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tv   Early Today  NBC  August 17, 2022 4:00am-4:30am PDT

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i have said since january 6, that i will do whatever it takes to ensure donald trump is never again anywhere near the oval office, and i mean it. >>iz cheney's concession speech after a trump-backed opponent beat her by more than two to one multiple states are facing historic water cuts as the growing mega drought in the west
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shows no signs of relief today former trump attorney rudy giuliani is under probe ever heard of surveillance software your boss may have a better idea on knowledge they're using this to track your ever move. mother nature showing off in a spectacular manner, as we kick off your hump day. "early today" starts right now good morning i'm phillip mena >> i'm frances rivera. we begin with the latest legal trouble for former president trump and a widening web of va investigations several are under way on classified documents and his role in the january 6 attack
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and in georgia, a grand jury is hooki looking into his attempts to overturn the 2020 election the former president's attorney could be in legal trouble. >> reporter: an attorney for rudy giuliani telling nbc news he is the target in a criminal probe into election fraud in 2020 in georgia. the famous call between trump and brad raffensberger giuliani is expected to testify under oath but behind closed doors today in atlanta it is unlikely he is going to answer any questions about his former boss, most likely pleading the fifth or claiming attorney-client privilege. but they could also focus on possible election crime committed by jgiuliani himself he made false claims in front of
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a prosecutor >> i don't have to be a genius to figure out that those votes are not legitimate votes you don't put legitimate votes under a table. >> no. >> wait until you throw the opposition out, and in the middle of the night count them we would have to be fools to think that so no need to push it any further, but there's more than ample evidence to conclude that this election's a sham >> now the georgia investigation has cast a wide net. south carolina senator lindsey graham also fighting a subpoena. also jenna ellis has been ordered to testify she is scheduled to testify, frances, august 25th >> thanks for the breakdown, susan. one of donald trump's biggest republican critics in
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congress is out. wyoming congresswoman, liz cheney, the vice chair of the january 6 committee who also voted to impeach the former president has been defeated by her trump-backed challenger, harriet hageman. and while hageman celebrated, cheney vowed to keep fighting. >> while it may not be easy, we can dislodge entrenched politicians who believe they've risen above the people they are supposed to represent and serve. >> i have said since january 6 that i will do whatever it takes to ensure donald trump is never again anywhere near the oval office and i mean it. >> former president trump congratulated hageman on social media and took a dig at liz cheney, saying she can now disappear into the depths of
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political on livion. polls also closed in alaska. lisa murkowski has survived her primary. she only needed to finish in the top four to move on to the general election e and sarah palin is competing in the primary to determine who will fill the house seat for the next full term which will start in january this race is also using the ranked-choice system let's turn to out west where drastic steps are taken to ration water an ongoing mega drought has forced the government to announce water cuts to two states >> reporter: in the grips of a prolonged and historic drought, the u.s. bureau of reclamation stating water cuts
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40 million people facing a tier 2 shortage arizona will lose 21% of its water allocation from the river as nevada loses 8% >> it's a tough problem. >> reporter: climate change has only intensivized a drought. snaking through the mountains, the river waters sustain some of the largest cities in the nation >> we must be conscious of the fact that we deal with finite resources and need to manage accordingly. >> reporter: lake mead and lake powell are a quarter full. water cuts made bit federal government come after the seven states involved couldn't reach an agreement on their own.
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future cuts impacting even more states seem inevitable hoping to avoid a catastrophic river collapse, arizona and nevada face a tightening tap, threatening to trickle down to more of the country. a new report is revealing more details leading up to a co-pilot's jump from a plane he was visibly upset as they planned their landing. the pilot in command noted that he opened a side cockpit window and quote, may have gotten sick. the co-pilot got up from his seat, removed his headset, plied and departed the plane via the ramp during. his body was found in a yard hours after the plane landed the search for kiely rodni
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has entered a new phase. until there are new leads the case is winding down she has been missing for 11 days now. >> reporter: the search for kaily rodney enters a new phase after 11 days. >> we're going to have to switch modes. >> reporter: the placer county sheriff's office telling nbc news it's stopping search and rescue efforts now until there are new leads. the rodni family upgrading the reward for $75,000 the 16-year-old was attend a party near lake tahoe on friday august 5th when she was last seen around midnight her phone last pinged around 12:30 a.m., showed her location near placer lake investigators believe the phone ran out of battery or was shut off. her mother recounting the last
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conversation she had with kiely. >> i asked her to wake me up when she got home-like she normally did, and she said she would, and i said i love you >> reporter: and her father sharing this message >> extremely concerned every parent's nightmare >> reporter: no sign of kiely or the vehicle she was in photos released, including this one of the hoodie she was said to have been wearing when she was last seen. >> if anyone has more video that they have not submitted, please, there's no small amount of information for us >> reporter: kiely's best friend spoke to our sacramento affiliate. >> i just want her to come back and be okay and know that she's loved. >> reporter: over the weekend, rodni's hometown of truckee,
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california coming together for a concert in her honor >> it is about community about keeping our spirits high >> our thanks for that report. cleaning up the beach in biloxi, they found more than they bargained for they recovered 11.5 bricks of cocaine. one who decided to keep the drugs for himself is charged with trafficking meteorologist michelle grossmann is tracking the weather for us >> summer going strong and we're looking at temperatures in the 90s and triple digits. 21 million people affected by a heat advisory or excessive heat
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warning. we're looking at temperatures into the 90s, into the 100s. the jet stream so far to the horizontal is e southeast. that could fuel storms later on this afternoon all right, we have that heat out west we are also tracking storms in the southeast. we'll do that in just a few minutes. the girl scouts are initiating a zesty new release the new flavor is called the raspberry rally. it is a sister to the thin mint but with a tangy taste instead
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it will be released in 2023. we're back in just 60 seconds with a major victory for the biden administration and nasa rlsol one step closer to sending earth lings back to the moon with dawn platinum ez-squeeze. it's an upside-down bottle with no cap. you just grab and squeeze. dawn platinum's more powerful formula breaks down and removes grease 4 times faster. nice! no flip, no mess. platinum is also a go-to grease cleaner for your sink, your countertops, and to pre-treat stains on laundry. fast. easy. dawn platinum ez-squeeze. flip the way you clean dishes. zyrteeeec... works hard at hour one and twice as hard when you take it again the next day. so betty can be the... barcode beat conductor. ♪♪ go betty! ♪♪ let's be more than our allergies! zeize the day. with zyrtec. when do you spray febreze air? after every flush. in my kitchen, febreze tackles my toughest odors.
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after vacuuming, because fresh means clean. i spray every chance i get. starts working instantly to freshen any room. febreze air. new this morning nasa's mission to the moon and beyond is slowly taking shape. the artemis one rocket began its rollout to the launch pad around 10:00 p.m. eastern artemis one and the orion pace craft are part of the beginning phase to get astronauts back onto the moon and eventually to mars president biden has signed a major climate, health care and tax bill into law. the inflation reduction act will immediately allow americans to receive tax credits and rebates for certain energy-efficient products and electric cars at the start of the new year other key components will take
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effect, including a 15% minimum corporate tax as well as a $35 price cap for insulin will kick in the affordable care act will ed. former president obama tweeted at president biden that it is a bfd, in reference of the hot mic moment of the affordable care act, when he staiaid it was a bg bleeping deal. some employers are watching employees closer than ever and is inflation sticking a fork in your budget? could save them money on car insurance, right? you see the thing is geico, well, could help them save on boat insurance too. hey! okay...i'm ready to come in now.
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hello? i'm trying my best. seriously, i'm...i'm serious. request to come ashore. geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance. from the #1 fiber brand comes metamucil gummies. getting your daily fiber is now even easier. made with prebiotic plant based fiber to support your digestive health. each serving has 5 grams of fiber and no added sugar. metamucil fiber gummies. for the power of a deep clean in minutes try mr. clean clean freak unlike bleach sprays, clean freak begins deep cleaning on contact with 3x the cleaning power to break down tough messes in seconds so, it's perfect for stovetops, tough bathroom soap scum, and even stainless steel. mr. clean clean freak
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be ready for whatever life throws your way. only dial provides a hard-working clean but is gentle to skin with its skin smart complex and 3 moisturizers to leave your skin feeling fresh and healthy. nothing cleans like dial. does your vitamin c last 24 hours? only nature's bounty does. with immune 24 hour plus... you get longer-lasting vitamin c... plus herbal and other immune superstars. get more with nature's bounty. febreze unstopables touch fabric spray. plus herbal and other immune superstars. just shake and spray... to unlock touch-activated scent technology... hours—or even days—later... enjoy bursts of freshness with every touch. for long-lasting freshness... grab febreze touch.
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coming up on "today", it's back to school week. why some middle and high
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schoolers will be starting their days later than ever this year with the rise of remote working comes new ways for companies to track your activity some businesses are monitoring nearly every move made by employees down to the very keystroke. our vicky nguyen has more. >> reporter: for many americans working from home is now more feasible than ever one recent survey showing 58% of respondents say they can work remotely at least one day a week with 35% having the option to work from home the entire week and with more people operating outside of the office, some companies companies are stepping up surveillance software. that is supervisors monitoring daily activity through company-issued devices, including keyboard usage, screen time and clicks and more >> i would definitely leave the company and seek a job elsewhere. >> if it was a company i really admired and worked for i wouldn't be bothered by it
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>> reporter: a recent investigation found eight of the 10 largest employers tracked employees. it can tolead to termination in some cases people working somewhere with more than 500 employees should be on high alert >> do i need to think about being photographed, listening through your microphone. keystroke-logging software so recording what you are type wil typeing at any given time. >> reporter: as transparency have been cited as benefits, experts say workers being treated fairly is crucial. >> when an employee doesn't feel the ability to control what's happening, how does it affect their behavior at work >> they feel less responsibility to do good work.
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to be the best employee they can be and it strips that away. it tooksakes them away from the work because they're not as engaged. >> reporter: with some already feeling burned out, some argue not every task should be monitored digitally. some work falls outside of tracking data, including face-to-face meetings. >> you simply can't track all the behaviors that go into a successful work day. you have to continue to focus on employees' work output, not necess necessarily the input. >> you need a mouth jiggler. >> reporter: some are weighing whether to leave their jobs or take their talents elsewhere >> our thanks to vicky nguyen e. the can't-miss waterspout
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moment caught on camera. bold... ♪♪ rich... ♪♪ intensely delicious dark chocolate. ♪♪ ghirardelli intense dark. ♪♪ makes life a bite better. ♪♪ this is the gillettelabs with exfoliating bar. the bar in the handle removes unseen dirt and debris ahead of the blades, for effortless shaving in one efficient stroke. ugh-stipated... feeling weighed down by a backedup gut" ahead of the blades, miralax is different. it works naturally with the water in your body to unblock your gut. your gut. and your mood will follow. for people who are a little intense about hydration.
4:22 am
neutrogena® hydro boost lightweight. fragrance-free. 48 hour hydration. for that healthy skin glow. neutrogena®. for people with skin. does your plug-in fade too fast? try febreze fade defy plug. for that healthy skin glow. it has built-in technology to digitally control how much scent is released to smell first day fresh for 50 days. la la la la la. ready to shine from the inside out? say “yes” to nature's bounty advanced gummies and jelly beans. the number one brand for hair, skin and nails. with two times more biotin to bring out more of your inner beauty. get more with nature's bounty. good checkup? no, great checkup. aw thank you doc.
4:23 am
we're talking dental hall of fame... you want a sticker? for great checkups, crest has you covered... because crest pro-health protects 100% of your mouth for 24 hours. keep up the good work. now, from crest pro-health new densify. like bones, your teeth lose density overtime. but, crest has you covered. crest densify... actively rebuilds tooth density to extend the life of teeth. crest. the #1 toothpaste brand in america. (dad) we have to tell everyone that we just switched to verizon's new to extend the life of teeth. welcome unlimited plan, for just $30. (daughter) i've already told everyone! (nurse) wait... did you say verizon for just $30? (mom) it's their best unlimited price ever. (cool guy) $30...that's awesome. (dad) yeah, and it's from the most reliable 5g network in america. (woman) for $30 a line, i'm switching now. (mom) yeah, it's easy and you get $960 when you switch the whole family. (geek) wow... i've got to let my buddies know. (geek friend) we're already here! (vo) the network you want. the price you love. only from verizon.
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stunning minimuimages of a off of destin. thunder and lightning crackling. the waterspout didn't make landfall but traveled about 20 mince minutes before dissipating >> looks like cgi, but very, very real. hi, michele. >> we could see more storms in the southeast. a slow-moving cold front as we go into the four corner, the southern rockies could see heavy rain even leading to flooding as well looking at the southeast into the gulf coast, one to two inches of rain as well back to you guys >> all right, michelle, thanks if you think gross prices
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are too much to swallow, we coteuld ll you why eating out could be the answer. powerwash , what are you waiting for? it's dawn's fastest and easiest way to clean everyday dishes. on simple messes... just spray, wipe and rinse. on tough messes, its spray activated suds have five times faster grease cleaning power to break down grease without water. plus, its targeted spray cleans even hard to reach places better. so, replace your dish soap with dawn powerwash and spray your dishes clean. when you can't sleep... try zzzquil pure zzz's gummies. they help you fall asleep naturally with an optimal dose of melatonin. and a complementary botanical blend. so you can wake up refreshed. for better sleep, like never before. listen, i'm done settling. because this is my secret. so you can wake up i put it on once, no more touch ups! secret had ph balancing minerals; and it helps eliminate odor, instead of just masking it.
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so pull it in close. secret works. serena williams was in action on tuesday as her evolution from tennis fast approaches she was greeted with massive cheers at the western and southern open. its with a tough match against the defending u.s. open champion she beat williams and williams implied she would wrap up her career following the u.s. open many. as the price of groceries is up, an unexpected place may help
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you save money on food restaurants. >> reporter: from fast food restaurants likeo value-based chainse applebee's, advertisin for a do entree >> everything's really expensive. eating out is expensive, too >> reporter: certainly, the cost of everything is up. it's just a question of relativity federal numbers show grocery prices shot up over 13% year-over-year in july while restaurant prices jumped a more digestible 7.6% the biggest gap between the two in 50 years. businesses are seeing an uptick in visitors who are capitalizing in creative ways >> you come out, feeding two people for $8.
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you can't do that in a ghrocery store. >> reporter: restaurants have dynamic pricing that can change daily. did you envision a circumstance in which you would be marketing your restaurant as a better value proposition than a super market >> the consumer is savvy enough to know. >> reporter: certainly value depends on what type of food you're talking even in the supermarket, the inner shelf items present palatable deals. but meats, seafood, dairy and fruits have exploded in cost >> for consumers interested this the high-quality food, eating fresh foods, those consumers are seeing more pronounced inflation. >> reporter: which might explain
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the pivot to dining out. >> if are you someone who is not into cooking in the kitchen eating out is better >> reporter: even if it might be a relatively better deal than eating at home >> either way, some thought's got to go into it, whether you eat out or stay in and
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i'm excited to be in class with all my friends, my teachers and all the people in school. >> that's a good attitude, young man. right now at 4:30, heading back to class. students across san francisco getting ready for their first day. there are lingering concerns about whether the district will have enough staff on hand to teach them. >> plus, putting an end to anti-aging violence. a san francisco community demanding answers and how the new district attorney is responding. also heat and lightning. meteorologist


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