tv Today NBC July 30, 2020 7:00am-8:58am PDT
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nicely. guys, we're still talking about in these difficult days. he wants to get across the bridge. that mission to mars. wow. that have even made grieving what do we remember? more challenging. that will do it for us. he made a -- cut quite a strange the "today" show is up next. at a time when we would find figure. a trench coat and a backpack. comfort in embracing one another. now, young people probably think love compels us to socially that's no big deal. distance from one another. but there weren't that many backpacks back then. and you never saw anybody in a but make no mistake, we are good morning. midsummer surge. together. a new warning that coronavirus trenchcoat looking halfway in principle. dressed up with a backpack. even if not in proximity. but john put an apple, an deaths could skyrocket, as the we may not all be in the same orange, a tooth brush, daily average hits all-time highs in three of the nation's largest states. toothpaste into the backpack to dr. fauci now suggesting americans may want to cover room, but we are on the same page. take care of his body because he their mouths and their eyes. and we are in touch with the figured he would get arrested. >> if you have goggles or eye same spirit. and two books. one by richard hofstetter on shield, you should use it. we love john robert lewis. >> plus, a live interview with the head of the fda on how close america's political tradition, we are to a vaccine. defeatist mind. come on, give god praise. and one, the autobiography of big tech under fire. ♪ >> why on earth would they compare your company to a drug come on, let -- let the nation thomas merton. dealer. a roam. catholic trappist monk. >> lawmakers on both sides of celebrate. who was the son of itinerant
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the aisle lash out at the ceos of amazon, apple, facebook, and ♪ google. let the angels rejoice. >> do you copy your competitors? artists making an astonishing >> congresswomen, we've adapted personal transformation. features. >> ahead, what congress could do to keep those companies in check. honoring an icon. and what's a young guy who is a final farewell for john lewis john lewis. about to get his brains beat out today. his funeral at a historic church in atlanta. three former presidents set to and going to prison taking that? attend, with president obama i think he figured that if john lewis! ♪ thomas merton could find his way and keep his faith and believe delivering the eulogy. the boy from troy. in the future, he, john lewis, we're there live. breaking overnight. could, too. tropical storm isaias forms in the caribbean. and -- [ applause ] warnings for florida and parts of the south, bracing for so we honor our friend. potential problems this weekend. let me just offer this we praise al's got the very latest on the timing and the track. god for john lewis. for his faith and for living his faith. danger in the water. even more shark encounters put as we gather in this house of police on alert at beaches which the scriptures says is the across the northeast. god, we're reminded that as a >> we're asking everybody to substance of things hoped for. teenager, he actually wrestled and the evidence of things please use extreme caution with a call to ministry. unseen. around the water. ivg this sudd a farm boy, he used to preach to john lewis was a walking rebuke the chickens. to people who thought, well, we
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i guess you have to start dreams come true. somewhere. the nba's restart now just hours away. and at age 16, he preached what ain't there yet, and we've been >> everything is different, and you have to be able to adjust to working a long time, isn't it it. >> we're live from the league's we baptists call his trial time to bag it? bubble, as teams get set to sermon in a little country he kept moving. tip-off. today, thursday, july 30th, church. but as his life took shape instead of preaching sermons, he 2020. >> announcer: from nbc news, he hoped for and imagined and became one. lived and worked and moved for he became a living, walking his beloved community. sermon about truth-telling and he took a savage beating on more than one day. this is "today" with savannah justi guthrie and hoda kotb, from justice-making in the earth. and he lost that backpack on bloody sunday. studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. learned how to love him back. >> hey, everybody. we celebrate john lewis. nobody really knows what happened to it. welcome to "today." so happy you're joining us on this thursday morning. maybe someday, someone will be savannah, good to see you, too. >> good to see you, hoda. stricken with conscience and we do have a busy morning. at a time that there is so much give some of it back. so much happening, including the but what it represented never long-awaited return of the nba. going on in our world, the news the first official games, as you said, inside the bubble. disappeared from john lewis' they'll tip-off tonight. spirit. we'll have more on that just cycle is packed and moves as a ahead. dizzying pace. we honor that memory today >> a lot of people excited. because, as a child, he learned also, emotional day in yet for the last several days, to walk with the wind. atlanta. to march with others to save a congressman lewis will be laid it is as if time stood still to rest. tiny house. a final tribute to the remarkable life of the civil while the nation takes its time because as a young man, he
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rights icon. to remember him. challenged others to join him. we'll have a full report ahead with love and dignity to hold i rise simply to ask in this america's house down. let's begin this morning with the coronavirus. call to celebration, what is it and open the doors of america to the pandemic has reached new all its people. highs in this country. nearly 4.5 million cases and that has summoned us here? we honor him because in selma on more than 152,000 deaths now. the third attempt, john and his >> meantime, starting this calls us to slow down, to linger for a little while, with so much morning, masks will now be mandatory on the house floor and comrades showed that sometimes in all house office buildings on swirling around us? you have to walk into the wind along with with it. we're summoned here because, in capitol hill. a moment, when there are some in as he crossed the bridge and the move comes after a texas congressman tested positive. >> back to sports for a moment, major league baseball is marched into montgomery. high office who are much better but no matter what, john always updating its policies after the at division than vision. kept walking to reach the miami marlins outbreak. according to a report from espn, who cannot lead us so they seek players will be encouraged not to leave hotels except for to divide us. beloved community. in a moment when there is so he got into a lot of good trouble along the way, but let's much political cynicism and not forget, he also developed an games. every team is now going to travel with a compliance officer who will ensure the league's safety policies are being absolutely uncanny ability to followed. >> in a moment, we'll speak with a member of the coronavirus task heal troubled waters. narcissism that masquerades as force. fda commissioner dr. stephen patriotism, here lies a true when he could have been angry hahn. first, tom costello starts us off. american patriot who risked his and determined to cancel his good morning. >> reporter: hoda, good morning. life and limb for the hope and
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adversaries, he tried to get converts instead. promise of democracy. this headline just crossing, johnson & johnson, another drug we celebrate john lewis! he thought the open hand was maker, says its vaccine better than the clenched fist. candidate also appears to be beaten and battered, and never effective against covid-19 in bitter and always unbowed, on a bridge in selma, he stared down he lived by the faith and promise of st. paul, let us not bigotry, brutality, and tyranny grow weary in doing good. and won. how did he do i had? for in due season, we will reap the great great grandson on if we do not lose heart. he never lost heart. slaves, he received a spiritual trials. meanwhile, nearly a thousand people are dying every day. power borne of suffering. the nation's chief infectious he fought the god figod fight. disease officer is suggesting a moral audacity that specifically that we need to be looking at the death toll, the he kept the faith. effectiveness of masks, and he's talking about that debunked transcended human station. but, we got our last letter video that the president pushed that was pulled from social called upon the human law to today on the pages of "the new more closely align itself to the york times. " keep moving. law of love. media this week. the situation in the three most populated spirituality, the slave states, the situation is dire. it is so fitting, on the day of texas, florida, and california marking average high daily undertook the redemption that deaths this week. his service, he leaves us our in hard-hit la county, some on the front lines are demanding the master had proe feigned in better staffing and more marching orders. protection. keep moving. now, a medical association that his midst. john lewis' ancestors met a man represents nearly 200 medical 20 years ago, when i came here schools in the u.s. and canada named jesus. after the selma march to a big is warning that without urgent and john lewis received that action, the death toll could dinner honoring john and lillian faith and took it with him across that bridge in selma and and john miles, you had a big
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every other bridge we have come skyrocket well into the multiple hundreds of thousands. afro. among the group's proposals, to celebrate john lewis. [ laughter ] increasing the availability and and it was really pretty. accessibility of testing, and establishing a nationwide so let us be clear. standard for face coverings. and your daddy was giving yoi the group also recommends national criteria for k through grief about it, and i said, 12 school reopenings. john, let's not get old too when president lyndon baines soon. i mean, if i had hair like that, education secretary betsy devos says how schools reopen must be i would have it down to my johnson takes up his pen to sign decided at the local level. shoulders. but on that night, i was almost >> there is not a national the voting rights into law, what superintendent, nor should there he etched in ink had already out of time. be. therefore, there's not a been sanctioned by blood. and people were to be president, national plan for reopening. the blood of the martyrs. people were asking me, well, if you could do one more thing, >> reporter: it comes as a new the blood of swerner, champon, what would it be? study is looking at long-term or what do you wish you had done side effects of covid-19. a survey of more than 1,500 goodman, two jews and an that you didn't? all that kind of stuff. and -- someone asked me that so-called long haulers reveals african-american murdered. dozens of symptoms that persist, weeks or even months after now, because i had many friends the blood of john lewis. in atlanta. patients recover. including fatigue, body aches, i said, if i could just do one we celebrate john lewis. he was wounded. and difficulty concentra thing, if god came to me tonight for america's transgressions. and said, okay, your time's up, bruised for our iniquitieiniqui. you gotta go home, and i'm not a kind of mental fog. >> reporter: as drug companies search for treatment options and work to develop a vaccine, dr. genie. i'm not giving you three wish. one thing, what would it be? anthony fauci is warning about a the chastisement of our peace widely shared video, even shared was in him.
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by president trump, in which i said, i would infect every by his strife, we are healed. doctors touted hydroxychloroquine, a drug the so let's remember him today, and fda has cautioned against using let's recommit tomorrow to standing together and fighting together and voting together and to treat the coronavirus. >> the only recourse you have is american with to be very, very clear in standing up on behalf of truth presenting the scientific data and righteousness together! that essentially contradicts that. we'll get through this together! >> reporter: meanwhile, another member of congress has tested the democracy together. let's worship the lord. let's worship the lord together. positive. thank god for john robert lewis. republican louie gohmert of texas, often seen without a mask. without basis, he blamed the let the nation say amen. face coverings for his diagnosis. >> when i have a mask on, i'm moving it to make it comfortable. i can't help but wonder if that, >> all: amen. >> and let the angels rejoice. you know, puts some germs in the mask. does not have any symptoms right
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now. meanwhile, speaker of the house nancy pelosi issued an order, everybody in the house, including staff and members of >> good morning. congress, must wear a face i will be coming from the 23rd covering. >> dr. fauci also spoke about the importance of not only wearing the mask, but maybe even eye protection, like goggles or number of psalms. a shield. >> reporter: yeah, you know, a the lord is my shepherd. lot of people have these. i have them with me all the time in case i'm in a specific i shall not want. environment in which maybe i need the eye protection. certainly on a plane or in an airport. he maketh me to lie down in dr. fauci addressed the green pastures. effectiveness of goggles. he leads me beside the still >> theoretically, you should waters. he restores my soul. he leads me in the path of protect all the surfaces. so if you have goggles or an eye righteousness for his name's sake. shield, you should use it. yeah, though i walk in the i mean, it's not universally valley of the shadow of death, i recommended, but if you really will fear no evil. want to be complete, you should thou art with me. probably use it if you can. thou prepares a table before me >> reporter: to be clear, he's not talking about having it at in the presence of mine enemies. the house or necessarily when you're out walking the dog, but, rather, when you're in an my cup runneth over. environment. same thing with face shields. in an environmenwi surely, goodness and mercy shall people, it may be a good idea. really, the face shields are follow me all of the days of my. and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever. thank you. best for medical professionals, hospital workers, paramedics, and the like. hoda? >> tom costello, thank you. savannah? that brings us to dr. stephen hahn, the commissioner
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of the fda, and a member of the government's coronavirus task force. good morning, sir. >> good morning, savannah. thank you for having me on the show today. >> you're welcome. you know, i know the fda has >> good morning. some developments to share this morning. i do want to do the big picture first. i'll be reading a 1 chronicle 13 we have 152,000 deaths in this country. the average daily rate of deaths is now over 1,000. chapter. if i could speak all the hasn't been that since early languages of earth and of angels june. you had that association of but didn't love others, i would medical colleges releasing a only be a noisy gong or a report saying if the nation does not change its course and soon, clanging cymbal. if i had the gift of prophesy deaths in the u.s. could be well into the multiple hundreds of and if i understood all of god's thousands. do you agree with that secret plans and possessed all assessment? knowledge, and if i had such faith that i could move >> well, this is a serious situation, and my assessment is mountains but didn't love others, i would be nothing. that we have to take this serious. if i gave everything i have to this virus is still with us. the poor, and even sacrificed my we've seen some evidence that the very common sense public health measures that we can body, i could boast about it. take, wearing a mask, following but if i didn't love others, i local guidance with respect to would have gained nothing. love is patient and kind. wearing a mask, social distancing, hand hygiene,
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love is not jealous or boastful protecting the vulnerable. we've seen early evidence that or proud or rude. that works. it does not demand its own way. we must take this seriously, and we must do that because we absolutely need to reduce the it is not irritable. and it keeps no record of being number of cases in the country. because that is what's leading to the deaths that we're seeing. wronged. it does not rejoice about >> you know, i was going to ask injustice but rejoices whenever you this later, but since you the truth wins out. brought it up, and i've heard love never gives up. never loses faith. interviews from you, you've been preaching that gospel, saying, is always hopeful. "please wear a mask," for many, many weeks now. and endures through every circumstance. prophesy and speaking in an unknown language and unknown you know congressman gomer, who is a mask critic, has contracted languages and special knowledge covid-19. now, he's suggested that maybe it's the mask that actually will become useless. caused it. but love will last forever. he said, "i can't help but now our knowledge is partial and think, if i had been wearing a mask so much in the last ten incomplete. days, i wonder if i would have and even the gift of gotten it. moving the mask around, sitting reveals only part of the whole just right, i might have had picture. the time of perfection comes, virus on the mask that i sucked in." these partial things will become is that a likely scenario? useless. when i was a child, i spoke and do masks cause covid-19? thought and reasoned as a child. when i grew up, i put away >> we don't have any medical evidence that that's the case. childish things. now we see things imperfectly
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like puzzling reflections in a i heard the clip with mirror. then, we'll see everything with representative gohmert and i've perfect clarity. all that i know now is partial heard from family and friends. and incomplete. but then, i will know everything there's lots of people that have questions about the masks. completely. what our data show is people should wear masks. just as god now knows me particularly when they can't socially distance. completely. three things will last forever. they should follow their local ordinances with respect to faith. hope. masks. that's something that we've been and love. and the greatest of these is talking about for weeks and months and i think should be love. continued as the message the thank you. american people hear. >> is it frustrating when you have a sitting congressman who has covid-19 say something like that? >> well, i think getting the message out is the most >> good morning. important thing here, savannah. while we know that death is the we just need to be consistent in what we're saying, these common great equalizer, we all sense measures to the american people. i will continue to do that, to recognize that each person's experience with it is different. make sure that people understand that we have the power. we have the power as the american people to slow the and so i want to extend spread of this virus. we've seen this virus spread in the u.s., but we've also seen it around the world. condolences to you, john miles, the siblings of john lewis, the entire lewis family on behalf of we know it's with us. the entire king family including we have to take this seriously.
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>> let's talk about vaccines. there are reports, actually an fda official said there could be my aunt, christine, my dad's a vaccine approved for emergency use in a matter of weeks. only living sibling, who would have been here with us today but for covid. but rest assured, she is viewing us on television as we speak. is that correct? how soon? >> well, savannah, i said let us pray. before, i was a cancer doctor before i was fda commissioner. i didn't have a crystal ball then, and i don't have a crystal ball now. we do have a number, now two, phase three trials that have great and mighty god, whose creator of us all and sustainer started. this is, of course, in record of all things, we invoke you on time from identification of the virus to a phase three trial. the phase three trial will provide the data to determine whether a vaccine is safe and this morning. we welcome you holy spirit into this place. effective. we've seen a huge number of americans who signed up as potential volunteers for these trials, and that's great news. we humbly look to you in this that will help us accelerate the development. it will help the developers. hour for wisdom and strength and fda's role in this is to provide assistance to those developers. comfort as we celebrate the home-going of your son and servant, congressman john robert we're going to call the balls lewis. and strikes on this. please, dear father, comfort one thing i want to tell you and your viewers, savannah, is that this family. and grant them a peace of god that passes all understanding.
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surround them with your love. in the words of your servant, martin luther king jr., who we will not cut corners. we will use our very high reminded us that death is not a standards of safety and period that ends this great effectiveness. we'll look at those data, and we'll make a determination based upon the high standards. sentence of life. we have terrific scientists and but a comma which punctuates it people at fda, and i know, and i'm confident, that we'll do that job on behalf of the american people. >> i know you don't have a to a lofty and higher crystal ball, but real quick before i leave it, the president said last night there will be a significance. vaccine before the end of the hemp us, o god, to grasp that year. he said maybe sooner. i know anything is possible, but would you consider it to be a truth and see the magnitude of strong likelihood that we could have a vaccine ready to be this moment. distributed by the end of the not merely as the death of a great soul, but as a divine year? >> all i can say at this point is it's possible. message that says to each and things have been moving very every one of us in this earth, quickly. i know our team is looking at data in real time from these be still and know that i am god. trials. that should help us expedite hear me and heed my message in this. the most important message, i this hour. think, savannah, is we're not that love even for an enemy is the only way to transform this cutting corners. we're going to look at the data and make the right decision for world into a true brother and the american people. >> before i let you go, i have to ask you about hydroxychloroquine. it's in the news once again. sisterhood. the president re-tweeted a video we thank you, god, for the life and legacy of congressman john
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lewis, who showed us this more promoting it. excellent way of life. he even said, "i took it for a 14-day period, and i'm here. i don't think you lose anything by doing it." we thank you for honoring us the vice president said with his presence and allowing our lives to intersect with his yesterday, "many americans have life. had positive experiences with be with his family. hydrochloroquine." the fda revoked emergency authorization for the drug be with those who struggle with because it wasn't effective and him in that movement. it wasn't safe. and know that he continues to it was potentially dangerous. live on in and through each and once and for all, should people every one of them and each and every one of us. be taking hydroxychloroquine? we praise you, o god, for this >> so just to be clear, we nonviolent warrior, who fought revoked an eua, emergency use for true peace. authorization, at the request of which daddy taught us is not merely the absence of tension another government agency, and this was authorized for sick but the presence of justice. as we honor the life of congressman john lewis, who shed patients. blood on that edmund pettus we had data when the drug was combined with others, there were some risks associated bridge, that we might have the with it. but the question you're asking me is a decision between a doctor and a patient. right to vote. grant that we never again take a doctor and a patient needs to assess the data that's out that right for granted and that we exercise it no matter what. there. and that we never again tamper fda does not regulate the practice of medicine. with that right. that, in the privacy of a doctor/patient relationship, is where that decision should be
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overtaking this hour, our made. >> are you concerned at all congress that they might restore about misinformation about this voting rights protections in our nation. drug in particular? as we honor the life of this nonviolent warrior, who embodied >> i am -- what i'm concerned about is fda provide all the the very spirit of christ and information about the side effects, the potential side showed us that we have the effects, as well as the spiritual power to resist efficacy. injustice and evil and hatred as you know, these drugs have been approved for a number of years for other indications by and vitriol. the fda. we know that they're safe in those settings. we want to make sure the right we are internally grateful that information is out to providers, so they can make this decision he lived among us those fore with patients. score years and demonstrated >> dr. hahn, yes. physical force is no match for you have your hands full. we appreciate your work. soul force. thank you so much. thanks for your time this grant us the capacity to follow morning, too. his example to fight injustice >> thank you, savannah. have a great day. without bitterness and hostility but with a righteous >> you, too. hoda, 7:14. i'll send it to you. indignation. oh, god, as elijah asked for a >> thank you. craig joins the table now. portion of his anointing as he closely watched hearing on capitol hill yesterday, craig. >> it was indeed, my friend. transitioned, let a double four of the most powerful tech portion of what john lewis' life ceos in the world, from amazon, was about fall on us in this
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apple, google, and facebook. hour so that we can continue to democrats and republicans united get in good trouble. anoint us with the double to grill them yesterday. portion in this generation to things were contentious from the start, in fact. get into good trouble until nbc's business and tech there is radical reform in correspondent jo ling kent has been following this. jo, good morning. policing in our nation. >> reporter: craig, good anoint us a double portion to morning. get into good trouble until you're right, it was a rare voter suppression is no longer a part of our body politics. bipartisan moment. anoint us with the double democrats and republicans in portion to get into good trouble congress going after the ceos of apple, amazon, facebook, and until there is an equitable google. the hearing was a culmination of distribution of wealth is a year long antitrust investigation, giving us a rare window into how these powerful nation until everyone has a companies really work. livable wage and affordable the criticism was relentless. >> we're talking about people's housing and good health care. liberties here. we have the ranking member -- anoint us to get into good >> reporter: four of the most powerful tech ceos facing congress virtually, defending their company's enormous size and vast influence. trouble until the school to >> mr. bezos, i believe you're prison pipeline is nonexist tent on mute. >> reporter: jeff bezos, who was and every child gets an rks testifying for the first time ever, was unable to take questions in the first 90 minutes due to technical issues. quitable education. >> does amazon ever access and use third-party seller data when grant us a double portion not
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white supremacy is uproots and making business decisions? >> we have a policy against behaviors no longer reflect using seller-specific data to white supremacy. granlt us a durable portion, aid our private label business, god, to get into good trouble but i can't guarantee you that that policy has never been violated. until this nation surely becomes >> reporter: facebook's mark zuckerberg coming under fire for a compassionate nation. these emails sent just before as daddy reminded us, facebook bought instagram. ultimately, a great nation is a compassionate nation. >> you purchased instagram to neutralize a competitive threat. why shouldn't instagram be grant us, god, a double portion broken off into a separate company? >> i think the ftc had all of anointing to into good these documents and reviewed this and unanimously voted at the time not to challenge the trouble until black bodies are acquisition. >> reporter: with google world. and black lives have equitable dominating 70% of all searches, representation power and republicans pressed the ceo, influence in every arena. grant us finally, father god, sundar pichai on the upcoming that a double portion to get election. features to help joe biden at the upcoming election? i'm concerned you're helping biden over president trump. into good trouble until love >> we won't do any work to politically tilt something one way or the other. becomes the way we live.
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>> reporter: tim cook facing the way we lead. allegations apple plays the way we legislate. and until justice rolls down favorites in the app store. like water. >> does apple not treat every and righteouseness like a might developer equally? >> we treat every developer the same. stream. thank you, o god, for this great we have open and transparent man, who livered among us, who rules. >> some are favored over others, is that not correct? now joins the great cloudf >> that is not correct. >> reporter: congress had the lord, we thank you for his life last word, comparing the wealthy d ceos of the barrons of the 1920s. >> these companies have monopoly power. some need to be broken up. all need to be properly good trouble as long as you grant us the breath to do regulated and held accountable. mighty name of jesus the christ, that i do pray, and all the people of god said together, amen. >> reporter: as for what happens congress doesn't have a plan going forward for more aid. >> jo ling kent for us, thank
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you. a 4.2 earthquake was reported near san fernando this ♪ morning, a few miles north of los angeles. that was followed by a 3.3 aftershock. residents across the region say the jolt woke them up. ♪ at this point, no reports of significant damage or injuries. today's quake a few miles away from the site of the 1994 earthquake in north ridge. >> all right. 7:18. ♪ another major story this morning is the weather. a new tropical storm formed overnight, and it is expected to threaten the east coast this weekend. al, good morning. you've been warning us about this storm that starts with an "i." >> that's right. it sounds like an "e." isaias, okay, isaias. i don't care what you say, ♪ melvin, it is isaias, okay? we checked. checked, all right? anyway, here's the latest on it. right now, it is 100 miles ♪ west/southwest of puerto rico. it has 60-mile-per-hour winds, so it's intensified. moving northwest at 21 miles per
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♪ you may build great cathedrals hour. it is the earliest "i" storm on record. normally, it'd be october for the "i" storm, which is crazy. 3 to 6 inches of rain for puerto rico. bahamas could see tomorrow 4 to large or small ♪ 8 inches of rain. what we don't know is the track ♪ you may build skyscrapers it will take. hispaniola, the lower elevations is where it would see less grand and tall ♪ weakening over the mountains. if it cuts over the lower elevation, it could maintain strength and come up the eastern seaboard. miami, you could see the heavy rain starting friday. it continues on into saturday afternoon. ♪ you may conquer all the then, possibly making landfall, again, somewhere in the carolinas. we'll have to watch this very closely. the cone of uncertainty is failures of your past ♪ fairly wide. rainfall amounts over the next several days, from friday through monday. heavy rain, miami to charleston, cape hatteras, all the way to atlantic city. heavier rain into the midwest. thanks to a system that's going ♪ oh, oh, but only what you do to be hanging around, this is going to mean heavy rain for
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them into the weekend. southwest, the heat continues. we're looking at very hot weather continuing into the pacific northwest. that's what's going on. we'll get to your local forecast for christ will last ♪ coming up in the next 30 seconds. ♪ you may seek earthly power, wealth, and fame ♪ however you go back, ♪ mm we've got your back. ♪ ♪ and the world might be impressed by your great name ♪ good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. as we take a live look outside in the south bay we're starting out with a cloudy sky. we've seen those clouds also near the coast causing some drizzle for the north bay as well. as we look at our high temperatures once all of this clears out, we're going to warm ♪ soon the glories of this life up in the inland valleys.
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we're up to 80 degrees in napa. 72 in oakland. 90 in livermore. going through the forecast we're ♪ oh, oh, oh but only what you looking at more weather like this. in fact, not much of a warm-up as we go into the weekend. >> that's your latest weathe >> that's your latest weather. guys >> that's not the latest though, al do for christ will last ♪ there's more latest, okay? i was opening "usa today," and who do i see >> who is that handsome guy? >> wait, i don't think they've ever put a picture this big on the front of the "life" section of "usa today. ♪ remember only what you do for if you go back in, guys, there he is again, wearing his orange glasses. the one deborah doesn't like there he is again. christ will last ♪ anyway, it's all about your new book, al congrats, honey. pretty cool to see >> thank you very much that's awfully nice. thank you. obviously, a slow news day ♪ oh remember only only only thank you. >> not true. >> no way. >> no way, jose. >> you are the news. >> you are we have a lot coming up, guys only what you do yeah yeah for time for tip-off we'll hear from lebron james on life inside the nba's bubble christ will last ♪ ahead of the league's long-awaited return tonight,
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savannah and then, just ahead, the surge in coronavirus cases ♪ oh only what you do for him behind an 11th hour scramble on many college campuses. the schools changing plans just days before the fall semester. students are sharing their frustrations this morning. first, on a thursday morning, the lord it will it will be this is "today" on nbc this cheeseburger is the best! counted in life ♪ ♪ only what you do for christ will last ♪ ♪ oh oh oh remember only what it's about to get bester baby! you do for christ will last ♪ ♪ menutaur! make it a double, yeah! nice mane! try my $5.99 southwest cheddar cheeseburger combo and make it a double for a buck more. ♪ oh oh oh remember only what
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you do for christ will last ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh only what you do just ahead, a potential game-changer. the test promising to det for christ will last ♪ just ahead, a potential game-changer the test promising to detect coronavirus on common surfaces. >> vicky nguyen with the exclusive look, as her team tries it out, after your local news ♪ yeah only what you do only join target circle for free today. what you do ♪ ♪ >> amen.
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amen. >> this is john lewis' favorite poem. out of the night that covers me, wouldn't iprotected if there was a place that kept you... playful black as the dead from pole to covered fueled ...and safe? pole, i think whatever god made well, there is, and always has been. me for my inconquerable soul. walgreens. everyone's place, for healthy and safe. in the peal circumstances i h a hold on one second... sure. okay... okay! the safe drivers save 40%!!! guys! guys! check it out. safe drivers save 40%!!! head is bloody, but i'm bowed. safe drivers save 40%! beyond this place of wrath and safe drivers save 40%!!! tears, looms but the horror of the shade. that's safe drivers save 40%. it is, that's safe drivers save 40%. and ye years - he's right there. - it's him! he's here. he's right here. - hi! - hi. find and shall find me unafraid. - that's totally him. - it's him! it matters not how straight the that's totally the guy. safe drivers do save 40%. click or call for a quote today. gait how charged with punishment
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the scroll, i'm the master of my join tscore savings andet pdeals in store and online.e. safe drivers do save 40%. fate, i'm the captor of my soul. plus, help target support your community. enjoy exclusives just for you, at no cost to you. john lewis was my hero and good join target circle for free today. friend. let's honor him by getting in good trouble. [ applause ] good morning to you. 7:25. i'm kris sanchez. here are our top stories including a critical few days for a county on the peninsula in order to keep their businesses open. >> only the inconquerable spirit >> reporter: i'm bob redell. san mateo counselty, the last t and the magnanimous soul of john lewis could summon all of us get on the governor's watch list for covid-19. if the county doesn't reduce the together in this place at this number of cases within the next time.ew could compel three days the state could force some of its indoor businesses to shut down. good morning, everyone. i'm scott mcgrew. three living american presidents the latest gdp numbers showing to come to this house of god. the economy fell 32.9% in the [ applause ] to celebrate his life.
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previous quarter. now we expected this, stores were closed. this was a number to be expected. it is still a staggeringly large and we are grateful that all of them are here. number, the biggest ever. also, that puts us in two the honorable george w. bush. quarters of negative growth. that means we are officially in a recession, though we already knew that. all right. we are in the august summer who was president the last time days, but they sure are pleasant we authorized a voting rights act. ones. yes, we're also seeing some foggy weather, too, as we look at clear skies inland. the clouds are in the distance. as we go into today we're going to see that having a huge impact the honorable william jefferson on our temperatures staying cool clinton. near the coast. upper 50s in half moon bay, mid-60s in san francisco. oakland reaching into the l we'll see some low 90s for theey even some upper 90s further to the north. ♪ as we go through the next several days we are continuing into this pattern with a wide range in temperatures from the
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inland areas to the coastal and in just a little while, areas with san francisco staying we'll hear from the honorable in the 60s. barack obama. kris? all right. [ applause ] sorry for fast forwarding to ♪ august. two more days of july. but the program will proceed as printed. president bush, president clinton, speaker of the house nancy pelosi. [ applause ] and -- another living saint among us, teacher and activist, the reverend james lawson.
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♪ >> good morning. distinguished guests, john miles, lewis family and friends, laura and i thank you for inviting us to be here today. john's story began on a tiny farm in troy, alabama, a place so small he said you could barely find it on the map. pastor warnock talked about the chickens. i did a little research. every morning, he would rise before the sun to tend to the flock of chickens. he loved those chickens. already called to be a minister who cared for others john fed them and tended to their every need.
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even their shirt eventupiritual. john baptized them, married them and preached to them. when his parents claimed one for family supper, john refused to eat one of his flock. going hungry was his first act of nonviolent protest. he also noted iner years that his first congregation of chickens listened to him more closely than some of his colleagues in congress. john also thought the chickens not his first rodeo either, by were just a little more productive. the way. at least they produced eggs, he said. he's won that a record seven from troy to the sit-ins of nashville, from the freedom rides to the march on times. washington, from freedom summer hoda and craig, apparently, that might be garth's last win. to selma, john lewis always >> hmm. >> dun, dun, dun. looked outward, not inward. >> so he pulled himself out of he always thought of others.
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he always believed in preaching the gospel in word and in deed. insisting that hate and fear had the running himself, right? >> yes. apparently, he removed his name to be answered with love and from contention. hope. >> wow. john lewis believed in the lord. >> i don't know the back story, but guess what? "pop start" does. we'll hear about it in a little bit. he believed in humanity. >> jenna will join us for that. look forward to that. first, a check of our 7:30 and he believed in america. headlines. the u.s. reached a tragic, new high in the coronavirus pandemic, with more than 150,000 american lives lost to covid-19. the situation in the three most he has been called an american populated states is especially saint. dire. california, texas, and florida a believer willing to give up each marking record high average daily deaths this week. now, a medical association that everything. even life itself to bear witness to the truth that drove him all his life. represents nearly 200 medical schools is warning, without that we could build a world of urgent action, the death toll could skyrocket well into the multiple hundreds of thousands. peace and justice, harmony and dignity and love. and the first crucial step on that journey was the recognition that all people are born in the image of god. and carry a spark of the divine savannah? other news this morning, in within them. portland, protesters clashed with federal officers again overnight. the 63rd consecutive day of protests there. laura and i were privileged to officers used tear gas to push demonstrators away from the federal courthouse. this all comes just hours after see that spark in john up close. conflicting statements from we worked with him to bring the national museum of
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officials. african-american history and culture to the washington mall. oregon's governor brown said yesterday the federal government he was instrumental in the had agreed to withdraw officers from the city. emmitt till unsolved civil shortly afterward, acting homeland security secretary chad rights crimes act that i signed wolf tweeted that federal law enforcement will remain in place until the violent activity to seek resolution in cases where justice had been too long denied. and we will never joining toward federal facilities ends. him in selma, alabama, for the now to heart-stopping video that shows two pedestrians being swallowed up by a sinkhole in 50th anniversary of his march central china. across the edmund pettus bridge, where we got to watch president check this out. you can see them walking there on a sidewalk next to a main road when, suddenly, the ground barack obama thank john as one collapses, sending the of his heroes. [ applause ] pedestrians into a deep pit. the two were rescued and take ton the hospital. the collapse was likely caused there's a story in the old by torrential rains that have battered china for weeks now, scriptures that meant a lot to savannah. meantime, this is a big day john. in the hebrew bible, the lord is for sports fans, as we know. looking for a prophet, whom shall i send, god wonders? the restart of the nba season is and who will go for us? tipping off down at the league's isaiah answers, here am i. bubble in orlando. send me. nbc's sam brock has made his way there. john lewis heard that call a hey, sam.
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>> reporter: savannah, good long time ago in segregated morning. alabama. behind me, what you see here is he took up the work of the lord what we're allowed to view of the secluded nba bubble at through all his days. espn's wide world of sports. his lesson for us is that we you have three venues all within must all keep ourselves open to walking distance of where the the hear -- open to hearing the teams will be playing. 300 plus players tested for covid-19 every day. call of love. it's been successful in keeping the call of service. i had our the virus out. now, a new test, mixing it up on the court. disagreements, of course. in hours -- but in the america john lewis >> ja morant sends it through. >> reporter: basketball bouncing back with a double-header in the fought for and the america i bubble. >> everybody here is excited about it. believe in, differences of ready to get the season started. >> reporter: lebron james and opinion are inevitable elements the lakers lead things off, and evidence of democracy in action. [ applause ] taking on a fellow juggernaut, the la clippers. >> bashing the bubble. i said, it's 2020. you know, everything is different, and you have to be able to adjust to it. we, the people, including >> reporter: for more than three congressmen and presidents can weeks, players from 22 teams have been training and living at disney world, sequestered at private hotels, and scrimmages have differing views on how to on isolated courts.nsp
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perfect our union while sharing sensory overload of basketball. >> reporter: the sport announces the conviction that our nation, however flawed, is at heart a 344 players repeatedly have been good and noble one. tested for coronavirus in the we live in a better and nobler bubble, and not a single test country today because of john lewis and his abiding faith in has come back positive. the power of god. but commissioner adam silver in the power of democracy. isn't letting his guard down. and in the power of love to lift >> as i said before, medically sealed bubble of any kind, it is critically important everyone is to that began in troy is . wearing a mask. >> behind me, the floor. >> reporter: joe varden of the not ending here today. "athletic" is one of a dozen nor is the work. reporters inside the bubble. how seriously do the players seem to be taking the safety john lewis lives forever in his protocols? father's house. >> for the most part, they're taking them very seriously. and he will live forever in the the players do the interviews in masks. hearts of americans who act justly, love mercy, and walk they put their masks on to walk humbly with their god. out of practice and into practice. may the flights of angels see >> reporter: some have broken john lewis to his rest. from the bubble to deal with personal issues, including new orleans rookie phenom zion and may god bless the country he williamson. his availability for the second loved. game of the double-header unclear. but -- >> i want to hoop. ♪ simple as that. >> reporter: on the diamond, a complicated scenario for major league baseball, with the miami
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marlins now up to 16 players with covid-19, half of their traveling roster. the team quarantined and being tested again. the nation's top infectious ♪ disease doctor hoping it doesn't spell the end to the season. >> i don't think it necessarily has to be that, but we better keep our eye on that. because if it happened to the miami marlins, it could happen to the other teams. ♪ >> reporter: and in baseball, all 30 teams are going to be simulating crowd noise. for the nba in the bubble, commissioner silver saying they have sideline screens with real video of fans watching the game in real time, that can press a button on their nba app. [ applause ] that will be cheering. first game right now, tipping off at 6:30 tonight. >> can't wait. let's go back to baseball for a moment here, sam. the kansas city royals, speaking >> thank you very much. first, i thank john miles and the lewis family.
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and john's incomparable staff of fans, they seem to be getting creative. what are they doing? for the chance to say a few >> reporter: so their home words. opener is tomorrow night. they've been soliciting photos from fans. it can be yourself, a family about man i loved for a long member, a pet. time. no one famous. half of the money is going to covid-19 relief and food insecurity. the players themselves also i'm grateful pastor warnock to say it in ebenezer.the holy pct submitting pictures of their family members. a batter at the plate can wave, "hi, mom," and hit the pitch. >> sam brock there in miami. sam, thank you. what a great idea. >> i love it. i love the pets are in attendance, too. >> yeah. guys, coming up next, the uncertainty surrounding college life this fall. those who have worshipped here. why just weeks before the new semester, some schools now i thank my friend, reverend changing plans. the tough choice now facing families across the country. that's coming up after this. berniece king who stood by my side and gave a fascinating sermon in one of the most challenging periods of my life. i thank president and mrs. bush, president obama. speaker pelosi, thank you. and representative hoyer and curbside rentals and low-touch transactions. representative clyburn. with so many vehicles of so many kinds, who i really thank for with the you can count on us to help you get everywhere you want to go...
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again. stroke of a hand ending an whenever you're ready, we're ready for you. enterprise. interfamily fight within our ♪ everyday it's a-getting closer ♪ party. ♪ going faster than a rollercoaster ♪ proving that peace is needed by ♪ love like yours will surely come my way ♪ everyon ♪ a-hey, a-hey-hey madame mayor, thank you, you ♪ (music playing) have faced more than a fair share of challenges. in these last few months. and you have faced them with ♪ love like yours will surely come my way ♪ candor, and dignity, and honor. and i thank you for your leadership. i -- i must say for a fellow with an extra 20% off & family sale! save on a keurig coffee maker twin xl bedding sets and with 25% off top active brands save on under armour gear for the family! plus, get kohl's cash. plus, limited-contact store drive up. shop kohl's and (lucky) (hearts, stars, and horseshoes, gclovers and blue moons,y! that got his start speaking to unicorns, rainbows, and tasty red balloons!
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chickens, john's gotten a pretty (kid 2) seriously! finely organized and (lucky) [singing] i love me lucky charms. they're magically delicious! orchestrated and deeply deserved sendoff this last week. soccer practices... for him home-going has been ...and new adventures. something to behold. [ applause ] you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. i think it's important that all but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis of us who loved him remember in the past... they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. that he was, after all, a human let's help protect them together. being. because missing menb vaccination could mean a man like all other humans, missing out on a whole lot more. ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. born with strength that he made the most of when many don't. ask your doctor if your teen 'til everyone can enjoy a professional clean feel... born with weaknesses that he worked heard to beat down when many can't. but still a person. at home. it made him more interesting. and it made him, in my mind, even greater. my job is to help new homeowners who have turned into their parents. i'm having a big lunch and then just a snack for dinner. 20 years ago, we celebrated the
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so we're using a speakerphone in the store. 35th anniversary of the selma is that a good idea? one of the ways i do that is to get them out of the home. march and we walked together you're looking for a grout brush, this is -- garth, did he ask for your help? along with coretta, and -- many -no, no. -no. we all see it. we all see it. others from the movement who are he has blue hair. -okay. -blue. progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents, no longer with us. but we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. -keep it coming. -you don't know him. we're grateful for andyjackson when you bundle with us. galya is obsessed with oscar. her first word was "doggie" as soon as she saw him. and many doggie. just like that. can you give oscar a kiss? oh, good job. but on that day, i got him to oscar's family so i feed him blue. where's mommy? replay for me a story he told me oh, oh hey sweetie. mother nature is at work, but father nature is here. when we first met back in the 1970s. i'm hungry. let's see. (seal noise) oh, how about some smucker's natural? and i said, you know, i was just yess. first ingredient, real strawberries. (wind blowing) mommy's home! an aspiring whatever, southern ♪ ♪ politician and i hadn't been and 24 hour relief from symptoms caused byn. elected governor. over 200 indoor and outdoor allergens. and he was already a legend.
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like those from buddy. so i said, john, what's the because nothing should come between two best friends. closest you ever came to actually getting killed doing feel the clarity, and live claritin clear. this? and he said, well, once we were in a demonstration and i got knocked down on the ground and people were getting beat up pretty bad. all of a sudden, i looked up and there was a man holding a long, heavy piece of pipe, and he lifted it and was clearly going to bring it right down into my skull. and at the very last second,awa crowd pushed him a little bit. and a couple seconds later, i couldn't believe it i was still alive. i think it's important to remember the -- first because he was a quick-thinker. and secondly because he was here on a mission that was bigger than personal ambition.
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things like that sometimes just happen. but usually, they don't. i think three things happened to john lewis long before we met and became friends that made him who he was. we're we're back 7:40 with our series "coronavirus in the classroom. some colleges are set to start the new school year in a matter first, the famous story of john at 4 with his cousins and siblings, holding his aunt's hand, more than a dozen of them rngs running around a little old of days, but many are still trying to figure out if students will actually be able to return to campus. wooden house as the wind >> this morning, an increase in covid-19 cases is forcing a growing number of colleges to threatened to blow the house off change plans, plans that were its moorings. going to the place where the house was rising and all those tiny bodies trying to weigh it down. i think he learned manager about the power of working together. already in place kerry sanders joins us now with the latest kerry, good morning. >> reporter: well, good morning, guys something that was more powerful this morning, millions of college students are looking back at the spring semester and recognizing how disrupted than any instruction. everything was now, they're wondering what the future will look like. at the university of miami, second, nearly 20 years later students will begin returning to cas us ie still trying to when he was 23, the youngest
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figure out what the fall semester will look like. ju forcing colleges across the speaker and the last speaker at the march on washington. when he gave a great speech country to re-write their back is forcing colleges across the urging people to take to the country to re-write their back to school plans. george washington university in streets across the south to the nation's capital is one of several schools abruptly changing course, moving seize the chance to finally end racism. undergrad classes completely online this fall, after and he listened to people that initially announcing a hybrid plan. >> we simply had too many surges in too many locations that we he knew had the same goal say, well, we have to be careful how we say this because we're trying to get converts. not more adversaries. draw students from, and too high a risk of bringing the virus into our community and having a just three years later, he lost surge here >> reporter: a tracker by the chronicle of higher education the leadership of -- to stoakley finds 74% of schools were planning for in-person learning in may that number now down to just 49%. with 35% of schools proposing a carmichael. because he said, you know, i really -- he did a good job for a guy that young and come from troy, alabama, it must have been painful to lose. hybrid model 14% going completely virtual george washington offear 1now but -- he showed as a young man
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there are some things that you cannot do to hang on to a paying for a highly position because if you do them, re-thinking their college plans. >> is that tuition that i'm paying for a highly diminished you won't be who you are anymore. version of the college experience worth it? >> reporter: cyan, who will be a junior at stanford, is and i say there were two or three years there, where the movement went a little bit too far towards stoakley. considering a gap year, after learning her fall semester will be online. >> i definitely don't feel like but in the end, john lewis it's the same education. >> reporter: plans for the fall further complicated by the fact that coronavirus is already on some campuses. a report by the "new york times" prevailed. we're here today because he had the kind of character he showed when he lost an election. linking coronavirus cases to 270 [ applause ] colleges in the u.s. despite florida just setting a new record, 217 covid deaths in a single day, the university of miami still plans to welcome students on campus in just over then there was bloody sunday. he figured he might get arrested.
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and this is really important. not to for all the rhapsodic a week >> we are moving ahead obviously, we always have to things we believe about john work with the state government, lieu wiz, he had really gom sel. the city, but at this point, we're ten days out and we're anticipating opening on time on august 9th >> reporter: here at the university of miami, they will allow students to attend classes remotely, if that's what they choose to do, but they're also going to set up some tents so that they have wide open spaces in those tents for students who want to go to class but be socially distanced of course, masks will be required that orientation for freshmen, that will be all online. guys >> it is going to be a real strange year kerry, how big of a financial impact is moving those classes online how will that affect the colleges >> reporter: across the country, they are looking at the bottom line, because there is going to be room and board which many students will not have because they'll be attending remotely and maybe not traveling to where the universities are then on top of that, there's so many students talking about maybe taking a gap year, which means they skip a year of college. here at the university of miami, one of the things they do note is late yesterday, the acc
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conference announce thad they will go forward. so football will be, as it is currently standing, going to be played of course, we know universities rely a lot on football programs to also generate money for their campuses this is an nbc news special report. remembering john lewis. here's lester holt. >> good morning, everyone. we're coming on the air to bring you the final chapter in the nation's farewell to john lewis, the georgia congressman and civil rights icon died two weeks ago, at the age of 80, and for the past six days, we have seen moving tributes to lewis, in troy, selma, and montgomery, alabama, and in washington, d.c., and then today, it is the
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people of atlanta's turn to say goodbye. the man who represented them in congress for more than three decades. the funeral is being held at atlanta's famed ebenezer baptist church, where martin luther king jr. and sr once preached. among those joining to remember john lewis house speaker nancy pelosi and three former presidents, bill clinton, george bush and barack obama. and we've heard from john lewis himself today, in an op-ed he wrote shortly before his death, and published this morning, the day of his funeral, in "the new york times." in it, he urged readers to carry on his work toward justice, compassion, nonviolence, and equal rights, saying though i may not be here with you, i urge you to answer the highest calling of your heart, and stand up for what you truly believe. now it is your turn to let freedom ring. the final words of john lewis.
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nbc's blayne alexander is outside ebenezer baptist church for us. set the seen, if you will. >> lester, good morning to you. in almost every direction i look, i can see people who came out here, not part of the services, and people who didn't even know john lewis personally but are here who want to be part of the moment. and on a normal day, on a good day, this sanctuary can hold more than a thousand people, but today, because of covid-19 concerns, capacity is going to be limited to only 240 people. so you can certainly imagine somebody like congressman john lewis who stopped to shake every hand, take every picture, there are so many people who want to be part of this service today, but simply can't get inside. so you know, if i look to my left about, a feet or so, i see dozens of people who have gathered, just looking at what has been put up by the church, part of the funeral service will be broadcast outside of the church to come and gather and
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watch and we are seeing a growing crowd doing exactly. that as for inside, you set the scene, and we're looking at three form your u.s. presidents who will be inside, we know bush has arrived already, we know house speaker nancy pelosi also inside right now, but the family said that about half of those seats are going to go to the congressman's family, relatives, close friends, and when you look on the other side, the dignitaries, and really it doesn't leave much room for the general public. now, in a statement today, his family said, we wish that we could hug everybody. shake every hand. of all of the people who want to pay tribute. what they're asking people to do instead is watch virtually and hang a blue or purple ribbon outside of their of their porch, to kind of signify that they're part of the online watching community. and lester, just to say a note about ebenezer baptist church, of course, this whole week has been one that is deeply steeped in symbolism and today is certainly no different. aside from being the church that was pastored by dr. martin luther king jr., this is the church that john lewis got married in, when he was, back in
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1968, he was actually married by daddy king, as he's called, martin luther king jr.'s father, the funeral services for his beloved wife lillian were held here in 2012, so it is only fitting that this be the place where atlanta and the country come to say goodbye to john lewis. lester? >> blayne alexander, setting the scene as we see people taking their places in the pews, family and dignitaries, will be filing in here shortly, the service itself scheduled to be under way in several minutes from now. joining our coverage today, senior adviser to president obama, valerie jarrett, great to see you today. we know three former presidents will be here, among them of course barack obama, can you talk a little bit about their relationship, and how it grew over those eight years? >> it was a very close relationship. i think from the moment that they had been together, a tough time in the primary given the
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relationship with the clintons, he was just not an adviser but a friend, and there isn't a time during the course of the eight years -- relying on the advice and counsel that congressman lewis always provided. >> can you tell me, give me your memories of 2015, and the 50th anniversary of selma, when we saw john lewis and presidents obama and bush, march across the bridge? >> reporter: oh, my goodness, before they marched across the bridge, there was an iconic photo of president obama embracing congressman lewis, being together, it was so incredibly moving to be there, to be present that day, an historic moment. but there were so many moments like that. i remember congressman john lewis visited the white house during our last celebration, we
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had been part of john lewis being a part of the celebration, with young activists. and john lewis was moved to tears listening to speeches describing what president obama's presidency meant to them. and i looked over and john lewis, openly weeping, and why am i holding back? and i am so glad you mentioned the op-ed piece appearing in today's "new york times." every word should be read by everyone. and i think i was so moved when he said democracy is not a state, it's an act and it's incumbent upon each generation to do its part to build our beloved community. as you can see, love.
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>> we can see members of congress being led into the church and you mentioned the op-ed, i didn't know it was coming but when i read it, i wasn't surprised that it seemed like the fitting thing, the kind of thing that he would do, is to offer those words, even as his funeral was being prepared. what were your thoughts when you saw that he had written something? >> well, i was moved when i saw his name, and i thought it was important that he pointed out that when he was a young boy, 15 years old, emmett till, his mother decided to have an open casket funeral, accused of murdering a white woman, ler recanted. and it scared him to realize, even though he came from two loving parents, and siblings and his family, that when he left his home, he was at risk.
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and it was the words of martin luther king that motivated him to want to get into that good trouble, that necessary trouble. and so i think given his perso why he was moved enough, the day before he entered the hospital, to go out to black lives plaza, and see for himself, something that was part of the evidence of this generation of young people, all around our country, of all race, all background, all ages, lester, are showing up, to say we can do better than this, and that we should have peaceful demonstrations. and he also mentions in the op-ed the importance of voting. and there's a connection between the two. to demonstrate but also to vote. 55 years ago, he fought so hard. >> a very timely piece from
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congressman lewis, and i think it touched many of us. valle val, valerie jarrett, thank you very much for coming on and sharing your memories with us. good to see you. >> good to see you too. historian and nbc news contributor john meachum, his book "his truth is marching on," john lewis and the power of hope is out soon. john, thank you for joining us. always good to have you on. if you can kind of capture this week that we have witnessed, it began with this boy from troy, as a celebration in alabama, and of course, it concluded at the church that the kings preached at, can you sum it up for us? >> sure. john lewis' last earthly odyssey, mirrored his earthly odyssey, from troy, to montgomery, to washington, and now to atlanta, where he served in the congress for 33 years, but you know, atlanta started
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for congressman lewis when he was a very young man, he had only lived in troy, he had gone to seminary in nashville, and then he moved to atlanta, when he became chairman of the student nonviolent coordinating committee, he was about three miles away, sncc's offices were about three miles away from where he sit, lies in state now, on raymond street, and he described those offices as cinder blocks for bookcases, and cots, and mats for all of the people, all of the pilgrims, the protesters, who were coming through, as he and these unimaginably young people, 60 years ago, set about to force america to actually live up to the implications d creed. and when you think about today, and you think about the rotunda, imagine the princes and the
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potentates and the king, all the powers of the earth are paying tribute to this young man who was born the great grandson of a slave, he, there was an outhouse, there was no electricity in their house, his first memory was of his mother's garden, a little garden, on a tenant form, in pike county, alabama, in a segregated and as remote a place as you could find in the 20th century. and now, presidents and a president that he made possible, and i suspect will say something like that, that's not hyperbole, john lewis, the boy from troy, which he was called the boy preacher from troy, he preached his first sermon when he was 16 years old, and the montgomery advertiser put his picture in the paper and called him the boy preacher from troy and dr. king called him the boy from troy when they first met, all of those people will be
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paying tribute to this singular figure, who was driven by the gospel, understood the tactics of gandhi, and resolutely, and consistently compelled us to face the truth about ourselves, and to embrace the possibilities of what we can be. and if we were saying this about anyone else, lester, one might think that this is sentimentality, the ways of emotion after death, that he was a beloved lawmaker, none of that is true, this is not sent meantality, this is history, and what congressman lewis wrote and was published this morning, is we have the capacity to choose which side of history we want to be on. you and i are not talking about, the nation is not watching a funeral for a segregationist white sheriff or white chief. they are not honoring people who
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wanted to forclose the possibilities of the country. we are not honoring those who turned the fire hoses on people. we're honoring the people who were the target of that hate and that fear and john lewis always insisted on answering that hate and fear with love and hope. that's what we're commemorating today. >> john, i think our instincts sometimes is to at a moment like this, a moment of mourning, of a memorial, that we don't want to talk about politic, but john lewis was a politician, a very, you know, obviously politics embraced who he was, and so i have to ask you, and what we read this op-ed today, and which he makes this passionate call for people to vote, and it comes on the same day that the president is questioning our ability to elect a leader, and suggesting maybe even moving the election date itself. that can't really be ignored
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here. >> it can't. and john wouldn't want us to. there is now a very stark choice before the country, as there was 60 years ago. and as there was in the civil war and so forth. the choice before us is do we want to be the america of john lewis, who saw the vote at the ultimate form of nonviolent protest, john lewis ever raised a fist to those police chiefs, he never hit back. the one time he ever was aggressive in any way was when dr. king was assaulted in a hotel in selma, alabama, when a white nationalist tried to, actually kicked king in the groin, and punched him in the face, as king was integrating the hotel albert in selma, in
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1965, and john would tell the story about everything in him pushed him to throw a bear hug around the man doing the assault. so the only time he fought back physically was to hug someone in order to protect dr. king. the choice we have is do we want to be the country of john lewis and the great cloud of witnesses of which he was a part, who believed in democracy, who believed in self-government. and who simply wanted the country not to but to apply the logical implications of our founding document. you and i live in a world where we think of the declaration of independence as a sacred document. it is. but it is not -- has not been incluzive enough.
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the president -- the incouple bept president has starkly underscored for the nation today which side of history do you want to be on? the side of history where the voice of the people is allowed to make its way into the councils of state? which is hat this country was founded on, however imperfectly. or do you want to be only about power and yourself, which is what the oval office wants to be now. >> ebenezer baptist church. a moment of silence punctuated by the ringing of bells. we'll honor that and listen. [ bells tolling ]
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for i know that my redeemer lives. that he shall stand with me at the latter day upon the earth. though after my skin worms destroy this body. yet in my flesh will i see god. whom i shall see for myself and mine eyes shall behold and not another. behold i show you a mystery. we shall not all sleep but we shall be changed. in a moment. in the twinkling of an eye. at the last trump for the dead must be raised incorruptible.
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and we shall all be changed. this mortal must put on immortality. this corruptible must put on incorruption. and when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, when this mortal shall have put on immortality, then will be brought to pass the thing that is written, death is swallowed up in victory. oh, death, where is your sting? oh, grave, where is your victory? thanks be unto god. who gives us to victory. thanks be unto god, who gave
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john robert lewis the victory through jesus christ our lord and liberator. let all the children of god say amen. >> all: amen. >> you're in a baptist church. say it louder. say amen. >> all: amen! >> you may be seated. god bless you my sisters and brothers. you who sit in the sanctuary and those who join us on our church livestream. or by television. god bless you and welcome to ebenezer baptist church. spiritual home of martin luther king jr.
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