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tv   Meet the Press  NBC  November 16, 2020 2:00am-3:00am PST

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this sunday no concession and a growing covid crisis. president trump refusing to admit defeat. >> whatever happens in the future, who knows which administration will be. i guess time will tell. >> republican allies reacting either with silence -- >> senator, is it time to acknowledge that president-elect biden has won the election? >> or support? >> president trump should not concede. >> there will be a new transition to the second trump administration. >> as protesters march in washington. >> u.s.a.! >> echoing the president's false claims of a stolen information.
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the president withholding sensitive information to president-elect biden. >> i just think it's an embarrassment, quite frankly. >> this morning the incoming chief of staff ron claim and republican governor of arkansas, asa hutchinson. also, record covid spike. >> this is kind of like standing on the beach and watching the hurricane slowly roll towards you. >> this surge is much more intense, widespread and thank results. >> we're headsing toward a cliff. >> 49 cases see a rise in cases. many cities and states finally cracking down. >> i'm a announcing two-week free for the entire state. >> stay at home unless you must go out for essential reasons. i will talk to president-elect biden's covid transition head, michael osterholm. joining me for insight and analysis are nbc news correspondent carol lee, republican stratist ard card nis, maria teresa kumar, president of voto latino, and jeffrey golderg, editor and
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chief of "the atlantic." welcome to sunday, it's "meet the press." >> announcer: from nbc news in washington, the longest-running show in television history, this is "meet the press" with chuck todd. >> and a good sunday morning. nearly two weeks after a election contest won by joe biden by more than 5.5 million votes so far and a comfortable electoral vote margin, the country is facing two interconnected crisis. one, the president of the united states refuses to concede the election, claiming falsely it was somewhat stolen. his attorney general is currently investigating voter froud despite of lack of evidence any exists. his secretary of state is suggesting the president will be naug rated for a second term. perhaps he was kidding. the president fired his defense secretary and filling the defense department with loyalists, some of whom traffic in conspiracy theories. if this were happening anywhere else, our state department would be issuing grim reports about the future of that country's
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democracy. but that country is this country. it's happening here. making matters worse, the administration is refusing to allow biden's team access to secure communications and classified briefings including operation warp speed, which covers vaccination distribution for the exploding covid crisis. in fact, this is happening as president obama is all but ignoring the pandemic, reportedly not even met with his own covid task force in at least five months. the pandemic is at its highest peak yet. in just the last week 31 states report records for new cases and the last six states have seen the highest case counts nationwide. in short, president trump is refusing to acknowledge two realities, his defeat and covid-19. but the virus does not care, as it continues its march across the country doing exactly what experts have long predicted it would do. >> whatever happens in the future, who knows which administration will be, i guess time will tell, but i can tell you, this administration will not go to a lockdown. >> president trump acknowledging
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for a moment on friday he may not have won the election, even as he continues to refuse to concede. >> we're moving forward here at the white house under the assumption there will be a second trump term. >> mr. trump out of public view the most of the week but tweeting hundreds of times, suffered a string of legal setbacks in pennsylvania, arizona and michigan friday, as joe biden's electoral college win grew to 306 electoral votes, matching mr. trump's in 2016. >> we had a massive lapd slide victory as you know in the electoral college. i guess the final numbers are now at 306. >> we are at the beginning of a transition. we're well under way. >> president-elect joe biden largely out of public view but criticizing the president. >> i just think it's an embarrassment. >> as republicans, eyeing the senate republicoff in georgia where they believe they need to mobilize mr. trump's motors largely rallied around him. >> president trump is 100% within his rights to look into
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allegations of irregularities and weigh his legal options. >> the election is not over, bit way. >> the future of america is on the line in georgia. >> but by thursday cracks emerged as republicans began to call for biden to receive intelligence briefings. >> for me, this is just an issue of saying let's learn the lesson of 2000 and let's make sure both sides are prepared. >> i think it's important both continue to get those briefings until the electoral clem makes its final determination. >> should we need a transition in the future? this would simplify that transition. >> the leadership vacuum of the lame-duck period comes as the coronavirus pandemic is shattering records, with more than 176,000 new cases on friday. cases are up over the past two weeks in 49 states in d.c. more than 69,000 people are hospitalized and deaths have risen in 31 states. >> this surge is much more intense, widespread, and dangerous. >> it is spreading rapidly everywhere. >> we're heading towards the
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cliff. i don't know if the vaccine gets to us before we have horrible things happening here in wisconsin. >> more states are issuing new restrictions, including a mask mandate in north dakota and on friday wiem ago governor said he's considering one as well. >> we haven't god our head in the game. we're running around like chickens with our heads cut off. let's get serious. >> as the coronavirus continues to spread. >> i'm announcing a two-week freeze for the entire state. >> total lockdown if we don't start to get more serious and follow the rulings. >> you know what's really uncomfortable and annoying? when you die. >> as you can see by this chart, the number of new cases skyrocketed, more than doubling in recent weeks. one person has been predicting this kind of turn in the pandemic since he first appeared on "meet the press" back on after 26th. dr. michael osterholm said then we were in the foot hill of the crisis and had mountains to climb, and if we can see the case count since the start of the pandemic, it looks like an ever-growing mountain.
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dr. michael osterholm is an infectious disease specialist at the university of minnesota and now a member of the president-elect biden's covid. let me just simply ask you this. we are seeing the exponential rise you sadly predicted would happen in covid cases you, you and money others this fall and quinter. here winter. are we going to plateau any time soon or is this projectry just going to keep going up and up? >> thank you again. let me say at the outset the future is in our hands. especially the next three weeks, because these cases are already in the pipeline, meaning people are already infected. the numbers will go way up. our position is imagine what the world will be like if we make the changes we need to make. we will be heading to a vaccine in the next few months where we can start to imagine having
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summer baseball back, barbecues, et cetera. but in the meantime we are in a very dangerous period. the most dangerous public health period since 1918. if we don't basically take the important steps like some swapping air with our neighbors, our friends, our colleagues, we're going to see these numbers grow substantially. >> so what should happen right now? i've talked to plenty of mayors this week and governors this week, and they all feel like you can tell they want to do more and they're he's tapt becausita the fatigue, lack of leadership from the federal government, perhaps lack of money from the federal government. this is the situation we are in. not the utopia we'd all like to have and governments working together. what do we do now? what does a local mayor do without the help of the federal government? >> well, it's critical that we do get the help of the federal government. i can't make that any more straightforward than that. if we're going to control this
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virus out in our communities right now, we're going to have to support those who are going to be suffering economically. you have a choice, do you want to have schools open or keep bars and restaurants open? if you shut down bars and restaurants, they're hanging on by a thread. that single mother waitress that basically doesn't have noir income, we've got to support them and helping to do the right thing. they want to. i don't know anybody who doesn't want to. if we're going to help our health care system right now try top spod to this crisis and we know that they are the tipping point, we've got it have help right now. so i just urge that the last thing we do is support our governors. they're the front lines right now. there is no national leadership on this issue. they're trying. i don't care if they're democrat or republican, they're trying and we have to support them in these issues. >> now that you're a member of president-elect biden's covid advisory board, any comments you make are suddenly going to get
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put through a different prism so i want it give you a chance to clarify what you met by the four-to-six week lockdown. you said even back in august, look, we have to have some pause here and have some sheltering in place if we have any chance of bending this curve. >> first of all, we've got to refrain this issue. we've got to understand again that what we're trying to do is get to the summer when we have vaccines that can fundamentally change how safe it is to be in everyday life. and what we need to do right now is focus on what's going to make that difference. as i just said, it's very important first of all we don't swap air with people. that's how this is being transmitted and we've got to do whatever it takes to support that. you see the governors struggling right now. they want help. i've talked to five governors in the last two days, all of them said, wouldn't it be wbl if we could all at least be on the same page? right now my state is surrounded by our other states and they all
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have different recommendations. that by he itself is what we're talking about, standardizing how we're all going to approach this. this virus doesn't care what party you are, doesn't care where you live. we have to understand that's what we have to work on right now. >> dr. osterholm, it certainly looks like the case count is 0e78 going to go up, hospitalizations only going to go up and death count between now and the beginning of passing out this vaccine. how close to the breaking point is our hospital system, and at what point is that going to be the point where the hospital system is going to force us to shut down and we all will have no choice? >> i think you said it very well. my worse fear is what we saw happening in other countries where people are dyeing on the streets. people were literally dyeing in the waiting rooms of emergency rooms after spending ten hours just waiting to be seen. that will start happening. the media will start reporting it and we will see the breadth and depth of this tragedy. that i hope will not be the way we finally decide to reduce our
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risk, this idea of swapping air. we've got to stop doing that. and so i think it is the health care system's breaking, literally breaking, that will unfortunately bring us to a sense of reality of what we must do in the short term. >> how close are we to that point? >> well, you know, the case numbers as you have seen how quickly they've been rising, i think that is going to continue and there are plenty health care systems that with a few more weeks of this level of activity, that l happen. >> dr. michael osterholm from the university of minnesota, we have you on here to give us the straight talk and you always do appreciate you coming on and sharing your expertise with us. and joining me now, the vice president's chief of staff ron klain. mr. klain, welcome to "meet the press." >> thanks for having me, chuck. >> the models indicate another 100,000 americans may die before january 20th. we may be sitting at case counts well over 200,000 by the time
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you take over in this administration. so what do you do now in anticipation for what looks like is going to be exponentially worse of 60 days? >> yeah, chuck, it's a very grave situation. back in september then-candidate joe biden warned america was headed to a very dark winter if the administration didn't step up its action. the very first business day of his transition on monday of this week, the president-elect met with his covid task force and made a public statement afterwards where he called on all americans to mask up. he urged governments to impose masking mandates now and reiterated the fact when he becomes president, he will impose one on a nationwide basis. he's not the president now. there's not that much joe biden can do right now to change things other than to reiterate the message you heard from dr. osterholm, which is all americans and our state and local governments need to step up right now. if the president and administration's not going to
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lead, that's where the leadership has to come from. that will change on january 20th. right now we have a crisis that's getting worse. we have never had a day with 100,000 cases in a single day until last week. by next week, we may see 200,000 cases in a single day. this is getting much worse, chuck. >> what do you -- i'm curious with your coronavirus advisory board, is there any informal contact between the task force and your advisory board? has there been informal contact, for instance, between the president-elect and dr. fauci? >> unfortunately, chuck, we can't. we can't until we get that gsa ascertainment that authorizes us to contact government officials. so we can't have any of those kinds of contacts until we get to that stage of ascertainment. obviously there's information that passes scientific circles. and people like michael osterholm are leading scientists. but i think you hit a key point.
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joe biden will become president of the united states in the midst of an ongoing crisis. that has to be a seamless transition. we now have the possibility, we need to see if it gets approved, of a vaccine starting in december, january. there are people at hhs making plans to implement that vaccine. our experts need to talk to those people as soon as possible so nothing drops in this change of power we're going to have on january 20th. >> have your folks been able to have any contact with pfizer at all? do you have a better understanding of just how soon the vaccine could get distributed? >> we're going to have meetings between our top scientific advisers and the officials of these drug companies, not just pfizer but there are other promising vaccines as well. we're going to start those consultations this week but, again, i think there are two issues here, chuck. one is the scientific issue around the vaccine. but in some ways the bigger issue, i have been saying this since april, the bigger issue will be mechanics of manufacture and distribution, getting this vaccine out. that really lies with folks at
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the health and human services department. we need to be talking to them as quickly as possible. you know, it's great to have a vaccine,ing but vaccines don't save lives. vaccinations save lives. and that means you have to get that vaccine into people's arms, all over this country. it's a giant logistical project. >> you have said in convincing the american public in a previous interview, convincing the take of the vaccine might be the biggest challenge we face as a country. but i want to stick with one more issue on the current covid crisis, which is you heard dr. osterholm, every expert has said, we might have to have a temporary shutdown but we're not going to do it if you don't pay these people not to open their businesses. can't agree without congress doing something. how urgently do you think house democrats, senate republicans are at loggerheads. do you take what you can get now or do you support speaker pelosi holding out? >> the president-elect had a
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conversation with speaker pelosi and leader schumer on friday. and they talked about the need to get urgent action. i mean, we need action during lame-duck. there are a lot of thing that's will have to wait until joe biden is president but this is not one of them. getting help to people, getting help to state and local governments, it's not -- obviously we need urgent layoff of individuals but we need firefighters, police, teachers in the next month in a lot of state and localities unless local governments get the aid they need. i know speaker pelosi is committed to that, mr. schumer is committed to that. and these layers are coming not just in blue states burt red states. this is a national crisis that needs bipartisan national action now. >> has the president-elect spoken with senate republican leader mitch mcconnell yet about this issue or any issue? >> he's not spoken with senator mcconnell about anything yet. we're hoping senator mcconnell will accept the reality that it's just reality.
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joe biden won this election. kamala harris won this election. i think it's time for leaders in both parties to get to business of this transition, to get to business of working together to start to plan out a legislative agenda for next year. >> you said it's urgent for congress to act in the lame duck. and to -- are you -- are we to read in between the lines that you're telling speaker pelosi, look, don't stick to your guns completely, compromise where you have to, is that the message that you wanted her to hear? >> speaker pelosi's done a magnificent juror of handling this. what i want her to hear, we have her backs in handling this. speaker pelosi, by the way, was in long negotiations with secretary mnuchin to try to find that compromise. it is not she hasn't been at the table. she's been at the table. we see the current administration has walked away from the table. our message to speaker pelosi is
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keep doing what you're doing. to the republicans, let's get this done. this could be a first example of bipartisan action post election. last thing i will say, chuck, is i think the american people sent a pretty strong signal on tuesday of election day, that -- couple tuesdays now, that they wanted to see the people in washington work together to make progress. that's the message i think came out of that election. they want to see action. getting covid aid out there is at the top of that list of action they want to see. >> the president this morning has tweeted something that a lot of folks are trying to interpret, because the first line is he won because the election was rigged. and the president goes through his tweet for all of the reasons why he believes this election is unfair. but it's the first time he said he won. and our own reporting, mr. klain, we asked an official and said is this the closest we're
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going to get to president trump admitting that joe biden won and we were told yes, and this is the beginning of a concession process. do you accept that as sort of step one here? >> i accept it as a further confirmation of the reality joe biden won the election and not through any of the rest of that tweet, not through fraud or anything else the president is baselessly alleging. he won because he got more votes. that's why he would the, he got more votes, in the popular vote by a lot and same number of electoral votes president trump called a landslide four years ago. if the president is prepared to recognize that reality, it's positive. donald trump's twitter feed does not make joe biden president or not president. the american people did that. what we want to see this week, chuck, the general services administration issue that ascertainment so we can start to do the kind of things you and i talked about a few minutes ago, meet with the vaccine officials, get intelligence briefings for
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the president-elect and vice president-elect. that is how this is moving forward i believe. >> and finally i want to ask you about the importance of the georgia runoffs. joe biden ran on a pathway to citizenship, passing the quality act, taking a passive aggression on the pandemic, to climate change. to what except does that lay in the hands of georgia and georgia runoffs? does the president's agenda get curtailed if you don't have control of the senate? >> chuck, it's obviously important to win those seats in georgia not necessarily just because of joe biden's agenda or whatever but i think we have better senators in washington, we will get a better output in washington and more people that support the kind of things joe biden supports, better government, better whatever. we're going to work hard to help win those senate seats in georgia. i think you'll see the president-elect campaign down there as we get closer to election day. we're going to put people,
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money, resources down there to help. our two good candidates win. i'm very hopeful we can win those seats. but we're going to work -- one thing i think joe biden made very clear that you talked about all year long, chuck, he's going to work with whomever gets elected, democrats, republicans, people across the country, people in civil society, people in all kinds of sectors. so that's what he's going to do. we want to win the streets in georgia, it will be helpful to win in georgia but we will not let anything deter us from our agenda. >> does your staff of executive orders decrease if democrats win both of those georgia senate races? >> we're going to have to work all of that through. what i say is we have a big stack of business from day one already. we're going to rejoin paris. we're going to protect the dreamers on day one. we're going to take other action on health care on day one. the president-elect's talked about during the campaign. we've got a busy, busy day one on ready scenario here. >> and, of course, the pandemic.
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ron klain, it is a busy and large inbox at the incoming chief of staff. i appreciate you coming on. look forward to more conversations like this as we go forward, sir. >> you bet, chuck. thank you very much. >> you got it. when we come back, most republicans have been either silent or supportive of president trump's false claims that the election was stolen with a handful trying to
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years ago. republicans have either backed his false claims of fraud and remained silent. we invited every single republican senator to appear on "meet the press" this morning. they all declined. but we are very pleased governor asa hutchinson of arkansas agreed to join us together this morning. governor, welcome back. i hope to talk to you as much about covid as we do about politics here but let met get the politics out of the way. who do you believe won the election? >> i expect joe biden to be the next president of the united states. it was good actually to see president trump tweet out that he won. i think that's the start of an acknowledgment, and it is very important that joe biden have access to the intelligence briefings to make sure that he is prepared during times of transition, our enemies have an opportunity to try to take advantage of us. we want to make sure that there is a smooth transition, particularly when it comes to
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the vaccine distribution, their coronavirus that everybody understands what we're doing there and what the plan is for the future. >> are you concerned that the next president of the united states, joe biden, is going to have a 'lanche chularge chunk o party's rack and file not accept the legitimacy of this election because president trump keeps beating false narratives out there? >> well, it is important that we accept the out-connell of the election. and there's a process to get there. it is -- there are some constitutional assertions in pennsylvania. there's a recount in georgia. it is important to know that those processes go through and that probably is the reason the president does not want to undermine those legitimate processes by jumping ahead and conceding the election. but we still have to start back to transitioning. in the end you're absolutely right, we need to come together
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as a nation. there's not -- our department of homeland security indicated this week that there's not any evidence of ram pant fraud in the election that would undermine the result. we need to accept the result, once that process is completed, come together and recognize we've got new leadership and we need to pull together as a nation. >> and you're a former -- you're a former dhs veteran there. i assume you trust those folks there? >> actually, chris crabs is one of the team members who made that finding this week. i was briefed by him on the election security issues probably ten months ago. it was interesting that as he briefed the governors that he said, patience, you have to have, but we have systems in place to make sure that we can have an honest election free of fraud this year. there's always some challenges
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but we have a great system and our democracy to work through those. yes, i have confidence in what he's done and his statement. >> i'm going to put up a graph here of cases for covid. you know the graph well. you've had a mask mandate going for a while. cases are rising and rising everywhere. you're not alone here. what do you need from the federal government now that can help you deal with this? i do get the sense, you heard dr. osterholm, i think you're all at sort of -- people can argue, you can do x and y, but there are some things you're limited in doing without the support of the federal government. what do you need? >> well, it's very important to understand, and this was a little bit offensive, the implication in the previous interview nothing is being done currently. i'll be having a meeting tomorrow with the white house coronavirus task force. they're very engaged. their providing support for the states. we're dependent upon them in terms of our reagents for an
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th an that gin, testing capacity. a lot is being done. we're coordinating with them on our vaccine distribution, which is critical to have in place quickly. because once they have the emergency use authorization, expect that vaccine to be out for our medical care providers within 24 hours. what do we need? we need to make sure that we have the support in those terms and that those resources continue. we're not going to be able to put restrictions on our economy to get us out of this. it is wrong to tell people you're out of business without giving a financial support. i think that point was made by dr. osterholm, that you cannot do that without providing compensation because it's a taking of government and that's the last thing we need to do right now.
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>> what are your advisers telling you would be the best way to start to get this to plateau in your state? because it does seem as if we can't get this surge to plateau right now? >> it is very, very worrisome and as you know, i have put together our winter task force primarily looking at the hospitalization issue. that is sort of governs everything that happens because you want to have the hospital space for covid patients but also for others that have needs that require elective surgery. and so we're engaging in that. what has to be done is everybody do simply what the medical professionals, our scientists say nationally and that is to protect yourself and others by following the public health guidelines. we have a mask mandate but you cannot have a mask mandate that does send a great signal, it does increase compliance, but
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there's never 100% compliance and that's a challenge that we have right now. >> before i let you go, on january 21, who was the leadis f the republican party? >> well, first of all, i've been through that situation before and we will elect new leadership, but there will be a lot of different voices. clearly president trump will have a voice for a long time in the party. anybody that can generate those kinds of crowds that's had the accomplishment he's had in office, will he have an influence for some time to come but there will be other influencers and there will be a significant debate as to exactly the direction of our party. our fundamentals are sound. this election was a good election for republicans. we just did not make the presidency. but overall, governors, house, senate, legislators, put us in very, very good position for the future. the public still embraces, the
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republican philosophy we have put forth and we will continue to debate how that has to be refined. >> governor hutchinson from arkansas, always appreciate your willingness to come on here and you're always very respectful. i appreciate that. thank you, sir. >> thank you, chuck. many of president trump's supporters marched in washington yesterday, echoing the president's false claims the election was rigged. what is students of color typically do not have access to high quality computer science and stem education. ♪ i joined amazon because i wanted to change education and i am impatient. amazon gives me the resources to change the world at a pace that i want to change it. ♪ we provide students stem scholarships and teachers with support. ♪ i'm a fighter and i'm fighting for all students.
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with you because you are doing some reporting in real time. i'm asking ron klain questions about your reporting in real time and as soon as we're done, the president puts up this tweet. so we were told he won might be the beginning. no, no, no, he won in the eyes of the fake news media, we have a long way to go, this is a rigged election. i guess for ten minutes we thought the president was conceding. but no. >> as soon as he sent the tweet that biden won i heard from a white house official who said it looks like the president is admitting that biden will be the next president and this could be the beginning of the president's version of a concession, which we've been hold all week would sound something like what he tweeted. and then 90 minutes later, the president comes out with this other tweet saying we will win and then going on again to make
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these accusations that are unfounded and the same white house official said he doesn't believe that. but this is where we are. we've heard that the -- from a number of officials that the president is not necessarily fully dug in privately on his belief that this is something that he can actually turn around, he's fund-raising off of this, that's part of potentially what's motivating him and what aides have been saying to him, they don't use the word concession they use the word conclusion. they say maybe we can get to this conclusion. and the conclusion they've been proposing to him in recent days. like what he tweeted, he'll never admit he lost fair and square and say he's running again in 2024 that's designed to keep the money flowing, keep him relevant, boxes out a lot of republicans. but when he gets to that point, officially, formally, when he gets there, we don't know and tonight isn't the day.
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>> al, it's one thing for elected republicans to start to accept that joe biden won the election. how do you convince the rank and file? >> well, it's -- you convince the rank and file with reality. i mean, we're in the midst of a meltdown on so many different areas. now the political meltdown we can live with, the governmental meltdown we cannot. joe biden needs to start his transition. i lived it in 2020 when george bush was not able to start it and when he was sworn in on january 20th he didn't have his team ready and that hurts. this time around there's a real crisis where biden has to have his team ready. ron cline klain is great, he'll great job but he needs a transition runway. and the other part is the president can have a political meltdown but he needs to agree sooner rather than later to a bill that would allow the
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government to assist the private sector in getting through this covid crisis. and that cannot be part of a meltdown. so we'll live with the political side of it. the government side of it is something that's inexcusable. >> jeffrey goldberg, i want to read you something matt lewis wrote. he doesn't understand why the republican party isn't kicking trump now instead of kicking trump while he's down, the republicans think they can finesse their way to the stop. they think trump will reward loyalty, the old man will retire and turn the store over to you to run. that never happens. right now the appeasement is the georgia senate runoff strategy. as matt lewis lays out, if past is pro long, we know how this ends. >> right. the interesting thing here is that trump's behavior is completely predictable in that
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regard. the thing i would add to what matt lewis wrote is this, president trump got 70 million -- more than 70 million votes. president trump is extraordinarily popular with his base. they love his transgression. they love his no concession, no conceding kind of policy he's taking on these days. and he's formidable. and, you know, you and i have both talked to many republican office holders who will say to you privately in fear of his tweeting, they live in fear of his most mobilized base. and so he has extraordinary power over people. and so no one is going to step up and say, you know, look, thank you for your service, but you can leave the white house now and retire to mar-a-lago and we've got this from here. that's not going to happen. >> maria, i was asking ron klain this governoring challenge, when you have a large chunk of the
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country that isn't going to accept joe biden as president and you have republican officer holders who can't publicly treat him with respect -- or they think they can't treat him respectfully for whatever reason, how do youg govern, how do you handle that as joe biden? >> reporter: we have to recognize that president trump has the autocratic tendency. not a surprise he's not conceding and there are rumors that he's going to have a conclusion of this conversation of his presidency but announce his 2024 presidency. the danger in that is he starts si sort of foe anyoning and having a shadow government. we hear republicans say we're going to humor him. we've been humoring donald trump for the last four years and he's created shock waves throughout our institution, through our government and population. this is where there might be an
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opportunity for joe biden to actually bring in, not the die hard donald trump base but some of the individuals that voted for him. let's not forget, chuck, 58% of white voters voted for donald trump. 55% of white women. but they still believe in the voting process. is there an opportunity the longer that he basically says that biden did not win, despite the fact that the department of justice said this was the most secure election, is there an opportunity for joe biden to bring those people back to the fold of at least moderation and recognizing our democratic institutions. >> it's the mandate he has to accept. quickly, we did put together a fascinating -- the trump campaign sent out 200 plus emails since election day and they all claim to be somehow about the recount. but so you know, the trump's leadership pack, according to the fine print keeps the money
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up to $5,000. until a donor gives more than $8,300 does any of the recount funds get money to focus on the recount there. just wanted to get that out there and clarified for folks. when we come mornings were made for better things than rheumatoid arthritis. when considering another treatment, ask about xeljanz... a pill for adults with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis when methotrexate has not helped enough. xeljanz can help relieve joint pain and swelling, stiffness, and helps stop further joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections. before and during treatment, your doctor should check for infections, like tb and do blood tests. tell your doctor if you've had hepatitis b or c, have flu-like symptoms, or are prone to infections. serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra may increase risk of death. tears in the stomach or intestines
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so i thought, what about... 15 minutes. 15 percent. serendipity. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. welcome back. "data download" time. you heard us say it before, we're in the midst of a political rehaief. so we want to look how the political map reshifted since president george w. bush election in 2004. 16( years ago 11 states were decided by five-point margins or less with five of those states based in the great lakes region. 2008 barack obama won by such a large margin he changed the map by pushing the battleground into governor territory, look at montana there. but it didn't stick. by 2012 there were only four
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states decided by a five-point margin or les when we saw ourn battleground states emerge like georgia and virginia. and by 2016 the industrial midwest became clear when michigan, wisconsin and pennsylvania, all close, were in his column. but this year we see a map that seems to show the battleground may be transitioning for the next few cycles, especially when we see battleground map newcomers georgia and arizona. so let's take a closer look at the last two presidential re-election cycles, 2012 and this year. as i said, by 2012 obama's 2008 strength waned and we were back to the more traditional competitive states. only four were within five points, ohio, virginia, north carolina and florida. notably wisconsin and michigan had moved off the map entirely. now compare that to this year's outcome, among those close states are the ones making up the blue wall, recaptured by joe biden in the midwest. plus north carolina is back on the list and very narrowly in the red column.
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while both georgia and arizona flipped blue, barely. and just off the list of closest states this year, texas, which trump is currently carrying by about 5.7 percentage points. add it all up and the 2020 battlegrounds largely straddle the industrial midwest and sunbelt, with the latter region gaining momentum and the road to the presidency looking different than it did just a few cycles ago. when we come back, democrats have waited for decades for the ♪ ♪ ♪ smooth driving pays off with allstate, the safer you drive the more you save you never been in better hands allstate click or call for a quote today
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welcome back. as we teased, we wanted to make a deeper dive on the hispanic vote in america. and maria teresa kumar, "the new york times" framed i think the conversation that i want to have pretty well, for years many democrats have presumed demog rafy is destiny, believering
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latinos would come to vote for them with the same kind of consistency black voters do, that dream ran into reality in this election. the l.a. tino vote is deeply divided and running as not trump was always going to be insufficient. so where do you begin when you look at the mistakes the democratic made on its presumptions with the hispanic vote? >> first of all, chuck, let's all -- you and i had these conversations before. you can't have -- demographic is not destiny if you don't have significant strategic investment and that's the bottom line. when you look at the map of the future of growing, you mentioned the sunbelt. the reason north carolina, the reason georgia, arizona is -- they're on the map is because of that 4% to 20% of the latino vote that did not exist even ten years ago. but the challenge is you have to be able to invest in that. the reason arizona flipped, georgia is on the line and north carolina, you have wonderful grassroots organizers that are
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there year around. the democratic party when they start seeing faultlines in florida, we flagged but people didn't realize trump never stopped talking to the latino community in florida. there was a real april rat russ of disinformation. and when we talk why wasn't that stopped on a broader level? facebook did a great job capturing it in english but not spanish. this is an opportunity to take how do we stake a step back and continue with the latino community continuously? even in texas, texas is interesting because even though it didn't flip, first, it's not supposed to, but even though it didn't flip, you have 600% increase from latino youth vote from 2016 but you can't pack your bags after an election and expect people to come back. you need to continuously talk to people, need to create investment and run candidates. >> al cardenas, i will put up with teresa was just talking
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about, spanish language targeted advertising misinformation there, showing smiling faces of maduro and joe biden together, which took place at the inauguration of a previous president of brazil. the numbers in miami-dade county, 200,000 of donald trump's 330,000-vote margin statewide came out of his improvement in miami-dade county, where he lost by 30 points in '16. only seven points now. how much was that disinformation impactful on joe biden now. >> look, i think there's some reasons to give the trump campaign some kudos there. jeffrey's colleague anne applebaum wrote a book recently about the seduction of authoritarianism and frankly the trump cult hit hard in the hispanic community there. most people came as exiles from countries that were used to authoritarian figures. the second thing is the
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socialism stuck hard and democrats never fought back and trump had a four-year investment in miami. that's 3.1% of the total hispanic vote and it was very peculiar and it hit hard. it was probably half of the winning margin in florida for donald trump. but taking on a little bit of jennifer's article, there are 15 million hispanics more or less who voted and about 30% voted for donald trump. historically the last seven or eight presidential elections, you know, the margins have been between 25% and 40% for republicans, so he was kind of on the lower side. the net gaen for biden was 6.5 million voters in the hispanic community. frankly, he won by 5 million votes. so if you're a latino organizer, you can say hey, we got him a net polarity which exceeded the national polarity. i don't think he did that bad.
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there were a couple of pockets like miami and texas that were an outlier. >> you know, jeffrey golderg and i look at our own conversation of the hispanic vote, and in general, the broad mainstream media's coverage of it and i think it has been a bit sort of shortsighted. it hasn't gone into the peculiarities of the latino vote the way we do on the white vote. guess what, it's just as diverse. >> right. that's the thing, even the expression latino vote is a little bit of a misnomer. there's a cuban-american vote, mexican-american vote, mexican-american vote in california and mexican-american vote in the rio grande valley of texas. those are different votes. so we need to do a much better job of diving deeper into the complexity and diversity of this enormous community of americans and trying to understand where they're headed. i would add only one thing, smart republican strategists will do the very same thing.
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you do have certain through lines there, religiosity, entrepreneurialism, a community filled with small business people who want to be big business people. family and all of the rest. and the republicans always, you know, have this opportunity never fully realized. >> carol lee, i know you have been talking to some republican strategists who view this as sort of the future of broadening a republican collision if they can basically be the party of the working class, regardless of race. >> yes, that's right, chuck. the trump folks feel very proud of this. they worked very hard for it in their view. they spent not just the campaign focused on it, white house focused on it and events focused on latino entrepreneurs. even latino evangelicals that tried to use some of biden's comments about oil refineries in texas against him. the question is if they can build on it, chuck. >> i plan to do more dives going on this going forward, which means i look forward to more of
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this conversation with all of you. that's all the time i have now. that's all we have. thank you for watching, we'll be back next week, because if it's sunday, it's "meet the press."
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searching across america the u.s. surpassed 11 million covid cases on sunday as more states enact stricter lockdowns and warnings ahead of thanksgiving. president trump's twitter storm ramps up first sunday admitting joe biden won the election and then taking it back. at around midnight tweeting, quote, i won the election. spacex launches into the history books with a successful lift-off and space flight for four u.s. astronaut as they hurdle their way to the u.s. international ac


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