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tv   Early Today  NBC  November 4, 2020 4:00am-4:30am PST

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good morning, no decision 2020. the presidential race still up for grabs with millions of votes being counted in crucial battleground state. joe biden expressing confidence but urging patience. >> we feel good about where we are. we really do. >> the president falsely claiming victory and threatening with the supreme court. >> in this is a major fraud in nation. >> reporter: this morning still
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counting votes and the potential path for victory for both candidates as we wait to see what happens next, today, wednesday, november 4th, 2020. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is a special edition of "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hi, everyone. good morning. welcome to this special edition of today. we are glad you're with us on wednesday morning. we really never left. we've been on the air all night. lots of news to cover. >> i do think a lot of folks at home were up all night. today comes with something we're not exactly used to in the wake of a presidential election. and still a lot of uncertainty. >> and a lots of votes uncounted, millions of them. >> we're going to walk you
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through all of it, do it slowly and take it one step at a time. >> here's the count at this hour. according to nbc news, the electoral count is 224 for biden, 213 for the president. they're trying to reach 270. that's the magic number. now nine states are this morning either too close to call or too early to call, not enough votes being counted yet. seven of them or the battle grounds we've been focused on for weeks, pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, north carolina, georgia, nevada and arizona. these are tight, tight races. >> those are the ones we see in gray. >> there's also the ones in the battle for congress to consider. and republicans are clinging to it the majority but several races still undecided. >> a disappointing night for democrats in the senate who were hoping to have a big moment. we've got complete coverage and
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of course nbc's chuck todd is with us. he'll break down the numbers and be over with us at the magic wall in a moment. it was about 2:30 in the morning when we heard from the president last night. >> less than five hours ago he finally delivered his remarks. he did something he said he would not do, falsely and prematurely declaring victory. the winning of the presidency has not been determined with several states still unknown. and several states unity sidde e president had helped to flip blue. >> the president falsely claiming victory. >> frankly, we did win this election. >> reporter: the president making a baseless claims, accusing democrats of trying to steal the election.
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>> millions and millions of people voted for us tonight. and a very sad group of people is trying to disenfranchise that group of people. and we won't stand for it. this is a fraud on the american public. this is an embarrassment to aou country. >> repeating his earlier claim on twitter, we are up big and they are stealing the election." twitter flagged that. it is legal and within voting procedures to keep counting them after the polls close. the president also claiming that his early leads in some battleground states are insurmountable, despite hundreds of thousands of legitimate ballots still outstanding. >> with 64% of the vote in, it's going to be almost impossible to
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catch me. >> president donald trump is overperforming candidate trump from 2016, holding on to ohio and florida that democrats had hoped to flip. >> we won states that we weren't expected to win, florida. we won it by a lot. >> reporter: the president drawing new voters sympathetic to his message. many of them from rural counties. among the president's biggest gap gains, with la teens, especially cuban americans in south florida. as for the president falsely declaring victory, that attack on the democratic process was jarring and even irresponsible and that's in the words of some. president's allies. president donald trump saying he would take his case to the supreme court but it's still unclear how he would do that or on what legal basis. what was notable last night is the vice president, he spoke a very different tone last night saying he wanted all the votes
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to be counted, not declaring victory, saying he thinks they're on the path to victory. >> right now it's everyone's race to have. the president might win, joe biden might win. talking about losses seems premature. >> we're going to move up into the biden camp. kristen welker is in wilmington, delaware. hey, kristen. >> reporter: good morning to both of you. the biden campaign is striking a defiant note this morning after those remarks by president donald trump. the campaign manager releasing a statement that echo ed somethin we heard from the vice president. "we repeat what the vice president said, donald trump does not decide the outcome of this election, joe biden does not decide the outcome of this election and the democratic process must and will continue until its conclusion. now, biden for his part made very similar comments.
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he's sounding very confident that ultimate lily he will prev. with the results in several states too close to call, joe biden projecting confidence overnight that once all the votes are counted, he will come out on top. >> i'm here to tell you tonight we believe we're on track to win this election. >> reporter: biden addressing a drive-in crowd in the early morning hours saying he's intent on rebuilding the blue wall, which fell in 2016, where both campaigns have spent significant time and money and where ballots are still being counted. >> it's going to take time to count the votes. we're going to win pennsylvania. >> yes! >> i've been talking to folks in filly, allegheny and scranton and they're really encouraged by the turnout and what they say. >> reporter: the former vice president failing to flip two states on the campaign's wish
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list, reliably red texas and florida, that's despite multiple visits to the sunshine state by biden and his former boss, barack obama. >> i need to you cast your ballots. >> reporter: exit polls show biden underperformed in a key voting group, latinos, including the large cuban american population of miami dade county, but biden remaining emboldened with a strong showing in arizona, a state that helped send president donald trump to the white house four years ago, still too early to call. biden also closely watching an unexpected battleground, georgia, which hasn't voted for a democrat in a presidential election since 1992. >> we're still in the game in georgia, although that's not one we expected. >> reporter: biden trying to set the narrative by addressing the country before president donald trump and telling his supporters the election is not over until the final vote is counted. >> as i've said all along, it's not my place or donald trump's place to declare who's won this
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election. that's the decision of the american people. but i'm optimistic but this outcome. >> reporter: now biden has signalled we will likely hear from him again today but no details yet on when or where that may happen. meanwhile, the campaign has said it has been prepared for legal challenges for quite some time and says it's ready to deploy a team of lawyers when and if that may be necessary. hoda and savannah. >> kristen welker for us in delaware. >> talking about the lawyers and deploying lawyers on both sides, chuck, you know we've reached that moment we were hoping to not reach. kasie hunt also joining us. take us through the map. >> wisconsin is something in the last three hours, we got some vote out of milwaukee. you can see here, the vote is trickling in, even in the last 45 minutes joe biden's votes
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gone from 7,500 to 11,000. the assumption is and it's not a guess, most of what's being counted is stuff that was vote by mail and we know statistically that's likely to lean democrat but, again, we heard gabe gutierrez say green bay is coming in. i love my packers, it's a republican-leaning area but the vote by mail, you don't know. you don't want to make any judgments there. wisconsin, trust me, we're going to get the recount rules going here, i have a feeling. >> i think you have to request it. i looked it up. >> let's go to michigan. you heard claire mccaskill has some confidence there. as the numbers have come in, this has really tightened. it was a four-point spread when we started at 6 a.m. this morning. we're now down to less than a percentage point. the difference is 45,000. it all mail-in vote. we know there's a lot more --
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>> the orange is the mail-in vote, the yellow is the -- >> we know there's still over about 850,000 votes to count and it's a 45,000 vote difference. this is why democrats feel i would say cautiously confident about michigan. and, by the way, kasie, in case you're wondering, the senate race and presidential race in michigan are starring to align and that is not good news for john james -- >> john james is the republican challenger -- >> tho go gary peters. it does look like those two will go together. then we've got pennsylvania. let's just be honest here. this is a lot of ground for him to make up and yet there's a lot of votes still out there, nearly 1.8 million uncounted votes. >> where are those coming from? >> everywhere. i mean, again, it's in the mail, so we know due to all the great polling that we all trust these
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days, we're pretty confident that there is a dem lean to the mail-in ballots. we don't know by how much. it could be by a great deal. we know that allegheny county stopped counting and won't start until 10 c:00 this morning. we're all going to get comfortable getting to know pennsylvania a little bit. there's a lot of vote to make up but there's a lot of vote to go. by the way, maine could come in -- biden's going to win three of these electoral votes. this lead keeps expanding as it slowly comes in. let me just show you what's going on here with the congressional district vote. hang on here. >> you have to ask nicely. >> i know, i know. it's cranky, too. here's our second congressional district. even as this vote has come in, i have not seen this margin shrink that much. yes, it's 15,000 votes but this is a very rural district. we still got a way to go but it
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looks like trump has a good shot at keeping that. that maine second congressional district, it's rural, working class folks, in some way it matches every other trump area. >> can you swing out west? get to the sunbelt states. >> we'll start out in nevada. this is where we've gotten votes most recently. we talked to jon ralston, our reporter contributor who is the editor of "nevada independent," he said the remaining ballots are mail-in ballots, they're from the two big counties, particularly clark county. so it should be, you know, as he said the democratic machine but it's a 7,600 vote gap here. again, what's left appears to be advantage biden, just like we said before and this we haven't been able to sort the difference between the same day and the early registration. so this is one where, you know, i trust jon ralston. he knows his stuff but that's a very narrow vote gap.
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and very quickly, we've got arizona. let's get to arizona. we haven't gotten any new vote in here in a few hours. that's going to be a while. there's a reason there's that and georgia we haven't gotten any new vote in yet either, but we do expect this to continue to narrow and we'll see. >> there are so many contested races. we barely got to spend our time with kasie. don't worry, we've got hours and hours of coverage. i think we misspoke at the top of the show because in fact democrats seem to have reduced their majority, lost some seats in the house and the senate looks to stay in republican hands, although the votes are still being counted. >> we've called the house for democrats. so we believe nancy pelosi still is speaker at the end of the day or at least democrats in control, but this is not what we expected going into the night. we were pretty sure certainly all of my sources were saying both republicans and democrats that democrats were going to add to their majority in the house and overnight while we are still -- these take a long time
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to count because of the way we look at them just takes a while so we're not going to know how many seats all of my sources are now saying they think republicans are going to pick up a couple of seats. very quickly, one thing i'm watching as chuck was going through pennsylvania, i grew up in chester county, which is outside, it's a philadelphia suburb that's really switch reasonable doubt from red to blue over the last decade or so. we're expecting potentially to get a big patch batch of votes sources are telling me there around 7:30, 8:00 this morning. that's a place where if you see a very strong biden margin, he needs it to be very strong in the suburbs to have a coach of ending up winning pennsylvania. >> it's a wide margin right now. at the moment the president is ahead but there are a lot of mailin votes to cou- -- mail-ins does scrubbing grease feel like a workout? scrub less with dawn ultra. it's superior grease-cleaning formula gets to work faster,
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making easy work of tough messes. dawn is a go-to grease-cleaner throughout the kitchen, too. keep a bottle in the laundry room to pre-treat greasy stains and keep dawn in the garage to lift grease off car rims. it's even gentle enough to clean wildlife affected by oil. dawn's grease cleaning power takes care of tough grease wherever it shows up. scrub less, save more...with dawn. until i found out what itust? it actually was.d me. dust mite droppings? ewww. dead skin cells? gross! so now, i grab my swiffer heavy duty sweeper and dusters. dusters extends to 6 feet to reach way up high... to grab, trap and lock away gross dust. nice! for dust on my floors, i switch to sweeper. the heavy duty cloths reach deep in grooves to grab, trap and lock dust bunnies... no matter where they hide. no more heebie jeebies. phhhhew. glad i stopped cleaning and started swiffering.
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we're back at 7:17. it's been one long day, the race still remains up in the air. >> there are a lot of bleary-eyed folks. folks have been you all night. the reason? because those votes are still being counted. we knew they are going to be tight. we didn't know they were going to be this tight. we've got reports from three of them. let's go east to west. stephanie is in philly in pennsylvania where they've got a lot more votes to count, but the margins for the president are looking very positive for him. >> reporter: that's right, savannah. a lot of that is the count from the western part of the state. during presidential elections the mantra used to be florida, florida, florida, but that has clearly changed. there's a very good chance this entire election could come down to what's happening here in
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pennsylvania. overnight governor tom wolf hit back at the president who called for the counting to stop. he said that is a partisan interference in this election. they are still counting. here in philadelphia it's happening a at furious pace, 10,000 to 14,000 votes an hour, but there are places where it stopped. one of those places is the biggest district in this state, allegheny county, they went home and they're not coming back until 10:00. it's going to come down to the mail-in ballots, 2.5 mail-in ballots have been received, only 1.5 million of those mail-in ballots have been counted. so the message from the governor, please be patient. it's going to take a while. >> they probably want to be accurate and rested when they count. >> wisconsin is another swing state that remains too close to
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call. gabe gutierrez with us now from milwaukee. hey, gabe. >> reporter: if you believe the pollsters, it wasn't supposed to be this close but it is. we're awaiting absentee ballots from green bay, the absentee ballots give joe biden a very close edge. we have spoken with voters over the past couple of days. they say the coronavirus pandemic a huge issue in wisconsin with the dramatic rise in cases and another huge issue, law and order. we spoke with many trump supporters that say that his campaign message of law and order have resonated, especially in the ken osha ballots. president donald trump won wisconsin by less than 23,000 votes four years ago. right now the margin separating joe biden and donald trump is much less than that.
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hoda. >> a real nail biter there. >> let's go out west at the great state of arizona, my home state. phoenix is telling the tale at the moment but all the votes are not in -- let's put it this way, they're not counted, right? >> reporter: that's right. we know a little more about those ballots not counted. maricopa county election officials say they are done counting all of the early votes that came into before election day and the ballots cast on l s election day have been counted but the big chunk left are those dropped off on election day. joe biden has a sizable lead with 82% reporting. if arizona does go blue, we're not talking about a light blue, we're talking about the potential for two senators that are democrats from arizona, we are talking about a presidential candidate and we're also talking about the possibility of the legalization of recreational
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marijuana in a state of barry goldwater. so there a lot of things going on. but it's not necessarily a reflection of the true political demographics here. we still know that the republicans outnumber democrats. this is more of a nudge from the sizable independent population here in arizona. they make up about a third of the electorate, but of course all those numbers are still to be gleaned from those returns that we see. we know they are still counting those returns. we are hearing that there could be another data drop coming at 7 p.m. tonight but a lot of people are hoping it's a lot earlier than that. back to you guys. >> gadi, thank you very much. >> let's take a pause. >> you know what time it is? it's roker time. >> thank god. >> you might not be happy about this either, it's tropical storm ada. it's 2020! get off my back! >> really?
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>> yes. moving west at 8 miles per hour, this is tied for the strongest hurricane of the season, third strongest november hurricane on record, it works its way through guatemala and now this weekend could become theta. look at the spaghetti plots right now. it's all over the map but it looks like we'll be worrying about this into wednesday. it will be interesting to see whether the election is resolved before this is. we're going to get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. as we take a look at our high temperatures for today, expect it to reach into the upper 70s for today and more of the same tomorrow. big changes ahead heading into friday. much cooler air coming in. highs in the upper 50s.
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50s for highs for the inland valleys throughout the weekend. more clouds and some off and on light showers in the forecast. we'll see those spotty sprinkles continuing into at least early monday. by tuesday we're getting more sunshine and gradually starting to rebound our temperatures. huc there. >> chuck todd is admiring it. >> it's stylish. >> you guys were up all night. i got a good night's sleep. >> a lot of people are waking up. it's 7:24. all they want to know is who the next president of the united states is. will it happen today? >> i'm very skeptical it will happen today. i am bullish that it will have some answers in arizona. i'm bullish we'll be able to make a call in wisconsin and michigan today. but i'm bearish own nevada. i think georgia is going to be the last state we call. >> you do? >> it could very well be -- >> even after pennsylvania? >> well, there's pennsylvania.
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>> how about north carolina? >> as we start to call it, north florida, it's going to florida on us here a little bit. we have i think eight unresolved states plus alaska. alaska is another one we're going to have to wait a while because literally the vote takes days to come in. i just can't imagine anybody getting to 270 today. >> all right. what about -- give us the lay of land in the congress, in the senate and the house. >> what chuck just laid out there, i think what we're still really waiting for is going to be control of the senate. it's pretty clear right now biden has a couple paths to get to 270. so in that event if we have a democrat in the white house, it's looking more and more like likely we'll have divided government. republicans are likely to control the senate. question will be by how much. some of those states that are still out, alaska we're still keeping an eye on alaska. michigan another one we're keeping an eye on as well,
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though it does look like the republican is closing the gap with his democratic challenger there. >> we just supplied you with more coffee. we're all going to need because this day goes on. much more voting to be done. our good morning. coffee in hand as well. i'm laura garcia taking a quick break from our special network coverage. want to get you current on all the most closely watched state and local races and in oakland. let's start out there. video just in to our newsroom showing the aftermath of violence that got out of hand. according to witnesses someone was shot during apparent breakin at a cannabis club not far from the coliseum. so far police are not confirming, but you can see from the video damage to several storefronts in an area around east ninth street.
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police not confirming very much or if this is tied to protesters. we'll continue to monitor that. let's turn to proposition 22, the measure pushed by ride share companies to allow drivers to remain contract orors and not plyees with full benefits. you can see with more than 70% of the votes count it had appears to be on its way of passing. proposition 16, it would reintroduce minority hiring in government agencies and public universities. right now it's going down in defeat losing by more than ten percentage points. proposition 19 would change the tax assessment for some property transfers and eliminate the inheritance exemption and people who lost their homes in a disaster. it is winning by a narrow
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margin. proposition 15 would raise taxes for commercial property. the race very close but appears to be going down in defeat. a couple of key local bay area measures as well, measure rr would authorize the sales tax increase to help keep cal train afloat. because of the pandemic it is in desperate need of financial help. san mateo, san jose and san francisco are weighing in. it appears to be passing in all three counties. voters in contra costa county approved measure x. it will add a half cent sales tax and generate about $80 million in revenue. it got nearly 630% of the vote. as for closely watched bay area congressional races, the democrats will keep control of the house. nancy pelosi will remain house speaker. not surprisingly she won her district easily beating her opponent shahid buttay.
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a quick break from politics, we've had a lot of it overnight. what about the forecast? good morning, my friend. good morning. it's all foggy in san francisco. kind of misting and this is something we'll get used to over the next couple of days as we check out what to expect. the fog will clear out and temperatures will reach into the upper 70s. inland valleys up to 79 degrees today and upper 70s again tomorrow. temperatures will be dropping and we'll reach into the upper 50s for highs and will see a lot of clouds and spotty, light rain. not expecting a lot out of this. we will have cool and damp weather. as we go into early next week it starts to clear out and warm up. but for san francisco it will stay cool over the next couple of days with highs in the upper
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60s and even more chilly heading into the weekend, laura. wow, we'll get that taste of fall. we are gathering the local news on the races and will have updates in the network coverage. back to nbc "today." hey, guys. good morning. the sun's up. it is 7:30 with a look at the white house on this morning after election day. at this hour, the question remains who will get to call 1600 pennsylvania avenue home for the next four years? >> i'm glad you said the sun's coming up because some things are certain. but as for the election results, not so much this morning. let us look at where the electoral vote race stands right now. remember 270 is the number to get. right now joe biden has 224 electoral votes, 213 for president donald trump, but those gray states, those are the ones thatre


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