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tv   Meet the Press  NBC  July 4, 2021 8:00am-8:58am PDT

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n side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. so much goes into who i am. hiv medicine is one part of it. ask your doctor about dovato-i did. ♪♪ and challenge. >> the jump in cases in a deadly mystery violence. >> nearly a year and a half after the pandemic hit. >> looks like a war zone. >> with a president yes fusing to fashion the crisis. >> one person from china we have it under control. >> it's going to disappear one day it's like a miracle. it will disappear. >> most of the country turning into a coast to coast er. >> i've treated over a thousand patients myself. >> i couldn't get through the next day of work without breaking down. >> live saving vaccines developed in record time came to
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the rescue. >> the fda authorized the pfizer biontech covid-19 vaccine. >> now, as cases and deaths plunge and the cases r amazing s first time. >> millions refusing to get vaccinated. >> i made it this far withouit i don't get vaccinated. >> i don't trust it. i'm sorry, but i just don't. >> a new variant hitting the u.s. >> we're seeing this delta variant double evevery two week >> and causing lockdowns around the world. this morning we look at our comeback from covid, how it's changed how we live, how we work and how we go to school, and at the challenges still ahead i'll talk to dr. fauci and to a leader in the effort to vaccinate the world. welcome to sunday and a special edition of "meet the press." innocence from nbc news in washington, the longest tion of
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the press" with chuck tood. >> good sunday morning and ever. just as we now read about the gread about the covid-19 pandemic. what will they take away from that history lesson? without question, things have improved, with the number of cases dropping dramatically since january. still, for the month of jover 6,000 americans have died including over 9,000 in the month of june ops. more than in world war ii, world war i and vietnam combined at one point the u.s. was doing so badly that though we have only 4% of the world's population, we accounted for nearly 20% of the world's deaths since then, we have gone from being the leader example among industrialized countries of how not to handle a pandemic to a nation tentatively declaring its independence from the virus as
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the country faces renewed lockdowns. this morning we'll look back to where we've been and we'll look forward to variant and vaccine hesitancy pose a threat to our own recovery here we'll be asking what could we havee better what have we learned why two some people get perilously ill while others remain asymptomatic, and finally, how prepared are we for when, not if, but sadly when the next pandemic hits us? >> the history virus. >> jump in cases of a deadly mystery virus. >> more than 17 months after the first case of covid-19 was identified in the united states, the pandemic has fundamentally shifted life for all of s, politically and personally. >> it's almost like you're drawning from the inside. >> to have a patient ask you if they're dying. >> all the time she kept saying, i'm trying, i'm tr
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nation. >> christmas will no same, nor many other holiday because my mom is no looker here. >> now, after grief, trauma, isolation and anxiety and an unparalleled scientific breakthrough, america is reopening. >> unbelievably amazing to go to a concert for the first time. >> how does this compare to where we were six or eight months ago >> a night and day difference as far as domestic passengers is concerned. >> even with the worry of contracting covid, just 29% say the pandemic is over. >> let's sell braegt the fourth of july. >> president biden has fallen short of his goal. >> our goal by july 4th is to have 70% of adult americans with at least one shot. >> the nation is still recovering from the trump administration's initial massive fail your to respond to the
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pandemic. >> we have it totally under control. it's one person coming in from china, and we have it under control. >> they're going down, not up. going substantially down, not up. >> it's going to disappear. >> misinformation originating from the trump white house. >> this is going to go away without a vaccine. >> masks have problems, too. >> spread on right wing media. >> if the vaccine was so great, why have all these people lied about it >> i haven't taken the vaccine and the reason is i don't trust it i'm sorry. but i just don't. >> i think we're moving into a medical dictatorship. >> 18 of the 0 states with the lowest vaccination rates are led by republican governors. disproportionately affecting black and latino communities who also lagsz behind on vaccination rates. though the economy is coming back, those gain are not equally shared 68% of adult saying it's difficult to cover usual five r
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children are not caught up in rent one in eight do not have enough to late. low income students have been dispro portion natalie left behind and the pandemic has taken a toll. >> shut up way too long. >> now, as the u.s. celebrates its overall vaccination success, anxiety is rising ability new variants. >> delta is the most transmissible of the variants identified so far. it has been identified in at least 785 countries. >> growing confusion about mask wearing with the w.h.o. recommending mask wearing indoors even for the vaccinated. the cdc disagrees. >> the bottom line is the cdc still says, if you are vaccinated, you don't have to wear a mask. >> that's exactly right. >> and if ever we had a guest who required really no introduction it's the man joining me now, dr. anthony fauci. dr. fauci, welcome back once
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again to "meet the press," sir. >> thank you, chuck. thank you for having me. >> it's disconcerting to realize we have nearly 10,000 people die of covid in this most recent month that we completed in june. how preventable were each one of those deaths and how many were unvaccinated >> if you look at the number of deaths, about 99.2% of them are unvaccinated about 0.8% are vaccinated. no vaccine is perfect, but when you talk about the avoidability of hospitalization and deaths, chuck, it's really sad and tragic that most all of these are f avoidable and preventable. obviously, there will be some people because of the among people and their response to vaccine, you'll see some that get vaccinated still get into trouble and get hospitalized and
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die, but the overwhelming proportion of people who get into trouble are the unvaccinated which is the reason why we say this is really entirely avoidable and preventable. >> look, we've discussed this over and over again about what's driving this there's always been a sort of anti vaccine 10% to 15%. but it isn't just the 10% tide . have you discovered any new breakthroughs of how to break through this wall of hesitancy i want to lead with this question i think every death right now is nearly preventable and yet we're knowingly watching ourselves, watching us kill ourselves >> it's terrible, chuck, particularly for those of us who have dealt with diseases in which you don't have an
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effective countermeasure like a prev prevention we, over the decades i've been doing this, you're frustrated because you have diseases where you don't have an appropriate countermeasure, be it prevention or treatment then when you have a situation like you have today where you have a formidable enemy in the virus that has tragically really disrupted our planet now for about a year and a half, it destroyed economies, have just disrupted us in every possible way. yet we do have a countermeasure that's highly, highly effective. and that's the reason why it's all the more sad and all the more tragic why it isn't being completely implemented in the coun reasons -- as you said, anti-vax or g with a hist
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situation with this pandemic, and we do have the tools to counter it, so for goodness sakes, put aside the differences and realize the common enemy is the virus and we have a tool, a highly effective tool against this virus we in our country are very fortunate, chuck we haveenough vaccines to vaccinate essentially everybody in the country, and there are people throughout the world who would do anything to get vaccine. if you look at the world situation, 10% of the world is vaccinated we could vaccinate everybody if they would wind up saying that, let's just put everything aside and get vaccinated and put an end to this terrible tragedy >> let's talk about the delta variant. it is clearly the most transmissible variant we've dealt with yet is it more eegtal?
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and how concerned are you that it could cause another spike in this country >> well, a couple of answers to the questions, chuck first of all, right now the experience that we're seeing with this is that it is clearly more transmissible it is more effective and efficient in its ability to transmit from person-to-person and studies that we've seen where there have been the variant that's dominated in other countries, it's clear that it appears to be more lethal in the sense of more serious -- allow you to get more serious disease leading to hospitalization and in some cases leading to deaths. that's clearly the issue now, with regard to your other question -- what was the other question, chuck? i'm sorry. >> no, no. it's how in danger are we in this variant creating a spike? >> well, i think when you talk about how much of a danger it is to do a spike, i think you then have to look at the country as a
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whole and those areas of the country in which you have a low level of vaccination and a high. that's the thing that gets confusing. as a nation as a whole, we are doing very well. we have more than 50% -- about 50% of the adult population totally vaccinated now about 66%, 67% of the adult population that's at least one dose the elderly have been vaccinated to the tune of more than 80% and the deaths have gone down by that that's the country as a whole. but we have a big country with disparity in the willingness to be vaccinated. so there are some states where the level of vaccination of individuals is 35% or less under those circumstances, you might expect to see spikes in certain regions in certain
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states, cities or counties i don't think you're going to be seeing anything nationwide because fortunately we have a substantial portion of the population vaccinated. so it's going to be regional that's the thing that will be confusing when people look at what we do we're going to see, and i've said, almost two types of america. those regions of america which are highly vaccinated, and we have a low level of dynamics of infection. in some places, some states, cities, areas, where the level of vaccination is low and the level of virus dissemination is high that's where you're going to see the spikes >> well, let's talk about a specific here. we know mississippi is one of the lowest -- i believe the lowest vaccinated -- has the lowest vaccination rate in the country. you're in biloxi, mississippi, right now, dr. fauci, would you be wearing a mask in biloxi,
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mississippi? >> i think there would be good reason to do that. as we've said so often, nothing is 100%. if you put yourself in an environment in which you have a high level of viernl dynamics and a very low level of vaccine, you might want to go the extra step and say, when i'm in that area where there's a considerable degree of viral circulation, i might want to go the extra mile, to be cautious enough to make sure i get the extra added level of protection even though the vaccines themselves are highly effective. >> asymptomatic spread was the real killer with this virus, right? it's what's made it so difficult to -- at times when we first w were first dealing with it can a fully vaccinated person be a violent spreader >> the answer is you have to say yes. if you're looking at studies
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being o that because we're looking at situati they're infe the fact they've been vaccinated most of these people will be without symptoms if you look at the level of virus in their nasal pharynx, it appears to be significantly less than individuals who are unvaccinated who get infected and have asymptomatic infection. when you look at the level of virus to be lower, that would mean you can make a reasonable assumption that those individuals would be less likely to transmit the infection to someone else vaccinated person, breakthrough infection, unlikely. it's not going to be zero. whenever you have biological phenomena, there's always a range. for the most part, it would be less likely. >> let me ask you about -- let's
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say you're somebody who stook the johnson & johnson vaccine, and you've seen that the protection rate, particularly with the delta variant, may be lower. and you wish you had gotten the pfizer vaccine would you advise that person to go ahead, if they feel more comfortable, going ahead and getting a two-dose pfizer vaccine on top of their j&j vaccine, or are they risk health problems by doing that >> chuck, 24e7b you get to the interesting complicated issue of making a recommendation based on data and a clinical trial in which you have data, versus making an assumption that some people would say -- it's being done -- there are competent physicians and health care providers who are saying, you know, with the j&j, a single dose, i'm not sure maybe we should get a boost. you can't give as a formal recommendation from a regulatory authority or a public health
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authority like the fda and the cdc respectively what you're seeing is that people are going ahead and making those decisions it really is the difference between a clinical judgment based on a feeling that, well, it's unlikely going to be a problem to do that, but you can't get a formal recommendation when you don't have official data based on good science and good clinical trials >> i've asked you this before. how close are we -- we've been under emergency authorization. you said before we were close, and sometimes scientifically close. five years could be close when you think of it in scientific terms. before labor die, do you expect to see these vaccines fully authorized >> you know, chuck, i always have to give the same answer and i'm sorry. i don't want to get ahead of the fda in their deliberations because that would be not
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productive i would hope so. one of the things that i think people need to understand, when you have an emergency use authorization, it's usually thee risk there are varying degrees of that when you have a vaccine like we have now, for example, the mrna vaccines, the numbers of people who received it, the high degree of effectiveness in the real world setting is very, very clear. therefore, i would be astounded if we did not get full approval in the classical sense of these vaccines the fda will have to do all the dotting of the is and crossing of the ts. this is a little different situation in which you have an iffy something that's been given in emergency use authorization and you're kind of waiting for a lot more data convince you
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whether it works or not. there's no doubt when you're looking at this these. in this case, an emergency use authorization in the mind of so many of us is equivalent to a full approval when you have such overwhelmingly positive data that you're seeing with these vaccines. >> i want to close with -- we began our conversation with, frankly, how needless these deaths were in the month of june, needless they were in the month ofe the tools to prevent death and hospitalization for just about everybody yes, there's a slight, slight percentage chance for some but when you look at the pandemic as a whole, how preventable were these 600,000 deaths and how much did we essentially do ourselves in in 2020? >> i don't think, chuck, i can honestly quantitate that this is a really bad actor, this virus, globally through the
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whole planet even if you had a perfect response, you were going to see suffering and you were going to see death. to be able to quantitate it, ho much better we could have done, for someone who has been witnessing this and being part of it, at least from the standpoint of being involved in the government of the vaccines with our group here at nih, but as a person who watched it unfold, the one thing i was struck with is, if ever there was a situation where you had a pandemic that was as destructive as this, the one thing you'd want to do is realize that you're dealing with a common enemy, the virus, and not have the kind of divisiveness that we've had in our country in trying to address this terrible enemy. it's been liting with each othed of gettingd realizing that the common enemy is the
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vi virus, not each other. that's the thing i've been impressed with i can't give you a quantitation of how many deaths would have been avoided if we did not have that, i'm certain there are some that would have been avoided. >> how have you been holding up? it's been a tough year on you. two different bosses over the last year, two different types -- sometimes a support network, sometimes not how are you holding up >> it certainly has not been easy, chuck. i'm doing fine i focus on my job as the director of the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases. it was my responsibility to make sure we did the science that got us to the vaccines, that as we know now have already saved millions and millions of lives with regard to what we had to do, do the basic science, do the clinical science, get the clinical trials done, get vaccines and now get even
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therapeutics which we need to do and we'll be doing a lot more of that as far as i'm concerned, putting all that other noise aside, chuck, and it really is noise, i just focus on my job when i focus on my job, i'm fine when you get distracted from the other nonsense that goes on, that makes it pretty difficult i'm good at focusing on my job. >> yes, you are. it is a massive success story when it comes to vaccines and what this government-led effort did. dr. fauci, thank you as always. >> thank you very much for having me, chuck joining me is dr. seth berkley, part of a group known as covax, working to speed up the development of vaccines throughout the world, particularly those countries with less means than the industrialized world dr. berkley, welcome to "meet the press. paint a picture. in some ways america is in its
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own bubble with its vaccine supply while you are trying to figure out how to vaccinate the world. how dire would you paint the situation right now gleblly? >> well, certainly i won't be as positive as tony fauci was just to start and put this into perspective, this is a global pandemic it started in a point outbreak in china and very rapidly spread around the world i think the challenge we started with is to remind people that you're only safe if everyone is safe because viruses will my state and they'll continue to move and that's what we've seen. i think initially people were not taking that seriously. we saw a lot of vaccine nationalism, high coverage in a small number of countries. 75% of the vaccine being used in eight or nine countries. if you look at high-income countries, about 40% oe populations are vaccinated in
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i think when india -- the variant that came out of and sa, yes, this is true. that went to 40 countries and now to 85 countries, and we have to keep in mind in this may not be the last variant. what we need is a global process, and we're not really there yet in terms of getting the coverage we need >> explain some of the hurdles we made -- basically you need 9 billion vaccines minus the billion -- let's say you need 8 billion people to be vaccinated. what are the biggest hurdles th. first of all, when w of vethese
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vaccines would work. we had fabulous science. first vaccine, 327 days. that's amazing the previous record before that was four years i think to keep in mind how fast the science moved, but we normally provide, in terms of vaccines, about 5 million doses a year now what we're talking about is quadrupling that number. the number you mentioned is people but, of course, most o of the vaccines are two doses so we need double the number of vaccines to cover that population this has been an unprecedented, in a sense, drive towards that we've been very proud to see the increased supply of course, we've all kinds of problems. the biggest proble as the outbreak occurred in india, which is the large evident producer of vaccines by volume, it meant they turned national with their programs, and that meant that there were less for the rest of the world of course, at the beginning, had vaccines been shared, we would have been able to get to health care workers and high-risk
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groups quickly that might have dampened the spread of the infection. we ultimately, of course, need to get there. >> all right i'm curious. how do you handle -- you're getting vaccine contributions from from russia, just among those that developed their own vaccines the chinese vaccine is seen as not quite as effective as some of these -- the moderna or the pfizer vaccine how do you deal with that as an international oorgization? certainly that vaccine is better than nothing for some people, but some vaccines are better how do you equitably handle that situation? >> well, first of all, as i said, we had no idea whether vaccines were going to work when it started as vaccines began to show promise, our environment is track scenes go through a stringent regulatory agency, they show high levels of
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efficacy, that they show safety. we required w.h.o. pre a standa way to look at vaccines across the world. at the moment, we're not usi vaccine. that may change over time. but we're usin portfolio now and soon to be 11 or 12. that's what we started as a priority to move forward because we realized we very well might have needed diversity if it turned out that different types of vaccines didn't work. of course, we've been lucky. the advantage of this -- it's not only that we did this. for example, the u.s. government as part of operation warp speed invested in a range of technology it turns out the mrnas work very well, the johnson & johnson you already talked about what now is happening is there are excess doses that have been produced by most of the high-income countries. our estimates are somewhere between 1.5 billion to 2 billion
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doses. those can supplement the doses we've purchased. we've purchasesed about 3.4 billion doses of vaccine but if those countries are willing to make those vaccines available now, we can move those forward. for example, the u.s. did its first donation with us to honduras last weekend. >> dr. seth berkley, good luck with us. obviously, none of us can get out of this pandemic until the world gets out of this pandemic. appreciate you coming on and sharing your perspective with us. >> thank you, chuck, for having me. when we come back, mask wearing and social distancing may be on the wane life after the pandemic may look quite a bit different than it did before this virus hit. that's next. ♪ ♪ when technology is easier to use...
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we've looked at unemployment and shuttered businesses again and again during the pandemic, but there are other ways our economy has been transformed, perhaps more permanently, when it comes to the way people get around, what they buy and where they live check out where four of the top five markets for home sale price increases. in four of those metro areas, it's places that are a bit more open space, stamford, connecticut, much farther outside new york city, proef vo, utah, boise, idaho, austin, texas. only number five on the list, san francisco, which is a reminder that cities won't fully empty out. there are still some seat tease that will see increases in population guess what this move out of the cities in so placestion hag led to a bit of hesitation on public transportation subway ridership in particular has plummeted from prepandemic levels look at the recent work we compared to the same week in
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2019 we may be getting back to normal, but how we get around may be a bit different guess what you fear thepersonal cars anymore, particularly gen z and are way up look how it's impacting car prices this way versus last. car prices up 3% for new cars, a whopping 30% for used cars some of that increase in used cars is because there aren't new cars available to baidu to the chip shortage we've been dealing with with around the world by the way, the used car prices, the inflation rate there is actually contributing to what appears to be a high inflation rate overall still, as you can see, what you're seeing here is people may be changing where they live, how they get tk perhaps for the long run when we
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changed from work to schoohis fourth of july weekend. >> as everybody gets back to life post covid, i think it's going to be important for organizations to just clearly identify why this is a great places for people to work and way it's a great place foreyou to be a customer. >> the money we're waiting for from the small business administration is the absolute lifeline it cannot come soon enough we cannot open until we get that money. >> we've learned a lot through the pandemic a lot of these things are brand new for us new for us we're going to fail forw you already pay for car insurance,
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why not take your home along for the ride? allstate. you're in good hands. click or call to bundle today. [typing sounds] [music fades in] [voice of female] my husband ben and i opened ben's chili bowl you're in good hands. the very same year that we were married. that's 1958. over the years, ben's became a gathering place for this community. we've been through all kinds of changes, but this pandemic has been the most difficult of all the challenges i've experienced. [voice of male] the chili bowl really has never closed in our history. people come here to see the photos on the wall, to meet the family. you couldn't have that experience anymore. so, we had to pivot. there's no magic formula, but it's been really helpful to keep people updated on googl. we wouldn't be here without our and so much love from them.
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[voice of female] i don't have to come every day at my age, but i come because i love “come on in”]soulfully singing that's why i come to ben's. when you buy this tea at walmart, walmart can buy more tea from milo's. milo's can create new jobs, jobs for people like james and lacey and me. me, i love my work family. family here and home, is my life. life is better for us because of a job. a job created when you buy this tea at walmart. ♪ i got love ♪ ♪ i got love ♪ ♪ i got love mama... ♪
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welcome back, the panel is joining us, audie cornish, host of all things considered, kate snow, our senior national correspondent here and adam grant, an organizational psychologist and author of the book "think again: if power of knowing what you don't know.m gp
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has life completed to normal how would you have answered that question >> i think it's pretty obvious that normal left us a long time ago. i heard you talking about post covid. there's no such thing as post covid. while many americans are hesitant to take the vaccine that is available to them. now it's a matter of how do we live with this going forward how do we approach mitigation measures if and when necessary and how do some of the industries that have been sort of culturally disrupted as a result deal with that now? >> kate snow, you saw the graphic about subway ridershipn the cleveland baseball team and show just attendance -- this is an open air event, and attendance for the cleveland baseball team is basically down more than e of
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'19 prepandemic to the most recent completed month here. i think this is proof that we are not normal yet and maybe we're not going to be. >> yeah. two things i think we're not normal that. part of that is the stress that a lot of americans are feeling about reentry, about going back to the old commuting and the old going to the office and all of those things, school even. i was looking through my stories i've done in the past year, chuck, and looking at all the sort of mental health impacts and physical impacts on people 42% of adults in this country gained weight over the pandemic. more than half were less physically active, two of three not sleeping right, one in four of us drank more than we used to i think right now we'r back our health, mental health, our well willing and really reset before i think fall in a lot of parts
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of the country will be a real challenge because people will expected to go back to their employment >> well, i was just going to say, adam, let's talk about what is life at work going to look like these days? i want to read something here about return to work i've heard many leaders complain working from home, choosing where you work is not the same thing as flexibility over how you work and when you work it seems clear that culturally this is probably a big change that's not going away. we saw amazon and microsoft have been interesting tests here in the pacific northwest. a revolt microsoft, being very flexible, everybody happy. where are we headed? >> well, chuck, i hope flexibility is the future. we had data prepandemic that people could work from anywhere. they were more productive, more satisfied and more likely to stay there wasn't an observable cost
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to relationships or clab ration. there was an experiment at a call center showing when people worked from home, they were 13.5% more productive. it's been very slow for organizations to adapt to that 2020 forced us to rethink that now as people come back to some version of the office, i think employers who force employees to be on site might not be around for a long time. >> speaking of work. i want to talk about the issue of vaccine mandates. it gets back to what you were talking a about at the beginning. i'm stunned by this number a majority of employed americans apparently are against vaccine mandates, not in favor obviously we've had a political divide on vaccines we've seen aggressive -- the idea that the cruise industry has been held hostage in the state of florida because they would like one and they're not allowed to have one, i feel like
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this is culturally getting in our way. you can't send your kid to public school if you don't get the measles and mumps vaccine. is this something we should try to change the minds of >> i think there are so many ways that covid was like a low tide that sort of revealed all the different sort of divides and ways certain systems have atrophied or trends that we were already seeing we were already seeing this reluctance when it comes to vaccines we were already seeing that in schools. we considered it sort of pocket or fringe, and now this is showing us how these things can metastasize and create greater problems i don't think we can answer that here in terms of work because some of this will be done as a battle in courts, right? because there are rightss is what we need our workforce toe dorks please comply. skom will be done by the employees, people who will move.
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i think there's a lot of talk, for instance, about the 4 million people who quit their jobs, right, in recent months and how eye-popping that number was considering the concern about unemployment there is a percentage of people who are voting with their feet >> i was just going to say, adam, how much is this going to impact -- are we actually going to see rising wages? there's not a fast food restaurant in america that doesn't have a help wanted sign. a lot of us are wondering, well, maybe raise your salaries. >> i don't think we know yet i think what we're seeing right now is a short-term response to a dramatic shift in what people are able to do and what kind of work they're willing to do one data point that really surprised me is that more than half of americans say they want their next job to be working independently for themselves, either as entrepreneurs or in the creator economy. i'm not sure rising wages are going to be enough to give people that sense of freedom and
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flexibility that many of us got a taste of during the pandemic and are now saying we want more. i think only time will tell. >> kate, it also, i this i, is going to increase demand -- you brought up the mental health issue. there's many companies that don't provide mental health care coverage maybe they provide physical health coverage, but not mental health coverage. now i think more people realize this is not a perk this is a necessity. >> that's a huge issue that was revealed, as audi said, when the tide washes back and you see things more clearly during a pandemic we have had a hen tall health crisis in this country for decades now. for the past decade, the numbers -- we're constantly reporting on the numbers of anxiety and depression, particularly among our kids, rising the issue of access you joust raised, chuck, has been an issue for years. there are not enough psychologists and psychiatrists in this country and there's not enough access and insurance
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coverage to go to those people and with the pandemic, the rise in demand for that kind of help was so great that you've got people on waiting lists. you've got places in the country where there's one child psychiatrist for every 100,000 children >> there's so many new apps and attempts to try to deal with this crush -- >> can i jump in just for a minute >> go ahead. >> she's bridging up such a fascinating point. insurers didn't ian know how to cover telemedicine visits. we were doing reporting on a medical schoold of bedside man ner there are going to be long-term shifts we're going to see because culturally we haveeme i.
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>> yep no doubt all right 678 when we come back, we'll do more of this as well. we'll talk about family reunions and some of the other moments of, yes, joy, but perseverance as well, in what was a very as well, in what was a very tough time for covid as well, in what was a very tough time for covid labradoodles, cronuts, skorts. (it's a skirt... and shorts) the world is going hybrid. so, why not your cloud? a hybrid cloud with ibm helps bring all your clouds together. that means you can access all your data, modernize without rebuilding, and help keep things both open and secure. that's why businesses from retail to banking are going hybrid with the technology and expertise of ibm. i'm greg, i'm 68 years old. i do motivational speaking in addition to the substitute teaching. i honestly feel that that's my calling-- to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to
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or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. since suzie's got goals, she'll want a plan to reach them. so she'll get some help from fidelity, and she'll feel so good about her plan, she can focus on living it. that's the planning effect, from fidelity.
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welcome back let's face it, this country has been through a lot for months we watched as friends, relatives, neighbors became ill with a did frankly, proven treatment we watched as schools and offices and, frankly, our way of life completely shut down. we did want to take a moment to focus on other moments, moments of hope and joy, families reunited and small victories we got over this virus and, of course, to remember our health care workers who became national heroes to all of us. >> we will wake up tomorrow morning again so that no matter how exhausted we are in the emergency department, no matter what difficulties that come our way, we will succeed >> it has been some very hard weeks for the staff, but they've stood up
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they've stood strong, and they will continue to be here to support this community >> applauding our health care workers who are putting their we were really happy to see our teachers again ♪ ♪ [ horns honking ]. >> far my birthday, at first i thought it was going to be really boring because of quarantine and coronavirus, but it turned out to be really fun [ applause ] >> thank you thank you. >> despite the daunting numbers, every single day covid-19 patients are recovering and being released from the hospital. >> the fda authorized for emergency use the pfizer biontech covid-19 vaccine.
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>> it's even more emotional because bernie here, i treated her when she was sick. she gets to give me the vaccine. >> it's been over a year since many grandparents have been able to hug or kiss their grandchildren. >> oh, my gosh oh, my gosh. i can't believe this >> this is a big, big deal >> coast to coast, signs of reopening. >> i think the community is going to reopen and things will start to get back to normal. >> people are, not only physically getting past covid, but emotionally getting past covid. >> i'm glad the city is here, it's opened and words can't say it's opened and words can't say how i feel ♪ ♪ when technology is easier to use... ♪ barriers don't stand a chance. ♪
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welcome back there's no doubt that covid was an mri on our owes site. i want to put up one graphic here that i think shows it sadly so well. and that is life expectancy broken out by race and ethnicity. life expectancy in this country went down overal hispanics, nearly two years. among whites, less than a year
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audie cornish, this revealed what we saw throughout the pandemic, black and brown americans were more at risk, had worse access to health, all of this this to me, if we don't see it now, the fixes we've got to make in response need to be prior prioritized. >> also the harm to these communities. if you know somebody who has lost someone to covid and you're vaccinated, now is also the time to reach out and grieve with them grief and isolation is monstrous, and this is the moment where i think we also need to reach out and acknowledge and comfort each other in the face of all of this harm >> kate snow, we've talked a lot about mental health, but this -- the income inequality in this country was revealed way too often, whether it's in education, whether it was in
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health >> yeah. the socioeconomic divide in this country, we always knew it was there, but it was just so easy to see during this pandemic. you look at every measure, you look at education and kids trying to go to virtual school who didn't even have the technology to do that. you look at every single measure. i think i want to pick up on something audi enchtsz just said i think we all are culturally going to have to re-evaluate our lives to some extent, too. i hear a lot of people saying they don't want to go back to the speed of life we were living were, the fran nettic pace that many of us had in our lives. people are valuing community, family time, quiet time in a way that in some ways i think this pandemic fully changed us and made us appreciate things that we didn't before >> adam, i've never had a closer relationship wits this last year than with covid. it's something, you're like, why
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did it take a pandemic to do this >> when we study psychology, people's reactions to traumatic events, about 15% come out of them with ptsd that's the worst case, being broken by tragedy. over 50% of people experience the opposite, post-traumatic growth, bouncing forward, feeling you're closer to people, you have deeper connections. i got through that i can get through almost anything especially seeing new possibilities and a new sense of purpose. to kate's point, i think a lot of us are doing a lot of rethinking right now this past year has been a checkup on our careers, our families, where we want to live and how we want to crisis go toa living i've never felt more powerless with the platforms you have, the plalt forms kaetd and i have, we
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live in these information publs before and these information publs have caused death. >> i would say obviously misinformation was a concern it was prior to covid. what are the solutions i think the shine is off the apple when it comes to big tech. more of these conversations are being more serious. >> they sure are really appreciate all of you today. very thoughtful panel to have on what many of us are hoping really is a different kind of independence day that's all we have for you today. thank you for watching enjoy the rest of your july 4th weekend. remember, you want freedom, celebrate freedom? if you haven't been vaccinated, get vaccinated if you have relatives who haven't, encourage them to do it we'll be back next week. if it's sunday, it's "meet the press.
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here are the two battling to the line and allyson felix... simone manuel's above her trying to fight on, and above simone... getting an opportunity to show her stuff. nonstop, displayed at the highest performance level... finding something and the us takes gold! ♪ dream on ♪ ♪ dream on ♪ ♪ dream on ♪ ♪ dream on ♪ - yes! ♪ ahhhhhhh ♪ ♪ dream until your dreams come true ♪
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primetime's number one show, "sunday night football" only on nbc. it couldn't be a more glorious day to celebrate the fourth of july here in ohio. we hope you are doing what we couldn't last year, being together with family and friends to celebrate. our contribution today to your fourth party, a huge block of


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