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tv   Today  NBC  August 20, 2022 5:30am-7:00am PDT

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good saturday morning. thanks so much for waking up with us. there are new developments overnight at that power plant in ukraine. >> it's august 20th. this is "today." power play new explosions near europe's largest nuclear plant in ukraine has the world on edge this morng. russia reportedly is having to disconnect the plant from the ukrainian power grid, reigniting fears of a nuclear meltdown that could spread deadly radiation across the continent bone dry the northeast facing severe drought conditions, a region so
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desperate for rain that new york's governor is urging residents to limit their water use. >> we all love green grass, but there's always next year. >> but in the southwest, millions of people are facing flash flood warnings painful testimony. kobe bryant's widow overcome by emotion on the witness stand describing her devastation and anger after photos circulated among first responders of the crash site where her husband and daughter died. gridiron mystery where in the world is tom brady? he hasn't been at training camp with no return in site so where is the super bowl champ? and when will he be back and rallying around easton some good news on that little leaguer who fell out of his bunk earlier this week fracturing his skull, now taking his first steps since that fall. >> so good, easton you're amazing
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>> his teammates taking to the field in his honor, with fans around the country cheering them on today, saturday, august 20th, 2022 >> from nbc news, this is "today" with peter alexander and kristen welker welcome to "today. thank you for joining us on this saturday morning >> it is good to have you with us and it's good to have you with us, peter, back after a week off. >> yeah, nice to be with some family always good to be with your daughters for a little time before school starts again, i was grateful for that. we'll talk about the weather but first let's get to our top story and it is those new fears across europe with t becoming a russia in the war in ukraine. the urgent warnings as the situation there intensifies. nbc's josh lederman is in central ukraine for us with the very latest.
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josh, good morning. >> reporter: peter, good morning. there was more shelling overnight just ten miles from the nuclear plant. local officials saying russian artillery and rockets pummeled the area, raising fears about nuclear catastrophe. this morning, as explosions ripped through civilian and military areas alike, ukraine saying russian occupiers plan to shut down europe's largest nuclear power plant and disconnect it from ukraine's electricity grid. >> if we demilitarize, as we propose, the plant, the problem will be solved. >> reporter: undersecretary of state bonnie jenkins telling nbc news that radiation could spread far beyond ukraine. >> the best way to deal with the situation is for russia to give control back to ukraine of the zaporizhzhia power plant if not that, to certainly allow for a demilitarization zone around the power plant. >> reporter: russia has rejected both of those ideas but in a friday phone call, president putin told emmanuel macron that russia is willing to let then z
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nuclear ener has encouraged pregnant women and children to leave because they could be at the highest risk for radiation. president zelenskyy saying if russia's extortion with radiation continues, this summer may go down as one of the most tragic in european history ukraine also stepping up its counteroffensive to wrest back territory and put russia on the defensive, with strikes deep in russian-held territory, including crimea russian officials reporting more drone strikes overnight. a ukrainian official telling nbc news that recent explosions in crimea with the work of pro-ukrainian saboteurs and hinting at more to come. a key concern is shelling could damage the spent fuel there but perhaps the biggest risk is if the power supply gets knocked out to the cooling system that
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keep reactors from melting down. a disaster there could send radiation deep into europe. >> josh, this next week marks six months since the war began the u.s. announcing another round of military aid. are there any signs of this letting up >> reporter: well, fierce fighting is continuing in the east and in the south, but neither side is gaining much ground, peter. the concern is this could become a frozen conflict as we head into the winter. that's one reason the u.s. is sending another $775 million of weapons to ukraine, including advanced spy drones bringing the u.s. total so far to more than $10 billion. peter and kristen. >> josh lederman on the ground for us this morning. josh, thank you. back here in washington, president biden will host a bipartisan summit next month to address a series of hate-fueled attacks across the country the summit announced threats against the fbi, irs and law enforcement in the wake of the search of former president trump's florida home nbc's monica alba is at the white house following all of the developments for us this
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morning. monica, good morning to you. >> reporter: kristen, good morning. the white house summit will highlight the, quote, corrosive effects of hate-fueled violence with president biden aiming to deliver on a campaign promise of unity amid stark division. it comes at a time when heated political rhetoric in this country is only further escalating >> the constitution of the united states. >> reporter: joe biden says he decided to run for president after the deadly unite the right white supremacist rally in charlottesville, virginia, vowing to heal the soul of the nation. >> it was a wake-up call for us as a country and for me a call to action. >> reporter: five years later, as president, he'll gather a bipartisan group of federal, state and local officials as well as civil rights groups and faith and business leaders to examine what's ailing america. with a united we stand summit next month the threat of racial hatred seen yet again after a white gunman killed ten black people at a supermarket in buffalo, new york, earlier this year.
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>> we must all enlist in this great cause of america this is work that requires all of us, presidents, politicians, commentators, citizens none of us can stay on the sidelines. >> reporter: the conference taking place during a particularly fraught political environment after the recent fbi search at former president trump's mar-a-lago home. former vice president pence calling for calm. >> we can hold the attorney general and the justice department accountable without demeaning the rank and file men and women of the fbi. >> reporter: as other republicans attack the irs with some linking the investigation to new tax enforcement of wealthy individuals and large corporations created by the inflation reduction act. congressman jim banks tweeting if the fbi can raid the home of a former u.s. president, imagine what 87,000 more irs agents will do to you. >> are they going to have a strike force that goes in with
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ak-15s already loaded ready to shoot some small businessperson in iowa? >> reporter: democrats call that kind of language increasingly dangerous and out of control as it can possibly motivate extremists as for the september summit, white house officials tell me the current threats against law enforcement and other public servants won't be the main focus but the president will continue to condemn any such violence in the strongest of terms kristen and peter. >> monica alba at the white house. monica, thank you. a federal appeals court on friday ordered the justice department to release an internal memo related to the mueller investigation examining ties between former president trump and russia the court found then attorney general william barr was wrong to withhold the 2019 memo analyzing whether he should charge mr. trump with obstruction of justice and that barr never seriously considered charging him the ruling came in response to a watchdog group which sued the
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justice department for access. meanwhile, senator lindsey graham also in the spotlight this morning he has been ordered to testify next week in front of a special grand jury in georgia. it's investigating attempts by former president trump and his allies to overturn the 2020 election results in that tightly contested state. a federal judge denied graham's latest attempt to avoid answering questions about his role in that effort. graham has vowed to take his case to the u.s. court of appeals, which could step in and delay that tuesday appearance. to los angeles now and an emotional day in court on friday when vanessa bryant broke down on the witness stand kobe bryant's widow detailed the betrayal she says she felt after photos of the crash site where her husband and daughter were killed were taken and circulated by first responders. bryant is now suing local authorities for invasion of privacy. nbc's raf sanchez has the latest for us from l.a. good morning. >> reporter: peter, good morning. that's right, it was a very emotional scene in federal court
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as vanessa bryant testified. she spoke not only about the pain of losing kobe and gigi but also the feeling of betrayal by those who were supposed to be helping them this morning vanessa bryant's grief and anger echoing from an l.a. courtroom breaking down on the witness stand as she recalled how sheriff's deputies took pictures of charred remains of the crash site where her husband, kobe, and 13-year-old daughter, gigi, died i felt blindsided, devastated and hurt, she told the court i trusted them not to do these things her lawyers say the photos spread to nearly 30 people being shown in a bar and even an awards ceremony banquet. her deepest fear, the images will one day appear online and be see by her daughter, capri, who's too young to remember naert and sister she didn't know what they were like i don't want her to see these photos, she said through tears lawyers argue vanessa bryant
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can't have suffered emotional distress from photos she has never seen and were never posted online meanwhile the county sheriff says he believes all the pictures were deleted, but asked how many were taken, he said god knows. there is a history of sharing pictures of dead celebrities going back to o.j. simpson's wife, nicole they have passed kobe's law, making it illegal for first responders to take unauthorized photos at crime scenes since their memorial in 2020, bryant is determined to defend her living children and the memories of her loved ones. yod we're still the best team. >> reporter: now taking that battle to the courts, telling the jury i'm willing to go to hell and back for my husband and daughter and the trial continues next week with testimony from the l.a. county fire chief about how
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some of his crews behaved after the crash. the defense will then call its remaining witnesses. after that, the case moves to the jury probably the end of next week. >> all these years later still such a heart-breaking loss raf, thank you very much. now we want to talk about the severe weather conditions this summer responsible for a drought that's expanding its reach as the northeast grows more desperate for rain. a stark contrast to have parts of the southwest being hammered by flash flooding. emilie ikeda has more. >> reporter: signs of the worsening conditions are all around us, from the formerly flowing rivers that are now trickling streams to what we have here, crispy brown grass. officials are urging residents to play their part and cut back on water usage as nearby sources of water nearly run dry. bone-dry conditions that have long plagued the west now gripping the east coast too.
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brown grass, depleted rivers and stunted crops evidence of a brutal summer, and it's getting worse. >> a tree just like a human will turn around and protect itself when it gets stressed. so part of that stress is to drop fruit prematurely. >> reporter: keith bishop has witnessed the impacts firsthand on his family farm in connecticut. parts of the state entering an extreme drought this week. >> as you can take and see, the berries are not the size of a dime like they normally would be and they drop off very easily. >> reporter: similar scenes in new jersey under its first statewide drought watch in six years. >> this was a beautiful cornfield that was at least this tall last year by this time. it was beautiful. >> reporter: farmers are worried that without rainfall soon, their crops will dry up and with them, profits. >> i was asking my mother, have you ever seen this she was like, not this bad. >> reporter: not a single part of massachusetts, rhode island or connecticut is free of drought. and in new york, high
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temperatures and little rainfall have prompted officials to limit water usage in rockland county, where a key water source runs low. >> let's reduce the outdoor water use. we can all do this we all love green grass, but there's always next year. >> reporter: meanwhile across the country, another kind of extreme. parts of the southwest could see up to 6 inches of rain, as millions brace for flooding. and in zion national park friday, flash floods sent hikers scrambling for dry ground, with similar conditions expected this weekend. just as death valley national park reopens in nearby california severe downpours there caused millions of dollars of damage to roads and facilities in recent weeks. historic conditions heightening concerns around climate change and the west drought only exacerbates flash flooding concerns with that extra dry soil easily washed away by any kind of precipitation. meanwhile in the northeast, waiting for rain, water cuts are
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being implemented here in rockland county. residents can only water their lawn on certain days and restaurants are banned from serving customers water unless they specifically ask for it guys, back to you. >> just remarkable to hear that warning from new york's governor thank you for that. >> too dry the water just pours by. time to check our forecast right now. we want to turn to that. this is extreme weather of all kinds. >> we are kicking monsoon season into high gear today and those burn scars we see in the southwest are going to exacerbate the situation so 8 million people are waking up to the risk of flooding today from arizona into new mexico and parts of texas let's superimpose the radar on here and there are copious amounts of rain already falling in areas like albuquerque, down into el paso and roswell we actually have an elevated risk in areas like truth and consequences down to el paso and tucson for flash flooding today. we're at a moderate risk level
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it's much more elevated than we've seen in past weekends. let's go ahead and take a look right now at the culprit behind all of this. it's an upper level disturbance that's bringing heavy rain into parts of arizona and new mexico and that's going to kick off today, stick around through tonight. we'll see excessive runoff that will cause this flash flooding and then we see it start to transition to parts of northern texas as we head through your sunday you know what else will help bring moisture into texas? a tropical system. right now we have the potential fourth tropical storm, named tropical storm of our season if it becomes named we're looking at tropical storm danielle and that will bring moderate to heavy rain into areas like we're waking up to pretty much partly clear skies in san francisco. 58 degrees right now. temperatures will bump up into the 60s by the afternoon. the interior valleys can expect to see a pretty big warmup. here's a closer look at some of the headlines that we'll be
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following for today. we'll warm up into the interior valley, and we can expect an increase in onshore winds. a brief cooling period heading into sunday. the heat makes its return into monday. >> and that's the forecast in your neighborhood. kristen, peter, back to you both. >> thank you very much still to come this morning, where in the world is tom brady? guad is in tampa where the star quarterback has been missing preseason practice for more than a week. >> reporter: that's right. the quarterback hasn't been on the field for more than a week what does it coach have to say about this absence >> we are intrigued. plus, driving up the cost of education. the creative solutions school districts are being forced to find because of high gas prices. we're back right after this.
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we are back on a saturday morning with a weekly download, our look at the week's other big stories. >> for that we welcome in joe fryer who has the very latest on all things this past week. joe, good morning. >> among the big headlines this week, january 6 committee vice chair liz cheney losing big in her home state wyoming congresswoman liz cheney, an outspoken trump critic, lost her primary to keep her seat in the house. >> cheney's opponent, harriet hagman, winning easily and thanking mr. trump for his endorsement. >> his clear and unwavering support from the very beginning propelled us to victory tonight. >> reporter: cheney says she'll consider her january 6 committee work and fight to keep former president trump from winning another term. >> are you thinking about running for president? >> that's a decision that i'm going to make in the coming months, but it is something that i'm thinking about a major reorganization of
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the cdc is under way after a stunning admission about the agency's covid response. dr. rochelle walensky now says in our big moment, our performance did not reliably meet expectations. >> it's my responsibility, it's the agency's responsibility to learn from those lessons and to better. >> an external review found public guidance had been confusing and overwhelming actress ann heche died after she was removed from life support. the 53-year-old was kept alive for nine days after a car crash. when doctors could not revive her, they determined which of her organs could be harvested. the coroner ruled her death an accident more bad news in the sky some airline leaders say the upcoming holiday travel season could be troublesome as the industry continues to struggle with staffing and scheduling and its handling of bad weather. >> we're going to see the same results, cancellations and delays, when it's the worst time
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possible, when you need to get to some family or carry on business nasa is preparing to go back to the moon. its most powerful rocket yet a critical test flight is scheduled for the end of this month. it will carry the ryan crew capsule speeding at 17,000 miles per hour to a 42-day mission to orbit the moon. some of the week's wildest moments caught on camera deputies in florida rescued an unconscious man from a burning boat it happened at a marina near port st. lucie the man was taken to a hospital and is expected to be okay over on the gulf coast in destin, florida, a wicked waterspout formed and lightning struck, all visible from the beach. and a thrilling encounter on new york's hudson river. these dolphins greeted some kayakers frolicking nearby for about an hour. finally a fantastic find by
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dee gaurman at her local good will store she plugged it in to test it out and this video went viral. ♪ he's got the whole world in his hands ♪ ♪ he's not the whole world in his hands ♪ >> reporter: dee says she has already worn out two karaoke machines performing at nursing homes. >> dee has all of us in her hands with that. >> she sure does she can sing, she can dance, she's got a great outfit, i love her. >> i was hoping she was going to break out another song >> good stuff, joe coming up, a wedding, we can't wait for this, 20 years in the making what we're learning about ben affleck and jennifer lopez's big day and why an ambulance had to be called to the house ahead of their rehearsal dinner. plus a titanic story as a musical comedy a parody of the titanic movie. i'll go behind-the-scenes of the
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off-broadway show told through the eyes of celine dion who sang the famous love song first, these messages.
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good morning. thanks for joining us on this saturday, august 20th. i'm kira klapper. today marks two weeks since a teenager vanished after attending a campground party in glasser county. now, a new group of searchers arrived near lake tahoe to help mind the missing 16-year-old, rodney. doug bishop is the lead diver and investigator for adventures for purpose. the volunteer scuba diving team uses special technology and underwater searches. he and his team are ready to look for the missing teen.
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she was last seen two weeks ago at the family campground. >> there are no longer any dive teams there present. there has been a lot -- those things have been exhausted already. they're confident in what they've been able to rule out. i am, as well. >> the additional resource comes as the county sheriffs say they will be scaling back their search. we are continuing our coverage of a pair of bizarre break-ins at the san jose state campus. they happened at the school's administration building on thursday. police said someone snuck in through a window before going through offices, stealing items and urinaing in containers. police say the break-in is similar to another one that happened two weeks ago. going to switch gears and check with in meteorologist vianey arana for the forecast.
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>> lovely saturday. take a look at this. san jose right now, we're waking up to 60 degrees, and it is very nice and clear in through the interior. we're going to warm up pretty fast. around 10:00, 11:00, already bumping up into the 70s. then, eventually into the 80s by around 12:00. right around your lunch hour. if you had any plans to go hiking or do outdoor activities, you defin peak inland temperatures, especially for the east bay. into sunday, we are going to get just a little bit of cooling in through the north bay and inland east bay. then back into the work week, looking way out ahead, it looks like we have the return of the heat. i'll guide you through what to expect, not only for your daytime highs on saturday and, of course, for sunday, but also heading into the work week, coming up at 7:00 a.m. kira? thanks. also at 7:00 on "today in the bay," a school mask debate. a mountain view father says his 4-year-old son was kicked out of
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class for not wearing a mask. the video is now going viral. we are getting answers from the school district. we'll have that plus all your top stories and vianey's forecast at forecast at californians have a choice between two initiatives on sports betting. prop 27 generates hundreds of millions every year to permanently fund getting people off the streets a prop 26? not a dime to solve homelessness prop 27 has strong protections to prevent minors from betting. prop 26? no protections for minors. prop 27 helps every tribe, including disadvantaged tribes. prop 26? nothing for disadvantaged tribes vote yes on 27.
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♪ >> i'm flying. >> you know what is. we are back on this saturday morning, august 20th, 2022 one of the most memorable scenes from the oscar-winning movie "titanic." now 25 years later, the movie is getting the off-broadway treatment in a hilarious way. >> yeah, this morning kristen's heart will go on it turns out. classic scenes like that one reimagined with celine dion at the center of all of it. our friend, joe, checked it out
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and he's going to pull back the red curtain and show us what it's about a little later this morning. >> with joe fryer and celine dion i feel like you cannot go l long. we want to begin with a check of the headlines a federal judge in virginia sentenced a british isis fighter to eight life sentences on friday he was a member of the brutal cell known as the beatles. he was found guilty back in april for his role in the torture and deaths of four american hostages in syria journalist james foley and steven sotloff and two others. walmart is now the latest company to expand its employee health care plan since roe v. wade was overturned. the nation's largest private employer says it will cover abortions where there's a health risk to the mother or in the cases of rape or incest. walmart will also pay for the procedure in the case of miscarriage, lack of fetal viability or antic topic
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pregnancy. the company will provide travel support if there's no viable provider within 100 miles. a wild scene at a los angeles 7-eleven the lapd just released this video of a huge mob. check that out these folks ransacking the store on monday. they grabbed snacks, drinks, cigarettes and basically anything they could get their hands on police say the crowd also vandalized that 7-eleven, threw merchandise at the employees authorities say it all followed a group of cars taking over the street outside and blocking traffic. police are still looking for all those involved >> that is a terrifying sight there. well, also this morning, a growing mystery surrounds the whereabouts of the nfl's biggest star we're talking about tom brady. the tampa bay quarterback has been missing in action for more than a week now. the bucs say brady is taking time off for personal reasons and the rumors are just swirling about what those may be. nbc's guad venegas is in tampa with more on this investigation.
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guad, good morning any closer to finding him? >> reporter: kristen, good morning. well, it's been more than a week since tom brady practiced with the buccaneers as they prepare for another preseason game, which he's going to be missing tonight. the mystery here is where is tom brady and why is he taking time off? this morning, the sporting mystery stumping football fans where in the world is tom brady? the seven-time super bowl champion absent for the last ten days and expected to miss his second preseason game tonight when the bucs take on the titans in tennessee so far, the only explanation given -- >> he's going to deal with some personal things. this is something we talked about before training camp started. >> you said it's a personal issue. it's not a health issue? >> it's a personal issue that's all i can tell you. >> reporter: leaving fans and analysts to formulate their own theories earlier this year, brady
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announced his retirement from football, but later changed his mind, deciding to come back for another season with tampa bay, writing at the time i've realized my place is still on the field and not in the stands. that time will come, but it's not now. brady last practiced with the team on august 10th, but hasn't been seen since. >> for tom brady to miss a few practices with his team, especially when they're practicing full speed in pads against a really good defense, it's significant. >> reporter: his social media channels have also gone dark his last tweets all related to business endeavors, giving no indication or reason for the break. >> something has happened in tom brady's life something that none of us know exactly what it is, that has made it important for him to step away. >> reporter: yet, the buccaneers say they are not worried. >> we'll see
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we'll talk about it next week. i'm not concerned about it right now. we're trying to practice against tennessee and play a game. sometime after tennessee, there's no definitive date for me. >> reporter: while no one on brady's team is commenting on his whereabouts, the internet is rife with theories, including speculation that he could be appearing on fox's "the masked singer." we did reach out to the network and they responded saying no comment as the world wonders where is tom brady peter, kristen. >> the mystery deepens guad venegas, thank you for that any guesses? >> i was going to say it's a problem for all us guys who have fantasy football picks coming up you've got to know if the guy is going to be back this season. >> exactly how much longer is he going to play we'll get into that next week. >> somara theodore is back with another look with the forecast. >> for our folks in the midwest, are you going to brunch? you're in for a good amount of rain right along the i-55 corridor from chicago down to
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st. louis. we have a low-pressure system entering the midwest that's through tonight for the east coast, it's the opposite if you want to do stuff outdoors, today is the day to do it because tomorrow along the i-95 corridor back to the ohio valley, we'll see strong storms starting to make their ways into areas like central virginia and the carolinas. today's storms, the severe threat that is, is setting up shop closer to the great lakes, to chicago, springfield, minneapolis, ann arbor, out towards cleveland. we could see some isolated gusts up to 60 miles per hour. as far as the numbers go, not bad. i'm digging this temperatures are going to be in the 80s throughout the days to come pittsburgh, mid to upper 70s >> check out the current temperatures right now in san francisco. mild in the 50s. beautiful skies, a mix of sun and clouds. in through the interior, we're going to be really quick to warm up. by 10:00, 11:00, already in the mid 70s. eventually climbing up into the 80s. one thing is for sure, it is going to be really sunny and
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really warm today. cooler areas around the coastline, along with online breeze. what to expect, a closer look at the headlines for cooling into sunday. >> that's the forecast in your neighborhood kristen, peter >> thank you very much just ahead right here, the new challenges facing school districts across the country when it comes to getting those kids to class and to extracurricular activities. >> but first, these ssesmeag it's a beautiful word. neighborhoods "open". businesses "open". fields "open". who doesn't love "open"? offices. homes. stages. possibilities. your world. open. and you can help keep it that way. ♪♪ (nanci) gemma's my show dog...she's a canine athlete.
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and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. we are back on a saturday morning. and with summer winding down, millions of kids are getting ready to go back to school in fact, many are already back and there are many challenges facing families and school districts making sure kids get to class safely. >> we've got a week to go but the backpacks are already packed at the alexander house among those challenges, high gas prices forcing districts to find
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creative ways to keep the buses running without impacting education. je jesse kirsch has a look. >> reporter: back-to-school means a different kind of math trouble. the school bus is literally driving up the cost of education. with fuel prices well above what they were last year, some schools are paying more for an essential service. roughly $1.4 million extra in dallas and about $600,000 more in san diego without these buses, could you effectively educate these children >> oh, absolutely not. >> reporter: nicole is superintendent for public schools in wisconsin, about 40 minutes outside green bay. she expects a $24,000 bump in busing costs this year, money she can't go without she says she's responsible for busing about 530 k through 12 students that's almost 75% of all her students kids living across a rural area more than twice the size of
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boston, with some parents traveling almost an hour each way for work some kids walk to school, others ride their bikes but when you live in an area this spread out, that's not so easy from the homes around here would take me almost two hours to walk to school, and other kids live even farther away. you don't want your triplets walking that to school. >> absolutely not. >> reporter: rose knows better than most because she's not just a parent, she also drives one of the bus routes each day. >> there's no sidewalks. there's dump trucks and farm trucks going 65 miles an hour down the highway. >> reporter: the district considered cutting back on extracurriculars to save gas money but instead of eliminating them from the calendar, they condensed it proposing multi school events needing fewer bus rides. >> we want a high quality education that provides them with not only the basic needs, but also provides them enhancement, enrichment, the
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opportunity to belong and be a part of something. >> reporter: on the east coast, revere, massachusetts, schools are somewhat protected with a multi-year bus contract signed before prices spiked. >> we have not had to pay anything more for the busing that transports the bulk of our students however, we're paying more for our most expensive transportation, which is our special needs transportation for students who go outside of the district. >> reporter: they are shielded from some risingcosts but woul renegotiate because the district can't afford to lose its providers. >> my equipment and maintenance schedules will all suffer. >> reporter: in oceanside, california, parents rely on car pools, even more crucial with gas costs up. >> we've cut down on our trips all our funding is pretty much going to gas. >> reporter: thankfully gas prices are dropping, giving families more wiggle room. but shyockton is delaying some curriculum updates
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>> we don't want that on the kids we want them doing what they need to do, learning and playing. >> reporter: a well-rounded education that for now will cost families more. >> that's a good story reminds you of something you hadn't thought about a good chance to fuel up the old car pool for a lot of families as well. >> and ripple effect those gas prices are having. still ahead, joe takes us inside the new off-broadway show getting rave reviews, telling the story of the titanic, but this time with celine dion onboard. >> it's all ahead. we are back after this qulipta™ can help preven t migraine attacks... you can't prevent what's going on outside, that's why qulipta™ helps what's going on inside. qulipta™ is a pill. gets right to work to prevent migraine attacks and keeps them away over time. qulipta™ blocks cgrp—a protein believed to be a cause of migraine attacks. qulipta™ is a preventive treatment for episodic migraine. most common side effects are nausea, constipation, and tiredness. learn how abbvie could help you save on qulipta™.
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doesn't just sing a song in the closing credits, you could say she steals the show and the result is a hilarious off-broadway hit called "titanic." >> i'm flying, jack. i'm flying. >> reporter: it's a titanic-sized titanic parody but in this version -- ♪ don't know much about your life". >> jack and rose share the stage. with celine dion. >> i would say titanic is a celine dion favorite dream that has come to life. >> reporter: the familiar story first dramatized on the big screen. >> i'm the king of the world >> reporter: is retold through the eyes an songs of the legendary diva >> wait for it played by marla mendel. >> what is the key to a celine
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dion. >> just looking around being like oh, guess what, i'm celine. it's crazy, and then you add a little hand, a little shimmy, a little smirk and you got it. >> reporter: she created the show with co-star constantine resuli, a passion project that set sail inside a theater that's below a closed grocery store. >> this is basically the titanic? >> this is the titanic, yeah, with a much lower budget. >> reporter: the low-brow props pay homage to the movie. actor frankie grande, whose sister arianna does a fantastic celine impression was eager to jump aboard. >> i'm having the most fun i've ever had in my life. sometimes i'm having too much fun. >> reporter: audiences are also having fun, along with critics who are getting rave reviews. >> we really just take you away for 90 minutes and we make you
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laugh. >> reporter: the one person has not seen it. >> what if celine saw the show >> i would die i would give her the script and say, hey, girl, you're on tonight. and somehow i think the show would be exactly the same. ♪ >> reporter: anything is possible on this unsinkable, unfathomable ship of dreams. >> thank you, good night >> and the cast and crew just got some really good news this week the show has been extended through november 6th they say that some of the reps for celine have seen it. they think celine would love it, so fingers crossed maybe it will happen. >> if she's in the front row, uh -- >> they said she would die. >> you are king of the world this morning, joe. that was a good one. >> appreciate it, joe. still to come, the awesome surprise for one police academy graduate we're back after this.
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it's time for the biggest sale of the year, on the sleep number 360 smart bed. why choose proven quality sleep from sleep number? because proven quality sleep is vital to our health and wellness, only the sleep number 360 smart bed keeps you cool, then senses and effortlessly adjusts for your best sleep. and tells you exactly how well you slept. your sleepiq score. our smart sleepers get 28 minutes more restful sleep per night. so, you can be your best for yourself and those you care about most. don't miss our weekend special. all smart beds are on sale. save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. ends monday.
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still to come this morning, an urgent new warning from apple. why you should update the software on your devices right away. plus the little league players coming together to rally behind the 12-year-old who injurehielf ad msin fall earlier this week. >> but first these messages.
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hmm that's great. you're great! i'm here to save you. i'm good. cool. i think we should see other people. you know if you could just let your hair down. a little bit down! no no no no no. no no no! you're so far away, can't hear ya! the home with dunkin' is where you want to be. ["only wanna be with you" by hootie & the blowfish] discover is accepted at 99% of places in the u.s. ["only wanna be with you" by hootie & the blowfish]
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oh! sorry... discover is accepted at 99% of places in the u.s. no worries! (both) oops... ...ies. you go. no! you go. oh. (both laugh) go for the handful! does your plug-in fade too fast? try febreze fade defy plug. it has built-in technology to digitally control how much scent is released to smell first day fresh for 50 days. la la la la la. frank is a fan of fast. he's a fast talker. a fast walker. thanks, gary. and for unexpected heartburn... frank is a fan of pepcid. it works in minutes. nexium 24 hour and prilosec otc can take one to four days to fully work. pepcid. strong relief for fans of fast. make your home totally you. can take one to four days to fully work. i did with wayfair. sometimes i'm a homebody. can never have too many pillows. sometimes i'm all business. wooo!
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i'm a momma 24/7. seriously with the marker? i'm a bit of a foodie. perfect. but not much of a chef. yes! ♪ wayfair you've got just what i need. ♪ good morning. thanks for joining us on this saturday, august 20th. i'm kira klapper. the ntsb is officially beginning
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its investigation into thursday's deadly midair collision near watson ville. we now know all three people on board those two planes died. yesterday, federal investigators were sifting through and cataloging the wreckage. both planes were on their final approach to landing at the watsonville municipal airport. one plane crashed into a field just yards from a neighborhood. the other plane hit a hangar at the airport. we spoke with a pilot who witnessed what happened. >> i looked up, and i was -- as i looked up, i could see the 152 break apart and come down in pieces. and i saw the 340 go by at a high rate of speed, and it was slowly rolling further and further to the left. >> we are still working to learn the identities of the victims. according to the tail numbers, one of the plane is rented out by united flight services, which has offices at the watsonville
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airport. the ntsb will put out its preliminary report in two weeks. turning now to the monkeypox outbreak. the california health department is now saying people should wait 48 hours before going back to normal activities after their rash and other symptoms go away. also, it should get easier to sign up for a vaccine. the state public health officer says the my turn website is being updated so people can schedule monkeypox shots. let's check in now with meteorologist vianey arana for a look at our weekend microclimate forecast. >> we're starting out pretty cool, comfortable, in san francisco. we do have some areas of, you know, clouds to start, but the sunshine is going to break in through about 11:00, 12:00. we'll bump up into the 60s. inland areas, we are expecting another hot day, especially with the clear skies. right now in san jose, 60
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degrees. by 12:00, 1:00, bumping up into the 80s. some of the cooler areas will be mainly around the coastline. everywhere else, including dublin, expect to bump up into the 80s by around a couple degrees warmer in through kira? >> vianey, thanks. coming up this morning at 7:00 on "today in the bay," up for sale. you're able to buy lost items found at airport baggage claims. we'll tell you about the unusual pop-up store coming to the bay area. we'll have that, plus all your top stories and vianey's full forecast coming up at 7:00. hope to see you then. right now, we'll send you back to "today." californians have a choice between two initiatives on sports betting. prop 27 generates hundreds of millions every year to permanently fund getting people off the streets a prop 26? not a dime to solve homelessness prop 27 has strong protections to prevent minors from betting.
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prop 26? no protections for minors. prop 27 helps every tribe, including disadvantaged tribes. prop 26? nothing for disadvantaged tribes vote yes on 27. good morning growing fears. new explosions near europe's largest nuclear plant in ukraine has the world on edge this morning. russia reportedly attempting to disconnect the plant from the ukrainian power grid, reigniting fears of a nuclear meltdown that could spread deadly radiation across europe. we are live in ukraine show of support. an uplifting update this morning on the little leaguer who fell out of his bunk bed earlier this week, fracturing his skull, taking his first steps since that fall. >> so good, easton
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you're amazing >> while his team plays in his honor, and fans around the country cheer them on. and take two jennifer lopez and ben affleck preparing to walk down the aisle this weekend with family, friends and fellow celebrities onhand the festivities getting off to a scary start with affleck's mom rushed to the hospital it has folks asking will the duo known as bennifer finally make it down the aisle? today saturday, august 20th, 2022. >> hi, it's sara, paul and rachel from st. louis, missouri. >> shoutout to our family and friends from st. louis. >> i am going to first grade. >> i'm going to kindergarten. >> we are celebrating on the "today" show yay! >> way to go good morning welcome back to "today" on a
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saturday morning they are ready for kindergarten. >> no doubt. start of the school year for those already under way, we wish you good luck for those starting soon, we hope you have a good school year ahead. we do have a busy news day and want to get started with our top story. high alert across europe this morning with a nuclear power plant becoming a pawn of the war in ukraine the urgent warnings as the situation there intensifies. nbc's josh lederman is in central ukraine for us with the very latest. josh, good morning to you. >> reporter: hi, kristen, good morning. there was more shelling overnight just ten miles from the nuclear plant. local officials saying russian artillery and grad rockets pummeled the area, intensifying fears about nuclear catastrophe. this morning, as explosions ripped through civilian and military areas alike, ukraine saying russian occupiers plan to shut down europe's largest nuclear power plant and disconnect it from ukraine's electricity grid. >> if you demilitarize as we
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propose, the plant, the problem will be solved. >> reporter: undersecretary of state bonnie jenkins telling nbc news that radiation could spread far beyond ukraine. >> the best way to deal with the situation is for russia to give control back to ukraine of the zaporizhzhia power plant, or if not that, to certainly allow for a demilitarization zone around the power plant. >> reporter: russia has rejected both of those ideas. but in a friday phone call, president putin told french president emmanuel macron that russia is willing to let the u.n. send nuclear experts to the plant. the big question is when, and will it be soon enough here in zaporizhzhia, ukraine's nuclear energy company has encouraged pregnant women and childrento leave because they could be at the highest risk for radiation. president zelenskyy saying if russia's extortion with radiation continues, this summer may go down as one of the most tragic in european history ukraine also stepping up its counteroffensive to wrest back territory and put russia on the
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defensive, with strikes deep in russian-held territory, including in crimea. russian officials reporting more drone strikes overnight. a ukrainian official telling nbc news that recent explosions in crimea are the work of pro-ukrainian saboteurs and hinting at more to come. a key concern at that power plant is that russian shelling could cause damage to the massive amounts of spent nuclear fuel there but experts say perhaps the biggest risk is that shelling would knock out the power supply to the cooling systems that keep the nuclear reactors from overheating. a disaster there could send radiation spreading deep into europe, kristen and peter. >> and the world is watching closely. josh lederman in ukraine, thank you. there is some important news this morning for apple users the company just announced a serious security vulnerability with those popular devices and computers. george solis is in philadelphia with more on what you need to be doing right now to protect yourself and your data george, good morning. >> reporter: yeah, good morning, peter.
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if you own an apple device, this is something you definitely want to pay attention to. apple warning of that security vulnerability that could allow hackers to take complete control of your device that means a hacker could pose as you to access your information and run programs acting as you. apple saying it was an anonymous researcher that tipped them off to the security vulnerability. we're talking it affects a whole host of your devices, from your ipads to your mac books to even your iphones which devices specifically, apple putting out a list to give a little guidance. they say anyone that owns an iphone 6s and later model should pay attention. anyone with a fifth gen ipad and later models should look at this update any ipad and all ipad pro models should consider looking at this update imac and mac books running that monterey system should do the update as soon as possible how can you tell if you're at risk apple is generally pretty good about letting you know when your
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system needs an update if you need to check, and you should, on a mac book it's pretty simple. go to your system preferences and go ahead and look for the software update tab. looking at mine, it looks like this is good to go go to the systems tab, general and right there you would be able to find the system update preference a little bit more advice here, you want to do this with a full battery. nothing like doing an update and having your device die of course having a little wi-fi helps, although it's not a total requirement. i ran these updates yesterday and generally depending on the device took about five to ten minutes. guys, look, we are all dependent on these devices so this is definitely not an update that you want to postpone peter and kristen. >> yeah, this is me looking at > well, we do want to tell you about a scary scene at south carolina's most popular beach when two swimmers were attacked by sharks at myrtle beach in separate incidents
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according to police, one of the victims suffered a serious injury to the arm while the other a less serious bite to the leg. the attacks happened about a half a mile and an hour apart, but authorities say there's just no way to know if they are related. now to a bizarre scene in massachusetts where an elderly woman drove her suv through the second floor corridor of a mall in boston. the driver who was confused went from a pedestrian bridge from a parking garage and went right through the automatic double doors. she was able to get through because a safety post had been removed earlier after a separate accident she then drove about 60 yards into the mall before getting stuck. the good news is nobody there was hurt police have now asked that that woman's driver's license be immediately suspended. let's lighten things up and get our weekend morning boost. joe? >> hey there so graduation season, turns out it's not over yet. this is a different type of graduation day with folks who are taking an oath to serve and protect. and for cleveland police academy graduate stephanie martinez, her
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ceremony had a special twist >> can we please have graduate officer stephanie martinez come forward. all you're gonna have to do is turn around slowly >> that is stephanie's boyfriend, detective chris porter, down on one knee as you can probably tell, she said yes in fact a proposal at graduation had initially been her idea, but chris shot it down because he wanted to surprise her the cleveland police department says this was the first graduation proposal in their history. case closed. >> well done hopefully it won't be the last that was such a sweet moment. >> i like that she was the one who initially proposed i think we should do this. still ahead, an amazing
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moment for the little leaguer who fractured his skull right before the little league world series. >> how fans and even his team's opponents are showing their support for that2-arld we are back right after this you got 100 points! have you been moisturizing? just sunscreen. that's 50 points. with aarp rewards, anyone can earn points. -who's got 200 points? -you've got 200 points! it's the free loyalty program that rewards you... they're ready for you. that's 300 points. ...and helps your money, health and happiness, live longer. are these chives? 200 points. start earning and redeeming points today. and it's natural. treat it that way with aveeno® daily moisture.
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put uc in check and keep it there, with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq. and learn how abbvie could help you save. here with the ceremonial first pitch, please welcome award-winning journalist, peter alexander. >> that was peter throwing out the first pitch. there he goes! whoa and he nails it. what an honor to throw out the first pitch at the seattle mariners game nearly two weeks ago. peter, i was nervous for you were you nervous >> i was afraid i would throw a 50 cent and throw it into the dugout i shook off the slider and threw a fastball like 41 miles an hour high heat. >> you did a great job. >> it was a real privilege and an honor thanks to the mariners for letting me do that. from the majors to the little league diamond, there's
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good news about the player that recovery last night his team took to the field for their first game of the series with his little brother standing in for him. adam harding from wnbc in new york is in williamsport for the series adam, what a great update. good morning to you. >> adam isn't hearing us, so let's see his piece. >> so good, easton you're amazing >> reporter: 12-year-old easton "tank" oliverson taking his first steps in the hospital. an amazing moment, just days after the star left fielder fell from the top bunk inside a little league dorm early monday morning, fracturing his skull and causing bleeding on the brain. doctors unsure he'd make it. but cheered on by his favorite ballplayers like matt carpenter of the new yorr: today looking
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brighter. >> so good. >> keep your head up, mister. >> reporter: easton watching from his hospital bed friday as his snow canyon little league team took on nolansville, tennessee. >> we know you're watching, tank hank in there, buddy. >> reporter: even his opponents, now team easton. >> we just wanted to do a little something to show we were praying for him. >> reporter: the nolansville, tennessee, team put on the hats of the team from utah and went over and celebrated. the kids meantime put the glove out there so he could participate in fielding practice. >> reporter: in the bottom of the fifth, easton's 10-year-old brother, brogan, stepping up to the plate to fill in the crowd on its feet. brogan striking out. but going big for his brother. in the end, utah losing the match to nolansville 11-2. his father, an assistant coach for the team, calling it a victory nonetheless. >> it was just really cool
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seeing the fans out there cheering for easton, cheering for brogan it truly is remarkable and has helped not just easton, but our family heal from something that's been so tragic. >> and that was wnbc's adam harding. everyone is team easton this morning. that was awesome. >> i love that his brother got a chance to come to the plate even though he struck out, just to be there to represent his own brother at the plate >> that's great. >> somara has a check of the forecast right now that's the kind of story that you're cheering and everybody agrees we're cheering for that little guy. >> absolutely, absolutely. a little closer to home we're talking about this system here and the tropics. things are waking up out there, okay we have what is potentially the fourth named storm of the season if we do get, this we're looking at tropical storm danielle right now it is projected to make its way towards texas, and it could bring a good amount of rain out that way. this moisture is also going to
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pull into a disturbance just to the north of there southwest is seeing heavy rain right now, moving into parts of new mexico, and we're going to continue to see that rain push through parts of north texas that means we could see flooding right now rainfall forecast totals are coming in anywhere from 3 to 5 inches, but we could see locally higher amounts >> a really beautiful start to our day. live look right now in san francisco. it is 6:46, and these are the skies. we are seeing some sunshine, as well, in through areas of san jose. starting out comfortable, in the 60s. a little cooler. by 10:00, 11:00 a.m., expect the mid 70s and low to mid 80s by 1:00. here's a closer look at your dublin temperature trend. 83 by 12:00. 1:00, 87. here are your headlines. i'll see you at 7:00 a.m. >> and that's a look at your
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local forecast kristen, peter. >> thank you so much. joe is back with a look ahead at popstart. >> coming up, this is an exciting one when britney spears and elton john will finally be releasing their new song, an updated version of o onef elton's classics that's after these messages.
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we are back with a monster-sized popstart what have you got? >> do you hear the wedding bells? first up, we've got actually a rocky start to bennifer's weekend extravaganza the couple gathered in georgia planning a rehearsal dinner when ben affleck's mom reportedly fell, hurt her leg and had to be rushed to the hospital an ambulance was seen leaving affleck's home both he and jennifer lopez were pictured outside the hospital where his mom supposedly got some stitches but was ouz fine no word on if their rehearsal
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dinner went on as planned. you may remember the couple got married in a small surprise ceremony in las vegas back in july, but now it's time for the big real deal. the big white wedding. j.lo and ben are expected to say "i do" at the 87-acre estate in georgia. hopefully the rest of the wedding celebrations go off without a hitch. >> we sure hope they do. i've been reading minute-by-minute updates of this weekend. we're so glad his mom is okay and we wish them well today. >> absolutely. it should be a fantastic weekend. up next, britney spears and elton john, the pop superstars just announced that their upcoming collaboration "hold me closer" will be released in just a few days and they did give us a sneak peek to hold us over. ♪ hold me closer tiny dancer ♪ ♪ count the headlights on the
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highway ♪ >> yes, yes, yes, yes, yes as you can tell, this is a revamp of elton's 1972 hit "tiny dancer." you figured it out there this will be britney's first release since her 2016 album "glory" and her first foray back into music since the end of her controversial 13-year conservatorship. elton john brought back in some old hits in a remix and it was huge. >> what do you say "rocket man" next >> everybody is looking forward to that. i'm excited about it finally, a look back, as in party in the back. check out this blast from the past blake shelton has brought back his iconic '90s mullet for his latest single. ♪ had just enough to tell you the truth ♪ ♪ don't want to scoot the boots of nobody ♪ ♪ it's straight tequila drunk o nobody ♪ ♪ wrap these arms around
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nobody ♪ >> that was "nobody. shelton thought the song was a real '90s country feel so why not lean into the vibes and bring back the mullet at a line dance for the music video. talk about the good ole days are mullets making a comeback? >> it makes me want to have a throwback to the '90s. some neon outfits. >> in minnesota we just call that flow. showing off that flow in the back. >> it woullo gd okood on you, peter. >> it would take me a while to grow that. >> we're back after this you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination.
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but instead of period pads, she brought poise ultra thin. so she can bounce on with clean, dry, fresh protection from poise. (vo) would you rather party with your pets? yeah, we get it. there's an app for pet parents like us. so she can bounce on with clean, dry, buddies, by blue buffalo. download and sign up now to get a free bag of treats. covid-19. some people get it, and some people can get it bad. and for those who do get it bad, it may be because they have a high-risk factor - such as heart disease, diabetes, being overweight, asthma, or smoking. even if symptoms feel mild, these factors can increase your risk of covid-19 turning severe. so, if you're at high risk and test positive - don't wait - ask your healthcare provider right away if an authorized oral treatment is right for you.
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one of the last saturdays in summer joe, you have plans? >> i'm going to get a mullet they're in now, they're back. >> that sounds like a good thing to do. me too. >> if i could grow that much hair, i'd feel good. the girls are getting ready for school as we get started soon. >> i have not been in a pool all summer so that's my goal. >> all right well, have a great one whatever you do, guys eoyousaoroings. >>nj yr turday californians have a choice between two initiatives on sports betting. prop 27 generates hundreds of millions every year to permanently fund getting people off the streets a prop 26? not a dime to solve homelessness
6:57 am
prop 27 has strong protections to prevent minors from betting. prop 26? no protections for minors. prop 27 helps every tribe, including disadvantaged tribes. prop 26? nothing for disadvantaged tribes vote yes on 27. good morning. i'm kira klapper. kiely rodni vanished two week ago without a trace. who is looking for her, and what are they using to don't? kicked out of class for not wearing a mask as cases of covid are falling across the area. meteorologist vianey arana is timing out your microclimate forecast coming up at 7:00.
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6:59 am
it's time for the biggest sale of the year, on the sleep number 360 smart bed. snoring? it can gently raise your partner's head to help. our smart sleepers get 28 minutes more restful sleep per night. all smart beds are on sale. save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. ends monday.
7:00 am
good morning. it is saturday, august 20th. 7:00 on the dot as we take a live look outside over san francisco. a little bit of haze, but the sun is breaking through ahead of this


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