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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  October 11, 2019 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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as more power does return to the bay area. the new admission about what executives were doing before the shutoffs. plus calming down, as winds blow in southern california, temperatures drop, a live look in san jose as well. kari just updated her forecast for her, so the weekend is ahead, "today in the bay" continues right now. we all need a little weekend. and some power, that would be nice, too. good morning to you and thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia. >> and i'm scott mcgrew in for marcus washington this morning. kari has a look at your weekend forecast. >> it starts out this morning calmer winds but cooler temperatures as you get ready to head out the door. we'll have a warm day and getting ready for fleet week and the air show, a live ok at the going golden gate bridge. there may be a shahle low ribbon of fog growing across the bridge later on this morning. right now it's all clear. about to head out the door you'll feel temperatures in san francisco in the mid-50s. it will warm up into the low 70s
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by early afternoon. in the south bay we're up to 80 degrees. 80 in pa low alto and antioch reaching 83 degrees. we'll talk about the weekend forecast. mike says the roads are flowing well. >> thumbs up for the bay area commute no, major problems. we have some of the areas with the shutoff for the power continue as we wait until daylight to restore. talking more about that and a smooth drive around the roadways. the freeways not showing any major problems, over here the tri-valley a smooth flow of traffic with the east bay a little build south out of san leandro into hayward and out of union city toward fremont. the typical trend for the nimitz picking up more volume as folks make their way out of the tri-valley through castro valley y. east bay travel times at the speed limit traveling to the bay bridge toll plaza. at the toll plaza you have the backup and the build from richmond to san rafael. i-5 is closed getting down to
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for example universal studios, talking about that fire. guys, back to you. >> indeed. let's take you live to that fire in southern california. high dry winds fanning out of control wildfires in san fernando valley. >> some people have lost their homes and businesses. evacuees are headed out right now. kris sanchez is tracking the latest from our newsroom. kris? >> the evacuees are headed out, laura and scott but at this point there may not be anywhere for them to go. all of the evacuation centers that are already open are currently full. so now officials down in southern california are trying to find other places where they can put these folks and keep them safe from the flames, but this fire is exploding in size and since it started around 10:00 last night it has grown to 4,6 hurn acres. it jumped the freeway, 210 freeway. firefighters are not in control,
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it can grow in every direction. firefighters confirm they have seen homes that are destroyed but just no time to stop down and cake a count. officials had to evacuate 300 children and juveniles from juvenile hall there, moved to a different location and nearly 13,000 homes are under mandatory evacuation orders. this morning our partners at knbc talked with an evacuee, a former fire fighter who saw his neighbor's house go up in flames. >> priority one for me was getting my family out of here. we can rebuild, stuff is stuff, but making sure that everyone's safe but question do our job with brush clearance, this isn't our first time through this. >> if you are familiar with l.a. this is the northern part of the county west of i-5, south of the grapevine. you'd pass through this area if you were headed into the area of magic mountain. if you have plans to head down to l.a. this weekend by car, you
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might want to rethink the plans because i-5 is closed and some of the other smaller freeways in the area are closed as well. we did confirm that southern california was experiencing some of the same public safety power shutoffs that we are experiencing here in the bay area. this particular area where the fire started was not under an outage at that time. so we're going to continue to track those details. we're waiting for sun-up to see how bad things are there and hopefully as the sun comes up, the winds will start to calm down but kari knows that better. >> she does. let's dip into our l.a. station's coverage for a minute. they have a reporter there on the ground. let's listen in. >> looks apocalyptic out of a movie but this is real life. you have the vehicles there, right in front of them turning around, but you can see again not a lot of people on the roads and hopefully most of the people in this particular neighborhood, we're not sure where he's headed were able to get out as quickly as possible. we have the cat eyes on the hills, the little spot fires and
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you can see how intense that smoke is. >> we'll continue to monitor what is happening in southern california. that smoke is very intense there. this is as crews are trying to escape the flames there. this fire that is happening in the south is the exact reason that pg&e says they decided to turn off power for hundreds of thousands of people here in northern california, and the bay area. as of 9:00 p.m., pg&e said 58% of people who lost power now have it back. the specific percentages restored by county are on your screen there. about 312,000 homes and businesses across northern california still remain in the dark. as we look at pg&e's website, the areas in purple are the ones without power. crew also wait until daylight they say to try to inspect all the lines and eventually turn electricity back on. this morning, a lot of outrage at pg&e for cutting off
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that power in the first place, and pg&e says this may happen more when there are extreme fire conditions. roz plater is live in orinda where thousands unfortunately still without power. good morning, roz. >> reporter: good morning. we're at the theater square where there is no power here. the theater, several businesses in the dark. no street lights, no traffic lights here and there is growing frustration and anger over how this was handled both here in orinda and around the bay area. in san francisco last night a handful of protesters stood in the streets in their silent protest. the group says pg&e cares more about profit than public safety. the proest iters say pg&e should have paid more attention to people who rely on electricity for medications and life-saving technology. those people should have been given generators. folks are angry in orinda, too, where they say the planned outages were poorly handled. >> i think it was handled horribly. we had no idea what time the
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power was going off. i was happy that they turned it back on quickly. again, we had no idea when it was going to go back on. >> probably disorganized, not well thought out, so i think it could have been done better. >> reporter: the pg&e ceo says he understands that people are going to be angry, but he is asking them to direct their anger at him. he says please do not direct it at the front line workers. they have shot at, punched and yelled at. he is asking this morning as the folks get back out there to try and start turning power back on and to check the lines and equipment. please allow them to do their work in safety. we're live in orinda, i'm roz plate irfr for "today in the ba" >> thank you, roz. i want to bring in kari right now, we're talking about the winds that we've had in the area now, they've moved to southern california. >> so it's fanning the flames that we've seen a couple minutes ago.
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we look at wind speeds in southern california, we see that the winds coming over the san fernando valley at about 30 to 45 miles per hour and as we go through the morning, unfortunately it looks very windy with the santa ana winds blowing offshore and into the rest of the day we're going to start to gradually see winds subside, but it will be several more hours of having winds up to 40 to 50 miles per hour, and so as we look at the humidity, it's also been very low. the critically low humidity causes the fires to spread rapidly. as we go through the day it stays in the teens there, relative humidity numbers very low, but as we bring it back home, our winds have calmed down and that will be the story for today. so i'll have another look at the forecast and we'll continue to monitor the fire in southern california, another update coming up in a few minutes. let's bring you more news throughout the world. there have been more explosions overnight as turkey's invasion of syria continues. new video from overnight,
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plumes of smoke sent into the sky. turkey launched its air and ground assault after president trump pulled troops from the border, abandoning kurdish allies on the ground. both democrats and republicans criticized that move. yesterday the president says the u.s. had two choices, either hit turkey with financial sanctions or send u.s. troops back to stop that fighting. he says he doesn't think americans want the second option to happen. developing in san francisco, a third man linked to a new campaign finance scandal is under arrest. ukrainian andre kushkin, he and two associates of rudy giuliani are accused of trying to make illegal campaign contributions, meanwhile in his first campaign rally since the impeachment inquiry began president trump railed against that impeachment probe and democrats. alice barr reports from washington. >> reporter: on capitol hill, a
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looming question, will the former ambassador to ukraineho was recalled early from her post be allowed to testify today after the trump administration said it would not cooperate with the impeachment inquiry. >> you're running a country. i just don't think that you can have all of these people testifying about every conversation you've had. >> reporter: last night at his first campaign rally since the impeachment probe began, president trump railed against the democrats leading it. >> the democrats' brazen attempt to overthrow our government will produce a backlash at the ballot box. >> reporter: sharpest attacks t joe biden. >> he was only a good vice president because he understood how kiss barack obama's [ bleep ]. >> reporter: this just hours after two potential witnesses in the impeachment inquiry both associates of president trump's personal lawyer, rudy giuliani were charged with illegally funneling campaign money to help
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the president. >> giuliani's been involved up to his neck in this entire mess. >> reporter: two men were arrested at the airport with one-way tickets out of the the country. >> i don't know those gentlemen. that was possible i have a picture with them because i have a picture with everybody. >> reporter: the charges aren't directly related to the itch people probe but both men helped encourage ukraine to investigate the bidens. federal investigators say they wanted to use foreign money to gain political influence. they docked impeachment probe deposition this is week and yesterday house democrats issued subpoenas to force them to turn over documents. in washington, alice barr, nbc news. 6:11 right now. want to get a look at our forecast for this friday, maybe a little bit of a peek of the weekend? >> it's going to be a nice start to the weekend and the weather we'll see today will stay with us over the next couple of days but it starts out very cool. we're right now in the low 50s. we have some 40s as we head out
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the door in san jose, we have the cool start to the morning, so if you're walking to school, going to drop off the kids, it's going to be only at about 50 degrees so you may have to crank the heater up or put on a heavier jacket for the walk. throughout the day it looks really nice, as it warms up quickly into the upper 70s. we're going to see a lot of 70s and 80s all across the bay area. we'll talk more about this coming up, mike, you're seeing some more slowing in fremont. >> because of a crash, not just the commute, we're looking at the only stretch really that's orange instead of green, and that is south 880 approaching decoto the dumbarton bridge. another crash south of there at thornton, tracking both of those avenues through fremont. the rest of the bay an easy drive, the metering lights are on at the bay bridge toll plaza. >> thank you, mike. >> thank you, mike. coming up on "today in the bay" an alert for anyone receiving social security and increase you'll notice and the reason it isn't all positive. and we're continuously monitoring the wildfires burning
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out of control in the los angeles area right now. kris sanchez is in our newsroom watching the feeds that come in for the latest images and information. it's just an inferno down there. she'll join us again on air at 6:30. right now head to our website for updates, a lot more news ahead. it's 6:13 right now. welcome to the carnival 30 minute tour.
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hey, shaq. it's a 30 second tour. no man it's like... now it's 26. welcome aboard. ocean! skyride. mini golf. relax! relax! relax! you take this man to be your husband? i do. married. no time for basketball. pool. carnival. choose fun.
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good friday morning. it is 6:15. let's get out the door in the south bay, with a live look outside in san jose. the days are getting shorter. temperatures in willow glen at 50 degrees and going throughout the day. we'll warm it up to the low 80s this afternoon. it will be nice, not as windy, and we'll keep that weather through the weekend. more on that coming up in less than five minutes. this crash in fremont, all the vehicles moved to the shoulder, it's a distraction acoaching deco to. other crash past the dumbarton bridge that may mean more traffic for the san mateo bridge to avoid that slowing. we'll track that ripple effect coming up. good morning, i'm frank holland at cnbc headquarters. wall street is set to open in the green as high level negotiators from the u.s. and china resume trade talks in washington today. president trump told reporters the first day of talks on
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thursday were going "really well" and tweeted he'd meet with the chinese vice premier at the white house today, that increased hopes among investors both sides can reach agreement. if no progress is made this week, u.s. tariffs on chinese imports are said to increase early next week. on today's watch list, import prices for september will be released before the opening bell. later in the session, investors will keep an eye on october's consumer sentiment figures. in an effort to jumpstart stalled contract talks between gm and the united autoworkers union the ceo mary barra met with uaw president gary jones on wednesday. the first meeting barra attended with union leaders. union workers have been on strike for nearly one month, halting all production at gm factories. wall street analysts estimate gm is losing roughly $50 million to $100 million per day in lost production. it's official, social security checks are going to get a boost next year, albeit a modest one. the social security
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administration announcing checks will increase 1.6% in 2020, while that's good news for retirees, it's still less than what they've gotten in the past. in 2019 the checks got a nearly 3% bump. i'm frank holland, those are your cnbc business headlines. back over to you. >> have a good friday, frank. let's take you back to los angeles, we're monitoring the firds, th fires, this is the saddleridge fire and it is a catastrophe, pushed by the santa ana winds, granada hills and the san fernando valley burn, porto ranch, sylmar. this coming from our sister station in los angeles. >> look as it widens out the swathe of fire that's burning there, 4,600 acres and close to interstate 5 just south of the grapevine, now close toed down. so we'll continue to monitor that. we've been hearing from evacuee this is morning, people don't have enough time to leave their
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homes. frightening. >> the grapevine is okay and down to magic mountain, looking south of newhall before the split with the 405 freeway. if you're on i-5, you have to use highway 101 to get past that scene. >> we'll continue to watch that for you all morning long. the winds are fueling those flames that we had such concern here in the bay area over our winds but they're dying down. >> the winds calmed down and it shifted into parts of san fernando sbaly, watching out for the fire and starting out with what's left behind after a cold front. cold air is in the upper 30s in santa rosa. i was looking at more of those weather stations in the north bay, and it is just hovering just above freezing and some of the low-lying areas in the north bay. so it's a very cold start and we were talking about how a lot of people still don't have power, so just being in weather this cold without heat it's really not at all a good situation. as we walk out the door for the rest of the bay area, we have
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upper 40s and low 50s. that's a live look outside in dublin as we get started, in the upper 40s there. we go from 48 degrees at 8:00 to 62 at 11:00 and upper 70s by early afternoon, eventually reaching up to 82 in livermore. 80 in san jose, palo alto as well as oakland and 83 today in napa. we do have a big rebound in our temperatures from the start of the morning to the afternoon. let's talk about what's ahead for the weekend, as we see several more storm systems coming in, winds calm down today and tomorrow but then by sunday, as another pacific storm system moves through our winds will become a little bit more breezy, but the good thing is that it's coming in onshore so it's not going to be that dry offshore wind. and going in to the next several days after that, we're going to see a chance of showers, but it looks like it stays to our north. we are going to continue on with some mild weather and it's going to help keep our temperature from warming up through next week. we're in the low 80s today and
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upper 70s from sunday on through the most of next week. san francisco up to 77 today but slightly cooler by the end of the weekend. mike, you're giving us a look at the san mateo bridge. >> checking that because i'm concerned the volume. it's not really that much, a typical pattern but there may be a few more folks headed there after they hear about the crash in fremont. now as i've been telling folks, that's the ripple effect going over here to the san mateo bridge, where we do see that slowing for west 92. here is the deal, south 880 was gumming up toward decoto. the crash cleared to the shoulder, speeds starting to improve but folks who hear about it and didn't hear about the clearing may avoid that san mateo bridge, wore ied about this slowdown. this will recover over in the next few minutes. friday a lighter feed coming out of hayward. traffic coming down the nimitz is building across that san mateo bridge. 92 right now is slower westbound and the dumbarton bridge actually getting a break if you get there, if you're south of there, a great drive.
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here the bay bridge toll plaza has your typical backup. we have the fastrak lanes which are showing the benefit of having that pass. you don't have to pause to pay for the cash lanes. metering lights are moving well, and so is the east shore freeway, just 16, well 17 minutes now from highway 4 to the bay bridge toll plaza. you saw the numbers change, that's traffic happening now. back to you. >> still in the green though, mike, thanks. still fires growing in southern california. we keep showing you the images from the southland. >> and indeed we'll continue to do that, as these just continue to spread in the l.a. area right no at 6:30, our kris sanchez will get you fully up to speed on all of this. we'll be back in a moment.
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the search is on for a trio of smash-and-grab robbers who targeted two stores at the great mall in milpitas. three men smashed the cases at the jewelry store in the grape mall in hoodies wearing their disguises to try to disguise their identities, but moments earlier, police believe those same men were at a nearby home dee pot where they shop-lifted unidentified items. it's possible that's where they got the hammer. police believe the images show the same three men without their faces covered. if you know who they are, give milpitas police a call. a follow-up now on 50 bikes stolen from an east bay
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nonprofit that teaches kids how to ride, the call going out to public to replace the bikes. the robbery happened last night outside alameda elementary school. the bikes which belong to cycles of change were in a u-haul and someone stole the truck. chp found the u-haul with 15 bikes and there's a donation page online to try to replace the rest of the bikes. a parade of ships through golden gate will happen at 11:00 a.m. and the air show today featuring the blue angels. you don't have to be along the aquatic park to feel the rush of the angels if you're anywhere in san francisco you probably want to keep your eyes peeled to the skies around 3:00. coming up next on "today in the bay" the messages pg&e's ceo got as new details emerge about
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what executives were doing before the planned power outage started. brand new updates on the wildfires burning out of control in southern california. kris sanchez has the story of a dog found safe. we'll be right back. announcer: time magazine reports: "the new american
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addiction. how juul hooked kids and ignited a public health crisis." other news outlets report- juul took $12.8 billion from big tobacco. markets e-cigarettes with kid friendly flavors and uses nicotine to addict them. 5 million kids use e-cigarettes. juul is "following big tobacco's playbook." and now, juul is pushing prop c to overturn e-cigarette protections. vote no on juul. no on big tobacco. no on prop c.
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we could see the flames in the house, a total loss. >> right now at 6:30, raging wildfires are burning in southern california's san fernando valley. homes burning to the ground,
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people evacuating. our team is monitoring the situation, has a brand new update in just moments. plus -- >> this is not the future any of us want to live in. >> growing backlash against pg&e, this half hour the ceo's message and how the governor is responding, as power does come back on throughout the bay area. and b.a.r.t. and you budget, the proposed increase the transit agency is considering for your car. "today in the bay" continues right now. a very good morning to you. thanks so much for joining us on this friday morning. i'm laura garcia. >> and i'm scott mcgrew in for marcus washington. let's get you out the door and a check of wyour weather with kar. >> calm winds and chilly as we get a live look as we see a dark view of walnut creek, and our temperatures will be in the upper 40s at 7:00. we go from 49 degrees to 69 degrees at 11:00, and it will be a very nice day, after this cool start, with a lot of our microclimates reaching into the upper 70s, and low 80s.
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we will have a slight cooldown by the end of the weekend. i'll talk about that weekend forecast, and mike, now you have a crash in san jose. >> we do, kari. suddenly we have slowing here in nt from front of our san jose camera northbound north of the 280/680 interchange. from that camera, all the way up to old oakland road shy of the nimitz freeway in san jose, we show that slowdown, a two-vehicle crash sounds like stuck in the middle of the roadway. right now chp approaches. the rest of the south bay indicates how light the traffic flow, mild slowing north past capitol expressway. some folks may take capital to 87 to avoid the slowing. plenty of options through the south bay. more traffic across the san mateo bridge as we did have that crash over on the nimitz as well getting toward fremont. i showed you a wide look and this is the only other area where there's slowing. recovery south 880 because of the crash cleared at decoto toward the dumbarton bridge. more folks headed across the san
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mateo bridge and backup at the bay bridge. >> southern california a live look at the wildfire raging through san fernando valley. in the overnight hours we saw flames devouring homes. we know thousands of people have been evacuated. >> we want to take you live to southern california, with our sister station knbc right now. there is a reporter out in the field, where all these homes are burning. >> the wind is going to gain in intensity, we've also heard that a lot of neighborhoods are under evacuation and officials really pushing that message for folks to heed the warning that were under a very dangerous situation here, folks, that things can change within a matter of moments. maybe the fire seems to be a couple blocks away or a couple miles away, but again, it's so unpredictable right now. mother nature has proven to be so unpredictable it could put us in a dangerous situation, also for the folks out there trying to evacuate, trying to leave the
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community headed out to work, roads right now also quite a mess. we were on that 118 freeway exiting balboa, saw that freeway closure as it was happening, and the surface streets completely saturated with people, residents up here trying to get out of this part of town, or just simply trying to get to work or their day started, but unfortunately it's going to be a very difficult day because of this uncontrollable wildfire. adrian, daniella? >> all the dry vegetation -- >> we continue to follow what's happening in southern california. we get the feeds in to our newsroom. kris sanchez is monitoring the latest developments from southern california. boy, such a tough fight and so reminiscent of what we went through here just a couple of years ago. >> exactly, and the good news for us is that our wind event is now over, as kari has been reporting, but that wind event in southern california will
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continue to whip those flames and help that fire grow out of control likely until later this evening, because winds will not die down when the sun comes up. the winds will pick up instead. i've been listening to kari as she's been reporting that. i want to show you the live chopper video over this, because it is so dramatic, you can see how big those flames are, how much area that fire is covering, and how close those flames are to homes. we've just gotten word that another fire started, this one in ventura county, which is right on the border of this fire here, the saddleridge fire we have been talking about this morning. the saddleridge fire started at 10:00 last night. between then and now, it has grown in size to 4,600 acres and that's just the conservative estimate, because that is the latest information that the fire department has been able to provide us with. we'll get a better idea once the sun comes up. at one point the flames jumped a freeway, as we saw happen in santa rosa, so we know what
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that's like here as we there is zero containment. firefighters are not in control of any part of the perimeter of that fire. firefighters say they saw for themselves that there are homes that are already destroyed, but there's just no time to take inventory of how many. officials had to evacuate 300 children and teenagers from the juvenile detention center, move them to another location. nearly 13,000 homes are under mandatory evacuation orders. that means a lot more people, because we know most of us don't live alone in our homes. one evacuee is a former firefighter who watched his neighbor's house just go up in flames. >> priority one for me was getting my family out of here. we can rebuild, stuff is stuff, but making sure everyone's safe but you know, we do our job with brush clearance, we have our go bags ready. this isn't our first time through this. >> if you are familiar with l.a., this is the area that is the north part of the county, west of i-5, south of the
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grapevine, and we did confirm that while they have had those preventative power outages, as we have been experiencing here in the bay area, this particular area where the saddleridge fire started was not under an outage order. they were not in the dark, they did have power, so at this point, we can't say whether or not that might have been a factor how the fire started. we'll continue to track this. we expect sunrise coming up in about 40 minutes, so we'll get a better idea visually of how much this fire has grown. >> no doubt. and no doubt of the devastation as well. thanks so much, kris. as kris points out, the fire happening in the south is the exact reason for pg&e trying to turn off power to hundreds of thousands of people across northern california and the bay area. now as of 9:00, pg&e said 58% of people who lost power now have it back. the specific percentages of power restored county by county are on your screen. about 312,000 homes and businesses across northern
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california are still dark. let's take you out to pg&e's website, the areas in purple are the ones without power. crews will wait until daylight of course to inspect those lines and if they are solid, they will start turning electricity back on. this morning and really over the past several days there's been so much outrage at pg&e from the governor on down for just cutting off the power. something pg&e says may happen again when there are extreme fire conditions. roz plater joins us live where the power is still out. oh, sounds like hopefully your audio is okay on this one. but the power has been out there in orinda. nope, no, we're having trouble with your audio, roz, so we're going to try to iron that out and go back to her in just a little bit. in the meantime let's check in with mike inouye right now. he has his eyes on the roads. with the power outages, it's been such a concern because at stop lights people had to
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adjust. >> that's right, laura. talking about the outages which if it wasn't turned on last night your power won't be turned on until daylight because of the inspections scott and laura are mentions. this is well lit because of the brake lights across the san mateo bridge, just after the last report, we got confirmation there is something going on, check over here folks, see this right here, this empty lane that's the service lane and those were implemented years ago across the san mateo bridge. it's supposed to keep anything that happens on the span pulled to the shoulder so it's not quite so bad. traffic is moving but in that service lane reports of a vehicle as you approach the high-rise westbound in your commute direction. there's a gym ovjam west 92. the recovery for 880 will be met with more traffic as folks avoid the san mateo bridge and perhaps headed down toward the dumbarton bridge to avoid that jam. now that may send some more folks to the bay bridge, but it can handle it right now because the lighter friday build in the south bay that's the only other major spot so west across the san mateo bridge a tough drive and north 101 approaching
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oakland road this crash still in the middle of highway 101, causing this jam from 680 all the way up to oakland road. >> everyone could use, that's what everyone could use. >> the weekend. >> and some nice weather. >> even better. >> that is about to happen for us. >> yeah. >> we are seeing the winds calming down, getting ready for fleet week. let's talk about the fleet week forecast for the air show today starting at noon in san francisco, we'll see the high temperatures today heading up to 77 degrees, nice and warm today. if you like it a little bit more cool and breezy, head out there on sunday. we'll see the high up to about 70 degrees, and also we're keeping the sunshine. our saturday forecast for the coast will reach into the mid-70s. low 80s for the bay and by the inland areas, we'll see some mid 80s there. on sunday, expect it to be a touch cooler, also a little bit more breezy, but we're looking at highs anywhere from 70 along the coast to some upper 70s for the inland areas.
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if you're going to the pumpkin patches this weekend, there's a lot opening, checking out the one in petaluma and our temperatures, may be a little bit too warm during the middle of the day for those costumes, but if you go later in the evening, even by 6:00, we're seeing the temperatures in the upper 60s. we also have a classic car show happening in alameda tomorrow. starts at 10:00 in the morning, it will be nice throughout the day with a start at the mid-60s, heading into the mid-70s, with some light winds. for the tri-valley forecast, it's going to be warm today, low 80s, slightly warmer tomorrow up to 83 degrees but then up in the upper 70s by sunday. and if your weekend plans take to you lake shasta, expect some mid-70s for the next couple of days and up to about 72 degrees still very comfortable on sunday. we'll talk about today's temperature trend for the east bay coming up in three minutes. >> we'll look forward to it. thank you. 6:40 right now. still ahead this morning on "today in the bay," we're
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continuously watching the dramatic situation unfolding with fires burning in l.a. county. several raging right now. we'll break in for very significant updates as they come through. president trump is meeting with the vice premier of china, wall street sees that as good news but then again we've seen every day good news, bad news, good news, bad news about china. today good news, dow industrials up 319 points. you're watching "today in the bay." and did you know, today is international day of the girl. at 7:00 a.m. on the "today" show michelle obama will have a special announcement and also a concert. we'll be back with a lot more. 6:41 right now.
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good friday morning. right now at 6:44, as we take a live look outside in fremont, we are waking up to clear skies and look at that, no wind. the flag is not waving at all. as we go throughout the day, we'll go from the low 50s to the upper 70s by early afternoon. cool start, but a warm day. we'll talk more about what's ahead for the weekend, coming up in less than five minutes. >> no relief for west across the san mateo bridge. enough distraction to booing this down. another crash in san jose. >> thanks so much, kari and mike. 6:44. we continue to follow breaking news from southern california the firestorm that is burning there being fueled by high winds, these are live pictures from our nbc station in los
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angeles, about 12,000 homes, 100,000 people affected by evacuation orders. it's called the saddleridge fire, already burned 4,600 acres near interstate 5 just south of the grapevine. no containment at all so far. several homes have been destroyed, and thousands of people are being evacuated as we speak. in the meantime right here in the bay area, thousands of people still waking up without power this morning. mostly in the north bay, after all of those planned outages were put into place to try to prevent any wildfires. >> we expect some power to go back on after daylight, restation efforts are on your screen, some progress. you can see about 46% of customers impacted in sonoma county have their lights back on right now. that's the county with the most number of outages in the bay area. "today in the bay's" sharon katsuda is live in downtown sonoma and sharon, lights are on there, but they're sort of the lucky ones, right?
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>> reporter: that's right, laura and scott. here is the dilemma. the lights are on at the businesses in sonoma square but residents nearby who are still out of power so coming here to get coffee but you can see the store is still closed here, and they're not going to reopen until saturday and that's because the owner is in the back trying to make up the dough that he lost out on over the past few days. the owner of bass cafe had to bring in the dough starters that he had kept cool the past few days in a different location. now he says he has to focus on making that bread that takes 12 to 24 hours, and he wants to deliver that to his local customers, that means he will keep the front cafe closed to customers today. people are showing up surprised they can't get coffee, which they've been able to do the past couple days. the owner, sonny, tells me he's skeptical whether pg&e can make this all right. >> are they going to pay me for me days of losses that i've got? make it right, go ahead. make it right. do your job, build the
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infrastructure you're taking the money from us, we're giving you the money to do it, do your job. >> reporter: some areas of sonoma are still without power so be careful. we saw earlier this week some street lights that were out, so do be careful out the. owners are saying it was a huge loss for them, thousands of dollars with just this cafe alone and they're saying that they're hoping tourists will turn out this weekend to help them make that all up. we are are reporting live in sonoma, i'm sharon katsuda, "today in the bay." >> thank you, sharon. you heard the man talking about the bread and the dough, and more ways than one. a lot of people you heard, he was mad, a lot of people are very angry. >> sure, there's a lot of backlash against pg&e. roz plater is in orinda, br a lot where a lot of people were still in the dark. >> reporter: we're in the theater square district still in the dark and there's growing frustration here and around the bay area and sharp criticism coming from governor newsom.
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as it becomes daylight crews will be back out checking the lines and equipment so they can start to restore power to the areas that are still in the dark. the company's new ceo apologized, what he says they stand by their decision to cut power to hundreds of thousands of customers for safety. he says the company will work on improvements but can't promise the shutdowns won't happen again. >> we cannot live in a society where this happens frequently, and over time, we will make greater progress, system hardening, different equipment on the transmission lines, sectionalizers, enhanced vegetation management. this is going to take a little time. >> over the course of years and years and years, the kind of hardening of the grid was not done. those were decisions that were made by pacific gas and electric. they chose not to modernize their grid over the course of many, many years, led to their own demise, it led to bankruptcy. >> reporter: you hear that criticism and growing
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frustration from the governor, as well as other politicians, some asking for pg&e to pay for the cost cities have borne because of the power shutdown. new controversy this morning because of a report in the "san francisco chronicle" that says just hours before the shutdown began, some pg&e gas executives were wining and dining top customers at a winer why anysonoma county. the new ceo calling that a colossal mistake, it was tone deaf and promising it would not happen again. we're live in orinda, i'm rolls plater for "today in the bay." >> thank you so much, roz. 6:49. the historic pg&e power shutoff interrupted the santa clara county workers strike. members of seiu local 521 have put down their picket signs until further notice. the union says it's postponing its rolling strike out of concern for public safety. the union has been working without a contract since june. also new this morning, you may have to pay more to park at b.a.r.t. stations. the transit agency looking
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towards variable pricing based on demand, it means the amounts you pay depends on how busy the parking lot is. right now there's a $3 cap on parking fees at every parking station besides west oakland. we'll look at the morning commute in a moment but i think we need a good weekend. >> we could use one. >> yes. >> the winds are calming down. it's a cool start. we're looking forward to a beauti weath weekend, as we get ready for fleet week and a live look in san francisco at the golden gate bridge, as the ship just passes by under the bridge. we have all clear conditions, and we'll keep it mostly clear throughout the weekend. looking at what it feels like as you get ready to head out the door. it's very chilly in the north bay, looking at some of the nearby weather stations around santa rosa, and some of them are below freezing right now. you head over to san francisco, it's 54 degrees. 59 in half moon bay, and in san jose it's 51 degrees. so already a wide range in temperatures, but we'll see it
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kind of closing the gap as we go through the day, with the highs reaching into the low 80s in antioch, will reach 83 degrees. 80 in san jose, aloe alto and oakland and oakland reaching 77 degrees. look at this beautiful sunrise as we get a live look over san jose. we need that start to the day and as we go into the next several hours, it will be chilly out there, with once again those 40s and low 50s, so you need a heavier jacket, but the rest of the day with that sunshine, make sure you have the sunglasses with you. we're going to see a few minor changes going into the rest of the forecast. we'll see that storm system that brought us the gusty winds moving away. we'll have calm winds today and tomorrow but then by sunday, it will turn breezy once again, as another weaker storm system moves across the pacific northwest. notice our winds are coming in onshore, so we won't have the very dry conditions we just had, and then going into next week, we'll see a few more of those
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storm systems, bringing some rain, very close by but looks like it stays to the north. it keeps our temperatures from warming up so we'll go from the low 80s today to mostly some upper 70s. a very nice fall seasonable forecast going into the middle of next week. san francisco will have some cooling from now through monday. mike, you still have a jam in two key spots. >> the rest is friday light. we are looking north 101 jammed up right by our camera, just north of 680. the issue is there's still a crash in the middle of the roadway. word is that a couple vehicles are jammed together. no major injuries but this is a major headache, jamming you up toward our camera and 680/280, also seeing more folks take 280 in toward 87 and more slowing on 87 as folks head over on capitol expressway. we're rippling out into the south bay. that's the jam north 101 at oakland road. the other problem is getting over to 101 on west 92, the crash on the san mateo bridge is in the service area across the span.
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the dumbarton bridge much better route for you. we'll look at the san mateo bridge with the big jam here and the bay bridge may see more traffic, folks avoiding 92 and quickly we'll use waze to take you down to southern california, talking about the fire, the places we mentioned gobbledygook but if you driven down to universal study yos and downtown l.a., i-5 splits to 405, major freeways down the area. between the two is what's closed for i-5, the 210 freeway jumped by the fire that is a major issue for folks headed down toward southern california. this is highway 101 along the coast and joins with the 405 freeway, i-5 south of this activity, why we're suggesting 101 for the time being. use waze, nbc bay area wazers is your team. >> good update there, mike. 6:53. a missile strikes an iranian oil tanker in the red sea. missiles hit tanks causing oil to spill into the sea. crew members were safe and the
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ship is in stable condition despite the damage. the price of oil is going up, as tensions are ramping up in that region. iran is investigating it as a possible terror attack. next a look at top stories. a final look at who has power and who is without plus the wildfires in los angeles county prompting thousands of people to evac wlat. evacua evacuate. we'll be back in two minutes.
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6:56. welcome back. before you head out the doort here are the top stories on "today in the bay." >> we follow breaking news from southern california, more than 100,000 people evacuated right
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now from fast moving flames. the wildfires are burning out of control, this is live video from the saddleranch fire burning in the san fernando valley. you can see all of the thick smoke in the area as well. the fire's already burned 4600 acres near interstate 5 south of the grapevine. there is no containment so far. several homes have been destroyed. one family had to leave without their dog who was fortunately found by a firefighter who reunited them. >> reporter: there's your owner. there's your owner. it's your dog? >> minion. >> it's your dog, right? >> that's my dog. >> that's minuion right there. >> reporter: i'm glad she found her home. >> nice to see the little stories of happiness. this is what they're dealing with. if you're familiar with the los angeles area, this is the northern part of l.a. county, west of i-5 and south of the
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grapevine. we confirm there were preventative power outages in l.a. county but this was not one of the areas that was in the dark. >> the fire is the exact reason for pg&e deciding to turn off the power for hundreds of thousands of people here in the bay area and throughout northern california. pg&e say crews made significant progress in power being restored but not everywhere. this is video from downtown orinda. the city's iconic theater marquee is dark. power has been restored to about 85% of the homes and businesses that lost it in contra costa county. meanwhile, parts of the north bay still seeing the biggest outages right now. we did find this beigel shop in sonoma county. they have their power back on, that's a glimmer of hope. the county has the highest percentage of outages remaining. pg&e says it will start turning power back on slowly when it is fully daylight, which is about right now. they need to inspect those lines
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and they need to do that in the daylight. also happening, fleet week takes it up a notch. the parade of ships goes through the golden gate at 11:00 this morning. air show gets under way as well, featuring the flu angels. keep your eyes peeled to the skies around 3:00 in the afternoon. >> hopefully the skies will be clear. >> we will have some clear skies, nice weather but we were talking about how cold it is this morning. it will lead into a nice day as we head into the afternoon we're up to about 82 degrees for the inland areas and more weather like that extending into next week. >> mike is tracking a couple of problem areas? >> that's right everything else looking great this friday. we have problems for the san mateo bridge slow westbound and in san jose northbound 101, that crash in san jose a couple vehicles stuck together, wedged together at oakland road and more folks are taking 280 north to the question around it, rippling back to 87 and san mateo bridge westbound something the mid span causing more folks to take the dumbarton bridge or the bay bridge.
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westbound drive looks like it's improving. >> that's what's happening "today in the bay." we're back at 7:25 with a live local news update. >> see you again at 11:00. have a wonderful friday. destroyed, evacuations underway. good morning, breaking overnight, fire and ice, wildfires rage out of control in california, dozens of homes destroyed, evacuations underway. while across the northern u.s., record shattering snow and cold. the temperature in denver plunging nearly 70 degrees in a single day. this morning, chaos on the roads, schools and airports shut down. we're live with the very latest and al has what to expect this weekend. new arrests, new questions. two men who helped the president's lawyer dig up dirt on joe biden in ukraine arrested at a washington airport with one way tickets out of the country. what this could mean for the


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