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tv   Comunidad del Valle  NBC  February 21, 2021 3:30pm-3:59pm PST

3:30 pm
damian trujillo: hello, and welcome to "comunidad del valle." i'm damian trujillo, and today a fascinating new documentary by los cenzontles on your "comunidad del damian: we begin today with some covid relief for some east san jose merchants and nonprofits. rolando bonilla is spearheading this effort. he joins us now on "comunidad del valle" as san jose planning commissioner and also an entrepreneur. rolando, welcome to the show. welcome back. rolando bonilla: thank you for having me, damian. good--hello, everyone. damian: so, first of all, you're still recovering from the coronavirus, and you're grateful that you barely made it
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out alive. rolando: oh, i mean, undoubtedly grateful. each and every day is a blessing. the recovery is ongoing, but definitely stronger by the day. and that was really the genesis of this fund, you know, when i was in the hospital. we've been in this crisis for a little over a year now, and our east san jose businesses continue-- just as much as our community is physically hurting, our east san jose small businesses and nonprofits are equally hurting as well. and to me, when i got out, it was critical that we do something about that immediately, and that is why i started the east san jose covid relief fund. i wanted to create a vehicle by which we can organize dollars that we can put directly to work in our community in order to save the heart and soul of east san jose. you know, what's often overlooked is that our businesses, where we shop or we spend time with friends, they're not just places of commerce. they're centers of community.
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and i wanted to make sure that when this pandemic is finally behind us, that that heart and soul, that vibrancy that makes our community so special will be there on that day one when we no longer have to worry about covid, and that's what this fund is about. damian: and now we're looking at video right now of some of-- i mean, it's just sad images of these businesses that are-- that have a lock and key, and they're going to remain like that, some of them permanently. you're trying to prevent that, though, with this fund. so you pitched in your own money as kind of a feeder fund, and now tell us where it's at. and you started on tuesday starting to accept applications. tell us about that. rolando: so i initiated the fund with a contribution of $5,000 that we made. no travel plans, but it looks like no one has travel plans in 2021, but--vacation. my resources where my mouth is, and ultimately what i was touched by was just how people responded to that.
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people understand the core of what i'm trying to do; that in order to save our community, it's going to take our community to stand up together. $5 to matching contributions at $5,000 from other small businesses. this is truly grassroots in every way. our goal is to raise $300,000. however, internally, through my nonprofit partner business circle at nex, we've made the decision to release dollars in the $20--$30,000 mark in order to put that money to work in our community immediately, and that is literally what we are now in the process of. we have an application process. we are now going to be able to receive those applications, vet them, and turn them around quite quickly in terms of financial support. these are literally an investment in you because of what your businesses and nonprofits do for our community.
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we are now stepping up to support you because we recognize that these businesses and nonprofits are the reason we're so special, they're the reason we have that vibrancy, and they're the reason that east san jose, a little-known fact, is such an economic force as far as tax generation for the city as a whole. so those services that other parts of the city enjoy, we help finance that. and if we were to lose the economic engine of east san jose; it's not just an impact that's going to be felt in our zip codes, it's an impact that's going to be felt in almaden, it's an impact that's going to be felt in willow glen. it's an impact where every single part of the city will know what it's like to not have the benefit of our tax generation. damian: absolutely, you can apply-- we have the website for you if you'd like to apply for one of these grants by this entrepreneur and some other donations from some generous people. there it is. it's covid relief for small businesses and nonprofits in east san jose.
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it's we will be back with rolando bonilla and talk about maybe how you can apply and qualify when we continue. stay with us.
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damian: we're back with rolando bonilla on "comunidad del valle," who's giving out financial grants to businesses and nonprofits on the east side of san jose who have suffered the impact of the coronavirus. and you're not-- you don't want to milk this-- in essence, of holding on to the money. rolando, you say you want to dish them out in small grants. when can we expect to be receiving these first checks? rolando: so we're in the process right now of actually receiving applications, and in so far the response, as you would imagine, has been incredible. so it's gonna take us-- given the volume, it's gonna take us a little bit of time. i'd say roughly about a week or so to actually go through these applications, vet them properly with the tactical team over there at business circle at nex. their deep understanding of how to vet these applications will be tremendously helpful. what i'm really wanting to do as well, though, is to grow this fund exponentially and fast. i think we've raised $30,000 in shortly--
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in a little under a month, and it's been purely on the backs of just grassroots: $5, $10, 100. that's much harder by covid in terms of the human impact and the financial impact; and for that reason i kindly put out a challenge out there to our mayor, our city council, our board of supervisors here at the county, you know, business organizations, labor to partner with us and help us not only reach that $300,000 mark but actually help us exceed that mark in recognition of the fact that we-- we've been in this crisis for too long. the idea of going around asking people what they're needing and what they're feeling at this point after a year, it's quite evident. we need financial support, we need resources, and we also can't ignore the fact that, historically, east san jose has been under-financed from local government, county government. we're in this situation, in this crisis, because of those years
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of financial neglect. this is an opportunity to demonstrate to the rest of the city and the region and to rectify past wrongs by actually making the investments that we newhat we've thrived at today.ud that's what this is about. this is not just about helping them keep their doors open but about a longer conversation about rectifying the economic wrongs in east san jose as far as resources and the investment of resources. damian: and you know, a lot of us are waiting for things to get back to normal. everyone is waiting for things to get back to normal. they may not be back to normal when things open up because the [speaking foreign language] on the corner might not open up anymore. the shoe place, the auto shop, the dry cleaning store might not be there when things normalize, if you will, because they were not able to survive the impact. rolando: and that's 100% accurate, damian. i think when i look at what's happening, when i look at the doors that are closing or getting ready to close, it doesn't have to be this way.
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right now, i understand that with a pandemic, we're all having losses. i lost my uncle, almost lost my own life. i understand that. we're all, you know, contributing our own amount of suffering in this, but we also have to recognize that east san jose has always been undercapitalized and where we so for me, my challenge-- and i mean this in the most respectful and positive way. i challenge the mayor, the city council, the santa clara county board of supervisors, you know, large business organizations, labor. this is a great opportunity to invest in the community that has been the backbone of our region during this pandemic. we are not at high numbers of covid because there's a higher disposition to covid in our community. we have higher numbers of covid because we're the ones working at the supermarkets during this crisis, we're the ones pumping the gas during this crisis, we're the ones working at the hotel during this crisis.
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we are literally maintaining the economy of the region, of the city afloat; and now what we're asking for is for you to make that same investment in us so that while we're out there tending all the other shops, we can get the help to tend for our own economic base so that we can collectively continue to contribute long-term. damian: you've mentioned to me on camera prayers are great if you have coronavirus, but get tested, get vaccinated, socially distance, wear a mask. the sooner we all do it together, the sooner we'll get out of it. rolando, thank you so much for your efforts and for opening up your own wallet in this endeavor. rolando thank you, damian. always a pleasure. damian: thank you. let's show you that need one of these grants in east san jose, there is the web address: we'll be back with a documentary by los cenzontles. stay with us.
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for nearly a decade, comcast has been helping students get ready. we've connected 4 million low-income students to low- cost, high-speed xfinity internet. we're working with hundreds of and parents are seeing an impact.
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damian: now we're back here on "comunidad del valle" joined by eugene rodriguez of los cenzontles. eugene, welcome back to the show. eugene rodriguez: [inaudible] much. it's great to be here. damian: thank you for being here. now, you have a-- i saw a clip of your documentary that we're pushing today. tell us who it is that's in it, why it was shot, and the whole premise behind it. eugene: well, my wife, maria astrid, she's a art teacher at our cultural arts academy: los centzontles. and she was taking a trip to yucatan, mexico, to study mayan embroidery as part of a sabbatical, and she decided to invite two of her students, two 15-year-old girls. and when they were going, i said, "well, why don't you record the trip on some video equipment?" like, you--just hand video equipment--inexpensive. and she said fine. and so we trained everybody just kind of on the basics of the mid-shot and the close-up and the wide shot, and
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they came back with just the most wonderful material. and we ended up editing it into kind of a travelogue but also a reflection on tradition and just the experience they had. damian: we do have a-- some clip of that, and we're gonna play about six minutes of that documentary in our last segment. but can you imagine, eugene, what those two young students-- what they are left with not only after making that trip but coming home having documented it? eugene: well, i think what it does for them is really and i think that's really important. a lot of times, young people, they consume a lot of media, but they don't really make media at that level. i mean, of course people do their posts on social media, but this is something much more reflective, much more expansive of what they're seeing. and i think another really important part of that trip
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was that it really reinforced their cultural heritage because here they are visiting these wonderful mayan families in yucatan, all of whom are, like, involved with the creation of art. and when they saw how integrated art-making was in the community, they reflect on art in their own life. and the two girls in particular, for example, isabel and joeceline, they have grandmothers who sew and crochet and all that back in mexico, and i think they really learned to value just how important that kind of activity is throughout the course of a person's life, but also the meaning that it has to the family. damian: did you learn something? i mean, me just-- we're looking at some images right now. i'm learning something just by watching what they did. did you learn something from their trip? eugene: well, i learned that, you know, what's most important is really not, like, having the most expensive equipment or the most-- the intensive planning. i think the most important is--
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thing about storytelling is really capturing a glimpse of authenticity no matter how you get it. you wanna record it well, but what's most important is the story. and i think that's something that resonates, especially in the time of covid, you know, 'cause we're all cooped up and we're trying to stay connected somehow, and we all can stay connected. we just need to have that confidence to tell our story. damian: in every image that we're seeing here, eugene, it's color. i mean, color is everywhere, from the [speaking foreign language] to the dresses, to the decor of the restaurants that they visited. color seems like it plays a big role in the mayan influence. eugene: yeah, and you know-- the day after they returned home from that trip, california shut down for the pandemic. and so my wife--you know, it was quite a shock because in yucatan the families were so generous of inviting these visitors into
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their home and being part of this exchange. so when she got back, the day after, you know, we all had to kind of hunker down. and it's really those colors and the warmth of the hospitality of these folks who invited them in that really kept us motivated and kept us feeling warm from that experience. damian: and--i mean, at the same time the cultural exchange that took place there, you know, the-- i don't know what the mayans and the yucatecos can learn from those two young ladies, but i'm sure that there was a cultural exchange that took place. eugene: well, it's interesting because the-- there was a moment after the first workshop-- they went to a bunch of different pueblos and different homes. and after the first workshop, my wife realized that it was kind of a lecture demo. they would go into a home and the people, the family-- the mayan families would basically demonstrate
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while the participants who are on the tour would watch, "do you think it's okay if we make this more hands-on, that we actually can interact and we can try and we can do that?" and the person who was organizing it said, "sure, let's try that." and, immediately, the dynamic of the entire trip changed, not only for the people who were-- the participants of the trip but the families too. they felt much more fluid, they felt much more-- that it was an exchange, and i think that's really an important part of culture. that it's not just a spectator sport-- you know, we're all part of it. damian: it seemed like they took a cinematographer with them because you mentioned the wide shots, the tight shots, the reaction shots. they're all there. you don't see somebody with a lot of headroom in any of these shots. it looks like it's professionally done. eugene: yes, well, my wife, you know, shot her part on the iphone, and she's been by my side for over 30 years throughout los cenzontles always capturing on, you know, whatever camcorder we have handy.
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so she--she's good at looking, and she's very patient. she doesn't--with steady hands. so, yes. and the girls, they really learned about those, you know, counting 30 seconds. damian: this is all very fascinating, eugene.? eugene: well, if people wanna see the film, there are three versions right now on youtube. and one is in spanish, one is in english, and one is in french. my wife is french vietnamese, so she did a beautiful version in french. and even if you don't understand french, watch it. it sounds beautiful. so you can find that on youtube right now. damian: all right, well, this is just fascinating. again, this is a documentary shot by some students of los cenzontles and eugene's wife. for more information-- let's give you that-- the website for los cenzontles. they're out of the east bay. it's when we come back, we will watch "puntos de vida: threads of
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life" for about six minutes, the beginning of that documentary. so you wanna stay with us. ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ is more important than ever. at covered california, every plan is comprehensive, covering everything from preventive care to mental health. and it's the only place that offers financial help for health insurance. enrollment is open due to covid-19. if you or someone you know isn't covered, now is the time to sign up. covered california. this way to health insurance. enroll now at
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damian: well, we do wanna show you our you can follow me on twitter. my handle is @newsdamian. covered california. this way to health insurance. on instagram, it's @newsdamiantrujillo. also pick up a copy of "el observador" newspaper, and support your bilingual weeklies all across the bay area. we thank you once again for joining us here on "comunidad del valle." remember to wear your mask everywhere you go. we're gonna leave you now with a short clip of that documentary on-- by los cenzontles here out of the east bay, gracias. ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪
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♪♪♪ [speaking foreign language] joeceline: so, yeah, we should restart that. isabel: okay, this is our first day in vallado-- eceline: you have to be like-- isabel: how do you say it? [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language]
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female: try dancing. female: yeah, right. female: try dancing. female: what-- [laughter] [inaudible] female: go try it. [inaudible] female: wait, stop the video. i can't stop the video. female: tell us what it is. female: okay, soascan, tupper,
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4:00 pm
a cup, and two things of gel. [music playing] i'm sara gore and this is "open house." in honor of black history month, we are checking out some of our favorite homes that celebrate color, originality, pattern, and personality, including a historic theater in harlem that's also the home of this neighborhood original. and we are in los angeles for a tour of this stunning jaw-dropper you are not going to want to miss. we're with this design duo was sought to bring a downtown cosmopolitan vibe to their client's westchester estate. plus, we are down south in atlanta at a home that brings glitz and glam to the traditional. but before all of that, we are in harlem to visit this joyous ode to color and pattern. when you walk through my front door,
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it truly is a feast for the eyes.


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