords a bit more complex.
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so it prevents something called a brute-force attack. i would suggest making sure you have strong passwords, and also making sure that your passwords across multiple accounts are different. what i recommend to a user is if you see an email and you don't know where it's from or what it's about, just don't open it. just leave it closed and make sure that you report it to spam. there's other services out there where you can go and you can reach out and you can report fraudulent information or malicious information that you found on the internet. and i highly recommend checking that out if you have the time. (upbeat music) - there's plenty more when housesmarts returns. we'll be right back. - [rick] for more information, check out our website at
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(upbeat music) - welcome back to housesmarts. now a friendly reminder, if you ever get stumped on a project at home, make sure you send your questions to us. in our workshop, it's the ask lou segment, which is on its way. bur first,
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take a look at this cool tool. - [rick] for the hottest and coolest products out there, look no further than cool tools. if you have a gas stove at home, turbopot is a must for you. not only will it save you time and money, but more importantly, it will save you energy and reduce your carbon footprint. just use the pots and pans as you normally would. you can have better control of the heat and dial at a high-power burner setting you can heat up your food faster by 30%. turbopot's revolutionary technology preserves the fresh texture and nutrients during cooking. with it's heat sync feature on the bottom of the cookware which sends heat directly to the base of the pot or pan. reducing energy use, you will have 30% less cooking related emission, feeling fresh and healthier. for more information, visit (paper falling) (upbeat music)
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- here's a question from marge. i have a blue tub. is it worth hiring someone to spray it or just get a new tub? so marge, you have a lot of options when it comes to changing out a bathtub. painting it, having it professionally done is your least expensive option, and in my opinion it's a 5-year proposition, because after that time you'll see some fading and some peeling. now you can go to some of these companies that do acrylic liners that go right over the top. that's a much longer proposition, and it costs a little bit more. you might even have them do the walls around it as well, to really freshen up the look. now when it comes to replacing the tub, that's a little bit more involved. it's not just about the tub. it's the drain, maybe even the faucet. you're gonna have to remove some of the tile if that's what's around the perimeter of the tub, and that will have to get replaced. so it's gonna cost you even more. so depending on how much you want to spend, you have three viable options. either one of them will make the bathroom look great.
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- hey lou, my name's alex. i live in montville, new jersey and my question's about solar panels. we have been wanting to install solar panels on our house, and we're wondering if now is the right time to do so and if there are any rebates that we can expect when we're doing it. - alex, i love solar panels. i love actually any opportunity to use alternative energy sources to live our lives. we've done several stories on housesmarts over the years about solar panels, so you can certainly search on our website to get more insight. now as it pertains to rebates, that sort of ebbs and flows. there's federal grants that are pretty consistent, but it's usually state by state where you'll find the most money for doing a solar panel project. so you need to check with your local governments on that. the thing you need to keep in mind is the payback. it's an investment to install solar panels. there's a huge benefit, but there's a cost there. and even with the rebates, you've gotta do the math
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to see what your break-even point is. on average, it's about 10 years. here's a question from dennis. what's the best way to remove the residue from your washing machine and drain pipes? i'm not quite sure what you mean by residue. is it just dirt, debris, or is it something left over from when the plumber put it all together? either way, try degreaser and a microfiber pad. on those surfaces, you can use this product full strength. spray it, give it a few minutes, wipe it down and it should be clean as a whistle. (lou whistles) - [rick] for more information, check out our website at
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(upbeat music) housesmarts, brought to you by marvin windows and doors. marvin is truly built around you. - well we're out of time for this week's episode of housesmarts, but we'll be back next week. if you need to get a hold of us, just go to our website, but right now, it's time for our last word.
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alright, we covered a lot of ground on today's show, but one that's near and dear to me is getting enough sleep. the older i get, the more i realize that this is super important. i get it, we're all busy. but we not only need to have the right mattress and pillows and blankets, but we need to make enough time to go to bed and get that rest. get off those devices when you go to bed. put them in another spot. a good night's sleep is good for your mind, it's good for your health, it's good for everybody. sleep tight, and don't let those bedbugs bite. we'll see you next time on housesmarts. (upbeat music)
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we'll see you next time on housesmarts. life's bleachable moments need clorox bleach.
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good morning. monster wildfire. that massive blaze in california burning out of control overnight destroying hundreds of homes and threatening others. residents running for their lives. >> i hear the cops pounding on the front door. >> intense heat and winds fuelling the flames in dozens of fires across 13 states. we're live on the fire lines. timeline of a tragedy. details released overnight about the final moments of the horrific duck boat accident that killed 17 people. the ntsb revealed what the captain told the passengers about the weather and life
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jackets and what happened when the raging water started rushing into the boat. explosive allegations. a scandal at cbs as the head of the network, one of the most powerful in the entertainment industry, comes under fire for sexual misconduct against six women. women claiming careers were derailed after rejecting les moonves. what he said about the allegations. and those stories and shooting spree. five people killed in texas after gunfire rings out at a nursing home and another house. last-ditch landing. pilot of the plane in distress makes an incredible amazingly everyone comes weigh unscathed. and over the moon, a spectacular moon in the night sky with the rare lunar elipse that lasted more than an hour leaving people around the world with a memory they'll never forget.
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today saturday july 28, 2018. from nbc news, this is "today," with sheinelle jones, craig melvin, and dill lynn dryer, live from studio one a in rockefeller plaza. >> today. thank you for joining us. back after two weeks off. >> well deserved vacation this morning. >> how about this rare lunar eclipse that lasted hour and 45 minutes chblt wasn't visible in north america, but that's why you have us. we'll show you pictures. absolutely beautiful. >> let's get right to our top story. horrific scene in california. firefighters work around the clock to try and get an upper hand on the huge wildfire that's only getting worse. it is only one of 90 fires burning in 13 states right now. nbc steve paterson is near the
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wildfire in redding, california. steve, good morning to you. >> reporter: and craig good morning to you. you look around here and there are neighborhoods that have been leveled all over this community. this fire is out of control. estimated 500 structures burned to the ground and more at risk for suffering the same fate. it's relent less. the kind of fire that swallows communities whole. fueled by a miserable triple digit heat and 70-mile-per-hour. the raf news carr fire tripled incise since it started four days ago. touring flames sent racing into neighborhoods leaving hundreds of homes in ruins. >> all of a sudden i hear the cops pounding on front door saying we have to go. >> reporter: chris corona says their family barely made it out of alive. their home gone. >> a lot of memories.
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my sister pushed me on the swing. >> reporter: so far two have died in effort to save lives. friday they mourned the loss of jeremy stoke. the carr fire one of many fires firing across united states five in california alone. in southern california thousands evacuated to escape the fast moving cranston fire. whi while yosemite national park remains under fire. >> you don't know if you'll make it a lot. >> reporter: back at the carr fire. he finds himself lucky. what do you feel like? >> you realize nature has its own mind made up as far as what's going to happen. >> reporter: even in devastation so large, hope from men and women working around the clock
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hoping to save what they can no matter how small. so right now about 3400 men and women on the front lines battling this fire. and they will do so today in about 110 degree heat. this fire now about 50,000 acres. only about 5% contained. and right now so powerful that it's generated its own weather system. craig. >> steve paterson for us there in redding, thank you. >> we are learning more this morning about the tragic duck boat accident that killed 17 people in missouri. released their first report in the accident detailing what happened minute by minute in the moments before tragedy struck. nbc ron mott has more. >> those poor people. >> reporter: as near hurricane force winds rocked the duck boat packed with 33 people. a new ntbs analysis reveals a
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chaotic scene before the boat sin sink killing 17. the captain kenneth mcgee said he checked weather radar. 6:50 they do a safety briefing.. 7:00. sudden winds. white caps. a safety compromise who checked the company's fleet issuing a report last august. >> when the curtain is down, there is no way for people to escape. it becomes a people catcher. >> reporter: 7:04. alarm is heard. the bilge clears water from the boat. the captain reaches down and the sound goes away. 7:07, alarm is back. 7:08, the recording ends. boat is still on the surface. days later, the boat fished out
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of water, life vests seen dangling from the ceiling unused. >> they pulled me up from the boat, i departmeidn't see my fa. >> reporter: tia coleman, lost her husband glen and three children. >> when they found my husband, he had all three of my babies. >> reporter: tia said her final good-byes to them friday. today, another five members of extended family will be laid to rest. unspeakable tragedy that began happily. for "today," ron mott, nbc news. to politics. president trump riding high after announcing strong economic numbers on friday. this as questions continued to swirl in the russia investigation and the president gets an invite to moscow from russia's president vladimir putin. nbc's white house correspondent kelly o'donnell is near the president's golf club in new
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jersey. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, craig. the president is claiming friday night he will campaign six and seven days a week for congressional candidates in the final sprint toward the midterms after labor day. this comes as talk of scheduling another meeting with vladimir putin and that's picking up. back in new jersey, with the first lady for the weekend, but no break from a world of pressures. >> mr. president, will you accept putin's invitation to moscow? >> reporter: on the same day at vladimir putin suggested a new face-to-face in the russian capital, the president phoned sean hannity and distanced himself from putin. >> they say i'm friendly with russia. russia's not happy. >> reporter: referring to friction the president caused with nato leaders after demanding they boost defense spending. friday, for the first time, the president shared a national security council meeting on
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election i honterference. it did not mention russia. his administration will not tolerate foreign interference in the elections from any nation, state or other malicious actors. the president refused questions ten times this week. >> mr. president, sir, is michael cohen lying? >> reporter: after news his former attorney michael cohen is prepared to tell authorities that mr. trump was aware that russians offered to bring dirt on hillary clinton to a trump tower meeting with trump junior in 2016. >> mr. president, did you know about the meeting at trump tower? >> reporter: but his only response has come on twitter. i did not know of the meeting with my son, don junior. then he suggests a motive for cohen who is under investigation. sounds to me like someone is trying to make up stories in order to get himself out of an unrelated jam. among the controversy, the white house is celebrating. new signs the economy is
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thriving. >> we're on track to hit the highest annual growth rate in over 13 years. >> reporter: and this morning, craig and sheinelle, we have a very memorable sign for you of how small the washington d.c. community can be. the power and political culture of the place. a photo taken at washington reagan airport on friday shows special counsel robert mueller in the lower left at the gate area and the president's son donald trump jr. in the upper right of the photo. the men did not interact, but their lives interact all of the time in the russia investigation. >> great captions for the picture on social media. kelly, thank you. >> it was everywhere. president trump doesn't have public events on the schedule today, but there is certainly an a lot to talk about this morning. let's bring in analyst philip
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rucker. phil, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> let's start with one of the big headlines this week as kelly was talking about michael cohen claiming that trump knew about the meeting at trump tower. it seems like a complete falling out of the two close allies. how concerned with trump's lawyers with the latest claim by cohen and by cohen in general? >> it is really a striking falling out between the president and his former to attorney who has been his finx - figur fixer for a decade. the president is trying to prevent him from being a credible witness with the prosecutors. >> phil, as we heard from kelly o. putin inviting president trump to moscow. sarah sanders says the president
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is open to doing that. how eager are officials for president trump to go to moscow to meet putin? how likely is it to happen? >> i think ultimately it will happen, but not in the near future. trump invited putin to come to washington and they delayed that meeting until next year until after the mueller investigation wraps up. there will be resistance in the administration to having more meetings with trump and putin. trump is the president. if he wants to meet putin, he will do it. he has shown no willingness to heed his advisers when it comes to russia. >> and the latest gdp numbers friday which were announced at 4.1%. how does this compare to the gdp figures of past presidencies and can this be sustained going forward? >> it is a higher figure than we
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have seen in three or four years now. there's a danger for trump which is his tariffs are going to be going into effect now and economists are predicting the growth willai lag in the later part of the year. he will be blamed if the economy dips this fall before the midterms. there is a political risk for the president. >> he is willing to take it. phil, thank you. look who we have with us on saturday morning. dave price from our new york station wnbc. in for dylan. dave. >> good to be with you. nice to see you. what a night here in the northeast. the good news is things are beginning to change. all of those storms moving out. there was a light show with heavy rain anded intoing from philadelphia to -- rain and flooding from philadelphia to new york. sunny weather and slowly, but surely, the humidity will go down too. we are keeping an eye on the central plains. look right over here.
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this is a potential problem brewing. watching for the possibility of some severe weather rolling from wichita over to memphis and into nashville in the next 24 hours. scattered storms for the southeast. we are looking at the possibility of damaging winds and large hail and again the area right now where all of this is concentrated is in the central plain states. as we look ahead into next week, we got rid of the rain along the east coast. watch what is setting up. an omega pattern. greek letter there. further to the west and it will bring the possibility of heavy rain and thundershowers for the northeast and in through the southeast as we head through the next week. that's the quick look at the and we are expecting above seasonable temperatures for this weekend especially for inland areas. now, right now in san jose, 62. wind speeds are fairly calm. we also have a nice marine layer building at the coast and that
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will keep coastal temperatures on the cooler end. into the temperature trend as we head in toward the afternoon, you will notice a ridge of high pressure will begin to warm us up, expect a dry and hot saturday with temperatures climbing into the 80s for san jose. so that's what's going on around the country. thank you, dave. still to come, one of the most powerful men in the entertainment industry under fire. the latest of the allegations of sexual misconduct of les moonves. and incredible sight in the night sky. we will show you the lunar eclipse seen around the world. but first this is "today" on nbc.
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we're back on saturday morning with the incredible sight in the sky last night. look at that moon.
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it turned red which is called, dave price tells me, a blood moon. part of the rare lunar eclipse. >> it could not be seen from north america, but nbc's lucy kafanov has the bird's eye view. >> reporter: good morning, sheinelle. the longest lunar eclipse in the century. i know you missed out. i share your pain. i went out last night trying to get a glimpse. all i got was a cloudy london sky. across the globe, in europe, africa and asia, the blood moon was a spectacular sight. a spectacular sight that dazzled star gazers. lunar eclipse. for more than 100 minutes, the blood moon bathed the night sky with the red glow. captivating greek gods and more talls. -- mortals. from australia. to cairo.
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>> never the lunar eclipse. very, very good. >> reporter: one egyptian wedding party celebrating under the moonlight. the night of the red moon and red planet. mars closest to the planet. the blood moon associated with danger or bad omens. lunar eclipse happens when the sun, moon and earth are in perfect alignment. if were you on the moon, you would see the sun setting behind the earth. british star gazers were out of luck with the clouds. it was on full display across europe, africa and asia. a glimpse of the planet's shadow. now as you know, folks in north america were out of luck since it was daylight by the time the eclipse made its way over. there is hope yet. january 21st is when america
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gets its lunar eclipse. mark your calendars. >> lucy, thank you. still ahead, lebron james opening up about the regrets when it comes to naming his son after himsel ♪ the laughing cow cheese is the perfect snack, no matter how you snack. ♪ it's spreadable... ♪ ...dippable... ♪ ...dunkable... ♪ ...whatever-you-wantable. so however you snack, snack . . . . they work togetherf doing important stuff. the hitch? like you, your cells get hungry. feed them... with centrum micronutrients. restoring your awesome, daily. centrum. feed your cells. kellogg's chocolate frosted flakes. various: mmm, chocolatey!
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bye. ♪ ♪ how are you? how did it go? feed her passion, with the fresh roasted peanut taste she loves. where there's jif, there's love.™ still to come, the still to come the latest on the murder mystery on the cardiologist who treated george h.w. bush. not welcomed at these popular destinations after these messages.
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good saturday morning to you. it is 6:27. here is a live look outside. wow, clouds. cloudy and foggy over the san mateo bridge. i think i saw a little bit of drizzle on my windshield early this morning. thanks so much for joining us. let's get a look at our forecast. >> and there is a nice marine layer that is really hugging the coastline. that will keep the coastal temperatures on the cooler end. but further inland right now, 52 degrees. we have a ridge of high pressure that is actually going to keep us above seasonable for inland temperatures, but right now in san francisco, it is a little foggy out there, 52 degrees.
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light breeze right now, so far we are expecting the winds to pick up a little bit into the afternoon especially if you will be heading out to the coast. further inland in livermore right now, 55. and as we head in toward the afternoon, you will notice an increase in temperatures especially if you will be hanging out in the south bay or the east bay. any of those areas will be about 10 upwards of 15 degrees warmer than usual because of the ridge of high pressure. so i'll talk about how hot and possibly how cooler it will get. >> 10 to 15, yikes. we'll stay tuned for that. this morning wildfires continue to rage across northern california with the stit largest fire burning just to our north in shasta county. the car are or fire has scorche than 48,000 acres in and around the city of redding. 500 buildings have been destroyed. most of those homes. nearly 5,000 others are currently threatened. containment is just at 5%.
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here is a look at where the fire is burning, impacting the northwest side of redding along with the communities of shasta and french gulch. and closer to home, a pair of new wildfires are burning in mendocino county. the river fire erupted yesterday. it has burned 5600 acres. several structures are destroyed. officials have ordered mandatory evacuations. crews also are working to the ranch fire. so fire that fire has burned about 2700 acres. coming up on "today in the bay," something is brewing at a local church, the unorthodox new idea to bring people close.
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we're back on we're back on this saturday morning, july 28, 2018 with a look at the raging wild fires in california. a devastating scenes forcing thousands to evacuate. >> 5 to 6% contained and let's start with a check on the headlines with a wild fire out of control, the carr fire, one of five tripled in size. two people died so far and 500 structures destroyed and another 5,000 in danger. it is one of 89 large wildfires burning across 13 states.
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pope francis accepted the resignation. found an accusation that he sexually assaulted a 16-year-old boy in the early '70s as credible. abruptly removed last month. since then, more accusations emerged. the pope ordered the archbishop ordered him to pray. the top american catholic leader to be removed from office over allegations of child sexual abuse. five people dead in texas, officers called to a scene at a nursing home where people were found dead. one of the nursing home victims and two other men found dead. authorities believe the
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shootings are related and the shooter was among the dead. . authorities in milwaukee, a terrifying moment where a driver slammed his bus into a building. here you can see the driver lose control racing through an intersection before crashing into a building. officials say he accidentally hit the accelerator instead of the brakes. he and tle others suffered minor injuries and thankfully, no bystanders were hurt. cvs in turmoil after an article surfaced last night, one of the most powerful men in the media business. les, and -- nbc blake mccoy here with more. >> this sending shock waves through world. media mogul answering to the allegations against him.
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it comes as the broader culture of cbs criticized and the networks vows an investigation. >> reporter: this morning, the powerful head of cbs facing explosive allegations of sexual misconduct. women believe their careers were derailed because of him. four of the women described forcible touching and kissing during business meetings. and being described as pindowned and violently kissed and calling it assault and fired for not participating. in a statement he responds, i recognize there were times where i made women uncomfortable by making advances, those were mistakes. i always understood and respected that no means no and i
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never misused my position to hinder anyone's career. >> cbs has seen massive success. the pay passenger, $70 million last year. he's married to cbs employee, host, julie chen who tweeted a statement of support. >> he call it had a water shed moment. it is important that a company's culture will not allow for this. extended to cbs news where anchor charlie rose was fired for sexual misconduct last year. 19 current and former employment saying that executive producer of 60 minutes allowed harassment and issued a sharply worded response. it is wrong that our culture can be falsely defined by a few
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people with an ax to grind. >> cbs says they are mindful of all sexual harassment allegations and they take them serious and the board is investigating and adds that cbs doesn't agree with the broader picture of the company paint in that article. >> thank you. a funeral held this morning for the cardiologist who once treated george h.w. bush, the doctor gunned down on the way to work last week. the police say while they believe it was a targeted attack, they have no idea who the killer is or why the doctor was targeted. >> reporter: this morning investigators continue to explore possible theories. >> he was professionally executed in my opinion. >> retired fbi agent studied the
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video and where the killing took place. >> it is done where there is a lot of noise, i think it is important. in a construction area on the -- video from city bus shows him riding his bike to the hospital just as he did everyday and not far behind, a man behind him with a cap and a bulging backpack. >> was it a change of clothes or a larger weapon, we don't know. >> reporter: police saying that the doctor was likely targeted but offering no motive and few details. the doctor was shot three times, in the head and torso. >> from top to bottom, it's a perplexi perplexing case. unanswered questions. >> we started together, 31 years ago. the doctor said his friend was
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proud to be a buddhist who cared about the environment as much as his patients. >> he was caring and did a superb job taking care of people. >> reporter: friends and family will be gathering today to say good-bye to the beloved doctor. for today, tammy light ner, nbc news. >> we have got a huge crowd on the plaza this morning, guys. including -- [ applause ] >> including all of the hatchets. >> there are so many hatchets here, are there any left at home? >> oh, yes. >> nice to see you. so good to have your family part of ours. we go out west where excessive heat is an issue. 14 million people at risk, heat
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advisories, watches and warnings in effect with triple digit temperatures what we'll deal with over the next several days. dangerous heat not helping the fire situation. as we roll into tomorrow, 109 in redding, 102 sacramento, boise, 97 and 93 in -- good news and for firefighter, a tough situation. as we look at the rest of the country. it is going to be a day of heavy rain in the gulf states, cooler in the great lakes, storms in the central plains and clearing out in the northeast with humidity going down and high heat out west. we have so many people here, we have to get them all on camera. one, two, three -- [ cheers and applause ] >> that's a quick look. here is
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that is exactly what i'm tracking is high heat. we have the ridge of high pressure that will warm us up, especially if you will be in any of the interior valleys. san jose right now 62, wind speeds are calm. temperatures will be above seasonable especially as we head toward the afternoon. right now we're seeing foggy skies over san francisco. we have a nice marine layer, 52 degrees. and thanks to that marine layer, it will help keep the coastline nice and cool and actually below season only. so gending on where you are. i'm a weather guy, so i'm pretty g pretty good with numbers. i estimate the crowd as 20 and 25,000 people. nice to see you. >> thank you, dave. >> dave can do it. >> at least we get to see the crowd. huge crowd, today. thank you, dave.
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just ahead why the queen is taking meghan's favorite food off of the menu. >> what one brad pit fan looks through years. we'll look at that next after these messages. [ cheers and applause ] nobody burned down your she shed, cheryl. well my she shed's on fire. your she shed was struck by lightning. zachary, is my she shed covered by state farm? your she shed's covered, cheryl. you hear that victor? i'm getting a new she shi-er she shed. she shi-er? mhhm. that's wonderful news. go with the one that's here to help life go right. state farm.
6:41 am
the new mccafé cold brew frappé and frozen coffee. the strong, smooth taste of cold brew coffee, ice-blended into a rich, creamy drink. it's colder than cold brew. and now, get any small mccafé for only $2. that works for us. with capella university's groundbreaking flexpath format, you set your own deadlines to fit your life... so you can live and learn. experience flexpath today. only at kellogg's chocolate frosted flakes. various: mmm, chocolatey! mmm. mmm. mmm! yeah, chocolate! chocolatey. crunch into chocolatey gr-r-r-reatness.
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they're gr-r-r-reat! and it's packed with powerful cranberry nutrients that can help your body defend against certain infections. i'll be your body on cranberry juice! bring it on, bad stuff! still healthy. we're back on saturday morning with the revelation of one of hollywood's biggest heartthrobs. dave is in the orange room. >> brad pitt has a history of ex-girlfriends. one tttwi uerser noticed something about his relationships. he tends to transform himself to look like the person he's dating. look. just watch. sarah tweeted an old article with photos of the actor.
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i saw the article with brad pitt and now i cannot stop thinking about it. take a look here. here is pitt in the early '90s with girlfriend juliette lewis. they look like twins. then brad and angelina jolie. it looks like they went to the same super cuts. incredible. we move on. later with a darker slick style. they are like twins. it is like they share dna. other twitter users dipped into the archives and found other gems. and emily dug up an old picture of gweneth paltrow. writing this honestly freaked me out. the same stuff in their hair. the same gel. >> maybe that is how he gets them to go out with him. >> here they are wearing the
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same clothes. i can't decide, she says, if this is actually something empathetic or sociopathic. these are examples. what do you think? >> we heard when couples spend a lot of time together they look alike. >> looking alike and deliberately looking like the person is weird. >> they are wearing the identical garanimals. >> i have popstart. we begin with carrie fisher. she will appear in an episode ix aspirin cea princess leia. they will use unseen footage shot during episode eight. shooting for episode nine will begin next week. lebron james is going all the way. not just moving to los angeles to join the lakers, but coming
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to the small screen. hbo picked up his show where celebrities and friends join him in the barber shop to have unfiltered conversations. the first episode is airing next month. he talks about the pressure his son lebron james jr. has carrying his name. >> i regret giving my 14-year-old my name because of that. when i was younger, obviously, i did not have a dad. my whole thing is whenever i have a kid, not only will it be a junior, i will do everything this man did not do. they will experience things i did not experien.ce the only thing i can do is give him the blueprint and it is up to them to take their course. >> can you imagine walking into that barber shop with those people? it premieres august 28th on hbo. and we end with a royal update. meghan markle and queen elizabeth are getting along well.
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this morning, there's word the queen has banned one of her favorite foods from served at buckingham palace. pasta. several outlets are reporting that the queen has taken pasta and not just pasta, rice and potatoes off the menu at buckingham palace. what do you eat? her former chef says the queen simply does not like starchy food. she doesn't like them. they are not on the menu. >> see you at the olive garden. speaking of life over the pond. why residents in popular tourist destinations are saying enough is enough. how some are dealing with the how some are dealing with the crush and what it could mean for
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be right back. with moderate to severe crohn's disease, i was there, just not always where i needed to be. is she alright? i hope so. so i talked to my doctor about humira. i learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of crohn's disease after trying other medications. and the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved remission in as little as 4 weeks. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. be there for you, and them. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible.
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we're back on saturday morning. a heck of a crowd. >> huge crowd. >> we have a bit of a warning if you are planning to travel overseas this summer. some locals may not be welcoming. >> last year, global tourism reached a seven-year high. as kelly cobiella reports, not everyone who lives in the popular tourist destinations is thrilled about it. >> reporter: barcelona. rome. stunning santorini. drowning in a sea of tourists. welcome to croatia.
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it is a victim of its success. >> too many tourists. >> i'm living with earplugs. >> reporter: the town is the setting of king's landing of "game of thrones." as tourists come in, locals are fed up with the noise and overcrowding are moving out. >> there are moments i think we can't stand it anymore. we have to move. >> reporter: critics say once thriving communities are turning into tourist theme parks. >> some world disney town or something like that. >> reporter: tourism has boomed here in recent years. 1.16 million visitors in 2017. arriving by bus, plane and gigant gigantic cruise ships that overwhelm the city with up to 15,000 tourists a day. ships that stop at venice,
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italy. dwarfing the village. in rome, barely room to move. the trevi fountain and terrible remakes by misbehavioribehaviob vacationers. these spanish activists attacking a tour bus last year. setting off flares by luxury yachts and promising more protests this summer. >> we consider the fight has to keep going on. >> reporter: tourism is an important part of the region's economy. providing jobs and income. >> how did you like the "game of thrones" tour? >> it puts food on the table. it pays the bills. >> reporter: here they have a plan. mayor told me the city is
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cutting the number of cruise ships and building an app to warn tourists of busy periods. spreading more visit numbers through the day no matter the cost. >> when you have a satisfied citizen, you have a satisfied tourist. >> reporter: the goal is making everyone happy. happy locals. happy tourists. for "today," kelly cobiella, nbc news. >> i can understand how frustrating it can be when traveling. >> it is a beautiful place to see, but if you have to live and battle the crowds. it is tough. >> all right. we're back in a moment. but first this is "today" on nbc.
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life's bleachable moments need clorox bleach.
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that will do it for us on saturday morning. tomorrow, willie sits down with claire danes talking about the break on "my so-called life" and how she tried to hide her
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ice-blended into a rich, creamy drink. it's colder than cold brew. and now, get any small mccafé for only $2. bay .... the latest on the erratic and unpred good morning. coming up next, the latest on the erratic and unpredictable carr fire including firsthand accounts from people forced to leave their homes. plus would you drink a cold one at church? it is now on tap. and also hot and dry temperatures across parts of the bay area today. we'll have your microclimate forecast including where it will be unseasonably cool.
6:58 am
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7:00 am
...and you suddenly realizes you're really into art? that's yes for less. every trend. every room. on any budget. it feels even better when you find it for less. at ross. yes for less. good saturday morning. it is 7:00. here a live look outside from at&t park as we look toward the cove. and a foggy cloudy sky on this saturday morning. last saturday of july already. thanks so much for joining us. we have a look at our forecast and it is a crazy one. >>


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