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tv   Today  NBC  August 26, 2022 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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edition, pet adoptions will be discounted, some even free. so check with your local shelter, but come see us at berkeley humane tomorrow morning. we'd love to meet you. >> check us out, you never know what will happen. >> marcus and the way he holds good friday morning. as we start the day, we are about to learn the reasons behind that fbi search of former president trump's florida home >> all eyes on the justice department and the clock, with a key new deadline fast approaching. it's august 26th this is "today." ready for release. the affidavit explaining the mar-a-lago search being made public in just a matter of hours but with parts of it expected to be blacked out, what might it reveal and what won't it show we're live in washington, set to break it all down. money matters.
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the fed chair delivering a key speech on the state of the u.s. economy this morning with prices still soaring and interest rates rising, it's being watched closely from wall street to main street. what it all means for you. just ahead. bracing for more yet another round of storms on the way for millions in already flood-ravaged parts of the south. >> i may not be coming back. i said we're going to have to get out of here. >> we'll have the full forecast details. and the inspiring news stories of people helping people now emerging. all systems go the countdown is on to the historic launch of nasa's biggest rocket ever. >> we are pushing the vehicle to its limits, really stressing it to get ready for crew. >> and the start of a new mission to put humans back on the moon. all that, plus "oh, chute," detroit's giant slide closed for
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sending people flying. ready to give it another try we're there live for the big and hopefully less bumpy grand reopening. today, friday, august 26th, 2022 >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome, welcome we're happy you're joining us on this friday morning. craig is in for savannah look at that crowd outside, ready, pumped up. mickey guyton performing this friday a lot of people heard her for the first time at the super bowl she performed the national anthem she is incredible. and she will perform for us. we're looking forward to catching up with her as well. and also an exciting morning here, a lot of excitement in detroit as well, check this out,
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take two this morning for that giant slide, after its viral fame for tossing riders. we will be there live to see if things go a bit smoother >> jesse kirsch will give it a roll this morning. speaking of facility rides, a live look at the armetis rocket on the launch pad in florida. tom costello will have everything you need to know with the launch in the orbit to the moon. and a first look at the affidavit used to justify the fbi search of mar-a-lago, its release expected later this morning. for the first time since the search three weeks ago, we could finally learn what sparked it. kristen welker has the latest. good morning >> reporter: good morning to both of you. in just a matter of hours, we could have new information about what led to that unprecedented search of former president trump's florida home it is a high stakes moment for both mr. trump and federal prosecutors.
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and it all comes as president biden is back on the campaign trail intensifying his rhetoric with the mid-term elections looming large. today, americans will get their first glimpse of the affidavit used to justify that extraordinary search warrant executed by the fbi at mar-a-lago former president trump's florida estate a federal judge in florida has ordered a redacted copy of the affidavit, including blacked-out portions the justice department once kept secret to be made public by noon today the affidavit is believed to contain critical information about the government's investigation into the alleged mishandling of classified materials at mar-a-lago. media companies including nbc news, asked the judge to make the affidavit public, as mr. trump and his allies have repeatedly called for it to be unsealed. >> i think what the judge did was release all the information. this way people could see if this is a serious allegation or more manufactured. >> but the judge is siding with the justice department to release only portions of the affidavit, calling those redactions narrowly tailored to
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serve the government's legitimate interest in the integrity of the ongoing investigation. >> do you think we will learn anything new once the affidavit is unsealed? >> i think it's more likely than not going to be a lot of big black boxes or blocks on the affidavit, sort of obliterating the part we most want to see. >> in the unprecedented search of the former president's estate, fbi agents seized 11 sets of classified documents, some marked top secret mr. trump on his social media site describing himself as innocent as a person can be, while claiming without evidence that the investigation is politically motivated. president biden said this week he had no prior knowledge of the search, but he's publicly focused on mr. trump, with a fiery speech to democrats last night. >> trump and his extreme maga republicans have made their choice, to go backwards, full of anger, violence, hate and
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division >> the president also starkly attacking what he called maga philosophy, even saying off camera, quote, it's like semi-fascism now, in a statement overnight, a spokesperson for the republican national committee called president biden's language, quote, despicable. also today, another federal judge has asked the trump legal team to clarify its request for a so-called special master which is a third party appointed to oversee the review of the fbi's evidence from the mar-a-lago search so a lot of legal headlines today, hoda. >> kristen welker, thank you. and another major issue we'll learn more about this morning, the state of the economy. with high prices on the minds of all people, everyone's anxious to hear what the fed chair has
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to say as he delivers a highly-anticipated update on the economy. joining us now is cnbc's michael santoli. michael, good morning. there are some good signs here unemployment is down gas prices down. the economy isn't doing as poorly as people thought so do we feel like we've hit the worst of it? >> we probably hit the worst of it in terms of the rate of inflation. so there's some encouraging signs. it's tentative but we've gotten some relief. the peak of the inflation was probably in june it has continued to go down in july at least on a month over month basis. gasoline prices down 70 days in a row. used cars. air fares. a lot of the drivers of the 40-year highs in inflation that we experienced have reversed or moderated but the issue is we can't take for grant it will go down to a comfortable normal level any time soon. >> the fed chair is expected to speak. a lot of people are wondering what's he going to say, we have been raising interest rates over
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the last five months, what you are expecting him to talk about today? >> he will continue to emphasize that the job in fighting inflation is not done. there are going to be further interest rate increases. in fact, they may stay at levels that are higher than we experienced in the last decade however, he does expect inflation to over time moderate. they just want to see multiple months in a row for that to happen but he will clearly say the labor market is good unemployment is low and so the economy is probably handle it, we think >> another arm of this is the housing market there are people who are deciding whether to buy, whether to sell, whether to rent, what should they do what kind of market are they stepping into? >> it will shock in the housing market, new home sales down by half from their peak, it's actually been the area of the economy that's most dramatically responded to the rise in interest rates that's typical it seems right now prices might continue to soften up in at lot of parts of the country. that might be okay bought affordability became an issue. the question is does the housing market get bad and stay bad if the overall economy slumps >> a lot of people are talking about loan debt relief and it is a subject of great debate. many people are worried what it will do to the economy what do you think it will do >> i think immediately not very much it is probably good for the overall health of the consumer health and borrowing philosophy, that it is a less debt on people and i don't think it is an immediate accelerant and first of all, it is not in place and
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refresh buying power for a lot of people. >> you think some of the people, that they are saving to pay off other debts. >> that is probably the first piece. >> thanks for visiting. let's turn now to those flooding emergencies across the south we've been tracking for you all week here. while the water has started to recede in some hard-hit areas, with more rain in the forecast, the threat is far from over. dylan's got those details. but george solis, good morning to you, from brandon, mississippi. >> reporter: good morning, all eyes on the ross barnett reservoir. during past storms, it's been used to divert water from the local pearl river but this was not designed for flood control and with so much water in this region, there is growing concern it may not hold.
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this morning, an already soaked south is bracing for more rain millions in alabama, louisiana, and mississippi, could see serious flooding in jackson, mississippi, residents are being asked to evacuate as they keep a close eye on the rapidly-rising pearl river. it's expected to reach an alarming 36 feet as it crests into next week >> if we instruct you that you are in a risk area, a high risk area, please heed that advice. >> reporter: jackson has now recorded its wettest august on record with more than nine inches of rain saturating the region this month. locals are still trying to process what happened. as they start to clean up after two days of nonstop rain >> it can stop raining i cried. i don't care if you get an inch of water, a foot, six inches, you got a hell of a job on your hands. >> reporter: even emergency management workers like albert jones, shocked by what he's been seeing.
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>> just the amount of rain that fell, and just the homes that have been affected and how quickly. >> that house is looking at 22 inches of water. >> reporter: the same storm system that inundated parts of texas this week. hard-hit dallas a school bus driver and her colleagues are being credited with rescuing two young kids from raging flood waters with the children clinging to trees. they tied seatbelts together to pull them to safety. back in mississippi, more flooding on its way. police asking residents to be careful with driving most flood fatalities occurring in cars, just 12 inches of fast-moving water can sweep a car off the road >> if you see a tree down, don't try to maneuver around it. if you see a power line down, don't try to maneuver or get around it. if you see standing water, go the other way. >> reporter: city officials from across this region are gearing up to save as many properties and lives as le can.
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they have sandbag distribution sites, setting up shelters and mobilizing boats, should they need to rescue people, guiding teams here, leaving nothing to chance. >> george solis, thank you, stay safe. let's turn now to dylan. a lot of people looking for relief. >> we have a stalled front sitting over the same area as it sounds, stalled is not moving anywhere. so that's why the same general area along the gulf coast has been under these flash flood watches. and you can even see along the border of louisiana and mississippi, we do have some flash flood warnings in effect because look at these storms they just train over the same area for an extended period of time producing two to three inches of rain per hour. so if you add up hours of that, you end up with about five, six inches of rain pretty quickly. and that's what has happened we had two to four inches of rainfall yesterday an additional two to four inches of rain possible in some spots today, along the frontal boundary and notice it is not a
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huge swath of rain but the pockets of rain, heavier downpours that pop up, if they happen over the same area, that's why we could see some scattered flash flooding and there is the main concern, until this storm system moves away but it does look like it is going to last through the weekend. again, an additional two to four inches of rain is possible that could lead to more flash flooding, especially right along the coast where that moisture is streaming in from the gulf of mexico, and most areas, along southern louisiana, and into mississippi, once again, will be under the gun today, and perhaps even going through the upcoming weekend. craig? >> we will come back to you in a few moments with the full forecast. also more to get to including growing concern this morning over fighting in ukraine near europe's largest nuclear power plant. ukraine's president saying the world narrowly avoided a potential disaster yesterday when the russian occupied
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facility was disconnected from the grid nbc's meagan fitzgerald is on the ground for us once again in central ukraine. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning to you. ukraine is always on edge these days the fears have really ramped up. not just here, but in europe and the u.s., at the white house, all eyes are on threats to europe's largest nuclear plant this morning, the risk of a nuclear accident at zaporizhzhia, sparked a fire, seen in the satellite images experts say that caused the plant to be disconnected from the power grid for the first time in its history. >> if you lose these power sources you are able to see the reactor cool and overheat and you potentially could be in a meltdown type scenario reactor meltdown. >> reporter: president zelenskyy says a meltdown was narrowly avoided because of a backup generator that runs on diesel fuel but no one knows how much diesel the russians who occupied the plant since march have left. >> nuclear accidents revolve around things that have tiny probabilities of happening but potentially dire consequences.
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>> reporter: the outage shutting off power in a nearby town cutting off water pumps and sewer service to the area. and raising concerns of a potential humanitarian crisis. the director general of the international atomic energy agency said on french tv inspectors could be heading to the plant in a matter of days. >> now, there is a general recognition that we need to be there, we need to be there soon. kyiv accepts it. moscow accepts it. >> reporter: the civilian death toll for ukraine's deadliest attack in weeks now stands at 25, after a russian rocket slammed into a train station in the dnipro region a young boy also killed by a strike on a nearby home. but russia says more than 200 ukrainian soldiers were killed a claim ukraine has not acknowledged and in a move not seen in years, russian president vladimir putin is ordering the expansion of its military by 10%, adding nearly 140,000 soldiers
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but the move some believe could mean putin is gearing up for a long war now, according to the white house, in a call between president zelenskyy and president biden, the two leaders are demanding that russia give up control of the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant. they also discussed that there are 3 billion aid package to ukraine. craig? >> meagan fitzgerald for us, on the ground in central ukraine, thank you. we do remember that $1.3 billion lottery ticket. >> that's why i'm still here. >> well, it turns out the winner hasn't come forward yet. >> what? >> the ticket was bought at a speedway gas station in the chicago sub of des plaines, illinois nobody has claimed the prize 12 months to come forward. and lottery officials are saying to check your old mega millions tickets one more time. by the way, we may never know who won the jackpot. in illinois, winners are allowed
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to remain anonymous. but it could be crumpled in somebody's pocket. >> a month is a long time. you can find a decent lawyer in a month. >> do you think it is in someone's car, in a glove compartment.r o>>destroyed in the trash >> can you imagine >> don't say it. >> that's crazy. >> can you imagine >> i lost a scratch-off, a $100 scratch-off before. >> and you were angry. >> and i'm rain gri. i'm determined to find this. >> since we still have you working here - >> let's get you out the door. >> we have a chance of storms across the northeast a cold front moving through it sounds like a good idea to get rid of the heat and humidity but it won't do much wind with the heavier downpours. same for the gulf coast. the humidity is in place that will produce the heavier downpours and we could see some heavier rain in the southwest. that monsoon season is in effect so some of those downpours could lead to some flash flooding as
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well that's a look at weather across the country. we'll get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. good friday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. some of our inland valleys in spots like concord or livermore will soon head up to 90 degrees today. we're on a cooling trend and we'll feel it tomorrow reaching into the mid 80s. there will also be a breezy wind and a few more clouds especially during the morning hours, then as we go into next week our temperatures start to warm up on next wednesday and thursday. for san francisco, we'll see
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highs in the upper 50s today. mid-60s for the weekend and mostly cloudy >> that's your latest forecast >> dylan, thank you. coming up, anticipation is building at the kennedy space center this morning. ahead of the historic launch, nasa's first moon rocket in 50 years, getting ready for its maiden voyage, and is anyone more excited than tom costello i don't think so >> space geeks love this stuff myself included. listen, if you needed any further confirmation that nasa has turned the page on the space shuttle program, this is it. artemis on the pad the lunar mission set for monday 100,000 people go together cape. we will take you inside the mission when we come back. also ahead, if you love a deal, don't miss this. major retailers are actually slicing prices, perfect time heading back to the office or the kids need the back to school clothes, we will tell you where to look to find the best deals but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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it's a fri-yay morning you know what that means >> i know what that means? dylan, do you know what that means? >> mickey guyton will perform. one of the most amazing voices in music but first your local news. and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. jimmy's john's new “pickup20” deal. save 20%. ha! how are folks gonna pick up their order... if they can't pick it up?! hey! whatcha doin there fellas? uh, fixin' a flat. poppin' tire—
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at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq, as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. disrupt the itch and rash of eczema. talk to your doctor about rinvoq. learn how abbvie can help you save. good morning to you. it is 7:26. i'm marcus washington. >> i'm kris sanchez in los gatos. 50 anti-lgbtq flyers went up around town targeting other groups as well and one town council candidate in particular. this is what the signs looked like, a big no symbol over some of those messages supporting those causes. statements like no more rainbow sidewalks and no more forced acceptance. among the message the name of
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town council candidate rob moore. he was surprised but other community members say they're not. i'm goes goes in foster city. a protest is scheduled at 5:00 p.m. today regarding the city's geese poop problem. the protest stems interest a longstanding problem the city has had with geese poo. the city council proposing eliminating 100 of the city's 300 geese population. protesters saying it's inhumane. time to look at the forecast for you. meteorologist kari hall is tracking some of the fog we have in the air. >> low visibility in the south county this morning, as we take a look at visibility in miles down to i half or quarter of a mile in morgan hill. at the same time the kids are getting ready to head out the door for school so especially be careful in the school zones, it's going to be 56 degrees and we warm up quite a bit for this afternoon, headed for the mid 80s there. as we take a look at all of our microclimates, we'll see a high
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of 84 in san jose, 82 in oak land and low 80s in santa rosa today. marcus? >> thanks, marchie. kari. another local news update in 30 minutes.
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♪ we're back, it's 7:30. it's a brand new opening day for the giant slide right there in detroit. after giving folks a lot of unexpected bumpy rides they're trying it again this morning i think they slowed it down a little bit jesse kirsch will show us how brave he is, and he will go down it live. we will see what has happened to that slide. >> let's hope they haven't slowed it down so much let's hope the safety patrol hasn't gone overboard. >> i will have to see what happens. i will want to watch.
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let's check out the 7:30 headlines. we begin in tucson, arizona where a county constable and three others are dead after gunfire erupted during an eviction at an apartment complex. one of the victims has been identified as pima county constable deborah martinez- garibay, the names of the other two victims have not been released the suspected shooter was also killed in that incident. a rollercoaster malfunction at a popular new jersey amusement park left several people injured it happened last night at six flags great adventure. park officials say as the el coral rollercoaster wdeas coming to an end, there was a million function of some kind, several people reported back pain, at least five people were actually taken to the hospital the incident is still under investigation. and the ride is closed for inspection. efforts to conserve water could change the face of the world famous las vegas strip under one proposal, new hotels
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would not be allowed to include water features in their designs. like the popular fountains at bellagio bellagio hotel the proposal would be voted on by the water district board in the coming weeks other proposals include limiting how much water golf courses can use, and fining homeowners for using too much water there in vegas. all right, guy, let's turn to the excitement that is growing this morning around nasa's return to the moon. >> check this out. the massive artemis rocket right here waiting on the launch pad, scheduled to lift off on monday morning for an un-crewed test like to check out the systems before astronauts on board and if it looks familiar, nasa is borrowing from the apollo moon mission from 50 years ago
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tom costello covering space for us and a lot of folks are talking about this mission. >> reporter: a lot of buzz, a lot of excitement, people are already going to the cape, cape canaveral, to watch the launch on monday morning. we're at the air and space museum near dulles in virginia, because this really represents a turning point for nasa, right? after retiring the space shuttle 11 years ago, nasa is now going back to the moon and eventually to mars, and to get there, they are using that rocket. it is the twin god, the twin greek god of apollo, artemis standing 322 feet tall, nasa's artemis rocket is the biggest to stand on the pad in 50 years and artemis is different flanked with two boosters, it will be 15% more powerful than the monster saturn 5 rockets that carried apollo astronauts to the moon. this morning, all systems are go for a monday morning launch, and an un-crewed 42-day test flight to orbit the moon. >> they are pushing the vehicle to its limits, really stressing it, to get ready for crew. we've mitigated the risk as far as we, can and now it is our time to get to launch, so that we get that data that we need to put crew ton. >> reporter: within two hours astronauts will ride on top of the rocket in the orion capsule.
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the entire artemis stack looks something like apollo on asteroids with room for future astronauts >> bigger than apollo. instead of three astronauts, four astronauts fit in these chairs and they have a retractable rowing machine here for exercise and something apollo didn't have under my feet, a commode. >> and nasa is testing out the new astronaut suit for future missions, replacing the suits worn by shuttle astronaut, the new suit designed to keep astronauts alive for 144 hours should their space ship suddenly lose cabin pressure. >> there's a little feed port here where using a specialized bag designed, you can put liquid nutrition in, think of a protein shake in there, and the crew member can turn their head in the helmet, and to be able to drink, that so they have the proper nutrition. >> how is it in there? is it hot? >> it feels good nice and cool, sir. >> cool? >> yes, i have a garment that
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keeps me nice and cool >> even on a hot houston day. >> yes, sir. >> if this un-crewed artemis mission goes well, an astronaut mission will follow, and then a lunar landing in 2025, and a moon base. returning from its mission, orion will re-enter the earth's atmosphere even faster and hotter than the space shuttle. mach 32. and 5,000 degrees. a brand new heat shield will protect future crews before parachuting into the pacific ocean. >> the main object they've we really want to get out of this test flight is that stressing that heat shield, getting a test of that new orion heat shield at lunar re-entry velocity. >> reporter: mach 32, 32 times the speed of sound and the temperature will be half the temperature of the sun and the shield has to hold and just like apollo where they landed in the ocean and the navy divers jumped in and got the astronauts out and eventually pulled that spacecraft up on to the ship, the same thing is going to happen with artemis and
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orion i should say, this is going to be harkening back to apollo, apollo on steroids, guys back to you. >> by the way, plans of a moon base, do we know what that would look like, this moon base? >> it looks like it is going to be on the southern pole of the moon, because they want access to water, and they believe that there is water frozen in the ice there. they need that for drinking water, potentially, also fuel, and they also got to figure out how long astronauts can stay there. they got exposure issues with radiation, they got to have consumables and figure out how to dispose of waste, so there is a lot of work to be done there, but that's the plan, eventually building a lunar base for short-term duration stays, before eventually going on to mars >> tom costello, by the way i don't know who runs nasa's
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animation department but that person deserves accolades. >> join us on monday, because if all goes according to plan, we will bring that launch live. >> really exciting. still ahead, in the great green room, there was a telephone, and a red balloon we know you know the words to "good night moon" but the words behind it are fascinating and we can't wait to share it with you as we celebrate one of children's most beloved children's book of all times >> i'm about to fall asleep. if you haven't noticed, prices are being slashed at your local target, gap, and more. emile ikeda has more. >> it is a refreshing change for shoppers after a year of staffing shortages made sales hard to come by and retailers are trying to make face for fall inventory and offering deep discounts to do so and we will break down where you can find the best deals coming up
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"consumer confidential" focusing on the stories that impact your family and your bottom line. this morning, brace yourself we have good news. >> yes this is great. especially going into the weekend. because if you haven't gotten those back to school or office supplies or if you're waiting for the right time to buy a tv, now may be the perfect opportunity. >> some popular chains facing a surplus of supplies. we're telling you about this slashing prices. emilie, we're all ears >> good morning. we previously talked about retailers such as walmart offering discounts to clear out inventory, but what is interesting is higher end stores like macy's are offering impressive sales to do the same showing people across the board are shifting what they buy. >> from 40 to 60 to even 70% off. these deals are showing up in major retailers like target, gap and macy's
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>> the prices here are good. very good. >> they're not good. they're great. >> the price drops at popular stores are offering shoppers welcome relief. >> what's behind the discounts saving you dollars a mountain of unsold product kohl's, nordstrom and urban outfitters, all reporting inventory increases in the double digits from last year >> retailers are buying with a pandemic and understanding how consumers will behave coming out of the pandemic, and therefore, they were stocking up on items that aren't necessarily what consumers are buying now >> american spending habits are changing, in the face of inflation, and a return to the workplace. the national retail federation says sales this year are only on track to grow by 7%, and that's half of what we're seeing in 2021 this week, gap, which actually saw a decline in sales from last
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year, said it's working to rebalance our assortments, to better meet changing consumer needs. joining a grower list of companies aggressively trying to clear shelves for next season's best sellers >> they have excess supply at a time where demand for the items they're sitting on is down, and that means they have to lower prices to entice consumers to buy. >> if you want to boost your savings bonanza, consider signing up for discount programs or cards that offer cash back. >> amazon, walmart and target have score cards that offer 5% cash back. >> use browser extensions reich rakuton and honey that automatically look for coupons as you're shopping, and stock up on pajamas, active wear and home appliances, with dropoff of demand as americans spend less time at home. >> if there is something on the list that you've been waiting for a while for prices to come down, this could be your chance. >> as stores start to sell the fall items and those go on sale, it is a good time to buy summer
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stuff, too is that stuff super marked down? >> think about seasonality stores are trying to make space for their fall inventory that means some of the best deals are going to be on the summer staples grills, patio equipment, you will be able to get them for a fraction of their price. >> i got to remember that. >> and the worst is going to sales and you see something perfect and it is the weirdest size it is extra extra tall or something. >> exactly >> emilie, thank you. let's get a check of the weather from dylan. >> the coolest video this is the rock of gibraltar. this is called a la banter crowd. an orographic cloud which means it is caused by the topography of the earth, the wind hits the mountain and pushed up and the wind continues to blow the clouds to the east and it happens during a strong wind and it is fun to see this time lapsed. sometimes you get these types of clouds that look like space
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ships on the eastern side of a mountain it is really cool, right speaking of wind, we could end up with significant winds across the northeast especially when this cold front moves eastward not much doing with it right now. a couple of spotty showers and thunderstorms across new york but as the front moves eastward a better risk of seeing some of these storms becoming stronger later this afternoon and into this evening especially this area in orange here it includes alnybait, includes hartford and boston, manchester, so these areas will likely see some of these storms produce winds up to 60 miles an hour and could see some hail and we can't rule out a weak tornado, too this cold front will continue to move to the east again, the reason for the showers and thunderstorms, but its definitely not going to do much for temperatures. cool things off a bit going into the weekend and warms back up as we start next week we could end up with an inch or good friday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. it is a cloudy start to the day. we've also seen some fog
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drifting around parts of the bay area. all of that clears up, going into the afternoon for most of us, but it's also going to be a slightly cooler day for spots like oakland, headed for 72 degrees for a high temperature. we're back to 84 in san jose and 80 in palo alto and santa rosa expect a high of 83 degrees and as we look at our forecast for the inland areas, it will reach into the low 80s for the weekend. and that's your latest forecast >> when we come back, after a lot of bumpy and unforgettable rides like these, that giant slide in detroit, it's ready, it's reopening this morning, our very own jesse kirsch, there he is, he looks a little nervous. jesse kirsch, moments away from being the newest rider to give it a try you can't miss it. right after this
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♪ highway to the danger zone. >> love the music. you are going to remember earlier this week, we told you about that giant slide, it has been making headlines in detroit. well, really because of scenes like this. there are people being flung into the air, you know, let's go back to two types of people, the gigglers and the cringers. >> well, all of these people by the way, they're fine. they're okay >> they were telling us they were >> and because of those videos you just saw, they had to shut down the slide and made some safety changes, shall we say this morning the giant slide is reopening. nbc's jesse kirsh in detroit, to try it out first-hand, how is it looking, buddy >> it's looking pretty good. smooth sailing so far. i want to know whose idea it was. i can assure you that they have made some safety changes here. here's the deal, so this giant slide has been open for years and the state tells me people have flown off of it, up in the air, from time to time, but of course, this time, it went viral.
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millions of people saw these videos, but now the giant slide is reopening, and this is why it is called the giant slide. 50 feet up they always have wax on this to give people an extra kick off the top. they think the wax was on too deep this year so they have stripped the wax away they have sprayed water on to the slide, to slow people down a little bit more. and their other big piece of advice make sure you lean forward because you do not want to be banging your head on this thing. we've been here all morning. >> come on, jesse. here we go >> here we go. >> is it over yet? >> whoo! >> there we go. >> yes >> yes >> yes >> jesse kirsch, good ride. >> how do you feel >> well, that was the best one we've had. we've been practicing, and we didn't want to mess this up.
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and now we have been practicing perfect and thankfully it is a dollar a ride and the thing is open on the weekends through labor day, so hurry out here if you can. you're not going to fly off of it if you follow the rules >> look at you great form. >> you got to give him a lot of credit it took a lot of guts. >> when you saw the videos of people flying -- and calls to the "today" show to get on there, what did you think? >> you know, i thought maybe do i need a helmet, do i need pads? i wasn't sure what to be prepared for when we came out here this morning, we had some help from our affiliate in detroit and they had a reporter out here, it was his birthday and he was going down the slide a couple of times ahead of us. he showed me the ropes by the way, lean forward. >> that birthday boy's name is nick from wdiv. "pop start," the overnight arrival of elton john and
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britney spears. >> and heading outside for the great mickey guyton. but first, your local news and weather. es energy to take on the world.■ so whether you■re breaking a sweat, breaking down barriers, or breaking the laws of gravity, keep moving with the ultimate energy bar. we bake in delicious, wholesome ingredients, purposefully crafted with a blend of protein,■fat and carbs. because the more good you put in, the more great you get out. clif. baked in goodness. now introducing clif thins. a crispy, craveable 100-calorie snack. bravo! you used the quicksilver card from capital one. with no annual fee and unlimited 1.5 percent cash back on every purchase, everywhere... that makes you the hero of every purchase. ahhhh! what's in your wallet? [sfx: ding] [message] hey babe, meet us at the bottom of the trail. oh, man.
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all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. good morning. it is 7:56 for you right now. i'm marcus washington. here's a look at what's happening now. i'm bob redell here in san jose, where silicon returns to the mcenery convention center saturday and sunday where thousands of people are expected to attend. as you can see in the video from years past, cosplay is a big part of silicon with people dressing up as all sorts of characters and costumes, many created on their own, lots of pop culture and movie merchandise, workshops, panels, autograph sessions and a live conversation with an astronaut on the international space station. time to get a look at that forecast for you this morning. meteorologist kari hall is tracking what we can expect today. >> we're headed into a cooldown for the weekend, marcus and starting out with a cloudy sky
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over the south bay and we go into the afternoon, it clears up and we're headed back for the mid 80s in san jose. morgan hill expect a high of 89 degrees and 90 in concord, while martinez will see a high of 84 degrees. san francisco will reach into the upper 60s. for some of our hottest spots inland like concord, we're once again hitting 90 today but then it will be cooler for the weekend, we're looking at highs only reaching into the low to mid 80s. that continues until monday before it starts to warm back up for the middle of next week. for san francisco, we'll see highs in the upper 60s for today, and mid-60s with more clouds tomorrow. marcus? >> thanks, kari. another local news update is in 30 minutes. i'll meet you back here.
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what's the difference between prop 26 and prop 27? 26? not one dime to get people off the streets and into housing 27 generates hundreds of million to help solve homelessness. the choice is clear yes on prop 27.
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what's the difference between prop 26 and prop 27?
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26 is a money grab that doesn't guarantee a cent for non-gaming tribes. 27 requires 15% of all state revenues go to non-gaming tribes. the choice is clear. yes, on 27. it's 8:00 on today coming up, going public. >> i think what the judge did was release all of the information. >> the affidavit justifying the fbi search of mar-a-lago, set to be released today. so what does it reveal about the investigation? and what happens next? we're live with the full report. then, "good morning moon." >> and the quiet old lady was whispering hush. >> we're celebrating the classic children's story that has become a bedtime ritual for generations.
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plus, a look at the woman behind it and how i'm taking part in honoring moon's milestone. plus, old me closer, elton john and britney spears released a highly anticipated "tiny dancer" remix overnight, the first new music since the end of her conservatorship. we got a first listen. and lay it on us, country music star mickey guyton is here for an unforgettable summer concert. fans are packed into the plaza, to hear some of her biggest hits, and a brand new song she's debuting right here, today, friday, august 26th, 2022. >> from new orleans, louisiana >> from texas. >> wisconsin. >> massachusetts. >> 16th birthday >> girl's trip >> from maryland. >> from new port news, virginia, celebrating my mom's birthday. >> on the "today" show. >> we love you mickey guyton >> mickey guyton, that crowd is here for you it's good to see you guys. happy you're joining us on a friday morning savannah is off.
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and this concert is going to be incredible she just keeps hitting it. remember her at the super bowl amazing. >> you turned a lot of folks on to her here in the studio. you were running around talking about her, mickey guyton >> is this like three grammy nominated since she was last here >> uh-huh. >> yes. >> we have to look forward to that this morning and you won't want to miss what is coming up on saturday today. peter alexander, suiting up and take together skies with the u.s. air force thunderbirds. it's a once in a lifetime opportunity to even fly with
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this iconic group and experience the dizzying effects and the unbelievable aerial acrobatics as they prepare for a new air show this weekend. peter alexander lived to tell the story. >> can't wait to hear about it. >> can't wait to hear if he passed out. >> there is a theme going on here. let's get to our news at 8:00 it is deadline day the justice department ordered to release the affidavit shedding more light on its decision to search former president trump's florida home nbc's chief white house correspondent and co-anchor kristen welker joins us with the latest. >> reporter: good morning this is a high stakes moment. americans will soon see parts of the affidavit used to justify that extraordinary fbi search of mar-a-lago now, a federal judge in florida has ordered a redacted copy of the affidavit to be made public by noon today. the document is believed to contain critical information about the government's investigation into the classified materials at former president trump's florida estate the judge was asked to make the affidavit public as mr. trump and his allies have called for it to be unsealed.
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the judge has sided with the fbi looking at redaction, narrowly tailored to serve the government's interest in the integrity of the ongoing investigation. mr. trump in the social media site describing himself as innocent as a person can be. now, for his part, the current president, president biden saying this week that he had no prior knowledge of the search. hoda >> kristen welker for us on this friday, thanks. parts of the south bracing for another round of flooding this weekend, with more rain likely, and the runoff causing rivers and reservoirs to reach alarming levels. this is the scene in jackson, mississippi, record rainfall, putting pressure on a dam that holds back the river there people in low-lying areas are being warned to get out before it is too late millions of others across alabama and louisiana have started to clear away debris from this week's flooding, knowing that it could happen all over again. tomorrow, at the vatican, pope francis will create 20 new cardinals including one
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american, san diego bishop robert mcelroy, a controversial choice that surprised some in the catholic church. anne thompson is here with more. >> reporter: good morning. the cardinal designate was a surprise, first of all because he is a bishop, not an archbishop, and that's usually the steppingstone to becoming a cardinal and he leads san diego, a big but not nearly the biggest diocese on the west coast. so why is he being elevated? listen to his message. >> today we are talking about -- >> in seven years leader the diocese of san diego, the cardinal designate robert mcelroy establishes a ministry that mirrors pope francis. >> i think most emblematic is that phrase he used some years ago, the church is a field hospital do you remember the image in "gone with the wind" when you
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could see the thousands and thousands of wounded people, lying on the street, that's weigh think of the pope's images how account gospel be applied to people's lives that help them? >> this border city mcelroy welcomes immigrants and celebrating multiculturalism and focuses on the environment and the poor. >> don't we think that deserves at least $15 an hour >> the 68-year-old serving as he has always wanted. >> i can't really remember a time that i did not want to be a priest >> the second of five children, mcelroy grew up in suburban san francisco and attended high school seminary. for college, he went to harvard, earning a history degree and stanford for a master's. and then a ph.d. in political science. >> how does your secular education shape your ministry? >> i think that it allows me to get outside of the church frame
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of reference >> for years, he's been at odds with the u.s. bishops conference, that abortion is the number one issue in the church >> it is not catholic teaching that abortion is the preeminent issue. >> and since 2004, mcilroy's preached against weaponizing communion. >> would you deny a politician communion based on how they vote on abortion or any other issue >> i would not i think it's an assault on the eucharist, is taking the symbol of unity in the church which makes us all one, sacramentally in jesus christ, and making it a sign of division. >> a divided u.s. church that is losing members >> how do you reengage catholics, to see the church as a set of rules rather than a ministry >> being catholic is not a set of beliefs or rules. it is a personal relationship
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with god, with jesus christ. >> the cardinal designate mcelroy will help select francis's successor and he says he wants someone who continues to take the faith but he doesn't think it should be an american, because it would just be seen as more accumulation of power for the united states. now, with these new cardinals, pope francis will have appointed 63% of the men who will choose his successor. >> thank you for that. we got our news covered, guys let's get a morning boost. babies are so adorable but sometimes they can be nerve-wracking when someone gives you a newborn to hold. how do you think the baby feels? this little guy looks absolutely terrified. held by his 6-year-old sister. i mean, look, the person who posted the video says it was recorded at the fair so maybe it is the bright lights or the butter sculptures or something that was making him feel a little uneasy. by the way, that will be
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replayed all of their lives. >> all right. still ahead, the new trailer that dropped overnight giving us our first look at john hamm as "fletch," but first, if "good night moon" has been passed through the generations of kids in your family, you don't want to miss this one we will share the amazing story how that beloved book came to be and we will show you why it still strikes a chord for so many families. but first these messages put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when uc got unpredictable,... i got rapid symptom relief with rinvoq. check. when uc held me back... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc got the upper hand... rinvoq helped visibly repair the colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief. lasting, steroid-free remission. and a chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check. check. and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke,
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flonase sensimist stops your body from overreacting to allergens with a non-drowsy, ultra-lightweight mist. psst psst...flonase. all good! the citi custom cash℠ card automatically adjusts to earn you more cash back in your top eligible spend category, like select travel. great, that was my third red-eye this month. is my eye twitching? you don't have to choose a spending category or remember to opt in. sir? what happened? your cash back automatically adjusts for you. wonderful. earn 5% cash back that automatically adjusts to your top eligible spend category up to $500 spent each billing cycle with the citi custom cash℠ card. ♪♪ welcome back, we're looking forward to this one all morning. you don't have to be a parent to know one of the biggest challenges is giving that child, getting that child to sleep at night, in the witching hours, any tool helps, any tool helps, magic. that's right
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that's why this morning we are celebrating a book that has delivered bedtime wonders for generations. "good night moon." take a look at this. >> in the great green room, there was a telephone, and a red balloon, and a picture of -- >> nighty-night. >> nighty-night. >> you lent your talents to that classic for a very special anniversary. >> well, "good night moon" turns 75. >> 75? >> next month. that's why so many kids, parents, grandparents, all read it, while we love it, because it's sleep inducing, you want to stay awake for this story, it's the story behind the story >> this is a book called "good night moon." this might make you sleepy please don't fall asleep when i first saw "good night moon" and read it, i was like wow, was is it about this book that is captivating kids and then i realized it's everything, it's a child's brain, and it is the calming effect that words on a page can have.
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>> so powerful, that "good night moon" has sold more than 40 million copies and has been translated into 26 languages and a little toy - >> mouse. >> red around the earth. >> good night, room. >> and high above it >> there's even a trove of parodies, good night everything, from presidents to ipads >> good night, cow jumping over the moon >> and more than a few famous faces have bid good night to mush and brush, and good night to the little old lady who was whispering hush. >> and for grownups perhaps more enchanting is the book itself is the larger than life tale of the woman behind it margaret wise brown. >> a very big personality, very flamboyant and if you pictured an old-fashioned authoritative children's book author, she wasn't that at all. >> instead, she had a story of love live filled with broken engagements and forbidden romances and live came from
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wellth and lived lack offishly. >> when she got the contract, she bought a flower vendor's cart full of flowers and filled her apartment and invited her friends over for a party. >> brown says she didn't especially like children, she could speak their language with a writing style as pioneering as her spirit, her books had a child-like simplicity that was rad cal for the day. >> she believed this is what children's books should be, but at the time she published it, there were many very prominent, very important people in the world of children's publishing who didn't agree with her. >> in in fact, when "good night moon" was first published in the 40s, the head librarian at the new york public library refused to stock it. her mandate lasted two decades though today, the book is one of the library's top checkouts. >> it is definitely one of the most popular books in the history of the library even given it was not here for the first 20 years after it was
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published. >> as for margaret wise brown, hers was a brilliant life cut shove. at just 42, her career was flourishing, and she was engaged to a rockefeller, but she died suddenly from complications after a minor surgery. she would never know just how her work had transformed children's literature and bedtime forever. and a quiet old lady who was whispering hush. >> and in this world where everything is moving so fast, and so many things change, there's a new this and a new that, sometimes it is nice to just look and go some things are just as they always were, and that is really what "good night moon" is. >> good night noises everywhere.
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>> first of all, isn't it so fascinating the story behind it. >> the movie >> i can't believe it. >> margaret wise brown, she didn't have children, didn't particularly like them but wrote this book that all the kids are reading. >> she knew what was working in their brain and whether you like them or not. >> and naming things in a room good night bears >> good night nobody was weird to me when i was reading it. >> one of those books that as a parent you love to read, the perfect length. >> short. >> and wraps >> a big thank you to the new york public library. they allowed plea to host a little story time there and harper collins is releasing a special anniversary edition of "good night moon" on august 30th >> that audio recording comes out on september 13th. so now, folks, here's the best part you can wake up with hoda, and hoda's going to help you put your kids to bed at night as well it's for kids. i may use it, hoda >> it had the right cadence there.
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>> you can drift off that book does it. >> for more information and to pre-order, go to our website you got the perfect voice for that >> that's nice >> and i think we will read that tonight. >> by the way, they always choose that book over any book i've ever written. i don't want yours i want that one. "good night moon." >> mommy wrote one. >> no, i want that one. >> they can listen to you. what have you got, dylan >> weather-wise, we have been focusing so much on the drought, down near texas, the good news is, some of that torrential rain has helped ease the drought a bit across eastern texas but we do still have exceptional drought, 68% of the west is in some sort of moderate drought or higher, 100% of california is in a drought right now. so we certainly need some rain out there. instead we are getting the sunshine and the heat. temperatures in the 90s. hot down the south in the plains again today, and in the northeast, it is hot and humid, but we've got a
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good friday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. as we get a live look outside in san francisco, low clouds and fog, that is going to linger for quite a while. keep those temperatures cool. we're staying in the 60s here. while santa rosa will warm up to 83 degrees, 84 in martinez. oakland will see the high temperature around 72 and mid-80s for san jose. as we go toward the weekend, some the hotter spots inland like con >> and that's your latest forecast. don't go anywhere, dylan we've got more work to do. we've got "pop start". >> we've got a big one for you today. we're starting with the u.s. open a few days away and we had a chance to moderate a conversation, demonstrating some of the biggest stars in tennis, serena and venus, and rafael nadal, and all-star lineup on the panel and we chatted about the upcoming tournament of course and what they love about
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new york, and serena even told her what her favorite pre-match pump up song is. do you have any guesses what she is listening to? >> beyonce >> taylor. >> we'll take a look >> so we've seen you with the headphones what is your pre-match pump up song >> yeah, depends sometimes it's maniac. >> like she's a maniac >> yes >> maniac. >> i'm a maniac. >> and what is it like >> i would have never thought that >> add it to your play list. >> all right
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and the new beyonce album would be making an appearance in her headphones at the u.s. open. you can catch more on our conversation coming up in the third hour. next up britney spears and sir elton john we heard a little snippet when sir elton john played it at a club the other day today is the day the duo's highly-anticipated re-mix of tiny dancer, dropped overnight, marking britney's first new music in years the new track is called "hold me closely" take a listen ♪ hold me closer ♪ hold me closer ♪ >> i think these clubs are fun you get the sound and then add britney to it. >> i like the cover. cool. >> elton said in a statement, she truly is an icon, one of the all-time great pop stars, and she sounds amazing on this record i love her dearly and i'm
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delighted with what we created together awesome. i mean guys, this song has only been out since midnight and already number one. >> of course it is >> wow >> next up, confess fletch, nearly four decades after chevy chase brought flex to life on the big screen, and the new trailer released yesterday, only this time, john, and it is stepping in the baby shoes of the iconic character as he finds himself in the middle of a murder investigation here's a peek. >> fletcher. >> they called me in the middle of the night you can imagine. >> who killed this young woman >> i think the victim interrupted an art theft. >> fingerprints on the murder weapon someone matching your
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description was found with the victim >> police headquarters >> guys, is this a coffee? i would kill for a macchiato not literally. >> perfect casting, right? >> i think john hamm's the best. >> "fletch" sits theaters september 16th. >> very soon >> very soon. next up keanu reeves, john wick actor, here it is, a bride, look at this, a bride shared some photos online, from her wedding in north hamptonshire england that featured a cameo surprise from the one and only keanu reeves, apparently her husband randomly ran into the actor at the hotel bar and casually invited keanu to stop by the reception and the actor took them up on the author telling news week, that they chatted and posed for a few pics and the bride changed the profile picture of him not her husband. >> and how fun when a random superstar shows up for your wedding. >> cool. and let's head out and we have an enthusiastic crowd. mickey is holding her new baby
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she is debuting a brand new song we're going to hang out with grayson and his mom mickey good morning, 8:26 for youment i'm marcus washington. and we want to tell but a brig break in two recent bay area shootings. first happened in june and the other in july. a bullet shattered front wind shield of a car in an east bay couple near interstate 580 and the other happened on 680 near san ram on. chp is saying a 24-year-old from san leandro and a 29-year-old are both in custody, they say the cases are not believed to be
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connected. let's look at forecast for you today. kari hall is tracking what we could expect. >> we're starting out with clouds across the bay area. this is clearing out in dublin. the temperatures are warmer as we head for the upper 80s and low 90s in concord and in livermore. but we're mostly going to see 70s and 80 frs san jose to the inner bay. much of the north bay in the low 80s for a high temperature and as we go through the weekend, it is cooling off, especially for the interior valleys, reaching into the mid-80s, warming up for the middle of next week, while san francisco will be in the mid-60s for the weekend with cloudy skies and breezy winds, marcus. >> thanks, kari. >> we'll have another live local news update coming up in for you in 30 minutes. in 30 minutes. we'll see you ck here here at city of refuge, we house up to 26 families.
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we reduce homelessness, address mental health, provide spaces for addiction to be broken, create spaces of healing and restoration. for the first time ever, prop 27 will provide permanent funding for organizations like ours. saying yes to prop 27 means more people get the assistance that they nee they get someone to partner in such a way to see transformation come to them. yes on prop 27, because there's no place like home. - you okay? - there's a flex alert today
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to see transformation come to them. so i'm mentally preparing for the power outage. oh, well we can help stop one because we are going to reduce our energy use from 4-9pm. what now? i stepped on a plug. oh that's my bad! unplugging. when it comes to preventing outages the power is ours. ♪ it is 8:30 on this friday morning. and folks, we've got a good crowd here on the plaza. and no surprise, because the one and only mickey guyton is here >> we're going to give you a little back story on this incredible country star.
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you made a lot of history. including being the very first black artist to be nominated for a grammy, for best country album. >> we're so lucky she's here, because not only is she going to perform the hits we all love, she is also going to debut her brand new single here on the plaza. >> we're so happy you're here, by the way. >> i'm so happy to be here. >> before we get to that, what we're all looking forward to, a quick check of the weather, dylan. >> sorry for the heat. >> what is going on? >> a little hard to dance outside. but we will see the heat continue especially down in atlanta, with golf going on this weekend and we also have a chance of some afternoon showers and thunderstorms. so i'm sure, you know, they will be keeping an eye out for some of the lightning that could cause delays going into the weekend. and elsewhere in the northeast, middle 80s staying nice on sunday, too. enjoy the last bits of summer. back to the midwest, we will see the chance of some of that heavier rain
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we are also unfortunately going to seat flooding continue along the gulf coast we need some rain out west it is going to stay warm and dry out ac good friday morning, i'm meteorologist kari hall. it is going to be a little bit cooler today in some spots but we're still hitting 90 in the inland east bay. for the rest of the weekend, it will feel much nicer with low 80s and breezy winds, a mix of sun and clouds an tlas how we start out next week before the temperatures start to head back for the mid-90s. getting a look at san francisco, in our forecast, that will be chilly for the weekend. we will see a lot of clouds though if you're going to be there this forecast. dylan, thank you. mickey guyton, she performed the national anthem at this year's super bowl but what sofi stadium compared to the citi one stage? >> we will get the party started on our concert stage in just a moment, but first this is "today" on nbc "today" on nbc.
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>> ann >> announcer: the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi welcome back our crowd has been waiting all morning long, for live music courtesy of mickey guyton. >> first let's check out out hour our guest became a breakout star in country music. >> mickey guyton is continuing her trail blazing rise up the country music charts, the song writer began singing at her hometown church in arlington, texas and in 2015 revealed the debut single "better than you left me. since then, shes a racked up four grammy nominations, and hit some of music's biggest stages performing her powerful balled a
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"black like me" at the grammys ♪ i'm proud to be black like me >> and singing the national anthem at the past super bowl. >> as well as celebrating the release of her debut album on our own citi concert stage last fall ♪ >> along the way, there have been some impressive firsts for mickey, most recently as the first black artist to earn a grammy nomination for best country album. this morning, mickey guyton is back on our plaza, and ready to perform her new music, and some fan favorites, right here, on "today." all right, guys, are we ready? all right. kicking things off with her hit "lay it on me" let's hear it for mikey guyton
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>> how you are guys all doing? ♪ i feel it in the air ♪ i can see through your smoke and mirrors ♪ baby, let your heart be naked ♪ i'm right here ♪ com meet me on the other side ♪ and make it rain in this burning house ♪ pouring down till the sun comes up ♪ i'm right here ♪ i want your good, your bad, your ugly ♪ i want the truth and all your lies ♪ i want you perfectl imperfect ♪ lay it on me tonigh ♪ i want the light that fills the darkness ♪ give me your heaven and your hell ♪ i wanna e show you that you're worth it ♪ lay it on me tonight ♪ slow dancing on a tight rope ♪ let your walls crash down ♪ no, i
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ain't trying to be your savior ♪ but i'm right here ♪ oh, i'm right here ♪ i want your good, your bad, your ugly ♪ i want th truth and all your lies ♪ i wan your perfectly imperfect ♪ lay it on me tonight ♪ i want the light that fills the darkness ♪ give me your heaven and your hell ♪ i wanna show you that you're worth it ♪ lay it on me tonight ♪ ooh, whoa, whoa ♪ ooh ooh, lay it on me ♪ ooh, whoa, ♪ ooh, whoa, whoa ♪ lay it whoa ♪ lay it on me tonight ♪ ♪ lay it on me, lay it on me, lay it on me ♪ lay it on me, lay it on me ♪ i want
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your good, your bad, your ugly ♪ i want the truth and all your lies ♪ i want your perfectly imperfect ♪ lay it on me tonigh ♪ ooh, whoa, whoa ♪ ooh, lay it on me ♪ ooh, whoa, whoa ♪ lay i on me tonight ♪ i want the ligh that fills the darkness ♪ give me your heaven and your hell ♪ i wanna show you that you're worth it ♪ lay it on me tonight ♪ lay it on me ♪ >> thank you so much the light the darkness ♪ give me your heaven and your >> i'm not crying. you're crying. >> thank you >> mickey guyton
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beautiful. don't go anywhere. mickey is just getting started when she comes back, she will be debuting her brand new song. but first this is "today" on for decades, i've worked at the intersection of domestic violence and homelessness. so when prop 27 promised solutions to homelessness, i took a good, hard look. it's not a solution. 90% of the money goes to the out-of-state corporations who wrote it. very little is left for the homeless. don't let corporations exploit homelessness to pad their profits. vote no on 27.
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the crowd is pumped. we are back at the citi concert. >> mickey is about to perform a brand new song but before she does that, let's catch up with the four time grammy nominee here's the thing, you've got three more nominations since you were here the last time. >> so crazy. >> you're performing at the super bowl >> yes. >> we thought you were having a moment the last time, it is clearly not a moment it's a movement. >> i can't believe this is my life honestly i got emotional looking at my husband, because i just, we worked so lard for this, and he's been so supportive, being in this journey. >> can we talk about that moment for just one second. as craig said, did you perform at the super bowl.
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and that was obviously meaningful but there was something that happened, you were singing the words to a song you sung a million times. >> yes. >> but looking at your husband and looking at your son did something. what was happening >> well, i wrote that song about him, when he was going through some health issues that we couldn't really figure out what they were, and to watch my husband go through that, it was so debilitating for me because i didn't know how to help him and for him to now be okay and figure it out and now i'm here on the stage with him and now our son, it is just too much too much >> how do you handle doing all this, and having an 18-month-old, i mean i haven't seen him cry, he is well-behaved, this is awesome. >> you know, my career started happening in the pandemic, so my son started traveling at two months, and it takes a village, my mom and dad are here, my sisters help me. >> where are your parents. >> my hair stylist has helped
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me >> my whole team has helped me everybody helps me. >> there's your crew right there. >> it takes a village. it's a village and moms that have careers, we all know that it takes a village, so that's kind of how i do it. >> let's talk about your new song i know a lot of people are talking about this and what the inspiration behind it was. >> i really dialed back on social media, because sometimes it can be a lot, and i'm sure we can all agree, and it's, you know, real life is not always indicative to what we see on social media and so once i put that away for a little bit, what i saw in front of me was love and that's what i wrote about. i think the world needs so much of it right now. especially right now and so that's just what i want to do is bring love and light and more of that right now. >> that's what do you. >> you're doing it. >> mickey, you've been so incredible, and i feel like we've watched you in the beginning. >> we have we saw mickey, before mickey was mickey. >> i didn't even know who i was. >> and you've taken off like a rocket ship.
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do you see, what do you see for your career as you look down the road >> i want to continue to be a advocate for people of color and the genre i love so much and i want to continue to release music and focus on that, and people really immediate to see that i'm a funny person. people don't always get to see that and this is that era. >> what are you going to sing for us >> i'm going to sing my new song, something about you, that i wrote about my husband. >> take it away. >> thank you ♪ it's hard to put a finger on exactly what you do but you got me feeling that is something i'm not used to ♪ you can keep doin what you do ♪ because there's
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something about the way that you look at me ♪ there's something about the way that you look in that t-shirt ♪ maybe it's the way that i feel locked in your grasp ♪ i can see everything about you ♪ there's something about you ♪ there's something ♪ there's something about you ♪ there's about you ♪ something about you in the moonlight ♪ why you got to be so smooth, baby ♪ groove, baby ♪ just can't get enough ♪ something about the way that you are looking at me ♪ something about the way that you're looking in that t-shirt ♪ maybe it's the way i feel with your love ♪ i can stay here forever when you give me that hug ♪ something about you ♪ something about me ♪ there's something about us ♪ something about me ♪
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there's something about you ♪ there's something about you ♪ ain't nothing i will change ♪ nobody can take your place ♪ something about the way that you are looking at me ♪ something about the way that you look in that t-shirt ♪ maybe it's the way that i feel ♪ that i can stay here forever ♪ something about you ♪ something about me ♪ something about everything ♪ something about you ♪ something about me ♪ oh, yeah ♪ there's something about you ♪ it's the everybody's talking about you ♪ there's just something about you ♪ there's something about you ♪ about me ♪ oh, yeah ♪ there's something about you ♪ everybody's talking about you ♪
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there's just something about yo ♪ everybody's talking about you ♪ there's ♪ there's something about you ♪ something about everything ♪ something about you ♪ something about me ♪ oh, yeah ♪ there's something about you ♪ everybody's talking about you ♪ there's just something about you ♪ there's something about you ♪ thank you so much. [ cheers and applause >> more from mickey guyton when we come back, but first this is "today" on nbc >> more from mickey guyton when >> more from mickey guyton when we com here at city of refuge, we house up to 26 families.
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we reduce homelessness, address mental health, provide spaces for addiction to be broken, create spaces of healing and restoration. for the first time ever, prop 27 will provide permanent funding for organizations like ours.
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saying yes to prop 27 means more people get the assistance that they nee they get someone to partner in such a way to see transformation come to them. yes on prop 27, because there's no place like home. all right, guys, we are back more music from mickey guyton. next up, her hit, "all american" off of her very first album. mickey guyton, take it away. ♪ with the lines on the interstate ♪ the dust on a back road ♪ we're a friday night te
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♪ the dust on a back road ♪ we're a football game ♪ the lighters at a rock show ♪ with the night shift, smoke break, high school heartache ♪ driving with the windows down ♪ with the dance floors, church pews, suit and ties, tattoos ♪ one big smalltown ♪ ain't we all, ain't we all american? ♪ ain't we all, ain't we all american american? ♪ we're the stars in a texas sky ♪ and the ♪ we're the stars in a texas sk ♪ and the jukebox vinyl ♪ we're the new york city lights ♪ and a hotel bible ♪ we're hand-me-down, tailor made, daisy
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dukes, dookie braids ♪ james brown and james dean ♪ we're cold beer, champagne, millionaires, spare some change ♪ and everything in between ♪ ain't we all, ain't we all american ♪ ain't we all, ain't we all american ♪ we got the same stars ♪ the same stripes ♪ just wanna live that good life ♪ ain't we all, ain't we all american ♪ ♪ we ar different in a million ways ♪ but at the end of the day ♪ ain't we all ♪ ain't we all ♪ american ♪ ain't we all, ain't we all american
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♪ we got the same stars, the same stripes ♪ just wanna live that good life ♪ ain't we all, ain't we all american? >> no matter your race, your creed, or your color, we're all american remember that. ♪ all american ♪ [ cheers and applause >> mickey guyton, wow. all american? wow, wow, wow. >> no matter your race, your creed, or your color, we're all american remember that. ♪ all ♪ all american ♪ [ cheers and applause >> mickey guyton, wow.
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wow, wow, wow. wow, wow, wow. >> did you all love this >> it's so full of heart and soul and everything that is you. will you walk with us for one second i just want people to see your beautiful little family here >> oh, come, come. >> watch your step >> be careful. be careful >> all right >> we're good. we're just going to walk, by the way your mom and dad look like children hold on. i just saw them. >> they're in their 60s. >> hold on, let's see. hold on. if you're wondering, the wonderful mickey guyton, this is her posse, obviously, her friends that are like family, this is her mom, come over mom and her dad and her husband. >> they don't cameras. >> come here >> it's the teeth for me
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my mom, colgate teeth. >> after the pandemic, i think we can all agree that those moments really helped us spend time with family, and family is what is most important and i have that right here >> wow, how proud are you of your daughter? >> i am way beyond proud i can't take much more of this. >> i love it it is a great group. >> we're happy that you're healthy, we're happy that you're back, and that was a beautiful moment that you shared with all of us. >> thank you so much. >> it meant a lot. we all agree. >> let's hear it one more time for mickey guyton. >> by the way, mickey is back with more in our third hour. so don't go far. also, take a look inside our control room, folks. look at that some of those very adorable guests, they're joining us as well stick around to find out how you can give one of those, you can
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find out how to give one of those puppies a forever home in a few moments in the third hour of "today. but first some news and weather and these local messages good morning to you, 8:56, i'm marcus washington. and a new legal battle involving two main players in the covid vaccine rollout, moderna is suzing pfizer involving claims the patent infringement.
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moderna is not seeking removal of pfizer's vaccine, or an infunction to block dribusion, but it will seek compensation in nation where's vaccine supplies are no longer scarce. so far there has been no response from pfizer. and happening now and within the next few minutes, 9:00 a.m. pacific time is the deadline for the doj to unseal the probable cause affidavit used to search form
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for decades, i've worked at the intersection
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of domestic violence and homelessness. so when prop 27 promised solutions to homelessness, i took a good, hard look. it's not a solution. 90% of the money goes to the out-of-state corporations who wrote it. very little is left for the homeless. don't let corporations exploit homelessness to pad their profits. vote no on 27.
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this morning, the third hour of "today," all systems go. we're live with the final countdown for nasa's historic artemis launch paving the way for a return to the moon. then, a "today" exclusive. serena and venus williams holding court with sheinelle and dylan, talking family, tennis and whether this is really the last time we'll see serena play. >> i learned my career never say never. >> plus, slip sliding away. detroit's giant slide opening again after the


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