tv Early Today NBC July 20, 2020 4:00am-4:31am PDT
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family of a federal judge is reeling after a gunman shows up at their home on a sunday evening. the son is gunned down the husband fighting for his life >> president trump called the portland protesters anarchists and agitateors as another night. uprying takes place. the the mayor said federal officers is making the situation worse. >> president trump said he would be right eventually on the coronavirus a busy monday ahead.
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"early today" starts right now glad you're with us. i'm frances rivera >> i'm phillip mena. a manhunt is under way for the person suspected of shooting two people at the new jersey home of a federal judge. the son of judge salis has been killed and her husband is in critical condition wnbc reporter adam harding is in north brunswick, new jersey with the latest >> reporter: investigators outside the home of new jersey federal judge's sister salis her husband and son were both shot >> very good natured people. both of them wonderful neighbors. good people. and they just love their son, their only child >> reporter: salis' husband was shot multiple times after answering the door late sunday the couple's 20-year-old son was then shot moments later by a
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suspect a source confirms dressed as a delivery truck driver >> i never even would have thought. i walk around here i see daniel out with his dad playing baseball, playing with their basketball hoop all the time >> reporter: salis is the first hispanic woman sitting on the bench in new jersey. she has sought over high-profile trials tonight neighbors are asking why this family was targeted >> absolutely shocking i'll tell the truth when i heard -- i mean it was shock, but you don't know i don't know whether it was a disgruntled client i don't know i would be shocked to learn it was a robbery or anything like that i really would >> reporter: federal investigators remain at the home overnight as they continue their search for a shooter the fbi confirming they are looking for one person right now connected to this shooting
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the son in his 20s he was killed the victim's husband remains in a hospital in very critical condition. the j-we under from our sources was inside the basement of her home at the time there is still no word right now on a possible motive in this shooting the governor sunday saying that this shows that gun violence remains a crisis in our country. in north brunswick, i'm adam harding. >> a horrific story. thank you. now to the coronavirus that don't rage in the united states. 400 people died yesterday bringing the national death toll past 141,000 nearly 4 million americans are now incted after a record number of surges in kentucky, louisiana, oregon and south carolina that contributed to 64,000 new cases. on the west coast los angeles is on the brink of a new stay-at-home order in florida more than 100 hospitals have run out of icu beds our sam brock is in miami with the latest
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>> reporter: good morning. right now coast to coast miami to los angeles leaders are looking at shutting down their munts communities if things don't improve soon on miami beaches famed ocean drive it's casual activity by day, party over by night >> everything is shut down everything is shut down. >> reporter: the 8:00 curfew, the earliest in south florida. >> we've seen larger crowds coming out to miami beach, not adhearing to distancing guidelines, not wearing face coverings. >> reporter: nearly 12,500 more infection sunday pushed the total to 350,000 miami-dade temporarily stopped reporting the percent of people testing positive at last check 27% telling nbc news in part its officials are meeting with state department health officials to go over
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discrepancies. while numbers tell a story so does the eye test like this street party last weekend have officials extremely concerned. things getting worse not just in florida but other hot spots like houston too. >> more than half of the beds in the texas medical center are covid positive patients. >> reporter: texas notching record numbers while still digesting the shock of saturday's news of sick children >> we found out 85 children under the age of 2 tested positive for covid-19. how is that possible >> covid infects everyone regardless of age. >> reporter: california providing more disturbing evidence of that reality after bay area station uncovered nearly 1,000 cases of covid-19 in child care facilities across the state. in los angeles where the case total tops 150,000, the mayor is edging towards another shutdown. how much worse does it have to
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get in los angeles before you feel compelled to issue another stay-at-home order >> sure. well i think we're on the brink of the that. >> reporter: new york city once beyond the brink now entering phase four on monday and hoping not to slide back after scenes like these a street party in queens that looks like a playbook of whatnot to do during a global pandemic hundreds gathered in close quarters, partying with no masks. a fresh reminder americans should not be letting their guard down during this crisis. hospitals in hot spots across the country are strained this morning. texas medical center, the biggest medical complex in the world has a base icu bed capacity that's over 100%. in miami-dade they are reporting 127% above base capacity for icu beds in miami, sam brock, nbc news. u.s. coronavirus cases continue to surge president
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trump is still claiming that the virus sill simply disappear as new polls suggest the country is losing faith in his response to the pandemic tracie potts joins us now with the latest those polls show half of the country disapproves of the president's response >> reporter: they do let's take a look at those polls. the latest from abc show that the president is not in the most popular spot when it comes to how he's handling this virus 54% just over half of americans in this latest poll believe that joe biden would do a better job dealing with coronavirus than president trump. 34% support him. and the president's approval rating, his job approval rating is again upside down, 39% approve, 47% disapprove. the president was on fox this weekend talk being about virus and down playing the health impact >> you know, i said it's going
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to disappear i'll say it again, it will disappear. i've been right probably more than anybody else. >> sir, testing is up 37%. >> that's good >> i understand. cases are up 194%. it's not just testing has gone up but the virus has spread, the positivity rate has increased. >> many of those cases are young people that would heal in a day. they have the sniffles and we put it down as a test. >> congress is back today trying to deal with the economic impact of the virus republicans plan to roll out this week a $1 trillion stimulus that would include lawsuit protection and another round of $1,200 checks for americans but republicans can't agree what goes in it and even though they are including or expected to include tax breaks for businesses president trump said
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he would veto it if it doesn't include a payroll tax cut. hundreds gathered in downtown portland sunday as protests in the city entered a 53rd straight day. a crowd of women formed that's being called a wall of moms chanting moms are here, feds stay clear to protect protesters from federal officers. >> the city's mayor is demanding those federal agents leave >> reporter: in portland, oregon a city stunned but exhausted bracing for the possibility of more violence. running street battles between protesters and local police. the office of the portland police association set on fire unmarked federal agents with no insignia other than police sprayed tear gas and beat back broefrts president trump addressed the protests on sunday >> if we didn't take a stand in
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portland, right now you would have a problem like -- they would lose portland. >> reporter: this is portland's mayor argues video showing federal agents pulling a protester into an unmarked van make the situation worse >> the situation is definitely de-slating here in portland. federal troops came in last saturday and blew the whole thing up when they started attacking nonviolent demonstrators. >> reporter: department of homeland security memo leaked to the "new york times" warns the agents need training the memo reads moving forward if this type of response is the norm specialized training and standardized equipment should be deployed to responding agencies. the dhs has no immediate comment. the department says they sent agents to protect federal property nbc news has not verified the contents of the memo for six weeks the city has endured nightly violence protests triggered by the death of george floyd and concentrated
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around a small area of law enforcement buildings. a protester said they would be back >> we can't turn a blind eye forever. we essentially all our family our community is our family. we have to take care of each other. >> reporter: oregon's attorney general is seeking a temporary restraining order to stop what she argues are illegal arrests by federal agents. she could be in court as early as monday. phillip? >> thank you >> let's turn to michelle grossman see how we're starting off the week weather wise. extreme lly gross out there >> yesterday was disgusting walking out the door you felt that air on you it will be worse today we're looking at very dangerous heat find the pools, sprinklers, stay indoors in air conditioning. philadelphia could reach a heat index of 110 degrees
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look at the temperatures raleigh 96 going to feel like some spots reaching 100 degrees feeling more like 110 and stormy in the northern plains take it easy out there we'll talk more about the week ahead. we have some relief for some of us coming up in the five day a startling announcement from golf legend jack nicklaus over the weekend >> we contracted kofrs barbara was asymptomatic i had a sore throat and a cough and it didn't last very long and
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we were very, very fortunate we were very lucky >> the 80-year-old hall of famer revealed during a telecast that he and his wife had coronavirus back in march but now recovered. a massive advertiser unfriends facebook >> stepping back up p to the plplate. baseball returnsns b but w withe major r changes. actually w was. dudust mite drdroppings? e ewww. dead skin n cells? groross! so now, i i grab my swswiffer swsweeper and d heavy dutyty du. dudusters has s three layeyerst grab, trtrap and locock away gs dustst. gotctcha! and, foror dust on m my floorsrs, i switchch to my swew. ththe textureded cloths grgrabp and lockck dirt and d hair... no matatter where dust bunnies hidede. nono more heebebie jeebiese. glad i stotopped cleananing and d started swswiffering.. there's moving... and then there's moving with move free ultra. it has triple action support for your joints, cartilage and bones. and unlike big glucosamine chondroitin pills, it's all in one tiny pill.
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try move free ultra now. feel the difference. you are. caususe frosted d mini wheatats are e made to fifill people e. and theyey have 10 layers s of wheat a and seven vitatamins anand minerals. just onene bowl and you'rere good t till lunch.h. withth moderate e to severe treplaqueue psoriasisistss just onene bowl uncover clclearer skinin thatat can last.t. inin fact, treremfya® wasas n superirior to humimira® in provididing signifificantly clearer r skin. tremfyfya® may i increase yoyok of i infections s and lower your a ability to o fight theme. tell y your doctoror if you h have an infnfection or symymptoms or i if you hd a vaccccine or plalan to. serious s allergic r reactions may occucur. trtremfya®. . uncover clclearn thatat can last.t. jajanssen can n help you e ee
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cost suppoport optionsns. how hahard? well, , they develd ththe new persrsil oxi-powower. it c cleans morere stains better t than the nunumber one sellining liquid oxi detetergent. boom! new persrsil oxi-powower. coronavirus. the "wall street journal" is reporting that the walt disney company has dramatical ly stoppd their facebook advertising two leaders of the federal reserve encourage congress to send stimulus packages they warn the u.s. could face deep economic damage if further
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economic stimulus isn't approved they push against the suggestion the lab $1 trillion cap on the relief patrick mahomes moves to his w home >> b baseball isis back. my p psoriasis.. cocosentyx wororks on all l of. cosentyxyx treats ththe mumultiple symymptoms ofof psoriaticic arthritisis tp you lolook and feeeel better.. don't use e if you'ree allelergic to cocosentyx. before s starting, get chchecked for r tuberculo. an i increased risk o of infectioions anand lowered d ability to figight them mamay occur. tetell your dodoctor aboutt an i infection o or symptomsms, if y your inflamammatory bowel didisease sympmptoms develelop or wors, or if yoyou've had a vaccccine or plalan to. seririous allergic reactions may occur. watctch me! learn n more at cocosentyx.c.
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thatat's why i t take ososteo bi-flelex, to keeeep me movining the e way i was s made to. it nouourishes andnd strengths my j joints for r the long t . ososteo bi-flelex. plus v vitamin d for immumune supportrt. brushihing only rereachesx. 25% of y your mouth.h. lilisterine® cleans virtualllly 100%. helping toto prevent g gum disesease and babad breath. nevever settle f for 25%. always g go for 100.0. bring out t the bold™ you think k it smells s fine, n your carar. but t your passesengers smelell eliminatate odors yoyou've ge nonoseblind toto for upup to 30 dayays with thee febrbreze car vevent clip. wow, it t smells gooood in he. so y you and youour passengegn breathe e happy.
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slick behind the pass. he's already used no look throws and passes with his left hand in games and i got to watch out for that one >> nfl starts to prepare for training camp one rookie showcased his skills here's aaron rodgers it came between the leg rolls. he bowled a 20 hopefully he can replicate that off field. seeing new creative moves from these guys >> we can only hope. fans have been waiting for baseball to come back since april and it has sort of over the weekend teams played exhibition games in empty stadiums kathy park now on what major leaguers and others are doing to keep pro sports safe >> reporter: good morning. we got a taste of baseball this weekend, previewing what the 2020 season will look like while the ballpark will look
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vevery different without fans players were eager to get back to work. baseball is back after a long time-out the first exhibition games were played with no fans in the stands instead cardboard cut-outs filled the seats at citi field when nets and yankees faced off the sound of silence replaced with fake crowd noise. a major milestone for the league trying to safely restart a shortened 60 game season yankees manager says they are adjusting despite the covid curveball. >> it was a dress rehearsal. these few days are important photo not just us but everyone that's attached to the organization >> reporter: opening day for toronto blue jays is set for friday in florida. canada said no to home games due to risks of spreading the virus. compared to the u.s. our northern neighbor managed to keep covid under control the nation's immigration minister said we've concluded
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the cross border travel would not adequately protect canadian's health and safety mlb rider coronavirus testing every other day for plaerns staff. anyone testing positive will be placed on a covid-1919 disabled list and will need to clear a strict protocol before returning. including two negative tests 24 hours apart. the nfl is still debating ground rules with its players union as athletes get ready to report trying camps next week some of them are sharing their concerns on social media using the #wewanttoplay. j.j. watt tweeting we don't know if there will be testing pro sports tackling a season of uncertainty while it gives fans something to cheer about back to baseball, a bit of encouraging news for fans.
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some teams say they are working with health officials and mlb to allow a limited number of fans into home games but of course the virus needs to be under control. >> thank you here's the question is relief on the way from this wicked heat. your weather for the week is ahead next here comes the bride insidi the e very pririvate weddingng princecess beatricice. ♪ famamily, welll blesess your heaeart ♪ ♪ family, a all inin this togegether ♪ ♪ familily, we're takingng a chance e ♪ ♪ family, likee birds of a feather ♪ ♪ famamily, kick k off yoyour shoes a and dance ♪ ♪ famamily, likee birdrds of a feaeather ♪ ♪ family, kick off your shoes and dance ♪ neutrogegena® rarapid wrinklkle repair®. we've gogot the retitinol thatat gives s you resultlts in one w. nonot just anyny retinol.. accelerarated retinonol sa. one e week is alall it takeses.
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neutrorogena®. did you know the existing chlorine in your home's water [♪] can cause your clothes to fade? try new snuggle supercare®. the supercare® technology helps neutralize the chlorine in your laundry cycle, helping to keep your clothes looking newer for longer. try new snuggle supercare®. there's moving... and then there's moving with move free ultra. it has triple action support for your joints, cartilage and bones.unlike chondroitin pills, it's all in one tiny pill. try move free ultra now. feel the difference. original crown molding, walk in closets... we d do have a r ratt problelem. ♪ roundnd and roundnd! ♪ w with love w we'll find d a, just give e it time. ♪
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at leaeast geico m makes bundldg our r home and c car insurananc. it does hehelp us saveve. ♪ rouound and rouound! ♪ with loveve we'll finind a w, just givive it time.e. ♪ ♪ round a and round! ! ♪ what t comes arouound, gogoes around.d. ♪ for bundliling made eaeasy, gogo to you are. caususe frosted d mini wheatats are e made to fifill people e. and theyey have 10 layers s of wheat a and seven vitatamins anand minerals. just onene bowl and you'rere good t till lunch.h. just onene bowl ♪ ♪all strengngth ♪we ainin't stopoppin' belelie♪ ♪go strtraight tillll the morng lookok like we♪ ♪won't wawait♪ ♪we're t taking evererything e wanteded♪ ♪we c can do it ♪all strengngth, no sweweat
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...couldld be all yoyour soft or surfaceses?ome... odors geget trapped d in your 's fabrics and resurfrface over t time. febrbreze fabricic refresher eliminatates odors.. itits water-babased formulula y penetratates fabricscs where os hidede. spspray it on n your rugs,s, r curtains,, your fururniture, alall over yr homeme toto make it p part of youour tg up routitine. fefebreze fabrbric refreshsher, fofor an all-o-over freshnhnes'l love.. cranky-pated: a bad mood related to a sluggish gugut. miralax isis differentnt. it works nataturally witith the e water in y your body to unblolock your gugut. free y your gut, a and yourur mood willll follow. killerer attitude.e. nevor hydydration..... neutrorogena® hydydro boostl the #1 h hyaluronic c acid momoisturizerr delivevers 2x the hydration for supplele, bouncy s skin. neutrogenana®.
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never in my life have i seen anyone as brave and courageous as john was. john, indeed, had his skull fractured and yet rejoined to walk over that bridge. >> former new york congressman charles rangel remembering his 1965 march with civil rights icon congressman john lewis. lewis died on friday after a battle with pancreatic cancer. the harlem theater displayed
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john lewis' name the lewis family said funeral plans are still in the works but events are expected to take place in atlanta and the nation's capital we have more on the tributes to an american trail blazer >> he was a fighter with a tenaciouous spiririt butut also gracacious and kinind-hearted.d. >> thehe family ofof congressman john lewis speaking in atlanta about lewis' life and his legacy >> while we grieve the loss of this legend, we're blessed to know that he touched so many people on every corner of the globe. >> in his atlanta congressional district a mural of the congressman and civil rights pioneer has been transformed into a memorial. >> he taught me to live for my soul no anger, no revenge just a clean pure heart. >> i hope we can carry the positive message that he had forward and build on that. >> in washington, the flags of
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the u.s. capitol are at half-staff to honor the man who spent more than three decades in congress >> to keep his legacy alive by helping anyone that needed help. and make the world more just and a better place to live >> the country mourns the loss and celebrates the life of john lewis. in case you missed it over the weekend 31-year-old princess beatrice got married in a small ceremony at windsor castle she's queen elizabeth's granddaughter. the pandemic forced the couple to reschedule the scaled down event which was attended by the queen and prince phillip the bride wore a vintage satin ground and a tiara loaned to her by the queen what everybody was talking about was her father missing from the photos >> it says a whole lot
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right now at 4:30, getting on the same page. the next moves to make sure plans for schools are as clear as possible ahead of the reopening in just weeks. splitting ends to stay open. keeping your salon or barbershop welcoming you in. what is happening in just hours. plus -- >> the pitch could get through and that's going to win it. >> play ball! major league baseball returns to the bay area today for the first time since the pandemic. but will it be a home run for fans? we'll talk about the major changes as the giants and a's plan to take to the field.
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