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tv   Today  NBC  December 1, 2018 5:30am-7:01am PST

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good morning. breaking overnight, former president george h.w. bush has died. the 41st president of the united states passing away in his hometown of houston overnight at the age of 94. condolences pouring in from across the world as the man who was known as 41 is remembered fondly by his family, friends and politicians from both sides of the aisle. the former president remembered as a man devoted to service who spent his entire life fighting to make the united states a better place. war hero, congressman, cia director, vice president, and finally, president. >> i george herbert walker
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bush -- >> he was in the oval office for some of the biggest events. victory in the gulf war. >> as president, i can report to the nation aggression is defeated. the war is over. >> also at the helm for the end of the cold war. the fall of the berlin wall. a dedicated public servant who spent his life after the presidency helping to raise hundreds of millions of dollars for charitable causes. a devoted husband to the love of his life barbara. who passed earlier this year. a loving father and grandfather, remembered fondly by his family this morning as the greatest man they ever knew. the world honors george h.w. bush "today," saturday, december 1, 2018. >> from nbc news this is a special edition of "today," remembering president george h.w. bush.
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>> good morning. welcome to "today." thank you for joining us on this special edition of "today" on a saturday morning. as we mourn the passing of the nation's 41st president, george herbert walker bush, peter is in buenos aires and harry smith is here. >> a lot of memories are flooding in this morning. former president bush dedicated has life in -- his life life in the service of the country. the condolences have been pulling in since late last night. let's get to garrett haake. >> reporter: the president's long term spokesperson announced the death late last night and condolences poured from from all over the world. the former president had been 94 years old and he has been battling a form of parkinson's disease and he had been in failing health for some time. he was last seen in public casting his vote in the midterm elections back on november the
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1st. but he had been receiving guests as late as this week. we know that president obama dropped by while he was in texas on tuesday. as we had the statements coming in, we have had statements from the bush family coming out. the former president bush 43 releasing a statement this morning on by half of his siblings writing in part, jeb, neil, marvin, and i are saddened to announce that our dear dad has died. george h.w. bush was a man of the highest character and the best dad a son or daughter could ask for. the entire family is grateful for 41s life and love and for the condolences of the friends and fellow citizens. those condolences will continue to roll in all week. details of the former president's memorial services have not been released yet. there will be a as much as at the national cathedral in
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washington, d.c. and then he'll return to his adopted home state at houston at the same church that held the funeral for his beloved wife, barbara, when she passed away earlier this year. then he'll be laid to rest at the campus of the texas a&m university at his presidential library beside his wife barbara. harry, back to you. >> thank you so much. george h.w. bush began his life of public service at the young age of 18 when he joined the navy. he went on to serve the country as a congressman, ambassador to the u.n. vice president and eventually president. savannah guthrie takes a look back at his life of public service. ♪ >> as president, i can report to the nation aggression is defeated. the war is over. >> reporter: for george herbert walker bush, victory in the
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first gulf war was his finest hour. never a political fire brand, he was often described as having the best resume in america. a gregarious personality and most of all, experience. >> what it all comes down to after all the shouting and the tears is the man at the desk and who should sit at that desk, my friends, i am that man. >> reporter: but george bush was also very private and believed even after decades in public life that he was misunderstood. >> i was never clear in letting people know what my heart beat is. >> reporter: born in 1924, bush was raised in greenwich, connecticut. his father prescott bush was a u.s. senator from a young age, he was a natural leader. at phillips andover, he was the class president. at yale, phi beta kappa and captain of almost every team he
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played on. at 18 he defied his parents by enlisting in the navy. two years later he was shot down over the pacific. >> i'll never forget it. the plane, the fumes and the smoke and it was terrifying. >> reporter: ambitious and impatient, bush married barbara pierce in 1945. finished yale in just three years. and he moved to texas to seek his fortune in the oil business. they had six children. and by 1964, bush could afford to turn to politics. >> george bush, the republican opportunity. >> reporter: over the next 20 years, george bush would become one of the most experienced public servants in america. after two terms in congress, he became ambassador to the united nations, chairman of the republican national committee. envoy to china. and finally, his favorite job -- director of the cia. all of which prepared him for this. >> i am absolutely convinced i will be your next president. thank you very much. thank you.
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>> reporter: but bush couldn't compete with the charismatic ronald reagan. instead, serving as his vice president for eight years. in 1988, it was his turn. >> i george herbert walker bush -- >> reporter: and bush called for greater civility. >> to make kinder the face of the nation and gentler the face of the world. >> reporter: his proudest accomplishments, the clean air act and the americans with disabilities ability. >> how are you, sir? >> reporter: and overseas he was credited with the steady hand as the cold war ended. then in 1990, bush faced a crisis when the iraqi army invaded kuwait. >> a line has been drawn in the sand. >> reporter: using his trademark personal diplomacy, bush built an unprecedented coalition. after five weeks of high-tech bombing, the ground war was over in just 100 hours.
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and bush reached an incredible 91% approval rating. he was the most popular president in u.s. history. >> we want work! >> reporter: but that high approval rating soon collapsed as an economic recession forced bush to break his most famous campaign pledge. >> read my lips -- no new taxes. >> reporter: and a little known governor from arkansas issued a challenge. >> don't read my lips. read my plan. >> reporter: it was a bitter defeat. >> 20 years ago when you lost, was it a hard feeling? >> terrible feeling. awful feeling. and i really wanted to win and i worked hard. >> reporter: bush threw himself into life after the white house. raising more than $100 million for cancer research. literacy. >> just because you're 90 it doesn't mean you can't still get a thrill out of stuff. >> reporter: he was not above using a spectacle to help charity even at 90 years old. >> why does he keep jumping out of perfectly good airplanes?
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>> reporter: politically, bush tried to keep a low profile but campaigned for sons jeb and george w. and gave advice. >> i talked to him all the time. >> reporter: and in 2000, he watched his son become the 43rd president. >> i george walker bush -- >> reporter: as he survived his wife of 73 years, barbara, and witnessed an outpouring of affection for her. the theirs was the long -- theirs was the longest marriage in presidential history. a private man who lived a very public life. praised by his fellow presidents for his leadership and grace as president obama so aptly said as he honored bush with the presidential medal of freedom. >> his humility and his decency reflects the best of the american spirit. those of you know him, this is a gentleman. >> reporter: but bush himself always maintained his proudest accomplishment was that his children still came home, his life was about faith, family and
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friends and an understated political legacy. >> i'm sure i could have done a lot of things better, but it's been a fulfilling time in my life and a lot of experiences and including being president of the united states. >> reporter: savannah guthrie, nbc news. >> talk about a life well lived. flags are flying at half-staff at the white house this morning. while president trump is in argentina for the g-20 summit. president trump and first lady released a statement overnight saying that the former president quote always found a way to push the bar higher. let's go to peter alexander. good morning. >> reporter: hey, good morning to you. president trump with another day filled with meetings even perhaps a news conference later this afternoon as scheduled. but just a matter of moments ago posting a tweet, celebrating the life of george h.w. bush. i'll share that with you. he writes, president george h.w. bush led a long, successful and beautiful life. i saw his absolute joy for life and true pride in his family.
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his accomplishments were great from the beginning to end. he was a truly wonderful man and will be missed by all. president bush called his philosophy a thousand points of light. he even dedicated his nonprofit that helped support volunteerism points of light. president trump noted that in the statement that he and melania trump that read through the disarming wit and unwavering commitment to faith, family and country, he inspired many to public service and to be a thousand points of light and illuminating the hope and opportunity of america to the world. but president trump was not always gracious about bush's vision for a kinder, gentler nation. it was only five months ago that president trump in montana at a political rally said of those words by president bush he said what the hell is that, basically criticizing the former president. that didn't sit well with bush or the bush family.
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there wasn't a close relationship between the two men. by tradition, past presidents around the current president would all gather together but that has not happened since president trump took office. the last meeting of past presidents all those living today absent president trump, took place in texas last year. you see the picture last year as they were helping to raise money for hurricane harvey relief. absent from that was of course president trump. he did not at the end the funeral for barbara bush earlier this year. sending the first lady melania trump in his place. nonetheless, as you noted today at the white house, the president has ordered that flags would be at half-staff. we'll have the latest from here. president trump expected to head home later today. back to you. >> peter, thank you. andrea mitchell is the chief foreign affairs correspondent, she covered congress while george h.w. bush was president. andrea, good morning. you just must have a flood of memories flowing through your mind and heart this morning. what's primary on your mind? >> the compassion, the humility.
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and also his determination to do the right thing. he took very tough decisions. when i was covering congress i was covering the budget negotiations and he violated his own no new taxes pledge which was the signature pledge of his acceptance speech in 1988. i was covering that convention and of course that was one of the reasons -- one of the reasons that he did not win re-election against the baby boomers. clinton and gore. that was a very bitter defeat as you saw in savannah's tribute. as he expressed to his granddaughter jenna, our colleague. our condolences to all of the family. i had so many interviews along the way covering campaigns, seeing him in iowa, new hampshire. and also some personal moments, just showing the grace and gentility of this man. i remember being in kennebunkport during the transition. he was president elect and he wanted to show us a tour of the house and upstairs and he said,
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come on, i'll show you the best room in the house. he took me into the bathroom and he showed me from the throne there in the bathroom that you could look out over the atlantic ocean and that was the president-elect of the united states. that was a moment. >> you talk about your memories. you once said, quote, history will point out some of the things i did wrong and some of the things did right. how do you think history will remember him? >> oh, this was the last of the greatest generation presidents. the last veteran of world war ii. the youngest navy aviator who volunteered against his family's wishes as you saw. and he carried out the legacy that had been created by ronald reagan with mikael gorbachev. but it was george bush who ended the cold war, he made it possible for the berlin wall to come down and for germany to be reunified which changed the map of europe and of the free world.
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so that is probably the greatest legacy. also standing up against saddam hussein. and making the tough decision not to go to baghdad. that was a heroic decision at the time. but also, economically decades of prosperity, possibly forged by his decision to raise taxes and seal his own fate in not being re-elected. >> andrea mitchell, thank you so much. >> you bet. >> thank you. jon meacham is a presidential historian who wrote a book called "destiny and power" and good morning to you. you wrote a wrote a book about president trump. if you can sum up the presidency in one word, what would it be? >> he put the country first. he -- against his own interests, on a number of issues. certainly against the base of the republican party as it was constituted then and it was becoming ever more conservative. he decided that he had amassed
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power and as he put it in a prayer that he wrote himself, handwritten prayer on note cards with which he opened his inaugural address, his motto was use power to help people. now, this may sound sentimental, it may sound nostalgic, but it has the virtue of being true. his substantive legacy is one of reaching out across what was a pretty wide aisle back in 1989 to 1993. he never had either house of congress. he used to joke in private when people would be complaining about -- his successors might complain about congress. he would say, try to have neither house, try that on for size. but what he did with the americans with disabilities act, the clean air act, the budget deal that as president clinton will tell you set the terms of the prosperity of the 1990s, he pressed ahead and that's another hugely important thing about george bush is he was always
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interested in the next thing. the next adventure, the next chapter. it's why he jumped out of airplanes as mrs. bush used to say, perfectly good airplanes. he very much wanted to lay the foundations for the 21st century and in many ways some of the best parts of our country, in fact, he set the terms for that infrastructure. those institutions. creating a world that we enjoy now. >> so interesting to me, especially from reading your book these -- in the rough and tumble of politics, so often it was almost like he would come in second and then would say, well, here's the cia or go to the u.n. or the different places. a lot of people -- the conventional wisdom why would you take that job yet he jumped at those opportunities. >> he did. it's a fascinating political life because he only won two elections before he won the presidency of the united states. two house races down in houston.
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he lost two senate races. he lost the presidency in 1980. the republican presidential nomination to ronald reagan. one of the biggest moments of a modern american politics came on the wednesday of the republican national convention in detroit in 1980 when just after 11:30 p.m. on the third night of the convention, reagan is accepting the nomination the next day, the negotiations over at -- a dream ticket between reagan and former president ford fell apart. and only then did reagan pick up the phone and call george bush and ask him to join the ticket. both president bush 41 and 43 have said in my hearing that they don't think either one of them would have been president if reagan had not made that phone call. >> right. >> wow. >> you were talking about that, harry. >> jon meacham, thank you for your time this morning. >> thank you. coming up, we'll have much more on the life of president george h.w. bush as we look back at his legacy of public service
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to this country. plus we'll get to the morning's other top stories including alaska trying to recover a day after it was rocked by a massive earthquake. first though, these messages.
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welcome back to "today" on a saturday morning. we'll have more on the passing of former president george h.w. bush in a moment. but there are some other big headlines to get to this morning. alaska residents are recovering this morning after a magnitude 7.0 rocked the anchorage area on friday. debris flying everywhere, homes badly damaged. roads now in need of major repair. >> nbc's steve patterson is in anchorage this morning and he has the latest from there. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. this is one of the most violent
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quakes to strike this region in quite some time. the evidence is all around and right behind me you can see a section of road destroyed. scenes like this are all over this area. but residents this morning are thankful not to be waking up to any reports of serious injury or death. but the damage to infrastructure here could be catastrophic. wherever cameras were rolling, they captured scenes of incredible terror. >> earthquake! >> reporter: a violent and frightening earthquake rattling anchorage, sending residents running for cover. >> everything was shaking. felt like the ground was doing a dance. >> if you could imagine a giant just grabbing your house and just shaking it violently like wanting to shake everything out of it. >> reporter: at area schools, children scrambled. hiding under their desks. >> that was sick. >> reporter: the 7.0 magnitude quake started at 8:30 friday
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morning. the powerful rumble roaring for more than 40 seconds, rocking buildings, cracking roads and highways. early on a tsunami warning was issued, but later canceled. >> shaking the heck out of the kfqd studios and knocking us off -- >> reporter: the tremor's fury knocking radio and tv stations off the air. the epicenter seven miles north of anchorage. >> one of the aftershocks is actually much closer like in midtown anchorage. that suggests that the fault itself was directly underneath anchorage. >> reporter: earthquakes are not uncommon here. the state averages 40,000 a year. more than any of the other 49 states combined. the most powerful quake in the u.s. was 9.2. this morning, the authorities applauded a quick response. >> it's okay. >> i think the best way to put it it's a 7.2 earthquake and our response was a 10. >> reporter: the threat this morning is far from over.
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residents remain on edge. since that initial quake, there have been close to 50 aftershocks. the most violent a magnitude 5.7. back to you. >> thanks very much, steve. severe weather is making its mark on a large portion of this country. >> yes. bringing with it snow, sleet, freezing rain and more. let's go to dylan tracking this one for us. >> good morning, guys. we saw some of the effects of this severe weather yesterday in oklahoma. look at this, just east of oklahoma city, lots of debris, downed trees, downed power lines. we had reports of hail, wind damage and isolated tornadoes in that area. and we did see the damage with that yesterday. now, this storm system is moving eastward. and we will see a line of severe weather develop today, down through mississippi and down into western tennessee. we have some snow on the backside of this storm. so if we look at where the threat of severe storms are today, it's really up towards st. louis and down through the panhandle of florida, down through new orleans as well. we have winter weather advisories in effect through parts of the midwest a
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. and we're at about 56 degrees right now in san francisco. we do still have a couple showers that could push through within the next couple of hours into the middle of the morning. winds speeds nice and breezy about 17 miles an hour. in the san jose area we're at a chilly 49 degrees. we're expecting cold overnight lows into tonight as we head in toward the next couple of hours, we're still tracking the showers of seeing light rain as we head in toward the 11:00 a.m. hour. we'll get 53 degrees. >> and that's your latest forecast. >> dylan, thank you. we have much more to get to, including the latest on george h.w. bush's life and the legacy of public service he passed down to his children and grandchildren. but first, these messages.
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good saturday morning. here's a live look outside. a beautiful downtown san jose christmas in the park. it is sure coming down in other
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parts of the bay area right now. thanks so much for joining us. i'm kira klapper. vianey arana has a look at our microclimate forecast. welcome back. >> thank you. and that's right. we've got another round of showers pushing through but its mainly up in the north bay, however, we're starting to get drizzle right now in san francisco. you can see the camera off to the left. wind speeds are breezy, 17 miles an hour. san jose not really getting the rain just yet but still has the chance of seeing showers push through in the next couple of hours. i want to take you quickly to some of the timelines. we'll only top out in the mid-50s. if you notice by about 9:00 a.m., the rain will move into san jose. so we are seeing some showers mainly push through right now in the north bay, we got showers pushing through portions of oakland. i'll go through the timeline at about 7:00 a.m. >> all right. thanks. as you've surely seen this morning on "today," former president george h.w. bush
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passed away yesterday at the age of 94. seven months after thinks wife died. one of the -- the 41st president is being remembered for his accomplishments and one of his aides is remembering his benevolence. he now lives in oakland. walsh tells us he will best remember the bushes for being as comfortable with royalty as they were with regular people and that included all members of the white house staff. we spoke with him by phone last night. >> you were family. you were invited in for a cup of cocoa and a holiday dinner. there was no one that was too small or no one that was too big to get personal attention and i will tell you, that's a quality of humanity in this political environment is sorely lacking. >> we will surely have more on bush's legacy as the morning goes on. in other news, the search is
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on for a grinch in oakland's fruitdale neighborhood. they want to know who vandalized the christmas tree. they found the tree yesterday morning, chopped, painted and practically destroyed. someone was caught on surveillance video but no arrests have been made. coming up on "today in the bay," rain here in the bay area means fresh snow in the sierra. we have a report from tahoe where resorts are open and hoping for your business. we'll have all that plus your top stories and weather. we'll send you back to the "today" show.
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we're back on this saturday morning. the 1st of december, 2018. you see here the flags are flying at half-staff at the white house in honor of president george h.w. bush. the 41st president died overnight in houston at the age of 94. >> president bush leaves behind an unparalleled legacy of service. he served in the navy at the age of 18 as a combat pilot. he was shot down. he went on to become a texas congressman, serving two terms before becoming an ambassador. >> later, he served as an envoy to china, director of the cia and of course, vice president for two terms under ronald reagan.
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and a president for one term from 1989 to 1993. the year he became president, george h.w. bush said, quote, there was no higher honor than to serve free men and women, no greater privilege than to labor in government beneath the great seal of the united states and the american flag. >> nbc's garrett haake is in his former hometown of houston, texas. good morning. >> reporter: harry, good morning to you. yeah, the messages of condolences and thanks have been coming in from all over the country and frankly all over the world. a testament to the mark that this president left across the country and across the world with his diplomacy. that's statements from the -- there's statements from the bush family themselves, a testament to the mark that george h.w. bush left as a family man and as a father. the former president bush -- george w. bush said he was a great man and a great man and jeb bush with a heart breaking
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tweet about 5:30 this morning texas time saying, i already miss the greatest human being that i will ever know. i love you dad, from jeb bush. now the city of houston, the city of houston, george h.w. bush's adopted hometown, they will get their open chance to say good-bye when the president has a funeral service here in houston before being laid to rest about 100 miles up the road in college station, texas. home of his presidential library. the nation will get their chance to say good-bye when the president lies in state later this week at the u.s. capitol and then services as well at the national cathedral in washington, d.c. all of the details of that still forthcoming from the former president's office here in texas. >> garrett haake, thank you so much. and andy card served as the secretary of transportation under the 41st president and he served in his son's administration as chief as staff. thank you for your time this morning.
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>> good morning to you. this is a sad day, but we're celebrating a great man who lived a phenomenal life. >> you know, we haven't talked about this. bush hated talking about himself. but what do you think he would be most proud of? >> clearly, he's most proud of his children. >> yeah. >> and the success that they have had. but i think even greater than that, maybe that he has a countless number of people that he motivated to answer the noble call of public service. that will continue. that will be his living legacy. the students of the bush school who graduate and then enter public service, it's a school for public service. they're the ones that will be his living legacy because he was the shiny example of what it means to be a noble public servant. he's the one who's polished that noble call. it has been a light to the world and it's -- it's separated america from the rest of the world. we're -- our government is of the people, for the people, and george h.w. bush motivated people to answer the call to
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public service. >> after he left office, i can't tell you how many dinners, charity dinners that i shared the dais with him at. just his -- his amount of grace, his amount of freely giving of himself to help other causes was just -- it was profound. >> well, you know, he grew up in a household where you were not supposed to practice braggadocio and he did not. he was humbling to be with because he was always thinking of the other person. and a great example. but, you know, i think more than anything else, george bush was a great citizen. a great citizen of america, a great citizen of the world. and a great role model for all of us. i feel so privileged to have known him and worked with him. i first met him in the mid 1970s. and ended up being very close to him. he treated me so well and i learned so much from him. i'm just so grateful. and the country is a better
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place because of his leadership and the world is a better place because he showed the world how to be a good leader. and his diplomacy made sure that the cold war ended without being hot. >> andy, real quickly -- >> that was pretty remarkable. >> real quickly, andy, talk about his loyalty. >> george bush -- he's loyal to his family. he was loyal to his country. he was loyal to his faith. very loyal to his wife. his life was a love story life, but it was a love story with loyalty and commitment and humility. >> andy card, thank you so much. >> thank you for your time this morning. let's turn now and get another check of the weather from dylan. good morning, dylan. >> good morning, again. we're keeping a close eye on the storm system that's going to move eastward. down to the south, severe storms back behind it. we are looking at the threat of some pretty significant snowfall. along the panhandle of florida we can end up with two to three inches of rainfall. this will continue to affect
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this part of the country through the day today. out west though is where we're looking at the highest snowfall totals through the northern plains where we can end and the current temperatures as you head out the door in the 40s and 50s. only expected to climb into the mid-50s by the afternoon. 48 in palo alto but its the rain that we're still tracking. we've got this other system that trekked its way on in overnight. we just saw heavy showers pass through the peninsula and also the san francisco area. now we're getting heavier rain through concord and dublin area. >> and that's your latest forecast. >> so the question is, sheinelle is traveling today. >> trying to get to kansas. >> to the midwest -- i'm sorry. >> i'll click my heels. thank you. still to come on a saturday morning we'll look back at the legacy of public service that 41
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now when you go out, you cash in. what's in your wallet? we are back on a saturday morning. remembering former president george herbert walker bush who passed away in houston at the age of 94. >> people are reflecting on the former president's public service to the u.s. his sense of service started with his own father and passed down to his own children. let's go back to peter in buenos aires for more on that part of this. good morning again. >> reporter: hey, sheinelle and harry, good morning to you. george h.w. bush celebrated for his humility, service and dedication. 40 years, four decades in public service to the united states. a part of one of the great american political dynasties. politics has always been the
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bush family business. public service, a core value passed down from one generation to the next. >> i'm prescott bush, candidate for the united states united states. >> reporter: prescott bush who left a legacy of supporting civil rights obligation, instilling a sense of duty and honor. >> my father was totally honest and totally committed to service per se. and that inpyred me. not just there, but in his whole life. >> reporter: values he carried with him to congress. united nations, china and the cia and ultimately to the white house. >> i -- >> reporter: but he said that family was most important. with wife barbara forming a life long partnership. >> okay, tennis. >> reporter: the family compound in kennebunkport a welcome refuge from the pressures of washington. their three youngest children stayed out of politics, but
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george w. and jeb took up the family business. >> i hope that -- >> reporter: jeb served two terms as governor of florida. george w. turning to politics after giving the oil business a try. before taking a swing at baseball as part owner of the texas rangers. >> hey, you doing okay? >> reporter: winning election as the texas governor in 1984 and then making the decision to follow in his father's footsteps. >> i'm running for president of the united states. >> reporter: he didn't ask permission. >> why didn't you? >> because his answer would have been, you know, if you run, i'm for you. >> reporter: becoming the 43rd president of the united states. the first father/son presidents in nearly two centuries. the elder bush never comfortable with the family dynasty label. >> it's strength of family and it's pride, it's not legacy. it's not, you know, handing something down. i hate that stuff. >> reporter: the father careful to keep some distance from his son in the oval office. >> you know, we talk. yeah, there's some times of
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that, but it's not, what do i do now? it's not -- because he knows what he wants to do. so i'm there for him. he gives me -- our relationship is more in our conversation -- our conversations is more along the line of a dad and a son and a dad conveying to his son how much he loves him. >> reporter: george w. bush accomplishing what his father couldn't -- winning re-election to the second term as president. through it all, their tight bond always apparent. >> i am honored to be hanging near a man who gave me the greatest gift possible -- unconditional love. and that would be number 41. >> reporter: in his post white house days writing an homage to his father, 41. and painting a portrait of the man he admired most. >> i like the painting i did of dad. as you know, i love him dearly. >> any tears when you were painting him? >> a little bit, you know? just thinking about him. he's a kind man. i painted a gentle soul.
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>> reporter: but there would be no third bush president. >> $22 million -- >> i'm sick and tired of him going after my family. my dad is the greatest man alive in my mind. >> reporter: jeb's bid for the white house failed after voters rejected the bush brand. in favor of donald trump's populism. >> tonight, i'm suspending my campaign. yeah, yeah. >> reporter: but maybe not the end of the family's commitment to serve. >> thank you all very much. >> reporter: jeb's son george p. now a rising star in texas politics. as the torch is passed to a new generation. and many ways george h.w. bush really represented what feels like a bygone era of bipartisanship. it was tuesday of this week that he received the visit from the former president barack obama. it was also separately over the course of the past several years that he built that very close relationship with president clinton. the man who succeeded him. the man who beat him on his way to the oval office.
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there's a tradition that past presidents all living presidents including the current occupant would gather together in the president's club. the last visit was last year in texas. the only one absent from the visit was president trump. he is expected to hold a news conference this afternoon, where if that goes on as planned we'll hear from him in person as he speaks about president george h.w. bush. back to you. >> peter, thank you. there's much more news to get to this morning. coming up next, an nfl star now out of a job after a brutal attack was caught on camera. the latest on that story for you, it's always leap over look. now over later. and pause. not even in your vocabulary. so when a cold sore tingle strikes. you act on it. only abreva can get rid of a cold sore in as little as 2 1/2 days when used at the first sign. it start to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. nothing gets rid of a cold sore faster. and because abreva acts on it... you can too.
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walgreens. trusted since 1901. we are back on a saturday morning with more trouble for the nfl. a video just released showing a star running back for the kansas city chiefs hitting a woman. >> it happened last february, but kareem hunt didn't face any consequences until now. ron mott has more. the video is disturbing to watch. >> reporter: he was an nfl star running back. >> the show goes on. for kareem hunt. >> reporter: but this morning, hunt is starring in what many see as a horror film. hotel video obtained by tmz sports showing him shoving a woman who then took a swing at him, later charging at her. she's knocked to the floor and then finally hunt kicks her before being pulled away. >> i was assaulted and i need help.
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>> reporter: the disturbing footage captured at cleveland hotel in february. police were called but no charges filed. late friday, hunt's team the kansas city chiefs said he was not truthful when they spoke to him about the incident earlier this year and that they were releasing him immediately. fired. >> it's a shame that it takes seeing a video to get kind of that reaction when you hear about violence against women. >> reporter: the video reminiscent of another incident of a star player getting violent on camera. in 2014, ray rice knocked out his fiancee, now wife, in a casino elevator. his initial two-game suspension by commissioner roger goodell sparking outrage and changing. the league toughening the domestic violence policy. rice has not played in the nfl since. >> this is a problem for the league because it comes in the same way that ruben foster was cut by the san francisco 49ers after he was arrested for misdemeanor domestic violence and then claimed on waivers by
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washington, creating and renewing the debate and discussion about domestic violence among nfl player. >> reporter: when asked about the hallway incident, hunt said this -- >> i learn from it. it's -- i'm focused on football. >> reporter: now he's suddenly out of a job. the latest nfl player raising red flags far off the field. for "today," ron mott, nbc news. still to come, we're live in houston as the country and the world remembers former president george h.w
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still to come on "today," more of george h.w. bush's passing as his family, president trump and former presidents all remember the public servant who dedicated his life to his family and this country. much more to come, but first these messages.
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thanks so much for joining us. i'm kira klapper. vianey arana has a look at our microclimate forecast. >> we still have a very active radar. we're seeing showers push through. the temperatures as we wake up this morning, 40s and 50s as you head out the door and it is going to be a rather cool afternoon. keep that in mind. definitely grab a coat because the temperatures you see here, we'll be topping out only in the low to mid-50s. this is what the radar looks right now. let's zoom it in so you can see an idea of where the rain is pushing through. we had showers push through san francisco and the peninsula. now we're seeing the majority of the rain trekking out toward the concord area, in through danville as well as the richmond area. a lot of that rain in the san jose area, but we are still expecting showers to push on through near the 7:00, 8:00 a.m. and linger through 9:00 a.m. >> thanks. as you've likely seen this morning on "today," former
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president george h.w. bush passed away yesterday at the age of 94. he died seven months after his wife passed away. the 41st president is being remembered this morning for all his accomplishments and one former aide who lives here in the bay area is telling us he will best remember the former president's benevolence. shawn walsh was deputy press secretary through bush senior's term as president. he now lives in oakland. walsh tells us he will best remember the bush as comfortable with royalty as they were with regular folks and that includes all members of the white house staff. we spoke with him by phone last night. >> you were family. you were invited in for a cup of cocoa and a holiday dinner. there was no one that was too small or no one that was too big to get personal attention. i will tell you, that's a quality of humanity that is in this political environment is sorely lacking. in other news, the search is on for a grinch in oakland's
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neighborhood. community members want to know who vandalized their christmas tree. they found it yesterday morning, chopped up, painted on and practically destroyed. someone is caught on surveillance video, but they don't know who it is. so far no arrests have been made. it is 6:29. coming up this morning "today in the bay," rain means fresh snow in the sierra. we have a report from tahoe where resorts are open and hoping for your business. we will have that, plus all your top stories and weather coming up at 7:00. we hope you join us. in the meantime, we'll send you back to the "today" show.
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good morning. breaking overnight, former president george h.w. bush has died. the 41st president of the united states passing away in his hometown of houston overnight at the age of 94. condolences pouring in from across the world as the man known as 41 is remembered fondly by his family, friends and politicians from both sides of the aisle. the former president remembered as a man devoted to service who spent his entire life fighting to make the united states a better place. war hero, congressman, cia director. vice president. and finally, president.
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>> i george herbert walker bush -- >> there in the oval office for some of the biggest events. victory in the gulf war. >> as president i can report to the nation aggression is defeated. the war is over. >> also at the helm for the end of the cold war. the fall of the berlin wall. a dedicated public servant who spent his life after the presidency helping to raise hundreds of millions of dollars for charitable causes. a devoted husband to the love of his life barbara who passed earlier this year. a loving father and grandfather, remembered fondly by his family this morning as the greatest man they ever knew. the world honors president george h.w. bush today, saturday, december 1, 2018. >> from nbc news, this is a special edition of "today".
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remembering president george h.w. bush. >> good morning. welcome to "today" on a saturday morning. as we mourn the passing of the nation's 41st president, george herbert walker bush. peter is in buenos aires and harry is with us here in new york. >> the president george h.w. bush is being remembered fondly this morning as a great man, a public servant who wanted to make america a great place. he died at the age of 94. funeral plans are being finalized this morning. >> let's go to garrett haake who is in houston this morning. >> reporter: good morning, from houston, texas, waking up over the loss of george bush, 94 years old. he had been in failing health for some time, he had been battling a form of parkinson's disease. this life long public servant was casting his ballot in the
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midterm elections last month, voting here in houston, texas. now, condolences for the former president have been pouring in as you said from all over the country and all over the world. none of them more poignant though from the remembrances of his own family. his son george w. bush, his son jeb bush tweeted this morning, 5:30 local time, writing i already miss the greatest human being that i will ever know. i love you, dad. now, the country and the family and texans will all get an opportunity to say good-bye to the former president and we do know as funeral arrangements are being put together that president george h.w. bush will lie in state at the u.s. capitol and a service for him at the national cathedral and then he'll return to texas for a funeral service at his hometown church here in houston. the same church that his wife barbara bush was memorialized earlier this year and then he'll be buried a hundred miles up the road from here in college station, texas, at the bush presidential library side by
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side with his beloved wife. back to you in the studio. >> garrett haake, thank you. president trump is in argentina this morning for the g20 summit. he and the first lady released a statement overnight saying that he'll continue to pursue other americans to go after a greater cause. >> let's go to peter alexander in buenos aires with more. good morning to you. >> reporter: hey, harry and sheinelle, good morning. despite the deep resentments between the two presidents, including george h.w. bush refusing to endorse the president, today a gracious statement from president trump. a matter of hours ago, posting it on twitter. he wrote the following, george h.w. bush led a long, successful and beautiful life. whenever i was with him, i saw his absolute joy for life and his pride in family.
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his accomplishments were great from beginning to end. he will be missed by all. the two men didn't have much of a personal relationship. you'll remember george w. bush, he promoted volunteerism through a mission that he call ed points of light. a thousand points of light was the saying and the president noted that in his comments that the white house posted from president trump and the first lady earlier today that president trump said through his essential authenticity, disarming wit and unwaving commitment to faith, family and country, president bush inspired generations of americans to public servant and to be a thousand points of light, illuminating the greatness and hope and opportunity of america to the world. but president trump was not always so gracious about bush's hope for a kindler, gentler nation. it was five months ago in montana that he attacked george h.w. bush and those words saying, what the hell is that?
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criticizing that slogan versus his own slogan, make america great again. president bush was quoted in a book just a year ago speaking of donald trump saying that i didn't know him. i don't know him. but i know he's a blow hard. he says, i don't like him in those remarks. there really was sort of a deep dislike between these two in the wake of the 2016 election. president trump of course did not at the end the funeral services celebrating the life of barbara bush. instead, it was the first lady, melania trump, who at the ended in his place. but it will be an interesting week as -- it's traditional that the president eulogizes a past president when their life is celebrated. remains to be seen what will happen this week as george h.w. bush is lying in state in washington and then celebrated at the national cathedral. back to you in new york. >> all right, peter, thank you. michael besh aloss is a presidential historian.
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>> how are you? >> we are well, but we're awash in memories of this guy from the greatest generation. this is -- this is a kind of a presidential history that -- this is the kind of stuff that you etch in stone some place. these guys are few and far of boarding school, 1942, becomes the youngest flyer in the navy and serves the country for the next 76 years. >> from your perspective as you look at his career and life, can you remember what you think might have been his biggest test? >> i think the biggest test came when he was president and that is what to do about the cold war. i think we can thank george h.w. bush for the fact that the cold war ended at the moment it did and ended without firing a shot. you know, it called on all of his great talents as a diplomat because he knew that the way to get the cold war to end is for me, george bush, to build a
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relationship with the soviet leader, mikhail gorbachev. so when gorbachev opens the berlin wall in 1989, bush restrains himself, doesn't give a speech saying this is a big victory for the united states. that might have helped bush politically, but it would have made gorbachev refuse to make further concessions that ended the cold war. >> michael, as we zoom out a little bit as a presidential historian, we're talking with so many people this morning and andrea mitchell was really describing kind of a completely different era in this country. we talked a little bit about this with john mccain's funeral. it seems at the time, there was this sense of the desire to get back to some kind of a bipartisanship or just a different way of doing politics, if you will. can you speak to this contrast and what can we take away as we look back this morning? >> looking back from the moment that we're in now politically, it's like going to a different planet, arriving and talking about pompeii.
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president bush, this was a decent person who loved to reach across the aisle. he was very good at that. that's why he was successful when he was in congress. it's why he got all those promotions to some extent it was why he was elected president in 1988. that is so far from the period that we're living through today. maybe we should revisit that a little bit. >> michael, thank you so much. we have some other news including a former dallas police officer now facing a murder charge this morning after she was accused of shooting and killing an unarmed black man a few months ago. officer amber guyer was off duty when she entered a neighbor's apartment and fatally shot botham jean inside his home. she said she entered the wrong apartment by mistake and thought he was an intruder. it set off protests all over the country. also this morning, the kansas city chiefs have released their star running back, kareem hunt.
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he has been put on the commissioner's exempt list after a disturbing video is published by tmz on friday. the video appears to show hunt abusing a woman at a cleveland hotel. hunt apologized for his actions in a statement overnight. we're dealing with some messy weather in some parts of the country. let's go to dylan. she has another check of the forecast. >> this is a huge storm system, back throughdylan. she has another check of the forecast. >> this is a huge storm system, back through the rockies and into the southeast. it's got a lot of facets to it. we have heavy snow falling through nebraska and kansas and also northern iowa. we have heavy rain in the southeast. there's the threat of some severe weather today. especially along the panhandle of florida. back through louisiana and into alabama and mississippi as well. heavy rain this morning, moving through st. louis up into chicago and we are also looking at a chance of severe storms back through st. louis as well. so severe weather today. heavy snow back towards the central and northern plains and the upper midwest where we could end up with eight inches of snow in some of those areas. tomorrow, it
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we've got rain pushing through right now. we saw heavier downpours kind of move through the peninsula, still moving through portions of the north bay but now we can see a lot of that rain still coming down in parts of san francisco and down through the fremont area. these yellows and orange hues that you see here are the heavier pockets of rain. you can expect to see showers at least through mid-morning. >> and that's your latest forecast. >> thank you, dylan. still to come, a look at president george h.w. bush f this is not a bed. it's proven quality sleep. the new sleep number 360 smart bed, from $999... intelligently senses your movement and automatically adjusts on each side to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. it can even warm your feet to help you fall asleep faster. how smart is that? smarter sleep.
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look at the men that's rarely been seen. >> first and foremost he was a great father. >> it is the part of a presidential's story best told by his son. >> he had enormous success in life. but those successes were meager compared to the success of be g being -- you know, a fabulous husband and great father. >> reporter: with the glimpse into the life of my grandfather, beyond the world stage and what the public knows of him. before he entered politics, he and my grandmother were busy raising their kids. dad, growing up, what type of father was grampy? >> well, he set the boundaries. but he was never one that tried to impose his will on us. because of the way he raised all of us, we admired him greatly. >> so when you were raising your kids, what type of things did you want for them? >> i wanted all of this.
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i wanted them to feel there were no horizons, they could reach for the stars. accomplish stuff and sure enough, they have. >> reporter: and history will tell that story. my father had a front row seat working throughout my grandfather's campaigns. >> so help me god. >> reporter: he says now the hardest part of politicians is watching the spotlight shine harshly on those you love. dad, when you watched as he was a president and you would turn on the television to hear critics talk about him -- >> yeah. it made me angry. and i wasn't disciplined enough not to watch television. when i became president, i was disciplined enough to ignore all the noise. but when he was president and people criticized him, i didn't like it. but actually it helped thicken my hide for when i became president because criticism of my dad was a heck of a lot more
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difficult for me to handle than criticism of me. >> what about though, when you heard people? >> same thing, i did not like it. i knew by then that it goes with the territory, but, you know, it's your own son. it's hard to take. >> dad, when in 1992, when he lost -- >> it was an unhappy moment. it took a series of events to defeat him though, but we of course fed off of his graciousness in the defeat. >> reporter: it is a lesson in grace and fortitude. >> it didn't quite work out the way we wanted. >> reporter: my grandfather has never been bitter or resentful and years later, an unlikely relationship developed. >> bill clinton views him as a father. one of the great ironies of life. >> he doesn't hold grudges as you said. bill clinton's become a good -- >> a friend, yeah.
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that's right. >> some people that would be surprised by that. >> i think they are. but bubba, he's a good man. i like him. >> reporter: throughout it all, my grandfather has always put family first. he's been there for us throughout the most important moments. and the frivolous ones too. >> you remember the time when you were preparing for the 1988 debates with michael dukakis and the day before the debate, barbara couldn't find spiky the dog? >> yeah. >> so gampy rather than be quiet, little girl, go to your room, leads the search for spiky the stuffed dog. >> it was remarkable you were baby-sitting us the night before the debate anywhere. where were you? >> i was preparing for the debate. i don't know where i was. the good news, they found spiky. >> reporter: even during his busiest days in the white house or on the campaign trail, he was always simply gampy to us. >> i don't know if you remember
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in 1984 when you came to mid land, texas, and jenna came on the stage and kept whipping up her skirt in front of the crowd. >> i was trying to get you elected. i was 4. >> he was very tolerant. >> you were a great grandfather. you are a great grandfather. >> so sweet. >> reporter: my grandfather considers serving his country his greatest privilege. his family the ultimate gift. and now my dad offers a loving tribute to his father. >> a kind of question people ask all the team who is the most influential president? you know, like -- it's no contest. george h.w. bush. >> would you say the same thing about him? >> unconditionally. >> wow. >> i have been good all morning and i get teary when i hear jenna's voice. i have to tell you just yesterday this time yesterday,
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jenna and i were talking about our grandparents and she was telling me how this is going to be a tough holiday because it's the first holiday without her grandmother. and now this. and look, she -- her sister, her twin, just got married. they wanted him to be there. he was able to be there. and no matter how much, you know, you're prepared for it, you're never really prepared.
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and that does it for us on a saturday morning. we'll have more on the passing of former president george h.w. bush throughout the day on ♪ ♪
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unlike ordinary whitening toothpaste, colgate optic white has hydrogen peroxide that goes below the tooth's surface for a smile that's 4 shades visibly whiter! colgate optic white. whitening that works. bay .... president george h-w bush passes away. good morning. coming up next on "today in the bay," president george h.w. bush passes away. we take a look back at his incredible life of public service. and is tesla going 70 on a bay area freeway and the chp shocked about what they saw inside. vianey arana says we have more rain on the way and much cooler temperatures today. when you can take advantage of some dry weather coming up.
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good morning. it is saturday, december 1st. can you believe it? here's a live look outside from communications hill. thanks so much for joining us. i'm kira klapper. vianey arana has a look at our microclimate forecast. it looks gloomy out there and i saw a lot of rain on my drive in this morning. >> definitely, if you were driving overnight kind of when


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