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tv   Today  NBC  November 6, 2020 7:00am-9:00am PST

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come in. we are very close to resolution, perhaps, in pennsylvania, which is that all-important state. we still watch arizona, georgia, nevada, we have a lot to cover. let's take a pause here and thank you for being with us. we will rejoin you in just a moment. hi, everybody, good morning again and it is 10:00 in the east and 7:00 a.m. in the west coast and in breaking news and special report and counting the vote counting in key battlegrounds this morning. if you just woke up in the west coast or sleeping in on the east coast because you were up late, there is a lot to tell you about. joe biden the former vice president has officially now taken the lead in pennsylvania, and he has a narrow margin there, and narrower one in georgia, and the president in the meantime has gained ground in arizona.
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>> so if you are looking at the big map, and you can see that the electoral map has not changed and you need 270 to get there, and joe biden is in the lead with 253 to 214 for the president, but as savannah pointed out, the votes are coming in, and we are watching the states shift, and if you went to bed last night, you saw different colors and blues where there are reds, and reds where there are blues. >> so even if you went out in the last hour, we are getting a change and votes in from pennsylvania. i want to go over the chuck who is at the map. pennsylvania is a huge part of the electoral map. it is absolutely critical for president trump, and right now, joe biden is in the lead. >> right. >> by what we just got a new batch of votes, and 6,700 votes and we think that there is 105,000 votes in pennsylvania to count. can you just to reset for folks just waking up. >> so you put 105,000, which is approximately what we think. 20,000 of those 100,000, so 1 in
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5 out of philadelphia is what we expect, and he has been winning at a greater, and carrying philadelphia with over 80%, and he has been winning the vote by mail by an even higher margin. okay. so, to just tell you so that is 20,000 of those 100,000 votes. we know that there are 35,000, and now in alleghany county, and now in alleghany county was a biden county, and there are certainly plenty of republican pockets in there, and again, these are mail-in votes, and vote by mail. so we know which that is skewed, so you would have to say that this is the floor of what biden would get out of allegheny, and this is going to account for 55,000, and we know that there is a smattering of the vote by mail also coming into the from the philadelphia suburbs and other places, but again, all of the vote by mail in pennsylvania has been skewed heavily to joe biden voters here. i wanted to give you a few markers to keep an eye on as we
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are watching the pennsylvania returns come in. the recount provision in pennsylvania is at one, and if there is one at the margin between the two folks is less than one half of one percent, and in that case, it is if joe biden's lead were about 35,000 votes or less then that would put it in the recounter toi ter, and talking to every lawyer who has been involved in a recount, 3500 is a near impossible task the, but 35,000 is probably nearly impossible. so, that is a marker that we are watching for, and we won't call a state until we have 99.9% confidence that the outcome would not change, and we are not there. but we are close, and extraordinarily close. the estimates of what the vote by mail is going to be coming in, but attend of the day in fairness, you have to keep opening the ballots and when there is not a mathematical
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possibility for the candidate in second place to catch the first candidate, that is when you catch them. >> and you guys are focused on pennsylvania, burr t as you poid out, that is the checkmate state. >> and to show you, as i put in here, and we showed it to you before, but i want to leave pennsylvania and the president's campaign believes they have all sorts of ways to, they believe they can catch him in arizona, but biden still leads. and they believe in nevada, and so okay so by their premise, when a recanvas comes in, and georgia is so much that it is a typo error there that could change it, but accept the premises there, and sweep everything that is not pennsylvania, and you can see what happens here, the president is still short of 270. pennsylvania is the entire ball game. this is why this is so crucial. by the way, for joe biden, pennsylvania is not to be all,
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end all. georgia and nevada would do it. that would put him over 270, but take away georgia, and arizona and nevada would put him right at the number, and sod he has more combinations. and he is leading in pennsylvania and he is leading in georgia and leading in arizona and leading in nevada, and by the way, if you are doing some math here, and if you are wondering if this is a familiar and if all of the electoral vote here, and we are a long way from here, but if all of the leads held where they are now, and 306-302 which is the exact electoral vote not counting the faithless electorals, and it was donald trump who was 306 and
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hillary clinton was 302. >> and think did not win the popular vote as joe biden is. >> and so i don't know -- >> what is that, chuck? >> well, if i can hit that, and you can see here, this is nearly a, going to be in a, you know, three-point margin, and which by the way to me, that is basically, you take away california and, and california is filled with plenty of americans, and i'm not a fan to take away california, but california skews the popular vote, and it is a pretty even divide with all of it, and wed have messed with the polling in case you are wondering, but california is providing a two-point margin nationally in the popular vote. >> but what you can see is that joe biden got more votes than hillary clinton did in 2016, and donald trump got more votes than he did in 2016.
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>> the all-time democratic vote getter in democratic history is joe biden, and the single all-time vote getter in republican history is donald trump, and so when you have the highest turnout in 100 years in a race that is within three points nationally, and turnout is maximized, this is what you will get. >> and kasie, what are you hearing? you are constantly on the phone and you have a number of sources in the republicans and the democrats. >> i apologize if you are catching me typing while we are hanging here, and for the democrats, this has just become a question of, okay, when can we pop the champagne? and i think that they have been watching this closely enough and they have been watching it with us that at this hour that pennsylvania is the ball game, and to chuck's point, the president simply can't win without pennsylvania. it is clear that we will have enough counting challenges in nevada where, you know, we may
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not get the right numbers that we need until tomorrow, and georgia is going to be weeks while they figure that out, but if they believe that if we continue to see the numbers that have been coming in for joe biden in pennsylvania that it is a matter of time until he goes over the threshold today that will be needed for him to be declared the winner of the presidential race. now, of course, we have not here at nbc called that as chuck has been meticulous about that. >> and in fairness, we are the media and we are not an official. >> we are not certifying any results. >> in the democracy, you want the free press double-checking the vote counts and we do our own vote count, and that is the beauty of the truly free press in a democracy. >> and the other thing that i would add in terms of what people are talking about, there is a lot of focus on whether the republicans are going to indulge president trump in what he has been saying in raising the
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questions of the validity of this counting, and it seems that there are more people lining up behind pat toomey who you talked to this morning. >> the senator from pennsylvania. >> yes, and he came out and he said it is hard to watch the president's remarks last night, and who said that if you have evidence, bring it to courts. >> and mitch mcconnell, the republican of course highly influential republican senator put out a statement today, because it is interesting and he did not go as far as pat toomey who is the republican from pennsylvania said that there is not a scintilla of evidence there that there is anything afoot, and if you have evidence, bring it to court, and that is the upshot of pat toomey, and then other folks like the republican house leader mccarthy who is circling the wagoning saying that this is unfairly taken from the president, and it seems that mitch mcconnell was taking it right down the middle.
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>> mitch mcconnell and it is entirely possible, and we don't know if he has control of the senate yet, but he could be looking at running the country here in a couple of months, and he is, i think, that he is proceeding accordingly, and that message that he put out, he put out a tweet called trust the process and he threw out the words that the president is using legal votes and the words that he used is trust the process, and that is the message that the biden campaign is using trust the process, they are not out yet publicly popping the champagne, and they are being careful and going out of the way to defer to process. and for mcconnell, that is signaling for the republican party, we know for president trump if he is a former president is still going to be hugely influential in the republican party, but there is also going to be a lot of the republicans in government who
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need to work potentially with the biden administration, and to figure out how to make sure that they have influence, they have to figure out how to balance that, and i read mitch mcconnell's signal to the troops to say, hey, wait a minute, and figure out if there is a path here, and then focus on the task at hand. >> it is interesting that you brought that up, kasie, because the association of manufacturers who would say they are nonpartisan and this stuff, but certainly, i think that they have a lot of republican-friendly members. >> yes, republican. >> and they put out a very strongly worded statement saying that the americans are hard at work tallying the votes and that is what americans do, and all valid ballots must be counted. so it is going to what you are saying that people have jobs in washington to work with the government on behalf of their members or on behalf of their
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constituents, and that is what you may start to see over the next couple of days that the president is going to find out that he may be on the island and you are going to be having a lot of the professional class of washington -- >> and he is not alone on the island and you have kevin mccarthy, the leader of the house, and lindsey graham who was just re-elected to the senate from south carolina circling the wagons around president trump, so it is interesting to see the different camps and the spectrum of republican response to what the president is alleging here. >> and think about kevin mccarthy the top leader in the house, and what is happening in the house? the republicans don't control it, and so they are in opposition, and so we will see that there is a contingent of more moderate members of the house, but the driving dynamic there is that it is full of people who rabidly support president trump and they will continue to be a part of the movement, and kevin mccarthy is thinking the of how to manage
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that group of people and we are down into the weeds quickly, but it helps to explain what is going on and there is going to be a reckoning and conflict of the two wings of the republican party, and we are starting to site play out. >> and let's head to pennsylvania where biden has a razor thin lead, and stephanie gosk is there. >> hey, hoda, there was a time in presidential elections that the mantra was florida, florida, florida, and clearly today in this election, it is pennsylvania, pennsylvania, pennsylvania. a little harder to say especially with a mask on. but that is where we are right now, and it is scrutiny here on this state, and not just from within the state, but from the country and perhaps the world right now, and you have to wonder when you are looking at the lye camera shot of those poll workers processing the mail-in ballots whether or not they feel some of the pressure. officials in the state have been saying all along that they would not sacrifice accuracy for speed. now there may be a lot of questions when this is over
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whether or not they should have had more people, better infrastructure to have this process go faster, but it is not a surprise that they are here, and we are here waiting for these votes, and in fact, the governor of the state tom wolfe made a commercial in the weeks building up to the election saying that this is going to take a while. be patient. it is going to take a few days. that is what is happening. talking about the numbers now. you have 20,000 or so votes coming out of philadelphia still, and in the suburbs you also have by our estimate right now in the neighborhood of 17,000 or maybe 20,000, and we spoke with an official in bucks county, and that is the latest county to deliver some of the votes. they have about 7,000 outstanding votes that are going to come around midday or so, and in the end of the day today, there is still going to be outstanding votes. alleghany county is still a place counting the mail-in votes, and it is going to be a question of margins, and how
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quickly does that margin build up, and how big does joe biden's lead become over the course of the day. back to you. >> thank you, stephanie. over to the white house, and peter alexander there, and are you hearing anything from inside of the trump campaign now? >> well, the president is paying close attention to what is happening in pennsylvania and he tweeted a matter of moments ago that he is watching fox business channel, and one of the channels where some of the conservative allies have touted many of the president's own opinions and quoting them saying that philadelphia has a rotten history of voter fraud there. larry ckudlow one of the president's financial advisers was just speaking, and he said that he spoke to the president this morning and the president in his words intends to fight. he also said something interesting. kudlow said that he believes that there is going to be a peaceful transfer of power and
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this is the greatest country in the world, and we abide by the rule of law, and that is striking, because we were talking about the president's own refusal to commit to a peaceful transfer of power, and he said he would not commit to one, because he knew he would win. the trajectory of the race is what the situation is and the very real possibility that joe biden is going to be declared the next president of the united states, and source close to the white house this morning telling us real reluctance and challenge of who would have that ability or take that task to say specifically apparently no one is willing to tell king tleleere truth. savannah and hoda. >> all right. peter alexander at the white house. >> and we go to kristen welker who has reaction as well. >> hoda and savannah, and we are getting the first glimpse and
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insight into what joe biden is doing right now. one close aide says that he is patiently watching and waiting for the returns like the rest of us, and he is waiting for the race to be called. this person notes that his first presidential run was back in 1988, and he spent 32 years thinking about what it would feel like if he were in fact to win, so what is another few hours to wait. so that is how vice president biden is approaching this moment. not yet ready to, as we have been reporting pop the cork as some of the aides might want to do. now in terms the of what we might want to expect to see or hear from the vice president, don't expect to hear from him until primetime, and so if there is a call today, we would not see the vice president until this evening. what themes will he touch on when he addresses the nation, and he is going to talk about unity, healing and coming together as a nation, and of course, these are the themes
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that have really guided the campaign and so not surprising that he would echo those same themes, and i go back to the point that the strategy within the biden campaign and many of the democrats were concerned about that he was too cautious and not out on the campaign trail enough, and in the final days he spent a lot of time in pennsylvania and now we see why, because this state could be make-or-break, and of course, no call yet, and he is leading and inside of the biden world, they are celebrating that he has pulled ahead in the critical state. savannah and hoda. >> kristen, thank you. we are so laser focused on pennsylvania for good reason, because it is a must-win for the president. joe biden does have another path, and in fact, he does not have to win pennsylvania if he could pick up arizona and nevada and that is going to bring me to chuck, because it is getting to be morning time in nevada and arizona, and we are expecting the votes this morning and 11:00 eastern and 12:00 eastern from nevada and arizona.
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that might tell the tale as well. >> that could. >> logistically. >> yes, and our reporter there at 9:00 arizona time which is about 45 minutes we expect ballots out of maricopa that were turned in election day. and so the question is election day voters and we know that nationally they trended heavily towards the president. so the question is going to be of the 75,000 ballots, and i wanted everybody to have some thinking of the numbers here. we are looking at right now, joe biden has a 47,000-vote spread. the president needs to win 59% of all of the remaining ballots that are to be counted in arizona, and we believe it is about last we heard about 280,000. >> it was around 280,000, and maricopa county. >> so this batch of 75,000, and
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so if this margin is going to drop to essentially 33,000 or less, then that batch went really well for the president, and he is getting the number that he needs that could get him to the point where we are at a georgia-like result here. so that is the magic number here, and 75,000, and the president net somewhere around 13 to 14,000 out of there, and that is going to tell us, and if he doesn't, that could actually help us statistically to tell us where this is headed. >> arizona is interesting in that it is different from pennsylvania in that because 85% of arizona is moving from mail, and they are moving to almost always vote by mail, and so in arizona, these mail-in vote far going to joe biden but not the same in pennsylvania, because
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this vote-in -- >> well, they are not leftovers. >> the reason, left to be counted. >> and you hear the politicians say that they found votes -- >> no, no, no. >> and i don't mean to be find and we are all tired. >> leftover in the sense that they are not counted and fair enough, but the ballots that are remaining to be counted in arizona, and the people who had ha mail-in ballot and decided to walk it in on the day and they did not want to take their chances with the mail service, and i could make a argument on both sides of that it could be a president voter that the president says there is something fishy there, and also a biden voter, they are slowing down the mail, and i want to bring it into the polling place. >> one anecdote that i believe they are trump voters, because montana sent ballots to everybody, i believe, and there was a sort of, and in fact, the republican strategist and a tight senate race there and the
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democrats were bullish, and no, no, we will do well in the mail, and doing well in the early count, but a whole bunch of the republicans who were holding back the ballot, and they were wondering why they have not sent back the ballot, and they were determined to turn it in on election day, and they were going to be election day voters and you are saying to vote by mail, and i will turn it in on election day and defiance or whatever it is, and then steve daines the republican won by ten points in the same-day republican, and so i am a gambler, and i will admit it sometimes, but if you are wanting to know, i think that the first batch is going to lean to trump, but the question is if it is going to be at the 59% clip, and that is what is going to sb interesting. >> and the ballots that came in subsequent to election day, he has been hitting the margin. >> right at the margin. >> right on the edge. >> and i will say that the
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democrats that i have talked to throughout the process have maintained that joe biden is going to pull it out and it is likely to be 20,000 votes in margin, and obviously, we are counting and being careful, and chuck, it is interesting to me that you are looking for the higher number than that, but for what it is worth that is what they are expecting, and if it were to drop -- >> well, that is for the first batch. 75,000, but we have another 200,000 to come in, but that is to watch for if he is hitting the number. >> fair enough. but if it were to drop -- >> okay. >> and speaking of the gambling, and let's do some gambling, right? we heard from the clark county registrar that we will get some processed mail-in ballots from las vegas and some tomorrow, and they will finish up then. look, all of this has been trending, and this is case where the vote by mail does trend democratic. clark county is a lean democratic county, but the vote by mail has not been lean, but
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it is decidedly biden here, and the first small batch that we got yesterday expanded joe biden's lead statewide and it is about 7,600, and went up to 11,000. so this is going to be in a very important batch of ballots that john lipinski the director of elections and the team in boilerroom are going to be looking at, because it could help us to recharacterize nevada today. >> bigger picture, if joe biden were to hang on in arizona or nevada, he would not need pennsylvania to get to 270? >> that is the point all along, and the president could get north carolina and georgia, but nevada plus arizona gives you 270. and again, the vice president leads in pennsylvania and in . georg georgia. >> and can you pop up georgia one more time. >> absolutely. let's get up. >> all right. that margin is just over 1,000
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votes. >> unbelievable. >> and just when we think that there is -- there's 8,000 vote by mails out there approximately. maybe less. and we think that there is a maximum of another 8,000 military ballots and overseas ballots that have to be in i think 5:00 p.m. to arrive today, and 5:00 p.m. in most states end their business day, and we don't believe all 8,000, and one projection said don't be surprised if it is less than half that are returned on time, and you can't think that all of the military ballots are going to be going one way or another, and if they grew up in fulton county or another county, and this is the margin of the error stuff, but i think that maximum, neither candidate could have a lead more than of maybe 3,000 or 4,000 votes max.
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>> that is recounter toir. >> that is easily recounter toir. a -- recount territory, and so do you ask for it if you can't get there? so don't assume one. >> or is the trump category scorch the earth, and get the shot wherever you can get it and hope that it adds up to something. >> well, it does, but the question i have is that we are headed for the pair of recount votes in the senate that is going to determine control of the chamber, and that is going to mean that there is a lot on the line if they were to do a recount that were to adjust that race so that they, it could go one or the other direction, and there is a risk for either candidate in asking for that. david perdue the senator is close to president trump, and they are talking about that.
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>> and if the president were to pursue a recount, that is not necessarily the senate races are recount, too? >> i am just saying that there is going to be coordination there, and to make sure that the georgia races are not necessarily called into question. if that makes sense. >> and with the recall, they just put it back into the machines and run it again? >> that is a question for chuck. >> well, there are two types of recounts. there are recanvas, and there are the types of double-check the math, and they don't look through all of the ballots individually, and then you will hear a phrase called manual recount. okay. so there is a recount to down check the numbers and the individual machines. and each machine has a total, and you calibrate those, and then the next the level detail of the recount. states store the ballots in case
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somebody has a recount, and in fact, i saw one of our pictures of the warehouse that is holding all of the ballots and i think that it is in arizona and after they process them, it is not like you throw them away, because you have to go back through them, the ballot by ballot, and the point is that there is a different flavors of the recounts, if you will. there is an extreme hand recount that could take days or weeks, and then which a state is the size of pennsylvania, and we went through florida, and it was three or four weeks at a time, and you had counting struggling to make the deadlines to hand count those, and most of the counties did not make those. >> and remember the hanging chad. >> and the good news is that we don't have the chad issue, but the naked eye issue, and that turned out not to be a huge issue, and there were not too many naked ballots. >> and it is almost 10:30 on friday, and anything new in north carolina, and are they counting? >> well, what i can tell you
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about north carolina is that they are going to wait for november 12th. it is not clear. there might be, you know, we will see what the provisionals are, and you have got some of the ballot, you can return the ballot, and kit can count as log as it is returned by november 12th. >> and what is the count? >> 76,000 votes. there may not be another 80,000, but the problem is that we don't know that yet. >> but behind the scenes they believe that it is lost and thom tillis is there? >> well, with tillis, and the math, and biden could shrink the math to put it in recounter toir, but do you ask for to a recount if it has no effect on the 270. >> well, in d.c., they have 50 different rules and recount
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rules. >> and i had a military veteran of mine who said that if i'm in the military and i live in one state, my voting rights are a little bit more expansive than if i live in another state, and constitutional law, professor? >> well, we are out of time. we will take a pause, and we will be right back. hi, everybody, if you are just joining us, it is 10:30 on the west coast and 7:30 in the west, and we will reset things. it is friday morning, and here's the electoral map. we await a decision on who is the next president of the united states will be. the top line joe biden has 253 electoral votes at this hour, and 214 for president trump, but behind the numbers that have not changed since you went to bed last night, a lot has changed in those battleground states.
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there you can see them. pennsylvania with massive movement from tonight, and joe biden now taking the lead in pennsylvania, and there are still votes to be counted there. in georgia, over tonight, joe biden took a very narrow lead. few votes left to be counted there as well. in arizona, they counted all night long in maricopa county, and we expect any moment to hear the results of some of those ballots being counted. joe biden remains in the lead, but it is narrowing, because the president is making up the lead in arizona. and in nevada, joe biden expanded the lead when new votes were count and not new votes cast, but new votes to be counted, so we will see what happens in nevada and alaska, and it is going to take a while for all of the reasons that you might guess, but the president
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has a lead in alaska. so that is the state of play. >> and people may be waking up in the west coast, and they want you have to go to the big board and see what is going on there. >> and we can't do it without you, chuck. >> well, the updates and we will get vote count in 90 minutes from nevada. and new vote count from arizona in 30 minutes. and we have been getting sporadic vote counts from pennsylvania and georgia all morning. let's go to pennsylvania here. we expect that there are about 20,000 votes to be processed in philadelphia. they have been breaking more than 80/20 in favor of joe biden. another additional 20,000 ballots in the surrounding suburbs. there's about 35,000 ballots that have to get essentially reprocessed, because of the printing error back then, and that is not going to be processed until after 5:00 p.m. today, and with the 35,000 in
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allegheny, and just watching the number, it is the spread to watch here, if joe biden's lead expands beyond 35,000 votes here, number one, it would probably mathematically put him out of the recount territory, and put the votes to be less relevant, bawl of the vote have skewed to joe biden's direction. and so there are plenty of pockets in allegheny county. and down in georgia, we are expecting 8,000 more, approximately 8,000 more votes to be processed for sure with i think this largest chunk in gwinnett county, and about half
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of those, and this is a county that joe biden is winning with 58% of the vote. we expect him to do slight sli better with that since it is vote by mail, and then another 3,000 to 8,000 votes that any military or overseas ballots that arrive by close of business today, will also be voted and as many as 8,000 and some estimates say 3,000, and we will see how much get returned. so, look, at the end of the day, we are in this in a situation where a clerical error could change the outcome, so this is never going to meet the 99.9% time to call. >> so talking about 1,000 votes, nobody is leading. >> no, you cannot say with 99.9% certainty that the outcome could change, and the question is if there is going to be a recount, we will see.
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if it is 270, then we will see. it costs a lot of money. >> the campaign who requests it will have to pay for it. >> and that is another thing that varies, because some states will have pay for it if it talls within the one half of one percent. and to arizona, we expect within 25 minutes 75,000 ballots out of maricopa, and most of the ballots were dropped off on election day, and election day voters nationally, and leaned and skewed heavily towards the president even though we just got through telling you the vote by mail skewed heavily to biden and arizona is not that, and this is a state that votes by mail, and a large chunk, and so watch this margin here, the 75,000 ballots, and if the president can win at a 59% clip, he should cut the clip down to 39,000 with the first batch. if it happens, we are not
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touching the state, and we are not characterizing it, and we want to see more of the ballots. if the margin doesn't, and if joe biden is able to maintain a margin north of 35,000 after that batch, then the math is going to be difficult for president trump. then at noon our time, we are going to be getting 51,000 mail-in ballots out of clark county, and the mail-in numbers clark county is fairly competitive, and so we do expect to skew more towards joe biden. 51,000 votes here, and the last batch that we got out of clark county or early yesterday took a joe biden 7,000-vote lead and expanded to 11,000, and in that batch he won 2/1 and if he wins that one, 2/1, you could see this number grow, and we could possibly make a larger characterization of the race.
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>> chuck, hang tight. let's go to the battlegrounds of arizona and nevada. gadi schwartz has been making a camp at the maricopa election headquarters in phoenix for the last couple of nights and we talked to the secretary of state last night, and she said we will be doing an all-nighter of vote counting, and are they on track to get the votes from them in the next hour? >> well, we had an official to say that you can expect that in half an hour, and you can expect about 60,000 votes. those are the ballots they were working on, and 60,000 last night and we saw batches of 60,000 to 70,000, and so when they release the batches, that is about the size. we don't know how is it going the go, and as chuck was talking about, president trump is catching up with joe biden, and so after the early vote, and after election day, joe biden was in a sizable lead, and that has shrunk, and 69,000, and then
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ahead, and today, it is 48,000, and slowly but surely, we are seeing the president catch up. it is just whether or not the next 300,000 ballots go his way, and he needs to come in at a clip of six voters to ten voters coming in with provisional ballots for president trump to make a difference and for him to overtake joe biden. i wanted to show you something that is going on here, and it is hard to describe, because this is after election day, and this is the parking lot of the maricopa election center, and yet, we have a booth over here flags for sale, and selling president trump flags, and don't tread on me flags, and then people starting to gather here, and this is in the parking lot of maricopa county's official election center. so this is going to be the area where people will be protesting.
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and we have seen the protesters here, and it has calmed down over the last few days, but this is a scene that as inside the election workers are going to continue to count those votes. we are expecting to see 100,000 more votes coming in throughout the day, and it looks like maricopa county is going to go until tomorrow, and outstanding here tomorrow until there are still about 300,000 votes left to count. >> and to point out that people are on edge, and people were expecting protests, so it is encouraging to see the people gathering to make their voices heard, but not much rumbling up to make you feel better. and over to jacob soboroff in vegas. >> well, we have an extremely tight margin in vegas here. we have over 100,000 votes yet to be counted, tabulate and the results released.
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the 51,000 votes that we expect to get later this morning and in a couple of hours as a matter of fact, and the six electoral votes coming out of the state, it is fair to say coming out of the clark county election headquarters and counting slowly and deliberately which has caused criticism from folks to be frank, but in these types of situations, the deliberate counts is the way that the machinery of democracy works here. one significant event that plays out of the course of yesterday is that the campaign said they would be suing the state of nevada and the secretary of state in terms of the procedures of counting the votes and verifying signatures and alleged thousands of fraudulent or improper ballots. so i pressed some of the officials including the director
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of homeland security rick grenell who said that it was a referral to the department of justice who said that it was cross referencing data of the people who had moved and then people who had moved and that is not evidence of voter fraud. we have no evidence of widespread voter fraud, and the issue will be adjudicated here in a lawsuit accusing voter fraud. >> thank you, gau di. and now we have breaking news out of georgia, and joe biden took a slim lead overnight, and at a conference, georgia's secretary of state just said that there is absolutely going to be a recount. we expected that when you are
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looking at a margin like that. and what do you know, bland? >> well, he confirmed that we almost certainly knew that there is going to be a recount in the state of georgia. and one of the implications of this is when will we get the final tally here in the state of georgia? the state of georgia asked will we know who the president is here by the end of november, and they said they believed based on the time line that it is the case, but looking realistically by the numbers, there are 5,500 ballots left here in georgia left to be uploaded and again, waiting for the end of the day to get the military ballots and the overseas ballots that they have until the end of the day to come in, and there could be as much as 900 of them, and they believe it may be that high. today is also the dead lain for
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provisional ballots or procured ballots and say they were thrown out because of the mismatched signatures, and those can be cured up until today. so for the counties that have to report the votes, there is a pile that i ran through, and several thousand votes still left to be counted and that process is not going to happen until the end of the day. one of the places that we are watching closely is the gwinnett county which is a suburb of atlanta, and already joe biden is leading that with about 58% of the vote. i spoke with an election from that county and what they are supposed to be seeing in the next few hours. right now in gwinnett county, they have batch of 3,200 ballots that have gone through the lengthy process of scanned, adjudicated and those are ready for the upload to the balloting so maybe within an hour or so,
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we should see 3,200 more votes uploaded. so that is the trick thle that have been watching since election night that chuck has the been talking about and the fact they are all working on different systems. one thing about the military votes overseas, and we want to stress that there is not 8,900, and there is as many as 8,900, and georgia is a military state, and expecting a number of them back, but another look at how quickly the counting process is going to take place, guys. >> blaiyne, thank you. and now we turn to jeremy bash who was a member of al gore's legal team, and we have been talk about the recounts all
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week long, and so you are looking at georgia which is a different story with a 1,000-vote lead, and recount might be more fruitful for the president's legal team there? >> well, i think they is right, savannah, when the margin is a couple of hundred or a low thousands, a manual inspection of the ballots which is effectively what a count s and that could yield a number of votes, and swing another way. the first thing they will do is to tabulate and check the math and retabulate them, and have the machines reread them, and a number of disputed ballots and like you saw before, with the scenes in 2004, you may have disputes over specific ballots, and that could be what is adjudicated in court for specific ballots.
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>> how long is that process, jeremy? hours or days? >> well, it depends, hoda, how many ballots and because of the covid, there is not so many people to do that. it is not hour, but days the or potentially a few weeks. all states want to wrap up this process by the end of november, because if they don't get their ballots in, and the election results are certified by a certain date in desem beshgs se dem ber 8th, they will ludz their right -- in december 8th, will be left to count them then. >> let's go kristen welker with the biden campaign. >> despite the statements that we are hearing from the president's campaign, this is from andrew bates in response to the notion that president trump might not concede if the race is
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in fact called for president biden. of course, neither of those things have happened yet, but this is the statement from andrew baits. the american people will decide this election. and the united states government is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the white house. and that is from andrew bates. and if this race is called for the former vice president, he is not going to be waiting for the concession call, and that is what you would typically receive when there is a call, and he is going to be moving forward to address the nation in primetime if that is where it ends up. right now, he is waiting patiently, and waiting for returns and not ready to declare victory yet. this is of course something that he has tried to do twice before in his life run for president, and two failed bids, and so he is taking it with the perspective of what is a few
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more hours to wait to see the final results. his campaign and aides and allies and a little bit more jubilant, and that i am told on the morning call, they were excited that biden had pulled ahead in pennsylvania and georgia and a sense of having really accomplished something, but again, nobody is ready to declared victory yet, and excuse me, something got into my throat. >> and everybody is hanging for a thread after we have been going. >> and we have ten minutes, and more results here? >> from arizona, and something out of maricopa to give us a very much i think a tell on how long will we be hanging out in arizona and raising arizona as an issue, and the alpine references all day. just saying. >> at that moment in the day. what are you hearing, kasie? the republicans are obviously are kind of gathering in
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thinking of how to go from here, whether you fight on every front or whether you decide to fight another day? >> yeah, we heard from mitch mcconnell a couple of minutes ago, and he had a press conference, and he did what he does a lot of the time which is that he will put out a statement on something, and that is all i have got to say on it. and so he was referring back to the post today earlier on twitter that we have talked about and saying that we have to trust this process, and let the process play out. so he was sending that signal yet again, i am not going to engage on this front with the president. you know, one thing that is important here to remember as we are thinking about this in the broad context, republicans know that president trump has incredible power with so many of the voters and we saw almost 70 million people have voted for donald trump this time around. but it is also has been very, very difficult to work with him. it has made their live anniversary difficult, and
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trying to govern has been unpredictablen on the serious national security issues where there is typically a lot of agreement in both parties, and sort of that sort of the standard how are we all going to figure out that we are running the country in a competent and straight forward way, and donald trump's chaotic leadership style has been very difficult for many of them for a long time, and so that is the tension here. they are trying to figure out, okay, we are afraid the president is going to attack us still, and the voters will punish us still, but on the other hand, there are republicans in congress who ran for the senate for a reason, because they want to do the work that keeps the country on track. and there is a lot of them breathing a private sigh of relief if this election is called for joe biden, and kristen touched on this, and there is going to be time if we do call this race for joe biden what it means to him personally, but remember, he served in the senate for decades and yes, he has run for president and wanted to be the president for his
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whole life, but he embedded in and knows how the nation is governed and how to make big deals and how many americans desperately need a job and desperately need more help with the unemployment insurance and businesses are closing. and congress has so far let them down, so the question here, and the most hopeful way of looking at what could come of this if the republicans take this posture is that perhaps some of those things could be more possible in a less chaotic environment. >> thank you, kasie. it is 10:51 on the east coast and people want to know what it means when we are counting the votes, and tom costello is our man on that. hey, tom. >> well, it is a long process, and couple of the points that i think that we should make here, and we have said it for days and weeks now, but this is how the process is supposed to unfold, and supposed to happen overnight, and in pennsylvania itself, and earlier this year, the democrats went to the
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republican legislature, and specifically the democratic governor asked the legislature specifically, would you allow more time to count ballots specifically before election day, and the legislature declined. so that is why they were not allowed to start counting ballots until the election day itself in pennsylvania and that is why with the flood, and the flood is not the word, but tsunami of the mail-in ballots and absentee ballots, and that is why it is taking so long. and they are waiting and the states are waiting to count overseas and military, military ballots to come in from overseas and specifically in georgia, and that could be something that could be determinant, you could imagine in a tight race with those ballots existing in georgia. and specifically having a look at the president challenging in individual states on his allegation of fraud, and that is
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the ongoing theme, and in theory, you need, the size of the margin in the state can't be so big that presumably that a fraud allegation would simply not stick. so as it relates to that at the moment in arizona, 47,000 votes are the margin, and when we see it coming down as we have been saying, and nevada, 11,000 votes, and in pennsylvania, 68,000 votes and growing, and georgia with 1,000 votes and on the margin, and so it is going to be difficult in michigan to allege widespread fraud with a margin that big, and wisconsin is 28,000 votes, and that is within the margin to require a recount, but talking to individuals, and in fact, the president's own commission looking into voter fraud a few years ago in the 2016 election, his own commission found no substantial fraud and disbanded
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itself, so you have to come up with compelling evidence of voter fraud that would overcome to margins to be compelling. so it is all of the waiting game right now, and waiting to see what the votes turn out to be in the various states and waiting for the next comments out of the white house, guys. >> and waiting for votes, tom. thank you so much. it is almost 11:00 out here on the east coast, but 9:00 mountain time, and so in about five or six or seven minute, and we will get a batch of new votes coming from maricopa county, and newly counted votes, and that is going to give us a better picture of how arizona might be trending in a few minutes and then an hour after that, we will get nevada, so there is -- you know, there is a lot happening still. >> it is, and we all wish that some people are saying, why trickles and this or that, but it is. and there a process to this and some of it is just simply
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processing the mail-in stuff, and why does it take so long, and it is almost by so much. >> and it is almost like taking the s.a.t.s and you put it in an envelope, anded you so fold it up and take it out. >> and then the roll. and in fact, preparing for this, and somebodyb was showing the tactics that you do to take the wrinkles out. and so when you have a dollar bill and try to put it in the vending machine, and everything is electric now. >> i haven't done that in years. >> yes, you use the credit card now. >> and the middle of the pandemic here, and the late counting voting here, is because people chose to vote in other ways, and wait this is different than last time. >> this is not done for fun, it was done out of necessity, and oh, by the way, i would say this, we were spiking in the
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country during the election week week. >> the coronavirus. >> and if you are a public health official, can you imagine if 160 million people all circulated in the country on election day without voting by mail? this is a public health decision in many of the states. >> and let's just cheer people by the way for figuring out how to vote under these circumstances, and it is clear that the turnout is off of the charts for both parties and people looked around and said it is going to be harder than norm ma normally, but i want my voice heard. >> and tom costello said very few issues, and very few voter issues, and weirdly, everything is going right, and here we are on friday. >> and with the perspective, the voter turnout is on track to be higher than a generation.
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and i remember, and maybe y'all do, too, when we had the civics class in elementary school, and that is the thing that the teacher would say that it is a shame in this country that we don't have participation, and turnout is far lower than other places around the world, and americans are taking it for granted, and not this year. on track for 160 million people voting in the country, and 150 million ballots sent by mail or in person before election day, and that is what the officials are grappling with right now, and it is because we are also facing a crisis that we have not seen in a century, the pandemic. >> put up the popular vote one more time, because those numbers are jarring when you are looking at how many people voted. you are looking at right now, 73-plus million for joe biden. i can't see around the camera. >> and there is going to be 5 to 10 million more added to the
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vote total around the country, because i have pointed out north carolina who receives ballots up to november 12th. and the state of california revives the ballots later, and in 2016 after the election was called and they said, look, hillary clinton's popular vote keeps growing, and the provisional ballots, and the fact is that if you are casting a provisional ballot, your vote will count if it is legally cast, but it is going to take time to verify it, and even in a called state for the presidency, you voted for a lot of things on the ballot, and every state is going to process the provisional, and so this is what are we at 140 million votes that we have processed now in the country, and we do expect to turnout closer to north of 150, so we could see easily another 10 to 12. >> and for anyone tuning in, the chances of actually calling this race today? >> well, i am going to do it
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state by state, and the chancesf calling pennsylvania today, i think that they are possibly high. i mean, it is over 90% confident that joe biden when all of the votes are counted is going to have more votes than donald trump, but we are not at 99.5%. we will see what happens in philly, but it is possible that the allegheny county votes would not have a impact on the math. >> and that is around pittsburgh, and so you are not allowed by court order, and it is long story, but they cannot start counting them until 5:00 today. >> right. and it is important for us that we have to make sure that the math, you know, if the math is saying that those would not have a major impact on that, and then georgia, we know that we are just, and we have the recount, and we are, the question is that i love this, the georgia voting system implementation manager
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noted that the margin is the size of a large high school. i thought that was a good line. >> good way to put it. >> we have a lot of developments coming up, and more votes coming in from the west coast, and when we pause to have more stations to join us. back with you at the top of the hour. >> welcome back, it is 11:00 a.m. in the east coast, and 8:00 a.m. in the west coast. and we have new vote totals coming in this the battlegrounds of arizona and nevada. >> of course, those are two of the six states in the presidential race that remain too close to call now three days after the election, and we have had a lot of action over night. the top line didn't change, the 253-214, but a lot of developments. pennsylvania is the biggie,
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because this morning joe biden has taken a small lead there, and there is still votes to be counted there. joe biden also took a lead in georgia overnight, and still vote to be counted there, but look at how tight that margin is. it is the hair of the chinny chinny chin as they used to say in the old fairytale, and the secretary of state in georgia announced a recount there, and no surprise whatsoever. and we have kasie standing by to help analyze, and chuck is living at the wall. and so it is 9:00 in the west, and 11:00 in the east, and so the all-nighter at the county election center, they were counting all night, and maricopa in arizona is going to release momentarily? >> yes, expecting 75,000 votes in the first batch that they are
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hoping to process by 9:00 a.m. their time, and it is 9:01 in phoenix. >> hit refresh. >> oh, it is going to refresh on its own, and that is what happened a few time, and wait, wait, and the numbers and there they were, and the numbers are changing as we speak, so i want to go to the statewide total here, because this is what is going to matter. keep an eye on the vote total here, and the vice president, and we know 280,000 total votes to count. and the president needs to win approximately 59% clip of the ballots, and so, if 75,000 are coming in, and just watch this number as this is coming in. does joe biden's lead drop below, and it has dropped a little bit, but does it drop below 3,000? >> we can get the new vote there. >> we have new vote. a few seconds ago. >> yes. and a little bit, and the president has narrowed and not all of it. >> how much?
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>> by 3,000 if i am not mistaken. >> yes. >> and if my memory serves and just now. but the point is this out of the 75,000, if the president has narrowed this deficit to say 33 or less then he is continuing -- >> statewide down to 33,000, then he is winning at the pace he needs. >> then this margin s and say, 35,000 or north of that, and then you will start to see that the president has a math problem, and it could come up short, but i will tell you this, i, i don't think that we will -- i am skeptical that we will hit a 99.5% threshold to characterize arizona today. i am more confident that pennsylvania and nevada could have some resolution today, and less confident to nevada, because in an hour we will get the nevada vote, and it is mostly coming out of clark county, and the expectation is
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that it is going to be skew heavily toward joe biden, and the first batch did yesterday and these are the vote by mail, and he expanded the lead yesterday, and the question is going to be is it enough to make it mathematically impossible for the rural counties that don't have as many votes that it could overcome, and hit the 99.5% threshold sometime. >> and so can we check the other states for folks just waiting up? >> in pennsylvania, approximately we believe 20,000 more to be processed in philadelphia and 20,000 in the philly suburbs there in the four counties. we know 35,000 ballots that cannot be processed until after 5:00 p.m. in allegheny county.
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and so the recount provision in pennsylvania, and it would basically be at one half of one percent which is if joe biden's lead is approximately 33,000 or less, that is going to put it in the recount window. our models indicate that his lead is greater to be that, and to be outside any sort of recount window that does not mean that the campaign can't figure that out. these ballots have been coming in at a steady pace. i won't call it a gusher, because these are the vote by mail ballots, and you have to spend some time getting them. so i do think that we will get some ballots and some resolution, but right now, we are not at the threshold to say for sure that lead would not, that outcome would not change, and to remind you, this is georgia. look, for the recount, jeremy bash who we just had on a
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veteran of the gore recount, if memory serves, the final, the first final florida tally was in, i want to say in the 1,500 range if i am not mistaken and essentially all of the recount got it down to 537, and so the point is that you can overcome 1,000 or maybe you can overcome 1,500, but it is tough to overcome anything that is in five figures, and so whether that is wisconsin -- >> that is the situation of wisconsin. >> and the situation in nevada or arizona or could be the situation in pennsylvania. georgia, we are going to b and i love this line that the margin is going to be the size of a large high school, and still, this margin matters, because if it is 2,500 or 3,000 nor joe biden, that is frankly hard to overcome, believe it or not, and narrow, ab if it is 1,500, 1,200 or 1100, that is clerical error territory. we don't know overseas, and we
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think that there are 4,000 ballots total, and then another maximum 8,000 overseas, but again, this is one that willner rea -- will never reach the 99.5% threshold until the state certifies it. >> has it changed again? >> it has not changed. >> okay. all right. >> oh, gosh. >> and let's go to kristen welker. >> you want to put a camera on it, and literally right there. >> you will be in the squeeze box right there. and now to kristen welker at the biden headquarters. >> well, the words coming out of the biden headquarters are elated and confident and emboldened by what they are seeing in pennsylvania and georgia and even though it is a razor tight race. aim told that they had a campaign call earlier today where the staffers were quite jubilant about what they were seeing in the returns, but
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biden, himself, we are told is watching and waiting patiently for the final count to see if in fact there is a count. and this is something that he has wanted to do for the better part of three decades and the thinking is what is waiting a few more hours. we are also told that if we do hear from vice president biden, that is going to come if there is a final call, and it is going to come in prime time tonight, and hit some of the themes that we have heard him hit throughout the campaign, and unity, and bringing the country together. he is also responding to some of the defiance from the trump campaign, and the president has no plans to concede no matter what happens here. and the biden spokesman says with the statement he put out this morning, as we said on july 19th, the united states people will decide this election, and the american government is quite capable of escorting trespassers
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out of the white house. that is coming from the biden campaign this hour. and so he did campaign in pennsylvania and georgia in the closing days. and even though the allies said that he was not aggressive on the campaign trail, he did spend time making 14 stops there, and 14 stops of the final day of to campaign, and scranton, pennsylvania, of course, is where he was born, and philadelphia to drive up the vote in the all-important african-american voters and if he did pull out the victory in the make or break state, it is going to underscore the reasoning behind that strategy. and so wait and see mode here in delaware. hoda and savannah. >> kristen. stay right there. peter alexander at the white house. what are you hearing? >> it is increasingly clear the posturing and the strategy of those in and around the white house, and the campaign. basically claim fraud in spite of there being no evidence of
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that to this point, and don't cede an inch on that. right now, across the potomac river, we are told that the mood is grim, but determined. there is dejection among the most senior folks who have worked for the president or allies of his realizing that the path to victory is shrinking if it exists at all, but they are holding out hope certainly publicly, and the campaign putting out a statement defying the fact that the race is not over, and when the election is over, the president will be the winner. and he said that he was watching one of the conservative channels on fox business and that there was fraud, and he is paying attention to the coverage.
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larry kudlow was here, one the president's economic advisers, was talking to the president, and he sthad the president in his words intends to fight. kayleigh mcenany said that the president would concede or lose as a hypothetical. and one of my conversations with a former official who is close to the campaign said there is no conversation about concession or no expectation that anybody is going to initiate that conversation with the president any time soon. as you saw from the president in the briefing room yesterday, he unloaded the conspiracy theories, and the false claims of fraud and corruption taking place as he is looking at the vote count as his lead as evaporate and he is behind in pennsylvania and reminds me as an adviser said that it reminded him of years ago after the 2016
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vote when the president won the electoral college he did not accept the voting results nationwide insisting that 3 to 5 million votes had been cast illegally specifically in california and launching that voting commission to look into the fraud that he claimed existed, but of course as wenot debanded without any ed of that. >> we have to check in with chuck. >> 61,000 ballots have been added to maricopa county and the president only netted 3,000, and won 52% of the ballot. >> what does that mean? >> it means that if we do some back of the envelope math, and he needed 59. >> now he needed to win 59% of the ballots that have just been counted. >> no, overall. and my point is that he has 52%, so what this means is that we are looking at another 150,000 ballots to count, so that means that he has to win 63% of the remaining ballots. and -- >> it is getting harder.
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>> the math is steeper. so this is that he did not,curie same day, and the people who dropped off the ballots the same day and it did not break as well as the trump folks thought that it might. >> and we continue to say on it, and we are expecting more numbers out of arizona and nevada and more out of pennsylvania, and we have a recount going in georgia eventually. we will continue to watch these six battleground states. we will come back on the air as news warrants throughout the day. you can find more on msnbc and, and most of you return to "today" show. this is a nbc news special report. i'm savannah guthrie in new york. york. but we removed the citrate buffers, there's less liquid, and a thinner needle... with less pain immediately following injection.
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advil targets pain at the source... ...while acetaminophen blocks pain signals. the future of pain relief is here. new advil dual action. we're back and it is 8:18. we've got the other big story that we are following and the latest surge in the coronavirus cases that is getting worse. >> this story is not getting a lot of attention because of the politics, but we shine a light overnight and we have learned that more than 120,000 cases were recorded in the u.s. on thursday that is shattering the daily record that was set just one day earlier. nbc national correspondent miguel almaguer has the latest. >> since october 25th, there are five days when the country has hit five all-time highs for coronavirus, and a clear sign that the crisis is getting worse
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as the hospitals are reaching capacity, and new restrictions are increasing and not easing the burdens on the icu units. >> reporter: for the fifth time over 120,000 new covid cases in just 24 hours. >> each day, we are losing more and more of our neighborhoods to this virus. >> reporter: governors and public health officials are warning that the crisis is getting worse. >> hospitalizations are now at 894, the highest they have ever been from coronavirus in colorado. >> reporter: this week more than a dozen states broke records for hospitalizations, including new mexico where flags flew at half-staff for victims and where they honor the heroes. >> when i watch the work that my staff is doing, and it is amazing, yet it is scary. >> reporter: after catching
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covid in october, dr. juan ficks died after catching covid in the hospital he worked. >> he was a terrific guy and he would always have your back. >> reporter: and they warned that soon they would have a shortage of icu backs, and now one of the states without a mask mandate now shows that 1 of 2 people who is tested for the vivus with the covid virus. and now, those who are fighting the covid virus say that their lives are not going to be the same. >> it is too soon to tell what the new normal is going to be. >> and she spent two months in the hospital. >> my liver sustained damage and my endurance is greatly weakened.
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>> reporter: the lasting effects of the virus. >> miguel, you have talked how a dozen states have broken records and one place that health officials are zeroing in on? >> well, they are worried about the country, because the virus is on the rise in 43 states. in south dakota, it is on the rise of 51%, and maine had one of the lowest transmission rates and now one of the highest. they were worried about the biggest cities in big states, and now it is the smaller states and the smallest communities. >> they said that is how it would go from the big cities and then out into the communities. >> and now a look at the weather. >> well, it is picture perfect weather, and into new england, and the southeastern atlantic coast, and record highs in the plains and a fire risk out to west, and the storm comes into the pacific northwest bringing a >> good morning.
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i'm meteorologist kari hall taking a look at storm ranger, our mobile doppler radar. so far, we're dry but we're seeing a lot of changes ahead. you're feeling the high winds right now. as we go into this afternoon and to the evening, we'll start to see spotty rain moving in. now it will be hit or miss. so not all of the bay area will see that rain and we'll take a break from those rain chances tomorrow. another round expected to move in as we head through sunday. we are going to see still some very cool and breezy weather throughout the weekend. and that's your latest weather. guys >> and you know what we could use right now? a hot pop start. >> just a few minutes of no politics the or anything. we will pause from the politics and get to entertainment. and one election has been called the toy hall of fame and they have named this year's inductees and the race was intense. three big winners beat out toys the and games and so who brought
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the top honors joe fryer has this toy story. >> at the strong museum, the campaign is over and the results are in. >> it is none other than sidewalk chalk. >> reporter: here are the three newest members. >> baby nancy. >> reporter: of the national toy hall of fame. >> jenga. >> in times of so much division, the things that unify us, because whatever we disagree on, we have all play and continue the play. >> can you take a piece -- >> reporter: and jenga is the nerve-racking game where you try to avoid toppling the tower. the name jenga comes from the swahili word which means to build. and leslie scott who developed it delivered a acceptance speech to the hall of fame. and now, the second dusty
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sidewalk chalk can go back to cave art. this the these days hopscotch boards and driveways come the life. >> i have seen the sidewalk chalk used with everybody stuck at home. >> reporter: and like two sisters asked neighbors to transform their speech and it went viral. >> wow, she is really sucking her thumb. >> reporter: the third inductee baby nancy may not be as well known, but she is incredibly important. first released in 1968, the museum says that baby nancy was the first black doll with authentic hair and features laying the groundwork for future dolls. >> this is a doll that laid the groundwork for culture breakthroughs. >> reporter: these dolls beat out sorry and yahtzee along with my little pony and masters of the universe which i openly campaigned for last year.
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as a kid, i collected he-man and skeletor and all of the masters of the universe figures which you can see for some reason i still have. i approve this message but i happily concede to the winner, because afterall, this is one election that won't toy with our emotions. for today, joe fryer, nbc news. >> and savannah called sidewalk chalk being in the toy hall of fame the almond joy of toys. >> i love sidewalk chalk. you should go to law school, because i was a very good artist. >> that is the only nonpolitical block we have this morning. >> that is all >> really? >> yes. you are welcome, america. >> we will have time for food, and not just any food, but game day food. >> go saints. >> it is on.
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good morning. it's 8:26. i'm marcus washington. san francisco leaders have reportedly cleared the way for police department budget cuts. this is in exchange for dropping potential reform measures. the examiner reporting a supervisor's committee declined to vote down that claim yesterday. it will freeze looming pay hikes and save the city money in short term. but opponents say the city is yielding its ride to implement reform in the coming months and years. that measure now moves to the full board for a vote 11 days from now. let's get a look at the forecast for you on this fantastic friday. meteorologist kari hall has been tracking that. >> we are waiting for some rain
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to move into the bay area. we desperately need it. we have extreme drought conditions here. nice to see the showers moving in from the north. we'll continue to track that as it moves in later this afternoon. our temperatures will only reach into the 50s. we're digging out the jackets and warmer coats as we head into next week. morning temperatures in the 30s. off and on light showers throughout the weekend but this will have a bigger impact on the sierra where we're looking at the possibility of up to a foot of snow over the next several days. we'll be monitoring that. make sure you have the nbc bay area app. marcus? >> thanks, kari. we'll have another local news update coming up in 30 minutes. see you then. give you my world ♪
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it is 8:30 on a friday morning it is the 6th day of november, end of a long week we still have a lot of news happening in this hour >> you do not want to turn away. we await at this hour a few more votes, potentially a consequential number of votes coming in from pennsylvania, specifically philadelphia. you have a razor thin margin in that state that's the state that could very well decide this election. we may know. in a matter of minutes, and we
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are going to have fun this hour, but we are keeping track of the votes and we will bring it back to you when we have it. isn't it nice we're all together in our brady bunch boxes we have al, carson, craig working from home. hi, craig, we miss you >> i miss being there as well. good to see you guys good friday. thank goodness. by the way, i don't know about you but i'm looking forward to spending some time this weekend watching football. that also means some football food, mr. daly >> it means good looking be football and we've got two great chefs representing the cities that will be matched up on sunday night we got hoda, the who-dat and coming up their recipes to put a tropical twist on your football spread. >> how about we check out the weather with al. >> let get a look at your weekend ahead. starting off with tomorrow, a few record highs in the northeast in new england, sunshine in the eastern third of the country, some heavy rain through florida, turning colder
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in the southwest, sunday, sunday record highs through the great >> good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. it's cool and windy now. later today, we'll start to see some scattered showers moving in. we'll stay in the 50s for highs across the bay area. tomorrow looks like we'll take a break from the rain, but it's still going to be cool and windy. and then we'll have another chance of some spotty showers on sunday as we reach into the upper 50s. early next week it's going to feel like winter across the bay area, especially in the morning with our lows in the mid-30s. that's your latest weather boy, do we need it tonight this weekend, oh, the buccaneers, argh matey they'll be defending things against the saints.
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tampa, florida, raymond james stadium, and warm and breezy, yes, that is right, breezy. and it is a big game on sunday night football in america! argh >> will craig be there >> it's our buccaneers >> what do do you for my las vegas raiders? >> i don't know. >> what about the saints >> well, the same. kind of an irish thing. >> it is like "mrs. doubtfire." >> craig craig! >> mr. roker, up next, i know you got some personal news to share with us that we believe -- al would believe this personal news is going to help a lot of other people as well we'll get to that and more in a moment but first, this is
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we are happy to all be here together and spread some love and wrap our arms around our friend al, because you have some news that you want to share with everybody. >> i do. after a routine checkup in september, it turns out that i have prostate cancer, and it is a good news/bad news kind of thing. the good news is that we caught it early and not great news is that it a little bit aggressive and so i am going to go in for surgery and it is one of those things that it is a little bit more common than people realize. so i just decided that i wanted to go public with this, because 1 in 9 men are going to be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime, but for african-american men, that number is 1 in 7 and more deadly. so if you deekt tekt tect it eas treatable, and so i wanted to
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take you on my journey so we can help save the men you love in your lives. >> we love you. >> it is really weird, because i did not feel any differently, but i knew that i had cancer. >> reporter: on wednesday september 30th, i showed up to work here on the "today" show like any other day, but this was really weird, because nobody could see anything outwardly different about me, but i knew that there was something outwardly intrinsically differently about me, because you see, the day prior, i had been told that i had prostate cancer. it was a diagnosis that i was not prepared for. my doctor stifleman asked me to come in, and he closed the door and he said, i always like to have these discussions
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face-to-face, and id was like ugh-oh, and when you hear the word cancer, your mind goes next level. i did feel badly, because i did tell deborah not to come with me, and in hindsight i could see she was upset, and once she got past that, the reporter in her took over, and she has been at every everything since. deborah has been my fooersest advocate even at routine physicals. and my doctor discovered that i had an elevated psa standing fo in detecting prostate cancer. >> most prostateantigen which
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stands for a specific marker for prostate marker. and most guys are aware of the digital prostate exam. >> and so moon river >> moon river. and most men should says carol brown at the sloan kitering research center in new york city. >> african-american men are most likely to get prostate cancer and twice as likely to pass away from prostate cancer than white men in the united states. there are no symptoms with early prostate cancer, and so screening saves lives and african-american men need to get screened and should get screened usually starting at age 40. >> i know that i am one of the lucky ones especially after my psa levels came back high. i was able to get an mri and followed up by a biopsy and
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confirmed by my diagnosis and making a treatment plan early in my disease. >> fortunately his cancer is confined or limited to the prostate and because it is aggressive we wanted to treat it and we settled on removing the prostate. >> reporter: dr. benson ladone is my surgeon. >> the goal is to get him back to normal activity. the fact that he walks a lot now and keeps in good shape and eats healthy and all of those things are a plus when it comes to how he will recover after surgery. >> i don't want people to be thinking poor al, because i am going to be okay. so the fact that you have great family and friends and you work with amazing people, you're so fortunate to have a job that allows you to do things and go places and meet people that you never ever thought that you
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would, you know what, if that's what it takes to get 2020 out, then let's just get it out of the way. boom let's just finish it off. i'm ready! how about you? >> oh, al. >> only you. >> we love you, honey. >> thank you. i am very fortunate. again, it is after breast cancer, the second most treatable cancer out there. and again, the problem for african-american men is any number of reasons from genetics to access to health care, and so we want to make it available and let people know that they have to be checked. >> anybody on the staff who has been through anything, one of the first calls that you get a call from is this guy, this guy right here. we love you honey. we are here for you. >> yes, and you will have a surgery and then you will see what the next steps are after that. >> yes, and we will wait and see, and hopefully in two weeks i will be back, and of course, we want to share some helpful
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information on our website, and coming up in the third hour we will talk with the doctors in the piece, my surgeon and dr. carol about prostate cancer. >> can i ask a quick answer for male 40s and was the first red flag the heightened psa the normal blood level that you had checked? >> yes, and i had not had a checkup, because of the covid and all, and he said that the levels were high, and did it again and still high and he said let's do an mri and it didn't show anything, and he said let's do it again, and the biopsy. >> so it was from the lab. we love you, buddy. >> thank you, dude. california phones offers free specialized phones... like cordless phones, - (phone ringing) - big button, and volume-enhanced phones. get details on this state program. call or visit
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>> especially this guy. sunday's matchup, drew brees, hoda's beloved saints taking on tom brady and the tampa bay buccaneers. let's hear the sound, al. >> no. >> argh! >> we have two great chefs with us whipping up great food while you watch the game, repping the saints and for the tampa bucs, we have the owner/manager of kala's in orlando. what are we're eating for the so nina, a breezy evening in new orleans and what are we eating for the saints? >> good morning, everybody. i'm so happy to be sharing my inspired menu. we're going to talk with our creole potato salad. something i really love. it's super easy, you can make this ahead of time. we're going to start with about
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a cup of mayonnaise and add our creole mustard and of course we're going to be adding our trinity. >> you have to tell them what the trinity is in case people don't know. >> good question. rum? >> the trinity is green peppers, onions and celery and i love putting it in for a little bit of texture. and then we'll add champagne and vinegar. a little bit worcester shire sauce, a little bit of salt and pepper. >> this looks real good. >> mm-hmm. >> and then we're going to add just some boiled eggs. >> come on. >> and who doesn't love bacon. we're going to add some baker. >> go, roker! that's for al. you got it.
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>> and then we're going to add some parsley and we're going to add our boiled potatoes that are boiled and peeled. we're going to mix that in. >> need a big spoon now and sit on the couch with that whole bowl. >> then we're going to add some scallions and plate this up really nicely. and then we're going to finish with a little bit of paprika and a little bit of more scallions and more bacon. always more bacon. >> yes. >> now we're going to assemble our hot dogs. i have a little bit of mayonnaise. i added ranch powder to it. that's my guilty pleasure. i love ranch seasoning. we're going to add that to the mayonnaise. and then we'll make our mango salsa.
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diced mangos and lemon juice and lemon zest. and then add some onions. and some chopped cilantro. >> and we're going to put that right on top of some hot dogs? >> yes. >> all right, let's go saints. we're going to -- i wish we could try them. should we move gears and go to the tampa bay bucs corner? >> we love it. looks good. thanks. >> thank you. >> kenny, what you got? >> today we have our brady spicy slider, because the team is going to super bowl, y'all. and it's play on jerk chicken with a mango coleslaw. the first thing i'm going to do, we're starting with a little bit of boneless thigh, season this with some fresh thyme, a little
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salt, a pinch of pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, this is smoked paprika. olive oil to get a little lubrication on this chicken, you can bake it or grill it. then we'll use prepared jerk season. >> a little spicy. >> oh, yeah, we have to have a little kick to bounce off the sweetness. and the thing is that this is the best made like hours ahead and let it marinade a little bit. and we want to take this chicken, and the one glove trick, and the michael jackson style. that's it. >> i am going to do that tonight. >> we're going to put this in the refrigerate and marinate for a little while. next step, we're going to show you our mango slaw. we have some green cabbage, red
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cabbage, diced tomatoes diced mango and fresh cilantro as well. another simple, easy dish, everything in the one bowl at one time. and with this we're going to add shredded carrots. diced onions, boost up that flavor a little bit. listen, we're trying to find the flavor. >> i think you found it. >> yeah, you did. mayo. got to have some mayo, y'all. the good thing about this, as much mayo is used, you never got to use sugar. >> ooh, whoa! >> listen, we got something to balance that off. apple vinegar. >> we got to wrap it up, guys. find these recipes at
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sunday night's game between the saints and the bucs will be right here at 4:00 pacific time, and we know who hoda is going to be cheering for. >> all right we have had a number of changes and so let's bring in claire mccaskill and rich lowrwrlowry, and so, let's about a little bit of the popping champagne over there at the biden camp, and how cautious should they be? >> we, i think they will be building up a comfortable margin and the question going for wa i is how can this country go forward with making claims of fraud when there is no evidence. >> and now, rich, looking at the
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developments on the map, and what do you think that the biden campaign should do if the trump campaign is saying fight to the end, and the death and we are going recount and lawsuit, and so that is fine, and within their rights to pursue those tracks, but how should the biden campaign proceed? should biden go ahead and start naming a cabinet and doing those kinds of things if he is declared the winner? >> yes. so assuming that things are continuing to slide the way they have been, and you have the news organization and most people acknowledging that he has won the states to get to 270 or above, it makes sense for him to begin acting like the president-elect naming staff, holding meetings, talking about potential cabinet positions and things of that nature, and i don't think that it makes a lot of sense for him to engage trump. president trump who will continue to talk about fraud and
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will pursue legal avenues, but you don't win cases on the force of the rhetoric, but you need evidence and absent that, time is not on the president's side, so ventually, you would have republicans like mitch mcconnell who issued a statement today and didn't endorse what the president said, and didn't denounce it either, and so over time, the mitch mcconnells of the world would say, you know what, maybe this is not totally fair, and there are questions about it, but it is time to move on. >> do you expect that, claire? what do you think that we will hear from the other side of the aisle as this develops? >> well, i think that there is going to be a lot of pressure on my republican colleagues in congress, a lot of pressure on the former presidents who could weigh in here to push the president to do the right thing. and i think that is going to eventually happen. >> all right. claire mccaskill, the former senator of missouri and rich lowry, the editor of the "national review" and thank you
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for your time and busy, busy moment, and the votes are being counted and it is not over until it is over and every last vote is counted. >> we have votes coming in from nevada and around the country. we will be back in a moment, but this is "today" on nbc.
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we are back with the third and fourth hours of "today," and okay, the latest on the decision 2020 and our coverage. >> don't touch that dial, and more coverage at nbc, and we are back after more local news. good morning to you. it's 8:56. i'm marcus washington. if you've been outside this morning, you've probably felt it. there's finally a chill in the air, and as the weather cools down, struggling business owners across the bay area are now worried about how the temperature differences may impact things like outdoor dining. one place already feeling the
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pinch, contra costa county because the infection rate is going up. the county is moving back to more restrictive red tier. that means indoor dining, movie theater capacity will be cut in half from their current numbers. for many, it's translating into a new round of challenges. happening now, we're getting reaction from business owners. link to the full story on our home page. of course, we're following all the developments going on right now in the race for the white house. earlier this morning, joe biden got some encouraging signs, including surging into the lead in georgia and pennsylvania. while victory is looking more and more remote for president trump, he's also showing no signs of letting up his legal fight. follow all the developments for you on multiple angles provided nbc news does not have special coverage at midday. we'll bring you the latest then. but you can always go to our home page, we'll have another local update in an hour. give you my world ♪
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live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza, this is the third hour of "today." and good morning, everyone. welcome to this third hour of "today" on friday, november 6th. craig mel ven wovin working fro al, sheinelle in studio 1a. the nation anxiously awaiting a result in the presidential election. we are getting closer with some major developments overnight as this battleground votes get counted. both candidates striving for


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