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tv   Today  NBC  August 4, 2022 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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the good news is the humidity comes down just slightly and we will see a mix of sunshine and clouds into the weekend. san francisco waking up to sunshine. we will see more of that today. the father may be willing back in tomorrow is the highest estate in the upper 60s.'s neck a smooth drive. typical pattern on this map. we will resume over to antioch, where we are not seeing any slowin good morning. hot and dry, brutally high temperatures back in full force, set to shatter records and intensify drought conditions for millions. the warnings stretching across much of the country. al will tell us where that heat will be most intense and how long it will last this time. in the spotlight, the nation's largest gathering of conservatives getting under way with the crucial midterm elections right around the corner. straight ahead, the issues taking center stage. the speaker already courting controversy. and where both parties stand
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after that historic vote to uphold abortion rights in kansas. facing the truth, a stunning moment at the defamation trial of conspiracy theorist alex jones, confronted by the lawyer for sandy hook families. >> your attorneys messed up and sent me an entire digital copy of your entire cell phone with every text message you've sent for the past two years and that is how i know you lied to me when you said you didn't have text messages about sandy hook. >> just ahead, the reaction and the fallout as jury deliberations resume this morning. welcome relief, gas prices drop again overnight, 51 straight days of decline. so have things finally turned the corner? all that plus counting down to kickoff. the nfl returns tonight. we're live at the hall of fame game with the excitement of football fans everywhere.
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and oh, baby. a special deliverly overnight at the cincinnati zoo, welcoming a much anticipated baby hippo into the world. adorable big sister fiona and millions around the world anxious to meet the new arrival "today," thursday august 4th, 2022. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. good morning, happy thursday. it is 7:00 a.m. on the west coast. we're so glad you're here with us this morning. >> hello, sunshine. that extreme heat topping our news again today. it is going to affect a lot of the country. >> record highs expected from the northeast to the southern plains. in texas, even more brutal temperatures amid a 62-day drought. if you think this summer has been hotter than normal, you are absolutely right. >> yeah. look at this map, nasa just released it. you see all the red?
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it shows just how intense the heat was in july, nearly every corner of america seeing above average temperatures. >> we got it all covered, including tips for staying safe, when relief may be in sight and good news about gas prices. we're going to start with nbc's kristen dahlgren in steamy dallas. good morning, kristen. >> reporter: good morning, hoda. we're gearing up for a brutal one here in dallas. let's talk about those heat records, it is already the second warmest summer on record, the second longest stretch without rain. and today as we soar back over 100 degrees, the texas power grid here expected to see the highest demand in history. it's been 62 days with no rain. >> all of north texas tomorrow under a heat advisory. >> reporter: the longest dry spell for the dallas metro area in over 20 years. >> we hit 104 today, the 39th time we've had triple digit
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heat. >> reporter: and there is no end in sight. temperatures expected to be in the triple digits in dallas and throughout the state for the weekend. the extreme heat poised to test a struggling power grid today, with demand potentially topping 80 gigawatts for the first time ever. that's about as much the total amount of electricity used by california and new york combined in a day. ercot says they're coordinating closely with the public utility commission, as well as generation resource owners and transmission utilities, to ensure that they are prepared. the heat index in the triple digits from texas, along the gulf coast into the northeast. cities that could set record highs include albany, boston, hartford, newark, and philadelphia. 74% of the united states is experiencing longer, more intense heat waves compared to 50 years ago. so what's the best way to beat extreme heat?
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>> relax in my house with the ac on, don't go outside. >> reporter: experts also say reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. and remember, never leave young children or pets unattended in vehicles. on a 95 degree day, temperatures in cars can get to 114 in ten minutes. and as high as 129 degrees in under a half hour. with it so dry, it is a tinder box, grass fires are a real concern. some homes had to be evacuated overnight because of a fire. so it is just dangerous all around. >> kristen dahlgren for us there in dallas. kristen, thanks. al is at the ready with the latest on the forecast. >> yeah, guys, here is the deal. stretching from montana all the way down to texas and into the northeast and mid-atlantic, 73 million people under heat advisories or heat warnings. here in the northeast, triple digit heat indexes for new york city, baltimore, richmond, raleigh.
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near that in charleston. binghamton, 92. we'll be watching that. as we move -- we look at the record -- the potentially going to be broken, boston, hartford, newark, philly, binghamton, albany, concord and georgetown as well. and as we head into the weekend, the heat does start to break a little bit, but not by much. temperatures still going to be in the upper 80s in new york. upper 80s and 90s albany to washington, d.c. that's going to stretch out to the east as -- to the west as well. so the heat index danger zones today, according to the national weather service, we're going to start out with caution. the heat index 80 degrees or higher. fatigue, dehydration, after exposure. you get into the area called extreme caution. that's for heat indexes 90 degrees plus. heat exhaustion is possibly, you can see it stretches from boston all the way to the west coast and into the plains. the danger zone, heat indexes 1 03 or higher. heat exhaustion likely, heat stroke possible, from the midwest down to the plains and
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parts of the mid-atlantic states. here is what to look for. heat exhaustion, that's dizziness, nausea, clammy skin. heat stroke, more dangerous, a throbbing headache, confusion, hot, dry skin. what you should do if it is heat exhaustion, move to a cool place. slowly sip water and loosen your clothing. if it is heat stroke, call 911 immediately. do not give the person suffering it fluids because cool down the skin with water or ice and get immediate medical attention. guys? >> didn't know the thing about the fluids. thank you, al. good advice. also this morning, an annual gathering of the nation's most influential conservative voices is getting under way in dallas in the wake of this week's primary races and the key midterm elections now three months away. nbc senior washington correspondent hallie jackson has more on this for us. hi, hallie good morning. >> reporter: good morning. so a couple of big names are not set to speak at the conservative conference starting today, including florida governor ron
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desantis, but plenty of others will be there, like former president trump, days after a critical test of how much sway he still has in his party. in texas today, the world's biggest lineup of conservatives will descend on cpac, featuring republican lawmakers like ted cruz and lauren boebert, media personalities like sean hannity and the man who still dominates the party, former president donald trump set to deliver then keynote address on saturday. against the backdrop of a key test of his grip on the gop in this week's primaries. multiple candidates he backed who embraced his election fraud lies including doing well including kari lake with a narrow lead over karen taylor robison. lake also set to attend cpac who before election day said the votes were rigged. >> i want to bring the
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republican party together, we're one big happy, sometimes, sometimes dysfunctional family. but we can come together >> reporter: another trump ally, hun hungary's far right leader victor orban who attracted a following among some u.s. conservatives for his anti-immigrant rhetoric. during a recent speech in romania, he said he doesn't want hungary to become a mixed race country. all of it coming as democrats are celebrating and hoping to capitalize on momentum in the midterms around access to abortion after a stunner of a win for abortion rights advocates in kansas where voters chose to protect abortion access. president biden signing an executive order to try and make it easier for women seeking abortions to travel between states, applauding the kansas vote and what it could mean come november. >> the court practically dared women in this country to go to the ballot box and restore the right to choose. >> let's talk about the general
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election and the matchups in the fall and focus on races that usually flew under the radar, like secretary of state. >> reporter: this is so important, right these are the people who actually run the elections on the state level. oftentimes we're talking about the governor's races instead in several key states when you look at these races, election deniers have won republican primaries for this job including arizona and michigan this week kaebts who questioned the legitimate results of the 2020 election so the concern, if they win their general election races come november they could be in positions of power in states that might be decisive in the 2024 presidential race and might use that platform to erode trust and any potential democratic victories. >> the governors too can have a big say there as well. thank you. members of congress are grieving one of their own this morning. flags at half staff in honor of jackie walorski. she was killed in a car crash in her northern indiana district yesterday. it happened when another driver crossed the center line on the
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highway and collided with the suv she was riding in. two members of her staff were also killed and the driver of the other car. she served on the house ways and means committee and was first elected ten years ago, she was just 58 years old. the jury now has the case of the defamation trial of alex jones. sandy hook families took him to court over his repeated claims that the school massacre was a hoax and yesterday jones finally conceded it was 100% real. nbc's anne thompson is here with the latest >> reporter: good morning, hoda. jury is resuming deliberations this morning after a fiery day of testimony and closing arguments. and what alex jones himself for years, info wars host alex called a perry mason moment. for years, infowars host alex jones claimed the sandy hook school shooting was staged. >> sandy hook is a synthetic,
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completely fake, with actors, in my view, manufacture >> reporter: a hoax. >> they're recycling a green screen behind them. >> reporter: but facing parents seeking $150 million in damages he changed his story in court. >> especially since i've met the parents and -- it's 100% real. >> reporter: a dramatic aboutface on a day when jones was also called out as a liar. >> you know what perjury is, right? >> reporter: the plaintiff's attorney accusing jones of withholding evidence. >> your attorneys messed up and sent me an entire digital copy of your entire cell phone with every text message you've sent the past two years and that is how i know you lied to me when you said you didn't have text messages about sandy hook. >> reporter: jones is being sued by the parents of jesse lewis. they say jones' lies made their lives a living hell.
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>> my home was shot up. vehicles were shot up in my yard >> reporter: jesse's mother spoke directly to jones. pleading with jones to stop spreading falsehoods. >> i know you believe me and yet you're going to leave this courthouse and you're going to say it again. >> reporter: on his show this week he went after jesse's father and his testimony >> he is being manipulated by very bad people. >> reporter: throughout the trial jones has tested the patience of the judge -- >> this is not your show >> reporter: -- who took him to task for not telling the truth earlier this week. >> you're already under oath to tell the truth you've already violated that oath twice today >> reporter: so this morning, the big question is what does the jury think the plaintiffs' attorney played a video of jones insulting the panel on his show. the jury will decide how much, if anything, jones has to pay
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jesse's parents. the court has already found him liable for defamation in a summary judgment issued last year it's just the first of several lawsuits from sandy hook families who have spent years fighting back against jones and other conspiracy theorists >> anne, thank you >> what they have had to go through in addition to this unthinkable grief. craig, you have good news for us. >> i do. >> we like that. >> good morning, to you. i do come bearing good news. after a summer of soaring prices, your commute and vacations, gas prices are falling, folks maggie vespa is in chicago with more on this one maggie, good morning >> reporter: good morning. as you said, good news at the pump which feels foreign but it's exciting to deliver this morning. gas prices falling as of this morning. 51 straight days so the average for a gallon of regular, now at $4.14 nationwide more expensive in some spots,
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$4.89 at this exxon in chicago but falling across the board a month ago it was at $4.81. so it's dropped in the last month. you have the typical driver showing up to fill up their tank and then after that they go to the grocery store. at the grocery store they would have on average an extra $8 or close to it to spend on groceries you can see with that extra 8 bucks they can get an extra gallon of milk, pound of oranges and potentially an extra loaf of bread. so great news for families after an expensive summer. the drop in price may be driven by a drop in demand. new data is showing people are driving less with that said, could this decline continue the good people at gas buddy say it very well could it could get below $4 on average over the next few weeks and add a number of things could disrupt that the war in ukraine could slow
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global supplies and any kind of hurricane in the gulf of mexico could shut down refineries which could drive the price back up right now, all signs point to the decline continuing, after 51 straight days, that's great news, experts note so buckle up and enjoy the ride, which thankfully right now is costing less. >> we love the visuals thank you, maggie vespa. also this morning a volcano is erupted near the airport in ic the mountain is spewing lava and smoke. take a look at that. it is coming from a fissure in the ground there local officials are keeping an eye on this, yet flights are continuing in 2010 another eruption halted about 100,000 flights around the world and left millions stranded. we'll keep our eyes on it. 7:16, back to mr. roker again. >> i actually covered that volcanic eruption in 2010.
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i was in iceland right there. >> that's cool. >> i got to say magma. let's look at what we have got going on around the rest of the country for today. extreme heat throughout the eastern half and into the west there is a flood threat and monsoonal moisture in the southwest, the one spot it is cooler across the country. a fire risk continues out west we'll get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds good thursday morning i in meteorologist kari hall.
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happy first day of school for the kids in antioch. temperatures in the low 70s. it is a mild start but it will be another hot day, reaching into the low 90s. and, reaching into the mid-90s for an afternoon high temperature. we ar and that's the latest weather, guys. >> i love the seersucker. >> i know. >> perfect weather for it. >> do you hear that music? >> yes. >> it's music for fans of football everywhere. >> no. it's our theme music. >> oh, okay. but the nfl is back. the preseason -- >> there it is >> you know who's excited? >> who >> sg, stephanie gosk. >> reporter: yes i am excited this is going to be a kind of homecoming tonight for the new
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raiders head coach josh mcdaniels, he played high school football on this field and his dad was his head coach this week i sat down with both of them to talk about how special this game is to them and this town. >> we look forward to that if football is coming back, that means fall is around the corner hoping to get a head start on your wardrobe you may come up empty. vicky nguyen tells us why some stores are delaying their rollouts and where you c look an
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coming up, the sport of pickle ball taking over america. >> we all play more players means more injuries everything you need to know this morning to avoid the injuries before you hit the pickle ball court. with his citi custom cash℠ card, dan earns cash back that automatically adjusts to where his spending is trending. just ask stepping outside his comfort zone dan... okay, i don't- i don't know where the hole for this is. ...or fourth time streaming that period drama dan... you just made me miss her best line,
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try new cinnamon toast crunch rolls. (dad) we have to tell everyone that we just switched to verizon's new welcome unlimited plan, for just $30. (daughter) i've already told everyone! (nurse) wait... did you say verizon for just $30? (mom) it's their best unlimited price ever. (cool guy) $30...that's awesome. (dad) yeah, and it's from the most reliable 5g network in america. (woman) for $30 a line, i'm switching now. (mom) yeah, it's easy and you get $960 when you switch the whole family. (geek) wow... i've got to let my buddies know. (geek friend) we're already here! (vo) the network you want. the price you love. only from verizon. ♪♪ giorgio, phmacy box with our flea and tick meds. t butter box is here ♪acy box i'm out. pet prescriptions delivered to your door. chewy. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala is a once monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma that can mean less oral steroids. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur.
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get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. here are today's top stories, including a deadly outbreak of legionnaires disease in wine country. i'm ginger conejero saab. a legionnaires disease outbreak is raising concerns in the north bay, where 12 people have gotten sick. health officials have zeroed in on the spores. a large air conditioning unit on the roof of the embassy suites napa valley. contract legionnaires disease by breathing in small droplets
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of water in the air. it is not spread from person-to- person and can be treated with antibiotics if caught early. people over 50 with underlying health conditions are considered at a higher risk. a short time ago, we got the weekly jobless claims number. 260,000 americans seeking help with unemployment for the first time last week. tomorrow, we get the big monthly report, the one with the unemployment rate. a strong jobs report would justify the rally on the stock market but could inspire the fed to raise rates even further. as you are waking up and heading out this morning, some fog rolling over san francisco. a mostly clear sky as we wake up and head out. still feels humid. we are headed for highs in the low 70s, reaching 78 in oakland. over toward dublin, 89 degrees for a high temperature. upper 80s for san jose as well as much of the north bay.
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going to in the forecast, only slightly cooler for the weekend. the humidity will be lower going into saturday and sunday. seen this ad? it's not paid for
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by california tribes. it's paid for by the out of state gambling corporations that wrote prop 27. it doesn't tell you 90% of the profits go to the out of state corporations. a tiny share goes to the homeless, and even less to tribes. and a big loophole says, costs to promote betting reduce money for the tribes, so they get less. hidden agendas. fine print. loopholes. prop 27. they didn't write it for the tribes or the homeless. they wrote it for themselves.
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♪♪ ♪ cra ♪ ♪ crank up the beach boys ♪ back 7:30, tributes to vin scully last night, lit up in dodger blue paying tribute to the broadcaster who died this week i was watching yesterday, i was off, but i heard jacob our l.a. native talking about vin scully and what he meant to the people of los angeles and baseball. >> the dodgers will wear a special patch in his honor for
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the remainder of the season. let's get to your headlines. china is making headlines for targeted military exercises coming hours after house speaker nancy pelosi's visit to taiwan the chinese military releasing this video from the sea and airspace around taiwan china said it shows the firing of precision guided missiles a chinese military spokesman said the visit to taiwan is a serious political provocation to china and runs counter to the u.s. commitment to strategic ambiguity in the region. the plight of some parents continues this morning with the baby formula shortage not yet over shelves remain being fully stocked, despite government manufacturers have ingredients efforts to import manufacture and ensure domestic manufacturers have ingredients the ceo of abbott laboratories apologized in may for his company's role in the shortage. to golf, more controversy
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between the breakaway liv series and the professional golf association. phil mickelson and ten others filed a lawsuit against the pga tour yesterday the suit claims the pga had used monopoly power to try to squash the competition and it unfairly suspended players. the pga tour denied for some to play in the events mickelson reportedly signed a deal worth $200 million to join liv. meantime, do you hear it that sound that's football fans rejoicing from coast-to-coast because the nfl is back. the preseason starts tonight, the hall of fame game it's on nbc. raiders taking on the jaguars and nbc's stephanie gosk has the hot ticket s sh she's at the stadium in canton, ohio >> reporter: this has the feel
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of an nfl stadium, but would you believe this is where the local high school plays and where tom mcdaniels was the coach for years and his son josh watched and learn from him tonight josh mcdaniels comes back as the head coach for the las vegas raiders. it's a unique kind of high school homecoming. tonight marks the start of the nfl preseason. and a new era for the silver and black. the raiders now with devontae adams and head coach josh mcdaniels taking on the jacksonville jaguars here in canton, ohio, birth place of professional football and home of the hall of fame. there's football towns in america and then there's canton. >> they love football. >> reporter: a place familiar with having the mcdaniels family coaching their teams to victory. when you walk on the field are you struck by the history your family has here? >> very aware of it. >> reporter: tom mcdaniels was a high school football coach for 40 years, much of that time spent in canton, winning coach
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of the year in 1997. not long after he learned to walk, josh was on the sidelines with his dad. >> as soon as he could read he had to have a practice plan. >> you would give him a handout? >> yes >> it was a blessing for me that he allowed me to do those things i would say that's what i attribute my passion and love for the game seeing that at a young age. >> reporter: he eventually played quarterback for his dad's mckinley bulldogs. now he's the head coach of the raiders. who would you say is the most influential. >> my father and coach belichick, easily. >> that's bill belichick who mcdaniels worked under for six years. i'm a life long patriots fan, it's jarring to see you in that shirt. are you still getting use d to it >> yeah, i think so. >> reporter: last year jon gruden resigned after racist and
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sexist emails he sent were made public are there any lingering questions in the locker room and how do you handle those? >> i think the group did a tremendous job the organization as a whole was unbelievable >> reporter: helping mcdaniels navigate it all is his father, whose impact in canton is felt on and off the field >> when you look at what coach did, not just the guys that played for him, he has left a legacy for all of us. >> reporter: not least of which his son. what is it going to mean to you to see him walk into the stadium as the head coach of an nfl team for first time for the raiders? >> i guess maybe, i hope i'm not on camera at that moment, you know, because it may tug at my heart a little bit i'll be very excited for him and a little bit emotional, too. >> reporter: here's my guess our friends at nbc sports will definitely have a camera on tom mcdaniels for that moment. another bit of trivia i didn't know until i came here to canton the start of the nfl was a meeting in 1922 at a car
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dealership, a bunch of guys got together and thought it would be a good idea to start a professional league. 100 years later it seems they were onto something. back to you. >> it does >> i think so. >> cool. >> that's a special place, by the way. i went there when i was a little boy. my aunt drove from south carolina to canton, ohio to make me. >> wow. >> it's like a two-day drive. >> she should be in the hall of fame for aunts a two-day drive with a little one. >> with nothing but baloney sandwiches >> stephanie, thank you. you can watch the pro football hall of fame game between the raiders and jags it's tonight on nbc. coverage starts at 8:00 eastern after return of football night in america we need al for that one. you can find it on peacock as well still ahead on a thursday morning. our friend martha stewart turning heads with how she celebrated her 81st birthday but first a fall fashion shortage before the season even
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arrives. what is happening? >> i have one tip for you. if you're not finding the fall fashions that you want in stores, check online and much more on how to get that back to school shopping and back to work shopping done right after these messages [dogs barking] [dogs growling] [dogs whimpering] (vo) the subaru crosstrek. dog tested. dog approved. [dog barks] your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit
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ask your health care provider about the ozempic® tri-zone. announcer: you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. well, you know what time it is, 7:41, today's consumer confidential our series every time around this morning looking at stories that impact the bottom line. >> we talked about how football is coming back that's a sign fall is on the way. if you started shopping for your wardrobe you may have noticed there's a lack of looks. >> i have. that's the first thing i noticed yesterday. nbc's senior investigative corresponden vicky nguyen is here with tips on how we can find what we want but also button up the best deals. >> you didn't, craig, you weren't in the stores. >> i lied. >> soon the kids will be back in school not soon enough for some of us we'll feel the autumn air, see
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pumpkin spice in every donut and drink, we will enjoy everything we love about fall but this year the change of season could mean changing the way you shop for clothes from the spooky to the merry, they stock their shelves with seasonal items every year. when it comes to clothes, some shoppers looking for fall fashion may feel left out in the cold. >> my 16-year-old daughter went to the mall the other day and all she saw were summer clothes. deeply discounted summer clothes and she was wondering where the fall clothes were. >> reporter: the merchandise once stuck on cargo ships during the supply chain crisis leaving retailers across the country with a boat load of inventory. that surplus still sitting in stores as consumers spend less on clothing amid decades high inflation. while retailers have slashed prices, others sold to discount stores like burlington, ross and the tj maxx family of brands. >> it doesn't make sense to have deep discounting going on for too long because it trains the
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consumer to expect that kind of discounting. >> reporter: experts say take advantage of discounts on summer items you can transition to your fall wardrobe, like tanks and tees for layering when sweater weather arrives. if you can't find what your kids need for back to school, try shopping their closets first for what still fits. if new gear does make the list, start small. >> this idea you have to buy something new head-to-toe but pick one or two pieces invest in those pieces, go online, research where you can best value find the best value. >> reporter: parents can shop second hand at a fraction of retail including back to school basics like denim. stores source from the local community so they remain largely unaffected by supply chain issues online thrift stores lik thread up offering another option as we fall into a new season of savings. >> if the fall clothes come in
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late we'll see discounting right out of the gate. >> learned a lot there what is another way to find fall clothes? >> use your network, your social media, neighborhood, out of town family and friends this is the time to reach out and say, hey, what does everybody have, these are the sizes i have, and maybe do a clothing swap. we did it at a journalism conference where we brought our professional colonials and swapped with each other. it gives you a professional look and it is free >> i like that. >> smart >> if you have school uniforms, you text the other moms. >> shop your closet. i like that, too. >> my kids have a lot of spaghetti stains, i don't know if it's enticing okay you'll be back tomorrow with a look at the car market. with the rising prices there >> this is super interesting we talk about car buying, but a lot of folks lease a car last month the average payment went up $20, discounts hard to find right now we'll look at how you should decide, should you lease, buy, what should you know
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also what should you do if you're in a lease right now. >> interesting thank you for being on the bumblebee train. >> we're yellow and black. >> roker, too. roker has the yellow. >> there's a buzz in the air. let's show you -- we're not getting any breaks from heavy showers and thunderstorms, monsoonal moisture in the southwest but a cluster of thunderstorms now with flood watches, warnings pushing through parts of illinois into missouri where we're watching the storms develop we could see anywhere from 2 to 4 inches of rain in some places, especially from memphis up to cincinnati and lexington the other end of the spectrum it is bone dry in dallas. 61 days in a row with no measurable rain. that's their second longest streak you can see much of texas below average when it comes to rainfall we just got the drought outlook for august and actually drought improving a bit in the southwest because of the monsoonal moisture look at where the drought is
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starting to develop. the midwest and here in the northeast. it's been awfully dry. we cou good morning, i am meteorologist kari hall. looking at hot inland temperatures but the humidity will be slightly lower as we get more sunshine for this afternoon. a fairly nice weekend ahead. temperatures into the upper 80s. slightly cooler next week. san francisco has highs reaching into the upper 60s. more sunshine today but i do >> and that is your latest weather. guys. guys, we have breaking news. a very special delivery just happened at the cincinnati zoo overnight. the first look at the baby hippo after this
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to your top eligible spend category, up to $500 spent each billing cycle with the citi custom cash℠ card. i love it... [voice vibrating] fiona fans cheering on what wasn't expected, a premie hippo with a miraculous life discovering bubbles, taking a shower, her first swim. >> that was our resident animal correspondent, kerry sanders, a couple years ago, covering the adorable hippo we all know, fiona. >> jacob you're here for the breaking news. >> i've been glued to the camera
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for days. >> she became a big sister. >> her mom gave birth last night around 10:00 at the cincinnati zoo. the baby calf weighs 60 pounds her sister was only 27 pounds or something. she's already up and walking the zoo hasn't announced whether it's a boy or a girl or a name, of course. >> not the first time we've been on animal watch at the "today" show >> no. >> you probably recall the 2017 obsession over april the giraffe, kept us in suspense for months millions watching her live stream daily until she gave up and gave birth. >> back to hippos, the father is tucker, he's 19. beebe, the mother is 23. >> she's a cougar. >> this was unexpected. >> thought kerry sanders put in an iud. >> gees! come on!
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come on! >> we're in shock. >> do we have to go to commercial >> okay. >> actually, though. they put the birth control on a slice of bread. >> is that true? >> yes, that's true. >> how did we go from celebrating the birth -- >> i don't know. >> i don't know. >> congratulations to fiona. coming up, the wonder of children visiting america for the very first time. keir simmons brought his children here for an adventure. >> look at those lovely ladies the one and only kevin bacon is right here. we'll talk about his new movie, his hit show, what he just revealed about "footloose. kevin bacon in the house when we come back.
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call or click to get a quote today. good morning, it is 7:56, i in kris sanchez. here's a look at what is happening now. >> in hayward, people trying to make it in the bay, winning the lottery is one way. we are talking about the housing lottery. in the city of hayward now accepting applications for people who want to be included in the lottery for 60 units of below-market rate homes along mission boulevard. the 2 to 3 bedroom homes are
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priced between $170,000.00 and $300,000 resents. to qualify, applicants can make up to $185,000 a percent, depending on the size of their household. good thursday morning. as you get ready to head out the door, it feels humid but we have sunshine. as we take a look outside at walnut creek, we will see the sunshine warming up those temperatures as we go into this afternoon. in fact, we are headed for the 90s. conquered reaching 91. 86 in fremont. in hayward, expect a high temperature of 71 degrees. upper 80s for the north bay. only slightly cooler for the weekend. low humidity for the next several days. then, as those temperatures drop to the mid-80s early next week, it may feel more muggy.
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for years, california's non-gaming tribes have been left in the dust.
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wealthy tribes with big casinos make billions, while small tribes struggle in poverty. prop 27 is a game changer. 27 taxes and regulates online sports betting to fund permanent solution to homelessness. while helping every tribe in california. so who's attacking prop 27? wealthy casino tribes who want all the money for themselves support small tribes, address homelessness. vote yes on 27.
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it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, feeling the heat. >> what i do is relax in my house with the ac on i don't go outside >> tens of millions under heat advisories and warnings, temperatures expected to shatter records. while in texas the extreme heat coming amid a major drought. al is live with your complete forecast. then, speaking out gabby petito's mother opens up one year after her daughter's murder. >> we're trying to do good for gabby and for everybody else.
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>> what she's now saying about fiance left behind and their new effort to provide support for domestic violence victims. plus, simmons in america our own keir simmons brings his family across the pond for the very first time. >> f >> from hip-hop in times square. to a meet and greet with lady liberty. >> we made it to the statue of liberty! >> we'll show you all the fun they had. and pickleball safety 101. it is the wildly popular sport sweeping the nation but experts are warning injuries are on the rise. what you need to know to stay safe in the kitchen. today, thursday, august 4th, 2022. from columbus, ohio. >> celebrating 25 years of
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marriage with my beautiful wife. >> wishing my grandma a happy 98th birthday. >> we love you. >> i'm here with my grandson. >> from washington d.c. >> from los angeles for our sweet 16. >> i'm turning 10. >> shout out to my morning show team at kttc. >> an nbc station in rochester, minnesota. >> girls trip from buffalo, new york. >> hello to my wife watching in knoxville, tennessee. >> i love you mom! welcome, welcome. we're so happy you're here. appreciate you starting your thursday morning with us, excited all these people are enduring heat to hang with us. >> we'll sweat it out with them in a few minutes. >> that's where we begin at 8:00, an august heat wave turning it up across the country. high humidity will add to the
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misery in some areas. some face worsening drought conditions. al is back with more with his forecast. >> you can see already we have heat indexes, heat warnings all the way up, it's going to feel triple digits, new york, baltimore, charleston, into raleigh for today. record highs possible for concord, binghampton, philadelphia, into boston. as we head into the weekend we're looking at temperatures remaining at or near these extremes with higher humidity and the heat index is going to be dangerous today. caution areas, that's a heat index of 80 or above, fatigue and dehydration after exposure. extreme caution from the plains to the southeast, heat exhaustion is possible. and the danger zone where your heat index is over 103, heat exhaustion and heat stroke possible from the southwest, southern plains, into the mid atlantic states. guys? >> al, thank you. we'll check back.
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>> breaking news from overseas, a russian court just convicted brittney griner of drug possession. the prosecutor is asking the court to hand down a 9 1/2 year prison sentence. the two-time olympian was arrested while entering russia in february, when cannabis oil vaping cartridges were found in her luggage. her attorneys say she packed medical cannabis by accident, the state department has been trying to arrange a prisoner swap for griner and accused american spy paul whelan. it's been one year since the heartbreaking search for gabby petito came to a heart breaking end. now her mother is on a mission to keep others from her fate. she spoke about it with kate snow. >> reporter: as we approach the one year since her death.omesti line. it will go towards a larger
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fund-raising goal that will enable them to hire more staff and save lives. how are you? >> it's hard. >> it's still hard every single day? >> we're trying. we're trying to do good for gabby and for everybody else. >> reporter: gabby petito's mother is determined to help others. this morning nicole schmidt announcing the foundation named in her daughter's honor is donating $100,000 to the national domestic violence hot line. >> our story begins because of domestic violence tragedy and we don't want to see that happen to anybody else. >> the hot line's ceo by her side. do you think some women came forward because they saw gabby's story? >> absolutely. >> reporter: the laughing, loving videos of a cross country road trip with her fiance, brian laundrie, painted a picture of bliss but days before her death. >> we drove by and a gentleman was slapping the girl. >> reporter: people who drove by
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called the police. >> i want to jump through the screen and rescue my daughter. she's hurting, she's scared. >> looking at it now, do you suspect this is the only time it happened in their relationship. >> in hindsight, looking at that, no >> reporter: gabby petito's body was later found in wyoming, the coroner said she was strangled brian laundrie disappeared and took his own life. in june, his lawyer released pages of brian's journal saying gabby fell in a creek and was in extreme pain he said she was in scream pain, i thought it was what she wanted >> you tweeted narcissists rewrite history. what did you mean? >> that was his character. even in his last moments, he wanted to make sure he looked like the good guy, right that's ridiculous. we know how she died >> you think it's blatantly untrue >> 100%. >> brian laundrie's attorney had
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no comment >> after gabby's murder, the hot line saw an uptick in calls and chats. strangers reached out to gabby's family >> we got a lot of messages and emails from people that said your daughter saved my life. i left because of her. >> reporter: but this summer the hot line is overwhelmed with nearly twice as many calls and chats as last year and wait times over 15 minutes. >> every potential call that's coming in is someone's life and that's how we have to think about this time is precious, lives are precious. >> reporter: the hot line says the doe the donation will help them hire more staff nicole said she's proud of her daughter. >> she touched the world, right. this whole tragedy that happened is for a higher purpose. that's what keeps me going. >> reporter: the national domestic violence hot line has a goal of raising $2 million total. their campaign is called hope can't wait for more information head to gabby's parents and stepparents
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sued the laundrie family, saying brian told them before he returned home he killed her. they say the laundries refuse to respond to them or law enforcement before the search. the attorney denies those allegations saying they had no obligation to speak to law enforcement or any third party, including the petito family. >> gabby's mom is so courageous. >> she's helping a lot of people. >> gabby petito's death is going to save lives. thank you. rescue teams worked overnight to reach nine coal miners trapped in a mine several others were able to make it out safely after the wall of a tunnel caved in. families kept vigil while dozens of soldiers and first responders tried to make contact. the mine is about 70 miles from the texas border and it only began operation earlier this year. i have a sweet boost for you.who a retired hospital worker who sang with the beatles three
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times in their early days proved he's still got it. he stunned the audience at a liverpool nursing home ♪ my darling ♪ ♪ i hunger for your touch ♪ >> that spontaneous version of "unchained melody" his daughter is a chef at that nursing home he said when he got up to sing, she begged him not to. he's glad he didn't listen. >> he's hitting the high notes there too. i love that. a good one still ahead, how the star of that "bat girl" movie that none of us is going to see because it was shelved, how she's reacting to the movie being scrapped. new york, a beloved tourist destination, look who's in our studio this morning, soaking in
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the sites, kur simmons and his family, and the girls' first trip to america. good morning >> good morning. >> we'll show you their trip about town from times square to the statue of liberty after this against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. what do we want delivered every month? clumping litter? salmon pate? love that for me. just choose the frequency and ship it! i feel so accomplished. now you can pet me. great prices on everything pets want. chewy. just between us, you know what's better than mopping? anything! at the end of a long day, it's the last thing i want to do.
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well, i switched to swiffer wetjet, and it's awesome. it's an all-in-one, so it's ready to go when i am. the cleaning solution actually breaks down dirt and grime. and the pad absorbs it deep inside, so it prevents streaks and haze better than my old mop. glad i got that off my chest, and the day off my floor! swiffer wetjet. also, try wetjet antibac to kill 99.9% of bacteria. the citi custom cash℠ card automatically adjusts to earn you more cash back in your top eligible spend category. hi. ♪♪ you don't have to keep tabs on rotating categories... this is the only rotating i care about. ... or activate anything to earn. your cash back automatically adjusts for you. can i get a cucumber water? earn 5% cash back that automatically adjusts to your top eligible spend category,
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up to $500 spent each billing cycle i wonder how jumbo snax got so jumbo? follow your nose to froot loops world! ♪♪
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i think they get stretched in frooter space! mmmmmm. jumbolicious! jumbo snax! cereal made jumbo for snacking! we are back, 8:13 with "today's" can't miss summer. >> every year visitors from far and wide travel to come here to new york city. and this year that group includes members of the "today" family. >> in his role as senior international correspondent, keir simmons as you know travels the globe. his latest assignment could be the most memorable yet, he brought his 9-year-old twin girls to america for the first time and his wife jess as well hello, everybody, good morning.
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>> good morning. >> welcome to america. >> thank you so much this is my wife jess and ilia and arianna. my girls were born almost a decade ago just as i began you have admired working for nbc. but it's taken until now for me to show them america, a chance to share with them and you why i have admired and loved this country since i was their age. so far we've been no further than new york but she did not news. disappoint sit straight up, you're on the news. >> cut. >> what do you think americans are like >> i think they're outstanding, funny. >> very kind helpful. >> helpful and kind. >> they'll tell you where to go if you lose your way so when we're in america, what do you want to do? >> i want to see the statue of liberty. >> hip-hop
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>> hip-hop dancing >> and the new york city ballet. >> do you want to go and see a baseball game? >> what is baseball? >> what is baseball? that's amazing and soon for the first time in their lives, ilia and arianna and my wife jess and i were crossing the pond. our america dream began with times square's bright lights. >> this is times square. the heartbeat of new york. what was it you said you were hoping to see? what's that? >> hip-hop >> it doesn't get better than learning about hip-hop in the city that made it famous >> up, up, down, down. slide right, slide left.
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crisscross >> and the girls had their own rooms for the dance team no sign of that british stiff upper lip here. >> what's it like to dance right in times square? >> in new york's times square that's our culture everyone is dancing, so much energy so we want to show what we're made of. >> hip-hop in times square, check. time for the adventure to continue in another iconic location america is quite a place there was another kind of dancing that you wanted to see >> ballet? >> what's that is that the new york city ballet >> oh my god >> don't look now, but i think i see a woman wearing a tutu over there. >> but this isn't just any woman in a tutu. this is sterling hilton, a principal ballerina at the new york city ballet and now in my daughters' hearts
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after an incredible lesson >> perfect in unison. you have a duet. >> i have some little shoes for you. >> with our new pointe shoes in hand -- >> thank you. >> -- we asked sterling to point us in the right direction. >> which way to the statue of liberty. >> i would just keep going that way. >> let's go girls. >> thank you >> bye >> soon, there she was calling to us in the harbor. >> we made it to the statue of liberty! yay! >> here we are, guys >> this is so exciting yeah. >> we finally made it. >> hi. >> good to see you >> good to see you i'm the park ranger here at the statue of liberty national monument. >> the girls' most important lesson of the day. the story of millions of immigrants who saw liberty as they arrived in america for the first time long ago. >> you yourself came to america.
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>> that's right. i'm an immigrant, i was able to serve in the military and now i'm working at the statue of liberty, a site so important to the story of immigration. >> thank you so much. >> it's a pleasure. >> it's great to meet you and hear your story. >> a country founded upon liberty with its worldwide welcome and flame of freedom still a beacon for so many of us, old and young. >> wow >> love that >> and did we make it to a baseball game? >> yes. >> and >> did we and some >> we went to a yankee's game yesterday. >> what did you think? >> well, honestly let me tell you a secret i was clueless not knowing what's going on. but i'm so happy we made it on the big screen. >> we go for the snacks. get a hot dog and things like >> we had the hot dogs, the
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popcorn, didn't we. >> hip-hop and ballet. what was your favorite part of being in new york. >> i think my favorite part so far was the new york city ballet, meeting sterling and also we -- also getting the pointe shoes >> that was cool. >> thank you, sterling >> oh. >> jess, your lovely girls we know keir is on the road all the time so we're going to give mom credit for these lovely girls as well i know you've been here before but seeing it through their eyes. >> it's amazing. such wonderful experiences we've had the best time so far haven't we, girls? we want to say thank you to everyone for making this happen. it's been amazing. from the bottom of our hearts we're grateful aren't we, girls these are memories you're having for life now >> yes.
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>> when are you coming back? >> we'll come back soon. >> keir, you've been showing us pictures of your adorable family for the whole ten years you've been here. it's so fun to share them with us >> i go to places scary for jess, there's nothing as scary as putting your children on live television. >> they're great. >> i hope they remember this, the way i remember my first trip to america and remember more than what they did, but what the country is about because, you know, as i said in the piece, it's a beacon for so many people and i hope my children will take it away. >> when you come back the next time, what do you want to do what's on the bucket list? >> normally because i love being in new york city ballet so i fancy meeting sterling again maybe. >> and maybe dancing like sterling. >> yeah. >> that hip-hop flip y'all that was amazing.
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>> we can do much more >> much more >> you have a floor there. >> it's much harder -- we're learning much harder tricks. >> do you take a hip-hop dance class at home? >> no. we taught ourselves. >> i did take a trial for hip-hop studio but then i decided to not do it >> have you thought about journalism perhaps i think you would make a great journalist. >> a whole team. >> y'all, that was awesome thank you. >> we got through it. >> you did >> so great. >> keir is sweating over there you guys couldn't be cuter we love having you come out on the plaza and hang out with us some more? >> yeah. >> i mean, like, you know, 'cause so, you know -- 'cause the back flip we did, because we -- we're doing this
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play and we did the back flip, and by the way, secret, i was doing the back flip once and i actually hit my head >> oh, no. >> okay. enough >> the family secrets might come out. >> do you want to go do the weather with mr. roker >> come over here and do the weather. >> go over with mr. roker. >> if he can do it, anyone can >> right this way. >> are we going to do this >> yeah. >> see the weather presenter it's on the bbc. right over here. >> okay. >> here's our big weather map. you get an idea of the country just touch that screen and see watch what happens the map moves. look at that you're a weather presenter very good. what do you see here what does that say >> extreme heat. >> yes they got it. how about this. >> strong storms. >> boom. you guys are the best.
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and here >> flood threats >> you are official weather people now you have to say here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning, our temperatures are reaching to the low 70s in san francisco today and we have upper 70s in hayward but as you ma normally this would be t normally this would be the best time of the morning but you have to take second best. >> can the simmons girls come back for pop start first up, bat girl after the surprising announcement that warner bros. is canceling the release of the dc superhero
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movie. we're hearing from leslie grace, sharing her reaction on instagram. she posted videos on the set and wrote about being proud of being part of what's a scrapped project. she thanked the cast and grew for seven months of hard work. shooting on location in scotland to the fans she added thank you for the love and belief allowing me to take on the cape and become my own damn hero. it came out just after one of the film's director shared a similar sentiment. he said he was saddened and shocked by the news. it's tough next up, chrissy tiegen, congrats yesterday she announced they have a baby on the way in a touching caption chrissy wrote about how nervous she's been to share the news it's been almost two years since she and john legend opened up about the miscarriage of their
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son jack she shared about her journey with ivf she wrote about battling nerves and excitement, adding everything is perfect and beautiful, i'm feeling hopeful and amazing. congratulations to chrissy and john this morning. and next up, billy joel. get ready to party like it's 1990 were you lucky enough to be at that yankee stadium concert? ♪ davy crockett, peter pan ♪ ♪ elvis presley, disney land ♪ ♪ budapest, alabama cruise ship ♪ ♪ princess grace, trouble in th suez ♪ >> were you there? >> roker was there. >> were you there? >> wait, for real? >> you have to look for yourself if you didn't get to see it live 32 years ago, everybody has a chance to check it out on the big screen in october his 1990 live at
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>> announcer: this is an nbc news special report. here's savannah guthrie. >> good morning, as we come on the air we have breaking news. just seconds ago a verdict was read in a russian courtroom for the american brittney griner, the wnba superstar held in moscow since february. found guilty of drug possession and sentenced to nine years in a russian prison. the prosecutors had asked for 9 1/2 years. the judge ceding to that demand, nine years in a russian prison. this case has become an international flashpoint between russia and u.s. at the very moment russian forces invaded ukraine and now there are ongoing prisoner swap conversation between russia and the u.s. we see brittney griner there in the russian courtroom where she has been this morning. she briefly addressed the court this morning, apologizing,
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saying it was not her intent to bring drugs into the russian territory. let's play a little bit of that. >> i made an honest mistake. and i hope that in your viewing, that it doesn't end my life here. i know that everybody keeps talking about political pawn and politics, but i hope that that is far from this courtroom. >> brittney griner moments ago. she has now been sentenced officially by a russian judge, nine years in prison. i want to turn to our senior international correspondent keir simmons, with me here in new york. you've obviously covered russia extensively. tell us about this trial, this proceeding, what comes next. >> well, devastating news for brittney griner and her family. the maximum sentence she could have received is ten years. the prosecution asked for 9 1/2 years. we just heard moments ago the judge announced it would be nine years and a 1 million ruble fine, just over $16,000.
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as you mentioned, she's been told she can appeal in ten days' time. as we heard the judge, you saw her sitting in that cage there. she had to stand when the actual decision was announced. you saw her most of the time sitting there, her translator with the short hair and tie, next to her to translate this hearing, this sentencing by the judge. she went through all of the evidence. but she crucially said is she would find brittney griner guilty of conscious smuggling and possession. as you know, brittney griner argued it was a mistake. this vape pen was in her luggage, she didn't mean to bring it. she understood it was illegal in russia. clearly what the judge has decided in russia that it wasn't a mistake, she knew what she was doing and sentenced her to nine years in prison. >> point in fact, brittney griner pleaded guilty but through her lawyers she admitted she didn't do it intentionally. that's an argument the judge has
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clearly rejected. stand by me, i want to turn to peter alexander at the white house. being watched very closely there. the president has received correspondence from brittney griner. there's been talk of a potential negotiation now between russia and u.s. for a prisoner swap, brittney griner, paul whelan, another american they say is wrongly detained, in exchange for a russian prisoner. what happens next? >> reporter: certainly the white house was hoping any verdict would accelerate this process. russia has indicated that it wasn't until this trial, this court case was resolved that they would begin in any earnest any conversations about a prisoner swap. you'll remember just last week, we heard from the secretary of state antony blinken, announcing what they described as a serious offer that had been presented to the russians back in june. that offer, as you detailed, was brittney griner and paul whelan, this former marine in the eyes of the u.s. wrongfully detained
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in russia, in exchange for a convicted arms trafficker, a man by the name of viktor bout. the russians dismissed that. according to the white house, they pushed back with a series of other suggestions. they wanted there to be another individual, a convicted murderer, who is now being held in germany to be added to the mix there. the u.s. responding to that, describing that as not being a serious counteroffer. one they say was not done in good faith. secretary blinken speaking to his counterpart, the foreign minister of russia, sergey lavrov, just last week. within the last couple of hours i spoke to a national security official with the biden administration who says that to this point, the u.s. says that russia has not substantively engaged in these negotiations. their desire in coming public, according to this official, was to try to jolt the process, to get russia to do more, to engage more earnestly in this back and forth. it remains to be seen if this
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will be the impetus for that. the white house has been in touch with brittney griner's family. the president and vice president speaking to cherelle griner, brittney griner's wife, early last month, and they've been speaking to her wife through other officials as well. savannah? >> peter, thank you very much. i want to turn to you, keir. you certainly know these russian officials. how do you read what is coming out of the russian government, sergey lavrov and antony blinken having spoken on the phone for the first time since the war in ukraine over this matter, and let us not forget, that is the political back drop here. >> the kremlin is negotiating, as the kremlin does. when i interviewed the kremlin spokesman peskov a few weeks ago before the white house had announced it had made this offer, when i asked him whether brittney griner was a hostage, he said she wasn't. and then quickly segued to say, but viktor bout, this russian held in america, he is a hostage. he was openly connecting two cases there. there's no doubt in my mind the russians would like to see some
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kind of a prisoner swap, but, of course, they are going to try to get, if you like, to put it bluntly, as much as they can from this. i think this sentence, 9 1/2 years, will put pressure on the white house again. the question is, what exactly does the kremlin want now? what deal are they prepared to do? already the white house has said they're prepared to do a deal. >> we'll continue to watch that. i believe the president has weighed in on the sentence, which we have just reported, nine years for brittney griner, the american being held in russia. >> reporter: savannah, that's exactly right. demonstrates the urgency with what the white house is addressing this issue and the closeness with which they are watching it. this is from joe biden, president biden says moments ago, today american citizen brittney griner received a prison sentence that is one more reminder of what the world already knew, russia is wrongfully detaining brittney. i call on her release so she can be with her wife, teammates.
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we will work tirelessly and pursue every avenue to bring brittney and paul whelan home as soon as possible. the words of president biden within the last couple of minutes. >> some saw this as a predicate step. we'll continue to follow it from the white house. peter, thank you. keir simmons with me here in new york. thank you. we'll have much more on "nightly news" with lester holt. we'll return you to your regular programming. for most of you, that will bese. that word is skills. how to show case the skills, not dream job. joining us to talk about it, the guy who runs linkedin himself. that's coming up on the third hour mr. roker, you have quite the adventure you're getting ready for. >> i'm very excited. >> where are you going >> i'll be live on america's tall ship, the coast guard's majestic eagle is returning to new york for the first time since before the pandemic. >> when are you doing that >> out there today
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i'm going to spend the night there, we'll be at the statue of liberty, the history-making female admiral, all celebrating national coast guard day. >> cool. are you spending the night on the ship >> i am. >> you'll be live there tomorrow. >> i'll be live tomorrow, coming into new york harbor. >> coming in hot. >> that's it >> let's get a check of the weather. >> but first -- >> announcer: this portion of "today" is sponsored by target, back to school made easy, that's totally target >> and let's see what we have got going on before we do, you got the weekend outlook, summer storms in the northeast tomorrow. scorching heat in the plains, flood risk out west. then on saturday, still stormy in the northeast we're looking at some scattered storms around the rockies and the southwest. and then sunday, sunday, hot, humid in the east. we got the sizzle continuing in the plains and the monsoon goes on out west and then, your daughter, what's your name? >> i'm amy from buffalo, new york.
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>> where's louise? come over here, louise one of our interns, louise, come on over. look at this this is your sister? >> this is my sister. >> have you been enjoying your internship >> it has been the best experience. >> you've been the best. good morning, i'm meterologist kari hall, it still going to be hot day but at least the humidity will be slightly lower this afternoon. and that's your latestoon. weather. >> okay. thank you, al. just spinning around like crazy. a big bumblebee landed on me and
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she saved me >> it's the yellow. >> seriously, it's still there. >> it was? i'm wearing yellow you hit me kind of hard, though. coming up next we have jumped on the pickleball trend we love it, discovered how fun it can be it apparently has some injuries tied to the sport, especially for us older folks this morning we get a lesson on how to enjoy it without hurting
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remember the remember the kitchen >> can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. >> pickleball is everywhere. it's a cross between tennis and ping-pong and badminton. it is the fastest growing sport in america >> more than half a million people started playing pickleball some of us took the court to try it out pickleball is especially popular among older americans and according to a new study from the baylor college of medicine, they should be mindful of
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injuries that could happen. >> i love that remember how much trash talking we did >> we did. >> trash talk. it was so good pickleball is fun. but injuries can happen. let's bring in the co-founder of spear physical therapy here in new york david, good morning. >> good morning. >> we love pickleball. a lot of us because we're getting up there our years it's a fun sport. but what are some injuries that can happen >> we see the gamut of injuries, rotator cuff, meniscus tears ankle sprains, tendinitis, so any weakness your body may have, pickleball may find it >> the rotator cuff injury you see is common. how do you get it? what do you do if you get it >> it's a series of four muscles that start on your shoulder blade and insert on your arm and help to keep that ball in the socket doing dynamic activities. so especially with overhead
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activities such as tennis or throwing, you see a lot of rotator cuff pickleball as you get more intense and more kind of competitive with it, start hitting a little more overhead. >> can you prevent it? can you prevent a rotator cuff tear >> rotator cuff tears can happen over time or from a big injury it's a tough question whether you can prevent it but you can do things having a good strength program. good flexibility >> good form >> good form so work with a professional to get the mechanics down when you're playing. >> are there things you should do before you go play? should we warm up? stretches? >> it's very similar to tennis and squash i would give a pickleball player a similar regiment as i give my more elite tennis athletes it's a dynamic activation of the large muscle groups involved making sure your shoulders are loose. getting prepared for the random
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movements coming about in squash and tennis we do ghosting you get on the court and simulate the movements on the court so you have awareness of your body and space. and when the random movement starts coming into play, you're ready for any of that. >> you're warmed up. >> exactly. >> you mentioned the rotator cuff have you seen anybody that hit their own head with the pickleball racquet >> what? >> that's me that lump. i put a nice bottle of hampton water rose right on it and that brought the swelling down. >> it looks much better. >> yeah. but it can happen. you get excited and boom on your own head. >> never heard of that happening. >> you have now. >> what about the bands are they important to use
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>> i brought simple props every player should have in their bag. for some shoulder activation, get your rotator cuff, doing some activities this way, just to get your rotator cuff exhausted going in doing some diagonal work where we're opening up our chests, shoulders, both directions this type of thing coming across this way so really getting the upper body ready. this band, putting it around your knees, getting into a squat position. >> that hurts! >> the old steps >> little squats so basically anything that's going to activate the larger muscle groups. >> thanks, david this is great. >> thank you >> happy pickleball. coming up we catch up with kevin bacon from his new movie to his hit show and his most memorablroles of his career.e
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wanna help kids get their homework done? well, an internet connection's a good start. but kids also need computers. and sometimes the hardest thing about homework is finding a place to do it. so why not hook community centers up with wifi? for kids like us, and all the amazing things we're gonna learn. through project up, comcast is committing $1 billion dollars so millions more students can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities.
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we are back, 8:44. kevin bacon is here. he stars as an fbi agent always willing to bend the rules in "city on the hill" and he's also taking on the role of owen whistler in the slasher, good morning. >> nice to see you. >> you have a couple of projects going on let's choose your own adventure, what do we talk about first, "they/them"? >> "they/them" is an interesting movie, john logan who wrote and directed it, is fantastic. first film directing he was horrified by the notion of gay conversion that it's still legal in this country and a lot of young people go through it every year. and decided to take that horrible notion and frame it in a horror movie and found a structure that was very much reminiscent of '70s camp slasher movies of which i was in one.
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>> i recall you in "friday the 13th". things did not go well for you. >> they did not. in horror movies there's this thing if you do something that society has deemed morally wrong you're going to die for it in my case i smoked a joint and had premarital sex. >> you had to die. >> it was game over for me. >> this turns it on its head you're the villain, i can give that away, right >> you sure can. >> but you never do a cartoonish villain. >> i think that people talk about men that, women that do these terrible things as monsters but to me it's not about playing a monster. it's about finding a way in through the human being. to me, that's more chilling and disturbing this is a guy who has an amazing ability to put everybody at ease and be very charming and to make people feel somehow safe and i have a place to go from there. >> "city on the hill" this is the third season. >> yes. >> your character is no longer an fbi agent he's in private security in boston.
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>> yes >> it's fun because the series, it's always in boston but different parts of boston. this time you're in beacon hill, the society area. >> yeah. >> tell me about this season. >> jackie was obviously not from beacon hill. that's a world that he's -- even a fish out of water. even a guy that's as well versed in all things boston as all he is. this is a world that he doesn't -- that he sort of aspires to so there's something very tempting about the fact the guy he's working for has a beautiful mansion, young wife, gives him a bmw to drive but he's forced to make moral decisions based on what he sees going on in this house >> i was watching an episode on conan talking about perfecting the boston accent which is hard to do. >> yeah. >> but you're a philly native. i think that --
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all my in-laws are from philly >> philadelphia is a hard one to do i never get a chance to do it, though, because they don't make -- give me any parts in philly everything i do is in boston. >> i felt like it would be a public service to give some philly accent. what's the classic accent, you didn't hear it >> i did hear it. >> it's subtle. >> i'm going to the wawa gonna get a hoagie and a coke. >> what kind of coke are you getting? >> diet coke. >> why a diet coke. >> i'm on a diet. >> i didn't realize philly had an accent but you do. it is that kind of - >> my daughter was in the mayor of eastown it takes place in delco, outside philadelphia she would call me up and say dad do it, because they had the really -- they were trying to get it together. >> you could have been a dialect coach on that. i loved "mayor of east town" by the way. >> it's so rare anybody ever pays the respect to the accent to philadelphia to attempt it. everyone does boston all the time i think it's -- i think -- you
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know, i mean, you want to try place. >> i can't let you go without talking about instagram. first of all, the "footloose" performance, you did the dirty dancing lift with keira your wife. >> i heard about this thing somebody told me the "footloose" drop this was not in "footloose." >> i didn't think it was i feel i memorized every scene of "footloose," i don't remember it. >> i never thought she'd do it. >> she rocked it but your next post she had an injury. >> she had an injury, but she was fine she bruises very easily so she had a bruise on her. she was okay i want everybody to know because there was a lot of backlash, why are you promoting a dangerous -- i was like, okay, all right. >> you know what, stick with singing to goats with the whole family which is another thing i'm enjoying on instagram. >> awesome thank you for checking it out. >> your whole family is so
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talented great to catch up with you you're going to be on the third hour >> okay. >> i was going ask about your family because your kids are so talented but i'll leave it for the third hour. >> okay. >> "they/them," it starts tomorrow on peacock. >> the new season of "city on the hill" airs on showtime these guys have millions of fans online and it is easy to see why. the creators of bosch make plant based cooking easy and cheap too. we'll find out about their most popular recipes. but first, thiis "today" on s
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but first, thiis "today" on s for years, california's non-gaming tribes have been left in the dust. wealthy tribes with big casinos make billions, while small tribes struggle in poverty.
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prop 27 is a game changer. 27 taxes and regulates online sports betting to fund permanent solution to homelessness. while helping every tribe in california. so who's attacking prop 27? wealthy casino tribes who want all the money for themselves support small tribes, address homelessness. vote yes on 27. we are back with "today" food and this morning it's that dynamic duo behind bosch henry firth, ian theasby, these
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guys just released their cook book, bosh on a budget they bring us easy, affordable plant based recipes, good for our bodies, budget, and the planet thanks for being here. >> good to be here thanks >> millions of followers online. you have quite the following we want to have you in to introduce us to some of your most popular recipes. this got my attention, this is jack fruit. >> that is jack fruit, the world's largest tree born fruit grows in central africa and southeast asia be brave, don't buy this one, buy it in a tin. this is what we have here. jack fruit in a tin. to prepare it, it's really simple, take your fingers and break it up. there's these shreds and fibers, that's perfect to mimic meat. >> what are we making? >> we're making lovely jack fruit wings. they're like chicken wings so that's going in there we have some jerk seasoning for that heat. a bit of paprika, some soy
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sauce, everything is plant based so we try to add the flavors, color. and oil, that's going to replicate the meaty oiliness add in the jack fruit, mix it together don't be afraid to get your hands in there it's going to get messy. it's absolutely fine and then we form it into the wings. >> you make the shape of the wings. >> exactly in your hands. it's going to look just like this. his is panco bread crumb. we stick it in there, fold it >> what do we have here? >> this is panko bread crumbs. we stick it in there, fold it through, gives it a nice crispy crust on the wings. >> oh. >> good, right >> we're going to fry this we're frying it for about two to three minutes. >> what kind of oil do you have there? >> regular vegetable oil. >> we have the chicken done. >> we're going to do our fries these are par boiled to make them softer. add more of the jerk seasoning, just to continue on that flavor.
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pinch of salt, some oil. and then let the oven do the work, they take about 30 minutes in the oven until they're perfect. >> they're good on their own but this is a pineapple sauce and it's delicious but spicy, so watch yourself. >> what kind of potatoes do you use for your fries >> russet. >> that's good. >> that's your main course >> but the desert we're giving you is a brownie but the secret ingredient is a potato. >> do you taste the potato in the brownie? >> not yet. >> i finished my wings. >> i see that. >> actually may shared one with me. >> try the brownie let me know if you taste the potato. >> this is going to act as a binder but we need to soften and steam it. >> once that's steamed up, you pop it through and whack it on. so it's nice and blended and we add some vegetable oil as well >> okay. >> there we go
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perfect mixture. >> i'm adding, i have a melted chocolate mixture. pull that through. this is our brownie batter we take that potato. give me a hand just fold it through >> okay. >> be careful not to overmix it. >> when we put it in the oven, how long do we bake it >> finish the mix, that takes about 16, 17 minutes in an oven. >> what's the word >> very good >> it doesn't taste potato-y >> ian, thank you so much. grab "bosh on a budget" at
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good morning, it's 8:56. happening today, police will talk more about their big break this week in the case of a string of recent southbay pellet gun shootings. officers arrested this man, nicholas montoya on monday. in one of the shootings, this girl, just 15 years old, walking near valley fair mall, suffered a collapsed lung and fractured rib when she was shot. she spoke with nbc bay area from her hospital bed and police are tying him to at least seven attacks in san jose and campbell. we have a crew headed to the news conference and we will have the latest on our midday caws and you ♪
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tile, wood, stone, laminate, vinyl... and this one is...perfect. at floor and decor, our everyday low pricing on high-quality products and on-trend styles, means you can really bring your room to life. discover floor and decor today! this morning on the "3rd hour of today," summer scorcher, another day of record-breaking heat. tens of millions looking at triple digit temperatures. we'll let you know if there's any relief in sight. then we look ahead to fall. shopping that is. what's causing a back to school backlog and what else is missing from store shelves. plus we have serious star power in studio 1a, kevin bacon, anna chlumsky, and theo germaine


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