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tv   Today  NBC  November 10, 2022 7:00am-9:00am PST

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the tech world and new ways to save at the grocery store as well, and what to look for as you shop for those holiday meals and how to make them more affordable. that's what is happening on "today in the bay." join us for the news at 11:00. good morning. it's thursday. nicole roars ashore in florida as a category 1 hurricane overnight. >> and it's going to impact tens of millions up and down the entire east coast. it is november 10th. this is "today." state of emergency. a rare november hurricane batters parts of florida bringing high winds, heavy rain and flooding to areas still recovering from the last major storm. >> ian came in and did all this damage. and now nicole is just putting us away.
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>> we're live and we're tracking what's next as the storm moves north. midterm fallout. the votes still being counted. control of congress still up in the air. we have the very latest on where things stand as the blame game intensifies with former president trump feeling the heat from fellow republicans. >> this is a time that donald trump is no doubt in the rear view mirror. >> just ahead, inside the battle for the future of the gop. all about the economy. new numbers out this morning showing inflation is slowing, but prices remain sky high. what it all means for consumers entering the busy holiday season. plus the tech world's reaction to a massive wave of layoffs. including 11,000 workers at facebook's parent company. why ceo, mark zuckerberg is taking full responsibility. life savers. dramatic video of police rushing into a home to help a baby with rsv who stopped breathing. >> come on, sweetie. come on. she's breathing now. >> she is breathing.
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>> this morning the heroes behind that remarkable rescue and the grateful mom eager to say thank you. all that, plus country's big night. the stars step out for the cma awards. we've got the winners. >> luke combs. >> and the show-stopping moment, including a special tribute that brought down the house. ♪ yeah i'm proud to be a coal miner's daughter ♪ today, thursday, november 10th, 2022. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today," with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. well, good morning. welcome to "today." it's 7:00 a.m. on the west coast. we are so happy that you're joining us on this thursday morning. what a night for country music. how about that loretta lynn tribute? >> coal miner's daughter.
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look at that, what a gorgeous rendition. so much to catch up on, the highlights, winners we'll have that in a few. but we have a few major stories this morning, including the fallout from the midterms. key races too close to call. shape of congress, who controls congress still hanging in the balance. we have complete coverage. we will get started with breaking news overnight. nicole making landfall on florida's east coast. the first hurricane to hit the coast in november in nearly 40 years. we'll get to dylan's forecast in a moment. but first kerry sanders joins us . good morning, kerry. >> reporter: well, good morning. at first light here, they're getting an idea of how bad the damage is. more than 40,000 people without power. tree limbs down, in some cases roadways cannot be driven on because of the tree limbs. or, as you can see here, this road washed out. this is one of those rare beaches where you can go down
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this road, go out onto the beach, and drive your car or your pickup. but not only is the road washed out by what happened here, so too, the beach is under water right now. meantime, just a short distance from here, nasa's artemis rocket on the pad where winds were clocked at 100 miles per hour. nasa engineers will be checking it, checking it again, and checking it even a third time because the launch is now scheduled for november 16th. early this morning, nicole roaring ashore as a hurricane lashing florida's already battered east coast. waves crashing onto the boardwalk in daytona beach. in vero beach, winds blowing up transformers. now a tropical storm, nicole crawling its way through florida and later will head up the east coast. early winds and waves combined
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to wash away significant portions of the beach in volusia county. buildings left precariously close to the water's edge. >> there is an imminent danger of building collapse. >> reporter: why? the storm surge from hurricane ian six weeks ago battered the sand dunes here. the last line of defense between the ocean and the coast. absent those sand dunes, which are a natural protection, you can see the beach erosion. the seawall has already given away and given out. the next high tide will take out more here. as i take you over, see here? that building up there, well, as you look down, you can s you look down, you can see the erosion has already begun to undermine the foundation engineers say last-ditch efforts to insured up weakened areas will likely be little match for the power of the ocean supercharged by nicole >> look over your shoulder right now. look at this >> it's sickening. sickening. i'm in disbelief >> reporter: nicole hubener owns a beach rental business.
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this is what it usually looks luke here. >> nicole is the nail in the coffin for daytona beach shores. ian came in and did all this damage now nicole is just putting us away >> reporter: along more than 200 miles of the atlantic coast, florida emergency managers ordered mandatory evacuations and opened shelters. but not everyone was willing to leave. >> it is late in the year. we're floridans, though, we're going make it through it and we'll be here tomorrow >> and i hope everybody stays safe >> reporter: it's been a weary season for folks like that family the authorities are not reporting any injuries but it is still very early, guys >> it is all right. kerry sanders for us there kerry, thank you >> astonishing to see that let's check in with dylan who is in for al this morning she's tracking nicole and where the storm is headed after this >> it's actually headed up to the northeast. but it's the battering waves, the three to five foot storm surge along the east coast of florida that's causing that pa beach erosion. even though this was more of an
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east coast storm when it made landfall around 3:00 this morning, only the fourth hurricane to ever make landfall in the united states in the month of november, so it is rare now we are seeing heavier bands extend into tampa, jacksonville. winds gusting up to 40 to 50, close to 60 miles per hour so florida is still in it, even though the storm is weakening. because of that, we have tropical storm warnings in central and northern florida this storm is going to perhaps make a second landfall right in that big bend of florida here. but watch what happens as it moves northward. remember, this is a tropical system it has a lot of moisture all that rain will make its way into the northeast, even into the eastern great lakes, west virginia heavy torrential downpours temperatures in the mid to upper 60s. it has that tropical feel to it. we could end up with additionally four to six more inches of rain across florida. that could lead to some flooding we are also expecting three to five inches across the interior northeast as well.
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we could see airport delays up and down the east coast friday especially late friday into early saturday morning and then, again, we have that potential for flooding across the northeast too. hoda >> dylan, thank you. let's move now to the ongoing fallout to the midterms even as some of the votes are still being counted. with georgia's pivotal race headed to a runoff in december, it will likely be weeks before we know which party controls congress we have it all covered let's start with capitol hill correspondent garrett haake. good morning >> reporter: good morning, hoda. leaders in both parties are projecting confidence this morning despite so many uncalled races still in so many states. here on the hill, there's a sense of deja vu going back to 2020, that after all this, it might come down the a runoff in georgia to determine who controls the u.s. senate on capitol hill this morning, the balance of power in both chambers still up for grabs with several key races too early or
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too close to call. president biden calling tuesday's midterms a good day for democracy. but despite polling showing many voters were dissatisfied with the economy and the direction of the country, the president, when asked if he would do anything differently, responding -- >> nothing because they're just finding out what we're doing >> reporter: in the senate, counts continue in two battleground states, arizona and nevada, where election staffers are carefully sorting through thousands of remaining ballots while in georgia, rafael warnock and former football star herschel walker are asking voters to turn out for them once again in a runoff next month asked how he is feeling after a night when republicans did not see the decisive victories they had hoped for, senate leader mitch mcconnell had this to say. >> i don't deal in feelings. they have to count the votes and then we'll figure out where we are. >> reporter: control of the
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house is with a smattering o seats where ballots are still being processed. democrats did have some setbacks particularly in new york, where republicans campaigned heavily on crime issues and picked up a number of seats, knocking off the house democrat's campaign chair. the first time that has happened in over 40 years >> what message do you think the american people were trying to send yesterday >> i don't think the american people have given up on democracy. >> reporter: kevin mccarthy setting his sights on the speakership. as president biden prepares for a possible divided government for the remainder of his term. >> i'm prepared to work with my republican colleagues. the american people have made clear, i think, that they expect republicans to be prepared to work with me as well >> reporter: and in that same news conference, president biden reiterating that he does intend to seek a second term and that he doesn't feel rushed about making a final decision on that, regardless of whatever donald trump may do. asked by our colleague kristen
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welker whether exit polling that shows a majority of americans would prefer he not run again factors into his decision, the president said simply, it doesn't. savannah >> let's go into the numbers where things stand steve kornacki at the big board. once again this morning. let's start with the house, what our projection is and some of the places where this is going to -- where house control will turn >> it is still undecided you see our nbc projection is that republicans will end up with 222 you need 218 for majority. but plus or minus seven seats. so what it means is for republicans there is still a world where the democrats eke out a majority basically, what you are looking at, these are still democratic seats that republicans are targeting. so democrats pretty much have to defend all of these. one thing that jumps out, look how many of these districts are in the state of california >> yeah. >> democrats pretty much have to sweep through these. and then, on the other hand, in
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addition to defending all these, if democrats want a chance to hold the house, they have to go on offense they've got to win a bunch again, you see a whole bunch in california where the voting takes a long time. and you have maybe the closest single race in the country right now, western colorado lauren boebert and adam frisch, look at that, 64 votes separating them. >> she's a well-known incumbent for a lot of reasons a lot of people watching that race let's talk the senate where that stands we have states out west, including my home state of arizona, that it's going to take a little time. >> arizona getting a lot of attention. the bottom line is arizona and nevada, republicans have to win one of these two to make that runoff determine active for senate control so mark kelly in arizona, a lead of 95,000 votes.
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