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tv   Today  NBC  February 22, 2020 5:30am-7:01am PST

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g good morning. putting their chips on the table. the democratic presidential candidates campaigning across nevada as voters caucus there today. can bernie sanders hold onto his lead? will nevada fair better than iowa? and will we have a winner by the end of the night? we're live in las vegas covering it all. interference on both sides. bernie sanders blasting russia after he confirmed intelligence officials told him moscow was intervening in the election to give him an advantage. >> let me tell this the american people whether you're republicans, democrats, independents are sick and tired of seeing russia and other countries interfering in our elections. >> president trump receiving a similar briefing about his own campaign and blaming democrats.
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>> i was told a week ago they said, you know, they're trying to starting a rumor. it's disinformation. >> as controversy rages over the president's ouster of the nation's spy chief. where are the children? authorities putting pressure on an idaho mother being held on $5 million bond this morning after her arrest in connection with the disappearance of her two kids. those children still missing months after they were last seen. this morning the bizarre twists and turns in this case including reports that this mom and her new husband may be involved in a doomsday cult. all that plus deadlock. the harvey weinstein jurors indicate they may not be able to come to a unanimous decision on two of the most serious charges against the disgraced movie producer. royal edit. why prince harry and meghan markle will not be able to call themselves royals much longer. and whoops. a news reporter's live face
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during the weather gets a makeover. in a report that has viewers smiling today, saturday, february 22nd, 2020. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with peter alexander, kristen welker and dylan dreyer. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today." we thank you for joining us on this saturday morning. everybody's got a good local news blooper but that one may take the cake. >> that takes the cake for sure, and i love he's completely unaware, but by the way the ratings probably just spiked. >> exactly. he's going to have a lot more facebook live followers by the end of this one. we'll talk about that in a little bit. first to our top story now. all eyes on nevada as we're just hours away from that state's crucial caucuses and the major third caucus for the candidates.
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candidates were out late into the night trying to get voters to caucus for them. nbc's garrett haake has been in vegas all week. garrett, good morning. >> reporter: hey, peter. good morning. yeah, the recent polling here has shown bernie sanders opening up a bit of a lead here in nevada. but after wednesday's fiery debate and complicated caucus process still to play out today there are no safe bets on a candidate tonight. bernie sanders firing up supporters in a las vegas rally late friday. >> let us have the largest voter turn out in the history of the nevada caucus. >> reporter: hoping to continue his winning streak after narrowly carrying new hampshire last week. the granite state's second place finisher pete buttigieg holding a dueling rally across town. >> we have got to get this right, and that's why so much depends on the choice that you are about to make. >> get in this fight. >> reporter: contenders elizabeth warren and joe biden hoping wednesday's debate and their strong union ties can help turn around their luck in las vegas.
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is nevada going to be the start of a biden comeback? >> i hope so. it's the beginning of the process more representative of what the country looks like. >> reporter: the major candidates pouring money into television ads here led by billionaire tom steyer all hoping for a bounce out of nevada and into south carolina. but first nevadans must complete a complicated caucus today. volunteers combine with 70,000 early votes with caucus results. they'll use an ipad based caucus calculator designed after a similar app used in iowa failed badly delaying results there. denise started training to run a caucus site back in january. after what happened in iowa does nevada feel the pressure to get this right? >> oh, my goodness, yeah. of course we do. and we're going to get it right, too. >> americans all rooting for that to happen today. hey, garrett, one candidate not even on the ballot in nevada but making some news this morning is the former new york city mayor michael bloomberg now making a
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180 on those nondisclosure agreements. what's he saying? >> michael bloomberg announced yesterday he would release as many as three women from nondisclosure agreements they signed as part of settlements with his company. remember he was hammered on those ndas on the debate stage mainly by elizabeth warren. and with another debate coming up next week, you can bet those ndas and whatever those women might choose to say if they choose to be released from them might be a topic once again. >> thank you. >> that is for sure. well, president trump is back at the white house this morning after spending part of his friday in las vegas as well. the president dismissing reports that russia is trying to help his 2020 re-election effort. and it comes as bernie sanders reveals that he was told by intelligence officials that the russians are also working to help his campaign. nbc's hans nichols is at the white house with the very latest. good morning to you. >> reporter: the president and his new director of national
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intelligence are facing their first test on russian election interference. now, the president indicated yesterday that russian interference is disinformation while senator bernie sanders has acknowledged that he's also been briefed on russian efforts to help his campaign. president donald trump back from a west coast swing where he down-played reports that russia is interfering in the 2020 presidential election. >> putin wants to be sure that trump wins. give me a break. >> reporter: the president dismissing intelligence from his own administration including ousted acting director of tion. including ousted acting director of national intelligence joseph macguire. >> i was told a week ago. you know they are trying to start a rumor. >> reporter: democratic frontrunner bernie sanders confirming officials told his campaign that russia is actively trying to help him win. in response to the warning for
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the russian president. >> let me tell putin, whether you are democrats or republicans or independents, we are sick and tired. >> reporter: before the report came out that russia was actively working to help sanders and other reports that russia wants to see trump reelected? the president suggested if putin interfered, he would do so in favor of sanders. >> wouldn't he rather have bernie? >> reporter: trump comments come as richard grenell takes over amid criticism about his qualificati qualifications. >> this is dangerous to our count country. it is like sending me in to do brain surgery. >> reporter: with one potential candidate for the job? doug collins opting for a senate run. >> it is not a job that interests me. it is not one i would accept. >> reporter: the president
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insisting four great candidates are under consideration. promising the decision within the next few weeks. >> hans, let's ask about another big story at the white house. the president dealing with the health crisis with the coronavirus. what is his response been to dealing with that? >> reporter: there's a report on the washington post this morning. the president was enraged after he learned the 14 americans on the cruise ship in japan were flown back with other non inf t infected americans. the 14 americans tested positive. they were sequestered on the airplane. the president upset with it. it's a challenge moving forward how this administration coordinates to make sure that coronavirus stays contained. kristen. >> a challenge. hans nichols thank you. we will have more on what the u.s. is doing to prepare for the coronavirus should it spread here at home. let's bring in joshua johnson. he covers politics and anchor at
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msnbc. we are happy you are here in person. let's talk about the intelligence reports that show russia is at it again trying to interfere ahead of the 2020 election. to help donald trump or bernie sanders or both right now. the president blaming democrats. calling it a hoax and disinformation. what are we supposed to make of the new developments? >> let me take off my journalist hat and put on my red blooded american hat. you have to convince the other army they can't beat you. all of this russian misinformation is to get us to think of something other than what is in the best interest of the country. if you allow the russians to not vote or vote out of fear, that is on you. we can win this by saying i'm not going to allow myself to fall into the pit that nothing is true and everything is a hoax. let that go. that is exactly what vladimir putin wants.
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>> and all of this happening at the drop of the nevada caucuses set to be held today. we know that they held early voting for the first time. 70,000 people came out to vote. in the last cycle, 84,000 nev a nevadans weighed in overall. who will that help? we know senator sanders has been surging. >> i was chatting on the night of debate in nevada. i will see what it means. they knew who they were voting for. whether they wanted to be at the caucus because they were still undecided or because they were purchaersuaded or they wanted t persuade others or the candidate in the room doesn't have majority. this feels like a situation because we can early vote. i don't know if we know what it means. >> let's ask about the bloomberg effect. money can buy a place on the
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stage. not a good headlines. bad night on the stage. not on the ballot in nevada. what do we make of mike bloomberg? >> mike bloomberg is another reason why nevada is unique. we used to have a metric. this much money to run a political campaign. he is spending more than anybody else. raising nothing. not on the ballot. bernie sanders is the presumed frontrunner. spending what he is making. the math to run a winning campaign is out the window. one thing with bloomberg and the ndas. he said if the women want to be released, they should contact the company and will be given a release. elizabeth warren, if she chose, still has something to needle him on. he did not say we're done with the ndas. he said if you want out, call me and i'll let you out. that is not the same thing. >> quickly, we know democrats are looking at bloomberg and saying he is splitting the moderate vote.
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that is only helping sanders to have it locked up by super tuesday. >> it is okay to split votes. that's what the process is for. that's why chuck todd asked the question at the end of the debate debate. if this comes down to the pluraity and not majority, it goes to the convention. this is a unique election. voters have a lot of very tough choices to make. it is okay to split moderates. that means democrats are not sure and actually need that time to make a choice. >> a lot of american voices still to be heard. josh joshua, thank you. >> i appreciate it. heading overseas now. new hope the u.s. and taliban are saided f edheaded for a cea. today is the first day in the promised reduction of violence. nbc's matt bradley has more from london. >> reporter: guys, afghan and
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american troops woke up to an unfamiliar sound. quiet. after more than 18 years, guns have mostly fallen sigh elent oe war which killed 2,400 americans and tens of thousands of afghan troops and civilians. this reduction of violence is now held for more than 16 hours. so far, no reports of any violations. you know, this terminology is important, kristen. this is not a truce or cease-fire. no one is expecting the hostilities to end completely in the coming week. the idea is if the reduction in violence lasts for the week, the u.s. and taliban will get together on february 29th and both sides announced they will do this. they will sign a longer term deal. this will eventually lead to the permanent withdrawal of the 13,000 american soldiers who are still in afghanistan. >> so many military families watching that closely.
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matt bradley, thank you. jurors deliberating harvey weinstein's fate are home for the weekend after indicating they may be deadlocked. erin mclaughlin is here with more. >> reporter: peter, good morning. dlib rakeliberations have gone four days. the jury asked if it could be hung on two of the charges, but unanimous on theus charges but unanimous on the remaining three, prompting the judge to send them back to deliberate some more. in the trial of harvey weinstein a dramatic cliff-hanger. after four days of jury deliberations. >> do you remain confident, sir? >> the jury sent the judge a note asking if they can be hung on counts 1 and/or 3 and unanimous on the other charges. counts 1 and 3 the most serious of the five charges, predatory sexual assault could send weinstein to jail for life. the jury's question suggested
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has reached a decision on other counts including rape. the latest twist in a tumultuous trial centered around the testimony of three women. miriam haley testified in 2006 weinstein forced oral sex. actress jessica mann testified in 203 weinstein raped her in a manhattan hotel room and actress anabella sciorra testified he raped her in the mid-'90s. her testimony is critical to both charges of medatory sexual assault. >> the odds are that the jury has reached a conviction on the assault and rape charges and is maybe struggling with the testimony of anabella sciorra for the predatory sexual assault. but you never know what juries can do, and it's possible they may have already acquitted harvey weinstein on the jessica mann and the mimi haley case but they're struggling and wondering if they can convict on the anabella sciorra.
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>> weinstein has pleaded not guilty to all charges against him. he denies all allegations of nonconsensual sex. the judge responded to the jury's note asking them to continue their deliberations saying it's not uncommon for a jury to have difficulty initially reaching a unanimous verdict. jury deliberations are set to resume on monday morning. jurors have been instructed not to communicate with anyone about the case and avoid all media coverage. they've also been instructed to stay healthy. all 12 are needed to reach a unanimous verdict. >> thank you very much. all right, turning now to an update in that helicopter crash that killed kobe bryant and eight others. a newly uncovered document from the faa reveals the pilot of that deadly flight was rep mand in 2014 to flying without permission in reduced visibility. he later took responsibility for the incident and underwent counseling. federal authorities are still investigating the events that led to last month's crash. an emotional scene in south
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carolina friday. as 6-year-old faye swetlik was laid to rest. the 1,000 who attended to wear pink and purple. her life was tragically cut short after she disappeared from her front yard earlier this month. days later faye was found strangled to death just a few feet from her home. police believe a neighbor who later took their own life is responsible for the murder. >> an unbelievable tragedy. our hearts go out to her family for sure. we do want to take a turn now and get a check of the weather. bill karens in today. >> a little rain in the desert today. doesn't look like a big huge rainstorm going to affect the turn out, but 54 degrees right now in vegas with some light rain and showers. this is all associated with what we call an atmospheric river. it's a plume of moisture right
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now focused all into arizona. that's where the worst of the conditions are. that's where if we're going to see some flash flooding and damage done it will be around the phoenix area. notice vegas is not in the flash flood watch for you. the rainfall amounts will be a lot lighter. this will be a coast to coast event. starting in the west coast, heading all the way to the east coast by monday and tuesday. as we go throughout this evening some light rain in areas of nevada. typical denver weekend. today 60 degrees, sunny, pretty nice tomorrow. you'll have about 1 to 2 inches of snow to be shoveling and then we take the storm to monday to the middle of the country. we have to watch out for areas of missouri with potential dry weather will remain for this weekend. current temperatures as you head out the door in the 50s. down through the south bay, 56 degrees. little chillier up through the north bay. napa 42. by the afternoon, expect to see
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above normal temperatures in mostly clear skies and upper 60s for morgan hill. 69 degrees. 63 in santa cruz. 61 in san francisco. even a couple of low 70s into the interior valleys. >> and that's a look at your saturday forecast. coming up we're going to talk about the cold. it's chilly outside. >> it sure is. >> still to come right here, unraveling a mystery as a mom winds up behind bars and her two children remain missing months after they were last seen. the latest details in this bizarre and rapidly developing case. plus a warning from u.s. health officials about the coronavirus. what you need to know to protect uryo
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we are back on this saturday
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morning with the weekly download, our look back at the week that was. >> that's right. and among the stories we cover the sentencing of president trump's long time friend, roger stone. a federal judge sentenced prum's political confidant roger stone to 40 months in prison. stone was convicted of obstructing a congressional investigation of russia's 2016 presidential election meddling. >> i want to see it play out to its fullest because roger has a very good chance of exoneration in my opinion. >> president trump did sign-off on a string of commutations and pardons for other felons including one for rob, the former democratic governor of illinois, convicted of corruption for trying to sell-off barack obama vacated senate seat. >> i've got this thing and it's golden. and if you're asking me what my party affiliation is i'm a
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trumpocrat. nascar driver ryan newman walked out of the hospital holding his daughters hands after two days being involved in a horrific crash at it daytona 500. >> the breathless moments at daytona international monday when newman 6 car flipped and burned leaving fans and fellow racers fearing the worst. the boy scouts of america filed for bankruptcy amid hundreds of lawsuits from former scouts alleging they were sexually abused. >> many of them claiming the organization knew there was a problem as far back as the 1920s. the national chair of the boy scouts says he is devastated that there were times in the past when we failed the very children we were supposed to protect. the organization has also said it never knowingly allowed a sexual predator to work with its members and has new rules that makes scouting safer now than ever before. a big announcement from buckingham palace. a clean break from the monarchy
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for prince harry and meghan markle. they will begin their royal-free lives on april 1st. >> buckingham palace says he'll continue his support. megh meghan's focus, women empowerment and education. >> reporter: subway riders in new york city got quite a shock when three men road their motorbikes onto a train right here in rockefeller plaza stop. the nypd is investigate. a jumbo jetliner approaching for a landing at london's heathrow airport practically came down sideways in high winds. and a 77-year-old man in whales wasn't about to give up his cash when a would-be mugger tried to rob him at an atm. the senior citizen put up his fists and challenged the robber to a fight. the mugger took off and ran. and this woman is getting a
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lot of criticism online for scooting to the edge of a 3,000 foot drop on top of a peak outside rio de janeiro. observers say it's selfish to risk your life for the perfect instagram shot. thankfully, though, she's okay. >> so we show that video as an example of what never to do. as you watch the video, though, you literally feel like you're sitting on that ledge with her. >> as you said she see getting some criticism online. how about some criticism on tv? don't do that. there's no selfie worth risking your life. >> pretty of other pretty shots to take. all right, well still to come on "today," more on that roadblock for prince harry and meghan markle as they make a clean break from the royal family. we will talk about an unforgettable day with a man witness to it all al michaels on the most iconic call in sports history. but first these messages.
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good saturday morning. it is 5:56. we are taking a live look outside at san francisco from san bruno mountain. a beautiful look at the lights twinkling, the salesforce tower
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shining brightly. thank you for joining us. i meant to tell you, we usually talk off air that it rained on part of my drive this morning. >> yeah. so we have a little bit of activity going on in the central coast and managing to reach into some portions of the peninsula and the south bay but not a lot of rain. the majority of the scattered showers here, zooming in closer to see is near the monterey area. if you have a drive of grapevine to l.a. you will and rain just off the coast tracking out. we have an an a chance still seeing the possibility of some scattered showers in the south bay but a lot is not making it to the ground so by the mid-morning we'll be completely dried out from the system down to the south bay. anywhere north of the south bay not expecting to see rain and have more detail on that. above average in terms of the temperatures at 7:00. >> thanks. no transfer from travis late
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last night a. judge blocked a plan to take some 30 to 50 coronavirus patients from travis air force base to orange county. the patients were set to head to an empty building in costa mesa as early as this sunday. that building was an assisted living center for people with disabilities. near a golf course and high schools. they want it stopped saying they weren't able to make sure safeguards are in place. a judge granted the restraining order. a new hearing is set for monday. we have new details now about a deadly stabbing at a san jose airbnb rental. court documents note the man killed his girlfriend at the rental home in the east foothills. he appeared before a judge and charged with murder yesterday. investigators say that after the stabbing he packed up and drove his girlfriend's car to his
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mother's home. deputies found the woman's body tuesday in the rental home. at 5:59, coming up this morning on "today in the bay," a final push for the democratic candidates looking for last-minute momentum heading into today's nevada caucus. we will have that plus all the top stories and the ever-important forecast at 7:00. hope to see you then. now, we know the trump strategy- try to win by attacking, distorting, dividing. mr. president: it. won't. work. newspapers report bloomberg is the democrat trump fears most. as president, universal healthcare that lets people keep their coverage if they like it. a record on job creation. a doable plan to combat climate change. i led a complex, diverse city through 9-11 and i have
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common sense plans to move america away from chaos to progress! i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. do you believe in miracles? about 40 years ago today the u.s. mens olympic hockey team pulled off perhaps the greatest upset in sports history beating the mighty russians in lake placid. al michaels was calling the game and delivered those famous words. we'll hear from him and take a look back this half-hour. hard to believe it's been 40 years. >> it's going to be fun to hear. >> it is going to be fun. welcome back to "today" on this saturday morning, february 22 nld, 2020. and today we start with those
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voters in nevada heading to their caucus sites to pick their favorite. bernie sanders hoping to extend his winning streak after a narrow win in new hampshire confirming friday russia is actively trying to boost his candidacy according to it intelligence community. sanders message to putin, do not interfere with our elections calling him an autocratic thug. meanwhile sanders and the other democratic challengers are all bracing for a complicated caucus process as organizers in nevada try to avoid what happened in iowa. the u.s. womens national soccer team has filed a motion in federal court asking for nearly $67 million in back pay and damages arguing the u.s. soccer federation paid them less than they deserved purely because of, quote, gender stereotyping. u.s. soccer meanwhile has filed a motion of its own asking for the case to be dismissed. if the judge does not agree to either request the case will head to trial. and folks welcomed an
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unlikely visitor friday. there's your clue a 400 pound black bear. the visitor quietly roamed from garbage can to garbage can. bears know the trash pickup schedule apparently. the bear was later tranquilized and moved to safety. >> i'll just lock myself inside while the bear roams around. thankfully no one was hurt. also this morning new divisions in the case of two missing children who haven't been seen since september. their mom remains behind bars this morning after a court appearance where she was held on $5 million bond. this as the search goes on for those kids. nbc's sarah harman is following this one from los angeles. this is truly disturbing. good morning. >> yeah, absolutely it is. when lori vallow appeared in court she gave no clue where her children might be or whether they're even alive. police in hawaii now say they do
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not believe the children traveled with her from idaho to the small hawaiian island of kaua'i where vallow and her new husband were found living in an upscale gated community. it's been 6 months since anyone has seen 7-year-old jj or 17-year-old tylee. this morning she's being held in jail on a $5 million bond. >> should you bail out you are to surrender immediately upon bailing out any passports you may have. >> reporter: the idaho mom was arrested thursday but there's still no sign of her children. >> no comment. >> reporter: vallow is charged with two felony counts of desertion and not dependent support of children after failing to comply with a court order to produce them. jj's grandmother called vallow is prolific liar. >> what kind of mother does that -- a mother -- the only word coming to my mind right now
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is a monster. >> reporter: vallow left her home in idaho shortly after her children disappeared apparently going to hawaii without them. there she married chad daybell, a member of a religious doomsday group. he has not been charged but was present in court. in a further disturbing twist police say they're now reexamining the recent deaths of vallow and daybell's previous spouses. detectives are also looking into the sudden death of vallow's brother. police are now reviewing this surveillance footage obtained by dateline taken outside vallow's storage locker in idaho appearing to show two people moving heavy items into a back of a car. jj's grandfather preparing for the worst. >> i have accepted this is going to end one of two ways. my prayer every day, every night constantly is that we have jj back. >> reporter: a lawyer for vallow
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told local media in december lori is devoted mother and resents assertions to the contrary. but even as the legal case against vallow moves forward there's still no trace of her missing children. vallow is due back in court on march 2nd for an extradition hearing. meanwhile the fbi has joined the search for jj and tylee and believes the siblings are in serious danger. >> thank you for that. of course you hope that the grandfather's prayers are answered. what a disturbing terrible story. >> for sure. bill karens is back now with another check of the temperature. >> we have freeze warnings in effect from batten rouge to biloxi, 3 million people impacted. it's actually colder in some portions of of the southeast than it is in areas of the northeast. when you look at these temperatures right now we're going to focus on charleston, south carolina. if you like numbers this is your coldest morning in 763 days. it's frigid this morning.
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wind chill is 20. new york city actually warmer at 25. it's all going to change this afternoon. a great warmup. it's going to be a glorious afternoon up and down the eastern sea board. temperatures going into the 50s in the southeast. even as warm as 48 degrees up in new york city and plenty of sun. enjoy your day today in the middle of it country because tomorrow the storm now in the southwest is going to head your way into the middle of the country with a bit of rain and chilly weather for your our current temperatures in the 50s for the south bay. 56 in san jose. 55 in san francisco. but up to the north bay, we have a couple 30s and 40s. micro climate highs for this afternoon above normal. and mostly clear through the evening. concord 70 degrees. san francisco 61. we have a bit of a system just into the central coast bringing the chance of showers mainly to the south bay before the evening.
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>> it feels like february this morning but this afternoon a little taste of spring. >> we'll take it. just ahead right here, coronavirus concerns as the number of cases rise around the globe. why u.s. health officials are now saying the disease poses a public health threat in this needles. essential for the sea urchin, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz xr, a once-daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections like tb; don't start xeljanz if you have an infection. taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra can increase risk of death. serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. as have tears in the stomach or intestines, serious allergic reactions, and changes in lab results.
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tell your doctor if you've been somewhere fungal infections are common, or if you've had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. needles. fine for some. but for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. an "unjection™". what! she's ziplining with little jon? it's lil jon. even he knows that. thanks, captain obvious. don't hate-like their trip, book yours with and get rewarded basically everywhere. be there. do that. get rewarded. the french girl's yogurt is set in a glass pot for eight whole hours. for her, it is more important to feel special than to be practical.
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oui, the french style yogurt. ♪you got to ac-cent-tchu-ate the positive♪ ♪ e-lim-i-nate the negative "slow it down a little" ♪ and latch on to the affirmative ♪ "it's okay" ♪ but don't mess with mister inbetween ♪ i'm part of a community of problem solvers. we make ideas grow. from an everyday solution... to one that can take on a bigger challenge. we are solving problems that improve lives. to one that can take on a bigger challenge. for me, i would do anything for teddy bear. and even dogs are what they eat. and so i know that when i'm giving him the best food that it helps him to look his best physically and just be his best. teddy bear's family so i feed him blue.
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before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn, marie could only imagine enjoying freshly squeezed orange juice. now no fruit is forbidden. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? this morning on your health, the latest on coronavirus. the number of infected people around the world right now stands at more than 77,000. >> that's right. and right here in the u.s. there are 34 confirmed cases and the cdc is warning americans that this contagion represents a tremendous public health threat. nbc news medical contributor dr. natalie azar here with more. thank you dr. natalie for being here. what do you make of this up tick? how concerns should americans feel? >> we certainly anticipated
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we're going to have more cases in the u.s. and while the threat of a global pandemic is definitely real and it is a public health importance in this country, officials here are still maintaining that the risk to the general public is in fact still very low. >> how prepared are health and government officials for this coronavirus? and mean, that's the real concern, right? are we being sufficiently protected? >> so, peter, the cdc is actively reviewing its global pandemic preparedness and communicating directly with health care systems and hospitals and communities in this country. so hospital preparedness is incredibly important and making sure hospitals are prepared for an influx of patients and making sure that health care workers have adequate supplies. additionally more on the front tear if you will there are airport screenings that are in place. there is voluntary self-quarantine for people that have traveled to china and there are also 20 cdc quarantine stations throughout the country that are prepared to handle
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cases. >> well, this is new spread. that's one of the challenges, a new strain i should say. and so health officials are trying to figure out exactly how it's spread. what do you they know about that? >> there was a report in the new england journal of medicine about this concept of asymptomatic transmission. and they did find the virus was detectable in the respiratory secretions of people before they were displaying symptoms. reinforcing the idea that a symptomatic transmission is not usually what drives epidemics. we don't know exactly how contagious that is in an asymptomatic individual. traditionally the more symptomatic an individual is that's the time when bacteria or viruses are more evident and are more likely to be transmitted. >> and there's no good time for anything like this, but it's also flu season. so are hospitals prepared for the potential of a coronavirus
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outbreak on top of the flu? >> as i mentioned before part of that hospital preparedness is to be prepared for influx. some institutions are augmenting or enhancing their virtual urgent care so they're triaging patients before they come into the emergency room to inundate the er. they're managing patients to say i think you need to come in versus i think you need to stay home. >> i we can't remind people enough wash your hands, wash your hands. >> honestly, yes. absent an effective treatment or vaccine which is not yet available it's the simple, simple hygiene things that can really go a long way. >> break out the clorox wipes. >> indeed. good to see you. appreciate the good information. coming up, remembering the miracle on ice. we'll look back at that historic and unforgettable hockey game0 year 4 s ♪ if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, little things can become your big moment. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream.
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n... ni ni, no no! only discover has no annual fee on any card. when in your gut,dent n... ni ni, no no! you feel confident to take on anything. with benefiber, you'll feel the power of gut health confidence every day. benefiber is a 100% natural prebiotic fiber. good morning mrs. johnson. benefiber. trust your gut. i think the house is changing him... -[ gasps ] -up and at 'em! ...into his father. [ eerie music plays ] is it scary? -[ gasps ] -it's in eco mode. so don't touch it. mm-hmm. i can't stop this from swinging. must be a draft in here. but he did save a bunch of money bundling our home and auto with progressive. progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents, but we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. -hello? -sorry, honey. [ telephone beeps ] butt dial. we're excited for this
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story. if you were alive 40 years ago today and both of us happened to be by a few years, do you remember where you were when you heard the news in the u.s. mens u.s. olympic hockey team pulling off the most stunning upset of all-time. >> it was the americans against the soviet union in lake placid. they had destroyed the olympic team in an exhibition weeks earlier but when it all counted the americans rose. david versus goliath, the u.s. mens hockey team facing off against the greatest team in the world, the russians. winners of the past four olympic gold medals and heavily favored to do it again. it was 1980, the height of the cold war. it u.s. and russia involved in a nuclear arms race, the berlin wall standing tall, the united states still reeling from defeated vietnam.
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al michaels was behind the mike in lake placid to call the game. he spoke about the historic moment with mike tirico from nbc sports for a special looking back at the miracle on ice. >> the country needed a boost. the country needed something to get excited about and of all crazy things this was the thing. >> while the russians dominated the game it was the americans who kept finding the back of the net. >> the u.s. trailed three times. they came from behind and took the lead. they were outshot 39-16. how many games in the history of hockey, international, national hockey league does the team get outshot 2 1/2-1 and come from behind three different times? it doesn't happen and it made it all the better. >> ten times the u.s. scored to put up 4-3. the gritty americans hung on
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holding off the russians until the very end. leading to the most famous call in sports history. >> do you believe in miracles? yes. >> the americans beating the mighty russians piling on goldy jim craig as the crowd roared. >> the story has been passed down from fathers to sons to daughters. that is so great, and it's one of those rare events where you remember where you were. this one, beautiful. >> just amazing. and to hear him say that, i mean it just gives you chills. >> i was going to say you still get the same goose bumps with people experiencing that moment covering olympics before the stories al michaels can tell are just unreal. one thing people don't remember about this it actually was not the gold medal game as most people believe. the americans had to beat finland for the gold two days later. they pulled it off winning 4-2
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with an amazing climactic moment. by the way, if you want to see al michaels' full interview with mike tirico about the miracle on ice tuesday night 11:30 eastern on nbc sports network. >> and i love how he says it was a moment the country really needed it. still to come, so cute he is. when and how you can get your hands on the newest baby yoda toy. he's adorable. >> we'll be back right after this. it's time for the ultimate sleep number event on the sleep number 360 smart bed. can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. it's the final days to save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus 0% interest for 24 months. ends sunday.
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still to come right here on "today," the huson astros playing their first spring training game today as they deal with the fall out from the sign stealing scandal. will there be retaliation from the other teams on the diamond? plus the local news reporter -- this is g
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hashtag vacay. sonoma? i want wine with lunch... it's 11am, cindy. thanks, captain obvious. don't hate-like their trip, book yours with and get rewarded basically everywhere. be there. do that. get rewarded. i was told to begin my aspirin regimen, blem. and i just didn't listen. until i almost lost my life. my doctors again ordered me to take aspirin, and i do. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. listen to the doctor. take it seriously.
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vo:for president.ver that's mike bloomberg. a middle class kid who built a global company from scratch. mayor of new york, rebuilding the city after the 9-11 terrorist attack, creating 450,000 jobs. running for president - and on a roll. workable plans to deliver on better health care. affordable college. job creation. common sense plans to beat trump, fix the chaos in washington, and get things done. mike: i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. good saturday morning. pardon me. it is 6:26. a live look outside over san jose. looks like a beautiful morning out there. some cloudy skies as we start
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our weekend. thank you so much for joining us. we have a look at the micro climate forecast. >> we did have a couple of showers that passed through overnight because of a system in the central coast so you could see it right here on satellite/radar. zooming in closer for a better idea of where that rain is now. now, the majority of that rain was near the monterey area, areas near south san jose and got some areas of sprinkles, as well, in san francisco and the peninsula. the majority of that rain should clear out by this afternoon. 55 degrees in san francisco. wind speeds 13 miles per hour. you can see some fog building. temperatures are still going to remain fairly warm, mild for most of the bay area. 67 in san jose and then warmer 70s into concord. so by the afternoon we should be dried out and san jose. for the most part it was not measurable rain. i'll let you know how the rest of the week is doing at 7:00
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a.m. >> great. thank you. we begin right now with developing news, no transfer from travis air force base. last night a judge blocked to take patients from travis to orange county. the patients were set to head to an empty building in costa mesa as early as tomorrow. that building once served as an assisted living center for people with disabilities but because it's near a golf course and several high schools the city officials say they wanted the transfer stopped saying they weren't given enough time to make sure safeguards were in place to keep the virus from spreading. a judge granted that restraining order. a new earring is set for monday. we have new details about a deadly stabbing at an airbnb. court documents released yesterday allege this man ryoichi fuseya killed his girlfriend in san jose. he appeared before a judge and
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officially charged with murder. investigators say that after the stabbing, fuseya packed up and drove his girlfriend's car to his mother's home. deputies found the woman's body tuesday in the rental home on mountain view avenue. it is 6:29. coming up this morning on "today in the bay" a final push for democratic candidates looking for last-minute momentum heading into today's nevada caucuses. the latest on that and the top stories and weather. this warm forecast coming up at 7:00. hope to see you then. meantime, a look at the golden gate bridge as we send you back to the "today" show.
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good morning. putting their chips on the table. the democratic presidential candidates campaigning across nevada as voters caucus there today. will bernie sanders hold onto his lead? will nevada fair better than iowa? and will we have a winner by the end of the night? we're live in las vegas covering it all. royal edit. prince harry and meghan markle will no longer be able to call themselves sussex royals in yet another move as the pair steps back from royal members of the family. and whoops. a north carolina's facebook live post on the snow goes viral. >> across the region you know
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governor cooper had put out a message earlier today warning people to be careful. >> after he gets a makeover that no one was expecting. today, saturday, february 22nd, 2020. >> 44, cold and fabulous. >> it's our first time in new york city. >> happy birthday. i love you. >> hi, mj. >> first vacation without kids. >> it's his 6th birthday. >> i'm 10. >> i'm 16. >> i'm 70. >> happy birthday! good morning and welcome back to "today" on a saturday morning. it's chilly but we are warmed up by this crowd. >> happy birthday. >> we have so many birthdays.
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somebody as young as 10 and somebody celebrating their 70th. it runs the gamut. thanks for being here. love having you. >> i'll see you again next saturday. we got another half-hour to do right now. we want to get to the news. that's where we begin. the caucus happening just a few hours from now in nevada. the democratic presidential candidates out late on friday night trying to get voters to caucus for them. nbc's garret hake, our friend is on the ground in vegas all week. tough gig. nice to see you this morning. >> hey, peter, good to see you, too. the polls here in nevada showed bernie sanders opening up a bit of lead here in the last week or so. but after that fiery debate on wednesday and with this complicated caucus process still to play out today there are no safe bets on a candidate tonight. bernie sanders firing up supporters in a las vegas rally late friday. >> let us have the largest voter turn out in the history of the
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nevada caucus. >> hoping to continue his winning streak after narrowly carrying new hampshire last week. the granite state's second place finisher pete buttigieg holding a dueling rally across town. >> we have got to get this right. and that's why so much depends on the choice that you are about to make. >> get in this fight. >> reporter: contenders elizabeth warren and joe biden hoping wednesday's debate and their strong union ties can help turn around their luck in las vegas. is nevada going to be the start of a biden comeback? >> i hope so. it's the beginning of a process more representative of what the country looks like. >> reporter: the major candidates pouring money into television ads here led by billionaire tom steyer all hoping for a bounce out of nevada and into south carolina. but first nevadans must complete a complicated process today. volunteers must combine 70,000 early votes. they'll use an ipad based caucus
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calculator after a similar app in iowa failed. after what happened in iowa does nevada feel the pressure to get this right? >> oh, my goodness, yeah. of course we do. and we're going to get it right, too. >> reporter: and some news this morning about a candidate who won't be on the ballot here in nevada, michael bloomberg announcing yesterday he would release three women from nondisclosure agreements they signed with his company as part of settlements. remember he was hammered about those ndas on the debate stage last week. with another debate coming up next week expect that to be a topic again. peter? >> garret hake on the ground for us in las vegas today. thank you. another big political story today, president trump is back at the white house this morning after spending part of his friday in las vegas as well. the president dismissing reports that russia is trying to help his 2020 re-election effort, and it comes as bernie sanders reveals he was told by intelligence officials that the
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russians are also working to help his campaign. nbc's hans nichols is tracking all the latest developments from the white house. good morning to you. >> reporter: president donald trump and senator bernie sanders have had different approaches about the briefings on russian interference in the 2020 presidential election. president trump has been very dismissive. last night he basically said give me a break. he called it disinformation, and that's in keeping with his past comments about 2016 russian interference. but the latest briefings are about 2020. now, president trump also got a dig in at senator sanders suggesting that russia would want him president because he honeymooned in moskow. but that was before "the washington post" reported that sanders campaign had been briefed about an effort to help his campaign. and when he was asked about it, senator sanders took a different tact. something between a warning and a threat for the russian president. the american people are tired of it, he said. and he suggested that there would be consequences for putin if he became president.
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so this is a real test for trump and his new director of national intelligence, richard grenell. and the president still needs to make a permanent pick to send to the senate for confirmation. and he said on twitter the last four great candidates are under consideration at dni, a decision within the next few weeks. >> i know we will be tracking that. thank you. also this morning long time trump ally roger stone is making a move to try to stay out of prison after he was sentenced earlier this week to 40 months, just over three years behind bars for lying to congress in russia's 2016 presidential election meddling in the investigation surrounding it. on friday stone moved to disqualify the judge in his case claiming that she's unable to rule on his bid for a new trial. stone's lawyers are particularly concerned about judge amy berman jackson's comments that jurors, quote, serve with integrity, citing their bid for a new trial hinges on a claim that at least one juror was biased against
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stone. and lawyers for jeffrey epstein's $600 million estate say they're having trouble keeping the lights on. they claim taxes imposed by the u.s. virgin islands attorney general have caused checks for the electricity and pest control to bounce and have made it impossible to pay workers spread across the disgraced financiers u.s. properties. the situation has impeded their efforts to sell-off assets which is why epstein's coexecutors are asking the court to intervene. you know those filters you can find on your social media apps they can be a lot of fun. but look what happened to one reporter during his live report in the snow. >> this is the first legitimate snowfall we've seen this season, so i know a lot of folks are excited about that. >> i love this guy. so this was not a clip from snl. this really happened to a
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reporter in north carolina. he was doing a story on the snow in asheville completely unaware apparently his face had the filters activate and in less than a minute he becomes a weightlifter, a space cadet, a fox and my favorite that wizard right there. the reporter stepped off camera only to realize what had happened. >> if you've worked in local news you've had bloopers. in fact probably for six straight months of my first job was a blooper, but i think takes the cake. >> yeah, i famously referred to a helicopter crashing as a hel crapper crashing. >> he'll never forget that one either. that's for sure. well, coming up next baseball is back, but what will happen to the field with the houston astros? what some of the game's star players are saying about the punishments handed down from the sign stealing ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ (announcer) once-weekly ozempic® is helping many people with type 2 diabetes like james lower their blood sugar. a majority of adults who took ozempic®
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for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? you know what i'm talkinge tabout, right karen?? huh? you wanna let yourself woah, but you can't do it here. or here. it hurts more when you fight it. but totally cool here. woah! and here. woaaaahh! -oh yeah. woah, kid. she gets it. [ roars ] woah!! get it all out. so when you're ready to let yourself woah, there's only one place to go. universal, baby! hey allergy muddlers... achoo! your sneezes turn heads? try zyrtec... starts working hard at hour one... and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. zyrtec muddle no more.
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we are back on this saturday's morning with today's talker and a big day for the houston astros who will play their first spring training game a little bit later today. >> that's right. it's their first since that sign stealing scandal investigation. and they're wondering if other teams will get their revenge on the diamond. good morning, blayne. >> good morning to you both. the houston astros taking on the washington nationals. of course it's a rematch of last year's world series. but even this big game is being overshadowed by a scandal that's rocked the entire league. this morning as the houston astros prepare to take the field at spring training it's their sign stealing scandal that's
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stealing the spotlight. for the 2017 world series champs this is their first game since a major league baseball investigation found the team used electronics to illegally steal pitching signs in their runup to the championship. last week the team apologized. >> i want to say, again, how sorry our team is for what happened. i want to also repeat that this will never happen again on my watch. >> reporter: the astros were fined $5 million. the team manager and general manager both fired. but with no punishment for the players themselves, fellow players around the league are crying foul including yankees outfielder aaron judge. his team lost a shot at the world series to the astros in 2017. >> i thought that was a little weak for a player-driven scheme. that no players, you know, involved got any punishments. >> reporter: many are directing their anger specifically at mlb
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commissioner rob manfred who after deciding not to strip the astros 2017 title called the world series trophy a piece of metal. he later apologized. >> there's no excuse for it. i made a mistake. >> reporter: but for some players not enough. >> i don't know if the commissioner has ever won anything in his life. >> reporter: the outrage moving beyond baseball from lebron james, you need to fix this for the sake of sports. and spring training this week players say they have one focus. >> we're here to play baseball. >> reporter: with at least some fans ready to back them up. >> it almost doesn't matter when they came out and said we did this, it's wrong, it's been found, they really -- we believe in forgiveness. >> reporter: and guys, of course, the big question this season is will we potentially see retaliation? that's other teams taking out their frustration by the pitche pitchers potentially taking aim at the batters. that's something we see in baseball. >> the big question is do the
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fans believe in forgiveness. we'll have to see. >> yeah, it's call getting plunked when they throw at some players. we'll see what it looks like. bill kairns out on the plaza right now with another check of the forecast. >> not only is this her last day of being 9. tomorrow you're 10, but and just found out this birthday girl wants to be a meteorologist. why? >> because i love the weather. >> i was about your age when i decided i wanted to do this so someday i'll be watching you. one the heavy rain in arizona, we do have a flash flood watch in the phoenix area. we could see 1 to 2 inches of rain. we also have some rain in the nevada caucus. the heat wave we'll call it that this time of year, 50s in rapid city very warm for february. and look at new york city tomorrow 55 degrees. so after a chilly morning today it's going to be a fantastic
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afternoon and the chill will return. it is still february. but satellite radar showcasing rain mainly to our south and the central coast. that did some periods of some showers. mainly for south san jose and the monterey area. we can expect to see the majority of the system clear out from our area but right now in san francisco 55 degrees and look at the fog building in through the afternoon, though. we will have mostly clear conditions. our temperatures will remain mild in the 60s. a couple of low 70s for the interior valleys. >> and you were finishing up your dockeratorate at a pharmac. 8 long years. >> congratulations to her. we can't wait to see what elise the future meteorologist will do. way to scout her out, bill. just ahead why prince harry
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and meghan markle will no longer be able t useo
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we are back and joelgar jewelo is here from pop start. >> we're going to start talking about one topic, the royals. a spokesperson has confirmed they will no longer use the word "royal "royal" in their sussex royal branding in post-spring 2020. they'll have to come up with new name for their non-profit organization, their website and their instagram page. meanwhile harry and meghan clarified their plans for the future on their website. harry will maintain his military ranks, both maintain they're royal titles but will not
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actively use them. their office at buckingham palace will close and the order of succession has not changed. this all goes into effect on march 31st. what do you think? >> what did i do on the train ride up here, i read all about it. >> and we should. >> can i get a t-shirt with that? >> done. next week that's a promise. shall we move onto everyone's favorite friends? rumors have been swirling about a possible reunion special for months even years and i am happy to finally report after all this time the cast was just an a break. yes, the rumors are true. jennifer, courtney, matthew, lisa, matt and david will all return to their original "friends" sound stage for a scripted special to air in may. the friends all posted this pic to social media simply writing it's happening. with the exception of matt
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leblank w leblank who posted a picture of the cast of "mash." >> i feel like it's a reunion with my friend. >> isn't it wild? >> i do, i love the show. >> i love how much you love your pop culture but we have to get to this last topic. finally the superstar making headlines yet again, baby yoda. the adorable mini look alike of the jedi master stole hearts back in november when he made his disney plus debut in the man deloran. this morning we have got a first look at one of the new toys. it's baby yoda formally known as the child i should say. it's as cute as you would expect. baby yoda is 10 inches tall, moves his tiny ears, tiny hands, his tiny head and makes the cutest little noises. and the toy will run about $60. while you can preorder it it won't ship until the fall and
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guess what, we have a baby yoda right here with us. it's a pop start exclusive. >> we had to kid nap this guy. >> i should mention baby yoda has got a very busy schedule so if you want to take your pictures i would do it now. >> so cute. we don't want to give him away. >> and he makes all these noises, too. it's a little loud so i don't know if we want to play it but -- >> joel, thank you so much. still ahead al pacino on how heanages to m your mission: stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and take. it. on with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some... rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. that's rinvoq relief. with ra, your overactive immune system attacks your joints. rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections,
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6:55 am
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we are back and alpushe pacs willie's guest. he's telling willie how he tries to stay out the spotlight. >> it seems to me on the celebrity scale, though, you kept your life somewhat normal. >> it was deliberate, of course. i have stayed out of the limelight because i always thought actors should be seen but not heard. >> yes. >> i just stayed away. >> how cool is that inthat's tomorrow on sunday today. >> an interview in a car with al pacino. w, we know the trump strategy- try to win by attacking, distorting, dividing. mr. president: it. won't. work. newspapers report bloomberg is the democrat trump fears most. as president, universal healthcare that lets people keep their coverage if they like it. a record on job creation. a doable plan to combat climate
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change. i led a complex, diverse city through 9-11 and i have common sense plans to move america away from chaos to progress! i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. good morning. i'm kira clapper. next on "today in the bay," people quarantined because of coronavirus here in the bay area will not be transferred to orange county. we'll explain why. plus, we are just three hours away from the nevada caucuses. what the democratic front-runners are doing as they approach super tuesday. overnight showers pass through the south bay. will it be enough to help our lack of rain? vieny is tracking showers for your saturday. it's time for the ultimate sleep number event on the sleep number 360 smart bed.
6:58 am
can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. it's the final days to save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus 0% interest for 24 months. ends sunday.
6:59 am
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7:00 am
you know, the happiest place on earth, but... have you flown the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy? or channeled your inner jedi? you gotta love that... have you raced through radiator springs? or struck a power pose with them? now is the perfect time to feel like this... and this... and definitely that. kids enjoy the magic for just $67 per child per day, with a 3-day 1-park per day ticket. good saturday morning. it is 7:00 on the dot. here is a live look outside. in san francisco. as we begin our saturday. we appreciate your starting your weekend with us. good morning. thank you so much for joanings. i'm ri ka clapper. vianey arana has a look at


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