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tv   Comunidad del Valle  NBC  May 9, 2021 9:30am-10:00am PDT

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damian trujillo: hello and welcome to, "comunidad del valle." i'm damian trujillo and today, they're back, the mexican american vintners association, or mava, on your, "comunidad del valle." ♪♪♪ damian: and we begin today with your health. martha zambrano is with momentum for health. she's with us here on, "comunidad del valle." martha, welcome to the show. martha zambrano: thank you, damian. damian: thank you for being here. tell us about momentum for health. and adult behavioral soomentum for health is one of the largestnh health services in santa clara county.
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damian: and what kind of services are we talking here? it runs the gamut? martha: yeah, so basically, behavioral health services, counseling, psychiatry, we have substance abuse services, we have housing support, so you name it, we have it. damian: okay, well, we do have tons of video, as you might imagine, of covid vaccines. talk about your efforts now. i'm sure that at some point there's a switching of gears or a tweaking of the strategies there when it comes to the pandemic. martha: yeah, so basically we have definitely accommodated and followed all of the guidelines to make sure that, you know, clients that are coming in to services feel safe. we did not interrupt their services at all we were just working really hard to make sure everybody was following the cdc guidelines and soci and we're very proud of the fact that we continued to provide
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in-person services throughout and were there for people during this time. damian: what is the service that you think stands out the most, the one that you're mostly known for at momentum? martha: so i am actually the program manager of two of our services that are free of charge for residents of santa clara county: the community clinic and our covid support program. the community clinic has been around for about maybe 12 years now and it provides free counseling and free psychiatric evaluations for residents of santa clara county who are uninsured and underinsured, and this year we have our covid support program that provides free telehealth counseling for people that have been impacted by the pandemic, residents of santa clara county as well, and all it takes is really to call us and reach out for services and we're there to help and we're really proud of these two programs that are free of cost to any resident
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of santa clara county who is uninsured or underinsured. damian: you know, i mean, i would imagine that the mental health aspect has increased dramatically because, again, because of everything that's been going on. i know that, you know, a lot of us are cooped up here in our homes. i mean, i'm doing my show virtually here from home. so we spend a lot of time here and mentally, you know, it just--it seems surreal. so i would imagine that the mental health is what you're geared up for and it's a-- you get a lot of calls for that. martha: yes, definitely, and we have seen an increase in, you know, demand for services as you can imagine, as you mentioned. people really struggling, a lot of stress, you know, people that lost their jobs and that are behind in rent and also isolation and grief and definitely a lot of depression. people still lingering with covid symptoms, you know, like, after having contracted covid, so we definitely have seen an increase in demand for services
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and we wanna make people aware that we are-- we're there for people who need the support. damian: and so it's fascinating that even throughout the pandemic, i mean, you, like many agencies, have found a way to remain open. have there be--did there have to be a recalibration of the strategy in how do we reach out? how do we convince people to keep coming in or how do we convince people to virtually, you know, make their appointments because, i mean, the need is there, just the way you provide the services has probably had to-- you had to kind of gear up a little more for that. martha: yeah, well, you know, telehealth has been, you know, a blessing, really, because it has allowed people, even like, we're located in palo alto, even from, like, san josé or morgan hill, or gilroy, to really not have to come in to the clinic for services because we do offer telehealth services so that is over the phone sessions or over zoom,
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which has really made it more accessible for people to see us, right? 'cause they don't have to come in. we have been offering in-person services for those that wanna come in. there were some people that felt more comfortable or may be coming in to see us was the only time that they had for themselves but definitely those that were afraid or were, we were able to offer virtual sessions for them and that's been working really great. damian: all right, well, let's say--give viewers that information for momentum for health providing services all across the bay area. there is the web address. it's la selva community clinic. they also provide covid care, mental health, and whatnot. momentum for health at la selva-- any final thoughts, martha, before we let you go? martha: you know, during this time, it's important for all of us to lean on each other, right? and provide the support, making people aware that if you need
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support, we're here for you so just to not be afraid to give us a call and, you know, just reach out, you know, and we're bilingual, spanish-speaking, so we can, you know, work with the spanish community as well. damian: all right. martha, thank you so much from momentum health. thank you for being here. martha: thank you. damian: thank you. coming up next on, "comunidad del valle" we have another special message about covid vaccinations. we've gotta keep at it. stay with us. the sleep number 360 smart bed on sale now! it's the most comfortable, dually-adjustable, foot-warming, temperature-balancing... proven quality night sleep we've ever made. save up to $1,200 on select sleep number 360 smart beds and adjustable bases. plus 0% interest for 48 months. ends monday
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damian: as we have been reporting on nbc bay area, that two out of three latinos in santa clara county and, in fact, in the entire state, have not even received the very first vaccine. now why is that? we have a special messenger from los tigres del norte. it is in spanish but i think the message speaks for itself. we've gotta get more people vaccinated. two out of three is such a high number. we started our question with that, the reaction to the fact that two out of three latinos do not wanna get vaccinated.
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jorge hernandez: [speaking foreign language]
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luis hernandez: [speaking foreign language]
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damian: [speaking foreign language] hernan hernandez: [speaking foreign language]
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damian: [speaking foreign language] hernan: [speaking foreign language]
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oscar lara: [speaking foreign language]
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damian: [speaking foreign language] oscar: [speaking foreign language] damian: [speaking foreign language] damian: and the message was in spanish but i think that says a lot in very many different languages. so plan your vaccine. there's a nice website by nbc universal. it's called you can schedule that no matter where you live across the country. pass it on to your comadres, your tias all over the united states. make sure that they get vaccinated so that we can go back to some form of normalcy, so that our kids can go back to school comfortably, and so that we can attend some of these concerts in person and maybe some of the wine tasting,
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more of that in person. and speaking of wine, we'll have some of them, sabor del valle and mava, the mexican american vintners association, up next here on your "comunidad del valle." stay with us.
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majestic mountains... scenic coastal highways... fertile farmlands... there's lots to love about california. so put off those chores and use less energy from 4 to 9 pm when less clean energy is available. because that's power down time. oh, you think this is just a community center? no. it's way more than that. cause when you hook our community up with the internet... boom! look at ariana, crushing virtual class. jamol, chasing that college dream. michael, doing something crazy. this is the place where we can show the world what we can do. comcast is partnering with 1000 community centers to create wifi-enabled lift zones, so students from low-income families can get the tools they need to be ready for anything. oh we're ready. ♪ ♪
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r del valle is back in a virtual sense. here to explain everything about it is ray singh castañeda who is the founder and president of sabor del valle. ray, welcome back to the show on a virtual sense. ray singh castañeda: thank you, damian. glad to be back. damian: yeah, thank you for being here. you have a lot of things going on. there's a virtual live auction and then there's also some virtual wine tasting. run us through what's happening. ray: yes, this year, as most of you know, we're not having our event. it would have been our 12th. we're having it-- with god's help, we'll have it next year at castillo's winery in morgan hill, july 16. but what we are having this year is a virtual live auction
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on june 10 and that is for our beneficiaries, one in morgan hill, one in gilroy, one in east san josé, and others. we have been helping with getting people tested, vaccinated, food for the campesinos, like a famous, like i was telling damian earlier, like a famous--the most famous comedian was cantinflas and his favorite word would be, "get vaccinated, chatos." but anyhow, on the 10th, we are having probably 12 items and a week in mazatlan, a week in puerto rico. we have tres vinos in napa. it'll be on grandma ranch. that'll be gustavo, encanto and--on grandma. and then we're having dayomo and we're not sure, it'll be at [speaking foreign language] ranch.
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has a 360--he'll explain it more a little bit later-- 360 view there. and that'll be for eight people. all of these are auction items. and i spoke to amelia ceja, everybody knows her. she's giving us a tasting for six. it'll be a special one. it'll be at casa ceja and they don't do tastings there anymore. we've got tequila tasting at the campro club. some of you are familiar with the campro club. we hope to raise funds because there's a great need out there and i thank damian for allowing sabor del valle to be part of this and getting the word out. if you gd i think the biddine to be part of this and getting the for a couple of days. i think it has one hour but i'm gonna talk to them. might extend it for a couple of days. get everybody to get a group together and start bidding on these.
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there's--you'll see a great list there and, again, i thank you and, the sooner we do, the faster we can turn-- go back to some normalcy, like damian said. thank you very much, damian. damian: no, thank you, ray. and so on the june 10, the live auction, they'll be able to bid on all these items you mentioned at the [speaking foreign language] the wine tasting at anencia, the wine tasting at, [speaking foreign language] ray: yeah, there'll all be a list there and you just start bidding. the one with amelia, that's special because i think she'll be there to give us a tour and it's at casa ceja. as you know, amelia been voted woman of the year twice in california and also the castillo's in morgan hill and appetizers will be served by chatos in morgan hill now. so that's another great one and other things: straw hat grill
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in milpitas for 14 people, pizzas, whatever you want. for sunday night football or sunday afternoon or monday night or sunday night, whatever you want. that's another one. there's gonna be a list there. again, all these proceeds will be going to-- our beneficiaries are gilroy rotacare. it's for uninsured individuals in gilroy and also for edward boss prado foundation in morgan hill. cecelia ponzini is an amazing person. the things that they do there in morgan hill are amazing. and east valley family ymca, another great organization. and then we give for the campesinos and we do other things with 'em. we do other things.
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damian: yeah, i know. i know the efforts by sabor del valle is year round. ray, thank you so much for continuing this tradition. boy, what a way to raise funds for those who need it and also to taste some delicious wines at the same time. let's show you that information again. so it's a live auction, it's happening on june 10. you can go to for more information. we showed you that earlier. you know, one of those auction items is at herencia, mi sueño, and maldonado wines tasting, if you will. just a fabulous event. that's by sabor del valle on june 10. up next here on, "comunidad del valle," the president of mava, the mexican american vintners association, guillermo herrera, with herencia del valle. stay with us. ray: thanks, brother.
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with the president of mava, the mexican american vintners association, also the founder of herencia del valle wines in the napa valley. with us is guillermo.
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guillermo, welcome to the show. good tothanks, damian.illermo h: of a bunch of mexican american guillermo: yeah, you know, mava is something special.icn vintners that came together. it really was formed in 2010 on a trip to mexico, invited by the governor to participate in a michoacán state fair tasting where the vintners basically created a bond. they really were able to get to know each other, talk about the same struggles and successes. and that's where they all decided that they wanted to start an organization and that's, i think, where the idea started. they eventually founded and started the mexican american vintners association, of which it currently has roughly about 18 members that are part of the association,
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and it's a great organization that advocates for, you know, but also gives back to the community and helps in ways that hopefully make a positive impact. damian: and who better to grow grapes and produce wines than our gente, right, people who actually work the soil, work the land, and harvested these grapes with their own hands. people like yourself, people like mi sueño and maldonado who've been there [speaking foreign language] been there and done that. now, heading this production of very fine wine. guillermo: i would agree with you. i think who better than to start having some of this success. you know, when we, me and my wife, started herencia del valle, we really didn't know that there was a group of mexican american vintners out there. we knew of the, you know, the hallmark wineries, the cejas, you know, obviously, are been around for a while, very successful and a great family.
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and you have the robleros but, you know, i never heard of the honramas, i never heard of the scalones, and when i first found out that there was an association out there that was basically coming together to try i got t of motivation and i got happy that there were other people out there that could potentially, you know, lend a hand and point me in the right direction 'cause this business is difficult and when we have the ability to be able to lean on big brother and big sister for advice, i think it's a beautiful thing. and that's what mava is. mava is just a big group of people, some been in the game a little longer than others and we all come together and try to help each other out. and at the end of the day, i think what the mission is, is to create high-quality wines to compete in the market and show folks that us, the mexican american folks that have been working this industry for many, many years,
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we have the ability and we're proving it, that we also make high quality wine. damian: yeah, i mean, when you go to a restaurant or an establishment and you ask for herencia or some of these other mava wines, they're not gonna reach over and grab it, they're gonna grab the ladder and go to the top shelf and grab it 'cause that's where it belongs. guillermo: yeah, you know, we're--most of the organization is comprised of small vintners. you're not gonna see a lot of our products out there on the shelves at some of your local grocery outlets. we're geared towards more high-end, high-quality cult wine-style production where we're making small quantities, small batches, but at a very high level of quality. most of the vintners you'll be able to get their product directly from their website. damian: all right, and how-- give us your sales pitch for herencia del valle. guillermo: well, herencia del valle is--
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says it all in the name. herencia means heritage, from the valley. we give tribute to the mexican american workers before us, the ones that taught us the way. we, our family felt it very appropriate to name it herencia because, you know, we would not be where we are if it wasn't for our forefathers and the folks that pave before us to pave the way. so, yeah, i invite your listeners to visit and, you know, buy a bottle or two. damian: absolutely.vineyar wente vineyards, the riva ranch, and just--he just never had that vision of doing what you all did and so you all are an inspiration over in the napa valley in sonoma county. any final thoughts, guillermo, before we let you go? guillermo: well, you know, i'd like to put that word out that if there's folks, you know, your followers or your listeners, your watchers,
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that ever have aspired to be in the wine industry or are thinking about being in the wine industry, give us a call, you know, we'd love for our association to continue to grow. we'd like to incorporate more young entrepreneurs out there that want to embark on this beautiful business that we call the wine business. damian: that's awesome. orgullo mexicano. thank you so much, guillermo herrera, president of mava and also herencia del valle wines in napa valley. thank you so much. guillermo: thank you. damian: all right, we do have some information that we wanna show you on the screen. it is for sabor del valle, their virtual auction on june 10. you you can also google mava and they will be there. we thank you so much for sharing a part of your sunday with us here on "comunidad del valle." pick up a copy of, "el observador" and support your bilingual weeklies all across the bay area. thank you for watching. we'll see you once again here next week. buenos dias. ♪♪♪
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the extinction crisis." dagmar midcap: hi, and welcome to "down to earth: the extinction crisis." i'm dagmar midcap and this is kenya. ♪♪♪ dagmar: kenya, a country renowned for its remarkable diversity of landscapes, cultures, and animals with nearly 25,000 different wildlife species making their home in kenya. it is a land of astounding beauty and serenity but it is also at the center of the fight to keep species from extinction.


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