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tv   Today  NBC  June 3, 2020 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> thank you, mike. last week rioters not only set fire to the police precinct and thank you for joining us as well. >> thanks so much for being a part of it right here a live look at the oakland skyline to hurting and grieving. where the officer charged in start off your wednesday floyd's death was stationed, morning. thanks so metropolitan for they also destroyed a number of grocery stores in the starting your morning with us on neighborhood leaving many students and their families "today in the bay." have a great one. stuck without access to food sanford middle school is a short adding, those who set out to silence those voices do not understand the meaning of drive away from the precinct america or how it becomes a nearly 200 of their 970 students live within three blocks of the better place. savannah. >> there are a lot of moving pieces. our coverage is across the police station country. we're going to start with craig, good morning. he made his way from washington reports suggest 60% of them are breaking overnight. back to the streets. to new york city. >> just as you indicated, it was eligible for free or reduced more peaceful. lunches., huge protests for an eighth day quieter in new york city than it was monday night. you saw that looting firsthand in herald square. police say that's primarily because of two reasons, the across the country but curfews and a massive show of police force lead to a quieter night, listen, let's work to get kids fewer clashes and less violence. sanford's principal said the this morning the mother of community jumped into action organizing a food drive. >> it started with one of our former parents at sanford said, earlier curfew enforced last listen, let's work to get kids who live in this area some night, also larger police support. it went out, it went viral and presence and tactics as well. in fact, we want to show you it got on social media. >> the ask was to bring 85 meal tactics on the manhattan bridge kits to the school parking lot instead, what they never george floyd's 6-year-old daughter calling for peace and as protesters tried to make imagined, 30,000 meal kits arrived to help. justice in an emotional the school loading docks filled
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their way across they were pinned on the bridge, trapped up quickly and the donations interview with nbc news. inside for a couple of hours, in minneapolis, charges for three other officers involved kept rolling in. expected as early as today. a sweeping civil rights investigation of the police department is launched. >> being black should not be a we're told. 18 semitrucks worth of goods. it's a controversial practice. >> is amazing. this is minneapolis strong for nonetheless, law enforcement said it worked, it helped. the spot. >> the inside story behind this not just in new york city but sure and people coming together coast-to-coast the demonstrations were largely to help our community. we're so grateful. >> the principal asked the remarkable display of generosity for kids impacted by floyd's organization, the sheridan story to help distribute the federal killing in their community. to families who need it most. >> it's amazing. >> today wednesday june 3rd, >> we call in a panic and said can you help us. we do food, you do middle school he's here with his crew, his 2020. >> announcer: from nbc news, peaceful. overnight in new york city thousands marching in times square. this man taking a knee and raising their fist in the face trucks. >> this is what minnesota, this is "today" with savannah of nypd. minneapolis is about, taking care of each other, serving each another group finding themselves pinned in for hours on the other, making sure the kids manhattan bridge. police using barricades to especially have the food they guthrie and hoda kotb live from prevent them from leaving either side of the bridge.ouly 200 studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. and morning, everybody. welcome to "today." it is nice to have you with us arrests, the earlier curfew and on a wednesday morning. it's nice to be able to say it a bigger show of police force was a quieter night or at least largely helped keep the peace a slightly more peaceful night, hoda, in cities around the country. although it looks different and prevent widespread looting. need. >> amy nelson, the principal of that curfew extended until sanford middle school is with us right now. way to go, amy, that was awesome. sunday. wow. first tell us about the need how desperate was the need for you to put out that initial e-mail. >> we'll use the curfew as an >> it really came from we knew available tool, bring police there was a need for staff where you are right now. >> it sure does. we were happy to hear the news most of the protests were calm and peaceful but we did take a it came from parents and
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few extra precautions at studio 1a. neighbors who said can we we decided overnight to put up boards around the outside, kind partner on this and how can we department in. >> lapd reporting 100 arrested of a just in case. we'll be happy, i'll say, when those boards come down and for curfew violence. in atlanta releasing tear gas on make this work with kids they reached out and it snowballed from there. there's so many families that protesters seconds after their live close that don't have a grocery store anymore. >> it's basic primal needs you were hoping for 80 kids. you got 30,000 plus. 9:00 p.m. curfew. hopefully very soon and we can can you tell me what it felt like to be standing in the get back to business here, savannah. >> yeah, we want to see our window on the world open very this after officers' body cam shooting stun guns on two soon. let's get right to the latest on african-american college parking lot of that school these protests over the death of looking at cars lined up for miles. what did that feel like for you? george floyd. they show no signs of fading. students sitting in a car. two of the officers have been >> just an overwhelming sense of an eighth straight night of demonstration from coast-to-coast. fired. gratitude. this is what minneapolis does. some of them were massive. we did not see widespread people from the longfellow looting and destruction that has nbc news cannot confirm what community came together at such been going on over the past few a deep level nights in many cities. >> as of this morning that week long unrest has led to 9,000 we had folks from local grassroots from all corners of arrests, savannah. the city to help support >> some of those arrests came happened before the video. it was incredible. >> i'll begin today saying i'm >> you use the word minneapolis sorry. just steps from the white house where overnight a chain-link >> while richmond's mayor apologized while they used tear fence was installed to block strong that struck me. what does that mean? protesters from lafayette park, tell me what that means. >> it means we want to do the right thing. the scene of the largest demonstrations in the nation's we have a lot of work to do. we're here because of the gas. capital. >> meantime president george w. >> every protester should be implicit bias we carry around bush released a statement on allowed to peacefully protest. race every day and how we need george floyd's death a the that's the bottom line.
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>> in the wake of george floyd's to do better so that all of our colleagues have the kind of opportunities they should have death last week, tuesday was a this is an example of folks coming together. i hope we continue to do this to improve the race relations we day of overwhelmingly peaceful demonstrations nationwide. have in our community and our country. >> what did a lot of people on the receiving end really needed in washington, d.c., calls for peace at the lincoln memorial, all under the watchful eye of this food. and the national guard. in houston a massive gathering, more than 50,000 people, what was it like for the parents including members of george and kids from your school when floyd's family calling for they were receiving these bags change, thousands there taking a >> just tears of joy and gratitude and so grateful to have the opportunity to get much needed supplies they haven't been able to pick up recently with no stores being available. >> i feel like we're looking at knee in a moment of silence. healing. in hollywood, there were a few do you think that's what healing looks like. daytime arrests but also moments >> it is it really is of understanding, protesters our neighborhood organization #longfellowstrong really has embracing members of the come together. national guard and taking a knee i can't tell you the number of people in small areas and possibilities of the neighborhood who came together together. to get this out alone with while milwaukee residents came sheridan story, an amazing organization as well, to help support moving this food along. >> like we said, you got a lot together to march in unity. of extra a powerful moment, residents laying down on birds eye bridge,
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hands behind their backs. >> we've got to fight, do our best, to make sure this can't going? happen, be better for our >> lots of community organizations came to help us move it out right away future. sheridan story is an outstanding organization that partners with >> meanwhile nationwide there are more protests being planned minneapolis public schools for today. that 8:00 p.m. curfew, which, our culinary services help take perishable items so we can continue to get this need fulfilled for next weeks and again, law enforcement officials months. are crediting with a quieter, more peaceful night, that curfew >> hats off to your school, principal nelson by the way, before we wrap up has been extended in new york city enthusiastic sunday. and wrap up the school year, we have a little surprise for you savannah. and hope it helps your students >> all right, craig, thank you. we are joined now by the highest when they return five star, they say they are ranking uniformed officer in the going to outfit the entire new york city police department, school with supplies for chief terrence monahan. students, backpacks, binders, chief, good morning to you. notebooks, you name it your moment with demonstrators that will be coming your way. >> thank you monday went viral. you knelt with them in the park, thank you. hugging people in the crowd and >> it's the least that can be calling for an end to the done after what you've done for your school. violence. principal amy nelson, thank you, chief, with that picture in mind, i have to ask you about last night. it seemed to be a much quieter keep up the good work, okay? >> thanks so much. >> savannah, over to you. >> i love it a plus for that principal. night. great work, great work coming up next, harry smith will be along to add perspective to what we're seeing across this
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you had an earlier curfew. country including parallel for is that what made the the racial conflicts of the '60s and where we go from here but first this is "today" on nbc welcome back. difference? >> the earlier curfew helped cops take out of the neighborhood people that didn't belong there. 8:00 helped a lot. a lot of people protesting past 8:00 peacefully we allowed to continue. but when a group of people who were looking to cause mayhem broke off, we were able to take care of them very quickly. >> the governor of new york, andrew cuomo, lashed out at the police response saying police did not do their job monday night when there was widespread looting. he talked about displacing the mayor and bringing in the national guard. is that necessary, in your mind? >> absolutely not. i stated this yesterday. he'd have to come out and see what men and women are doing. don't ever call them ineffective. as a matter of fact, last night his office called and apologized to me. he called the commissioner directly to apologize that that's not what he meant. he did not mean to put down the police officers. i hope he will come out publicly and say that again today during his press conferences, because
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the men and women of this agency have done a remarkable job in unprecedented times. i couldn't be prouder of the work the men and women of this agency have done. >> we've seen massive protests. many, probably most, are peaceful protests. there is that dangerous element, those who want to break into stores, commit violence, attacks toward the police and vice versa. have you been able to figure out what that element consists of, some said outside agitators coming in. what's your best estimate on that? >> what i've seen there are groups within these large protests looking for nothing but trouble. we've made a lot of arrests for people outside the new york area. we've gotten intel from people, various different groups of anarchists trying to push their agenda out there, hijack the movement, to cause nothing but
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chaos and mayhem and destruction in the city and just to attack police officers. that's not what this is about. this is about people protesting something they found unjustified, that was unjustified in minnesota to get their voice out. this is not and should never have been an attack on police officers. there's not a police officer in this country that doesn't condemn what happened in welcome back. protests remind people of earlier eras in our history, savannah >> no question, society similar ly challenged by anger, unrest, challenge, progress waited on minnesota. we don't need to be targeted the other side and seemed very far away at times. throughout this country because harry joins us to put it all in of the actions of someone in minnesota. perspective with a look back >> and to that larger issue, you just denounced what happened in hi, harry, good morning. minnesota, knelt with >> good morning. protesters. for a lot of people what we're seeing feels unique in many, many ways. if you were around in the 1960s, you have said nypd is not a racist organization. this has been a time when a lot of eyes are opened, a lot of people are reflecting. what the protesters seem to be you'd see some real saying there are incidents that similarities the pictures of conflict between law enforcement and angry protesters last week have reminded some of the racial conflicts of the 1960s
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are awful that happen in broad daylight, what happened in in his book "why we capital minneapolis. can' wait" martin luther king said, then quiet racism, the way the black community is policed and watched. for blacks freedom had a dull ring, a mocking emptiness. what do you say about that? he campaigned for equality, what have you learned through racial and economic, ideas so radical the fbi put him under surveillance this experience. >> through this, listen, we have when he showed up in support of to look at one another as striking sanitation workers in . humans. we've all grown up differently. i can't look through the eyes and lens of african-american male that grew up, he can't look through my lens, how i've grown the reaction was an eruption in memphis in the spring of 1968, he was assassinated. the reaction was an eruption in up in my life. together we're all human. cities big and small thousands were arrested, dozens were killed. the national guard and even the i'm much more than just a blue uniform. he's much more than just a marines were brought in. member of the community. those striking garbage men in we have to be able to get along on a one-to-one basis. i see that every day in this memphis carried signs that said, i am a man, a reference to the agency. i see how our cops interact with declaration of independence which claimed equality as an the people in their communities, how they get along, how we work together. neighborhood policing we started here in 2014. evident truth. we spoke with pulitzer prize that was the whole concept of winner eugene robinson of the it, the idea that the cops in "washington post" about the image of the policeman with a knee on george floyd's neck. the community were one. >> he was not thinking of him as we're all human. a human being, deserving of
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together we move forward against those who want to cause crime being treated like a human being. not a man deserving of being and mess up our society. >> those are important words. i hope everyone takes it to heart. treated like a man. >> as we have watched what's chief monahan, i know it's a unfolded in city after city long night for you, sir, across america over the last several days, what's gone appreciate it. >> thank you, savannah. >> all right. through your mind?again. hoda, we'll send it to you. all right. 7:12. thank you, savannah. the word again. minnesota's department of human rights has launched an how many times do we go through investigation into the minneapolis police. it will not only look at george floyd's death but also the this cycle. department's procedures and practices over the past 10 >> reporter: that cycle that has continued for decades. black men killed over and over >> again years. the word again how many times do we go through this cycle. >> reporter: that cycle that has continued for decades. black men killed over and over by vigilantes or police. trayvon martin, michael brown, we're also hearing from the orlando castile, ahmaud arbery mother of floyd's young daughter and more for the first time. nbc's gabe gutierrez spoke with robinson wrote this in a column her. last week, please don't try to tell me that somehow these hey, gabe, good morning. >> hoda, overnight, there was a killing are about anything other small peaceful demonstration here and it comes as one of the floyd family attorneys now says than race. >> i don't think i'm going to, you know, get wrestled to the he expects the other three officers in this case to be charged before floyd's funeral
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ground and have the life choked next tuesday. this morning the minneapolis out of me, but there is that police department is under tiny possibility and it's in the growing scrutiny. >> you can expect our administration to use every tool at our disposal to try to destruct racism. -- deconstruct systemic racism. back of my mind. i think it's a universal black male experience in this country. >> a sweeping civil rights i really do. >> reporter: these events and investigation into the subsequent reaction are moments, says robinson, when progress can be made. >> it seems to be the way we department for the first time in its history, the move stemming from the death of george floyd move forward on race we argue about it, and we struggle, but make how we rachet nine days ago. forward and we do make a bit of >> for his family, i think it's a great start but definitely not the end. >> former officer derek chauvin charged with third degree murder and second degree manslaughter progress. after kneeling on floyd's neck >> and he's encouraged by leadership of local sheriff chris swanson in michigan. >> the only reason we're here is to make sure you have a voice. >> reporter: especially members of law enforcement taking a knee with protesters. for close to nine minutes. that night still haunts donald >> good policing is something william. that has to be done with a community and not something he said floyd was already on the ground when he happened to walk up on the scene. >> he's not moving. >> his anguished voice captured on that now viral video. >> at the time could you believe that's done to a community what you were seeing? >> no. it was like in the twilight there are such gigantic differences between the 1960s
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zone. it was like something that was unreal. it was like it was a movie, you and now. eugene robinson said if you remember what happened to washington, d.c., in 1968, know. >> should those other officers entire neighborhoods burned to the ground sections of d.c. that didn't face charges? >> they had no remorse. they had no feelings. recover for decades and decades. hell, yeah, they should be in one particular town in america, wilmington, delaware, charged. the national guard stayed for a >> floyd grew up in houston. he leaves behind two children, including 6-year-old gianna. her mother, roxie, says floyd year so while some people say look what happened, it's the same, was very involved. there are similarities but there's some very >> always talked about coming to significant differences. >> yeah. be with him. even when we were going to come, harry, you remember, too, that not only then did we have these she said, where are we going? race riots but we also had the vietnam war raging as well are we going to see my dad? >> she's speaking publicly for it was almost like the country was being torn apart the first time. right now, though, it does have >> he will never see his that same feeling. daughter graduate. you know, it's a sad moment but i think one that hopefully we he will never walk her down the will continue to pull out of aisle. >> his former friend, steven jackson is making this promise. carson, what were your thoughts on that?
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>> i'm going to walk her down >> i think, you know, it's such a great piece, harry, you have such a way of putting it in perspective and make us really the aisle. think back i'm going to be there for her. i just feel for my generation in particular, i've seen this cycle, too i was in l.a. during those >> all of the officers involved in this case have not commented publicly. the attorney general has not given a time line for any new potential charges. savannah. riots. you just hope that we can break >> gabe, thank you. this evil cycle of the we move now to washington and repetition of this happening again. the widespread criticism facing we hope when we rachet forward this time, that we rachet forward enough that real change has occurred. >> i was also struck, harry, the president in wake of that just by when you looked at the scene monday. law enforcement cracking down on a protest across the street from crowds of people protesting in the white house to clear the way so that the president could walk the '60s and today, they are so to st. johns church and make a multiracial today. statement. that gave me hope, too you see a sea of people, black, brown, white, all races we're now learning more about what led up to that moment and how it all unfolded. together. nbc's peter alexander at the white house with that. >> the diversity of what we're hey, peter, good morning. >> hey, savannah, good morning seeing on the streets of to you. america, especially during the daytime and early evenings, i the president defending his decision to make that short walk have to confess, i have to st. johns church shortly goosebumps just thinking about it because that is a kind of after protesters were forcibly awareness, a listening that's going on now, i think, that was probably absent all those cleared from the area, what decades ago. cleared from the area, what may
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be one of the most define moments of his presidency. >> yeah. this clearly came together harry, thank you so much. >> so important. yes. thank you. we are back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc look here, it's your very own all-in-one quickly. secretary of defense in an interview said even he didn't know where he was going. he thought he was going to thank the troops or check out a vandalized bathroom in lafayette park. for the second time in as many days president trump is sparking fierce criticism from top religious leaders, this time a d.c. shrine. amp bishop gregory saying, i entertainment experience, xfinity x1. find it baffling and it's the easiest way to watch live tv and all your favorite streaming apps. reprehensible that any facility and now x1 also comes with peacock. ooh la la. this rare bird lets you stream tons of movies, would allow itself to be so egregiously misused and shows, news, sports and more. manipulated. gregory also slamming the trump with x1, it's all at your beck and call. administration's monday crackdown on demonstrators to silence or scatter or intimidate show me "parks and rec." see? the best really did get better! them for a photo activity in front of the church blocks from magnificent. xfinity x1 just got even better with peacock premium included for no additional cost. the white house. >> what the president did last no strings attached. night the right thing to do? >> most republicans silent on this issue but this sharp take from the party's only
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african-american senator. >> obviously if your question is should you use tear gas to clear a path so the president can go have a photo-op, the answer is no. >> the police said their officers did not deploy tear gas but acknowledged smoke canisters and pepper-ball that contained a chemical designed to irritate the eye. william barr ordered clearing protesters away from the park after learning about the president's plan. defense secretary mark esper posing with the president said he did not know where the president was leading them and had no idea about the idea to use force to clear protesters. after declaring himself the law
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and order president, he praised himself for force and domination on city streets and then thanked himself. former vice president joe biden said the country is crying out for leadership. >> donald trump turned this country into a battlefield of old resentments and fresh fears. >> taking this swipe 24 hours as he took a knee before black faith leaders while president trump posed with the bible. >> i just wish he opened it once in a while instead of all all right. carson, we were concerned about brandishing it. the graphics department. if he opened it, he could have we see him doing well. learned something. >> while former president george w. bush released a statement saying in part, this is not the how is his arm time for us to lecture. it's the time for us to listen. >> no, here. it's the time for america to >> where did he go >> i thought he was giving you a massage. examine our tragic failures. as we do, we will also see some >> i wish. i wish but no how is the hand? how is the hand? he's good. >> he's good that's the update? of our redeeming strengths. president obama is expected to that's all we got. address george floyd's death >> we had it x-rayed, it's just a sprain when he joins a virtual town he's riding a bike now, hall this afternoon on the problem of racial bias in the criminal justice system, and specific steps that can be taken to create change. skateboard is old news president trump's push for we're good graphics is good. high five. military intervention in >> all the stress of holding up those graphic signs. american cities is drawing a rare rebuke from the chairman of jack daly, you're doing a great job. carson, you too. joint chiefs of staff.
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retired admiral mullen writing >> he's got a set of guns now. >> how you can talk to your kids our fellow citizens are not the about the current state of the enemy and must never become so. also overnight, the president on nation well done, jack. twitter announcing he is looking >> indeed, jack. on hoda and jenna, we'll focus on ways you can become emotionally overwhelmed. to remove the republican we'll talk about all that stuff. but first, guys, a look at your national convention from local news. charlotte after the north >> bye, jack good morning. carolina governor roy cooper refused to meet the party demands, saying because of coronavirus, he couldn't guarantee in august republicans would be allowed to pack 19,000 people into the city's arena. governor cooper wanted a scaled down convention with fewer people and social distancing. savannah? let's check in with mr. al roker for a check of the weather. hey, al. >> hey, guys good morning good to see you. i wish we had some better weather for some of our friends. look at this we're talking about 65 million people who are going to be under severe weather damaging winds, of 0-mile-per-hour winds possible, isolated hail and can't rule out
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a tornado or two for tomorrow, the upper plains in the bull's eye with hail, damaging winds and tornadoes possible as well this system is going to be making its way to the east with widespread storms today, local downpours, flash flood risk as we move into tomorrow that front is going to stall along mid-atlantic states and afternoon storms continue to pop up rainfall amounts generally 1 to 3" down through the lower mississippi river valley into the northeast, we could see rainfall rates up to an inch and a half per hour by tomorrow. we're going to get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds e to covid-19, 8:56. i'm marcus washington. a touch-go recently for walnut creek businesses. not only were many places boarded up this week in response to vandals and looting but many nonessential businesses have subaru and our retailers are donating fifty million meals been closed for week. some of that changed starting today. that's because contra costa to feeding america, to help feed those who now need our help. county is lifting some shelter its all part of our commitment to our communities at home restrictions, indoor shopping can resume and office spaces can reopen. through subaru loves to help. also reopening, open outdoor
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love, museums and child care plus it's what makes subaru, subaru. services like housekeeping, carwashes and pet grooming. happen now, our bob redell is in walnut creek speaking with good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. merchants and customers and he we are going to be under a heat will have a live report. advisory today for all of these areas shaded in orange. san jose police are sorting through a chaotic night it kicks in at 10:00 this morning and continues until 9:00 including deadly stabbing, police shooting and side shows this evening as some of our inland areas could reach over that led to multiple arrest. a total of four people wereo ou 100 degrees today. here is a look at our highs as for the details. we reach up to 100 in antioch. the suspect who officers -- who coastal areas will be in the 70s and 80s and then we'll see the officers later shot. there's some extreme heat heat continuing over the next several days. settling into parts of the bay area. this will be the hottest day of the week with some places hitting the triple digits. and that's your latest at midday we will have live team weather. coming up, we've got the latest coverage of today's heat advisory. on our third tropical storm. guys, i have to admit it was jarring seeing the wall around our studio wow, it is real. >> hopefully when you get back here, before that this whole thing will be down and we'll be wide open to the world >> you betcha.
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>> al, we got to get your plaza back in shape, >> al, we've got to get your plaza back in shape, right, al coming up, we're going to talk about the protesters, peaceful protesters our correspondent blaynet blayne alex alexander sits down to talk to seasoned activists and others taking part in the protests nationwide why they marched and what is giving them hope. >> plus mounting fears over the second wave of the coronavirus being sparked by those protests. what the nation's top doctors are now saying the new proof masks and social distancing are vital in the days and weeks ahead but first this is "today" on nbc. well many people have such a misunderstanding as to how a reverse mortgage works. people think that the bank takes your home, but that is not true. that's absolutely 100% wrong. the home is ours. we can sell it if we want to at any time. i like the flexibility of not having a payment,
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and a good morning to you. 7:26. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm laura garcia. here is a look at today's top stories including a busy night for san jose police. >> reporter: i'm kris sanchez in san jose where police are investigating a number of post curfew incidents including a quadruple stabbing in a 7-eleven store just before 1:00 this morning. we also know an sjpd officer shot a suspect in the area. police tell us the suspect is connected to a nearby hit-and-run incident. city hall was the backdrop for this sideshow. officers arrested that driver and several other people for violating the curfew which runs from 8:30 at night until 5:00 in the morning. >> reporter: i'm jackie ward. chesa boudin decided to drop charges against a teenager after seeing video of his arrest. here it is.
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you can see a san francisco police officer kneeling on the back of 19-year-old kajon busby's neck. he had been charged with criminal threatening and resisting arrest. the knee is listed as one of personal body weapons listed in the use of force policy. >> reporter: i'm bob redell in walnut creek where contra costa county is loosening its covid-19 restrictions. starting today the following businesses can start to reopen. indoor retail shopping, business offices, though you are still encouraged to work from home if allowed, outdoor museums, services that don't require close customer contact such as housekeeping, car washes, plumbing and pet grooming. getting started with the morning, it certainly is going to be a warm one out there. the temperatures are going to creep up for us today, right, kari? yeah, and today we're reaching the peak of that heat and taking a look at a clear sun rise. some of us already starting out
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with warm temperatures and this could be our time to enjoy some milder weather. but take a look at where we're headed for today. we'll reach up to 102 degrees in antioch today while san jose will reach up to 96 degrees and some low 80s in san francisco. our inland areas will have also another day of 90s tomorrow, but then some significant cooling on friday as we reach the 70s and that continues through the weekend. laura and marcus? kari, a quick check of the traffic. i want to point out the alert we had for the south county. folks, we still have two lanes open but crash activity on 101 as we look at your map southbound 101 out of morgan hill and heading down to the san martine exit. we should get good recovery but slowing. do keep that in mind. northbound is also a distraction. the rest looks great, the bay bridge still has metering lights. back to you. all right, thank you very much. another local news update in half an hour.
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7: 7:30 now on this wednesday morning, the morning after another night of unrest across america following the death of george floyd a lot calmer a curfew in place, police blocked a large group of demonstrators from entering new york city, kind of pinned them in. >> behind me on the manhattan bridge it's a police technique and we've seen it in dallas as well. it is fairly effective yes, the protests were much quieter as well coming up next, we'll take a look at demonstrations across the country. >> some other headlines at 7:30. pope francis is breaking his silence on the unrest in the u.s. and george floyd's death. he's calling it tragic the pope saying no one can turn
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a blind eye to racism and exclusion. he condemned the violence at some protests as self-destructive and self-defeating he dedicated his entire english section to the protest he sai he's praying for those killed by sin and racism, savannah. >> the controversial congressman steve king from iowa was ousted from his long held house seat in tuesday night's republican primary. king lost to state center randy feenstra by 8,000 votes. the 71-year-old congressman known for controversial statements about immigrants and white supremacy. in 2019 he w committe assignments because of comments he made about white nationals. he spent nearly two decades in congress. another spacex falcon rocket set to launch tonight. the rocket will lift off from
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cape canaveral carrying cape canaveral carrying 60 satellites for starlink broadband network. it comes four days after the successful launch of the "crew dragon" capsule carrying american astronauts up into space. that, of course, was for the first time in nearly a decade, savannah. >> all right more now, hoda on top stories, protests ringing across the nation night after night one message clear, protesters say they will no longer wait for change to happen. >> that's right. blayne alexander has been speaking with many of them today. she joins us with that story hey, blayne, good morning. >> guys, good morning to you unfortunately we've seen all of those images of damage, destruction and looting around the country. in fact, here in atlanta beyond this barricade, you can see there's still a lot of cleanup to be done after friday night's unrest but that is just a small portion. in fact, the majority of the people are out protesting peacefully with a push for their
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message to get change and they do not wan their message to get lost in the chaos. with a call for change across the streets of america, protesters are here for one reason. >> enough is enough for real. >> reporter: but who are the faces in the crowd they are grandparents, parents, and children. >> i'm here so that my kids don't have to come out here. >> we're having a peaceful protest. there's nothing bad going on right now. we're just showing you that there should be justice for our people. >> reporter: and some who have protested before. >> how personal is this for you? >> i'm a man of color. i'm seen as a threat if i'm stopped by police, i'm very nervous, very scared. >> among them first time organizers in missouri 17-year-old jalen thompson led a march of nearly 2,000 walking arm in arm with police. >> why do you think yours struck such a positive chord with so many people. >> you can't ignore the talking point. no matter how upset or hurt we
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are about things going on in the world, we can come together and work together. >> reporter: but what does change look like on social media, black lives matter calling for a petition for local governments to put less into the police department and more into the health and prosperity of black communities. around the country, more demand. >> you're out here because you want to see change in the way police officers are hired and trained. >> absolutely. i want to see change across the board, on the federal level, on the state level. >> while some earlier gatherings ended in violence and looting, the vast majority are a peaceful push for change. in new york, protesters by the thousands filled the streets with more joining along the way. a shared hope that this protest can be the last. >> all these people out here, we have to stand up for them, because it could be any one of us on any day if we don't get change right now. >> blayne, there is definitely urgency. you hear it in their voices. a lot of folks have heard promises before, promises not
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kept are we seeing any action from leaders? >> hoda, we are. in fact, in chicago, mayor lori lightfoot has given the police department a 90-day deadline she says she wants to see a series of changes implemented in the department, some of those include bringing in community members to help teach some of the courses at academy and requiring officers to learn more about the history of the neighborhoods that they are patrolling hoda. >> good to hear concrete steps all right. blayne alexander blayne, thank you. 7:35, savannah. we've got a lot more to get to this morning including one very specific aspect of this protests that are adding to coronavirus concerns this morning. plus the findings from what's being called most comprehensive way to prevent the virus from spreading. that's right after this. sara, your movie plus trial is about to expire. do you want to continue or cancel?
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this morning on in-depth, nationwide protest causing a new level of concern when it comes to coronavirus, savannah. >> that's right, hoda. images of people packed so closely together, some wearing masks, others not, have nation's top doctors worried about a potential second wave of covid-19 we're going to talk about those concerns with dr. torres in a moment first, sam brock has the very latest on this particular concern. sam, good morning. >> reporter: savannah, hoda, just a few days ago looters ransacked the stores here. it's much calmer but concern running high about crowds after a new study shows how crucial social distancing is in stopping the spread of the virus. more than a week into the nationwide protest erupting on america's streets, the crowds don't appear to be subsiding if anything, they are getting bigger. >> for me to be at home on my
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phone retweeting and posting on instagram, that's not enough. >> throngs of people standing shoulder to shoulder from downtown l.a. to the nation's capital demanding an overhaul in policing and all in the midst of a pandemic. >> i worry terribly about the peaceful protests. i see some wearing masks i see others not wearing masks. >> dr. deborah birx promising to work with mayors to expand covid testing for protesters new york's governor applauding the passion but pleading for common sense. >> express your outrage but be responsible because the last thing we want to do is see a spike in the number of covid cases. >> those fighting racism say the virus of hate may be more dangerous than the actual virus. >> at this point i feel like i'm more concerned with the death and genocide of my black brothers and sisters than i am of getting this virus. >> fighting human rights instead of the virus
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i've stayed home for the whole thing but it's time. >> masks and social distancing do keep coronavirus at bay some simple actions show a gaping difference in the risk of infection. 3% if you're wearing a mask, 17% if you're not. 2 1/2% risk keeping 3 feet of distance spiking to almost 13% if you don't. >> there's a chance miami will continue to cover 2 to 300 people out here, many wearing masks, many are not, standing far apart. for the lack of distance, many americans coming together for protest. >> i'm very worried about any resurgence i absolutely am. >> reporter: a troubling irony, it is communities of color that are disproportionately impacted by coronavirus next week testing for law enforcement and demonstrators.
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savannah. >> all right, sam, thank you let's bring in nbc's medical correspondent dr. john torres. dr. torres, we talked about thi. if we were to see an outbreak because of the close proximity a couple days ago. if we were to see an outbreak because of the close proximity of the demonstrators, when might that develop >> savannah, you're right. this is a huge concern the closer you are to people, the longer you're around the people, the more likely you are to get coronavirus we do know people who don't have symptoms can spread it to others when they go back to their communities. what we're expecting is seven days to two weeks we'll see a rise in the cases. we've already seen a rise around the country because the concern is it's going to double, we'll see more rises and that's a big issue obviously, savannah. >> you do have young people mostly, many of them are wearing masks. it's warmer, summertime. could that help mitigate it at all? >> to some extent it could help mitigate it.
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the masks, social distancing, masks, eye guard, socialotectio. you can still get distancing, none of them give you 100 percent protection you can still get it asymptomatically you don't have to have symptoms to spread it if you go back to your communities, especially if you live with someone vulnerable, you have to be extra careful with them. you might be spreading this could start that chain of transmission across the country and make sure we get it under control. we're going to take a close look and make sure these things don't turn into outbreaks. again, a big issue right now, savannah. >> real quickly, what about that study that looked at the effectiveness of social distancing and of masks. what did it find >> it found that the most important thing was social distancing that 6 feet was the important part, or more, of getting social distancing it found masks and eye goggles helped to a certain extent even all three, by themselves or combination, did not give you
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100% protection. the best thing is avoidance if you can and keeping a close eye on yourself and protecting those you know are most vulnerable with this. >> dr. torres, thank you as always it's 7:45, let's get another check of the weather al, good morning again. >> hey, good morning, savannah we are tracking the tropics. we've got our third named storm, cristobal, and it's a fast start to the hurricane season. we just started on monday. third named storm. this the earliest that we've ever seen. cristobal is now 25 miles north northwest of carmen de mexico, 60-mile-per-hour winds, moving south at 3 look at the track. brings it into the gulf. by monday a tropical storm making landfall anywhere between houston and alabama. we're also watching these rapidly intensifying storms that are projected to happen more with warming climates. wind speeds increase of 35 miles per hour in 24 hours look at the last 70 years. you can see they are on the increase because of warmer ocean waters because of climate
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change we're seeing sea surface temperatures rise in the last 100 years. 1 to 3 degrees a warming ocean and air temperatures increased the energy available for these storms that means rapid intensification. we've been seeing this more and more the gulf coast, southeast florida, is at the greatest risk, anywhere from houston to miami. we are talking folks who have to worry about these storms and we'll be watching cristobal for that as we move into this weekend. that's what going on around the country, her good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. let's check out our high temperatures for today because the heat advisory will be in effect for our inland areas as we lock at highs over 100 degrees today. make sure you're drinking lots of water. if you do have to work outside, take mini breaks in the shade if you can. we're going to see our temperatures get really hot tomorrow but starting to come down a bit and more significant cooling coming our way on
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friday. the weekend is looking nice but it will be windy with a chance of rain to our north. that's your latest weather hoda. >> al, thank you still ahead, what was once america's most dangerous city pasando en el país y esto es lo ,ese fue el pronóstico del has now become a model for other towns when it comes to the way they police and work with the public tiempo más adelante, una de las ciudades más peligrosas de they do it together and they are doing it with change estados unidos, y el cambio que but first these messages se generó gracias al trabajo de la unión de la comunidad con la policía esto después de sus noticias locales or illinois. where you'll find our workers and dealers and engineers and technicians. building for america. we're proud to employ more hourly workers than any other automaker in because we build for this country.
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and i'm laura garcia. here is what's happening now. >> reporter: i'm kris sanchez. police are investigating a bunch of post curfew incidents including a quadruple stabbing inside a 7-eleven store just before 1:00 this morning. one person died at the hospital. we know an officer shot a suspect in the area of north 8th and east mission. police tell us the suspect is connected to a nearby hit-and-run incident. city hall was the backdrop for this sideshow. officers arrest that had driver and several other people for violating the curfew which ones at 8:30 at night to 5:00 in the morning. president trump continues to defend his photo opportunity at a church on monday. we'll take a look at all the controversy and the white house reaction coming up on the midday news. let's take a look at this forecast for this wednesday morning. going to be a hot one, kari.
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yes, it is going to be. in fact, the peak of the heat and the hottest day of this week as we'll have a heat advisory that picks up at 10:00 this morning for all of our inland areas. we get ready for triple digit high temperatures especially for the inland east bay, north bay and the south bay. as we go into tomorrow it will be hot and more significant cooling by the end of the week. 70s and then mid-70s for the weekend. we'll be tracking a slight chance of rain further to the north of the bay area. after the next couple of days we will catch a break from this heat. thanks so much and thank you for joining us. we'll see you in 30 minutes.
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buenos días a todos bienvenidos a "today" esta mañana de miércoles a call for change. protesters hit the streets espero que tengan una buena despi queremos cambio protestas, en despite curfews from coast to coast. the protests remain peaceful todas las costas, la mayoría around the clock >> our voice can grow. >> this morning we'll take you inside a city that's getting a lot of attention for how its police department is workingcomn pacíficas. esta mañana los llevaremos a la ciudad que tiene with the community. >> i asked him did he want to hold the banner with me, and he said yes. >> plus how one middle school is making a difference in the city where george floyd was killed. >> this is minneapolis strong for sure the people coming together to help muchas tensiones their communities. en mineápolis la gente que >> as people across the country are lending a helping hand today wednesday, june 3rd, 2020. hi, everybody, good morning.
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welcome back to "today." ayudara su comunidad it's wednesday morning buenos días a todos bienvenidos a "today" esta hope you're having a good mañana de miércoles morning and if you're just espero que tengan una buena mañana, si recién despiertan, están tomando su café nos alegra que estén con waking up and having that first cup of coffee, we're glad to nosotros craig está en nueva york, y hoda está en el estudio que luce un have you with us we have hoda in the studio and craig in new york city poco distinto hoy. looks a little different. >> a quiet night when it comes así es, fue una noche más tranquila aquí en nueva york, pero como precaución, cubrimos to protesters. as a precaution we put up boards la ventana exterior, porque around our big window because some of the businesses around varios negocios aquí cerca here were hit a few nights ago fueron afectados afortunadamente fue una noche thankfully it was a pretty mild night around here and we look tranquila, y esperamos volver a forward to opening up our window reabrir nuestra ventana al mundo on the world, again, real soon it will feel right, savannah. >> yeah. muy pronto es lo correcto savannah can't wait to let the sunshine sí, que entre el sol vamos con las noticias a las 8 in again como decíamos, craig está en la calles de nueva york para the news at 8:00, as mentioned, contarnos sobre la noche de craig on the streets of new york city to get us started and tell us about the night that was. ayer, buenos días craig hola savannah. s and t us about the night hey, craig, good morning. >> hey there, savannah, good to el mensaje se escuchó más fuerte see you. the message was louder than que el caos, hubo un diálogo mayhem last night as protesters nacional sobre george floyd, marched again to spur a national
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dialogue about george floyd, sobre el racismo, y sobre la racism and law enforcement labor de la policía. una noche de enormes protestas, la mayoría pacificas a night of mayhem but mostly en todo el país. peaceful protests across the country. in new york city thousands of e en nueva york, miles de manifestantes quedaron atrapados en el puente de manhattan por protesters trapped on the horas. la policía usó barricadas para evitar que salieran del puente, una táctica polémica manhattan bridge for hours más temprano el martes el alcalde de nueva york destacó police using barricades to keep them from leaving either side of the bridge a controversial tactic known as que la policía puede manejar este problema. kettling new york city's mayor saying no es necesario traer a la they can handle the unrest. decía del hierro seguardia >> the national guard shouldn't nacional be brought here. we have 36,000 police officers. >> governor andrew cuomo not mincing words. >> i believe the mayor tenemos 36 mil policías tenemos 36 mil policías pero el gobernador no midió sus palabras creo que el alcalde subestima la gravedad de este problema, creo que no usaron g underestimates the scope of the problem. afrontar esta situación. i don't believe they have used enough police to address the en la plaza lafayette en la capital las autoridades situation. dispersaron a manifestantes >> in d.c.'s lafayette square
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pacíficos, ayer llegó más gente, where armed federal authorities forcefully cleared peaceful entre ellos elizabeth warren. protesters a much larger crowd turned out last night, including senator mientras hubo una gran presencia elizabeth warren nearby on the militar en uno de los sitios má national mall a large military presence at one of the nation's most iconic places, the lincoln icónicos de la ciudad, el memorial memorial de lincoln. y los angeles, un vocero de la policí in los angeles, a police dice que arrestaron a cientos de manifestantes por incumplir el spokesman says they arrested hundreds of nonviolent protesters for violating the city's imposed curfew and still toque de queda. hubo algunos disturbios. la policía disparó spots of unrest. police firing tear gas at protesters in portland, oregon, lacrimógenas. en atlanta, seis policías and atlanta. enfrentan cargos porque el video de sus trajes los muestran in that city six police officers deteniendo a dos personas con have been charged after body cam footage showed them using stun guns while detaining two black paralizadores. algunos de los college students in their car. oficiales fueron despedidos. no two officers have been fired nbc news cannot confirm what hemos podido confirmar qué pasó happened before the video. antes de esta grabación. in the wake of george floyd's a apartir de la muerte de george death last week in police custody, it was another day of overwhelmingly peaceful floyd, hubo nuevas manifestaciones pacíficas ayer en todo el país. demonstrations from coast to coast tengo hermanos que se ven >> i have siblings and they look just like george floyd and every
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como george floyd y estoy harta other black person killed and de esto. en houston se estima, que i'm tired of it. llegaron a unas 55 mil personas, entre ellos parientes de georged floyd que hicieron un llamado al cambio y se arrodillaron en un momento de silencio. en hollywood, los in houston, 55,000 demonstrators, calling for change and taking a manifestantes se unieran a knee in a powerful moment of silence. in hollywood, protesters embracing members of the miembros de la guardia nacional. national guard these south carolina residents en carolina del sur dijeron, forming a prayer circle while a massive crowd gathered from esto tiene que terminar. en charlotte to seattle to orlando all coming together for a common cause. >> we're tired of systematic oppression and it needs to end. >> back in new york city, cleanup efforts cause. >> we're tired of systematic oppression and it needs to end. >> back in new york city, cleanup efforts are pushing forward. crews sweeping up debris and boarding up businesses. >> our voice can grow. >> across the country, some are still picking up the pieces and pleading for level heads to prevail. >> please stop the madness, and
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let's just do it the right way. >> cooler heads seemed to prevail by and large last night. another reason they think they saw less violence in new york city, that curfew. it had been 11:00 on monday night. last night it was 8:00 p.m. that curfew remains in place through sunday hoda. >> clearly had an impact all right, craig thank you. new details have been released about a series of public and private events being held to honor george floyd gabe gutierrez joins us from minneapolis where the first memorial service scheduled for tomorrow hey, gabe, good morning. >> good morning. a small peaceful protest happened here overnight. all this as the state of minnesota launching a sweeping civil rights investigation into the minneapolis police department as you mentioned, hoda, people here are preparing for a public memorial service here in minneapolis tomorrow another one in north carolina where floyd was born on saturday a public viewing in houston where he grew up, then his
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funeral on tuesday now, protesters are also demanding more charges against the three other officers involved in this case. a floyd family attorney now says he expects those charges to come before the funeral on tuesday. hoda. >> all right, gabe thank you. houston police chief acevedo has been outspoken in his comments about george floyd's death and protests he's also been offering his support to floyd's family in houston. chief acevedo, good morning. thanks for joining us this morning. you offered the floyd family a special police escort for his body when he returns home to houston and said give us this honor. why did you say that >> well, because this is a home grown young man whose life was taken without excuse or justification.
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our mayor turner, home grown, born and raised, we want to make sure as his body is brought here, that he's safe, his family is safe. most importantly people know our funeral escorts we do for the rest of the community, we most certainly need to do it for mr. floyd and his family so we look forward to it and we look forward to making sure that nothing goes wrong and that they can put their loved one to rest in a dignified manner and that's what we're going to do. >> another tricky logistics there but i'm sure you have that under control. by the way, your department, and we should point out, had its own set of problems. your police department has seen six fatal officer shootings since mid april. yesterday you were out with the protesters and they were confronting you, and they were upset about it it sounded like what they were asking for was for you guys to release the body cam video is that something you can commit to
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>> absolutely but i think we have to have a national standard and we have to have a conversation because as we explained to folks why we don't want to in certain circumstances start understanding it what we need moving forward is a national approach to critical policies in law enforcement. you cannot have 18,000 sets of policies, or as with police departments or you cannot have 50 for every state we need some national standards. and laying out the circumstances and processes for the release of videos so people understand, and it's always the same so we will be releasing a tape of one of our shootings. another one that we don't want
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to take any chances on a change of venue this is a very diverse county and city we don't want too much publicity if charges are filed on a couple of our cases the bottom line is, if charges are filed, we want a jury pool from this diverse melting pot of a citytes that isn't reflectivef our community. >> it instruction me you didn't walk away from those crowds. you stayed, you stayed, you listened they were yelling. you stayed and listened. i thought that was important the other thing that struck me as really important from your town, there was a piece of video that moved me and so many people there were a group of white people and black people coming together and there was a prayer going on everyone was kneeling down at one point the black group stood up and the white people stayed on their knees and let's just listen to a little portion of that.olding unfo >> father, we ask forgiveness from our black brothers and sisters for years and years of racism, systematic racism. not only do you receive their
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redemption but god, we repent as the black community for holding unforgiveness, for acting out of anger, for failing our own community at times. >> it's such a moving piece of video. this is not just in a flh this is the spirit and we got t is that the answer are we looking at the answer right there, chief >> this is not just of the flesh, this is of the spirit we've got to turn our attention to god that right there is why i love houston, texas north, south, east, west, black, white, we are a melting pot. we're the city of tomorrow and this is what makes this city so special. above all else, houstonians, we may fight, disagree but we love our city like we showed in hurricane harvey, we love our neighbor so we're not just talking about scripture, we're following
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scripture. i think together through love we're going to overcome the hate. >> all right houston police chief art acevedo. chief, thank you so much we appreciate your time. savannah, 8:10, over to you. >> yeah, good conversation los angeles is one city that did accept help from the national guard after local police faced overwhelming amounts of violence and vandalism there. last night nbc's national correspondent miguel almaguer got to ride along as they patrolled the city what did you find? >> it was another long night for national guard here in california fortunately there was no serious incidence of looting or violence in this area but their mission is far from over overnight nbc news given exclusive access to the national guard in los angeles where looting, vandalism, and fires have left this city shrouded in fear for days. at city hall last night, the guard, the last line of defense behind a weary police department this the first time they have been deployed to protect city hall in nearly 30 years when riots followed the acquittal of police officers involved in the brutal beating of rodney king.
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the guard is here to protect cities from violence but they are also ensuring americans' right to protest. >> i absolutely support your right to protest i absolutely support that. >> reporter: today the guard is serving across nearly half the country. in many regions it's peaceful during the day but at nightfall, several cities have been engulfed in violence ryan whose day job is loss prevention at home depot called the situation on the streets here in los angeles surreal. >> we're living through history but we also have a job here and that's to support the local law enforcement and also protect the people and the property of all californians here practicing their first amendment rights. >> we were with the national guard's 18th cavalry as they patrolled hollywood. in cities like los angeles they are dispatched to hot neighborhoods and city streets 24 hours a day this is what the iconic sunset boulevard looks like right now the call for help could come
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instantly. >> across the country, the guard has also been a target they are not just soldiers, they are citizens. >> this is a great place to take a family or if you're young to come out and enjoy a night out. now you can't do that. but it will come back. we'll secure it and this place will be back to normal. >> it was another busy night for the guards, the 18th cavalry making it home safe. it's unclear what challenges this new day will bring. so many members of the national guard here in california don't live far from where the rioting and looting has been taking place. their mission does continue. it remains open ended.
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back to you. >> all right, miguel thank you. we've got 13 minutes after the hour what do you say, savannah, we turn to a couple of morning boosts every since the pandemic started, new yorkers have had this great nightly ritual of cheering for health care workers. yesterday something else happened it was the hospital workers who came out to cheer for the protesters as they crisscrossed the city with peaceful george floyd marches. some health care workers took a knee to show support for their cause. savannah. >> all right, hoda i got another good one for you a medical worker on the front lines in the coronavirus fight had to spend nine weeks away from her two young daughters when susie vaughn finally got to return home, here is what she found. her girls were so absorbed in a tv show, they didn't even notice, so she decided to have some fun. >> what are you watching >> mommy >> there's the hug they have to be so happy to get that hug the girls were staying with their aunt when she went away on the front lines. the aunt is the one that shared this video of the reunion.
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>> nobody is letting go. nobody is letting go just ahead, what was once the most dangerous city in america now serving as a symbol of hope. >> she smiled. i knew when she smiled the way she did, we were in for a good day. >> all right our inside look at how the community of camden, new jersey, and its people and its police work together and they turn things around, but first these messages another skill. another dinner. another delivery. another journey. another story. another morning. wishing you many more healthy mornings together. from our blue buffalo family to yours. and geico loves helping riders get to where they're going,
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we are back. it is now 8:19 on a busy wednesday morning. we have a lot of heartwarming stories of hope to get to. before we do, one more to get to how about you, mr. roker hey, al. >> hey, guys, good morning let's look at what's happening around the country today nothing too horrible but we are looking at some strong storms that will be firing up later today. we've got some wet weather down through the gulf we're watching this area of temperatures that will be in the
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100s and southwest, central california, 90s in texas and central plains and mid-atlantic states as well going to be hot, muggy, humid. in fact, we look for severe storms firing up later today in the middle east and atlantic, strong storms. heat warnings out west with plenty of sunshine in the good morning. i'm meteorologist carrie hall. as we take a live look oue, sta temperatures here in san francisco. it is going to warm up today, up to 80 degrees, but our inland areas will be under a heat advisories as we see highs in the east bay reaching over 100 degrees, up to 100 in ukiah and south country. morgan hill reaching 100 degrees. we're still hot tomorrow but it starts to back off a little bit and cools down this weekend. >> that's your latest >> all rit
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>> that's your latest weather. savannah. >> all right, al, thank you. well, we have seen so many communities across the country in turmoil over the past week but a town in new jersey once considered the most dangerous in network is doing things a little differently and seeing results, too. nbc's morgan radford has that story for us hi, morgan, good morning. >> savannah, good morning. frankly, this is the story we all need right now the police chief in camden, new jersey, has been getting a lot of attention for the way he handled protests in his community without police brutality and his inspiring response started with a willingness to listen, an open heart, and hello it's a moment of solidarity so desperately needed a majority minority city with a deep history of tension with police 1,000 miles from minneapolis, camden, new jersey, police chief
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marching side by side with his anguished community, days after the killing of george floyd. >> it was horrific i couldn't believe it was occur. >> turning his duty into action seen around the world. >> all the people there and we were one some called it a symbol of peace. >> camden is an unlikely symbol of peace once named the poorest and most dangerous community in the city now a model for community policing, a way for police to partner with the community and build trust and find issues to public safety issues since camden reformed its police department back in 2013, crime has dropped significantly. >> camden has been called one of the most dangerous cities in america. is that still the case
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>> we're at over 50-year crime low here in camden since 1991, yes, the most violent in the country per capita. >> so is community policing working. >> 1,000%. >> a tactic so successful it caught president obama's attention five years ago. >> i've come here to camden to do something that might have been unthinkable just a few years ago. that's to hold you up as a symbol of promise for the nation >> a much needed beacon of hope as police tensions reach a fevered pitch across the country. in the past week alone protesters caught officers on camera throwing a woman to the ground, driving into groups of protesters and using tasers to force college students out of their car. but as other cities boil over in anger, camden staying cool under immense pressure. >> you can have a safe community and march together under the same humane goals. >> reporter: and together they marched for change.
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>> come on, chief, let's go. let's do it. i asked him, did he want to hold the banner with me, and he said yes. >> i knew when she smiled the way she did, we were in for a good day. >> you know, guys, what's so fascinating about this story is the way that they were together able to change the conversation. they were actually able to show us what communities can do when they focus on what brings them together instead of what rips them apart at the end of the day both the organizers and police chief said we're all human. hoda, savannah. >> lots to learn there we need to look hard at them and they have worked hard for it thank you for bringing us the story. we appreciate it. >> still ahead, guys, we have another story of hope. the families of the school impacted by the protest in minneapolis overwhelmed by the kindness of strangers. we are going to talk about that
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touching gesture with its principal. carson taking a closer look at a powerful blackout tuesday yesterday, the movement on social media and its connection to and impact on the world of music. we've have that.
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good morning. it is 8:26. i'm marcus washington. maybe you knew this already, but today will be a hot one. there will be cooling centers available across the bay area. in the east bay you can go to the concord senior center to cool off. in santa clara county leaders are using libraries like the one in saratoga. in san jose five community centers will be open including mayfair community center. all open at 1:00 p.m., and to find a cooling center you going over to we want to get a look at the forecast for you. carrie, like we've been saying it is going to be a hot one out there. if you need to find somewhere cool to go, make sure you do so. >> yes, i'm so glad the cooling centers will be available today because the last cup of of heat waves we didn't have them. so now as we look at walnut creek, one of the spots that are going to heat up today, expect the high to reach over
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100 degrees. we're in the low 80s near the coastline. and then tomorrow it is still going to be hot, but not as hot. the significant cooling comes on friday. the weekend is looking nice and we're also going to have some gusty winds. we will be watching out for that as that mild weather continues into early next week. marcus. >> thanks, carrie. we will have another local news update coming up for you in 30 minutes.
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we're back we're back now 8:30 thursday morning, the third of june, 2020 we've got carson joining us, which is nice. craig is on his way back to get ready for the third hour of "today" ahead. hi, carson, good morning. >> hi, guys, good morning. coming up we'll give you a look at the social campaign, blackout tuesday. probably saw it if you were on instagram. we'll tell you about the movement, its message and hear from some of the stars that took part coming up. >> coming up, guys, you're going to love this story minneapolis middle school located near some of the worst rioting. they put out a call because they need donations for food for families in need check out what happened, overwhelmed by community
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support. they wanted 80 kids and got 30,000 just ahead the school principle who got this all organized hey, amy, she's going to join us and talk to us in just a bit, savannah. >> warning, there will be chills i just got them. also, our guy harry smith, he's always got a way with words during hard times. he's going to put it into perspective as only he can first 8:30, al, let's get a we're going to take a look at our weekend because, of course, check of the weather. >> all right let's show you what we've got going on, guys we're going to take a look at our weekend because, of course, it's never too early to look at the weekend. we've got on friday showers and storms along the mid-atlantic into the gulf coast. heat wave in texas all way down to the plains and unsettled weather in pacific northwest on saturday we're watching cristobal coming into the gulf we'll have to keep an eye on that, eastern seaboard, showers and storms through the western plains then on sunday -- sunday! -- possible topical downpours through the gulf and southeastern atlantic states
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we'll be watching that unsettled weather out to the northern plains sunny skies southern states, . good morning. i'm meteorologist carrie hall. as we check out our high temperatures today, it is going to be the hottest day of the week. some of our inland east bay communities will reach up to 102 degrees today. oakland, reaching 86 and 80 today in san francisco. our seven-day forecast shows a little bit cooler weather. tomorrow is still pretty hot. more significant cooling in the forecast on friday and the weekend is looking nice as we come back to the 70s with gusty winds. that is your latest weather. good seeing yo that is your latest weather. good seeing you, uncle carson. >> uncle al, it's always a pleasure, my friend. thank you so much. good to see you, too. >> carson has got a closer look at this social media movement on instagram that probably y'all u?
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>> yeah, let me start with you probably saw it saw on your feed and participated in. it was called blackout tuesday carson, what can you tell us >> yeah, let me start with you probably saw it yesterday, 28 million people posted the blackout tuesday square or #on instagram alone. it was a massive wave of online support there amplified by some of the music world's biggest stars responding to the death of george floyd himself a former rapper and member of influential houston-based music circle here is more the idea of blackout tuesday started with two music industry professionals along with the slogan the show must be paused the campaign struck a chord followed by millions of black squares on instagram as music's biggest stars called on the entertainment business to acknowledge its debt to the black community, quincy jones writing as gatekeepers of the culture, it's our responsibility to not only come together to celebrate the win but also hold each other during the loss
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paul mccartney, we're doing blackout tuesday in solidarity with the music business and many people all around the world. rihanna vowing to shut down her businesses for the day, we ain't buying blank and ain't selling blank either madonna with a loop under her black square warner, sony and universal support for the initiative along with streaming services from amazon and apple music cable network's bet and mtv went dark 8:46 while spotify replaced artwork on some playlists with a black tile confusion over hash tags created controversy. when posts for tuesday combined with black lives matter tag which many rely on for news and information. >> when you post your black square, please don't use black b flooding hashtag search which is pictures instead of information. >> reporter: still others
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question the idea of taking a pause during protest movement. >> it's weird blackout tuesday comes on a day when we need social media to inform those in primary areas. >> instead of black squares some posted links for worthy causes and encouraged others to vote. the original organizer responded, the purpose was not to mute ourselves. the purpose was a pause from business as usual. guys, we reached out to the two women organizers and didn't hear from them. interesting enough, though, in their initial statement they hadn't mentioned anything about a black square, per se that took on a life of its own yesterday. a lot of people who were posting it just being a part of blackout tuesday stood for a few important things really most importantly, the need to pause, reflect, and most important of them all is so simply listen, guys. >> listening is the key in this one. carson, thank you for that coming up, a remarkable story to
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warm your heart. when protests forced stores in minneapolis to close, a school asked for just 85 food kits for families in need well, look what they got 30,000 arrived we're going to talk to the school's principal about the response that exceeded all expectations but first this is "today" on nbc well many people have such a misunderstanding as to how a reverse mortgage works. people think that the bank takes your home, but that is not true. that's absolutely 100% wrong. the home is ours. we can sell it if we want to at any time. i like the flexibility of not having a payment, but i can make the payment if i want to. you're responsible for keeping up your property taxes and you're responsible for paying your insurance on the property. for us, it was a security blanket. the value of our house, was to fund our long-term health care. these are just a few uses of reverse mortgages.
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have peace of mind. we are back with an example of humanity at its best and we saw it in minneapolis. >> we did. that community feeling so many challenges right now but remarkable stories of uplift have emerged, including one that started with a simple request to help families in need at a middle school. we're going to talk to its principal in a moment but first the heartwarming story a food drive at a middle school
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