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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 24, 2021 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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good morning. it is saturday, april 24th. we're taking a live look outside over walnut creek, cloudy skies and rain on the way on this final weekend of april. thank you so much for starting it with us. i'm keira clapper. vianey arana joins us with a quick look at your microclimate forecast. vianey, i hate to sound trite, but will april showers bring may
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flowers? >> i mean, the rain's definitely moving in a little late in the game when it comes to, you know, we're in the last weekend of april. so we'll take what we can get at this point. right now, it's about 51 degrees in san jose. you'll notice the cloudy start and into the afternoon, we'll get some peeks of sunshine, but especially around the coastline into the peninsula, not much in the way of sunshine. temperatures remain in the 50s. as far as the rain goes, there is a chance of seeing an isolated shower or two, mainly for those who live in the north bay and around the peninsula for today. however, later into tonight, into the overnight hours and into sunday, that's when we're tracking our best chance of seeing light-to-moderate rain at times and maybe even a chance or two for a thunderstorm activity, depending on how much instability we get in the atmosphere. i'll get into that coming up in a few minutes. >> see you in about 15, "v." after a ten-day pause, the johnson & johnson vaccine is
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back. the cdc and the fda agreeing that its benefits outweigh the very risk of blood clotting. "today in the bay's" ian cole looks at what this means for the bay area supply and explores whether people will be hesitant to get that j&j option. >> reporter: the johnson & johnson single-dose vaccine gets the okay to go back into service. the cdc and fda giving the green light after it was paused for 11 days. >> after a thorough review of all available data, the fda and cdc have concluded that the possibility of the so-called thrombosis syndrome occurring is very low. >> reporter: that concern is blood clots. out of 8 million vaccinations, we've now learned that 15 people developed them, three have died. the doses will now come with a label explaining the possible, but incredibly rare side effects. symptoms to watch out for include unexplained swelling in the leg, tenderness in the calf or thigh, abdominal pain,
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headache, or mental confusion. >> the american public should feel reassured about the safety systems and protocols that we have in place around the covid-19 vaccine. >> i think still the risk/benefit clearly, clearly favors the vaccine over obviously getting infected. >> reporter: stanford infectious disease expert dr. dean winslow says you're much more likely to get blood clots from covid-19 than the one in a million chance with the vaccine. >> as a doctor who's taking care of countless patients with covid-19 infection, i would certainly, without hesitation, receive the j&j vaccine. >> reporter: bay area counties tell us they will follow state guidance and will restart the j&j shots as soon as a committee of doctors approved by western governors finishes its evaluation. >> and when it does, santa clara county, for example, has 20,000 doses on hand. the vaccine's also been used widely at local pharmacies, like cvs, walgreens, and safeway.
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in san jose, ian cole, nbc bay area news. >> we have a look at what this means for bay area counties individually. san francisco says it has 700 doses of the j&j shot ready to go. it's planning on administering those within this coming week, but will wait for the state to give guidance. napa county has 400 doses and is also waiting for the state's guidance. santa clara county has 20,000 doses of the j&j shot, no word on when they might be administered. san mateo and contra costa county counties did not tell us how many doses they have, and they are also waiting for state guidance. now to a promising milestone that's been hit in the south bay's fight against covid-19. santa clara's public health department announced more than 1 million people have received at least one dose. that's more than a third of the county's population. and a surreal night for dub
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nation. fans were back at chase center cheering on the warriors and steph curry was feeding off the energy amidst all of the excitement. there were just a few problems. "today in the bay's" cheryl hurd reports on the strict rules in place and whether you follow the rules. in a couple of cases, it wasn't enough. >> go warriors! >> reporter: warriors fans leaving the chase center were super excited for a team win. >> the warriors won tonight! >> reporter: they were even more excited that they got to see that win in person. >> it was amazing. it was nice to get back to normalcy. >> it was a party atmosphere for the first warriors fans, stepping into the building after covid kept them out for 409 days. tonight was great for business. >> i'm super excited. feels like a party here. >> we are really excited! can't you see all of our excitement! we are oakland representing! we are warriors representing.
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all of this excitement surrounded by a ton of rules. >> health and safety protocols are in place for the close to 2,000 ticket holders allowed in. masks are required. everyone had to show they are fully vaccinated or required to prove negative covid test results taken within 24 hours of tip-off. people came with every intention of following the rules. they had proof they'd been vaccinated. >> we had the shot, but with mine, it's sharpied in. >> mine, they forgot to put the date on. >> reporter: so the two had to take a rapid test to get inside. >> reporter: once inside, they had to sit in pods and exercise social distancing the chase center has in place. no eating in the stands allowed, but that was a small consolation for people ready to see a basketball game in person and get a sense of feeling normal
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again. >> everything seems to be pretty clean. everyone's doing a great job with their masks. >> it doesn't seem very crowded either, so, it's nice. >> reporter: the next home game is tomorrow, 7:00 p.m. against the sacramento kings. about 2,000 fans were there last night. they plan up to their capacity to about 6,000 fans tomorrow. >> the san jose earthquakes will be welcoming fans back to their stands. the crowds will be limited to about 3,500 people or roughly 20% capacity. masks will be required, but no proof of vaccination nor negative covid test is needed to attend the game. kickoff is at 12:30. if you still need help to get your vaccination, we can help. head to our website and click on "how to get a vaccine appointment" in the trending bar at the top. our resources include tips and tricks, including where to look online and the best times to snag your appointment. happening today, if you have
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old or expired prescription drugs, there's an ideal event to keep them out of the wrong hands. today is national prescription drug takeback day. designated sites are set up across the bay area. many are at law enforcement agencies, including the san jose police department. you can go to the drive-through event at the san jose police substation on great oaks parkway. all events from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. it's a national day to allow people to drop off prescription drugs that are no longer needed or are expired. that includes opioids, no questions are asked. now to the san francisco schoolboard. it is being sued over its admissions policy at the elite lowell high school. according to the san francisco chronicle, this stems from the school board's decision to end its merits baed admissions system to get into the school. the lawsuit claims the school board violated the brown act, which is the state's open meeting law. it argues the board did not
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properly lift the resolution and the agenda ahead of its vote nor give equal time to both sides during public comment. it is just shy of 7:09 and we have much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up, another celebrity governor, caitlyn jenner is throwing her hat into the ring. the olympian and reality tv star wants to challenge governor gavin newsom. could she win? political experts weigh in, next.
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welcome back. it is 7:11 on your saturday morning. cloudy skies and rain is expected later this weekend, as we bid farewell to april and hope to get out of this drought. every little bit helps. vianey arana details when the rain will be coming in your microclimate forecast in about five minutes. but first, a big celebrity joining the list of candidates officially hoping to replace governor gavin newsom. caitlyn jenner announced on her website and twitter, she is
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running for governor in the case of recall of governor newsom. the chair of the san francisco republican party tells us jenner knows how to win. we spoke with a democratic transgender elected official who tells us while she supports transgender people stepping into leadership roles, she doesn't think jenner is qualified. >> unfortunately, miss jenner doesn't have any government experience and i simply do not believe that however laudable hosting a television program and being a success at social media qualifies you to lead the largest state in the union. >> so enormous name recognition should be able to fundraise, as her own money to fall back on, if she needs it. >> pointing to the recall election of governor gray davis, who of course was replaced by governor arnold schwarzenegger, political analysts say history shows voters do elect celebrities with no experience. when asked about jenner
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yesterday, governor newsom said, only he is focused on pandemic recovery, not the possible recall. and we do have much more ahead on today, coming up where a search and rescue mission for a submarine may now be a recovery effort. brand-new evidence this morning from indonesia navy who say there may be no survivors. and we're anticipating rain in the forecast, when it's expected to make its move into the bay area. hey, it might already be on its way. details, coming up. which shows will you be getting into tonight? how about all of 'em. netflix. cuz xfinity gets you really into your shows. when someone burns for someone who does not feel the same. oh, daphne. let's switch. from live tv to sports on the go. felix at the finish!
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you can even watch your dvr from anywhere. okay, that's just showing off. you get all of this with x1. so go on, get really into your shows. you need a breath mint. xfinity. it's a way better way to watch.
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welcome back. it is 7:15 on your saturday morning. cloudy skies as the sun tries to break through over san jose. vianey arana has your microclimate forecast in just a moment. but first, brand-new this morning, indonesia navy is announcing they've found wreckage from a missing submarine indicating the vessel with 53 crew members did, in
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fact, sink. indonesian officials now say there is no hope of finding survivors. the vessel vanished wednesday in the bali sea north of bali and south of indonesia. rescuers this morning found several items from the sub, including parts of a torpedo straightener and prayer rugs. back here locally, happening today, a rally and car caravan in the south bay to demand no more kids in cages at the border. the group siren is putting on the event to try to abolish detention centers to receive more information on the actions siren will be a part of, regarding the detention centers in california. we will be communicating through the contact information. the caravan will start at central park in santa clara. will leave at 11:00 a.m. the cars will travel to st. james park in san jose for the rally.
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climate change may be poised to spark a new mass migration into the u.s., that's from one expert who says it's already happening. >> there are a lot of people who are leaving southern arizona and crowding out the real estate and housing markets in northern arizona, where it's much cooler in the mountains. this is my idea of climate gentri gentrification. >> that is tulane professor jesse keenan. he believes nearly 15 million americans may seek new homes within the next few decades. that story is available on nbc logistics. you can go to logistics or find it on 11-15 or 185 on xfinity cable. >> time to check in with vianey for your microclimate forecast. cloudy out there, hoping for some rain, and boy, do we need it. we'll take whatever we can get. hey, "v". >> hey, there and finally, the whole month of april, we pretty much went without any rain. it's nice to see us get some action on satellite radar.
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let's take a look in san jose. 51 degrees. the temperature trend this afternoon will be mostly cloudy and cool for the most part. our stormiest day is expected to be tomorrow, but we could still see the chance of some isolated showers today, especially for the peninsula and up to the north bay. we stay in the 50s for san francisco today. you'll definitely be wanting a jacket. you'll get a little bit of that windchill factor as well, into the afternoon. as far as the 24-hour temperature change, not a huge difference right now, compared to yesterday morning, but the daytime highs tomorrow are going to be running significantly cooler. let's take a look at doppler radar and satellite and see how we're doing when it comes to that rain. see that cloud cover there? that's actually the incoming system, the low pressure system that we're monitoring, heading into the next couple of hours, as this continues to develop. not only is expected to develop, but it's going to be a colder
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system, so we're going to notice a drop in temperatures for our daytime highs. as far as today goes, though, temperatures will be in the upper 50s around the coastline, upper 60s for the interior valleys, san jose, 66, if you look in concord, 65. san francisco, 57, so what about the timing of that rain? well, let's take a look at the hour-by-hour outlook. we get a couple of isolated showers in through the afternoon, but look at the time bar at the right-hand side. 11:30 p.m., we start to notice more widespread rain from north to south, into the overnight hours tonight and into sunday. however, notice the orange and highlighted areas up to the north bay around 7:00 a.m. tomorrow. those are heavier pockets of rain. and depending on how quickly this storm system moves through, because it is a colder system, there's instability in the atmosphere that could also mean a chance of some isolated thunderstorms and maybe even hail developing out of this initial system. so by 3:00, we'll also be getting rain down through the
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south bay, san jose, los gatos, morgan hill for tomorrow. in the long range outlook right now, we get this almost sm that brings us rain into the overnight hours. we dry out again into a bit of a dry weather pattern, but we also warm out, and we've got the shower chance again today. temperatures in the upper 50s. and look at what happens by monday. the rain clears out, we get the sunshine returning, but look at the noticeable increase in temperatures. so we'll go from 60 today to 50s tomorrow and then 80s by next weekend. all right, it's time for our climate in crisis coverage to continue. and today's climate hack involves makeup. so, take a look at this. part of my makeup routine often includes mascara. but as much as i love what the ingredients do to my lashes, is this plastic packaging hurting
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our planet. unfortunately, as fabulous as that packaging might look, most mascara tubes can't be recycled. not only that, but the resources used to make them can be harmful to our planet. a lot of times we overlook how bad beauty packaging is for the environment, because of the way it is presented. according to zero waste week, an annual awareness campaign, the academics industry produces more than 120 billion units of packaging every year worldwide. >> hey, vianey. time for your climate hack. >> when it comes to planet-friendly mascara, a lot of it is in the packaging. i found this brand that is vegan and cruelty free and it's sustainable down to the packaging and the ingredients. i also found mascara that comes in a small tin tube like this one, at the store zero in san jose. it's also eco-friendly and all you have to do is gather some of the product on the wand and apply it directly to your lashes. you're avoiding the plastic packaging altogether, down to
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the natural ingredients, all much more eco-friendly. here's how this helps. switching to brands that use nor thoughtful packaging can save trees. zero waste week says the cosmetics industry contributes to the loss of 18 million acres of forest every year. so, switching out those containers can really help in the long run. for more climate hacks and climate change info, follow me@nbcvianeyarana and check out >> i love beauty products, so i really hope that new big-name brands and companies take notice of how they can make compostable and eco-friendly packaging still look equally beautiful, but better for the planet. >> that biodegradable packaging is a great option, as well. vianey, always with the great climate hacks. thanks, girl. we'll be right back after this. hope you stick with us.
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we continue our climate in crisis coverage. it's widely known that cows create an abundance of greenhouse gas emissions, and now researchers are reporting changing cow's diets could cut down on methane. "today in the bay's" marianne favro reports on their findings. >> cows are constantly chewing. problem is, as they break down what they eat, they also belch out a lot of methane. >> methane is what's called that greenhouse gas. and what greenhouse gases do is they trap heat from the environment. which then eventually becomes the warming of the climate. >> reporter: but at uc davis, researchers found feeding dairy cows small portions of seaweed drastically reduced how much methane they produced. >> in our dairy study, we found up to a 67% production in methane. >> reporter: and that's not all. these cattle are bred for beef. and when researchers fed them the seaweed diet, the results were even more impressive.
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they saw an 82% reduction in methane. the uc davis scientists used this special machine several times a day to measure the methane in the cow's breath. the theory is that the seaweed inhibits an enzyme in the cow's digestive system so it produces less methane. but will the seaweed diet impact the taste of milk, cheese, and beef? while researchers did not test the flavor of milk and cheese from the dairy cows, they did conduct a taste test comparing steak from seaweed-fed steers to traditional steak. >> we had 112 people tasting the beef and they could not see -- they could not detect any difference in taste. >> reporter: uc davis animal science professor who conducted the seaweed study says the cows received just 3 ounces a day and it appears to be a low-cost solution to get up to an 82%
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reduction in methane. >> this has a huge implication for the dairy industry, because the state has a mandate to reduce emissions by 40% in the next eight years. >> while more research needs to be done, the seaweed diet may be the first step in reducing greenhouse gases in agriculture and creating a more sustainable burger. at uc davis, marianne favro, nbc bay area news. at 7:27, we have much more ahead for you on "today in the bay." coming up dub nation welcoming back fans to chase center last night. even more fans will be welcomed to tomorrow's game. what you need to know before you go.
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this guy here is busy working on our state's recovery. you see he lives in california and by vacationing in california he's supporting our businesses and communities. which means every fruity skewer is like another sweet nail in the rebuilding of our economy. hammer away craftsman. calling all californians. keep your vacation here and help our state get back to work. and please travel responsibly.
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good morning, it's april 24th. cloudy skies as we look towards san bruno mountain. a gloomy start to the final
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weekend of april. and we hope that april showers do bring may flowers. thank you so much for starting your morning with us. i'm keira clapper. vianey arana joins us with a peek at your microclimate forecast. and things do sound promising. >> they really do. it's nice to see rain finally in the forecast. it's about 52 degrees right now. it's cloudy and the temperatures are going to remain fairly cool through the afternoon. but we also have our satellite radar that is monitoring that rain as it makes its move. let's take a look at how that's faring. doppler, you can see the cloud cover there approaching. that's that system. and if you live in the north bay and around the peninsula, you might get some rain today, as early as today, some isolated showers. we have storm ranger up and scanning. a couple of showers passing up through the santa rosa area. we're going to get the later rain, though. that's expected to move in later tonight, overnight, into tomorrow. sunday is going to be our stormy
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day. we'll talk more about that in a few minutes. keira? >> vianey, we'll see you soon. thanks so much. after a week and a half delay, the johnson & johnson vaccine is back. the cbd and fda have agreed that the benefits outweigh the very rare risk of blood clotting. "today in the bay's" ian cole looks at what this means for our bay area vaccine supply and explores whether people will be heads accountant to get this j&j option. >> the johnson & johnson single-dose vaccine gets the okay to go back in to service. the cdc and fda giving the green light after it was paused for 11 days. >> after a thorough review of all available data, the fda and cdc have concluded that the possibility of the syndrome occurring is very low. >> reporter: that concern is blood clots. out of 8 million vaccinations, we've now learned that 15 people developed them. three have died.
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the doses will now come with a label explaining the possible but incredibly rare side effect. symptoms to watch out for include unexplained swelling in the leg, tenderness in the calf or thigh, abdominal pain, headache, or mental confusion. >> the american public should feel reassured about the safety systems and protocols that we have in place around the covid-19 vaccine. >> i think, still, the risk/benefit clearly, clearly favors the vaccine over obviously getting infected. >> reporter: stanford infectious disease expert dr. dean winslow says you're much more likely to get blood clots from covid-19 than the one in a million chance with the vaccine. >> as a doctor, you know, who's taking care of countless patients with covid-19 infections, i would certainly without hesitation receive the j&j vaccine. >> reporter: bay area counties tell us they will follow state guidance and will restart the j&j shots as soon as a committee of doctors approved by western
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governors finishes its evaluation. and when it does, santa clara county, for example, has 20,000 doses on hand. the vaccine's also been used widely at local pharmacies, like cvs, walgreens, and safeway. in san jose, ian cole, nbc bay area news. now for a look at what this means for bay area counties individually. san francisco says it has 700 doses of the j&j shot ready to go. it's planning on administering those doses next week, but is waiting for state guidance. napa county has 400 doses and is also waiting for state guidance. santa clara county has 20,000 doses of j&j ready to go. no word on when those might be administered. san mateo and contra costa counties have not told us how many doses they have. they, too, await state guidance. now to a promising milestone in the south bay in the fight against covid-19. santa clara county's public health department announced more than 1 million people have
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received at least one dose. that's more than a third of the county's population. >> that was less than 2,000 fans making some major noise for dub nation back at chase center last night, cheering on the warriors. steph curry, if you saw, was feeding off that energy. amidst all the excitement, there were a few problems. "today in the bay's" cheryl hurd reports. >> go, warriors! >> reporter: warriors fans leaving the chase center were super excited for a team win. >> the warriors won tonight! >> reporter: they were even more excited that they got to see that win in person. >> oh, great, it's the first game back. >> it was amazing. nice to get back to normalcy. >> reporter: it was a party atmosphere for the first warriors' fans, stepping into the building after covid kept them out for 409 days. tonight was great for business. >> oh, i'm super excited.
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feels like a party here. >> we are ready excited. can't you see all of our excitement! we are oakland representing! we are warriors representing. >> reporter: all of this excitement surrounded by a ton of rules. >> have your i.d.s and vaccination cards out. >> reporter: health and safety protocols are in place for the close to 2,000 ticket holders allowed in. >> reporter: masks required. everyone had to show they were fully vaccinated or required to prove negative covid test results taken within 24 hours of tip-off. people came with every intention of following the rules. bryce and zach had proof they'd been vaccinated. >> we had the shot, but the only problem with me, it's like sharpied in, so it looks a little bit different. >> they forgot to put the date on mine. i took it a month ago and there's no bay to clarify that. >> so the two had to taken a rapid test to get inside. once inside, they had to sit in
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pods and exercise social distancing the chase center has in place. no eating in the stands allowed, but that was a small consolation for people ready to see a basketball game in person and get a sense of feeling normal again. >> everything here seems to be pretty clear. everyone's doing a good job with their masks. i think we're good. >> it doesn't seem very crowded either, so, it's nice. >> that was cheryl hurd reporting. capacity will ramp up to 6,000 fans for tomorrow night's game. tip-off is at 7:00 p.m. against the sacramento kings. also, happening today, the san jose earthquakes will be welcoming their fans back to the stands. it's their home opener at paypal stadium against fc dallas. the crowd will be limited to about 3,500 people. that's 20% capacity. masks are required, but no proof of vaccination nor a negative covid test are needed to attend the game. kickoff starts at 12:30. if you still are looking for a vaccination appointment, we can help. go to our website,
7:37 am, and click on how to get a vaccine appointment. it's up at the trending bar at the top. our resources include tips and tricks, where to look online, and the best time to snag an appointment. happening today, if you have old or expired prescription drugs, there's an ideal event this weekend to help keep them out of the wrong hands. today is national prescription drug takeback day. designated sites are set up across the bay area. many are at law enforcement agencies, just like the san jose police department. they actually have a drive-through event at the substation on great oaks parkway. all events are 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. they allow people to drop off their prescription drugs that are no longer needed, that might be expired. that does include opioids, no questions are asked. new this morning, we have a live look for you in santa clara. this is a line of folks, many, as you can see by the tents who
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camped out overnight, hoping to get a chance to buy one of 18 homes in a new development. this is nuevo off summer homes. an ideal location. the reason these people are camped out is it's essentially first-come, first-served. the homes have set prices, so as to avoid bidding wars. the townhomes are move-in ready. they range in price from $1.2 million to just over $2 million. we'll probably have more on that tonight on nbc bay area news at 5:00. a road trip down the big sur coast is a possibility once again now that a portion of highway 1 is reopened. you'll remember, we told you in january, a chunk of road fell into the pacific after a mud slide just south of big sur. reconstruction and cleanup wasn't expected to finish in june, but yesterday, it was open
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once again. look at that! this is where it crosses rat creek. it's now fully reinforced, topped with new pavement. crews wrapped up two months early. governor gavin newsom made the trip to formally open the new stretch of road. at 7:39, still to come on "today in the bay," governor newsom may be on the verge of an environmental overhaul. next, the new oil ban he's proposing that activists have been pushing for for years. and why his opposition is ready to battle it out in court. you're watching "today in the bay."
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deposit, plan and pay with easy tools from chase. simplicity feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. 7:41 on your saturday morning as we welcome you back with this live look outside. cloudy skies over the golden gate bridge. a little bit of wind out there, as well. vianey arana will detail your microclimate forecast, including rain on the way in just a few minutes. but first, a major announcement that will accelerate the end of fracking in california. governor gavin newsom wants to
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stop the controversial practice by the end of 2024. his order calls for a ban on all oil production in california by 2045. within minutes of the governor's announcement yesterday, the western state's petroleum association fired back saying they should have been part of the larger discussions on deciding the future of fracking. >> what we're looking at here is a ban of nearly 20%. that's going to hurt workers, families, communities in california. and in turn, our independence over to foreign services. >> the oil industry says it's planning to take their fight to court. >> and coming up, vianey has a full look at your forecast and when the rain will hit your neighborhood.
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good morning. we've got rain in our forecast. this is good news, friends. and i'm going to tell you why in
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just a bit. we'll take a look at that drought monitor. but first, i want to start you out with a live look over san francisco. and it is cloudy out there and this is what we're expecting to see, at least for the majority of the day. it's going to be cool and comfortable. you'll still be able to do some outdoor activities today without having to worry about the rain for the most part. and i also want to show you this beautiful shot of south lake tahoe, because we're also expecting the possibility of getting some snow up in the sierra. so, a lot to get through this morning, in terms of the forecast. let's get right to your doppler radar and satellite. notice that over the bay area right now, things are still calm, but you can see that cloud cover that's approaching from the pacific, that's actually that next storm that's moving in, especially later tonight. we've also got our storm ranger mobile doppler radar up and scanning. and it's going to be pretty busy tomorrow. happy to have that. we're the only ones in the bay area that have it. once that rain fully moves in, we can get down to surface level and capture the timing of the rain as it pushes through.
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as far as rain goes, a chance of seeing a couple of isolated showers up through the north bay and in the peninsula. temperatures will remain in the upper 50s for the coastline, upper 60s for the interior valleys. but for tomorrow, we'll cool off significantly and only top off in the upper 50s, even for the interior valleys, because this is a colder storm. let's take a look at the hour-by-hour outlook so we can monitor what's happening in the forecast. we're going to get a better chance of seeing more widespread rain later tonight into the overnight hours and then i'm going to push the timeline forward. note the time bar on the right-hand side, it says sunday, 7:00 a.m. if you live in the north bay, you'll be the first to get some of those heavier pockets of rain. enough anything in your patio that can get ruined or can potentially fly away, this would be a good time to clear out those gutters, as well, and your storm drains and all of that to get ahead of the game before that heavier rain moves in on sunday. so why do we need the rain? why is it so important? i know it's the weekend and people enjoy the sunshine. but take a look at what the
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latest drought monitor revealed in the state of california. 96% of california is under some form of drought and 5% of california is under an exceptional drought. so we're really not doing well when it comes to rainfall totals. we're in a serious deficit. up through the north bay, we're about 20 inches behind of what we're supposed to be. futurecast, our stormiest day is expected to be tomorrow. and this will bring the chance of isolated heavy rain, wind gusts of 15 to 20 miles per hour, small hail and even a thunderstorm chance heading into sunday. notice the blue on the right-hand side. that's sierra snow. so tomorrow, expect to be under a microclimate weather alert. temperatures will remain in the 50s for san francisco and then we're going to jump into the 80s by next weekend. keira? >> wow, that forecast has a little bit of something for everyone. we really can't complain. thanks, carol. it is 7:47. still ahead on "today in the bay," nbc bay area responds. >> good morning, keira. more ac, because there are fewer
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companies. what's the price for you and the planet? i'm consumer investigator chris chmura. we have some answers, next. more public school students in san francisco finally returning to the classroom. what the district is doing to try to keep everyone safe. and what shark fans expect when they return to the sap center.
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7:50 on your saturday morning, as we look at cloudy skies over san jose. vianey arana says rain is on the way, likely tomorrow. so today is the day to prepare for it, get out and enjoy this cool weather while you can. 80s possibly expected by friday. in celebration of earth day
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all this week, we've been examining our impact on our planet. and this morning, we're looking at what air-conditioning does to our climate. let's turn to consumer investigator chris chmura. chris, not only what it does to our climate, but it's also so expensive. >> keira, good morning. it is expensive to buy and run. we posed a question. is the planet paying a hefty price, too? are we heating by cooling? >> it's still 100 degrees. >> reporter: uncomfortable. >> so we're not just talking about 101, 102. >> unbearable. >> whoo! almost 110. >> reporter: and unlike the past. >> temperatures could peak at 111 degrees. >> reporter: if you feel your summers are hotter than when you were a kid, dr. zeke hausfather says you're probably right. these the director of climate and energy in oakland. let's look at berkeley. hausfather said in the '70s, the temperature only topped 85 degrees five days a year.
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today, it's hotter than 85 an average of 15 days a year. the rest of the bay area is pretty much in the same sweaty boat as berkeley. >> what used to be a very comfortable year-round temperature, we're increasingly moving into a climate where we have a couple of weeks a year where it is unbearably hot, to be at home without air-conditioning. >> reporter: homeowners have responded. some local ac installers tell us sales are trending upward, particularly in neighborhoods where people previously didn't need air-conditioning. even in redwood city, where the famous old marquis boasts climate best, permits to install new ac systems are generally climbing and hit a high in 2019. they did drop when the pandemic hit, but ac sales are expected to rebound after covid-19 moves into the background. even dr. hausfather, who lives in the east bay, is looking to add a unit to his home. >> we're investigating in getting a heat pump for our home, because last summer was so brutal. >> reporter: the starting price tag is in the thousands.
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does the planet pay a price, too? well, yes. hausfather told us ac accounts for about 20% of electric use in homes that have it. in places where coal or natural gas used to make power, dr. zeke says more acs likely contribute to heating the planet. but in california, with so much solar power, the equation is different. >> when people get air-conditioning in california, a lot of the electricity being used to power that air-conditioning is going to be coming from solar panels, just because you tend to need air-conditioning when you have a lot of solar energy available. so that will help reduce the impact of more acs. >> if you decide to buy an ac, learn about seer when you're shopping, that's an acronym for seasonal energy efficiency ratio. each ac gets a seer number. the higher the seer, the less power it needs. caleb cameron is at the contractors state license board. he says beware of ac contractor who is demand a lot of money up-front. the law caps your down payment to 10% of cost of the job or
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$1,000, whichever is less. also, get your contract in writing, including a three-day right to cancel, which state law requires. >> if a contractor refuses to put a contract agreement into writing, that should be cause for concern. >> once you get your ac installed, use your thermostat wisely. most are programmable and a routine can save you money. finally, if you don't want to buy an ac, pg&e has some basic advice to keep your home cool when it's warm. use fans, ceiling, box, oscillating, whatever, to get the air moving. you can also reduce incoming sunlight with curtains or blinds. and if possible, try to cook outside. it's a good excuse for a barbecue. we posted more advice to save energy and keep cool on our website, go to, then click the "responds" option from the main menu. keira, back to you. >> chris, thanks. always with the best advice. we have more news after the break. we hope you stick with us. more love,... more adventure,... more community. but with my hiv treatment,...
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the four-person crew, the space-x dragon capsule successfully docked with the international space station around 2:00 this morning. it's the first time elon musk's company used a previously flown rocket booster and spacecraft for a mission. four astronauts including two americans will now spend six months on the iss conducting experiments and maintenance. back here on earth, a giants fan brought an unusual guest to a game. her therapy bunny. this is alex the rabbit at thursday night's game. we caught up with them at crane copark in the city. alex is four months old, potty trained, a big hit all around. the owners say they hope to bring him to another giants game this season, maybe even a warriors game. and time now for our clear the shelters segment featuring our friends from pets in need. meet paisley. she's about 7 years old. pets in need says she showed signs that she was used for breeding. when she came to them about a
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month ago, she was emaciated, covered in scars. she had broken teeth. in just the last month, they have repaired her teeth and paisley has gained 15 pounds. they say her confidence is restored. the girl obviously has had a rough life before she came to pets in need, so they want her to go to a good home. they say she's sweet, she's gentle, she loves to cuddle on the couch, but her most favorite thing to do is to go on walks. they really want to see her go to a home with a family who will treat her with all the love she deserves. find out more about paisley by going to or by giving them a call. what a sweetheart. we hope for all the best for paisley. >> oh! >> thank you so much for making -- >> i hope she goes to a loving home. >> i was waiting to see, i think behind your left shoulder, your little rescue pup is there. >> there he is! >> always lounging away, binks has the life.
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thank you so much for allowing us to be a part of your morning. we'll have more news for you today at 5:00, 6:00, and 11:00 and all day on we hope to see you right back here tomorrow morning. have a great saturday.
8:00 am
. narrator: when you see this symbol, you know you're watching television that is educational and informational. the more you know on nbc. dylan: hi there. i'm dylan dreyer, and this is "earth odyssey". today, we'll journey around the world to find our favorite furs in the animal kingdom. some fur can be used for warmth, others for camouflage, and some are just having some fashionable fun, like the asiatic black bear and the out-of-this-world design on its chest. and later, this singing gibbon has the key to a practical and beautiful furry outfit. plus, this mammal has adapted to living in one of japan's coldest regions and has the coat that is the envy of all the other


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