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tv   Press Here  NBC  January 27, 2019 9:00am-9:28am PST

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this week california says no to all male board of directors. should you legislate. and, the future of newspapers, would you read your newspaper by text message. new journalist, and our reporter jennifer alliance and mark nu on china/global. this week on everyone i am sco neutral. some people havhe lying is someg partisan.
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the free market does not have to be forced into doing somethinge anyway. diversity and women in positions of power. it is in disputable and unarguable that the company make more money or more successful. they are simply better when women have an equal spot at the table. study after study and just plain common sense. companies with three or more women on the board makes 45% more earnings per share. one woman on the board increases on return on equity. companies with women on the board are better performed in the stock market than those without. should we force companies do what's best? for instance, makeale board of directors. several european countries and california is now saying yes. california requires in the state to have at least one woman on the board by the end of the year
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then two women by 2021 and three if there are more than seven board members. coach chair, we had on the show five years ago and the idea of the law was just an idea. joined by jennifer and mark nu. before we get to the five years of the law. you just got promoted. >> i am executive director as of today and it is all good. >> it sounds marvelous. >> madame executive director, tell me about five years ago. you and i discuss the concept of the law. is this the law that california passes? is this the one you had in mind? >> it taken five years to get there and i never thought it wouldpe 2013 which was apreamble.
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>> would you have added anything else to it if you were writing it yourself? >> i think true deference to men and women working together. mandating change is stuff if you know. >> i also talked to a college professor he does not think it is constitutional. but it is challenged. who in the right mind would challenge it. this odd position that it may last but been constitutional. >> i know who you are talking about. i saw him speakticundte. it hasutio have any meaning behind it. there are four other states who are following suits. no one filed anything which is
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great. it is sort of mandating change. is it constitutional? i am going to let those figure it out. there is added value to this than detracted value. with all the diversity issues and yesterday with some of the things that are happening at rather large companies down here. finding out the difference economically occurs when women were not brought on equal footing or equal pay also travels back to the board. >> how much of the support do you get on this front from technology players and people in technology? >> the number are still aroun i started in san francisco, women corporate directors a number of years ago and they asked me to go to silicon valley, wow, this is the last frontier, is it to make the change here. i think the biggest is that
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people oh, they're not necessarily qualified or not ceo of the company. you have to look at the whole person and not just the focus that you have from your golf buddies. nobody wants to rock the boat on the board particularly. that does not work if you manage to get to ceo fired. certainly that's not how you want to work with people. when you got women doing 50% of the power, they need to have a voice. >> when you have women legally required to be on the board. i will take apple, they would not fit under this law. is there going to be this demand where you can help fill the pipeline and part of the question is are there going to be demand for a limited number of women who'll be on the board? >> if you want to do a good job on a large corporation, it is max two to four positions.
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there is 186 this year in california following the number increasing to 2,001. if you go down, that's a lot of people. there is certainly many organizations helping women along and not only become board ready if you will. women corporate directorsloba organization, have certain advantage, we have a network of 3,000 women sitting on the public board and we place 500. we don't place them. we work with other organizations and it is becoming an old gal's network if you will. if somebody on the board and they know x, y, z and she got the right pedigree. you can have people help each other get on board which we have done. >> we know there is a pipeline
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for women who are board ready or are ready. >> yes. >> and it is obvious already. what have you heard of the most common kind of excuse for why some of these companies won't adapt or take the next step? >> they have to have a comfort level. there is not necessarily enough people to fill those holes particularly in silicon valley. the excuse i was talking to the ceo of the company which remains nameless yesterday. why can't you put more women on the board? >> well, we have one. >> i said well, that's great. how is she doing as a board member? she's if can find you somebody has similar qualifications, would you be interested in seeing that person? >> yes, i would. >> i think it is the comfort level knowing the person and again making sure that everybody
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works together. men and women, i don't care what color or whatever they are, it is the diversity thing is important. >> i am glad you brought it up. >> that's the idea that we absolutely establish women on board making a company better. would a snominority on the boar make companies better? >> absolutely. >> would a veteran on the board make a company better? >> yes. >> should we legislatelegislatit sit well in america. >> right >> think back of women's rights or desegregation and some of them have to be mandated. when you look at the board, there were 40 or 30% and man man -- mandated and it is a
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positive experience for these companies where both rates have gone up. >> i ran out of time but i would like to ask you to stay there for just a second and we'll go to the internet and ask you a couple more questions if that's all right with you. at "press:here" here, we'll talk to theo more. up next, ways of delivering the news on television when "press:here" continues.
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welcome back to "pre "press:here," joe texts me everyday and i never text him back. he texts me really smart stuff and i never text him back. the text from joee i a long timo reporter, eight years of san francisco, weekly two years at san francisco magazine and now columnist at the mission local. if something happens, joe knows about it. his idea is called project text. journalism by sms for four bucks a month. joe is joining us now in person, o-m-g. >> tell me about this, is this working? it is an experiment, right?
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four bucks a month, you text me everyday, it is working for me. is it working for you? >> i think so. i describe business like a basketball player shooting during practice. making the calls to get messages to subscribers is something where i should be doing anyway. there are days where i want to concentrate writing my column to come up with something to tell these people paying money to here newsworthy things. >> tell us about the texts, how is it different than an article, how much information do you get? >> it is more than a tweet, it is less than an article. >> it is either more details on a new story that i did not break or i will break a new story or offer you something new, something in-depth to understand better of the details of san francisco politics and government in life.
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>> is it like a conversation format as texts may be or a news flash? >> i am working on it. >> some people are better having a conversation voice than a text message. i am trying hard to be informal as we to you, you don't want to be inae what if i did? >> people i need more clarification. you can get valuable information there. >> yes. people do text back. many of them folks in government or formally in government and they do have their own insights and memories and it is usually very pleasant. >> do you find you are getting newer generation or what is the data telling you so far? >> i don't know. i know sometimes because i
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recognize the phone numbers but i only see the phone numbers and i don't know who it is. i like to think i can be influenced for a dollar a week but i don't want to begin to cater what i am doing to who's on the receiving end there. some of them are people in the government or around the community. >> in local television news, we are well aware. we are trying to reach younger generation, we just cannot figure out how to talk to them and i don't mean language. on platforms, snap chat, how do you use that? >> it is a challenge. >> it could be done. this is supplementing people who already following news. i am not breaking to them that kamala harris is running for
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president but i can break to them something related to that. think of it as a vitamin. yo you eat. a indulge me and l get in more than a text write about people you too. >> how does this come about? were you seeking other platforms? n >> no, they came to me and i was lucky. we are working with the san francisco public press, they want to pioneer this and leading up to june and in san francisco. they were kind enough to extend the invitation to me and that was a free service. i was focused on the mail elections in san francisco. we suspended that and they came back again if i want to do it
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again. let's see if people will pay for it. some people do. my subscribers went down to 35% but to be quite honest, i have not graggressively trying to ge people to sign up. >> something we would cover here on this television of the retirement of the fire chief in san francisco, for instance,e oh, there is some concerns by the union that they are not looking at the right people and etc. when you dive deep into the fight of the harvey milton organization as well. if way that are just super san francisco. people in san francisco really care about who's on the board and the housing authority and things. they should. >> it is not necessarily something that's chronicle or we are going to deal with. >> yes, this is not filling the role of all the journalists who are out of work.
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there is things to be done, right? in san francisco and as in elsewhere, there are so many journalists out of work that to get the low hanging fruit, you need to shovel. there is a low hunger for this kind of news and people do want to be informed. onceal news was elected, local news does not matter anymore. no, it matters more. people are doing it with more impunity and less scrutiny. i think san francisco as in many places of the focus on national news doeseopl to look on local through the prism of national news. >> do you think this model works for politics? could it other
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industries? >> in san francisco, we are relatively small city. there is so much going on and there is so much entry. it works great for support. >> i would pay to hear what michael thompson or strauss had to say, right? i would pay for what other political reporters have to say. all we have to work out for is the price point. joe eskenzazi. >> joe, thank you for joining us. >> if you are on trade war with china, when "press:here" continues. a closure threat due k
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of funding. the impact monday )s vote could have on hundreds of students. plus--kari is tracking our work week forecast as you head out the door. join us monday morning from 4:30 to 7.
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hello and welcome "world insight," the program is coming to you l beijing. the two c $15 billion. that was a clip of state owned china global television network as the news anchor talks about the trade war from a chinese perspective. u.s. secretary wilbur ross says he expected a deal was quote, "miles and miles away."
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we have an opportunity this morning to get positive fromers a chinese media news. >> i should point out you are from kansas but you work for state-owned chinese media. what are they saying about pointf the way to show positive sides of how the two economies are interconnected. it is not just by cheap labor putting everybody out of work or cheap products at walmart. for example, some of the hottest tech products these days, the vaping devices, chips in there, those prices are going way up. maybe a good thing or bad thing for health. that'll go way up. >> scooters, for example. >> all that hot trend was made possible because chinese
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companies have a scaleo american companies were able to use that mel 25% if the tariffs are passed. showing how interconnected we are and how reliant we are on technology because nobody is for the trade war. there is a perspective in showing that these economies have more in common and more relations that'll help with business for everybody. that's sort of a bigger line why we are in this trade war that's hurting us. i don't know it is different from talking to people. another thing as pointed out in chinese media is that you know they can way thit this out. xi jinping is most likely going to be there. >> most fair. >> they can wait it out. >> speaking of tech stuff jenni
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about apple, thinking about connecting our equipment to things at the gym. what are they going to do? >> it is not you know 100% they're going to do this. >> they are a patent. >> they have a presideatent out. a diagram of a woman walking on a treadmill so potentially can use public equipment in gyms to connect with our wearables or iphone possibly or anything that's considered. >> would make logical sense. i think for my gym would jump on them. we would be apple compatible because jim would buy that much likely. >> there is a lot of data and privacy involved with that. it shows that apple is really thinking more about healthcare these days and the iphone slump. they had a big miss in earnings. kind of another thing as
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to we are getting more of healthcare and possibly gyms. >> thank you jennifer elias and mark niu. thank you es from our archive when "press:here" returns.
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welcome back to "press:here," last week i was researching something in our archives and i stumbled on the fact that this show is celebrating our ten-year anniversary. the show started with our friends who helped kick it off in 2009. since then we have done hundreds of interviews with entrepreneurs and adventure capitas. conversan talking about. to the viewer what the guests is in this next clip from tenng ar
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called twitter. >> the point of twitter is how many people retweet or repeat or forward. >> to the folks at home. i am joined by john schwartz. >> retweeting is rebroadcast the same message that is found on twitter, i am going to send it to my followers. >> retweeting. i mentioned our guest, the other really important component of the show is our team reporters, we were showing videos and talking about them earlier. these were all reporters from different we team up for the show. but many have become close friends over the years. when you watch the show, you are getting perspective from the new york times and p.r. and c-net and china global television network and the silicon valley journal and a dozen others.
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all of those interviews are available on our website. >> that's our show this week, thank you to my guests and thank you for making us apart of your sunday.
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>> announcer: welcome to the
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honda nbc sportsdesk. and hi again, everyone. here in the nbc sports studios. coming up, mecum auto actions from kissimmee, florida. first tennis. the much-anticipated final of the men's open. two games all-time greats. djokovic and nadal. epic
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