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tv   Comunidad del Valle  NBC  August 4, 2019 4:00pm-4:31pm PDT

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to "comunidad del valle," i'm damian trujillo. and today, "los idolos del pueblo," los tigres del norte, right here in our studio, exclusive, on your "comunidad del valle." male announcer: nbc bay area presents "comunidad del valle" with damian trujillo. ♪ [singing in foreign language] [singing in foreign language] damian: yeah, this is another legendary band. this is banda recodo de don cruz lizarraga. they're here in our studio to enlighten us, because they're gonna be sharing a stage with los tigres del norte and paquita la del barrio. welcome to the show, gentlemen. alfonso lizarraga: thank you very much, my friend, damian. it's our very pleasure to stay with you here. damian: thank you.
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well, he said he didn't speak any english, but he's surprising us right now. eighty years of banda recodo. eighty years, that's not easy to say. how does it feel to be doing it for 80 years? [speaking foreign language] oscar alvarez: we're all so excited. alfonso: excited, and a pleasure to stay in this banda with a large trajectory, since 1938. [speaking foreign language] oscar: so many times, we're traveling, making music for our fans, and making music for all the peoples in the five continents. because we stay in japan, australia, and morocco, africa. damian: they like banda in japan? oscar: yeah, yeah. in 2002--no, in the work up to 2002, we stayed in japan and
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making many performances in, like, five places in japan, and making so many friends because the--we have communication with friends in japan. and then, we traveled into australia. and making music for the people in australia is so funny, because the people stay in their seats, make move, but don't stand up. and we-- damian: try to encourage them. oscar: yeah, and [speaking foreign language] . the people don't wanna sit again before "bailando con la banda." damian: talk about what it's going to feel like to share the stage with los tigres del norte and paquita la del barrio. who can answer that one? [speaking in foreign language]
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[speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] damian: all right, i don't think that needs any translation, because just the power of having three legends on at the same time. and i told you this on the telemundo side, but my dad, the first mexican music i started listening to was banda recodo because he had the album, and look at you guys now. you're not 80 years old. oscar: yeah, this band they are recording music from 1951.
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we have more than 200 records. damian: well, it's awesome that you guys are here, that you came to join us, and i can't wait to throw some chanclazos over at the sap, gracias. oscar: thank you. damian: and up next here on "comunidad del valle," "los idolos del pueblo," los tigres de norte, here in our studio. stay with us. and my side super soft? be firm? with the sleep number 360 smart bed you can both... adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting.
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so, can it help us fall asleep faster? yes, by gently warming your feet. but can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. will it help me keep up with him? yup. so, you can really promise better sleep? not promise... prove. and now, save up to $600 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. plus no interest until january 2022 on all smart beds. only for a limited time. [singing in foreign language] damian: boy, they are truly a legend. these are los tigres del norte, "los idolos del pueblo." anything you wanna add to that, they've earned it and we are so honored that they are here in our studio, exclusively on "comunidad del valle." welcome to the show, boys. jorge hernandez: thank you. damian: i've waited 21 1/2 years for this, to have you in my studio. what took you guys so long to be here?
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jorge: well, thank you. thank you for having us here. we are very proud to be here in this area, and we are gonna be performing here in the sap arena next february 17. damian: what's it like to come home and sing in front of your home crowd here in san jose? jorge: we love it. we are kinda nervous, though, because we haven't been for the last three and a half years we haven't been here in the city, so kinda nervous. so, i hope everything goes well. damian: all right, let me get serious on a topic if i can, don hernan. you and i were watching the news earlier on nbc bay area and you saw a lot of the immigration issues. how angry does it make you? because you're kinda considered a social activist, how angry does it make you when you see the attacks on immigrants? hernan hernandez: seeing all these things that happening right now, you know, it makes me upset.
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it makes me--the frustration, you know, it gets bigger every day, you know, because when you see the way things are getting for the dreamers especially. all those young generation, those are the young kids, they came here with their parents without being their own decision. you know, it was the parents' decision. and now the way the president is doing these things and the way he's using his way of thinking or the way of saying the things or what he's gonna do, you know, it makes me so upset and it makes me the frustration. not only in the mexican community or latino community, i think most of the nationalities that live in the united states,
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you know, we are all confused and we don't know what's gonna happen, you know? i just hope, you know, that we can--like us, you know, that we live here for so many years and we have our kids here already, so i think we should make this kind of union, you know, to make a story, you know. and maybe artists and people that really have that pull of how to get together, you know, to ask in a good way and a specific way, you know, to do something for the dreamers, you know? and can you imagine if the dreamers go back to their own countries and they were here all their lives, you know? that stuff, you know, that's a decision that i hope the president changes his heart, i mean, touch his heart.
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damian: do you see a corrido about president trump in the future by los tigres del norte? jorge: probably. damian: probably, right? jorge: probably. we have to do it in a good way for so many reasons. damian: how tough is it, maybe one of you guys can answer, to take a stand, to say that los tigres del norte are gonna stand up for immigrants? i mean, it's probably easy for you guys, but you know that you might be criticized by some other people, but where the immigrants are gonna be cheering you? how tough of a balance is that? eduardo hernandez: well, yeah, you're right. we can be criticized, but you know, we have to do it. it's something that we have to stand up for and, you know, fight for our community, fight for our people, fight for our, not only like hernan said, mexicans, but the whole latino people. we have to fight for them. we have to raise our boys to do something about it, you know? damian: a musical legend, los tigres del norte, promoting a concert in san jose. they'll be back with us coming up next.
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stay with us.
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[singing in foreign language] damian: boy, look at that crowd. estadio azteca. this is where los tigres del norte just have been taking off for so long. luis, what was that like? it's one of the biggest stadiums in the world, and there you are right in the center of it. luis hernandez: well, our responsibility to be performing in front of more than 100,000 people, and you know, having them sing your songs, having them ask for your songs. because it could seem like it's easy to stand there, but when you're in front of this crowd that it's very--that knows your music, that it's very traditional, it's kind of scary at the same time.
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but you know, i think we did well. we performed in front of all these people, and after we decided to make a cd and a dvd so people, in their house, people that couldn't attend could have this dvd or cd with all the hits of los tigres del norte for--they're their hits. they're the people's hits. those are the ones that people choose from all of our songs that we have over 50 years. damian: now, i took a flight to mexico city to cover the earthquake. on the way back, i heard this album on the flight back and it just--it made things a lot better, 'cause you're coming back depressed from seeing that. so, thank you all for doing that. all: thank you. damian: i asked you this last time, jorge, but do you sometimes sing your songs because of the topic with coraje? do you sing it with anger because you're talking about maybe the injustices that you've see? jorge: yeah, you just get the story and what's happening in
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the community, and sometimes when you perform a song, you really feel it. you have the sentiment, and that we try to transmit it to the people. but also, it's because it's the way we are. we just--we're not acting or anything like that. something that comes through your mind and comes--some songs that make you feel like you have to do it that way so people can relate it to you, but also believe what we saying and believe the story of what we singing about. we always sing songs about our community, what happens with our people, so that's why we are very direct with what we sing. damian: and you don't talk a lot about your charity work, but you all do a lot of charity work.
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you're as american as you are mexican. you perform for the troops. tell us why you decide to go overseas and perform for our service members across. hernan: those-- you know, to go sing for the troops, i think it was the most beautiful experience, but at the same time, to go give them the music, the happiness. so many latinos in the army, and it was like being there singing for them, like, in this big, big ship. you know, it's like over 5,000 latinos right there, soldiers, you know? it's like, it was the most beautiful experience, but at the same time, it's like make you proud, you know, that you see all these latinos in there, defending the country. that's why when you get to see that and then you come back
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home, and you see all these things that are happening here, and you relate the problems with them being over there, i mean, it's like saying, like, if it's not equal, you know, if it's not fair. there are all these latinos that we saw over there went to korea, to germany, to italy, to japan, and taking our music give them that happiness, how they miss their families, how they miss, i mean, everything, you know? and then at the same, they're there, maybe they don't wanna come back or once they come back, you know, they come back with this-- damian: it's difference. hernan: yeah, you know, it's so important for us, you know, that we can do that, you know.
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i wish i can go back and do it again, you know, because it's not that you go there to get publicity, you know? it's not that, you know? it's you go there because you wanna give them what they need, because they in danger. you know, they don't know if they're gonna come back. and i think a lot of our songs--we have songs, you know, like "los hijos hernandez," you know, that is a song that it talks about this hernandez last name person that went to fight for united states, and when he comes back here and he goes back--he goes to mexico to visit the family, he has problems to cross, even though he went over there and fought for the country, you know? all these things relate a lot. a lot of people, you know, it happens to a lot of people, you know? it's not too long ago, we went to play in tijuana and we saw a lot of people that went and fought for united states, and
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for some reason they went to mexico, and they went back, they didn't let 'em pass, you know? i think there was, like, not like a treaty, but it was something that the government used to offer in those days. you know, you go fight and they-- damian: you get your citizenship. hernan: yeah, so those kind of things are the ones with tigres del norte. we sing those kinds of things because it's real. i mean, it happens. damian: a true honor having los tigres del norte on "comunidad del valle." they'll sing for us next. no se vayan.
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[singing in foreign language]
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[speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language]
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[speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [singing in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language]
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[speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language]
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damian: that's so awesome. los tigres del norte, there at estadio azteca, live in concert. don eduardo, does this song--you know, a lot of these songs kinda give you chills. they make you really excited that you're listening and maybe dancing to these songs. but when you see the people getting into it, there at azteca, they weren't really dancing. they were enjoying it. does that--i mean, does that give you a little more power to say, "they're listening to the words. they're watching me play." eduardo: oh yeah, yeah, yeah. it gives me more, like--you get more happy. you get more involved, you know, with the people, because they're not dancing. they're just watching you. they're looking at you. you can see their expression. you can see 'em, like, really close, and it gives you, like, chills. yeah, yeah, it's very nice. it's like, you know, like here at the sap, when we play on february 17, it's gonna be, you know, like, close to the--we're
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gonna be close to the people too, and it feels good. it feels like you want get down and sing for them right there on the chair. damian: it's a business, verdad, don luis, because the night before, you probably have to go to bed early. that day, it's business. you're there to perform. people, maybe it's their first time seeing you. you're there to--it's a business. luis: yeah, you need to be prepared. it's a very big responsibility, and people goes there to enjoy it. you know, not only to listen to the song, but also to see what you do, and how you stand on the stage, what do you wanna project. it's very important to be prepared and to be relaxed at the same time. you know, it's a mixture of a lot of the stories, you know? one moment you are very happy. at another moment, you're sad, makes you cry. we've seen people cry when we sing certain songs, certain stories, and it's very emotional, you know? it's a very emotional--our concerts are normally very
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emotional because of the stories that we sing. we try to sing--not sing the same stories at the same time. we make sure of those feelings and we make people to change their mood, you know, during the concert. it's--lost tigres del norte, we've been doing that for a long time. and you know, here at the sap, the difference too is that this show, it's for the whole family. kids can go, the parents, everyone can go. it's not a dance where you're gonna be standing. people can be sitting down, listening to the songs, and enjoying what we do on stage. damian: yeah, and don jorge, lastly, when an immigrant comes to this country by themselves, they're alone, they might be depressed, they left their family back home. they turn on the radio, and they listen to los tigres del norte, and they feel like they're home. that's gotta make you really proud to know. jorge: it's the most wonderful thing that can happen to us, when people--you go to the restaurant or on the streets
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sometimes, we talk about it and they tell us what they feel, what the songs mean to them, they mean the memories, the way they came to this country, the way they behave in this country, the way they progressing, some of 'em the way they fell, the way they don't have the opportunity. and the songs is all about all that, and when we are in person singing for them, is another story. it's like reminding them their life, their life here and the people behind them in mexico and different countries. they left and they came here to this country to progress, to do the best they can so they can support who is staying
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in a different--in mexico and in different countries where the families belong at that moment. and that's one of those sentiments very strong feelings for me. and when we see these people in front of us and you singing these stories, it's like they giving you so much power in your body that you wanna open more to them and make you to help in any way that you can. damian: god has blessed us by having you all come into all our lives; thank you all so much. jorge: thank you, damian. damian: boy, what a true honor to have los tigres del norte finally on "comunidad del valle." they were promoting a concert in san jose. in fact, we're gonna leave you with more music of los tigres del norte. pase usted, buenos días.
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right now at 4:30 gaining the upper hand. firefighters fight the fire but not before it burns houses. plus, gillroy strong. how people are coming together. new details about the violence in ohio and in texas. two more shootings just hours apart. the news starts right now. thanks so much for joining us. i'm anoushah rasta. this evening a nation in mourning again hours after the violence in el paso, another scene in ohio. flags across the country lowered to half-st


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