tv Today NBC July 11, 2020 5:30am-7:00am PDT
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and lots to talk about in your weather report today. >> she'll have the latest on that very soon. we want to get right to our top story. that is the president's late night communetation for his late night friend. stone was just days away from going to prison for his help in the russia investigation. he was found guilty for lying to
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congress in part prosecutors say to protect the president. in just a moment, we will talk to congressman adam schiff who led the impeachment fight against president trump, but we want to begin with kelly o'donnell. she is at the white house with the latest. kelly, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, peter. this is the first time the president has used this absolute authority to benefit a convicted figure from the russia investigation. after years of mocking and underdhauunde undercutting that probe. and part of the rationale is that the president wiped out the prison sentence in order to protect roger stone medically, to keep him from contracting coronavirus if he were sent to prison. the roger stone get out of prison pass came late friday. >> so the president has saved my life. and he's given me the opportunity to fight for vindication. >> reporter: hours after president trump signaled his intentions. >> i think roger stone was very unfairly treated, as were many people.
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>> reporter: the white house declared roger stone is a victim of the russia hoax. the president commuted stone's more than three-year prison sentence, but dmekept in place convictions for witness tampering and false statements. as the white house noted, he's appealed his conviction and is seeking a new trial. the president does not wis interfere with his efforts. stone, who is 67, worked for republicans going back to richard nixon. a friend of donald trump for decades who campaigned for clemency. >> i'm happy to have the commutation, because i want to clear my name. >> reporter: senator lindsey graham tweeted support for his sentence as justified given stone's age. but democrats responded with scorn. >> i think it's a terrible idea. just look at this administ president and his henc so many of his friends, advisers, campaign chairman, et cetera, are in jail.
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>> adam schiff called stone a crony who lied and obstructed our investigation to protect trump himself. in a rare break with the president, attorney general william barr said wednesday stone's prosecution was righteous. >> i felt it was an appropriate prosecution and i felt the sentence was fair. >> reporter: president trump has granted 25 pardons and now 11 commutations. clearly he relishes wielding that power. >> and kelly joins us now from the north lawn again. there's also been a shift from president trump on daca. that, of course, is the program that lets children brought illegally to the u.s. to remain in the country. what is the president saying now. >> reporter: well, the president set off new questions and alarm bells among his conservative base by talking about this program by saying that he could be the one after many years of saying he would disband it and going all the way to the supreme court fighting over it, that he could be the one that could provide a pathway to
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citizenship. >> one of the aspects with the bill that you'll be happy with and a lot of people will be including me, and a lot of republicans, by the way, will be daca. we'll give them a road to citizenship. >> reporter: now, the white house attempted to clarify the president's comments saying he is not for authorizing amnesty. it's also unclear whether he would do this through executive order or some piece of legislation, providing a pathway to citizenship is something that congress has fought over for many years and you'd need congress to be involved in this. but the president certainly making headlines on an issue that's always been a core part of his political identity, immigration. peter. >> kelly, thank you. we now want to bring in congressman adam schiff. he is chairman of the house intelligence committee who has led the house manager and the president's impeachment trial. congressman schiff, good morning you to. thank you for joining us. we do want to dive right in. roger stone was convicted of lying to congress, inclueding to your committee. so what is your reaction though morning to this commutation?
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>> well from you lie for the president, if you cover up for the president, if you withhold incriminating evidence for the president, you get a pass from donald trump. that's the message that the president has always wanted to convey. it's been conveyed with the commutation of roger stone, it's been conveyed with the dismiss he will of the case against michael flynn. there are now two standards of justice in america, within for the criminal cronies of donald trump and one for everyone else. i think it's entirely destructive of the justice system and the rule of law. >> chairman schiff, the president says of roger stone he was simply caught up in the mueller investigation, that you've heard the president's repeatedly attacked as a witch-hunt and as a hoax. what do you respond? what do you say to that charge and what, if anything, can congress do about these circumstances? >> well, look, a jury of roger stone's peers found him guilty on every charge. and what the president is effectively doing is saying,
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it's okay to lie to congress as long as you lie to protect me. that can never be okay in this country. there needs to be one uniform standard and this, you know, rationalization that roger stone is old, well, you know, everyone else who is the same age as roger stone, they don't get their sentence commuted by the president of the united states. so let's not make any mistake about this. donald trump wants to keep roger stone silent. roger stone knows too much about donald trump. that's always the motivation with this president, which is to protect himself, to cover up for himself, nothing else matters. certainly not the interest of justice. in terms of what could be done about it, i think we're going to need legislation when this president is gone to curb the abuse of pardon and commutation. one way we could do it, i introduced a bill along these lines, is to require that where the president commutes or pardons someone in a case in which the president himself is a witness subject to target, the
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complete investigative files need to be provided to congress that will at least be a deterrent for corrupt acts like this one. >> i want to follow up with you on something that we heard in kelly's package. you heard the attorney general say that stepheone's conviction righteous and yet we are seeing the attorney general essentially been moving to announce replacements for u.s. attorneys who are investigating president trump, the trump administration. we saw another one overnight. so what does this is a about the justice department, the justice department's role in all of this? how do you see this? >> well, of course, you know, bill barr is the one who first intervened to help produce the sentence for roger stone so he's not really in a position to talk right now. he's also, as you say, systemically trying to remove prosecutors who are investigating the president. so the prosecutor in the eastern district of new york, the prosecutor in the southern district of new york, the prosecutor in the district of columbia, all of these people
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have been removed, replaced, shuffled around. this is an effort by bill barr to protect the president against any criminal liability the president has. so he has, i think, vindicating the president's desire that the president, his own henchman, his own roy cohn seated on top of this, and it's hurting independence. >> we appreciate you joining us after a big evening the breaks new. now to the coronavirus. the u.s. broke a single day record with an alarming 71,000 cases. the first time that the u.s. has crossed the 70,000 mark. the world health organization is also now reporting a record number of cases globally. more than 228,000 around the world. meantime, hospital officials in houston and miami both say
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with the number of coronavirus patients rising, they're running out of intensive care beds. >> all of it in the midst of this. the didny world we are learnisn its doors today. the magic kingdom and the animal kingdom will open its doors after being shut down for four months. >> we have this story covered from every angle. we want to begin with sam brock outside disney world. good morning to you. what's the very latest there? >> reporter: kristen, peter, good morning. if you can believe this, at the start of the pandemic, there were 155 cases of covid in florida. now as it reopens, more than 240,000. a different reality as the state is trying to balance economic livelihood and record-breaking numbers. in the midst of a staggering surge of covid cases in florida, 75,000 in just over a week, miami mayor suarez hands out masks. >> there's some indications that
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the mask in public rule is working. the slope of new cases has actually decreased. >> reporter: if there's progress, it's not reflected in miami dade's hospital system, which now shows icu bed capacity at 97%. with testing lines also starting to break at the seams, sending families to the er for covid tests. >> i had at least -- at least 12 families coming saying i went to the testing site about the line was too long. >> reporter: in texas, it's not clear the governor knows where to go next after the lone star state topped 10,000 cases again. the threat of a lockdown back on the table if residents can't follow a mask mandate. >> i made this tough decision for one reason. it was our left best effort to slow the spread of covid-19. if we do not slow the spread of covid-19, the next step would have to be a lockdown. >> reporter: urgency across the country this morning, with a daily record of 70,000 cases hardly the only red flag. arizona, south carolina, and texas have all seen their death tolls jump by more than 100% in
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four weeks. in california, half the state's counties are now on a coronavirus watch list. >> the united states is in the middle right now even as we speak in a very serious problem. >> reporter: the first covid peak shut one of america's playgrounds, disney world. now four weeks later they're trying to make a comeback with temperature checks, social distancing, and enhanced cleaning. >> we've got many new health and safety measures in place in coordination with government and local authorities, and we've got an incredible group of cast to help our guests navigate them. >> lots of ppe. >> reporter: for sheryl evans and their family, they're bring their own thermometers and precautions all the way from california, but not pausing a cherished trip. >> we've decided to continue living our lives and that we believe that we can do this safely. >> reporter: here at disney world, it is a phased reopening with the magic and animal kingdoms opening up at 9:00 eastern this morning.
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there are also a half dozen nba teams nearby on espn's wide world of sports campus that includes lebron and the lakers expected later today as the nba is scheduled to start its restart a little bit later this month as all the players will be tested on a daily basis. back to you. >> all right. sam brock outside of disney world. thank you for that. we have our doctor here that is the medical director of the special pathogens unit at the boston university school of medicine. thank you for being with us on this saturday morning. as we noted yesterday, we saw a record number of cases, more than 70,000 in this country. a few months ago the concentration was in new york. right now we have, in effect, several new yorks spread across the country. and on this trajectory you would reach several thousand more in the next few weeks. how do we get thuis under control?
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>> i think what we're seeing is this new move toward the sunbelt states, we had caught up with testing. our testing positivity rate, which is the rate at which we know that we're testing enough so that is the number of people that you tested turn out to be positive were under five, which is what the w.h.o. recommended. as a nation we're higher up on that and the states that are affected are texas and florida are looking at 20% test positivity. arizona's looking at 30% test positivity. we're now looking at younger patients not just affect and diagnosed, but actually hospitalized. and a huge part of that is because obesity, hypertension, diabetes, all those medical conditions that leading people to get sicker are higher prevalence in these states. well, what we're also seeing is there's this crunch both not just in testing but also personal protective equipment and hospital resources. the way that we move forward is we have to continue the individual work that needs to be done. the masks.
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>> dr. -- the -- >> go ahead. >> go ahead, kristen. >> i just want to follow up with you about the big topic this week, schools reopening. can parents feel safe sending their kids back to schools? >> well, kristen, the data on school is still pretty muddled. you know kids get this infection at half or one-third the rate that adults can and place where's they open the schools, in some places they were able to do it. and in israel they saw huge outbreaks. the thing that makes the difference is the prevalence of the disease in the community that you're in. the three things parents to consider is the number of cases going on. if there's a huge amount of cases that's going to affect the safety of the kids coming into the school. the other is whether or not the schools that your kids are going to are going to be able to put in place all the cdc guidelines
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including social distancing between parents and teachers and parents and students. so what happens if there's an outbreak? do they have a plan? if there is an outbreak and schools do get shut down, again, how does education continue? that's something to consider. i think it's a tough choice that parents will have to make depending on the neighborhood they're in. >> yeah, decision a lot of families are weighing as we speak. we always appreciate your expertise. thanks so very much. also this morning, another story we are tracking, amazon is backtracking after a companywide email asked employees to delete the popular tiktok app from their phones. just hours after the internal notice went out on friday, amazon called the ban on tiktok a mistake and said the email was sent in error. this comes as the chinese owned social media platform faces scrutiny as a possible threat to national security. mike pompeo says the u.s. is
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considering banning the app. also this morning, jeffrey epstein's confidant ghislaine maxwell is being asked to be released from prison. she said she should be granted bail and released to home confinement due to the risk of coronavirus. her lawyers also argue that maxwell is not a threat and is not jeffrey epstein. she was arrested last week on charges she helped epstein sexually abuse underage women. she is now being held in a new york city detention center ahead of her court appearance scheduled for next week. we do want to turn now to the weather where tropical storm fay made a mess in the northeast. they it left flooded roads in new york and also new jersey. the good news, fay has been downgraded and headed north. but we want to get the very latest with dylan who has been very busy with fay this morning. >> absolutely. good morning, guys, once again. and yesterday too in parts of delaware we picked up nearly
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7 inches of rain in lewis, delaware. now, the storm itself, it's a post tropical cyclone at this point. it's lost a lot of its tropical characteristics. but you can still see heavy bands of rain through northeastern pennsylvania, up through new york, stretching into vermont and new hampshire. it will race off through into canada today. winds are weakening, but you'll see some random gusts andtor rent re torrential downpours as well. the front will also trigger some potentially secure storms later on this afternoon. we could see damaging winds, perhaps up to 40 to 50-mile-per-hour gusts with that cold front and also more heavy rain. that's something to keep an eye out. even though the storm is moving away, it's t we are expecting a lovely weekend ahead. right now in san francisco, 54 degrees. gray skies to start.
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we are seeing some areas of low clouds and fog in through san jose, 62 rites right now. wind speeds are calm. look at your micro climate highs for this afternoon. patchy coastal fog for the first half of the morning. sunny skies by the afternoon with temperature this is the upper 80s for the south bay and upper 90s for interior valleys in concord and anti-i don't care. -- antioch. . >> all right, dylan, thank you. and still to come on this saturday, the mystery of what happened to glee actress naya rivera as this home is equipped with gig speed internet from xfinity.
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calls for justice after police killed 28-year-old james garcia who was sitting in a parked car in phoenix. officers asked garcia to least car, but he refused. police say he pointed a gun at them. >> shoot [ bleep ]. >> officers shouting at him s p sitting in this parked car and then firing a barrage of bullets. >> [ bleep ]. >> the very vidideo doesn't sho there's an african american threatening my life. >> the white woman who called police on a black man in central park saying he was threatening her now in legal jeopardy. she's charged with filing a false police report. >> are you available? there's a man who is recording
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me and threatening me and my dog. >> but the man who was the target of her rage very fusing to cooperate with authorities saying she's already suffered enough. facebook ceo mark zuckerberg met with civil rights leaders amid a major ad boycott targeting the social media giant. they say facebook isn't doing enough to stop the spread of racist hate speech and misinformation. facebook stood by their efforts in the meeting telling nbc news we have invested billions in people and technology to keep hate off or platform. we know we will be judged by our ction as and not by our words and are grateful to these groups and many others for their continued engagement. mary turno died this week. she was convicted of raping a 13-year-old student. she gave birth to two of his children before he turned 15. the two were married for 14 years before divorcing last
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year. she was 58 years old. some of the week's wildest moments caught on camera. a heart-stopping catch in arizona as this former football player caught a 3-year-old who was dropped before from the balcony of an apartment that was on fire. deadly tornadoes. and a close call for this oklahoma highway trooper, lightning striking as he was trying to get a truck to back up. ♪ and is this the future of sports? these dog and human-like robots cheered on a japanese baseball team. the softbank hawks. they danced and sang to the team's fight song in an effort to boost morale since fans aren't allowed in the stands. home run or a swing and a miss? we'll let you be the umpire on this one. debate's going to rage on over that one, peter what do you say? >> nothing boosts morale like dancing robots. >> exactly.
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i'm not sure it's going to catch conhere, but we'll give them an "a" for effort. the latest on the debate on whether to open schools for the fall as parents, teachers, and the president weigh in. plus, pandemic shortage. by good saturday morning. it is 5:56. here's a live look outside. wow, clouds just magically lying
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above the golden gate bridge a. gorgeous look outside the window. thanks for starting your morning with us. i'm kira klapper. we have a look at the micro climate forecast. i am always mesmerized by the golden gate bridge. >> that is one of my favorite shots as well, especially when there is fog rolling through. even though it is just some spots seeing the fog. that's one of the best we have. we will see the area clear out this afternoon. high pressure is in the area. let me show you a different view of san francisco as well. 54 degrees right now. you can see the fog off in the distance here in this camera. meanwhile, over in san jose, sunny skies there. 60 degrees as the sun continues to come up. here's a look at today's micro climate highs for this afternoon. again, we will see the patchy coastal fog. by the afternoon it is going to be really sunny. we are going to be warming up rather quickly, especially for concord, livermore, and antioch.
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mid to upper 90s. san jose, upper 80s. around the coast we are going to keep a little bit cooler weather. we will still be comfortable in the 60s. upper and mid 70s into the oakland area. >> we will see you at 7:00: we begin with south bay teachers putting their foot down. they are refusing to go into the classroom until conditions are safe. it could set a precedent for school districts across california. a spokesperson tells us the first day of school is scheduled for august 12th with one teacher in the classroom instructing some in person and others virtually. now that some teach remembers refusing to go back into the classroom, the district is looking at other options. >> there is no substitute for the face to face interaction particularly with younger kids. it is going to be a challenge. >> mean while, oakland school
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district says they will start the school year on august 10th with distance learning and. in a decision made late last night no more outdoor dining in alameda county. it could be a paperwork fix. but for now it is back to square one. restaurants can only be open for drivethrough, pickup, or delivery. at 5:59 coming up on today in the bay a you opportunity to get out. we will tell but a drivethrough food fair this weekend. that plus all of your other top stories and the fiscal coming up at 7:00. see you then. right now, back to the "today" show.
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we are back on this saturday morning, july 11th, 2020 with just a gorgeous shot of the new york city skyline this morning. a moment of calm after tropical storm fay dropped heavy rain on the city this morning. dylan's been tracking that. let's begin this half an hour with the check of a headlines. we start with president trump's move overnight to commute the prison sentence of his long time ally and friend, roger stone. the president called him on friday to tell stone he will not have to report to prison next week. stone was set to head to prison on tuesday to serve a more than three-year sentence.
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he was convicted in february of lying to congress in a case related to the russia investigation. in part, prosecutors say, to protect the president. coronavirus cares surging all across the dhunt mornicount u.s. sets another record in just one day. the governor of texas is warning of another potential lockdown after hospitals in houston are reaching capacity and close to running out of icu beds. disney world is set to reopen today after being shut down for four months despite a record none of cases being reported in florida. it's time to drop the puck. the nhl has officially announced it's returning on august 1st. hockey is the latest sport to resume after a month's long pause due to coronavirus. they approved an agreement to come back on friday. league will head right to the playoffs with a 2014 tournament being played in toronto, ed month top. you can watch those playoff
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games starting in august right here on nbc. >> and also this morning, the very latest on a really tragic story. search crews in california are dealing with extremely low visibility as they search for naya rivera. erin is in los angeles with the latest on that. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. the disappearance of naya rivera remains a mystery. authorities do not know what happened to the actress or how her son ended up in that boat alone. this morning, searchers will be back in the water looking for the body of naya rivera. sheriff r sheriff released these images showing what investigators are up against. two miles of dark, murky waters. visibility of just one to two feet slowing the recovery effort. >> we don't know if she's going to be found five minutes from now or five days from now. >> reporter: key to the
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investigation, this surveillance footage captured wednesday afternoon shows her and her 4-year-old son arriving at lake piru and renting a pontoon. they head off to the north of the lake. three hours later when they didn't return, the rental company sent a search party. >> lake piru, emergency is we have a missing person. >> reporter: her son was found sleeping in the boat alone wearing a life vest. the boy told investigators he and his mother went swimming. he got back in the boat but she didn't. her purse and vest found on board. still, investigators say they're no closer to understanding what happened to the 33-year-old actress. best known for her role on the hit tv show "glee ". authorities say rivera likely drowned, but they don't know how. officials tell nbc news they're looking at a range of possibilities including a medical episode, suicide, or accident to the help determine what led up to the incident, investigators examining rivera's social media for clues, she
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posted often to her millions of followers. her last post, a touching photo of her and her son. some also questioning the safety of the lake, collecting more than 22,000 signatures on a petition to lake piru demanding the county put up warning signs to swimmers in the hope this kind of tragedy will never happen again. three boats using sonar scan will be out on the lake today. if they find rivera, they will, of course, notify her family first, then alert the public. without an autopsy, authorities fear they may never know exactly what happened. guys. >> everyone's hearts going out to her family right now. thank you for that. >> yeah, you just feel for her young son. let's check in with dylan right now with a check of the forecast. >> good morning again, guys. we have some extreme heat in the southwestern parts of the country. i mean, we are looking at temperatures up around 115 to 120 degrees. we have heat alerts in effect
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for 76 million people under some sort of heat warning, heat advisory, or heat watch thaand t includes arkansas, texas where we'll see our warmest temperatures. the record high in tucson, arizona, is 111. we're forecasting a high of 110. 111 in las vegas today. the record my phoenix tomorrow is 115 and we're forecasting a high of 116, so we'll like lie break a record. still stays hot in las vegas too. look at all of these numbers going into the middle of next week. las vegas, even though it cools off a couple of degrees, we're up to 107. on wednesday, we're staying above 110 in yuma, arizona. temperatures are hot. and down through texas, not only is it hot but it's also humid too so it's making it just very unbearable out there. we are going to see that stick around through the next several days. in the meantime, in the eastern half of the country we have a couple of severe storms possible through the middle of the country where we could see large hail, damaging winds. we can't rule out a tornado and
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we we do have some fog along the coast. but inland look how beautiful the sun rise is looking right now over walnut creek. 59 degrees. let's look at the highs for this afternoon. we will be warm. we have high pressure over the bay area. look at the temperatures. morgan hill, 95, san jose, a predicted high of 89. concord, pittsburgh, antioch and livermore all in the 90s. and 60s and 70s and sunny days are expected through the entire weekend. >> and that's your latest forecast. peter and kristen, back to you. >> thank you. coming up, vicky nguyen on why bikes are so hard to find these days. >> good morning. looking to get up and go outside for a bike ride? hopefully you have your own set of wheels. of wheels. ♪ ♪ of wheels.
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we're back now with the new normal and you may have noticed that there are eye lot more people taking their bikes for a spin these days. >> and that's actually posing a problem pore people wfor people have a bike but want one. vicki is there with more. great to see you. >> this is my daughter's bike. she woke up early to run camera for us this morning. we brought this out to new york with us when we moved here along with the family bike. it's a good thing we did because we'd have a hard time finding bikes right now. we talked with the president of the largest bike manufacturer here in the u.s., and he says demand for vikes worldwide is higher than ever. as the weather warms up across the country, people are getting in gear, cruising shut down city street cycling through suburbs.
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if you need to see why it's so popular, it's good for the environment, it's good for you, and it's a fun way to get outside after being cooped up. but unless you already have one of these, you may have to wait a while before pushing those pedals. >> bike shops across the country seeing skyrocketing demand and supplies dwindling. in new mexico? >> this is actually the only one we have right at the moment. >> in portland, oregon. >> the amount of business is not like anything we've seen. >> and in new york city. >> have you ever seen a bike shortage like this before? >> no, never. never ever. >> reporter: in 22 years of being in the biking his, matthew says since the pandemic started bikes have sold so fast his stores are only left with high-end models, starting price, 1,000 bucks. >> we're looking at about two weeks we'll be out of bikes to sell. >> reporter: you'll be out of bikes to sell in two weeks? >> yeah. >> reporter: and don't be confused by all the biections you do see. >> what are all these bikes? >> these are all repairs.
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we're doing the best we can to get as many people on the road as possible. >> reporter: we talked to the president of the largest bike manufacturer. what kind of spike did you see. >> april 12th magically the switch went on. we've seen at retail sales basically doubled. >> reporter: he says they ramped up production at its plants in the united states, but bikes in the 300 to $800 range are built overseas where the coronavirus has snarled production. so we're seeing people who want bikes for remembering cre racing, bracination, but are you seeing a demand on the commuter side? >> we are because people aren't super comfortable get on the is unway unsub way or a bus and they want to get outside. >> if you are buying a used bike, inspect two things. look at the chain, if there's any orange, that's a sign of rust. and also check the tires carefully for any cracking. you may have to budget a couple
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hundred dollars for repairs and be wear of recalled bikes with safety issues. search the bike model online and check the consumer product safety commission website before buying. for day trips, try renting a bike or using a public bike share. if you're in a coronavirus hot spot, disinfect the handles first. if you're renting a bike, adjust the seat height. you want it to come up right here below your hip. while the pandemic is putting the brakes on bike buying for some, the short-term hassle could lead to nebraska nw habit the long haul. >> we believe the bike is a solution to health issues, congestion issues, it's a really simple solution to climate change. >> so, this literally my experience, even with trek trying to get one of the bikes, they said it won't be in until november. so if you're waiting to buy a bike or you want to get one, should you wait or just preorder
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now? >> you got to get in right now, peter. and the other thing to think about is those sporting goods stores like dick's sporting goods or rei, they have supplies in kids' bikes. and don't forget your helmet. try to buy it in person if you can because that way you can try it on. one good tip for making sure it fits, put it on, don't buckle it and lean forward. it helmet stays on, that's a good fit. >> big halt tt tip to my neighb who is letting me use his bike right now. and tell your daughter we'll be calling her. her camera work is fantastic. >> she's hired. >> she's on the payroll. >> thank you, vicki. coming up next, walking the beat for the capital one walmart rewards card puts cash back in your wallet. earn 5% cash back on everything you buy at mom! paper towels! ...including things for the science fair.
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an underrepresented group in police departments big and small. we're talking about black female officers who make up less than 5% of full time staffers. >> there is a big push these days to make police departments look more like america as a whole. >> any threats made against our schools, credible or not -- >> michelle is the chief of police in charlottesville, virginia, and one of a kind. >> thank you so much. >> the 36 year veteran is the only black woman on the force she commands. hired there after racial clashes in 2017, rising above skeptics who questioned her gender. >> i have a ph.d, s.w.a.t. trained, gone to the fbi national academies, bomb schools, secret service. >> the widespread protests for racial justice following the death of george floyd in police
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custody also focused on the lack of diversity in america's police departments. according to the bureau of justice statistics in 60, just 9% of full time officers were black men. only 3% were black women. do you think that recruiting more black women would reduce the level of violence we see in black communities? >> i absolutely believe that. my shared and lives experienced allow me to look at things through a different lens. >> but sergeant marilyn thompson says getting on the force meant overcoming racial bias. >> did you ever feel you had to work harder to be better than white police officers? >> there was a lot of times i had to prove myself. >> the 27 year veteran with the university of arkansas police department says being a black female cop is an asset for her entire community. >> i think diversity is a powerful thing. i think it helps the community and it take away the distrust
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that we have. >> we need to own our violations and then make sure that we put systems in place so that this never occurs again. the community is demanding of it us and we have to demand of it ourselves. >> a moment of reckoning in demanding change. >> such an important point, particularly since there's been so much focus on community policing as being a key part of solving some of the problems we're seeing. >> and the potential impact for those police looking like the people who they interact within the community could make such a huge difference. >> absolutely. still to come, the dolphin putting on quite a show for some
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dylan. those stories, plus this sweet final performance from actor carl reiner working with his son just days before he passed away. we'll have that and more coming up in pop start. bufirst, these messat ge people used to care. heck, they'd come all the way out here just for a blurry photo of me. oh, that's a good one. wait, what's that? that's just the low-battery warning. oh, alright. now it's all, "check out my rv," and, "let's go four-wheeling." maybe there's a little part of me that wanted to be seen.
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toward san francisco from our san bruno mountain camera. what a gorgeous sight to behold as you wake up on our weekend. good morning. we have a look at the micro climate forecast. >> we are off to a great start. sunny skies inland. sure we are seeing some areas of fog but it is going to be a pretty warm afternoon. 54 receipt now in san francisco. look at your micro climate highs for today. in the 60s for the coast. in the bay, 70s. further into san jose, 89 degrees. livermore, 95. napa, 92. so we will be very, very quick loo warm. now it is going to be sunny all day today. if you do have plans of being outside, please keep that in mind. it is going to get hot pretty fast. also, i want to show you a quick look at the pollen report. grass is high, weeds are moderate, molds are low, so is tree pollen. if you are going to be out and
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about, take your medication with you because it is definitely one of those days where people will be taking afternoon walks with such bra weather. a look at the full forecast coming up. we begin right now with south bay teachers saying they refuse to go back into the classroom next month until conditions are made safe. it could set a precedent for school districts across california. a spokesperson tell us the first day of school is scheduled for august 12th with one teacher in the classroom instructing some students in claes and others virtually. now that teach remembers refusing to go back the district is, taking another look at that plan. we spoke to a parent and former teacher. >> there is no substitute for the face to face type of interaction, particularly with younger kids. so it is going to be a real challenge. >> meanwhile, oakland unified school district says it will start the school year on august 10th with distance learning.
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the district says covid cases will then determine when teachers will return to the classrooms. in a decision made late last night no, more outdoor dining in alameda county. health leaders say the state put out new rules and the county is not in compliance. it could be just a paperwork fix but for now it is back to square one and phase one. restaurants can only be opened for drivethrough pickup and delivery. this afternoon, a opportunity to get out and support local businesses while social distancing. we will tell but a drivethrough food fair this weekend. that's coming up at 7:00. right now, back to the "today" show.
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good morning. breaking overnight, presidential commutation. >> the president has saved my life and has given me the opportunity to fight for vindication. >> president trump erases the sentence for his fred and political ally roger stone who had been convicted of lying to congress in part, prosecutors say, to protect the president. democrats outraged. >> there are now two standards of justice in america. one for the criminal cronies of donald trump and one for everyone else. >> we're live with the latest. record spread. coronavirus cases here in the u.s. and around the world surging to alarming new highs.
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hospitals warning their intensive care units are running out of room. the governor of texas warning his state may need to go into lockdown. and even as the situation gets worse in florida, disney world is reopening its doors this morning. >> hello today show family. it's debbie and mitch. >> hi, i'm gracie and i'm celebrating my 9th birthday by getting both my casts off. >> whew! ♪ good morning and welcome back to today on a saturday morning. we are all celebrating that adorable little girl who's getting her casts off. >> how about that guy with the kicks? >> yeah, he's got the moves. >> i think i just pulled something right there. >> be careful there. take it easy. >> on live television. we want to say thanks tufl tho those at home pictures.
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>> busy day dylan is bratrackin the latest in the weather department. but we want to get to the commutation of stone. he was days away from going to prison for his convicted accounts in the russia investigation. he was commuted, in part, prosecutors say, to protect the president. kelly is at the white house with the latest on the developments. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. the white house put out a lengthy explanation of the president's use of this special power and declared roger stone is a free man. but much of that official statement from the white house read like years of the president's angry tweets about the russia investigation. the roger stone get out of prison pass came late friendship. >> so the president has saved my life. and he's given me the opportunity to fight for vindication. >> reporter: hours after president trump signaled his intentions. >> i think roger stone was very
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unfairly treated, as were many people. >> reporter: the white house declared roger stone is a victim of the russia hoax. the president commuted stone's more than three-year prison sentence, but kept in place his convictions for obstruction, witness tampering, and false statements. as the white house noted, he has appealed his conviction and is seeking a new trial. the president does not wish to interfere with his efforts. stone, who is 67, worked for republicans going back to richard nixon. a friend of donald trump for decades who campaigned for clemency. >> i'm happy to have the commutation because i want to clear my name. >> reporter: senator lindsey graham tweeted support for stone's sentence as justified giving stone's age. but democrats responded with scorn. >> i think it's a terrible idea. just look at this administration. the president and his henchmen, so many of his friends, advisers, campaign chairman, et
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cetera, are in jail. >> reporter: house intelligence chairman on today. >> if you lie for the president, if you cover up for the president, if you withhold incriminating evidence for the president, you get a pass from donald trump. >> reporter: in a rare break with the president, attorney general william barr said wednesday stone's prosecution was righteous. >> i felt it was an appropriate prosecution and i felt the sentence was fair. >> reporter: president trump has granted 25 pardons and now 11 commutations. clearly, he relishes wielding that power. and today the president is expected to visit service members who are hospitalized at walter reed national military medical center. and he is going to do something that he has been quite unwilling to do publicly. he says he will wear a mask. of course, the president has often been dismissive about wearing masks as a response to coronavirus, but with cases spiking around the country, the
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president wearing one today would certainly be a big change. kristen, peter. >> yeah, all eyes will be on the president to see if he tillactu does that. and now to the latest on the coronavirus in the united states, there are now 3.2 million cases and nearly 135,000 deaths. the country saw its highest cases yet, it comes as hospitals reach their capacity as well. we want to turn 0 to sam brock for the latest. he's outside disney world that's getting set to reopen today. sam, good morning. >> reporter: peter, good morning. just in about an hour or so, mandatory masks for everyone 2 and up and no physical interaction with disney characters. this is going to be a very different experience from what many people are used to, but also part of a new reality as florida right now arguably the worst hot spot in the country. in the midst of a staggering
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surge of covid cases in florida, 75,000 in just over a week, miami mayor suarez hands out masks. >> there's some indications that the mask in public rule is actually working. the slope of new cases has actually decreased. >> reporter: if there's progress, it's not reflected in miami dade's hospital system, which now shows icu bed capacity at 97%. with testing lines also starting to break at the seams, sending families to the er for covid tests. >> i had at least -- at least 12 families come in saying i went to the testing site but the line was too clear the governor knows where to go next after the lone star state topped 10,000 cases again. the threat of a lockdown back on the table if residents can't follow a mask mandate. >> i made this tough decision for one reason. it was our last best effort to slow the spread of covid-19. if we do not slow the sprefd covid-19, the next step would have to be a lockdown.
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>> reporter: urgency across the country this morning with a daily record of 70,000 cases hardly the only red flag. arizona, south carolina, and texas have all seen their death tolls jump by more than 100% in four weeks. in california, half the state's counties are now on a coronavirus watch list. >> the united states is in the middle right now even as we speak in a very serious problem. >> reporter: the first covid peak shut one of america's playgrounds, disney world. now four months later, the magical mainstay is trying to make a comeback with temperature checks, social distancing, enhanced cleaning. >> we've got many new health and safety measures in place with coordination of the government and state and local authorities. >> lots of ppe. >> reporter: for sheryl evans and they're family, they're bringing their own thermometers and precautions from california but not pausing a cherished trip. >> we've decided to continue living our lives and that we
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believe we can do this safely. >> reporter: now, the gates open at 9:00 a.m. eastern with magic kingdom and the animal kingdom kicking things off by reservation only. the nba's bubble plan also launching right now. about a half dozen teams are on campus with more expected on the way at espn live world of sports. back to you. >> sam brock in orlando this morning. sam, thanks very much. disney world sure sounds fun. you're a dad of two. are you ready to take that plunge yet? >> it's funny. actually my wife's folks live in orlando. they were planning to make a trip down there just last week to be together. we had the goggles, the masks and everything for the flight and we just canceled it because we felt in these times we felt safer staying put. but if you're in the area and you can go there and safely social distance, it will be a nice day out. >> everybody family's going to go on their own pace that's for sure. how about a morning boost. a father and son were out on a fishing trip when they were joined by some unexpected company.
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take a look. >> that's cool! >> beautiful, right? well, that say dolphis a dolphi on quite a show in the waters in destin. dad immediately grabbed his phone to capture the moext mome moment. he said he sees dolphins quite frequently but this was a beautiful shot there. and the dad was probably relieved it wasn't a shark. >> he's like, we didn't catch any fish but i got a heck of a video. how can schools safely reopen in the fall and should they? we're going to get into that debate rightfter this. the capital one walmart rewards card puts cash back in your wallet. earn 5% cash back on everything you buy at mom! paper towels! ...including things for the science fair. what's in your wallet?
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removes ten years ofoptic yellow stains. that's like all the way back to 2010. what's that? it's a shake weight. it's a weight you shake. remove ten years of yellow stains with new colgate optic white renewal. puts cash back in your wallet. earn 5% cash back on everything you buy at mom! paper towels! ...including things for the science fair. what's in your wallet?
6:43 am
we are back on a saturday morning with our series coronavirus and the classroom. there's still so many up answered questions about how to safely reopen schools in the fall. >> we have moreducators should n the classroom at all. >> today in florida the clock is ticking as schools face a statewide order to reno persope
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person. and the threat from president trump. >> just go back to school. we can do that. and, you know, you social distance, you can get your temperature taken. you can be tested. you could have distancing. come on, it's not that hard. >> but here in florida, education officials say it's not that simple. how many questions are still unanswered? >> too many to mention. there's so many things from dismissal, arrival, it's much more difficult to control the outside areas. when children come to school, transportation, if they ride school buses, bus stops, all these things are, right now, pending. y? >> and that's just the tip of the iceberg. typically this cafeteria is filled with 250 kids at lunchtime but that's not going to happen this school year.
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how much funding have you received to implement all of these changes? >> as of today, not anything. >> it's not just about the children's safety. there's the staff too. >> if these protocols are not put in place so they feel safe, they're not going to feel comfortable coming on and teaching our children face-to-face. >> according to a usa today poll, about 20% of teachers said they aren't likely to return to teaching if schools reopen in the fall. still, some parents are committed to classrooms for their children. >> we have seen a lot of emotional and mental instability in our children over the last three months. it option is there for them to go five days a week face-to-face, i'm going to do that. >> for today, dasha burns, nbc news, miami. >> this is such a tough debate. i interviewed an educator in arizona who said they're just not ready to go back to the classrooms. they're going to reevaluate in a couple months. >> there's the impact for the teachers and administrators, a
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lot of them are over 50. and then for the families too. maybe kids are raised by older parents or grandparents. >> grandparents in the house. >> it's a lot to decide. schools in some places start in a matter of weeks. >> dylan, i know it's something you yach watch as well as you w the weather for us. >> i feel like calvin is missing out on interactions with other kids. he's only in preschool because that's all he's got right now. but we'll kind of make that decision when the schools make their decision in the fall. but we are going to look at the weather across the country. we'll still dealing with the remnants of what was tropical storm fay. it's now a post tropical sky clone. winds have weakened significantly and as we go into this afternoon approximately already race off into canada. but there's a cold front moving to the east, and that's actually going to trigger more storms as we go no this afternoon. so those won't really be directly related to fay, but we are still looking at the chance of severe weather across the
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northeast with damaging wind gusts a good possibility as that front moves to the east. and little back farther to the west we're also looking at a round of potentially severe storms. additional rainfall would only be about a half an inch up to an inch or so, but with some of those thunderstorms we could see some areas picking up even more rain. but it's that area in yellow where we could see more of our significant storms later on to our weekend. what more can we ask for than warm summer temperatures? right now in san francisco we are still seeing some patchy fog in certain spots. it is about 54 degrees right now, it is quite comfortable. today's forecast will be really hot in inland areas. if you are trying get away from the heat you definitely want to head to the peninsula and the coast. san francisco a high of 68 degrees. oakland, 76. sunshine and good air quality throughout the weekend. and that's your latest
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we are back on a saturday morning with "pop start ". dylan, you're up. take it away. >> all right. ho here you go, guys. first we're starting with carl reiner's final curtain call. he passed away last week at the age of 98, and we just found out he left behind one more piece of work and it sure is a special one. as part of a fan film remake, the late actor and his son rob reiner recorded the closing scene of one of his most beloved movies, the princess bride. >> now i think you ought to go to sleep. >> okay. >> okay. okay. all right. so long. >> grandpa, can you come over
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tomorrow and read it again? >> as you wish. >> that was just -- of that was filmed just three days before carl reiner's passing. i mean, guys, how touching is that and to have that on tape for rob? >> it is so special and that line, as you wish, the big line of that movie. and rob reiner, as an adolescent boy, how about that? >> he gives -- that scene just gives you goosebumps. it was a real fairytale ending in that movie of course. have fun storming the castle. who can't love princess bride. just such a nice way to go. >> yeah. >> so sweet to have that, i'm sure. i'm sure he'll watch it plenty of times, too. moving on to katy perry and taylor swift. through the years we've covered everything about the pop superstars, but this may be a first. during a recent radio interview, perry learned that she and swift might be cousins. check out her reaction.
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>> you and taylor swift are ninth cousins. is this right? >> well, we fight like cousins. [ laughter ] >> good point. katy went ton joke that she's open to getting a blood test with taylor so we'll see how that pans out. and finally sports documentaries are definitely having a moment right now. and we now know who the next subject will be. tiger woods. hbo sports is producing a two-part documentary that will cron kalt 15 nhl time major champion's rise, fall, and epic comeback. it's said to feature never before seen footage and revealing interviews with people who know him best. it includes his former caddie steve williams, so mark your calendars. tiger premieres december 13th oon hbo. little secret, i've had a pal on my lap throughout the whole pop start thereor you. f i had shingles. horrible. a young thing like me? [camera man] actually anyone 50 or over is at increased risk for shingles.
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the pain, the burning! my husband had to do everything for weeks. and the thing is, there's nothing you can do about it! [camera man] well, shingles can be prevented. shingles can be whaaat? [camera man] prevented. you can get vaccinated. frank! they have shingles vaccines! -whaaat? -that's what i said. we're taking you to the doctor. not going through that again. [camera man] you can also get it from your pharmacist! talk to your doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated. talk to your doctor or pharmacist is skincare from around the wobetter than olay? olay regenerist faced 131 premium products, from 12 countries, over 10 years. olay's hydration was unbeaten every time. olay, face anything. ♪(man) hoot! (man) during the commercials i like to dance.. because i'm in love... with my heart. (bee) great taste heart healthy. (vo) and try new cinnamon cheerios made with real cinnamon. they get that no two people are alike and customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need.
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best friends. i mean he's a wreck without me. advantage ii, fight the misery of biting fleas. removes ten years ofoptic yellow stains. that's like all the way back to 2010. they're jeans. they're leggings. they're jeggings! whoa! remove ten years of yellow stains with new colgate optic white renewal. that will do it for us on a saturday morning. still doing our favorite princess bride lines. >> very good. love, true love. dylan, who did it beer? >> i'mtt
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klapper. coming up next on today in the bay, some bay area teachers refusing to return to the classrooms in one month. what they are demanding before they go back to in-person lessons. we can tell you where to go for some self social distancing while supporting local eateries. warming up this weekend. we have the micro climate forecast. hot today. triple digits tomorrow. this cheeseburger is the best!
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7:00 am
get a load of my southwest cheddar cheeseburger. let menutaur make it a doubleeee, yeah! it's beautiful! say what? i said it's bea.... try my $5.99 southwest cheddar cheeseburger combo and make it a double for a buck more. order now with no contact delivery. good morning. it is saturday, july 11th. here is a live look outside towards san francisco. from emeryville. a little hazy out there, but the sun definitely peeking through as we begin our weekend. thank you for starting your weekend with us. i'm kira klapper. vianey arana has
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