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tv   Today  NBC  May 7, 2020 7:00am-8:59am PDT

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platform to highlight small 7:25 with another local news cut-in beautiful start to ourp today, thursday, may 7th, 2020. >> announcer: from nbc news, businesses i know you're going this is "today," with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb, live from to love who need our help. studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. good morning, everybody, but that's also to help you perk up during this social welcome to "today," we're so happy that you're joining us on next. have a great morning. this thursday morning. savannah, that was a nice picture to start the day, wasn't it? distancing starting with four companies seeded, the owner is regional sun, located in new york city, three employees, >> i was going to say, can we just linger for one moment on that lovely moment at an indiana located in chelsea market. hospital, the 300th patient to be released, a cause for celebration, every single if you're familiar in new york good morning, bracing for city they count on foot traffic. now they moved everything to online and social media and they're posting cooking videos patient but what one got a good sendoff, more on that moment in a little bit. impact, new numbers coming out let's get started where get this box at home and all things stand right now with the coronavirus. show another 3 million lost jobs the total number of cases in the united states climbing to nearly in the last week as companies shed workers at a these spices and blends. historic pace during the 1.3 million deaths, now approaching 75,000. officials say they are seeing an outbreak. this morning, why many believe alarming increase in some states that are moving forward with the damage could actually get and we love this, someone loves you a -- when my uncle gets out far worse. is the nation on the verge of a of the hospital, we are sending reopening. by sunday, 43 states will be at this to you, uncle jerry, we know you'd love it second great depression? mystery illness, new fears over a rare disease striking children, possibly linked to least partially back in put the box together covid-19. go to seed and to choose 10% discount using today 10 as cases quadrupling in new york city in a matter of days, business, savannah. >> also this morning, a lawsuit leading to a new health alert. has now been filed against >> i understand why parents michigan's governor for the code extending her state's stay at we love it
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home order. republican lawmakers accusing the governor, gretchen whitmer, of abusing her power. would be anxious. nba players and staff have this is fantastic. i think everybody should be. been asked to help with a new mayo clinic study that aims at scent and fire >> the signs and symptoms all parents need to know. a candle company, a one man identifying antibodies on the demanding justice. band, this woman is awesome. monisha edwards, produces, >> who do we run with? >> protests grow louder after coronavirus. ships, packs from her disturbing v we're starting with a grimmer picture we're getting when it one-bedroom condo. comes to the virus's toll on the she suffered from depression and anxiety, and turned to holistic ways to alleviate stress like economy. jo ling kent has a closer look aromatherapy months later, still no arrests. there's actually a code at the just ahead our interview with top, and that's our response to his mother. >> what mains me the most is at the numbers. a play list. that he was killed, but then the so it will set the mood for authorities, they truly let me down. >> reporter: hoda, good morning. whichever scent you choose, a snow for mother's day? the polar vortex set to deliver the damage the coronavirus great company, sent, cod today show 2020, 15% off the wreaked on the economy is grave. entire order something fun for the whole family, and great to do with an additional 3 million to the pictures, the owners are peter unemployment numbers. a late season taste of winter to tens of millions. snow in the forecast from west no state has been spared. virginia up to maine, record cold in the south and al is hardest-hit states, california, and fred, a printing startup of tracking it all. those stories, plus, here's to you. georgia, texas as jobs disappear ten employees, they're keeping doctors and nurses at an indiana them all on and this will help in every part of this country. transform your photos and keep your kids busy at the same time. another devastating headline
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hospital give their 300th rocking the economy. this is actually a sticker and you stick this to the wall, patient to recover from the 3.2 million claims for coronavirus a rousing sendoff. unemployment filed last week. comes rolled up. total number since march surging it's sticker wall part that's the touching applause, cheers used as coloring paper, it will above 33 million. not ruin the wall and you color right on it. and tears of pure joy. bad sign of what's to come in love that. so that will keep the kids busy, friday's jobs report. and works as wall art as well. adp is reporting at least 20 million private sector jobs were offering a photo you can make lost in april. into acrylics, my favorite to hardest-hit industries are trade, transportation, utilities, construction, put on the wall, my beautiful hospitality, with a total of parents. more than 14 million furloughed. and your favorite travels, make your photo into a yoga mat feeling the pressure, the owner of this restaurant, a family run a lot of people doing drive-by celebration, happy birthday business feeding newport beach parties, make your own photo booth and they have signs that you can put on the lawn. so that when people drive by residents since 1977. he's using money from a ppp loan they can honk and congrats, to pay rent and -- congratulate anybody graduating >> it's horrible. or anybody having a birthday we have people working here for 30 years and you have to look them in the eye and tell them offering 70% off, use the promo that this is not going to be code today, again, and last but not loess, golden thread, jennifer located in houston, texas, used to be an icu nurse, made jewelry as a hobby
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sustainable. tear jerking, honestly, it's the company started out of her very frustrating. >> out of work -- living examples of the real world impact those jobless numbers have. home >> hopefully i have a job to go donating a portion of the back to. >> he's a third generation proceeds to food bank of painter living in new jersey partners feeding america, 20% off the site use the code with his wife and three kids with one more on the way. he's now getting unemployment but still hasn't been able to get all the benefits he's entitled to. >> i can't get the department of labor to let me know what community. and we hope you enjoyed our small business solutions i just wanted to remind you of three things, first of all, be happened. patient with the shipping. it might take a little bit but >> with over 30 million jobless they're going to get it to you two, if you don't want to buy now but you want to buy later, buy a gift card, these small companies can use your business claims filed in the last six now. weeks state agencies are already and you can use it later pushed to their limits. spread the word. if you know of a hidden gem, let some unemployment systems sswe we can. buckling under the pressure, websites crashing, hours long wait times and funds lost in the sending you all my love and prayers and i'll see you next mail, adding to the growing frustration, hope and money seemingly running out for people week. who desperately need both. >> jill, doing great work. thank you so much. if you do want to learn more about these businesses, their products or others like them we encourage you to visit >> i hate to say this but the -- we know consumer spending is just ahead, we're going to down by a record amount. show our love to teachers who tomorrow we get the april jobs have been stepping up in a big report from the labor department. way for their students in this extraordinary time but first, this is "today"
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we are expecting to see at least on nbc we're all doing our part by staying at home. 15% unemployment, and could be higher. savannah, the numbers are adding that could mean an increase in energy bills. up, could be the worst since the you can save by setting your heat to 68 or lower... great depression. >> all right, jo, thank you. we're joined by neal -- the unplugging and turning off devices when not in use... president of the federal bank of or just letting the sun light your home. minneapolis, oversaw the treasury department $700 billion bailout program during the 2008 stay well and keep it golden. financial crisis. good morning, see you again. >> good to see you too, savannah. >> let's pick it up right there. we are expecting this monthly jobs report tomorrow. we've seen week after week the unemployment claims just break every record imaginable, many people expect what we'll see tomorrow to be the worst report ever. what are you bracing for? >> i think that's right, but that bad report tomorrow is going to understate how bad the damage has been. and... l(music fades in). that survey asks people are you actively looking for work and a hey! -hi! lot of people who just lost ♪ their jobs and we're all sheltering in place, they're not actively looking for work, so i ♪ think the number tomorrow will probably be something like 16 or
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17%. i think the real number is ♪ probably around 23% or 24%. it's devastating. >> it really is. i mean, it makes you think of ♪ the great depression, those are numbers we saw during the great depression. >> i'm hopeful that we can bounce back, and i don't think -- i'm optimistic. i don't think we're headed for another great depression. part of the reason the great depression was as bad as it was was that policymakers in the 1930s did the wrong thing. they did things that made it worse. we've learned from that and you're seeing bold action by congress to support american workers. the federal reserve is acting very aggressively. we will continue to act aggressively. i think it's becoming clear that we're in for a long, gradual recovery, which is unfortunate. i wish we had a quick bounceback. but we're going to avert the depression scenario because policymakers will continue to be aggressive to fight that outcome. >> that's a hopeful note. i do want to ask you about the recovery. there's talk that there's so
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much pent up demand and that makes a lot of sense to people. you'd think as soon as those doors swing open everyone's going to rush to ramp up on the economy. the president has said he actually expects a very good "today" loves teachers is fourth quarter in the economy, created by "today" with our end of this year, and a phenomenal, his word, a phenomenal recovery next year. sponsor, state farm. like a good neighbor, state farm is there. do you see it that way? >> well, i hope so but it's really going to depend on the and we are back with "today" loves teachers, all week we've been celebrating national teacher appreciation week, we've virus and it's going to depend on how well our scientists and been honoring the men and women our health care experts can get who use their talents and passion to educate our kids. al >> that's right, hoda, during control of the virus. we do need a breakthrough in a vaccine or a therapy, ultimately to give all of us confidence these unusual times, so many are going above and beyond to stay connected with their students. well, this morning, we have a sweet surprise for a group of truly exceptional educators. that it's safe to go back out to meet first grade teacher deb restaurants or movie theaters or sporting events. ultimately we are going to set cowley in rochester, new york, the pace of the recovery based on when we feel confident but that means we need to get making surprise visits to her students at home, delivering school supplies as well as food and essential items that parents can't find in stores control of the virus. i hope so, but i think we need
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to prepare for a more gradual like a loaf of bread she left in recovery while we hope for a quicker rebound. one student's mailbox. she dresses up in costumes for >> for you, if we don't have a vaccine, and we don't have a video calls with her students, miracle drug treatment that keeping them engaged and made them all her pen pals so they can keep practicing their writing. in los angeles, california, there's high school english solves 80% or 90% of cases that we don't get that economic teacher kara williams, she's recovery until we have one or constantly calling, texting and the other of those things? >> it will be gradual until we emailing her students to make sure they stay on track with have one of those things. i think we're seeing targeted reopening. i mean, i think some businesses lend themselves to safety, you can socially distance, and some online assignments businesses you can wear masks she even conferenced in her own grandma who speaks spanish to translate a conversation with a student's mom so she could understand what her child was and some businesses. going through. but take a movie theater. one florida elementary when are we all going to feel safe to sit in a crowded movie schoolteacher katy noticed one theater. i like to go to the movies, i of her students was having a doubt i'm going to go back to a movie theater until we have a vaccine or therapy. there's going to be a recovery hard time with online learning, she went to her house and read her a story from six feet away but i think it will be gradual on the driveway and this week on a business by business basis. she visited all 30 of her when you hear about restaurants saying we're going to have every other table, that sounds students to de promising but i don't know how many restaurants can make ends meet if they are serving half as mother's day crafts they can make at home to give to mom. then there's principal verdy montgomery from a high school in wiley, texas, he's traveled 800
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miles over 12 days to visit all 612 seniors at home, taking selfies with each one from six many customers. unfortunately the recovery looks like it's going to be slow. >> and how much do you worry about what we're seeing right feet away along his journey, now? because the virus is obviously still with us. we actually see increasing, in leaving each of them with a certain parts of the country, yet we see all but a handful of candy bar and a sweet message of states begin those reopening support as they finish out their measures and the nightmare scenario is you get a situation where you reopen too soon, get more virus and you have to pay this horrible economic price school year at home. what an incredible group twice by shutting down again. they've done so much and we want to say thank you for going the how concerned are you about extra mile something like that? >> i'm very concerned about that so in honor of that, our sponsor, state farm, is donating $10,000 to each of their schools because just as you said the virus is still spreading to help the students finish up strong and get a jump start on throughout much of the country. if we reopen too quickly, or we're not smart about the next year. businesses that reopen it absolutely could flare back up again. we study pandemics from around we want to thank everybody, keep up the good work and we hope, in some small way, this helps the world and in history. guys >> it will. and the flu pandemic of 1918 >> that's terrific those are awesome, we're there was a wave in the spring, watching how incredible these it went a little bit quieter over the summer, people thought they were through it and then it came roaring back in the fall teachers are every single day. and the real devastation was in all right, we have a lot the fall. more on a thursday morning we'll take a break but first, this is "today" on so we have to continue to be nbc. very measured and not reopen too quickly because we may pay the
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price for that. >> all right. neel kashkari, thank you so much. hoda? 43 states have done that by thanks for sharing your diy haircuts. sunday and health officials say in some of them they're already thanks for sharing your savage moves, seeing a new surge in cases and and especially your awkward ones. the risk rewards now weighing on the white house. thanks for sharing your cute kids. nbc's peter alexander joins us with more on that part of the story. and your adorable pets. now it's our turn to share... with the geico giveback. a 15% credit on car and motorcycle policies for both current and new customers. peter, good morning. and because we're committed for the long haul, >> reporter: hoda, good morning the credit lasts your full policy term. to you, president trump will meet here today with the governor of texas, the president so thanks again. trying to put less emphasis on the federal response to the health side of this crisis, one good share deserves another. instead focusing americans' attention on focusing back on the economy. a move his allies think is politically better for him. president trump acknowledges more americans will lose their louvres. lives. >> we can't keep our country closed down for years. and we have to do something. >> reporter: by sunday at least
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43 states will have completely or partially reopened. bloomberg reporting ten of them without meeting the white house's recommended guidelines, including a downward trajectory of cases over a 14-day period. president trump pulling the plug on his plans to shut down the coronavirus task force as the death toll climbs past 72,000. coming the day after the president discussed plans to phase it out. >> i had no idea how popular the task force is until actually tag about winding it down i get calls from very respected people saying i think it would be better to keep it going. >> reporter: now he says he'll extend it indefinitely, saying drs. birx and fauci will remain on the team. at a national nurses' day event at the white house. >> i've been reusing my n95 mask for a few weeks now. >> the president took issue with one of his guests on the availability of personal protective gear for first
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responders. >> ppe has been sporadic, but it's been manageable, and we do what we have to do. we're nurses and we learn to adapt. imagine writing a novel on a >> sporadic for you, but not sporadic for a lot of other imagine writing a novel on a people. pandemic, and releasing your fictional account in the middle >> i agree, mr. president. >> i've heard the opposite. i've heard they are loaded up of a real one. >> highly acclaimed ha thorough lawrence wright who won a with gowns now. pulitzer prize has written hist >> the moment happening in the oval office on wednesday and even as a pair of new studies shows strong evidence that children can transmit the virus frightening ways, here's nbc's harry smith. >> reporter: as the covid-19 wherever possible, saying he believes that that could happen viru first novel. "the end of october" and it in most of the country. mirrors today's reality in some but the president also says that frightening ways, here's nbc's harry smith. teachers over the age of 60, >> reporter: as the covid-19 virus swamped hospitals and especially those with health swept the country many of us problems, should for now be wondered how did we not see this careful, or perhaps stay home. coming hoda? lawrence wright, though, did >> peter, i'll take it, thank connect the dots. >> since the last 20 years we've had ebola and sars and mers and you so much. to another major story in the headlines this morning, the shooting death of a young black man who was killed after being chased by a white father and son, drawing new attention this west nile and zika the pace seems to be picking up. just the fact that we have morning because of video that covid-19, it should not have has just surfaced and our senior
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national correspondent kate know smoke with the victim's family. caught us by surprise. >> reporter: in the end of kate, good morning. october wright details schools >> reporter: good morning, closing. airlines shut down savannah. job loss his mother tells me he used to run for exercise every day and and economic collapse. for a book he completed last she believes that's what he was summer. >> this book feels like it could doing when he was shot and killed. have been written last week. an attorney for the family says the entire investigation has been compromised since the >> even for me, i mean, sometimes i read the newspaper and it feels like i'm reading a chapter in my book >> reporter: for wright research is bedrock while the end of october is a novel, it is filled with facts, facts that augered the future. start. and even though a prosecutor now says he wants criminal charges considered, no arrests have been >> one of the reasons we did made. fail in this regard is that the a warning, the video we're about budget cuts to the centers for to show you is disturbing. this morning, the video drawing disease control and prevention, international attention, amad, who is african-american, was seen running on a sunday afternoon in february in one of the casualties of that brunswick, georgia, gregory mcmichael can his son travis who were the surveillance teams they had in other countries, including china. we had our own eyes on the ground, but we blinded are white are in a pickup ahead, ourselves. both armed, travis fires a shotgun and kills arbury. >> reporter: that absence of the father said there had been vision as portrayed in wright's novel foresees a world in deep several break-ins in the trouble, on the brink of
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neighborhood and the man he distaupia. dystopia >> one thing i didn't get right is i didn't appreciate the viewed as the suspect was solidarity of ordinary people to isolate themselves, willingly, running down the street. he and his son grabbed their guns and went after him thinking he could be armed. just think of the personal and mcmichael also said arbury began social and financial and even spiritual cost that people are to violently attack travis. paying. >> reporter: and to solve the world's problems in his novel, a his mother says her son was out for a daily jog. different kind of super hero, a scientist. >> that's just something he enjoyed doing ron an attorney says he was unarmed and tried to >> not so easy to make heroes in eye void the truck. he says there's no evidence to today's world, but i found so suggest he was committing a many of them in the world of crime. public health. georgia has a statute allowing that it was totally possible for me to envision someone with citizen arrest. >> however, you must personally those qualities, not a super observe the crime. you can't be, you believe that hero, but an extraordinary someone may have committed a crime in the area in the recent person, a valuable person. >> reporter: wright is a serious past. student of our world and he says a crisis like the covid-19 pandemic tell us a lot about >> reporter: protests have been ourselves. organized. lebron james, viola davis and >> wars and depressions and wanda sikes are part of it. pandemics are like x-rays. and you can see into the attorney allen tucker who has society, see things that you never really understood before known gregory mcmichaels for 30 now we can really see what kind years since there's not a of people we are.
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prejudiced bone in his body. >> that was harry smith reporting there, "the end of he released the cell phone video october"s ou to get the truth out there. two prosecutors recused all right, that will do it for us for a thursday morning. themselves. but oh, there's more, third and he thought their actions were fourth hours, just ahead right, guys? perfectly legal and travis mcmichael was allowed to use deadly force to protect himself >> after your local news after arbury allegedly initiated the fight and grabbed his shotgun. on tuesday the da now responsible called for the grand good morning. jury to consider criminal 8:56. i'm marcus washington. another 3.2 million people filed first-time unemployment claims last week. it's slightly above forecast. but the news did not shake wall street. claims over the past seven charges but because of coronavirus closures that can't happen until june. >> what pains me the most is that he was killed. but then the authorities, they truly -- they let me down. weeks. today governor newsom is expected to reveal more about >> reporter: the georgia bureau phase two of reopening of investigations is now investigating this case as well. california, including guidelines the governor of georgia has said for allowing curbside pick-up in georgians deserve answers, tomorrow who you have been amad's 26th birthday and a nonessential businesses. facebook group is calling on ucsf doctors say it's supporters to run, jog or walk tomorrow to demand justice. important to reopen carefully. savannah? they are worried the process may
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>> kate, thank you so much. turn into a surge of new hoda, to you. infections. governor gavin newsom is set all right, it is 7:17. for noon to have a press why don't we move to good news, an indianapolis hospital is conference. and we will bring that to you celebrating a joyous milestone live. and, of course, stream it on this morning. we'll also have a live update during our midday news cast. the governor is expanding sick pay benefits to all workers who become ill from the coronavirus and even if you [ cheers and applause ] already had to stay home illnesu you are looking at james siki, being wheeled out of iu health methodist hospital, the 300th can actually sti successful discharge of a your application. you can check our home page right now for those full details. san rafael is investigating covid-19 patient. a series of small fires. siki waves, and he's blowing kisses to the doctors, nurses and other hospital staff. more of that at midday. they were cheering him on as he we're all doing our part by staying at home. finally, finally made his way home. so we always live for those kind of moments. a lot of bleak news out there, but then there's somebody like him that comes upon our screen. good to see him.
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>> he really rose to the occasion, blowing kisses, the waves, that was just really sweet. >> very impressive. >> yeah, let's get our first check of the weather. start of may, so says the calendar, al, but you're telling a different story out east. that could mean an increase in energy bills. >> i'm telling you, it's crazy. we're talking polar vortex. take a look. you can save by setting your heat to 68 or lower... we didn't get this at all during unplugging and turning off devices when not in use... the winter. but now it's springtime, and or just letting the sun light your home. it's weakened, and so it's allowed all this cold air to stay well and keep it golden. drop down. 75 million people below freezing by saturday morning. we're talking about records possible from boston all the way down to atlanta, with windchills well below where we normally would be for this time of year. and add to that, a storm developing into the northeast by friday evening, heavy rain from new england all the way down into the southeast, and then as it slams into that cold air with strong wind gusts of 40 miles per hour, snow showers, windchills from pittsburgh up into new england with some light snow developing. look at some of these snow
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totals, northern new england could see upwards of six to eight inches of snow, but interior sections of new york and new england could see about two to four inches. we're going to get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. because we're here tp make this "new" normal, feel just a little more... normal. like a good neighbor, state farm is there.® good morning. i am meteorologist, kari hall. as we check out our live view in san jose, the sun is up and very clear skies across the bay area. it's going to start to warm up quickly as we head to 87 degrees
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in the south bay. some of our east bay microclimates will reach 92 degrees. our inland temperatures will peak tomorrow reaching up to 94 live from studio 1a in degrees, but this heat doesn't last long. we will cool off and we could rockefeller plaza, this is the "3rd hour of today." even see a chance of rain next week. >> good morning to you, welcome that's your latest weather, guys to the "3rd hour of today," it >> al, thank you. coming up, a new health alert over the mysterious illness striking children and is thursday, may 7th the link to the coronavirus cases quadrupling here in new craig melvin at studio 1a, al york and sheinelle working at home. we're going to hear from doctors we received the latest who say they've never seen unemployment numbers and once again thneled for unemployment anything like it. plus, the signs that all parents need to look out for week, that brings the total over savannah the past seven weeks to more and then, as the country than 33 million americans who slowly starts to reopen, the race to restock those have lost jobs, in fact in some desperately needed disinfectant wipes and sanitizers, when are states a full quarter of the they going to be back on store population is out ofor shelves? our interview with the ceo of clorox but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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just ahead, imagine this, imagine being personally
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serenaded by blake shelton i cannot wait to share this surprise that he helped us out with, a mom and daughter from new orleans, they were helping coronavirus patients despite a huge personal cost we'll talk about it. but first, your local news our skin... ...tells a story ...that deserves... -the best care. dove body wash's new formula works with your skin... ...for lasting care. so your skin... ...can keep telling stories... ...beautifully. new dove body wash proven lasting care for the skin you live in.
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you get relentless protection. you can be feminine and fierce. no sweat. introducing new secret with essential oils. fourty-eight hour sweat protection. now crafted with pure, essential oils. secret - all strength, no sweat. so chantix can help you quit slow turkey. along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. with chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting so when the day arrives, you'll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. stop chantix and get help right away if you have changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions, seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking, or life-threatening allergic and skin reactions. decrease alcohol use. use caution driving or operating machinery. tell your doctor if you've had mental health problems. the most common side effect is nausea. talk to your doctor about chantix.
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good morning to you. 7:26. i am marcus washington. >> i am laura garcia. here's a look at our top stories on this thursday morning, including awaiting the gradual reopening of some of the california businesses. >> today business owners are looking forward to what the governor has to say about the gradual reopening of businesses under phase two or stage two. the governor has said this will include retail and manufacturing and logistics as well, although we know a lot of restaurant owners are looking for guidance going forward as well, and the governor to talk about the changes coming up in his daily press conference. good morning, everyone. i am scott mcgrew. we will get jobless claims, showing 3.6 million americans
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filing for unemployment last week. we get the jobs number for the labor department tomorrow and we expect a huge decline and an enormous jump in the unemployment rate, perhaps as high as 20%. i am bob redell in san leandro. four men were operating an illegal butane honey lab here when there was an explosion. the men who were in the process of extracting hash oil from 20 pounds of marijuana when the roof blew off. two are in custody, and one detained in the hospital, and one has a broken arm. and then small fires were set in san rafael overnight. we know somebody tried to set fire to an aapartment, dumpsters and a tree. police are asking anybody that does not live in that area to
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stay away. we're looking at highs reach into the 90s, so whatever outdoor activities you have do them early in the day. we will see the highs up to 92 in concord, and 93 in antioch. in san jose we are going to reach up to 87 degrees. 80 in oakland. san francisco will be in the mid-70s. we will see highs in the low 90s in the north bay. in the forecast we peak tomorrow with the hottest temperatures, and then a significant cooldown by saturday into sunday and may even be tracking rain as we go into early next week, so we will have more updates on that. now back to you. >> another local news update coming up in just half an hour. >> see you then.
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we're back at 7:30, it's we're back at 7:30, it's thursday morning, may 7th, 2020. look at our plaza, sun shining down we miss seeing your folks out there. we can't wait until we're all reunited it's going to happen soon. we have a special announcement coming up, an invitation to our fans to help us recreate the plaza magic in the virtual world. we like the sound of that. craig, good morning. >> good to see you, savannah. another note, we're talking with melinda gates, about the work the foundation is doing to come up with a vaccine melinda is talking about another crucial factor that she says needs to be addressed before we can reopen the country, and rebuild the economy, don't miss our conversation it's tomorrow morning right here on "today." >> all right, looking forward to that let's start with our 7:30 headlines this half hour, the latest on the coronavirus, the
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total number of cases in the united states climbing to nearly 1.3 million now. deaths, now approaching 75,000. >> frontier airlines is dropping plans to charge passengers an extra fee to sit next to an empty middle seat. the reversal comes after lawmakers accused the airline of trying to profit from fear over the pandemic. >> all right, and here's a strange one for you, guys, a llama, by the name of winter, that guy, could actually be key to finding a cure to the coronavirus.e the llama that appears to block the virus and they aim to roll out human trials later this year. >> okay. >> okay. >> so that llama is ready for his close-up. >> that's right. now to mounting concerns
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over a mystery illness that strikes children and is believed to be linked to the coronavirus. suspected cases have quadrupled here in new york city leading health officials to issue an alert to calls for hospitals to report any similar cases we're going to talk about it n with dr. john torres first, nbc's kristen dahlgren has the latest. >> a complication that can affect the heart and blood vessels of children that's listen linked to covid-19. the american heart association putting out an alert for pediatricians everywhere to be on the lookout for symptoms. new york state suspects 64 cases of pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome. hospitals must immediately report cases to the state department of health. >> i understand why parents would be anxious i think everybody should be. this is still a developing situation, and we don't know all the facts. >> reporter: the symptoms appear to be similar to two known diseases
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kawasaki disease and the more dangerous toxic shock syndrome, ranging from fever and rash to vomiting and diarrhea. some children, like jaden hardawar who is now recovered even going into cardiac arrest the syndrome is rare but has been seen in europe and several states in the u.s. the epicenter right now is new york. >> we just admitted another two last night i have six in my intensive care unit right now that fit this criteria and these kids can be very ill >> reporter: while two studies from china and europe now indicate children might spread the coronavirus there's still a lot of unknowns. experts warn kids across the country could be at risk for never before seen complications. dr. jane newberger from boston children's hospital said they've never seen anything like it. >> can we tell parents yet which children might be more prone to getting this
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>> i think we cannot yet give any intelligent information about which children will or will not develop the syndrome. >> reporter: the timeline for when this inflammatory disease appears can be days to weeks after covid symptoms, suggesting lingering effects and danger even after recovering from the virus. kristen dahlgren, nbc news, new york. >> to help us better understand this we want to bring in dr. john torres, last time we spoke, i think just three days ago, new york had 15 cases. now we're talking about 64 cases, talking about this new advisory i guess my first question is, how concerned should parents be about this >> hoda, you're right. the cases have gone up dramatically last few days part of the reason behind that is because doctors are now reporting it in. it's something they probably saw in their properties but didn't in their hospitals but didn' know other people were is a seeing it as well. other cases are probably
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cropping up as well. as far as concern i think parents need to be aware of what's going on but not terribly concerned. worldwide we're talking about under 200 cases. it's very, very rare, it's happening in children, but at the same time it is very serious. something they should probably be aware about but not necessarily overly concerned about. >> we talked about the symptoms, we're talking about fever and rash and vomiting and diarrhea, abdominal pain what should parents look for, and how many of those do they have to have before they decide to take their child to the hospital >> the biggest key is the fever. four plus days of fever, what the new york state department of health is telling providers to look for, four plus days of fever in a row, fever with rash is even more concerning. ask then the abdominal pain is something, tends to be unique. i interviewed a 12-year-old last week that had that, the only symptom she had before she went to the hospital and her heart stopped, able to restart it, so she's doing well but at the same time that seems to be a unique symptom. the diarrhea and vomiting as
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well if parents see that in their child, especially if they recovere from coronavirus or had it earlier -- >> i'm confused, have these children had coronavirus >> the vast majority of children have tested positive for coronavirus. some of them didn't test positive at the time but later on had antibodies and some have not tested positive for coronavirus. that's why we keep saying it seems to be related to covid-19 but we're still trying to figure out those unknowns seems to be a situatio their immune system goes into overdrive and causes them to go into this shock type syndrome which results in the organ failures we're talking about. >> transmission, there are new studies about how much of the virus kids transmit and it's especially important now because, you know, we're talking about school coming back in the fall so what do we know about that? >> so that's a big thing here, making sure that everybody's safe when kids go back to school in the fall. two different studies, one from
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germany, found out that children have as much virus in their body as adults and in some cases they have more of a viral load than adults and that means they can transmit it to other people. the second study out of china, found out that even though children weren't as susceptible to coronavirus when they went back to school they had three times more contact than adults did and their likelihood of spreading it is equal to adults. now we know from these two different studies they can have the virus equal to adults and spread it as easily as adults can. we need to be careful when they go back to school and make sure they're not getting sick, but also that they don't get the virus, bring it home and get other people sick as well. something we need to keep in mind when schools start reopening in the fall and make sure we do it very, very well. >> dr. torres, thanks for your expertise. coming up next, are you still struggling to find disinfectant wipes and cleaners? well, just ahead, a rare look inside one factory that's scrambling 24/7 to meet skyrocketing demand and how soon they could be back in stock at your local stores. that's right after this. the extraordinary people
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like picking up food, or supplies, or, dropping them off. after all, cars were invented to bring us closer together. so, carmax is doing everything we can to keep you going. and that's the way it should be. i heard there guwere fleas out here.r? and t-t-t-t-t-icks! and mosquitoooooooooooes! listen up, scaredy cats. we all have k9 advantix ii to protect us. it kills and repels fleas, ticks and mosquitoes, too. l'oréal's magic root cover up three seconds to flawless roots three... two... one... roots gone! ♪ magic root cover up by l'oréal paris ♪ oh my gosh! ♪ i came across sofi and it was the best decision of my life.
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i really liked that they didn't have any hidden or extra fees. sofi has brought me peace of mind.
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we're back, 7:42 now with the search for solutions, and for a lot of families an ongoing problem from the very start of the coronavirus outbreak has been finding those hard to come disinfectant wipes. >> but just why are they so scarce and when will the supply chain catch up to demand we sent nbc's blayne alexander on a mission for answers blayne, good morning. >> reporter: well, guys, good morning to you, i know that i've been there, many of you probably have if you're wondering when you can stop chasing after those restock trucks, just to get one of these from the grocery store, you're likely looking at june, possibly july now companies are working around the clock right now, even hiring new employees, but many are just still playing catchup with this record demand. for the millions of us searching store shelves for those precious disinfectant wipes used to combat the coronavirus, relief is still a few months away. >> in some cases we sold as much in one week as we normally sell
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in one month >> reporter: at clorox, ceo benno dorer says demand is up 500% in this video from the company a rare look inside their operation. factories turning out wipes 24/7 the company is hiring new workers to keep up with overwhelming demand. when will people be able to go to the stores and find product in stock on the shelves? >> we know that right now we cannot make enough products for everybody to find products in the store all the time but we're making tremendous progress we think we will be in a substantially better shape by the summer >> reporter: experts say that delay is across the board. sales for aerosol disinfectants 150%. >> in a normal year you'll certainly plan to ramp up production of key products, like sanitizers, disinfectants, wipes for cold and flu
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in march were up 385% from the same time last year, multipurpose cleaners, cheerily 150%. >> in a normal year you'll certainly plan to ramp up production of key products, like sanitizers, disinfectants, wipes for cold and flu season. this is like an unprecedented event in modern times. >> reporter: one struggle, getting the key chemicals needed to make the products sometimes shipped from around the world. many companies are prioritizing frontline workers, shipping directly to hospitals first. at this clorox factory in atlanta, jessica matthews can feel the change. how busy are you guys inside the factory? hectic some days. >> reporter: her job now deemed essential, one of many workers >> the demand is very high it's hectic some days. >> reporter: her job now deemed essential, one of many workers on a different front line. >> we have to get out there every day and do our job, and where would society be without us you know, it really makes you feel like you're valuable and this is what we need to do. >> so blayne, for all these people who can't get their hands on clorox, how can they make sure that they're using a good alternative to disinfect >> reporter: yeah, so, craig, the key is to make sure that whatever you do use as enough
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alcohol content. the cdc recommends you use something with 70% alcohol, if you're talking about disinfecting your hands, hand sanitizer, that should have 60%. other key is making sure you're using these products properly. enough to really disinfect we've got a full list of those guidelines on >> blayne alexander for us in atlanta, thank you so much. now that that story's over, savannah, you've got some splaining to do. >> what happened >> what happened was, right before we came on my mic, which is right here, dropped down my shirt and then i knew i was supposed to read the intro, and so i just made a decision to reach out and get it. >> i'm sorry, but -- >> that was happening. >> that was perfect. i see a meme in your future. >> glad you got it. >> yeah, i mean -- it was all
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very innocent. >> yes, it was mr. roker, you got a check of the weather? >> hey, rockie, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat wow. okay let's show you what we have going on we are looking at some severe weather, some strong storms, texas into oklahoma today into tonight, we're talking about 6 million people at risk, damaging winds and hail, and that moves to the east into the central gulf coast tomorrow, 6 million folks at risk for hail, damaging winds and we can't rule out a tornado or two as this system pushes rain and snow, montana to missouri, showers and storms develop across the souther good morning.
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i am meteorologist, kari hall. as we take a live look outside in san francisco, a nice clear start to the day and it will still stay comfortable here with high temperatures reach into the mid-70s. as you make your way inland it's going to be much hotter this afternoon as we reach up to 93 degrees today in antioch, and san jose will reach 87 degrees. it gets slightly hotter tomorrow and then we will have a cooldown for the weekend, just in time for mother's day, we'll have highs in the mid-70s and even a chance of rain early next week. good news, savannah, we're never going to see that video again, ever. >> i know. i know guys, and actually let's stick with that theme, like with just weird things happening right now. still ahead, the supreme court yesterday, was that a flush that we heard >> this is great. >> the moment during that historic supreme court oral arguments had to happen by phone, that's got everybody talking. somebody was multitasking.
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don't eat them for the 100 percent whole grain oats. don't eat them because the oats can help lower cholesterol. eat them for her. ♪ killer attitude. good moves. or hydration. neutrogena® hydro boost. the number 1 hyaluronic acid moisturizer instantly delivers 2 times the hydration. and keeps hydrating all day long.
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running dry of supple, bouncy skin? never! hydro boost. pair with hydro boost wipes to cleanse and hydrate. neutrogena® pair with hydro boost wipes to cleanse and hydrate. tastes and bakes like butter. which means even 229 times state fair baking champion lynn rupley-smith is going plant based. i'm going to have to build a bigger ribbon case. even butter lovers love it. sensitivity it's very common to have a gum health concern as well. but if you have sensitive teeth, you probably aren't going to brush your teeth as effectivity because it causes pain. and if you see blood you should do something about it. you know, i talk to dentists every day and they're able to recommend one product, new sensodyne sensitivity & gum, to address both conditions at the same time. if we only treat one versus the other, the patient's mouth is never going to be where it needs to be. it's really good dentistry to be able to recommend one product for patients that can address two conditions.
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who've got their eczema under, with less eczema, you can show more skin. so roll up those sleeves. and help heal your skin from within with dupixent. dupixent is the first treatment of its kind that continuously treats moderate-to-severe eczema, or atopic dermatitis, even between flare ups. dupixent is a biologic, and not a cream or steroid. many people taking dupixent saw clear or almost clear skin, and, had significantly less itch. that's a difference you can feel. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, which is severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. if you take asthma medicines, don't change or stop them without talking to your doctor. so help heal your skin from within. and talk to your eczema specialist about dupixent.
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savannah, you got a moment for us, a moment that's getting lots of attention. >> that's right, and i just want to say, in advance, i'm sorry that we're being a little juvenile here, but don't you think we could all use a laughhe difficulty finding the mute button during yesterday's supreme court case, which had to be argued over the phone, there was an unexpected sound take a listen. >> maybe they're going to be saying, hey, call your congressmen and change these se subject matter -- the laws that apply to banks, what the fcc has said when the subject matter -- the topic, the call is transformed. >> the call was transformed right then and there when you've got to go -- >> you've got to go. who's your money on? what do you think it was >> it's got to be a guy. >> probably. >> oh, definitely, it's a guy. what do you think? >> we just narrowed it down
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there. >> we've got some guesses. we'll give them to you off live. >> exactly it's a little silly. but so are we, you know, we're all 12 years old. >> exactly. coming up, guys, some new ways that we can all support struggling small businesses, they could really use our help i'm super excited about this segment coming up. plus, can't wait to introduce you to a mother and daughter fighting on the front lines, getting a little surprise from blake shelton i can finally enjoy cereal again. it's totally natural. and having only the a2 protein makes all the difference. my first latte in 12 years. ♪ ♪ i know just one thing is true ♪ ♪ life is better with you
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tuna for jj. turkey for tj. turkey for jj. tuna for tj. this is why we named your brother derek. get a free footlong yup, free. when you buy one on the subway app. order now. stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and take. it. on... ...with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill... ...can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some-rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. that's rinvoq relief. with ra, your overactive immune system... ...attacks your joints. rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious infections and blood clots, sometimes fatal, have occurred... have certain cancers, including lymphoma,
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tears in the stomach or intestines, and changes in lab results. your doctor should monitor your bloodwork. tell your doctor about any infections...and if you are or may become pregnant while taking rinvoq. take on ra talk to your rheumatologist about rinvoq relief. rinvoq. make it your mission. if you can't afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. i've tried the $200 creams, the $400 creams olay regenerist microsculpting cream makes my skin feel so hydrated. i can face anything with my olay. and my latest beauty secret... for bright, smooth skin... olay regenerist cream cleanser. ♪ ♪ life's more fun with a dog. and doglife is more fun with milk-bone. ♪ ♪ to us at best foods, taste is everything. and we believe great taste starts with great ingredients.
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like 100% cage free eggs. because at best foods, we're on the side of food. ibut that doesn't you're . apart for a bit, because at best foods, we're automatically refunding our customers a portion of their personal auto premiums. we're also offering flexible payment options for those who've been financially affected by the crisis. we look forward to returning to something that feels a little closer to life as we knew it, but until then you can see how we're here to help at [ piano playing ] good morning to you. 7:56. i am marcus washington. >> i am laura garcia. here's what is happening now. >> i am kris sanchez in san jose where there's a lot of anticipation about what the governor might have to say about the gradual reopening of businesses.
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a lot of businesses have been doing online sales but it's a lot of work behind the scenes and limiting of store hours, curbside pickup and limiting the number of employees, and so businesses even the essential ones are looking forwards to what the governor has to say today, and the restaurant owners are looking forward to it but their guidance might come later. and then 3.169 million americans filed unemployment claims for the first time last week. it's a big week for jobs. we get the jobs number from the labor d unemployment rate, perhaps as high as 20%. i am bob redell in san leandro. two men are in custody and two more taken to the hospital, one with a broken arm after this warehouse blew up behind me on timothy drive. police tell us it was a illegal
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honey oil has belab, the roof w blown off and not sure what the exact cause was. police are searching for somebody they believe set small fires in san rafael. it happened in the past three hours. we know somebody tried to set fire to an apartment, dumpsters and a tree, and police are asking people that don't live there to stay out of the area. let's get a look at the forecast for you today. another hot one out there for us, kari? >> yeah, and we could be very close to some records as we take a look at our forecast high, and what the record is today, in santa rosa the record is 94 and we will get up to 91 there. we may not set any records but will be just under them. we may see hotter weather tomorrow that could set records then as our temperatures peak,
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and then the heat doesn't last long because we will get a nice cooldown starting on saturday and continuing into mother's day and next week we could track a weak storm system moving in that could bring us spotty showers. for san francisco, in the mid-70s today and tomorrow and coming back to the 60s, the clouds and fog return to the coastline and we get more of our natural cooling here as we go into next week as our highs will reach the lower 60s. >> sounds like a little something for everyone these days. thanks for joining us. >> we will see you back here in another 30 minutes for a local news update.
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it's 8:00 on "today," coming up, on the rise, new unemployment numbers out today as the national report paints a grim picture of what we can expect. this as states around the country push to reopen. but is it a good idea? we will ask the former director to the cdc in a live interview. plus, patient zero, inside the worldwide hunt for the origins of the coronavirus pandemic. why french doctors believe they may have detected the very first case last year. and double the surprise, our special treat for a mother/daughter nursing team whose personal experience with the coronavirus touched our hearts. >> hi, bridget. then we will introduce you to an incredible group of teachers who are going above and beyond. today, thursday, may 7th, 2020. ♪ you are my favorite >> i'd like to wish our teachers a happy teacher appreciation week. go, pirates. >> shoutout to my students at lake murray elementary school. i love you and miss you all ♪ no
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one knows me like you know me ♪ >> big shoutout to amazing students at buckeye valley east elementary. love and miss you guys. >> we love you not just this week, but every day of instruction. >> we echo that. welcome back to "today" on this thursday morning. we're so happy you're joining us. >> we love to see those my today plaza shoutouts from home. we take it up a notch. we want to connect with you in a new and exciting way, savannah. >> yeah, we are really missing everybody so much. this is the time of year we'd love to be out on the plaza, that big spring crowd, but because we can't be together, and we want those crowd moments we have an exciting idea. tomorrow we're going to officially launch "today's" virtual plaza. >> it is your chance, join us
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live, live from the comfort of your home, great group video chats so we can say hello, celebrate your milestones, birthdays and graduations and anniversaries and everything. it would be just like the plaza, like a live event. to be part of it head to i think this is a brilliant idea. >> great idea, really cool, no toilet flushing. meanwhile, just ahead, a mom and daughter both nurses in honor of nurse appreciation week and mother's day we're going to shed light on some other moms fighting the coronavirus on the front lines, including one who inspired her children to follow in her footsteps. >> she was just somebody i always wanted to emulate. it was never a question of what i wanted to do. >> it's going to be a great way to wrap up the week. so we hope you will join us tomorrow on "today." >> it's a really good story. for now, though, let's get caught up on the news at 8:00.
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new jobless numbers this morning revealing the deep and spreading economic hardship being caused by this pandemic. nbc white house correspondent peter alexander joins us now with three things to watch today. peter, good morning. >> reporter: hey, savannah, good morning, a new national unemployment report paints a sobering picture of this economy, confirming what many another 3.2 applying for unemployment. brings the total to 33 million in seven weeks. tomorrow, we have a clearer picture of job losses across the country with some white house officials saying unemployment figures could be as high as 20%. by this sunday 43 states will have completely or partially reopened, 20 of those states are doing it without meeting the white house's recommended guidelines. on that topic the president is reversing course on his plans to shut down the coronavirus task force, saying that he did not
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realize how popular it is and saying he'll extend it indefinitely, the reversal coming a day after he discussed plans to phase it out. at a national nurses' day event that took place here the president took issue with one of his guests, discussing the availability of personal protective gear for frontline workers. >> i think it's sporadic. i've talked to my colleagues across the country, there are pockets of areas where ppe is not ideal. but this is an unprecedented time. >> sporadic for you, but not sporadic for a lot of other people. >> i agree, mr. president. >> i've heard the opposite. >> that nurse from new orleans saying that she has worn the same n95 mask for a few weeks. hoda? >> peter at the white house, thank you. meantime, we've been talking a lot this week about those growing concerns over a nationwide meat shortage. experts hope today's reopening of one of the largest plants in the country may help out. gabe gutierrez has more. >> reporter: hoda, good morning, president trump says that any
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spot meat shortages won't last more than a week and a half. more processing plants are coming back online with new protections in place for workers to protect them from the coronavirus. today, tyson foods is partially reopening its largest pork plant in the country, two weeks after a major coronavirus outbreak forced the company to shut it down the facility in waterloo, iowa has been resanitized, and new social distancing measures have been put in place. the company is providing its 3,000 workers face masks and will require temperature checks, done by an on site clinic. >> if anyone does screen positive they're brought to a separate part of our clinic, so that the testing can be done in a manner that is safe, effective and also maintains the employees' confidentiality. >> reporter: even as a seventh
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worker died from coronavirus, other major meat processing facilities are cautiously reopening. just this week another jbs plant in minnesota, a tyson beef plant in washington state and the massive smithfield foods plant in south dakota where hundreds of workers got sick. >> we've turned a corner coming back online. >> reporter: on wednesday the meat supply was the focus of a white house meeting between president trump, agricultural officials and iowa's governor. >> within a week and a half we should be in great shape, maybe sooner. >> but major grocery chains have limited customer meat purchases and fast food giant wendy's has run out of burgers at some locations, analysts worry meat shortages could last for weeks or even months u.s. daily counterproduction has dropped 34% from last year todd applebaum owns a small farm in new jersey with hundreds of hogs, he and other farmers are changing their business models, relying on markets like these,s
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>> looks and online sales. >> looks like we're going to be doing more retail. and less wholesale more in the farmers markets, more on the website. >> in upstate new york there's a new hot spot at an agricultural greenhouse, more than a hundred confirmed cases of covid-19. new york governor andrew cuomo craig? >> gabe gutierrez for us there, gabe, thank you so much. medical detectives are looking backward to find the starting points for coronavirus outbreaks in cities, states, even continents, all being done with an eye toward containing future pandemics nbc's molly hunter has that story. >> reporter: scientists across the world are racing back in time, and they're not alone. we're all thinking back to that stomach ache, that cough, that fever we may have had around christmas. health investigators in the u.s. are poring over old medical records, hunting for clues for
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covid-19 in california officials identified the earliest known u.s. covid-19 death by doing an autopsy. it was february 6th. in king county, washington medical examiners are now testing bodies from the beginning of january and in cook county, illinois they're looking back as far as november, each discovery rewriting the timeline of the virus. >> maybe more people have the infection who didn't previously think they did. >> reporter: in europe this week french doctors may have detected the first known case of covid-19 on the continent dr. eve koen looked back in december, narrowed the list presenting what we now know are symptoms of coronavirus. out of 58 he retested 14 old samples. >> one was positive. >> was that surprising is that what you expected? >> very surprising and very
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exciting >> reporter: they had found a potential patient zero. >> as of this date today he was patient zero of france. >> reporter: that sample tested twice, to be sure, dated december 27th, 2019. a month before the first official case in the country in the suburbs of paris we tracked him down, amarush hammer, the 43-year-old fishmonger showed up coughing, feverish, he'd never been so sick, barely breathing, spitting blood. he only spent three days in the hospital. >> i'm a miracle, he says, this epidemic is like a tidal wave. reacting to the french study this week the w.h.o. encouraging other countries to do the same. >> should everyone be doing this should everyone be going back to samples and retesting? >> my advice for all doctors to make the same study because to fight an enemy you have to know
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the life of the enemy. >> reporter: knowing the life of the enemy is the way to potentially stop the next one. >> we know that this is a respiratory pathogen, can move that quickly, that changes everything. >> reporter: for hammer, a sign from the shock of it all, grateful life is back to normal. molly hunter, nbc news, paris. other news now, more than a dozen homes have been destroyed by an out of control swamp fire in the florida panhandle, hundreds of people have been ordered to evacuate. the fire started two days ago, grown to more than 2,000 acres by last night. no reports of injuries, but hundreds of homes are being threatened and smoke and blowing embers have created hazardous driving conditions too. the newest branch of the u.s. military has released its first recruiting video, and it encourages potential members to shoot for the stars. >> maybe your purpose on this
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planet isn't on this planet. >> united states space force is training a new breed of service member to protect american and allied interests, beyond the earth. it's already built a core of recent graduates from the u.s. air force academy and this week it started letting other air force personnel apply for transfers, there's a link abov lofty ranks. >> it is now 8:11. we've got the news covered a couple of good morning boosts, a fedex delivery driver in florida found out a customer's young daughter was having a birthday he went out of his way, drove to a local dairy queen to surprise emma with an ice cream cup cake. he did it because he knew that under normal circumstances emma would have a big birthday party with friends and things. when he came back the next day emma's mom told mr. price that thousands of people had seen the picture she posted on twitter and they were all just very touched by this sweet act of
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kindness, savannah. >> wow, that's so cute here's another one, a mom in new jersey getting real creative after her family's beach vacation had to be cancelled she told her kids, put on the swimsuits, we're going to have a beach day, inside their own home. >> are you ready to go to the beach? >> yes. >> all right, go. >> we're at the beach, yay >> oh, wow. >> mom decorated the bathroom walls with cutouts of fish and a big shiny sun, there were buckets for making sand castles. and they finished the day by splashing around in the tub. so much fun the kids actually spent about three hours in their little bathroom riviera. i mean, moms are just the best and, got a bath out of it too, very clever. >> got a bath. i picture your wife lindsay doing that, craig, that's something she might do. >> if she's watching right now, there are probably plans for a
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beach night, probably right. just ahead, ladies, the top health experts who just warned congress to brace for a long and difficult fight against the coronavirus. >> and unless something very unexpected happens our viral enemy will be with us for many months and possibly many years. >> this morning that former director of the cdc is with us live, what he wants to happen right now to both slow the spread and restore the economy but first, these messages. with rheumatoid arthritis. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz xr, a once-daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections like tb; don't start xeljanz if you have an infection. taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra can increase risk of death. serious, sometimes fatal infections,
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in a moment savannah will be talkin welcome back to the moment savannah's going to be talking to the head of the cdc who just warned congress on wednesday the fight against the coronavirus currently, but we will b could last for years. >> now it's 8:18 good time to check in with al, look at the weather. hey, al. >> hey, guys, as we look at what's happening out there, not a lot going on as far as our showers and thunderstorms currently, but we are going to be looking at the risk of severe weather later today, making its way down to the gulf, clear skies out west, fire danger down in southern florida. and, in fact, temperatures, look at these temperatures, 80s in florida, 90s in west texas, 100s into the southwest and 80s into northern california with 40s and 50s in northern new england, chilly conditions, we're expecting, from the great lakes all the way into the northeast, severe storms firing up in
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>> good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're starting out with a nice cool sunshine, but it's going to heat up quickly today. our south bay high temperature will reach up to 87 degrees. reaching 93 in antioch. 92 in napa. oakland today will see a high of 80 degrees and 75 degrees in san francisco. looking at our inland areas, it's going to be some of the hottest weather we've had so far this year. and peaking at 94 degrees, but it doesn't last long. a cooldown coming this weekend. and that's your la and that's your latest weather, savannah? all right, al, thank you, and let's turn now to our series on the search for solutions, when it comes to the battle against the coronavirus, partial reopenings under way in 36 states and five others making plans to do the same experts are concerned about what that will mean for the spread of covid-19 dr. tom frieden, director of the cdc in the obama administration, testified on capitol hill yesterday, and had a dire
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warning. >> it will be tragically, at least 100,000 deaths from covid by the end of this month second, as bad as this has been it's just the beginning. until we have an effective vaccine, and unless something very unexpected happens, our viral enemy will be with us for many months, and possibly many years. >> dr. frieden is with us this morning, doctor, good morning to you, i just heard those words. they really hit you, 100,000 deaths by the end of the month having this virus with us months, if not years to come, at the same time we are starting to see states reopen, and feeling really desperate to do so, given the dire economic consequences that are really coming home. how should people be thinking about this because it seems like on the surface a disconnect. >> savannah, it's such an important question, there's a false dichotomy here between public health and the economy.
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open and closed. actually, it's not going to be going back to normal anytime soon, it's going to be going to a new normal, more like a dimmer dial and an on/off switch. there's a lot of things we can do carefully in new ways, going outside to parks, safely to beaches as long as we're not overcrowded there, think about what parts of our economy are particularly open, particularly strategic to reopen carefully. the things that we can do with hand sanitizer, face masks, physical distancing. the more we get our economy restarted, and our health care system restarted, the healthier we'll be and the more we control the virus the more we can control the economy. we're all in this together but we have to avoid rekindling an explosion of coronavirus that would overwhelm our health care
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facilities and result in avoidable suffering and death. >> yeah, i wanted to ask you about that, because we are all watching so carefully, and with baited breath as states start those ginger steps towards reopening some more aggressively than others. for you as a public health official what are you watching right now? what's the sign for you that the reopening has led -- we all know there are going to be more cases when you reopen somewhat, but that it's gotten to be out of control. what's the metric, and how soon would you expect to see it >> well, first off, we have to recognize we're still having a lot of spread, and particularly in what we call congregate facilities like nursing homes, jails, workplaces with lots of people together. those are driving spread, not only there, but throughout communities. we've got to get a better handle on that.
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i'm watching to see how quickly states and localities can ramp up contact tracing, that's a way of keeping people safe if you warn people and they quarantine themselves they're less likely to spread it among others, an effective way countries have used to keep their economy moving we need to scale that up because so much depends on it, lives and livelihoods. it's going to be weeks before you see a lot of spread, if there's a lot of spread today. the disease takes about five or six days to make someone sick and another week or so to make them very sick so it will be a few weeks after reopening, if there is a big resurgence before you see it the problem is, that once that starts, if it really picks up, it's very hard to stop again one of the things we look at are visits to emergency departments where people with cough, or fever, another thing is some of the feeds from new data streams, like facebook, which is asking people, do you have cough and
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fever? and that information is available, and it seems to correlate pretty well with how much viral activity there is you also want to make sure that the health care system is getting safer. no health care worker should have to risk their lives to care for us. >> i only have a few seconds left but you wrote in the "new york times," in an op-ed, we need to continue physical distancing until we reduce cases to a manageable low number, flattening the curve so we're at a simmer, not a boil what does a simmer look like in this context, in terms of the number of cases and sadly the number of fatalities >> what we hope is that we can protect the most vulnerable, if you're over the age of 60, to continue to stay as far away from others as possible, and keep yourself safe we need to make our nursing homes much safer, address the outbreaks. strengthening the health care system so that health care
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workers aren't at risk and if we box the virus in by testing, isolation, contact tracing and quarantine, the four corners of a box, we can keep the virus in a limited way so that we can come out more safely. >> former cdc director tom frieden, it's good to get your perspective and thoughts this morning. thank you so much. 8:25, send it back to hoda. >> savannah, thank you, i can't wait to share this special surprise, two nurses, they happen to be mother and daughter. >> i'm available, if -- hi, bridget. >> yeah, blake shelton helped us honor these wonderful and inspiring women. we will have their story and a blake shelton song, coming up after your local news. good morning. it's 8:26. i'm marcus washington. two people are in custody after an explosion blows off the roof of a warehouse in san leandro.
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this is near interstate 880 where it meets timothy. that blast also triggering a fire leaving two people injured but not seriously. police say at least three people were inside the warehouse at the time of the explosion. and firefighters are still not saying how it happened or what kind of charges the suspects may face. the city of berkeley says testing is now free to anyone experiencing symptoms. health leaders say contact your insurance provider first before visiting the city testing site. let's get a look at the forecast. today, kari, going to be a hot one out there for us. >> yeah, it's going to be hotter than it was yesterday, and we'll actually see the peak of our temperatures tomorrow. as we take a live look outside in the south bay with a sunshiny start to this thursday morning. at least it's cool now. that does not last long. we're heading up to 87 degrees here in the south bay. up to 93 in antioch and 92 in napa. santa rosa reaches 91 and some mid-70s in san francisco. our seven-day forecast shows
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that he will be cooling off after the next couple of days and may even have some rain in the forecast by early next week. more updates on that to come. another local news update coming up in 30 minutes.
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tonight, jimmy fallon's at home, with queen latifah, plus peet davidson, provide an exclusive look at the trailer of
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their upcoming film. new "tonight show," at home on nbc. 8:30 now, thursday morning, 7th of may, 2020 just ahead, hoda, the story we've been waiting for all morning long. >> this is a special one a surprise for two nurses from new orleans from blake shelton, we're going to have that for you guys in just a second. >> he's singing too. >> singing too. also up in the market, sweet treats, candles, prints to beautify your home jill martin has rounded up some wonderful small businesses that need our support, a special edition of steals and deals. >> i love that small business solutions plus, as we approach the end of national teacher appreciation week we're going to take a little time to honor more teachers across the country doing really great things and going the extra mile for students let's say a big surprise is coming their way but first, let's get another
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check of the weather from al let's check out our weekend forecast here's what we're looking at for friday, again, we've got some severe weather possibly down in the gulf, a system making its way into the plains out west, going to be gorgeous, plenty of sunshine as we move into saturday that storm system comes into the northeast and new england, bringing rain and snow what a mess. and we're expecting more showers and thunderstorms down around the gulf, west coast still looking great. mother's day, all the moms out west, you're going to be loving your mother's day sunday, blustery and cooler in the eastern half of the country, look for showers, thunderstorms down around florida and the gulf coast may see a few showers as well no matter what, enjoy your mother's day to all the moms out there and to all the ladies who are moms to a lot of people. that's what's going on around the country. here's what' >> good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall as we take a live look outside in walnut creek. we're starting out with one of the spots that will be one of the hottest today. looking inland in the east bay,
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as we look at our high temperatures, expect a high of 93 in antioch. some spots may reach 94 today. while along the coast, we're in the 60s and 70s. so a wide range in temperatures here. our temperatures will peak tomorrow reaching up to the low to mid-90s. and then it does cool off as we go into the weekend and early next week, possibly rain in the forecast by next monday. guys a very happy mother's day as well, and craig, please wish lindsay a happy mother's day also. >> i will, al. >> thank you, al. >> thank you we like the fancy forecast, by the way. >> well, you know, a little something that the folks in our a.r. department have been working on thank you. >> i love it guys, all right, now to more of our celebration of nurses as we mark our national nurses' week, yesterday, craig helped lead that awesome round of applause for dozens of nurses who work the night shift here in new york city. >> this morning, hoda kotb, it's your turn, you surprised a remarkable mother/daughter pair
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of nurses. >> you're going to love these two ladies, bridget robinson, a nursing assistant, she's recovering from covid-19 after it nearly took her life. she is thanking god and her family, and especially her daughter sylvia, who is a nurse at the new orleans hospital to of them. we teamed u where she was treated. we wanted to say thanks to both of them. we teamed up with our good friend blake shelton for a truly heartfelt tribute. bridget robinson cares for her patients with two gentle hands and one giant heart. >> i love taking care of people. >> but this long time nursing assistant was the one who needed care after testing positive for covid-19 last month. >> i just cannot remember anything. >> reporter: struggling to breathe, bridget was intubated and spent weeks on a ventilator. >> especially the fact that she's my best friend. >> reporter: caring runs in the family
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her daughter sylvia is a nurse at north shore, a hospital outside of new orleans. >> she was working the day her mom had to go to the icu. >> reporter: the team came together supporting one of their own as bridget struggled to stay alive and then incredibly recovered. >> the only thing i remember is waking up, hearing my grandson y f, i need you i'm going to cry >> reporter: the doctors and nurses got to know and love bridget, they were overjoyed and that's when we decided it was time for a really special thank you surprise. >> it's good to see you. >> i'm looking at you, and you spent your whole life helping people. >> yes. >> helping people heal. >> yes. >> and then you found yourself in need.
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tell me about what that was like to be on the other end. >> it's hard you know, waking up to all of that it was really hard. >> you have strength that i can see and feel. >> all i could think about is my grandson and he was like, grandma, i need you, i love you. i need you, grandma. i was thinking, i was saying my baby's saying he need me, he need me. he loves me. and i've got to get back to him. >> so get back to him, she did and the rest of her family too. >> why do you think your mom healed why do you think she's sitting with you >> god, god, prayers, and her fight for life. >> you keep speaking about god and we are trying to figure out, what could we give you we didn't really know what to give you because you're so amazing, and then we thought,
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like, what about a song? and what about a song that speaks to you in the way you've just been speaking to us and then we thought, who could that person be who would be good to serenade these beautiful ladies and then we thought, how about a hunky guy named blake shelton. >> i'm available, if that's cool hi, bridget. >> turns out a little blake shelton was just what the doctor ordered. >> everything about this out on the front lines, fighting it and now you're a survivor of it, you know, and you've got each other and that's really what this is all about, literally a light shining bright on that screen right there awesome to meet both of you guys i wanted to play just a little bit of a song here for you because the whole time i heard you guys talking and you keep
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throwing it back to god and i love hearing you say that. i want to dedicate this song, from me, to you guys as nurses and being out there on the front lines, and but it really, i think this song really speaks to your relationship with each other, if you ask me ♪ god gave me you for the ups and downs ♪ ♪ god gave me you for the days of doubt ♪ ♪ for when i think i've lost my to say ♪ ♪ it's true ♪ god gav way ♪ ♪ there are no words here left to say ♪ ♪ it's true ♪ god gave me you >> with the team that helped save bridget watching along their cheers of support echoing wall to wall. >> that's for you guys. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> oh, come on we've got to give a special
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shoutout to blake. he listened to their whole interview and he kept saying, you know, you all think i'm the celebrity, like you guys are the celebrities and he kept talking about them in that way and i have to point out they ended their interview with me by going who dat, and they want their -- going all the way, incredible people, those two. >> wow that was so awesome. and, yeah, it's just a beautiful moment, they have each other i just love how he little grandson just brought her back i need you, grandma. >> yeah, jamal in fact, jamal was actually the cameraman for them during that interview. he was holding the phone he was present too. >> perfect song too. >> he did a great job. oh, guys, well, just ahead, you know, we talked a lot today about the economy, and we know how hard small businesses have been hurt. this is just one small way we hope to help
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jill martin has put together some ideas, things that you can shop and do good at the same time, some small businesses she's highlighting but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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we're back with our ongoing series dedicated to small business solutions today, small businesses have been so hit hard by the impacts of the coronavirus and those stay at home orders. in fact, a recent survey found that in the coming months nearly 8 million small businesses are at risk of closing permanently so this morning lifestyle contributor jill martin is shining a light on a few companies in a way that you can help jill, good morning. >> hi, i miss everyone welcome to my satee ite gratefr
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