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tv   First Look  NBC  October 10, 2021 1:02am-1:32am PDT

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can you see my wall of smiles? when i first started using genesys technology i was kind of embarrased at all the love and attention i got from my customers. people are so moved by how much i understand about them. they start including me in their lives. that's helen and her friends. i arranged a wellness retreat for them. look at those ladies. such wisdom. mmm. but it's really genesys that helps me understand people and what they truly need. i'm just glad i can help. hello? dad, you know that father-son road trip we've always wanted to take? i haven't heard from you in a month. i rented this insane muscle car.
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you're going to absolutely love it. having you drive fast is an incentive? john, hey. goodbye. bye. [call ends] dad. hello? when's that kid going to get a job? [theme music] gonna give up the beat. johnny devenanzio (voiceover): if there's one thing that the past year has taught me, it's to cherish every moment. well, it ended up being a pretty day dad. it is. gorgeous. johnny devenanzio (voiceover): the road of life is filled with wonder, discovery, and perhaps most important of all, laughter. we're really doing it, harry. you know where that's from? no. "dumb and dumber." regis devenanzio: that's one of my favorites. johnny devenanzio (voiceover): so in the spirit of building new memories, i'm hitting the road with "papa bananas" himself, regis devenanzio, a road
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trip 39 years in the making. we're out of the big city pop. we're on the road. johnny devenanzio (voiceover): the destination, north, up the most beautiful pavement on earth, the pacific coast highway in california. that is, of course, if dad can handle my driving. we're on time. [car horn beeps] [car revs] that wasn't my fault. that was him. regis devenanzio (voiceover): this is nice because he's grown older. and we have a lot more to talk about, a lot more experience. johnny devenanzio (voiceover): well, let me tell you about my dad, regis. tough love, but nothing but love. he's been an incredible role model over the years. no matter how old i get, he's one of the only people i'm still scared of. oh! leave the bowl for me. johnny devenanzio: this ostrich eats like me. johnny devenanzio (voiceover): we've taken a few very memorable road trips in the past. we've been wanting to do this for a while.
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i've always wanted to take a road trip up the california coast. it's going to be fun. our first stop is the quiet town of solvang. [music playing] this is like a hidden gem here. regis devenanzio: even with all the people, there's a tranquility here. you kind of can relax. johnny devenanzio: well, that's because you're not in the car with me anymore. that's true, too. that's why your stress level has subsided. johnny devenanzio (voiceover): this small danish town, seemingly lost in time, bears a charm that is rooted in humble beginnings thank you very much. thank you. give it up. this place is picturesque. with over 120 vineyards, it has become a wine enthusiast's dream. and a destination for all things danish. - oh, this thing's incredible. - oh, it's amazing. jason mclain: you're eating it like a pancake. it's called an ableskiver. ableskivers are a great holiday treat in denmark. you are in a mini-denmark. back in 1911, three immigrants decided to come and pick up 10,000 acres in ynez valley
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and establish a danish town. solvang became kind of like the danish capital of america. why is it such a well-known place for wine? jason mclain: this is one of the greatest wine growing regions ever. right here in the central coast of california, you get really, really, really warm days and very cool evenings. it's a great way to make an awesome wine. you come here as if you are literally in europe, like you're in denmark itself. where else can you get coffee, gelato, cheese, bakery, and lots and lots and lots of wine? johnny devenanzio: i mean, i can't think of anywhere. can you? other than the grocery store, and that's no fun. johnny devenanzio (voiceover): jason mcclain has been an up-and-coming winemaker since 2016 when he decided to go all in on following his dreams of crafting wine deep in the heart of the santa ynez valley. so pop and i are headed to jason's tasting room in nearby buellton to literally taste the fruits of his labor. johnny devenanzio: whew, now we're talking.
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have a seat. come on, regis. let me show you some really stupid good wine. check out this spot, man. this one's called purpose road. my dad and that bottle have something in common. they age gracefully. jason mclain: get a nice big snuff. put that schnoz in there, pop. there you go. very important thing when you're wine tasting, is don't just push it back. put the wine on your right side and the left side of your tongue. that's where all your taste buds are. wow. soft and subtle, like the two of us, pop. i didn't quite get enough, can i-- all right. time to barrel taste. excited about that? yeah. jason mclain: when you make wine, you've got all kinds of barrels. you'll see older barrels and you've got new barrels. this is a brand new french oak barrel that went in back in october. a little caramel. oh, yeah. jason mclain: the oak in a barrel kind of comes out into the wine. i like to add these really cool items, which are little oak chips, to help create the illusion, if you will,
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of brand new french oak. johnny devenanzio: oh, wow. jason mclain: and this is how you make wine. johnny devenanzio: i mean, it's like science, man. jason mclain: i think the coolest thing to do when you go wine tasting, try different combinations. so this is cab sauv. this one here is a merlot. this one here is a sangiovese. this one here is a syrah. i'm a smoother, simpler guy. he's more big and bold. you want to go more me or more you? i'll try more you. so let's do a little less merlot, a little more sangiovese. - here we go. regis devenanzio: i'm impressed with this innovation. jason mclain: this is how we make wine. well, that's excellent. innovation. this is excellent. jason mclain: and vision. - this was chemistry, pop. it's science. regis devenanzio: no, i have to give attribution. terrific. jason-- yes, sir? you are the man. what's your cheers dad? don't shoot at the guy in the foxhole with you. there you go. i'll drink to that. me too, brother. this little thing we just threw together just now i think it's the greatest blend for your road trip.
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i think we've got something here. road trip blend. road trip one. road trip blend. next stop, morro bay. every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities.
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[music playing] johnny devenanzio (voiceover): after a relaxing day in solvang, we're off to morro bay. this quaint quirky california town is lined with surf shops, seafood restaurants, and is dwarfed by the massive historic landmark morro rock, which sits quietly in the state preserve. the ecosystem of both land and sea are a huge focus for the community. and there's no better way to start experiencing that, than on a kayak. dad, is this a little bit better speed than in the camaro? this is. this is the speed you want? regis devenanzio: but i'm not going into the water. johnny devenanzio: so where are we right now? mary robinson: we're at the north end of morro bay harbor. we have sightseeing trips, whale watching, bicycling.
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you name it. johnny devenanzio: so this is like an adventurer's paradise. mary robinson: i would say so. regis devenanzio: mary, this large rock outcropping, i heard it was somehow volcanic in nature? mary robinson: so morro rock is a preserve for the peregrine falcons to nest. the way it was formed, was magma was forced through a vent in the earth's crust. and before it erupted, it cooled. and it became a volcanic plug. so it's an ancient volcano. but it didn't actually erupt. oh, look at the jellyfish. mary robinson: oh, a jellyfish! we don't see this very often. it's an egg yolk jellyfish, you guys. this is a rare sighting? yes! i've only seen this egg yolk jellyfish once in 30 years. johnny devenanzio: wow. here's another one! mary robinson: when we see jellyfish, they often come in groups. so we'll see numerous individuals of this type
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and then we won't see them again. dad, can we bring it home? please? regis devenanzio: no. johnny devenanzio: please, dad? mary, what are those sea lions doing over there? mary robinson: those are two bulls fighting for territory on the rocky shoreline there. johnny devenanzio: wow. dad, have you ever seen sea lions fighting and an egg yolk jellyfish on the same day? regis devenanzio: i haven't even seen myself in one of these. johnny devenanzio (voiceover): but the real stars of this ecological show are the sea otters, a morro bay a tourist attraction. johnny devenanzio: wow, look at this little family of otters. look at them. hi, guys. johnny devenanzio (voiceover): these cute charismatic little critters populate the bay feeding off the abundant grass beds and seashells that exist under these waters. sharon blakely: morro bay is pretty much a permanent home to 35 to 50 southern sea otters. they choose morro bay to raise their family. it's not just the view, it's the food, it's the placid conditions here. and it's the kelp and the eelgrass that morro bay offers them. johnny devenanzio: we wondered if that's
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one of the benchmarks for the health of the bay here, is the eelgrass. now environmentally, it's supposed to be coming back. sharon blakely: indeed. and what can we thank? the otters. so they're not just cute faces, dad. they had they actually serve a purpose, as well. johnny devenanzio (voiceover): while they may look lazy now, at night these animals are busy diving under water for food. otters are one of the animals in the kingdom that actually use a tool every day. they pick up a rock, place it on their chest, take a crab, click, click, click, click, until it breaks. johnny devenanzio (voiceover): so during the day it's important that they have plenty of rest, which folks like sharon make sure they get. what are we looking for? we are looking at how many people are how far from the otter, if they're talking loudly because we have signs that say, "shhh, it's the nursery." here we got a couple of-- johnny devenanzio: oh, dad. bogeys. do i write paddleboats under the behavior? sharon blakely: actually, it's the stimuli type. johnny devenanzio: got it. what do you see, pop? well, i see them tumbling. and it looks like it's playing, i don't know. sharon blakely: it isn't playing, it's actually grooming that fur coat.
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forklift. hey, buddy, maybe drive a little bit closer to the sleeping otters over here. lady on tiktok. that is definitely a stimuli. we count cameras, too, as stimuli. johnny devenanzio: they look like they're living their best life right now. they look like they're in good health. well, they are doing well here. we do have a very pristine bay. johnny devenanzio: well, i got to say, sharon, it has been educational, to say the least. edifying. johnny devenanzio: from here on out, we are going to do everything we can to help these beautiful species continue to flourish here. so thank you for that. johnny devenanzio (voiceover): every night we've been here the sunsets have been absolutely spectacular. this place is serene and beautiful. and i couldn't pick a better stop along the way. hi ho silver! hey pop, are you enjoying our road trip, yet? no. no? we're riding off into the sunset, pop. [music playing]
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johnny devenanzio (voiceover): crossing into northern california the scene changes. this is every postcard of the golden state you remember seeing. it's here. we passed the coastal town of big sur and through carmel by the sea before hitting the area's epicenter, monterey. i don't think we could have picked a better day to hit the old dusty trail, huh, pop? this coast just exquisite. has my driving improved since we left? still a little fast. you want me to drive slower so we could spend more time together. and you'd have more in-depth conversations. yes. johnny devenanzio: you can just go ahead and say it, dad. you don't have to beat around the bush. i'd like to have the top up and have it quiet and listen to mahler's fourth symphony. welcome to big sur! [mahler's symphony no. 4 playing]
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johnny devenanzio (voiceover): if california was a crown, monterey would definitely be one of its jewels. and while the area is known for its rugged scenic coast, at the ocean's edge you'll find a placid harbor where the air smells salty and the fishing boats fill the docks. so john, you are of the harbor master here at monterey harbor, correct? yes. johnny devenanzio: monterey is almost like a vacation destination. but the heart and soul of monterey really is blue collar, working class. john haynes: yeah, absolutely. by and large, most of the people fishing out here are dads and sons and daughters fishing together. johnny devenanzio (voiceover): one of these family fishing teams is captain calder and his son miles who agreed to give us a taste of what it's like to live and work in monterey. all right, dad, what do you say? a little father-son fishing trip? john, i didn't go into the navy for a reason. i'm afraid of water. look, it's nice and toasty out. the sun's out. i'm going to trust the captain. i don't trust you, but i'm going to trust the captain. you're in good hands. whoa! hey, dad, don't worry.
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you got a dog here to save you. who's that? so we've got a couple of pounds of fish right now. what would you say the biggest load you've ever brought back was? probably around 5,000 pounds. 5,000? how did you fit that all on this boat? you're sinking slowly. you just have to keep moving. johnny devenanzio: so the fish that you catch here, how long is the journey that they make? we sell a lot of sable fish to japan. but all these fish today are going to be for the local markets. [music playing] dimas, what are we going to be doing here today? so today we're going to filet a fish. this is actually from yesterday's catch. that's right. you cut close to the gills. bring it down. you bring it over like that. take the skin off. you make that look easy, man. and then we have a filet. you can do the other side. ok. yeah, i feel it right here. i got it now. oh [bleep]. i left a lot of meat on. we're going to put them side-by-side
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to see which one looks better. dimas, what's that over there? hey, he did a good job. look at it. yeah, look at that. look. what's wrong with you, bro? jeez, man. i could teach you a thing or two. see? there you go. look at that. wow. dad. we're going to take this to the kitchen. thank you. and we're going to cook it and we met you at the table. you're a right guy. it's all he's been talking about, man, is eating fish. dad, this is the moment you've been waiting for. we're going to put this right in front of this guy. oh, man. it's not going to be there for very much longer. this is a local monterey bay rockfish. here is monterey bay salmon. come on, pop. take a little bit of that. that's cute. a little slice of heaven there, pop. i'm not leaving. johnny devenanzio (voiceover): i've never been to monterey before, but it's exceeded all my expectations. i'm just blown away by how much the people of monterey work together, support each other and this symbiotic relationship between the ocean, the fishermen, the restaurants, the community.
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cheers, you guys. regis devenanzio: sea harvest calder. to calder and miles. regis devenanzio: great fisherman. cheers. johnny devenanzio: we've had an amazing road trip. we've gone kayaking, we've gone fishing, we've gone otter spotting. dad, put this into perspective with the rest of the moments that we've had. oh, this makes the whole trip worthwhile. johnny devenanzio: i really enjoy monterey. now dad, i know you've been a little critical of my driving because i've been driving a little too conservatively. we're going to have to speed it up a little bit to get to san francisco in time. john, you just spilled all the [bleep] cream, man, taking off like that. johnny devenanzio: last stop, san francisco.
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[music playing] well, this sure is a pretty drive, huh? well, you need a little forest in your life. johnny devenanzio (voiceover): north of monterey through the redwood forests we head to our final stop on this trip the golden city of san francisco. 2000 was the last time we went to san francisco together. right. we took a picture by the golden gate bridge. and we're going to make some good memories now. johnny devenanzio (voiceover): arguably one of america's most european cities, san francisco's complex diversity is both largely spread out while maintaining its original cultural neighborhoods. san francisco provides a fusion of cultures and cuisines that is difficult to find anywhere else. and who better to help us navigate this culinary metropolis than the man who taught me
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how to appreciate food, food network's very own, tyler florence. tyler florence: on our food tour in san francisco today, we're going to kick it off with breakfast, authentic chinese dim sum in the oldest dim sum house in the country. can't wait. tyler florence: we're here at hang ah. it survived 101 years of war, bubbles and bursts in the economy in san francisco. this place is just amazing. and the food is fantastic. first course, gentlemen they're legendary barbecue pork bun. oh, look at that. tyler florence: isn't it great? he's in ecstasy. oh. johnny devenanzio: dad, did you eat the entire thing? i did. he did. johnny devenanzio (voiceover): originally formed as a haven for chinese immigrants during the california gold rush, chinatown is a leader in defining chinese-american cuisine and is even the birthplace of the fortune cookie. walking down the streets of food stalls and street vendors, it's clear why this place shines as one of san francisco's most popular attractions. johnny devenanzio: wow. tyler florence: that's one of the most delicious pastries. i've been all over the world.
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this is remarkable. it's an american treasure, this place. we just took a time machine and moved to italy. tyler florence: this is north beach. it's the heart and soul of the italian-american community. and we're standing in front of molinari. can you smell the garlic? - is that garlic? it smells like good times. tyler florence: they make all of their salamis, award winning, incredibly delicious. and sometimes i'll just get lost with what he's slicing. and literally, he'll just feed me small little pieces of the most unbelievable stuff. i think he's about to cry. bringing them back to being a kid. this is the most authentic italian sandwich i've ever had. i almost got this thing finished. you guys are talking. i'm eating. it's a delicious sandwich. johnny devenanzio (voiceover): outside of its delicious cuisine, san francisco stands out as a shining beacon for cultural revolution. local coffee shop serves some of the most influential modern writers and philosophers, paving the way for beat poets and the counterculture movement.
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but of all these social transformations, the gay rights movement seems to hold a special place in the city's heart. in 1973 san francisco smashed barriers with the election of harvey milk, the first openly gay man to hold public office in california. johnny devenanzio: so our next stop along our journey through san francisco is here, in the castro district at harvey's. it's the indelible things in the history that wind up being the identity of a neighborhood that carries it forth into the future. it's also all the struggle. it seems like in san francisco, there's been different iterations as generations went on about different groups and cultures that were persecuted against. but it's being that champion first, it's being that trailblazer, that's the tough position to be in. and this town has always risen like a phoenix out of the ashes. it's always found a way to do that. tyler florence: when you come to san francisco, it encourages you to contribute to the success of the city. so we built wayfare taverns.
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but i think we're killing it. 11 years strong and this is what we do. the fried chicken, it's really, really, really special. this is not flattery. this is description. this is the best chicken i've had. cheers to you guys. congratulations on a dream trip with your dad. i would encourage anybody to take some time out of the schedule and go do that because time is short. i agree, man. cheers. to a perfect bookend, pop. you're a good boy, john. hey, i'm a chip off the old block. regis devenanzio: it was fun having conversations, catching up and reminiscing while driving up that pacific coast highway. it's going to be one of the highlights of our relationship. this is going to be one of, if not the, most memorable trips either one of us has ever taken. and the fact that we get to do it together is beyond words and absolutely priceless. [music playing] (singing) take my hand. don't be afraid to show me your way.
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[music playing] i'm sara gore and this is "open house." this week, bright and airy designed, including this connecticut home. and we learn how this architect came to terms with his toughest client, himself. we're with tiktok star and comedian


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